Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 09, 1900, Image 1

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    i ir m -r "m Mm
VOL. XL NO. 12,243.
ji wttrnw jh& w
Is drunk dally by the elite of society, and the bon vlvant, to -whom the best of
everything is none too good. Call for It at any of the leading hotels, clubs, bars or
straw and Washington
In Bulk and Cases. For sale by
Special rates made te families an A slagl gentlemen. Tfca auiaare
Meat will be pleased Mt all times te skew reams aad sire arleea. A aaeV
era Tnrlclb bath establishment la the betel. H. d BOWBR1, 'Xaaaa-av.
Is an instrument
by means of which
anyone can play the
piano. It is so
wonderful in its power
that it must be seen
to be appreciated.
It will pay you
to come and see It
Marquam B!dg,', cor. Seventh Street
Cross-Exnmlnntion of ex-Master !
Workman Sovereign. I
WASHINGTON, March 8. James R.
Sovereign continued his testimony in the
Coeur d'AIene case today. Owing to Rep
resentative Lentz' absence in New York,
Representative Slayden, of Texas, direct
ed the examination, and the cross-examination
was participated In by all the mem
bers of the committee.
Mr. Sovereign testified that the Miners'
Union was not responsible for the publica
tions written by him, which had been in
troduced as evidence. The cross-examination
took Mr. Sovereign over the exciting
events attending the blowing up of the
Bunker Hill concentrators, and the wit
ness was made to recite in minute details
the circumstances of the affair. In the
main, this was an elaboration of the direct
testimony previously given. He said the
masks worn by the men were ordinary
cloth, with holes cut out for the eyes.
Sovereign said that "scabs" favorable to
the mines showed cowardice, and ran
away, although a shot from them Into
a stick of dynamite would have destroyed
it before the mob could have used it in
blowing up the mill. He declared that
the "chip-on-the-shoulder" attitude of the
mine-owners in discriminating against or
ganized labor had precipitated the trouble.
The witness said the same aggravated con
ditions would cause a repetition of the
trouble, and in anticipation of It. the Bun
ker Hill Company had built "Morro Cas
tle" with loopholes for Gatllng guns.
4 B
Revolution In Santo Domingo.
SANTO DOMINGO. March 8. The Gov
ernment has apparently discovered that
a political movement In opposition to It
is ln progress. General Pepin, the ex
Governor of Santo de los Cabeilos, has re
volted against the Government, and Gov
ernment troops have been sent against
him. A state of siege has been declared
and constitutional guarantees have been
extended in the southwestern part of the
island. Several arrests have been made
and changes in the cabinet may take
place soon. This city is quiet.
a fc
Received by tlie President.
WASHINGTON. March S. The Presi
dent today received 200 members of the
Pure Food and Drug Congress, now in
session here.
a vr. KNOwiiES, mt.
sis.. ram w. oran i
.51.00. 51.80. $2.00
.$2.00. 52-80. 53.00
88 Third St.
(rp. Oaattf d Ceaaerc:
$3.00 PER DAY
When jyour eyes water, -when
they burn, when they ache then
It Is they need rest.
You" close the lids down over
them, but that doesn't seem to
rest them. They feel big; they
feel sore.
"Well, what's the best thins to
The best thing to do is to com
and see me about it I make a
specialty of resting tired eyes.
Eye Specialist
Lentz. Sulzcr and Ed-rrin Mnrkhnm
Among; the Gaests.
NEW YORK, March 8. More than 550
men and women sat down to the Lincoln
dinner given by the workingmen's com
mittee of 100 at Terrace Garden tonight.
It was a "dollar" dinner, but both menu
and decorations excelled those of the cele
brated Bryan "dollar" dinner, given In
the Grand Central Palace last year. Blank
circulars containing a petition to be cir
culated for signatures favoring free trade
with Puerto Rico were given out to those
present. The following telegram from
"William J. Bryan was received:
"I regret that I cannot attend the Lin
coln dinner. Lincoln's praise of the
Declaration of Independence will prove a
stumbling-block to those who favor mili
tarism and imperialism."
