Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 07, 1900, Image 1

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VOL. XL. NO. 12,292.
The Standard for
The World
.v l;fij5i3rP SS.I
vv v yjg; KmJH II
Champagne Quality Is
3) & GRENO
And can ship at a moment's notice, cooking outfits for
Steamship "Galleys" or Hotels, John Van
Ranges and Steam Tables from 3 to 20
feet lon9- w. q. Mcpherson,
Heating Engineer, 47 First Street
J. G. Mack & Co.
88 Third St
Opposite Chamber ef Cwaerce
ihey Fight Hard But British
Are Too Strong.
a TV. KKOTC.ES. Mgr.
European Plan:
$1.00. $1.50, $2.00 per Day
OF Ladies' "
Surreys and Light Carriages 4
We have just received the finest line of Robes
and Dusters ever shown on the Pacific Coast.
Intimations That Imperial Forces
Hare Taken Winburc-Xo Re
lief Yet for Mafeklnff.
LONDON, May 7. 4:10 A. M. Lord Rob
erts Is making better progress than any
one had dared to hope, and Is meeting
with success at all points. The only news
of the actual occupation of Wlnburg Is
the Incidental reference to It in the dis
patch from Vet River, describing General
Pole-Carew's operations, but as the latest
news of General Hamilton's operations,
dated Sunday morning:, was that he "was
then preparing: to force the difficult pass
age over Little Vet River, on the Bloem-fontein-Wlnburg
road, there Is no doubt
that the news of the occupation is accu
rate. The Boers, following their customary
practice, had evacuated their positions
on the Vet River during Saturday night.
As Lord Roberts, advancing along the
railway, and General Hamilton, 20 miles
to the east,, threatened the two wings of
the Boer forces. It could not ba surpris
ing to hear that they had also evacuated
Wlnburg. General Hamilton's advance
will prevent the Boer forces In the direc
tion of Thabanchu joining their main
army near Wlnburg. General Bundle on
Saturday had arrived In pursuit of the
Boers several miles north of Thabanchu.
compelling the Boers to retire In an east
erly direction. A Boer account of the
capture of Brandfort says:
"The Federal forces, although weak in
numbers, offered strong resistance, but
they were forced by the overwhelming
iorce opposed to them to evacuate the
General Hunter's progress, although
slow, is satisfactory. The Idea that the
relief of Mafeking Is in sight, however,
appears to have been premature, as the
Boers In that quarter are still stoutly
resisting the British advance.
According to a dispatch to the Dally
Mail from Cape Town, a special expedi
tion to the westward left Kimbcrley a
few days ago, and will endeavor to relieve
Mafeking. while General Hunter and Lord
Juethuen are operating on either side of
the Vaal River in conjunction with 'Lord
Roberts' army.
From Lourenco Marques come various
rumors that Colonel Plumer has been re
inforced, and Is again advancing toward
Mafeking. Another report says Mafeking
has been relieved, and General Lommer,
with 3000 Boers, captured at Fourteen
iiWomen have been placed In the Govern
ment offices in the Transvaal in order to
relieve the burghers for active service.
Two New South "Wales Lancers, who es
caped from Waterval prison, have arrived
atDeJagqa.,Bay.. after a dangerous Jaur.
The Volksraad will meet In Pretoria to
day. Probably the sitting will be mem
orable. The Johannesburg shell factory has re
sumed work with Austrian, Italian and
Greek workmen.
the dismounted fixing line with a Maxim,
but General Hutton pushed forward and
forced the Boers to leave the river bed.
The encounter was terribly hot Later
the whole British force crossed the river,
threatening the Boer right. The Boera
must have received about the same time
the news of General Hamilton's occupa
tion of Wlnburg.
About sunset a detachment of 60 Aus
tralians.who had crept unseen toward the
river bed. found themselves, near a kopje
occupied by the Boers. After firing, they
fixed bayonets and charged, capturing the
kopje. All was done on their own init
iative. Thus night fell. Early this
morning It was discovered that the Boer
force had fled.
General Hutton,. during the night, got
two squadrons to blow up the line near
The 'British discovered yesterday at
every hundred yards along the railroad
concealed small packets of high explosives.
