"- WW- f. , --? , r. j-x, -T3 J---! y ST''!-?.!,"' ' THE MOENING OBEGONlAN, SATURDAY, APRIL' 7, 1900. AMUSEMENTS. CORDRAYS THEATER ,. Last t Matinee Saturday. Overwhelming success. Boston Lyric Opera. Co.. and the great tenor,-. Elgnor Dcmenlco Russo. Repertoire Thursday and Friday, double MIL "Pretty Per sian." 3d act Lucia dl Lamraermohr. R"o Kdgardo: Saturday Matinee. "Merry War"; Saturday night. '"Maritana." and Jliisso. for flKf flr. In PnvlUn "Rlll I Lot t TOO. I . . l.atuw. i rAlCES Lower noor. auc ana .us. u....j. f 25c and 50c: trailer. 25c; e and box seat 1 1. Matinee 25c and SOo o any part cf tbe bouse CORDRAY'S THEATER- ONE WEEK. COMMENCING SUNDAY. APRIL 8. MATINEE SATURDAY. THE FRANTICALLY FTJNNYFARCE. "HAVE YOU SEEN SMITHr "HAITI YOU SEEN SMITHr HAVE YOU SEEN SMITHr "HAVE YOU SEEN SMITH? THE FAVORITE OF FUN AND FROLIC. Reeular prices Orchestra and drees circle, 50e: gallery. 25e: loges, BOc and 75c AtCTIOX S4.LES TODAT. At cor. Market and 13th sta., at 10 A. M. J..T. Wilson, auctioneer. f MEETING NOTICES. M. E. B. A.. NO. 41 Regular meeting on Saturday, April T. As the District Deputy win be present from Seattle, a. full attendance Is de sired. J. W. COLLYER. Sec. ALBINA LODGE." NO. 101. A. F. 4. A. "M. Stated communication this (Saturday) evening at 8 o clock. Work in E. A. degree. By order of W. M. A. J. HANDLAN, Sec IVENA TEMPLE. NO. SO, R. S.. requests .. - a.. .. ! !- suWt erenlnr at 8 o'clock, as thn will b rpeclM sv uwa, w t.vcax; - - i --- B. WEMPLE. M. of 1$. A C. TTOfK. BORN. DEERT April 5. 1900. to the wife of E. IL Deery, a girt. Mother and child doing well. DIED. BROWN Is this cityT"Aprll 6. 1000. Mrs. Ann Maria Brown, aged 77 years. l EDWARD HOLHATi. Undertaker, 4th and YaraMU ts. Rena Stlnson. lady assistant. Both phones o. 507. J. P. FETLETT & SOT, Undertnkera. tody Assistant. 275 Third st. TeL U. F. S. DOXMNG, Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady Assistant. Both phones. Floral pieces! cnt flowers. Clarke Bros. 280 Morrison. Both phones. SEW TODAY. - BUTTER IS LOWER ALL BEST CREAMERY butter. 40c and 50c. full 2 lbs.: fresh, sweet dairy- butter. 35c and 40c: country butter, 30 eSSc; Oregon ranch eggs. 2 doxen. 25c: East em egg. 10c: picnic hams. 9c; Eastern bacon. 10c: Rock Candy Drips syrup. 1 gallon, 40c; Lion coffee. 2 lbs. for 25c: Java coffee. 10c Save money, buy your goods at wholesale price. La Grande Creamery Co., 26s YamhllL Both phones. TODAY. AT YINCETS MARKET: Our best Four Oaks butter S5c Our best Vancouver ............ ..55c Our best California ................40c Our best dairy 30c Our best chickens 25c 55c Our best eggs ...... .12"rjC In. meat, poultry, fish, butter, eggs and fruit we challenge the 'world. The best at the lowest price. VINCETS MARKET. SPECIAL FOR TODAY 3 DOZEN OREOON ' ranch eggs, strictly fresh. 35c: No. 1 sweet dairy butter. 40c per roll: pure lard. 5-lh. cans 45c. In bulk be lb.. In CO-lb. cans 7e lb.: nice, sweet, lean bacon. No. L lie lb.J catsup. In gal. cans, 55c per gal. Both stores. 412 'Washington and 232 North 14th. OREGON CASH GROCERY CO. NOTICE HOTEL AND RESTAURANT keepers w III do well to call on our Washington-street store (No. 412) for general supplies. as we guarantee to save you money on every thing jou may need in our line. OREGON CASH GROCERY CO. DIAMONDS. PEARLS. EMERALDS. RINGS; beautiful designs. Jev-elry made to order. Old gold taken In exchange. Tlngry's. 245J Mor rison, over the Famous. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Bia-fSNAP-1200 JlOUSS,giND LOT, JUS. .Front st.. near Grant: S rooms, bath, cellar and jibed; rents for $12.50 per mosla, roust, be sola u gun, uiu i.v ukicwg xvuukcu TJrice 25 per cent this Tteek. Cheapest buy within walking distance. Albert B. Ferrers. 24SU Morrison st. Xllfto THAT NEAT &-ROOM MODERN COT- tare, with bath, hot and cold water: large basement, brick foundation: at 178 Caruthers. near Front: In perfect order, and a tine home for small famllv. at half of value: rent 112.50 per month. Albert B. Ferrera. 245J4 Morri son st. 122S0 FOR 3 ACRES ON MOUNT TABOR; sightly, near cars, beautiiui situation tor a fine home: will sell part. $30u0 for 75x100 feet on GUvan st.. choice property. Hart Land Co.. room 7 Sherlock bldg. $250 2 acres, chicken ranch. C-room house, rood barn, chickens, ducks, incubatori brood. era. horee, wagon, running and well water; paid land lease to Oct. 1: may be extended. Ai aiaiteAon. iS3ft Jiaaison ra, v FOR SALE-10 ACRES OF MY HOME PLACE. 100 yards east of city limits on Hawthorne- ave. car line, or will sell In 1-acre tracts at price of city lots. W. S. Falling, station a. rcruana. $230 for two lots at Highland. $1050 Choice aot in uoiiaaays aaaiucn. 9iuu to loan ai o Bcr cent. Miner, sua vnarab-r or lammeroe. FOR SALE OR EXCILVNGE FOR CITY property Prune orchard; bargain: owner going East. Address O 4, care Oregonlan. CLACKAMAS COUNTT TAX ROLL AT OF- Oce of E. F. Riley. COS Chamber of Commerce. House and lot, built to suit. Installments, small cash payments. Dammeler. oil aiarquam. FOR S4LE FARMS. STOCK AND TRUIT RANCH OF S7D ACRES xor saie; wejj waierea, gooa sou; ju acres bearing orchard; only two miles from Oak land, pouglas County. Or.; low price and easy terms. Apply directly to the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Compan). San FranclscOrf-Cal. IMPROVED FAR51S FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington: payments made to suit purchasers. For full particulars as to various properties, apply to Macrcaxter & BlrrcH. 311 Worcester block. - I C5 ACRES, ALL IN CULTIVATION. 8 MILE3 east. 10 acres in iruit: gooa improvements bargain. Manager Pacific Pottery Works. I BARGAIN 10 acres choice fruit; house; price $600. Compeon & Co . 015 Marquam. FOR RENT FARMS. 120 .ACRES. IMPROVED. NEAR PORTLAND; house. Darn; rent reoucea 10 w raonin. Ap ply 434 Burnslde. I FARM OR ACREAGE CLOSE TO CITY: will buy or rent: msjee lowest price. Box 636. dtjv TO EXCHANGE. OREGON CITY AND CLACKAMAS COUNTY reaky to exchange for Walla Walla, city nr county property. Address, with description and value, lock-box 223. Oregon City. Or. I EXCHANGE APPLE AND PRUNE TREES for a farm wagon: a chance for a bargain. W. S. Falling. Railroad Nursery, station A. Port lard. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. IFOR SALE HOISTING ENGINE. WIRE repe. double drum, 'friction engine, two nigger beads, double cylinder. (xlO. Ameri can Hoist A Derrick Cos make; been In use four roonthsr 5000 feet S wire long Isy strel wire ropes: nen. inquire E. C Davles. Waltaburg, Wash. . IBIG MONEY IADK BY BUYING SHARES OF the century on company, incorporated nnder laws of Oregon: quoted at California cflcIS oil exchange. Room 40 "Washington building. 