Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 07, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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AmnenirB(i Tonijjht-
CORDRAY'S THEATER (Washington st.)
"Uncle Tom's Cabin."
No Sale for Home-SIadb Butter.
Butter has been dear all the Spring:, but
now Is cheap enough, and there is no sale
for any except the best quality. This is
dicjcouraglng: to the -wives and daughters
ot farmers, who keep up the old style of
making butter "by hand." A butter
dealer says he felt very sorry for a
nice, tidy, wholesome looking country girl
who the other day brought to the diy a
lot of butter of her own manufacture,
which tas probably good enough for any
one, but for which she could find no sale.
She was told to try among cheap res
taurants for a purchaser, which, ot course,
meant selling the butter for a very low
price. He said he knew how hard the
poor girl had worked to make the butter,
probably milking the cowe, skimming the
milk, washing milk pans, churning and
working the buttei, and she no doubt be
lieved It to be as good as qould be made,
and, after bringing It to town, must have
been very much discouraged not to be
able to And a market for It at the market
price. But such Is life. Everybody now
adays wants creamery butter, and the best
thing for farmers to do is to sell their
milk at a creamery or procure a sepa
rator and sell their cream, and relieve
their women folks of the labor of butter
making, which is a thankless Job these
"Work on Logging Railroad. The
Deep River Logging Company, which Is
composed of S. Benson, Everdlng & Far
rell, A. Olson and J. Olson, has com
menced work on the construction of a
railroad to their property on Deep River,
and will be ready to begin hauling out
logs In about 60 days. The company has
about 80,000,000 feet of logs within about
three miles of Deep River, and a road
one and one-balf miles long will reach
the edge of the tract. 'About 40 men are
employed in the construction of the ral-
road, and two donkey engines will be
sent down In a few days to haul out logs
for stringers for the bridges on the line,
of which there will be quite a number,
Bome of them 30 to 40 feet high. As soon
as the first mile and a half of railroad
is completed, cutting and hauling logs
will be commenced, and the road will be
extended and the cutting and hauling con
tinued till all the logs are gone.
Building Street Cars. When the car
barns of the City & Suburban Railway
Company were built on Savier street, room
had to be provided for a large number
of horses and a large amount of hay,
grain, etc. Since the road was electrified
the buildings Intended for horses and
feed have come in very "handy" and have
been converted into hops for building
cars, which are fitted up with all neces
sary woodworklng and Iron-working ma
chinery, an electrical repair shop, whero
all the motors, dynamos and electrical
machinery used by the company are re
paired or rebuilt and even the wires are
reinsulated. A number of open cars for
Summer are under construction and near
ly completed, and some of thenf are about
ready to leave the paint shop. The com
pany has a complete outfit of shops and
machinery for doing about all the work
required on its lines or in Its power
houses. Sundat Fire Drills. Fire drill Sun.
day mornings causes residents In the
neighborhood of the practice to look
around them for a conflagration, as the
members of the department rush around
with all the hurry displayed at a genuine
blaze. Each hose company and truck
throughout the city has a Sunday morn
ing to Itself, so that too many compan
ies may not be absent at once. In case
of an alarm. The hose companies hitch
to a hdrant, after a short run, and turn
the stream upward, to the delight of the
small boy who may be up in time to
Xake in the scene. Truck companies run
their apparatus alongside of a tall build
ing and elevatp their ladders for scaling.
The practice keeps men, teams and ma
chinery in trim to run up against the
real thing.
Cow Question in Politics. The social
fabric of Sellwood was shaken to its
foundations last Summer by the cow ques
tion, the population being pretty evenly
divided on the question as to whether
cows should roam at their eweet wills
through tho city or not. The trouble got
into the Council, and the numerous dele
gations of both men and women who
came down, to argue the case made the
Councllmen very weary. The faction in
favor of restraining the cows won the day,
and now that election is at hand, the
other faction is getting even by sitting
down hard on any of the anti-cow men
who have political aspirations, or a de
sire to be heard at public meetings.
Fortunately for the anti-cow men, the
cows have no votes.
Rails, for Xew Trollet Line. The
first Installment of the rails for the street
railway to be built by the City & Subur
ban Railway Company ion First street ar
rived a few days ago and the rails are
now being strung along the street from
the Marquam's Gulch bridge down to
Madison street. They are 50-pound rails,
of the girder pattern, which is about twice
as heavy as those on the Third-street
line, which were put down when the road
was operated by horses. The section of
road from Madison street to Sheridan will
be built first and next that part from
Burnside street to the Union railway sta
tion. Work will be commence?! -as soon
as the rails are all on the ffroundiaet
To Observe Memorial Dat. The Me
morial committee held another meeting
yesterday, with Rev. C. E. Cline presid
ing and John H. Williams secretary, and
C. H. Meueedorffer, Jr., asclstant secre
tary. Various committees were appoint
ed for tho usual observance of Memorial
day. Considerable business was trans
acted. General Summers was appointed
grand marshal. A large number were In
attendance, and Memorial day promises
to be more universally observed than ever
before. The committee will meet agam
nct Sunday, at 3:30 P. M.
