THE MORNIXG OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, MARGH 27, 1900. FOR SALB-MISCELLANEOUS. CYCLES SECOND-HAND '99 RAMBLERS, F20; Hartfords. $17.50. Victorias. iz: steams k ladies'). Victor and others. Stearns Agency. Washington St., under imperial .noiei. fc'PEWRITER BARGAINS-LATEST NO. 2 3mun inewj. 3U. item., ov, iMswuum, rv" jar iock. $. lost. a; jen iJi oast Agency jo.. -w2 cmr i. "ANTED MEN EVERYWHERE TO Dis tribute samples; gooa pay; ioas Ju; inciuac stamp. Address orange ayrup vj., v-uwoa, Cal. i cri-co'v- -vorr;rV MnT?SrR A SB MITLWS. h,vn .., .... Vati .fl hnller-hroke. 000 to 11200 pounds. Call at 234 Second, cor. Main. NE HIGH-ARM SINGER. 510: 3 DOMES- Itl-a. $10 each: 4 New Homes. $10 each; N. F. "Singers, 55 each, aau aiornson m. AM OF HORSES. VERY CHEAP: WEIGHT 2200: reason for selling, too light for ray vcrk. K. Hooer. ms water st. 1R HEAVY HORSE. SINGLE WAGON AND Iharnoss. will trade SO acres good land. C E. I Bennett & Co., J-t i-ourtn st. lOR SALE RESTAURANT AND LUNCH I counter, doing gooa Dusmess; win near inves tigation. P 43. care Oregonlan. lURNITURE. 5 ROOMS. FOR SALE. REA- Ifonable, en account leaving city, can 3za East Seienth, near Market. INERS. COME TO 100 FIRST ST.. SEE the orly perfect coal oil burner stove; cooks meal. 20 minutes, for Vic JOR SALE ONE SPAN GOOD YOUNG I horse, sound and true; weight about 2G00. "21 Eist Taylor st. int SECOND-HAND BICYCLES FOR SALE I cheap; different makes. Sealy, Mason & Co., 1275 Morrison. FOR SALE 21 HEAD OF HORSES, ALL etzs. at Oregon Livestock Exchange, SSS BJrr&.de st. lade lanterns, new. o-cond-iiand. moving dIc- tures. Bullard & Breck. 131 Post, San Fran. FOR A NEW GAS COOKER: $2 CASH. balance $2 per month. Gas Co., 174 Fifth eL EASTERN OREGON HORSES, DRIVING and draught. 1000-1400 lbs. Second and Main. for sale or trade 40 acres Improved fruit ranch, a bargain. McPherson. Oilman Hotel. fargeet took of new and second-hand harness, sad.les and vehicles. S. Tomllnson. 211 Wash. I5ELGIAN HARES. Willamette Rabbltry, 2C1 I E. First N., Portland, Or. Phone White 82. H. Wllklns. acent La-Cas-Ka Tonic and Cy clone OH. Agents wanted. 172 Fourth st. PURE BLACK COCKER SPANIEL: GOOD breed; for sale cheap. 11 North-Fifth Ft. FOLID GOLD RINGS ONLY ONE DOLLAR. Uncle Myers. 143 Third m., near Alder. FOR SALE LADY'S BICYCLE. ISO? HART- ford. In fine condition. $:. 524 juiu. "OR SALE DERRICK AMBERS. OLD LUM- ber. etc. Apply new Custoxn-House. m S.T.FRAKTRR'C OREGON HORSES: driving and draught. 234 Third st. SEVERAL SECOND-HAND WAGONS AND buggies. 51 Fourth, near Pine. COUNTERS AND SHOWCASES FOR SALE. L. Majer & Co., 2C8 MorrteDn. 'OR SALE TWO GOOD HORSES. APPLY to D. Ke'.laher, 127 Grand ave. JOOD PIANO FOR SALE CHEAP. 534 MYR- tie st . Portland Heights. Pianos. 3HERMAN. CLAY & CO.. ROOMS 16 AND 17 Kussel building, cor. Fourth and Morrison. Stelnway & Sons, A. B. Chase and Emerscn pianos. A. B, Chase and w. w. Putnam or gans. Cash or installments. Gramophones anil Regina music boxes. !LEGANT NEW PIANO FOR RENT. VERY cheap. Graves & Co.. 285 Alder et.. near Fourth. 30ULE BROS.. EXPERT TUNERS. 107 FIRST rt. -nones. filers Pano Horn. HELP WANTED MALE. BRIDGE CARPENTERS. $3: 25 SHINGLE 0011 cuiiers. toc; maemmsts ana pattern maker, f3.25: R. R. teamsters. $1.75, pass; laborers, 51.75, 52. 52.25; city. 52: mill handtf, $1.75; coal miners; carpenters. $35 board; la borer $t &B.rar""loggers.-$3r utf; ranch" hands. 520. $25. $30; restaurant help. No end of work. Call every one. Open Sunday. Cana dian Agency, 220 Morrison. BY FINANCIAL INSTITUTION. COMPE- tent bookkeeper and accountant; must come well recommended and furnish bonds. Ad dress, stating experience, salary expected, F. R.. P. O. box: 316. Mcn wanted to learn barber tradt; only eight weeks required; special inducements this trea son; catalogue, city map and souvenir mailed free. Moler's Barber College, San Fran., Cal. IWANTED A STRONTJ BOY. ABOUT 18. FOR a w3iJlea!' cigar business; one with, some ex perience preferred. Address P. O. box 234, city. ICOLUMBUS CALIFORNLV WINE DEPOT, p. Lorati. 14b Fourth. Headquarters ror cooks, waiters, bartenders. Tel. Main 751. IWANTED PRINTER FOR PRIVATE PRINT- Ing office; must run Gordon press. Addres. with references, P 39, care Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED TRAVELER FOR IDAHO, Oregon and Washington to sell mackintoshes on commission. 208 Morrison st. Worklngman's Barber Shop; haircut 15c. share 10c; o cnairs. ta JJennison. 200 Morrison st. Cash' for acceptable Ideas. State if patented. Ad dress THE PATENT IlECOKD. Baltimore. Md. Man to solicit and collect weekly payment life insurance; gooa pay. 3jy aiarquam building. HELP WANTED FEMALE. I WAITRESS. KELSO. $3; ONE CITY. $4; cook, 5 : dishwasher: lunch waitress; second girl: chambermaid; 30 housework. Canadian Parlors, 22GtA Morrison. WANTED A GOOD PLAdN J2QK.,AL30 A nurse girl; good wages. eaUjtaf TB2 East 15th st. north. Take lrvlngton car. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- werk. Apply mornings at 456 East 15th north. lrvlngton car. ! GHIL WANTED FOR HOUSEKEEPING AND cooKing; small family. inquire 330 Wash ington street. . APPRENTICE GIRL TO LEARN DRESS making. Call 60S East Belmont St., Mrs. Flor ence Ml'ler. WANTED GIRL TO WORK IN OFFICE; state salary expected. Address W 45, care Oregonlan. "WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- worK; must understand cooking. 101 North ISth et. I NEAT. FIRST-CLASS WAITRESS; NO OTH- er neea appiy. perKins restaurant, 10S Fifth etreet. WANTED GOOD GIRL; GOOD WAGES; none other need apply. 345 Oak st, cor. Sev enth. 315 TO 30 NEW ORDERS EVERY DAT: CALL uueu. v anaaian tmp. parlors. 22Ci Morrison. WOMAN OF UPRIGHT PRINCIPLES .AND ucmc Dusiness anility. N 40, care Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED GIRLS TO WORK IN BIND-er-. H -e. Dals & Kllham. Ill Second et. IWANTED-GIRL TO RUN A TWO-THREAD rrencn emwoiaery machine. 289 Alder st. I WANTED AN EXPERIENCED SEAM- ei.rf. uii ei- jveiiy st., cor. Lane. ! WANTED-EXPERIENCED LADY IN TAIL- ' " K- i. i auaj-. u JWISKy nuiioing. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR candy store, at 327 Morrison etreet. i WANTED COMPETENT COOK IN SMALL nctei; wages o. , East Clay St. GIRL-FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; GOOD wages. Call 349 Harrison Ft. CIRL FOR COOKING. APPLY IN MORN lng. 332 10th. r. Market. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE wcrk. at 348 Front st. GIRL-FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. CALL at 670 Love joy. SITUATION TV4.NTED-MALEJ. Mlacellaneoa. TOlG' .FXI?EIPEJC-'ED GARDENER wants position in town or country. Addres W 47, care Oregonlan. JAPANESE (GOOD BOY) WANTS POSITION In any place, do dishwashing, housework. 10 North Third st. BY AN ALL-ROUND BUTCHER: CITY OR country. Address W. Roeuel, Hotel Rheln pfalz, Front bU SITUATION "WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. YOUNG LAWYER. NOTARY PUBLIC. WANTS position Jn office; collecting experience; good references. Address W 46. Oregonlan. AN EXPERIENCED BUSINESS MAN would like position as traveling salesman. Address P. O. box 495. SITUATION. AS HEAD COOK IN HOTEL OB restaurant; city or country; references. X 43, . care Oregonlan. YOUNG GERMAN. EXPERIENCED FARM er. wants position. Address C B., Depot Hotel. SITUATION "WANTED FEMALE. Domestic. SITUATION WANTED BY NORWEGIAN girl, to do housework or chamberwork. Ad dress D 48, Oregonlan. SITUATION "WANTED BY WOMAN LIVING at home, to do chamberwork. O 43, care Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED tJY GOOD GIRL, TO do general housework. 148 Knott St., Lower Albina. Mlaccllaneonx. EXPERIENCED. COMPETENT YOUNG lady stenographer and cashier desires per manent positon; can assist bookkeeper; Al references. "Butte." care Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS OUR MONEY-MAKING TRADE wrinkles rightly handled can be made to yield hundreds of dollars; for full particulars write to Wheaton & Co., New Bedford, Mass. PORTRAIT AGENTS EVERYWHERE QUIT "crayons." Try washable enamelines; no glass; don't rub; cheap. Family Portrait Co., Chicago. WANTED AGENTS. CITY OR COUNTRY: salary or commission. Call between 10 and 12 A. M.. room 1. 3S0 Morrison street. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED FROM PRIVATE PARTY. LOAN 51000, two years, 8 per cent, on modern o rocm residence; fine lawn and fruit; owner resides on premises. L 43, care Oregonlan. WANTED HOME FOR BOY 10 YEARS OLD. where he can do chores or help In hou-; for board and go to school. Address W 39, Ore gonlan. WANTED LOAN FROM PRIVATE PARTY. 5000, one year, 10 per cent; one fine house, 6 rocms. large grounds. X 43, care Oregonlan. WANTED PARTNER WITH $200 TO ASSIST In developing and working placer mine in Southern Oregon. A 40, Oregonlan. 0 OR 7 -ROOM MODERN HOUSE: SOME eash, balance monthly Installments; Wcrt Side. Addrees D 43, care Oregonlan. PARTIES WISHING TO DISPOSE OF FUR nlture. carpets, blcyclew. address L. Swctt, 2S9 Montgomery. Phone Front 423. BEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF household goods. 249 Fifth. Phone Clay flSl. WANT TO BUY LADY'S WHEEL: MUST BE In good condition. M 43. care Oregonlan. FOlt RENT. Rooms. THE SPALDING, a E. COR. PARK AND Alder sts.. under the management of the owner. Helen F. Spalding The most complete apartment-house In the Northwest: chclce rooms, for gentlemen cr gentleman and wife: furnished housekeeping twites a specialty. THE NEWCASTLE. S. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison etc Rooms, furnished or unfur nished: all modern conveniences; references. THE GILBERT LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED rooms; all modern conveniences. Third and Taylor ats.; entrance, 267 Taylor. ALCOVE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO GEN tlemen; one single room; gas, bath; private family. 4094 Washington. VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED ALCOVE room; gas. bath, phones. 169 14th st., be tween Yamhill and Taylor. 129 10TH. BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND Alder Pleasant furnished front room; one or two gentlemen; reasonable. THE -SHELLEY, 422 MORRISON ST.. COR ner 11th New house, well-furnished rooms; &l modern conveniences. 364 TAYLOR ST.. COR. PARK PLEASANT" bay-window rooms; bath, phone, heat; no children; reasonable. TWO NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS; one alcove; modern conveniences. 354 Oak, cor. Park. ONE LARGE SUITE: ALSO SINGLE ROOM3 at The Vanderbilt, corner West Park 'and Yamhill. THE 'CLEMENT. 0th and Oak sts. Nicely fur nished rooms, steam heat and electric lights. GILMAN HOTEL Brick bldg., central: fur nished rooms, $1 week and up. 1st and Alder. For Rent Furnished or unfurnished rooms. In quire Everett St.. between Park and Ninth. MAIN ST.. 3S9 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; all modern convenienctrt; rent reasonable. MRS. M. OSVOLD. 221 MORRISON ST. Nicely furnished rooms; rent reasonable. The Wlnfleld. 106 4th Newly furnished rooms, for gentlemen only. Mrs. W. W. Wright. 160 10TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT rooms; modem conveniences. NICELY, FURNISHED ROOM AT 169 WEST Park street. Rooms IVIth Board. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 12TH YEAR; rooms with board; enameled bath tubs; use of library: Woman's Excange; Industrial school. Address Mrs. E. C George, superin tendent. 310 Flanders street. MODERN AND ELEGANT ROOMS (MUST be seen to be appreciated), with flrst-clasa board, reasonable. Call 510 Hoyt, between 14th and 15th. r- ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS. "WITH ooara; very reasonable; rurnace heat, bath and phone. 72 14th. cor. Everett. THE BROWN. HAWTHORNE AND GRAND aves. Furnished rooms, with first-class board. Eleator: modern conveniences. PLEASANT ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN SUITE, with board, at The Sterling, 535 Couch, cor. 21 13TH ST. PLEASANT ROOMS. WITH board; modern conveniences. TWO NICE- ROOMS WITH FIRST-CLASS table board. 229 11th street. ROOMS WITH BOARD, THE HESPERIAN. 533 Morrison st cor. 17th, Housekeeping Rooms. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, from 50 up: convenient; central; bath and phone. 247 Fifth st. TWO OR THREE CORNER ROOMS, FOR housekeeping: central and reasonable: bath and nhone. 247 Fifth. r 1 25S SIXTH. COR. MADISON FURNISHED or unfurnished housekeeping rooms; all con veniences; best location. THE MAIN FURNISHED AND UNFUR nlshed rooms, for housekeeping; cheap rent. Cor. First and Columbia. 831 GLISAN ST.. BET. 6TH AND 7TH TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; also furnished rooms. The Graham Housekeeping apartments a spe cialty; .gas range and telephone. 545 Wash. FOR RENT TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms, for housekeeping, at 20S Jefferson st. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING suite. The Pleasanton. 