Tho Boers had destroyed three bridges
over spruits between here and Brandfort,
but In every case It was possible to
make a detour. The Boers appear to be
fighting with much less spirit. It is
reported that they aro commanded by
General Lucas Meyer. The bridge over
the Vet River is completeyi destroyed.
General Hutton captured a Maxim and
took a few prisoners.
Severe Engagement
In the
Aboat Rooldan.
WARRENTON. Sunday. May 6. Yes
terday General Barton drove from 2000 to
3000 Boers from hilly positions at Rooldan.
where they awaited them. They retreat
ed after stilt fighting, leaving a number
of dead on the field. The British casual
ties were slight. General Barton Is still
Wlndsorton and Klip Dam have been
evacuated. General Paget's brigade is
attacking the Boer position at Warren
ton. The engagement yesterday was severe,
and lasted from 9 In the morning until 4
in the afternoon. More than once the
British Infantry were obliged to engage
the Boers at close quarters, and the Boers
only retired when their retreat was nearly
cut off. The British losses were five killed
and 25 wounded, mostly Welsh Fusiliers.
The British took a batch of prisoners, in
cluding the Swedish ambulance, which
they allowed to return. The Boers la
their hurry left 13 dead.
Today General Paget made a strong
demonstration against the Boer position,
east of the ridge, thereby preventing Boer
reinforcements going to assist in checking
General Barton's advance.
This Combination Said to
Have Been Agreed To.
Arrangement Reached at Conference
of Democrats, Populists and Sil
ver Republicans la Chicago.
Roaders, "whether they be Populists or
not, that the Cincinnati convention repre
sents the real Populist movement. It
la equally well known that the S oux
Falls convention Is simply an ad
junct to the Democratic party. This
accounts for the unanimity with
which Populists In every section
have repudiated the call for the latter
convention and Indorsed the Cincinnati
movement. We are confldent of an at
tendance fully as great as the capacity of
our hall, and it Is claimed that Robln
son's Opera-House will seat 2S00 people.
"The Sioux Falls convention cannot de
liver a vote to Bryan that would not go
to him as the regular Democratic nominee.
Any action the Sioux Falls convent.on
may take will only embarrass Bryan and
give his enemies in the Democratic party
a chance to hammer him. He would be
much stronger as a thorough Democratic
CHICAGO. May 6.-The Chronicle VirrZt-r.?'?.?
rn.-tm.--t. I11 ....... 1 " .v,..a ui UC CiUUA rUIS UUVCU"
t, " "Z' ., i "on were really for Bryan they would go
.Brian and Towne that was the way about the matter In a way to accomplish
the probable Democratic, Populistic and j his ejection. They would openly join the
Lincoln Republican National ticket was j Democratic party and help to elect its
framed up as the result of a conference I nominees. But they are not so much tor
yesterday afternoon between leaders of the Bryan as they are for themslve- and
Impressive Ceremonies At
tending the Celebration.
5 j&iCgv 0""k
fsi ft gpgYi-D-iA.
$3.00 PER DAY
ki tyvarL
Special rates mede to families h d single scntlenrea. The mas are
est Trill be pleased at all times to show rooms and sir prices. A mod.
re TnrUlsh bath establishment la tho hotel. H. C BOWERS, Xaaassr.
Library Association oF Portland
Settee SevatU aai ft4
24,000 volumes and over 200' periodicals
$5.00 a year or 5150 a quarter
Two books allowed on all subscriptions
nOURS-From 9.00 A. M. to 00 f M. dally, except Sunday and holldm.
"Mannish" Style.
Made in Kibo Kid,
Brown Kibo Calf, and
Box Calf.
Hand-sewed welt
extension edge, lo
custom heel
Oregonlan Building
Nose Glasses
There was never a case of
cancer or closed tear ducts on
record that was caused by
wearing them. There never will
be. If you prefer glasses in that
shape and have "nose for
them" there is not the slightest
objection to your wearing them.
If they are properly ntted and
adjusted to your face, they will
hold their place and position
perfectly. If the optician se
lects them with a view to good
. taste and proportion, there Is
nothing more becoming than
that style of eye glass.