Ernest H. Crosby, who presided, said our
treatment of Cuba, the Philippines and
Puerto Rico puts us In a worse light than
Spain. Congressman Sulzer spoke on
"Labor's Interests In Congress," dealing
with the trusts. Controller Bird S. Coler
responded to the toast, "Municipal Own
ership." Edwin Markham recited his
poem on "Lincoln."
Congressman John J. Lentz responded
to the toast, "Militarism; the Idaho Bull
pen." He declared that the investigation
of the Idaho labor troubles has already
revealed a condition of affairs "more mon
strous than Americans ever dreamed pos
sible in this fair land." He declared that
there was a conspiracy between the mine
owners, the Governor of Idaho and the
National Government to disrupt the Min
ers' Union. If It succeeded, he declared,
labor conditions In Idaho would be worse
than In China.
George "Van Side responded to the toast,
"Imperialism and the Boers." A resolu
tion was adopted authorizing the appoint
ment of a committee of 100 worklngmen
to solicit contributions for the aid of the
sick and wounded Boers, and for the sup
port of the families of the killed. Mayor
Samuel Jones, of Toledo, made a speech
on the wisdom of the nonpartisan move
ment. Dally Treasury Statement.
"WASHINGTON, D. C. March 8. To-
, day's statement of the condition of the
Treasury shows:
I Available cash balance 5293,967.577
'Gold reserve 238.G03.G01
Boers Outwitted by Roberts'
Retreated EnstMrard, Being: FolloiTed
by French's Cavalry The Dutch.
Making for Bloemfontein.
LONDON, March 9, 4:15 A. M. The
Boers appear to have made no stand what
ever, except that while In retreat they
twice repulsed General French's cavalry
with rifle-fire. As no report has beca
made of the capture of prisoners, the en
emy probably got away with their entire
force. General French Is still following
them and keeping between them and
The evacuation of the northern districts
of Cape Colony Is now nearly complete.
The British are In possession of the rail
road crossings.
The military critics comment on the dis
couraging news from Mafeklng. Colonel
Baden-Powell seems to be In grave need
of outside help. Otherwise he would not
allow correspondents to send out Infor
mation respecting the distress of the gar
rison. A readjustment of some of the higher
commands Is taking place. General "White
is to go to Stormberg to take supreme
command of General Gatacre's division
and the Tenth Division, now In process
of formation, which will be under the Im
mediate command of General Hunter, Sir
George "White's chlef-of-staff.
The Daily News makes the following
editorial announcement:
"It was rumored in London yesterday
and we have some reason for believing
the rumor to be correct that the two Re
publics made informal and unofficial over
tures of peace on the preceding day. Un
fortunately, the conditions suggested were
of such a character as to preclude the
possibility of leading to any result Terms
which m'ght have been gladly accepted
before the war. In order to avert it, ara
Impossible aftr the war, with all the
sacrifices it has entailed."
His Engagement With the Boers
LONDON, March 8. Following Is the
text of Lord Roberts' dispatch, received
by the War Office today:
"Poplar Grove, March 8. Two brigades
of cavalry, with horse artillery and Kelly
Kenny's division, marched today 10 miles
eastward. The Boers were taken by sur
prise yesterday. They moved off so hur
riedly that they left cooked dinners be
hind. We captured a Krupp gun and
several -tents and wagons. The total cas
ualties were: Killed Lieutenants Keswick
and Frlesllck; wounded. Lieutenants
Bailey, of the Twcllth Lancers, and De
crlsplgne, of the Second Life Guards, both
severely, and Lieutenant Smith, of the
Shropshlres, who is believed to have been
picked up by Boer- ambulance. Two men
were killed, 46 wounded and one man Is
"Gatacre reports ho Intends occupying
Burgersdorp today. Repairs to the rail
roads toward both Stormberg and. Leyns
berg are being pushed. Clements now oc
cupies Norval's Pont, on the south bank
of the Orange River. The bridge was
blown up March 6, and the enemy Is hold
ing the north bank of the river, but not, it
is believed. In any great strength."
