THE MQBNING OKEGONIAtf, SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1900. 9 AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND CALVIN HEILIG Mgr. Two nlghla only (no Matinee). Friday and Sat urday. March 0 and 10. engagement of the Admirable Actor. MR. "WALTER WALKER, accompanied by MISS MILDRED ST. PIERRE. "THE NOMINEE." THE NOMINEE." Just as presented 300 nights In New Tork by Nat Goodwin. PRICES Lor-er floor, except last 3 rows. $1, last 3 rows, 75c. balcony, flrat 6 rows, 75c. balcony, last C rows, 50c; gallery, 25c Seats now on sale. MARQUAM GRAND CALVIN HEILIG. Mgr. ONE NIGHT ONLT. MONDAY. MARCH 12. BCALCHI OPERATIC FESTIVAL COMPANST, The ensemble of which Is MME. SOFIA SCALCHI. The World's Greatest Contralto. BIG. M. DE PA5QUALL the Eminent Tenor: BIG. A. FRANCESCHETTI. the Distinguished Baritone: CHEVALIER G. LO VERDI. Pianist to the Queen of Ita'y. Musical Director, and MME. BFRNICE DE PASQUALI. America's Greatest Soprano. In Musical Festival Gems. FOURTH ACT OF "TROVATORE." In cos tume with scenic effects. PRICES Lower floor, except last 3 rows, $1.50, last 3 rows, 51. Dress circle, flrrt 3 rows $1, next 3 rows, 75c: last 6 rows, DOc Gallery. 23c Seats now on sale. MARQUAM GRAND CAL. HEILIG. Mgr. Tuealay. Wedresday and Thursday. March 13, 14 ard ir. first time In this city of the real JEFFRIES-SHARKEY CONTEST PICTURES, Under the direction of "Win. A. Brady and Thos. O Rourke. A vivid and thrilling reincarnation of the greatest encounter known In the world's hlstcry. showing every movement, from start to finish, of the now celebrated battle of modern giants. The REAL PICTURES of the JEFFRIE3 SHARKEY CONTEST, covering every Instant cf the greatest firtlc battle of the country, re Qulrirg In representation two and one-half hours, using the LARGEST FILMS EVER MADE. Ex cry picture perfect, every face rec ognizable. There is nothing like them In the history of moving photography. To sec this contest is to pass through two and one-half hours cf Intense, ahsorblng interest, an enthu elastic eye-witness of the world's greatest con test. Ycur deepest attention is commanded without the lapse of a single second. PRICES Low er floor (except last 3 rows). $1; last 3 rows. 75c: balcony, first G rows, 75c; balccny. last G rowa 50c: gallery. 25c; boxes and loges, $7 50. Seats now on sale. CORDRAYS THEATER Unanimous verdict: "The best company Mr. Frawley has ever brought to Portland." OXLY MATINEE SATURDAY. THE FRA-WLET COMPANT. THE FRAWLEY COMPANY. THE FRAWLEY COMPANY. THE FRAWLEY COMPANY. Saturday Matinee and night. -TRILBY." strorgeet ensemble performance of the entire repertoire. Only two performances. PRICES Lower floor. 75c: loge seats. $1; boxes (4 seats). $5: balcony logea, 73c. balcony circle. 50e: gallery. .25c Matinee prices, 25c. 00c and 75c. SUNDAY AND MONDAY "IN PARADISE." aiEETIXG NOTICES. IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN. All members of Willamette Tribe. No. G, will as semble in the wigwam Sunday, at 1 o'clock P. M. sharp, to attend the funeral of cur late brother, D. Zinsley. keeper of wampum. All clster tribes and sojourning members are In vited to attend. A. RAI'SCHER, Sachem. J v. 1.ANKIX, Chief or .Records. CAMELIA CHAPTER. NO. 27. O. E. S. A regular communication this (Saturday) evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Hill's Hall. Upper Alhlna. By order W. M. NELLIE McKINLEY. Sec PAST SACHEMS' ASSOCIATION. All mem- toers of the association are requested to attend the funeral of Past Sachem D. Zinsley, at 1:30 P. M. Sunday, from Turn Halle. J. H. JONES, President. L. CARSTENSEN, Secretary. IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN. The members of Minnehaha Tribe. No. 2, are re quested to assemble in the wigwam at 1 o'clock P M. Sunday, to attend the funeral of Past Sachem D. Zinsley. of Willamette Tribe. No. 6. J. D. COMSTOCK. Sachem. L. CARSTENSEN. Chief of Records. PORTLAND TURN VEREIN. Members are requested to meet at .Turner Halle Sunday. 1 P. M . to at'end the funeral of our late broth er, D. Zinsley. DIED. FREEMAN In this city. March S. at G:30 A. al, 2iri. Alice. ieioved wire or at E. Free man. Funeral from residence. 333 Davis st. today at fl.30 A. M.; thence to Cathedral, where services will be held at 9 A. M. Friends invited. THOMSON At her late residence. 314 Tilla mook Ft. March S. 1900. Lottie May Thom son. Aged 22 ear. 3 months and 2 days; be loved w-lfe of L. B. Thomson. Funeral serv loea wlllt be held "aJL residence Saturday, March 10, at 2 P. M, Friends Invited to at tend. ZLNSLKY At the family residency-. 2304 First st . aiarcn 8. 1330. of heart dlsaass. Durlsch Zinsley, aged 55 years and 3 months. The funeral serviceo will be held at Turn Hall, Fourth and Yamhill sts., Sunday at 1:30 P. M. Friends invited. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery. ANDERSON In this city, at the home of his parents. 08 seiiwood st. March 9. 1000. Oscar L. Andersen, aged G months, eon of John and Anra Anderson. Notice of funeral hereafter. LMcKEW In this city. March 9. at 10 P. M.. 3oward wiuiam. n of Joan and Lizzie Mc Kew. a?ed 1 jear and 1 month. Funeral no tice later. EDWARD HOLTtIAN. Undertaker. 4th and Yamhill sts. Kena Stinson, lady assistaut. Both plioncx No. 507. J. P. FIXLEY SON, Undertakers. Lady Assistant. 275 Third st. Tel. i. F.S. DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady Assistant. Both phones. FOR. SALE REAL ESTATE. EAST SIDE HOME CORNER LOT AND house cf 9 large, well-arranged rooms, strictly modem, close In; desirable neighborhood, anu an opportunity to get an inside home for very little money. Easy terms. W. H. Grind staff. 246 Stark. NEW MODERN HOUSE. 10 MINUTES' WALK from postofnee, S2650. at $20 per month. New modern house. Washington car line. $1C59. at $15 per month. T 29, are Oregonlan. I $3000 A 12-ROOM HOUSE AND 4-ROOM Drink naaement, 14 block, barn, irmt and enau trees, in Brooklyn. E. SHe: a nobby house and place A. Matteson, 1834 Madison st $4rO0 BUSINESS PROPERTY, ALBINA.; nne brick improvement, paying over 10 per cent net: owner got Name" fever. Hart Land Co.. room 7 Sherlock build:rg. TWO BARGAINS. WEST SIDE RESIDENCE property, well located; 8-room house: $3200. 