Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 07, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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lAbergreldie Due From the Orient Shu-
daj Don Mara Sails for Japan.
With. "Wheat Marine Notes.
The big steamship Strathgyle, which In
net registered tonnage -will be the larg
est steamship that has come to Portland
since the days of the Great Republic,
will sail from San Diego for this port to
day. The Strathgyle Is in the Same Fe
lino's Oriental service, and, after tak
ing on about 4000 tons of flour at this
port, will return to San Diego to nil out
her cargo with cotton. The latter com
modity is so bulky In proportion to its
weight that it Is much safer In loading
a steamer to have her lower hold filled
with flour or some other freight equally
as heavy In proportion to the space it oc
cupies. The Strathgyle was built more
with a view to carrying big cargoes than
making fast time, and accordingly she
will not reach Portland much, If any, be
fore Sunday. Her Portland cargo will
be supplied by T. M. Stevens & Co., who
also supplied the cargo for the Thyra, of
the same line.
The big liner Abergeldle Is due from the
Orient about the same day- as the Strath
gyle, and It is not improbable that the
steamship Columbia, of Dodwell's line,
will come up from San Francisco about
the same time and load a cargo for the
Orient. The year's business is starting in
under most favorable circumstances, and,
with a continuation of the present big
demand for Oregon products in the Far
Bast, the Oriental shipments for 1900 will
break all previous records.
l&merlcaa Shipbuilders Have Advan
tages Over Those of England.
The London Shipping World, in an arti
cle on the American shipping subsidy bill,
'presents the following facts, which are
handled very gingerly or overlooked en
tirely by the advocates of the big graft:
"As we pointed out last week, it is im
posslble to Justify this bill upon economic
data. The American workman, we are
told by Mr. Carnegie, is worth two Brit
ish workmen. We also know that he
works nearly 10 hours a week longer than
the British artisan. It Is contended by
the mlneowners of the United States that
Iron and coal can be mined and brought
to the furnace cheaper there than in the
United Kingdom. And we know, more
over, that American-made ship-plates are
Imported by Messrs. Harland and Wolff
and other shipbuilders for the construc
tion of vessels in British yards. More
over, every Informed person having to do
with shipping matters knows that an
American and an English ship at any for
eign port pay precisely the same wages
to their seamen and firemen, and that the
assertion of Mr. Payne, M. C, that a ship
sailing under the American flag paid
higher wages than British shlp3 Is mere
nonsense expressed through ignorance;
for, certainly, we do not believe that Mr.
Payne would consciously misrepresent
facts. In the face of these economic con
ditions, the United States Congress will
undoubtedly pass this bill In the interest
of American shipping. It will not listen
to the demand of our contemporary for a
modification of the bill; and the measure
will be pressed through by the strength
and Influence of the American shipbuild
ing syndicate."
To Be Built In Portland and Go on
the Tillamook Run.
ASTORIA, March G The contract was
awarded today for the new steamer that
Is to take the place of the R, P. Elmore,
on the Astoria-Tillamook route.. The to
tal -cost of the boat will be about 517.000
Johnson, of East Portland, will build the
hull, and the Wlllamet Iron "Works the
engines. The contract price for the latter
Is 510.000.
The steamer El Hurd was fined $500 to
day by Collector Fox for carrying 12 pas
sengers on her trip from Deep River
this morning, when her license permits
her to carry only six.
Captain Salte, with his steamer O. K.,
has been successful in picking up the lost
anchor of the British bark Samaritan and
will place it on board the vessel, when
she comes down the river.
At a regular monthly meeting of the
Oregon Pilot Commission, held today, In
structions were issued to place the state
pilot schooner San Jcse In commission to
take the place of the Joseph Pulitzer, as
the latter is in need of some minor re
pairs. OX FIRE AT SEA.
Norwegian, Ship Abandoned in Mid
Ocean. PHILADELPHIA. March 6. The Amer
ican Line steamship Rhineland arrived
here today from Liverpool and reported
having sighted the Norwegian ship Sol
helm, lumber laden, from Mobile January
23, for Fleetwood, England, abandoned and
on fire. The Rhineland sighted the burn
ing snip February 27, in latitude 45.35, long
itude, 3S.1L The American Hner went
to the vessel to take off any who
might be aboard the ship, but found no
signs of life. The" fife was burning fierce
ly from the stern to amidships. All the
sails of tho ship had either been scorched
or burned. The Solhelm Is supposed to
have carried a crew of from 15 to 20. Her
captain's name was Metzen.
Japanese Steamship Dojru Mara
Clears for Yokohama.
