Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 03, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Consideration of Puerto Rican
Tariff Bill Begun.
One Provides for a Government lor
, the Inland, tlie Other for
Free Trade.
"WASHINGTON". March 2. Interest in
the Puerto Itlcan tariff measure now has
been transferred from the House to the
Senate. Consideration of the blir" embody
ing substantially the provisions of the
House bill, and In addition providing for
a temporary form of civil government for
the island of Puerto Rico was begun fn
the Senate today. Foraker, chairman of
the committee on Pacinc islands and Puer
to Rico, being In charge of tho measure.
Scarcely had the reading of the bill been
concluded, when Teller proposed an
amondment providing in '-brief that the
purpose of the pending bill is dimply to
establish a temporary government In
Puerto Rico for the purpose of epabljng
the people of the island later to establish
a. permanent government in which there
shall be accorded the people the right 'of
elf-o'ornment, tho adoption of a consti
tution and the establishment of a perma
nent form of government not interfering
with the sovereignty of the United States
over tho Island or Its inhabitants.
This amendment was. followed by an
other by Stewart, striking out the pro
vision levying a duty on Puerto Rlcan
goods and providing that they should be
admitted free Into the United States.
The debate was participated in by For
aker, Teller and others. Foraker contend
ed that the duties levied on Puerto Rlcan
products were necesfc-ary because the isl
and was in need of revenues. Stewart
strongly upheld tho policy of the Presi
dent, as announced in his last annual mes
sage, of giving free trade to the Puerto
An hour and a half of the session was
devoted to consideration of the Quay case,
Hoar presenting an able constitutional ar
gument in favor of seating Quay on the
ground mainly that it was the Intention
of the trainers of the constitution that
the Sonate at all times should have its
iull quota of members.
The l'roeeeiliiisra. -
Perkins (Rep. Cal.) presented a petition
to the California delegation in Congress
of 35 associations and of 15,000 people of
California against the ratification of the
French and Jamaican treaties. Hoar
(Rep. Mass.) made the point against the
potltion that it ought to be presented In
executive session, and that oven there he
would question tho right of a state Con
gressional delegation to make euch a pe
tition. Perkins thought the right of peti
tion was sacred at all times, but the chair
held that tho w&oJe matter would have to
go over to an executive session.
Pcttlgrew (S1L S. D.) secured the adop
tion of the following resolution:
"That the President be requested, if not
Incompatible with public interest, to send
to the Senate a -statement of the number
of saloons that liave been established in
Manila, P. I., tlnce the occupation of
that city by American forces, who con
ducts the saloons, who are their patrons,
and wfliat kinds of liquors are sold and
the quantity of such liquor. The Pres
ident Is also requested to inform the Sen
ate of the number, if any, saloons run on
American or English plans in Manila be
fore we occupied the place. The Pres
ident is also requested to Inform, the Sen
ate whether or not it is within his power,
as Commander-in-Chief of our military
forces, to suppress all saloons in Manila
and prohibit and prevent the sale of llquoi
to our soldiers."
The chair then laid before -the Senate
the message of the President concerning
the revenue collected on Puerto Rlcan
products. The message was referred to
the committee on appropriations.
A resolution offered by Turner (Fus.
"Wash.), directing the Secretary of War
to inform the Senate of the amount of
money expended in the pajment of travel
pay and commutation of subsistence to
those officers and men returning from the
Philippines, and what bounty or reward
was paid for the re-enlistment of &oldiers,
was adopted.
Ponrose (Rep. Pa.) called up the Quay
case, and Hoar addressed the Senate In
support of Quay's right to a seat in the
body. Ho discussed at length the history
of the framing of that part of the consti
tution relating to the election of Senators,
his particular purpose being to show that
the country at large was vastly interested
in having every state fully represented in
tho Senate. The idea, he said, was con
stantly before the framors of the consti
tution. Hoar dwelt particularly upon the
Importance of a single vote, declaring
that one vote had changed the policy of
the country to imperialism.
Hoar, when asked as to precedents In
cases involving the teats of Senators,
said: '
"Tho precedents In all election cases aro
of the least value of any precedents of any
Judicial or quasi-Judicial tribunals. Politi
cal and personal feeling largely enter Into
the determination of these caes and the
establishment of these 'precedents.' The
Senators know -that the three feats
claimed by Mantle. Allen and Beckwlth
wero decided against these gentlemen be
cause they were silver men and the Sen
ate was about to enter upon the consider
ation of a repeal of the Sherman law.
"I believe that this question will never
be settled by any vote until It is settled
Jn the right of the Senate, the right of the
state and the right of the people; that
every state shall have its full quota of rep
resentation in its chamber."