Transvaalcrs and Free-Staters Put to
OSFONTEIN. March 7. Lord Roberts'
movement today again thoroughly sur
prised, outwitted and outmaneuvered tho
Boers, who fled almost without firing a
The plan of battle was as follows: Gen
eral Colvllle's division extended along the
north bank, General TucKer held the cen
ter reserve, and the Guards Brigade had
the center advance. General Kelly-Kenny's
division was ordered to make a huge
flanking movement on the Boers' left, fol
lowing General French, who was Instruct
ed to move southeast until opposite tho
Boer flank, and then to swing around the
Every movement was admirably exe
cuted and entirely successful. The Boers
were surprised, as was evident from the
state of the deserted camps. Twice the
British cavalry was almost In a position
to charge, but they admit that they were
foiled by the maneuvering of the Boers.
When last seen General French was
pursuing the enemy vigorously. He was
between them and Bloemronteln, about 11
miles from the right wing.
General Colvllle merely demonstrated
against a high mountain occupied by the
Transvaal troops, who were now fleeing. In
consequence of the flight of the, Free-Staters
south of the river. It Is Impossible at
present to give the Boer numbers, but 11
is estimated that they reach 14,000, all of
whom are now In flight.
In the course of the operations the Ninth
Lancers attempted to get close to the
Boers' right wtih the object of charg
ing, but the Boers came out in great
force, and tho Lancers were compelled to
retire. A battery was then sent forward
to hold the enemy In check while the
Grahamstown Volunteers and a company
of mounted Infantry, supported by another
battery, engaged the Boers on their right
The Boers fired shell, falling short, how
over, and they made a stubborn defense
on the kopje on our right, enfilading the
battery and killing 18 of the battery
horses. The mounted infantry gradually
repelled the Boers, and the battery then
took a position and expelled them from
their laager In confusion.
The Boers held a strong position on the
north bank of the river, but the flight from
tho southern bank compelled them to re
treat. They showed great adroitness In
getting away the wagons, and displayed
a bold front while the rest of the force
was busy lnspannlng.
General French's division consisted of
three brigades of cavalry, two of mounted
and seven horse batteries.
Rifle Fire Checked British Cavalry.
LONDON, March 9. The Standard pub
lishes the following dispatch from Poplar
Grove, dated March 8:
"The movements of the mounted men
were somewhat too rapid for the support
ing Infantry, and as a result the Boer po
sition was turned before the main body
could strike effectively. The Boers fell
back precipitately, and, extending to the
southeast, they checked the advance of
the British cavalry with a heavy rifle
fire at S00 ards range. Accordingly. Gen
eral French moved southward and out
flanked them again, but the Boers repeat
ed their tactics."
Dissatisfaction Among the Boer.
LONDON. March 9. Dr. Hallowell, the
Dally News correspondent at Mafeklng,
who passed two months In prison at Pre
toria, escaped last week and was recap
tured CO miles from Pretoria, sends a dis
patch to his paper, dated Pretoria, March
2, via Lourenco Marques, describing the
misleading news given the Boers by their
officers regarding the course of the war.
He adds: "Great dissatisfaction exists
among the Boers, as their supplies of food,
especially meat, coffee and sugar, are
very irregular, and many threaten to re
turn to their farms."
Conld Not Check the Retreat.
-' POPLAR GROVE, Thursday, March 8.
President Kroger, who at present is far
in the rear, yesterday tried to stop the
retreating Boers, who refused to stay.
The Bloemfontein police tried to stop the
retreat of the Free Staters, but they de
clared that they were not willing to fight
any longer, and they blamed President
The Russian and Dutch military atta
ches arrived at the British camp yes
terday. Dr. Lcyds Protests.
BERLIN, March 8. Dr. Leyds, the
Transvaal diplomatic agent, has Issued a
protest from Brussels against "bogus
news" purporting to come from him. He
singles out a prominent Berlin paper as
an offender.
An anti-British demonstration has oc
curred In Dresden, and the English church
there has been disgustingly disfigured.
American Imprisoned at Klmberley.
LONDON. March 9. The Daily Mail has
the following from KImberley, dated
Wednesday, March 7:
"Benjamin Sllpent, born In Russia, and
alleged to be an American citizen, has
been sentenced to three years' Imprison
ment at hard labor for signalling to the
enemy during the siege."
The Fighting at Dordrecht.
PRETORIA, Tuesday, March 6, via Lou
renco Marques, March 8. It Is officially
stated here that Sunday last there was
heavy fighting at Dordrecht, that the
British were repulsed with great loss and
that the Federals captured three cannon.
Entrenching: at Blggersberg.