Portland yesterday dispatched the sec
ond Oriental wheat cargo that has been
shipped from the Pacific Coast. The one
clearing yesterday was hardly as large
as the first of the fleet, as much of the
space aboard was taken up by a ship
ment of lumber. The vessel which car
ries this cargo into a comparatively new
field for wheat shipments is the Japa
nese steamship Doyu Maru. She was
cleared by J. C. Robinson for Yokoha
ma, with 51,538 bushels of wheat, valued
-at $2S,000, and 1675 barrels of flour, valued
at $4150. The steamer also carries 105,131
feet of lumber, valued at $1800. She left
down the river yesterday, and will cross
out from Astoria today.
Lumber Drogher In Trouble.
The bark Sebastian Bach, which was
reported bound for Portland from Japan,
but which is believed to be chartered for
the Sound, is in a serious condition at
Honolulu. Latest Honolulu papers have
the following regarding her:
"The bark Sebastian Bach, lying out
side, is being fumigated before coming
in. She is In a pretty badly damaged
condition and leaking at the rate of about
three or four Inches per hour. This water
is kept down by the -windmill aboard, and
is easily controlled while the vessel is at
anchor. In a seaway the bark leaks very
badly, and she is generally considered by
men who have seen her to be in a pretty
bad fix. She is nearly 30 years old and
has had some hard usage. A board of
survey will probably be appointed to In
spect the vessel. The captain wants to
stay outside until he can communicate
with her owners. It Is not yet settled
what Is to be done. In anticipation of
bringing her in the fumigation is now
being done."
Overdue "Whaler Safe.
cific "Whaling Steamship Company's steam
er "Walcott, which had been considered
lost, is reported safe and on her way from
Unalaska to Sitka. The company has re
ceived a telegram announcing that the
"Walcott had left Unalaska. 10'days behind
schedule time, caused by unavoidable de
lay. The steamer Excelsior, for whose
safety some apprehension was also enter
tained, is reported safe, and expected to
make Seattle within a day or two.
Blythxvrood la DintrcMB.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 6. The Mer
chants' Exchange has received a dispatch
from Valparaiso, saying that the British
ship Blythswood, from Oregon for Cape
Town, has put into the southern port In
distress. On the 6th of January the ship
encountered a severe gale. Part of her
bulwarks xcre destroyed, her lifeboats
damaged, her cargo shifted and consider
able other damage done to rigging and
Two Oriental Ships.
TACOMA, March 6. The liner Brecon
shire cleared today for China and Japan
with freight to the value of J196.0S2. Of
this amount, $95,100 is cotton and the bal
ance Is made up of flour and leather.
The steamship Tacoma arrived today
from Yokohama with 1500 tons of silk and
matting and three passengers.
Drifted Bnclc In the Channel.
TILLAMOOK, March 6. The schooner
Petrel, which went ashore trying to get
out of Nestucca, has drifted back Into
the harbor, not much damaged.
Marine Jfoieti.
The steamship St. Irene finished coal
ing at the mouth of the river yesterday,
and will sail today, weather permitting.
The British bark Donna Francisco, left
down the river yesterday morning, draw
ing nearly 23 feet. She was In tow of the
steamer R. R. Thompson.
The steamer State of California, right
on time, as usual, arrived in before day
light j-esterday morning, and was at her
dock In this city shortly after 3 o'clock.
The British ship Bothwell, which laid
up for the greater part of last year in
Portland, bus been sold since reaching
England to W. Montgomery, of London,
for $63,000. Her gross earnings on a trip
from Portland at present rates would be
nearly $30,000.
Domcifio and Foreign Fort.
ASTORIA, March 6. Arrived at 3 1
M. and left up at 7:50 A. M. Steamer
State of California, from San Francisco.
Condition of the bar at 5 P. M. Rough;
wind, south; raining.
San Francisco, March 6. Arrived
Schooner Gotama and schooner Blsy
Rowe, for Coos Bay; steamer Columbia,
from Portland; steamer Senator, from Se
attle; steamer South Portland, from Oys
ter Bay. Sailed Steamer St. Paul, for
Unalaska; steamer Mackinaw, for Seattle.
Arrived March 5 Steamer Farallon, from
Skagway. Sailed March 5 Steamer Grace
Dollar, for Gray's Harbor.
Port Townsend, March 6. Arrived Bar
kentlne "Willie R. Hume, from Manila;
steamer Tacoma, from Hong Kong.
Cape Town Arrived March E Bark
Harvester, from Chemainus.
Birkenhead Arrived March 5 German
ship Karl, from Portland, Or.
