THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1900. IT COMMERCIAL AND Tine "weather yesterday .shortened the re ceipts of produce which comes to hand by team, the farmers all being busy at work. Re ceipts by rail and boat, however, were u31 eiently heavy to prevent much strength In price. The potato .market waa exceptionally dull. The demand has fallen off In San Fran cisco, and there la a very large surplus yet to be marketed in the state, no that the outlook i not bright for very good prices from now on. Onions are slightly wcaser. Butter Is also dropping, and, while eggs are still moving at 12c, an effort to advance the price to 13c was & failure. The wheat market Is steady, with nothing doing. In groceries, a 10c advance In sugars is the only new feature. BruIc ClcarlHpn. Exchanges. Balanced. Portland , $297,770 42.277 Seattle 377.918 138.037 Spolcano ....... 192.012 10.31 Tacoma. .:...... 148.220 32,072 PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Floor, Etc. There Is nothing of special importance In the local wheat market. The East steadied up Again yesterday, and, aside from a shght de cline In Liverpool futures, 'the foreign markets -were fairly good. There is -very little chang ing hands In Portland, and prices, as usual on & lifeless market, cover a pretty wide range. !Fifty-thre cents is about the lowest quotation fitven on Walla "Walla, and 54c and better has been paid where the wheat was wanted for a special purpose. Valley has been sold as high as 54c, but the general quotation yesterday was &3tff53c. "Wheat Walla, Walla, 5354c: Valley, 52 G3hc; blueatem. 55S&5c per oushel. Flour Best grades, ?2 703; graham, $2 50; superfine. $2 10 per barrel. Oats White. 30c; gray, 33034 c; atalned. 293 EOc per bushel. Barley Feed, $1415; -brewing, 517017 50, pel ton. Mlllstuffs Bran, $1213 per ton; .middlings, 1S19; shorts, $1315; chop. $14. Hay Timothy, $8810; clover, $7 50; Ore Con wild hay, $07 per ton. Vesretable, Fruit, Etc. Vegetables Parsnips. $1; carrots, $1; turnips, COc; onions. $1 50g2 50 per cental; cabbage. ft0c$l per cental; potatoes. 50 Q 00c per ack; weet potatoes. 2G?Sc; peas, Cc; beana, 10c; Asparagus, 0c; new potatoes, 33c per pound. Fruit Lemons. 52 503; oranges. ?23 per box for navels, $1 502 for seedlings; tangerines. $1 75; Japanese oranges. 75c$l 50 per box; pineapple, $i 600 per dozen; bananar. $2 50 C3 per bunch; Persian dates, 7JSS8c per pound; apples. $11 60; pears. 75c5$l 25 per bJx. Dried fruit Apples, evaporated. 7fSo pet pound; sun-dried, sacks or boxes, 45c; pears; un and evaporated, 50Cc; plums, pltless, 43 .6c; prunes. Italian. 3&5c; silver. extr ! choice. 66c; figs, Smyrna, 22c; California 'tilack, G6c; do white. 10c per pound. .- Bnttcr, Egtfs, Foaltry, Etc. Butter Fancy creamerj. 50 55c; seconds, 42fi45c; dairy. 3037&c; store. 2503210 pel roll. Eggs ll$12c per dozen for Oregon. . Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3 50 5; hens, $56; ducks. $56: geese. $6 50j?S per dozen; turkeys, live, 10llc; dressed, 1214c pet pound. Game Mallard ducks, $3; widgeon, $1 502; teal, $1Q1 50 per dozen. Cheese Full cream, twins. 12G13c; Town America, 14c per pound. Groceries, Nuts, Etc. Coffee Mocha, 232Sc; Java, fancy, 26932c; ?ava, good, 2024c; Java, ordinary, 1820c; Costa Rica, fancy, 182200; do good. 1G1Sc; do ordinary, 1012c per pound; Columbia,- roast, $12 -75 per case; Arbuckle's. $14 25; Lion, (12 73. Sugar Cube, $5 82; crushed, ?5 82; .pow dered. f5 82; dry granulated, cane, $5 32; beet. $3 22; extra C: $4 82; golden C $4 70 net; half barrels. c more than barrels; mapl sugar, 15rlCc per pound. Beans Small white, 3c; bayou, 4c; Lima, Cc per pound. Salmon Columbia river. 1-pound tails, $10 1 50; 2 - pound tails, ?22 50; fancy, 1-pound h xiais, $i bO'a'i o; -jtrpouna xancy nais. boo-joc; It Alaska, 1-pound tails, SI 20Q1 30; 2-pound tails. 1 90(32 25. Grain bags Calcutta, ?77 10 per 100 foi pot, $0 50g5 C2 for July-August. Nuts Peanuts, 67c per pound for raw, 10c lor roasted; oocoanuts, 90c per dozen; walnuts, 10llc per pound; pine nuts, 15c;. hickory nuts, 7c; chestnuts, 15c; Brazil, lie; filberts, 15c; xancy pecans, 1214c; almonds, 15 17c pei pound. Coal oil Cases, 21 c per gallon; barrels, 17c; tanks. 15c Rice Island. CVic; Japan. 5c: New Orleans 4Cc; fancy head. $77 50 per sack. , Meat and Provisions. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes. $44 25; dressed, 7gTc per pound; eprlng lambs, $22 50 each. Hoga Gross, choice heavy, $5; light, $4 60; dressed. 5Go per pound. Beef Gross, top steers, $44 50; cows, $3 50 fc?4; dressed beef, 0379io per pound. Veal Large, 67c per pound: small. SQ'Oc, Provisions Portland pack (Shield brand): Hams, smoked, are quoted at 13c per pound; plcnlo hams, 9c per pound; breakfast bacon, 13o; bacon. 9c; backs. Sc; dry salt ddes, 8c; dried beef, 17c per pound; lard, 6-pound palls, 10c; 10 - pound palls. Vc; 50s, 9c; tierce. 8c per pound. Eastern pack (Ham mond's): Hams, large, 13c; medium, 13Vic: mall. 13c; picnic hams, 9c; shoulders. 9c; breakfast bacon, 12ic; dry salt sides, SViS9c; bacon sides, OfflOKc; backs. 10c: butts. 8c; lard, purs leaf, "kettle rendered. 6s, lOWc: 10s. 10c Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. Hops 36c per pound.. Wool Valley. 12 13c for coarse, 10318c for , beat; Eastern Oregon, 1015c; mohair. 