-T THE MORNING OREGONLAN, SATURDAY. APRIL? 14, 1900. FUSION DEAL MADE Democrats and'Pops Unite on Electors and State Ticket. UNFAIRNESS IN SIXTH DISTRICT Agreement Violated In a Scheme to Deprive People's Party of a Jndge or District Attorney. FUSION TICKET. Presidential Elector Walter M. rier: (Dem.). ot Pendleton: Dell Stuart (Dem.). of Portland: Ernest Kroner (Pop.), or Portland; John Whlttaktr (Pop.), ot Benton. Congressman. First District Dr. Bernard Dalr (Dem.) of Lakevlew. Congressman. Second District State Senator William Smith (Pop.), of Baker CSV. Supreme Judge W. M. Ramsey (Dem.). of Salem. Food and Dairy Commissioner W. Schulmer leh (Pop.), of Washington County. With but a einglc hitch, the Democrats and the Populists, through their State Conventions, effected complete fusion on offlces" yesterday. The hitch was on the nominations fcr Circuit Judge and District Attorney In the Sixth Judicial district Bad faith on the part of the Democrats was the cause of the failure of ruslon on these two nominations. The agreement between the Democratic and Populist fu sion committees, which was adopted by both conventions, mada this provision for the Sixth district: Nomination!. In the Sixth Judicial Dltriet to be equally divided between the two parties. And there was this further provision for the settlement of disputes In all Judicial districts: We -sould also recommend that the nomination- fcr the several Judicial Districts be made a, Therein set forth. except that In districts there such nomlnstlons stall 1 unsatisfac tory: thn. In that eent. the said nomination chall be made by the Joint convention of such clstrtct parately by a fair and equitable di trlbutlon to be determined by said Joint dis trict conventions. The stumbling block In the whole busi ness was that the Umatilla- delegation came to Portland Instructed for A. D. Stlllman for Circuit Judso and T. G. Hallcy for District Attorney. Both are popular young men. and the Umatilla delegation was determined to get them on the ticket. There are two explana tions of the failure to fuse in the district. Hailey says fusion was prevented by a hold-up of the Populist delegation by R. J. Slater. Slater answers that he did noth ing to prevent a conference, but, on the contrary, exerted himself to his utmost to bring one about. Conference or no conference, the fact remains that the Democrats made nominations for both the Judgeship and the District Attorney's office, whereas they were entitled to but one place. It nl Is evident from the proceedings that the Democrats never In tended to give the Populists a place on the ticket. The result lends Interest to the attempt of Chairmas Pierce, of the Umatilla delegation, to strike from the last clause of the fusion agreement, relat ing to the adjustment of disputed nomina tions, the words, "by a fair and ecultable distribution, to be determined by said Joint District Conventions." Mr. Pierce Is a clever politician, a? they grow politicians in Eastern Oregon, and he was looking far Into tho future when he fought to head off "fair and equitable distribu tion" of the spoils. He realized If it came to that he would lose either Mr. Stlllman or Mr. Hallcy. and he did not want any fa'r or equitable distribution. He did not cuccecd In getting tho obnoxious words ut ot the agreement, and they are in It today. Furthermore, Mr. Pierce defeated the effort In the Democratic Convention late yesterday afternoon to refer the dis pute to the joint convention of the dls-trlc-e. RcdEcld of Morrow, secretary of the convention, made a motion to that ef fect Chairman Pierce said it was no use. the Populists would not confer: Stlllman said It was no use. the Populists would not confer: Hailey said it was no use. the Popullfts wojld not confer; they all shook their heads together, and said it was no use. the Populists would not confer. And so Secretary Rcdfleld withdrew his motion. The foregoing Is an entirely impartial statement of the manner In which the Populists were defrauded out of a place on the Judicial ticket In the Sixth dis trict They conflder the trick as being representative of Democratic methods In fusing for pfilce. and as an Inauspicious beginning for fusion. Mr. Pierce thought the Populists would meekly owallow tho SUllman-IIallcy pilL But they did not "When the 'Democratic Convention turned a deaf ear to their appeal for fairness, they promptly nominated It J. Slater for Judge "and J. T. Hlnkle for District At-, torney. The final act of fusion was enacted in the assembly-hall of the Chamber of Commerce at 4J P. M. yesterday, when between CO and 70 delegates of the Pop ulist Convention, headed "by W. TL King, cf Ontario, marched Into the Democratic Convention, and. with the Democratic del egates, formed an assembly of electors for the purpose