Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 30, 1900, Image 1

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    rt" Jilt rwMiW.
VOL. XL. sT0. 12,261.
- SA,
io Years.
aitimore Rye.
Purest Type.
Agents for Oregon, Washington and Idaho.
American and European PLAN:
In Bulk and Cases. For sale by
Richardson & Boynton Co.'s "Perfect" Furnaces for soft coal only.
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Richardson & Boynton Co.'s "Perfect" Furnaces for wood only. '
John Van Range Co.'s Hotel and Household Ranges.
Tuttle and Bailey's Warm Air Registers.
We are making a special display of Phaetoqs
thlsTweek two or three springs, cloth, leather or
morocco trimming. The greatest variety ever ex
hibited in the city. We'll fit them with rubber tires
and sell them to you at lower prices than any retail
dealer can buy Phaetons from any other makers.
Carriages, Wagons, Harness,
Special rates made to families aa 4 ataai reBtleaea. Th auare
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ra Turkish bath esfabllshaieat is the hotel. EC. C BOWERS, Masann
Library Association of Portland
24,000 volumes and
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Renders it possible for any
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Brings on bad eyes. AiJ the
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frith a pair of our easy glasses.
They act a3 a restful stimu
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be denies you in old age. "What
is more iltlful than an old per
son whos sight Is gone?
Ere Specialist
Boers Concentrating Not Par
From Bloemfontein.
Krag-cr Boasts of His Intention, to
Retake Bloemfoatela "Witkla
a, Weelc
LONDON, March 00, 4 A. 31. The Boers
are concentrating in force about 15 miles
north of Bloemfontein, In the rear of
Glen, and Lord Roberts is sending for
ward troops to engage them. The Seventh
Infantry division and part of General
French' cavalry have been sent up to
Join the Fourteenth Brigade, and the two
cavalry regiments that are holding Glen
and Its environs. It does not seem prob
able that the Boers -will give serious bat
tle In the fairly open country north of
Glen. Still their evident strength indi
cates more than a corps of observation.
In small affairs the Boers are daringly
aggressive In all parts of the field of war.
The Johannesburg mounted police, es
teemed by the Boers to be their best
mounted commando, is Talding the country
near Bloemfontein, harassing the farmers
who have given up their arms to the Brit
ish and carrying off cattle.
Thare is a Boer report rrom Natal that a
Russian soldier of fortune, Colonel Ganot
zkl, with 100 horsemen, Is operating close
to the British outposts on the western
The Boers' have reoccupied Campbell and
are In strencth near Taungs and Barkly
"West. They shelled the British camp at
"Warrenton Wednesday, but moved out of
range that night. Yesterday (Thursday)
two British guns enfiladed the Boer
trenches. Quieting their Mausers. Lord
Methoun and the forces that had been op
erating in the Barkly district have been
recalled to Kimberley- by Lord Roberts.
No explanation has been given for this,
but the mounted troops are dissatisfied at
havinjr been ordered back.
The Boers and disloyalists at Kensardt
have been dispersod and caused to retreat.
General Parsons is about to enter the
town unopposed.
Lord Roberts Is making, extensive- ar
rangements to police and safeguard all the
Free State towns in the territory occu
pied. Dispatches from Maseru assert that the
Boers who returned to Ladybrand from
Clocolan have taken up strong positions
and sent pickets far in every direction
to watch Basutoland. in the exnectatlon
that part of General Buller's army will In
vade the Free State on that side.
According to Pretoria advices, Mafeklng
was bombarded for seven hours Tuesday.
It Is reported in London, In a well-informed
quarter, that Lord Kitchener wl!l
be offered the post of Commander-in-Chief
in India, succeeding the late Sir William
Lockhart, so soon as decisive successes
have been obtained in the Transvaal, and
that General Sir Archibald Hunter will
succeed him as Lord Roberts' Chief-of-Staff.
The Indian newspapers have been
urging Kitchener's appointment.
Oohi Panl's Boast.