28S?i Third. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, FOR HOUSE keeplng. 170 Park st. Bouses. FOR RENT J- W. OG1LBEE. ROOM 11, 145 Tlrst st. 7-room modern residence. Stephens addi tion. East Side; very cheap rent; $15 per mo. 5-room cottage, near Madison-street bridge. East Side; rent $9 per month. FOR RENT TO GOOD TENANT; SMALL family: S-room modern house, furnished, on Seventh-street Terraced: owner would like board with tenant. Apply on premises, J. D. Young, or telephone West 292. FIRST-CLASS RESIDENCE. 13 ROOMS, COM plete In all modem appointments, cor. 16th and Morrison; for term of years to reliable tenant. Inquire 515 Morrison. FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE. 8 ROOMSr Cll Montgomery and 14th ats.; newly renovated Inside and out; rent $27.50. Russell & Blyth, 82 Third ct FOR RENT MODERN DWELLING. CON talnlng 9 rooms; corner houee; fine location. Address A 49. care Oregonlan. FOR. RENT. DOBRCB. FOR RENT HOUSE. 5SS SECOND ST., NEAR Grant; modern, 7 large rooms. R. L. Gllsan, 420 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN C-ROOM HOUSE. 871 KELLY ST. Inquire of Parrlsh .& Watklns, 250 Alder st. 5-ROOM HOUSE. WITH YARDS. 50 MONTH; 351 Water st. Phone West 291. FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE; DESHIABLE location, 434 Larrabee st. Furalahrd Hohim. $3 PER MONTH; 3-ROOM FLAT; BATH room. clothes closet, pantry, woodshed; all furnished for housekeeping; 634 Seventh, two blocks south of Grant st. Phone Union 545. FURNISHED COMPLETE FOR HOCSEKEEP Ing. 4-room cottage; pantry, woodshed, nice yard, fruit trees and flowers; ?9 per month. Tel. Union P4P. FOR RENT HOUSE. NINE FURNISHED rooms, for one year. Inquire from 2 to 4, 67 North 14th. between Davis and Everett. $12.50 PER MONTH; 6 -ROOM COTTAGE, bath, pantry, woodshed, all furnished for housekeeping; 634 Seventh St., close to Grant. Farnlsbetl Honges. Houses lor Rent Farnlture for Sale. 26 ROOMS. CHOICE LOCATION: GOOD FUR nlture. steam heat; owner leaving city. 32 rooms, close In, brick building; a money maker; a. bargain. IB rooms, corner flat; cheap rent. 10-room residence, choice location, rent $25; new furniture: 5375. 10 rooms on Fifth st.. near City Hall; owner very Pick: make an offer. Have others. See my list before buying. C. E. BENNETT. 127A Fourth St. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 10-ROOM boarding-house; best location in city; bar gain, if taken at once. Address Q 4S. care Oregonlan. FURNITURE OF A 6-flOOM FLAT COM .plete. for sale; flat for rent reasonable. 266 Alder st. Stores. ONE - HALF OF THE ELEGANT STORE building at 335 Washington St.. cor. Seventh. BUSINESS CHANCES. JENNINGS & CO 309 MORRISON Real Estate and Business Brokers. Large list of stores, hotels, lodging-houses, restaurants and business chances of all kinds: $750 Boardlnc-house, 12 rooms; pays well. 52200 Boarding-house, 28 rooms; new fur niture. 51200 Brick flat. 30 rooms; money-maker. $600 l0room house, clearing1 $40 a month. 51000 Flat, 2S rooms: pays big; rent $35. $950 Corner house, 22 rooms, all full. $1900 Lodging-house, SO rocms; rent $63. 5120 Cigar, fruit and candy store. 530O Saloon; good location and trade. 5400 Candy, cigar and notions; paying. 51250 Dellcate-essen; fine business. 5225 Restaurant, down town; good trade. $1200 Candy store, fine location, cheap rent $525 Grocery; cheap rent; money-maker. 51500 Restaurant: best location in Portland. 51200 Corner grocery; clean stock. $200 Hotel. 17 rooms, town 1200 population. 52000 Saw mill and planing mill. JENNINGS & CO 309 MORRISON ST. RARE CHANCE TO BUY INTO A LEGITI mate. paying business. In good location, es tablished 15 years; large profits; easy; no credit; at big discount It taken quickly; in vestigate if you mean business. J 41, care Oregonlan. A SNAP GROWING MANUFACTURING business, doing- well; owner has other busi ness; Investigate. $500 cash. Canadian Agency, 226 Morrison. AN OLD-ESTABLISHED GROCERY Busi ness, with Eood family trade, for sale; a sac rifice; will take part trade. Addreea B 42, Oregonlan. HAVE FROM ?500 TO $1000 TO INVEST IN business. What hate you to offer? No ob jection to partnership. K 45, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE LADIES' FURNISHING AND fancy goods store, in thriving Valley town. Address J 40. care Oregonlan. WILL SELL FOR CASH THE BEST FRUTT and confectionery stand in town; waiting room. Morrison-street bridge. FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST-LOCATED 50-barreI flouring mills In the Willamette Val ley. S 23, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE OR RENT A LARGE HOTEL, doing a flourishing business. Apply to E. D. Boyd. Pendleton. Or. GROCERY STOCK AND FIXTURES. ABOUT $1200 for sale, for cash. Address H 42. care Oregonlan. FOR SALE ICE FACTORY; DOING GOOD business. Address John Zeis. Corvallls. Or. SALOON FOR RENT; GOOD LOCATION. IX qulre 22 North Eighth st. DYE WORKS FOR SALE OR RENT. IN gulre 22 North Eighth, PERSONALS. INDIAN CLAIRVOYANT AND MEDIUM The wonderful, gifted Indian squaw, bora with two veils over face, tells, from cradle to grave, past, present, future, and oecrets re vealed: warns against misfortune; sure guid) to social and business success; heals all dis eases by the use of Indian herbs. Mrs. Prof. Wheatly-Howc. Separate parlor for lad! and gentlemen. Strictly confidential. 271 3tn st.. opposite City Hall. No stairs to cliirb. DR. DARRIN. specialist :n all chronic diseases, cures deafness and catarrh In all Its fomv. Also affections of stomach, liver, bowels, nerves, blood, skin, kidneys, urinary organs and seminal weakness. Only 55 per month. Varicocele, stricture or hydrocele guaranteed cured In one week. No pain, no detention. Diseases of women an Important specialty. Consultation free. Call or write. Address 265 Morrison St., Portland, Or. 17 women wanted suffenng from Irregular, painful periods; leucorrhoea (whites), and all complicated diseases pertaining to changes of life, cured by old Dr. Kessler. cor. Second and Yamhill sts. 329 -Romen called last month. Consultation free, and private rooms fcr ladles. If can't call, write. Inclosing 10 2c stamps. Hundreds treated at home by his new system. ELECTRIC PARLORS. 