cf nominating the candi dates put vp by the two conventions. Judge W. D. Hare, of Hlllsboro, presided, and A. E. Kcames. of Jacksonville, was secretary. After a characteristic Bryan lte speech by Judge Hare, the nominees of the two conventions, except those in the Sixth Judicial district, were declared the nominees of the assembly of electors.. Then there were three cheers for Bryan. Organization of the assembly. Judge Hare's speech and the cheering occupied 15 min utes, after which the Populists, headed by the general who had led them In. filed back tP Hlbernla HalL It ha been a foregone conclusion for months that the Democrat and the Pop ulists would fuse. But from the amount of talk there has been about It there was reason to expect more "spontaneous en thusiasm." as Judge O'Day would have it than was exhibited yesterday. All the enthusiasm was on the side of the Dem ocrats. They wanted the fusion and the ollires. The Populists were not so anx ious. To keep them In line required the untiring effort and unending watchful ness of "Will R. King, of Ontario, and Ernest Kroner, of Portland, the one with Eastern Oregon In his pocket and the other practically controlling Western Ore gon. There Is already much discontent among individual Populists. They know tho treacherous deal they got two years ago. and that they will get it again this year. CRAZY FOn FCSIOX. Democratic Convention TJsra Gate Lair to Get It. The wind-up of the Democratic State Convention ycoterday was noteworthy principally for the avidity with which the delegates seized upon fusion. The only protest against union with the Pop ulists came from Frederick V. Holman, of Portland, who pleaded for Democratic principles and Democratic candidates. He was Ignored, though the ripple of ap plause which resounded In the hall when he finished talking gave evidence that a remnant, however email and voiceless, of the old Democracy was still In the land of the living. Probably there would have "been re other protests In support of Mr. Holman, but to make sure that there would be none, tho convention resorted to gag law, and, under its beneficent lnflu. erce, fusion became the guiding star of Democracy True to his convictions, Mr. Holman refused to participate In the nomination of fusion electors: he declined the tempting offer of the chairmanship of the Multnomah delegation. He gath ered yp bl-j hat and coat and umbrella and wtiit out And he never came back. PLATFORM ADOPTED. Populist Doctrines on Railroad Lia bility Voted Down. When the convention adjourned Thurs day night the pending question was the adoption of the Populist substitute for the third plank of the platform relating to J hutcruicm oy injunction ana uamuiy ot . railroads to their employes. "Walt of Clackamas, demanded the reading of the original plank adopted by the subcommit tee of the platform committee, and of the substitute agreed upon at the conference , Detween ine enure piatiorm committee and the platform committee of the Popu list convention. "Have you the- substitute?" asked Chair man Chamberlain. "I have It In The Oregoniat, and that's good authority," replied Chairman Craw ford. Thereupon the chairman read the substl tut from The Oreconlan for the Informa tion of the convention. As the subject Is one of Interest and as knowledge of it Is necessary to full understanding of the discussion. The Oregonlan reprints the two planks. The plank reported by the plat form committee Is: We oppose government by Injunction and the blacklist, and favor arbitration as a means of settling; disputes between corporations and their employes, and recognizing the fact that a cor poration Is a creature of law. we believe and favor a reasonable supervision by state In spection of mines, machinery, manufacturers and railways, to the end that Injury to em ployes be avoided and life rendered secure. We favor the passage of a reasonable employ era' liability act almllcr to those enacted In other states. The substitute is: Resolved. That we are opposed to ginem ment by Injunction, as applied to labor trou bits, and strikes, and the resulting deprlval ot the right of trial by Jury to men who are charred with criminal acts. We believe In the passage ot an employer-.' liability act applica ble to railroad companies, similar to such acta now In force In other states, by which the doctrine of fellow service, and that an em ployer Is not liable to one servant for the negli gence of another, shall be abolished. And we atoo believe that where an Injury Is caused by the negligence of the master, the mere fact that he knew of the negligence and continued In employment should not defeat his recovery. And we pledge our members of the legislature to favor legislation along these lines, and also repealing or extending the limit of recovery