I make a specialty of difficult
Ere Specialist
Free Staters Demoralized.
LONDON, Slay 7. The Lourenco Mar
ques correspondent of the Times, tele
graphing Sunday, says:
"General Botha has been to the Free
State to rouse the burghers, but has re
turned disheartened and disgusted- From
an unimpeachable source I learn thatih
is openly .stating to friends that the Frea
Staters are so completely demoralized that
it is hopeless to expect anything from
them." .
Several of the Constabulary and
- British Allies "Wcre.KlllJ'. .
' 0"I30N, May The Colonial Office
nas received the following dispatch -from
Sir Frederick Mitchell Hodgson, Governor
and Commander-in-Chief of Gold Coast
Colony, dated Kumassia, April 27:
"The situation, I regret to Inform you,
has changed for the "worse. On April 23.
a force was cent to clear the rebel force
to the eastward. Four members of the
constabulary were killed and a large
number of the rebels were killed - or
wounded. On 'April 25, the Ashantees sur
rounded the town in great force, probably
10,000, and made a determined attack.
The Hausas were obliged to evacuate the
cantonment and to concentrate around
the fort. The engagement lasted four
hours. Twenty native allies and two
Hausas were killed.
"The present occupants of the fort num
ber S5S, including IS Europeans, six of
whom are missionaries. It is necessary
that further reinforcements be sent to
the Gold Coast."
Sir Frederick Hodgson, under date of
Describes Operations About the Vet
and the Little Vet.
LONDON, May 6, Z P. M. The "War
Office has published the following dis
patch from Lord Roberts, dated Vet River,
Saturday, May 5, 7:15 P. M.:
"I marched here today with Pole-Carew's
division. Headquarters and Wa
vell's brigade of the Seventh division are
two miles in the' rear. Maxwell's brlgado
of the same division is the same distance
to our right.
"The enemy are in considerable strength
on the opposite bank of the river. Our
guns encased theirs for nm thrAA hnnn
without our being able to force a passage 4 ADr11 3. telegraphed:
i.1 - m - . . P T "VoetAMf M ..!..
ui me nver, dui snoruy oeiorc dusk the
mounle'd Infantry, under General Hut
ton, turned the enemy's right, and In a
very dashing manner pushed across the
river, under heavy ehell and musketry
"We are now bivouacking for the night
within three miles of Vet River. Out
casualties, I hope, are not numerous.
"Hamilton was In action yesterday and
succeeded in preventing a junction of two
Boer forces by a well-executed movement
by some of the Household Cavalry, tho
Twelfth Lancers and Kitchener's Horse,
who charged a body of the enemy and
Inflicted eerious loss. The enemy fled.
leavlncr their dead on the field and thMr ! , ...... .7. . .
-., . v-, o.f. t, " ". ' " -aeaamees tnere naa arms
"MacDonald's Highland brigade dis
lodged the enemy on the right flank under
Yesterday a serious attack was made
on. the fort by rebels, but they were
routed on all sides with great loss. Two
members of the constabulary were killed
and 10 "wounded.
"A contingent of Lagos constabulary,
under Inspector-General Aplln, has ar
rived, after two days' severe fighting.
The column was attacked at Asagul.
which ,was taken with the Joss of one
killed and 23 wounded, among- them Ap
lln, slightly.
"On the following day the contingent
was attacked two miles from Kumassle
by S0Q0 rebels. There was great loss in
taKing tne stockade across the road. Sev-
of ure-
cision. Alter desperate fighting the
Ashantees fled. Two members of the ron-
cover of the navalcuns. in which oner- i stabularj-were killed and 13 wounded, in-
tlon the Black Watch distinguished them- j jluainS Assistant-Inspector Read. Have
selves and were very skillfully led. ' f611 uable to send letters or telegrams
"Hamilton was advancing this morning through.
to a difficult drift over the Klelne Vet Under date of May 3, Sir Frederick
j : :-i
rail !
