Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 05, 1900, Image 1

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VOL. XL. 2sT0. 12,291.
i! I
ALL kinds of rubber GOODS FOR CAFE A'OMEU
Goodyear Rubber Company
F. IL PEASE. VlccPro. and Manager 73 and 75 Rnt Si. Portland. Or.
Furs! Furs! Furs!
Manufacturers of Exclusive Novelties In Fine Furs, ALASKA
OUTFITS In Fur Robes, Fur Overcoats, Caps, Gloves,
Moccasins, etc. Highest price paid for raw furs.
Oregon Phone Main 401 126 SECOND ST., near Washington
Established 1S70.
fifth and Washington Streets . . PORTLAND, OREGON
First-Onus Chccic Restaurant
Connected AVith Hotel.
Shaw's Pure Malt
The Condensed Strength and Nutriment of
Barley and Rye
HI BlUmaUer & HuCh, HO
L Charles Hotel
American and European Plan.
st a Word About Portraits
FIRST LIKENESS: Our Photos are true to life.
SECOND FINISH: Carbon In all colors. Platinum (the real thing) and the
ordinary dull finish.
THIRD PERMANENCY: AH of our work Is guaranteed not to fade.
And our prices are just right. Come In and look around.
KRAUCH, Portland's Progressive Photographer
N. W. Cor. Seventh and Washington Sts.
N. B. Duplicates from negatives made by Mr. Hyland can bo had In all fin
ishes at reduced rates.
Good Beds for the Night If desired, all for $1.00
Floor, Oregonian BIdg. king & compton
Surreys and Light Carriages
We have just received
and Dusters cvcrrshown on
"Mannish" Style,
Made In Kibo Kid,
Brown Kibo Calf, and
Box Calf.
Hand-sewed welt
extension edge, low
custom heel.
Oregonian Building
- Frank Drug. Co.wSS;ur.
Rooms Single 75c to 51.50 per day
Rooms Double $1.00 to $2.03 per day
Rooms Family 5L50 to $5.00 per day
Fourth Street
Sole Distributers for Oregon
C T. BELCHER. Soc and Treas.
American plan $1.25. $1-50, tt.75
European pian 50c. 75c. $1.03
(Formerly Hyland's)
the finest line of Robes
the Pacific, Coast
Do you feel tired and cross and
Irritable? Does your head ache
and your eyes feel heavy? Does
reading, "writing or working seem
a burden? Does everything go
wrong -with you and -wear upon
your nerves and patience until you
feel blue and discouraged? Ten
chances to one It Is all caused by
eyestrain. A slight defect causes
constant effort upon the nerves and
muscles of the eye that -will In time
make the best-natured person In
the world nervous and fretful.
Glasses will prove a blessing and
a relief.
Eye Specialist
1s3 sixth street
oregoxlax butldixq
Roberts' Army is on the Way
to Pretoria.
British Troops Are at the Crossing:
ef the Vet Eacomater "With the
Irish-American Brigade.
LONDON, May 5, 4:05 A. 21.-Tho
Mounted Infantry -with Lord Roberts,
among which are the Canadians, have
picketed their horses on the south bank
of tho Vet River, 18 miles north of Brand
fort. The head of Lord Roberts columns
has thus advanced 32 miles from Karee
Siding in two days, or 53 miles north of
Bloemfonteln. Little powder was spent.
The British work was hard marching, the
Boers retiring out of the reach of the
British in the hills.
Tho "War Office issued the following
from Lord Roberts, dated Brandfort, Fri
day. May 4:
"The Mounted Infantry have gone on
to the Vet River. The rest of the force
will march there tomorrow. The railway
has been repaired to this point.
"Hunter reports very satisfactory news
that the passage of the Vaal has been
carried at Windsorton without opposi
tion." The correspondents supplement Lord
Roberts' plain statement with a few de
tails. As General Hutton. with the first
Mounted Infantry brigade, drew near
Brandfort, he saw a khakl-clad body of
troops ahead of him. He was surprised,
but thought they must be the British.
Soon, however, they opened fire upon the
British, who replied heavily. They were
tho Irish-American brigade from Lou
renco Marques, and it Is reported that tho
Irish lost heavily.