Turley (Dpm. Tenn.) cited the hypothet
ical case of the Governor of Kentucky
calling troops to the State Capital and dis
persing the Legislature before the election
of the United States Senator, as had re
cently happened after the election of tho
Senator. He held that If that Governor
should subsequently aopoint a Senator,
the Senate would refuse him a seat.
Elklns (Rep. "W. Va.) said Quay's merits
or demerits or his personality should havo
nothing to do with the case, which should
bo decided solely on a proper construction
of the Constitution. Elklns maintained It
was clearl'- the Intention of the framers
of the Constitution that each state should
be represented by two Senators, and that
as a corollary to that proposition, the
chief executive of a state is empowered at
all times to fill vacancies that happen dur
ing the recess of the Legislature.
Tho Quay cnj was then laid aside and
consideration began of the Puerto Rlcan
tariff and government bill.
Teller (Sil. Rep. Colo.) declared that the
bill was a remarkable measure. It seemed
to him that the committee had employed
a deal of Industry and car? to make the
Island of Puerto Rico a part of the
United States.
"The people are citizens of the United
Spates; the committee has established
United States courts; the ports are United
States port", and In every way the com
mittee has determined that tho Island shall
bo a part of the United States, '"and then
the committee Inserts the "remarkable
proppsltion that we fhall lev' duty upon
Puerto Rican products brought Into the
United States.
'T am not disturbed," 'continued Teller,
"about the talk of our holding a province
or holding colonies. I see no "reason why
we should not have provinces or 'colonies.
A fre government like ours would carry
freedom and light to them.
"I nzo no reason why we should not
maintain sovereignty over tho Island of
Puerto Rico. But the party In power ha.e
reached the point where It must determine
.upon and enunc'ate a policy with regard
to our inular possessions. I want the
party In power to say it may be the pui-
pose ultimately to take n this island as
a state. X know the people there are fit
for self-government, and they ought, in
my opinion, to have it'ao soon as it may
be given, theim."
Purther along. Teller said:
"I would not be alarmed if we spould
apeak, of: tho 'Province of Puerto RIco.
But I say that I am not going to vote for
any bill that does not give the people ab
solute control of their own affairs."
Teller then sent to the desk an amend
ment in the form of an additional section,
which, he said, if adopted, would settlo
what the policy of the Government would
be. He thought something of the kind
ought to be adopted, because Congress wa3
now brought squarely to the If sue as to
what it was to do with the island pos
sessions. The amendment declared that l is the
intention by this act to establish a tempor
ary government In Puerto Rico for the
purpose of enabling tho people thereof to
establish a permanent government, re
publican in form, in which there shall be
accorded to the people the right of self
government, and to that end they are au
thorized to hold a convention and adopt a
constitution (to be approved by the Presi
dent), consistent with the principles of a
free government, and that shall recognize
the sovereignty of the United States over
Puorto Rico and the- inhabitants thereof,
aa recognized by the treaty between Spain
nmi tho- TTnlted States. The inhabitants of
Puerto Rico are declared to be citizens j
thereof, and their rights as citizens saau
not be denied or abridged, except by con
viction In a court of Justice. They shall
have tho benefits of all the provision" of
the Constitution of the United States fox
the protection and maintenance of civil
and religious liberty, and the protection of
tho person and property rights of the peo
ple, but it Is specially declared that adop
tion of the island constitution by the In
habitants of Puerto Rico and the aporoval
thereof by ihe President of the United
States shall not make them Inhabitants of
the United States, nor shall It create an?
obligation on the Untied States to admit
Puerto Rico as a state, nor shall the es
tablishment and maintenance of a. govern
ment under such constitution Interfere
with the sovereignty of the United State
over Puerto Rico and the Inhabitants
Foraker (Rep. O.), replying to Teller,
said there was nothing remarkable about
the bill except that the inhabitants of
thfe island wero not treated in the bill as
citizens -f the United States.
"The committee." said Foraker. "con
sidered the status of the people care
fully, and concluded that the Inhabitants
of the island of Puerto Rico must be
citizens, subjects "or aliens. We did not
want to treat our-own as aliens; we
should not treat them as subjects, and
we therefore adopted the, term citizen.
It was the desire of the committee to give
the inhabitants of Puerto Rico all the
rights that the people of this country
thought -they should have."
The word "citizen," he maintained, did
not Imply the right to vote, but only
allegiance to the Government, and the
protection of the Government.