Repairing Electric Sprinkler. The J
electric sprinkler, for the use of which !
on tho streets on which the City & Subur
ban Railway Company and tho Portland
Traction Company operate lines, the Board
of Public Works has contracted. Is be
ing oerhauled and put In thorough re
pair. A new tank Is being built In the
sprinkler and other Improvements being
made to It. Everybody will be glad to
ee the electric sprinkler out again, as It
does more work than many sprinkling
Hull of New Steamboat. The hull of
the ete.imboat being built by the Central
Navigation Company at the foot of Mill
street, to run In connection with the
portage railway at the dalles of the
Columbia, is practically completed and
ready for the calkers and painters. The
super'ntendent has gone up to Pasco to
look after two other boats the company
is building there.
Portland Woman's Union. The annual
meeting of the Portland Woman's Union
will be held this afternoon at the Board
ing Woman's Home, 510 Flanders street
All members are earnestly requested to be
present, pay their dues and discuss mat
ters of importance. After the business
session there will be a social hour and a
cup of tea.
Get Xext. Your wife will ask you why
you do not bring her one of those souve
nir buttons sold for the monument fund.
Your girl may not ask, but she will keep
up a good thinking until ehe gets one.
Get next- 26 cents.
Funeral of Buell Lamberson. The
funeral of Buell Lambereon will be held
today from the family residence, 3S5 Tenth
street. Rev. W. S. Gilbert, pastor ot
Calvary Presbyterian Church, ot which
Mr. Lambereon was a member, will of
ficiate. Wht Not? Are you wearing a. Span
ish cannon souvenir button? If not, why
not? 25 cents.
John G. W oollet, the peerless Prohibi
tion orator, Metropolitan Theater, May 12,
LP. M.
Chickens Getting Cheap. Chickens
commanded a high price all Winter and
Spring, but now the price is declining
and there Is a prospect that It will get
so low that almost anybody cam feast
on fried chicken. This calculation Is
based on tho fact that some 125 Incu
bators have been sold to farmers In the
"Willamette Valley during the past Win
ter, And It Is natural to suppose that a
vast amount of Incubating has been done
and a large number of chickens hatched.
And so the probability Is that the price
ot chickens will get down to bedrock for
a while. There is not much danger of the
market being overstocked with 'Spring
chickens early In the Spring, but at the
natural season for such fowls, when any
old hen or cheap incubator can turn them
out by the score, the supply is "bound to
exceed the demand. As the price goes
down the demand Increases in 'proportion,
and so the chickens are not thrown away,
but people who expect high prices for
chickens must have them, to sell when they
are scarce. In this- state, where the mild
climate ought to make It easy for farm
ers to raise chickens and eggs cheaply,
there is a strong tendency for both to
cost extravagant prices a great part of
the year.
Effects of Poison Oak. Alfred An
derson, who has been suffering from a
bad case of poison oak poisoning, is able
to be out again, the swelling of his face
having subsided sufficiently to allow him
to get his eyefl open. He lives in Al
blna, and on his way to the cars follows
a path across a vacant block, on
there is some poison oak. Mr. Anderson
sajs he knows the plant and he never
touched it and did not go within 40 feel
of It, but it got there Just the same, and
he got a beautiful dose of it. Some per
sons can handle the plant without being
harmed, while if others get within s'ght
of it they are poisoned. "Whenever it
grows In the neighborhood of residences
or pathways It ought to be exterminated,
but those who do not suffer from it do
not object to It and those who are
poisoned by coming near It are not likely
to undertake its extermination.
Good Shooting at the Traps. The
regular weekly shoots of the M. A. A.
C Gun and. Rod Club at Irvington took
place yesterday and Saturday. The all
absorbing event at the present time Is the
contest for the elegant medal, which tho
club has put up. The permanent owner
ef lhe medal will be the person that wins
It five times or the greatest number of
times during the season. The first win
ner Is Embanks, who has always been
known, as a good trap shot. He pulled
down a tcta". of 37. The other scores In
the contest were: A class Guist 33, Mon
telth 33, Thome 32, Jones 30. Hudson 30,
Culllson 30 and Davis 25. B class Whit
ing lTu C class Cox SO and Klippel 30.
A pool shoot and a shoot at doubles fol
lowed, in which Beal, Davis and Guist
made the high scores.
Traveling Men Save Furniture. Flro
broke out in the two-story dwelling of
Mrs. Charles Freedner, 710 Market-street
drive, yesterday, afternoon, at 5:30, and
before the department could lay hose up
the steep hillside, the upper portion of the
building was destroyed. Two commer
cial men, Frank Adams and C. W. Colby,
who were passing at the time, rushed in
and by hard work saved a large propor
tion of Mrs. Freedner's furniture. They
even mbved the piano, heating stoves,
and tore up carpets' before the heat
finally drove them away. The house and
contents are owned by Mrs. Freedner, who
carried Insurance enough to cover her
loss, about $700, but Messrs. Adams and
Colby did not have their Sunday suits in
sured, and so are losers considerably as
a result of the episode.
