Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 23, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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AiHQRemcnd Tonight.
7-30; "Darkest Russia," 8:15.
Tea "Wax, Be "Deported." The cases
cf tea that formed a part of the cargo
of the. steamship Queen Adelaide, which
arrived here last October, -were, it -will be
remembered, all broken up, through the
rough handling of the vessel by a heavy
Btorm she passed through. Some 500 sacks
and packages of the mixed teas, gathered
up from the broken packages, weighing
about 18,000 pounds in all, were stored in
the warehouse at the Appraiser of Cus
toms' offlce, in order that the stuff might
be passed on by the Tea Inspector, to
decide how much of it was up to the re
quired standard and entitled to be land
ed and pay the duty of 10 cents per pound.
About 10,000 pounds was admitted and the
duty paid by the insurance companies,
who made good the losses of the shippers.
The remainder it was necessary, under
the law, cither to export or destroy, and
It was supposed that the tea entered
-would be sent to Chicago, where there
is a market for "mixed" or any tea. It is
now learned that the tea entered i3 to
be withdrawn, and the duty refunded, and
that the whole lot is to be shipped back
to Japan, where it will probably bo sifted,
sorted and repacked, and doubtless some
of it will eventually find its way back to
this country.
The Challengers Answered. The
challenge of the agent of a certain life
Insurance concern respecting the gains
made in their Oregon business last year
reminds us of an ex-real estate man, who,
while booming the long-slnce-forgotten
townsite of Detroit, on Puget Sound, ad
vertised that its population had Increased
per cent in one month; which was
t, and yet meant little. It had scarcely
popu'ation and it took but very few
bple to show the increase claimed. Hon.
I. Dunbar, Secretary of State at Sa-
who Is the custodian of the sworn
Ltements made by the various compa-
Is, will inform any one that the Equlta-
Llfe has over 5900,000 more insurance
force in Oregon than the challenger's
lpany. Respecting the guarantees of
various policies, that is too lengthy a
pject to discuss in a newspaper article.
shall, however, be pleased to discuss
rith any one -at our office, which will
tble us to prove the superiority of
guitable Life policies. All the pugilistic
liter is made principally to divert the
tention of tho public from the chief
lulsite of a life insurance contract
mcial strength, surplus. The surplus
the Equitable Life is more than
1000,000. Ask the challengers how much
surplus of their company is, and they
be forced to admit that It Is many
lions less than that of the Equitable
the strongest company in the world.
Samuel, Manager, S06 Oregonlan Build-
Iife Insurance Challenge. The ac-
(1 gain of Insurance In force, made by
Mutual life Insurance Company of
York, during 1S99 in the State of Ore-
was greater than the gain made by
the following companies combined:
iltablo Life, New York Life. Norih-
Btern, Connecticut Mutual", Aetna, Trav-
Manhattan, Washington Life and
jenix Mutual. This remarkable show-
is largely because the Mutual Life, in
itmproved 20-payment life and ordinary
policies, 20-j ear distribution, guaran-
hlgher cash surrender values, from
Ir to year, and also at the end of the
ttod. than the policies of nnv of the
ipanles named. Should any agent take
leptlons to this statement, let him sub-
his figures in these columns. William
5ond, state manager, Oregonlan Build
er. Rosenblatt, district agent. Sher
Bullding; Thomas H. Strowbrldge.
gcutlve special agent
id Opportunist to Climb. The hal
ls of the flagstaff on the cupola of the
Jtofflce gave out some time ago, -and
fas been impossible to raise the flag
re since. Postmaster Croasmah at
wrote to Washington for authority
procure new halyards, and an appro-
tion for having them rove. It was
time before any answer was re-
fed, and when it did arrive it was not
rable. Mr. Croasman has procured
ards and now would like for some
iotic citizen to reeve them, so that
in raise the flag again. He does not
2ct everybody to speak at once, but
young man who Is ambitious to climb
have an opportunity by calling on
jdition to Library. A valuable acl-
in has Just been made to the Portland
iry. In the shape of 3G volumes of
jer's Weekly, covering the years from
to 1835. The volumes are substan-
ly bound, and are the original issue
the paper, and were secured at th
mable price of $150. which Is consid
very cheap. They were the property
citizen of Portland who had the fores
ight to have the papers taken care oi
bound every year. Occasionally a
son will undertake to keep a file of
e newspaper, but he generally tires
it after a few years. The volumes ac-
lulate and take up 50 much space that
nave room to spare for them.
tUTAL Scorcher. As Joseph Brlsblne.
