THE MOENING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, MABCH 13, 1900, 11 COMMERCIAL AND The week opened with fine weather and a good trade In nearly all lines. There was a little moro strength In the Eastern and foreign wheat markets, but, owing to the scarcity of tonnage, there wan not much doing locally. In the produce markets there was the usual ac tivity which follows "steamer day." The con lgnment of vegetables reached this city In verj Imxw shape yesterday, and much of It was sold at very low prices. The egg market U a ehado firmer on a shipping demand, and few sale were made under Hc yesterday, although some stock was obtainable at a shade less. But ter remains very Arm. and the market was cleaned up bare on poultry last Saturday. Po tatoes are steady at quotations, with fancy stock commanding a little more money. Bank Clearlns;s. Exchanges. Balances. ...405.4I5 $75,977 ... 33G.&52 72. SOS ... 236.4&0 00,818 ... 100,700 81,320 Portland Seattle T&coma. Spokane PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Floor, Etc. The wheat market In Portland shows but little change since last week. For Walla Wulla 62c Is quoted as the cxiKJrt value for No. 1, and l2c more is paid for the same grada where It la wanted for a special purpose. Val ley Is easy at 51652c Freights are firm, and nothing Is offering for near-by loading. Own ers" Ideas regarding freights are pretty well Illustrated by the offer of a ship ycelcrday foi January-February. 1001, loading at 37s 6d. The offer was declined Wheat Walla Walla. 5153c; Valley. 510. C2e. blueatem. 540C5e per bushel. Flour Best grades. ?2 703; graham, $2 00; superfine. $2 10 per barrel. Oats White. 3D30c: gray, 3334c: stained, 20?30c per bushel. Barley Feed. $14015; brewing. $1717 50 pet ton. MiUstuffs Bran, (12&13 per ton: middlings, $lS(gl0; shorts. $13615: chop. $14. Hay Timothy. $OS10; clover, $77 30; Ore gon wild hay. $G&7 per ton. Vegetables, Fruit, Etc. Vegetables Parsnips, Ill carrots, ?1; turnips, 90c; onions. $1 50(Jf2 25 per cental; cabbage, fiOeQSl per cental: potatoes. 50ffG5c per sack; sweet potatoes, 2(ff3c: peas, Gc; beans, n0c; asparagus, ?VW?10c; new potatoes, 33&c per pound. Fruit Lemons, ?2 50 ST 3; oranges. $2 753 per box for navels. $2 for seedlings; tang'srlneo. $1 75; Japanese oranges. 75c$l 50 per box: pineapples. $4 50fl per dozen; bananar, ?2 50 3 per bunch; Persian dates. TMiSc per pound; Apples. $11 50; pears. 75c$l 25 per b. Dried fruit Apples, evaporated, 7gSc pei pound; sun-dried, sacks or boxes, 45c; pears, sun and evaporated, 50c: plums, pltless, 43 6c; prunes. Italian. 3&f5Hc: silver, extra choice. 5 0c; figs. Smyrna. 22$c: California black, 5$c; do white. 10c per pound. Butter, EgK, Poultry, Etc. Butter Fancy creamery, 50 Q 55c; seconds, 42HJj45c: dairy. 30&37MtC; store. 25ff32J5c pel roll. Kggs 11311c per dozen for Oregon. Poultry-Chlcke.ns. mixed. ?3 504 50; hens. $4 505 50; ducks. J5Sf; geese. ?0 508 per dozen; turkeys, live. 10llc; dressed, 12&15c per pound. Game Mallard ducks. f3; widgeon, $1 50JJ2; teal, $101 50 per dozen. Cheese Pull cream, twins. 12&13c; Tours America, 14c per pound. Groceries, Nuts, Etc. Coffee Mocha. 23Q:2Sc; Java, fancy. 2G32c; Java. good. 20g24c. Java, ordinary. l&320c; Costn Rica, fancy. 1Ssj20c; do good. 1G1Sc; do ordinary. 1012c per pound; Columbia, roaei, $12 75 per case; Arbuckle's, $14 25; Lion, $12 75. Sugar Cube. $5 72: crushed. $5 72; pow dered. $5 72; ary granulated, cane. $5 22V. beet. $5 12; extra C. $4 72; golden C. $4 0 net; half barrels. Vic more thin barrels: maplt sugar. 15lCc per pound. Beano Small white, 3c; bayou, 4c: Lima, Ce per pound. Salmon Columbia river. 1-pound tails. $10 1 50; 2 - pound tails, $2fi?2 50; fancy. 1-pound flats, fl 651 75, -pound fancy flats, S5SS3c; OJaiika. J-Dound tails. $1 2031 30; 2-pound tails, 51 D05 25. Grain bags Calcutta. ?77 10 per 100 for epot. $0 50tJ C2 for July-August. Nuts Peanuts, 67c per pound for raw. 10c or roasted; cocoanuts, 00c per dozen; walnuts, lOCllc per pound: nine nuts, 15c: hickory nuts. 7c; chestnuts, 15c; Brqzll. lie; Alberts, 15c; fancy pecans, 12'14c; almonds, 15 3 17c per pound. Coal oil Cases, 21c per gallon; Darr-els, i7c; tanks. 15c Rice Island, GVic; Japan, 5c; New Orleans, f5c; fancy head, $707 50 per sack. Meat and Provisions. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes. $434 25; dressed. 77c per pound. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5; light, $4 50, dressed. 5Cc per pound. Beef Gross, top steers, $44 50; cows, $3 U Qi; dressed beef. 07ic per pound. Veal Large. 07c per pound; small, SS'Oc, Provisions Portland pack (Shield brand): Hams, smoked, are quoted at 13c per pound; picnic hams, 9c per pound; breakfast bacon, 13c; bacon, 0c; backs. 9c; drj' salt sides, 8Hc; dried beef. 17c per pound; lard, 5-pound palls. 10c; 10 - pound palls, 0c; 50s. 0c; tlercw. OVJc per pound. Eastern pack (Ham mond's): Hams, large, 18c; medium, 13ic email, 139ic; picnic hams, 9c; shoulders, 0c; brakfaEt bacon, 1294c; dry salt sides, 8V4c: iacon sides. O10V4c; backs. 