TJTF. MORNING QBEGONIAJf, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY . 27, 19Q0. 11 COMMERCIAL AND The mark Mtaattea yeroar prcpantoe bat few fcttwM C sosclel tatorosl The wheat markets, wtae esses Jet snuitrdar w r tbe bottoai, neowoa an yesaenlnr a snae worse than antereefte cioee, aaa there -wm -racy MtOe doing in aar dirocttoa. Anoog tbe produce markets tb oar raaaea noticeable -was eggs, which am tnmMty aroaplBg downward, sales being made roetsrdar an low a IBfcc wtta free cases la stagfe-cnee lots dealers wen still sell ing at 18c eed ceoaetoMllr lUfrs. Caltforata butter i canine aloag moat too freely for a Arm market tor the Oregon stock. Potatoes are aay with lighter reoatsto r ret order. Oats are steady. Baalc CIoariBRH. .Xacaasnees. Balance. fortlan U. glLI 5S Seattle ................... 8M.4BS 8S,4oe Spokane ....... JB .W2 Tacoma . JBLStt ,sk PORTLAND MARKETS. Orala, Flear, Bte. The local wheat Market Is nominally b r hanged, with a woalior tone. Baeea on present freight rata, wemm eapertere agure oat WM a an extras quotation, and refuse to quote ab e that arte. Others seem to think that tbe cereal is worth about a cent more, and are ju t'ng Sc and patriae; Wc Valley h easy at 52 ..Tv' blueataaa at SB6c Fretghto are Arm but inactive, no mv engagement betas re p ri yeeterdar. "ft heat Qnatatlaaii aoratael; "Walla Walla, 63 g 54 Valler. te. Maestera. BCMc per bushel. Fltsr -Beet grades. J T. graham. $2 W. i perfl-, ft M per barreL dj-Whtte. iSCJMc; gray. wS4e; stained. 29-5 30c per bathe! 1 rle Veed. fl4lo. brewing. ?J18 ret ter MUletaefs Bran, flftBtS per ton; Hrieettngs. f 1R1 eborte. .$ltl. chop. $14. Hay Steady; tteaoth. $1O011; clever. $7Q 7 80, Oregon wild hay. $407 per ton. Vegetables, Fralt, Btc. Vegetabfao Pawnlps. $1; carrots, $1; turnips. 9"c nntoa. H M0C SO per cental; cabbage, IV per pound, potatoes, SOftite per sack, sweet potatoes. SHwttfcc per pound. Fruit LeaaoiMs. $2 M08. oranges. ? 73 j - box for navels, ft for seedlings, tangerines, $1 7C Japanese oranges, TSceM Pr box: j neapples $4 B0e per dosen, bananas. ?2 M 6 3 per bunch. Persian dates. 7Sc per pound, 1 1 pies. $1 9 1 SO. pears. 7ftc?l 36 per box; crarberrles. t 6007 per barrel for Ilwaoo, f 7 76g for Kaertant lried fruit ppbw, evaporated. 7 9 Sc pet pvund, sun-dried, sack or boxes, 496c; pears. trun and evaporated, &0c. pluats, pltlese, 4 I -30, prunes, Italian, Hrfc. sliver, extra (huice 6c. ngs, Smyrna, 22te. California black. S09c. du white. 10c per pound. Bntter, Bess, PeHltry, Btc. Butter Fancy creamer'. S4C6c. seconds, 4Ey t dairy. XW7fcc, store. tW2c per roll. Fggs 121Sc per dosen for Oregon. P ultry-Chlchens, mixed. S S0ftK : bens, $4 M?i ducks, COffu B0. geese. $ W 60 pet 4 sen turkeys. Uva. 10dUc; droesed. 1214c rr pound Game-Mallard ducks. $;' widgeon. $1 S02, teal ?11 M per doaea. Cheese Full cream, twins. 12tt18c; Toung America. 14 p Sreceries, A'Hts, Btc. Coffee Mocha, tStWfec; Java, fancy. 23c; lata, good, MMc. iava, ordlosrj. 1880c: Coeta loa. tanoy. lc. do good. lafilSc. 6 ordinary, Mlc per pound; Cohmtbte. roast, $1 76 per ease, Arbuckle's, $14 36, Lion, f 13 26. Sugar -Cuba. $6 16: crushed, $6 86: pow dered, $5 86, dry granulated, cane, $6 86; beet. f5 26. extra C, $4 St. golden C, $4 72 set. half barrels, 14c more than barrels; Bap'. Mgar, 15Mc per pound. Beane Smell white. Sfec; bayoa, 4e; Lima. 6c per pound. Salmon Crtumbia river. 1-pound tails, $1 1 60, 2 -pound tolls, $h$2 SO; fancy. 