I2S4. Third street, was walking up
rth street, near Columbia, yesterday.
r ft stout, elderly woman approach-
hlm from the south. Behind the
lan came a young w heelman. who had
tty of room to pass on either side of
but he chose to run right up behind
upset Her. Mr. Brlsblne stopped to
the woman up. and found that she
quite severely injured. The. only ex-
me wneeiman made was. "I rane
bell," and he remounted and rode
Kee Tonight. Tho Rembrandt exili
an announced to follow the Van Dycks
postponed in order that the course of
ires recently given might have fuller
fctratlon, is now in place in Library
ana open to the public duriner the
Ied hours, with free admission on
rsday afternoons. On Friday eveninir.
ch 24. from 8 to 10. the rooms of th
Association will be opened for th
?flt of many unable to visit them dur-
tno day. No admission -will h
jned New Ordinances. Mayor
ley yesterday signed all the ordinances
fed by the Council on Wednesday, so
i-oruana now has in effeot an nntt.
ry law which, If properly enforend.
fold effectually do away with the lot-
evii. it is intended esDeciallv to mi!
n the Chinese lotteries, which are a
te to tne community, as they lead
jy 01a anu young of all classes Into
ray or gambling, and degrading asso-
-Street Mission. The remilar
lay night meeting at the mission win
tn charge of the Floating Endeavor
ety of the city tonight, and will be a
u 01 song, a good programme has
arranged, and the event nromlsen
ie one of interest. Among those who
tajte part are John Henkle, Miss Guy
ixia .tvessier. 1'onnln frnm ,
?hes are invited to attend, tjia .
pes will begin promptly at S o'clock.
!N iiSTHER. Additional SMttno- .
ty has been added to the hall, so that
ltca "l seats tou range, 50 cents for
;e seats, good seats 35 cents nTO
;nts. Only a few choirs sotc io ....
Place. Burkhard Hnll tt ..
and East Burnside street Time, to-
t -
Iand Concert and ball, under the aus-
01 we aieaonian Club, for th ,
of Portland Seamen's Minr,
Hall, Second and Oak trwtc ' ti
evening, March 23. Tickets. 25c each
Special meeting of the Multnomah
p'"-"" " wu De neid at the As
Uy Hall, Chamber of Commor rvi
fevening, March 23, at 8 o'clock. '
inJATor.3 and poultry fwnnii -
jerson's. corner Front and Yamhill
E .Portland Club, incorporated has
id to its new quarters. 130 Fifth st
azsr Turkish Baths in the NnrtK.
third floor Oregonlan Building.
x Esther .tonight; Wc, 35c, 25c,
BurrxLo Wants ax Oreo on Exhibit.
An effort is being made Dy the manage
ment of the Pan-American Exposition, to
be held at Buitalo, N. Y., in 1201. for a
large horticultural and floral exhibit from
Oregon. Frederick W. Taylor, In charge
of the horticulture division, has written
Secretary Dosch, of the State Board of
Horticulture, in order that the state may
take the matter up in time. To avoid
some of the difficulties of late efforts,
encountered when the same work was
being done for the Columbia Exposition,
agitation has been commenced early by
the management So little has been heard
here of the Pan-American Exposition that
an Oregon representation has barely been
discussed. Secretary Dosch believes that
the people Immediately reached at Buffalo
arc those most interested in the distant
Northwest, and that Oregon's advertise
ment there must result in good to the
state. Ho would have the matter known
among horticulturists, agriculturists and
those interested in immigration, so that
timely action may be taken if there Is any
desire on the part of Oregon to send an
For Better Crossings. Street railway
companies have a great deal of trouble in
trying to keep their crossings la order,
and have tried about every kind of ma
terial for paving them, but have not yet
found anything that will successfully
stand the wear and tear. The crossing of
tho roads at the intersection of Third and
Washington streets has Just been over
hauled and the spaces between the tracks
have been filled with wood blocks, treat
ed with carbollneum. This it is supposed
will preserve the blocks indefinitely, and
it is thought the good Oregon yellow fir
will stand the wear of the traffic longer
than anything yet tried.