In response to an inquiry, Foraker said
the Constitution was not immediately ex
tended over the Territory of Louisiana
when It was acquired, but it was given
"the most autocratic government possible
a one-mari government. The law In "all
newly acquired territory would he the leg
islation Congress might enact for the
territory, and that legislation might in
clude the Constitution, all or In part."
Temporarily, the discussion was sus
pended s hlle a message was received from
the House transmitting the bill passed to
day. In accordance with the message of the
President. It was referred to the commit
tee on Pacific Islands and Puerto Rico.
Resuming, Foraker said there was no in
tention to make Puerto Rico a state, or.
In the accepted sense, a territory. The
Island was a dependency.
"We do not propo.e to deal with the
people of Puerto Rico Inequitably," said
Foraker. "It Is true we have put a duty
of 15 par cent of the duty levied undor
the Dinijlej" law on products Imported into
this country from the Island, but It Is
also true that we have g.ven every dollar
back to them for their own benefit. We do
not take a dollar from them."
After Foraker had made an explana
tion of the provisions of the measure,
Stewart (Sil. New) gave notice of an
amendment striking out the provision levy
ing a duty of 15 per cent of the Dlngley
tarff on Puerto Rlcan products.
"Tne proposition in the bill," said Stew
art, "is In opposition to all Republican
platforms. The President was dead in
line with his party when he sent us a
message advocating free trade with the
Island of Puerto Rico. He did not favor
free trade with fore gn countries, but ho
recognized Puerto Rico as a part of the
United States. It was a frank and honest
recommendation. If hLs annual message
had ben adhered to. It would have been
better for all concerned. The President
was right, and this 7)111 Is wrong. I do
not want any territory in which the Con
stitution does not follow the flag. We
cannot discriminate against any section
of our own country. If our principles
of free government are not broad enough
to cover any territory under the flag, then
we would better bring back the flag."
The Sennte at 5:15 P. M. adjourned until
Generul Mcrrltt Hopes to See It Soon
Reduced to the Old BunIm.
NEW YORK. March 2. Speaking at
the St. David's Society dinner last night,
General Merritt said he was glad to be
able to speak a good word for the Ameri
can army. There seems to be an Idea
that the army Is an artlstocratlc Institu
tion, which will throttle the American
people unless kept down. He offered to
guaranteo tne army harmless, and said
he hoped it would not be long before It
would be reduced to Its old basis of 25,000.
"I sympathize." he continued, "with
the British because they sympathized
with us at Manila Bay. They signified
then that blood Is thicker than water. I
don't know much about the merits of the
present war, but the British are trying
to establish what every American stands
for the liberty of every man to enjoy his
rights, untrammeled by the fetters im-
posea upon nim in the Transvaal."
"Will Take the Place of the Flftn
Cavalry1 Regiment.
WASHINGTON. March 2. Steps have
been taken by the War Department for
the return to the United States of the
entire Fifth Regiment of Cavalry now
distributed at different points in Puerto
Rico. The movement will be made grad
ually and so far as possible the vacated
posts will be occupied by native troops
recruited In Puerto Rico. Orders have
been Issued for four troops of this regi
ment to be brought to the United States
within the next few weelts and stationed
at Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis.
Siege Battery O. Seventh Artillery, which
has been stationed at Washington ever
since its organization, has been ordered
to Fort Riley. Ivans.
a i
The "WalUer Divorce Cane.
BOSTON, March 2. The full bench of
the Supreme Court has sent down a de
cision sustaining a demurrer filed by Mrs.
Mary N. Walker. In the suit brought by
her divorced husband, M. P. Walker, to
enforce an alleged agreement entered Into
by Mrs. Walker Just previous to the mar
riage in 1S77. At the time of the marriage
they wore living in California, and Mrs.
Walker, then a widow, was possessed of
property valued at JSO0.O00. Mr. Walker
contended that his wife, before the mar
riage, had agreed to secure him the prop
erty in common, and offered many letters
In support of his claim.
The court, after reviewing the letters,
says that they show an Intention on the
part of Mrs. Walker that 'her husband
should enjoy with hor the Income which
she had, but they do not show an Inten
tion to give him property In case of sep
aration or divorce.
One Hnndrcd IVItncHftcg Have Been
Examined The Arguments
May Begin Today.
WASHINGTON, March 2. Just before
-the adjournment of the Senate committee
on elections, both tho prosecution and de
fense in the investigation of the election
of Senator Clark, of Montana, announced
that they had concluded the presentation
of testimony. There are some papers to
be examined, and arguments are still to
be heard, arrangements for which will be
made tomorrow. The committee reserves
the right to call witnesses In its own be
half, but the feeling is general that the
arduous part of the work Is finished. All
witnesses called by either side have been
excused, and many of them left tonight
for their homes. The investigation be
gan January 5, and up to date 100 wit
nesses have been examined. Their testi
mony will fill between 2400 and 2500 pages.