1 - pound flats, $1 6S1 76. -pound fancj flats, 86fec Alaska. 1 -pound tails, $1 31 SO. 2-pound tails, $1 90r 2S Orain bags-Calcutta. $77 10 per 100 for anot f MUJ 62 for Jult -August. Nuti Parmhta. JuYMaWd U 1W ttt roasted; cocoanuta, wb per 10611c per pound; ntae nuts. 16c; hickory nuts. 7 chestnuts. 16c. Brasll. lie. filberts 16c: fancy pecans, 124M4; almands. 16 17H& P' pound. i oal oH-Caeea. xlc per gallon: barreK ITHc. tanks. 16Hc Rice Island. Hc: Japan. 8H: Xew Orleans, tecc. fancy bead. $77 SO per sack. Meat hr Previsions. Mutton Orops, beat sheen, wethers and ewes, $4Ti 20. dmuied mutton, 77fcc per pound. Hoge-OrsM). cholee beav. 6. Hght. $4 60: dressed, Ac per pound. Beer Orose, tap steers, $44 SO; cows, $8 M 4 dressed beef. H7c per pouna eal Large. 76c par pound; small, 8 Wfrc Provbuon PortUnd pack SMeid brand): Hams, amalioa. are auoted at IStfrc per pound, l.lcnlc hams &c per pound, breakfast ba-n lMyc bseoa. altc. backs. Wc. dr salt sides. e. , dried beef. 17c per pound, bird. 6-pound palls, 10c. M-pound path, tfce; SOa, hC. tierce. OVac per pound. Eastern pack (Ham ponds) Xamn. large, ISc. medium, lSMc email lic. plcntc name. c, shoulders. 8tc. hreakfast bacon. lEc; drj. mH sides 8U8Sc; buoon sides. hCHOc. backs, lc. butts, be. lard, pure leaf. Kettle rendered. 6s, lOtfc. Ms, 19bo Maps, AVeel. Ml(Jes, Bto. Mops-39e per pound. .ool Vallet. lltUc for eoaroa. fc for best Eastern Oregon. 8dM4; mohair. 2tS0e per pound Bheeptiuv4hbartlns. IfdJMc; ahart-wool. 38 P36c, medium-wool. W0c; Jong-wool, frft$l each Pelto Bear skins, each, a to pise. J1S. cub, each. fUft Jbadger. ack. Mh14c. wtld rat 26MOc housecat 5 lOcS'TOx, common pra 40tJc. do red $1 2t 76. do cross. $2 M t 0 lynx. $1 0r2 60 mink, SOcfftl 26. mar t.n, dark Kortbern. $48. do pate, pine. $1 23 it S muskrat. 12c. skunk 2640c. otter and) $fPa, panther, with head and daws per fect $1M. raccoon 2C80c. wolf. mounUIn, v Hh head pertect. $S tKNS. wolverine. $2 S06. 1 cr. PT , large. J7, do medium, pet k i fhfft. o small, per skla. $lC. do klu, ber skin, S0c4Ml. Tallow 6uHm Ma. 2 and grease. SM44 P r vnd Hides Dry hides, Xa. I. 1 pounds and up ward 16nKc. rr kta. Mo. 1. 6 to 1 pounds, J per pound; 4rr aaU Ko. 1. under 5 pounds. ir.Gc dtr saJtod, one-third less than dry f t salted ntdwa, sound steers, W pounds and ,.r 8-jpc. do SO to 0 pounds. SCSHc; d urJer SO pounds and opwe, 7rrec, kip. IS tr3 1 i,i li 7c. do val. 10 to 14 pounds. THc do c-a'f under N pbuao. 7c: green (unealtM). K per pound less, culls (bulls, stage, moth eaten, badly cut. scored hair supped, weather Veaten or grubby), one-third less. XKW YORK STOCK MARKET. RallreadVa Brake Anvay Frew tke Ih awhtrlals mm 4 Specialties. NEW TORK Feb. 24, -Tbe most notable feature of todu s ftvcrlsh stock market was the fact that the railroad department appar ent!) succeeded In breaking away from tbe In fluence of the Industrials and apectaittos and In dlCerentiattng the unde4rabh dements of stocks la that department from tke demoralisa tion and weal en em in the others. The railroads su cumbed m tbe earl dealings to the aympa Ihetk Influence of tbe violent deennns among the Industrials, but during the day a conadent demand nwaiif up for a aumhar f railroad stocks which Hfted the level of that depart ment matortaJly aboxe Saturday's ateee. So far as the day news arat it shed Mtcte Hght on the excited weakness of a number of indus trials The mavsmiT.t took on the aapearaace of a sort of duel on the part of the contending