for the death of an employe. We further favor a reasonable supervision and limitation by the state, of the operation ot railroad trains, and of the number of cars which may be hauled In a train; and a limita tion of the hours which the employes shall wcric without rest. We further believe that legis lature should pass laws by which the books cf a railroad corporation should be open to In spection by the proper officials of the state. so that a reasonable rate law may be established and reasonable wages be secured for employe,. Mr. Holman Objects. Holman of Multnomah opposed the sub stitute. He did not believe in a polyglot platform. He said the principle of put ting things in the platform that the con vention did not believe was political dis honesty and would get no votes. He would not undertake to say that the substitute was not wanted by the convention, but he did not believe In adopting It because some one else wanted it. He said the best platform was' the -Democratic party in its relation to the laboring people. The substitute was then voted down by a big majority, and the platform, as pub lished In yesterday's Oregonlan, adopted without objection. The following resolu tion was also adopted as part of the plat form: Whereas, The United States Is Indebted to the Pioneer Indian War Veterans of Oregon for the occupancy and conquut of this North Pacific Coast, serving In ths Indian wan ot this Cm it, from 1846 to 1S58, aa faithfully and rendering service as valuable as any volun. teers ever did In defense of our National do main. Whereas, After the lapse of half a century they have not received Just recognition, though It has ben promised at each recurring election for the last So years; and. Whereas, The chairman cf the House of Rep resentatives has now given oat that action must again be postponed: Resolved. That patience, ceases to be a vir tue, and In behalf of our aged Veterans, whose ranas are so rapidly awindllng away, we pro tect against this unjcetlaflable neglect and we anirm.thct no Veteran or his friends can longer vote the Republican ticket while ihnr nleriirxL often made and-long overdue, to pension .the wucniig o.a neroes, remain unredeemed by that party. Bryan Instructions Stnnd. The resolution instructing the delegation to Kansas City was called up by Craw ford of Union, who objected to trine the hands of the de'cgatlon. He said he was as good a Bryan man as there was in Oregon, but was opposed to Instructions on principle. Burke of Multnomah was In favor of Instructing the delegation. Then he pro ceeded to tell why he left the Republican party. He said it was because It had put up McKlnley on a wrong platform. "Ifwe don't have Bryan, whom will we have?" asked Burke. "Bryan," answered Judge O'Day. By practically a unanimous vote the del egation stood Instructed for Brian. Then three cheers, in which everybody Joined, were given for Bryan. To Exclude Japanese and Chinese. Gatccs of Multnomah offered a resolu tion favoring re-enactment of the Chi nese exclusion act Kelly of Clatsop wanted the Japanese put In the list He said they are a greater .menace to .the country than the Chinese. While the con vention was in exclusion mood, Hulchln of Multnomah moved to put the Filipino! in tho Index Expurgatorius. Kelly's mo tion went but Hutchln's did not. The resolution as amended and adopted reads: Whereas. The Chinese Exclusion Act expires in March. 1901; be It Resetted. That our candldateo to Congress be and they are hereby Instructed to use their utmost endeavors to hae said law re-enactel with an amendment Including Immigrants from Japan. The Fnslon Denl. Judge W. D. Hare, of Hlllsboro, an emi nent Populist, came before the convention and announced that he had been author ized by th Populist convention to say that it had indorsed the platform agreed Upon at the conference' Following Judge Hare's announcement the report of the conference committee on fusion was brought up. A copy of It was not before the delegates, and re course was once more had to the columns of The Oregonlan, whereupon Watson of Umatilla moved that the thanks ot the convention be extended to The Oregonlan for furnishing tho Democratic party Its platform. The report of the conference commltteo was published In full In yesterdny's Ore. gonlan in the proceedings of the Populist convention. 