THE MOUSING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, PEBEUAEY 27, 1900. :LASSlFiED AD. RATES looms " "Rooms aad Beard." "Hoasek?- Rms "SltutlOH Wanted." IS words or !SnGU IS to 20 wnk, 3 seats: 21 to 25 JT cents, etc. Xo Nwtw aaetttoaaJ :EP. VLL THER HEADS except "New 30 cents for 16 worts or tese: 16 to 26 is 4C rti't. 21 to 26 worts. S cents, etc Jise'-on. Each aecttlanal jBeertioo. ot.e no further discount naeer eae month. -Z- TODAY" (gauge measure agate). 13 per 'tie. first ineertMB; M seats per m -& add tional meertleB. AXUSKMENTS. ) wlAM GRAND . nighu and Wednesday Matinee, feegta ning Monday, Pab. BLANCHE WALSH AND MELBOURNE MACBOWXLL, TV SHTY1I"8 OMiT PttYfi. - 'and Tues nictate aad We. Matinee, --ra Wed night only. "La. Tease," T-Q !.,.,- dim- XIJM hliwir An- 5 Is $, balcony, second S rows, 76c; baleeny, 1 rav SAr RRATfi NOW ON BALK. nee price the same as eveatag. Children al. parts of house. tTA 'POLITAN THEATSR Immnee Succeae' Crowded Rouses! t7"rnnpoLITAN THKATMt COMPANY, In fho G-eat rour-Act snttacy Drama, REr TvHITE AMD BLTJS." REI' -WHITE AND BUTE." REI WHITE AMD BUTE." RI I "vA HITE AMD BLUB." RFI WHITE AMD BLUE." Tf r cppcial People. New Seenerr. W tifi ATURDAT AND SUNDAY. l. ij. i'KicEs-yaogB, 16c, asc C ir r 16c and 36c. AtCTION SALES TODAY. 2 1 11th at , eoc. Tartor. at A. M. v j n aucui MRSTING NOTICES. A. & A. S. RITE. MULT NOMAK COUNCIL OF KA- D08K, NO. 1. Regular meeting- tMe evening at S o'clock. Work m Sttfc degree. "By order EMINENT COMMANDER. ,"N ENCAMPMENT. NO. 1. I. O. O. F. f meeting thas (Tueeaar) evening at i fie W ortc in the Golden Rule Degree. -! t eleome R. 06VOLD, C. P. ,lvl TZE Scribe. W ASHINGTON -CHAPTER. NO. 18, P A M Special convocation this iTuesdav) evening, Feb. 2?, at 7:96 c.,ck. Masonic Halt, Burkhara build ing Royal Arch Degree. By order of r H P T TZ WD CHAPTRR. NO. 3, R. A. M. - r revocation this Twesdar, 7 P. M. TA ork Visitors welcome. JOHN DSMP8EY. H. F. BORN. lAMRREAr- Feb 36. to the wife of WHMam a Jriarnf (""haaibresw, a gitter. DIKD. l' TINKLE tn OaHTomta, Feb. 28. Roy v inkle aged 30 yer-8. Kemowic will be gK to Portland, and funeral anaoHBced iaur WSKRXL NOTICE. JTTKER The funeral servfee of tte late icti- -v Whltaker will be held at the resl- ? f his daughter, Jiartha M. Taj'lor. S54 3th e today at 11 A. M. Friends ln- ri eo. xnie-ment at Lone Fir oeenetory. KDW ARD HOL9CAN. UaelcrtaUpr, 4th kd amlilll sta. Reaa SUbbob, lady isiKtant Both pheaca A'o. 507. r. P. FIMiHTT & SOX, Uadertalcors. Iy AsaistaRt. 275 Third tit. TcL 1). r S. DnMNG, Badertaker. 414 East idcr Lady Asslstaat. Both phones. XSW TODAT. ji h.ALE PRICE be si full weight Oregon creotnery hotter. SOC Mid bO i fornla butter 4c and 46c ..rv butter Wc and 35c c n ranch osgo ISc ) e em gge .loc stern hams 12&c riK hame ftc ) k Candy Drtn. 1-gal. pall 45c 'na coffee . 10c f tea 35c - roods mailed at wholesale nricee. v ul.ANDB CREAMBRT CO.. SeH Yaahlll. L "t r phonee. R PER SACK. ic, 2-GALLON PAIL 6&c table peaches, pears and apricots, per ran 3-lb. package washing powder. At Mchinnon Orooery Co., ITS Third et. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. V mIILBEE. ROOM 11. 146K FIRBT ST. $ -hi en acres, all in cultivation, S -' i Ir j rure. good 6-room cottage, good a '" rtrynouee chlchetv-houee. abede. etc.; - 3 blocks from depot on S. P. R. R.. be- n "ti 1' rtland and Salem, bulMtags coat l vhat. the propertr to litd at. .y Ut 50x86, in Stephens- addition. East id neat Stephens' School, on Seventh street, r. l tiding lot -von cheap. Ti&. ' acres, oiw-hsdf In esdtlvatilon.; about i -h-ka from Mount Soott motor; sear Chi- k lokicn " '' HOMBBTTTER8 ' inducemento offered to parties that i uv a lot and btM a house in Keystone in. situated on East Ankeat. East id and ast Qoucn streets; between .. 226 and East Slid streets. For fuH alarn eee i' Torgler Agent. 6 Sherlock ballding. H DOWN AND $125 ON INSTALL- ;- A 6-room house and lot G0k199, 1o9 ' ra car line, in Monta villa.: fruit trees; - prfct A MatlWUU. 188 MaUtoon-8. to - ursiNEse property, aibina. " T k lmprowiwent. paying over 10 per Ir rt iwner not Nome fever. Hart Land m 7 Sherlock build-rg. '3AIVS. WEST SIDE RB6IDBNCE i ,' well looated, S-reom boose. JOW. p k:hs ana muni mk. mwv. jAraswi. IV.-l.' X7aA SUrk et. T,Fl r TWO DOUBLE LOTS. HOUSE ON a ' i?' Morrtsoa; obnvenleot to car ltoe; ' i t - cash Addross M 2S. care Oregp- 1 . ! XOT6 OW TQmKlA. ST.. NEAR n jv, iv School; 96M Car choice lot In ' k Miller, S06 Cwaanber of Commerce. - V - WIX, LOT AND COTTAGE OF 6 n i n- uh. Nob MIL Jvttrtm Q 28, care gfeciai i eu- es ana late. I have several cus ners. 'ebrltt. rdoa 4 Mulkey building. t T EP T )T AXP FARMS FOR SALE AND ir--' H ; i cm neon oa.. fttK Marouam. 11..1--" Bt Y TN" r-iT-v-jrin fcosoo. W. Side. Nob LuiJlaw 3j Chanber of Coatmerce. in ar ' ict butl? to oult. InstattBMflts. email payment Patnmelw. HI Marta. TO EXCHANGE. V?H N'OK A PERFECT DIAMOND. fi ksuata worth $30u will Mcchnnire fat lio, furniture or ars thine of vatoe. Ad en O. F J care Oregonlan FOR SALK-FARXS. LARL CHA-VCK I AM INSTRtlCTKD TO si a a sa-i-tfic. oa account of owmt belwr a r -resiaert a weU-improed 11-acre raaoft ires,r, wml, tine modem fe-room f oarr. chicKt aMos, creamery, wan , unt all fenced . fine soil Apply at J H ElwoU. Vanccuer Wath. iT. K AJ, FRUIT RANCH OF S7 ACRS6 ' c 'u,i wm&wk. svtKi sou v acres lx- -it 'v-hard. omhr two miles fram rteL. ub-!hs County. Or . low price and eaay " A. ) rtirecthr to the Parifif Vutnni 1, ' :-i'-i ri,ncv Comnaar. San Francijuxi Oal. UH rn FARMS JR SALE IN iLX, I tu,r!fl t CiT&n an VFrntttllMJAM - I itoBue tt uit purrhaaers. For full particulars j a i -wu pnipercMS. isw 10 Jaaooaster '" i 4 "11 H BIOCK. r 4RM Fvm SALE S ACRES. A.rrr i r 18 from PorUana. Powell's Vili.v I roav. Appl to owner. Q. B. Cornelius, or I in r mm auktu; c tX IK CULTIVATION. 8 MILES 30 acre la fratt: j4 lmavamein; I barval. Manacar .FMMo fttteir Watfcs. Droe! farm. ISO arrw. Ja mOu ----- r- JSAd 20 acra l hjti gfagar IT. Barttasd. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR KENT CHEAP FOR A MILS RANCH, n Canyon road, 4 miles from Portland. W. Bush, owner, 81 First St., comer Oak. FOR RENT CHEAP; SMALL FARM. NEAR olty. Inquire 347 East Oak si., room 49. FOR RENT FARM. NEAR CITY; GOOD house and bam. Apply 227 Stark street. FOR SALE 3IISCELLA.NEOU?. "CLEARANCE SALE" OF PIANOS AND OR gans This coming -week we will conduct a general clearance sale of pianos and organs. We want to dean out the second-hand Instruments we have', and all odd styles and makes which are sot represented in our regular line. We have large shipments of Knabe. Hard man and Fischer pianos now in transit. We need the room for a display of these high grade planes, and we will make quick work la disposing of our second-hand stock and ail odd makes. The Wiley J3. Allen Co., 211 First otreeL SOLFILINE. SOLFILTNE. SOLFILINE. Everyone needs it. Preserves leather: -absolutely waterproof; shoes, harness and belting treated with Solflltne prolongs life of leather 100 per cent. Insist upon your dealer carry ing it. Henry Miller & Co., 74 Front St., Portland, Or. SEWING MACHINES-TWO NEW HOMES. ? caofa; one Domestic, $32.50; one House hold. flO; Singers. ?3 each. J. S. Cran .SO Morrison. 1 LBS. GR SUGAR, 40 BARS SOAP. 24 LBS. P. prunes. 16 packs Jumbo mush, 20 lbs. sails, $1 each. 2S2 Russell St., Brownewell. ANOTHER FINE REMINGTON, $23; BAR Lock. $25; Denemore, $35; Yost, $20. Coast Agency Co.. 266& Stark st. FOR SALE A GOOD SQUARE PIANO. IN excellent condition; very cheap. Address G 17. care Oregonlan. 20 FIRST - CLASS EASTERN OREGON feorees, 1100 to 1400 pounds; bargains. J. W. Willis. 234 Second. FOR SALE-ONE TWO-TON ICE MACHINE and one larger up-to-date machine. Address box 243. Portland. FOR SALE. CHEAP-CITY MILK ROUTE and dairy; not far from city. Address J 11, care Oregonlan. Magic lanterns, netv. second-hand, moving pic tures. Bullard & Breck. 131 Post, San Fran. $3 FOR A NEW GAS COOKER: $2 CASH, balance $2 per month Gas Co., 174 Fifth st. FOR SALE OR TRADE 20 HORSE-POWER engine and boiler. McPherson. Gllman hotel. CO RIGS, 309 SETS HARNESS. 50 SADDLES, and good horses, bargains. 211 Washington St. A. Llppman; high-grader ladles' tailoring: fit guaranteed. Ore. tel. Hood S79. Russel bldg. 8 HEAVY HORSES. 3 SETS DOUBLE AND single haraera. Call Seventh and Stark sts. Upright piano $100, ccst $400; one $90, one $35; organ $25. Mrs. ilartln, 104 1st. upstairs. LEWELLYN PUPS. GUARANTEED STANCH standing. 983 Water st. and Bancroft ave. A. WICKE, 1st and Market, low-priced cash grocer. Free delivery. Phone South 276. FOR SALE A 1000-POUND LD7T, HAND elevator. Apply 2S1 Morrison. FOR SALE A GOOD DELIVERY HORSE. Call at 1S5 Third street. 100 NEW BOX COUCHES FOR SALE AT half price. 390 Sixth st. Piano a. SHERMAN. CLAY & CO.. ROOMS 10 AND 17 Russel building, cor. Fourth and Morrison. Steinway & Sons. A. B. Chase .and Emerson pianos. A. B. Chase and W. W. Putnam cr- fans. Cash or installments. Gramophones and teglna music hexes. ELEGANT NEW PIANO FOR RENT. VERY cheap. Graves & Co.. 285 Alder St.. near Fourth. BEST UPRIGHT PIANO The Jacob Doll. Rent applied on purchase money. Slnshtlmer, 72 3d. Hardman. Harrington and other pianos; special bargains. W.T. Shanahan & Co., 207 Second. BOULE BROS.. EXPERT TUNERS. 107 FIRST fit. Phones. Ellers Piano House. HELP WANTED MALE. TF YOU CONTEMPLATE aVCARNING SHORT hand or have failed In some other system, come and investigate, the Ferain. Can be learned in one-third the iime of Pltmanlc systems. No shading; -no' position tew iword lags; ccnnectlve vowels; no failures. Book keeping taught. Peroln Shorthand School. 211 Oregonlan: H." W. Behnke. Prln. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS OPENING IS OF fered to a thoroughly competent, energetic and up-to-date dry goods man In a town outside of Portland. Applicants for this po sition will please state where they learned the business where last or now employed, and at what salary; also number of years de voted to the dry goods business. Addrfs K 25, care Oregonlan. 10 LOGGERS, $2 UP; 15 COAL MINERS, CON tract; pattern-maker, $3.25; teams, R. R., $4.50 pass; teams, logging camp, $2.00 and found; carpenters. $35 and board: laborers, $1 and board; men and wives for ranches, $30 up; restaurant help coll. Canadian Agency, 220 Morrison. WAITER, $1 DAY; ANOTHER $20 M.; HOTEL runner, to also -wait table; laborers, Gray's Harbor (mill yard); barkers on piling, $2.50; crew for saw mill; dishwasher; various help. R. G. Drake, 152 First. WANTED VAUDEVILLE PERFORMERS for road company-; good amateurs considered; musicians preferred. R 24, care Oregonlan. SALESMEN To sell office specialties. Fine stda Mnes. Used by all merchants. Catalogue free. Model Mfg. Co.. Soutb Bend, lad. COMPETENT SOLICITOR AND COLLECTOR for weekly payment life Insurance. Call 330 Marquam building. A FIRST-CLASS CLERK CAN GET PERMA nent position. Addrecs Druggist, care Orego nlan. Worklngman's Barber Shon; haircut 15c. shave 10c. C chairs. Bd Dennison. 205 Morrlscn st. Cash for acceptable ideas. State if patented. Ad drees THE PATENT RECORD. BaUlmore.M''. BURNS. THE PHOTOGRAPHER. WANTS A flnot-clasg retoucher: best wages In city paid. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS TRIMMER. BUT-ler-Eohutze Co.. 171 Seventh street. BARBER WANTED- AT 205 MORRISON ST. HELP WANTED FEMALE. COOK, B. H.. $35; COOK COUNTRY, $25; one. Dallas, $4, fare; cook arid 2d girl, $45, 2 In family, second girls, $12 to $20; 8 wait resses, $12 to $20: dishwasher, $12: chamber maid, Astoria, $12: waitress, Kalama, $12; no end of housework, $10 to $20; average of 15 new orders every day. Call everybody. Canadian Agency, 2201 Morrlcon. HOTEL WAITRESS ON N. P.. $15 (TICKET here); several waitresees for city, $15 and up (arm). $4. domestics; B.-H. cook R. G. Drake. 152 First. WANTBD A .NEAT GIRL FOR LIGHT housework and care of child; small wages. 298 Montgomery, downstairs. RELIABLE FIRM NEEDS THE SERVICES of an energetic woman, permanent employ ment. U 26, Oregonlan. WANTED A GntL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work and help care for two children. 502 Montgomery st. "WANTED COPYIST; ADDRESS IN OWN handwriting. $15 per month. Address X 22, care Oregwnlan. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework, none other need apply. 