The Boor flag was flying over Brand
fort as tte British entered the town. Sev
eral British wounded were found in tho
hospital. The Boer Postmaster gave up
tho keys of the public buildings to Cap
tain Ross.
Lord Kitchener arrived at Brandfort at
noon, and Lord Roberts at dusk.
General French's cavalry are sweeping
tho country northward. The expectation
is that the Infantry will be continued to
ward Kronstaad.
Although no prisoners were taken, and
although no hot pursuit was attempted,
tho news greatly cheers London. Never
theless, it has not been received wth the
fine rapture that attended the first suc
cesses of Lord Roberts.
General Hunter's crossing of the Vaal
at "Windsorton brings the relief of Mafe
klng, 155 miles beyond, almost within a
calculable Interval. It Is now regarded
as quite possible that Mafekimr may be
succored before the Queen's birthday.
The debate In Parliament on the Splon
kop dispatches proved a disappointment
to the supporters of the government. The
Ministerialist papers confess to a certain
amount of Inconsistency and weakness In
tho. statements of the spokesmen of the
government. On the other band, as the
Standard points out, the opposition pro
fess to be satisfied with tho debate, as
they believe it has rendered Lord Lans
downe's continuance at the War Ofllca
Wepener Is to be garrisoned with a
strong force from General Chermslde's
British Gannern at "Warrenton
Forced the Boers to Retreat.
WARRENTON, Cape Colony, May 4.
The British six-Inch wire gun opened un
expectedly on the Boor laager yesterday
at a distance of 7 miles, throwing 100
pound shells with wonderful accuracy,
and causing the hasty retreat of the
burghers. The bombardment was con
tinued today at all points, with Howitzers
and field guns, supported by two com
panies of the Munster Regiment, the Boers
being driven from shelter and their guns
being put out of action.
"With Brabant's Division.
BRABANT'S CAMP. Tuesday. May L
OJy runner to Mafctcng.) Brabant's di
vision now occupies a strong position on a
range of hllla on the Ladybrand road,
about 30 miles from Wepener. The troops
are confronted by a large force of Boers,
who recently occupied Wepener and who
have now been located in the mountains
known as Zwartlapberg.
Xatnl Boers Shift Their Gnns.
LADTSMITH. May 4. The Boers have
shifted their guns on the range of hills
facing the British front at Eland's Laagte.
and have posted a "Long Tom" on a hill
In the direction of Wesselsnek.
Telegraph Company Forced to Pro
duce Copies of Messages.
FRANKFORT, KyTTMay 4. Hearing of
evidence In the case of W. H. Cu.ton,
charged with complicity In the Goebel as
sassination, was resumed today. Captain
J. F. Howe, a Barboursvllle military offi
cer, testified that Caleb and John Powers
came to him 10 days before the assassina
tion and tried to get him to bring his
company to Frankfort, disguised as citi
zens. He declined to do so unless or
dered by Governor Taylor, and no orders
came until after the assassination of Goe
bel, on January 30.
Colonel Jack Chlnn, who was walking
with Goebel when the latter was shot,
stated that he was sure the shot was fired
from the Executive building.
Ed Steffe, who was standing on the por
tico in front of the statehouse, saw Goe
bel fall. Immediately after the shot, he
looked toward the executive building and
thought he saw the barrel of a rifle point
ing out of the window of the office of the
Secretary of State. The rifle was drawn
in and the window closed.
In cross-examination, Steffe said that
after the shot was fired he thought he saw
a little smoke rising above the window at
which he saw the rifle.
In the afternoon, the question of com
pelling the telegraph companies to produce
copies of telegrams sent or recehed by
the accused was argued, the companies
having pleaded that such telegrams wera
privileged. Arguments were heard from
attorneys for the telegraph companies as
well as counsel in the case. The court
ruled that the writ should bo amended so
as to apply only to messages bearing on
the Goebel assassination. Mrs. Anderson,
manager of the Western Union at Bar
boursvllle, read a lot of telegrams to and
from the defendants, all relating to the
excursionists of last January.
