THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1900. n COMMERCIAL AND Trade -was good ell through the wholesale dtetrlot yosterday, "with country orders more numerous than tuoy havo been for a Ions time, end e. good city trod. In the produce mar kets there waa a decidedly weak feeling la potatoes, sales of flno Burbanks being made a low. as 45e w10 BOm JaI6ra giving 50355c &a aa extreme limit. Poultry was weak under heavy receipts, but eggs aeem. to hold fairly eteady at 11a Butter U moving well at the reduction. A carload of vegetables arrived from California yesterday, and prices were slightly lower than .for the last .received. They arrived la excellent condition, and found a ready sale. Banlc ClearjnifB. Exchanges. Dalancej. Portland $323,020 ?W,536 Seattle 354.305 Oi.KB Spokane 170,423 S2.0C2 Tacoma 125.4KS 33.2WJ "PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain. FloHr, Etc. The wheat markets In the East opened weak yesterday, but. In eplte of another report of enormous shipments from the Argentine, they braced up at 'the close, and showed a gain over Thursday. The European markets were also better, and advices from Liverpool stated that "Walla Walla on spot waa -very firm, and selling at high prices. Not much of this strength wbb reflected In cargoes, and in the Portland market matters showed but a slight change. "Walla Walla was steady at 53J?64o. with the usul reports of fancy bidding la t5w interior, somo reports getting the figure up to 55c Valley Is easy at 533Tic Freights, .firm and unchanged. Wheat "Walla "Walla, 5354c; Valley. 530 54c; bluestem. &556c per bushel. Flour Best grades, ?2 7003; graham, ?2 50; superfine. $2 10 per barrel. Oats White, 3Gff37c; gray, 3334c; stained, 2930c per bushel. -Barley Feed, S14314 CO; brewing, $1717 50 per ton. Mlllstuffa Bran. $1213 per ton; middlings, S1&319; shorts, $1315; chop, $14. Hay Timothy, $910; clover, 77 50; Ore gon wild hay, $037 per ton. Vegetables, Frnlt, Etc Vegetables Parsnips. $1; carrots, $1; turnips, COc; onions, $2 2 50 per cental; cabbage, COcQSl Pr cental; potatoes. 5055c per sack; sweet potatoes, 2&3c; peas, 4&5c; beans, lie; asparagus, 4t; new potatoes; 2c per pound. Fruit Lemons. -$2 5033; oranges. $23)3 per box for navels, $1 5062 for seedlings; tangerines, $1 76; Japanese oranges. 75c$l 50 per box; pineapple. $4 5006 per dozen; bananar. $2 50 3 per bunch; Persian dates, 38c per -pound; apples, ?11 50; pears, 75c$l 25 per bix. Dried frujt Apples, evaporated, "8c pet pound; sun-dried, sacks or boxes, 4Sc; pears, sun and evaporated, WJOc; plums, pltless, id Jc; prunes. Italian, 3&5c; sliver, exln choice, 5 0c; flgs, gmyrna, 22c; California black, 56c; do white. 10c per pound. Butter, Ebbs, Poultry, Etc. Butter Fancy creamery. 45 & 50c; seconds, 40c; dairy. 3037c: store, 2332&c per rolL Eggs 1111V4c per dozen for Oregon. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3 503-4- 50; hens, $530; ducks, -$506; geese. $6 508 per dozen; .turkeys, live, 10Hc; dressed, 12HMo pel pound. Game Mallard ducks, 3'; widgeon, $1 5032; teal, ?1C1 50 per dozen. Cheese Full cream, twins, 12313c; Touna America, 14c per pound. Groceries, Rats, Etc. Coffee Mocha 232Sc; Java, fancy, 20332c;j Java, good, 20324c; Java, ordinary, 18520c; Costa Rica, fancy, 18320c; do good. lC18c; da ordinary, 10 12c per pound; Columbia, roast, $12 75 per case; Arbuckle's. $14 25; Lion, $12 75. Sugar-Cube, ?5 82: crushed, ?5 82: pow cered. ?5 S2; dry granulated, caner $5 32; beet, 5 22; extra C, $4 82; golden C, $4 7 net; half barrels, &c more than barrels; maplt sugar, 15346c per pound. Beans Small white, BJic; bayou. 4c; Lima, Ce per pound. Salmon Columbia river. 1-pound tails, $10 1 50; 2 - pound tails, $232 50; fancy, 1-pound flats, $1 0531 75; -pound fancy flats, S595c; Alaska, 1-pound tails, $1 201 30; .2-pound tails, $1 0032 23. Grain bags Calcutta, $77 10 per 100 fot spot, $8 6030(52 for July-August. Nuts Peanuts, 67c per pound for raw, 10 fpr roasted: cocoanuts, 00c per dozen; walnuts, lOQllc per pound; pine nuts, 15c; hickory nuts, 7c: chestnuts, 15c; Brazil, lie; Alberts, 15c, fancy pecans, 12014c; almonds, 15 Q 17c pet pound. Coal oil Cases, 21o per gallon; barrels, 17c; tanks. 15c Rice Island. Ctfc; Japan, Cc; New Orleans, Sc; lancy pead, 77 60 "per sack. Meat and Provisions. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes. E44 25; dressed, 77c per pound; eprlng lambs, $22 50 each. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, ?5; light, $4 60; dressed, 5ffGc per pound. Beef Gross, top steers, $44 60; cows. $3 W C4; dressed beef. 67c per pound. Veal Large, CQ'7c per pound; small. 839c. Provisions Portland pack (Shield brand): Hams, smoked, are quoted at 13c per poubd; picnic bams, &o per pound; breakfast bacon, 13c; bacon. 9c; backs. 0c; dry salt sides, 8c; dried beef, 17c per pound; lard, 5-pound palls, 10c; 10 -pound pails. uc; 60s, 9-Xc; tierce. OVic per pound. Eastern pack (Ham mond's): Hums, large, 13c; medium. 13Kc; email, 13c; picnic hams, 0c; shoulders, l)Uc; breakfast baccn, 123Jc; dry salt sides, S&3D&C; bacon sides. 