'Besides agreeing upon fusion. It divides the offices as follows: To the Democrats Justice of the Su preme Court Congressman in the First District, two Presidential Electors. To the Populists Congressman In the Second District Food Commissioner and two Presidential Electors. District Attorneys, Circuit Judges and Joint Senators and Representatives arc about equally divided between the two parties. The last paragraph In the fusion agreement reads: We would also recommend that the nomina tions for the several Judicial districts ! made as htreln set forth except In districts where said nominations shall be unsatisfactory; then. In that event, the said nominations shall be made by a Joint convention ot such districts separately .by a fair and equitable distribution to be determined by said joint district con ventions. The nominations of one convention shall be ratified by the other. Pierce of Umatilla moved to etrike out the words "by a fair and equitable distri bution, to be determined by Joint district conventions." Protest Aznlnst Fusion. Frederick V. Holman. of Multnomah, mads tho only protest against fusion that had been heard sincje" the deal with tho Populists was put under way. He eald: I was not present yesterday when the con vention adopted tho report of the committee on permanent organization whieh-recommended the appointment of a committee cf five to con fer wrta the ropullst convention to bring about a union of-forces. Had I been present I should have spoken and voted against that rec ommendation. I now oppose the adoption of the report of such conference committee and make my protest against any combination whatsoever by this convention with the Popu list or any other political organisation. The Democratic party is great enough and broad enough to take In etery vcter who la opposed to McKlnley and the policies of the Republican party especially en. the great issues now be fore the country and on which the' coming Presidential election U to be- fought It the Populists wish to support -Democratic candi dates let them do to. if they wish recognition let It be to them as Democrats not as Popu lists. Although I am a life-long Democrat for the past four years I have not been In accord with the majority- of the- Democratic party on the financial question; but I have been always and I am now a Democrat on the lines laid down by Jefferson and Jackson ana otner great leaders cf the majority of the Democratic party In the past I believe the Issue of free colnare of silver Is no longer a living Issue. It may not be dead, but at least It sleepeth. I desire, so far as I may. to contribute to Democratic success and the triumph .of Democratic- principles as I understand them and to support the Democratic candidate for President But I am a Democrat not a Populist This convention was called as a Democratic conven tion and to nominate a Democratic ticket net to nominate, support or endorse ropullst can didates as such. If there are any candidates to be chosen by this convention, let them be nominated as Democrats and only aa Demo crats. This convention has Just passed a resolution by an overwhelming vote Instructing Its dele gates to the National convention to support Mr. Bryan for President If you nominate, but half cf the Presidential Electors as-recommended by this conference report you are giving to Mr. .Bryan, or any other candidate to be chosen by the Democratic National Con vention, only half the support of the Democratic party of Oregon. Tou have no assurances, which in the nature of things can be relied en. as to whom the Populists will nominate -for President at tbelr National convention. And yet It Is proposed In advance, untight and un seen, to make two ot the ropullst tTesiaenuai Electors the nominees of this convention, and to try to force the Oregon Democrats to vote for these two Populist Electors without regard to who their candidate for Preoident may be. Tou may bind yourselves but you cannot bind the Democrats of Oregon. Fu-fon. as such. Is always bad both as to practical politics and as to political principles. If you are beaten at the rolls. you have but added to the bltternem of defeat If you are successful, your success Is a partial defeat of principles.. In either event you dis organize your party. Tou make success doubt ful by repelling those who wish to support the Democratic party and Democratic princi ples. Many men who were Democrats In the rast wish to act and to vote with the Demo crats now. Do not drive them away. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of this con vention. I appeal to you to vote down this con ference report When the Democratlo rarty has ruch a chance cf success In the coming Presidential election as It now has. do not throw away that chance by letting It appear that a vote for the Democratic Presidential nominee Is half a vote for the Populist plat form. Let us unite the Democratic party not disorganize It Let us fight for Democratlo principles, and not for the success of Popu lism In whole or In part Gag; Rnle Applied. Some applause greeted Mr. Holman's firm stand for Democratic principles. It represented the united efforts of probably a dozen persons. No one else arose to voice Mr. Holman's sentiment, and to make sure that no one