The expense to the Government so far
has been about $27,000.
A number of witnesses were examined
today, but tho only one who gave impor
tant testimony was James W. Kemper,
of Butte, whose statement bore upon the
purchase of State Representative Wood's
ranch. E. W. Whltmore explained his
relations with C. W. Clark as developed
in the purchase of State Senator Warner's
ranch. The defense Introduced three or
four witnesses in rebuttal, among them
J. M. S. Nelll. of Helena. He denied send
ing a message to the effect that the State
Supreme Court could be influenced in the
Wellcome disbarment case.
Wtoen the committee resumed its sitting,
Mr. Campbell made a general statement
of his expenditures in connection with the
prosecution of the case against Senator
Clark, of Montana. The statement showed
the following items:
Establishing and purchasing newspapers,
$19,550; expenses in the present investiga
tion and In the Wellcome disbarment pro
ceedings, J21.704.
Mr. Campbell said the $19,550 had been
expended on three papers, the Livingstone
Enterprise, the Bozcman Chronicle and
the Carbon oCunty Democrat, which had
been purchased or established to oppose
what they believed were corrupt practices
In politics. The money in these cases had
only been lent. The other expenditures
Included all money spent to date on ac
count of witnesses, attorneys and detec
tives in the prosecution of the case. It
did not, however, include counsel fees in
the pending investigation. Mr. Campbell
did not know what the&e charges would
be. All the money thus expended had
been received from Mr. Daly.
State Senator Henry L. Myers was re
called and questioned concerning Hill's
statements. Ho said that Hill's statement
in his affidavit concerning himself was
correct, while Hill's statement before the
committee relating to him was In the main
Incorrect. It was true, he said, that Hill
had frequently come to him during the
stfislon of the legislature, telling him he
came from Senator Clark; that Clark
wanted him to come to his room, and that
he (Hill) could get him ?5000 for his vote.
He had told Hill that he thought $10,000
was enough for his vote, and that if Clark
wanted to pay that sum for it, ho could
put the money In Whiteside's hands. Mr.
Myers was also asked if it was true, as
Charley Clark had stated in his testimony,
that he (Myers) had told him (Clark),
that he appreciated that the 5500 check
sent to him by Clark was merely a busi
ness matter.
"The statement," he said, "Is absolutely
false. If tho check had been received as
n mere business matter, I should certainly
have acknowledged its receipt, asX do In
ail business inafters. When I received the
check I regarded it as a bait to a bribe,
and I Ignored it, as was proper I should."
James W. Kemper, a real estate dealer
of Butte, was examined with reference to
the indebtedness on the ranch of Repre
sentative Woods, of Ravelll County, wciich
Indebtedness had been paid off, the pur
chase price being ?C&J0. Documentary
evidence was also produced by the prose
cution to show tihat about the same time
a chattel mortgage given by Woods for
$1000 had been paid and released.
Miles F.nUn, a member of the Legisla
ture from Silver Bow County, and a friend
of Daly, said he had not furnished nny
of the $30,000 used by Whites de in his ex
posure. "I don't give up money 60 easily,"
he said.
Before taking the noon recess, the at
torneys on both sides expressed the opin
ion that It would be possible to conclude
the presentation of testimony today or to
morrow. Faulkner said he would offer
very little testimony in rebuttal.
E. W. Whltmore,, a supporter of Mr.
Clark, fcaid he had acted as agent for C.
W. Clark in the purchase of real estate
from State Senator Warner just prior to
the meeting of the Legislature. The land,
he said, had been purchased because of
the prospect of the location of a smelter
In the vicinity of the property which
would enhance its value. The title was
taken In hit. name because of the difficulty'
of making deals at a reasonable price
where a man of w calth is known to be the
prospective purchaser. He was In the
habit of doing business for Mr. Clark, the
volume ranging from $10,000 to $70,000. He
had paid Mr. Warner in cash because Mr.
Warner desired the payment made that
way. The w.tness said that of the money
paid Mr. Warner, $3000 of it was In $1000
bills, and $4000 of the remainder was In
$500 bills. He had not paid the money
until after the Legislature convex d.
When Mr. Whitmore left the stand. Mr.
Blerney announced that the prosecution
had completed its case, and Jhe defense
then called William McDermott, who said
in contradiction to Mr. Campbell that in
August, 1SSS, at the beginning of the anti-
Daly campaign, he had paid Mr. Camp
bell $200 to pay the latter'a expenses to
Park County In the Clark interest
J. S. M. Nelll denied the statement
brought out In the testimony of Justice
Piggott to the effect that he had sent a
telephone message from Helena to Butte
August 4 last. Intimating that the State
Supreme Court could be Influenced. Mr.