James M. Barrio, the novelist, has accepted the invitation, of a. committee to contest ths
vacancy In the representation in the House of Commons ot Edinburgh and St. Andrew Uni
versity, provided the Liberals of the constituency generally approve of his candidacy. It
will probably be a surprise to Barrle's admirers that he has political ambition; for heretofore
he has confined hi activity to Joamallsm, literature and tho drama. Barrle la not a college
man. but he was educated In a good school, tho dally newspaper, and he formed his style arold
the hard work of an English provincial Journal. His first great hit was "A Window in
Thrums." a series of sketches of life In his native Scotch village, and this was followed by
other Scotch stories that have found readers v-herever English Is spoken. His best stories are
"The Little Minister" and "Sentimental Tommy," and a sequel'to the latter, called "Tom
my and Grliel," is now running as a serial In Scrlbner's Magazine. Barrle has never been
seduced by his great success to do any careless writing.
three parties at the Sherman House. The they are working the fusion racket more
Presidential nomination was not discussed, with an eye to getting Democratic sup
that being a foregone conclusion, but port for the state and other offices they
when the conferees had delved Into the , hold and expect to hold then for any
puzzle of the Vice-Presidential situation. I love of Bryan. Why, this' Idea was bold
Charles A. Towne, of Duluth, stood on a , ly argued In the committee on resolution
pinnacle of importance that dwarfed other at Raleigh in the North Carolina conven-PIb,,JJ"es-.
on, which caused Harry Skinner to at-
The Populist representatives at the tack Senator Butler for hs Insincerity
conference were: Senator Marlon Butler, Mr. Bryan Is In more danger today from
of South Carolina, chairman of his these friends than he is from the Middle
party's National committee; General j of-the-Roaders."
James B. Weaver, of Iowa, and Congress- I Asked about the charge of Senator Pet
man George Shlbley, of Virginia. The ' tlgrew that Senator Hanna was helping
Republicans were represented by Senator the convention, Parker said
Pettigrew. of South Dakota, and ex-Sen- "It Is falss. The fusion leaders see th3
ator Fred T. Dubois, of Idaho. The Demo- the People's partv has rcnudlatpd thom
cratlc representatives at the conference
were: Vice-Chairman James G. Johnson,
of the National committee; Daniel J. Cam
pau, of Detroit, National committeeman
from Michigan. Colonel Bryan was no:
present, nor was Mr. Towne.
"I am not Interested myself in the Vice
Presidential nomination," sold Mr. Bryan.
"I have seen the men of the three par
ties present In the city today, but I am
not saying anything regarding confer
ences. I am going home for a two months'
rest on my farm."
Tho Populist plan does not contemplate
the nomination of Mr. Towne at the Na
J.nis has driven them to the extremity
of trying to impugn the motives of those
who are behind our movement. We ex
pect nothing else but a campaign of
slander, but we propose to meet It as it
J deserves. In truth, this who e work has
been accomplished and all expanses of the
convention paid with 1703. the amount con.
trlbuted by the convention league of Cin
cinnati. The fusionlsts buncoed Sioux
Falls out of ?5G00, which will make their
delegates cost over J20 a head. I should
judge; but we were unable to get any
thing more than $700.
"Of coarse, all of us who have done the
(or Little Vet) River.
"Hunter reports that Barton's brigade
was heavily engaged this morning two
miles north of Rooldam.
"The enemy's position was quite four
miles long, and strongly held. He states
that our men marched magnificently and
carried ridge after ridge In grand style.
Casualties in this fight in Hamilton's and
Hunter's brigades will be reported as soon
as possible.
"Captain Miller, who was taken prisoner
near Thabanchu, has been sent to Bundle's
camp by the enemy with a severe wound
In the abdomen. Brabant reports that
one sergeant and three men were cap
tured on May 2 while on patrol, and that
one of them, who had been brutally ill
treated and left for dead by the Boers,
was found the following day.
"Lieutenant L-lely, Victoria Mounted
Rifles, reported missing, was found at
Brandfort dangerously wounded, and has
been most carefully attended by tho
Netherland ambulance,"
Account of Pole-Carevr's Progress
Toward the Xorth.
VET RFVER, Sunday. May 6. Tester
day the British, after a long march, en
countered the Boers holding Vet River
with six guns, two being of long range.
An artillery duel ensued. Meanwhile
General Hunter, after a sharp engage
ment, crossed the river on the left just
before sunset. The Boers retreated dur
ing the night.