Irteresta, and there are circumstances tending to confirm thto explanation of tbe movement. A report lauds credence that fws long Inter ests of the Third. Avenue deal are thriftily availing themselves of the unsettling ssTect of the weakness la aba stock to make a bear turn In other stocks. That bitter anhneaitMs ad rivalries are Involved to also a current rumor In the street, the warns potential entitles coming Into play durtog the panic of last Decem ber Tbe battle ntged most ami It about Ju cocks of tb Mw fork unite astiHaiea. or taJ entrauasa coatroi or which a longtandlnr sjntest has been wagad The aotcrlous -nihl aMBcu!ttav of Third Avenue played a oor.Unutag part tcay and there was added to tMt ru- v,- that the companies u uW pc- M-verely dealt wMJ- n the arrri -kteiw application eC UN Bu Jttst frn ve tasati - k re es truuM dacla-os ui tUc ew Turk jcju ui t.a FINANCIAL NEWS pas stocks ran from 2 to nearly 9 joints, the latter .a Thipd Avenue. Sagar was another storm center, ,tb? furious tfect.aiio la that stock hinging upon the d3ete regarding tbe nert quarterly OWKtend action, watoh Is Imminent. A reductlja In the exfetn& rate is taken for granted, but arl loa differs as to tbe amount of tbe reduction, extending all the war to the total suspension. J Sugar's total fall was 7. and it closed prac- ucany at tne wweet. Tennessee Coal and the. Tobacco stocks also showed notable weakness. Except In Sugar, there -were violent rallies from time to time, reflecting the demand from the bears to cover aborts. Tbe strength of the railroad stocks was based upon the substantial ground of Increased earnings. A large number of returns were made during the day, all showing very striking' gains over tbe corresponding period of last year. For tbe test week In February the most notable ex amples were Norfolk & "Western, Ontario & Western, LH.lsvillc & Nashville and Chioago, Indianapolis & Louisville. For January, a sharp showing of pet earn ings was made on "Wabash, Chicago & Eastern Illinois and Hocking Valley. Saturday's weak bank statement hd same continued effect In the early dealings, but there is an impression held In sneoulatlve rimlm that name rairt of the I recent large expansion of loans Is designed for fllturo Ilui fn tlaa nfanV mo.lfat Sterling exchange was weak on increased of ferings of cotton bills. The actual rate for de mand sterling declined , and for long sterling per cent. Tbe bond market was rather dull and Irregu lar. Total sales. $1,380,000. Government bonds were buoyant, under the influence of the re funding bill now In conference. United States new 4s and old 4s, coupon, advanced 1, and de registered and the 3s and 5s a point In the bid price. BONDS. U. S. 2s, reg 103 IGen. Electric 5s. ..116 do 3s. reg 110?4N. T. Central lsts. 110 do Ss. coupon... .110J,Northern Pacific 3a GO do new 4s, reg...l3Vi do new 4s, coup.l3C do old 4s, reg... 117 do old 4s, coup. .117 do 4b 108 Oregon Nav. Ists..ll0 do 4s 101 Oregon S U Gs....l27 oo sb, reg.., 115 do con. js .uJtt do Se. coupon. ...115 iRio Gr. West. lsts. 97 Dlst. of Col. 2-039.118 1st. Paul consols... 1S7& Atchison adj. 4b... 81ist. P. C & P. lsts.130 C. & N. W. con. 7sl41 do 5s 120H do S F. deb 5s.l20 lUnlon Pacific 4e....l04 D. & R. G. lsts... 103 Wis. Central lsts.. 00 do 4s 88 STOCKS. Tbe total sales of stocks today were 562,800 shares The closing quotations were: Atchison 20 Union Pacific 49 do pref 63 do pref 76 Bait. &. Ohio C2iWabash 0 Can. Pacific 97. do pref 20a Can. Southern .,. 