To Secure Paderewsio. Manager
Heillg, of the Marquam, is now In San
Francisco, where he is endeavoring to
make arrangements for the appearance
in Portland of the world's greatest pianist
Paderewskl. How he has succeeded has
DaxnroHch Told the Story, "While
Gadski and Blspham Illustrat
ed With Sons:.
It was a pleasant taste of the New York
opera season that was enjoyed last night
at the Marquam the season that Portlxd
music-lovers have long been in the habit
most conspicuous with jealous hearts in
the New York dailies. That three of the
most conspicuous lights in the Grau firma
ment should rcaily be to shine upo-j
us out in the wilds of Oregon was. Indeed,
an occasion for lively gratitude. Of
course, there was &. crush of people pres
ent to welcome such notable visitors as
Gadski, Blspham and Walter Damrosch.
Zealous Wngnerites who could not obtain
seats in the parquet accepted them with
grace and Christian resignation up near
the roof, alongside the gallery gods, and
even breathed a prayer of thanksgiving
therefor. As for the enthusiasm of the
audience well, that is best attested by tne
number of torn gloves that lie on pretty
boudoir tables this morning.
The selection of the "Nibelungen Ring"
woa a moot happy one, first because that
is among all of Wagner's works the one
rogardlng which we most desire enlight
enment; and, secondly, because it con
tains some of the most splendid illustra
tions of the master's genlua But it was
a heavy programme for one evening. Only
a bold and tscperlenced Wagnerite could
have undertaken it Fortunately, Mr.
Damrosch'e fine taste and discriminating
liidement pama to the rescue, and by
not yet been learned, but he will put , wge cuts tne great tetralogy was com
forth every effort to secure for his pa- pressed into three hours without losing
trons this world-famed genius. Pader- j unity or any 0f jts essential points of
ewski has been received in San Francisco i drnTmtp hriiiinnrv
with the utmost enthusiasm, and musical
critics declare that he Is greater and
more unapproachable as a master of the
piano-forte than on his first appearanca
in America.
Japanese Curios. The employes at the
office of General Summers, Customs Ap-
In strikingly simple but most vivid
language Mr. Damrosch called up pictures
of the translucent depths of the Rhine,
where the fair daughters of the river-god
kept watch over the gleaming Rhine gold.
He told how it was stolen by the wily
praiser. nave oeen ousy 01 laie inspect- ; go iove m hjg greed for power, but in
ing e large shipment of Japanese curios, , turn lost the treasure and thereupon laid
and the office has looked like a curiosity upon It a terrible curse. The working
shop. This sort of work suits the Inspect- . out of this curse upon gods and men in all
ors much better than overhauling a ship- iLs complex unfoldings was described until
raent of Chinese drugs and medicines, but finally, after passing through many hands.
I the three
1 very best
S 88
107 First St. 1
North of AVasliintrton.
of course it is not so good for the health
The Winfteld, 100 Fourth street hav
ing secured the second and third stories
over Barnes' new market by lease, has
now exceptional facilities as a first-class
rooming-house, in every particular. New
ly furnished throughout steam heat, bath,
and every home comfort Its central lo
cation makes it convenient for transients.
Mrs. W. W. Wright
South Portland W. C. T. II. The
South Portland W. C. T. U. held an In
teresting session at the Immanuel Bap
tist Church, corner Second and Meade
streets, yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Har- '
ford, the state president, being present,
gave a very profitable talk along the lines
of distinctive work.
Notice to those going to attend funeral
of Second Oregon Volunteers: Steamer
Altona leaves foot of Taylor street at 11
A. M., 1 and 2 P. M., for Rlvervlew; re
turning, leaves Rlvervlew at 11:40 A. M.,
1:40 and 4 P. M. Round trip. 25c Get your
tickets at office.
Art. Art education free by mail. New
system. Address Lemos, Artist, Santa
Cruz, Cal.
Queen Esther tonight; 50c. 35c, 25c
Olympic Club's Champion "Who De
feated Slnltnoinah Man.
Jack McDonald will try to best Fred
Ross within four rounds at the carnival
of sports tomorrow night at the Expo
sition. If he fails he- has the privilege
of asking for two more rounds. Ross
will not try to avoid punishment but will
go after McDonald from the start Yost
will have a .fine opportunity of drawing a
line on McDonald, whom he expects to
meet shortly.