103 FIRST STREET, treats all scalp diseases and guarantees to restore gray hair to naturel color, without dye; removes wrinkles and all blemishes from face; alap removes superfluous hair from the face without pain; enlarging busts a spe cialty. DRESS SUITS RENTED. ALL SIZES. WE call for, sponge, press and deliver one suit cf your clothing each week. 6ew on buttons, sew up rips, for $1 per month. Dyeing, steam cleaning and repairing. Unique Talicrir Co., 347 Washington, both 'phones. MADAM DE LACY REMOVES HAIR FROM face or arms, wrinkles, pimples and freckles; also restores gray hair and makes hair grow on bald heads; beautifies the skin; shampoo ing specialty. 423 Ablngton building. ILLOND'S PREVENTATIVE CONES FOR prevention of disease. The best antiseptic No failure. Sent to any address; per box, $1 50; samples. 10c Hlond Chcm. Co.. P. O. Box 974, Portland. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts Nerve Globules. One month's treatment 52; 3 months, $5. Sent securely sealed by mail. Agents, Woodard & Clarke. Portland. Or. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Ac curately and reasonably filled at Eyssell's Pharmacy. 227 Morrison st., bet. 1st and 2d. Common Sense Beauty Parlors; wrinkles and all facial blemishes removed by electricity. 70 Le-Rls building. Park and Morrison. WE PRINT 30 FINE VISITING CARDS. 25c; 50. 35c 250 business cards. $1; 500, $1 60. Brown & Schmale. 220 1st st. KEY" TO SUCCESS: CONSULT PROF. McDON ald. noted phrenologist: tells all about you. 70 Third st. Departs April 2. BILLY" LEA'S BICYCLE HOSPITAL. 105 4T1I. Phone Clay 641. Wheels called for. delivered. CLOTHES MENDED FOR LADIES AND GEN "emen. Apply at room 45 Labbe building. ELECTRIC LAUNDRY REMOVED TO 126 Fifth st. Both phones. Give us a. trial. WHY NOT MARRY? WE CAN HELP YOU. Send stamp. Lock-box C60. Portland. Or. LADY. YOU GET RED STAMPS AT CLEM. enson's drug store. 227 Yamhill street. CUT RATES-Oregon Dye "Works: cleaning and dyeing. Burnslde. near 8th. Tel. Red 2903. JOST AND FOUND. LOST BETWEEN MONTGOMERY AND Morrison, on Sixth, fur tippet, atone marten. Return to B. Keart. St. Vincent's Hospital. FOUND ON NOB HILL. GOLD PIN. OWNER can havo same by paying for this notice. J. J. Johnson, room 17 Hamilton building. LOST SMALL BROWN MEMORANDUM book. Suitable reward to flnder If returned to C. Lombard!, 7 First st. FOUND LADY'S PURSE. OWNER CAN have the same by calling at the Esmond bar ber shop. SPECIAL NOTICES. Masters' Notice. BRITISH SHIP WILLIAM LAW. CAPTAIN Abbott, from Manila Neither the Captain nor the undersigned agents of the above-named vessel will be responsible for any debta that .may be contracted by the crew. John Held & Co.. Agents. Proposals Invited. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: SEALED BIDS will be received by the Board of Capitol Building Commissioner, of the State of Ore gon, at the executive office, Salem, Or., until 2 o'clock P. M.. Wednesday. April 4, 1900. for furnishing all material and labor required for proposed changes In the House of Repre sentatives. State Capitol building. Salem, Or.. In accordance with plans and specifica tions now on exhibition with the clerk of said board, at Salem, Or., and at the office of Delos D. Neer. architect. 133 First street. Portland. Or., from whom blank forms of proposals may be obtained. A certified check In the sum of at least 10 per cent of the amount bid. payable to the order of the State Treasurer, must accompany each bid. which will be forfeited to the State of Oregon in case the lowest or accepted bidder fails to enter Into contract, with good and sufficient bonds, within 10 days after the acceptance of bid. The right la reserved tc reject any and all bids. No bids will oe received after the time specified, and bids not accompanied by certified check and not on the blank forms furnished or properly tilled out. will be re jected. Attention Is especially directed to the time In which said work must be completed, and which must be fully complied with. By order of the Board of Capitol Building Com missioners, of the State of Oregon. Walter Lyon, clerk. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL.. MARCH 24. 1900. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be re ceived here until 12 M. Friday, April 13. 1900, and then opened, for furnishing 71 cavalry horses and 36 artillery Yioroes at the Presidio of San Francisco. Government reserves right to reject or accept any or all bids, or any part thereof. Bids will be considered for a less number of horses than that stated. Pref erence given to articles of domestic produc tion, conditions of price and quality (Includ ing In the price of foreign productions the duty thereon) being equal, and such prefer ence given to articles of American produc tion produced on the Pacific Coast, to extent of consumption required by the public serv ice there. Information furnished on applica tion to J. M. MARSHALL. Deputy Quartermaster-General, U. S. Army, Chief Quarter master, f PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE SUPPLIES Office Purchasing Commissary. San Fran cisco, Cal.. March. 14. 1900. Sealed propo sals for furntshlnir and delivering of such quantities of oubslstence supplies, delivered at such wharf or wharves or such warehouses In San Francisco, Cal.. as per circular to be seen at this office, will be received here until 11 o'clock A. M., Tues day, March 27. 1900. and opened immediately thereafter In presence of bidders. Specifica tions, general instructions to bidders and blank form of proposal will be furnished to established dealers on application to W. H. BALDWIN, Major and C. S., U. S. Army. Purchasing Commlsiry. OFFICE PURCHASING COMMISSARY. VAN couver Barracks, Wasn.. March 20. 1900. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 11 o'clock A. M., Wednesday. April 25, 1000. and then opened, for furnishing and de livering subsistence mores. In such quantities as may be required, at Portland, Or., or Se attle, Wash., during May, 1900. Information furnished on application. Envelopes contain ing proposals should be Indorsed. "Proposals for subsistence etores for Alaska." and ad dressed to James N. Allison. Major, C S. MARCH 23. 1900. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the pestofflee building until 2 o'clock P. M.. Saturday. March 31. 1900. for furnishing- full, lights. Ice, miscel laneous supplies, washing towels, hauling ashes for this building during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901, or such portion of the year as may be deemed advisable. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved by the Treasury Department. A. B. CROASMAN, Custodian. Miscellaneous. ASSIGNEE'S SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the undersigned, assignee of Union Banking Company, Insolvent debtor, will re ceive sealed bids for the purchase of all of the assets of said Union Banking Company, up to 10 A. M.. March 31. 