At the eight sitting of court, ex-State
Auditor L. C. Norman testified that "prior
to thf assassination he overheard Judge
George Denny, of1 Lexington, say: "Some
body ought to kill Goebel, and Governor
Taylor ought to pardon the man that did
it." He said the tenor of Denny's con
versation was that Goebel's death would
save the lives of other people. Witness
communicated the remark to Goebel.
McKlnzIe Todd, private secretary to Gov
ernorTaylor, said he saw Culton and Tout-
sey at tho Governor's office several times.
He did not know Jim or Berry Howard.
He saw armed men around the Governor's
office the day of the mountaineer excur
sion. Asked if he saw any guns In the
office of the Secretary of State, the wit
ness said he saw two .there Saturday
prior to the assassination. Toutsey was In
the room and later picked up one of tha
guns and took a position near the win
dow. He asked Youtsey what he was
going to do. Toutsey said he thought
there was trouble in the legislative build
ing, and that "If it started he wanted to
be prepared." Toutsey said he would not
start any trouble, but would be prepared
to protect the building If it did start.
"I was In the reception-room of the
Governor's office at the time of the assas
sination," said Todd. "The shots seemed
to come from the west end of the build
ing. I did not know that Goebel had been
killed until John Davis ran in and told
us. I went with Davis to his house and
got a gun. We came back Immediately.
The door to the office of the Secretary of
State was opened while we were gone."
Private Dudley Williamson, who was
with the soldiers in the arsenal, testified
that they got marching orders one hour
before the assassination and were uni
formed and armed at the time of the trag
edy. The soldiers did not know what had
happened till they got almost to the State,
'Royal "Welcome Given the AHstrian
Sovereign by 'Germans.
BERLIN, May 4. Emperor Francis
Joseph, of Austria, has appointed Em
peror William Field Marshal-General of
tho Austrian army. The standard of the
Emperor qf Austria waves from the Royal
Palace in Berlin this afternoon, signify
ing that the ruler of the dual monarchy
has taken up his residence there.
Emperor Francis Joseph reached Pots
dam station punctually at 10 A. M. His
Majesty's reception was strictly accord
ing to programme. The weather was
I Ideally Springlike. The whole city was
In festal garb, tho verdure of the trees
and shrubs contrasting gratefully with
tho vivid colors of the flags, bunting' and
garlands strung from pillar to pillar.
The climax of decorative art was natural-
I ly reached on the route from the depot
through Bellovue Strasse, where Knuen
, stlerheim showed a splendid colossal bust;
thence to the Siege Alle, which evoked
, the keen Interest ot tho Austrian Emper
I or, who closely questioned Emperor Will-
irm, who was sitting by his Bide, as to
I the points of, interest; thence to the Bran
i denburg Gate and the Pariser Platz, Just
I behind where a triumphal arch 75 feet in
I height and with a green background en-
livened with gilt laurel leaves and heavy
I gold cords and tassels formed tho center
I of attraction. The arch was flanked on
both sides by towers bearing lage living
laurel trees. The center of the arch was
surmounted by a handsome draped pavil
ion. In which men in medieval costumes
sounded inspiring fanfares on long silver
trumpets as the Emperors approached, and
which played tho Austrian National hymn
as they proceeded onward.
The square fronting the arch where the
I welcome ceremonies took place was
I flanked by two grandstands filled with
l women In tho gayest Spring costumes,
j the space between ttis grandstands being
occupied by the municipal authorities and
other officials. Behind these were double
rows of obelisks, respectively 80 and 40
feet high, with masses of choice flowers,
the obelisks being connected by garlands,
masts between them bearing Hungarian
and Austrian streamers. The Branden
burg Gate was richly decorated, and pre
sented a magnificent spectacle. The
houses fronting the Platz were thronged
with spectators, many ot them armed
with kodaks. The route, especially Unter
den Linden, was crowded from daybreak
with eager and most good-natured sight
seers. There were no disturbances, the
police arrangements being comprehensive
In enforcing order and preventing danger
ous crowding. Arriving spectators after
8 were excluded from the route, which
was doubly flanked from the Siege Alle
to the Brandenburg Gate by tho Berlin
Veterans' Associations, many gray
bearded men wearing tho Iron cross. The
route from the Gate to tho castle was
lined with troops.