Sydney Arrived March 5 British steam
er Mlowera, from Vancouver.
Yokohama Arrived prior to March 3
Japanese steamer Idzumi Maru, from Se
attle. Bcachyhead. March 6. Passed British
ship The HahDnemann, from Portland,
New York, March 6. Arrived "Western
land, from Antwerp.
Glasgow. March 6. Arrived Samaritan,
from Boston.
Shanghai. March 6 Sailed British ship
Queen Elizabeth, for Puget Sound.
Philadelphia, March 6. Arrived Rhyn
land, from Liverpool.
New York, March 6 Sailed Saale, for
Bremen, via Southampton.
Boston, March 6. Arrived Ultonia, from
Liverpool, March 6. Arrived Bovic,
from New York.
Bremen. March 6. Arrived Darmstadt,
from New York.
Antwerp, March 6 Arrived Noordland,
from 'New York.
Nagasaki Sailed March 4. Victoria, for
Plymouth. March C Sailed Patricia,
from Hamburg, for New York.
German Imports Found to Contain
NEW YORK. March 6. A special to the
Herald from "Washington says:
Though the Administration cannot
protest against Injurious legislation
pending in the German Legislature,
it has developed that it has been
making a quiet investigation to
ascertain the extent of the adulteration
of German importations into the United
States. This Investigation has extended
to the Imports of other European govern
ments which Impose restrictions upon
American goods. In the case of Germany,
the information to be obtained will be of
value in determining the course this Gov
ernment shall adopt should the meat-inspection
bill, reported by the Reichstag
committee, be enacted into law.
This investigation, which has been going
on for some little time, has developed that
the objection raised by the German gov
ernment against American products also
exists in German goods. This discovery
is very gratifying to the officials, ao It
furnishes them with an excellent weapon
to be employed in case of need. German
wines are said to contain adulterants, and
tho President, should he determine to do
60, can take measures to exclude them.
Examination of a statement of the pro
visions of the bill reported by the Reichs
tag committee shows, the authorities say,
that American meats can be entirely ex
cluded. The press dispatches indicated
that tho conditions relative to Inspection
had been modified, but Ambassador
White's dispatch announces that the bill
contemplates an Imperial Inspection at the
port of entry, and a local inspection In the
province which is the destination of tho
meat. In addition, there is the prohibition
of American canned and corned beef and
sausage. It Is the contention of this Gov
ernment, and Ambassador White has been
so advised, that one inspection should
be sufficient. With an Imperial and local
inspection, the effect would be, it Is stated,
to condemn practically all American meats
which might be Imported Into the Ger
man Empire.
In answer to a complaint registered by
this Go ernment at the refusal of the local
authorities of the German Empire to give
Information to American Consuls, the Ger
man government has announced that all
such Information must come from the for
eign office, and communications requesting
It should be sent to the Minister of For
eign Affairs. In principle this, according
to the department, must be accepted, but
there is no Intention of permitting such
discrimination against American Consuls
as Is apparent from the secret Instructions
to German officials at Dusseldorf, as pub
lished in the Herald this morning.
Representations made to Secretary Hay
announce the desire of the German govern
ment to modify the pending bill, and Its
purpose to have It amended when consid
ered by the Bundesrath.
Love's Kiss.
From "Some Vereetf' by MIes Helen Hay. Copy
right by Herbert S. Stone & Co., Chicago.
KJre me but once, and In that epace supreme
My -whole dark life shall quiver to an end.
Sweet Death hall see mr heart and compre
hend That Life is cro-wnd, and In an endless gleam
Will fix the color of the dying stream.
That Life and Death may meet as friend -with
An endless Immortality to blend;
KIeb me but once, and so shall end my dream.
And then Love heard mo -nd bestowed his lass.
And straight I crld to Death: I will not die!
Earth Is so fair when one remembers this;
Life is but Just begun! Ah. come.not yet!
. The very world rmlles up to kiss the sky
And In the grave one may forget forget.
"We buy, each year, 1,000,000 sentimental
valentines at an average cost of 10 cents
each, and 20,000,000 comic valentines, cost
ing 1 cent each Thla In turn means an
I .outlay of $300,000.
"Wants Protection and Encourage
ment for Small Farmers aad All
Legitimate Settlers.