Everybody Invited, a gift for all. John
Dellar, southwest corner First and Yam
hill streets, respectfully Invites the pub
lic to attend the opening of his magnifi
cent new store, which has been modeled
Into a thoroughly up-to-date establish
ment, this evening, from 7 to 9 o'clock.
Each visitor will receive a gift as a me
mento of the occasion, and nobody will be
asked or expected to purchase. New
stock, new and beautiful store, handsome
fixtures, the up-town leader of the city.
John Dellar, southwest corner of First
and Yamhill streets. Everybody invited.
Fine dress goods, English shirtings,
matchless hosiery, pulley belts, lounge
rugs, percales. JOHN CRAN & CO.
A tasty, appetizing lunch is better than a
spring tonic Go to the Portland Restaur
ant. 305 Washington.
the gold returns once more to the Daugh
ters of the Rhine, and the curse is re
moved. Amid the roar of the tempest
the rushing blasts of the hurricane, we
follow the loves and hates of those old
Norse goas, the swift-riding "Valkyrie
maidens, the sin and follies of low earth
creatures, the power and purity of the
hero Siegfried, and the culminating pas
sion of ,elf-sacrlnce and Jove In the per
son of Brunhilde, whose immolation of
solf symbolizes the end of the old my
thology and the dawn of Christianity.
Mr. Damrosch illustrated the story by
giving tho various themes, and under his
hands tho piano seemed converted into an
orchestra, eo clear-cut and well-defined
was every motive, and so rich and highly
colored were the tonal effects.
Mme. Gadski has a dramatic soprano of
remarkable range, power and purity, such
as places her now in the front rank of
the younger generation of Wagnerian
singers. The triumphant ring1 and martial
fervor of Brunhllde's song when sent on
her mission to Slegmund in "Die Wal
kure" will long be remembered as a re
markable tour de force that captivated
every neart In the big audience. In the
duet with Wotan, wherein she hears the
god's decree of her degradation, there
was agitation, haughty rebellion, and ten
der pathos; while her awakening song in
the beginning of "Siegfried" was full of
human Joyousness and love. Her death
song at the close of "Gotterdamerung,"
with Mr. Domrosch's rushing accompani
ment that made one almost seo the seeth
ing hissing flames that enveloped her, was
a most brilliant piece of work, a fitting
climax to the grand tetralogy.
Mr. Blspham has a noble style and de
livery, his voice being a baritone of un
usually rich timbre. He entered more fer
vidly Into the spirit of the great com
poser than did Gadski, and used his voice
with consummate art No baritone, with
the one exception of Anton Schott, has
ever given greater pleasure to a Portland
audience. Schott's superb style, interpre
tation and extraordinary dramatic fire are
beyond even BIspham's; though otherwise
the comparison Is an irrelevant one, since
the two singers belong to different gen
erations. Blspham is still in the full
splendor of his powers. The terrible im
precation hurled at the audience when In
the role of Alberlch he utters the fate
ful curse upon tho gold, was a noble
revelation of power. As Wotan in "Die
Walkure," and as the revengeful Hagen
in "Gotterdammerung," he. did remark
able work.
Minnesota Dairyman Praises Its Re
sources and Beauty.
La Grande Chronicle.
Hon. C. L. Smith, former member of the
Minnesota State Dairy Commission, who
has been here for several weeks looking
over the field In the interests of the cream
ery industry, was more than pleased with
what he saw in Grand Ronde Valley, and
expresses himself as its .being really and
truly one of the beautiful wonders of na
ture. In all his travels he never visited
a more beautiful and desirable locality,
and predicts for it a most glorious future.
The country in the vicinity of Summer
ville, ho thinks, is peculiarly adapted for
creamery purposes, and says he is of the
opinion one will be established there, as
thero is an abundance of water and grass
for stock. He furthermore says the people
of this valley are not as a rule "stuck"
on the creaemry proposition, as the farm
ers here can make more than a good liv
ing in other Industries that do not entail
the constant drudgery as milking cows,
and what farmers call hard work in thla
country would be considered only a pas
time in many of the Eastern states, and
the farmers hero do not fully ..appreciate
the great blessing they derive from this
beautiful and glorious valley.
Postmaster at McEwan.