LONDON, March 30. The Bloemfontein
correspondent of the Morning Post, tele
graphing Wednesday, says:
"President Kruger boasts of his Intention
to retake Bloemfontein within a week,
and It appears probable that the Boers aro
advancing In force southward."
Reinforcements for Glen.
LONDON, March 30. A dispatch to tho
Chronicle from Bloemfontein, dated March
28, says:
"The Boers are active north of Glen,
about 15 miles from here. It Is reported
that they are concentrating In consider
able force. Reinforcements of all arms
are being sent up from Bloemfontein, in
cluding the Seventh division and a portion
of General French's cavalry.
"The Johannesburg mounted police are
still raiding cattle and harrasslng the dls
armed burghers, who are returning to
their farms.""
Olivier Is Closely "Watched.
ALIWAL NORTH. March 29. General
Brabant and his staff have returned from
Rouxvllle, and are now actively engaged
In holding the southern frontier of tho
Free State. Detachments are being sent
to strengthen the positions which hava
been occupied.
It is evident that Commandant Olivier,
now moving north. Is being closely
watched by Sir Godfrey Langdon? the
Basutoland Commissioner, who is in com
munication with General French.
Mcthnex Back. nt Kimberley.
KIMBERLEY. Wednesday, March 28.
Lord Methuen has returned to Kimberley
from Barkly District. The mounted troops
under him are expected tomorrow. They
were at Llkatlond when they received the
orders from Lord Roberts to return here.
It Is reported the Boers have reoccupied
Campbell, and that they are in strong
force near Warrenton, Barkly West and
Instances of Their Cowardly and
Scaadalous Behavior.
LONDON, March 29. The rhost serious
Indictment of Boer methods of warfare
which has yet appeared in England comes
from Julian Ralph, the American war
correspondent in a letter from Kimber
ley, published in this morning's Daily
Mail. It is, In part, as follows:
"It Is a war steadily and stealthily
i planned bj the Queen's Dutch subjects
i and the Dutch Republics for fully 20
years. For between four and six years
they have been equipped for It They be-
j gan purchasing arms and planning de
fenses before the Jameson raid. Let no
one fool you with the falsehood about
that Finally, President Kruger begged
President Steyn to declare war three years
before President Steyn consented. Next
rid your mind of the notion that you are
crushing two farmer Republics. There is
not a farmer in the two countries, and
only in one, the Orange Free State, was
there a Republic in any way except mis
named. These people are herders of cat
tle, sheep and goats, like the Israelites of
j old, and the Afridls. Tiirks and Balkan
peoples of today. His Uhe Boer's) so
called farms are as nature made them,
merely ranches of veldt whereon his cat
tle graze. Each one has put up a home,
but its surroundings are almost invaria
bly more repellant and disorderly than
any houses I ever saw, except the cabins
of freed slaves In the United States.
Their camps and strongholds from which
we have routed them are the filthiest
places I have known men of any sort to
live In, and I have seen Indian, Chi
nese and Turkish camps, and the camps
of many sorts of black men.
"As to their bravery and honor, I have
seen and heard sufficient to fill a page of
th Dally Mail with accounts of their
cowardly and dastardly behavior before I
came to Kimberley. Bufhere I And they
have been guilty of different and original
enormities. Her they killed our wounded
and laid their bodies in a row after one of
the forays out of town. Kere they armed
many blacks to fight us, showing all the
world how scandalously fraudulent were
their exclamations of horror at the Idea
of our employing native Indian troops.
"There has hardly been a battle In
which the Boers have not abused either
the white flag or the Geneva cross, or
both. At Spionkop our people saw them
loading Maxims in ambulances In order
to get them safely away. This we saw
them do at Modder River also, and, Kim
berley Is where they shelled the funeral
cortege of George T. Abram, an Ameri
can. At many places they fired 'on our
ambulances. I saw them do it at Moddei
River, And saw them fire on our stretcher
bearers in that battle, time and again.