WASHINGTON, March 2. Tho propo
sition to lease public grazing lands under
the direction of the Department of Agri
culture and with the assistance of tho
Interior Department continues to receive
much attention among members of Con
gress. It appears that the original move
in this direction was the sending by the
Department of Agriculture to Oregon for
facts and data. The investigation was
conducted -with much care, and the result
was that Secretary Wilson announced
himself in favor of the leasing of grazing
lands. Ever since there has been much
opposition to such leasing of grazing lands
and, apparently, by two classes. First,
by those who are opposed to leasing pub
lic grazing lands under any conditions
whatsoever. This contingent does not
appear to be very large or well fortified
against reasonable arguments. Jsecona,
by those who do not approve of the pro
visions of such legislation as has been
suggested or presented. This class num
bers many careful Investigators, educated
men and settlers end range occupants,
who are taking an active part in an en
deavor to shape whatever legislation, If
any, may be had in the premises.
Senator Foster, of Washington, who
has given much attention to the subject,
is opposed to any action whatever until
the various Interested parties have had
ample opportunity to discuss the question.
Primarily, he believes that It will be wise
to protect public grazing lands from de
struction by overgrazing, and that, also,
tho small farmer and settler Is certainly
entitled to protection from those who use
tho public grazing lands for grazing pur
poses and infringe upon the lands adJa-
cent to farms and small range occupants.
He favors preferred rights for settlers,
bona fide settlers, and he would oppose
any measure that does not offer every
opportunity for entering upon leased
lands for mineral and other purposes un
der the land laws of the United States.
Tho public grazing lands should, in his
opinion, be utilized primarily for the en
couragement of settlers, who should be
be given preference rights in the leasing
of grazing lands, to tho end that the
lands may be protected from destruction,
and that settlers may "bo encouraged. As
between tho use of grazing lands by a few
as against many persons, he would favor
the many, because of the resulting benefits
to the State and tho general development
of the country, and the creation of a per
manent source of Income for the State In
the way of taxes.
From many of the Western States a
largo number of letters, both for and
against the leasing of public grazing
lands, have been forwarded to members
of Congress during the past month. From
those received by Senator Foster, and
from his own Investigations In the prem
ises, he has offered the following sugges
tions as a basis for further discussion of
tho subject, and the formulation of a per
fect bill. In case it Is finally deemed de
sirable by those directly Interested to
favor the leasing plan under proper re
strictions: Senator Foster's Suggestions.
First That the rate of rental shall not
be less than 1 cent per acre per annum,
and the maximum and minimum areas
leased shall. In all cases, -De calculated to
encourage and facilitate agricultural de
velopment, and no lease nor any right
acquired shall be assignable, nor shall
leases be sublet, and no lease shall be
made for a longer period than 10 years,
and only one lease shall be made to any
one person In any state or territory, un
less. In some cases, where the use of a
summer and winter range is deemed
Second Subject to the preferred rights
of settlers, leases may be renewed for
one or more periods, not exceeding 10
Third All leases shall be for the small
est area compatible with the best utiliza
tion of land for grazing purpos, and
tho needs and conveniences of settlers.
Fourth All settlers actually occu
pying and farming agricultural land
shall have a preferred right to
lease grazing land adjacent or
convenient thereto, and, subject to
such right, the occupant of a range
actually engaged In grazing stock thereon,
shall have a preferred right to lease such
Fifth All lands leased for graz
ing purposes shall be open to entry
as mineral lands and otherwise
under the land laws of the United
States, and shall be subject to recla
mation by the actual construction
of irrigation works, and any area leased as
grazing land, but afterward found to be
more valuable as the result of Irrigation
or other development, to be more valuable
for the uses of settlers or for townslte
purposes together with sufficient grazing
land convenient or adjacent thereto for
the use of bona fide settlers shall be
cancelled from the lease and proper ad
justment made of the rental with the
lessee. None of the foregoing provisions
shall deprive the lessee of means of water
ing stock pastured on his leasehold, nor
shall those entering upon such land for
the purposes stated above be deprived of
ordinary easement, conveniences, nor shall
the lessee be hampered In the grazing of
Ms stock by means of willful obstructions.
Sixth Willful entry or trespass, for graz
ing stock upon lands leased for grazing
purposes, regardless of indicated or es
tablished limits of such leased lands,
either by posts, monuments, fences, nat
ural boundaries or other Indicated or es
tablished and recognized boundaries shall
bo deemed a misdemeanor.
Seventh Leases shall be made to per
sons who are citizens of the United States
or have declared their Intention to become
such, and who are residents of the State
or Territory in -which the land is located.
Eighth At State and Territorial boun
daries provision shall be made for tho
leasing of ranges or grazing areas that
will meet the requirements of the settlers
or range occupants.
