Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 02, 1900, Image 1

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T'0L. XL NO. 12,237.
stm ' B Hw
la drunk dally by the elite of society, and the bon vlvant, to -whom the best of
everything Is none too good. Call for It at any of the leading hotels, clubs, bars or
American and EUROPEAN plan: ssi2v::;.::::aaSS
In Bulk and Cases. For sale by
&f5r- .
Special rates jaade to families a 4L ulasle reatleaea. The maaace
seat will be pleased at all times to shorr reams aad dre prices. A aui!.
tra Tarkisb. ftiiU cstahUsfc'ct la the -Jj.etl.. M. G BOWEXS. Sfaaacer.
Library Association of Portland
24,000 volumes and
' S5.00 a year or S1.50
Two books allowed
HOURS From 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P.
Is an instrument
by means of which
anyone can play the
piano. It is so
Wonderful in its power
that it must be seen
to be 'appreciated.
It will pay you
to come and see It.
Marquom BIda., cor. Seventh Street
Shows a Decrease of Xearly Seven
Millions in February.
WASHINGTON. March L The monthly j
statement or the public debt, issued today,
shows that at the close of business Feb
ruary 2S the debt, less cash in the treas
ury, amounted to $L118,SS6.059, a decrease
since February 1 of $6,750,163. This de-
crease is largely accounted for by the in-
crease in the amount of cash on hand. j
Recclnts and Emrn(1Ifnrr. I
The monthly comparative statement of I ln 192 Mrs- Craven showed to Judge Sul
the receipts and expenditures of the Hvan "a paper resembling in many re
United States shows that the total re- ' spects the marriage contract now in evl
celpts for the month of February were dence ln support of Mrs. Craven's claim."
$45,631,265, and the expenditures $37,738,472, Before Judge Sullivan was excused the
leaving a surplus for the month of 57.S92.- Falr attorneys moved to have all of his
793. The receipts from customs were $19,
'SS2.252, a gain as compared with February,
1S99. of nearly $3,000,000; internal revenue,
$20,767,457. an Increase of about $1,500,003.
The expenditures charged to the War
Department amounted during February to
$9.436,0S3, a decrease of nearly $6,000,000;
Navy Department, $4,045,724. a decrease of
Ex-President Takes Xo Interest in
Public Affairs.
NEW YORK. March 2.-
The Journal
and Advertiser says that ex-President
Cleveland is seriously 111 at his home in
Princeton. He Is not confined to his bed.
but he seldom leaves his room, on the up
psr floor of his home. He rarely sees
visitors, and takes practically no interest
ln nny events of the world at large.
c 8
Alvln Jcslyn Is Dead.
PITTSBURG. March 1. Charles L. Davis
Alvin Joslyn). the well-known character 96 soldiers who died ln Cuba since the end
actor and owner of the Alvln Theater, of of the Spanish war were burled with mlll
this city, died tonight, aged 52 years. tary honors at Arlington Cemetery today.
a W. KNOWIES, Krr.
STS., MSTUn 08E311
J. G. Mack & Co.
S8 Third St.
ffp. Cbrafcr rf Coaaa
$3.00 PER DAY
Aid Upward.
suttsmn .
Jctwetk 5tttli Pal
over 200 periodicals
a quarter
on all subscriptions
M. dally, except Sundays and hoHdawv
Help to
Using the eyes upon columns
of figures Is haraer upon the
eyes than reading. Every fig
ure has to be considered sep
arately, while in reading we
take in whole words at a
glance. Watching the keys of
a typewriter is a severe strain
upon the eyes. If your eyes
tire at your work, or If you
are subject to headaches, a
pair" of glasses to use at your
work will do you worlds of
They will help you to work
all day without tiring.
Eye Specialist
Little Progress Made at the Trial
Sullivan, who was at one time the attor
ney of Mrs. Craven, was on the witness
stand In the suit of Mrs. Craven mmlnt
,. -nv,- ,!..., ,.. w.. .. r r, .
w.u. if "uu luuav, out. owintr to mo
xnncon1.r T-a.-rlnn. T ----- --
iioetc: otthoooslnunJ,'
nupstlnnlnr fh fart wao Kr...T.V".r. .
testimony stncKen out, dui tne motion
was denied by the court.