931OJ40: backs, 10c; butts, Sc; lard, pure leaf, kettle rendered, 5s, lO&c; 10s, 10&c Hops, "Wool, Hides, Etc Hops 38c per pound. Wool Valley. 12 13c for coarse, 1031Sc for best; Eastern Oregon. 1015c; mohair, 20S2Sc per pound. Sheepskins Shearlings, I520e; short-wool. 2J 35c; medium-wool, 30050c; long-wool. C0cQ$l each. Pelts Bear skins, each, as to size, $5015; cube, each, flQS; badger, each, 50c; wildcat, 5ST5c; housecat, DKJc; fox, common gray. 40c$l; do red, $1 753 50; do cross, $2 50tf; lynx, $2 50; mink, 40cQl 75; marten, dark Northern. $510; io pale, pine, $2g4; musk rat. 812c; skunk. 50S0c; otter (land), $4 8; 'panther, with head and claws perfect, $13; raccoon, 2580c; wolf, mountain, with head perfect. $3 50 & 5; wolverine, $2 50$; beaver, per skin, large, $6G7; do medium, pet skin, $45; do small, per skin, $12; do kits. per skin, $13. Tallow-55c; Jfa 2 and grease. 34c pet pound. Hides Dry hides. No. 1, 10 pounds and up ward. 1515c; dry kip. No. 1. 5 to 10 pounds, 15c per pound; dry calf. No. 1, under 5 pounds. 15Q10c; dry Baited, .one-third less than dry flint; salted hides, sound steers, CO pounds and over, c; do 50 to CO pounds. 88c; da under 50 pounds and cows, 78c; kip, 13 to 34 pounds, 78c; do eal, 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; do calf, under 10 pounds, 7c; green (unaalted), ic per pound less; culls (bulls, stags,' moth eaten, badly cut. scored hair slipped, weathep beaten or grubby), one-third less, XEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Railroad Superseded by the Indas- trials and Specialties. NEW TORK. March 30. The railroads re tired into the background of the Mock market today and gave way to the Industrials and spe cialties. Sugar almost outdid its traditional .reputation for uncertainty by suddenly retrac ing Its course of yesterday and mounting well above the high point. There was a momentary decline of less than a point at th opening, end then a quick rally, and the stock never got back to last night's closing level. Twice during the late dealings it was 13 points above the low level In the morning, and Its net gain is 1VA. The transactions today were enor mous. Its course clearly demonstrated a cynical skepticism on the part of the speculative pub lic regarding the pessimistic official outgiving Which caimed yesterday's slump in the price cf the stock. All sorts of sensational rumors wer afloat regarding measures for compromise uZ the sugar-trade war. and there were Intima tions that the opposition refiners bad been em ulating the example of the Metropolitan Street Railway Interests In the Third Avenue coup by acquiring Sugar stock at the decline. At ail events, ahpris in the stock were exceedingly perturbed and scrambled to obtain stock. The local traction stocks furnished the other surprise in the market, and, like Sugar, de Teloped -aggressive strength In the face of bad news. The. demand In this group undoubtedly cape from the shorts. The, figures given out from Albany last night of the valuation placed upon the franchises of the New Tork traction .companies were as high as the most extrava gant estimates In Wall street. With the ex ception of a preliminary drive, which carried FINANCIAL NEWS tho stocks down from to 4 points,' the whol group .was eagerly bought, all day, .rising well above, last night's figures, and no; falling far below that level again. People's Gas and a number of the iron and steel stocks, hy rising sharply, completed the demonstration of strength of the Industrial group. The demand for the railroads seemed to have quieted down for the time being, with the exception of a. stock here aad there In the list, which showed a good advance. Profit taking waa the motive for the selling, but the pressure upon the moaey market Incident to the quarterly settlement next week, which was manifest In foreign markets even more than here, had its influence in checking the buying movements. As the buying of the specialties was largely to cover short contracts,. It was not Influenced by money market considerations. There was no stiffness In the rates for money, but the preliminary figures of tomorrow's bank statement fall to indicate so Mrocg a return as has been counted on. Owing to the falling off la the amount of Government bonds offered for conversion, the disbursement of premiums and decreases in this week's gain by the banks from the Subtreasury will be less than $1,000,000. Oa the Interior movement by ex press, the net receipts are estimated at least $500,000. As against this small gala in cash, the expansion In loans has unquestionably beea large. There is room for doubt, therefore, whether considerable inroad has not been made on the surplus. Business 'in the bond market showed a falling .off, but prices were about maintained. Total sales. $3,300,000. United States 3s, old 4s and new 4s declined per cent la the bid price. BONDS. ' U. S. 2s, ref 104iD. & R. G. 4s C8H do 2s, res lDOfciGea. Electric 5s. ..115 do 3a, reg ..110 N. T. Cent. lsts.ll0' do 3s, coupon... .llOVtlNorth. Pacific 3s.. GS$4 do new 4s, reg..l34ii do 4a lO&a do new 4s, eoup.l34U 'Oregon Nav. Ists..ll0 do old 4s, reg...ll5I do 4s 104 do old 4s, coup. alGVi, Oregon s. L. 6s... .128 do 5s, reg 114t, do con. 53 114 do 6s, coupon.... IHjRIo Gr. West. 1st 09 Dial. Col. 3-G59....110 I St. Paul consols.. .170 Atchison adj. 4s.. 845k, St. P. C. & P. Istsll0 C. & N.W. con. 7sl42 do 6s 113 do S. F. deb. 5a.l21tti Union Pacific 43...107H P. & R. G. lsts,.103lWls. Cent. Ist3.... D2, When Issued. STOCKS. The total sales of stocks today were 800,000 shares. The closing Quotations were: Atchison 2SJi;Unlon Pac pref... do.pref .., 72$a)Wabash Bait. & Ohio 8VM do pref Can. PaelHn 07. iWhooMtit- jc T. w 70 22V Can. Southern ... 