Emperor William was clad in a gorgeous
Austrian Field Marshal's uniform, with
cream-colored coat, scarlet trousers with
broad gold lace, and a black chapeau with
green feathers, and wore Austrian deco
rations. He drove down Unter den Lin
den to the station at 7:40 A. M., accom
panied by his brother. Prince Henry, who
wore the uniform of an Austrian Admiral.
His Majesty was cheered by the crowds
all the way. The train bearing Emperor
Francis Joseph arrived promptly on time.
The greetings between the two Emper
ors were most cordial, the monarchs em
bracing and kissing each other on both
cheeks. The Austrian Emperor wore the
uniform of the Prussian footguards, and
across his breast was a broad orange rib
bon with the Prussian Order of the Black
The procession passed through the Bran
denburg gate In the following order: A
squadron of the Garde du Corps, In black
cuirasses and helmets tipped with silver
eagles, preceding an open carriage with
magnificently attired outriders, in which
sat the two Emperors, flanked by aides-de-camp.
Then followed Prince Henry
and the Prussian Crown Prince, and next
j to them were the younger Prussian
i princes. Then came the Generals and
I state dignitaries. At the triumphal arch
1 the procession halted and Mayor Klrchner
delivered a speech of welcome. In which
he referred to Emperor Francis Joseph as
I the "trusty ally of the the first three
rulers of the newly created German Em.
plre." and as the venerable Prince of
j Peace, who had ceaselessly, zealously and
I successfully striven to preserve to the
j nations of tho world the blessings of
peace. The Austrian Emperor replied
J with a few conventional words, and the
Mayor's daughter recited "Wildenbruch's
I Ode of Welcome" and presented a bouquet
of flowers to Emperor Francis Joseph,
who shook the young girl's hand and
thanked her. There was a loud outburst
1 of cheering as the Emperor drove away,
i A short distance further the cortege
nassed several embassies, which were
I handspmely decorated. As Emperor WI11-
lam's eye met a largp star-spangled ban
ner floating from the "United States em
j bassy, and caught sight of the United
I States Ambassador. Andrew White, at the
window, with a number of distinguished
1 American?, His Malesty courteously
1 bowed, and then, turning to his aid-decamp.
Count Von Moltke. he ordered the
escort to proceed at a ranter. Arriving
In front of the castle, the Emperors re
viewed three of the finest Prussian regi
ments. Emperor Francis Joseph compli
mented Emperor William upon their ap
pearance, and then entered the palace,
where the Empress and the Prlhcesse?
were waiting to receive him.
To Tavest In Philippines;'
CHICAGO. May 4. A special to the
Tribune from Charleston. W. Va., says:
Articles of incorporation were obtained
here today by the Philippine Lumber &
Development Company, of Ch'cago,. with
an authorized capital of 55.001 COO. The
Incorporators are: J. A. T. Hull. Dcs
Moines. la.: John Gibson. Creston, la.;
J. S. Bradford. Grandville. HI.; Stewart
Spalding, Chicago; Frank Phillips, Cres
ton, la. The object is te obtain conces
sions in the Philippines;
Second Mining Camp in the
Slocan Country.
"Water Supply Failed and the Fire
Bnraed Itself Oat Aid Sent
and More Needed.
SPOKANE. May 4. A special to the
ijvjie3uiiui-.neit:w irinn JVaSlO, U. vj ,
Sandon. the second mlnmsr tntcn in im
portance in the Slogan hoc hpnn fnm. I
pletely destroyed by fire and nearly all Its
1200 people are homeless and ruined. Kas-
J lUM f jL"k" nWinhurqRoad
(j f tut JOCfiLul Rv Jl yT. yy v
T Wc'"? KKpterrjrtORrH
-j3zithmo-J II STtYttSBtfK .c'yp,a'ys, ff
' """ I , 1. JL' J" il" iy"' " "' J cyMzfieno pOatrfree ..
'iha above map shows the crossing of the Vet River, nort of Brandfort, where
Roberts' advance guard Is now located. This point Is 32 miles north of Bloemfon
tein. Roberts and Kitchener and the main body of the army are at Brandfort, IS
miles south of the Vet, but will reach the river today. Methuen's column, which Is
advancing northward from KImberley, Is at Windsorton, near Warrenton, where
they have captured the passage of the Vaal.
lo is 23 miles from Sandon, but about mid
night large clouds of smoke came rolling
over this town from Sandon. At once
word went out that Sandon was destroyed,
but no news could be had from the desu.
late town, as all wires had been burned.