LADYSMITH, March 8. The Boers are
entrenching at Blggersberg. The scouts
report that all the Natal Dutch farmers
have fled from the surrounding country.
Secretary Rcltz Says the Burghera
Arc Not Discouraged.
PRETORIA, Monday, March 5. Secre
tary of State- Reitz has issued war bulle
tins. In which, after saying the govern
ment has no official tidings of the sur
render of General Cronje, but must ac
cept it as a fact, however painful, he
"The government remains assured that
tho surrender will not discourage the
burghers in the defense of their Inde
pendence and standing as a nation. The
struggle thus far has shown that the Re
publics have vindicated themselves as an
Independent people. This reverse will not
stagger us. In the struggle lor our cher
ished rights, our belief remains that,
whatever happens, the Lord still reigns.
Owing to the invasion of the Free State
by a large force of the enemy, and other
circumstances. It became necessary to
take up other positions, hence the burgh
ers In Natal have retired to Blggersberg.
All the commandos have reached there
safely, except a few who retired in the
direction of Van Reenec'fl Pass, .-Thus
Ladyamith and Kimberiey are no more
besieged. In retiring, the enemy was
time after time driven back, so that our
laagers were not cut off. In these fights
a few men were killed or wounded, and
tho enemy lost heavily.
"In spite of all reportst the spirit of the
fighting men as to the outcome remains
unchanged. Among the commandos in
Natal the burghers are full of courage.
General Dewet now commands all the
commandos at the Modder River. The
President started yesterday evening for
Bloemfontein to visit the laagers of the
Free State."
It is understood President Kruger's
visit to Bloemfontein was to try to ar
range a compromise of the differences be
tween the Transvaal and Free Staters.
Oom Paul Cheers the Despondent
Free Staters.
PRETORIA, March 6. A special dis
patch from Bloemfontein says that Pres
ident Kruger, addressing a crowd of peo
ple, said:
"Although God is testing our people,
my personal opinion Is that the limit of
tho test is nearly reached. If the people
are sustained by faith in the time of ad
versity, God will soon again turn the tide
in our favor. If we have strong faith In
God, he will surely deliver us. The God
of deliverance of the olden time is the
same God now."
The speech of the venerable President
brought tears to tho eyes of men and
women alike. The Free Stater Volklaad
(national anthem) was then sung. The
visit of President Kruger has done much
good, and has cheered the despondents.
President Kruger more recently has been
visiting the commandos south of Bloem
fontein. Fighting is proceeding at Mafeking. All
tho outside forts, except one, have been
taken by thj Boers.
Much satisfaction Is expressed at the
courtesies extended to General Cronje
by tho British.
Gratitude for the Recognition
Irish Valor.
LONDON. March 8. In the House of
Commons today, John Redmond, the Irish
Nationalist leader, declared the Irish peo
ple had received with gratification the
announcement that Her Majesty had di
rected that tho shamrock be worn by the
Irish regiments on St. Patrick's day,
adding that the Irish people would wel
come this graceful recognition of the valor
of the Irish race wherever exhibited, and
would treat with respect the venerable
sovereign about to visit the Irish shore,
well knowing that on that occasion no at
tempt would bo made to give the visit any
party significance, and that their chival
rous hospitality would not be taken to
mean any abatement of their demands
for national -rights, which they would
continue to press until conceded. Mr.
Redmond was loudly cheered, both on ris
ing and on taking his seat.
Antl-Brltlsh Riot ln Bordeaux.
BORDEAUX, March 8. Late yesterday
evening students and others Issuing from
a pro-Boer meeting marched to the Brit
ish consulate, battered down the doors,
shattered the windows with stones, and
then proceeded to the Consul's private res
idence, where they Indulged ln similar
demonstrations. The police dispersed the
mob and arrested several leaders. The
Prefect of the GIronde, the Mayor of
Bordeaux and the Commissary of Police
called on the Consul today and expressed
regret at the occurrence.
Boer Officers for Natal.
BOER CAMP, Blggersberg, March 5.
At a general council of war, held today,
Louis Botha was appointed Lleutenant
General for Natal, and Lukas Meyer,
Schalkburger, David Joubert, Daniel
Erasmus and J. Fource were appointed
Major-Generals. The selections have
given lively satisfaction to the burghers.