Four "Were RcscHcd, lmt Died of
Their Injnrlcx.
REDDING, Cal., March 1. Of the eight
miners who were imprisoned by yester
day's cave-In In the Iron Mountain mine,
four were afterwards rescued, but have
' died from their lniuries. The dead are:
David E. Ross, A. Cavanaugh, R. Castil-
'Inn onrl A lfvtA Ao (ao
' The four still entombed are: J. Mc-
Broom, R. McCalllop, A. "Van Buren and
J. Oates. While the work of rescue is be
ing rapidly pushed. It is without expecta
tion of finding them alive. They have
been imprisoned over 40 hours, and, even
If uninjured by tho falling rock, have
undoubtedly died for want of air.
' B
Buried With "Military Honors.
WASHINGTON. March 1. The bodies of
The Country Swept by Torna
does of Excitement.
Thrilling: Scenes 1h the Metropolis
-Joubcxt Assembling a Force
at "VV'lnbarc.
LONDON. March 2, 4:30 A. M. Britons
feel that they are living In the presence
of momentous events. Tornadoes of patri
otic excitement are whirling througn the
country. Even the dullest soul must have
been stirred bj the emotions of yesterday,
and .London's C.000,000 were raised to a high
nltch of Datr.otlc exultation. It was a
wonderful sight. Old men have noihlng
in memory with which to compare the
day. -Some likened it to Lucknow, others
talked of the fall of SebastopoL It was a
time of singular abandon. The usual con
ventionalities of society ceased to control,
and every one knew everybody else, all
' jo.nlng In smiles.
i Lord Lansdowne chose the moment to
announce estimates exceeding,
, and rather startled the public by unfold-
i ing the rrogramme of the War Office to
send out. In addition to the 30,000 troops
tnow afloat, 56.000 fresh soldiers. Lord
Roberts will ultimately have a force of
An order has reached Woolwich for the
1 construction of 224 new guns, from three
pounders to 12-Inch guns. Of these. 140
are to be naval guns. Already 25,000 work
men are employed at the arsenal, and 3GM
i more will be engaged. These decisions to
' send out more troops and to increase the
home armament meet with universal ap
proval. The Boers seem to have gotten quite
away from around Ladysmlth without los
ing a gun or their baggage. Van Reenan s
Pass Is only about 20 miles from Lady
smith. The enemy had artillery in action
Tuesday, and they utilized, probably both
railroads In retreating, sending the heavy
pieces to Pretoria and the lighter ones
into the Free State.
Dr. Leyds says that General Joubert
Is assembling EO.OOO. men at Winburg. 70
miles northeast of Bloemfonteln. Colonel
Albrecht, according to a dispatch from
Paardeberg, affirms that the Boers have
75,000 men left.
Whether Lord Roberts Is at Bloemfon
teln now or not, he doubtless will soon
be dating his dispatches there and using
the town as his advanced base.
Lord Kitchener's mission Is to combine
the forces under Generals Clement and
Gatacre and to advance along the line of
the railroad to Bloemfonteln. The rail
way will simplify Immensely the perplex
ities of transport.
The conditions at Ladysmlth, some of
which were explained by Charles Will
iams and cabled to the United States, are
now better understood, as the military
authorities no longer retain their special
a ar.a anuseuier iuu cn. to
drag guns or to carry cavalrymen. Hence
the impossibility of dashing out to help
General Buller attack the Boers, 'xnose
half-starved animals were carefully saved
for food.
The disposition to find fault, though
mildly, with the passivity of Sir George
White, disappears as the facts become
known. No one Is in the mood now to
t criticise anbody, although two or three
of the morning papers gently refer to the
fact that the War Office, at the outset of
hostilities, rejected Lord Dundonald as un
fit to be a soldier, whereas it was he who
organized the Colonials.
Emperor William, Emperor Francis
Joseph and King Humbert have tele
graphed congratulations to the Queen.
Scenes of Jubilation Almost Unprece
dented. LONDON, March 2, 2 A. M. Until mid
night London gave Itself up to the wildest
expressions of Joy. From the Mansion
House to the West End all the leading
thoroughfares were constantly paraded by
cheering crowds. Intermittently bursting
Into patriotic songs. Bands marching
through the streets assisted with strains of
jubilation, and the same exultant notes
were to be heard at every place of public
gathering throughout the metropolis.