"When we "entered Jacobsdal it looked like
a city of doctors. Every man on the
streets wore the Red Cross bandage on
his arms. These were the men who .had
just been shooting at us from behind gar
den walls. There -was nothing novel or
original about their seeking the cowardly
shelter of tho doctor's badge. We have be
come quite accustomed to it. We once
entered a Boer laager after a victory and
found 27 of these bogus doctors and seven
or eight wounded for their patients.
They have not been content with looting
the houses of the loyalists In tho British
colonies, but in Natal, in scores of In
stances, they have smashed Into kindling
and torn Into ribbons whatever they did
not want or could not carry off. Worse
yet, they have fouled the walls of the
homes of defenseless women with ob
scene writings. They never knew the
value of an oath or a promise, and have
not learned it since the war began."
Cape Dutch Ministers Asked That the
Sick Be Not Sent io St. Helena.
LONDON, March 29. A deputation of
Dutch Church ministers had an audience
with Premier Schreiner, at Cape Town,
today. The ministers urged the separation
of the sick and well Boer prisoners, and
asked that the sick be not sent to St.
Helena. Mr. Schreiner replied that he had
no power in such, matters, but would use
his friendly offices. He added that he had
made strong representations to the Im
perial Government against sending any of
the prisoners to St Helena, but without
success. It is reported that the prison
transports will sail for St Helena at the
end of this week.
At Chelsea Barracks today the Prince
of Wales Inspected a battalion of sharp
shooters organized by Lord Dunraven for
the Imperial Yeomanry. He complimented
them on their appearanco, and said: "1
sincerely hope that you -may shoot
straight when the necessity arises."
AcoHses Egryptlan Government of a
Breach of Neutrality.
BRUSSELS, March 29. Dr. Leyds. diD-
! lomatlc agent of the Transvaal, has drawn
I attention to the Egyptian and Turkish
. Governments to the fact that the British
J Government in the House of Commons,
i admitted that six Maxims were borrowed
' from the Egyptian Army for use In tho
1 Transvaal war, and has demanded expla
' nations for this breach of neutrality, de
claring that unless the guns are lmme
I diately returned the Transvaal will con
i slder the Egyptian Government has aban
doned neutrality and Is lending openly its
assistance- to Great Britain. No. reply
has been vouchsafed to this protestjwaica
was dispatched March 13.
Arrangements for Q,neen's TrIp.
LONDON, March 29. Arrangements for
the Queen's visit to Dublin are rapidly
nearing completion. Two detachments of
Life Guards left London this evening to
act as the royal escort, and the trials of
the royal trains have been completed
along the entire route. Gerald Balfour,
Chief Secretary for Ireland, who is Just
recovering from a serious illness, will
leave tomorrow in order to welcome the
Queen, who will probably be accompanied
by Lord Lansdowne, Secretary of State
for War.
General Jonbert's Funeral.
PRETORIA, March 23. General Joubert
was taken .ill Sunday morning. He was
at his office the previous day. Ho suf
fered grat pain, but became unconscious
some time before 'death. The complaint
waa acute Inflammation of the bowels.
The body, will He in state tomorrow and
will then be taken "by spoclal train to
the farm at Rustfonteln, near Wakker
srtoom, where It will be buried quietly,
as Joubert often requested, and without
military honors.
Portugal Condemned to Pay Flftecn
MIHIon Francs to the Claimants.