Ninth Grazing areas necessary for the
transit of stock between their summer
and winter Tange or for the transit of
stock for other purposes, or areas which,
from the nature of the water supply, are
not suitable for subdivision into ranges,
may be withheld lor common uses, and
suitable permits may be Issued for the
occupancy, In common, of such areas for
transit, watering or grazing purposes.
Tenth Where the value of the forest
areas as sources of water supply so far
overbalance any possible value they may
have for grazing purposes, no grazing
-whatever shall be allowed, and nothing
contained in proposed legislation on this
subject shall be construed as providing for
or permitting the leasing of established
forest reserves for grazing purposes.
Eleventh Due notice shall be given by
advertising once a week for eight con
secutive weeks in the newspapers pub
lished in or that circulate throughout the
grazing districts before any leases are
actually made, nor for 30 days after the
final publication of said notices. In said
publication and notice of Intention to
lease lands, the time and place, conveni
ent to lessees, when leases will be made
shall be designated, together with an out
line description of the tracts to be leased.
Twelfth Tho rental fixed per acre at
which lands shall be leased must be plain
ly set forth In the published notice of in
tention to lease, and no other rental shall
be accepted when lands are leased, and
for the protection of settlers and small
farmers no competitive bidding for leases
shall be permitted.
Thirteenth As a matter of convenience,
grazing areas known to be unfit for other
purposes may be consolidated under prop-
ier reemcuons, and. supervision by the
Government, and public grazing lands may
bo exchanged with States or private own
ers for other grazing lands of equal
Fourteenth As far as possible provision
shall be made for regulating and limiting
the areas to be leased.
What Money They Spend and Where
They Work.
There are 350 organizations, big and lit
tle, doing some form of work in foreign
mission fields, but there are seven great
societies, four American and three Brit
ish, that do vastly more than all the rest
put together. By great is meant tho
amount of funds which they annually ex
pend, and the number and size of the
missionary enterprises which they main
tain. These seven arc. In order:
Tho Church Missionary Society, Lon
don: tho Missionary Society of the Meth
odist Church in America; the American
Presbyterian Board; the London Mission
ary Society; the British Society for the
Propagation of the Gospel; the American
Board. Boaton. and the American Baptist
Missionary Union, Boston. But while
our of these seven are American, the
three British, societies have larger annual
resources than have the four American
ones. Not only so, but two of tho British
societies are organizations In the Church
of England, while all of the four Ameri
can represent different religious bodies.
The largest single missionary organiza
tion in the world, tho Church Missionary
Society, of London, was a fruit of the
evangelical movement In the Church of
England. A part of Its work Is tho main
tenance of a vast training school for mis
sionary workers. One of its largest fields
is West -Africa, where its missionaries
gave tho first impulse to the exploration
of that vast continent. It Is now follow
ing up these explorations with gospel sta
tions, so that whole pages of Its reports
read like a chapter out of Henry M. Stan
ley's book. Its other great field Is India.
Hare it stand" for British nle and pres
tige. But It has gone to other fields, not
ably to China, and) its $2,000,000 a year,
spent In the cause of the gospel, circles
the globe -with its Influence.
The second largest of the world's great
missionary organizations is the Ameri
can Methodist, which spends about $1,000,
000 a year. Its fields are China and India,
although it has work in many other
lands. Methodiets of Canada outstrip all
other religious bodies of the Dominion In
missionary contributions and activity, so
that If there bo added together the con
tributions of Methodist North America
the total reaches $1,450,000 a year.
Presbyterians North stand third of tho
seven organizations, and spend $375,000 a
year. Its largest field Is India, If num
ber of missions be the test, but in num
ber of communicants China sur
passes all. It has Important work in
Corea, Japan and Persia, and in the far
East it has, in educational and political
ways, exerted marked Influence, often at
critical, times. It leads all other boards
in the number of Its medical missionaries,
both men and women.
Two of the remaining four societies are
British and two American. The London
missionary had in "its early days, as did
tho American board, its counterpart on
this side of the Atlantic, supporters In
many religious bodies, and had and still
has a constitution strictly undenomina
tional In its working. But it has In
practice come to represent the British
Congregatlonallsts. While China and
India are its great fields, its peculiar field
is Madagascar, -where the work of its mis
sionaries was far-reaching and wonder
ful. The South seas, and also South Af
rica have seen many of its workers. It
spends $G57,0GO a year, or about the same
sum as the Society for the Propagation of
the Gospel, and the American board.
The "S. P. G.," as everybody calls this
famous society for short, is the oldest of
Protestant bodies for strictly missionary
work, and grew out of the need for the
planting of missions in. North America.
It planted, for example, famous Trinity
Parish. New York City, and through Its
influence gavo that now vast corporation
its financial start. For many years its
labors were confined to British territory.