10c: butta, Sc; lard, pure leaf, Settle rendered, 5a, 10V4c; 10s, 10c Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. Hops 36c per pound. Wool Valley, 12gi3c for coarse, 1320c for best; Eastern Oregon, 814c; mohair, 2730fl per pound. Sheepskins Shearlings, 1520c; short-wool, 21 635c; medium-wool, .30C50c; long-wool, C0c$l each. n Pelts Bear skins, each, as to size, $5315; cubs, each. $15; badger, each, 1014c; wild cat. 5Q40c; housecat, 5 10c; fox. common gray. 40C0c: do red. $1 2501 75; do cross. $2 M 5; lynx, $1 502 50; mink, 30c$l 25; mar ten, dark Northern, $4S; do pale, pine, $1 23 J3; muekrat, 8 12c; skunk. 25040c; ottel (land), $400; panther, with head and claws per feet, $103; raccoon, 25060c; wolf, mourftaln, with head perfect, $3 5005; wolverine. $2 5005; beaver, per skin, large, $07; do medium, per cfcln, $405; do small, per skin, $102; do kits, per skin. 50c$l. Tallow 505c; No. 2 and grease, 34c per pound. Hides Dry hides. No. 1, 1C pounds and up ward. 15015c; dry kip. No. 1. 5 to 16 pounds, 15c per pound; dry calf. No. 1, under 5 pounds, 16010c; dry salted, one-third lees than dry flint: salted hides, sound steers, 60 pounds and over, 80Oc: do 50 to 60 pounds. 808c; da under 50 pounds and cows. 708c; kip, 13 to 33 pounds, 70Sc: do veal, 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; do calf, under 10 pounds, 7c; green (unsalted). lc per pound less; culls (bulls, stags, moth eaten, badly cut. scored hair slipped, weather beaten or grubby), one-third Jess. SEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Peruana From Short Interests Was a Grent Strengthening; Factor. NEW YORK. March 12. Today's stock mar ket was unmistakably strong throughout. The demonstrated Indifference of the market on Saturday to tho swift depleUon of surplus re serves of New York banks took the- mainstay of tho bears from beneath them. The demand from short Interests was a factor la the ad vance In prices, especially In the Industrials which have recently been under pressure. There were several elements of positive strength In the market also, but the largest part of the buying was undoubtedly due "to the effort of the professional element among the specula tors to discount the effect of the currency-- bill. 3ot only the smaller class of professionals whp have recently had the market to themselves, but operators of larger caliber gave evidence of their Interest In the market. The demands made by the increased activity of the- stock market on the money market was evidenced In a flurry In the loan rate to 0 per cent. Speculator paid no attention to this admonitory symptom, apparently convinced that the end of th'e money market troubles was at band with the enactment of the currency law, which Is to be sent to the President to morrow. There were occasional periods of dull ness in the market, apparently with a view to testing It. The quick subsidence of activity without any reaction In prices and the firm ness Of the resistance to the decline confirmed the confluence of the bulls and started prices up again. The closing was quite active and strong at Fieur the top level. The principal gains were )n FINANCIAL NEWS the active Industrials and specialties, including Sugar, Tobacco, People's Gas, Anaconda and iron and steel stocks, and he New York public utilities ranged from 2 to over 4 points, the latter n Sugar. In the railroad list, St. Paul was the leader, both In point of activity and strength, rising an extreme 2VJ. the other grangers, the Southwesterns and a number of trunk Jlnes and Southern Railway gained a point or more. A feature of the trading was the number of three-day contracts recorded on tho tape. Indicating the expectatior of eatler money with the operation of the new financial bill. There was a generous sprinkling of transactions in fractional lota all through the list. Indicating an Investment demand, which had no small part in the feeling of confidence evinced by the speculative contingent. A background of strength to the whole mar ket was afforded by the large absorption of railroad bonds, especially those of the higher grade. This must undoubtedly be attributed to the pressure for reinvestment of funds which have been realized by investors who have sold Government bonds at the high prices prevail ing, the banks buying them to use for security for circulation. It seems to escape notice that this Is In a measure an intlclpatory employ ment of the extended circulation, since the capital of the national banks which has gone for the payment of these bonds looks to bank note Issues for Its release and re-emplo3-menU London was a liberal buyer of stocks In this market, and considerable sentimental Influence was exerted by the large subscriptions reported to be made In New York to the new Brltlsa loan. It Is argued that those subscriptions Indi cate an abundance of capital, and they will represent . also a quickly convertible foreign credit upon which the country can draw In cape of need in the money market. Reports ol railroad earnings for the- flrBt week In March were encouraging. A good effect was produced also by the statement of exports for February of agricultural products, ttie large Increase In the value of cotton exports for the month giv ing It the record for February. The bond market was active and strong throughout. Total sales, 2.2v5.000. United States 3s, coupon, and new 4s, registered, de clined per cent; do coupon, t, and old 4s, per cent in the bid price. BONDS. U. S. 2s. reg 102Gen. Electric 5fl..