The West End clubs, cafes, the restaur
ants and the public buildings were all
brilliantly Illuminated, and their Interiors,
even to the tables, were beautifully deco
rated with flags, bunting and Ingenious
arrangements of electric lights.
At all the music halls patriotic songs
were given, the people rising and joining
amid scenes of unbounded enthusiasm.
Hardly a person could be met with who
was not wearing the National emblem. In
the shape of a tricolored rosette or ribbon.
The blograph representations of leading
Generals and heroes of the war were
greeted with tremendous acclamations.
One striking feature of the rejoicing was
the great number of American flags inter
twined with the British.
At 11 o'clock, when the theaters and
music halls poured forth thousands, tho
jubilation was redoubled. In Trafalgar
Square every available Inch of space was
occupied by a surging, singing, cheering
crowd. All Joined In singing "God- Save
the Queen," applauding every reference to
Lord Roberts, Buller. White, Baden
Powell and the rest. The scene at thl3
point was almost without precedent, and
i m..i.. . t . ... i .
wItnessed lt-
.J?- 5l 2 Cl0C J" the ?"
' lnere comes irom mansion nouse aquare
every few minutes the sound of vigorous
cheering. Everywhere groups of people
are to be seen, and, although noisy, they
are perfectly orderly.
Great throngs remained In the vicinity
of the war office until 11 o'clock last even
ing, when It was announced that no fur
tlw news was at hand for publication.
From every part of the Empire there Is
a constant influx of telegrams, describ
ing tho rejoicings. The news was re
ceived with great enthusiasm at Dublin,
where, however, the jubilant spirit of the
Trlnltj' College students carried them be
yond the bounds of discretion. A large
body of them marched to the Dublin Man
sion House, where they scaled the garden
walls, and captured a green flag flying In
the grounds. A policeman and the ser
vants of the Mayoral household struggled
desperately to recover the trophy, and
eventually wrested It from the Invaders,
several of whom were injured. Other
constables soon arrived on the scene, and
a dozen students were arrested, but with
the exception of three, all were rescued
or managed to escape.
Later In the day Isolated assaults were
committed, chiefly ln the neighborhood of
College Green. A strong force of police
kept the students within the college
grounds, and cut them off from the ex
clted'icrowd that assembled ln front of the
college building. The three students were
arraigned and small fines were Inflicted.
No further disorders occurred.
Great rejoicings are reported at Malta
and also at Gibraltar, where an effigy of
President Kruger in chains was paraded.
Lady White, wife of Sir George White,
and Lord and Lady Lansdowne, all of
whom attended the performance at the
Alhambra, were cheered for several min
utes. At all the theaters there were
scenes of enthusiasm, vocal manifesta
tions and the waving of flags.
Force Concentrated
ob the
British Front.
PAARDEBERG, Feb. 28. It Is under
stood that some 7000 Boers are concen
trating on the British front The British
cavalry is In touch with them to the
eastward, and skirmishing- began this
It appears that n action was about
to begin with the Boer reinforcements at
the moment of General Cronje's surren
der, but Lxrd Roberts forbade it until all
the prisoners should be in safe keeping.
Lord Roberts addressed the Canadians
afterwards, expressing in the strongest
terms his pleasure and appreciation of
their splendid work and courage. He at
tributed to them the greatest share In the
Boer surrender.
Commandant Albrecht describes tho
British strategy up to the battle of Ma
gersfonteln as "stupid and almost in
sane." He says there were only 4000 men
in -fnn-Aiwfnntein trnho nnrf .-, i I
i half of these were engaged in actual
fighting. He praises the strategy of Lord i
Roberts, but says that the war Is by no I
' w.'.r.o Twwt. h. Koa. o cm ts nan !
republicans In the field. General Cronje's
surrender, according to Albrecht, was
"due to a blunder in locking up his men
in a hole Instead of occupying: kopjes."
Commandant Wolmarans, however, con
siders It hopeless for the Boers to con
tinue fighting In the present circum
stances. Roberts and Kitchener at Klmbcrley.
