"Srl'i"!'?-:"' f'jrsoiws-.v -5o?? yyy pt"r;" qyW-' rkFTV --'-: r-J-'- THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, .APRIL 17, 1900. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Atnnaemrnis Tonirlit. .MAIWJOAU CKAND-Wlllle Collie la "Mr. Smooth." CORDRATS THEATER; Ctt'asnlntton Etxwt) "Suwmjeo Hirer." "Wm, Do BO Dats. Woo Hop. a very Innocent appearing Chinaman, who says be conducts a Chinese employment office, on the, East Side, was fined 1109 by Judge Henneeey yesterday for selling lottery tickets. Woo speaks a little plceon Eng lish, and In eloquent terras pleaded his In nocence, even with tears in his eyes. "Me no want to pay fine: no want to go Jail." he said, when the Judge asked him what be was going to do about It. He has JIM deposited with Captain Hoare, as ball, but averred that this did cot belong to him, having been put up by his "cousins." He was finally given to understand that he would either have to forfeit the five CI pieces, or board with Jailer Johnson for DO days, and he was then led below, where two of his countrymen are already doing 73 days each for the same offense. Kixds His Time Himself. Mayor Storey is In receipt of a circular urging the appointment of delegates to thetrans Hisslssippl Commercial Congrets, which meets at Houston, Tex., today, and will continue In session until the lift. He has also received a request to appoint two or more, delegates to represent this city at the annual meeting of the National Con ference of Charities and Corrections, to bo held at Topeka, Kan., May 18 to 24. The International Mining Congress also takes pleasure In informing the Mayor that he has been appointed a delegate to the next annual meeting, to be held in Milwaukee. Wis.. June 19 to 23. As the Mayor Is a candidate for re-election on an independent ticket, he has a little busi ness of his own to attend to, if he can set any time to attend to it. To Help the Sick. There Is nothing that so appeals to the humano Instincts In one as the physical suffering of the poor and needy. The fact that all the money contributed toward the Charity ball Is to go to the Good Samaritan Hos pital, Is In Itself enough to Insure the suc cess of the entertainment. Portland peo ple are always ready to lend their aid to such a project as this. And there Is every Indication that In the precnt in stance they will respond oven more gen erously than usual. Those who wish to purchase tickets will find them for cala at Woodard Clarke & Co.s. Practicino Without License. Another complaint pas filed against Dr. Paul Cromwell yesterday In Justice Kraemefs Court. It chaTges him with "practicing medicine and surgery without a llcenie." and Is signed by H. K. Sargent, attorney for the State Medical Board. The affi davit alleges that Dr. Cromwell had fur nished Mlnne E. Allen with a certain liquid, whlclS he prescribed for the relief of a certain infirmity. And charged the woman $17 50. Dr. Cromwell will be given an opportunity to plead today, when the case will be set for hearing. Belgian Hare Club. A meeting of per sons Interested in Belgian hares was held last evening at the office of Dr. J. R. Cardwcll, and a club was organized to promote public Interest In thoroughbred hares, and bring together breeders of such animals In all parts of the state. Dr. Cardwell was elected president, W. A. Crewson vice-president, J. E. Gantenbrin secretary, and L. P. W. Quimby treas urer. Other members of the club are: C. E. Kockwell. O. T. Wiley, II, H. Crew son. D. W. Ferguson. E. P. Shetland, L. Holman. W. W. Davis. Edw. F. Smith. Reception to Manila Nurses. A recep tion villi bo tendered Miss Lena ICllllan and Mrs. Mary C. Elinor, nurses from 31anlla, by the executive board of the Oregon Emergency Corps and Red Cross Society, at the residence of Mrs. Henry E. Jones, 19 North Seventeenth street. "Wednesday evening, from 8 to 10 o'clock. All members of the society, all officers and men of the Second Oregon Regiment and friends of the nurses, who have not lad an opportunity to meet them, are cordially invited to be present. Inouest Concluded. The Inquest on the body of Olaf Berg was concluded yester day. Berg died Wednesday of last week, on the East Side, from a cancer, which had eaten a great hole in his neck, and according to the verdict of the coroner's Jury, this cancer was aggravated by th continuous application of powerful caus tics. The State Board of Medical Exam Iners has the case In hand, and the evi dence has been handed to Justice Kraemer as a basts for further proceedings. Sick at Good Samaritan. Frank