699 Everett WANTED-COMPETENT GIRL TO DO GEN oral housework; no wasnlng. Apply 6S4 Bverett. WANTED A GOOD COOK. REFERENCES required. 2S5 West Park, comer Columbia. WANTED GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply at 366 Rosa street. NURSE GIRL. ALSO GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Call 235 Stout st. WANTED SECOND GIRL. INQUIRE AT 1109 Mxttory avc. Piedmont. WANTED COMPETENT COOK, mornings, 341 11th st. APPLE SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. EXPERIENCED YOUNG MAN. LOCATED IN San Franelsoo. wishes position in Oregon (Portt&ad preferred) as private secretary, or eorreepoadeat In business bouse. Address O Si. care Oregoalan. SITUATION WANTBD-BY YOUNG "MAN. AS bee&keoper or oSlce assistant; references. Ad dress G 21, Oregenian. SITEATTON W NTED MALE. Bookltccpera and Clerics. A COMPETENT AND BXFERD3NCED young business man desires position; account ing, cashiering, general office and outside work thoroughly understood; Al references. Address L 23, care Oregonlan. BlisceUnneon. WANTED EMPLOYMENT BY YOUNG MAN, 23 years of age, living with folks; some knowledge of office work; willing to commence on small wages. Address W 24, Oregonlan. SITUATION. BY YOUNG MAN, AS COACH man or taking care of horses; experienced stud horseman. C 26, Oregonlan. JAPANESE WANTS POSITION TO DO SA loon work or housework. Address Matsuo, care Oregonlan. BY BOY ABOUT IS YEARS OF AGE, ANY work; delivery wagon preferred. V 24, care Oregonlan. JAPANESE (GOOD YOUNG BOY) WANTS PO sltien in family to help, any work. 10 North Third st. SITUATION WANTED BY A BOY. AGED 17; can give references. Addreca T 25. OrSgonlan. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Domestics MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN WANTS WORK IN Eastern Oregon; security given for fare, and good reference Address S 20, care Orego nlan. ORDER DOMESTICS, CHAMBERMAIDS, waitresses, anybody, Japs, Chinese. R. G. Drake, 153 First, Both phones. COLORED GIRL WANTS SITUATION AS cook In a private family; good wages; good references. Apply 440 Johnson st. GERMAN GIRL WANTS GENERAL HOUSE work: competent, and understands English. C. Wagner, 101 North 13th st. SITUATION WANTED BY A SWEDISH girl, for general houcewcrk. Inquire 13 North Fifth st. SITUATION WANTED BY A RELIABLE girl; pity or country. 205 Clackamas et. SECOND WORK. CALL OR ADDRESS EAS1 20th and Hawthorne ave. Housekeepers. RESPECTABLE LADY, WITH GIRL 3 YEARS oia, wishes good home, as housekeeper; city or country; wages no object. Address Mrs.Wels, Mllwaukie, Or. EMPLOYMENT WANTED BY AN AMERI can woman; cempetent, reliable housekeeper and cook. X 24, care Oregonlan. . Miscellaneous. SITUATION. BY RESPECTABLE YOUNG woman; good wages; no objection to the coun try. P 24, care Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED MILLINERY SALE3LAD? wishes position for spring season. Address Q 22. care Oregonlan. WANTED A GENTS. A SNAP FOR AGENTS A BOOK THAT Ev erybody buys at sight. "Campaigning in the Philippines." 300 beautiful Illustrations. Give 1st, 2d and 3d choice of territory. Address at once the Hlcks-Judd Publishing Co.. San Francisco, Cal. AGENTS "LIFE OF MOODY," BY DR. Chapman, sells like wildfire.- We guaran tee $5 a day and send outfit absolutely free on Tecelpt. J. L. Nichols & Co., Naplervllle, Iowa. RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED. APPLY room 22 Hamilton building. 131 Third st. "WANTED TO RENT. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM, WITH AL cove or two rooms, for lady and child, in pri vate family: good neighborhood. West Side; must have reasonable rates. Today, Imperial Hotel, room 526. " WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTBD TO BUY MODERN RESIDENCE, West Side, 9 to 11 rooms, in a good locality; must be cheap for cash. Address, giving full particulars, J 20, Oregonlan. INFORM JAMES CHaNNING. CITY. OF losses unsatisfactorily settled by Insurance Co. North America. BEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF hnuophnld fools. SSS Gtb St. Phone Brown 602. FOR RENT. Rooms. THE SPALDING. S. E. COR. PARK AND Alder sts., under the management of the owner, Helen F. Spalding The meet complete apartment-house in the Northwest; choice rooms, for gentlemen or gentleman and wife: furnished housekeeping suites a specialty. THE NEWCASTLE. S. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison sts. Rooms, furnished or unfur nished; all modern conveniences: references. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; FURNACE heat; use of phone and bath; reasonable rent; references; private family. 170 13th st. THE GILBERT LARGE, WELL-FURNISHED rooms; all modern conveniences. Third and Taylor ats.; entrance, 267 Taylor. ALCOVE ROOM, SUITABLE FOR TWO GEN tlemen; one single room; gas, bath; private family. 409 Washington. 129 10TH. BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND Alder Furnished front room; one or two gen tlemen; reasonable; modern. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM, IN PRIVATE family, for two gentlemen; references ex changed. 171 11th st. A PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. IN PRIVATE family, with all conveniences; rent reasonable. 44 North Ninth st. THniD ST., 1S0& WELL-FURNISHED front rooms, $1.25; light back rooms, $1 up week; central. GILMAN HOTEL Brick bldg., central; fur nished rooms, $1 week and up. 1st and Alder. OCKLEY. 3.90 MORRISON Nicely furnished rooms, for gentlemen; modern conveniences. The Castle. 372 Washington Elegantly furnish ed rooms; modern conveniences; transients. 348 MAIN, NEAR SEVENTH FURNISHED room to rent: bath, telephone, etc 160 10TH ST.-COMFORTABLY FURNISHED front rooms; modern conveniences. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT; brick building. 234 Morrison st. Rooms With Board. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 12TH YEAR: rooms with board: enameled bath tubs: use of library: Woman's Excange; Industrial, school. Address Mrs. E. C George, superin tendent, 510 Flanders street. THE VENDOME FURNISHED ROOMS AND board, $1 a day and upward; flrst-claes serv ice only. Including baths and steam heat. Cor. 13th and Alder Eta FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS, with board, -at 153 13th st. Apply 475 Wash ington st. LYNDELL. 