LONDON, March 30. The Berne award
has been published here. The preamble
"After deliberation, the court decrees
as follows:
. "1. The court reiects all rie-nnTiiio
riavor of a final Inquiry. It declines also
to separate tne judgment on the principal
object of litigation from that dealing with
the Indemnity due for the territory in
"2. On the other hand, the court decides
to deliver forthwith its definite decree on
the main question, and to communicate to
the parties an authentio copy of Its essen
tial points, the complete decree, wjth a
recital of the reasons, to follow after a
short period. Hereupon the court, con
sisting of three members, present unani
mously has returned and filed Its decree
In tho following terms:
"I. The Portuguese fJovmmcnt no fhA
' defending party. Is condemned to pay to
tne government or the United States and
to Great Britain, the claimants, alto
gether. In addition to the 28,000 paid on
account in 1S90, the sum of 15,314.000 francs
In legal Swiss money, with simple Inter-
est on tnis sum at the rate of 5 per cent
( per annum, from June 1, 1899, up to date
' of payment of said sum
"II. This sum, after deducting what Is
, necessary to defray the cost of arbitra
i tion, falling on the claimants, and in addi
! tion to the balance of 2S,000 paid on ac
j count in 1S90, shall be employed in tho
I payment of bondholders and other credl-
tors. If there is need, of the Delagoa Bay
Railway Company, according to their
siantung. xne claimants will draw up a
scale of distribution for this purpose. Tho
Portuguese Government will have to pay
Into tho hands of the Government of the
United States the sum which, according
to tho scale, shall accrue to McMurdo,
represented by said Government In her
quality of .bondholding creditor of the
first and second degree. It will pay the
surplus to the Government of Great Brit
ain for tho benefit of all others having
"III. The delay of six months, fixed by
the last line of clause TV of the arbitra
tion compromise, shall run from this day
'TVf. The costs of the arbitration, ac
cording to a scale to be drawn up in ac
cordance with aclause V of the arbitra
tion compromise, will be borne in equal
parts by the three parties to the suit; that
is to say, a third part by each of them.
"V. The conclusions of the parties. In
so far- as they differ from the above
award, are set aside.
"VI. An authentic copy of the present
award will be delivered through the in
termediary of the Swiss Federal Council
to each of the three parties to the case."
.Motion-to Strike It From Puerto
Rico Bill Defeated in Senate.
Beveridgre Announced His Intention
to Snpport the Bill, If FreeJTrade
Cannot Be Secured.
WASHINGTON, March 29. A direct
vote was taken by the Senate today on
the proposition to strike from the Puerto
Rico measure the provision laying 15 per
cent of the Dlngley law duties on Puerto
Rlcan products. The proposition was de
feated by a vote of 16 to 33. Wh'le the
vote is regarded as presaging the passage
of the pending measure, it Is not regard
ed as Indicating the final vote on the'blll.
The feature of the debate was the speech
of Beveridge. While he advocated reci
procity between the United States and Pu
erto Rico he announced that if all efforts
to secure free trade should fail, he would
support the pending bill. The bill was un
der discussion throughout the session, sev-
I eral Important amendments being agreed
The conference report on the diplomatic
and consular appropriation bill was agreed
to. j -
A concurrent resolution offered by Cul
berson (Dem. Tex.), directing the Secre
tary of War and the Secretary of the
Navy to keep "seasonably advised the
families of wounded soldiers and sailors of
the condition of the men" was agreed to.
Bevcrldgre's Speech.
Consideration of the Puerto Rican tariff
and government bill was then "resumed,
Beveridge (Rep. Ind.) addressing the Sen
ate in support of the proposition for free
trade between, the United States and the
island of Puerto Rico. Beveridge said:
"I favor Immediate reciprocity, and 1
shall go on record as voting for amend
ments giving immediate and unrestricted
freedom of trade to our Island of Puerto
Rico. But If we in the Senate who be
lieve that Puerto Rico should have rec'
procity at once are not able to so amend
the bill here, I shall, after voting for reci
procity amendments, vote for the civil gov
ernment bill as modified by the commilteo,
because we must not deny civil govern
ment to the people of Puerto Rico a mo
ment longer, and because the bill, as mod
ified. Insures free trade with Puerto Rico
as soon as the civil government of that
Island provides a system. of taxation of
its own. So that the sooner Puerto Rico
gets civil government the quicker it will
getree trade under the modifications
which the committee have made.