General Pole-Carew started at daybreak
yesterday on a 19-mtle march. He first
came In contact with Boers holding the
river at 1 P. M. The British soon had two
batteries in action and later he added two
naval nine-pounders, two 4.7 and five-Inch
siege guns. The Boers fired with great
accuracy and the duel continued una
bated with a terrible din, until sunset,
and even later there was desultory firing. ,
It Is marvelous that nobody on the Brit
ish side was Injured.
General Hutton started early to find the
drift on the west. When this was dis
covered it proved to be strongly held and
protected by two guns.
i iiuusiuu wireu inai me re Dels were
massed eastward and that he bad made
a demonstration the previous day with
j two guns, inflicting great loss. -One of
the native auxiliaries was killed."
I The Colonial Office announces that, in
addition to the Lagos constabulary, rein
forcements have been- sent to Sir Fred
' erick Hodgson from the Sierra Lrtone
( frontier police and from the West African
inmuer ponce, m nortnern and southern
If They Don't Accept John Wesley's
Religion Mast Quit Methodism.
CHICAGO, May 6. The report of the
Constitutional Commission to the Meth
odist General Conference, whloh will
probably be presented this week, will call
for the continued maintenance of the re
ligion of John Wesley. The episcopacy
may be abandoned and other constitu
tional features changed, but the articles
of religion, the doctrines of the churchy
are to be retained In their purity. The
heretic of the future must, leave the
church as he has done In the past. Meth
odism will not accept any departure from
the theology of the fathers.
Tho changes In the section of the Book
of Discipline devoted to the General Con
ference are very slight and In the direc
tion of the amplification. The com
mission anticipating equal lay represen
tation, has Incorporated it In the proposed
Four questions of popular interest may
be brought up during this week, namely,
the amusement question, the five-year
limit of pastorates, the consolidation ol
the Christian Advocates and the con-
solldatlon of the benevolent societies.
Elections may come about May 15. Many
delegates occupied local Methodist pulpits
tlonal convention at Sioux Falls this week. 1 nrellmmarv work hvo rcorL-ori it hn,r
The programme of the leaders, so far as remuneration, and we have had to dls
leaders of the Populists can lay pense with music aar all extras, and limit
out the work for a convention, ourselves to bare nfoe-.sitipct ni rro. r
I contemplate the nomination of Bryan here for business and not to cut t awail.
without nominating any one for" sec- I and propose to do the best we can But
ohd place. The convention. It was stated. It does make us a little angry to have
would be askoxi t0 name a committee to the fusionlsts parading such a statement
attend the Democratic and Silver Repub- j before the public and people to be
Ucan conventions in Kansas City. This , lieve that we have a barrel of money 1
body will be empowered to ratify the nom- , wrote Senator Pettigrew the facts over a
lhatlon of the two parties, which are ex- , week ago, and asked that he Kpt u rii?ht
pected to agree on a National ticket, but
In case of their failure to put up a sat
isfactory running mate for Mr. Bryan It
will be authorized to name a Populist can
didate. The object In giving such extensive .pow
ers to a committee. It was Intimated, was
fthat the party might hold a club over
the Democratic party to insure the re
affirmation of the Chicago platform. As
surances were declared to have been given
that this would be done, In which case' It
was said nothing stood In the way of a
satisfactory fusion of all three parties,
thus avoiding the "Tom Watson" mis
take" of 1SS6.
Dcfa-alting; Treasarer Captared.,
MINNEAPOLIS. May- 6. Gebhardt Bon
gard, the defaulting Treasurer of Carver
County, who disappeared February 14. was
The British i odaf rantnrprt if Old V TV T hv -i
speedily engaged the Boerst who enfiladed Minneapolis detective. .
but up to this time I have heard nothing
from him. It does seem strange that any
man holding an office, secured at the sacri
fice of his party's purity and ndepen
dence, should throw out slurs at other
people who do not see things as he does.
Senator Pettigrew is up for re-election in
South Dakota this year, and I do not
think it will help his chances much to
throw mud at true Populists."
Mid-Road Popallsts Rldlcale the
Sloax Falls Fanlonlsts.