1 rooms and 3Sxl00. lot. $3900. Davidson. Ward & Co.. 272 Stark ft I COTTAGE. NOB HILL ?2R0O BUYS FULL lot and cottage of G rooms and bath. $1200 cash, balance monthly if desired. Address K 31, care Oregonlan. j $1800 Property In Albina bringing In $20 per .u.w.. VtiMCO lUk llll UIUUU1 CUlLUgC. HI Halladay's add.; cheap. Miller, 305 Chamber cf Commerce. FOR SALE BLOCK WITH BUILDINGS lor sellers will lease for a term of years. Address N 29, care Oregonian. j FOR SALE LOT 100xS3 AND 3 HOUSES. i. v. cor sevenin ana urant sts. inquire ot W. F. Hummel. Pioneer Wood Yard. L- B Chlpman; farms, stock ranches, timber claims, v iiy propen-. ous. cnances. 114 1st 7-ROOM HOUSE AND Vi BLOCK. $S0O; GOOD farm, cheap. Compson Co., CIS Marquam. I House and lot built to suit, Installments , email tuu imnnenis. .uammeier. oil aiarquam. WANTED Suburban real estate: must be bar gain. 303 Chamber of Commerce. LOT AND TWO MODERN HOUSES. IN- hus " "uw, .iu ruin.ers st. FOR SALE FAR3IS. FINE FARM OR DAIR RANCH. 5C0 ACRES: vjw Hlio "far Deat market, ana cneapest freight rates; 200 acres In grass; land level; creek on piacc. a cranberry patch of 50 acres cculd bo made, land has a half-mile frontage on ra Igaile stream, rlter steamers can land; good bu.ldings. two dwelling?, two large barn and creemory building. Will ell at a bar gain. Aibee & Co., 2G0 E. Water. Portland. RARE CHANCE I AM INSTRUCTED TO a nonresident, a well-improved 12-acre ranch near Vancouver. Waoh.; fine modem 5-room cottage, barn, chicken sheds, creamery, well and pump, all fenced: fine oll. Apply at once to J. H. Elwell. Vancouver. Wah. J IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL j5;n.s ui umuva ana wasningion; payments made to suit purchasers. For full particulars as to various properties, apply to Macmaster & Birrell, 311 Worcester block. MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK 5 ACRES. n ia .-iuiiai.iuii. ncur car une. wun oc tare. M&ke an offer. C. E. Bennett 127JJJ Fuurth rtreet 55 ACRES. ALL IN CULTIVATION. 8 MILES cast, iv arn in nui.; guoa improvements; barcaln. Manager Pacific Pottery Works. FOR SALE FARMS. STOCK AND FRUIT RANCH OF 879 ACRES for Gale: well watered, good soil: 30 acres bearing orchard; only two miles from Oak land, Douglas County. Or.; low price and easy terms. Apply directly to the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company. San Francisco. Cal. Improved farm. 169 acres. 10 miles from, Pprt land; 20 acres In hops. Drawer 17. Portland. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT SMALL FARM IN SUBURBS, near car line: large orchard, good bouse and barn, meadow, garden. nd running water. Terms reasonable; G 30, care Oregonlan. FARM NEAR CITY: GOOD HOUSE AND bam. Apply Geo. Hartman, 11th and Burn side. Portland, Or. TO EXCHANGE, TO EXCHANGE GRAPHOPHONE AND REC ords for bicycle, shotgun or cigars. R 31, cara Oregonlan. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. LOW -MARGIN CASH GROCERY. 209 4TH street Prices for Saturday and Monday onlj : .Positively the finest Tillamook butter made. 5c roll; local creamery. 50c roll; dairy, 30c to 40c; pure honey, 15c pint 1 gallon syrup or molasses, S0c; 1 gallon elder vinegar. 10c: smoked herring. 20c box: C lbs. rice, 7 lbs. boans, G lbs. No. 1 prunes. 9 lbs. oatti or wheat mush. 25c: 3 lbs. bulk tea. $1; 2 lbs. boneless codfish. 15c; Minneapolis corn meal, 20 lbs.. 35c: 10-lb. uall pure lard, C5c; Oregon eggs-, 10c dozen; Eastern, 2 dozen. 15c All price? cut for this Bale. BICYCLES WE HAVE ABOUT 50 SECOND liana bicycles, ail prices and all makes; ever- wheel In first-claw condition. Portland Gun Store. 132 First street Phone Black 937. SAWMILL MACHINERY. HEAVY CARRIAGE and mill. log - haul engine, boilers, pump, saws, belting, pulleys, etc A. C Shaw & Co., 512 California building. Tacbma. Wash. SIGEL'S SEWING MACHINE STORE FOR bargains. 20 second-band machines. ?5 and up; new machines, $20 and up. Seventh and Wasnlngton sts., under Imperial hotel. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN: A SMALL stock of clothing; must be sold for cash; seek ers of Job lots need not apply. Address P. O. box 150. Portland, Or. FOR SALE ONE BIG HORSE. 2 COWS. 20 chickens, single harness and new buggy, spring wagon and cart C. Hansen. 24th and Flanders. FINE LIGHT ROAD BUGGY. MADE BV Frank Thunander. price $05. Can be e?en at United Carriage Co.. Seventh and Taylor. SPAN MATCHED BLACK DRIVING HORSES to be .sold at auction; perfectly gentle. Cor. Seenth and Stark. Saturday. 11 A. M. ANOTHER FINE YOST. $20. REMINGTON. $30; Franklin. $30; Ford. 25. Densmore, $35. Ooat Agency Co.. 2GG4 Stark st 100 NEW BOX COUCHES FOR SALE AT half price. First-claps upholstering done rea sonably. Phone Clay 9S1. 249 Fifth et FOR SALE A GOOD SQUARE PIANO. IN excellent condition; .ery cheap. Address G 17, care Oregonlan. Magic lanterns, new. second-hand, moving pic tures. Bullard & Breck. 131 Post. San Fran. $8 FOR A NEW GAS COOKER: $2 CASH. balance $2 per month Gas Co.. 174 Fifth Pt. 50 RIGS. 300 SETS HARNESS. 50 SADDLES, and good horses, bargains. 211 Washington st For sale or trade 40 acres improved fruit .ranch; a bargain. McPherson. Gilman Hotel. A. WICKE. 1st and Market low-priced casa grocer. Free deliver'. Phone South 270. SADDLE AND COW PONY TOR SALE cheap. Inquire 303 Jefferson. Pianos. SHERMAN. CLAY & CO.. ROOMS 1G AND 17 Russel building, cor. Fourth and MorrUoa. Stclnway & Sons. A. B. Chase and Emerson pianos. A. B. Chase and W. W. Putnam or gans. Cash or installments. Gramophones anil Rcglna music boxes. ELEGANT NEW PIANO FOR RENT. VERY cheap. Graves & Co.. 2S5 Alder st. xear Fourth. BEST UPRIGHT PIANO The Jacob Doll. Rent applied on purchase money. Sinsheimer. 72 3d. SOCLE BROS.. EXPERT TUNERS. 107 FIRST st. Phcnes Ellerw Pann Hous. HELP WANTED-MALE. TRAVELING SALESMAN CANVASSING State of Oregon and adjacent territory can obtain from a flrrt-class New York firm a quick-selling side line, on liberal commission, to be sold to the crockery, department and fancy goods trade. Samples cafily carried in small space. Apply, stating present line of goods and towns regularly visited, to MUton Harvey. 41 Walker ct. New York City. 4 MACHINISTS. $3.25: PATTERN-MAKER $3. 25; teams, logging camp; coa.1 miners; log gers: carpenters. $35 board: laborers, $1. board: foreman R. R. work. $40 to SCO; land clearere, $40 to $45; farm hands. $25; wood choppers; man and wife, ranch. $35. Other work. Canadian Arency. 