202Sc per pound. Sheepskins Shearllrfgf, 15020c; short-wool, 23 35c; medium-wool. 30950c; long-wool, G0c$l each. Pelts Bear skins, each, as to size, ?515; cubs, each. $15; badger, each. 1014c; wild cat, 2540o; housecat, 6 S 10c; fox. common gray. 40G0c; do red. $1 25SJ1 75; do cross, $2 50 (5; lynx, $1 5002 50; mink, 30c$l 25; mar ten, dark Northern, $48; do pale, pine, $1 23 3; muskrat, 8 Q 12c; skunk. 2540c; ottet (land), $4C; panther, with head and claws per fect, $J3; raccoon, 2550c; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, $3 505; wolverine, $2 50S6; beaver, per skin, large, $0S7; do medium, pet ekln. $45; do small, per skin. $12; do kits, per skin, 50c6?l. Tallow-5ff6c; No, 2 and grease. S4c pex pound. Hides Dry hides. No. 1, 10 pounds and up "ward, 15G15c; dry kip, No. 1, 6 to 10 pounds, 15o per pound; dry calf, No. 1, under 6 pounds, 1516c ; dry salted, one-third less than dry flint; salted hides, sound steers, 60 pounds and over, 89c; do 50 to CO pound, 88c; da under 60 pounds and cows, 7fiSc; kip, 13 to 34 pounds, 78c; do veal, 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; do calf, under 10 pounds, 7c; green (unsaltedL lo per pound less; culls (bulls, stags, moth eaten, badly cut, scored hair slipped, weathei beaten or grubby), one-third less. WBW YORK STOCK MARKET. Corner In Third Avcnne Causes Bril- Uant Speculative Pyrotechnics. NEW YORK. March 20. There was a bril liant display or ppeculative pyrotechnics today, "which was interesting and informing as a spectacle, but which must have been attended with unpleasant consequences for some one. The speculative outbreak took place in the New York traction group, and was precipitated by the official announcement published this morn ing that the Metropolitan Street Railway had secured a controlling Interest in the Third Ave nue road. This at once confirmed the fears of shorts, which have been quite acutely manl- Xested for peveral days, that there was not a large enough supply of Third Avenue stock on the market to enable thera to cover their un filled contracts for delivery. In other wordo, the stock was cornered. The result, briefly stated, was a Jump of nearly 17 points in the price on top of yesterday's rise of nearly 19 points. The violent rise in the stock brought out large lots from long holders, which caused many col. lapses, and made wide and feverish fluctua tions all day. But when the shorts attempted to supply their needs the price always mounted buoyantly upward again. The New Tork pub lic utilities have been the favorite field of operation by the bears for several days past, and the sympathetic strength Imparted to the group by the Metropolitan-Third Avenue com bination drove the shorts to cover with a rurh. The extreme advances in the group were Met ropolitan, 11; Brooklyn Transit. 7; Consoli dated Gas, 7; Brooklyn "Union, 5, and Manhat FINANCIAL NEWS tan, 4V5. The possibilities of .economy of oper ation and elimination ot destructive rivalries, as a result of the combination, undoubtedly improves the status of the. Metropolitan and. Third Avenue properties, but the price move ment of the day was almost wholly due to speculative exigencies. Third Avenu stock commanded as high as 4 per cent premium for use on loans. There was furious manipulation in the stock all day. as was evidenced by the simultaneous 3alo on regular transactions and on sellers of 00-day contracts at nearly 10 points apart, the regular sale commanding the high price. Other stocks in which the short interest had been largely reflected, the urgent demand from the shorts, notably Sugar, American and Conti nental Tobacco, People's Gas and Westers Union, which rose 1 to 3H- Speculatlon in the railroad list was rather dull durimj the period of feverish excitement in the specialties, but later la the day an active and vigorous demand sprang up for Baltimore & Ohio, the Pacifies, some of the grangers. Wheeling & Lake Erie second preferred and a number of less prominent stocks. Baltimore & Ohio was carried up 4V4 points. The highest prices were not maintained in any case, the violently speculative specialties showing' the sharpest recation. but the closing generally was rather easy, below the best, and the net changes, though mostly gains, were very ragged as to uniformity. The iron and steel stocks were rather heavy, notably National Steel and Tennessee Coal. The money market showed evidences of re laxation. The continued declines In the price of Government bonds indicates a process of liquidation Vhlch suggests that the recent level of prices prompted the changing of plans for taking out bank-note circulation and the selling out of holdings of bonds. The railroad bond market continued active, but price changoa were rather irregular. The- total sales were $2,370,000. United States 2s refunding, when lanued. the old 4s, new 4s and 5s declined " per cent in th.e bid price. BONDS. U. S. 2s, reg 101 IGen. Electric 5s... 113 do 3s, reg... 109 N. Y. Central lsus.110 do. 3s. coupon... l6U)North. Pacific 3s.. 66 do new Ms, reg,.134HJ do 4s 1K do new 4s, coup.l34V4Oregon Nav. lots. .108 do old 4s, reg.. .115 i do 4s ...103 do old 4a. coup. .110 Oregon S. L. 6s... .127 dp 5s, reg 114 j do con. 6s, 113 do 5s, coupon.... 