-116 do 3s, reg 111,N Y. Central lsts.110 do 3s. coupon...lll.N"orthem Pacific 3s OOJs do new 4s, reg..l3aljj do 4s , 104; do new 4s. coup.l30WlOregon Nay. lsu,.10s do old 4s. reg.. .mill dj 4s 102 do old 4s, coup.ll&U.Oregon S. L. 63....127'.s do 5a, reg' 110 do con. 5s 113 do 5s. couxon ..HC)Rlo Gr. West. Ists. 05 Dist. of Col. 3-C5S.118 ,St. Paul consols... 168 Atchison adj. 4s.. 82& St. P. C. & P. Istsl20j, C. & N.W. con. 7al42 j do 5s H0 do S. F. deb. 59.120 lUnlon Pacific 4s...l03js D. & R. O. Ists...l03 Wi3. Cent. Ists.... iWja do 4s 00 STOCKS. The total sales of stocks today were 618.S00 sharra. The closing quotations were: Atchison 23ViUnlori Pacific 49ft do pref 437) co pref 74 Bait. & Ohio (EJslWabash C Can. Pacific 03 do pref 20 Can. Southern ... 40 i Wheel. & L. E.... 10 Ches. & Ohio...... 28 do 2d pref ."27 Chi. Gr. Western., 13&.WIS. Central 17Vi C B. & Q 125 P. C. C. & St. L.. 60 Chi., Ind. & L.... 22 EXPRESS CO.'S. do pref 54 (Adams 114 Chi. & East. 111... 95' American ,,.......142 Chicago & N. W..lCliUnlted States .... 45 C. R. I. & Pac...l(W'SiWeHs-Fargo 122 C. C, C. & St. L. 59 MISCELLANEOUS. Colo. Southern ... C,Amcr. Cotton Oil.. 334 do jst pref 43, do pref 03 do 2d pref 10,Amer. Malting .... 5 Del. & Hudson. ...113 do pref 24 Del., Lack. & W..1&0 .Arner. Smelt. & R. 39?b Denver & Rio Gr. do pref Erie do 1st pref Great North, pref. Hocking Coal .... Hocking Valley, .. lDTi: do pref 01 71!Amer. Spirits ..... 12Ji do pref . 37f4 Amer. Steel Hoop. 15-h; do pref 15, Amer. Steel & W. 33) do pref 2 17 30 60 50 91 Illinois Central 113AtAmer. Tin Plate. 33 Iowa Central J4. do pref Sl do pref 49 Amer. Tobacco ,...iw Kan. C P. & G Lake E. &. W... do pref Lake Shore ..... Louis. & Nash.. 12M,t do nref 135 20 Anaconda Mm. Co. 4ST6 84 Brooklyn R. T C9 .191 I Colo. Fuel & Iron. 4118 . S2VCunt. Tobacco 30 . 93. do orcf 85 Manhattan El . Met. St. Ry 10GH1 Federal Steel 50 Hex. Central ..... 12 do pref 73? Minn. & SU Louis 61 i General Electric ..125 do pref 921'4 Gluoose Sugar 52 Missouri Pacific .. 4Ci do pref 9S Mobile & Ohio.... 4iJInt. Paper 10 M.. K. & T 10, do pref G3 do pref ,. 339vLa. Clede Gas 78 New Jersey Cent. .117 National Biscuit .. 30 New York Cent... 134 do pref 90 Norfolk & West.. 32NaUonal Lead .... 23 do pref 70) do pref 104 Northern Pacific .. 53,Natlonal Steel .... 45i do pref 74) do pref 0 Ontario & West... 23iN. T. Air Brake. ..127 O. R. & N 42 (North American .. 14 do rref 76 Pacific Coast 50 Pennsylvania ....135 j do 1st pref S3 Reading 17 do 2d pref 60 do 1st pref 58 Pacific Mall 38 do 2d pref 29 People's Gas 98 Rio Gr. Western.. 52 jPressed Steel Car.. 53 do pref 90 do pref 85 St. Louis & S. Fr. 10iPullman Pal. Car..l83 do 1st pref 6S I5tand. Rope &. Tw. 0 do 2d pref 34Sugar 104 St. Louis & S. W. 111 do pref 107 do pref 29!Tenn. Coal & Iron. 95 St. Paul ,..123,U. S. Leather 124 do pref 172 i do pref 72 St. Paul & 0 109 U. S. Rubber 30 Southern Pacific .. SSUl do nref 91 Southern Ry do nref ... Csit.rhA-n "Rv 13W. Wf(vrn TTnlnn l53tA 5S!Republlc Iron & S 12 Texas & Pacific. 16i do pref .... t FOREIGX FINANCIAL XBWS. Good Tone to the Market but Not Much. Speculation. NEW YORK. March 12. The Commercial Ad vertiser's London financial cablegram says: There was a happy tone to the markets here today and a light Increase In. business for the new account, but speculation did not develop as expected, though contangoes were rather stlffer. Indicating that speculation is Increasing. Interest is now centered In the war loan, which has been subscribed 20 times over. The London list was closed today. The premium fluctuated today between 2 and 2. closing at 2. Con rols ranged between 101 and 101, closing at 101 7-16. Americans opened strong, and kept firm. New York offered support, especially In St. Paul and Atchison, and the closing' was cheerful at the top. The contangoes In this department were . and discount Increased. Both London and New York bought Anacondas strongly all day, but there was no explanation of the movement. Tlntos also went, up on French buying. The bank received 124.000 from Holland, and boucht 29.000 In bare. Call and tlmj money were in strong demand. Money, Exchnnce. Etc. SAN FRANCISCO, March 12. Sterling on London 60 days, $4 S3; do sight, $4 87. Mexican dollars 48049c NEW YORK. March 12. Money on call. Arm at 30C per cent; last loans, 3. Prime mercantile paper-405 per cent. Sterling exchange Steady, with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at $4 66 for demand and at $4 8204 82 for 00 dajo; poatcd rates, $4 S304 84 and $4 8704 87; commer cial hills. $4 8104 82. . Sliver certificates 0061c Mexican dollars 47c Bonds Government, weak; state, strong; rail road, strong. LONDON, March 12. Consols 101. Money 304 per cent. The amount of bullion taken into the Bank of England on balance today was 153,000. London Stock 'Market. LONDON, March 12. Canadian Pacific, 1O0& Union Pacific preferred, 76: Northern Pacific preferred, 75; Atchison, 23; Grand Trunk, 8: Anaconda, 10. THE GRAIN MARKETS. Prices for Ccreala In American, and European Ports. SAN FRANCISCO, March 12.