No Difference Between Mc
Kinley and the House.
Statement of a Member of the Cab
inet Constitution Docs Not
Cover the Islands.
WASHINGTON, March 8. A member
of tho Cabinet tonight gave out the fol
lowing authoritative statement:
"There has been a wide misapprehen
sion of the Puerto Rlcan tariff bill, of the
attitude of the President on the action
of Congress, and! of their relation to each
other. The criticism and the concern
which have come from some well-meaning
quarters are due almost entirely to a
misunderstanding of the real facts. The
attempt to represent that there has been
a disagreement between the President and
Congress is wholly unfounded. There has
been no essential difference between
them. Both have sought the same ob
ject. Tho recommendation of the Presi
dent and the House bill In their purpose
and effect amount to the same thing. As
a consequence, each rightly sustains the
"The President, in his annual message
of December 4, urged that the customs
duties on trade between Puerto Rico and
the United States be removed. Imports
from Puerto Rico into the United States
have been and are now paying the Ding
ley rates. The President felt that Puerto
Rico should be relieved of this burden.
He urged that It should bo removed, not
as a matter of legal right, but of liberal
and humane public policy. His argument
indicated his reasons, and suggested his
view as to the question of constitutional
obligation. Puerto Rico, severed from
Spain, had lost her old markets and had
gained none In their place. She had been
devastated by hurricane and left destitute.
Humanity dictated every effort to lift
her up and to give her a new market.
This was the President's plan, and what
need of such a plea if the Constitution of
Itself carried freo trade to Puerto RIcol
In that case, free trade goes to her,
whether right or not.
"What the President proposed was that
tho United States should offer the largest
and most generous measure of help to the
distressed and suffering island, and he has
never wavered a single instant in the ob
ject he sought. The partisans who sought
to put tho President and Congress in a
hole have, perhaps unconsciously, dug a
pit for themselves. They will find that
they have taken a position which would
estop them from carrying out the policy
that I have proposed for the disposition
of the Philippines. But as I do not now
wish to discuss the matter in Its broadest
aspect or to treat It in a partisan spirit,
I do not pursue the point. It is enough
for the present to say that our conten
tion that the Constitution does not by Its
own force extend over tho new -poeeea-
jfthtKgeneral tenor of Judicial
auu lesismuve Kcuon irum ino 'acquisi
tion of Louisiana: down to this time."
Condemned Puerto Rlcan Bill.
NEW YORK, March 8. The New York
Produce Exchange, at a special meeting
today, adopted resolutions condemning the
Puerto Rlcan bill and urging free trade
with tho islands.
Denies the Reported Criticism of the
Administration's Policy.
INDIANAPOLIS, March 8. The News
this afternon says:
"It is stated by intimate friends of Gen
cral Harrison that ho is chagrined that
his name should be so freely used In the
newspapers of tho country ln connection
with public question:! now under consider
ation. Efforts to make it appear that he
is planning to step forward as an anti
adiministratlon leader, with the hope that
ho may be called on to become a candi
date for President are, it is said, especial
ly distasteful. Hia friends say ho has not
tho slightest desire to re-enter politics,
and that all reference to his political as
pirations are gratuitous.
"A gentleman who is near the ex-Pres-Ident
used this statement today: 'You
may say that, if Harrison has any
thought of re-entering politics, which he
has not, he would not make his reappear
ance by criticising the Administration.' "
Stormy Session Yesterday No Nom
inations Yet.
INDIANAPOLIS, March 8. The Social
Democratic National Convention held a
stormy session this afternoon and this
evening. At tho morning session the com
mittee from tho Social Labor party and
the subcommittee from the convention re
ported in favor of amalgamation of the
two parties.
Tho two committees locked horns on a
name for the united) party. The Social
Labor people demanded the appointment
of a committee of nine to draw up a
treaty, to be submitted to referendum
vote of both parties for ratification. In
cluding the name proposed for the united
party. The convention's committee re
ported in favor of the Teferendaim clause,
but split on the advisability of making
any concession as to the name of the
united party. Over this question the con
vention quarreled all the afternoon. The
majority report Instructed tho committee
to stand firmly for the name Social Dem
ocratic party, while the minority report
merely told the committee to "urge the se
lection of the namo Social Democrat"
The minority report was adopted tonight
after a prolonged discussion.