48y, Wheeling & L. E.. 10 Cbee. & Ohio 2S do 2d pref 27 CM. Gr. Western.. 18gi Wisconsin Central. 18 C. B. &. Q 122,1 P. C. C. &. St. L.. 70 Chi, Ind. & L.... 21 EXPRESS CO.'S. do pref 54V4Adams 115 Chi. & East. 111... &y. American 140 Chioago &. X. W..1C0 UnIted States 40 C, R. I. & Pac...lO0Well9-Fargo 123 C. C. C. & St. L.. 58 MISCELLANEOUS. Colo. Southern ... 5Amer. Cotton Oil.. 38 do 1st pref. 42 do pref 03 do 2d pref 15,Amer. Malting 5 Del. &. Hudson... .116W, do pref 24 Del., Lack. &. WlS0Amer. Smelt. &. R. 39 Den-er &. Rio Gr. lOfcj do pref 90 oo prei i4,Amtr. spirits Mi Krie 12 do pref 17 Amer. Steel Hoop. 43 Great North, pref.150 Hocking Coal 17 do prei s Amer. Steel & W.. GG Hocking Vallej .. 33j do pref 0l9i Illinois central ...lia Iowa Central .... 134 do prof 49 Kan C. P. & G... 12& fAmer. Tin Plate... 31 do pref 81 Amer. Tobacco ....105 do pref 135 Anaconda Mln. Co. 43 Lake Erie & W.... 21$ oo prei ta urooKiyn K. x..... us?b Colo. Fuel & Iron,. 43 Lake Shore 194 Louis &. Nash 8154 Cant. Tobacco 30 Manhattan El .... 94. do pref 84 Met St. Ry 103Federal Steel 5S Mexican Central .. llj do-pref 73 Minn & St. Louis O0 General Electric ..126 do pref 91 jGlutose Sugar .... 604 Missouri Pacific .. 4GHi do pref '.. 9SVi Mobile & Ohio 41 tint. Paper 22 M. K. &. T 101 Ao pref 67i do pref 32 La Clede Gas 74 New Jersey Cent. .116i National Biscuit .. 3yi New York Cent 132 I do pref , 90 Norfolk & West.. do pref , Northern Pacific ., do pref ,....,.. Ontario & West... 32 National Lead X4 do pref ....105 National Steel .... 46 do, pref 94 N. T. Air Brake... 120 North American .. 14 Pacific Coast 49 73 82 74 24 O. R. & N, 42 do pref 76 Pennsylvania ....134 do 1st pref bz m,ws jw,,, pm juutmtnif,,,,.., im r ao ist prer m iPaciuc Mail 33")i do Sd pref .10! People's Gas 98 Rio Gr. Western... 50 (Pressed Steel Car.. 54 do pref t9 do pref 85 St. Louis &. 3 Fr. 10 Pullman Pal. Car. 187 do 1st pref 07 Stand. Rope & Tw. 7 uu ki prei. ...... ootougar .......' St. Louis & S. W. 11 do pref 110 ae pref 2t St. Paul 122 Ttnn. Cpal &.' Iron. 91 U. S Lekther 13 dc- pref .,., 73 U. 3. Rubber 33 do pref 93 Western Union ... 83 de pref .........lTl St. Paul & 0 110 Southern Pacific .. as Southern Ry I do pref 5' j Republic Iron & S. 23 Testes & Pacific... 16fei Offered. uu iiivL U173 Money, Exclinncrc. Etc. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 26 Sterling on Lon-don-00 days. U 85; do eight, $4 ES. Mexican doUars3SlSc. Drafts Sight, 15c; do telegraphic. 17c NEW YORK. Feb 20. Money on call, steady; last loans, 2 per cent. Prime mercantile paper 1S per cent. Sterling exchange Weak, with aotual busi ness In bankers' WHs at ?4 89N SCJi ior de mand and at M 85d4 5, for 00 days; pceted rates, S4 844 84. oommercftl bills, $4 8SQ 4 83 Silver certificates CifJGOsic Bar silver Tc. Mexican dollars ISftc. Bonds Gov ernment, buoyant; State, Inactive, railroad, irregular. LONDON. Feb 26 Consols 101. Monej per cent. Porelgm rinnnclal Xetvs. NH;W YORK, Feb 20 The Commercial Ad vertiser's London financial cablegram sajs: The volume of business in the markets here today was 'small, but the tone was firm. There were no war rumors Tomorrow to Majube. day, and tbe market looks for decisive action In South Africa then. American securities were heavy in tbe forenoon, influenced bj the weak bank statement Saturday, but New York, after Belling for a abort time, turned around, causing a cheerful close. Baltimore