-i-Wheat, Inact ive, Barley, quiet. Oata, steady. Spot quotations: Wheat No. 1 shipping, 95c; milling, D7c0$l per cental. Barley Feed, 70075c; brewing, 82085c Oats Gray, Oregon, $1 O701 12.; milling, $1 1501 17; red $1 121'20. Call board saleo: , Wheat Inactive: .May, 97c; December, $1 03 per cental; cash, 95c Barley No sales. Com Large yellow, $1 OSSl 10. CORN WAS BOOBITNG. Fortunes Made and Lost Y'estcrdny in Chicarro'n Grain Pit. CHICAGO, March 12. Corn took the lead of the speculative markets, at the beginning of the session, as it did Saturday, and held it through out 9. "nratl"r.n1 r1n- tntaroat In Vij wt-.-.s. 1 cereal has ot been so general Id year aa Jt was today. Predictions were made that the market would follow corn and "go wild" within a short time, basing the predictions on the chances of unfavorable conditions during the planting season. The greater port of the ses sion the pit was a struggling mass of frantic men, none more frantic than the shorts, who were compelled to cover wltn heavy losses. For tunes were made and lost In that wild scramble for the cereal, which statistics showed was getting rather scarce in many sections. May opened 3i0c over Saturcay at 3G036. The Government report, which seemed to be the main motive In the upward course of the mar ket, showed 27,000.000 bushels less In farmcra hands than there was a year ago. The 'quantity on ocean passage decreased 2.2OS.000 bushels, and Is r.ow down to 9.S4S.O00 bushels. The visible increased- over 1,000,000 bushels, but the supply Is now 21,060,000 bush els, compared with 34,033,000 bushels a year ago. World's shipments were small, and Liver pool was up 3id. This array of Information fur nished the stimulus for the Initial gain, and the awakening of shorts and others. The price until 11 o'clock did not vary much from the opening figures. Then It began to shoot up. Nothing could stnD it, apparently, and. as the anxious shorts bid higher and higher, men In other pits quit their work to lock on. If not to participate. The demand seemed limitless, al though the advance carried the cash article out of line, with exports big. May touched 3S9 3Sc on the bulge, and closed lc over Satur day, at 3703Sc. The corn market began to move upward from 29c about four months ago. Saturday the close was at 360O6c for May. The wheat market was dominated by the corn strength. The statistics were bearish. There wao a large increase In the world's ship ments and on passage, and receipts were heavy. Cables were steady, making about the only In dependent support the market had throughout the session, when it was drawn out of the commercial orchestra by the noise In the corn -pit. The cash demand was checked by the ad vance, and altogether the trade was not Im portant, belnc merely a feeble reflection ot the corn market. May opened unchanged, al C306Oc touched 65c and reacted to 60c with corn, closing c over Saturday, at 660 eoxc. The trade in oats was not important, but the market was helped by the corn strength. May clceed 0c higher, at 24c Provisions were strong and the trade broad. The commission business showed a liberal In crease, and there was some Important cover lng. Pork attracted special attention, as the contract stock does not exceed 40,000 barrels, with delivery day on May options only 50 da away. May pork closed 22c Improved, Ma? lard 7c up and May ribs 10c better. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. . Opening. Highest. Lowest, Cles. March : $0 63; May $0rtF4 $0 06 $0 C5 6&h July 66 67 66 67 CORN. March 30 May 3$H 3S 3G4 38 July 3C 3S: 3G 38 September .... 37 38 37 S8 OATS. May 23S 24 23 21 July 22 23 22 23 MESS PORK. May 1090 1110 1090 1110 July 1100 1110 1100 1110 LARD. May 600 607 GOO 6 05 July 610 012 007 612 SHORT RIBS. May 5 97 6 05 5 97 6 05 July 6 00 0Q7 5; 97 0 07 Cash quotations were an follows; Flour Steady. Wheat No. 3 rpring, G2064c; No. 2 red, CSS60c Corn No. 2, S7037y4c Oats No. 2. 23024c; No. 2 white, 2C027or No. 3 white, 25026c RyeNo. 2. 55057c Barley-No. 2, 37041c Flaxseed No. 1. $1 00. Timothy seed Prime. $2 40. Mtfls pork-$10 20011 15 per bbl. Lard $5 8205 95 per cwt. Short ribs Sides, loose, $5 9006 15". Shoulders Dry salted, boxed, $6 250G CO. Short clear sides Boxed, $0 1506 30. Butter Strong; creamery, lOSai'ic; dairy, 10022c Cheese Firm. 124Sc Eggs Easy; fresh," 13c Receipts. Shipment Flour, barrels 93.000 62.000 Wheat, bushels 31.000 53.000 Corn, bushels 429,000 115,090 Oats, bushels 435.000 154.CO0 Rye, bushels -. 