KIMBERLEY, March 1. Lord Roberts
and General Kitchener arrived here to
day and were warmly welcomed -by the
municipal officers and thanked for the
successful relief of the town. Lord Rob
erts said that it had given him great
pleasure to assist Kimberley In her time
of need, and that he was glad he had an i
opportunity to visit the town. He four.d
he had a day off, so had come, but would
have to leave tomorrow. There Is great
excitement and rejoicing hero over the re
lief of Ladysmlth.
Comment of the London Papers on
the Tarn of the Tide.
LONDON, March 2, 5 A. M. The edlto
rials in the morning papers are not only
Jubilant, but are written in a tone of con
fidence In the future "which contrasts
strangely with the gloomy forebodings of
the previous six weeks. General Buller's
misfortunes are almost forgotten, al
though It Is everywhere recognized that
tho relief of Ladysmlth Is largely due to
the strategy of Lord Roberts.
The Times says: "The change wrought
In Natal within 24 hours Is Indeed dra
matic. The slego of Ladysmlth will be
memorable In military annals upon many
grounds. Seldom has the absolute con
fidence of a General In his men been mora
strikingly displayed than in the case of
General Buller, and never has that cou
"u .u, t,w n1n In
" '"" i " rrri & riiii,t
The Dally News says: "To surround the
enemy has been found Impossible. To pur
sue him Is probably as Impracticable. The
enemy's principal army, therefore, has
been driven away, but not destroyed. With
this relief the first chapter of the war
closes, and the Invasion of British colo
nies has been rolled back."
Tho Dally Cnron,cle says: "All Is not
over. No douot there are hardships to be
borne . and battles to be won, probably as
numerous as any that have gone before.
Still we are well on the road to success."
The Dally Mall says: "Almighty God,
whose arm is strength, has blessed the
efforts of General Buller's army with com
plete victory, and the cause of freedom
has triumphed once more."
The Daily Telegraph says: "The darkest
week in living memory has been followed
by the most Joyful week this generation
has known. The war has exposed our
weaknesses. We shall amend them. The
relief of Ladysmlth retrieves all the early
errors of the campaign, and Is the triumph
of our most characteristic qualities and
an evidence of the victorious vitality of
our race."
He Believes the Chapter of British
Reverses Is Closed.
LONDON, March 2. Spencer Wilkinson,
ln the Morning Post, says:
"Lord Roberts has taken the true meas
ure of the Boers, and has thereby shown
his mastery of what Napoleon called 'the
divine part of tho art of war.' No doubt
the chapter of British reverses Is now
closed. He would be a bold strategist who
could now offer to the Boer leaders a plan
of campaign promising ultimate success.
Lord Roberts will soon i.ave a force of
60.000 men. The Boer Commander-in-Chief
can now hope for but little from strat
egy. On his Interior lines he is not strong
enough while detaining one British army
to strike with effect against the other. He
may possibly attempt to hold General Bul
ler at the passes leading out of Natal,
where a small force, at some risk to Itself,
can cause considerable delay. Meantime
he may gather his forces In the Free
State for resistance to Lord Roberts.
"If Lord Kitchener is at Arundel, It
would seem to imply an intention to re
store the railways and to open direct
communication with Bloemfonteln.
"The statement that a force of Boers
under Commandant Dutoit has crossed the
"Vaal River at Fourteen Streams accounts,
perhaps, for a portion of General Cronje's
army, and portends further trouble for
"It looks possible that the Boer forces
may now collapse altogether, although that
must not be counted upon. Lord Roberts,
however, will soon have troops enough to
deal with any guerrilla warfare, and alto
gether there Is no need for further uneasi
ness. "The Nation is proud of its troops and
of their Commander-in-Chief. It Is grate
ful to the colonies for their magnificent
proofs of Imperial unity. There will be no
relaxation In the determination to carry
the war through to the end."
The Xctts in Berlin.
BERLIN, March L Special editions of
the Lokal Anzeiger scattered broadcast
announced the relief of Ladysmlth. The
press generally makes but little com
ment, evidently being disconcerted by the
sudden change In the situation. The pa
pers outside of Berlin, however, continue
as virulently anti-British as ever.
In military circles open admiration Is
expressed for the strategy of Lord Rob
erts, and the opinion is gaining ground
that the beginning df the end Is approach
ing. In Parliamentary circles the consensus
of opinion is that the latest developments
will make the attainment of peace more
difficult, and will render the British, in
case they completely vanquish the Boers,
more overbearing and less pleasant neigh
bors than before.