A. Ohio securities were the favorite. Tbe bank bought 11,000 gold In Scandinavian coin and 7000 In bars. Half the large sum due to the bank today was renewed. Bills were weak. Treasury bills amounting to 2,000,000, all yearlings, were allotted at the equivalent of 8 7s discount. Silver was hard on Calcutta special demand. London Stock Market. LONDON. Feb. 26. Canadian Pacific, 1003&, Union Padftc preferred, 70; Northern Pacific preferred, 78ft: Atchison, 21; Grand Trunk, 8; Anaconda, 9. THE GRAIX MARKETS. Prices for Cereals In Aniericnn and European Ports. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 26. Wheat, inactive; snot market, quiet. Barley, quiet. Oats, duH. Spot quotations Were:' Wheat No, 1 shipping. 93; choice, 97e; milling. OSfcceSl. Barle) Feed, 7076c; brewing, 80S2c Oato-Gray. Oregon. U 07kfl 12; ralHlbg. $1 1S1 17. red, H 121 20. Call board sales. Wheat Inactive, May, 99c per cental; De cember. ?1 094; cash, 97c Barley Quiet. May. 75c, December, 77c Corn Large jdlow, $1 G24?1 05. Chicanjo Grain. Prodnce. Etc. CHICAGO. Feb 28. The day In the wheat pit was quiet. Tbe steadiness of Liverpool gave the market a bit of backbone early. May opening c over Saturday, at eSfcc There was no de mand at that figure, and the price quickly broke to CSSc. where some support from aborts steadied the market. May worked up to 96c but lost itfl bold again, as primary receipts were heavy, and the visible disappointed holders by showing an Incm&fe. May sold olf to 63c where there was a better demand. Tbe market steadied, and May closed c under Satur day, reacting from 65c to 8Sre. Tbe cash demand was slow, although bids were not far out of line. The Northwest was a seller here, and New York and St. Louis covered shorts. The corn market beM steady on light coun try offerings'. an4 fluctuations wre narrow. Xa' corn dosed a shade down, at 36c The trade m aats was light, but -there was so pressure th sell, and shorts covered.. The close Arm. May alasee a shade over Saturday, at2Sc Th pravisten market was stagnant and heavy, put Biased fajrij steady. May perk ohJaed a shade under Saturday. May lard closed 5c lower and May ribs 26c lower. The leading futures ranged as follows: . WHEAT. Opening. Highest. Lowest. Clae. February $0 64 May $eeJ6 $0 6H' $085 65 July --$, ,W " cs February : .'..'. ,..,.. 33 May , 35 3Vl 34 ' 35 jHly 33 M 34 3o OATS. May 28 23 23 23 July 22(4 224s 22g 2254 MBS3 PORK. May 10 02 10 67 10 57 10 62 July 10 70 10 70 10 02 10C5 ' k LARD. May 582 5 S2 5 75 677 July 590 590 582 587 SHORT RIB'S. May 580 5 82 5 73 5 77 July 580 5S2 577 -5S0 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Quiet. Wheat No. 3 spring, 6165c; No. 2 red, 67 Sfce. Corn No. 2, 34c Oats No. 2, 2223c; No. 2 white, 2626c; No. 3 white, 2525c Re Np. 2, 53e4c. Barley No. 2, 37dM3c Flaxseed No. 1, $1 CO. Timothy ssed Prime, $2 45. Mess pork $0 0510 05 per bbL Lard $5 G76 70 per cwt. Short rlbs-Sldes, loose, ?5 675 00. Shoulders Dry salted, ?C 266 50. Short clear sides Boxed, $5 900. Butter Firm; creamery, 1823c; dairy, 15 21c. , Cheese Firm. 1213c Eggs Firm; Jresh, 1313c. Receipts. Shipments Flour, barrels 44,000 31,000 Wheat, bushels 33,000 12,000 Corn, bushels 518.000 276,000 Oats, bushels 355,000 162,000 Rye, bushels 18,000 67,000 Barley, bushels ,. 