7.000 1.000 Barley, bushels 120.000 13,000 "Visible Grain Supply. NEW YORK, March 12. The statement of the visible supply of grain in store and afloat en Saturday, March 10, as complied by the New York Produce Exchange. Is as follows: Bushels. Inc Dec Wheat 53.698.000 3S3.000 Com 21.OOS.000 1,394.000 Oats Q.01C.OOO 41.000 Rye 1.710,000 6.000 Barley 1.000.000 189.000 New York Grain and Produce. NEW YORK, March 12. Flours-Receipts. 20. 300 barrels: exports, 10,499. Market quiet. Wheat Receipts, 100.000 bushels; exports 183,532. Spot, firm; No. 2 red. 77c Options opened steady on liberal foreign buying, and developed a strong advance. The market closed firm, 0c net advance. May, 73c; July, 72o; September, 72c Wool Dull. Hops Firm. European Grain Markets. LONDON, March 12. Wheat Cargoes off coast, nothing doing; cargoes on passage un changed; Walla Walla, 2Ss. Imports into United Kingdom, wheat, 102,000 quarters; flour, 272,000 barrels; wheat and flour on passage to United Kingdom, 3,000,000; do to Continent, 1,150,000. LIVERPOOL, March 12. Wheat and flour in Paris, steady. Spot wheat, no stock. Futures, quiet; March, 5s lOd; May, 5s 9d; July. 3s 6d. Corn Spot, firm; American mixed, new, 3s 10d; old, 3s 10d. Futures, steady; May, 3s 9d: July. 3 9d. The Imports of wheat Into Liverpool last week were 37.800 quarters from Atlantic ports, 10, 000 from Pacific ports and 15,000 quarters from other ports. The Imports of corn from Atlantic ports last week into Liverpool were 54,300 quarters. SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. SAN FRANCISCO, March 12. Wool Spring Nevada. 12015c: Eastern Oregon, 12016c; Val ley. Oregon, 20022c Fall Northern, mount ain, 10012c; mountain. 8010c; plains. 8010c; Humboldt and Mendocino, 15017c per pound. Hops 1899 crop, 11013c for choice per pound. .Mlllstuffe Middlings, ?17Qi20; bran, $12013 per ton. Hay Wheat. 57010 par- ton; wheat and oat, $709; barley. $5 5007 50; alfalfa. $007 tfb; clover, $708 per ton; straw. 3042c per bale. Potatoes Early Jtose, 75085c; river Burbanks, 40070c; Salinas Burbanks, SOc0$l 10; Oregon Burbanks, O5c0$l 05 per sack; sweets, $202 15 per cental. Onions $1 7502 per cental. Citrus fruit Mexican limes. $405; common California lemons. 75c0$l 50; choice, $1 752. Tropical fruit Bananas, $1 50 0 2 50 per bunch: pineapples, nominal. Apples 50c$l 25. Butter Fancy creamery. 21022c; do seconds, 1902Oc; fancy dairy, 19c; do seconds, 15010c; pickled. 22024c; firkin, 21022c per pound. Cheese New, 8Q9c; Eastern. lC017c per pound; Young America. 1010c; Western, 13 14c per pound. Eggs Store, 12013s; Eastern and ranch, 16c per dozen. Receipts Flour, quarter, sacks. 7010; do Ore gon, 25.S52; wheat, centars. 07,640; barley, cen tals, 3805; oats, centals, 2770; beans sacks. 670; potatoes sacks, 3994 ; do Oregon 3799; bran, sacks, 423; do Oregon, 1820; middlings, sacks, 1CS5; hay, tons. 541; hides, 176. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO. March 12. Cattle Receipts, 18. 000 head. Market generally steady: natives, good to prime steers, steady to strong, $500; poor to medium, steady to slow.. $404 85; se lected feeders, steady. $4 10t4 75; mixed stock ers, slow. $3 40 Q 3 85; cows and butchers, steady. $304 30; heifers, $3 1004 00; canners, $2 4003; bulls. $304 30; calves, $4 7507 73, Texans, receipts, 1500; Texas fed steers, steady. $3 8004 90; Texas tjulls. $3 2503 75. Hogs Receipts, 30,000. Market strong to 5c higher; top, $5 02; mixed and butchers, $4 SO 05; good to choice heavy, $4 9505 02: rough heavy. $4 8004 90; light. $4 7504 05; bulk of sales. $4 9004 07. Sheep Receipts, 17.000- Sheep steady to strong, lambs about sttady; good to choice wethers, $5 5000 90; fair to choice mixed. $4 73 G5 40; Western sheep. $5 4005 S3; yearling?. $5 90g6 50; native lambs, $3 7507 35; Western larrjtw, $007 35. OMAHA, March 12. Cattle Receipts, 2000. Downing, Hopkins & Co. Chicago Board of Trade New York Stock Exchange Brokers Continuous market quotations at principal centers of trade received, over our own wires. Branch offices at Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, Walla "Walla, Colfax, "Wash., Vancouver and Victoria, B. C. Room 4 Ground Floor, Chamber of Commerce. Both Telephone. CAPE NOME S. S.- GEO. W. ELDER, S. S. NOME CITY S. S. DESPATCH The above first-class steamers will sail every 10 days during the season for Cape Nome, York and St. Michael and Yukon river points. First Sailing, May 15, FOR KATES AND IXFOHMATIOS APP LY TO CALIFORNIA & OREGON COAST S. S. CO. F. P. BAUWGARTNER, 233 Washington St. W. A. Mitchell fc Co., General Amenta, San Franclaco. Pacific Coast iiiiife Cape Nome Gold Fields WME&0!ft lne THE NEW" PALATIAL "Senator" will sal! from San Francisco, May 14. Seattle, May 19. Subsequent trips will be from Seattle direct, namely: June 21, July 21 and August 20. The "Senator" has a capacity of 2500 torw. Hr second cablrj and steerage accommodation! are superior to the flrtrt-class accommodations of meet of the ateamers advertised for Nome. The Pacific Coast Steamship Co. has been running Its steamers to Alaska winter and sum. mer for 25 yean, and la the pioneer Pacific Coast line. Seattle freight and passenger rates ap ply from Portland. For further Information inquire of GOODALL. PERKINS & CO.. General Agent. 