S. Dearborn, a well-known Salem book ar.fi stationery dealer. Is dangerously 111 at the Good Samaritan Hospital. Mr. learborn wan attacked with the rover five months ago, and never recovered. Ten days ego. on the advice of his physicians, he was brought to Portland ahd placed In the hos pital.' Mr. Dearborn is 37 years old. and Is the son of a pioneer merchant of Salem. Mant Were Registered. Over 130 per bous were registered yesterday by County Clerk Holmes and his deputies, making the total registration about 12.ZM. There re mains but four more weeks for registra tionample time to complete the work but people should not wait until the last day. The office will be kept epen every night. If necessary, but it Is hoped this will not be required. Well Known Here. Word was re ceived in this city yesterday of the death In San 'Francisco of IL Dutard. one of the oldest and most prominent produce merchants on the Pacific Coast. Deceased was well and favorably known by hun dreds of merchants In Oregon. Washington and Idaho, having carried on a comm'c Blon business in San Frttncisco elnco early In the s. Fusion Club at Pt. Johns. The first Democratic gun of the campaign was fired last night at St. Johns, when a fusion club was formed at an enthusiastic meet ing, which was a-ldressed by Francis Clarno and O. K. Fitzslmmons. Strong resolutions were passed, and arrangements wcro made for regular weekly meetings on Tuesday nights. Thiep Mat Be Insane. An old man. named J. C Mays, who has been arrested frequently for chicken-stealing. Is In the city Jail again, but the authorities will have him examined with a view to sending him to the asylum. A number of chick ens, found on his possession, were Identi fied by their owners yesterday. Free Librart Work. The library de partment of the Woman's Club wi:i meet Thursday, April IS, with Mrs. A. IL Brey man, 235 Hassalo street, at 2 P. M. All club members or any one Interested "n free library work, will bo welcome. The subject of having petitions circulated will be considered. The Demonstration of the Universal food-chopper, at Hones man-DeHart's store has been so successful that It vHI be con tinued one more week. All who are in terested In good cookcrj- should stop In and see this wonderful little machine In operation. Desirable Lots to Be Sold. On Wed nesday, the ISth lnst, at the County Courthouse, will bo sold lots 1 and 2. block 225, Holladay's Addition, at admin istrator's sale. This is very desirable property, and purchasers should take no tice. The Panst Show. We are now showing a choice lot of pansles in bloom, and Invite all lovers of these beautiful flowers to call and see them. Our display of bedding plants Is complete, Bucll Lamberson. ISO Front street. Both phones. Steamer Mascot for Lewis and Lake Rivers, and way points, will resume her former schedule Wednesday next, ISth Inst-, leaving foot of Alder street dally, except Sunday, at 3 P.M. Roses, 2 years, 25c: carnations, hello tropes, salvia, 32c dozen; pansles, verbena, cosmos, lobelia, 10c doz.; other plants also cheap. Burkhardt Bros.. 23d and Gllsan. Special Sale Turkish and Persian rugs at 175 Fourth street, Y, M. C. A. building, during the next 10 days, on account of crowded quarters. Bartlett & Palmer. Remember the "Cyclone" Davis meeting fnnleht. at Chamber of Commerce Hall. A special invitation Is extended to the ladles. J Republican Club Election. The bien nial meeting of the Republican Club of Portland was largely attended, at Jl Worcester block, last evening. An execu tive committee, consisting of one from each ward was elected, as follows: First. W. A, Storey; Second, Emmet Drake: Third. Charles D. Lock wood: Fourth. N. H. Alexander: Fifth. F. A. Bancroft: Sixth, J. L. DUnlap; Seventh, J. E. Court ney; Eighth, T. M. Edmunds: Ninth, Wil lis Fisher; Tenth, . C JamlMoa; Eleventh. M. Billings. The executive committee then elected T. M. Edmunds vice-president, C E. Lockwood secretary, and W. A. Storey treasurer. The elec tion of president was postponed until next Monday evening. Two Men Injured. James P. Marquis, a laborer, residing in Center addition, fell from the second story of the Doembecher furniture factory, on the East Side. yes. terday afternoon, and suffered a fractured thigh bone and broken arm. He was taken to Good San-.aritnn Hospital, where the fractures wero reduced. Marquis has a wifo and two children. Hermann Bach maun, a boatswain, was also taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital yesterday, suf fering from a broken leg.. While wrest ling with a colored shipmate, on