30LDEN HAIR RABBITRT. W. W. PID dlngton. breeder, buyer- and thinner of hleh. pedigreed Belgian hares. Write tor partic ulars, 15G East 29th at, Los Angeles, Cat. SECOND-HAND BICTCLES AT TOUR OWN prices from J5 to xia Columbian. Victors. Steams. Ramblers, Phoenix and other makes. .Portland Gun Store. 132 First st. DNE SKCOND-CLASS TICKET FROM PORT- land to Ko-ne by B. s. ceo- "IV. Elder, first trip. May 15. Address H 2, care Oregonlan.. SECOND-HAND BICYCLES BOYS', GIRLS" ana laajes an m gooa conaiiion. urn ana see them. Portland Gun Store, 132 First st. iters, all makes, rented and sold: exnert renalrlnr: otnoe sumlles and rfekjL resmmt Agencr Co.. 20ii Surk it. Both -phones. & FOR 4AI,E;rMISCELI.A5E0IJS. BELGIAN. HARES-THOROUGHBRED -PEDr-creed stock; an eh strains aa Champion. Edln tooro U. who arrived March IT. 1800; Lcrd Britain; Lord Liverpool: British Sovereign; the incomparable Champion Yukon;. Maltoa Mystery: Champion Unlearn, and host of oth ers. AH letters must be accompanied by 2c stamp or self - addressed stamped envelope. Tremont Belgian Here Co.. address Main Of fice. 2134 Fillmore St.. Ban Francisco. CaL Long-distance phone West 387. We crate all animals f. o. b. San Francisco. FINE PHAETON AND HARNESS; ALMOST new; also Newfoundland doc IS months; cheap. M-3, car Oregonlan. j TOP BCGGY: COST 0Y WILL SELL cheap. Can be seen at United Carriage Co Seventh and Taylor-ats. NEARLY NEW UPRIGHT PIANO FOR SALE at a sacrifice: owner going- to None. 241 Stanton, Albtnju 1900 MITCHELL -BICYCLE AND SEVERAL others for sals cheap. Bealy, Mason A Co, 275 Morrison. -- DRY FIR WOOD. $3 PER CORD. HOOVER, 313 Water. rhonesOregon South 051. Co lumbia S3. Magle lahtems, new. second-aaad, moving pic tures. Dullard ArBreck, 131 Post. San Fran. $10 FOR A NEW GAS -COOKER: $2, -CASH. balance $2 per month. Oas Co.. 174 Fifth st. Largest stock of new and second-hand harness. saddles and 'vehicles, s. xomiiason, zu nuc BELGLVN HARES. Willamette Rabbltry. 261 E. First N.. Fdrtland. Or. Phone White 829. BOX COUCHES: ONLY A FEW LEFT. AT half prce. 249 Fifth st. Phone Clay 8S1. Mrs. MeKenzle; staple groceries: delivered: popular prices. Tel. S. 301. 515 GUsan. F. IL Wllkins. agent La-Cas-Ka Tonic and Cy clone oil. .Agents wsatea. i.: oura k. SOLID GOLD RINGS ONLY ONE DOLLAR. Uncle Myers. 143 Third et.. nesr Alder. Pianos. SHERMAN. CLAY A CO.. ROOMS 10 AND IT Russel building, cor. Fourth and MVTison. Stelnway A Sons. A. B. Chase and Emerson p'anos. A. B. Chase and W. W, Putnam or gan. Cfii or installments. Qracupnones and Heglna muslo boxes. YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND SOME TEMPT- Ing bargains In slightly usea and second hand pianos and organs at Ellers Piano House. 107 Flirt ?.. the N. W. General Agency of dickering, Kimball and Weber pianos. ELEGANT NEW PIANO FOR RENT. VERY cheap. Graves & Co.. 235 Alder st near Fourth. Fischer upright pianos $125, Deeker $100, one $40. organ $35. Mrs. Martin. Wfrlit. upstairs. SOULE PROS.. EXPERT TUNERS, 107 FIRST St. Phones., Ellers Pano House, r HELP WASTED MALE. WANTFD-1000 STATION MEN ON THE Lake Bennett Division of the White Pass A Yukon R. It.: 28 miles of good side-hill rock: station work let direct to the men. J "rices as follows: Loose rock. 75c. solid slde-hlll rock. $1.25: solid thorough cut. $L75; earth. 20c: ail by the yard. No restrictions placed jUpon the men. They can procure all supplies from the company or from stares at Dennett City. Tools furnished at 10 per cent per mo, day wcrk at 30c per hour. 11 hours per day. Company board. $1 per day. Apply to M. i. Heney. Contractor, 13 Colman block. Sesttle. Wash., or Inns of Court building. Vancouver, B.C. 300 LOGGERS. $2 UP; 75 BOLTCUTTERS. bOc and 00c; ion i. n., laborers and teamsters. $1.73 pass; 50 mllrmen. $1 found, pass; bridge carpenters. $3; machinists. $3 25; coal miners, school teacher, $30. 8 months" term; 2 sein ers, $L25 found; 9 farmhands, restaurant help; 40 other places. Canadian Agency, 22C4 Morrison. MAN WANTED TO DELIVER AND COL lect In Portland. Or., and vicinity; $15.00 a week snd expenses. Address Delivery De partment, People's Co., 40th and Market sta., Philadelphia. Pa- Men wanted to learn barber trade: only eight weeks required; speclsl inducements this sea son: catalogue, city map and souvenir mailed free. Holer's Barber College. Ban Fraru. CaL MEN. EVERYWHERE. TO TRAVEL: $15.00 weekly; also expenses and commission: seme local: no fake. Address "Sales Department." 3943 Market st, Philadelphia. WANTED-FOR FALL TRADE: A GOOD DRY gooiVi specialty salesman, on. commission. Coustry trade. Chestnut. Penn & Street, Mir.. Philadelphia. Pa. . MARRIED .MAN. ALSO SINGLE MAN. TO work on farm, make butter, milk and do all kinds of work, on fsrm near town. Address H 4. Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS BOILERMAKERS and blacksmiths: steady work for good men Apply at Office Moran Bros. Company, Seattle. Rash. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. AN ALL-LOUND laundrr man. who will guarantee hi starrt Ing and finishing. S. R. Held. Pullman, VI .-. COLUMUUS CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT, P. Loratl. 14S Fourth. Headquarters for cooks, waiters, bartenders. Tel. Main 751. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS BLACKSMITH. Inquire- of J. E. Haseltlce & Co.. 49 Second st,, Portland. Or. Wcrklnrman's Barber Shop: haircut 15c. e'jsve 10c. 6 chain. Ed Dennlson. 205 Morrison st. Cash for acceptable Ideas. State It patented. Ad dress THE PATENT RECORD. Baltimore. MJ. Man to solicit and collect weekly .payment life Inrjranre; good pay. 330 Marquam building. SHIP CARPENTERS AND JOINERS WANT- ed at Wolff A Zwlckcra Iron Works. WANTED EXPERIENCED DISHWASHER. "for restaurant, 327 Washington. WANTED-BARBER. AT THE ST. CHARLES barber riiop, 202 Morrison. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS COATMAKER. J. Butx, Walla Walla. Wash. BARBER WANTED. 304 &fer MORRISON street, HELP WAVriED FEMALE COOK. DALLAS. $25: CAMP. $25; SECOND IN camp. $15; waitresses. Albany. $15: Dallas. $15: chambermaid. Astoria. $12- housework. 2. Tacoina. $20 each, fare paid; Catlln.Wash., Brldsl Veil, Beaverton, young companion. E. Ore.; city, second girl, wattreves. 