10 Market, San Franclooo. or N. P03TON. Agent, 20 Washington rrt., Portland. Or. HUDYAN fr- I B-fl IFfcVAN frm Yur druggist, 50c a packag JL-1 IIUlIMn for $2.50. If your druggist docs not keep it,sei direct to HUDYAN REMEDY CO corner Stockton, Ellis and Market streets, Si Francisco, Cal. Consult Hudyan Doctors About Your Case Free of Charge, Write. Market steady; native beef steers, $45 50, cows and helfera, $S 25tJ 25; cannera, $2 25-3 3; Blockers and feeders. (3 "Ofi5; calves, $10 7 2T: bulls and stags. $2 753 10. Hogs Receipts. 4500. Market shade higher; heavy, i TTbSM 87: mixed. $4 751 77b: light. ?4 70ff4 77; bulk, of sales, ft 75. Sheep Receipts. 5300. Market steady; fair to choice natives, 55 SOSC 25; fair to choice "West erns, $o 25tf6 90; common and stock sheep, $4 5; lambs, $0 25S7 10. KANSAS CITY. March 12. Cattle Receipts. 5000. Market strong: ?exas steers, $334 45; Texas cowa, $2 503 85; native steers. $3 Kr-3 R 30; native cows and heifers. $234 GO;- stock ers and feeders, $3 G05 10; bulls. $3$4 25. Hogs Receipts. 6000. Market strong; bulk ol sales. $4 704 85; heavy. ?4. 704 02; pack ers, $4 7004 00; mixed, ft 458-1 82; lights, ft 7S-1 82; Yorkers, fl 704 52; plsu, $3 8O04 C5. Sheep Receipts, 2000. Market steady; lambs, $GS7 C5; muttons, $3 40tp8 15. Tlie Metal Markets. NEW YORK. March 12. Trade in metal continues slack. Lake copper, unchanged, at ?1G 25; tin. dull, $34 50; spelter, easier; lead, unchanged, ?4 70 4 75. The firm that fixes the selling price for miners and smelters quotes lead at H 45 at the close. Bar silver. C0o. SAN FRANCISCO. Msrch 12. Bar silver, per ounce. COTtc LONDON, March 12. Bar silver, 27d. Coffee and Sngar. NEW YORK. March 12. Coffee Optlorj closed steady, 10 points net higher; sales, 27,750 bags. Including March and May at ?6 70. July, 50 75; September, 50 85. Spot. Rio. dull; No. 7. Invoice. SV4c; No. 7, Jobbing, SHc Mild, quiet; Cordova. 014c Sugar Raw, Ann; fair reflnlng. 3c; centrif ugal, 06 test, 4Jc; refined, quiet. Brooms "Will Not Advance. Brooms in the Northwest, while 51 per dozen cheaper than In the East, will be no higher this season, although representatives of certain. San Francisco Jobbers are circulating reports to the contrary. ir order to effect sales. Snlt Over Hops. Paul R. G. Hurst & Lachman Company, a "West Virginia corporation, has begun eult against the Southern Pacific Company for possession of 51 "bales of hops, of the value of 5550, and for 5100 damages because of non-delivery. It is alleged that the hops were grown by J. N. Hoffman, of PRIMARY, SECONDARY OR TERTIARY BLOOD P01S0.1 Permanently Cured. Vou can be treated at home under same guaranty. If you have taken mer cury. Iodide potash, and still have acnes and pains. Mucus Patches In Mouth. Sore Throat. Pimples. Copper-Colored spots. Ulcers on any part of tho body. Hair or Eyebrows falling out. write COOK REMEDY CO. 1533 Masonic Temple, Chicago. 111. for proofs of cures. Capital. S5UO.0O0. We sollplt the mo: ob stinate casei. We have cured the worst cases id 15 to 35 days. 100-par;e Book Free. Steamship Co. STEEL STEAMSHIP Hollow Eyes and Sunken Cheeks Tell of coming' nervous prostration. These ajrmptorns serve to warn you that, danger threatens. Bemovea the danger, for HUDTAN cures all -wealc nerve conditions. HITDYAK cre ates bright eyes and rosy complexions. Jb your appetite poor, your digestion Impaired (2), your tongue coated, your memory clouded, your skin harsh and dry? If bo, take HUDYAN. Are you weak. Irritable, cross, de spondent, gloomy, nervous? Do you lack confidence In yourself? If so, HUDYAN" la what you need. Do you aufler -with headaches (3), back ache, pains la Joints (6), fluttering of heart (1). & feeling of exhaustion, dizzy sensations? Get HUDYAN at once and take It according: to directions. HUDYAN cures one and all the abovo symptoms, because they denote nerve weakness. HUDYAN Is a nerve remedy that Is recognised by scientific physi cians. HUDYAN Is an unfailing specific for all such conditions as mentioned above. Be cUTed by HUDYAN don't be come a nervous wreck. Sherwood, Or., and were in the control of tho defendant on March 2. The plain tiff says he demanded the possession of the hops and defendant refused. The cause of, the controversy Is not shown by tho complaint. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. GO EAST VIA ON THE FAMOUS Chicago - Portland Special And Travel in Luxurious Comfort Dining Cars. Service a la Carte. Library-Bnflet Smoking Cars. Palace anil Ordinary Sleeping Cars. Free Reclining- Chair Cars. The only train running through solid from Portland to Chicago. No change of cars. Every car Illuminated with Pintsch gas. Leave 8 P. M., Portland. Arrives 0:43 P. M. CITY TICKET OFFICE 124 Third St. Phone Main 569 W. E. COMAN. J. R. NAGEL. General Azent. City Ticket Agt. (PfelSAEfflAKI SOO PACIFIC LINE Offers the LOWEST RATES and BEST SERV Ice to and from ail Eastern points and Europe. Through cars from coast to St. Paul. Toronto. Montreal aa Boston WITHOUT CHANGE. Direct Route to Kootenay Mining District British Columbia Canadian Pacific rrjsl mill Mttumnip lines u Japar- an1 lsi:r-iiltt-Fw rte and Information, apply to H. H. ABBOTT. Agent. E. J. COTLE. 