At 4 P. M. a train came In from Sandon
bringing a number of those who lost all
their property. They reported that the
total loss was between $500,000 and J1.C00.
000, while the insurance could only have
been about $25,000.
The alarm was sounded shortly after
midnight, and quickly the streets were
filled with, hbndreds of men and women.
The flames started between Spencer's hall
and Brown's store. Two streams seemed
to hold the flames In check for a while.
Then one stream gave out and the flames
spread Tapldlj. After that It was only a
matter, of the Are. burning Itself out.
The miners' hospital and a drug store
were blown up In the effort to stop the
flames. By this time all the lower part
ot town, including the tenderloin and many
business places, were gone. Then the
firemen blew up the Echo Hotel, one of
the finest buildings In the Kootenay coun
try, the Canadian. Pacific Railroad station
and other buildings in order to save the
valuable stores of H. Geigerich and H.
Byers &. Co. This was accomplished. Half
a dozen other building at the extreme ends
of the town were saved. Including the
electric power-house. The rest of th
town was drawn into the maelstrom of
Relief measures were taken quickly.
The officials of Sandon- donated $5C0, and
mining men there contributed 53000. Kaslo
raised $1800 and sent up a special train
with large supplies of food, tents and
clothing. More relief is needed.
Antl-Fnalonlsts Controlled the State
FORT WORTH. Tex.. May 4. The Pop
ulist State Convention met here today and
held a very stormy session. About 350
delegates were present, but only 69 of tue
242 counties In the state were represented.
The Cincinnati faction, or anii-fusioniet
element, was largely In the majority.
Those who favored the Sioux Falls con
vention walked out of tho convention.
They did not hold a separate convention,
as .they were too few in number, but
they Issued a statement. In which it wa
aeserted that only one-fourth of the coun
ties were represented, and that the dele
gates had come determined to Ignore the
regularly constituted National convention.
The anti-fuslonlsts adopted resolutions
recognizing the Cincinnati convention "as
the only regular and authorized Populist
convention." and instructed delegates to
attend it. Samuel Ens, of Fort Worth,
and J. M. Malette, cf Johnson County,
were elected delegates at large. Thty
were Instructed to Mte for no man for
President and Vice-President who Is not
a straight Populist.
Gage Maj Xot Have Antaorlty to Fay
It Off.
WASHINGTON. May 4. At the Cabinet
meeting today, considerable time was con
sumed in discussing the new Hawaiian
and Porto Rlcan acts. Although the
treaty under which Hawaii was annexed
to the United States provided that the
United States assumes the debt of the
Islands, amounting to about 54,000,000,
there was some doubt as to the right of
Secretary Gage, under the Hawaiian act.
to pay off the debt, and It Is probable
that a bill will be issued in Congress with
a view to setting tho matter right. Doubt
also was expressed as to the right of
the Postmaster-General to extend the
postal laws to the Islands under the
terms of the act, and remedial legislation
will be asked in this case.
Secretary Root read a letter from Gen
eral Otis, In which he stated that h
would sail from Manila to the United
States May 5.
The appointments that are to be made
In Hawaii and Porto Rico were discussed
and It Is likely that several nominations
will be sent to the Senate soon.
Russia Secures a Coveted Foothold
in Corea.
YOKOHAMA. April 17. Vla San Fran
cisco, May 4). With the entire subsidence
of the immediate war scare, the Japanese
press and people are busy speculating
upon possible reasons for the frequency
and persistency of Russia's "demands"
on Corea. These demands are constantly
checkmated by Japan and yet it Is noted
that somehow Russia always comes out
of the diplomatic strife a bit ahead, with
some slight concession made to her for
her compliance In receding from her Ini
tial claims. In the most recent instance,
starting with her usual Impossible de
mand, her final compromise Is the ob
taining from Corea of a guarantee that
no part of the Island of Koche shall be
alienated at any time In the future. It
is noted that the terms of this guarantee
are Identical with those by which the
Tang-tse Valley became England's ac
knowledged "sphere of Influence," so that
Russia now has gained her point and
has an acknowledged "sphere of In
fluence" In the Straits of Corea, and has
gained a coveted foothold for a naval
station where she can plant herself as a
direct menace to Japan.