Report of the Senate Commit
tee on Commerce.
Reasons lor Decline of the Ameri
can Merchant Marine Scheme ot
Proposed Compensation.
WASHINGTON-, March 1. The report
prepared by Senator Frye upon the ship
ping bill, reported by the committee on
commerce of the Senate, was made public
today. The report begins by asserting
"the self-evident value of a national mer
chant marine," explains and deplores our
almost entire dependence upon foreign
shipping for our ocean carrying, sug
gests the danger of reliance upon the
merchant ships of other Nations which
may become involved in war. the dos-
lMe complete exclusion of American ex-
Prts tJcm t,h-,r regular foreign markets
'"v ""nsency. and points out that
the wholesale transfer of the tonnage of
& belligerent Nation to a neutral flair
would unquestionably Involve such ship-
ping in difficulties, seizures and deten
tions. The British-Boer war has material
ly reduced our means of transportation
and embarrassed our ocean mail service.
The humiliation of our reliance upon for
eign vessels bought and chartered during j district has been devastated, and the dam
our war with Spain Is referred to. age is estimated as 52.000.000. The fire
Three prime reasons are given for the broke out simultaneously In various parts
decline of the American shipping in the of the Colony, and burned for two days
foreign trade, namely: (1) The greater and three nights, finally burning Itself
cost of building ships In the United out the morning of January 31. The whole
States than elsewhere; (2) the greater ! country between Dunkeld and Mort Lake
cost of operating American ships, as com- j ig a moss of blackness. Seven persons
parea wun loreign snips; and (3) causes ,
based on foreign legislative encourage
ment. The suggestion that this situation may
be overcome by the free admission of for-
elgn-bullt ships to American register is
met by pointing out that if such admis
sion were unconditional It would result
ln destroying existing American ship
yards on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.
All competent authorities, the report
states, agree that this bill. If enacted, will
Involve a large increase In the American
morchant marine. The passage of this
bill. It Is claimed, would probably effect
a reduction of $25,000,000 a year ln ocean
rates on American commerce, through the
additional shipping and the competition
that would be created:
"Foreign opposition," the report says,
"Is being concentrated upon the bill be
causo foreign shipping interests clearly
see that they will be seriously injured by
tne replacing or American for the for
eign vessels now In our foreign trade.
"The maximum annual expenditures are
fixed at $9,000,000 In the bill. About $1,500.
000 Is now being paid to American ships
under normal conditions for carrying our
malls, a sum which should be deducted
from the additional expense of the opera
tion of this bill.
"About 400,000 additional tons of new
shipping, costing approximatelv S40.ooovi
4 and OQ,supytegscveraI" years In its con
struction, would have to be built in the
United States If this bill Is passed, before
tho maximum expenditure of $9,000,000
could be reached. It is expected that 310,
000 tons of foreign-built vessels now
owned or building for American citizens
will be admitted to American register un
der the terms of this bill, their owners
being required to build equal tonnage In
the United States before receiving any
"The provisions of the-bill, from even
point of view," odds the report, "are
overwhelmingly ln favor of new and more
vessels, more shipyards and greater fa
cilities for ocean transportation. While
deemed unnecessary, a provision has been
inserted under which a vessel cannot re
ceive full compensation unless she car
ries one-half of a. cargo. This completely
answers the criticism to the effect that a
vessel might run under the bill for the
compensation given without carrying a
"As the most promising field for the
future development of our markets for
agricultural products Is ln Northern and
temperate Asia, the committee believes
our grain fields and cotton plantations
will gain more In proportion from the
enactment of the law than tho seaboard
shipbuilding and shipownlng States."
Computations are given showing the
exact amount vessels of various rates of
speed would get under the bill, as com
pared with the cost of operating them. A
21-knot ship making SS.200 miles per an
num would get over and above the cost
of coal and the handling of It a net
compensation under the bill of $22,932,
while a 10-knot ship, making 42,000 knots
per annum, or less than half the distance
of the fast ship, would receive a net
compensation over the cost and the hand
ling of the coal of $15,120 per annum. .The
fast steamships received the lowest net
compensation under the bill.
A computation Is given as to the
amounts that tank vessels, such as are
used by the Standard Oil Company,
would receive in compensation if admitted
to American registry under the bill.