114 (Rio Gr. West, lsts.100 Dlt. of CoL 3-65S119 1st. Paul consols... 160 Atchison adj. 4s... 83W6t. P. C. & P. lsts.119 a & N.W. con. 7sl42 do 5s 120 do S. F. deb. 5s. 121 .Union Pacific 4s...l05? D. & R. G. lsts...l03t3lWls. Central lsts.. 90;s do 4s 9St STOCKS. The total sales of stocks today were 741,000 shares. The closing quotations were: Atchbon 23'A! do pret 75 do pref C'JVi, Wabash r BalL & Ohio 6a, do pref 20& Can. Pacific 9J Wheeling A L. E.. 10 Can. Southern ... 4S,j do 2d pref 9? Ches. & Ohio 2!, Wisconsin Central. 16 Chi. Gr. Western. 13P. C. C. & SL L.. 07 C B. & Q 127H,iThlrd Avenue 101 Chi., Ind. & L.... 22 j EXPRESS CO. S. do pref 55Adams 115 Chi. & East. 111... OOfciAmerican 147 Chicago & N. W..161 JUnltd States 4G C. R, L & Pac.110 tWells-Fargo 122 C. C. C & St. L. CO. MISCELLANEOUS. Colo. Southern ... 7 lArner. Cotton Oil.. 33i do 1st pref 43j do pref J13. do 2d pref 19 JAmer. Malti.ig .... 4-N Del. & Hudson. ...113 j do pref 24- Del.. Lack. & W..178 Umer. Smelt, iz R. W- Denver & Rio Gr. !9 do pref 90 do pref 71H!Amer. Spirits 2 Erie 13U1 do pref IT do 1st pref SSUlAmer. Steel Hop. 35 Great North. pref.l59 do pref 81 Hocking Coal .... 16kiAmer. Steel & W.. 55 Hocking Valley .. 33 j do pref W Illinois Central ...113iiiAiner. Tin Plate... 3.'. Iowa Central 15'J do pref S2 do pref 61 Amer. Tobacco ...lOT Kan. C., P. & G.. 10!, do pref 135 Lake Erie & W... 21 lAnconda Mln. Co. 46 do pref S3 iBrooklyn R. T .... U Lake Shore 194 jColo. Fuel & Iror. Hlh Louis. & Nash.... 2?iCont. Tobacco 32i Manhattan El ... 90 do pref S4r- Met. St. Ry 107Js!Federal aWil 50-"2 Mexican Central... 14 J do pref 74 Vi Minn. & St. Louis 03 General Ectric ..126 do pref UH-jjGlucose bugar .... 51 Muwouri Pacific .. 40 i do pref 9S Mobile & Ohio 40int. Paper 1S M.. K. & T....... 10 do pref 01 do pref 33 La Ode Gas 75 New Jerssy Cent.,110 j.SttlonaI Biscuit .. 3314 New York Cent... 133V; do pref W Norfolk & West... 32vn, National Lead .... 24'4 do pref 7UVsi do p:ef ,...1(;2 Northern Pacific. 54ViNational Steel . . . 44?!i do pref 74 do' pref , . 04- : Ontario & West.. 23feiN. Y. Air Brake.. .131 ' O. R. & N 42 (North Axncri-jan .. 13' uv yii ........ iu jiucinc .jhi ..... ;" Pennsylvania ....13511 do 1st pr-f SO Reading ,. ...... 17V4I do 2d pref W dd 1st pref 57yijPaclflc Mall 37'4 do 2d pref 2SMPeopJe's Gas MH Rio Gr. Western.. 53jPressed Steel Cor.. 54 dp pref , 90 j do pref M St. Louis & S. W. lOVUPullman Pal. Oir.lOS do 1st pref C3 Stand-Kope .fc T... UV4 do 2d pref 34 Sugar 1C6U St. Louis & S. W. 10 do pref '09 do pref 29'Tenn. coal X. Iron. f.l'A St. Paul 124 U. S. leather 12ft do pref ,.173l do uref 72 St. Paul & O Ill U. S. RibbM- ) Southern Pacific. 3911 do pref C3 Southern Ry 137hWestem Union .. 84 do pref 595bi Republic Iron & S. 21 Texas & Pacific... 1W4 do pref 03 Union Pacific .... 51 Ex dU-ldend. Money, Exchange, Etc.. SAN FRANCISCO. March 2k Sterling oz London 00 days. $4 83; do sight. $4 87. Mexican dollars 4S49c Drafts Sight, 17c; do telegraphic, 20c NEW YORK, March 20. Money on call, ZQS per cent; last loans, 4. Prime mercantile paper 58 per cent. Sterling exchange Weak, with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at $4 85 for demand and at $4 82 for 00 days; posted, rates, $4 83-34 83Vi and $4 S04 87; commercial bills, $4 81 Vi 4 81. Silver certincatC3-C0Clo. Mexican dollars i7c. Bonds Government, weak; state, steady; rail road. Irregular. Foreign Financial Xeivu. NEW YORK, March 20. The Commercial Ad vertiser's London financial cablegram says: There was considerable Increase in the busl ness In the markets here today, although it wai mainly professional. Still, the public is thought to be waking up at last. The general tone wai good. Consols were up 1 on closing of bit bear commitments and Paris buying. The wat loan sold at 2 3-10 premium, and 4 per cent U talked of. Americans were good all day. though not brlrk. London bought Baltimore & Ohi and Union Pacific, while New York supported the rise which the Morgan stocks surfed. Paris kept Tintos firm, but New York allowi Anacondas to droop. The bank bought 02,004 gold In bars, and lost 10,000 for an unstated call. Money was easier. Stock In London. LONDON. March 20. Canadian Pacific, 9S Union Paclflo preferred. 77; Northern Pacific preferred, ; Atchison, 24; Grand Trunk, 8; Anaconda, 9. Xew York Grain and Produce. NEW YORK, March 20. Flour-Receipts, 37. 829 barrels; exports, 390. Market dull. Wheat Receipts. 124.8U0 bushels. Spot mar- WHEAT! A Most Astonishing Record Purchases of wheat made In March In variably show a good profit during April and May, as the following table, compiled from the official records, will prove: Low In High Year. March. Ap'1-ilay. Adv. 1879 83 $101 13 1880 $1 12 1 25i 13 1SS1 9S 1124$ H 1882 124 140 15ii 1SS3 105 113 gfcf 1SS4 B2 94 12 1885 73 93 18& 1S86 75 83 s2 1SS7 72H 8S 16 1SSS 71 S9j4 1S 18S9 92 1C6U 14 1890 76 1 00 23 1891 S9 UC ICTfc 1S92 77U 91 13 1893 72 SS 15 1S94 55 65ti 9 1893 5l4i S5. 34 1896 E9J4 71 11 1897 CJ 97 2S 1S98 (Lelter) 1 CO 1 85 S5 1SS9 66 79 13 Take advantage of an -exceptional op portunity to Increase your Income. We have the facilities and solicit your busi ness. CULLISON &CO. Board of Trade and Stock 'Exchange Brokers, 214-215 Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND, - - f OREGON. ket. steady; No. 2. red. 77c Options opened j steady, hut EOld off. They continued easy until the laatliour, .when reports of good export trade caused ai rallyflind Xh' market closed Arm at c net advarice No. 2 ed. March, closed at 7Gc; May. TJJc: July. 73icr September.