WASHINGTON, March ZL Representa
tive Moody has secured tho appointment
of F. J. Hallock Postmaster at McEwen,
Baker County, Or.
A postofflce has been established at
Petersburg, Alaska, between Fort Wran
gel and Sumdum, where Christian H.
Buschmann has "been appointed Postmas
ter. '
In Southeastern Alaska. 30.000 to 40,003
cases red salmon can bo put up this sea
son, if building started at once Seller
take Interest for location. Further infor
mation from Dirk Blaauw, Tacoma,Wash,
One Dozen Square Pianos "Wanted.
We want them at once, and will pay a
fair price for them. We can also use a
few good second-hand organs. The Wiley
B. Allen Co., 211 First street
See the
Of what good aro eyes that
see imperfectly? You can seo
tho effect of glasses by trying
them. You can know tho desir
ability of glasses by using them.
You can't tell what you need
unless you havo your eyes ex
amined. We can't tell what you
need unless you let us examine
your eye3. If you have defect
ive eyes and value them, call
and see us.
Eye Specialist
Vulcan Coal Co,
Dealers In Superior American Coals, for
orders solicited. Ore. phone Red 1700. Office
Front St.. near Gllsan. "W. O. KEGLER. Mgr.
Spring, like Christmas, comes but once a year, and consequently the
time to make your selections is at the beginning of the season, when you
have a complete line to select from. We take considerable pride in this
department and pay particular attention to the wants of the boys.
Sizes 3 to 9 years.
Single and double-breasted vest of same goods
as coat, with shield In vest of same material, or
contrast, shown in navy blue, brown, tan, blue
serges and gray checks and stripes.
Three-Piece Knee Suits
Single and double-breasted; ages 8 to 16 years.
Made of selected cloth and linings, black and
blue diagonals, and in every shade and pattern of
cheviot, cassimere and fancy worsted; light shades
for summer wear, in medium and dark colors.
Fly-Front or Double-Breasted Sailors
Sizes 3 to 10 years.
Braided on top and bottom of collar; embroid
ery shield; from three to seven rows of silk sou
tache. These are shown in serges, Oxfords and
numerous handsome mixtures; also In that boau
tiful shade of red so popular for swell dressers.
Double-Breasted Fancy Silk Vests
Ages 9 to 16 years.
These are swell and just the thing to complete
your good appearance.
"We invite your Inspection of this department
S Eldredge "B"
Sewing Machines
Are the Best
BECAUSE They havo positively
the only self-threading shuttle
made. .,., ,
BECAUSE The Eldredge B is
the only machine that you can
not break the thread by start
ing back-wards on account of a
loose pulley.
BECAUSE It la ball-bearint?. Be
cause the feed Is a double four
motion, and Is positive in ac
tion, and does not havo to be
changed for thick work.
The regular price of the Eld
redge ball-bearing, five-drawer,
drop-head, quarter-sawed oak ma
chine is J65.00. but wo ore selling
this elegant machine for $35.00 cash
or $40.00 on time.
"We have another fine drop-head
"Vindex" for $25.00; another cov
ered "Vindex" for $20.00. A fine
Domestic for $22.50. A New Home
for $20.00.
Domestic Sewing Machine Office
175 Fourth Street '
Y. M. C. A. BldQ. I
Modern RoundToe
No charce for palnles extraction when teeth
are ordered. All work done by graduate dentlata
of 12 to SO yearrf experience; a peclallat In
each department. We will tell you In advance
exactly what yew work will cost by a free
examination. 01v us a call, and you will find
we do ex&ctl) as we advertise.
Set of Teeth $5.00
Gold Filling 31.0U
Gold Crovra $5.00
Silver - .iff &
- UlBk. Mitra '
fc 'HER
New York Dental Parlors
N. E. Cor. Fourth and Morrison Sta.
San Francisco Office, T23 Market aft., eecond
Boor History building.
Hours 8 tc 8 Sunday. 10 to 4.