220' i Morrison. Men -wanted to learn barber trade; only S weeks required: special Inducements this season; Il lustrated catalogue, map of city and souvenir mailed free. Moler's Barber College, San Francisco, Cal. FIRST-CLASS DRY GOODS SALESMAN FOR Kauffman Bros.. Skagway, Alaska. For par ticulars call at 31 Second st. between 4 and 5 P. M., or address D 32, care Orcsonlan. SEVERAL SEWING MACHINE SALESMEN; salary and commission. Call at White ofilce. cor. Second and Mirrlson. Saturday, 10 to 12 or 2 to 4. or address H. S. Smith. WANTED A FIRST-CUSS WOOD-TURNEK. permanent position; also an experienced tenon machine man. Wheeler, Osgood & Co., Ta coma. Wash. WANTED AN OFnCE BOY. WILLING TO work. Apply at room 818 Oregonlan building this morning at 10 o'clock. 2 CARPENTERS 2.50. S WEEKS' WORK: timber fallcr. $2.73. Canadian Agency, 220, Morrison. Worklngman's Barber Shop: haircut 13c, shave 10c: G chairs. Ed Der.nleon. 205 Morrison ot Cash for acceptable ideas. State If patented. Ad dress THE PATENT RECORD. Baltimore. Md. WANTED PATTERN-MAKERS AND MA chlnlsts. Willamette Iron & Steel Works. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HOUSEKEEPER BY MAN. ONE CHILD; Ap plications without reference will not be oon eidered; no objection to one child. Address 1 27. Oregonian. 2 WAITRESSES. WALLA WALLA. $18. FARE- UJl?.1111 ?12,' lamdry help, houoawork. $12 to $20. Canadian Parlors. 220$ Morrison. BOOKKEEPER. $40. GIRL FOR GROCERY and confections. Domestics for Columbia R town. $15. Othere. R. G. Drake. 152 First ' WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GEN eral housework; must be good cock. Apply 22S Union avenue. North. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work: small family; good wages. Apply 770 Irving st. 15 TO 30 NEW ORDERS EVERY PAY- CLL often. Canadian Einp, Parlors. 220 MVrlson. WANTED APPRENTICE TO ASSIST AT Lltt's; must be willing- to work. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 345 11th. HSLP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED A FEW FIRST-CLASS WEAV ers; steady work; good wages. Apply Pioneer Woolen Mills Co.. Dallas. Polk Co.. Or. SITUATION WAXTED-MALa SITUATION WANTED YOUNG MAN. Ex perienced, as collector, part inside work: ref erences. Address H 32. care Oregonlan. BY JAPANESE. DO GOOD COOKING IN family, other for waiter, speaks English well. R 32, care Oregonlan. WANTED WORK IN WHOLESALE LIQUOH house, by experienced man. Address B 27. care Oregonlan. SITUATION "WANTED FEMALE. Dreiiraakerx. WANTED BY DRESSMAKER. A FEW MORE engagements by the day. or at home. F 32 care Oregonian. Boolckeeperii and 5tenosrrapher. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER. 22 YEARS SL JLu dalr position; salary no object SGo E. Burnsidc Mlsccllaneon. ORDER HELP FREE. WHITE. CHINESE. Jap, anybody. R. Q. Drake, 152 First Phones. "WANTED A GISNTS. AGENTS ON SALARY OR COMMISSION. THE greatest agents' seller :ver produced; every user of pen and Ink buys It en night: 200 to 500 per cent profit, one agent's salts amounted to $020 In six days: another $32 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X 44. LaCrcsse. Wis. AGENTS "LIFE OF MOODY." BY DR. Chapman, sells like wildfire. We guaran tee $5 a day and send outfit absolutely free on receipt J. L. Nichols & Co.. Napervttle. Illinois. WANTED TO RKXT. WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE. APRn 1. C-room cottage. In good location, with some yard room; West Side. Address, giving loca tion and price. X 20. care Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT MODERN HOUSE. NOT lenj than 9 rooms; would take lease for 3 to 6 years; West Side, and good location. U 30. care Oregonian. WANTED ABOUT "MAT 1. MEDIUM-SIZED furnished house, on Mount Tabor or White Hottre road. Apply 241 Front st. FOR RENT. Rooms. THE SPALDING. S. E. COR. PARK AND Alder sts.. under the management of the owner. Helen F. Spalding The meet complete apartment-house In the Northwest: choice rooms, for gentlemen cr gentleman and -"vlfe; furnished housekeeping eailtea a specialty. THE NEWCASTLE. S. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison sts. Rooms, fumlehed or unfur nished; all modern convstilences; references. THE GILBERT LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED rooms: all modern conveniences. Third and Taylor sts.: entrance. 2C7 Taylor. 129 10TH. BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND Alder Pleasant furnished front room; one or two-gentlemen; modern. 193 14TH ST.. NEAR TAYLOR BEAUTIFUL front room: private family; gas. bath, phone; reasonable; references. THE VANDERBILT. 3S1 YAMHILL NEWLY furnlshed rooms; modern convenlcnes; prices reasonable. NICELY FURNISHED OUTSIDE ROOMS: reasonable rent; respectable management 225 Malnst THE CLEMENT. Cth and Oak ts. Nicely fur nished rooms, steam heat and electric lights. GILMAN HOTEL Brick bldg.. central; fur nished rooms, $1 week and up. 1st and Alder. For Rent Furnished cr unfurnished rooms. In quire Everett st. between Park and Ninth. iT.e Wlnfield. lOGt 4th Newly furnished rooms, for gentlemen only. Mrs. W. W. Wright THE CASTLE A suite of furnloned rooms, suit able for gentlemen. 372 Washington ot LA.RGE FURNISHED ROOM: SUITABLE for two; upstairs. 306 Fourth ct. Rooms With Board. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 12TH YEAR: rooms with board; enameled bath tubo: use of library. Woman'o; Industrial school. Address Mrs. E. C. Georre. superin tendent. 510 Flanders street THE VENDOME FAMILY HOTEL FUR nLhed rooms, with board. $1 a day up, Includ ing Fteara heat and baths; first-clas3 trade v lictted. Cor. 13th and Alder. TWO LARGE. PLEASANT FRONT ROOMS, single or ensuitc, all conveniences: best of board. The Sterling, 535 Couch ot, comer lth. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOSI. with board, near pot office; suitable for couple or two gentlemen. 395 Morrisin, cor. 10th. LARGE. PLEASANTLY FURNISHED ROOM; suitable for two persona; excellent table board. Mrs. Montelth's. 46S Yamhill. LYNDELL. 5S4 MORRISON NEW MANAGE ment; elegantly furulehed rooms. -with board. OSBORN HOUSS-A1 board and rooms. $4.50 week. J. W. .lng Cator, late from Chicago. ELEGANT ROOMS. WITH GOOD BOARD; all conveniences; best location. 229 11th st NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD. 141 West Park. nonnelreeplne Kooium ENTIRE PARLOR FLOOR OF MODERN FRI vate residence, completely furnished; gas; good basement; yard. 290 Jefferson. STRANGERS' HOME. 2TSJ4, FUIST AND Burnslde Furnished rooms; also rooms for light housekeeping; transient FOR RENT TWO OR THREE LARGE FUR nlshed rcems. for hounekeeplng; gas range, bad. telephone. 1S7 12th. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FLAT. WITH gas range and telephone; also culte If desired. 135 10th. cor. Alder. 