- 73c Wool Dull.- ' Hops Steady. THE) GRAtjf -MARKETS. Prices for Cereals In European anfl American Ports. SAN FRANCISCO, March 20. Wheat, firm. Barley, quiet. Oats, duIL Spot quotations were: Wheat No. 1 shipping, 0Cc; choice. 07c; milling. 99Xe6$l 01. Barley Feed. 70T5c: brewing. S2SS5c OatsH3ray, Oregon. $1 07?1 12; ..milling; $1 15S-1 17: red. 93cG$l 16. Call board sales: Wheat Firm: May. BSc; cash,-97c Corn .Large yellow. $1 12L 15. Chicago Grain and Produce. CHICAGO, March 2ft. Early trading in wheat was marked by considerable liquidation. Cables were lower at the opening, and continued to decline, which, with the continued large re ceipts in the Northwest and the-absenceof for eign demand, left the market practically with out support. May opened unchanged, at C6H 0Cc Pressure to liquidate, which soon became quite general, forced the price back to 66c. Below this price, however, the bears could not force the market, and shortly before 11 o'clock a good demand sprang up, local shorts and out siders giving support, to the market, and "ad vancing the price to 6Cc This demand satisfied, the market again re lapsed Into a condition of heaviness, with the price fluctuating within a narrow range. Dur ing the last hour of tradug strength again de veloped. The visible decreased 1.32S.O0O bush els, which was more than expected. This stif fened the market appreciably, and when the seaboard reported an improved foreign demand buying became quite brisk. May reaching the best price of the day, 06c at which price the market closed eteady. Corn was dull and inclined to. weakness, prices ruling a little lower. News was such as not to materially Influence prices, and the mar ket was controlled by scalpers. May closed He lower. Oats showed no Indications of recovering from its present stagnation. Speculative busi ness was insignificant. May closed a shade lower. Provisions were active, the market at times being in a seml-panlcky condition, so. far as pork was concerned, and the price of that "com modity covered a wide range. S.mall stocks of pork, the continued advance in the price of hogs and fear that a corner might be attempted brought about a strong buying movement con after the opening, and "aa the price went sky ward shorts tumbled over themselves in their eagerneai to cover. The price advanced 30c in a very few minutes. Then offerings became liberal, and the market fell a great deal faster than It had advanced. 20c being clipped oC quickly. Another flurry chopped off 30c more. but before the clos confidence had been re st&red, and the price agmn advanced to about yesterday's closing figures. Late in the ses sion there was considerable selling of lard and rite, and those commodities suffered in conse quence, pork also weakening tomewhat. The close was rather nervous, with May pork 2c lower. May lard 7c lower and May rib 7c lower. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Opened. Highest. Lowest. Closed. March $0 63 May $0 60 $0 CG $0 66 00 July C7U 67 C7 0T CORN. March ... May July September .- 35 37 37 37 37U 37 37m, 37 37H 3S? 3S . 3S 3S OATS. 24 24 24 24 23 23 22 23 May July MESS PORK. May 1140 1100 1132 1140 July 1122 1133 1112 1115 LARD. May 612 012 0 02 0 05 July 020 022 0 12 012 SHORT RIBS. May 015 017 6 07 010 July 017 020 6 10 012 Cash quotations were as .follows: Flour Dull- ,. h ; Wheat Nof-3 spring. TSW3crNo. 2 red. CSc Corn No. 2. 30c I Oats No. 2 white. 2627c; No. 3 white. 20 620c Ryfc-No. 2. 5505c. Barley No. 2. 3743c Flaxseed No. 1. $1 C3. Timothy seed Prime, $2 43. Mess pork $10 6011 42 per bbl. Lard $3 8530 per cwt. Short rlbfl Sides, locoe, $OJfO 25. Shoulders Dry salted, boxed, $0 25SC 50. Short clear sides Boxed. $0 300 40. Butter Steady; creamerj. 1924c; dairy, 10 622c. Chces Firm. 1213c Egg-Eteady; fresh, 13c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 90.000 50,000 Wheat, bushels 33,000 40.900 Corn, bushels 324.000 170.000 Oats, buahels 394.000 180,000 Rye. bushels 0,000 5,000 Barley, bushels 10,000 21.000 Liverpool Markets. LIVERPOOL, March 20. Wheat Spot, No. 1 spring Northern, Arm, G 3d. Futures, steady; Ma-. Ds P?gd; July. Te 9d. Corn Spot, American mixed, new, quiet, 5s 10d; old, steady, 3a lld. Futures, quiet: May, 3s 10&d; July, 3s lOd. Available Supplies of Grain. NEW YORK. March iO. Special cable and telegraphic communications, to Bradstrect'u show the following changes In available supply from last week: Wheat. United States and Canada. ease of Rockies, decrease j, 528, 000 Liverpool Corn Trade News, afloat for and in Europe, increase 200,000 Total supply, decrease 1,323,000 Com. United States and Canada, east of Rockies, decrease , 1,423,000 Oats, United States and Canada, east of Rockies, increase 253.000 Among the more Important Increases reported not given In the official visible statement are those of 320,000 bushels at Manitoba storage points. 110,000 bushels at Milwaukee private elevators, and 88,000 bushels at Port Huron. The principal decreases are there of 1.400,000 buehela at Northwestern Interior elevators, 103,000 bushels at Cleveland. 