Can't Find "a House. G. H. Carlson, of
Gray's Harbor, arrived in Portland yes
terday with his family. He has purchased
an interest In the Wren Box Factory, in
South Portland, and will live in that end
of town If he can, find a house a thing
his house-hunting experience of last
week taught him Is difficult to do. At
first he was particular as to the kind of
a house he wanted, but now he has de
cided to move Into the first one he finds
vacant and postpone his preference unttl
after he has removed his household goods
from the warehouse. "Three weeks ago,"
he says, "I could find a number of vacant
houses in Fulton and South Portland, but
they are all filled now."
Stepped on a Rustt Nail. Martin
McCarthy, a longshoreman; stepped on a
rusty nail Friday and as a result Is suf
fering from blood poisoning. The side
walk had been torn up on Fourteenth and
Hoyt streets, and lumber with the nails
sticking up was left on the crossing. Mr.
McCarthy on reaching the place was
spoken to by a friend, and In turning
around stepped on a rusty spike, wnlch
pierced his shoe and run Into hie foot.
The wound was carefully attended lo, but
notwithstanding has continually grown
worse, though Dr. Harry Mackay, who
Is attending him, trunks he now has it
in check.
Plums for Oregon Botb. Political
plums have fallen to the lot of two Cor
vallls boys, In the shape of clerkships
in the census office at Washington. Brady
Burnett and H. Allen are the lucky ones.
The former is well known In Portland,
having for a number of years been one
of the most successful men on the track
team of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic
Club. Mr. Allen, who Is a brother of
A. W. Allen, the Portland druggist, also
has a host of acquaintances In the city,
who will be glad to hear of his appoint
ment. Will Make no Nominations. The Bo.
clal Democrats, after a hot and stormy
session last night, decided not to place
a ticket In the field for the coming June
election. There was a fair attendance at
the branch meeting In the G. A. R. Hall,
but the "no ticket" people won by a
small majority of three votes. The meet
ing opened promptly at " o'clock, and each
member looked suspiciously at his neigh
bor as charges an.d counter charges were
hurled through the air. The meeting
place and the meeting adjourned hastily.
Rilet Entertainment. At Taylor-
Street Methodist Church this evening, the
Willamette Chautauqua Circle will give a
Riley entertainment of unusual interest.
The programme, whlcn was arranged by
Miss Lulu Mac Buddemer, Includes
sketches by Riley, besides an excellent
variety of humorous and Interesting num
bers. This entertainment, which com
mences promptly at S o'clock P. M., is
open to the public free of charge, and will
doubtless be largely attended.
New Republican Club. The young Re
publicans In tho vicinity of Goose Hol
low are preparing to form a club this
evening. They have hired a hall on
Jefferson street, near Seventeenth, and
expect 75 members to sign- the roll at their
first meeting. Judging from the enthu
siasm and eagerness with which the young
men seize the Idea, there will be a rous
ing time at the hall tonight
Bar Fixtures for Nome. Not every
body who is going to Cape Nome intends
to toll and sweat In penetrating the bowels
of the earth in search of gold. Many ex
pect to gather In the yellow dross by sell
ing liquors, cigars, etc, and showcase
manufacturers are up to their eyes In bus
iness building showcases and bar furni
ture of all kinds for them.
Alliance Makes 21 Macs an Hour.
The river steamer Alliance went on a
trial trip yesterday, and succeeded la
making 21 miles in less than an hour,
which Is far above the expectations of
her owners. She carried as high as 240
pounds of steam and never went below 160
Stereopticon Exhibition. A stereop
tlcon exhibition will be given at the F-?'
Congregational Church tonight, the sub
ject being "The Two Princes." Admis
sion will be free.
All Owners. Ever body can buy a
small Interest in the Oregon soldiers mon
ument 25 cents for a button does the
It Is East. A button In your coat and
25 cents for the monument fund.
If so, U need a meal XT can finish up
with a dish of strawberries, with cream,
for 10c, or ihortcake with cream for 10c.
at the Creamerle, 271 Washington street
Japanese Mission Described, at First
Congregational Chnrch Laying;
of a. Corner-Stoae.
Taking as his subject the Ecumenical
Conference, lately in session. Rev. W. S.
Gilbert, pastor of Calvary Presbyterian
Church, preached yesterday morning from
Mark xvi:15: "Go ye into all the world."
He said In part:
"That Christ should have claimed the
world for his kingdom and should have
sent his unassuming followers into all
the world and should have undertaken the
world's evangelization, is Indeed marvel
ous, even to us today. In his day the
undertaking seemed like folly. That we
The Spanish bronze cannon souvenir buttons are sold for tho benefit of
the Soldiers' Monument fund. Everybody can afford 25 cents for so fine a. "
souvenir of the war and for so patriotic a cause.
Liipman, Wolfe & Co., Third and Washington.
Meier & Frank Co., Fifth. Alder and Morrison.
Olds & King, Fifth and Washington.
Woodard, Clarke & Co., Fourth and "Washington.
SIg Slchel & Co.. 92 Third.
Matt Foeller, Chamber of Commerce.
The Summers & Prael Co., 267 Washington and 111 Third.
Esberg, Gunst & Co., Third and Alder.
Gerson & Taubenhelmer, 102 Third. '
B. B. Rich, 274 Morrison, 103 Third, Portland Hotel.
Mish Bros., 273 Washington.
L Slchel, Fourth and Washington.