372 FIRST ST. TWO OR FOUR NICELY furnished hovveVeeplng rooms: sink In kitch en: very reasonable. HOUSEKEEPER ROOMS. FURNISHED, from 9 to $12 a month; place for washing. 2044 Foqrth st 231 MARKET LOVELY. LIGHT. CLEAN eulte of rooms, with bay window; no chil dren. 3-ROOM FLAT. WITH BATK. IN THE SEVTL la. Inquire 210 Third st SUITE OR SINGLE ROOMS. 122& FIFTH st TeL Hood 723. Donees. FOR RENT-GOOD CORNER STORE ON N. 19th and Overton els.; low rent to good ten ant Two-story house. N. 19th. near Orerton; arranged It can be used by two families, rent -very reasonable Meat market, well ar ranged, with fixtures, on cor. North 10th and Pettygrove, where a man can do a good busi ness. For particulars call- on J. Kraemer, Commercial block. FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE. 11 ROOMS, bath, clcssts. cement basement, electric lights; choice location; 35 to responsible tenant Montague &. Borden. 22C Stark st FnrnlBhd House. $S PER MONTH; 3-ROOM FLAT: BATH room. clothes closet, pantry, woodshed; all furnished for housekeeping: G32 Seventh, two blocks south of Grant ft. . Phone Uniou 515. FOR RENT FURNISHED COTTAGE, FIVE rooma. nicely located, on Third-street car: no children: $20 per month. David S. Steam. 249 Washington ot FURNISHED FLAT. FOUR LARGE ROOMS; bath, basement large yard; quiet neighbor hood. 200 14th. cor. Taylor. 515 PR MONTH: 0-ROOM COTTAGE. NICB ly furnished, for housekeeping; 209 East 37th et Phone Union 515. WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE. NICE. LARGE grounds, flowers; good location; no degs; ref erences. 401 12th st Hoaxes for Rent Fnrnitnre for Sale. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF FINE 10-ROOM. well-furnished house; centrally located: all rooms occupied; eicknees is reason for selling this bargain, for cash only. Address W 14. cere Oregonlan. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 12 - ROOM bouse, well furnished; all occupied: parties leaving dry. Call afternoons. 241 Fifth st. cor. Main. StoreB. STOREROOM AND SHELVING. Al LCCA tlon. for any kind business; corner, brick block; cheap rent. 22S Rueell street. PERSONALS. DR. DARRIN. specialist In all chronic diseases, cures deafness and catarrh In all Its forms. Only $5 per month. Also cures, affections of stomach, liver, bowels, nerves, blood, ekln, kidneys, urinary organs and vmlnal weak ness. Varicocele, stricture or hydrocele guar anteed cured In one w eek. No pain, no deten tion. Dlseasv of women an important rie clalty. Consultation free. Call or write Ad drefes203 Morrison st. Portland, Or. .Wi0naca 'wanted uffenng fern Irregular, pain ful or stoppajcy cf periods: leucorrhoea (whites), and all complicated diseases pertain ing to changes of life. curd by old Dr. Ke.-o-,. .cr Second and Yan.nih sts. 320 women called last month. Consultation free, ami pri vate recms for ladles. If can't call, write. Inclosing 10 2c stamps. Hundreds treated at home by his new system. DRESS SUITS REN.TED. ALL SIZES. WE call for. sponge, press and deliver on eult cf your clothing each week, sew on bu'tjny. ev up rips, for $1 per month. Dyeing, ritam SllrHiUie.ana "Pairing. Unique Tallorrs Co , 34. Washington, both 'phone. COMMON SENSE BEAUTY PARLORS, FA clai blemishes removed by electricity, cup, roller and sponge. Lewis building. TO EXCHANGE-GOOD BANK STOCK OR diamonds for piano. Address S 31, care Orego nlan. CLOTHES MENDED FOR LADLES AND GEN tleraea. Ajjply at room 45 Labbe building. PERSONAL. INDLN CLAIRVOYANT AND MEDIUM The wonderful, gifted Indian squaw, born with two veils over -face, tells, from cradle to grave, past, present, future, and secrets re vealed: warns against misfortune: sure gulo to social and business succors; heals all dis eases by the use of Indian herbs. Mrs. Prcf. Wheatly-Howe. Separate parlcr for l& a,nd gentlemen. Strictly confidential. 271 5th st. opposite City HalU No stairs to cllrrb. MADAM DE LACY WILL GIVE INSTRUC tlons free for removing pimples, wrinkles and beautifying the skin; also how to restore hair or whlsl-era to natural color. Room 423 Ab Ington building. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts Nerve Globules. One month's treatment $2: 3 r:ontbs. $5. Sent securely sealed by roalL Agents, Woodard & Clarke, Portland, Or. ALWAYS GET THE BEST. ILLOND CHEM. Co-'s Preventative Cones are the standard; $1.50 per box. G for $7.50. Samples 10c P. O. box C74. Portland. Godden Private Hospital. 211 Sherman; cancer, catarrh, etc.. cured oue month: guaranteed treatment: $1: lovely home for ladles during confinement WE PRINT SO FINE VISITING CARDS. 25c; 50. 35c 250 business cards, $1; 500. $1 60. Brown & Schmalc. 229 1st st IMPRUDENT MARRIAGES; GREAT BOOK. 10 cents. Jcs. W. Hessel, 411 Riley ave., Santa Rosa. Cal. BILLY LEA'S BICYCLE HOSPITAL, 1C5 4TH. Phone Clay G41. Wheels called for, delivered. CUT RATKCOregon Dye Works; cleaning and dyeing. Burnside. near Sih. Tel. Red 2903. Otto Kllngbell. magnatlc healer, 307 East Sixlb st, treats any ?l:kness Ore phone Scott G03 Mrs. Dr. McCoy, electrlo treatments. La Porte House, cor. Third and Yamhill sts., room 14. Ladles Free, harralens monthly regulator: can not fall. Mrs. B. Rowan. Milwaukee. Wis. ELECTRIC LAUNDRY REMOVED TO 120 Fifth st Both phones. Give us a, trial. LADY. YOU GET RED STAMPS AT CLEM enpon's drug store. 227 Yamhill street SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Znvitcd. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE postoffice department. In the city cf Washlng ton..untll 3 o'clock P. M., March 31. 1000. on the route hereinafter described. Bidders are Invited to submit proposals for service on said route under a contract for five years, and also for 10 years, which thall commence on the 1st da,y of November. 1900. The right Is reserved to reject all bids. Schedule Route No. 75, "O. M. S." From San Francisco, Cal ifornia, to Sydney. New South Wales. Aus tralia; touching at Kpr.olulu, Apia cr some other port In the SamSan islands to be desig nated by the postmaster-general, and Auk land. New Zealand, once in three weeks, sev enteen times a. ypar. In vessels cf the second clasa Time 21 days. Bend required with bid $40,000. Circulars 'containing copy of the act a description of the route. Instructions to bid ders and blank forms of proposals with ac companying bonds, can be obtained of the su perintendent cf foreign malls, postodlte de partment, after January 2. 1900. CHARLES EMORY SMITH. Fostma.Bter-G-eneraL OFFICE OF C. Q. M.. ANCOUVKP BMt raeks. Wash.. February 12. 