52.000 bushels at Louisville, and 50,000 bushels at Minneapolis private elevators. The aggregate stock of wheat held at Port land. Taccma and Seattle Increased 118,000 bushels last week. SAX FRANCISCO 3IARKETS. SAN FRANCISCO, March 20. Wool Spring Nevada, 12S15c; Eastern Oregon, 1210c: Val ley, Oregon. 12flCc Fall Northern, mount ain. 10S12c: mountain. S310c: plains, 810c; Humboldt and Mendocino, 1415c per pound. Hops 1SO0 crop. 11613c per pound for choice. Mlllstuffs Middlings, $17320; bran, 91213 per ton. Hay Wheat, $0 C0S"0 50; wheat and oat, $0 5060; best barley. f5QT; alfalfa. $56 50; stock. ?55 50; comprrssed wheat, $710 per ton? straw, 25S40c per bale. Potatoes Early Rose. 75JS5c; river Bur banks. 4075c; Oregon Burbanks, 03c$l 05 per cental; sweet potatoes, $2 504?2 GO per centaL Vegetables SHverskin onions. $2 252 00 per cental; garlic, 2ff3c; green peas, 22Hc; string beans, 4QfSa; oknu dried, 32$c per pound; asparagus, C5cff$l 75 per box; egg plant. 8O10c per pound. Apples $1 25 for choice; common. 50c Citrus fruits Oranges, navels. 2532 50; Mexican limes, 5 5050; common California lemons, $1; do choice, SI 251 50 per box. Bananas SI 2 50 per bunch. Butter Fancy creamery, 21c; do seconds, 20 20&c; fancy dairy, lS3?19c; do seconds, 16 17c per pound. Cheese California, new, 8JJStc; Young Amer ica. OSOc; Eastern. 10j$pl7c per pound. Eggs Store, 12&S13iic; fancy ranch, 1415c per dozen. Poultry Turkey gobblers, 11612c; turkey hens. 11012c per pound; old roosters. S4 5005 per dozen; young roosters. S6Q7; small broilers. $384; large do, f4 SOgS;' fryers. f5ga; hens, $S5 per dozen; geese. VZZ 25 per pair. Receipts-Flour, quarter sacks, 30.360; da Oregon, 1020; wheat, centals, 10,810; barley, centals, 4100; oats, centals, 1005; beans, sacks. S24: potatoes, sacks. 21C3; do Oregon, 002; bran, sacks, 105; middlings, sacks. 450; hay, tons. 337; wofl, biles. 107; hides. 323. ''Ik EASTERN LIVESTOCK. ' f . CHICAGO, MnrriC 20.-Catle Receipts. 2500. Generally steady to- slow natives, best on aale, $5 05; good to prime eVecrs, steady, S4 SOSy 5 S3; poor to medium steers, slow,, ft lOf CAPE NOME S. S. GEO. W. ELDER, ' S. S.' NOME CITY . . : S..S. DESPATCH The above first-class steamers will sail every 10 days during the season for Cape Nome, York and St Michael and Yukon river points. ' First Saiiing May 15. FOR HATES A?TO XNFOIUIATIOJr APP LT TO- II "'(If 'I., CALIFORNIA & OREGON COAST S. S. CO. F. P. BAUMGARTNER, 253 WashJnaton 52. W. A. MI tell ell & Co., General Affents, Bun Francisco. Pacific Coast lm8tt& ror Cape INofaie Gold Fields THE NEW PALATIAL STEEL STEAMSHIP Senator" will sail from San Francisco, May 14. Seattle, May 19. Subsequent trips will be from Seattle direct, namely: June 21, July 21 and August 20. The -"Senator" has a capacity of 2500 tons. Her second cabin and steerage accommodations are superior to the first-class accommodations of nvct of the steamers advertised for Nome. The Pacific Coast Steamship Co. has been running its steamers to Alaska winter and sum merfor 25 years, and Is the pioneer Pacific Coast line. Seattle freight and passenger rates ap ply from Portland. For further information Inquire Of GOODALL." PERKINS & CO.. General Agents. 10 Market. San Francisco, or N. POSrON. .Agent. 240 Washington st.. Portland. Or. NEW THROUGH SERVICE " FIRST-CLASS PULLMAN SLEEPERS ARE NOW OPERATED Between Salt Lake City and Chicago Via Rio Grande and Rio Grande QseafRpck Mand(J(puie GRANDEST SCENIC TRIP IN THE WORLD THE COLORADO ROCKIES CROSSED BY TfAYLIGHT. Pullman's Finest Broad. Vestibuied Sleepers Leaving Salt Lake City Dally at 8. -05 P. M. and GflRRI&D ON LIMIT&D TRAINS Making connections at Chicago with all morning trains to the East. ..DINING CAR SERVICE THROUGH BUFFET LIBRARY CARS.. A. E. COOPER, Gea'l Agent, 240 Washington St., Portland, 0R3. E. W. THOMPSON, A. G. P. A., Topeka, Kans. JOHN SEBASTIAN, G. P. A., Chicago. 4 00; selected feeders. lOo lower. ?44 75; mixed Blockers, 93 4(g-3 00; cows, steady. ?3S 4 25; heifers, $3 250, V)t canners, 32 233; bulla, $3S4 16; calves, TOc to fl off. with a 'week ago. $4J 50. Texans. receipts;' 60C0; best on sale today, $5; Texas fed steers. $3 75 G5. strong; Texas bulls, steady. $9t GO. Hogp Receipts. 21. COO. Fairly active, firm; top. fS 15; mixed, $4 25Q5 15; good to choice heavy. .J3J5 15; rough neavy, $4 b&Q-l 05; light. $4 8033 07; bulk of sales. ?50 07- Sheep Receipts. 10.000. Sheep and lambs, weak; shade lower; good to choice wethers, 5 00g5 80; fair to choice, mixed. ?5 10S 00; Western sheep, $5 25gO SO; yearlings, $5 00 6 40: native " lambs, $5 50T; Western lambs, $837. OMAHA. March 20. Cattle Receipts; 3500., Market 10c lower; native beef steers. $45 33; cows and heifers. S3 254 30; canners, $2 25 3 10; etockers and feeders. ,$3 7085; calves. $47 50; bulls and stags. ?2 753 85. Hogs Receipts. 11.400. Market 5c lower; heavr, S4 $&34 05; mixed. ?4 82 85; light. $4 75SM 85; bulk of sale. f4 85. Sheep Receipts, C500. Market steady; falr to choice natives. $5 7ftg5 10; fair to choice' Westerns, 5 20QS 80; common and choice sheep, fi 25g3; lambs, JtS5 00. KANSAS CITY. March 20. Cattle Receipts, 10,000. Market rtror.g; Texas steers. 2 75 4 40; Texas cows. 23 C5; native steers, 3 75 0 35; native cows axd heifers. ?2 75CN 40; stockero and feeders, 53 305T5 25; bulls,$2 1X)M. Hogs Receipts. 