Then came tho question of a ticket. E.
V. Debs was placed In nomination, but
ho arose and said that under no circum
stances would he be a candidate. He said
he had private reasons for declining. Mr.
Stecbnan. of Illinois, named Fred O. Mc
Carthy, of Massachusetts, for President,
and Representative Carey, of Massachu
setts, nominated Job Harriman. of Cali
fornia, for President, and Max Hayes, of
Cleveland, for Vice-President. Mr. Har
riman declined, and In tho confusion that
followed the convention was adjourned.
Tonight efforts are being made to get
Mr. Debs to run, but so far without suc
cess. Hemcn-tvay Renominated.
EVA'NSVILLE, Ind.. March 8. Tho Re
publicans of the first district, at Rock
port, today, renominated James A. Hem
enway for Congress by acclamation. The
resolutions gave unequivocal Indorsement
to President McKlnley's Administration.
Biff OH Dcnl ln Ohio.
COLUMBUS, O., March S. A special to
the Dispatch from Toledo, says:
The English Petroleum Syndicate, of
London, the foreign branch of the Stand
ard Oil Company, Is reliably reported to
have closed a gigantic deal in the Ohio
oil fields. The company absorbs the Cud-
ahy combination, of Chicago, and the Man
hattan Oil Company. The consideration
is understood to be 510.0G0.C00.
Nonunion Workmen employed on
Chicago Rnlldings.
CHICAGO, March S. Under heavy po
lice guard, over 200 nonunion workmen
were today given work by contractors en
gaged In erecting various down-town build
ings. This was the "first serious attempt
on the part of the contractors to resume
the work Interrupted by the strike of the
Unions affiliated with the Building Trades
Council. Nearly all the unfinished build
ings were heavily picketed by the Unions,
but beyond one or two attempts to per
suade the nonunion men not to go to
work, no attempt was made to Interfere.
Labor troubles culminated in a riot at
Thirty-sixth and Wallace streets this
evening. WlHlam Schlndler was shot and
probably fatally wounded, and six others
were injured. Joseph Walsh, foreman for
the Link Belt Machinery Company, and
H. K. McLaln, superintendent of the
same company, were attacked by strik
ers. For some time the strikers have fol
lowed Walsh and McLaln every night
when they left the shops, and have
threatened to kill them. Tonight some
one threw a club at Walsh, striking him.
ln the back of the head. He accused
Schlndler, and when the latter denied It a
fight followed. A crowd of strikers gath
ered around, and Walsh, believing his
llfo was In danger, shot Schlndler in the
breast. A general fight followed the
shooting of Schlndler, and strikers to the
number of 40 made an attack upon Walsh
and McLaln. and four others who were
with them. Although badly pounded up.
they managed to hold their own, and beat
off their assailants until the arrival of
the police. Walsh was placed under ar-
Demands of St. Louis Men Are Re
jected. ST. LOUIS, Mo., March 8. A committee
representing employes of the St. Louis
Transit Company called at tho offices of
the company today for answer to their
demands presented yesterday. They were
Informed their resolutions were under con
sideration by the board of directors, but'
no decision had been reached. The com
mittee then served notico that they would
give the company until 4 o'clock this af
ternoon to answer their demands. Short
ly after 4 o'clock the committee went to
the office of General Manager Coleman
to hear the answer of the directors. They
were Informed that the board had ad
journed and had announced that no an
swer would be given the men until Sat
urday. The committee returned to Walt
ham Hall, the headquarters of the Amal
gamated Association of Street Railway
Employes, and conferred with President
Matter, of the International body, as to
the next move. The committee finally
agreed to call a mass meeting to decide
whether or not to strike.
Agreed Upon at the National League
z Meeting: Lagt Night. -
NEW YORK, March 8. The National
Baseball League for the season of 1500
will have an eight-club circuit. This an
nouncement was made at the Fifth-Avenue
Hotel at 11:C0 o'clock tonight, when the
league meeting adjourned. A verbal agree
ment was reached tonight, and tomorrow
tho agreement will be formally executed.
The retiring clubs are Washington, Balti
more, Louisville and Cleveland. Each club
will receive a money consideration for Its
franchise. How much is not stated.