11,000 54,000 New York Grain and Produce. NEW YORK, Feb. 28. Flour Receipts, 29, 294 barrels; exports, 34,129 barrels. Market dull. Wheat Receipts, 32,800 bushels; exports, C3, 996 bushels. Spot, easy; No. 2 red, 74e. Op tions opened steady, closed weak, c net loss. March closed at 73c; May closed at 72c; July closed at 72c; September closed at 71?4c Wool Steady, Hops Quiet. European Grain Markets. LONDON, Feb. 26 Wheat Cargoes off ccast, bujers indifferent operators; cargoes on pas sage, nominal and unchanged; cargoes No. 1 standard California, 2Ss 9d; cargoes Walla Walla, 2Ss; wheat Imports Into United King dom, 1G7.000 bushels, flour Imports into United Kingdom, 147,000; wheat and flour on passage to United Kingdom, 2,570,000; flour on pas sage to Continent, 980,000; Indian shipments wheat to United Kingdom, none. LIVERPOOL, Fob. 20. Wheat Spot, No. I spring, dull. Futures closed steady; March, 5s 8d, May. 5s 8d; July, 5s 84d. Corn Spot, American, new, mixed, 3s 7d. Futures steady. May, 3s 7d. Visible Grain Supply. ' NEW YORK, Feb. 23. The statement of the visible supply of grain in store and afloat on Saturday, February 24, as compiled by the New York Produce Exchange, Is as follows: Bushels. Inc. Dec. Wheat 53.444.000 225,000 Corn 16,332,000 317,000 Oats 5,755,000 12.000 , Rye 1,162,000 0,000 Barley 3,412,000 81,000 SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. SAN FRANCISCO, Teb. 26. Wool Spring Nevada, 1215c; Eastern Oregon, 12lCc; do Valley, 2022c. Fall Northern, mountain. 10(3 12c; mountain, 810c, plains, SfilOc; Humboldt and Mendocino, 1517c per pound. Hops 1S99 crop, ll13c for choice. Mlllstuffs Middlings, $17 5020; bran, ?12 13 per ton. Hay Wheat, $710 per ton; wheat and oat, $79. barley, ?57. alfalfa, $67 50; clover, $7S per ton, straw, 3015c per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, 80S5c rlv er Burbanks, P075c; Salinas Burpanks, 80c?l 10; Oregon rBurbanks, TBcCfJl JO per sack; eweetsy $1 759 1 85 per cental. Onions $1 752 25 per cental. Citrus fruit Mexican limes, $45; commoa California lemons, 75c$l CO; choice, $1 75 J Tropical fruit Bananas, $1 50 2 CO pet bunch; pineapples, nominal. Apples-$11 25. Butter Fancy creamery, 22c; do .seconds, 20 21c, fancy dairy, 19g20c, do seconds, 15lGc;, pickled, 2224c, firkin, 2122c per pound. Cheese New. 10llc. Eastern, 1617o pet pound; Young America, 10llc; Western, 13614c per pound. Eggs Store, ll14c; Eastern, cold storage, nominal, ranch, 16c per dozen. Receipts Flour, quarter sacks, 20,330, do Washington, 4990; wheat, centals, 1510; do Ore gon, 700, barley, centals, 5830; oats, centals, 1800; beans, sacks, 230, corn, centals, 40; po tatoes, sacks, 4215; bran, sacks, 304; middlings, sacks, 350; bay, toils, 301; hides, 93. EASTERN IiIVDSTOCK. CHICAGO, Feb. 20 -Cattle-Gcnerally higher; recelptst 13,000; market 10c higher; poor to medium, steady, $44 SO, natives, good to prime steers, 1015c higher, at $56, selected feeders, strong, $3 505 90; mixed stackers, firm, ?4 2594 75; cows, active, best grades shade higher, at ?41 35, heifers," strong, $8 25 f 4 75; canners, steady, $2 252 90; bulls, steady, $2 504 IB; calves, unchanged, $5S; receipts, 900. fed steers, steady, $3 904 90; Texas, bulls, steady, ?3 253 75. Hogs Receipts. 32,000, market 5c lower; mixed and butohers $4 054 90, good to choice heavy, ft 75T4 87. rough heavy. 