54 " do 2d pref '. 30 11 v.uto. cc juio 3zi wisconsm central, isu Chi. Gr. Western. 14tP- C. a & St. L.. 00 C.. B. & Q isi Third Avenue 10254 Chi., Ind. &, L.... 5 EXPRESS CO.'S. do pref cs jAdams 116 Chi. &. East, IU...102 lAmerican 149 Chicago & N. W..1G4 (United States 47 C., R. L &P.....112Well3-Fargo 125 C., a. a Jfc St. L. 0tH4 MISCELLANEOUS. Colo. Southern ... (Amer. Cotton Oil.. 3CU do 1st pref. 45 i do pref 04 do "2d pref..... 10 lAmer. Malting .... 4 DeL & Hudson. ...llG?i, do pref 22 DeL, Lack. & W..182 Amer. Smelt. & R. 42Vi Denver & Rio Gr. 224 do pref 00 do pref 74y Amer. Spirits 2 Erie 14 do pref 17 do 1st pref 41X Amer. Steel Hoop. 35 Great North. pref.lC5Vi1 do pref 81 Hocking Coal .... 20 Amer. Steel & W. 5C Hocking Valley ,. 301 do pref 00 Illinois Central ...115Amer. Tin Plate... 33 Iowa Central ia, do pref 82 -do pref 58 Amer. Tobacco ...100 Kan. C, P. & G.. 10 1 do nref 12S Lake Erie & W do pref Lake Shore .... Louis. &. Nash. 23 (Anaconda Mln. Co. 503i . 87 Brooklyn R. T 71vs 200 (Colo. Fuel & Iron.. SOV btyijCont. Tobacco Manhattan El flMil In nfflf 84 Met. St. Ry 164Federal SteVl 54-' At, 74 Minn. & St. Louis 67 Gen. Electric 128 do pref. 0C , Glucose Sugar 53 Missouri Pacific .. 485 do pref 0S Mobile & Ohio.. 40ilnt. Paper 21 12 do pref 66 M., K. & T.. do pref New Jersey Cent..ll8 National Biscuit .. 36 New lork Centw.1371 do pref ta Norfolk & West.. 3G National Lead .... 34 do pref 70&, do pref 105 Northern Pacific., 00 National Steel .... 44 u ijxi ny.. ao prei ih Ontario & West... 25 W.1.!v V a , -,- nA -. im .Air uniKP...iau yj. xu xv 42 do pref 76 Pennsylvania 137 North American 15 Pacific Coast 52 do 1st pref...... 82 Reading ii do 1st pref, do 2d.nrf. .. C2JPaclnc Mall 87 . 33V4 People's Gas 105 . 53Pressed Steel Car.. 51 . OOVji Hfi nref R3 Rio Gr. Western., do pref , St. Louis & S. Fr. do lt Trf lialjpullman Pal. Car.184 72 (Stand. Rope & Tw. 7 do 2d pref SS-X'SuKar ,100 St. Louis & S. W. 12V do Dref . 10 1 do Tref TKti. T,nn Pnol Tnn T St. Paul ....... ...123.U. S. Leather 12 do pref 17lQ do pref 73 St. Paul & 0 107U. S. Rubber 31 Southern Pacific. 41. do pref 06 Southern Ry 17 Western Union ... S3 do pref 60i Republic Iron & S. 22 Texas & Pacific... 17 do pref CO Union Pacific .... 58 Ex dividend! Forelgrn Financial JVe-m. NEW YORK. March 50. The Commercial Ad vertiser's' London financial cablegram sajs: The market here was Idle, the effect of the Delagoa Bay award. The market has been ex pecting 2,500,000 to 3.000.000, and gets only 075,000. No fecial provision la made for the American claim. Shares fell 7s 10s to lie, and closed at 1, nominal. First debentures fell 130 to par, seconds 114 to 40. Portuguese declined , but recovered. Americans showed meager dealings for the same reason as oa yesterday. There was fair profit-taking. A strong rally at the opening of the afternoon was regarded as preliminary to manipulation from New Tork, which came as buyers of Atchison Issues and Baltimore & Ohio, neg leotlng the others. The close waa slightly un der the best. Coppers were firm. Tlntos closed at 5S. New Tork bought Anacondas In the street up to 10. The bank bought 20,000 gold bars, and lost 11,000 to South Africa, iloney vas more plentiful. The amount due the bank was repaid this morning, and two-thirds was borrowed in the afternoon. Bills were a Bhadc easier. Money. Exchange, Etc. SAN FRANCISCO. Mareh 30. Sterling oa London CO days, $4 83; do sight. $4 87. Mexican dollars 18B49o. Drafts Sight, 17c; do telegraphic, 20c NEW YORK. March 30. Money on call, 3 4 per cent; last loans, 4 per cent. Prime mercantile pape-45 per cent. Sterling exchange Steady, with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at 44 83 for demand and at $4 S24 82 for CO days; posted rates. $4- 83 and $4 87; commercial hills $4 S2Vi4 83. EiHer certificates 0Q01e. Mexican dollars l7?so. Bonds Government, weak; state, Arm; rail road. Irregular. LONDON, March. SO. Consols 101 5-10. THE GRAIX 3IARKBTS. Prices for Cerenls in European and American Ports. SAN FRANCISCO, March SO. Wheat, easier. Barley, quiet. Oats, quiet. Spot quotations: WHEAT! A Most Astonishing Record Purchases of "wheat made in March in variably show a good profit durini? Anrii and Mai', as the following table, compiled from the oflclal records, will prove; Low in Higb Tear. March. Ap'l-May. Adv 1879 SS ii 01 y i& 1SS0 U 12 l 25 13& 18SL 9S 112$ !g 1SS2 124& 140 ik2 1S83 105 113 iS 18S4 82 94a? j2? 1SS5 73$a 93 i& liS6 , 75 63 s2. 1SS7 72 83 16 18S8 71 89 18 1SS9 v 92S 105 u 1SS0 76 100 23 1891 .'