100 house work. $10 to $25; school teacher. $30: 0 months term. Canadian Parlors. 226ti Mor rison. , WANTED A GIRL OR WOMAN. PART OF the day, from 8 to 2 o'clock, tor light house wuk. 340 Bentpn. between Cherry and brradway. McMlllen's addition. COMPETENT GIRL FOR WAITRESS IN A small boarding house, short distance from Portlsnd. Call The aullltaume. 53 North lfeth street. WANTED TWO K1RST-CLASS- MILLINERY makers; cne millinery saleswoman. Address; at once, J, S. Graham, Seattle. Wash. WANTED-OIRLS. 12 TO 18: ALSO INTELLI gent, good-appearing- women; stesdy work. Address R 2. Oregonlan. , WANTED-COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENER al bousewok; must be good. cook. H. K. Lewls. 40 East 31st sc WANTED GIRL FOR COOKING AND OEN ersl housework: good wsges. C55 Washing ton st, cor. 'Ella. WOMAN DISHWASHER. $12r 100 DOMES tlcs: waitresses. R. O. Drake. 152 First. Et erybody call. WANTED YOUNG GIRL- FOR LIGHT housework. Call 210 Hall St., from 1 to 3 P. SI. Saturday. WANTED A GIRL FOR SECOND WORK. Call mornings, after 10 o'clock; 153 North 20th. MIDDLE-AGED LADY FOR HOUSEKEEPER , for small family, near clt). 101 Fourth st. GIRITO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK: NO washing. Apply mornings at 735 Hcyt st. WANTED LADY ATTENDANT FOR TURK, lsh baths. Apply 107 Fourth st. WANTED-A GIRL FOR DINING-ROOM AND to assist with dishes. 223 11th st. WANTED A LADY TO ASSIST A TAILOR; tailoress preferred. 272 Alder st. GOOD- GIRt. FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Two In family. 128 14th st. OOOD. RELIABLE WOMAN. Belmont st, APPLY 64 WANTED-AGENTS. AOENTS ON 6ALARY OR COMMISSION Tbe greatest agenU' eeller ever .produoed; every user of pen and ink burs It on sirhf 230 to 500 per cent profit; one agent's sales Bjnouniea to ;iu in six aays: another $Tg If two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X 44,-La Crosse. Wis. . SITTJATI0S -WAXTED MALE. iXIsetllaaeons. FIRST-CLASS MILL MAN WANTS Posi tion assawyer or foreman; good references. Address ibox 204. Vancouver. Wash. BY YOUNG MAN. IN WHOLESALE HOUSE; willing to work for small wagea at first. Address D 4, care Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION AS ENGI neer or machinist: work on contract pre ferred. K 3- care Oregonlan. JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION TO WORK morning and evening. In family: attend school. l.i care Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY RELIABLE-MAN. as bookkeeper or assistant. Address 11 I. care Oregonlan. OFFICE WORK BOOKKEEPINO OR COPY lng; by a -competent woman. M 1. care Oregonlan- srrcATxojt warted female. YOUNG CANADIAN WOMAN DESIRES 1U- xnedlat employment: clerical work, compan ion to aged -or delicate person, or niT Peti tion of trust. Address K. Browse Pullman. Wash. AS HOUSEKEEPER FOR RESPECTABLE parties only, by an experienced, woman- Ap ply 272b Jefferson st. SCHOOLGIRL WOULD LIKE TO WORK FOR board and attend Harrison School. V 2, cars Oregonlan. GIRL WANTS PLACE. CITY OR COUNTRY. Address C 2. Oregonlan. vVAXTED-TO RETT. WANTED-BY APRIL 15. FOR 3 MONTHS OR more, a 4 to 6-room cottage, furnished Or un furnished, for man and wife: no children: must be very neat, sunny and In Orst-class condlton. Address, with particulars. E z. cars Oregonlan. t WANTED TO BUT OR LEASE FLOOR OR ground space, sbout 50x100, for mani-factur-tSg purpose: Inside property: state price. Ad dress S i. care Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED MUSIC TEACHER WISHES room and board in exchange tor lessjus. U -2. care Oregonlan. WAXTED MISCELLANEOUS. PARTIES WISHINO TO DISPOSE OF FUR nlture. carpets, bicycles, address L Swett. 2S9 Montgomery. Phone Front -iZZ. WANTED TO BUY CAST-OFF CLOTH INO; price no object. Mslne Loan Office. 70 North Third st, Oregon phone Clay CS2. WANTEDTO BORROW $2200. AT 0 PER cent: best of security: no commission. In quire room 412 Commercial block. WANTK&-PARTY TO BUILD HOUSE IN desirable location. West Side, tor responsible tenant. Call 115 Third st. Wanted to borrow $325 on Improved property In city: no bonus. McPherson, Oilman Hotel. BEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF household goods. 249 Fifth. Phone Clay 031. Cast-off eecond-hsnd clothleg wanted at 87 N. 3d st. Prices no object. Oregon pbone So. 81. IF YOU HAVE A BUSINESS FOR SALE list It with us. Address P. O. box" 973. FOR RENT. Rooms. THE SPALDING. 8. E. COR. PARK AND Alder sts.. under the msnagement of the owner. Helen F. Spalding The most complete apartment-house In" the Northwest: ehclee rooms, for gentlemen or gentleman and wife: furnished housekeeping suites a specialty. THE PLEASANTON. 2S-s THIRD ST. FINE rurnlshed rooms, en Eslte. single or house keeping: sunlight In all rooms, bath Inctuded; most ressonable terms; transient solicited. THE NEWCASTLE. B. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison sta Rooms, furnished or unfur nished: all modern conveniences: references. VERY DESIRADLE FURNISHED ALCOVE room, id private family; bath, gas, phone. 1SS 14th St.. between Yamhill and Taylor: THE VANDERBILT. CORNER WEST PARJs and Yamhill Elegantly furnished rooms; modern conveniences; prices reasonable 129 10TH, BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND AMer Plearant, wel'-fumlsbed -front room: private family; reasonable;, modem. THE GILBERT LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED rooms; all modern- conveniences. Third and Taylor sta.; entranct, 2CT-Taylor. ROOMS. UNFURNISHED-2 ROOMS. WITH l'crt tr1 heat: very central. Apply .o-.ru 4 Psle.rh building. 471 ALDER ST. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH or without board; bath, and telephone Browr 551, Oregon. . GH.MAK HOTEL Brick bur nished rooms. $1 werk and.up. central: fur lit and Alder. THE CLEMENT. SIXTH AND OAK .STS. Newly furnished rooms, modem comenlencea. 122ti Fifth et. Completely refurnished: new owners; rooms by dsy, wk. or mo.- Mrs. Ke)r. MRS. M. OSVOLD. 221M MORRISON ST.- Nlcely furnished rooms: rent reasonable. The WlrSletd. 100H 4th Newly furnished rooms, tor gentlemen only. Mrs. W. W. Wright, THE BURKHARD. EAST BURNSIDE AND Union at enue Nicely furnished room , 1C4 WEST PARK THREE OR FOUR NICELY furnished rooms, no children, ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS. 183 N. 19th st. Rooms "With Board. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: I2TH YEAR: seems with brard; enameled bath tubs: use cf llbrsr: Woman's Excsrge; Industrial school. Address ilra. E. C. George. si.pcrlt. tenden, 510 Flanders street. THE VENDOME FAMILY HOTEL: MOD em. up to date; elegant rooms, trlth belt board In this city, from $1 per dsy upwards, select patronage solicited. Cor. 13lh and Alder ROOM AND BOARD. IN PRIVATE FAM- lly. for ao gentlemen, home cooking: near Seventh and Clay. Address T 2. Oregonlan. ROOMS WITH BOARD. THE HESPERIAN, 533 Morrison st.. cor. 17th. ROOMS AND BOARD: 213 12TH ST.: HOME cocking; English family. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. WITH BOARD. 141 West Park. Itnnsekeeptnr: Rooms. THREE FURNISHED OR PARTLY FUR nlshed rooms; .fine Jocatloa; can be ued for light housekeeping: references required. 587 Second st- Phone West 202. 295 MONTGOMERY. COR. FIFTH THREE fine, 'large rooms, furnished complete, for housekeeping; desirable location; reaeonabU rent. 354 CLAY FOUR UNFURNISHED HOUSE Jteeplng rooms. Call during forenoons cr after-3 P. M. No .children. TWO CLEAN FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; alcove, closets: no children. C9 North 13th. The Oraham Housekeeping apartments a ape. clajty; gas range and telephone. B45H Wash. Bosus. 511 MORRISON, NEXT BLOCK TO HIGH chool: 11 rooms, full basement and attic; very desirabla location; all modern and first class condition. Inquire at corner. 513. FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE. 11 ROOMS: bath, closets, cement basement, electric lights; choice location: $S. to responsible tenant. Montague A Borden. 22d Stark su FOR 'RENT MODERN HOUSE. 11 ROOMS, southwest sorner West Park and Clay sts. Boyd A Arnold. 102 First sL. near Stark. FOR RENT-CORNER. WITH 9-ROOM MOD era house, 514 East Oak. Immediate posses ion. W. II. GrlndMaff. 24 Stark. 7-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED. BATH. 419 East 14th st,. between Tillamook and Thomp son. Call Monday. U-JtuOM HOUSE: SUITABLE FOIl TWO families. $12 month. 17C Sherman et. Tele Ii!.o.V West 291. 10 -ROOM HOUSE; SUITABLE FOR TWO families; $12 month. 176 Sherman mi. Tele phone West 281. FOR RENT AN S-ROOM HOUSE: ALL MOD era conveniences. 300 Park. Apply 391 Sev enth. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE. WITH BASEMJiNT. $5 er raoLth: C22 Seventh st. Telephone Wtst S.1. SOUTH HALF DOUBLE S-ROOM HOUSE. 387 11th at,; $20. Inquire 194 First St. Halls. FOR RENT THE UPPER FLOOR OF BUILD Ing. northeast corner AUer and Fifth sts.: now occupied by tbe Multorpor Club. Atkin son. Wakefield A Co., 227 Stark ml. - -' l- PERSONALS. -INDIAN CLAIRVOYANT AND MEDIUM Tbe wonderful, gifted Indian squaw? bora with two veils over' face, tells., from cradle ts grave, past, present, future, and secrets re vealed: warns agalast in'jfortune; sure guldt to social and bmlness iKresat-aeals all dis eases by the use of Indian herbs. Mrs. Prof. W lieatly-Howe. Separate parlor, tor ladle and nttemen. Strictly confidential. 371 Stb st,. opie4te City Hall. No stairs to cUrrb. DR. DARRIN. specialist in all chronic diseases, cures destn.ss and catarrh In all its forms. Also affections of stomach, liver, bowels. nerves, blood, skin, kidneys, urinary organs snd seminal weakness- Only $3 per month. Varicocele, stricture or hydrocele guaranteed cured la on week. No pain, no detention. Diseases of women an important specialty. Consultation free. Call or writs. Address 265 Morrison st,. Portland. Or. ,. 17 wemen wanted suffering Irom Irregular, nslnful nerkids: teucorrhoea- twhltes). and all complicated diseases pertaining" to changes of. life, cured by- old ir. Messier, cor. eecono and. Yamhill sta, 329 wemen called last month. Consultation free, and private rooms for ladles. Ifcsn't call, write. Inclosing 10 2c stamps. Handreds treated at home 'by his new system. DnESS SUITS RENTED. ALL SIZES. WE call for. sponge, press-and deliver one suit cf ycur clothing each week, sew on huttias. se up lit, for- $1 per month. Dyeing, ruam cleaning and repairing. Unique Talloriri Co.. 347 Washington, both 'phones. WOULD LIlCE TO FORM THE ACQUAINT' ance of refined. Intelligent gentlemen who are Judges of good whisky: HI Crowa Cyrus Noble snd IIU Monogram, specialties. Port land Cafe. 130 Fifth, between Washington and Alder. F. J. Hellen. Manager. MADAM DE LACY REMOVES HAIR FROM tace or arms, wrinkles, pimples and freckles; also restores gray hair and mskes hair grow on bald beads: beautifies the skin: shampoo ing rpeclalty. 423 Ablngtcn building. ILLONDS PREVENTATIVE CONES FOR prevention of disease. Tbe best: antiseptic No failure. Sent to any address; per box. $1 BO: samples. 10c Illond Chtm. Co.. P. O. Bex 974. Portland. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. R0B erts Nerve Globules. One month's treatment $2; 3 months. $5. Sent securely sealed by mall. Agents. Woodard & Clarke, .Portland. Or. - MME. ADWARD. SPIRITUALIST MEDIUM, gives truthful advice on all affairs of life. If in trouble, call and see her, room 1. upstairs, 1TOU. T-h!n1 t. i COMMON SENSE BEAUTY PARLORS; wrinkles and all facial blemishes removed by electricity. 70 Lewis big.. Park and Morrison. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Ac curately and reasonably filled at Eysselfs Pharmacy. 27 Mcrrlson St.. bet, lit and 2d. WE PRINT 30 FINE VISITING ARDS. 2Se: 50. 35c: 20 business cards. $1". 500. $150. I! ton a S. Ibmale, 223 First st,. Portland. BILLY LEA'S BICYCLE HOSPITAL, 103 4TIL Phone Clay C4L Wheels called for, delivered. 'Will respectable brunette, matrimonially In rllned. write to man, 35. Lock-box 600, city. M.S. Dr. McCoy, electric treatments. La Port ,. House, ccr. Third and. Yamhill s.."room 14. CUT RATES Oregon Dye Works; cleaning and dyeing. Bnrnslde. near-Sth, Tel, Red 902. CLOTHES MENDED FOR LADIES AND CEN tlctaen. Apply atrocm 43 Labbe building: ELECTRIC LAUNDRY REMOVED TO Fifth sc Both phones. Give us a trial. 12C SULFO-BENZIN. FOR MANGE ON DOGd; 25c 5Cc. $1. At 227 Yamhill st. BUSINESS CIIA5CES. FOR SLE-"$3500 STOCK OF GENERAL merchandlee In a Valley town of 1(a) Inhab itants, on S. P. R. R.. 5'J miles south of Pert landr the only store In the-place. and doing a good business: a snap tor some one for carfhf the owner must sell en account of health. Address Q 47, care Oregonlan. WELL - LOCATED GROCERY BUSINESS: best stand en East Side: compelled to sell on account of other business demands: will take nil or part trade, or make It an object for cash buyer. X X care Oregonlan. i . OLD-ESTABLISHED BUSINESS. AVERAG lng $7 clear dally noiv; good plant: living rooms f-ee; cplendld chsnee for single nut or man and wife:., must have $500 cash. T 3. care Oregonlan. A SNAP GROWING MANUFACTURING business, doing- well; owner has other busi ness: Investigate $300 cash. Canadian Agency, 2265 Morricn FpR. SALEA WELL-ESTABLISHED TATL ortng business, in a live town; splendid op portunity for energetic young man. Address A 3. 