1900. Sealed pro posals In trlpllwite will be received here until 11 o'clock A M.. March 12. 1900. and then opened, for furnishing and delivery cf 04 cav alry horses within the department of the Co lumbia. This number to be rubject to an Increase or decrease of CO per cent Pref erence given to animals of domestic produc tion, conditions of quality and price being equal. United States ivservca right to re ject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof Information furnished on ap plication. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked, "Proposals for cavalry horses." and addressed to J. W. Jacobs, C Q- M, OFFTr-E OF C. Q. M.. VANCOUVER BAR rackn. Wash., February 12, 19C0. Sealed pro posals in triplicate will be received here until 11 o'clock A. M.. March 12, 1900. ami thn opened, for fumWilng fuel at the several military porta In this department for fiscal ear commencing July 1, 1900. Information furnished here or by quartermasters at posts. United States reserves rrght to reject or ac cept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked. "Proposals for fuel at ." and ad. dressed to undersigned. J. W. Jacobs, C Q. M. Stockholders' aieetingr. OFFICE OF THE OREGON & CALIFORNH. Railroad Company Notice of Stallholders' Meeting Stockholders are hereby notified that the annual meeting of the stockholders ot the -Oregon & California. Railroad Company 'will be held at the office ot the company. 205 Washington street In the City of Portland. County ot Multnomah. State of Oregon, on Tuesday, the 10th day of April. 1900. at the hour cf 11 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing: year, and the transaction of such other business as may legally come before the meeting. GEO. H. ANDREWS. Secretary. Portland. Or., March 10. 1900. Mincellaneoua. THE UNITED STATES- OF AMERICA. Dis trict of Oregon Whereas, on the 19th day of Februar, 1900. Isaac Gray, John H. Jones. Fred Stewnrt Drew. Andrew Newberg. Buck Sue. Ijn Moore. Isaac Gray, jr., John Creson, Lw Haddle. William Hohhack. Charles H. Gllroore. W. Menus. James L. Smith. Walter Suen. William Smith. George Jt Epperly. Al bert Suen, Newton Hornbuckle. Norman Ham ilton and L. C. Turner filed a libel In the Dis trict Court ot the United States for the Dis trict of Oregon, . against the sleamer City of Eugene, ber boats, tackle, apparel and fur niture. In a cause cf contract for wages, civil and maritime. And. whereas, by virtue of process In due form of law. to me directed, returnable on the 2d day of April. 1900. I have seized and taken the said steamer, and have her In my cwtody. Notice Is hereby given that a District Court will be held In the United States Court room. In the City ot Portland, on the 2d day of April. 1000. at 10 o'clock A. M . for the trial of said prcml;?, and the owner or Owners, and all persons who may have or claim any Interest, are hereby cited to be and appear at the time and place aforesaid, to show cause, if any they have, why a final decree chould not pass as prayed. ZOETH HOUSER. U. S. Marshal. BONDING ACT INSTALLMENTS NOTICE IS hereby eiven that Ordinance No. 11.470, an Ordinance making a levy of a special tax upon cortain property oercesed for the im provement of certain streets nd laying of certain sewers, application having been made to iay sam under the bonding act: Is now In my hands for collection, and unless said installments are paid on or before April 3. 1900. same will be declared delinquent and placed In the hands of the Chief of Police for collection. FRANK HACHENEY. March 1. 1900. City Treasurer. 1 FINANCIAL. MONEY TO LOAN ON PIANO. IN RETURN for Its moderate use. G12 Commercial build ing. LOANS ON LODGING-HOUSES, pianos, etc.; low rates: private party. 319 Allsky bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SK curlty. Wm. HolL room 40 Washington bldg. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or ealory e curity. C W. Pallett 215 Commercial block. State funds loansd at 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, Stale Agt for Mult Co.. 4C0 Chamber of Com, LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON FURNI ture, pianos, salaries, etc Can be paid In Installments, reducing- Interest Rat lower than the lowest F. "W. Graves. Mgr., 233 Alder, near 4th ground floor. TeL Green 444. $200,000 TO LOAN AT 5$. 0. 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property for sale and rent Agent for Westchester Fire Insurance Co. Wm. G. Beck. 321 Morrln et MONEY TO LOAN IN 3UMS FROM $25 TO $500, on all dames of security. R. I. Ecker son & Co.. room 5 Washington building. ANY AMOUNT LOANED ON FURNITURE. pianos. r?nl estate and all kinds cf security. C H. Thompson. 12S 3d it Phone Main G23. MONEY TO LOAN. G per cent, farm or city property. O. M. Smith. 814 Ch. of Commerce. LOANS ON LODGING-HOUSES. PIANOS, etc.; low rate. Room 215 Commercial blok. LOANS on chattels or saariea: lowest rates; strictly private; sec ia first C04 The Dekum. MONEY TO LOAN. HARTMAN. THOMPSON & POWERS. 3 Chamber of Commerce MONEY LOANED ON BICYCLES. PLVNOS. furniture and- other securttler. W. A. Hath away, room 10 Wash. bldg. Phone South 7S1. LOANS IN LARGE OR SMALL AMOUNTS (n Portland or outside real estate. 22G Ablnctcn building. Money to loan on Clackamas County lands, G per cent E. F. Riley, COS Chamber of Commerce MONEY TO LOAN on furniture or good securl ties. S. W. King, room. 45 Washington bldg. $100,000 for mortgages, lowest rates, easy term? W. S. Ward. Att'y-at-Law. 319 Altsky bldg. LOST AND FOUND. LOST RED IRISH SETTER PUP. ABOUT 6 months old; has on a leather collar. Tinder will be rewarded on returning it to 115 We.t Parltet BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Agricultural Implements, Machinery EDWARD HUGHES: WAGONS, CARRIAGES and farm machinery ot all kinds. 190 Front. RUSSELL & CO ENGINES, BOILERS. SAW mills, threshers, horse-powers. 324 Belmont JOHN PCOLE; Newton wagons, buggies, wind mills, pumps, machinery. Foot Morrison st Aniuxcrncnt Resorts. Edison's Star Photicon Parlors. 272 Morrison. 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. Ladles, gents, children. Art Goods and Picture Frames. BERNSTEIN'S ART STORE. 307 WASHING toa et: great clearance sale.: special bargain. Assaycrs and Analyata. J. H. FISK. MINERAL AS3AYER AND chemist: gold dust bought 204 Washington. PAUL BAUMEL. AS3AYER. AND ANALYST. Gold dust bought 2234 Stark st PORTLAND ASSAY OFFICE. 