4 554 00; light, $4 50414 80. bulk of sales, $4 754 SO. Sheep Receipts, 16,000, sheep, strong; lambs, active, 1015c higher; good to choice wethers, 95 405 85; fair to choice mixed, $3 504 33; Western sheep, $55 75, yearlings, ?5 75G 60; native lambs, ?57 25; Western lambs, $G7 25. OMAHA, Feb. 20 Cattle Receipts, 1200. Market 10c higher; native beef steers, $3 900 5 40; Western steers, $3 754 50; Texas steers, $3 50$4 25; cows and heifers, $3 204 25; canners, ?2 253, stockera and feeders, $3 00 6; calves, $3 507; bulls and stags, ?26 75. Hogs Receipts, 3500. Market 5c lower; heavy, ?4 054 77. mixed, ?4 62fi4 05; light, $4 GO 4 67 ; bulk of sales. $4 624 65 Sheep Receipts, 400. Market steady; lambs, $5 50S 75. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 20. Cattle Receipts, 8000. Market steady, 10c higher; Texas steers, $84 30, Texas cows, $2 253 45; native steere, $46 30; native cows and heifers, ?24 40; stocksra and feeders. $3 405 25; bulls, $2 65 4 per cwt. Hogs Receipts, 5000. Market 5o lower; bulk of sales, $4 60C4 724; heavy, $4 65 4 80; paokers. $4 60g4 75; mixed, ?4 254 65; light. .?4 a! 72, Yorkers, ?4 604 05; pigs, S3 80 4 50. Sheep Receipts, 2000, Market Bteady; lambs, fSfifi 50; muttons, S4JC 50. The MetuI Markets. NEW YORK, Feb. 28.-ConditIon3 in the metal market were quite Generally unsatisfac tory abroad ao well as at home. Pig-iron war rants, dull, lake copper, unchanged, $16 25 tin, dull, $31 75S2 CO; spelter, easy, $4 555 4 5; lead, unchanged. $4 704 75. The firm that fixes the selling price for miners and smelters quotes lead at.S4 45 at the close. Bar sliver, 59?4c per ounce. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 26. Bar sliver. 59J4C. LONDON. Feb. 26 -Bar-sliver, 27d. , - Coffee and tinsar. NEW YORK. Feb. 26,-Coffoe Options elcsed quiet. &10 points lower; sales. 13,250 bags, including March at $7. May. $767 05; June 47 Sagar Raw and refined, quiet. A Parallel Experience. Boston Herald. The experience that England Is going through In South AfrieA is said to bear a striking resemblance to that which Aus tria was called upon to face 2 years ago when, after the Congress of Berlin, the Turkish provinces of Herzegovina and Bos ma were turned over to Austrian control. It had been known at Vienna, at the time of the outbreak of the Turco-Rtasslan war. that these two provinces were -destined t3 come to the share of Austria, provided she continued to observe a neutral position hile the conflict was going on. hence an army of occupation had been organized la Austria before the Congress of Berlin gave K3 assent to this previously arranged e 9b &e8099BDosoo96bcoG'eeeets6d9oeoeoooeeedeesoeessQ j . CULLISON Sl CO.' ;-.. j ! Wheat tf a DIRECT WIRES TO New York Slock Exchange Chicago Poard of Trade o SECOND FLOOR aoeoe9oeoaoooooeoo9oo9eoo'ooooocQeoeeeeooooeeeaoeooe S. S. GEO. W.- ELDER, S. S. NOME CITY S. S. DESPATCH- The above first-class steamers w.iJl.sail every 10 days during the season for Cape Nomp,; York and St. iichael and Yukon river points. FDR RATES AND INFORMATION APP LY TO F. P. BAUMGARTNR, XV. A. Mitchell fc Co., General Agents, Weakness, "7il" Note the numbers they indicate points of weakness that HUDYAN cures. HUDYAN cures-pain in back, pain over abdomen, dragging pains, bearing-down pains. HUDYAN cures mucous discharge, and all chronic' inflarnmations and ulcerations. ' ' . - - fiFT HIIFYVAKI FFdrn your druggist. '55c a package, six packages for $2 50. If ViUl HULIttt your druggist does not keep it. send direct to the HUDYAN REMEDY CO., cor. Stockton, Ellis and Market sts., San Francisco, Cal. r . Advisory Department for "Women Free. Consult Hndynn Doctors. "Write. agreement, and. the treaty was no sooner confirmed than an. army corps of some 80, 000 men entered the