148 Third street, euy. A. G. P. A.. Vancouver. B. C WASHINGTON & ALASKA STEAMSHIP CO. Steamship "CITY OF SEATTLE" will leave Seattle at 8 P. M. on Thursday, Feb. 22. and every 10 dayi thereafter. lor Vancouver. Ketch ikan, Juneau and Skagway, making trip from Seattle to Skairway in 71! houn?. For freight and passage Inquire of DOmVELL & CO., LIM1TKD, AGENTS. Z m ' -, -: , . . ---t TRAVELEnS GUIDE. Union Depot, SLxtb. and J Streets. TWO TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST "PAST MAIL ATD PORTLAND - Cni CAGO SPECIAL ftOUTE." Leaves for the East via Spokane dally at 3.43 P. M. Arrives at 8:00 A. M. Leaves for the East, via Pendleton and Hunt ington, daily at 8:00 P. M. Arrives, via Hunt lngtcn and PenoHton, at 8:45 P. M. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS. Water lines schedule, subject to change with out notice: OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. OCEAN DIVISION steamships sail fr-m Alnswortb. dock at 8. 'JO P M. Leave Portland Columbia sails Saturday. March 3: Tuesday, March 13; Friday. March 23; Monday. April 2; Thursday, April 12. State of California sails Thursday. March 8: Sunday. March IS; Wed nesday. March 23; Saturday. April 7. From San Francisco Sate of California sails Saturday. March 4; Wednesday. March 14; Sat urday. March 24: Tuesday. April 3; Friday. April 13. Columbia sails Friday. March 0; Mon day. March 10; Thursday. March 20: Sunday, April 8. COLUMBIA RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Hassalo leaves Portland dally, except Sunday, at 8:00 P. M.; on Saturday at 10:00 P. M. "Returning, leaves Astoria dally, except Spa day, at 7:00 A. M. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND CORVALLI3. OR. Steamer Ruth, for Salsm. Albany. Corvallts and way points, leaveti Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6.00 A. M. Return lng, leaves Corvallis Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridara at fl:00 A M. Steamer Modoc, for Salem. Independence and way points, leaves Portland Mondays. Wednes days and Fridays at 0:00 A. M. Returning, leaves Independence Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays a I H.30 A. M. YAMHILL RIVER ROUTE. PORTLAND AND DATTON. OR. Steamer Elmore, for Dayton and way paints, leaves Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays at 7 A. M. Returning, leaves Dayton for i-oruanii ana way points Mondays, weunesaays and Fridays at 0 A. M. SNAKE RIVER ROUTE. RnARIA. WASH.. AND LEWISTON. TDAHO. Steamer Spokane or steamer Lewlston leaves Rlpaxla dally at 1:20 A. M., arriving at Lewiston at 12 o'clock noon. Returning, the Spokane or Lewiston leaves Lewiston dally at 8:30 A. M arriving at RIparia same evening. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent. V. A. SCHILLING. City Ticket Agent. Telephone Main 712. NewSteamshipLinetotheOrieat CHINA AND JAPAN. FROM PORTLAND. In connection with THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. Schedule, 1000 (subject to change): Steamer. Due to Leave Portland. "ABERGELDDr March 23 "MONMOUTHSHIRE" April 11 "BRAEMAR" May 2 For rates, accommodations, etc.. apply to DODWELL & COMPANT. Limited, General Agents. Portland, Or. To principal points In Japan and China. THE FASTEST AND MOST DIRECT JNE -TO THE ASTANDSOUTHEAST IS THE CnRr 5 PlCTOfc The Direct Line to Denver, Omaha. Kansas City and St. Louis. Only 3 Days to Chicago, Only 4 Days to New York and. other Principal Eastern cities Tnxoctfh Pnllmno Palace Sleepers Tourist, Sleepers DInlnsr Cars (nienla n la carte), uni Free Rccltulntr Chnlr Cars Operated Dally on Fast Mall Trains Through tickets, baggrge checks and sleeping. rar accommodations can ba arranged at CITY TICKET OFFICE 135 Third StresI Portland, Oregon J. H. LOTHROP. Gen'l Agent. GEORGE LANO. City Pass. & Tkc Agt. E The Magnificent Trans-Pacific Passenger Steamship TACOMA Registered tonnage, 2811 tons; capacity, 4000 tons: passenger accommodations, 100 first class, 900 second class. This steam ship has just been released from the gov ernment service as a troopship, and has every modern comfort and convenience and Is the largest steamship in tho Cape Nome trade. Will sail from Tacoma and Seattle on or about the 23th of May. For rates and full Information apply to DODWELX. & CO.. LTD. Telephone, Main, 93. 252 Oak Street. Pacific Coasl SteamshlD Co. rOR ALASKA THE COMPANY'S elegant stezmers. Cottage City, City of Topeka and Al - Kl leave TACOMA 11 A. M.. SEATTLE 0 P. M.. Mar. 11. 10. 21, 20. 31. Apr. 5. 10. 15, 2u. 25. 30. May 5. and every firth day thereaf-ter. For further Infor mation obtain company's folder. The company reserves the right to chung steamers, sailing datf and houra of sailing, without previous notice. AGENTS N. POSTON. 