534 MORRISON NEW MANAGE ment; elegantly furnished rooms, with board. OSBORN HOUSE Al board and rooms, $4.60 week. J. W. King Cator, late from Chicago. ELEGANT ROOMS, WITH GOOD BOARD; all conveniences; best location. 229 11th st. FRONT ROOM. WITH ALCOVE AND BOARD, for elderly couple or gentleman. "330 Flftli. FRONT ROOM. ALSO OTHER ROOMS. FOR gentlemen; first-class board. 225 11th at. SUITE OF ROOMS. WITH BOARD. 191 11TH, between Yamhill and Taylor. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD. 141 West Park. Housekeeping Rooms HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; SUITES AND SIN gle, transient! and board It wanted; sightly brick block. 230 Russell st. LOWER FLOOR. COMPLETELY FURNISH cd, for rent; private family; central location. 318 Main, near Seventh. TWO CLEAN FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, alcove, pantry and bath; no children. 60 North 13th sU 135 10TH. COR. ALDER NICELY FURNISH, ed, sunny flat of 3 rooms; gas, cock range, telephone TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, FOR LIGHT housekeeping; to parties without children. 340 Sixth st. i 253 SIXTH ST.. COR. MADISON FURNISH ed housekeeping rooms; all conveniences; best location. , 164 WEST PARK 3 OR 5 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; no children. FOR RENT. ltom-ekeepixtt; Rooms. 413 MAIN. COR. 11TH NlCELY FURNISHED suite: telephone and gas range If desired; no children. The Graham Housekeeping apartments a spe cialty; gas ranges and telephone. 54514 Wash. 175 11TH ST. ONE BUTTE OF 3 ROOMS, furnished for housekeeping; no small children. Flat of 4 rooms, furnished cr unfurnished; also other rooms; references. 38S Jefferson street. THREE OR FOUR COMPLETELY FURNISH ed housekeeping rooms. 428 Fifth st. 3-ROOM FLAT. WITH BATH. IN THE SEVIL la. Inquire 210 Third st. Homes. FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE. 11 ROOMS, bath, clcsets, cement basement, electric lights; choice location; $35 to responsible tenant. Montague. & Borden. 226 Stark st. FOR RENT MODERN COTTAGE HOME OF 0 rooms. 7C6 Everett street: finely located anl in excellent order; rent very reasonable. Ap ply next door, at 704. TO LET 9-ROOM MODERN RESIDENCE, short distance from pestofflce. B. Goldsmith, Ablngton building. ONLY ONE OF THOSE BEAUTD7UL M0D ern fiats left opposite Hobart-CurtU, 14th St., rear Jefferson. LARGE. MODERN RESIDENCE. EAST FORT land. $20. A. B. Manley, 42 Sherlock bldg. A 7-ROOM HOUSE; MODERN IMPROVE monts; 431 Seventh ot. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT FURNISHED COTTAGE. FIVE rooms, nicely located, on Third-street car; no children; 20 per month. David S. Steam. 249 Washington st. Houses tor Rent Furniture for Sale. 35 ROOMS, CHOICE LOCATION, AND A good buy, 28 rooms, all rented, good furni ture. 22 rooms, corner flat, elegant furniture; a money-maker. 12-room house, near P. O.; furniture nearly new; must be sold. See mo before buying. C. E. Bennett, 127& Fourth street. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF FINE 10-ROOM. well-furnished hotue; centrally located: all rooms occupied: sicknees Is reason for selling this bargain, for cash only. Address W 14, care Oregonlan. 22 elegant furnished rooms: central and good location; a bargain. H 13, Oregonlan. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OFFICE of U. S. Surveyor-General, Portland, Or., Feb. 24. 1900. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 12 o'clock noon, on March 20, 1900, for running, measuring- and marking, in accordance with official existing regulations, and such special Instructions as may be issued by the Surveyor-General, the following de scribed surveys, viz.: T. 3. 'N., R. 37 E., 10 miles of subdivisions; T. 3. S., R. 43 E., 12 miles of exteriors and 60 miles of subdivis ions; T. 2 N.. R. 48 E., 27 miles of subdivis ions; T. 0 N., R. 42 E., 10 miles of ex teriors and 28 miles of subdivisions; T. S S., R. O W., 6 miles of exteriors and 60 miles of subdivisions; T. 15 S.. R. 3 E., 12 miles of exteriors and 60 miles of sub divisions; T. 80 S., R. B W., 10 miles of ex teriors and 60 miles of subdivisions: T. 25 S., R. 1 W.. 6 miles of exteriors and 60 mlleg of subdivisions; T. 25 S.. R. 2 W 60 miles of subdivisions. Legal rates of mileage are $9, $7 $5, $18, $15, $12; and $25, $23, ?20, for standard and meander, township and section and connecting lines, respectively; the latter rates, $18, $15, and $12, and 125. $23. and $20, to be allowed only where thu lands are mountainous, heavily timbered or covered with denso undergrowth. Bond with approved securities for the faithful performance of the contract will be required of the successful bidder. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids; to waive technical defects, and to accept any part of any bid, or reject the other part If the Interests of the Government require It, Proposals must be submitted In duplicate, to the undersigned, and Indorsed on the envelope, "Proposals for executing pub lic surveys." The proposals received will be opened at the time and place stated, and bid ders are Invited to be present at such opening. Further Information in regard to the work will be furnished upon application to the un dersigned, ROBERT A. HABERSHAM, U. S. Surveyor-General for Oregon. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS PROPOSAL FOR Sower Construction Sealed proposals will be received at the City Clerk's office, Walla Walla, Wash., until Tuesday, the 13th day of March, 1900. at 2 o'clock P. M.. for the con struction of a e3werag; system in the City of Walla Walla, Washington. The extent of the proposed system Is ap- proximately 23 miles pf pipe sewers from 6" to 24 Inches in diameter; also 180 manholes and 52 fiushtanks. Sewer pipe, Iron castings, brick, cement and sand required for the construction of the sys tem will be furnished the contractor by the city. Plans and specifications will be on file, and may be seen at the office of G. N. Miller, Civil and Sanitary Engineer, County Court house. Walla Walla, Wash., after the 20th day of February, 1900, where "form of bids" may be obtained. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check on some established banking house for the sum of two thousand (2000') dol larc, payable to the City Clerk of Walla Walla, Wash., which sum shall be forfeited in case the bidder to whom the award Is made shall fall to enter Into a contract with the city within five days after receiving notice of such award. The Committee en Sewers and Drainage re serves the right to reject any or all bids. Jacob Betz, Mayor. E. S. Isaacs, E. H. Nixon, M. Martin, Committee on, Sewers and Drainage. Dated February 13, 1900. WATER WORKS THE TOWN OF FOSSIL. Wheeler county. Or., will receive proposals until Tuesday evening, March 6, 1900, for the construction of a- system of water works, ac cording to the plans and tspeclficatlons on file in the office pf the town recorder. The sys tem consists cf: 12,000 feet of 2-Inch pipe. 2,500 feet of 2-Inch pipe. 3,000 feet of 6-lnch pipe. 1,400 feet of 8-inch pipe. Hydrants, gates and special fittings. One 150.000-gallon reservoir, cement lined. Bids may be made on labor and materials, separately. All bids must be accompanied with a certified check for 5 per cent of the amount of the bid. payade to the mayor of Fossil. The council reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. H. STOKES, Recorder. Fossil. Or.. Feb. 10. ISoo. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE, Salem. Feb. 21, 1900. The Board of Portage Commissioners will .receve sealed bids at this office until noon of Saturday, March 3, 1900, for the lease of the strip Of land near the Cascade Locks, belonging to the State, and formerly used by the Portage Railroad, con sisting of eight acres, more or less; the leas to run only until the next session of the Leg islature. F. I. DUNBAR, Secretary of State and Secretary of the Board of Portage Commissioners. U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE. BURKE BUILD lng. Seattle, Wash., February 26, 1900. Bealed proposals for clearing and excavat ing at Bean Point, Rlchs Passage, Wash., will be received here until 12 M., March 19. 1900, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. Harry Taylor, Captain, Engineers. Miscellaneous. I HEREBY GrVE WARNING TO THE PUB 11c at large that I will not be responsible for any debts, bills, agreements or contracts created or entered Into by any person or per sons whatsoever after this date, Feb. 27. 1000, unless they have a written order from the undersigned, A. J. Smithson. I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DEBTS contracted by my wife- H. R. Ealer. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE A STOCK OF GENERAL MER cbandlse. Invoice ?3500; the only store In the place, and situated In the best farming sec tion In the Willamette Valley; wishes to call forash only, a. place worth investigating. E 25. care Oregonlan. BIG MONEY MADE BY BUYING SHARES OF the Century Oil Company, Incorporated under the laws of Oregon; quoted at California of ficial oil exchange. Room 40, Washington building. PROFITS IJ? STOCKS. WHEAT AND COT ton. Mackey's modern method? make money. Write for our free book. C. E. Mackey & Co.. 29 Broadway. New York. PARTNER IN NEW AND PROFITABLE EN tcrprlse; will pay $100 a month to each; S100 cash required. Room 4, Mulkey building, corner Morrison and Second. GENERAL STORE STOCK, $3000; AVERAGE dally sales $55; In best mining camp in Southern Oregon. Addrees room 315, Imperial Hotel. OLD-ESTABLISHED BUSINESS. INVOICES $15,000 tq $lb,000; want to retire from busi ness. B 53, care Oregcnian. WANTED PARTNER FOR SMALL VAUDE vllle company for mining towns; small capi tal. W 26, care Oregonlan. FOR RENT FISHING GROUNDS ON COLUM bia River; for seining or trap. Drawer 4, Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE 10-room house, newly furnished; full roomers; $500. Address B 9S. Oregcnian. FOR SALE First-class grocery; cash business; a enap. S. J. Chaining, '655 East Morrison. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Afternoon Kindergartens. MISS ANNIE MATTINGLYS Afternoon Frobel Kindergarten. .269 14th st. TeL Brown 515. Agricultural Implements, Machinery EDWARD HUGHES; WAGONS. CARRIAGES cm mi in giacmnery ot all Kinas. iw Tonc RUSSELL & CO ENGINES. BOILERS. SAW mills, threshers, horse-powers. 324 Belmont. JOHN POOLE: Newton wagons, buggies, wlnd mllis. gumps. machinery. Foot Morrison st. Amusement Resorts. Edison's Star Photlccn Parlors. 272 Morrison. 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. Ladles,. genu, children. Art Goods and Pictnre Frame. BERNSTEIN'S ART STORE, 307 WASHING tpn St.: great clearance sale: special bargains. Assayczs and Analysts. J. H. FISK. MINERAL AS3AYER AND chemist; god dust bought. 204& Washington. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYBR AND ANALYST. Gold dust bought. 228 Stark st. PORTLAND ASSAY OFFICE, 220 Stark st. A" eaylns and .analytical work. Gold dust bought. Attorney. H. K. SARGENT; general practtce; notary. Phone Hood 832. 718 Chamber of Commerce. JEFFREYS & WHITE, attoraeys-at-law. prac tice In all courts. 420 Commercial block. E W. BINGHAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Re move! to CI Union block. Portland. GEO. W. HAZEN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 609 611 Chamber of Commerce building. PIPES & TIFFT. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. 70S 711 Chamber Of Commerce. Bakeries. U. S. Bakery. Matschlner Bros., preps.; bream, cakes, pies, pastry and crackers. 101 N. lith. cor. Flanders. Barber Shops. HOWARD'S BARBER SHOP: FINEST BRAND cigars: 0 expert workmen. 266 Alder at. Baths. DEKUM Bathrooms: popular baths, massajn. electricity. 714-15-16 Dekuax Phone Red 2345. Book Stores. New and secondvhand school and ot'yer books. 203 Morrison St.. between First and Front. Card Wrltlner. Elegant society cards, any style. 25c per doz.; 4 doz.. 75c H. Ennls, Meier & Frank's. Carpenters and Builders. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter, builder: office and store fixtures. Ore. tel. 747. 