E. Schiller. Fourth and Washington.
Mark L. Cohn, 323 Washington. '
Sig Wertheimer. iz$ bixin, rnui ana Washington.
Frank M. Cohn, Third and Morrison.
Jack Coffman, Sixth and Morrison.
Sam I Beary, 327 Morrison.
Oregon News Company. 147 Sixth. .
Dennis & Good, 322 Washington.
Herman Bach, Fifth and Morrison. ,
Moody's Pharmacy. Morrison and Park.
Theodore Oramus. 1 North Third.
Reed Bros., 54 North Third.
Thomas A. Stewart, 255 Washington. ' j
Grant Scott 130 Tnira.
Frank Huber, 2S1 Washington.
C. F. Sllter, 14S Sixth.
George Judge, 24S Stark.
Gustav Rudstrom, 315 Washington.
D. W. Buchner, 90 Third.
Rudolph Marsch, 301 Washington.
Harry Clyatt, 521 Union avenue.
B. F. Fulton, 374 East Burnside.
G. W. Weatherly-& Co., 134 Grand
Watts & Matthleu, 275 Russell.
W. H. Eggleston, 2S3 RusselL
C W. Cowanv 104 Russell.
have lived to see tha beginning ot the
very consummation is like a dream.
The Ecumenical Conference of for
eign missions is really a wonder
ful event Two thousand four hun
dred delegates were . present for near
ly every nation, gathered In enthuslastlo
convention. Not for commercial aggran
dizement or political purposes, but for
the Interests of a work of self-denial and
Christian service. It Is the world's great
est convention, and Is representative of
Christianity's triumph In our century.
There is absolutely no other world move
ment but Christian missions that could
thus stir not one nation, hut all nations.
Ex-President Harrison said in closing the
conference: "I have spoken before great
political meetings, where enthusiasm was
at a white heat, but 1 was never In a
political campaign where there was enough
enthusiasm to fill this hall and three or
four overflow meetings three times a day
for 10 days.' Such an event ought not
to pass without awakening our thought
without stirring our zeal In the Master's
work, without thrilling us with the tri
umph ot world-wide Christianity. Ex
Presldent Harrison opened the conference
with these words: 'Tha highest conception
that has ever entered the mind of man
Is that of God, the father of all men, the
universal brotherhood of mankind. The
hope of society Is not In scholarship and
Invention, but In the word of God and tho
life of our Lord Jesus Christ"
"A century ago, the Idea" ot going Into
the great heathen world with the gospel
was deemed foolhardy fanaticism. Then
the Idea of a universal brotherhood was
scarcely dreamed of. Railroads, com
merce, missions have amalgamated the
world, and (he results have far surpassed
what the most hopeful hoped for. While
figures give only a part of actual re
sults. It Is astonishing, almost beyond
belief, that such reports can be made
today as have been brought before this
third conference. Dr. Dennis has laborl
Susly complied results of the year. This
brief summary may give some conception
of the work:
"Societies engaged In foreign missions,
"Income this year. 519.126,120.
"Missionaries In the field, 15.460.
"Native helpers, 77,338, of whom 4053 are
"Principal stations, 557L
"Organized churches In foreign fields,
"Communicants added this year, S4.1E6.
"Sunday schools, 15,032, with a member
ship of 77L92S.
"Native contributions to missionary ex
tension for the year, $1S46 75.
"These results are leaven with which wo
begin a new year."
The speaker continued with many evi
dences of Christianity's spread, and also
the comparative ease of the task today,
when Inventions had lopped off great por
tions of distance. An urgent lesson for
devoted work was drawn from the highly
successful work shown the last few years
In Africa, and the open door to Christian
ity now found In all land?, even China.
Miss Mary Denton Speaks at Con
KTesriitlonal Chnrch.
At the First Congregational Church,
Miss Mary F". Denton spoke yesterday
morning on Christian work in Japan. For
11 years and a half she has been engaged
teaching In the girl's school which is a
part of the Doshlsha University, and,
filled with enthusiasm for the future of
Japan, she spoke Interestingly on the
situation and needs of the work. Miss
Denton talked on the condition of the
Doshlsha University, where her work has
been for so long. She thought the best
gift of Christianity to Japan is the
Doshlsha. It Is situated in Kyoto, and
includes a boys' preparatory school, a col
lege department a theological school, a
training school for nurses and the girls'
school. It was founded In 1S7S by Joseph
Neeslma, who had his training In America,
and desired to found in Japan a university
after the model which he had seen In the
United States. It grew in siz and popu
larity until there were S00 students, and
Its Influence was great in the development
of the nation. Everywhere In Japan were
to be found the graduates of this institu
tion, and a large majority were Chris
tians. It was said that a certificate of
graduation from the Doshlsha was all
that was necessary as a recommendation.
Two spirits seemed to be filling the hearts
of the people loyalty to Japan and love
for the Doshlsha- But with tho reaction
from foreign Influence and the Introduc
tion of agnosticism, the school lost the
support of the American board and
dwindled to 200 students. Now the uni
versity is regaining Its old prestige be
cause the old constitution has been rein
stated, a new board of trustees favorabl
to Christianity has been e'ectcd. and the
doctrinal differences have been settled for
the time in favor of orthodox Christian
ity. A glowing tribute was paid to the serv
ice of the missionaries as broad-minded
statesmen and greatly to be praised for
their helpfulness in the development ot
the nation. She gave statistics to show
that the Christian influence Is far greater
than its numerical strength would seem
to warrant According to a pro rata rep
resentation there would be only a half a
man in the diet but there are 11 men
actually there. The two political leaders
are both Christians.