229 Stark st As saying and analytical Work. Gold dust bought Attorney. H. K. SARGENT; general practice: notary. Phone Hood 832. 718 Chamber of Commerce. S. H. GRUBER, Lawyer; mining, admiralty ana collections fcFecIalties. Commercial block. JEFFREYS & WHITE, attomeys-at-law. prac tice In all courts. 420 Commercial block. E. W. BINGHAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, RE moved to Gl Union block. 227U Stark. GEO. W. HAZEN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. G09 Gll Chamber of Commerce building. PIPES & TIFFT. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. 70S 711 Chamoer cf Commerce. BnlcerteM. U. 8. Bakery. Brest, props.; breads. cakes, plea, partry and crackers. 101 N. ltta, cor Flanders. Hem Bakery & DelIUc-Ee3en; Boston bcked beans, cooked delicacies. 187 4tn. Tel. Hood 971. Barber Shop. HOWARD'S BARBER SHOP: FLNEST BRAND cigars: 9 expert workmen. 2Co Alder st Hatha. DEKUM Bathrooms; popular baths, massage, electricity. 714-15-1G Dekum. Phone Rod 2S45. Book Stores. J. K. GILL & CO.. WHOLESALE AND RE tall booksellers and stationers, 133-35 3d st. Card "Writing. Elegant ooclety cards, any style. 25c per dor.; 4 do:.. 75c H Ennls. Meier & Frank's. CnrpentcrH and Builders. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter, builder; ofilca and store fixtures. Ore. tel. 747. 263 Stark. W. D. BERKEY, CARPENTER AND BUILD cr, general Job work, 300 First st. Chinese and Jnpnncne Goods. SUN SOON HUIE & CO., MATTINGS. TEAS, china ware; paper napkins. 247 Yamnlll. Chinese Medicines. Dr. Blng Chong. 191 2d et.: Chinese root medi cines cure all diseases. Examination free. Chiropodists. WM. DEVENY & MAUD DEVENY, THE only scientific chlropodl3;3, room 301 Allsxy bldg., 3d and Morrison. Ores, phene Grant 16. L. MITCHELL. EXPERT CHIROPODIST. OF fice IGu bth st, opp. postottice. Tel, Hood 914. Miss Dart, chiropody and manicuring, room 50 L'nion hue, 1st and Stark. 0 A. M. to 5 P. M. Cleaninsr and. Dyclnsr. French Cleaning & Dyelns Works; J. Delcau. prop. Phono Red 995. 445 Glluui st Clairvoyunt. PROF. KING. ALWASS SEE THE BEST. 1C9 PARK ST. Ho excites the wonder and admiration of the. most skeptical; glca ad, ice on loe. business and dumcittic trouble; unites the separated and restores lo&t atfection. If in ooubt trouble or adversity, call on this gifted ineuium. ana he will help you. Mediums developed in irom 3 to t months. Hours. 9 A. M- to S P. M. La cieb. i; gentlemen, $2. Commlsuiou Merchant:. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general cammislon mercaant Front st. near Main. Portland." Or. Cash advances on consignment. TAYLOR. YOUNG &. CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants, Sherlock building. Portland. Or. W. N. Sayre & Co.. ccmmlsaion & produce mer chants; advances on contlnxnenia. 141 Frout ALLEN & LEWIS, COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchants. Front it li sit.. Portland. Or. EVERDING & FARRELL. commission, butter, eggs, chickens and farm produce, Portland. H. TUKE U CO.. 234 FRONT: FLOUR. HAY, produce, feed and groceries. Cornices Sky lights. METAL SKYLIGHTS. GALVANIZED IRON cornices. J. C Bayer. 2&3 Second street Creameries. WASHINGTON CREAMERY: PURE BUTTER, cream; bakery goods. Both phones. G. G. Mager. 429 Wasnlngton. Curled-Hair Manufacturers. Portland Curled-Hair Factory, H. Metzger, pro prietor, manufacturer cunvd hair and genuine curled-hair mattreea. I&U-2!' Front u Both phones. Dentists. HENRY P. O'CONNOR. D. M. D.. 002 MAR quam building. Morrison st, bet. Cth and Ttn. DR. T. L. PERKLNS, DENTIST, REMOVED to room 17 Russel bldg., 4th a&d Morrison. Dit C. B. BROWN; teL Ore. Red 2S46. res.. White 034. 514-15-1G Deimrn building. Dental 3apilic. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. Cor. Fourth and Washington sts. DremuiaUltig. MISS HAWKINS. LADIES' TAILOR AND dressmaker: good fit guaranteed. 421 Wash. Mrs .Sadie A. McKlbben, modtete; Easter ccs tumca a specialty. 072i.i East Morrison. Dyclnir uud Clcuuin&r. H. W. TURNER, PROFESSIONAL DYER AND cleaner. 201 17th. Telephone Red 13L Educational. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE. Fifth ani Yamhill; A. P. Armstrong. Prtn.. J. a. Weaco, Sec Open all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogua free- HOLMES' ENGLISH AND BUSINESS Col lege. 414 Yamhill st. Engllsa course: com mercial and shorthand courses. Send for cat alogue. ALL ENGLISH BRANCHES TAUGHT; teach ers prepared for examination. 301 Yamhill. Electric Belts. DR. SCHRAMECK'S ELECTRIC 3ELTS ARE the best; examine $5 belts. 270V4 Front et Fence and Wire Work: OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works; A. Carlson; 289 East Morrison ct Fraternal Insurance. Ancient Order Red Cross pro-. Ides death, acci ocnt. disability, old age and funeral benefits. Agents wanted; liberal terms; write or call on D. C. Rogers, 290 Morrison. Guns, Flshlnpr Tackle, Sport'ff Goods. H. Beal; guns, rtshlng tackle, sporting goods and cutler-. 40& Third rt, Portland. Or. Harness and Saddles. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. HAR ness aad sole leather, saddlery, hardware, find ings and shoe store supplies, 73 Front t THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO. WHOI.E tale taddlers and harness manufacturers. :aiher and saddlery hardware. 72 Front st Health Foods. SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT. KING OF all health foods. Sold by all grocers. Hotels. TREMONT HOUSE: newly furnished rooms. $1.50 a week up. J. E. Clark. 34345 Everett Hosiery. Seamlesz hcslery: Winona Mills. N. Y.; Street & Sons, General Salesmen, 324 14, near Clay. - BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Iron Founders, Mach'sts, Ship R'ld'r?. Wolff & Zwicker Iron Works; designers and mfrs. ot rfhlps; Keamboats. marine, raining and milling machinery, riveted s:eel plpe- Iauuranec. HAMBURG -BREMEN FTOE INS- CO.. 102 First st. Boyd &. Amola. General Agents. Ladies Furnishing Goods. SPECIAL PETTICOAT SALE MON.. TUES.. Wed., 5"V: each. Gross & Weltgen, 214 First Ladles Tailoring;. Stcphan's Dressmaking Establishment, for even ing gowns, tailor-made suits, etc 2S9 Alder. Ladder Works. LADDERS OF ALL KINDS. AND KITCHEN conveniences. Cor. East Sixth and Oak. Iron Founders and Machinists. Smith & Watson Iron Works; engines and boll ens; logging engines a specialty; quartz and saw mills: rolsc machinery. Front and Hall. CITY FOUNDRY & SHCEINE SHOP3. J. Honeyman Co., engines, boilere, saw mills and raining machinery. 