Neill said he knew nothing of the special"
train on which Corbett and C. W. Clark
went to Helena August 5 until after Its
arrival In Helena. Mr. Nelll also said'
his letter book had not yet arrived from
Thomas R. Hlnes denied that he had
tried to Influence tho anti-Clark witnesses
to leave Washington. This was In reply
to Mr. Campbell's statements. He ad
mitted, however, that he had come tc
Washington In Mr. Clark's Interest with
out being subpoenaed.
Mr. Hlnes was the last witness In the
case. When he retired, Mr. Faulkner
announced that his side was ready to
close. Senator Hoar, acting as chairman
of the committee, stated that certain pa
pers filed with the comm ttee would ba
examined tomorrow. He also said that
the committee Itself would reserve "the
right to call other witnesses. If It should
think proper. The arrangement for'ths
argument in the case will be announced
at tomorrow's meeting.
Wnrtlner Investigation Postponed.
WASHINGTON, March 2. The Investi
gation of the Coeur d'Alene riots did not
proceed today for want of a quorum In
the committee. The hearing will continue
The Granite-Cutters' Strike.
BOSTON, March 2. The strike of the
New England granite-cutters, which. D
gan yesterday, did not so thoroughly stop
business as was expected. Cutters and man
ufacturers at many places have met hal
way In compromise figures and an agrc
mont seems probable with little delay
Tho union officials predicted that eyerr
quarry would be tied up, but in several
places, especially in Boston, the local cut
ters had agreements with their employers
to adjust the wage schedule on May 1.
Interest yesterday centered In Qulncy,
with its 2500 union cutters. It at once
developed that no opposition Is made to
the eight-hour day in any quarry in New
England, .
Lieutenant Gibbons Rescued a Large
Number of Prisoners.
WASHINGTON, Marcn 2. The Navy
Department today received from Admiral
Watson, at Manila, a more detailed ac
count than was furnished by General Otis
of Lieutenant Gibbon's successful raid
Into the southern parts of Luzon, where
the Insurgents are said to oe making their
last stand. The two officers of the hospital-ship
Relief referred to In Admiral
Watson's cablegram aro Fred Hopp, third
officer of the ship, and Charles Biandford,
assistant engineer. Boatswain's Mate Ju
raschka was one of the five men at
tached to the gunboat Marlveles who were
captured October 16 last off the southern
coast of Luzon while landing noncombat
ants. Some of the party were badly
wounded, one fatally, but Juraschka was
captured unhurt. Admiral Watson's com
mendation of Lieutenant Gibbon's ex
ploit will be placed on the records of the
department, and may re&uit In a substan
tial reward for that young officer. He Is
a. native of Michigan, and did much to
organize the naval militia force of tho
Admiral Watson's cablegram Is dated
Manila, March 1, and Is as follows:
"The armed transport Alava was re
ceived from the Military Governor Sun
day, and was commissioned Immediately.
Gibbons was In command, with a crew
and marines from the Brooklyn. He pro
ceeded the same day, on Information re
ceived, to Gulf Rajay, and returned today
with SOS rescued Spanish prisoners, eight
American soldiers, two officers of the hospital-ship
Relief, and three surrendered
Filipino officers. The promptness and zeal
of Gibbons and the detachment ore high
ly commended. All are well. Boatswain's
Mate Juraschka was surrendered by the
Insurgents February 16. WATSON."
Germany Evidently Wants Sibnlu
and Cngnyan Snlu.
BERLIN. March 2. The Foreign Qfflce,
when questioned today regarding the ca
bled report that certain Islands In the
Philippine archipelago are the subject of
controversy between Washington and Ma
drid, but were likely to become American,
replied that Count von Bulow had acci
dentally learned of a difference of opinion
between Spain and the United States as to
whether the Islands In question were In
cluded In the treaty of Paris, and that ne
gotiations with respect to these were in
progress. The official said It was under
stood that the negotiations were being
conducted In a friendly spirit, and ho pro
nounced entirely false the report that Ger
many wants the Islands.
Enprland Also Xcffotlntlnp-.
MADRID, March 2. Senor Sllvela, the
Premier, declares that the statements rel
ative to a conversation between represen
tatives of Great Britain and the United
States on the subject of the Cagayan Sulu
and Slbulu Islands, said to have taken
place at a recent diplomatic reception,
are inaccurate.
Prevails Everywhere, and "Will Be
Effective Here Alio,
New York Journal of Commerce.