. SSJfe 116 16 1892 77ii Si 13 1893 72fc S3 15 1S94 , 65ft 65 ait 1895 51 S5SJ 31 189C 59 71 11 1897. (H 97 2S 189S iLeiter)... 1 00 1 85 5 1899 66 79 13 Take advantage of an exceptional op portunity to increase your, Income, we have the facilities and solicit your busi ness. CULLISON & CO. Board of Trade and Stock Exchange Brokers, 214-215 Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND. - - - OREGON. Wheat No. 1 shipping. 80c: choice. S7c; milling, fc5eQf 1 01. . Barley Feed. 7073c; "brewing. 80S82c Oats-Gray, Oregon. $1 071 12; milling.) $1 1501 17; red. 5c$l 15. Call board sales: Wheat Easter; May. DSc per cental; Decem ber. $1 00$,: cash, S7c. Com Large yellow, $1 101 12. Chicago Grain and Prodacc. CHICAGO, March 80. Wheat opened easier because, of lower cables from Liverpool, Xc under yesterday, at 050Gc In a ehort time the price sunk Tnfcn that to 00e, where the report of damage to the French crop made Its habitual appearance, Joined with reports of a bllsrard In Adstrla and higher prices In Buda pest, which sent May to 67ftC7c Profit taking caused a reaction to 60c, but la the break ahorts "covered, taking the cue from the .strength of corn, and nearly all of the slump was recovered, the market closing strong. May Osc over yesterday, at 074rC79&c St. Louis cohered in enormous lots.- and traders who bad sold early also made, haste to take back their early sales, materially aiding In the strength and activity. There was a fair cash demand, but the car scarcity Interfered with the closing of many deals. Domestic crop reporta were favorable, as was the weather. The corn market was broad aad strong, helped principally by a heavy export demand. The demand for shipment In April was also heavy, but the ever-present difficulty In getting cars intruded Itself, and was an efficient check on much business of this sort. Country offer ings were light and cables lower. May closed 5i6'c over jesterday. The strength of corn held, oats firm. The trade gradually showed a .balance In favor of July optrons. July closed o Improved, and May o up. Provisions were nervous, with fluctuations wide and the market altogether rather Jerky. The opening was under yesterday, the consid eration being lower prices at the yards. A small dip followed, and thea the market re acted. May pork shooting up SOc to $12 07. There was a good cash demand, but there waa also considerable profit-taking, which told in the end, the -close being rather heavy. May pork closed 5c under yesterday. May lard 5 7c down and May ribs 6c depreseid. The leading futures ranged as follows: . W'HEAT. Opened. Highest. Lowest. Closed. March 1' $0 0G May $000 $007 $0 06 01 July 07 GJk CS CORN. March 07 May 38 3S 3S 38 July :.. 38 . 31$, 38 oOfl, September .... 30 40 30 4u OATS. May ;. 240 July .... 3 24 24 24 24$ 23 24 MESS pork: May -12C2 1207 12 00 1270 July 1227 12.45 1217 1225 XARD. May C45 050 040 642 July 655 055 650, 652 SHORT RIBS. May 052 0 70 602 6 05 July 002 657 060 065 Cash quotations: Flour-Steady. Wheat No. 3 spring, 63'C6c; No. 2 red, CO 070c- Corn No. 2. 333Ba Oats No. 2, 24c; No. 2 white, 27c; No. 3 white. 2027c Rye No. 2, 65c. Barley No. 2, 40N3c Flaxseed No. 1, $1 C5. Timothy Eeed Prime. $2 3032 40. Mess pork $12 05?12 60 per bbl. Lard $ 3006 42 -per cwt. Short rlbH Sides, loose, $0 G06 S5. Shoulders Dry salted, boxed, $6 2536 60. Short clear sides Boxed. $C 8597. Butter-Weak; creamery, 1023c; dairy, 10 721c. Cheese Firm, 12 13c Eggs Steady. 10c Receipta, Shipments. Flour, barrels 47.000 66.000 Wheat, bushel 51,000 136.000 Corn, bushels 33S.O0O 369.000 Oats, bushels 237,000 2S4.000 Rye. bushels 2.000 1.000 Barley, bushels 67,000 51.000 Jievr Tork: Grain and Prodnce. NEW YORK. March 30. Flou-Recelpts, 26, 070 barrels; exports, 6S87. Market firm; Min nesota patents, $3 703 05; winter straights, $3 45ff3 65. Wcat Receipts, 65,600 bushels. Spot, firm; No. 2 red, 80c f. o. b. Options opened easier, but soon rallied. Bulls were aided by renewed buying for St. Louis account, crop-damage re porta and covering by sellers; market clowd o higher; May closed at 74c; July, 74c; Sep tember 74c. Wool Dull. Hops Steady. European Grain Markets. LONDON, March 30. Wheat Cargpes on passage, near positions In demand; cargoes of Walla Walla, 2Ss 3d; English country markets, firm. LIVERPOOL. March 30. Wheat, firm; wbea In Paris, steady; flour la Paris, quiet; French country markets, firm. SAK FItAXCISCO MARKETS. SAN FRANCISCO, March 3a Wool Spring Nevada, J2Q'15c: Eastern Oregon, 12310c: Val. ley, Oregon, 20022c Fall Northern, mount ain, lOflWc; mountain, 8S10c: plains, 10c; Humboldt and Mendocino, 1417c per pound. Hops 1609 crop, HS'lOc per pound for choice. Mlllstuffs Middlings, $17fi20; ,bren, $12013 per ton. Hay Wheat. $6 6000 50; wheat and oat, ? 09; best barley. $507; alfalfa. $506 50; stock. $505 50, comprVcaed what, $7010 per ton; straw, 25040c per bale. Potatoe. Early Rose, 60075c; River Bur banks, 40075c; Oregon Burbanks. C5c?l per cental; sweet potatoes, $2 2502 50'per cental. VegeUbleo Sllverskln onions, $2 2502 75 per cental; garlic, 2fi3c; green peas, 101c; string beans. 