According to the latest reports. Marquis
Ito is losing his faith In the possibility
ot preserving the Integrity of China. This
faith has hitherto been largely founded
on his belief In his old time friend, LI
Hung Chang. But the day ot the latter
has passed. The Manchu Government
seems bent upon Its own destruction, and
It appears as If nothing can now save
It. This abandonment of hope on the
part of Japan's greatest statesman is
looked upon as one of the most significant
features In the present situation.
The empire will be the scene of an
other notable spectacle on the occasion
of the wedding1 of the Prince Imperial,
which Is now fixed for May 6. Every
town and village will participate, and
from everyone contributions have for
a long time been coming in as expres
sions of the loyalty and love of the In
habitants. An entirely new feature of
these gifts has been the almost universal
desire on the part of the donors that they
take the form of benefactions for the pub
lic use, a desire which has been counten
anced and stimulated by the Prince him
self and by the public authorities. As
a result. Innumerable public Institutions
In the shape of libraries, schools, monu
ments, parks, etc., will be established
throughout the length and breadth of the
empire. This Is notable as an entirely
new development of Japanese life, as pub
lic spirit has heretofore been almost en
tirely lacking. In this regard It is en
tirely possible that the recent accounts
of public benefactions by wealthy Individ-
Ttalc In AmftW? Vimra Vlfl on Affanf Hard
In the far off Orient. They have cer
tainly been widely commented upon by
the press, and have attracted groat at
tention. In national politics since the adjourn
ment of the Diet there has been little to
note, save the spasmodic attempts of
the Liberal party to obtain cabinet port
folios in return for the support given by
It to government measures at the late
session. Its manifest purpose being to
break down the civil service rules to this
end, it Is the part of the government to
preserve its Integrity, and It is. there
fore, a matter of great satisfaction that
there has not been and It not likely to be
any yielding to the demands of the spoils
The President Nominates Sanford B.
WASHINGTON. Mar 4. The President
i today sent the fillowlng nominations to
tho Senate:
t Lieutenant-Commander Samuel C. Lem
ly, U. S. N.. of North Carolina, to be
Judge-Advocate-General of the Navy,
with rank of Captain, for the term of four
years from June 4, 1900.
Sanford B. Dole, of Hawaii, to be Gov
ernor of Hawaii.
j Henry E. Cooper, of Hawaii, to be Sec-
. retary of Hawaii.
Search for Republican Vice
Presidential Timber.
Root, Lobk and Emory Smith as Pe
sibllltles Xcir England Behind
the Secretary ot the Navy.
WASHINGTON. D. C, May 4. It Is
said that a definite arrangement has beeK
reached that the Vice-Presidential nomi
nation la not to be forced upon Governor
Roosevelt, especially In view ot the fact
that he has declared that such actios
will meet a declination from him. Tho
nomination seems tp be drifting towards
some member of McKlnley's cabinet.
Root, Long and Postmaster-General Em
ory Smith are those mentioned. Root is
unsatisfactory to Piatt In New Tork and
Smith to the Quay people In Pennsylva
nia, ana neither Is considered available on
that account. Long's personality Is some
what against him, but New England 1
getting in behind him for the place.
The Iovra Platform.
Silver Democratic leaders here do not
attach any Importance to the fact that
16-to-l was not mentioned In the Iowa
platform,' saying that the endorsement
ot Bryan and the Chicago platform In
Its entirety is sufficient to place the state
on record In favor of silver without re
peating the language or the magic words
Consul-General at Yokohama.
The President has sent to the Senata
the appointment of E. C. Bellows, of
Vancouver, as consul-general at Yoko
hama. A Prune Investigation.
Secretary Wilson, of the Agricultural
Department, Is very anxious to do every
thing possible to Improve the prune In
dustry of Oregon and Washington and
Idaho, and with that view in mind Is
endeavoring to have an appropriation,
made to enable Professor Lake, of tho
Oregon Agricultural station, to be sent to
France to gather Information about the
varieties of prunes used there, and the
manner of picking and drying the fruit.