Miss Denton will speak again at the
First Congregational Church on Tuesday
afternoon to adult women only at 2:30
Sermon by Rev. II. C. Templeton,
New Pastor of Westminster.
At tho Westminster Presbyterian
Church, East Tenth and East Weldlcr
streets, Rev. H. C. Templeton, tho new
pastor, was present at all the services of
the day. He preached morning and even
ing. A most hearty welcomo was ex-
-V- .
tended him by the congregation, and ho
was made to feel that his new field will
be an attractive and pleasant one. At the
morning hour yesterday, Mr. Templeton
preached his opening sermon, which was
a sort ot platform on which he stands.
It was practicable and simple. He spoke
from tho text: "Be not deceived. God is
not mocked; for whatsoever a man sow
eth so shall he reap."
"It is the little things of life," said Mr.
Templeton, "the common, every-day hap
penings of life that are important and
make up the great results we gather. So
we are to consider the soil far more than
the sower. When Christ spoko the words
of the text from his unique and pictur
esque pulpit, tho bow of a boat "with a
vast multitude gathered on shore to heed
his words, beyond were waving fields of
golden grain, and the lesson was prac
tical and the surroundings convoyed the
illustrations to enforce the lessons he
sought to convey. Little, Indeed, is said
about the sower, but it Is the seed and
the field that are Important. We are
shown with what facility evil may be
spread. You cannot hope to reap wheat
when barley has been sown, nor the re
verse. With what wonderful facility nox
ious and destructive weeds are spread
and propagated on the farm unless sup
pressed! The winds will gather up and
sow the seeds of tares broadcast in the
night So evil is sown broadcast In the
night while we sleep. It is said that
falsehood will travel twice around the
earth while truth is dressing. So the
need of care and activity and watchful
ness. What a fatal.mlstake a young man
makes who sows his wild oats! What a
false contention that every one must sow
a certain amount" of wild oats? There Is
always a harvest and It cannot be evad
ed. It is bound to come with all its ac
cumulation of evil. It Is sad, indeed, to
see young men sowing wild oats for the
fearful harvest that must come to them.
The harvest of evil Is evil, as the harvest
of the noxious weeds Isa gathering of
noxious weeds. The beauty of life is In
the little acts. We live for others. We
sow for others. The United States and
England are the great missionaries of
modern times. They are carrying the gos
pel to the ends of the earth. Our church
is living for the world at large, and has
its missionaries in every land, spreading
the glorious seed of the living gospel of
Christ for tho great harvest of eternity."
Sermon, by Bishop Dabs, at the First
United Evangelical Chnrch.
An Intensely interesting service was held
in the First ,UnIted Evangelical Church,
East Side, yesterday morning. It being
tho occasion of a sermon by Bishop R.
Dubs, D. D., LL. D senior bishop of
tho United Evangelical church, on "Lo
alty to Christ" Bishop Dubs has the
reputation of being one of the ablest men
In the pulpit in the United States, and
the church auditorium was packed to its
utmost capacity, many prominent people
from other portions of the city being pres
ent to hear the distinguished divine.
Among them were: Judge M. C. George,
of the Circuit Court; Rev. C. E. Cline, D.
D., and others. Dr. C C. Poling, presi
dent of La Fayette College, was pres
ent In the pulpit with the bishop. The
sermon was of great power, the orator
swaying the audience with his eloquence.
That portion which was a description of a
shipwreck at sea when the bishop had
given himself up for lost, but was saved
through unexpected aid, was especially ef
fective. The text was from Matthew
x:82, "Whosoever therefore shall confess
me before men, him will I confess also
before my father which Is In heaven."
In part the bishop said:
"The subject matter of Christian confes
sion is designated by the personal pronoun
'me, and there is no scientific or personal
attainment that carries weight In it We
often meet people who display their great
knowledge of the Bible as a proof of their
Christianity, but wo know their lives are
a practical denial of Christ, and that tney
do not live dally their religion. It is right
as far as it goes to be well versed In the
doctrines of the church, dogmatics they
aro sometimes called, but that Is not
enough. A man may know these things
and yet not be a Christian if he has not
the love of Christ In his heart Little
stress should be laid on a man's orthodoxy
and his correctness of faith, but great
stress should be brought to bear upon the
way In which he applies his religion, for
that Is the only thing which counts. If
a man confesses Christ In his heart and
In his dally acts, what better example of
a Christian do we want?
"The power of speech is a wonderful
thing, and a means by which we can
express our love for the wonderful works
of Christ Mouth confession Is a divine
institution of God, and to exercise it Is
an expression of loyalty to him. If you
love him. say so, and tell it to the world
and add your influence to the body ot
Christians who are his Instruments on
earth. Let us confess Jesus by holy song.
Also let there be a warm and loving at
mosphere prevadlng the church and greet
each comer with a hearty handshake.