"I should be glad if the bill could be
so separated that we might vote for civil
government without the revenue feature,
although the committee has modified that
feature so as to Insure early freedom ol
trade. But as the bill stands, we can
amend It We must vote for it as modified
by the committee, or else vote against
civil government altogether, and civil gov
ernment must no longer be denied to th'
people of Puerto Rico. Delay of civil gov
ernment to thesa people is a denial ol
justice. And so I shall vote for
the civil government bill because it does
establish civil government at once, anil
because, under the modifications by the
committee, it also establishes absolute
reciprocity In the near future. It ought to
establish unrestricted trade instantly, and
It may be that tho House will so amend
it if we should not so amend it here. But
If we are not able to amend it here, and
if the House should not so amend It, but
adopt the modified civil government bill,
the committee's modification does give us
the absolute certainty of unrestricted
trade at no distant date.
"The bill as a whole, while not what I
would have it In Its failure .to give Im
mediate and unrestricted trade to Puerto
Rico, and in other particulars, neverthe
less does establish civil government, which
may not be delayed another moment, 'and
does Insure early reciprocity, -and so Is a
step in the right direction in our progress
aa an administering Nation, and Is a rec
ognition of those great principles on which
progress depends."
Beveridge closed his speech saying:
"Sir. President the great movement on
which the American people have embarked
Is a movement of conscience as well as of
power; of civilization, as well as of com
merce. Directly It affects all humanity.
Wo go forth on a world career; we must
conduct it with a world statesmanship
a statesmanship that considers the effect
of every law we pass upon the people over
whom our Influence is extending, and upon
the world at large, as well as upon our
selves. Sir. administration of government
means more than balance sheets; more
than weights or measures. It means this,
but it also means the weighing of the
hearts of men and the balance sheets of
lthe affections of the governed people. The
American masses in whose breasts dwell
the purity, power and hope of the Repub
lic and of the world understand this well.
They Teel and deeply know that we aro
henceforth the master people of the world.
They doubt not that human progress Is In
vast and swelling harmony, which not
even all the discords of history can de
stroy; and they mean that in all that di
vine, and splendid composition, the noblest,
highest, purest, tenderest note shall be
that struck by the American pcoplo as tho
sovereign power of the earth."
Amendments Considered.
Foraker (Rep. O.) then asked that the
Senate proceed with the consideration of
amendments. The first amendment was
one imposing a duty of 5 cents a pound
upon coffee Imported Into Puerto Rico.
Pettus (Dem. Ala.) moved to strike out
the amendment, which motion Involved
the question whether a tax could be Im
posed on products Imported Into Puerto
Rico which was not Imposed on the came
products Imported into "other parts of
the United- States."
Galllnger (Rep. N. H.) defended, the
I amendment of the committee. Durlmr the
i Spanish regime, he said, a tariff had been
j Imposed upon coffee Imported into Puerto
Rico because the coffee raised there is re
I garded as the best In the world, and it
was decided to prevent It from belntr
spoiled by being blended with Inferior
'If you have a free hand to mutilate
the Constitution." said Pettus. "then you
can pass this bill; but If the Constitution
means anything when it says that tixes
and duties shall be uniform, then you have
no such right"
Pettus amendment was defeated. 13 to
Bacon (Dem. Ga.) offered an amendment
'in the form of a substitute for sections 2
and 3 of the committee bill, establlsh'ng
the regular Dlngley tariff rates of duty
on articles imported from foreign countries
Into Puerto Rico, and providing that no
duties shall be-levied 6n articles imported
into Puerto Rico from the United States
or Into the United States from Puerto
Rico. Bacon explained that It was his pur
pose to establish in Puerto Rico the tarlfl
system in vogue in this country.
Galllnger said the bill, as It stood, waa
infinitely more liberal than the amend
ment offered by Bacon.
"THe committee," eald he, "had only
one object In view, and that was so to
legislate for the Puerto Rlcan people as
to render them happy, contented and pros
perous." Ldndsay (Dem. Ky.) offered an amend
ment providing- for absolute free trade be
tween the United States and Puerto Rico
saying: "I offer this amendment because
Puerto Rico Is an American Island, be
cause Its inhabitants are American citi
zens, because the people were promised
the rights of American citizens by Gen
eral Miles, and because the President and
Secretary of War declared It was our
'plain duty to give the Puerto Rlcan peo
ple free trade."