It is a well-known fact that the three
states named now have a prune Industry
worth 51.500,000. The experience of the
past two or three years lndlcatss that this
Industry Is In a precarious situation, and
to obtain the best results some varieties
of prunes will have to"S)e found which,
will avoid the Autumn rains, which are
not subject to certain diseases, and which
will withstand the cold season better. It
is necessary also that the entire question
of harvesting, drying and preparing the
prunes for market be investigated, so
as to secure uniform grades such as are
demanded In the world's markets. Secre
tary Wilson thinks that if the contem
p'ated Investigation could have been made
two years ago. the Improvement In cur
ing and marketing alone would have In
creased the value of the prune crop of
Oregon, Washington and Idaho by several
hundred thousand dollars. The Item ot
loss from Autumn rains Is to be avoided
chiefly by securing an earlier maturing
variety. A difference of 10 days In some
seasons Is said to mean a loss of perhaps
SO per cent of the entire crop. Not alone
Secretary Wilson, but the delegations
from the three states, are deeply Inter
ested In this provision of the bill, and wilt
use their best efforts to have the appro
priation passed.
Grazing; on Reserves.
Glfford PInchot, Forester of-the Depart
ment of Agriculture, and F. V. Coville,
Botanist of the same department, will
leave Washington for the West about
May 15, to make a personal Investigation
of the problem ot grazing In the forest
reserves. The restriction of sheep graz
ing In these areas has raised a storm o
protest from the wool growers, and pub
lic feeling In the West has become di
vided and Intense. A plan for an ex
haustive Investigation ly the Govern
ment was published a few weeks ago;
but the tour of these officials will be tha
first actual work In the field.
They t 111 be met at Holbrook. Ariz., by;
a committee consisting of A. E. Potter,'
of that city, who Is secretary of the Arizo
na Wool Growers Association, and J. Ev
Bark, of Phoenix, who represents the cat
tle and Irrigation Interests. They wilt
spend thee weeks in the Black Mesa
reserve and then visit others In Arizona.
The examination will be extended to other
Western reserves later In the Summer.
Xo Nevr Cases for Twenty-live Days
Quarantine Lifted.
SAN FRANCISCO. May 4. The steamee
Coptic, which has arrived from the Orient,
-via Honolulu, Is In quarantine. Last
Friday, when the vessel sailed from Hon
olulu, there had been no new cases oC
plague for 25 days, and the quarantlna
that has been on the ports since the mid
dle of last December was to have beea
raised last Monday by the Honolnhs
Board of Health, provided no more caae
of plague appeared.
Xatlve Party In Havrall.
HONOLULU. April 27. Via San Fran
cisco, May 4. The Board of Health has
I decided that If no further outbreak ofi
! plague occurs In Honolulu before April 39
all quarantine will be raised on the morn
ing of that date. The council of state ad
journed sine die on the 23d Inst, The most
Important happening of the session was
the adoption of a resolution, the principal
Idea of which was a request to President
McKInley to instruct the Hawaiian Exec
utive to appoint a new court ot claims
to consider all losses occasioned by tha
burning of Infected premises.
Although there has been no actual or
ganization of a native party In Honolulu,
everything Is tending In that direction.
The native element favorable to the mon
archy are the leaders In this movement.
At the same time a very large number ot
Hawailans who favored the republic and
cast their fortunes with it, are Inclined to
join this new movement and will probably
do so. The central plank In the platform
of this party will be to protect native in
terests. In other words, It will be anti
Republican, Democratic or anything elsm
in the field.
The Philippine Commissioners, who ar
rived here April 24, are enjoying their lew
days In Honolulu. The Hancock will
probably sail Saturday afternoon or Sun
day morning. Meanwhile the Commis
sioners will see as much as they can ot
the Island of Oahu, and they are receiving
many invitations to enjoy local hospitality.
The Macey Floated.
American ship William H. Macey, Cap
tain Groth, from Vancouver, before re
ported ashore at Cockburn Shoal and to
whose assistance the British warship
Forte, was sent, has been floated and haa
entered the harbor.