The American Board, now Congregation
al, grew out of the haystack conference,
as everybody knows, and dates from 1810,
the oldest of American missionary organi
zations. So early did it get started and
so wisely has it administered its trusts
that it now makes the largest showing on
its $650,000 a year of any missionary body.
Its work in India and in China makes
those countries its main fields, but more
famous Is Its history In Turkey, where
It fought for humanity as well as for re
ligion, and in the Sandwich Islands, where
the story of Its deeds since about 1835
reads like some missionary air castle.
The way in which the first party of mis
sionaries came to go to Hawaii, and what
came of their trip, these are tales in
The greatest Baptist foreign organiza
tion is the Missionary Union, of Boston.
In one Important respect It beats every
other missionary body in the world, name
ly, the number of so-called "heathen"
that It has Induced to turn Christian.
The Union came into existence in a curi
ous manner. Two young men, who had
gone out under tho American Board,
changed their -views, on baptism, while on
the long sea voyage. To support them,
being in the field and now Baptists, an
organization was formed in 1814, and it has
since grown as stated, to be one of the
seven great missionary forces of the
These vast missionary Interests, vast
in operation and expenditure, and far
reaching In their influence upon affairs
both in the United States and In foreign
lands, are to hold an ecumenical confer
ence on the general subject of foreign mis
sions. The date is the 10 days following
April 2L and tho place New York. All of
these great missionary Interests will be
represented, of course.
Mr. Bloomer and His Fame.
Chicago Times-Herald.
D. C. Bloomer, who died at Council
Bluffs, la., Saturday night, at the age of
84, was for years a Republican of influ
ence In his state; before that he had been
for a good many years the husband of
Mrs. Amelia Bloomer, who tried to intro
duce a reformed costume for women,
which sho did not Invent, but to which
her name became attached. Tho "bloom
ers" of 50 years ago were not comely.
but In our day we havo seen their im
proved successors In the b'cycle costumes.
Republican Bnnger.
Providence Journal, Rep.
The free silver Issue upon which the
campaign of 1S96 was fought came Into
prominence within a year of the election.
Is the Issue upon which this year's elec
tion Is to be fought coming into shape
now? If It is, and If the constitutional
and moral right of the inhabitants of our
islands to fair play and free trade Is that
Issue, the Democrats have virtually the
entire press of tho United States and per
haps the Supreme Court on their side of
tho issue. The Republicans are playing
with fire.
Sacrificing- Duty to Sordldness.
Chicago Tlmes-Kerald.
President McKInloy cannot afford to
mistake the clamor of the sugar and to
bacco lobby for the voice of the American
people. If the committee bill comes to
him In its present shape, nothing short of
an absolute and uncompromising veto will
save him from the ugly charge of sacri
ficing "plain duty" to the sordid demands
of two protected Industries, already in bad
odor with the American people.
An Unpopular Victory.
St. Paul Pioneer Press, Rep.
The passage In the House of the Puerto
Rican tariff bill as amended to carry
rates of 15 per cent and to remain in
force only two years may be accounted a
Republican victory, but it Is not one that
will strengthen the Dirty throughout the
I country-
Remarkable Consensus of Opinion
That Puerto Rico Shonld Havo
Free Access to Onr Markets.
WASHINGTON, March 2. One of the
ablest denunciations of the Puerto Rican
tariff bill that has been made In Wash
ington was that of Rev. R. H. McKlm, of
the Church of the Epiphany, who took
occasion from the pulpit to point out the
wrongs that would bo done the people of
Puerto Rico if the bill -were passed. In
the course of his denunciation, Dr. Mc
Klm said:
"The Puerto Rico tariff bill involves a
great moral Issue, which affects the char
acter and the good name of the whole
American people. With its moral aspect
the Church of God has a right, and It Is
its bounden duty, to deal. High above
the petty Intrigues of party politicians or
the debate upon the constitutional Inter
polation rises the Inevitable moral Issue,
which Is hanging In the balance with the
passage or defeat of the bill. If it passes.
then, in my Judgment, the Congress of the
United States will have committed Itself
to a policy of Injustice and inhumanity
injustice because It Involves a violation of
the plighted faith of the Nation, and In
human because It Involves a violation
of tho plainest dictates of charity and pity.
Great Legislative "Wronjy.