These vessels carrying oil can only take
an outward cargo, and, as they are fo
clgn-bullt, they would, because of carry
ing cargo one way, receive only 25 per
cent of tho compensation allowed under
tho bllL
American Force Ambushed and
Killed Many Filipinos.
MANILA, March 2, 9 A. M. Colonel
Anderson, with the Thirty-eighth Infan
try, employing tho insurgents' own tac
tics, has ambushed the enemy near Ba
tangas. Through spies. Colonel Anderson
learned that a detachment of Insurgents
would pass a certain road. He posted
his soldiers, concealed among the trees
lining the road, and when the enemy ar
rived the Americans volleyed, killing 24
Insurgents, wounding 30 and capturing sev
eral. Some arms and ammunition were
captured. The effect of this blow has
been salutary. The enemy ln that locality
ire dismayed.
Ambushed by Rebels.
MANILA, March L One hundred Insur
gents, seven miles from San Fernando,
ambushed 10 men of the Third Cavalry
who were escorting a provision train.
The Americans were scattered, and while
returning to camp one man was killed.
The Insurgents captured four horses and
a quantity of provisions.
But Xo Report of Any Military Oper
ations. WASHINGTON, March 1. Three cable
messages from General Otis were Tecelved
at the War Department today. One con
tained a long list of casualties among the
troops ln the Philippines since the last re
port. A second announced the arrival at
Manila today of a Government transport
from the east coast of Tayabas province,
with eight American and 410 Spanish sol-
diers recently released from captivity
among the Insurgents. The third message
states that since the recent opening to
commerce of the Island ports, 13,000 tons
or hemp and 70,000 bales of tobacco had
been received at Manila, and that large
shipments of the commodities named will
soon be made to the United States and
other countries.
The fact that General Otis has not re
ported any military operations since me
departure of General Bates expedition
to Southern Luzon to complete the plan,
of opening the hemp ports in that quarter
is accepted by the War Department of
ficials as an indication that the campaign
is progressing satisfactorily, and that our
forces have not met with any serious op
position by the insurgents In recent move
ments. Secretary Root has made a positive de
nial of the published report he was
worried at the long silence of General
Otis In regard to military operations In the
Genera"! Otis Is expected to return to the
United States on leave of absence soon
after the arrival of the Philippine Com
mission. It Is desirable that he should
meet the Commission and give it the bene
fit of his knowledge of affairs in the
Philippines. General MacArthur will as
sume temporary command of the military I
forces on the islands when General Otis i
Vast Tract Btirned Over Seven Per
aons Perished.
VANCOUVER, B. C, March L The
steamer Aorangi, from Sydney, today
brings an account of the most disastrous
bush fires in Victoria experienced In the J
last 50 years-. The entire Warrnambool
perished in the flames, which swept over a
tract 40 miles long and 30 miles wide, con
suming 1,000.000 acres of grass, six wool
warehouses, 2000 sheep and 1000 cattle and
The latest news from Noumea prior to
the sailing of the Aorangi was to the
effect that the plague had again broken
out among the kanakas. In almost every
case the disease has proved fatal to the
kanakas, but in the majority of cases
cures are effected among Europeans. In
five weeks the mortality has been nine
Europeans and 54 kanakas and Asiatics.
So far, owing to the strict measures taken
by the authorities to prevent the pest ex
tending to the country', it has only been
reported at Neponl. The village of Neponi
has been quarantined. One case of bubon.c
plague is reported from Tasmania, and
there was also one case at Sydney, but
both recovered. There was tremendous
scare all through the Australian Colonies,
and rigorous quarantine regulations have
been enforced, with the result that no
other plague cases have made their ap
pearance. No definite conclusion has yet been
reached ln regard to the question of the
Identity of William Creswell, an Inmate
of the Parramatta Insane asylum, with
Sir Roger TIchborne.
The coast defenses of New Caledonia are
pended in erecting f arts on the hills and
In the suburbs of Noumea. Convicts are
being employed 'in the construction of
earthworks and batteries. These public
works utilizing the services of all the con
victs, none of the latter will for the
future be let out to private enterprise.
The scarcity of labor has necessitated a
cessation of mining operations. The Gov
ernment has entered into negotiations with
the Japanese Government to bring over
2000 Japanese as agricultural laborers, and
2000 for work in the mines.