Mr. Spence. of Simpson, Spence & Young,
has published a letter pointing out the fact
that freighters cannot be built here at the
cost for which they can be built In Eng
land. Neither can they be bDIlt in France
as cheaply as thoy can In England, though
the general level of wages Is lower in
France than In England, and the French
Government pays a bounty on the con
struction In domestic yards. We are build
ing locomotives cheaper than they do In
England. In bids submitted to tho Egyp
tian Government, American builders of
fered to construct on their own plans for
one-fourth less, than the best English build
ers offered. But the latter had no plans of
their own; bidding on the specifications of
the Egyptian Government, the American
figures were 14 per cent higher than tho
English. The fact that our bridge-builders
have standard patterns Is one reason, per
haps the chief reason, why they so often
underbid English bridge-builders.
And this directly raises the question
why we can so. often underbid English
men on locomotives, bridges and rails,
while they underbid us on steamships,
especially freighters. Each country has
developed that form of transportation
upon which it was most dependent and
for which It was physically best adapted.
We have excelled In producing the Instru
ments of land transportation, and Eng
land has excelled In producing the Instru
ments of sea transportation. But our
manufacture of ships is increasing, and
naturally the cost at which they are pro
duced Is decreasing. Commissioner Cham
berlain's comparison of the cost of the
St. Paul and St. Louis with the steam
ships building at Newport News for the
Pacific Mall Company indicates a reduc
tion of 20 per cent In steamships of the
same class In eight years. The coasting
trade, the Great Lakes and the demands
of the Navy Department afford pretty
good employment for several yards. The
expansion of shipbuilding facilities In
this country in the past 10 years Is re
markable, and there is no reason to sup
pose that In a few years we shall not be
able to compete with England In ship
building as we are now able to compete
with her In many forms of steel construc
tion. Mr. Spence's letter adds that "were It
not for the cumbersome and protracted
methods of British law In regard to trans
ferring stock, thero would be much more
abundant American capital invested In
British vessels than there Is now. Plenty
of Americans are willing to Invest In
shipping." Tho shipbuilders are making
good progress in their efforts to meet this
demand. When our export of manufac
tured goods Is rapidly Increasing In the
face of European competition, It Is un
likely that the building of ships Is exempt
from the law of progress illustrated by
so many other products of capital and
a C
RellfflouH PrcHH Interentcd.
New York Evening Post.
We are glad to see signs that the re
ligious public Is awakening to the outrage
upon the people of Puerto Rico which the
protected Interests contemplate. The In
dependent has an excellent article on "The
Proposed. Wrong to Puerto Rico," which
argues that "extension of constitutional
powers and privileges is a duty which we
owe to tho people," and that "it should be
our policy, for broad and humane reasons,
to give all the privileges and blessings we
possess to those who cast In their loc with
us." Going on to the consideration of the
tariff polloy for the island which is advo
cated by the Republican managers in Con
gress, tho Independent denounces It as
"cruel and short-sighted," "a concession
to .avarice." and "robbing these trusting,
helpless people." If Christianity really
prevails In the United States, this worse
than Spanish proposition can never be on
acted into law.
MachinltitM' Strike in Chicago.
CHICAGO, March 2. President .James
O'Connell, of the Machinists' Union, is
sued orders today calling out all the ma
chinists in tho city who were working for
lrms who had not signed the union agree
ment. Oyer 1000 quit work. Nearly 6O0C
men, 2000 of whom are not members of the
.r.ion, are now out of work, and with few
xceptlons all the large machine shops in
I .he City are closed.
PRitiG Annually
j. t. HAaraiOND was nominated
rintform Indorses the .McKInley Ad
ministration and Deplores the
Need of a Special Election.
SALT LAKE, Utah, March 2. The Re
publican State convention met at 11:30
this morning to nominate a candidate for
Representative In Congress. Temporary
Chairman Smoot, in a snort speech, re
ferred to the prosperous c6ndltlon of the
country under the Republican Adminis
tration, and particularly to the advantages
to Utah In the advance In lead and wool.
He denounced the Democratic Legislature
for Its failure to elect a Un'' d States
Senator and deplored the conditions which
made a special election necessary at this
time. After the appointment of the usual,
committees, the convention took a recess
until 2 P. M.
When the convention reassembled, Ar
thur L. Thomas, of Salt Lake, was made
permanent chairman. In his speech, he
congratulated the people on the return of
prosperity under Republican rule. He re
ferred to conditions under Democratic
National Administrations, and touched at
length upon the subject of tariffs. He
said the Republican party would go Into
this campaign with a clean record and a
clean candidate, and predicted that the
state would be restored to the Republican
column. The mention of the name of
President McKInley was greeted with a
round of applause.