North Front street, he was thrown heavily to the ground. His antagonist was not arrestee, as the police were assured that It was only a "friendly fight." First Run op Shad. A shipment of. Columbia River shad and shad roe, the first of the season, was received hero yes terday, from the Pillar Rock seining grounds. The largest of the shad weighed eight pounds, and there were a number of small ones. The early season has brought the shad earlier than usual, as they are generally not seen here till In May. Tho roe found ready sale, and the shad went off at 15 cents per pound, which Is as much as a fair-sized one will bring after a while. Sacramento River shad have been in market all Winter, but the Columbia River fish are much better. Dead Chinese Identified. The Inquest held yesterday on the body of tho China man, which had been recovered from tha river, near Morrison-street bridge Sunday, developed the fact that his name was Ny Ling. Several of his countrymen 'identi fied him by the effects found upon tho re mains. Deceased was a cook by occupa tion, and had been missing for about a month. His countrymen took charge of the remains. There was nothing to sug gest violence or foul play, and ho Is sup posed to have been accidentally drowned. The Regular Meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at headquarters. Noon Rest, beginning 81,2:20 P. M. Uubrellaa Repairing and recovering. Meredith's. Washington, bet. Eth and th. Tun Real Thing Bobby Bums fotos.' TO HELP AGED WOMEN. Cbnnnlnjr Tea Given at the Hobnri CurtU. The tea given at the Hobart-Curtls yes terday afternoon for the benefit of the Old Ladles' Home Society, was a nota ble success, both from an artlitlo and a financial p;int of view. A goodly sum wag realized from the sale of bonbons, etc, ard from rece'pts at the dojr. About 200 vlcltors were present, and the occa sion was a dellgh.ful toclil reunion. Many peasant comments were made upon the great beauty of the decorations, which were In charge of Miss Ella Stephens. Palms ard yucca converted the hall into a tropical garden whl'e the parlors were fragrant wl h the breath of Spring fiow c:s. great Jars of Hum halng b;en placed In every ava:lab e ncok and corner. Trail ing lnei mingled with thj ilch coloring of the Turksh drap:rioj, for tho rooms, owing to ths rare taste of Mrs. Curtis, lent thcmselv s easily to d coratlon. Mrs. Nau had a bo th wl h posters for sale; Mrs. Rcsa F. Bur e 1 a lemonade stand, ard Mrs. Alvord. Mrs. Hoyt, and Mrs. Roberts. n a tabl of home-made candy, which was particular'- popular with the guests. The following enjoyable musical programme, prepared under the direction of Mrs. R. Hoyt, Miss von Bolton and Mrs. Frank Nau, was rendsred, nearly every number belrg encored: Piano role "Karomenol Ce rot" A. Rubinstein M-ss Helen G'uen.erg. Song "Aloce" Storch Mr. Davli Halley Norrle, Song "A Spilng So e" It. liunllnct'jn Wcodman Mrs. Fbtcher Lynn. Violin Concerto. . p. 1W i.. de Berlot Mrs. Gus Kuhn. Song Selected Mrs. Raley. The dining-room was charmingly deco rated with white Macs great bunches of them baskets of pick peonies, and ferns, the color scheme being pink, white and green. The table was entwined with sml lax. Mrs. H. H. Northup, Mrs. A. H. Brey man, and Mrs. J. II. Page constituted the refreshment committee. Tea, wafers and bonbons were served by Mrs. Allan Wright. Mrs. C. E. S. Wood. Mrs. J. Frank Watson and Mrs. David Robertson. These were assisted by Mss Helen East ham. Miss Mab:l Maclcay, Miss Henrietta El.ot, Miss Virginia Wl son. Miss M'llss McCraken, Ml Mobil Parker and Miss Alice Strong. Many of the artistic pieces seen on the tab'e had been generously loaned for tho occasion by Olds & Sum mers and Andrew Kin. The supervision of the tea as a whole devolved upon Mrs. P. J. Mann, president, and her colaborers. the board of man agers, wh'se tact, courtesy and gracious spirit of hospital! y made themselves felt at every turn. si LIVELY FARCE COMEDY. Harry Corson Clarke Conilnjr to the Marqnam Grand. Harry Corson Clarke will appear at the Marquam Grand Theater Friday and Sat urday and Saturday matinee. In "What Happened to Jones." This Is one of the liveliest and most diverting farce-comedies of the day, and while It Is uproar iously funny. It Is pure In tone and Is en tirely free from all coarseness. It is en tirely free from anything that might be construed as offensive, and In the hands of Harry Corson Clarke it Is raised above tho usual plane of farce-comedies. There Is something so quaint and peculiar In Mr. Clarke's funmaklng, and his