'care Oregonlan. WASTTJl-PARTNER WITH $300: FAT1N3 business: money secured -with atoek; Investi gate: experience unnecessary. Address II 5,, Oegonlan. BOARDING-nOUSn. GOOD LOCATION. DO Ing nice business, for sale. For partlculaia Inquire 308 Davlr. between 10 and 4. any da) . TOR S.VLE-OREGON TERRITORY IN BIO money-making proposition: several hundred dollars necessary. B 49. care Oregonlan. WANT TO INVEST $2500 TO $3000 IN GEN eral merchandise business. Eastern or South ern Oregon. R 3. care Oregonlan. WILL SELL FOR CASH THE BEST FRUIT and confectionery stai.J In town, waiting, room. Morrison-street bridge. WANTED MAN WITH $5000 TO $10,000 TO take an Interest In new raw mill, city. Cana dian Agency. 2204 Morrison. ROOMING HOUSE FOR SALE; BEST LOCA tlnn: SO rooms; good investment. N 4. care Oregonlan. ' $Sn0 TO $10U0 FOR INVESTMENT IN CIGAR str.ro or saloon; state particulars. J 1, can Oregonlan. FOR SALE ICE FACTORY: DOING GOOD bu-liesJi. Address John Zeis. Corsallls. Or. FINANCIAL. Money to loan on chattels, salaries or any gcod securltlco. II. Mann A Co.. C04 The Dekura. State funds loaned st Cper cent- W. E. Thomas, State Agt. for Mult. Co.. 400 Chamber cf Com. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE eurity. Wm. Holl. room 40 Washington bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on furniture or good securi ties. S. W. King, room 45 Washington bldg. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON "FURNI ture. pianos, salaries, etc Can be paid la Installments, reducing Interest, Rstes lower than the lowest. F. W. Oraves. Mgr.. 2S3 Alder, near 4th. ground floor. TeL, Green 444. $200,000 TO LOAN AT SW. 6. 7 PER CENT. City and suburban (iroperly for sals and rent. Agent for Weetchrster .fire Insurance Co. Wm. G. Beck. 321 Morrison st. LOANS wrruouT PUBLICITY on real or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rate. C W. Pallet. 213 Com mercial blcckr- TeL Grant 856. MONEY TO, LOAN IN SUMS FROM $25 TO $500. on all classes of security. R. L Ecksr- J son & ca.. room, a n ssnington building. ANY AMOUNT LOANED ON FURNITURE, pianos, real astats nnd all kinds of security. C, IL Thompson. 128 3d st- Phone Mala Oii. $100,000 for mortgages, lowest rates, easy terms. W. S. Ward. Atfy-at-Law. 310 Allaky bldg. Write me: ril loan you money on your furni ture: low In't: private party. V 31. Oreg. LOANS ON LODGING-HOUSES, pianos, etc; low- rstes: private -party. 319 Atlsky bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. 0 per cent. farm, or city property. O. M. Smith. 814 Ch. ot Commerce. 0 PER CENT MONEY ON CLACKAMAS CO. land. E. Fr Riley. COS Chamber ot Com. MONEY LOANED ON BICYCLES. PIANOS, furniture and other securities. W. A. Hath away, room 10 Wash. bldg. Phone South Tal. J-.OST ASD FOUND. $25 REWARD-LOST, IN NOVEMBER LAST, on steamer Iralda. a lady's hunting case gold watch, hating the monogram "M. S. B." on the back. Tie above reward will be paid to the finder cun return of the watch to the office of the Clerk of the United States Cir cuit Court, In the Fostofiice building. Port land. Tbe watch has a special value to Its owner. Its market value being less than the reward here offered. LOST GREEN POCKETBOOK.NEAR WASH Ington and Third, containing $35 In gold, some sliver, small picture etc Return 331 Halsey at. Liberal reward. FOUND MONDAY, A LEWELLYN PUP. about 5 months old. Owner can get same of C C S, of Union Laundry. LOST A DIAMOND STUD. THE FINDER will be liberally rewarded by returning to room 610 Chamber of Commerce building. LOST NEAR COR. EAST NINTH AND HAS salo. goid spectacles, in case. Pleixj :ste -it room. 33 Concord block. BUSINESS DIRECTORT. Aarrlcnlturatl Implements, Machinery EDWARD HUGHES; WAOONS.1 CARRIAGES and farm machinery of all. kinds. 10 Front. RUSSELL A CO. ENGINES. BOILERS. SAW mills, threshers, bone-powers. 334 Belmont, JOHN POOLE; Newton wagons, buggies, wind mills, pumps, machinery. Foot Morrison su Art Goods and Fictare Frames, BERNSTEIN'S ART STORE. 307 WASHING ton st. h great clearance sals: special bajgslns Assayera and Analysts. J. H. FISK. MINERAL ASSAYER. AND cbemlstr gold dust bought. 20H Waahlagton. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALT3T. Gotd dust DoogM. 25W4 atark st, PORTLAND ASSAY OFFICE, 229 Stark at- Aa- sayingnq analytical wvra. uJia mm ". Astrolosr. RelUhle. scientific read Inge; satisfaction guar anteed. L. K. Adams. tsPark, .or Anaeny. Attoracya. S. H. GRUBEB. Lawyer: mining. aAmtealty ana coUections specialties. CtmroercUPblock. J. W. RANSOM. ATTURNEY-AT-LAW AND counselor, .nates Jjansr dios;., rwuauw. w E. W. BINGHAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.-IU:- tnoed to 61 Union block. 22Tb btark- GEO. W. HAZEN, ATTORNEYT-LAW, Mr- ell Chamber et Commerce cunning. Hatha. DEKUM Bathrooms: popular baths, rsassagt. electricity. 714-15-18 Dckuav a'aoce Red BXA. TURKISH BATHS; also massage; lady attend ant. 107 Fourth st., bet, Wasn. and Starsv Boost Stares, J. K. GILL A CO, WHOLESALE AND RE tail booksellers and stationers. ix5d 3d St. New and second-hand school and other books. 2U3H jaorruon su, bets, ten First aud tronu Carpct-Cleanins;. Jce Bros" Electric Carpet-Cleaning Works. Si'u Grant, Psones Black 721: Niest 404. r Carpenters and Ballders. JCI1N A. MELTON, carpenter, builJer. cflce aud sturo IrUltu. Ore., tel. 747. 283 itarx. Chinese Medicines. Dr. Blng Choag. 191 34 st.; Chinese root medi cines curs all, diseases. Examination tree. Chlrupodlaia. WM. DEVNY A MAUD DEVENY. THE buiy scienunc chtropudisis. roucr-Jdl Atlsxy blag.. JJ and Morrison. Oreg. pnonf vlraut lo. L. MITCHELL. EXPERT CHIROPODIST. OF flce ItA Dtu st., opp, postoance: Tef. liood-914. Jt-iJ Dart, chiropody, manicuring. 50 Union bio. nt-blarK. It A. M. to a P..M. "ieL Front oi. Civil Eusineera. J. IL Cunningham. ClvlPahd Hydraulic Enr; U. S. Mineral buneyor. 