1900. Schedule of said soxta may be seen at assignee's office. City Hall. Portland. Or. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check, payable to order of Frank Hacheney. assignee, equal to 10 per cent of amount of bid. said check to be forfeited to assignee unless amount bid is paid, if accepted. Terms of sale, cash en ac ceptance of bid. Right to reject whole or any part of any or all bids Is reserved. FRANK HACHENEY. Assignee. GEO. W. HAZEN AND PAXTON, BEACH & SIMON. Attorneys for Assignee. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE NOTICE IS hereby given that. In pursuance of an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Multnomah, duly made and entered, on the 19th day of March. A. D. 1900, I will sell at public auction to the high est bidder, for cash, on the ISth day of April. A. D. 1900, at 10 o'clock on the forenoon of said day. at the east door of the County Court house. In the City of Portland. Multn.mah County. Or., all of lots one (1) and two (2). In block two hundred and twenty-five (225), In Holladay's addition to East Portland, county and state aforesaid. Dated Portland, Or.. March 19. A. D. 1900 I. A. MACRUM. Administrator of the Estate of Wlllena M. Hurgren, Deceased. 1 NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY given that 120.000 ehares of stock In the Northport Mining & Milling Company, be longing to E. A. Seeley. 120.000 shares of said stock belonging to William B. Adair, and 20.000 shaies of said stock belonging to E. P. Hunton, or so much of said stock as may be necessary to pay the assessment of 4 cent per share, duly levied on said stock, will be sold by me. the secretary. In pursuance of a resolution of the Board of Directors of the Northport Mining & Milling Company, at 0 A. M. of the 10th day of April, 1900. at room 43 Concord building, Portland. Or. J. E. WOLFF, Sec COUNTY WARRANTS NOTICE IS HEREBY given that Multnomah County warrants, class "C," the same having been drawn upon the road fund, that were presented and indorsed "Not paid for want of funds." from June 1, 1899. to June 30. 1S99. both dates Inclusive, will. If properly Indorsed, be paid on pre sentation at the ofHc of the County Treas urer. Interest thereon ceases on and after the date of this notice. RALPH W. HOYT. County Treasurer. Portland. Or.. March 27. 1900. Stockholders' Mcctlnsr. OFFICE OF THE OREGON & CALIFORNIA Railroad Company Notice of Stockholders" Meeting Stockholders are hereby notified that the annual meeting of the stockholders cf the Oregon & California Railroad Company will be held at the office of the company. 203 Washington street. In the City of Portland. County of Multnomah. State of Oregon, on Tuesday, the 10th day of April. 1900, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M.. for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business aa may legally come before the meeting. ' GEO. H. ANDREWS. Secretary. Portland. Or.. March 10. 1900. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING THE ANNUAL meeting of the stockholders of Oregon Fur niture Manufacturing Co. will be held at the company's office. 20S and 210 First st.. Portland. Or., on Wednesday, March 28. 1900. at 7:30 o'clock P. M.. for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the ensu ing year, and transacting such other businesi as may properly come before a stockholders' meeting. FLETCHER LINN, Secretary. Portland. Or.. March 18. 1900. FINANCIAL. LOANS IN LARGE OR SMALL AMOUNTS OX Portland or outside real estate. 220 Abtngtcn building. Money to lean on Clackamsa County lands. 6 per cent. E. F. Riley. 608 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY' TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curity. Wm. Holl, room 40 Washington bldy. MONEY TO LOAN" on furniture or good securi ties. S. W. King, room 45 Washington bldg. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or salary se curity. C W. Pallett. 213 Commercial block. $100,000 for mortgages, lowest rates, easy terms. W. S. Ward. Atfy-at-Law. 319 Allaky bldg. Write me: I'll loan you money on your furni ture; low ln't; private party. V 31, Oreg. LOANS ON LODGING-HOUSES, pianos, etc; low rates: private party. 319 Alisky bldg. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON FURNl ture, pianos, salaries, etc Can be paid In Installments, reducing interest. Rates lower than the lowest. F. W. Graves, Mgr., 285 Alder, near 4th. ground floor. Tel. Green 444. 5200.000 TO LOAN AT 5. 6. 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property for sale and rent. Agent for Westchester Fire Insuranc Co. Wm. G. Beck. 321 Morrison st. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM $25 TO 5500, on all dances of security. R. I. Ecker son & Co., room 5 Washington building. ANY AMOUNT LOANED ON FURNITURE, pianos, real estate and all kinds of security. C H. Thompson. 128 3d st. Phone Main C2S. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 per cent, farm or city property. O. M. Smith. 814 Ch. of Commerce. Money to loan on chattels, salaries or any good securities. H. Mann & Co.. 604 The Dekum. MONEY LOANED ON BICYCLES, PIANOS, furniture and other securities. W. A. Hath away, room 10 Wash. bldg. Phone South 781. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Afternoon. Kindergartens. MISS ANNIE MATTINGLY'S Afternoon Frobel Kindergarten, 260 14th St. Tel. Browrr P13. Agricultural Implements, Macnlncry EDWARD HUGHES; WAGONS. CARRIAGES and farm machinery of all klnus. 190 Front. RUSSELL &,CO. ENGINES. BOILERS, SAW mills, threshers, horse-posers. 324 Belrnjmt. JOHN POOLE; Newton wagons, buggies, wind mills, pumps, machinery. Foot Morrison .st. Art Goods and Picture Frames. BERNSTEIN'S ART STORE 307 WASHING tcn at.; great clearance sale; special bargain- Aisaycrs and Annlysta. J. H. FISK, MINERAL ASSAYEP. AND chemist; gold dust bought. 204 Washington. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST. Gold dust bought. 228 Stark at. PORTLAND ASSAY OFFICE. 229 Stark t. As flaylnsr and analytical work. Gold dust bought. AstroIbKy. Reliable, scientific readings; satisfaction guar anteed. L. K. Adams. 63 Park, cor. Ankeny. Attorneys. S. H. GRUBER, Lawyer; mining, admiralty ana co'lectlons specialties. Commercial blocks J. W. RANSOM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND counselor. Bates Bank bldg.. Portland. Or. E. W. BINGHAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, RE moved to 61 Union block. 