originality Is so marked and so striking that his un doubted ability and talent as a comedian has become fixed. This season he has surrounded himself with a most excellent company, and be has enlisted the services of several very beautiful and talented young women and somo rising young comedians, who alone would give a clever performance. Every member of Mr. Clarko's company was selected with es pecial reference to the part to be occu pied In the cast. The sale of seats will open tomorrow. i TIME TO CHICAGO CUT Twelve Hour. The new time schedule on the O. R. A N., effective Sunday, April 22, will shorten the time to Chicago 12 hours, and give a double dally service between Portland and Chicago. Train No. 2. leaving Portland at 9:15 A. M., beginning on the da'te named, will be known as the "Chicago-Portland Special." Its equipment will be new throughout, making It fully the equal of any train now in service from the Pacific Coast t tho East. The "Overland Express" will leave at G:20 P. M.. furnishing complete service both via Huntington and Spokane to the East, together Tlth the best of servic to all local points on the O. R. & N. lines. Ticket office. Third and Washington streets. '"i. EILERS PIANO HOUSE. For fine planoi and organs, seo Ellers Piano House, 107 First street. Dr. Bwsin, dentist. Til Dekum building. AGAINST THE FRANCHISE COMMITTEE OX STIIEETSS OPPOSES FnOXT-STREET SWITCn. Will Report to Conncll In Favor ot Granting? Prayer ot Remonstrance Routine Business. At an adjourned meeting of the street committee held yesterday afternoon It was decided to recommend that the franchise for a railroad on Front street be not granted. When the committee was called to order by Chairman Martin there were only two or three property-owners Inter ested In the franchise present, and none of them appeared desirous of having any thing to say on the subject. The members of the committee were of opinion that they had heard enough speakers on the question to furnish them with sufficient in formation to enable them to vote under standing, and as there was considerable work before them, it was on motion de cided that no further arguments would be heard on the matter of. the franchise. Ira F. Powers stated that ho was unable to be present on Saturday, as It .was pay day at his establishment, and he would like to be heard on the subject. Chairman Martin said that If Mr. Pow ers was allowed to speak, all who desired would have to be granted the same privi lege, and the wholo afternoon might be taken up with speeches for and against the franchise. As Mr. Powers had been given an opportunity to be heard once, the committee must decline to hear any more speeches on the question. The committee then proceeded with routine business to a finish, and there seemd to be an Inclination to adjourn without taking a vote on the franchise question, but finally a motion was car ried to take It up and dispose of It. It was decided, on motion, that a bal lot should be taken, and despite the ad vice of Councllmen present, not members of the committee, "to vote viva voce, and show their colors," the ballot was spread. AU the members of the com mittee, Martin, Cameron, Showers, Luckel and Hansen, were present. Auditor Gam. bell acted as tellr, and the result of the ballot was noes 5. It was decided to recommend that the prayer of the remonstrance against the franchise be granted, and that was the end of the matter as far as the street committee Is concerned. It Is generally understood that the report of the com. mltteo will bo adopted by the Council. Routine Bunlne-NR. The following routine business was transacted by the committee: A petition was presented nsklng that Madison street from Park to West Park street be Improved by macadamizing and laying a sidewalk on one side of tha street. As this Improvement te to be mad between Park blocks and must bo paid for by the city, some discussion followed as to the necessity for the work nnd whether funds for it were available or not. Shower stated that the street was In very bad condition, and In the Winter practically Impassable. On motion of Luckel it was decided that the Improve ment be recommended. A remonstrance against the proposed im provement of Northrup ptrcet was pre sented, and as It was signed by a consid erable majority of the property-owners interested, the fate of the improvement' was sealed, and no discussion was neces sary. Petitions asking for the extension of Vaughn. Upshur and Twentieth streets were recommended to bo granted. A petition from Mrs. Mutch, asking that a drinking