Earlier In the day It was reported that
the Louisville franchise would be sold for
510,000, and that the Wagner Bros, had
consented to take about 540,000 for their
Washington franchise. No figures were
given as to the demands ot the Cleveland
club or tho Brooklyn-Baltimore combina
tion. All the clubs dropped have the right un
der the agreement to reserve their players
except Washington, which has been pur
chased outright by the league. Wash
ington's players will be distributed among
the other clubs. The Brooklyn-Baltimore
combination controls the Baltimore play
ers. e
Obsequies Were of the Simplest
DUBUQUE, la., March 8. In the vault
beside the remains of his predecessors.
Bishops Loras and Smythe, He the re
mains of John Hennessy, first Archbishop
of Dubuque. The obsequies occurred at
10 this morning and were of the simplest
character. There were no flowers and no
ornaments whatever. There was also an
entire absence of music, only the voice
of hundreds of priests being heard ln the
"Gregorian chant." This was In accord
ance with tho dead prelate's wish. The
ceremonies began at 7 o'clock, when Car
dinal Gibbons and each of the Archbish
ops celebrated requiem, mass. The courts
adjourned, and many manufacturing Insti
tutions and business houses were closed.
Chilly Comment or Dublin Press.
DUBLIN, March 8. The newspapers of
this city give rather a chilly reception to
the announcement of the proposed visit of
Queen Victoria to Ireland next month, al
though the comments are perfectly cour
teous. The Freeman's Journal says:
"The chivalry of the Irish would Insure
a respectful reception, but It Is Impossible
to congratulate Her Majesty on the oppor
tunity chosen for a royal visit, after a boy
cott so long persistently maintained."
The Dally Independent says:
"The Nationalists will have no other de
sire but that Her Majesty should receive
at the hands of the Irish the respectful
welcome due to her exalted station and
her high personal character."
Presidential Nominations.
WASHINGTON, March 8. The Presi
dent today sent the following nominations
to the Senate:
To be Indian Agent, James H. Montelth,
Butte City, Mont., for the Biackfoot
Agency, Montana; also, a number of mi
nor military appointments,
i c
New Zcalnnders at Carnarvon.
CAPE TOWN. March 8. The squadron
of New Zealanders constituting the ad
vance guard of the field forces sent to
operate against the rebels In the north
west districts of Cape Colony arrived at
Carnarvon yesterday. A squadron of
South Australians has gone to Vosburg.
The rebels there have artillery, and heavy
firing was heard Tuesday. The dispatch
of theso small advance forces Is fraught
with danger. The Canadian mounted ri
fles have gone to the front.
Recruited to Full Strength.
OTTAWA, March 8. Minister Borden
received tonight from the War Office a
cable accepting 100 men to recruit the
First Canadian contingent to its full
strength. They will leave with the Strath
cona Horse.
Senate Will Kill the Hay-Pauncc-fotc
Neutrality Provision Will Be Nullified;
Administration May Not
Press the Treaty.
"WASHINGTON. March S. It appears
that another blunder Is about to be per
petrated regarding the Hay-Pauncefoto
treaty on the Nlcaraguan canal. Publia
sentiment has been at work among tha
Senators and Representatives, and they,
fearing the effect of the alleged allianca
between the United States and Great Brit
ain ln case the treaty Is adopted, are now
proposing an amendment which will practical-
nullify the neutrality provision of
the treaty. It is a curious fact that Sen
ator Davis, of Minnesota, who has been
highly honored by the Administration,
should Introduce his amendment after
consultation with either the President or
Secretary Hay, and that his committee has
practically determined to adopt it. It is
more than likely that the treaty will not
now be pressed by the Administration, as
any amendment will he dec.dcdly unsat
isfactory. The curious thing about It la
that every one who knows the circum
stances Is aware that the canal In tlma
of war will be for the strongest party
that can hold It, and that any safeguards
that are made looking to any exclusive
rights for the United States would be dis
regarded If this country were at war.
This is another split between Congress
and the Administration, the first being
over the Puerto Rico hill. The Adminis
tration bowed to the will of the majority
ln that, and possibly will do the same
regarding the Hay-Pauncefote treaty.
The Reciprocity Treaty.