2S5 Stark. Chinese Medicines. Dr. Blng'Chpng, 191 2d St.; Chinese root medl elnes cure all diseases. Examination free. Chinese and Japanese Goods. Sun Soon Hule & Co., Importers, wholesale and retail teas, chinaware, etc. 247 Yamhill st. Chiropodists. L. MITCHELL, EXPERT CHIROPODIST, Of fice 160 5th St., opp. pestofflce. Tel. Hood 914. Miss Dart, chiropody and manicuring, room 50 Union blk. 1st and Stark. A. M. to 5 P. M. Cracker Factories. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., mfrs. biscuits, crack ers, ship bread, confectionery. 11th and Davis. Corled-Halr Manufacturers. Portland Curled-Hair Factory, H. Metzger, pro prietor, manufacturer curled hair and genuine curled-hair mattresses. 226-228 Front eU Both phen-es. Commission 'Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, oTd rubber and old metal, and general commlslon merchant. Front st.. near Main. Portland. Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR, YOUNG! & CO., SHIP BROKERJ and commission merchants, Sherlock building. Portland. Or. W. N. Sayre & Co., commission & produce mt-. chants; advances on cOnblgnnients. 146 Front. ALLEN & LEWIS, COMMISSION AND PRO otice merchants, Front & D sts., Portland. Or. EVERDING & FARRELL, commission, butter, eggs, chickens and farm produce. Portland. H. TUKE & CO.. 234 FRONT; FLOUR. HAY, produce, feed and groceries. Cornices Skyliehts. METAL SKYLIGHTS. GALVANIZED HON cornices. J. C. Bayer, 265 Second street. Creameries. WASHINGTON CREAMERY; PURE BUTTER, cream; bakery goods. Both phone3. G. G. Mayger, 423 Washington. Dancing. MISSES MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANO ing, 269 14th. Private lessons by appointment. Dental Supplies. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. Cor. Fourth and Washington sts. Dressmaking. MISS HAWKINS, LADIES' TAILOR AND dressmaker; good fit guaranteed. 424 Wash. Dentists. HENRY P. O'CONNOR. D. M. D., 602 JUR quam building, Morrison st,, bet. 6th and 7th, DR. FRANK I. BALL, DENTIST. ROOM 413 Dekum building. Phone Brown 494. DR. C. B. BROWN; tet Ore. Red 2846: res. White 634. 514-15-16 Dekum building. Byeinjr and Cleanlnjr. H. W. TURNER, PROFESSIONAL DYER AND 'cleaner. 301 17th. Telephone Red 131. Educational. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE, Fifth and Yamhill; A, P. Armstrong. Prin., J. A, Wesco. Sec. Open all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free. HOLMES' ENGLISH AND BUSINESS COL lige, 414 Yamhill st Englisn course; com mercial and shorthand courses. Send for cat alogue. ALL ENCLISH BRANCHES TAUGHT; teach--prs prepared for examination. 361 Yamhill. Electric Belts. DR. SCHRAMECK'S ELECTRIC BELTS ARE the best; examinees belts. 270 Front st. Fence ami Wire tVorka. PORTLAND WIRE.& IRON WORKS; WIRE and iron fencing, dfflce railing, etc 334 Alder. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works; A. Carlson; 2S9 East Morrison st. Fraternal Insurance. Certificates are incontestable after two years in the Red Cross. Men and women are eligible to membership. Deputies wanted. Write ur call on D. C Rogers. 290 Morrison. Grocers. J. L. HAYSETH & SON, SUCCESSORS TO Nelson; staple and fancy groceries. 455 Wash. Harness and Sn tidies. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO., HAR ness and sole leather, saddlery, hardware, find ings and shoe store supplies. 73 Front st. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO. WHOLE sale kaddlers and harness manufacturers, Jeather and saddlery hard warp. 72 Front st. Ladder Works. LADDERS OF ALL KINDS, AND KITCHEN conveniences. Cor. East Sixth and Oak. Leather Findings. J. A. REID. mfr. boot and shoe uppers; full -stock shoemakers' supplies. 207 Waeaington st. Insurance. HAMBURG - BREMEN FIRE INS. CO.. 103 First st. Boyd & Arnold. General Agents. Eugene D. White & Co., Agts. German Alliance Fire Insurance Co.. 420 Commercial block. Hotels. TREMONT HOUSE; newly furnished rooms. SI. 60 a week up. J. E. Clark. 313 Everett. , Lioxuor and Tolmcco Institute. Keeley Institute, 314 6th, cures liquor, opium and tobacco addictions. No other in state. Marble and Granite Works. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS: marble, gran ite and clone work. Schacea & Neu, 263 1st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Iron Founders and Machinists. Smith & Watson Iron Works: engines and boil ers; logging engines a specialty . quartz and saw mills, misc. machinery. Front and Hall. CITY FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOES. J Hoaeyman Co.. engines, boilers, saw milk and mining machinery. 301 Front st. Willamette Iron & Steel Works; James Letan. mgr. : iron-workers, steamboat bldrs. Portland. Iron Founders, Machinists, Builders. Wolff & Zwlcker Iron Works; designers and mfrs. of ships, steamboats, martaa. raining and mining machinery; riveted steel pl&e. MidwlTes. MRS. EHL. GRADUATE MIDWDJE. 124 North 14th st. Telephone Wtst 687. Mfninsr. PARTNER WANTED TO HELP MINE Sev eral good placer claims, each 20 aaree, tn Alaska, aeoesslble any month In the year from Portland. Address O 26, care Oregonlan. Barton Curtis. 229 Stark, mining engineers, stock brokers: mines examined and reported upon, machinery furnished; plants erected. Mining: Investments. OREGON EXPLORATION A DEVELOPMENT COj. 23,0QQ -shares (second seriw) of the com pany's treasury stock offered at slight advaale over former prices. Arrangements to begirt milling oro from the Ruth Group have- beet, completed. Plana for future work made known on application. E A Clem i Co . SIS and SHE Oregonlan building. Phone Red 2S22. Weatherby-Bonanza has fully equipped stamp mill; good record as a producer; four parallel veins, of high-grade ore, 2000 feet develop ment work. Small block stsck for sale. E. A. Clem & Co., 515-516 Oregonlan bldg.. Portland. Mining: Machinery. TATOM & BOWEN. 