612 Uum. of com. dennlus and Dyciuc French Cleaning A Dyeing Works; J. Delcau. pruy. l'0u. itea Dm. 4i5 Gluun u Coal Dealers. VULCAN COAL- COMPANY WHOLESALE and retail dealers in lMt grade luacksuutn, btfcam and House loalj. uregon poone itea lTwL It. Jt, track,, front .. ,ear"Ullsan, Commission Merclients. ' UcUlUAN MKTZGEK, PCuCHASLi--OF hides, pelts, furs, wwoi, owbu. tallow, old rubber ad old tueta. and keacral owutjalsioa nicrcia Frit au. neac nui. Portianl. Dr. Cash adtancs on conslgnmeoU. TAVLOO, YOUNU Ct SHIP BROtCSKa and corumlssloo merchasu. sbencck bulluiai, rortlauJ. Or. W. N. Sayre & Co., ccmmisslon &. produce mer chants. advant.es on coruigumtnu. J Fruut. ALLEN A LEWIS, COililiSalON" ANU PKO dure merchanis. jtrtmi a. u u-. Pwtlacd. or. EVERD1NU & FAKRELL. commission, butter, eggs, calduns ad Una pruauiA Portia&d. IL TUKE A CO.. 234 FRONT: FLOUK, 1U.Y. produce, feed and groeeriea. Cornices-Skylights. METAL SKYLIGHTS. liALVANIZED IRON Seo.Secoud street. cornices. J. u. )U)r. Cnrled-IIalr Manufacturers. Portland Curlcd-Halr Factory. 11. iletzjtr, pro. t,rieUr, manufacturer curiu hair anti genuine curied-nalr mattresst-s. ZJU-Zi Fruut c Buth puones- x Dentists. DR. T. L. PERKINS. DENTIST. REMOVED lo room 17 liuasel bldg.. 4lh and Morrison. Dll. C. B. BKOW'N: teL Ore. Red 2M; W hlte UJ4. 514-11-1 Uekum building. Deulul bupplles. WOODARD. CLARKE A CO.. Cor- Fourth and Wajhingtoa sts. Dyeing; and Cleaning. IL W. TURNER, PROFESSIONAL DYER JLMl cleaner. 3ul lita. Telephone Red 131. O reasuiukl ue. MlfcS HAWKINS. LADIES TAILOR AND oress-oaker; i.ocd fit guaranteed. 434 Wash. Mrs .badle A. McKloben. modiste. Easter- o-i-tumes u specUIty 3TaVi East Morrison. Educational. PORTLAND MJ-ilNESa. COLLEGE. Fifth and lamuill: A. I'- Ai matron; i'rin.. J. A. Wastco. tec Oen all tae year. oc.iJ.au aduutted at any time. Catalugu free. HOLMES' ENGLISH AND BUSINLSS COl lege, 414 xamhlll at luigllaa course: com mercial and sburtoand cuurscs. bend (or cat alogue. Electric Belts. DR. SCHRAMECK'S ELECTRIC BELTb ARE the best; examli-e $5 bells. 27uh runt St. Fence itnti vlre vVorka. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE WoriJA. Carlson. Ji) Last Morrison st. Florists. GET YOUR PLANTS AT Schmitt's. 469 East Oak. MRS. R. N. Guns, Flahlnjc Tackle, SiHirt'g; Goods. IL Bal; guns, fishing tackle snorting goods And uitlery. 49K Third st,. Portlanil, Or. Halrdreaslnx and Manlcnrlntr Parlors Miss Grace Dodge A Mrs, D'Arcy Ollbert: ulr dresslng. scalp massage; manicuring; ladies A geata 112 Dckum building. Tel. south 581. Harness and baddies. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. HAR nets snd sole leather, saddlery, hardware, nnd legs and shoe store supplies, 73 Front at. THE OEORGE I AWRENCE CO. WHOLE sals saddlers and harness manufacturers. ;ther and saddlery hardware, 72 Front at. notrla. TREMONT HOUSE", newly furnished rooms. 1.5y a week up. J. E, Clark, 3436 Everett. Health Foods. SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT. KINO all health foods. Sold by all grocers. OF Iron Founders, Mnch'ats. Ship BIdra. Wolff A SSwIrker Iron Works; designers and mfrs. of ships, steamboats, marine, mining and milling maehlneryt-xlveted ateel pip. Iron Founders and Machinists. Smith A Watson Iron Works: engines and boil ers; legging engines a specialty: quarts and saw mills; misc. machinery. Front and Hall. CITY FOUNDRY A MACHINE SHOPS. J. Honeyman Co.. engines, boilers, saw mills and mining- machinery, 301 Front st. WLlsmette Iron A Steel Works; James Lotan. mgr.: lron-workera. steamboat bldrs. Portland. Insurance. HAMBURG - TfREMEN FIRE INS. CO. l10J First st. Boyd A Arnold, General Agents. J Japanese Goods. CLEARANCE SALE. 30 DAYS. JAPANESE goods, bamboo furniture. 311 Morrison. Ladder Works. PACIFIC LADDER WORKS LADDERS all kinds. Cor. East Sixth and Oak. OF 'Leather Flndlnm. J. A. REID. mfr. boot and shoe uppers: full stock shoemakers supplies. 207 Washington sc BTJSIXESS DIRECTORY. Merchant Tailors. THEO. 6CHULZE.. MERCHANT TAILOR. 372 E. Bomalde. fine "Pfjpg and summer goods to order. " Laee-Cnrtaln Cleaninsl Lace curtains of all krhds cleaned, refinlsbed. 428 Wash. Phone. Brown 17. L X. Ztegler. Liquor and Tobacco Instltntea. Keeley Institute,. 314 otk. cures Uqucr. opium and tobacco addlctlcna No other in state Xaametle UeaUnaf. IF MEDICINE FAILS. TRY O. KLINGBE1L. magnetic healer. 307 .E fth. Or. tel, Scott C33. Marble and Granite "Works. PORTLAND MARBLE .WORKS: marble, gran Ite and store work. Echasen A Neu. 2SS 1st, Otto Schumann, mfg- marble and granite mcn. umeius, esiimatea on ouiicung wqix. - ou Massac. G. W. MATTSON. M. G.w SPECIALIST IN medleo-gynnastlcs and massage. Gentlemen. ladles and children treated at residences. Ad dress room 41 Ooodnough building. - THE SNOWDEN" BATHROOMS RE opened. 13IH 4th; formerly. fTha Nelson"; tub and vapor baths, massage. Tel. Red 421. SELECT MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC TREAT . ments: lady from San Francisco. Parlor 20. - 2CSH stark street. LADY" GIVES VAPOR BATHS AND MAS sage, at313U Waahtngton'st.. room 33. Mining; Investments. THE ROCKEFELLER MINING COMPANY. J. O. HANTKOPN. PRESIDENT. The prop erties of this' company consist of three full quarts claims, located ta the famous Bonanza district, among the. big producers near Sump ter. Or. Vigorous and systematic development work to commence at once, A limited number cf fully paid up and noaassBsable shares of stock'of the company for sale, to develop the properties. Quick advance In prices may be confidently relied upotu Fon particulars apply to IL L. Powers. Sec retary, room-3 Chamber of Commerce building- CAPE NOME GOLD AN OPPORTUNITY TO Invest In a good- and safe "mining enterprise at. Cape. Noma, Latest Improved machinery tor savins, gold. ,wlth a capacity for handling perfectly--JC00 -oublc yards of- gravel-per "day. The machine. Is a demonstrated success. Our circulars -stalled free- Alaskan Bed Rock Dredging Co . 43-44 McKay Building, Port- lana. or. DIADEM GOLD MININGS CO. THIS IS A producer, having 500 sacks of high-grade ore en hand awaiting teaming facilities. To meet current expecses-and cost of new- hoisting ma chinery, I am instructed to .sell a limited number- ot shares cf treasury stock at 25c This Is a gllt-edred Investment, Apply 515 Oregonlan building, or to John F. Hoskins. Perkins HoteL BUYERS OR SELLERS OF STOCKS AND mines solicited, bumpier. Burnt .rover -ana Bohemia districts most attractive. Wire or mill your orders. Bhone Hood 552: cabls "Weatberby..Porlland .Mining. A -Trust Co., 518 Oregonlan building. Portland. THANKSGIVING GOLD MINING COMPANY -will sell a lew shares ot treasury stoca--iror particulars, apply W. Hi Sherrod. 