"If the Hebrew prophets felt within them
the inspiration of the Almighty to rebuke
in His name those who oppressed the
poor, surely the ministers of Jesus Christ
need not Incur tho charge of fanaticism
If they feel deeply moved by the Spirit of
God to rebuke such legislation as this,
which proposes to lay heavy burdens upon
an impoverished and half-starving people,
who, only IS months ago. welcomed us
with acclamations as deliverers from the
yoke of Spanish oppression, and to whom
the Commander-in-Chief of our armies
Issued a proclamation, saying: 'We have
come to bestow upon you me blessing and
immunities of the liberal institutions of
our Government.'
"I cannot keep silent while a great leg
islative wrong Is being perpetrated. The
pulpit is not too sacred a place in which
to preach righteousness and justice. Here
Is a definite, concrete wrong on the eve of
being committed. Shall the pulpit be 6llent1
God forbid!
"Puerto Rico became American territory
by conquest. The President of the United
States, the Secretary of War, and the
Governor-General of the Island, after care
ful study of the situation, were of one
mind, that we should abolish all custom
tariffs between the United States and
Puerto Rico and give her products free ac
cess to our markets. Here was a re
markable concensus of opinion among the
men who were in the best position to
judge what was due to ourselves, to our
good faith and to our sense of justice. It
was hailed by the Puerto Rican inhabi
tants with delight as the measure of re
lief and help -which they ardently desired
and sorely needed. Finally, the ways and
means committee gave their adhesion to
the propositions of the President and his
advisers and brought In a bill for free
trade accordingly.
Committee's Chan pre of Opinion.
"But, alas! That committee underwent
a remarkable change of opinion I will not
say through what means or under whose
potent advice. Enough to say, that bill
was withdrawn and the present one Intro
duced, which puti the people of Puerto
Rico in the position of. foreigners toward
the great republic under whose aegis they
were so eager to take refuge. It taxes
the principal food of the poor, rice, up
to 25 per cent of its value. I arraign the
proposed legislation as an unrighteous
exercise of power, supposing the power
to bo constitutional, because it lays upon
an already poor and Impoverished people
a burden too heavy to be borne. Wo have
closed the markets of Cuba against her.
Those of Spain are also closed to her by
the results of the war, and now this bill
proposes to close her only remaining mar
ket, that of the United States, against the
unhappy island.
"Is this the beneficent rule we promised
her under the Stars and Stripes? Is this
the prosperity we lield out as a relief from
Spanish oppression? Are these export and
Import burdens of the 'immunities of o,ur
liberal Institutions' which was proclaimed
to the happy islanders while they strewed
flowers In the pathway of our soldiers i
Many indignant Americans call It a very
different name tho plunder of a defense
less people."
Dr. McKlm quoted the letter given to
the press by six of Puerto Rico's citizens,
recently sent to Washington to represent
the interests of the Island. These men
stated that It was an intolerable Indignity
to leave men in the position of vassals
who have enjojed the largest representa
tive rights and suffrage and liberal auton
omy. - .
Means Bllffbt and Rnln.
"Is It possible," continued Dr. McKlm,
"that an appeal such as these men made
can go unheeded? It comes from the suf
fering, half-starved people of that little
Island over which we have so lately plant
ed our flag as the symbol of liberty, jus
tice, and humanity. Now these unhappy
people in their poverty and distress, look
ing across the sea to this mighty repub
lic, in place of the rainbows of prosperity
and freedom which they confidently ex
pected to see spanning the horizon under
our beautiful rule, behold a dark storm
cloud gathering In the West, having its
Genesis in tho legislative halls of Con
gress, charged, not with a blessing, but
with blight and ruin. They Implore us
not to treat them as vassals, having neith
er political nor commercial freedom. They
point to the wretchedness, and implore us
to strike the fetters from their commerce
as their only salvation from utter ruin.
"If this cry for Justice and humanity
awakens no response; if the American
people do not heed it; it this cruel legis
lation sh'all Indeed be consummated, then,
I ask, will the Stars and Stripes be to the
people of Puerto Rico any longer the sym
bol of liberty and justice and humanity!
Will not the enactment of this bill be a
stain upon our escutcheon, a blot upon our
flag as long as It stands In the statute,
book? This: Is a critical moment in our
history. Right upon the threshold of a
new career of expansion we are on trial
before the conscience of the world, wheth
er or not we will exercise our power right
eously and In harmony with tho spirit of
our institutions. I would disclaim the im
putation of any Intentional wrong, of any
conscious Injustice or Inhumanity. All
the same, they remain, for they arc In
corporated in tho bill and are inseparable
from It.
Rescue Cuba, Starve Pnerto Rico.