Confess Christ everywhere and be in sym
pathy with your fellow-men. always ex
tending the benevolent helping hand to
them. It is not necessary to make a dis
play of your religion, but by your simple,
modest living of a pure, noble life, you
may lead another back to tha right path."
An Eloquent Sermon by Itev. II. W.
XCellogx on the East Side.
The corner-stone of the Swedish Meth
odist Church, on Beech and Borthwlck
streets, Alblna, was laid yesterday after
noon, between the showers, with appro
priate services. Rev. H. W. Kellogg, of
the Taylor-Street Church, assisted by
Rev. A. L. Hawley, of Trinity Methodist
Church, conducted the exercises. Rev.
N. G. B. Barton Is the pastor. The
church was organized in 1S37, and has a
considerable membership of aggressive
and active men and women. A neat chap
el Is under construction. It will be 44.6x31
feet. The basement walls are of stone,
four feet high. On tho inside thero will
be a lecture-room and vestry,, cut oft
from the auditorium by sliding doors, so
that all the space may be used for public
functions. The building will cost $1300.
There was a considerable gathering ot
people around the corner where the stone
was laid. The stone Is a block ot granite.
Dr. Kellogg read tho ritualistic ceremo
nies, with the aid of Mr. Haw'ley, and
delivered an address of great power and
eloquence; in which he held that man
is above creeds, systems of church or
ganizations or confessions, and his salva
tion the purpose of the church. He de
clared that men need not bo alarmed for
the reason that creeds and forms are be
ing flung aside and that conditions are
changing under the light of modern criti
cism, for these are not the Important
things. Ho said that It 13 the man that Is
important During tho delivery of the ad
dress there was quite a shower, and Dr.
Kellogg was speaking uncovered to a
crowd under umbrellas. Then the corner
stone was laid, with the copper box with
articles. These were a Bible, eong book,
church discipline, church paper and a few
other articles. It was then carefully
sealed, to remain till the structure should
be replaced by another.
Old Familiar Drama Pleases a
Crowd at Cordray's.
A company of playero far above the
average presented "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
at Cordray's last night It would, per
haps, be interesting to analyse the feel
ings with which veteran theater-goers re
gard the famous old play of anti-slavery
days. "What do people go to an 'Uncle
Tom's Cabin' show for any more?" may be
answered from last night's performance
at Cordray's in the words ot the verdict
of one onlooier, who said: "Why, to
enjoy themselves."
There was a good deal of "the real
thing" in the Stockwell aggregation. What
other "Uncle Tom's Cabin" shows give
on the bill boards was seen on the stage.
It will surprise those who will enjoy the
piece over again for the th time this
week to see what theso people offer.
In the first place, thero are associated
with the amusing heavy-weight comedian
a company of capable players, a stage
full of Portland pickaninnies, from a col
umn length up to six feet who furnish
entertainment In a cotton-picking scene,
some very good scenery familiar, may
be, but still good and the indispensable
Topsy and a donkey who, It is suspected,
Is more "up" In comic opera than drama.
I R. Stockwell, as Lawyer Marks,
made his bow to tho audience and sue
ceeded In making as great a hit with his
"side-plays" as he has done before. There
were many of his friends In the audience,
and it was noted not a few stood up.
A new feature and one which will pro
mote Miss Nevada Heffron's name In pub
lic favor was her interjecting "Telephone
Ma Baby" In her Topsy character. In
this she was assisted by a chorus of plc
anlnnles, whoso shuffles and grimaces in
dicated they were no strangers to tho
hoedown and the cakewalk. It was a
fresh feature, and caught on. Miss Hef
fron also sang "Texas Ann."
A quartet of colored singers made the
cotton plantation scene effective, and sup
plied a lively act Theso liberties with
the score and the presence of Stockwell
and his cayuse ralnbowed the tears over
Eva and Uncle Tom with laughter.
Charles King appears to good advant
age as Undo Tom. Lawrence Griffith
plays Georgo Harris; H. Gittus Lonsdale
plays St Clair; Nelson Leavltt, Phlneas
Fletcher: Max Stelnle, Haley, a scowling
slavedrlver; Mary Scott, Eliza; Marie,
Lyda Powell; Emmellne, Florence Pom
phret; Eva, Little Albertlna Sechtem.
The same bill all the week.
Ward and Voices at the Marqunm.
"The Floor Walkers," Ward and Vokes
new vehicle this season, which comes to
the Marquam Grand Thursday and Fri
day of this week. Is said to be tfie larg
est and merriest thing yet presented by
those expert fun-furnishers. It is dis
tinctly a production from a scenic stand
point land people are carried to make
tho fun. Itucy Daly. Margaret Daly
Vokes, Hattie Bernard, the Chicago La
dles Quartet, Will West, George Sd
ney and John W. Early are the principals.
Tho chorus ebmraces two dozen pretty
The salo of seats will begin, tomorrow
1ST miles along the Columbia on the Chicago-Portland
Special. Six transconti
nental trains dally, including a choice of
routes either via Salt Lake, Denver, Colo
rado Springs, Omaha, Kansas City, St
Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago or St Louis.
Ticket offices, 254 Washington street cor
ner Third.