fountain at the corner o! East Burnslde and Union avenue, bo1 re moved caused quite a discussion! The petition states that the fountain leaks and the water escaping caused a mud holo on petitioner's property. The matter was finally referred to the City Engineer for Investigation, a report to be submit ted at the next meeting of the Council. The matter of the extension of Tilla mook street, east fijom Its present termi nus to the county road. was. after some discussion, laid over tl'l next meeting in order to give tho committee opportunity to investigate the matter, Councllmen Jameson. In whose ward the proposed extension Is situated, offering to accom pany them. A report from the City Engineer recom mending the opening of an alley through blo'ck 28. Alblna. was adopted. It was ex plained that when the property was orig inally dedicated, the al'ey was provided for., but when the whole block was owned by one man he secured the vacation of the alley. Now some 15 people own parts ot the block, and they wish to have the alley opened. A proposition was presented to the En ameled Iron Comcany to furnish signs, bearing the names of tho various streets In the city. It was agreed that street sign are badly needed, and that the sample furnished seemed a very desirable one, but, after some discussion, the sub ject was laid over. A remonstrance against the proposed Improvement of North Front stiect was presented, and as It was signed by owners of 1G0 out of J5CQ feet of the property In terested, there was no chance for discus sion, and the Improvement Is killed. A petition for the opening and' extend ing of Kelly street, from Grovcr street to Seymour avenue, came up for con sideration. This extension cuts through Tcrwll'.Iger Park, nnd at the time It was asked for, Mr. Lohmlre Intimated that the people In that section would be will ing to bear the expense of opening the street: but rf late nothing has been heard of this p)an, and the probability Is that, if the street is opened, the city will have to bear the expense as well as have tho park cut up. Quite a lengthy discussion followed. City Engineer Chase stated that be was having a contour map of the park made, and was of opinion that Instead of a 00-foot street. It would be desirable to have a mu:h narrower one through the park. The opening of a 00-foot street would necessitate a cut of 12 feet or there abouts, which was not desirable. The matter was finally laid over until the City Engineer is ready to make his report. A petition for a change of grade at Esct Alder and East Thirty-fourth streets was placed on file, as It did not have signers enough to allow of Its- being granted. Tha City Engineer stated that the grade ought to be changed, as the present condition of the street Is just the reverse of what It ought to' be. There btlng a big cut at the foot of a hill and a light one at the top. If the names of one-third of the Interested property-owners can be secured to a pe tition for the change, it will be granted. A petition .from a Front-street Jlrm for leave to hang a banner four feet wide across the, f cot of Madison street, contain ing the name and business of said firm, was promptly refused. The request pro voked a spirited discussion, and It was the opinion of the committee that this grant ing of petitions for hanging banners across the street, to remain till they were rags had gone far enough, and a few more pe titions of this kind is likely to result In putting a stop to thi whole business. Death of Lieutenant Cyrns Smith. Lieutenant Cyrus Smith, an old soMltr. died yesterday morning at the heme o( E. S. Lamb, at the oM Tlbbetts place, on Mllwaukle street, after a lingering Illness. He had been In the Good Samaritan Hos. pital, but was moved to Mr. Lamb's house a few days ago, as he desired to die there, ho and Mr. Lamb having been Inseparable comQanlons through the Civil War. and ever since. Lieutenant Smith was a vet eran of tho Mexican and the Civil Wars, and his record as a soldier Is high. He woa First Lieutenant of Company B, Seventeenth Illinois Cavalry, and also was a member of the First Michigan Infantry, Mexican War. He served In some ot the hard-fought battles of the Civil War. When tho call was medo for troops in 1SC1 h was among the first to respond. For tho past five years he has lived In Port- ' land, making his home with his friend, E. 8. Lamb, who was also an officer of th; same regiment during tho Civil War. Mr. Lamb provided for him a little room near the mam house, where he lived In qt:lt For tho past few months his health fal el