15.000. Market steady; bulk of sales. ?4 S05: heavy. $4 S7&35 05; pack ers. $4 S&gO; mixed. 84 75-34 05; lights. $4 C5 1 87; Yorkers, 54 754 S7; pigs. f4T4 75. Sheep Receipts, 3000. Market firm; lambs, tOSS 50; muttons, $4-4 JX. The Metn.1 Markets. NEW YORK. March 20. Considerable Irregu larity was developed in the market for metals today. Copper was firm and 12 points higher, influenced by cables, whlcn again showed ad vance lfl London. Oh the other hand, tin ruled ecsier. in sympathy with weakness abroad, bid prices being 37 points oft from the previous close. Pig-iron warrants, quiet: Lake copper, firm, $10 50; tin. dull. $31 620 32; spelter, quiet. $4 554 CO: lead. J4 670 4 72. The firm that fixes the selling price for miners and smelters quotes lead at S4 40 at the lase. Bar silver, COe. SAN FRANCISCO, March 20. Bar silver, per ounce, 00c LONDON, March 20. Bar silver, 27 H-lOd. Boston "Wool Market. BOSTON. March 20. The wool market here is dull as a whole and sales are meager. Wool buyers are holding off. and do not bid for large lots, consequently prices are nominal, although a bid under present quotations for a large line would undoubtedly bring out a seller. Terri tories are quiet, and quoted on a scoured basis cf about COo for choice lots of fine medium and fine. Fleece wools are quiet and prices nom inal. Territory wools Mcstana. and Dakota, fine medium and fine. 22523c; scoured. 00362c-; staple, C7C8c Utah and Wyoming, fine me dium and fine, 10g21c; acoured, COc; staple, (B 07c Idaho, fine medium and fine, 18321c; scoured. OOG'Clc; medium, 2023o; scoured, 52 &54c. Australian wools, scoured basis, spot prices Combing, superfine, nominal, 03Jj05c; good, 83 eOOc; average. 80fl65c Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK, March 20. Coffee Options eloped 510 points lower: tales, 10.000 bags, in cluding March at JO 80gtf S5; May. SO 75; July, ?0 75. Spot coffee, Rio, nominal; No. 7, Invoice, 8ViS6o; No.. 7, Jobbing, 8e3Kc Mild, quiet; Cordova. 014c Sugar Raw and refined, strong. Who Are Freeholders T PROSPER, Or.. March 20. (To the Ed itor.) Will you please stnte through the columns of The Oregonlan -who are com petent to swear as witnesses to the state ments of an elector at time of registra tion? Tho law says a freeholder. Is a homesteedt-r or a. person who holds a bond for a deod or one who holds a loase of land considered a freeholder? Also, will neglect to register disqualify a person from acting In an official capacity In elec tion affairs? L. R. EDMUNDS. The term "freeholder," as defined by the common law, which definition lawyers believe governs in the present case, covers all title to landed estates greater than a term of years. The shortest jease falling within the scope must be not less for some human life, The title ;nay be equitable, or otherwise.- A homostoader, Steamship Co. Western Denver (Scenic Line) and who Is complj'lng with the lawful require ments for completing his title, has rn equitable interest that places him within tho class-knpwirtts "freeholders." A bond for a deed mieht ba considered a sufficient equitable Interest to qualify a man as a freeholder. Neglect to register is generally consid ered sufficient to .disqualify a man other wise competent from acting as Tin official of elections, as the law authorizing the appointment of such officials specifies that they shall be chosen from the ulectirs of a county A man who has not registered could hardly be called an elector, unless the reason for his not having registered fell within some of the grounds .p2clfied where ,a man could be sworn in when try ing to vote. In the latter case, he nould be an elector as soon as he took the re quired path with the number of witnesses attesting his statement required by law. e Hcsrlstrntlon of "Men" Under 21. THE DALLES. March 19. (To the Edi tor.) Will you kindly Inform me whether or not a County Clerk Is obliged to register a young man who will become of age next September? Of course, he could not vote in the state election next June, but aa the bcoks close for two years on May 13, refusal to register would debar him from the privileges of the franchise for that time. YOUNG AMERICAN. County Clerk Holmes, of Multnomah, has adopted the rule not to register an ap plicant unless he Is at that time a qualified elector, which, of cource. means that he must be of age when asking to be regis tered. In following th's course, County Clerk Holmes is guided by legal advice, which Is the nearest approach to any official legal opinion on the point yet brought to light In Multnomah County. However, It Is understood that the man la not debarred from votmg on election day, as the proviso enabling the judges at a polling, place to swear those otherwise entitled to vote who have been unable for sufficient reasons to register, Is Interpreted as covering the case of a man who has reached his majority after the registration books were closed. CMcheater' EssUsh Diaaoad Bran. Original end Onlr flonnlnr. orr. aJnj rtlUbU. laoixs uk untpn jot MUAUttrt Enp.ith Bit- JTrarutlaltcU tad GU mttilUeX bezat. Ktltd irlth fcl ribbon. TnVn Ina other. JttAutdervjmuitubitiri. 