227 Stark. GEO. W. HAZEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 609 611 Chamber of Commerce building. Bakeries. U. S. Bakery. Matschlner Bros., props.; breaas, cakes, pies, pastry and crackers. 101 1. lith, cor. Flanders. Home Bakery & Dellcate-Eesen: Boston baked beans, cooked delicacies. 187 4th. Tel. Hood 071. Baths. DEKUM Bathrooms; popular baths, massage, electricity. 714-15-10 Dekum. Phone Red 2345. Turkish baths; ateo massage. 107 Fourth st., between Wash, and Stark. Lady attendant. Book Stores. J. K. GILL & CO., WHOLESALE AND RE tall booksellers and stationers, 133-35 3d st. New and second-hand school and other books. 203 Morrison St., between First and Front. Carpet-Cleaning- Joyce Bros" Electric Carpet-Cleaning- Works, 270 Grant. Phones Black 711; West 564: Carpenters and Builders. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter, builder; office and otore fixtures. Ore. teL 747. 2S5 Stark. Chinese Medicines. Dr. BIng Chong, 191 2d st.; Chinese root medt clncs cure all diseases. Examination free. Chiropodists. WM. DEVENY & MAUD DEVENY. THE only scientific chiropodists, room 301 Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. Oreg. phone Grant 10. L. MITCHELL, EXPERT CHIROPODIST. OF ilce 160 5th st, opp. postotnee. Tel. Hood U14. MUa Dart, chiropody and manicuring, room 30 Union bite. 1st and Stark. 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Civil Engineers. J; H. Cunningham, Civil and Hydraulic Eng'r; U. S. Mineral Surveyor. 612 Cham, of Com. Cleaning- and Dyelufir. French Cleaning & Deing Works; J. Delcau, prop. Phone Ked 9Hi. 445 Gllsan st. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER, PURCHASER OP hided, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general cotmnlalon mercxiant. Front St.. near Main. Portland, ur. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO., SHIP BROKERd and commission merchants. Sherlock bulldini;. PortUnd, Or W. N.Sayre & Co., commission & produce mer chants; advances on cotulmnenttf. 146 Front. ALLEN & LEWIS, COMMISSION AND PRU duce merchants, .front & u tu., Portland. Or. KVERDING & FARRELL. commission, nutter, eggs, chickens and farm produce. Portland. H. TUKE & CO., 234 FROXT; FLOUR. HAY. produce, feed and groceries. Cornices Skylights. METAL SKYLIGHTS. GALVANIZED IRON cornices. J. C Buyer. 2C5 Second street. Creameries. WASHINGTON CREAMERY; PURE BUTTER, cream; bakery goods. Both phones. G. U. Mjjfier. 429 Waanlngton. Curled-Hnir Munufucturcrs. Portland Curled-Hair Factor". H. Metzger. pro prletor. manufacturer curled hair ami genuine curled-hair mattresses. Z2G-228 Front tu Both phones. Daucinj MISSES MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANC lng. 269 14th. Private lessons by appointment. Dentists. HENRY P. O'CONNOR, D. M. D., C02 MAR- quam building. Morrison st., bat. 6th aha 7th. DR. T. L. PERKINS. DENTIST. REMOVED to room. 17 Russel bldg.. 4th and Morrison. DR. C B. BROWN; teL Ore. Red 2540; res. White 634. 514-15-16 Dekum building. Dental Supplies. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO., Cor. Fourth and Washington sts. Dressuiaklntc. MISS HAWKINS. LADIES" TAILOR AND dressmaker; good fit guaranteed. 424 Wash. Mrs .Sadie A. McKlbben. modiste; Easter cos tumes a specialty. 372 East Morrison. Dyeing and Cleaning. H. W. TURNER, PROFESSIONAL DYER AND cleaner. 301 17th. Telephone Red 131. Educational. PERNIX SHORTHAND AWARDED WORLD'S Fair medal and diploma. Simplest, most leg ible. Bcckkeeplng taught. Day and night. Pemln Shorthand School, 211 Oregonlan. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE, Fifth and Yamhill; A. P. Armstrong, Prin.. J. a. Wesco, Eec Open all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free. HOLMES' ENGLISH AND BUSINE53 COL lege, 414 Yamhill sL Engllsa course; com mercial and shorthand coursed. Send for cat alogue. Electric Belts. DR. SCHRAMECK'S ELECTRIC BELTS ARE the best; examine $5 belts. 270 Front st. Fence and Wire Works. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works; A. Carlson; 2S9 East Morrison st. Guns, Fishing Tackle, Sport's; Goods. H. Beal; guns, fishing tackle, sporting goods and cutlery. 49 Third st.. Portland. Or. Hnlrdrcflslhg: and Manicuring; Parlors Miss Grace Dodge & Mrs. D'Arcy Gilbert; hair dressing, scalp massage; manicuring; ladies & gents. 712 Dekiim building. Tel. South 561. Harness and Saddles. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. HAR neas and sole leather, saddlery, hardware, find ings and shoe store supplies, 73 Front at. THE GEORGE I.A WHENCE CO. WHOLE sale saddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and paddlcry hardware. 72 Front at. Health Foods. SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT. KING OF all health foods. Sold by all grocers. Hotels. TREMONT HOUSE; newly furnished rooms, $1.50 a week up. J. E. Clark. 343 Everett- Iron Founders and Machinists. Smith & Watson Iron Works; engines and boil ers; logging engines a specialty; quartz and saw mills; mlsc machinery. Front-and HalL CITY FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOPS, J. Honeyman Co.. engines, boilers, saw mills and mining machinery, 301 Front st. Willamette Iron & Steel Works: James Lotan. mgr.; Ircn-werkets; steamboat bldrs. Portland. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Hosiery. Seamless hosiery: Winona Mills, N. Y.; Street & Sons. General Salesmen. 324 14. near Clay. Insurance. HAMBURG - BREMEN FIRE INS. CO.. 1C3 First st. Boyd & Areola. General Agents. Japanese Gaoda. CLEARANCE SALE. 30 DAYS. JAPANESE goods, bamboo furniture. 311 Morrison. Lace-Curtain Cleaning. Lace curtains of all klnd3 cleaned, reflnlshed. 42S Wash. Phone Brown 176. I. E. Zlcgler. Ladies'' Furnishing; Goods. SpecialWrappers. S5c; nightgowns, 55c: white under&klrts, 60c Gross & Weltzen, 214 Firm. Iron Founders, Mach'sts, Ship B'ld'r.. Wolff X: ZwJrker Iron Works; designers and mfrs. of shire, steamboats, marine, minln.5 and milling machinery: riveted steel pipe. Ladies' Tailoring;. Stephan'a Dressmaking Establishment, for even ing gowns, tailor-made suits, etc 239 Alder. Ladder Works. LADDERS OF ALL KINDS. AND KITCHEN conveniences. Cor. East Sixth and Oak. Leather Finding;. J. A. REH3. mfr. boot and shoe uppers: full stock shoemakers' supplies. 207 Washington st. Liquor and Tobacco Institutes. Keeley Institute. 