Tearing-Down Rebuilding
We name just a few Items In order to give the people an Idea of our great reductions Our entire stock Is reduced
Men's Hats
Men's Shirts
$1 Percale Shirts, starched ......,..55c
75c Golf Shirts, starched 45c
$1 Golf Shirts 80c
Four-in-Hands, Puffs, Scarfs
and Bows
25c SocKs 20c
20c Socks I5C
I5c Socks , I0c
50c Socks 40c
Boys' Shirt Waists
15 Cents
Mother's Friend 25c
Boys' Fast Black Hose ...Jc
Boys' Suits
Wool Suits $1.55
Double-Breasted Suits .:.....$!. 90
Morrison and
"Wo havo 150 boys' all-wool Rults, odd
sizes. They are the $100 and $5.00 sutta,
are all-wool, 3-p!ece eujts, doublo and
single-breasted; bunched them and they
go for $125.
$5.00 Vestee Suits $3.45
$6.00 and $6.50 Suits.... $4.85
Wash Suits 30c
Wash Pants ....' :. 10c
Wool Knee Pants . 35c
Corduroy Pants 55c
Knee Pants as low is I5c
Men's Trousers
$1.00 and $1.50 off.
$2;50 Hats $1.50
$3.00 Hats $2.00
$4.00 Hats $3.00
Waldorf Hats $3.50
Youths5 Suits
Choice of one hundred $750 and
$8.00 Suits
The best In the market for
$7.50, $9.50. $12.00, $13.50
Men's Suits
You can .buy a fine suit, or the finest ,
in Portland at
Morrison and
Second Streets
E. C.
Oregonlan Building.
Dr. Lvoif i
Tooth Powder
Used by people of refinement
for over a Quarter of a centnryl
. The Dlmm Bullrlmir.
Full Set Teeth S3.00
Gold Crowns S3.00
Bridge Work $3.00
Examinations free .
Teeth extracted abso
lutely without pain.
Cor. Third and "Washington.
309 Washington St.
Nebraska Fresh-Ground. In KKPound
Sacks, "White or Yellow, 17
Cents Per Sack.
15 Cents
10-Pound Sack Graham Flour.
25 Cents
For cp-Pound Sack of Dairy or Tabla
3 Cents
Small Sack Choice Table Salt. I
8 Cents
One-Pound Package Large Seeded Raisins
45 Cents
5-Pound Pall Pure Leaf Lard.
90 Cents
10-Pound Pall Leaf Lard.
19 Pounds
Best Dry Granulated Sugar for $1.00.
15 Cents
Pound Fresh Roast Costa Rica Coffee
Branch Store at Oregon City.
Samplls a
M4iLfD Fji
sccmuryj? i 1
Instruction by mall, adapted to everyone. Ex
perienced and competent Instructors. Takes
spare time only. Two courses: Preparatory,
for admlrerfon to Supreme Court; Business Law,
for younp business men. The preparatory cours
follows as near as possible that laid down by
the Kaatlngs Law School. Full particular
ter street, rooms 7 and S. San Francisco.
Morcuam big., roams C126-T.
rmi:ss shirts.
Correct In flt
E. & W.
The Best
-nina rewcier.
Cieans Everything from CeMar to Garret.
In tho treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver,
kidney and stomach disorders, constipation, diarrhoea,
dropsical swellings. Brlght's disease, etc
Complaints, painful, dllhcult, too frequent, milky ot
bloody urino. unnatural discharges speedily cured.
Such as piles, Jistula, llssure, ulceration, mucous an3
bloody discharges, cured 'without tho knife, pain or
Blood poison, gleet, stricture, unnatural losses, lm
potency, thorougnly cured. No failures. Cures guar-
vrTTKrn liurw t,-htw tvtk nlnht emissions, dreams, exhausting dralns, bash-
fulness, aversion to society, which deprive you of your manhood. UNFITS YOU
FOR BUSINESS OR 1IARRIAGE. . 4 , . , . ,m. w(w
JflDDLE-AGED MEN who from excesses and strains have lost their MAN.L.Y
BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. Syphilis. Gonorrhoea, painful, bloody urine,
GleftTStrlcture enlarged prostate, Sexual Debility. Varicocele. Hydrocele. Kidney
DRUGS. Catarrh and Rheumatism CURED.
Dr Walker's methods ara regular and scientific. He uses no patent nostrums
or ready-made preparations, but cures the diseaso by thorough medical treatment.
His New Pamphlet on Privato Diseases sent Free to all men who describe their
trouble. PATIENTS cured at home. Terms reasonable. All letters answered in
plain envelope. Consultation free and sacredly confidential. Call on or address
Doctor Walker, 132 First St., Corner Alder, Portland, Or.
w '-i& 2l