The resolutions committee then reported
and the report was adopted. The plat
form was very short. Nothing Is said on
the subjects of finance or expansion. The
report closes as follows:
"We heartily Indorse the magnificent ad
ministration of President McKInley and
the equally successful administration of
public affairs by the Republican state -officers
In Utah. The present special elec
tion Is forced upon the State of Utah by
the Incompetency and insincerity of the
Democratic party, whose broils and bick
erings have deprived the state of two of
tho three Representatives to which It Is
entitled In the American Congress. For
this lack of representation, the Interests
of the state aTe now suffering. Therefore,
while deploring the need and expense or.
the present special election, we welcome
the opportunity offered the people of pull
ing themselves out of tho Democratic
mire. As the Republican party has met
and solved every great question presented
to the country In the past, so will it suc
cessfully surmount every obstacle present
ed against good government In the fu
ture." The names of J. T. Hammond and Wil
liam Glasmann were placed In nomina
tion, for Representative to Congress. The
first ballot gave Hammond 301 votes and
Glasmann 91. The nomination of Ham
mond was then made unanimous.
Rhode Island Republicans.
PROVIDENCE. R. I., March 2. The
Rhode Island Republican State Conven
tion was held here today. The platform
contained a strong condemnation of the
Adre'slstratlon and President McKInley
for the support of the army canteen. It
also condemned trusts. H. B. Metcalf, of
Pawtucket, was nominated for Governor.
No SurpIuM Need Re Fenrcd.
New York Commercial Advertiser.
As the appropriation bills come into
shape It can be seen that the surplus
revenue that caused such uneasiness come
months ago la Imaginary, and that talk of
reduction of taxation- Is Idle this year.
Deficiency bills amount to $50,000,000, and
the new Army bill will carry 5110.000,000.
against 580.000.000 last vear. These are in
evitable expenses for existing establish
ments. The naval bill Is different. It
will carry about $63,000,000 on estimates of
$75,000,000, against $48,000,000 last year. This
makes no provision f"r new ships, but
those already authorized will give the
shipyards all they can 'do for two years.
It makes large provision for public works,
of which docks and navy-yard betterments
are most Important. It does' not appoar
Have for many years teen the popular family medicine wherever j
the English language is spofcen, and they now
in curing Indigestion, Sick Headache. Constipation, and all Bilious
and Nervous Disorders. (
10 cents and 25 cents, at sil drug staves
jhy i i i i it p r e ft f i ft' 'a "
In the Spring, those Pimples, Boils, and Eruptions,
those Headaches, Bilious Turns and That Tired Feeling,
indicate that there are cobwebs in the system. It needs
a thorough brushing, and the best brush is Hood's Sarsa
parilla, which sweeps all humors before it. This great
medicine has such power to purify, enrich and vitalize the
blood that it thoroughly cleanses and renovates the whole
physical system, creates an appetite and steadies the nerves
as nothing else does. It possesses Properties 'Peculiar to'
Itself which make it the Ideal Spring Medicine.
that this bill provider for Increase In tho
men of the navy, which Is absolutely
needful If the new ships we are building
so lavishly are not to rust idly In docks.
Shipbuilding Is more than ever outrunn'ng
increase of men, docks and machine shops,
without which they are a pure waste of
money. Congress and the public are al
ways more ready to vote for spectacular
ships than for humble sailors and useful
docks and Navy.
i e
Held. Up a California Stage and Got
S4 50.
CALISTOGA, CaL7March 2. The Cal-
Istoga and Clear Lake stage was held up
today by a lone highwayman on Mount
St. Helena, six miles from this city. The
robber secured $4 GO In cash and Wells
Fargo & Co.'s express box, which is said .
to have contained but little of value. '
The stage was driven by A. R. Palmer. I
and It contained four passengers, three
women and one man, an Italian gardener,
who contributed the. $4 50. The passen
gers were not molestedV,.
-1 . ,
, Ncjrro Murderers Hnnf?etlr
.TALBOTON, Ga,, March 'l Will Leon
ard, colored, who murdered Francis Deane
and his wife, was executed here today.
NEW IBERIA. La.. March 2. Reuben
Catley and'llypollte .Brown, negroes, wero
hanged today for the murder of Martial
Sorrel, a storekeeper near Oliver, La.,
last August.
Parent and Schoolteacher Konsht.