Delicious coffee, tender, Juicy steaks,
with tempting side dishes. The Portland
restaurant 305 Washington st, near Fifth.
Jacob Doll Uprlprht Piano.
The latest Improved. Acknowledged to
be best sold on easy Installments. Pianos
rented, tuned and repaired at lowest
rices. H. Slnshelmer. 72 Third. E3tab
shed 1S62.
That bilious tasto and los3 of appetite
are quickly cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Wholesale and Retail.
Samples mailed free.
Paints, Oils. Brushes, Contracting- Painting
and PaperhanglnB". Collier's and AUantlo White
Lead, 7c per pound.
127 first Street Phone 2922 Red
The Delrea Building.
Full Set Teeth oO
Gold Crowns $3 00
Bridge Work $3.00
Examinations free .
Teeth extracted abso
lutely without pain.
Cor. Third and Washington.
no p f RDflWH r.xn and ear diseases.
UJU L, U UAVIIll jurrus Wc. nose 2-T.
If that name appears on the tailboard
of your piano. It means that you have
an Instrument the mechanism of which Is
the same as in pianos used and Indorsed
by the greatest musical artists and by
the leading music schools.
We sell the Kimball Pianos and also
other fine makes, and you cannot buy
them elsewhere.
Will soon remove to our new building,
corner of Park and Washington streets.
148 Third St.
Tou get what you ask for at our grocery.
An order will be filled with first choices, which
could not bo bettered by an expert la food
products, with a full assortment of everything
to pick from. Knowing precisely what Is
wanted by careful housekeepers, we buy such
things as tally with tha standard of good livers.
Spcdal Savlss Sale Monday, Tuesday and Wedaesday
Pure de foles gras (regular 23c can French
potted goose liver truffle seasoning), 20c
Jord almonds. 40c; regularly 50c pound.
Pineapple, sliced and grated, 2 for 23c; reg
ular 15c can.
Carolina rice, 10c pound; regular 12c
Clubhouse cheese, 30c Jar; regular 35c
Crosse & Blackwell lucca oil, G5c quart bot
tle: regular 75e. t
FOR NOME. Provisions and utensils of
every description. No extra, charge for packing
and drayinjr. and wo know how to pack. Write
for estimates.
No More
of the Dental Chair
LT2TELT WITHOUT PAIN, by our late scien
tific mothod applied to the gums. No sleep
producing agents or cocaine.
These are the only dental parlors In Port
Ingredients to extract, fill and apply gold
crowns and porcelain crowns undetectable
from natural teeth, and warranted for 10
set of teeth. $5. a perfect fit guaranteed or no
pay. Gold crowns, $5. Gold fillings. SI. SHyt
fillings. 60c All work done by GRADUATE
DENTISTS of frcm 12 to 20 years' experience,
and ach department In charge of a specialist.
Give us a call, and you "A 111 find us to do ex
actly as we advertise. We will tell you In ad
vance exactly what your work will cost by a
New York Dental Parlors
Fourth and Morrison Sts. , Portland
HOURS, 8 TO 8; SUNDAYS, 10 TO 4. -Branch
Ofllce, 723 Market st.. San Francisco.
I is now ;
9 Also...
1 of Work
and Prices wpoa
Castle Crag
Soda Springs.
Located In the midst of grand and impressive
mountain scenery, witn jaount snasta,
and the Crags for a
Unsurpassed cuisine and service and reason-
amo rates.
RAILROAD FARE, round trip. Including
sleeper both ways, ?14 00.
For rates, terms and other Information ad
dress E. B PEwLET. Manager,
Care Pacific Improvement Company,
Crocker building. San Francisco.
itilLi'i ill 11 1 1 lii 1
e o
Tho sew fold collar.
Sot a. Unrlc office Ij the bnlldlaJC!
Iolntely fireproof; electric lights
and nrtcslan water; perfect sanita
tion, and thorough ventilation. Eie
vators ran day and nlsht.
ANDERSON. GUSTAV. Attorney-at-Law...613
ASSOCIATED PRESS; E. L. Powell. Mgr.,804
AUSTEN. F. C. Manager for Oregon and
Washington Bankers' Life Association, of
Des Moines. la 602-503
MOINES. IA.;F. C. Austen. Manager..602-B03
BEALS. EDWARD A. Forecast Official U.
S. Weather Bureau 010
BENJAMIN. R. W.. Dentist ..3H
BINSWANGER. DR. O. S.. Phys. & Sur.0-U
BROOKE. DR. J. M.. Phys. & Sars 708-709
BRUERE. DR. G. E.. Physician 412-413-11 1
BUSTEED. RICHARD. Agent Wilson & Mc-
Callay Tobacco Co. 002-608
CAUKIN. G. E.. District Agent Travelers'
Insurance Co. ................... ....715
CARROLL. W. T., Special Agent Mutual
Reserve Fund Life Ass'n ......604.
CLARK. HAROLD. Dentist .... 31i
CORNELIUS. C W., Phys. and Surgson 208
COVER. F. C Cashier Equitable Lit 30
COLLIER, P. F.. Publisher; S. P. McGulre.