201 Front st Willamette Iron & Steel Works: James Lotan. mgr.: lron-workecs. steamboat bldrs. Portland. Leather Findinc!. J. A. REID, mfr. boot and shoe uppors; full stock shoemakers' supplies. 207 Washington st Liquor and Tobacco Institutes. Keeley Institute. 314 Cth. cures liquor, pplum and tobacco addiction. No other In State. Marnctic Hcalintr. WELTMER METHOD. ALISKY BLOCK, room 315. Third and Morrison. Mnsunsre. "THE SNOWDEN" BATHROOMS RE opened. 131ti 4th; formerly "The Nelson": tub and vapor baths, massage. Tel. Red 421. LADY GIVES VAPOR BATHS AND MASSAGE at SI3I3 Washington street, room 33. Marble and Granite Works. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS: marble, gran ite and stone work. Schancn & Neu, 2GS 1st merchant Tailors. L. GOLDSTIEN. FIRST - CLASS TAILOR: fine spring goods to order, reasonable. 1S5 4th. Mid wives. MRS. EHL. GRADUATE MIDWIFE. 12J North 14th st Telephone West 637. Mining; Investments. OREGON EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT Co. 25.0CQ shares (second serifs) of the com pany's treasury stock offered at slight advance over former prices. Arrangements to begin milling or from the Ruth Group have beet, completed. Plans for future work made known on application. E. A. Clem & Co:. 515 and 5IG Oregonlan building. Phone Red 2S22. SUMPTER MINES A FINE PROSPECT, good surface values, for sale, great bargain. Also fine developed mine. Keystone Belle, 10c: Ohio, 2Cc; Diadem, 25c; now shipping ore. We do a clean, reliable business. Call and investigate. Dawson. McDowell Co., 441 Sherlock building. Portland, Or. Mining. Barton & Curtis, 229 Stark, mining engineers, stock brokers; mines examined and reported upon; machinery furnished, plants erected. MONTANA METALLURGICAL WORKS; test ore. all kinds; gold. $1,50: silver. $1.50. Send for full-particulars. 92 First st. MlnlnfT Machinery. FREE BOOKS; ALL ABOUT CAPE NOME. TATUM & BOWEN. 29 to 35 First t. Medical. NOTICE DR. PAUL CROMWELL, THE COL ored specialist, will now give people a chance to get well All persons residing in city, treat ment by week. $5. To stay at sanitarium. $2 per day. Persons of moderate means will like to take advantage of this offer, for one, month only. 171 Green ave. Take Washington and 23d-street car. Dr. Floia A. Brown: diseases of women and children a specialty. Consultation and diag nosis tree. 517-518 The Dekum. Portland. Or. Novlta, treatment cures female diseases. Agenta wanted. Mar- E. O'Neill. Mgr.. 2916 Mor rison . Greek Rheumatic Specific, guaranteed to cure rheumatism. L. T. Lewis. 252$i Washington. Slusical. Violin, viola, comet Icssoiis; music furnished: Italian strings and old violins for sale. Emit Thlelhorn. 51. P. S. Orch.. 2e9 Jefferson. Tel. West 1004. Lessons 50c; piano, guitar, banjot mandolin, vio lin Instruments for sale. Mrs. Martin. 104t3 lut PLVNO. ORGAN AND VOCAL INSTRUCTION'! Mrs. Mclntyrc. 253 Sixth st. cor- Madison. Osteopathy. DR. W. A ROGERS, OSTEOPATH. SUITE 533 Marquam bldg.; acute and chronic dis eases'. Ladies winning lady operator will be attended by Dr. Rhoda C. Hicks, graduate under Dr. A. T. Still, founder of Osteopathy. Phone Main 27. DRS. NORTH RUP & ALKIRE, OSTEOPATHS, suite 41G The Dekum. Nervous and chronic diseases a specialty. Home treaunent If de sired. Phone Main 319. DR. L. B. SMITH, PIONEER OSTEOPATH, suite 409 Oregonlan building. Phone Oak 421. MRS. DR. C. J. RAMSEY. OSTEOPATHIST. suite 41G Ths Dekum building; diseases of women a specialty; examinations free. Phone Main 349. 1 I - m. Palmistry. Mis Marie White, scientific palmist, reads post and future correctly. Lev. la bldg.. room &3. Oresron VInvl Company. Lewis bldg.. Park and Morrison. Free Hralth lectures to women Thursday, at 2:20 P. M. Patents. T J. GEISLER. G10-C11 CHAMBER OF COM. Registered attorney U. S. patent ollice. Photographers. If ycu wish Ant portraits, call on Churchley. Wirk guaranteed; prices reasonable. lW.i'id. Photofrraphic Supplies. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO.. WHOLE3ALE and retail, cor. Fourth and Washington. Real Estate, Loans and Rentals. ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD & CO.: EoTAB lUhed 1S6G. 227 Stark at Restaurants. Strouse's Cafe; best 25c meat; famous ccne and cake. 10c. 222 Washington, bat 1st and 2d. RIdinar Academics. Portland- Rldlr.r Academy: only flret-clasa es tablishment: private and class lessons. 19th and Nortbrup.. Tel. 973. The Portland Riding Club, fine livery, saddle horses a specialty. Park and Jefferson. Sales. SAFES. SAFES. BANK WORK. LOCK DEp-T. opening lockouts, repairs. J. E. Davis. 63 3d. Safe Experts. OPENING LOCKOUTS. AND REPAIRERS. Dllg & Vicrick. Alisky bldg.. 3d & Morrison. Saw Mill Machinery. Chrl'tenscn-McMaster Machinery Co.; net? and second-hand machinery. E. Water?; Trltr. Second-Hand Goods. We buy everything, clothing, furniture, etc. Call or address 52 Third st Telephone Hood GS3. Stornse and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS. FURNITURE MOVED AND packed for shipping. C M. Olsen. 123 Firs:. Teh office. Mala 1US7; Black SOL STORAGE AT LOW RATES CAN BE HAD at Fred Bickei's storehouse. 31 North Front Showcases and Store Fixtures. DIXON. BORGESON & CO.. FRONT AND Wayhlnjtcn sts. Stoves, Ranges, Household Hardware LOWENBERG & GOING CO.. MFRS. OF stoves, ranges and hollowware; wholesale sheet metals, sheet steel, camp and ell stoveo. houscfumtohng hardware 2d and Taylor. Hardware; sc:e agt. Universal stoves & ranges; housefuralshlne goods, J J. Kadlerly. 141 1st Alr-Tlght Stove Mfg. Co.: Cape Nome staves. tlEKnlthlng. Front & Columbia. Tel. N. 320. J BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Syrnp Reilncrs. Westscott fc Knight, syrup refiners, mfgr. gro cers: both phones E. Alder and E. MorrLwn. Wholesale Drutrists. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. WH0LESAL3 druggists, comer Fourth aad Washlnrioa. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCER3. cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. Storage. OVERLAND. STORAGE WAREHOUSE. Fourth and Davis. Merchandise a specialty Insurance rates low; storage rate reasonable. Careful attention given to country consign ments. Tel. Or. Mala 777: Columota C76. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE. RELIABLE CLAIRVOYANT and psychic life-reader; consult her on busl r.ega affairs. Iov troubles, absent friends: good advice on mines; reading dally. 50c and UP- ICTts First street, office 7 and S. LARSEN. THE PALMIST. WILL TELL, THE year wheq all leading events In life take place; pa3t and future readings. 