2sTORTH VERNON. Ind.. March 2. At
BrewersvlIIe today In front of Stern's
store. Al. Fuller and Isaac Powers, a
schoolteacher, met and " began shooting
The trouble was over the correction of
Fuller's child by the teacher. Powers
was shot once through the lungs and
Fuller received three balls. Bo'th men
will probably die.
a '
The Defcnttc in "Vnr.
London Times Sou!n African Correspon
dent. It is the first war between forces both
armed with moderp weapons, and "we can
already see that tho art of war. as pre
viously understood, will be revolutionized
by the long-range magazine rifle, the long
range gun, and smokeless powder. The ad
vantage possessed by the defenbe has bten
enormously Increased. The zone of effec
tive rifle-fire has become so wide that It
is Impossible, except under extremely fa
vorable circumstances, to get the brave&t
troops In the world to cross In the opes
against an entrenched enemy. The tak
ing of Talama Hill was a splendid per
formance; but even there our troopa had
cover firat In a plantation, then behind a
long stone wall, and finally like the Boers
at Majuba under .the very steepness, of the
hill. At Elands laagte the Boers were com.
pletely outflanked and outnumbered by
about three to one. The proportions were
somewhat similar both at Belmont and
Gr&span. But at Modder River and Mu
gersfonteln, all the infantry could do when
it got within the zone of fire from the
trenches, was to He down, each man keep
ing behind such cover ad he might find
and stajing thero most of the day. At
Colenso when once the artillery got Into
that zone. It was lost. -The increase ot
range, combined with the greater rapidity
of fire, enables the line of defense to be
thinned to a degree hardly realizable
before. Ono man In a trench with a bcr
of ammunition beside him Is worth more
than 10 men were a few years ago. While
on this subject one might mention that the
Mauser, which Is a real quick-loading and
quick-firing rifle, has an enormous advan
tage over the clumsy Lee-Metford, where
each cartridge Is inserted separately and
which requires readjustment after each
shot. The Invisibility of modern rifle-fire
alto protects It very largely against artil
lery. At Modder River there were many,
not only among the war correspondents,
who never realized that the Boer trenches
wero on the south side of the river. The
extent of a defensive position has thus
been greatly enlarged, and nothing has
done the Boer commanders greater credit
than the quickness with which they have
grasped tho fart and the courage with
which they have acted upon It. At Ma
gersfonteln. 10,000 to 12,000 Boers are hold
ing over If miles of trenches: around Laay
smlth, a. force of Fimilar or less strength
Is holding an even larger circuit.
, a
Unleii It Shnll Slprn Agreement.
Northern Pacific and Great North
ern Will Cut Loose.
ST. PAUL. Minn.. March 2. Unless tha
Canadian Pacific shall sign the non-commission
ticket agents' agreement at the
meeting to be held next week, the North
ern Pacific will withdraw and resume the
payment of commissions. It Is thought
the Great Northern will fojlow. Both
roads have lost considerable business by,
adhering to the agreement, and are tired
of seeing it go over a rival line.
It Wn Too Much.
"Miss Jigger and I have fallen out for
good." "
"What was the trouble?"
"She wanted me to wear a waistcoat to
match her parasol." Chicago Record.
What is wanted of soap
for the skin is to wash it
clean and not hurt it.
Pure soap does that. This
is want pure soap;
and when we say pure,
we mean without alkali.
Pears' is pure; no free
alkali. There are a "thou
sand virtues of soap; this
one is enough. You can
trust a soap that has no
biting alkali in it.
All sorts of stores sell it, especially
druggists; all sorts of people use it.
Pcsitirely cured by "these
Little Pills.
They also relieve Distress from Dyspcpsli,
Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per
fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi.
ness, JJad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongua
fain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They
Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Small Pi!1.. Small Dosa-
A Skin of Beauty h a Joy Forever.
Rcmores Ta. PlmpJes. Frek!,
Moth Patches. Rh. nd Skin dis
eases, and erery blemish on beauty.
ww oc&ct ae-ectioft.
;(It hat stood ih. wi
SfJol yi yrxn. and It is
nanmess we taste It W
be jure It Is properly
made. Accept n
counterfeit of sirallaf
same. Dr. L. A-Sr-re
said to a lady of ths
haut ton (s ratlenti
"As jrou ladles win un
then, I recommend
'Gouraud s Cream as
the least harmful ot
all the Skin prepara.
lions." For sale by all
Oruratits and Fancy.
rooJsDcalers In U.S .
Canada, and Europe.
J .- -J
. . - -
S -S ra-Sis
- " sSS25)
t - Tar-"-" '" AT.
tws, ffs
J"? -9 1 "r f.
Ls- J
FEBD.T. HOPKINS. ProBrietw.37GreatJoBesSLHX