2-10 Washington jU Portland. Or.: F. W. CARLETON. N. P. R. R. dock. Tacoma; J. F. TROWBRIDGE. Pugot Sound Supt.. Ocean dock. Seattle. GOODALL. PERKINS & CO.. Gen. Acts.. S. P. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. LEAVES UNION DEPOT. i For Mayf ers. Rainier, i ClaUkanle, Westport. ARRIVES UNION DEPOT. Clifton. Astoria, w nr renton. Flael. Ham mond. Fort Stevens, Gearhart Park. Setslde. Astoria and Seashore Express. Dally. AitorU Express. Daily. B:C0 A. M. 11:13 A.M. 9-AO P. M. 7:00 P. M. Ticket offlee. 235 Morrison st. and Union dtpot. J. C. MATO. Gen. Pass. Act.. Astoria. Or. CAPE NOME VIA DAWSON Alaska SteamslilpCompany NEXT SAILING. THE DIRIGO. MARCH 11. The only company liavlng through traffic ar rangements to Atlln and the Klondike. Weekly Mlllngs from Tacoma. For full Information ap ply to J. L. HARTMAN. Agent, Portland, Or., 3 Chamber of Commerce. rs . -5 fe ' TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Ol VIA SOUTH lZ( sunsct -n itru Kxres jn) Leave ntpot fm J3d j stfttt5 Arrlvo OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAIN3 for Salem. Rose-7-00 P M burg. Ashland. Sc- ,.. , ,, . .w if. -l. ramer,to o g d e n. 0:15 A- M- an Francisco. Mo-q.-hj x r Jave. Los Angeloa, S.30 A. M. I Pas0 j.e 071 .7:00 P. at leans and the East . At "Woodburn (dally except Sun day. morning train connects with train for Mt. Angel. 511 vecton. Browns ville. Springfield and Natron, and evening train for Mt. Angel and SI verton. t7:30 A. M. Corvallis passenger 5:50 J4:50 P. M. Sheridan passenger $3:25 A. 2s. Daily, JDaily except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland, Sac ramento and San Francisco. Net rates $17 first class and $11 second claas. including sleeper. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent, 140 Third st. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson Street. Leave for Oswego dally at 7:20, 9:40 A. M.: 12:30. 1:55. 3:25. 5:15. 6:23. S:03. 11:30 P. M.; and 0:00 A. M. on Sundays only. Arrive at Fortland daily at 0:33. 8:30. 10:50 A. M.: 1:35. 3:15. 4.30. 6:20. 7:40, 10:00 P. M.; 12:40 A. M. dally, except Monaay. 8:20 and 10:05 A. M. on Sundays only. Leave for Dallas dally, except Sunday, at 4:30 P. M. Arrive at Portland at 0:30 A. M. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlie Mon days. "Wednesdays and Fridays at 2:45 P. M. Returns Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturday. Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER. C. H. MARKHAM. Manager. Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt. THE DINING CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW STONE PARK. Leavo Union Depjt.Flfti.Mil Sll Arrive No. 2. JTast mail for Taco ma. Seattle. Olympia, Gray's Harbor an J South Bend points. Spokane. Rossland. O. C, Pullman. Moscow. Lewiston. Buffalo Hump mining country. Helena. Minneapolis. St. Paul. Omaha. Kan sas City, St. Louis, Chicago and all points cast and southeast; Puget Sound Express for Tacoma and Seattle and Intermediate points No.L 11:13 A.M. No. 4. 11:30 P. M. 5:50 P. M. No. a. :00 A. M. Pullman first-class and tourist xleepers to Min neapolis, St. Paul and Missouri river points with out change. Vestlbulid trains. Union depot connection la all principal cities. Baggage checked to destination of tickets. For handsomely Illustrated descriDtlve matter, tickets, sleeping-car reservations, etc. call on ot write A. D. CHARLTON Assistant Genernl Passenger Ascent, 255 Morrbon St.. Cor. Third, Portland. Oregon. came home Via tho Burlington, and she says It was the most pleasant railroad journey of her life." Thi3 extraqt from a letter from one of our Denver patrons gives point to the statement: if you want COMFORT, take the Burlington. Three routes East via Den ver, St. Paul and Blllins3- Berths and tickets at Ticket Office, 100 3rd St., cor.Slark.ParlUsJ. Orcpi. H. "W. FOSTER, Ticket Acant. GEO. S. TATLOR, City Passenger Agent. sMjreatNosthern Ticket Officer 12i! Third St. 'Phone 030 LEAVE. No. 4 3:45 P. M. The Flyer, dally to and from St. Paul. Minne apolis. Duluth. Chicago and all paints East. ARRIVE. No. a. 8:00 A. M. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Buffet Smoking-Library Cars. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE STEAMSHIP IDZUMI MARU For Jnjyin. China and all Asiatic points will leave Seattle About March 28th. WHITE COLLAR LINE COLUMBIA RIVER & PUGET SOUND NAVI- GATION CO. PORTLAND AND ASTORLV. BAILEY GATZERT (Alder-street dock) Leaves Portland daily every morning at T o'clock, except Sunday. Returning, leaves As toria every night at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Oregon 'phone Main 321. Columbia 'phone 351. U. B. SCOTT. President. VANCOUVER TRANSPORTATION CO. Steamer Undine, Captain Charlss T. Kamm. leaves Vancouver at s:30 A. M. and 1 P. M. Leaves Portland at 10:30 A. M. and 4:30 P. M. Simdajs excepted. For freight or passage np ply on beard, foot of Taj lor street. Round trl, Sue, "My wife