It Is understood that Senator Aldrich
has served notice on the Administration
that It must cease to press the French
reciprocity treaty, and that if It does It
will endager Republican success this fall.
It 13 well known that the reciprocity
treaty was brought out ot the committee
on foreign relations from the pressure of
Administration forces, and agents of tho
Administration have been urging Its pas
sage In the Senate. Th s notice by Aldrich
is very significant, because he is certainly
a power in the Senate, and his judgment
must be looked up to by the Republican
Talk of HarrlsonN Candidacy.
The suggestion that ex-President Harri
son should become a candidate for Presi
dent has caused quite a storm of. excite
ment ln Administration circles and among
others who are tied to McKlnley. The
general Impression Is that Harrison would
not consent to be a candidate, and that
he did not make his statements regarding
the Puerto Rlcan bill with any Idea of
displacing McKlnley ln the coming cam
paign. Aafrrvtmber of lntervjews with Senators
and Represerita'flves are "published hereTo
day, nearly all of whom express the opin
ion that Harrison would not be a candi
date, and most of whom state that they
are In favor of McKlnley.
Senator Simon, who Is among those in
terviewed, said: "I think Mr. McKlnley
will be renominated and re-elected, but
if that should not be the case I do not
think General Harrison would be given
the nomination. If there should be a
change It would be In favor of Roosevelt,
I think."
Republican AVI 11 Help Morgan.
The Republicans expect to take a hand
m the contest between Senator Morgan
and Governor Johnston, of Alabama, over
the succession to Morgan In the Senate.
The Republicans have no chance to elect
Morgan's successor, but It Is believed that
they may have power to Influence the
choice as between Morgan and Johnston.
A number of the Republican leaders ot
the state were recently called to Wash
ington for a conference looking to the
establishment of harmony within their
own somewhat divided ranks, and to con
elder the course to be taken with respect
to the situation within the Democratla
party developing out of the contest be
tween Morgan and Johnston. A view of
the case presented was that in the Interest
of the state and on account of the atti
tude of Morgan on expansion and other
questions ot the broadest national char
acter, Morgan should. If possible, be re
tained in the Senate rather than have him
succeeded by a man of the eccentric, radi
cal and popullstic tendencies of Johnston.
As a result of this conference. It is under
stood that whatever assistance the Repub
licans can render to secure the re-election
of Morgan will be at his sen-Ice. and con
fidence was expressed that Morgan would
succeed himself.
Forty Building: in the Totvn Wera
LEAD, S. D., March 8. Fire this morn
ing destroyed 40 buildings. The Deadwood
firo department was called on for as
sistance, and responded. In addition to
the coTriblned fire departments. It was
found necessary to blow up buildings in
the path of the fire with dynamite in or
der to stop its spread. Owing to the high
wind blowing, the scarcity of water and
the Inflammable nature of tho buildings,
the firemen were unable to do anything to
stay the flames In any other way. Tho
Hearst library building and the big stamp
mills wero ln danger at ona time, but
the blowing up of buildings saved them.
The loss of 40 buildings is estimated at
1300,000, which Is covered by about 5150.000
Insurance. Most of tho business blocks
burned were woomen.
Chicago Church Destroyed.
CHICAGO. March 8. The Second Pres
byterian Church, at Twentieth street and
Michigan avenue, was destroyed by fire to
night. The building was the home of one of
the most aristocratic congregations ln tha
city. A reception was being given in. the
church parlors by the Young People's
Christian Endeavor Society of the church,
and the assemblage was ln the" midst of
the festivities when the the blaze was dis
covered in the organ on the main floor.
There was a wild rush for the exits, but
all escaped safely. The loss on the build
ing and furnishings is estimated at $200,000.
Engine Factory Burned.
ELMIRA. N. Y., March 9. The plant of
the Payne Engine Company was destroyed
by fire today. Loss, 5100,000.
Ex-Minister Phelps' Condition.
NEW HAVEN. Conn., March 8. Ex
Minister Phelps remains ln about the
same condition as this morning. He Is
very weak, and gradually though not
rapidly falling. The physicians hold out
no hope for his recovery.
Representative Watson Renominated
RICHMOND, Ind., March 8. The Re
publican Congressional convention of tha
Sixth District today renominated Repre
sentative Watson by acclamation.