Manager .............. 413-UO
DAT. J. G. & L N. 313
DAVIS. NAPOLEON. President Columbia
Telephone Co ....607
DICKSON. DR. J. F.. Physician 713-714
DRAKE. DR. H. B.. Physician 512-513-514
DWTER. JOE. F.. Tobaccos ... 403
L. Samuel, Manager; F. C. Cover, Caahler.304
EVENING TELEGRAM 325 Alder street
FENTON, J. D., Physician and Surgeon.500-310
FENTON. DR. HICKS C Eye and Ear 511
E: C Stark. Manager 601
GALVANI, W. H., Engineer and Draughts
man ..oca
GAVIN, A. President Oregon Camera Club.
GEARY. DR. EDWARD P.. Physician and
Surgeon 212-213
GIESY. A. J.. Physician and Surgeon... 700-710
GODDARD. E. C & CO.. Footwear
Ground floor. 120 Sixth street
GOLDMAN. WILLIAM. Manager Manhattan
Life Insurance Co. of New York...... 200-210
GRANT. FRANK S.. Attorney-at-Law 61T
HAMMAM BATHS. King & Compton, Props.309
HEIDINGEB, GEO. A. & CO.. Pianos and
Organs 131 Sixth street
HOLLISTER. DR. O. C Phys. & Sur. .504-305
IDLEMAN. C. M.. Attorney-at-Law.. 416-17-13
JOHNSON. W. C. 315-316-317
KADY, MARK T.. Supervisor ot Agents
Mutual Reserve Fund Life Ass'n G04-603
LAMONT. JOHN. Vice-President and Gen
eral Manager Columbia Telephone Co 609
LITTLEFIELD. H. R.. Phys. and Surgeon. .20G
MACRUM. W. S., Sec Oregon Camera Club-214
MACKAY. DR. A E., Phys. and Surg. .711-713
MAXWELL. DR. W. E.. Phys. & Surg. .701-2-3
McCOY. NEWTON. Attorney-at-Law .713
McFADEN. MISS IDA E.. Stenographer 201
McGINN. HENRY E.. Attorney-at-Law.311-3J3
McKELL, T. J., Manufacturers' Representa
tive 301
MILLER. DR. HERBERT C. Dentist and
Oral Surgeon 603-009
MOSSMAN, DR. E. P., Dentist 312-313-314
New York; W. Goldman. Manager.... 200-213
Mark T. Kady, Supervisor of Agents.. 604-GOS
Mcelroy, dr. j. g.. Pays. & sur.701-702-703
McFARLAND, E. B., Secretary Columbia
Telephone Co. 60S
McGUIRE. S. P.. Manager P. F. Collier.
Publisher ..... 415-416
McKIM. MAURICE. Attorney-at-Law 500
MILLER & ROWE. Real Estate, Timber
and Farming Lands a Specialty 700
York; Wm. S. Pond. State Mgr. .404-405-40
NICHOLAS. HORACE B.. Attorney-at-Law.715
NILES. M. L.. Cashier Manhattan Life In
surance Co.. oi New York................209
Dr. L. B Smith. Osteopath 408-409
OREGON CAMERA CLUB 214-215-216-217
'POND. WM. -S.. State Manager Mutual Life
Ins. Co. of New York 404-405-409
Ground floor. 133 Sixth street
Marshall. Manager 513
QUIMBY. L. P. W.. Game and Forestry
Warden 716-717
ROSENDALE. O. M.. Metallurgist and Min
ing Engineer 515-510
REED& MALCOLM. Optlclans.133 Slxst street
REED. F. C. Fish Commissioner 407
RYAN. J. B., Attorney-at-Law ,.417
SAMUEL. L-. Manager Equitable Life 300
SANDFORD. A. C. & Co.. Publishers' Agts.513
SCRIBNER'S SONS. CHAS.. Publishers 313
SHERWOOD. J. W.. Deputy Supreme Com
mander. K. O. T. M. 317
SMITH. Dr. L. B., Osteopath 403-409
STARK. E. C. Executive Special. Fidelity
Mutual Life Association of Phlla.. Pa.. ...601
STEEL. G. A.. Forest Inspector 218
STUART. DELL. Attorney-at-Law 617-013
STOLTE. DR. CHAS. E.. Denttet 704-70
cial Agent Mutual Life, of New York... ..4j3J
TUCKER. DR. GEO. F.. Dentist 610-611
U. S. WEATHER BUREAU 907-90S-000-318
DIST.. Captain W. C Langfltt, Corps of
Engineers. U. S. A. .... ....... .803
C Langfltt. Corps of Engineers. U. S. A. .819
WATERMAN. C. H.. Cashier Mutual Ltfa
of New York. ... 406
retary Native Daughters 716 77
WHITE. MISS L. E.. Assistant Secretary
Oregon Camera. Club 214
WILSON. DR. EDWARD N., Phys. & Sur.304-3
WILSON. DR. GEO. F.. Phys. & Surg. .706-707
WILSON. DR. HOLT C Phys. & Surg.C07-3CS
Richard Busteed. Agent 602-603
WOOD. DR. W. L.. Physician 412-413-414
A few more elesant offices is ay ho
had by applying to Portland Trast
Company of Oregon, 100 Third st., es
to the rent cleric in the building.
rUiua fitti ,
lEW S W9
C&aiuryir I 1
mucs m . m a m w .