'tlOKJan&knttationM. ALDrarrtitA-BranilAA- la tttrapt for pvtlesltn, imlmseUli ni Kllof for Hodls," In lUr. by retnrn Mn!L t O.OOO T.nlBiral.lf. Jr-i. v,..r "ChlikMlMCnKal(ii!0..M1tuiKniiu.. BaUVykULaai&nxxUu. J'111 11 !.-, 1-JL TRAVELERS' GUIDE. . SOO PACIFIC LINE Offers the IjOWEST RA.TE3 and BEST SERV lce to and from all Eastern points and' Europ. Through tuurlsc cars from coast to St. Paul. Toronto. Montreal aac! Boston WITHOUT CHAKGE. Direct Route to Kootenay Mining District British Columbia Canadian Taclflc Tt7il mU Mttnurfatp lines u Japsr an.1 Aeitral.. 7r rlea and information, applr to XL H. ABUOTT. Agent. E. J. COTLE, 18 Third street, city. A. G. P. A.. Vancouver, B. C VANCOUVER TRANSPORTATION' CO. Steamer Undine. Captain Charles T. Kamm. leaves Vancouver at :30 A. M. and 1 r. M. Leaves Portland at 10:30 A. M. and 4:30 P. M. Sundays excepted. For freight or naenage up ply en board, foot of Taylor street. Round trlj, 30c fmi -b & 1 t4 1 J3 TRAVELERS GUIDE:. Union Dejot, Sixth, and J Streets. TWO TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EST "PAST MAIL AND PORTLAND - CHI CAGO SPECIAL ROCTE." Leaves for the East via Spokane dally at 3:43 P. M. Arrives at 8:00 A. M. . . Leaves for the East, via Pendleton and Hunt ington, dally at 8:00 P. M. Arrives, via Hunt ington and Penaltton, at 6:45 P. M. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS. Water lines schedule, subject to change with out notice: OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. OCEAN DIVISION Steamships sail frcm Ainsworth dock at 8:00 P. M. Leave Portland Columbia sails Saturday. March 3; Tuesday. March 33; Friday. March 23; Monday. April 2; Thurslay. April 12. State of California sails Thurslay. March 8; Sunday. March IS;. Wed nesday, March 23: Saturday, April 7. From San Francisco State of California sails Saturday, March 4; Wednesday. March 14; Sat urday. March 24: Tuesday. April 3: Friday. April 13. Columbia sails Friday. March 9; Mon day. March 10; Thursday. March 20: Sunday, April 8. COLUMBIA RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Hassalo leaves Portland dally, except Sunday, at 8:00 P. M.; on Saturday at 10:00 P. M. Returning, leaves Astoria dally, except bun day, at 7:00 A. M. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND CORVALLI5. OR. Steamer Ruth, for Salem. Albany. Corvaltls and way points, leaves Portland Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays at 6:00 A. M. Return ing, leaves Corvallls Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays at 0:00 A. M. Steamer Modoc, for Salem, jncepenoence una way points, leaves Portland Mondays.Wednes days and Fridays at 8:00 A. M. Returning, leaves Independence Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 5.30 A. M. YAMHILL RIVER ROUTE. PORTLAND AND DAYTON, OR. Steamer Elmore, for Dayton and way points, leaves Portland Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sat urday at 7 A. M. Returning, leaves Dayton for Portland and way points Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays at 0 A. M. SNAKE RIVER ROUTE. RIPARIA. WASH., AND LEWISTON, IDAHO. Steamer Spokane or steamer Lewlston leaves Rlparla daily at 1:20 A- M arriving at Lewlston at 12 o'clock noon. Returning, the Spokane or Lfwlston leaves Lewlston dally at 8:20 A. M.. arriving at Rlparla same evening. W. H. HURLBURT. Generat Passenger Agent. V. A. SCHILLINO. City Ticket Agent. Telephone Main 712. TcwSteamsliipLmetotlieOrient CHINA AI,D JAPAN. FROM PORTLAND. In connection with THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. Schedule. 1900 (subject to change): Steamer. Due to Leave Portland. "ABERGELDIE" March 23 "MONMOUTHSHIRE" April 11 "BRAEMAR" May 2 For rates, accommodations, etc., apply to DODWELL & COMPANY. Limited, General Agents, Portland. Or. To principal points In Japan and China. THE FASTEST AND MOST DIRECT l!NE TO THE STANDSOUTHEAST IS THE 5 PICTO The Direct Line to Denver, Omahi. Kansas City and St Loim. Only 3S Days to Chicago, Only 4 Days to New York and other Principal Eastern cities Tliruuub- I'nllmnn Pnlace Sleeper Touriat Sleeiiera Dlnlntr Caw (menh a In carte), nnd l'rec Recllniiw? Clinlr Cars Operated Sally on Fast Mail Trains Thrcash tickets, baggage cheefcj and steeplnc car accommodations can be arranged at CITY TICKET OFFICE 1 35 Third Street Portland, Oregon J. H. LOTHP.OP. Gen'l Agent. GEORGE LANG. City I'bxs. & Tkr. Agt. FOR CAPE NOME The Magnificent Tranc"-Paclnc Passenger Steamship TACOiVIA Registered tonnage, 2S11 tons: capacity. 4000 tons; passenger accommodation?. 109 first class, SCO second class. This steam ship has just been released from the gov ernment service as a troopship, and hns every modern comfort and convenience nnd la the largest steamship in tho Cape Xoms trade. Will sail from Tacoma and Seattle on or about the 25th of May. For rates and full Information apply to DODWELL & CO.. LTD. Telephone. Main. SO. 252 Oak Street. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. LEAVES UNION' DEPOT. I For Maygers. Katnler. ARRIVES UNION DE1-OT. ciai.'Kame. wesipori. Clifton. Antcriv- War-, renton. Flavel, Ham mond. Fort Steven. Gearhart Park. Semlde. Astoria and Sethor Express. Dally. Astoria. Express, Dally. 11:13 A. At. OHO P. M. T:0O P..M. Ticket office. 255 Morrison st. and Union dtpot. J. C l!ATO. Gen. Pass. Agt.. Astoria. Or. WiiiTE COLLAR LINE COLUMBIA RIVER & PUGET SOUND NAV1. OATION CO. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. CS&sas BAILEY GATZERT (Alder-street dock) Leaves Portland dally every morning at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Returning. leaves As toria every night at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Oregon 'phone Main 351. Columbia 'phone 351. U. B. SCOTT. President. CAPE NOME VIA DAWSON Alaska SteamsiiipCofupany NEXT SAILING. THP ROSALIE. MARCH 21. The only company having through tradle ar rangements to Atlln and the Klondike. Weekly Killings Irotn Tacoma. For full Information ap ply to J. L. HARTMAN. Agent, Portland. Or., 3 Chamber of Commerce. &J$ II fi U W rW" TRAVELERS GUIDE. FAsT mmk lO CCNSHASttl 21 SAT ITT 1 Jn rcgb JOl Leave Depot Fifth and I Streets Arriv OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS, for Salem. Rose burg. Ashland. Sac ramento. O g d e n. San Francisco, Mo Javc. Los Angeles. El Paso, New Or leans and the East At Woodburn (dally except Sun day), morning train connects with train for Mt. Angel. SH vert on. Browns ville. Springfield and Natron, and evening train for Mt. Angel and SU verton. Corvallls passenger Sheridan passenger 7:00 P. M. 8:30 A.M. 0:15 A. 3C. 7X0 P. M. t7:30 A. M. 14:50 P. M. 15:50 P. M. $3:23 A. 2L Daily. JDally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland. Sac ramento and Son Francisco. Net rates $17 first class and $11 second class, including sleeper. Rates and tickets to Easiern points and Eu rope. Also JAPAN. CHINA. HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from J. M. KIRKLAND. Ticket Agent. 140 Third at. TAMHTLL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson Street. Leave for Oswego dally at 7:20, 0:40 A- H.; 12:30, 1:55. 3:25.-5:15. 0:25. 8:05. 11:30 P. M.: and 0:00 A. M. en Sundays only. Arrive at Portland dally at 0:35. S:30. 10:50 A. M.: 1:35. 3:15. 4:30. 0:20. 7:40. 10:00 P. M.; 13:40 A. M. dally, except Monday. 8:30 and 10:05 A. M. on Sundays only. Leave for Dallas dally, except Sunday, at 4:30 P. M. Arrive at Portland at 0:30 A- M. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlle Mon days. Wednesdays and Fridays at 2:45 P. 12. Returns Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturday. Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER. C. IT. MARKHAM, Manager. Gen. Frt. & Pass. Ajt. THE DININO CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLX DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW. STONE PAriK. Leave Union Depot, Fllti mil Sis Arrive ITast mall for Taco ma, Seattle. Olympl.i. Gray's Harbor and Ecuth Bend points. Spokane. Rosstand. B. C. Pullman. Moscow. Lewlston. Buffalo Hump mining country. Helena. Minneapolis. St. Paul. Omaha. Kan eas City. St. Loul. Chicago and all point east and southeast. Puijet Sound Expres fcr Tacoma and 3eatti? and lntermed.ato points No.1. 5:50 P. M. No. 4. 11:30 P.M. No. a. 7:00 A. M. Pullman flrst-class and tourist ileepers to Min neapolis SL Paut and Missouri river points With out change. Vestlbulftd trains. Union dcot connection !3 ell principal cities. Baggage cbeckrd to destination of tickets. For handsomely Illustrated JaicriDttvs matter, tickets, sleeplns-car reservations, etc. call en or wrlta A. D. CHARLTON A.iilstnnt General Pas-ieneer Agent, 2."K Morrhon St.. Cor. Tlilnl. Portland. Oregon. GO EAST VIA i?Pl TTTi 03 f$ f$ $M mm&yLMi& fe" -rm ! fel i ?i &3j cJ tH tel era - wm ON THE FAMOUS Chicago - Portland Special And Travel in Luxurious Comfort Dinlnc Cars. Servlc a In. Carte. Lilirary-llnilet Smoklnp; Cars. Palnce and Ordinnry Sleeping: Cars. Free Hecllninfr Chair Curs. The only train running through solid from Portland to Chicago. Xo change of cars. Every car illuminated with Pintsch gas. Leaven 8 P. M., Portland. Arrives 0:45 P. M. CITY TICKET OFFICE 124 Third St. Phone Main 569 W. E. COMAN. General Acent. J. R. NAQEL. City Ticket Agt. SEATTLE CAPE NOME Yukon River Points Steadier OHIO (3500 tons) has been re leased by the United States Government after nearly two years' service as a trans port to the Philippines, and will sail for CAPE NOME on or about MAY 21. 10C0. For passage and freight rates, apply to any railroad agent or sub-agent cf tha International Navigation Co., or direct to EMPIP.E TRANSPORTATION CO., G07 First avenue, Seattle. "Wash. SrsctNortoesw Ticket OSBoe: 122 Third St. 'I'honc SO The Flyer, dally to anl from St. Paul. Minne apolis. Duluth. Cblcagr and all points East. LEAVE. No. 4 S:45 1. M. ARRIVE. No. 3. S:fiO A. M, Through Palace and Tourlct Sleepers, Dlnms and BufT-t Smoklng-Llbrary Cars. JAPAN - A(V!ERICAM LINE STEAMSHIP IDZUMI MARU For Japan, China and all Asiatic points will leave Seattle About March 28th. Pacific Coasl Slcamshli Co. FOk ALASKA THE COMPANT'S elegant steamers. Coitage City, cltj cf TcpKa and Al - K.I leave TACOMA 11 A. M.. SEATTLE 0 P. M.. Mar. 11. It. 21. 2C. 51. Apr. .".. 10. Jo. 2u. 25. 30. May 5. and every fiftn day thereafter. For further lnfor- JTf Unn riVt(n ntmr..i nva fr..Av The company reserves the right to change rteamars. sailing date-j and houro of aatllng. without previous notice. AGENTS N. POSTON, 240 Washington St.. Portland. Or.; F. V. CARLETO.N. N. P. R. R. dock. Tacoma; J. F. TP.OWBRIDC1E. luget Bound SupU. Ocean dock. Seattle. GOODALL. PERKINS & CO.. Qea. Ag: . 3. ff.