314 "6th. cures liquor, opium and tobacco addiction. No other in State. Magmctlc Healing;. Welfmer method: 315 Alisky block: classed taught, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7:30. IF MEDICINE FAILS. TRY O. KLINGBE1L. magnetic healer. 307 E 6th. Or. tel. Scott 693. Marble and Granite "Works. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS: marble, gran ite and stone work. Schanen S: Neu. 26S 1st. Massage. "THE SNOWDEN" BATHROOMS RE opened, 131 4th; formerly "The Nelson"; tub and vapor baths, massage. Tel. Red 421. Merchant -Tailors. THEO. SCHULZE. MERCHANT TAILOR. 372 E. Burnslde, fine eprlng and summer goods to order. Mldvrlve. MRS. EHL, GRADUATE MIDWIFE. 121 North 14th st. Telephone West e67. Mining? Investments. THE ROCKEFELLER MINING COMPANY. J. O. HANTHOPN, PRESIDENT. The prop erties of this company consist of three full quartz claims, located In the famous Bonanza district, among the big producers near Sump ter. Or. Vigorous and systematic development ' work to commence at once. A limited number of fully paid up and non-assercable shares of stock of the company Xor sale, to develop the properties. Quick advance In prices may be confidently relied upon. For particulars apply to H. L. Powers. Sec retary, room 3 Chamber of Commerce build ing. SUMPTER GOLD FIELDS ALL THE stocks we have recommended are making good adx-ance. some of them 500 per cent. Our customers have all made money, because the properties have large and rich deposits of ore and are being worked. $10 will buy 500 shares In a mine that has ore waiting to be shipped or milled. Ovc circular mailed free. Write E. A. Clem & Co.. 515 and 516 Oregonlan building. Portland. Or. CAPE NOME GOLD BEST PROPOSITION ever offered. Any one who contemplates' going to the Cape Nome gold fields, or who Is at all Interested In knowing how they can, by a. email Investment, realize large and certain returns, can learn something to their advan tage by calling or addressing Alaskan Bed Rock Dredging Company, rooms 43-44 McKay block, Portland. Or. DIADEM GOLD MINING CO. THIS IS A producer, having 500 sacks of high-grade ore on hand awaiting teaming facilities. To meet current expenses and cost of new hoisting ma chinery, I am Instructed to sell a. limited number of shares of treasury stock at 23c This Is a gilt-edged investment. Apply 515 Orejronlan building, or to John F. Hoskins, Perkins Hotel. WE VENTURE THE OPINION THAT NO stock In Oregon Jo eelllng more rapidly than that of the Gold Hill High Line Ditch, and almost with no advertising' except the work being done. This Is a stock which sells Strictly on the merits of the property. An other advance In price very soon. Davidson. Ward & Co., 40S Chamber of Commerce. F.. J HARD. Dealer In Oregon mlne. General Manager The Oregon-Colorado Mining. Milling & Development Co. Correspondence solicited. P. O. box 079. Portland. Oregon. THANKSGIVING GOLD MINING CO., OWN Ing the Gold Lenf, No. 3. and Gold Button, and the Thanksgiving claims, near Granite. Or. We oflr a few thousand shares of treasury stock for sale. For particulars ap ply to "V. H. Sherrod & Co., 319 Chamber of Commerce BUYERS OR SELLERS OF STOCKS AND mines solicited. Eumpter. Burnt River and Bohemia districts most attractive. Wire or mall your orders. Phone Hood 552; cable "Weatherby." Portland Mining & Trust Co.. 518 Oregonlan building. Portland. $25,000 WILL BUY A FREE - MILLING quartz property where the values are actually In slshtf handy to wood, water, customs stamp mill, and railroad depot; worthy of Immediate Investigation. Davidson, Ward & Co.. 40S Chamber of Commerce. $60,000 WILL BUY A GOLD PLACER PROP erty now In operation, with three monitors; plenty of water and good dump; no better hydraulic ground In the state of Oregon. Davidson, Ward & Co., -iCS Chamber of Com merce. GOLCONDA MINING COMPANY. OFFICE Chamber of Commerce balldlng. next to safe deposit vault. A limited amount of stock of this company for cale. For particulars, apply to J. A. Arment. assistant secretary. J. T. &. R. J. MOYLAN. MINING BROKERS; Oregon mines and mining stocks; weekly mar ket letter sent On application; correspondence solicited. S Third St.. Portland, Or. WE HAVE FOR SALE THE VER3? choicest mining stocks of the Eastern Ore gon. Bohemia and Gold Hill mining districts. Davidson. Ward & Co. H. H. McCarthy. Mining Broker, Portland, Oregon. Minlnc. Barton & Curtis. 229 Stark, mining engineers, stock brokers; mines examined and reported upon: machinery furnished: plants erected. PROSPECTS AND MINES EXAMINED ON reasonable terms; bank reference. E. O. Smith. M. E., 2S0 14th t.. Portland. Or. MONTANA METALLURGICAL WORKS; test ore. all kinds; gold. $1.50: silver. $1.30. Send for full particulars. 92 First at. Mining: Machinery. FREE BOOKS: ALL ABOUT CAPE NOME. TATUM & BOWEN. 29 to 35 First St. Musical. Vlplln. viola, cornet lessens: music furnished: Italian strings and old violins for sale. Emll Thlelhorn. M. P. S. Orch.. 269 Jefferson. Tel. West 1004. Lessons 50c; piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vio lin instruments for sale. Mrs. Martin, 104 1st. TWO LESSONS A WEEK. WITH USE OF piano, 52 a month. 225 Hall n. Medical. NOTICE DR. PAUL CROMWELL, THE COL ored specialist, will now give people a chance to get well. All persons residing In city, treat ment by week, $5 To stay at sanitarium, $2 per day. Persons of moderate means will like to take advantage of this offer, for one month only. 171 Green ave. Take Washington and 23d-street car Ladies: Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c. stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles." In letter by return mall. At Drug gists'. Chichester Chemical Co.. Phila., Pa. Dr. Floia A. Brown; diseases cf women and children a specialty. Consultation and diag nosis free. 517-518 The Dekum. Portland, Or. Ridlnr Academics.. Portland Riding Academy: first-class establish.; private & class lessons. 19th and N. Tel. y73. Portland Riding Club, fine livery, boarding, saddle horses specialty. Park and Jefferson. Oreson Viavl Company. Lewis bldg.. Park and Morrison. Free Health icciurca 10 vomea iaursaay, at z:H p. J. j BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Osteopathy. DR. W. A. ROGERS, OSTEOPATH. SUITE 533 Marquam bldg.; acute and chronic dis eases. Ladles wishing lady operator will be attended by Dr. Rhoda C. Hicks, graduate under Dr. A. T. Still, founder of Osteopathy. Phone Main 27. DRS. NORTHRUP & ALK2RE. OSTUOPATH3, suite 416 The Dekum. Nervous and chronic diseases a specialty. Home treatment If de sired. Phone Main 349. DR. L. B. SMITH, PIONEER OSTEOPATH. suite 409 Oregonlan building. Phone Oak 421. MRS. DR. a J. RAMSEY. OSTEOPATHIST. suite 41C The Dekum building, diseases of women a specialty; examinations free. Fhona Main 310. Palmistry. MIfs Marie White, scientific palmist, reads past and future correctly. Lewis bldg.. room 6a. Jennie Wlonona Reich: advice on business, poli tics, domestic affairs; 614 Second clvccr. Patents. T J. GEISLER. 