Bacon accepted the amendment, and, at
his request, the amendment went over un
til tomorrow.
Vote on Pettu' Motion.
Pettus then moved to strike out the
provision providing for a duty of 15 per
cent of the Dlngley law rates on products
of Puerto Rico Imported Into' this coun
try. The motion of Pettus was defeated,
16 to 33, as follows:
Bacon "Culberson Pettus
Bate. Harris Sullivan
Berry Jones (Ark.) Turley
Clark Kenney Wellington
Clay Lindsay
Cockrell Morgan
Allison - Frye McComas
Baker Galllnger McMillan
Bard Gear Perkins
Carter Hale Quarles
Chandler Hanna Ross
Clark. (Wyo.) Hansbrough Scott
Cullom . Hawley Sewell
Deboe Kean Shoup
Fairbanks Kyle Spooner
Foraker Lodge Warren
Foster McBride Wetmore
The following pairs were announced, the
last named being opposed to the amend-'
Martin-Jones (Nev.), Danlel-Penrose,
McLaurin-Pritchard, Hoar-McEnery, Tal-Haferro-Mason,
Turner-Aldrlch,v Rawlins
Wolcott, Money-Teller, Caffery-Burrows,
Pettlgrew-Platt (Conn.), Slmon-Depew,
Chllton-Elkins, Heltfeld-Platt (N. Y.),
No announcement of pairs was made of
tho following Senators, who were absent
from the chamber when their names were
Allen, Davis, McCumber, Mallory, Nel
son, Proctor, Stewart, Thurston, Tillman
and Vest
The next committee amendment was that
which provided that the Spanish or native
inhabitants of Puerto Rico and their chil
dren should oe "citizens of Puerto Rico
and as such entitled to the protection ol
the United States."
Morgan (Dem. Ala.) maintained that thi
people of Puerto Rico were citizens of the
United States, and as such were entitled
to the rights and Immunities prescribed
by the Constitution. The' amendment, ho
said, was a "vain and. empty declaration."
It became evident that the amendment:
could not be disposed of today, and it was
passed over until tomorrow.
Morgan offered an amendment to the
section of the bill which proposes to re
deem the Puerto Rican silver coins in
United States money, giving 60 cents of
American for tho Puerto Rica peso. The
amendment proposed to pay 100 cents, for
the peso. Morgan held that In the pro
posed exchange of coins the United States
was taking advantage of the Puerto Rl
cans because tho peso contained the same
amount of silver as tho American dollar.
The Puerto Ulcans, he eald, are entitled to
300 cents for their pesos, because that
amount of silver In money would be worth
100 cents on the dollar.
Jones (Dem Ark.) and Bacon took the
same position.
Foraker maintained that the position of
the Democratic Senators was not correct
There was no Intention to deprive the Pu
erto RIcans of any value, as the American
dollar now was worth In debt-paying pow
er practically two pesos in Puerto Rico.
He believed the proposition of the bill
was entirely, liberal to the Puerto RIcans.
The Senate, then, at 4:53, adjourned.
Introduced by Senators Foraker and
WASHINGTON, March 29 Senator
Foraker today introduced the following
amendments to the Puerto Rican bill:
"That on and after the date when this
act shall take effect, merchandise previ
ously Imported from "Puerto Rico into the
United States, on which no entry has been
made, and goods, wares and merchandise
previously entered without payment of
duty and under bond for warehousing,
transportation or any other purpose, for
which no permit of deliver' to the Im
porter or his agent has been Issued, shall
be subject to the duties Imposed by this
act, and to no other duty, upon the entry
or withdrawal thereof; provided, that
when duties are based upon the weight of
merchandise deposited jn any public or
private bonded warehouse, said duties
shall bo levied and collected upon the
weight of such merchandise at the time
of its entry."