"The world will recognize them, and we
shall be open to the Just reproach of hav
ing gone to war with Spain In 1S93 to res
cue the starving Inhabitants of Cuba, and
then In 1S00 of having turned a deaf ear
to the cry of another starving people,
starving under our own flag and by rea
sion of our unrighteous legislation. We
could make no reply, but -would be obliged
to hang our heads In shame.
"The American people have a quick
senso of wrong, and I do not believe the
appeal from the people of Puerto Rico will
be In vain. A policy of Injustice will never
command the sympathy of the American
people. We say to the advocates of this
bill. 'It is not wise; It Is not safe for a
man to de anything against the conscience
of the people.' More aid more It becomes
apparent that the provisions of the bill
are repugnant to the consciences of the
plain people of the United States, and
that If It is forced through Congress its
authors may expect that the Nemesis of
popular displeasure will overtake thom.
"We who are residents of the District
of Columbia have no representation on
Jtho floor of Congress to voice our senti-
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Don't delay, when It may
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s-SSiStiS-Wv. g
ments on this grave and momentous is
sue, but wo are citizens of the United
States, vitally Interested In all that per
tains to the welfare and honor and good
name of our country, proud of our herit
age as Americans, sensitive to any possi
ble stain upon the nation's escutoheon.
In a crisis like this, therefore, we have
a right to speak our sentiments, and to
ask that they be considered as one of the
constituent elements in the public opinion
of the country. It is both as a citizen of
tho United States and as a preacher of
righteousness that I have ventured to ex
press mself tonight upon this subject, be
lieving that I echo the general sentimenl
of the people of this community."
Xative and Forelsrn Press on
Pnerto Rican Policy.
CITY OF MEXICO. March 6. The press
here, both native and foreign, condemn
the policy of the United States Congress
toward Puerto Rico. The papers printed
in English aro severe In their criticisms
on the treatment of the annexed island,
and predict trouble ahead. Tho Spanish
Colonies organ, Corerro Espanola, says:
"McKlnley, halng taken pity on Puerto
Rico, has asked Congress to authorize him
to devote to the relief of the Island which
has been converted by famine into a new
British India a sum equivalent to the
Custom-House duties paid by the mer
chants of Puerto Rico on its Introduction
Into the United States. It Is said that half
a loaf Is better than no bread, but we are
of tho opinion that this measure Is worse
than nothing. Instead of converting the
Inhabitants of tho Island Into mendicants,
they ought to be left free to develop their
natural'resources and sell their products,
to which end exportation, now in a state
of stagnation, should be facilitated by
means of free trade.
"What Puerto Rico needs rather than
degradation, almost, which U Insulting to
human dignity. Is to be able to sell Its su
gar and tobacco. But this would not suit
the American producers of sugar and to
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a Trial Treatment, Free of Charge, of the most remariable remedy ever discovered. Con
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&BOAIWAX, UtaXt XUttiSu. - - ,, ,
mmsammamm pa-rnj
mean a loss of life. Act now.
?3! Sk eV -5H,
-Af '-E5
bacco; It would run counter to the pro
tected interests, which hae great Intluencfip
111 fcliu rcuciui vuu&icD-, uuu -uvxih-iuitjr..
In order not to offend those interested, has
found a way out of It by offering char-
-tSIdrvey Lanier.
My soul Is sailing through the eea.
But the past la heavy and hlndereth roe.
The past hnth crusted, cumbrous shells
That hold the flesh of cold eea mells
About my soul.
The huge- -waves -nosh, the high waves roll
Each barnacle cllnreth and worketh dol
And hlndereth. me from, sailing!
Old Fast, let so. and drop 1' the sea.
Till fathomless waters coer thee!
For I am lltlng, but thou art dead;
Thou drawest back, I strive ahead
The day to find. "7
Thy rfiells unbind' Night comes behind,
I needs must hurry with the wind
And trim me best for falling.
A Plain. Obligation.
Boston Journal.
Months ago President McKlnley ani5
Secretary Root pointed out tho courso
which ought to have been taken. It was
direct. Intelligible, fair to the Puerto Rl
cans, just to all concerned. It was tho
unqualified admission of the Island witnln
our tariff system, with absolute freedom
of commercial intercourse. The Journal
considered this proposition at length at
the time, and heartily approved It as tho
proper fulfilment of our plain obligation
to the Puerto Rican people whom we had
brought beneath our flag.
Starving: People for the Treats.
Philadelphia Ledger.
The bill is a purely selfish one. It la
directly in tho Interest of two of the most
notorious trusts In the country. If tho
Sugar Trust ard the New England To
bacco Association were out of the way
there would be no effort to starve tho
people of Puerto Rico, under tho plea of
giving them a government.
Easy Homo Cawa
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