CINCINNATI, May 6. The advance
workers of the National convention of the
Mlddle-of-the-Road Populists, which meets
here next Wednesday afternoon, arrived
today. They are all opposed to fusion and
almost everything else that has any con
nection with other political parties. They
all claim they represent a large majority
of the People's party, that the conven
tion at Sleux Falls will contain a minority
of delegates, as over two-thirds of the
delegates were Instructed by their states
for the Cincinnati convention, which will
keep in the middle of the road, and not
be sidetracked In the interest of anybody
or any party. They call attention to
the fact that their caU Is in accord with
the Omaha law of 1S92, excluding all
office-holders, and charge that the Sioux
Falls convention Is In charge of Senators
Butler, Allen and Pettigrew and other
office-holders the samn as Republican and
Democratic conventions.
"It Is well recognized by all people."
said J. O Parker, secretar- of the Na
tional -pip4'' ol lie 7.dd.sakti'-.
Illinois nopnbllcnni.
PEORIA, 111., May 6. The Republican
state convention will convene here on
Tuesday. Hundreds of politicians are al
ready on the ground. Two factions are
struggling for control the CuKom fac
tion and the Tanner-Hanecy faction. Sen
ator Cullom Is here In person. If hia
friends are In control the convention will
cither name him as the party's candidate
for Senator or Instruct for him for the
VIce-Presldentlal nomination. Judge Han
ecy declares he will be nominated for
Governor on the first ballot.
"Weaver Not for the Cabinet.
CHICAGO, May 6. General James A.
Weaver, of Iowa, was In Chicago today
on his way to Sioux Falls, to attend the
National Populist convention. Asked
about the statement attributed to him
while at Indianapolis recently that, In case
of the election of Mr. Bryan, he expected
a Cabinet portfolio, he. said he had never
made such a statement; that the report
was.absurd, and that those; who knew him
best knew that he was Incapable of mak
ing such a remark.
Rooievelt to Go to St. Paal.
NEW TORK, May 6. Governor Roose
velt has accepted an Invitation to be a
guest of honor at the National conven
tion of Republican Clubs to be held at
St. Paul Minn. July 17. IS and 10. He
will nrababljr moke a speech.
The CroTra Prince Has Acqnlred Cat
paclty to Ascend German Throne
la Case of Vacancy
BERLIN, May 7. Yesterday being th
third and last day of the festivals 1a
connection with the celebration of the
coming of age of the Crown Prince, fit-
tingly capped the climax. The downtowir,
streets were crowded, nearly th en
tire Berlin population turning out and;
several scores of thousands coming from
the outside. At 7 A. M. the two emper
ors, attended by a gorgeous retinue, wera
present at a special Imperial mass. Frost,
the church both drove to the Sieges AUea
for the unveiling of the statue of Emperor
Sigismund. The statue was particularly;
fine, and the ceremony was beautiful
Then the emperors drove back to th&
castle, where at 10 A, M.. Emperor WJJ.I-,
lam and the Crown Prince received the
congratulations of the special mission,
including that of United States Ambassa
dor White, who made a short speech
first addressing the Emperor and present
ing congratulations from President Mc
Klnley. The emperor rejoined in a pleas
ant speech, saying he was very much,
gratified, and that the sentiments ex
pressed by President McKlnley were cor
dially reciprocated by both himself and-,
his son. Mr. White then turned to the
Crown Prince and made another brief
speech to the same purport.
Soon after occurred the symbolic ser
vices in the castle chapel, whereby the
majority of the Crown Prince was de
clared. The scene was most Impressive.
Emperor Francis Joseph and the German
Empress led the way, Emperor William
with the Grand Duke of Baden following;
Next came the youngest imperial child,
and then the Crown Prince and the
Italian Crown Prince.
Others present were the chief accredited
missions, all the princes, the Imperial
Chancellor, Prince von Hohenlohe, the
members of the Bundesratb, Knights of
the Order of the Black Eagle, generals,
admirals, members of the cabinet; officers
of the R6lchstag;, officers of the Prussians
Diet, regimental' delegations, etc.