Senator Pettus also Introduced several
amendments to the Puerto Rlcah bill, as
follows: Providing a duty of 5 cents a
pound on all coffee Imported Into Puerto
Rico; prohibiting the proposed Puerto
Rlcan Legislature from enacting any law
In conflict with the Constitution of the
United States; that the Constitution of
the United States and also the laws of the
United States, not locally inapplicable,
shall have the same effect In Puerto Rico
as In other territories of the United
States: restoring the original provision of
the bill for, a duty of 15 per cent of tho
Dlngley law In goods going both ways.
Decision in Drcyer's Case May Re
lease Many Illinois Convicts.
CHICAGO, March 29. Upon the decision
of Judge Dunne in regard to the con
tention of tne attorney of ex-Banker E. S.
Dreyer, now under a penitentiary sentence
for embezzlement of 5316,000 of theifunds
of the West Park Board, who Is trying to
secure his release on a writ of habeas
corpus, may depend the liberty of every
convict sent to Jollet from Cook County
since 1S95. Dreyer's attorney claims that
the mittimus In their client's cause, which
provided he should be confined until re
leased by the State Board of Pardons, was
In error In that the parole law of 1S95
provided that the State Board of Pardons
had no authority to release, but only to
recommend such action to the Governor,
and constituted an error sufficient to war
rant his release. Dreyer's attorney also
raised the technical point that Dreyer had
been twice placed, in Jeopardy by the dis
missal of the Jury In a former trial "before
a decision had been reached. When At
torney Mayer finished his argument to
day. Judge Dunne asked the State's at
torneys If the mlttirai were printed forms.
Upon receiving the reply that all prisoners
were sent to Jollet upon this form of mlt
tlmusj the court rejolnded: "If Mr. May
er's contention Is true there will not be
many men from Cook County left In
Jollet." The state will argue against the
point tomorrow.
Tnrlcey Shuts Ont American Parle.
Tnrt( has Informed the United States Le
gation that in future the Importation of
American pork will be prohibited, giving
as a reason for the Drohibition that the
meat Is Injurious to the public health.
Lloyd C. Griscom, United States Charge
d'Affaires, protested energetically, de
manding the annullment of the measure.
So Speaker Henderson De
scribes the Free-Traders.
Ellrlnr. Not a Candidate for Vice-.
President, hut for Re-election am.
United States Senator.
WASHINGTON. March 29. Senators re
sent tho statement In Speaker Henderson's
letter la which he says "It has, its sharo
of cowards," and also that "the Senato
is always the body upon which -great in
terests concentrate their efforts to defeat
proper legislation."
Not only those Senators who aro re
ferred to take umbrage at the remarks of
the Speaker, but there are also, a largo
number who are for the tariff proposi
tion which Mr. Henderson favors, who
think that his remarks were entirely un
called for. In this particular, Henderson
has made a very bad break. In branding
as cowards men like Davis, Proctor, .Nel
son, Simon, Hoar and Wellington, he haa
seleeted a class of men who are not "cow
ards," but who have shown a great deal
of bravery in standing out against tho
party whip and voting for what they be
lieve Is right, and for what the people
of the United States want, against a ma
jority of their party. The "cowards"
might be those who believe in free trade,
and who, under the tremendous pressure
that has been "brought to bear, have -coma
Into line for the bill that Henderson,
Speaker Reed made tho mistake of sneer
ing at the Senate at all times, and con
demning Individual Senators, and when
the campaign was on In which he was a
candidate for President, there were only
one or two Senators In the entire body
that were for him; and they only in a
perfunctory way. Henderson seems to ba
following in his footsteps, and all Sena
tors resent any such utterances coming
from a man holding the high position of
The Vote in the Senate.