rapidly. At the last encampment of the Multnomah County ex-Soldiers' Assocla- ( lion, neia at Jiawtnornc springs, be was one among the few who represented tho Mexican War Veterans. He was TO years old, and had served his country well. He received a pension ot 212 a month from the Government. His only relative Is a brother, who Uvea In Montana. His wire died several years ago. He has no chil dren, and he regarded himself as wholly alone In the world. The funeral will take place this afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from F. S. Dunnlng's undertaking parlors, Ej: Sixth and East Alder streets, and Lone Fir cemetery will be the place of Inter ment. Members of tho G. A. R, posts of the city are requested to be present at tho services of their late comrade. READY FOR THE DOG SHOW Initial Portland Bensh Shorr 'Will Be nin Tomorrow. All preliminaries pertaining to the In augural bench show of the Portland Ken nel Club are now about completed. The building In which the show Is to be held, viz., the Cyclorama, on Third street, has been cleared of goods that had been stored In It, and Is now ready for the benches which are to be erected for the dogs. A more ideal building for bench show purposes Is not to be found on this coast. Ot over 200 dogs that will be on exhibition, not one will be subjected to the least draught the structure being round, and with but one entrance. It was at first thought best to hold the show In the Exposition Building, but upon careful in spection of the two buildings it was found that the Cyclorama was by far the best adapted for the purpose. Again., being sit uated In the heart of the business center of the town. It will afford people wishing to visit the show during tho day ever' op portunity to do so. It Is being decorated, and will present a very attractive ap pearance by the tlmo the show opens, which will be on Wednesday next, 'April IS. Many notable dogs will be here, their entries having already been received. From San Francisco will come some St. Bernards; collies from the kennels of Norman J. Stewart, at Amnas, Monterey County, CaL, and from the kennels of O. J. Albee, of Laurence. Cat. Mr. Allen owns the famous collie, Ormsbush Eman uel. Jr.. who will be present at the show. A good exhibit of cocker spaniels will be sent from the Redwood cocker kennels of San Francisco, CaL From San Fran cisco will also come the famous English setter bitch champion. Countess Noble, winner of about 40 firsts, medals and cups. She will not be a competitor In any of the classes here. From Victoria will come a string of dogs In care of Handler Frank Turner. Principal among these will be the champion fox terrier owned by Rev. J. W. FUnton. From Seattle and Tacoma will como a good string of collies, English setters, St. Bernards, pointers and others. In charge of Handlers George TInto and Dodge. Spokane is sending some English setters, pointers and collies. Another attractive exhibit will be the dogs now comprising tho string being shown In the Sound shows by Handler Thomas Howe, proprietor of the Oregon training kennels at Mount Angel, Or. It will be interesting to the dog-loving people in the State of Oregon to know that It was a Portland dog that won tho first prize, open class. In English pointers. The same dog. which Is owned by William Peaslee, also won first open and the silver cup for the best pointer In the show at the Seattle bench show today. In the English setter class, an Oregon dog belonging to Thomas Howe, of the Ore gon training kennels at Mount Angel, won first prize in open class and the hand some silver cup for best English settler In the Tacoma show. In the Irish setter class, still another Oregon dog won. Count Mach, owned by Mr. Tudor Tledcmann. won first prize In the winners class at Tacoma, and also won first In the open and winners' class and cup for the best Irish setter In tho show at the present Seattle show. Oregon has many other good dogs, and this show of the Portland Kennel Club will be the means of finding out Just where they are owned, and where they were bred. During the past three days many hand some silver cups havo been presented to the club. Among these, are the Herman J. Burrell memorial cup for the best fox terrier In the show, one from R. Lea Barnes, one from Messrs. Honeyman, De Hart & Co. for the best pointer dog or bitch owned In Oregon, one from Mr. Frank Thorn for best Gordon setter In the show, one from Mr. Harry Beale for the best English setter In the show, one from Mr. C. H. Lewis for the brst Irish water spaniel In the show, ono