610-611 CHAMBER OF COM. Registered attorney U. S. patent office. Photographic Snpplies. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO., WHOLESALE and retail, cor. Fourth and Washington. Real Estate. Loans and Rentals. ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD & CO.: ESTAB lished 1S66. 227 Stark st. Restaurants. Strouse's Cafe: best 25c mea; famous coffee and cake. 10c 222 Washington, bet. 1st and 2d. Safes. SAFES. SAFES, BANK WORK. LOCK DEP"T, opening lockouts, repairs. J. E. Davis, 66 3d. Safe Experts. OPENING LOCKOUTS. AND REPAIREHS. Dllg &. Vlerlck. Alisky bldg.. 3d & Morrison. Saw Mill Machinery. Christenson-McMaster Machinery Co.; new etui second-hand machinery. E. Water 5 Tcylr. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS. FURNITURE MOVED AND packed for shipping. C. M. Olsen. 123 Firs:. Tel. office. Mala 1037: Black S01. STORAGE AT LOW RATES CAN BE HAD at Fred Blckel'i 'orehou3e. 31 North Front. Storage. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE. Fourth and Davis. Merchandise a specialty. Insurance rates low; storage rates reasonable. Careful attention given to country consign ments. Tel. Or. Main 777: Columbia 076. Showcases and Store Fixtures. DIXON. BORGESON & CO.. FRONT AND Washington sts. Wall Paper and Paints. STROWBRIDGE PAINT & OIL CO.; WALL paper, sash, doors, builders' hardware. 123 Grand ave. F. EOCKMAN. PAINTING. KALSOMINIXO. paper-hanging. Ore. tel. Rus 591. 2C9 Russell. Splrltnnllsts. MRS. WALLACE. RELIABLE CLAIRVOYANT and psychic life-reader: consult her on busl-Ci-ja affaire. love troubles, absent friend; good advice on mines; reading dally. 50c and up. 167 First street, office 7 and S. LARSEN. THE PALMIST. WILL TELL THE year when all leading events In life take place; past and future reading.. 50c. 2S5 First si. MRS. STEVENS. SITTINGS DAILY; HYP notlrm. magnetic healing scientifically taught; consultation free. Phone Hood 734. 342 First. Mrs. J. A. Smith, medium, magnetic healer; ores read. Rooms 8 and 9. 22S Washington. Syrup Refiners. Westacott & Knight, syrup refiners, mfgr. gro cers: both phones. E. Alder and E. Morrison. Tents and Awnlnga. TENTS. AWNINGS AND CAMP FURNITURE for rent or sale. Pike's Factory. 107 N. 3d. Stoves. Ranges, Household Hardware LOWENBERG & GOING CO., MFRS. OF stoves, ranges and hollowware: wholesala sheet metals, sheet steel, camp and oil stovet. housefurnl3blng hardware. 2d and Taylor. Hardware; sz:e agt. Universal stoves & ranges; hcustfumishlng goods. J J. Kadderly. 141 1st. Air-Tight Stove Mfg. Co.: Cape Nome stcita, tlnsni.thlng, jobbing. 293 Front. Tel. X. 3MS. WHioleaale nrnjarft'isjs. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. WHOLE3ALU drugclsts. corner Fourth and Washington. Wholesale Groeerii. ALLEN LEWIS. WHOLESALE OROCER3. cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. Woolens. GARRETT & YOUNG. Importers and jobbers woolens and tailors trimmings. 109 First "WANTED TO RENT. YOUNG LADY WISHES BOARD AND ROOM in private family; price not to exceed $16. O 39. Orpgonian. BANKS. SAVINGS BANK PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 100 THIRD STREET. Money to loan o mortgage. A general trust and agency business transacted. BEN J. 1. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK. A. S. NICHOLS Vice-1'rt.s, K. J. ALTSTOCK. J. O. GOLTRA...Secretariej FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent of the United States. President H. W. CORBETT Cashier G. E. WITIIINGTON Assistant Cashier J. W. NEWKIRf-C Second Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORU Letters of credit Issued, available In Europe and the Eastern states. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Boston. Chicago. St. I.011K 5'. Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and the principal points in the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn in sums to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln. Hong Kong. Yokohama, Copenhagen. Chrlvl anla. Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Moscow. Zu rich. Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1859. Transact a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favarab! terms. Letters of credit Issued available In Eu rope and the Eastern states. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer txjld on New York. Washington. Chicago, St. Louis. Denver, Omaha. San Francisco and vari ous points In Oregon. Washington. Idaho, Mon tana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Paris. Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong. WELLS. FARGO & CO. BANK CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $0,230,000 JOHN J. VALENTINE PREtIDENT HOMER S. KING MANAGER (San Francisco.) R. M. DOOLEY CASHIER JOHN E. MILES ASSISTANT CASHIER (Portland.) General Banklr.jr Business transacted. Ex change sold, and Letters of Credit Issued, avail able In all parts of the world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R.W. HOYT Cashier GEO. W. HOYT Ass!t?tant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid on time deposits. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, available In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Geld dust bought. LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK LIMITED. CAPITAL PAID UP S2.45O.C0O Head Office, 73 Lombard street. London. This bank transacts a general banking and exchange business; makes loans, discounts bill and Issues commercial and travelers' credits, available In ?ny city In the world. Chamber of Commerce building. Third and Stark streets. W. MACKINTOSH. Manager. THE UNITED STATES XATIOXAL BANK Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts issued available In all cities of the United States and Europe. President TYLER WOODWARD Vice-President JACOB KAMI! Cashier f. C. MILLER BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA-PAID-UP CAPITAL $3,000,001 RESERVE 50O.WO Head Office. 60 Lombard street. London. Com 1 block. 244 Washington st.. Portland. R. LEA BARNES. Manager.