The Sjdney papers have a story about
Miss Logan, an American girl, 21 years
of age, who is termed "The Heroine of the
Caroline Group." She Is the daughter of
the Jlrst missionary to the group
sent "from Boston by the Congre
gational Board of the United States.
Rev. Robert Logan died 12 years ago,
and since his death his work has been
carried on by his widow, woh was the first
white woman in the Islands. Through
Illness Mrs. Logan was obliged to return
to the United States, and her daughter
volunteered to remain alone at the mis
sion. There are also stories of lawlessness In
tho New Hebrides, the culprits being
French colonists, who are alleged to have
cut down and afterward burned the na
tive village of Yemiu to compel the peo
ple to evacute their land, which is claimed
both by the French Company and by the
The Premier of New Zealand has pro
tested to the Australian Premiers against
the acceptance of the Eastern Extension
Company's Cape cable offer, on the ground
that It would prejudice the Pac'lc cable
The New Zealand Government has Intro
duced a bill ln Parliament limiting tho
number of hours of working women and
children to 45 a week.
Sir John Forrest, the Premier of this
Colony, stated that the only difficulty
which prevented Western Australia Join
ing the commonwealth was the desire of
the people of Western Australia to have
full fiscal freedom during the five years
following federal union.
Forbade Answers to Inquiries
United States Consuls.
BERLIN, March 1. Considerable aston
ishment was caused in the Reichstag to
day by a detailed statement respecting a
secret decree Issued by Baron von Rheln
baden, Prussian Minister of the Interior,
while Provincial Governor of Dusseldorf,
forbidding answers to the inquiries of
United States Consuls wherever a possibil
ity existed where German Interests might
thereby be Injured, even though the In
quiries should be merely of a general na
ture. Herr Kunert, Socialist, who brought
up the matter, gave the date ot the de
creee as July 24, 1699, and called the at
tention of the Reichstag to the fact that,
by the general Prussian decree of 1S91
covering tho subject, questions put by
foreign Consuls. If general ln their nature,
may be answered. Herr Kunert also
charged the Government with conniving
at the Agrarian campaign of abuse against
the United States. No one contradicted
either of the charges.
French Cannon Factory- Burned.
LE CREUSOTE. France, March 1. Fire
broke out yesterday evening in the famous
cannon factory here whence the Boers
obtained their powerful "Long Toms."
Two enormous buildings, containing gun
materials, stores and a number of artil
lery models, were destroyed. The losses
arc estimated at nearly 1.000.0CO francs. A
large number of workmen have been
thrown out of employment.
France's Xaval Policy.
PARIS, March L In the Chamber of
Deputies today, while the naval estimates
were under consideration, M. Lockroy, ex
Minister of Marine, made a notable speech. his views regarding the proper
naval policy for France to follow. He de
clared It necessary for France to make
great monetary sacrifices for her navy, as
her foreign policy depended upon her naval
Effect of the House's Action on
the Coming Campaign.
Senate Will Probably Pass the
Puerto Rico Bill The Case With,
WASHINGTON, March 1. The Senate
committee follows the lead of the House
committee In regard to Puerto Rico and
the Republican majority of the Senate wllL
probab'.y vote to put the amended For
aker bill through.
The comments in the Eastern papers are
based u:cording to the political affilia-
tlons, the protection papers applauding the
action of the House, while the other pa-
pers are generally strong in their criti
cism. The Washington Post, which Is a
very firm friend of the administration,
says that the House has made the coming
political campaign uncertain. The paper
"The House has repudiated and rejected,
by a vote representing almost the full
Republican strength of that body, the
President's solemn" and religious Injunc
tion regarding Puerto Rico, What a spec-
tacle is this presented to the country, a
Republican House overruling the solemn
and just decree of a Republican Presi
dent? The country has no knowledge of
any changed conditions since the Presi
dent's message was written. It knows ot
no change of policy or sentiment on the
part ot the executive. Our duty Is as
plain and pressing today as it was ln
December last. There was a ring of gen
uine, generous Americanism In the Presi
dent's utterance. It was the recommen
dation of a Christian, a patriot and a
stntesman, yet the House of Representa
tives, moved by an influence mysterious
and Inexplicable, proclaims to the nation
that Mr. McKlnley was wrong; that wo
really do not owe such a duty to Puerto
Rico he so clearly and earnestly Indicated.