from Colo nel D. M. Dunne for Irish setter class, ono handiome silver stand cup from Mr. Frank Huber (class to be' decided), one silver tray from Messrs. Feldenhelmcr & Co., one from Messrs. Butterfleld Brcs., and another from the H. T. Hudson Arms Company. Besides these, there are many other special prizes of various denomina tions, principal among which Is the prize from Messrs. Al'en & Lewis ot rfO choice Henry IV cigars. The Northwest Arm & Bicycle Company has donated a. handsomo whisky flask, one nice Inscribed dog col lar from Harry Tease, one tobacco Jar from Mat Foeller; fr:m Leo H. Thlbeau one 225 oil painting; from E. W. Moore, one dozen photographs. From this it is readily seen that the prizes are many and beautiful. s Postmnater Hen-stock In Clinrjjr. A. B. Hemstock, the newly appointed Postmaster of Sellwood, has taken cha'Te of that office, and entered on the discharge of his duties. Ho succeeded Mrs. M. Prather. who had served a long time, but resigned. Tho postofflce has been moved to the iSellwood 7uildlng, on tho corner pf East Sixth street and Umatilla avenue. h UINEQUALED VALUES IN FINE BLACK FRENCH DRESS GOODS Our house is growing1 more popular day by day on fine Black and Colored French Dress Goods. Our su periority over other houses in the trade for carrying much superior goods than can be procured in any other house in Portland. Ask any well-informed lady who is accustomed to handle fine dress goods in blackand colors, such as we handle, for an opinion and a choice of stores for gilt edged dress goods. She will immediately reply, from her purchasing experience, that McAllen & McDonnell have no equals and no competitors in Black and Colored Dress Goods in Portland, Oregon. WE EXPERIENCE NO TROUBLE In introducing fine Dress Goods to the trade. We carry popular lines of goods, and our prices are always the low est for first-class goods. We lead, but never follow or imitate. This week we will offer extraordinary bargains in all lines of dress goods. mcallen & McDonnell Headquarters for Table Linens, Blankets, Quilts and Curtains 161-163 Third St, cor. Morrison, Portland 470-472 Commercial St., Astoria. This Is a central place, and will accommo date the people, of Sellwood. Mr. Hem slock Is well known In the district covered by the office, and there Is general satis faction that he took the office. It Is not always an easy matter to find any one who Is placed so be can take the office and run It In connection with his other business. It Is expected that the next movo will be to change Sellwood Into a mall station. Instead ot a postofflce. It Is thought such change will be a good thing. i m APRIL 22D IS THE DAY On which the fastest regular passenger service, Portland to Chicago, ever main tained, will be estabilsned. A dally solid vestlbuled through train via the Union Pacific Railroad and con nections, consisting of dining-cars, palace and tourist sleepers, free, reclining chair cars and buffet library and smoking cars, will make the trip In the remarkable time of TO hours. No other line does It, nor gives travelers through cars Portland to Chicago. For rates, tickets and sleeping-car berths, apply to City Ticket Office, 13 Third Street, Portland, Or. WHERE TO DINE. The Portland Restaurant, 3C6 Washing ton, near 5th, Is serving most excellent lunches and meals at very reasonable prices. Jaeob Doll L'prlcbt Piano. The latest Improved. Acknowledged to be best sold on easy Installments. Pianos rented, tuned ana repaired at lowest prices. H. Slnsheimer, 72 Third. Estab lished ISO. e Independent Candidate. I 'hereby announce m;self as an Inde pendent candidate for the office of School Superintendent of "Multnomah County, Or egon. A. P. ARMSTRONG. ' m m Salt Cases and Dagi At popular prices. Harris Trunk Co., Mor rison, near Second. ' The Steck Piano Tone. Thero Is a distinctive individuality to the tone of all the Steck Pianos which Is recognizable at once, particularly by the trained musical ear. It Is uniform In all tho Instruments manufactured by Messrs. George Steck & Co., and differs only In volume according to the size of the instrument. This peculiar "Individuality" of the Steck Tone lies In the fact that Messrs. Steck & Co. have succeeded where nearly all other piano-makers havo failed. In-producing a tone where on the one hand vol ume was not sacrificed to secure mere sweetness and limpidity, nor on the other were sweetness and limpidity sacrificed to mere volume. The Steck Tone, the result of years of struggle, of the constant efforts of Invent ive genius to reach perfection. Is a most happy combination of power with those musical qualities which are so delightful to the musician. It possesses a puro. delightfully refined, and one might almost say, crisp and pearly singing quality. It is warm, ex pansive, and responsive, to the most mi nute nuances of the artist's taste. It is at the same time rich, noble and sonor ous. It will be a pleasure to show you our fine assortment of Steck pianos, also other standard makes. ... We sell on easy terms, and will take your old Instrument In exchange. GEO. A. HEIDINGER.