319 Cham ber of Commerce, r Columbia phone 50. Wa deal -in Eastern Oregon. Bohemia and Southern Oregon mines and mining stocks. Datldson. Ward A Co., 408 Chambsr ot Com. Mining;. Barton A Curtis, 229-Eiark. mining-engineer! stock brokers: mines examined and reported upon; machinery-furnished; planis ereoted. PROSPECTS AND MINES EXAMINED ON rrasonablo terms! bank reference. E. O. Smith.. M- Ea88-14th St.. Portland," Or. MONTANA . METALLURGICAL .WORKS, test ore. alt kinds; geld. $1.50; stiver. $1.50. Send for full .particulars. 92 First street. ONLY PERFECT COAL OIL BURNER AND stove In world: $10. IW First st. MnslcnI. Violin, viola, cornet lessens; music furnished: Italian striae! snd.old violins for sale,. Erall ThlelbomJ M.TP- S. Orch., 2U9 Jefferson: TeL Weetl004. Aston Zllxn, teacher, ot violin, string quartets for entertainments. A, O. U. W. Temple. TWO LESSON3 A WEEK. WITH USE OF piano. $2 a month. 22i Hall , Medical. NOTICE DR. J'AUL-CHbM WELL. THE COL ored specialist, will now give-people a cbancs foget wen." All person residing in city.-treatment ky week, $5. To stay at-sanitarium. $3 per day. Persons of moderate means will like to take advantage of this offer, for one month enly. lTlGreen' ave., Tak Washington and 2Sd-treet ear. Dr. Floia A. Brown; diseases of women and children a rpeclalty. Consultation and diag nosis tree- EI7.-51S'Xte"Bkum. Portland. Or. Rldlns" Academies. Portland Riding Academy; ftrst-clasa eatabllsh.; private A class lessons. 19th and N. TeL 9IX Portland Riding Club, fine"" livery, boarding. saddle horses specialty. Park and JeSenn. Oreirun Vinvl Company. Lerrli bldg., 'Park and 'Morrisun. Ires. Healto lectures to women Thursday, at 2.20 P. M. Oateopatliy. DR. W". A ROGERS. OSTEOPATH. SUITE fI3 Marquam bldg.. acute and chronic dis eases. Ladles visaing, lady operator mil be attended by Dr. Rhoda C. tilcks. graduate under Dr. A- T. Still, founder cf Osteopatny. Fhone Main 27. DRS-- NORTHRUP AND ALKIRE. OSTEO paths. suite. 418 The Dekum bullJlng. Thl-d and Washington sts. Nervous and chronic diseases a specialty. Mrs Dr. C. J. Rammy will, attend those wishing lady operator. Examination- free. Phone Main M0. DR. L. B. SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH, suite 403 Oregonlan building. Phons Oak 421. Palmistry. HAVE YOUR HANDS READ; CHARGES ARE 50b and $1. Prof, Sterling, the celebrated palmist: parlors are at 219 Jefferson ., cor. Third. Palmistry Is a science Office hours, S A. IL to 10 p. M.. dally and Sundays. LARSEN. THE PALMI3T. WILL READ THE year when all leading events In life take place; past and future. readings, 50c. 2S5b First s. w Miss Marie White scientific palmist, reads past and future correctly. Lewis bldg.. room Co. Jennie Wlonona Reich; aavlce on biulneKi, poil. tics, domestic affairs: 614 Second otrcer. Patents. T J. GrnSLER. 6I0-G11 CHAMBER OF COM. Registered aitornev- U. S. patent ofile. Photoejraphkc Supplies. WOODARD. CLARKE A CO . WHOLESALE and retail, cor. Fourth and Washlnatoa. Real Estate. Loans nnd Rentals. ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD lisbed 1KB. 227 Stark st. A CO.; ESTAB- Restanranta. Etrouse's Cafe: beat 25c meal; famous coffee and cake. 10c 222 Washington, bet. 1st and 2d. Safes. SAFES. SAFES. BANE WORK. LOCK DEP"T. opening lockouts, repairs. J. n. Davis. 03 3d. OPENINO LOCKOUTS. AND REPAIRERS. Dllg A Vlerlck. Allskr bldg.. 3d A Morrison. Storaare. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE. Fourth and Davis. Merchandise a specialty. Insurance rstes low; storage rstes reasouabl. Careful attention given- to country consign ments. TeL Or. Main 777: Columhla C7f. Snvr Mill Machinery. Chrlftenscn.McMsster Mschlnery Co.; new aa.1 second-hand machinery. E-Water A E Tryttr. Showcases and Store Klxtarrs. DIXON. BOROESON Washington sts. - A CO.. FRONT AND Sforarce and Transfer. EAFES. PIANOS. FURNITURE MOVED AND packed for shipping. C M. Olsen. 12S First. TeL office. Mala 1087: Ulaik 801. ( ETOR.GE AT LOW RATE3 CAN BE. HAD at Fred Bickers storehouse. 31 North Front. Wholesale DrnsfZtlats. WOODARD. CLARKE A CO.. WHOLES ALB druggists, corner Fourth and Washington. Wall Paper and Paints. F. BOCKMAN. PAINTING. KALSOMININC. paper-hangm$. Ore. teL Bus 531. 2C9 RLasell. Syrnp Refiners. Westacott A Knight, syrup reficera. mfgr. gro cers: both phonea. E. Alder and E. Morrlsoa. BCSLTESS DIRECTORY. Splrltoallsta. MRS. WALLACE. RELIABLE CLAIRYOYANT and psychic life-reader: consult her on busl sr.a affairs, loye troubles, absent friends; good advice on mines; readirg dally. 30c -and up. IfftU First street, office 7 and 8. MRS. STEVENS. SITTINGS DAILY: HYT notlam, magnetic healing scientlBcslly taught: consultation free. Phone Hood 734. 31 Flrst- DR. COLLINS. SPIRITUAL TRANCE, clairvoyant, magnetic healing medium. Circle tonight, 350 Washington at. MRS. J. A. SMITH, medium, magnetic healer; ores read. Rocms 8 and 0. 2231? Washington. Stoves. Ranges, Household Hardware LOWENBERG A GOING CO, MFRS. OP stoves, ranges and hollowware; wholesale sheet metals, sheet steel, camp and oil stoves. housefumlshlng hsrdware. 2d and Taylor. Hardware; st.e agt. Universal stoes &ns:; housefurnlxhlng goods- J J Kadderly. 141 1st. i Tents and Avrnlnfrs. TENTS. AWNINGS AND CAMP FURNITURB for rent or sale. Pike's Factcry. 107 N. 3d. Cape Nome tents, bags, oil clothing, camp fur nltur. Pacific Tent A Awn. Co.. 27 N. 1st. "Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN A LEWIS. WH0LE3ALE GROCERS, cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portlsnd. Or. Woolens. GARRETT A YOUNG. Importers and Jobbers, woolens and tailors trimmings. ICO First. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR FIELD RANGES DEPOT Quartermaster's Office. 30 New Montgomery street. San Francisco. CaU March 2S. 1900. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be re ceived at this office until II o'clock A. M.. April 12. 1900, Pacific Standard time, for furnishing 20O large field ranges, with prlv lege of Increase of 50 per centum, samples to be submitted by bidders. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production and manufacture, conditions cf price and, quality being equal (Including In the price of farlegn production and manufacture tha duty thereon), and auch preference will bt given to articles of American production and ptanuracture produceu en the ractnc Coast to- the extent of. ths consumption required, by the public servloa there. The United States reserve tb- right to accept or reject any or all proposals or sny part thereof. Information and blanks for proposals will be furnished on application. Envelopes con. talnlng proposals will be Indorsed. "Propos als for Field Ranges. and addressed to Cap. tain Oscar F. Long. Assistant Quartermaster. United States Army. Depot Quartermaster. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL.. AEP.H, 7. 1W0 Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be re celted here until 12 o'clock M.. Monday. May 7, 1900. and then opened, .for furnishing dur ing fiscal year ending June 30. 1H"1, forags and straw, to be delivered on board of ves sels at wharves In San Francisco. CaL. for shipment to Honolulu. H. I. Government re serves' right to reject or accept any or aU bids or sny part thereof. Preference given to, articles of American production, conditions of price and quality (Including In the price ot fcrelgn productions the duty thereon) being, equal, and auch preference given to- articles of American production produced on the Pa cific" Coast, to extent of consumption required by the public service there. All information furnished on application to undersigned, En velopea containing bids to be indorsed "Pro posals for at San Francisco. CaL and addrcred to J. M. MARSHALL. Deputy i Quartermaster-General. U. S. A., Chief Quar termaster. Stockholders' Jleetlnjr. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK holders of the- Alsska OH A Guano Co. will ba held la the office of the company. 43 Concord! block. 'Portland. Or., on Wednesday, the lStlv day of April, 1 '-). at 12 noon. " - . B. H. NICOLL. Secretary. Miscellaneous. UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S SALE" IX Admiralty United State, of America. Dis trict of Oregon, so. By virtue of a writ ven ditioni exponas. Issued out of the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon, tested the 2d day of April,' 1900. at the suit of 1'aac Gray et aL. as libe lants, I will expose for sale at public auc tion and will sell to the highest and best bidder, for cash, on Monday, tbe lGth day of AprlU 1900. at 2 o'clock In the afternoon ot said day. at the City Dock, toot of Jef ferson .. In the City of Portland. Or., in said district, the steamer City of Eugene, her tackle apparel and furniture. Dated at Port land, in said, district, this 3d day of April. A. D. 1900. ZOETH, HOrSER. U. S. Marshal for the District ot Oregon. DISSOLUTION Or PARTNERSHIP THE ;.rm ot Schmeer A Kadderly lu this cay Jl so,ved partnership. Mr. Schmeer havlny re tire." from buslni-ss. All outstanding bill nnc accounts to be collected and pl$ br th nb-iv- parties. All debtors are respe-tfu'iy rrctcxited to call and settle accounts. March 21. 190O. R. SCHMEER. A. A. KADDERLY. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXIST irg under the name of Francis Bro3. Brass Works, having U-n dissolved by mutual co--sent. the funneia III hereafter b continued at 2S2 East Water t-. Portland. Or . by C. A. Francis, under the cam of "The C A. Francl Brass Works ' C. A. FRANCIS. CASKS. SAVINGS BANK PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, lrt) THIRD STREET. Money to loan en mortgage. Agtneral trust and ager.c business transacted. Dh.NJ. 1. COHEN Presldenr IL L. P1TTOCK. A. S. NICHOLS Vlce-Pres. E. J. ALTsrOCK. J. O. Ciul.l ItA. . .Secretaries FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF IVRTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary snd Financial Agent of the United States. President .U. W. COEBETT Csahier L. WITHINUTON Ataisutnt Cashier ...........J. W. NEWKIRh. second Aonstant Casnier W. C. ALVOia Letters cf. credit issued, available la Europe and the Easteinsutee. Slx-nt exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New lork. Bostcn. Chicago, it. Louis St. Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and the principal point's In the Northwwt, sight and time bilU drawn In sums to suit on i,n.in. Pari. ixrnn. rnnwon-n-uK-j..r Hone Kong. Yokohama. Copeinagea, Christl- anla7 Stockholm, fat. Peterseurg. Moscovt. Zu- rich, Honolulu. Collccticns made on favorable terms. LADD A T1LTON. BANUERs ESTABLISHED IN 1S59. Trarsact a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. r-al'ectlocs road at all points ot favorable temuC Letters of credit issued available In Eu rope and the Eastern states. , !ft Exchange and Telegraphic TransferJ M on Netr i-rk. asnlnxwn. Chicago, fac Ixuis-. Denver. Omaha, ban Francisco and vari ous wints- in Ortg.in. Washington. Idaho. Mon tana and British Columbia. Exchange aold on London, Parla, Berlin. Frankfort and Hong Kong. WELLS. FARGO A CO. BANK CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS JG.200.0CO JOll" J. VALENTINE PBrlslDl.-, r HOMER S. KING MANALLH (faaa Francisco.) n t nOOLEY CASHIER JOHN IiTillLES ASSISTANT CAaHlER J (Portland) . General Banking Bualnesa trarsacted. Ex change sold, and Letters cf Credit lsjued. avi.1 able In all parts "f the world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANKr PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WA1SON ......President R. I- DURHAM VIce-PresIde-t it w. lion " CEO W. HOYT Ass-tant CashKr TRANiACTS A GENERAL BAN KING HUSINFPS. Tnf.rnt. nald en time deposits. iinfu and letters of credit Issued. avallable In all parts of the worlL Collections a specialty- Geld gust bcugat. LONDON AND SN FRANCTSCO Il'KK- LIMITED. CAPITAL PAID UP J2.45O.C0O Head Office. 73 Lombard street. London. This bank transact! x general banking ard exchange bus-ness: makes loans, ducounfc bills and Issues commercial and travelers credits. avalUb'e In any city In the v-orlL Chamber cf Commerce building. Third ana SUrU streets- W. MACKINTOSH. M-iag-r. A1NSWORTH NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, cor. Third and Oak trts. J. C AIN3WORTH, Prcx.: W. W. PHILLIPS. Cashier. Transacts a General Banking Business. Exchange bought and suld on all the principal cities In Europe. Also facilities for telegraph'! transfers. Collectlon-j made on favorable terms on all accessible points. SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT Connected with the bank. Safes rented on easy tenna. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BXNK Trarsacts a General Banking Rusiness. Drafts lacued avatlable In all cities of the United States and Europe. President TYLER WOODWARD Vice-President JACOR KAMM Cashier F. C. MILLER BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA-PAID-UP CAPITAL ... $3.000 00-1 RESERVE 500.0W Head Office. CO Lombard street. London. Com'l block. 244 Washington t Portland. .R. LEA BARNES. Manager. L Jot ic-iy- , lr-1 4 r m