Verily this is a spectacle, not only for tho
country, but for the world."
Tho politicians who have been discuss
ing the thing say that the people will
understand before election the necessities
which governed Congress ln levying the
tariff on Puerto Rican products, and that
ln less than six weeks there will be, a
change of sentiment throughout the coun
try. One of the principal things operating to
pass the bill was the fear that labor
would be much disturbed if It was not
established, by some such legislation as
the Puerto Rican tariff, that the people
of the ceded Islands are never to be recog
nized as citizens of the United States
and have no possibility of entering into
competition, either in this country or in
the islands, with American labor.
The Hawaiian bill was not amended,
and the tariff laws of the United States,
under the bill passed today, extend to
these Islands. It Is certainly a dlscrimi-
Puerto Rico, although there is no differ-
ence In the status of the inlands, as free
trade has been enforced with Hawaii un
der the reciprocity agreement.
Promotion of Corbln.
The bill to make Corbln Major-General
has called out a vigorous criticism of him
ln certain quarters. His past record has
been searched to show that he Is not en
titled to any such distinction, and it 13
also pointed out that the Adjutant-General,
as chief clerk to the Secretary of
War, Is not entitled to any higher rank
than other bureau officers. Those who
are opposing the bill also say that It will
create a further division between the
line and staff of the army, as this promi
nence given to Corbln will make him prac
tically commanding officer of the army,
no matter who may be Major-General of
the line, and it will encourage the Ill
feeling that exists between the Major
General commanding and the Secretary of
War's office. The friends of Corbln Intend
to push the bill through If any army
legislation Is adopted this session.
Hotel-Keepers' Opportunity.
Democratic leaders are generally very
much exercised over the report that camo
from Kansas City that the hotels thero
intend to charge $30 a day for ordinary .
rooms. It Is feared that this action will
disgust many members and will result in
keeping away a large crowd, and conse
quently cause a number of people to be
come disgruntled.
A LoK-Rnft Bill.
Representative Loud, of California, has
Introduced In the "House a bill similar to
that recently Introduced by Senator Per
kins, which prescribes that It shall be un
lawful to tow rafts of logs on the open
waters of the Pacific Ocean, but contains
tho provision inserted by the Senate com
mittee, that such rafting shall be permis
sible In Puget Sound and In tho bay3 and
rivers along the Coast. In other respects
the bill Is Identical with the Senate meas
ure as reported.
Oregon Pension EI1I.
The House committee on invalid pen
sions has taken up and reported the bill
recently passed by the Senate to pension
Mary J. Freeman, of Portland, Or., at $12
a month. The bill was reported by Rep
resentative Calderhead, who merely adopt
ed the report made by the Senate com
mittee. The bill now goes on the calen
dar, to await Its turn, and when called up
will undoubtedly pass.
Military Rule In Alaska.
It Is evidently the Intention of the Ad
ministration to have enough troops in
Alaska to preserve the public peace during
tho big rush which is promised for that
territory this year. In addition to the
troops already ordered there', arrange
ments have been made to send more to
several places. This will mean military
rule of that great territory, the same as
we have had military rule over Puerto
Rico, Cuba and the Philippines since tho
Spanish War. Considering the fact that
we have also denied the right of the peo
ple of Alaska to self-government, quite
a howl should go up from those who talk
of the "consent of the governed." becauso
of this militarism which Is applied to
Alaska. It Is recognized, however, that
tho pence and good order and protection
of life and property In Alaska depend upon
an adequate military force, and the man
who would object to It would make him
self ridiculous.
Germany and the Peace Conference.
BERLIN. March L During the debate
In the Reichstag today on the Foreign
Office estimates. Herr Grandnauer, Social
Democrat, requested to be Informed as to
tho attitude of the Government in regard
to The Hague Peace Conference. The
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Count von
Bulow, replied:
"Our aims are always directed toward
peace, and it will not be broken by us. I
can give no guarantee of the action of
others. Therefore, we must be armed.
We gladly participated in the labors of
the conference, but could not agree to
obligatory arbitration, and can only de
cido upon recourse to arbitration aa cases
v 1 arise."
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