008c; drted okra, 32c per pound; asparagus, U5c0$l 50 per box; egg plant, 8010c per pound. Apples $1 25 for choice; common, 60c Citrus fruits Oranges, navels. $1 2502 50; Mexican limes, $5 6006; common California lemons, $1; do choice, $1 2501 50 per box. Bananas $102 50 per bunch. Butter Fancy creamery. lS018c; do sec onds, 17017c; fancy dairy, 16017c; do sec onds, 14015c per pound." Cheese California, new, 70Sc; Young Amer ica. 809c; Eastern, 16017c per pound. Eggs Store, 1213c; fancy ranch, 13015c per dozen. Poultry Turkey gobblers, 0 0 10c; turkey hens, 12013c per pound; old roosters. $8 600-4 per dozen; young roosters, $60 50; small broilers, $2 5003 50; large do. $404 50; fryer. $506; hens, 5000 50 per dozen; geese, $202 25 per pair. Eeceipts Flour, quarter sacks, 25,123; wheat, centals, 2950; barley, centals. 1930; oats, cen tals, 505; beans, sacks, 1800; corn, centals, 1130; potatoes, sacks, 2040; do Oregon. 270; bran, sacks, 83; middlings, sacks, 50; hay, tons, 355; wool, bales, 316; hides, 277. EASTER LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO, March 3a Cattle Receipts, 4300. Steers average fully 10c lower than yesterday, but choice stock steady; best on sale today. $5 65; natives, good to prime steers, $i 900 5 75; poor to medium, f!04 65; selected feed ers, $404 75; mixed stockers. about steady, $3 40QQ 00; cows. $304 30; heifer?, steady. $3 2004 SO; canners. slow, $2 02 75; bull, steady. $2 5004 15; calves, unchanged, $4 500 5 75. Texans Receipts, 400; best on sale to day, 2 cars, $4 15; Texas fed steers, 5010c lower, $3 8004 95; Texas bulls, steady, $3 20 03 00. Hogs Receipts today, 20,000; left over. 2300. Market generally 5c lower; top. $5 52: mixed and butchers, $5 1505 40; good to choice heavy, $5 35S6 62; rough heavy, $5 1505 25; light, $5 10G6 37; bulk of sales, $5 30-55 40. Sheep Receipts, 800 head. Sheep and lambs, steady; good to choice wethers. $5 8506 25; fair to choice, mixed. $4 8306 90; Western sheep, $5 7500 25; yearlings, $Gg$ 75; native lambs. $5 0007 35; Western lambs. $007 35. OMAHA, March 30. Cattle Receipts, 8000. Market 10c lower; native beef steers. $405 30; cows and heifers, $3 3004 35; canners, $203 25; stockers and -feeders, $3 7004 90; calves, $3 50 07; bulls and stags, $2 S503 00. Hogs Receipts, 7000. Market 5c lower; heavy sold at $5 1000 20; mixed. $5 O705 15; Ughv, $4 9005 16; bulk of sales. $5 1006 15. Sheep Receipts, 1400. Market stronger; fair to choice natives, $5 7506 23; fair to choice Wceterns. $5 CO06; common and choice sheep, $4 2505 25; lambs, $607. KANSAS CITT, March 30. Cattle Receipts, 4500. Market steady; Texas steers. $3 9000; Texas cows, $2 5003 30; native steers, $405 45; native cows and heifers, $206 15; Blockers and feeders. $3 2505 25; bulls, $2 7504. Hogs Receipts, 9000. Market 7c lower: LIVE STOCK '-The; iron Steamship "Willamette," 3000 Tons WILL SAJL FROM ,5 Gape Nome, June 1 The "Wiilametto is- especially adapted tor carrying livestock, her spacious decks afford ample roam for feeding, watering and attention. Being a stanch vessel, low rates o marine insurance are assured. Sails direct to Cape Nome without stop. Ample and safe lishters for landing have been provided. For rates and space, apply at once to Telephone 229. N. CAPE NOME S. S. GEO. W. ELDER, S. S. NOME CITY S. S. DESPATCH The above first-class steamers will sail every 10 days during the season for Cape Nome, York and St. Michael and Yukon river points. t First Sailing, May 15, FOR RATES AWD INFORMATION APPLT T9 CALIFORNIA k OREGON COAST S. S. CO. F. P. BAUMQARTNER, 233 Washlnaton St. . W. A. Mitchell & Co General AKCUts. Snn Frnuclwco. Pacific Coast uUfcV Cape Nome Gold Fields THE NEW PALATIAL BTEEL STEAMSHIP "Senator" will jail from San Francisco, May If. Seattle, May 19. Subsequent trips will be from Seattle direct; namely: June 21, July 21 and August 20. The "Senator" haa a capBdtr of 2300' Ions. Her wcond cabin a.nd eternge aecotnmodatloni arc superior to tht flnrt-cl&M accommodations of meet of the steamers advertised for Nome. Tha raclfle Coaat Steamahlp Co. haa been running "Its steamers to Alaska winter and sum merfor 25 years, and la the pioneer. Pacific Coast line. Seattle f relent and passenger rates ap plr from Portland. For further information lnqulrs of GOODALL. PERKINS & CO.. General Asenls, lOvMarket, flan Fr&nciaco, or N. POSTON. AnU 10JYaflfainton sit., Portland, Or. bulk cf sales. ?5 05g 15: heavy. & && 25; packers. ?5 02U5 20; mixed. & OflfiG 15; light. fi 00GG 10; Yorkers, $5 0G5 10; plg ?4 20S per cwt. Sheep Receipts, 2000. Market eteadr; lambe ?3 757 50;'-muttons, $335 0. The Metal Markets. NEW TORK, March 30. Tin continues active and was considerably higher today. Influenced by a rood export demand and the strength abroad. ' Our1 market advanced GO points, net net gain for tho week aggregating- 1S5 points. Lake copper. $10 75: tin, ?32 CO; spelter, un changed, fi COS GO; lead, unchanged, ?4 67 Q4 72V4. The Arm that fixes the selling price for miners and smelters quotes lead at 54 45 at the cloe. Bar ellver, 50c 1 SAN FRANCISCO, March 30. Bar ellver, per ounce, 00c ' LONDON, March 30. Bar silver, 27id. Coffee and Sngrar. NEW TORK, March 30. Coffee Options closed barely steady, 5 points lower; sales, 10,250 bags, including April and May at 56 10; September and October, $6 70. Spot. Rio, dull; No. 7, invoice, 7ic; No. 7, Jobbing, $V4c. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 0tfl4c Sugar Raw, Arm; refined. Irregular. S to cits in London. LONDON, March 30. Canadian Pacific, 00; Union Pacific preferred, 70; Northern Pacific preferred, 70K; Grand Trunk, 8; Anaconda, ioy. As to Natnraiizntlon. FOREST GROVE, Or., March 29. (To the Editor.) R. "W. McNutt. of" this place, wishes to know why he can not register Tvlth his discharge of three years' service In the United States Array, from 18C2 to 1855. '"With his father and mother he came from Novia Scotia, where he was born, to the United States, In 1845. His father became natur alized that year at Machias, Me., and Mr. McNutt has served as postmaster at Cor enllus for seven years, and has resided In the United States Si years. Tow he wishes to know (his father having died and his naturalization papers lost), why he cannot register under the present law without taking out any other papers. C. L. LARGE. . Tho Oregonlan referred the foregoing letter to H. H. Holmes, Clerk of the County Court of Multnomah County, who. gives the" foljowlng opinion: "Section 2172 of United States statutes governing naturalization of aliens reads that the children of persons who have beeir naturalized, being under the age of 21 at the time of naturalization of their parents, shall, if dwelling In the United States, be considered as citizens thereof. This' con struction, therefore, makes R. W McNutt a citizen If his father was duly natural ized, and the only requirement of him would be a copy of his father's papers, if they could be got, or satisfy the registra tion officer of the correctness of his state ment by affidavit or otherwise. There must be some mistake about the date when his father became naturalized, for a person must reside five years In the country before he can "become fully natur alized. In the matter of his serving In the United States Army, secUon 2165 of -the statutes reads that he shall ba admitted to become a citizen upon his petition without any previous declaration of his intention to become such. These papers can be taken out before any Court of Record, and he must apply for them. I don't think It would be necessary for a person who Is so well known as McNutt to be compelled to take out papers, as I think his statement of the facts ought .to be sufficient to entitle him to vote." a A "Profflt" Ctimca to Judgment. LIBERAL. Oregon," March 29, 1900. Edi tor. Dear Sir: I feel that I am a promt. Will your allow me space In your paper to profisy? If so then here It is: The Gods and the Boorcs have Joined iwi j.a - rv . 52m..Tn,.,Tl3,?0D "J,'s feo taxte orer s years br the leaders of the Mormoa ?on5 T " ."'"'. Fouutejy 'tores the want cases In old sad jemz arlstnr &osi effects of self-abase, dUupiUsa. excises, cr dcirette-wokla. Ourec Lost Manhood lm Pte"?y t0,? JPovfor. NIsht-LoMe.s, Spermatorrhoea Insomnia, Palns Ltif;?CslL5ji,ihf:tv5i!!lSomIn,jX Emissions. Lgm SacK, ftprvous Do 2l'lH,J5lSS?,?.,J,8HQf,ine??t.0.Marry,l'P8.of f7F8 Somdn, Varicocele, or constipation, Steps Qutcknota of Dls-t cf f charee! Qtoos Ner; VOUS Twltcnins Of Evel di E&ets are laoeaiate. EaJ 6 .SpowSr erer function- fioar e iiMfrnTm i-,. I. .. ,...., B?,?W t-I7T ? , 5. ji w sMseyrefaeded, with mxkm. circsUrs fee. 'AcMress, For sale by Aldxicb, Pharmacy, Sixth v ) CAPE NOME SEATTLE FOR 'POSTON, 249 Washington St. Steamship Co. forces fo do up old England, and they will wipe the Earth with her and her coloneys will Ifcave her and Canada will come to the united states and England's history as a greate natiqn will pass into history. The united States Is In the gateway of the worlds commerce and with the open doore and Canada, roexlco and the west India Islands "the worlds trade center, mony center and intelectual center will come here. And Chicago wiirbecome the Liverpool In America. Then all we have to do is to adopt free trade and Heaven and the bopres will do the woork. CHARLES CUTTING. B When you suffer from sick headache, dizziness, constipation, etc., remember Carter's Little Liver Pills will relieve you. One pill Is a dose. N.W. Harris & Go, BANKERS Governm't, Municipal, Railroad, Gas and Electric Companies Bought and sold. Including- total l&sues. Lefif rs of Credit and Graffs Issued on Bank of Scotland, London, Credit Lyonnai. Paris. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS , 204 Dearborn St., Chricago. 31 Nassau si., New York 67 Milk si., Boston :er's mt Balsam Promotes the growth of tho hair and gives It tho lustre and sllkliiess of youth. When $io hair Is gray or faded It BRINGS. BACK THE YOUTHFUL COLOR. It prevents Dandruff and hair falling and keeps tho scalp clean and healthy. kvvvvvtiva'yfevfcvvvvvvfe SJtSflThorapson's Eye Wafer TRAVELERS' GUIDE. SOO PACIFlCVLI.Nc Offers the LOWEST RATES and BEST SERV Ice to and troir. all Eastern points and Eurow. Through tour-it cars from coast to St. Paul. Toronto. Montreal aad Boston WITHOUT CHANCJE. Direct Route to Kootenay Mining District British Columbia Canadian Paelfc rrjil mill i:tw3li, llnu u Tapar anl AatraJia. r rale nd Information, applr to H. H. ABPOTT. Agent. E J, JCOTLE. 