should have an opportunity to do so, Schulmerlch of Washington appealed to gag rule. He moved the previous question, which was ordered. Pierce's amendment was voted down, and the fusion agreement adopted by a big vote. Thomas of Multnomah, Flnlcy of Linn and Veatch of Marlon wcru appointed to notify the Populist Conven tion of the action taken. Holman Refuses to Vote. Nominations- for two Presidential elect ors were called for. Dell Stuart of Port land, an ex-Republican, was nominated by Henry of Multnomah: T. L. Davidson, of Marlon, by Kaiser of Marlon; Walter M. Pierce, of Umatilla, by Watson of Umatilla. Pierce's nomination was sec onded by a dozen or more. Including Na tional Committeeman Townsend and Chairman Sheridan, of the State Commit tee. Consistent in his opposition to fusion, Mr. Holman notified hk colleagues In the Multnomah delegation that he would vote for four Presidential electors, ihe num ber to which the party was entitled, but not for two, tho number accorded by the fusion apportionment. Mr. Holman was remonstrated with, but to no purpose. Then he was offered the chairmanship of the Multnomah delegation, which he af fably declined. He adhered to his reso lution not to stand- in with the fnslon programme, and shortly after gathered up his hat and overcoat and left tne halL Judge Thomas O'Day said that Mr. Hol man would come back. But Judge Thomas O'Day was mistaken. Mr. Holman never came back. Pierce and Stuart Chosen. The ballot resulted In the choice of Stuart and Pierce by this vote: COUNTIES. i ? p S & 2- 2 O a : : :. jcflKcr , ii n . ... XitHtOrl 4 a. a. .... Clsckamas 5 9 4 4 Clat'op 3 3 6.... Co.umbla 5 .... &.... VOOS o 8 -.UTj . 3 3 Douglas 11 11 Crook 4 4 Gilliam 3 3 Grant 4 4 Harney 4 4 Jackson 10 8 .... 2 Josephine I. 7 Klama h 3 3 Lincoln 4 4 Lake 3 3 L'.nn : 14 .... 13 Lane 11 14 Marlon .. ....... 1 39 . a neu. ....... ......... 4 4 .... .... j ) rro w ........ ............. 4 4 .... .... Multnomah v.. 2? 3b .... 2 Po.k S 4 2 J Sherman 3 3 Tll'amook 3 3 Union TV li 11 Umatilla ... 10 11 1 w ai On a ...... ............. 4 4 .... .... Wasco 5 & 2 1 Washington 10 10 Wheeler 2 2 Yamhill 11 11 Total 241 2Cq 205 Supreme Judge. W. M. Ramsey, of Salem, was nominat ed by acclamation for Supreme Judge. J Mr. Ramsey has recently moved to Salem from Yamhill County. The convention adjourned. until 2 P. M. DALY' FOR C0GRE3S. Lakevievr Danker Defeats Captain IIeath, Spanish War Veteran. Ex-Senator Bernard Daly, the Lakevlew banker, was chosen tho Democratic and fusion nominee for Congress on the sec ond ballot at the Democratic Convention of the First district His principal op ponent was Captain Heath, a veteran of the Spanish and Filipino Wars. The con vention met in the Chamber of Commerce during the recess of the State Conven tion. R. S. Sheridan, of Douglas, was elected chairman, and E. E. Wilson, ot j Corvallls, secretary. vnpiain 11. u. iicain. lormcriy 01 com pany A, Second Oregon Volunteers, was nominated by H. C Burns, of Tamhlll. R. A. Miller, of Oregon City, was noml. tinted by Charles N. Walt, of Clackamas. Miller withdrew his name, and nomi nated ex-Senator Bernard Daly, of Lake view. W. R, Bilyeu. of Linn, nominated J. J. Whitney, of Albany. After the nominations had been closed, a delegato asked permission to present the name of Bishop Henry L. Barklcy. of Marlon. The convention refused to re open the nominations. There was no choice on the first ballot Necessary to a choice, 73. The vote stood: , H-ath. Dalv. Whitney Bcntcn 2 3 Ccos 7 1 Clackamas 1 11 1 Currj- 3 Dcugas 6 7.. Jackson 4 6 Jose'hlte 1 3 3 Klamath 3 Ke ...... .....a a...... .. 3 s. "tne .... ............... .. Lincoln 4 Linn 4 l s Mar on is .. 2 mii . o Tillamook 3 Washington S 5 Yamhill 11 .. Totals 6) O 21 Bilyeu withdrew Whitney's n.mr, and Daley won. on the second ballot by the fol- , lowing vote: Daly. Heath. Benton 2 Co.s Clackamas 3 Vrflalii a ao LOUS1S8 v Jackson Josephine 1 Klamath Lake Lane 8 Lincoln Linn 11 S 8 10 3 7 10 6 3 3 6 4 2 "s Marion 19 Folk TlllamocJc'-...-. 3 WnsMigton 5 lamniii li Total GJ SO Linn voted 1 fcr Earklty. Senator Daly's nomination was made unanimous. SQUABBLE OVER OFFICE. Both Parties Xnralnate Candidates In Jr., the Republican nominee. the Sixth District. i Fourth District Department No. 4 Col- Tho greater part of the afternoon was onel W. H. Efflnger, of Portland, devoted to district nominations and rati- Sixth District A. D. Stlllman. of Fen flcations ot the nominees of the Populists, dleton (Dem.). B, J. Slater (Pop.). WILLIAM Hp If! 1 FCSIOX 50MIXEB FOR CONGRESS, SCCOXD DISTRICT. Committees from both conventions were on the go all the time. The coming and going of the Populist committees attracted little attention, but the one headed by R. J. Slater, of Uma. tllla, created a breeze. By