The large majority in the Senate shown
today in favor of retaining the 15 per cent
tariff in the Puerto Rlcan bill was mora
apparent than real. The absence of a
number of Senators who favor free trade
paired with Democrats, who were also in
favor of free trade. Thus, the, votes of
Davis, Proctor, and Nelson, who are In
favor of free trade, remain uncounted, as,
do those of the men with whom they aro
ordinarily paired. The vote was hardly
a test, yet In view of the fact that tho
Democrats may not vote for the various
amendments offered by Nelson and oth
ers, the majority will never be much les3
than that shown today, except upon tho
final passage of the bill, when there seems
to be no doubt that six Republicans Da
vis, Proctor, Ne son, Simon, v Hoar and
Wellington will vote against the measure
containing the 15 per cent protection. Sen
ator Simon was absent in New York to
day, aad was paireid with Depew, so his
vote counted with those In favor of free
trade. An Interesting feature of the situ
ation is that Beveridge has been whipped
into line In favor of the tariff.
Bliss Crowds Elklns Ont.
Elklns will not be a candidate for Vice
President The decision of the Adminis
tration forces to support Cornelius N.
Bliss, of New York, has made It apparent
that It would be useless for him to maka
the race. Senator Scott, of West Virginia,
the closest friend Elklns has, said today
that he was in favor of Elklns for tho
To Investigate Fish Qnestion.
Cu3hman of Washington, today intro
duced a bill appropriating $1500 for making
an investigation to determine on the moss
suitable location in Oregon or Washing
ton, for a station to investigate fishing
questions affecting the Pacific 'Coast
Timber on Mineral Lands.
Senator Simon's bill permitting the cut
ting of timber on mineral lands in Oregon,
Washington and Idaho has been made tha
special order for the next meeting of tha
public lands committee of the House, when
Representative Moody wl.l secure Its fa-
vorable report
Homes for Indian "War Veterans.
Representative Tongue had Intended ta
offer an amendment to the Army bill to
day, admitting Indian War veterans to
Sohlie.s Home-, but when the provision
for state homes was reached, it was ruled
out, on a point of order, which would
have rendered Mr. Tcngue's amendment
useless He will, thsrefore, take up hla
b'll with the military committee, when .
the Idaho case has been disposed of, and
endeavor to secure special legislation ad
mitting both the Indian War veterans and
veterans of the Spanish and Philippine
wars to these homes.
Free Rnral Delivery for Oregon.
The Second Assistant Postmaster-Gen
eral today assured Representative Moody
that he will, in readvertislng- or reletting
star route contracts In his district, incor
porate into the contracts provisions mak
ing it the duty of the carriers on the star -routes
to deliver the mail of persons along
the route in boxes to be erected along the
lines, where such service Is desired. ThU
wLl practically establish a system of frea
rural delivery along such routes, which
will be of especial advantage to all tha
farmers and ranchmen along the numer
ous stage lines throughout Eastern Ore
gon. Mr. Moody thinks It will also be a
practical benefit to citizens along mall
routes in Clatsop Columbia and the East
ern part of Multnomah County. To se
cure the benefit of this new service, per
sons along these routes must erect suit
able boxes on the roadsides and direct
their Postmaster to deliver their mall to
the carrier for their respective boxes. Star
route carriers will b required to receive
from Postmasters all mall matter so or
dered, depositing it in the proper boxes,
such service to be without charge to tho
patrons. The carriers will also be re
quired to collect mall from the boxes along
their routes.
New Los Aneeles-ChlcaBro Record.
CHICAGO, March 29. From Los Ange
les. Cal., to Chicago, a distance of 2,263
miles, in 58 hours and 30 minutes. Thi3
Is the record hung up by the Atchison.
Topeka & Santa Fe tonight, when tho
"Peacock Special" pulled Into the Chicago
depot at 10:20 o'clock. Trains have been
run faster for short distances, but never
before has a train been brought from tho
western coast to this city in time ap
proaching that made by the special. All
records for the run were beaten by nearly
eight hours.
Steamer Old Dominion Burning.
NEW YORK, March 30. The steamer
Old Dominion, owned bythe Joy Steam
ship Companss plying between. New Yorx
and Boston, caught fire about 3 o'clock
this (Friday) morning at her pier, In East
River. It is expected that the los3 wld
be heavy. All the passengers had left tho
boatj- and all the crew were saved.