& CO. 131 Sixth Street Orenonlan Building , WALL PAPER Wholesale nnd Retail. Sample mailed free. Paints. OlU. BniAhK-i Contracting Palnttng and PaperhaBKlng-. Collier's anil Atlantic White Lead. 7c per pound. ERNEST MILLER, Decorator 127 Fint Street Phone 2922 Red "CYCLtOflE" DAVIS Of Texas, will speak upon tho political Issues at Chamber of Commerce Hall Tuesday evening. April 17, at 8 o'clock. All are Invited. SHEEHY BROS. ION SIXTH STREET. Bet. Washington and Stark. Phone Ited l&SOi KEW DESIGNS IX WALL PAP Painting, KalsoQlnlnr and "Wood Finishing. First-claw workmanship. Reasonable prices. FRED PREHN The Dekum Building. Full Stl Teeth Ji.oO GcM CTowrui 13.00 llrldr. Work ii.W Examinations free . Teeth extracted abao lutely without pain. CJcr. Third and Wa&hlnrton. STAMMERING Corrected by W. G. I-co Woods, San Antonio, Tex. Write him for pamph let and particulars. C.T. PREHN, Dentist Croini and bridge work. 131 Third St., near Al der. Oreron Tel. Clay 8a3. Vitalized air fur palnlei. extracting. FID C T RDftVIN ETE AXD EAR DISEASES. UK. U U UnUnll Mxnuim Lie., room. CI8-7. c & w. Xtpulc. Th new fold collar. n. & w. $12.50 $1 5.00 At either of the prices mentioned you may select from our stock a suit of clothes quite up to your Idea of what good clothes should be. Blue serges that won't fade or get out of shape, fancy worsteds In checked patterns and stripes, light or medium shades In ail wool tweeds and cheviots. I r I u U' raj If Largest Clothiers In the Northwest SOMETHING NEW1 Beusch IVledica. Spring Water Direct From the Springs In Columbia County, Or. This water contains potassa. mag nesia, chloride of potasaa. chloride of eotla nnd chloride of lime, and Is Nature's great remedy For the Positive Cure of Rheumatism and Kidney Troubles It heals and cures Internally and externally. It loosens the Joints In a very short time, and the old and stiff become young ngaln. It Is the great est BLOOD VUKIFIEK In the vorld, and most highly medicated wator known. Drink It and enjoy life and health. Price. 75c per gallon. For sale only by the Brunswick Bat want, 311 tfisfclagton St, Piitljol, Or. Tel. South 671. BLUESTONE SULPHUR For spraying, in all quantities. WOODAKD. CLARKE & CO.. Wholesale and Retail Druggists. Fourth end Washington Sts., Portland, Or. INDIAN BASKETS Alaskan and Oregon HR3. FROHMAN. 121 13th 51.. cor. Wash. vmmm AefablcPrcparationror As similating UEToodandRegula ting the Stomachs aEdEaweb cf Promotes Dlgcslion.Cheerful ness andRcsLContains neither Opium.Morpiiine nor liJincraL NotNahcotic. Stop cfOt&n-SXCZLRrCEX& Jipptrrmct -iMtrpw Sim: A perfect Remedy forConstipa tion. Sour Stornach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Fevcrish oess ondLoss OF SLEEB TacSimllc Signature of NEW "YORK. ggySggrJTlljTirjwJ. mt EXACT COpyOFWHAPPEQ. p5 trtjgfl KsgyJrS'ffiKcJftffif ' wHLra" WASHING WOOLEN BLANKETS Tfc fS" tnmr ta ! Vf.L.A . -"-""" ".-. "- BB1B HUH h 1.1 y--.fcMfcV4 uf-c ucaiiaj y w-v jwwi ui.ua.i u ou .. new, mate t soipy it wtna witef cr using Gold Dust Wasriing Powder ad toil i blial-t la It far hill in hour; then Iraply more It iround tad rob the soiled ipou; rinse In wirm wttr of the sine temperature the one In which you uh It, hint up la t vtrm place or sunshiny outdoor air and sec chat 1 soft, while blanlet ou will bare. Th tr. Ii Idn rraia Mr f. txakkt -COLDIX KULZ3 TOE. BOCSlKOIX Sost Cn ea r Mil v l TKC M. K. rAiaaajiic COUPAMT, CUesca. St. Loala, flaw Tart. DHka, OR I Single or double-breasted sack styles. A perfecf fit guaranteed In every In stance. If you have a boy bring him with you. Corner Fourth and Morrlton Stv acocaooesoooeaoooooe THE OREGONIAN PUBLISHING CO. IS NOW EQUIPPED FOR DoihG First-class Also... DESIGNina AND SAMPLES... ZINC ETCHING of Work and Prices upoa Application ooeoeoooooooooo Sampizs HfflRYBER6ERZrZ gLlkLgJr- L-S-r"-4! For Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of mny tears TMCCINTAURCOMMNT, WtWYOaKCITT. mk r-iS DC I to I o o - ariEuij Fn wa wm U For Over 'f H - . rJ II L 1 l ' -h J4V J - t -.,