After singing by the cathedral choir and
a discourse by the chief court chaplain,
came the most impressive part of the cer
emony, the taking of the oath b
the Crown Prince. In front of the pul
pit stood a tall soldier with a. drawn,
sword. Across the altar was laid the
flag of the Life Company of the First
Guard Regiment. The Crown Prlnco
raised two fingers of hls naked, right
hand and placed his left upon the flag.
Then Lleutenant-General von Flessens
pronounced the oath which the Crown
Prince repeated sentence by sentence ia
a resonant voice. The oath was very
precise, stringent and comprehensive, the
Prince vowing to be faithful throughout
life to the emperor In all military com
mands on land or sea.
The oath having been concluded. Em
peror William shook his son's hand and
kissed him twice upon the cheek. The
Crown Prince then kissed the Emperor3
hand, after which the ceremony came
to an end with the slngjng of the old
Holland hymn, "William of Nassau."
Outside In the Lustgarten, the First
Life Guard's field artillery gave a salute
of 21 guns and the entire congregation
s'owly filed out of the chapel, to reas
semble In the famous white hall, there to
be presented to the Crown Prince.
Among those tendering congratuatlons,
special prominence attaches to the Presi
dents of the Senate of Luebeck, Bremen
and Hamburg, and also to the represen
tatives of the municipality of Berlin, who
presented a magnificently executed ad
dress. Emperor Francis Joseph has appointed
the Crown Prince to be chief of a Hus
sar regiment. He also presented to the
Crown Prince a fine portrait of himself
as a Russian field marshal.
By virtue of yesterday's ceremony, the
Crown Prince has acquired tho capacity
to succeed to the throne. If, from any
reason, the throne becomes vacant, and
he can now claim a suitable allowance
from the crown funds. He has also be
come Governor of Pomerania and Prince
of Oels, a post carrying large revenues'.
Tho Berlin press today publishes an,
enormous quantity of material about the
Crown Prince, biographical "and other
wise, describing him as a "most sym
pathetic youth," as "earnest, unaffected,
modest," and as "filled with a strong
sense of duty and sound in body and
At 7 P. M. began the gala dinner to
which United States Ambassador White,
with the other Ambassadors, had been
invited. Tho company Included only
about a score of ladle3, the Empress and
the' Princesses. The dinner was a gor
geous affair. The and played a selec
tion from Sir Arthur Sullivan's "The Lest
Chord," which was a special compliment
paid to the Duke of York.
Emperor William proposed the health
of Emperor Francis Joseph In a finished
speech. He dwelt upon the honor and
joy of the visit of hl3 Imperial guest,
elaborating upon the desire of the Ger
mans to maintain peace, but he refrained
referring to the Drelbund.
Emperor Francis Joseph, replying, read
from manuscript his remarks being under
stood only by those In h!s Immediate
vicinity. However, the general Impres
sion was that the answer was not polit
ical. During the banquet Mr. White sat next
to the British Ambassador, Sir Fran's
Lascelles. General comment was occa
sioned by the fact that Cardinal Kopp, in
his scarlet robes, was present.
Shortly before 10 o'clock, Emperor Fran
cis Joseph, with Emperor WilUam. drove
swiftly down through Brandenburg gate,
the populace greeting the Imperial pair
with thunderous hurrahs. Anhalt station
was reached promptly at 10 o'clock, and,
after a cordial leave-taking, vthe Austro
Hungarlan ruler departed.
The Illuminations surpassed anything
known here for years.
Suitable ceremonies in connection with
the celebration of the coming of age of
the Crown Prince of Germany are report
ed from Cologne. Kiel, Wllhelmshaven and
a number of cities.
There have been many serious accidents,
owing to the overcrowding of the streets
during the festivities. One of the victims
Is Frau Agnes Sorma, the actress, whose
carriage collided with another vehicle,
throwing heroutand seriously Injuring her.
Statne of Thomas Jefferson.
BERLIN, May 6. Today there was
shipped a magnificent statue of Thomas
Jefferson, intended for Louisville. The
American artist, Mose3TEzeklel, Is the
Bernhardt and Coqnelln,Comlag'.
PARIS, May 7. Madame Sarah Bern
hardt and M. Coquelln, It Is announced,
will make a tour of the United States, t9
last six months.
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