Instruction of the Populist convention, Mr. Slater com plained that the Populists had been given no representation on the Judicial ticket in the-sixth district Both places had been awarded to Democrats, the Judgeship to A. D. Stlllman, and the District Attorney ship to T. G. Hailey. Hailey replied rather hotly to Slater. He said that through Slater's Influence the. Ropullst and Democratic delegates from the -sixth district had been kept out of toiifererice. ' and ah agreement could not be reached. Mr.. Hailey said that it the' P opullats did not like tho nomina tions that had been made they could put up .candidates for Judge and District At torney, and he would be elected, without the assistance of any but Democratic voters. Pierce of Umatilla defended Stlllman and Halleysaylng the Democrats of the sixth district would bo satisfied with no otherrnomlnees for the offices for which they had been nominated. Answering Hailey. Slater said he had not kept the Populists out of conference, but had used nls utmost endeavor to ef fect a meeting. Chairman Chamberlain ruled that the matter was beyond the control of the convention,. as the last clause ot the agree ment with the Populists leaves unsatis factory nominations to Joint conventions In the several districts. Subsequently Redfleld of Morrow moved 'to refer this dispute to the Joint district conventions, but withdrew the motion. Butcher of Baker offered a resolution Indorsing the Constitutional amendment providing for increase ot the Supreme Court from three to five' members. It was adopted. At tho request of O'Day, who acted in behalf of a woman who had lobbied among the .delegates, Foley of Multnomah offered a resolution .recommending the equal suffrage amendment to" Democratic voters. The resolution was bandied about for a while and finally laid on the table. .Apportionment Lair Condemned. Miller' of'Xlnn offered this resolution, which was adopted: Resolved. That we denounce and condemn the Iniquitous gerrymander In the last apportion ment bill, as depriving many counties ot their Jnst and fair representation and as violating the spirit if not the letter of our Constitu tion. state Central Committee. 'On roll-call ot counties, the following Stato Central Committee was elected: Baker-J. H. Bobbins. Sumpter. Benton E. E. Wilson. Corvallls. Clackamas T. F. Cowing, Oregon City. Clatsop J. E. .Campbell. Astoria. Columbia Henry Henderson. Mayger. . Coos John F. Hall. Marshfield. Crdok W. A. Booth, Prlneville. "Curry George Fitxhugh. Port Orford. Douglas Charles H. Fisher, Roseburg. Gilliam S. E. Van Vactor. Condon. Grant G. I. Hazeltlne, Canyon City. Harney Julian C. Byrd. Burns. Jackson A. N. Sollss. Jacksonville. Josephine J. O. Boothe, Grant's Pass. Klamath B. F. Yan Griffith, Klamath Falls. Lake J. S. Lane. Lakevlew. Lano-rl. Lv. Campbell. Eugene. Lincoln B. Galther, Toledo. Linn H. C Watson. Albany. "'Malheur E. H. Test Ontario. Marion W. M. Kaiser, Salem. Morrow Henry Blackman. Hcppner. Multn'omah-J. C. Welch. Portland. Folk A. J. Goodman. Independence. Sherman J. Morris. Wasco. TJllamook-Not filled. Umatilla E. D. Boyd, Pendleton Union E. P- McDanicl. Cove. Wallowa-r-Thomas Humphrey, Joseph. Wasco H. C Llebe. The Dalles. Washington John M. Waif. Hlllsboro. 'Wheeler W. W. Hoover. Fossil. Yamhlll-H. L. Heath, McMinnvlllc. Having finished Its business, the con vention.arrnnged for a Joint meeting with the Populist convention as an assembly of electors to nominate the ticket put up by the state conventions. This was done at S o'clock. . Bcfpro adjourning, the Democratic con vention, by motion of Gatens of Mult nomah, returned thanks to The Oregoniai and tho Telegram for fairness in report ing Its proceedings. DISTRICT XOMISATT03S. Fnslon Candidates far Jndses, DU . trtct Attorney and Legislature. Following are the Judicial and Legislative- nominations made yesterday by the Democratic endTopnUst' State Conven- I tions. xnere is no fusion in the -Sixth Judicial District Here the Democrats have nominated A. D. Stlllman for Judge 'and T. G. Hailey-f or District Attorney, and the Populists R. J 8Iater for' Judge and J. T. Hlnkle for District Attorney. It is Impossible to tell who of the nom inees in the list are Democrats and who arc 'Populists. In both conventions great confusion prevailed while the' nomlna- i tions were being made, and the reporters wera unable to get the politics of the nominees. In the Democratic conven tion. Judge Bennett as chairman of the delegation from the Legislative district of which Wasco County Is part handed a "number of nominations to the secretary. These were never announced to the con vention and are here made known for the t Circuit Judges. Fourth Judicial District (Multnomah County), Department No. 2. Left vacant I Democrats will suonort Alfred F. Sears