148 Third street, city. '' JL. Q. P. A.. Vancouver. B. C. VANCOUVER TRANSPORTATION CO. Steamer TJndlne. Captain Charles T. Kamm, leaves Vancouver at b.30 A. M. and 1 P. M. Leaves Portland at 10:30 A. M. and 4-30 P. M. SunJajs excepted. Tor freight or passage ap ply on board, foot of Taylor street. Round trio, 30c iirniii aa'jr., Bishop Remedy Co., 8an Francisco, Cal. and "ttVahlngton streets, Portland. Or. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Union Depot, Sixth and J Streets. TWO TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST "PAST MAIL AWD PORTLAXB - CHI CAGO SPECIAL UOCTE." Leaves for the East via. Spokane dally at 3.45 P. M. Arrives at S:00 A. M. Leaves for the East, via Pendleton and Hunt ington, dally at 8.00 P. M. Arrives, via Hunt ington and PnOton. at 0:45 P. M. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS. "Water lines schedule, subject to change with out notice: OCEAX AND ItlVER SCHEDULE. OCEAN DIVISION Steamships sail fr-m Alusworth deck at 8:00 P. M. Leave Portland Columbia sails Saturday. March 3; Tuesday. March 13; Friday. March 23; Monday. April 2: Thursday, April 12. State of California sails Thursday. March 8: Sunday. March IS: Wed nesday. March 2S; Saturday. April 7. From San Francisco State of California palls Saturday. March 4; Wednesday. March 14: Sat urday. March 24; Tuesday. April H: Friday. April 13. Columbia sails Friday. March 0; Mon day. March JO: Thursday, March 20; Sunday, April 8. COLUMBIA IlIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Hassalo leaves Portland dally, except Sunday, at 8:00 P. M.; on Saturday at 10:00 P. M. Returning; leaves Astoria dally, except Sun- aay. at 7:CO A. M. WlLLAJnTTTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. OR. Steamer Ruth, for Salem, Albany, Corvallla and way points, leaves Portland Tusday3, Thursdays and Saturday at 8.00 A. M. Return ing, leaves Corvallla Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays at 0.00 A M. Steamer Modoc, for Salem. Independence and way points. leaves Portland Mondays.Wednes- cays and Fridays at 6.C0 A- M. Ri'turtnriB. leaves Independence Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays a I B.30 A. M. YAMHILL RIVER ROUTE. PORTLAND AND DAYTON. OR. Steamer Elmore, for Dayton and way points, leaves Portland Tuesdaa. Thursdays and Sat urdajs at 7 A. M. Returning, leaves Dayton for Portland and way points Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays at C A. M. SNAKE RIVER ROUTE. RIPARIA. WASH.. AND LEWISTON. IDAHO. Steamer Spokane or steamer Lewlston leaves Rlparla dally at 1:20 A. M.. arriving at Lewlston at 12 o'clock noon. Returning, the Spokane or Lewlston leaves Lewlston dally at 8:30 A. M-. arriving at Rlparla same evening. W. H. HURLBURT. General Passenger Agent. V. A. SCHILLING. City Ticket Agent. Telephone Mala 712. NewSteamshipLinetotkOrient CHINA AND JAPAN, FROM PORTLAND. In connection with THE OREGON RAILROAD i- NAVIGATION CO. Schedule. 1DO0 (subject to change): Steamer. Due to Leave Portland. "ABEP.GELDIE" ; March 23 "MONMOUTHSHIRE April 11 BRAEMAR" ... ., ,.,, May 2 For rates, accommodations, etc, apply to DODWELL & COMPANT. Limited, General Agents, Portland, Or. To principal points In Japan and China. THE FASTEST AND MOST DIRECT lINE TO THE ASTANDSOUTHEAST IS THE S PICTO The Direct Line to Denver, Omaha. Kansas City and St. Louii. Only 36 Days to Chicago, Only 4 Days to New York and other-Principal Eastern cities ThroHch Pnllmnn Paltice Sleepers Tourist Sleepers Dlninc Cora (meals n la carte), and Free Reclining Chair Cars Operated Daily on Fast Mail Trains Through tickets, baggage checks and sleeping cat accommodations can be arranged st CITY TICKET OFFICE 1 35 Third Strist Portland, Oregoi J. H. LOTHROP, GEORGE LANO. Gen'l Agent. City Pais. & Tku Agt. E The Magnificent Trans-Pacific Paa3enger Steamship TACOMA Registered tonnage, 2X11 tons; capacity, 4000 tons; passenger accommodations, 100 first class, 900 second class. This steam ship has Just been released from the gov ernment service as a troopship, and has every modern comfort and convenience and la the largest steamship In tho Cape Nome trade. Will sail from Tacoma and Seattle on or about the 25th of May. . For rates and full Information apply to DODVTELLi S: CO., LTD. Telephone, Main. 56. 252 Oak Street. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co, LEAVES For Maygers. Rainier. Clntskanle, VTestport. Clifton. Astoria. War renton. Flavel, Ham mend, Fort Stevens, Dear hart Park. Seaide. Astoria and Seashore Express. Dally. Astoria Express, Daily. ARRIVES UNION f DEPOT. 6:00 A. M. T:C0P.M. lltl.SA. M. 0:40 p. it. Ticket office. 255 Morrison st. and Union depot. J. C. MATO. Gen- Pass. Agt.. Astoria. Or. WHITE COLLAR LINE COLUMBIA RIVER & PUGET SOUND NAVI. CATION CO. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. BAILEY GATZERT (Alder-street dock) Leaves Portland dally every morning at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Returning, leaves As toria every night at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Oregon 'phone Main 321. Columbia 'phone 331. U. B. SCOTT. President. CAPE NOME VIA DAWSON Alaska Steamship Company NEXT SAILING. ROSALIE. APRIL 4. The only company having through traJIlc ar rangements to Atlln and the Klondike. Weekly idlings from Tacoma. For full Information ap ply to J. L. HARTMAN. Agent. Portland, Or., I Chamber of Commerce. v G&Fgzrt- TRAVELERS GUIDE. MOT &IP1 SOUTH W$ Leave pcp3t fifth acd I Streets Arrivo OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS for Salem. Rose burg, Ashland. Sac ramento, O g d e n, San Francisco, Mo Jave. Los AngelCBk El Paso, New Or leans and the Ea.t At Woodbunr (dally except Sun day), morning train connects with train for Mt. Anel. Stl verton. Iirowne vllle. Springfield and Natron, and. evening train, for Mt. Angel and 311 verton. Corvallla passenger Sheridan passenger 7:00 P. M. 3:30 A. M. 0:15 A. M. 7K30 P..M. J7:30 A. M. t4.K P. M. t5:B0 P. M. 18:23 A. -M. Dally. JDally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland, "Sac ramento and San Francisco. Net rates ?17 first class and fll second class, including sleeper. Rates and tlcketo to Eastern points and Eu rope. Also JAPAN. CHINA. HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from J. B. KIRKLAND. Ticket Agent, 140 Third sL YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson Street. Leavo for Oswego dally at 7:20,. 0:40 A. M.; 12:30. 1:57. 3.25", 5:15. 6:25. 8:05, 11:30 P. M.: and 0:00 A. M. on Sundays only. Arrive at PortUnd dally at G:35. 8:30. 'IO A. M.; 1:35, 3:15. 4:30. C:20. 7:40. 10:00 P. M.; 12:40 A. M. dally, except-Mondajv S:30 and 10:05 A. M. on Sundays only. Leave for Dallas dally, except Svtoday, at 4:30 P. M. Arrive at Portland at'0:30 A- M. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlle Mon daje. Wednesdays and Fridays at 2:45 P. M Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and; Saturdays. Except Sunday. i i T"" ! R. KOEHLER. C. H. MARKHAM, Manager. Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt. THE DININO CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW STONE EARK. Leave Union Depot. Rfti aall SS Arrivs No. 2. Fast mall for Taco ma. Seattle. Olympla. Gray's Harbor and South Bend points. Spokane. Rossland. B. C, Pullman, Moscow. Lewlston. Buffalo Hump mln'ng country. Helena. Minneapolis, i St. Taul. Omaha, Kan sas City. St. Louts. Chicago and all polnu east and southeast. Puget Sound Eiprrii for Tacoma and 3eattle and Intermediate polnu No. L 11:15 A. M. 5:50 P. M. NO.-L 11:30 P.M. No. 3. 7:00 A. M. Pullman first-class and tourist nieepers to Min neapolis. St. Paul and Missouri rlrer polnu with out change. Vestlbuled trains. Union depot connection 13 all principal cities. Baggage checked to destination of tickets. For handsoj sly Illustrated descriptive matter, tickets, sleeplug-car reservations, etc., call on or wrlto A. D. CHARLTON Assistant General Pajuienrrer Agent, 255 Morrison St., Cor. TUIrd. Portland. Orcjjon. GO EAST VIA j&ftLa Hill! mmmmm ius mm& AJJ - A tPJ EeAik i ON THE FAMOUS Chicago Portland Special And Travel in Luxurious Comfort Dining1 Cars. Service a la Carte. Library-Buffet Srnoltinjc Cars. Fulace and Ordlnarr Sleeping Cars. Free Reclining Chair Cars. The only train running through solid frenj Portland to Chicago. No change of cars. Every car Illuminated with Plntsch gas. Leave S P. -M.. Portland. Arrives 6:45 P. M. CITY TICKET OFFICE 124 Third St. Phone Main 569 W. E. COMAN, General Agent. J. R. NAGEL. City Ticket Agt. sBinmmmtt mn Ticket Office: 123 Third Si. 'Phone 030 LEAVE, No. 4 SMS P. M. The Flyer, dally to anl from St. Paul. Minne apolis, Duluth. ChtcagiT and all points East. ARRIVE. No. a. 8:00 A. M. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dlnlni nnd Buffet Smoklng-Llbrary Cars. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE STEAMSHIP IDZUMI MARU, For Japan, China and all Asiatic points will leave Seattle About March 28th. SEATTLE CAPE M0SV2E Yukon River Points S. S. "OHIO," CCOO tons, after two. years service as U. S. transport, haa been released, and will sail from Seattle for Cape- Nome about May 21. Rates First chus, $100 and $125; second class. ?75. For berths, eta., apply to any railroad agent, or agent of the Interna tional Navigation Co., or to EMPIRE TRANSPORTATION CO., GOT First avenue. Seattle. Wash. Pacific C035I Steamshla Co. FOR ALASKA THE COMPANY'S elegant steamers. Cottage City. City of Topeka and Al-Kl leaa TACOMA 11 A. M.. SEATTLE 9 P. M.. Mar. 11. 10. 21, 2C, 31. Apr. S, 10, 15. 20. 25, 30, May 5, and every fifth day thereafter. For further iator- mat!nnAht(f tvi ... fnMa The company reserves the right to Changs pteamers, sailing dates and hours of sailing, without previous notice. .AGENTS N. POSTON. 249 Washington st.. Portland, Or.; F. W. CARLETON. N. P. R. R. dock. Tacoma; J. F. TROWBRIDGE. Pub: Sound Supt.. Ocean dock. Seattle. QOODALL. PERKINS & CO, Gen. Arts., S. y. fee r'illill