50c 285 First et. MRS. J. A. SMITH, TEST MEDIUM. MAG nettc healer, rooms S and 9, 2236 Washing ton. MRS. C. CORNELIUS. TEST MEDIUM: SIT tlsgs dally. Alisky bldg.. Third and Morrison. t Wood and Coal. OAK WOOD. SI.75: SAWED. FIR. $3.25. NIckum, 342 Water. Both phones. Wall Paper aad Paints. F. BOOKMAN: painting. kaLmIning'. paper hanging: work warranted. Ore. tel. Rus 391. 2CU Rutsel. STROWBRIDGE PAINT & OIL CO.; WALL paper, sash, doow, builders' hardware. 123 Grand ave. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE A STOCK OF GENERAL MER chandise. Invoice $3500; the only store In tha place, and situnted In the beat farming sec tion in the Willamette Valley: wishes to cell for cash only; & place worth Investigating. E 23. care Oregonian. $50 BUYS A COMPLETE AND PROFITABLE medicine business; suitable for either sex; ex perience unnecessary; can bo worked during spare hours. California Medicine Co., 40d Clay st, San Francisco. BIG MONEY MADF; Br BUYING SHARES OF the Century Oil Company. Incorporated under the laws of Oregon; quoted at California of ficial oil exchange. Room 40. Washington building. BUSINESS MAN WISHES TO PARTICIPATE In legitimate mercantile or manufacturing business; can Invest small capital. Address Y 31. care Oregonlan. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE OF 40 ROOMS, clearing $50 per month above expenses; reason for celling, sickness. Inquire at Package De livery Co.. 203 Washington. FOR SALE OR TRADE A GOOD BUTCHER bustnets la Springfield; tools and stock on hand. Call or write E. B. Wlckham. Spring field. Or. FOR SALF BARBER SHOP. IN TOWN OF 1200. county seat: porcelain bath; established 1S93. Address J. G. Flanary. JQoldendale. Warfi. FLOUR MILL FOR RENT 30-BBL. ROLLER mill. Inquire 104 Knott st. .station B. or Albina Flour M1113, J. G. Rennle. Portland, Or. FOR SALE FIRST-CLaSS GROCERY: IN votco about $12ix; a. snap, worth investigat ing. Address Bell, care Oregonlan. OLD - ESTABLISHED BUSINESS; INVOICES $13,000 to flS.COO. want to retire from busi ness. B 53. care Oregonlan. FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST-LOCATED 50-barrel flouring mills in tha Willamette Val ley. S 23, care Oregonian. GROCERY AND FRUIT STAND AT YOUR own price; have other business; come quick. 150 Sixth. OREGON STEAM DYEING & CLEANING Works for sale or for rent. Inquire 22 Llghth north. FOR SALE ICE FACTORY: DOING GOOD business. Address John Zeis. Corvallls. Or. FOR SALE CANDY AND TOBACCO STAND, on Morrison st. Inquire at 220 Main. SALOON FOR RENT: GOOD LOCATION- IN qnlre 22 Eighth st north. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, by man and wife, withii easy wilking dis tance of Chamber of Commerce building. Ad dress, stating terms, J 31, care Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE FINE MODERN GA3 range, almost new. for wood range or gaso line stove, reon, going out of town. 303 Chamber cf Commerce. BEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF household goodg. 249 Fifth. Phone Clay 081. BA?ICS. SAVINGS BANK PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 100 THIRD STREET. Money to loan on mortgage. A general trust and agency business transacted. BENJ. I. COHEN President II. L. PITTOCK. A. S. NICHOLS.... Vlce-Pres. E. J. ALTSTOCK. J. O. GOLTRA... Secretaries FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated. Depositary aad Financial Agent oC the United States. President H. W. CORBETT Cashier G. E. WITHINGTON Assistant Caehier J. W. NEWKIRK Second Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVOUD Letters ot credit Issued, available In Europa and tha Eastern states. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Boston. Chicago, St Louis. St Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and the principal points la the Northwest. Sight and time bills, drawn In sum." to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln, Hong Konff. Yokohama. Copenhagen. Chrlstl anla. Stockholm. St Petersburg. Moscow, Zu rich Honolulu. Collections made on favorable tfrms. LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1859 Transact a. General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collodions made at all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued available in Eu rope and the Eastern states. , Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago. St Louis. Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and vari ous points in Oregon, Washington. Idaho, Mon tana, and Brltlnh Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin. Frankfort and Hong Kong. WELLS. FARGO & CO. BANK CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $6,230,000 JOHN J. VALENTINE PRESIDENT HOMER S. KING MANAGER (San Francisco.) R.M. DOOLEY CASHIER JOHN E. MILES ASSISTANT CASHIER (Portland.) General Banking Business transacted. Ex change sold, and Letters of Credit Issued, avail able in all parts of the world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OREGON. J. FRANK WATiON President R.L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier GEO. W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRAN3ACTS A GENERAL BANKING EUSINESS. Interest paid on time deposits. Drafts and letters of credit issued, available In all parts ot the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK LIMITED. CAPITAL PAID LfP $2,450,000 Head Office. 73 Lombard street. London. This bank transacts a general banking and exchange business: makes Ionns, discounts bills and bnues commercial and travelers' credits, available in any elty In the -world. Chamber of Commerce building. Third and St-jrk strecto. W. MACKINTOSH, Manager. AINSWORTH NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, cor. Third and Oak sts. J. C AINSWORTH. Pres.: W. W. PHILLIPS. Caahler. Transacts a General Banking Business. Exchange bought and sr.ld on all the principal cities In Europe. ALo facilities for telegraphic transfers. Collections made on favorable terms on all accessible points. SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT Conrcted with the bank. Safes rented on easj terms. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts Issued available In all cities of tho United States and Europe. President TYLER WOODWARD Vice-President JACOB ICAMM Cashier F. C. MILLER BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA-PAID-UP CAPITAL $3,000,003 RESERVE SOOitOO Head Office. GO Lombard street. London. Com'l block. 244 Washington st. Portland. r R. LEA BARNES, Manage