SMITH Prosecuting' Attorneys. First District A. E. Reames, of Jack sonville. Second S. H. Hazzard, of Empire City. Third John A. Jeffrey, of Salem! Fourth George E. Cbamberlaln,--of Port land. Fifth Chris Schnebel, of Oregon City. Sixth T. G. Hailey. of Pendleton (Dem.), J. T. Hlnkle (Fop.). Seventh No nomination. Eighth Samuel White, of Baker City. Ninth Will R. King, of Ontario. Joint' Senators. Douglas. Lane and Josephine R. M. Veatch, of Cottage Grove. Coos and Curry Dr. K. A. Leep, of Myrtle Point Tamhlll, -Tillamook and" Lincoln J. T. Simpson, ot Sheridan. Washington. Multnomah and Columbia Alex Sweek. of Portland. Gilliam. Grant Sherman. "Wasco and Wheeler V. G. Coxad. ,ot Grant Union and Wallowa Je Jesse Wade, of Suromervllle. Klamath. Lake. Crook and Wasco A. S. Bennett, of The Dalles. Wasco and Sherman E. B. Dufur, of Wasco. Joint Representatives. Umatilla and Jlomow-J. A. Woolery, of lone. Douglas and Jackson Albert' Abraham, of Roseburg. Tamhlll 'and Tillamook W. W. Con don, of Tillamook. "30 Minutes in Havana" wBailHiHBHMsJaL S. S. BACHM Polk and Lincoln L M. Simpson, of Lewlsvllle. Multnomah and Clackarsas-J. T. M1I- 'ner, of Portland. Union and Wallowa G. S. Reavis, ol Enterprise. Harncy and Malheur W. T. Baker, of Harney. Klamath, Lake, Crook and Wasco '(three Representatives) G. T. Baldwin, ot Klamath; G. Springer, of Crook; S. P. Moss, of Lake. Coos and Curry J. S. Averill. of Gold Beach. Gilliam. Grant Sherman. Wasco and Wheeler (three Representatives) W. J. Edwards, of Gilliam; T. R. Coon, ot Wasco: Robert Mlsener, of Wheeler. "D'Arcyltes. Claim Victory. P. H. D'Arcy. of Salem, and his friends, who- were turned down in the Marion County primaries arid convention, and turned out of the Democratlo State con vention, eay they got about everything they came to Portland to get They ex press themselves as well pleased by the election of Dan J. Fry as alternate to the National convention, and by the nomina tion of Jeffrey for District Attorney la tho Third district "PARLIAMENTARY DAY." Woman's Clab Discusses Subject of Government. Testerday was "parliamentary day" at the Woman's Club, and about 73 members were present to participate In the exer cises. The vice-president Mrs. Grace Watt Ross, presided. After disposing of the minutes of tho previous meeting, an In vitation from the State Federation of Woman's Clubs, which will meet at Pen dleton May 31. inviting delegates from Portland to attend, was read and acted upon. The president Mrs. J. B. Corn stock and Mrs. Grace Watt Ross, were elected as delegates. Mrs. F. Eggert and Mrs. A. S. Dunlway were elected dele gates to the General Federation of Wo man's Clubs, which is to meet at Mil waukee, Wis.. June 4, with Mrs. Ben Selling and Mrs. Grace Watt Ross as alternates. The opening and In fact the principal feature of the programme, was a paper entitled "The Science of Government In Its Relation to Parliamentary Law," read by Mrs. H. E. Heppner. The paper was ably written and showed a very thorough appreciation by the writer ot the uses as well as the usefulness of parliamentary law. Mrs. Heppner jead in a clear, dis tinct voice. After stating the topic under discus sion, she said: "Let me say from the start that I know nothing upon the sub ject; but of course this Is no reason why I should not write upon it Seneca wrote his charming essay on the "Delights of Poverty" on a. table of solid gold, which was his own. Fanny Fern drew Hoods of tears by telling how she breakfasted on faith, dined on the cold remains ot the breakfast and went supperles9 to bed. while tho two prosaic old parents assured the weeping public that this unsubstantial diet cost them C0OO a year." Quoting from John Stuart Mill, the speaker said: "Government Is a practical art. giving rise to no question, but those of means and an end to.be worked like any other question of business." After commenting upon the indispensable ne cessity of a controlling power in all or ganizations, the speaker said: "It Is Im possible to understand the question of adaptation of forms of government with out first taking pinto account not only the next step, but all steps which have yet to be made; both those which can bo foreseen and the far wider Indefinite range, which Is at present out of sight" Mrs. Heppner went on to define parlia mentary law, and to give the derivation of the term parliament She showed that all bodies or assemblies of people from the most Insignificant to the Congress of the United States, that have any rule of action, are controlled by a parliamentary code, without which all would bo chaos and confusion. On the whole, the paper was a credltablo document and deserves more space than can bo accorded it in a newspaper report After a vocal solo by -Miss Marie Vel guth. accompanied by Mrs. G. W. Thomas on the piano. Mrs. Dunlway made some interesting remarks on the thought of which Mrs. Heppner's paper- gave evi dence, and In her inimitable manner en tertained the club with a most enter taining and edifying talk. DTJSIXESS ITEMS. If Baby Is Cnttlnr Teeth, Be sure and use that old and well-tried remedy. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup, for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays all pain, cures wind collo and diarrhoea. "I was weak and weary, but Hood's Sarsaparilla has made mo strong and hearty." When you make friends with La Prefer encia you make friends with yourself. When you want a good smoke a rich, aromatic, fragrant smoke a smoke that will satisfy you from the ground up then you have only to step into the nearest dealers and get La P referenda. renew H. mmmmmmem .Miaisass-asaK? ioc. and upward. At high-class dealers. TRADE SUPPLIED BY SICHEL & CO. Distributers for Portland AN & CO.. General. Agents, San Francisco, Cal. THE HAVANA-AMERICAN CO, MAKERS. SENT IHE WHOLE PARTY ALL SILVBR-REPCBIJCAXS WILL GO TO KA5SAS CITY. Central Committee Electa Delegates With a Lavish Hand Officers. Re-Elected. Tho Silver-Republican State Central Committee met yesterday in the office of the chairman. Judge Seneca Smith, ana - elected as delegates to the National Con vention, at Kansas City, all the members of the party they could think of. number ing 33. Judge Smith had been Instructed by the chairman of the National Central Committee not to seed less than 30 dele gates, and as he had to send that many, he thought he might as well moke It unanimous- and send the whole party. All of the delegates will probably not go, so the central committee will be saved the expense of a special train, but they will likely have to charter a baggage coach ahead to carry the proxies of those who stay behind. Judge Smith was busy yesterday won dering where there would be any room for Democrats in Kansas City on the glorious Fourth if all the etates forward Silver-Republicans thither In the samo proportion to their population. , When the minutest searching of the party archives failed to reveal any names that had not been placed on the list o( delegates, the meeting proceeded with the regular order of business, which was the election of a chairman and secretary of the State Central Committee. Judge Smith and D. S. Dufur. of The Dalles, were re spectively chosen to these offlces. As tho entire voting strength of thf party will be In process of expenditure o j preparations for departure to Kansas Cltl "ra me June election comes round. II was deemed Inadvisable to nominate anj state, county and city officers. The meet ing adjourned pursuant to the call of thi chair, which Is looked for in two years, provided the silver agitation Is not for gotten by that time. Following are th delegates who were chosen: Henry J. Barclay, Woodburn. E. P. Morcom. Woodburn. H. R. Klncaid. Eugene. Charles P. Nelson. McMInnville. C. W. Talmage. McMinnville. D. S. Dufur. The Dalles. H. Palmer, of Benton County. Francla Clarno. Portland. W. T. RIgdon. Sa.em. E. Hofer, Salem. Amos Strong. Salem. Francis I. McKenna. Portland. H. G. Guild. Salem. G. S. Stevenson. Eugene. A. J. Brigham. Dufur. W. T. Macy. McMinnville. J. W. Shute. Hlllsboro. "William Langly. Forest Grove. Solomon Jack. Farmington. P. M. Churchman, Sheridan. Pllm Cooper. Roseburg. T. J. Howell. Ashland. Charles M. Donaldson. Baker City. Dr. George E. Sanders. The Dalles. W. Hampton Smith. Astoria. Dell Stuart. Portland. C. J. Whltaker. Pendleton. F. M. Safton. Baker City. George H. Thomas. Portland. Jamea H. Sewell. Hlllsboro. J. C. Trullinger, Astoria. F. M. Wllkins, Eugene. D. K. Hunsaker. Portland. D. B. Rees. Union. Richard Lee. Astoria. Ludwig Wllbelm. Portland. J. C. Cooper. McMinnville. S., G. Lockwood. Loraine. Publicity of Cen-iu. Data. ASTORIA. April 12. (To the Editor.) I read In The Sunday Oregonlan an artlcla relating to the census. The census being paid for out of the public funds, we thought the matter thus obtained was open to public inspection, but we saw by Sunday's Oregonlan that none but the sworn agents of the Government had ac cess to the data thus obtained. - Did this statement" of The Oregonlan refer only tc the matter thus obtained In ISM. or is it always the case that no one but the sworn agents of the Government have ac ccfu to the data thus obtained? INQUIRER. It is always the case that much of the data that figures In census reports, par ticularly that relating to Industrial sta tistics, is not accessible to any but sworn agents of the Government Men would not tell tho details of their business af fairs if the information they give were to be made public. Only the totab of busi ness statistics are public property. Estcy Organs. Wiley B. Allen Co. y f