29 TO 30 FIRST ST.; mining, sawmill, wood - working machinery; pumps: Hoe saws. Medical. NOTICE DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COL ored specialist, will now give people- a chanee to get well. All persons residing in city, treat ment by week, $5. To stay at sanitarium, $2 per day. Persons of moderate means will Ilka to take advantage cf this oCar. for one month only. 171 Green ave. Take Washington and 23d-street car- Ladies: Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c. stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," in Utter by return mail. At Drug gists'. Chichester Chemical Co., Phlta.. Pa. Dr. Flora A, Brown, diseases ot women and children a specialty. Consultation and diag nosis free. 517-518 The Dekum. Portland, Or. Greek Rheumatic Specific, guaranteed to cure rheumatism. L. T. Lewis, 232 Washington. Musical. Violin, viola, cornet lessors; music furnished: Italian strings and old violins for sale. Emit Thlelhorn. M. P. S. Orch.. 280 Jefferson. Tet. WestflOOi. PIANO LESSONS, REASONABLE, OR Ex changed for a concert grand guitar or man dolin. M 5, Oregonlan. PIANO. ORGAN AND VOCAL INSTRUCTION. Mrs. Mclntyre. 253 Sixth st., cor. Madison. Oregon Viavl Company. Lewis bldg.. Park and Morrison. Free Healta lectures to women Thursday, at 2:20 P. M. Private Hospitals. Godden Private Hospital. 211 Sherman; cancer, catarrh, etc, cured one month; guaranteed treatment; $1; lovely home for ladles during confinement. Massage. THE SNOWDEN" BATHROOMS RE opened, 131 4th; formerly "The Nelson", ;'tub and vfapor baths, massage. Tel. Re'd 421. LADY OF LOS ANGELES, VAPOR BATHS and massage. 26S Stark et., room 23. LADY GIVES VAPOR BATHS AND MASSAGE at 313 Washington St.. room 33. Osteopathy. TREATMENT W. A. ROGERS. OSTEOPATH. Marquam building, rooms 532-533-534. Hours, 9-12 A. M., 2-5 P. M. Phone Main 27. Call and Investigate our method of treat ment. Consultation and examination free. DRS. NORTHRUP & ALKIRE. osteopathics, "rooms 415-16-17 Dekum block. Oregon phona 'Main 349. Lady ostecpathlst. Examination free. DR. L. B. SMITH, PIONEER OSTEOPATH, suite 409 Oregonlan building. Phone Oak 421. Palmistry. Miss Marie White, scientific palmist, reads past and future correctly. Lewis bldg.. room 63. Patents. T. J. GEISLER, 610-C11 CHAMBER OF COM Registered attorney U. S. patent office. Photographers. If you wish fine portraits, call on Churohley. Work guaranteed; prices reasonable. 14&,Cd, Photographic Supplies. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. WHOLESALE and retail, cor. Fourth and Washington. Real Estate, Loans and Rentals. ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD & CO.; ESTAB llshed 1S66. 227 Stark st. Paper-Box Factories. OREGON PAPER -BOX FACTORY; MFG, paper boxes of a)l descriptions. 170 Sticdnd.- Restaurants. ST. CHARLES RESTAURANT; MEALS. 25c: short orders; white labor. D. E. Altenburg, 206 Morrison. St rouses Cafe; best 25c meal; famous coffee and cake. 10c. 222 Washington, bet. 1st and 2d. Riding Academics. Portland Riding Academy; training and beard ing stables; complete and select. 19th and N, The Portland Riding Club, fine livery, saddle horses a specialty. Park and Jefferson. Safes. SAFES. SAFES. BANK WORK. LOCK DBP"T, opening lockouts, repalra. J. E. Davis. 66 3d. Saw Mill Machinery. Christenson-McMast6r Machinery Co.; new and second-hand machinery. E. Water E Tny'.tr. Second-Hand Goods. We buy everything, clothing, furniture, etc. Call or address 52 Third st. Telephone Hood 685. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS, FURNITURE MOVED AND packed for shipping C. M. Olsen. 123 First. Tel. office. Main 1087; Black 801. STORAGE AT LOW RATES CAN BE HAD at Fred Bickel's storehouse. 31 North Front. Wall Paper and Paints. STROWBRIDGE PAINT & OIL CO ; WALL paper, sash, doors, builders' hardware. 123 Grand ave. Showcases and Store Kixtnres. DDCON. BORGESON & CO.. FRONT AND Washington sts. Storage. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE. Fourth and Davta. Merchandise a specialty. Insurance rates low; storage rates roasonasic. Careful attention givei to country consign ments. Tel. Or. Main 777; Columbia 67 S. Spiritnalists. MRS. WALLACE. RELIABLE CLAIRVOYANT and psychic life-reader; consult her on busl-c-js affalrj. love troubles, absent friends: jcood advice on mines, reading dally, 50c and "Up. 167 First street, office 7 and" 8. LARSEN, THE PALMI3T. WD1L TELL THE year when all leading events in life take place; past and future readings, 50c 286 First et. MRS. J. A. SMITH, medium and magnetic healer, room 9 Oroville, 22S Washington st. MRS. C. CORNELIUS, TBST MBDIUM; SIT tings dally. Aiiaky bldg.. Third and Morrison. MRS. STEVENS. Psychic. Inspiration writings. 25c Sittings dally. 50c up. 342 First st. Syrup Refiners. Wertacott & Knight, syrup refiners, rafgr. gro cers: both phones. E. Alder and E. Morrison. Stoves, Ranges, Xlossehold Hardware LOWENBERG & GOING CO., MFRS. OF ctoves, ranges aad hollowware; wholesale sheet metals, sheet steel, camp and oil staves, hou3efumlehlng hardware. 2d aad Taylor. Hardware: ssu agt. Universal stoves & ranges; hoaMlurclahing-goods. J J. Kad&rly, 141 1st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Wholesale Qracern. ALLSN & LEWIS. WHOUESAUI OROCERS. ear. N. Front and Davts Ms.. Pwrttand. Or Vhalasale Drasrsrl"". WOODARD. CLARKS 4 CO.. WHOLESAL3 druggfats. corner Fourth and Waohtogtoa. Weed 8H CeaJ. OAK WOOD. $4.75. SAWED FIR. $3.75. Ntokwa. 3S Wsr. Bath abfllHi. .. PHKSGXAL. INDIAN CLAUWOYANX AltD XluttKfM The wonderful. sUtrd Indian sawn. 1W1 with two veils aver face. UB. Hbm tin ale la grave, past, present, furore, and wmii n vealed: warns against m'-sfortone: sura gaasi to social and business success, haast all dfe ease by the on of Indian haras. Mac Fief. Whatly-Howe. Separate parlar tor MM sad penttemea. Strtatly coiitMsntlnt 5W1 3th st.. oeasslte City KalL No states to cHaca. 27 women wanted eufiarutg from irrainf.Wn ful or stoppage cf periods: MteasrrWIta (whites), and all camptlcetsu altei -teg to changes of Ufa. cutd by aid 9c 3Ses lr. cor. Seeoad and Ya&.Mh ats. 3W waaMR called last month. Consultation (tea. as Kt rate rooms for fcidtes. K owat eaU. wM, Inekwlng W 3e Btaaaas- BvotMS rnw at home by his saw ay-mean . DRBSS SUITS KBNTED. ALL STWS. Jsfc call for. speago. proas and daltvat so fuH at your clothing aach weak, sew en sr up sips, tor ft per month. Pyalncft Jtaam cleaning- and repairing. Unique TauoVtanr Cx, 347 Washington, both 'phones. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY Da, erts" Nerve Globule Una month's tMfSMiMt S2; 3 months. fS. Seat saearsly xtntm by man. Agents. Woodard ft Clarke, Or. NOT CONTENTED? THEN. LAXRDBav 6J should send for a box of nhmS Caaaa.- Ca. Preventattre Cones. $1.6 per beat, f aaaes $7.: samples 10c. P. O. hex K4, faallaai, WE PRINT 99 FINE VISITING CAKDaVS: SO. 96c. 280 business cards, 1. SSst . Brawn & Schtnale. X 1st at. COMMON SKNSE BS3AUTT PARLORS; Fa cial bfemtehe? removed by eiaetrtetty, cue roller and sponge. Lewie BMg. LADIES. FREE. HARMLESS MONTHLT regulator, cannot ftU. Mrs. D. Fax, Milwau kee, Wis, BILIiT LEA'S BICYCLB HOSPITAL, JOB 4TH. Phone Clay 641. Wheals called for. eeHvese. CLOTHES MBNDSD FOR LADIES AMD OaW- tlemen. Apply at room 46. Labee CUT RATES Oregon Br Worbst eteaetac aad dyeing. Shirnside. near Sth. Tel. Mad 368. Mrs. Dr. McCoy, electric treatoneab, La Xbrts 'hetiee. cor. Third atd Yamhill sts., seem t. Otto KBngbeil. magnetic hestec 907 JmstShcth st.. tracts any 3t:fcnes0 Ore. phana Seutt P. ELECTRIC LAUNDRY REM0VXD IP SM Fifth ot. Beth phones. Give as a html. LADY. YOU CHTT RED STAMPS AT $CM eneoa's drag store. Jt7 Yttsibill seraet. DOUBTFUL DEBTS COLLBCTRD, ANY- whir MB Chun-hor of Commerce FINANCIAL. LOANS en chattels or s&urle; lowest sates;. strictly private, see us first. WK The . MONEY TO LOAN. HARTMAN, THOMPSON POWBRS. 3 Chamber of CnmwiMi LOANS IN LARGE OR SMALL AMOtRTB! fni Portland or outside real estate, z building. MONEYfTO LOAN on furniture or seed seearl ties. S. W. King, room 46 WaeMegMa Meg. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINM OF Se curity. Wm. Holt, room 40 Wssbinsjtaa bMr. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or eatecy se curity. C W. Pallett K Comateraial Meok. Loans on bicycles, pianos and personal ataagr ty. W. A. Hathaway, room 1 Wag. Ma. LOANS. FURNITURE. PIANO. nWC.; LOW rates; private party. 319 Aiiaky J5CO0 to SSOGO to reapeneib'e parties. Improved city real property, per cent. 084 cb. Cam. State funds loaned at 0 per cent. "W. B. Thomas, State Agt. for Mult. Co., 400 Chamber of Con. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON FtTRNl ture. pianos, salaries, etc. Can he aatd la installments, reducing Interest. Rates lower than the lowest. F. W. Graves, Mgr.. 266 Alder, near 4th ground moot. Tel. Greea 444, $200,000 TO LOAN AT 8. 6. 7 PRR CmUV. CKy and suburban property far sale and mi. Agent for Westchester Fhre Insuaanee Co. Wm. G. Beck. 321 Morrison st. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM SSS TO $500. on all classes of s-curlty. R, J. Xeber aon & Co., room S Washington buildtmt. ANY AMOUNT LOANEU ON FtTRNrnmn. pianos, real estate and all kinds of saeatty. C. H. Thompson. 12S 3d st Phone Mala m. $2500 OR LESS SUM TO LOAN AT 8 PRR cent on inside residence property; no esm mlssion. H 4, care Oregonlan. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 per cent, farm or etty nmrxTtT O M Smith K14 Ch nf Conmfrtf LOST AND FOUND. FOUND TH INST.. RBD SKTCaW. FS male, name plate, no license. Owner sea have same by proving property and" paying ex pense. 576 West Main st. LOST NEAR POSTOFFICB. A LSTTBR. AD dress being entirely In Chinese eharaeeees. Return 146 Second. Reward. LOST ROLL OF PLANS. RETURN TO CO lmafatea building, and receive rewajrd. BANKS. SAVINGS BANK PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 10 THIRD STREET. Money to loan on mortgage. A general trust and agency busmeas trannnatj'l. BENJ. I. COHEN .Ptagbjoat H- L. PITTOCK. A. S. NICHOLS Vlee-ftes. E. J. ALTSTOCK. J. O GOLTRA. .. .3eet starfcu FIRST NATIONAL BANX OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent o the United States. President ..- H. W. CORMETT Cashier G. M. W1THIJWTON' Assistant Cashier ... ...J. W. JWSWKlJHC Second Assistant Cashier.. W. C. ALYORD Letters of credit ieaeea, avahaUe la Sttrean and the Eastern states. Sight exchange aad telegranme transfers seal on Sevr York, Beaton. Chicago. St. Louie, St. Paul, Omaha. San Francisco aad the principal points in the Northwest. Sight and time Dills drawn In sums to salt oa London. Parte, Berlin, rrankfort-entbe-Men, Hang Koog, Yokohama, Coeenhagea, Chrtertanfa, Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Moscow. Zurich, Baa olulu. Collections made on favorable terms. LADD & TU.TON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN MM. Transact a General Banking Beam oca. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at ail points ea faveeaeta terms. Letters of credit hunted available m Eu rope and the Eastern states. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Tranafam setd on New York. Washington. Oilcapo, St. Leans. Denver. Omaha, San Francisco and-vaeieaa aetata in Oregon. Washington, Idaho, Montana aad Rrlilafc. Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Parts, Frankfort and Hong Kong. WEtLS. FARGO CO. BANK- CASH CAPITAL AMD 3tmrt0S.....$J lOWV J. VALlNTDffi HWi HOMER S. KKG MARAeTKR (San Francisco.) R. M. DOOLEY CAMMPt H. G. HANLBY AStBSTANT CASatlKK (Portland.) General Banking Business wunmulad. Bs cbange sold, and Letters of Credit toenail, avail able In atl parte of the world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BAKK FORTLAND, OHBGOX. J. FRANK WATSON PreahtetK R. L. DURHAM Tliti Pnataaat r.w;hoyt G4e GEO W. HOYT Aaahaaat Chatter TRANSACTS A OaXERAL BAIK5 Busucase. Interest said on time deposits. Drafts and letters of credit issued, avatfeete m all parts of the world. CbHectJoiw a specialty. Gakt duet bought. -LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO SANK LIMITED. CAPITAL PAID UP $ Head OSlce. 73 Lomaaed street. T,anilaw. This bank transacts a general baaMag -tad ex change business makes loans, discounts bUs and Issues commercial and travelers credits, 'asalic abte in any city in the world. Chamber of Cqiiwmp- bulldhxt. Third aad Stark streets. W MACKINTOSH. Xaaagar. THE UNITED STATBS NATIONAL BARK Transaets a General Banking BWtwaim. Drafts issued available m all ettlee at we United States and Enraee. .- President TTLaTR WOODW ARD VJee-PresWect JACOB KA9IM Cashier F. C M4LLBR BANK OF BRITISH COLOMWA PAID-UP CAPITAL S3 Or 0 RBSERVE mm 089 Head OOee: W- Lombard street, London. Com'I Meek. 344 Washington st Portland. R. LEA Ba:;NB3. Managar.