provinces for the pur pose of taking Immediate possession. Greatjy to the surprise of, the Austrian govornment, a resistance was encountered which, in Herzegovina ' led to a' series of combats lasting through months of time. The territory covered by the two prov inces is small when compares with the area in land in South Africa, but the phy sical conditions of mountains, deep valleys and numerous rivers greatly resemble those which exl3t In the land of the Boers. The natives were assisted by some of the Turkish regiments, but, of' course, did nt have the weapons, ammunition or .leader? ship that the Boers have,' They fortlfled the hills which commanded the valleys and forced the Austrlans to drive Jiem from these, one after the other, a( p. great expenditure of time and .life. So critical was the condition qf affairs that the government of Vienna hurried forward additional troops, until, at the close pf t)ie campaign, there were more than 200,009 Austrian soldiers engaged, The loss 'to the Austrlans in a campaign of about three months was S000 in killed, wounded and permanently disabled, which shows that warfare among the mountains, even with a large army prepared for the war, Is not a service that can be undertaken, ex cept at great risk. . 10 ' Bourlce Coclcrnn'a Chance. New York Press, Bourke Cockran is now a leader of the hunting set. He is famous and rich. Hla rise was rapid. He married a lot of mon ey and has made a great deal in real es tate hy wjee investment of his wife's dot. But there were dark days for Bourke. One day he "was sitting on the stone Btepa in the City Hall square, buried In mis ery. His dress was not presentable and his pockets were absolutely empty. Fate took Ambrose E. Purdy that way, and, recognizing Bourke In despair, the assist ant district attorney tapped him on the shoulder. "Brace up, Bourke," he said cheerily. "What's the trouble?" Bourke confided in hlra. "I owe $150 for lodging and am to be turned out. I live over a Dutch beer saloon. I can't get a job. There's nothing for me to do. j think I'd better glye up." "Not on your life," said Purdy. "We'll fix things." An election was pending and spellbinders were In demand. Purdy proposed: "Bourke, why don't you give your land lord your note promising to pay him in six months, or some such, matter?" "Note! Note! My note wouldn't be accepted any where," said Bourke. "L'd be kicked out." "Nonsense! We'll go and make out tha paper for J500. I'Jl indorse It. You give! it to your landlord and nave him take out his 5150 and let you hae the difference.'" It was done. Purdy's Indorsement prov Ing acceptable, Bourke got $250 in cash, which he divided with his friend. Wkli the remainder he bought new clothes, and in a day or two was on the hustings plead ing and shouting for his party. It is no discredit to a man to get up In the world so long as ne does It honestly and honorably. Bourke need not be ashamed of the fact that he used to hantj around the front doors at Miner's Eighth Avenue 'theater for hours at a time, wait ing for the management to admit him tq' the "bombproof," Miner's private stage box for the accommodation bf psrsonal friends and influential politicians. Tim Sullivan owned It for years, and before he became ao rich and powerful William H. Clark was Its nightly inhabitant Bourke does not go there now. and Clark is worth" nearly $2,000,000. After BoUrkt became partners-in:law with the silver throated Grady, formerly part owner cof No. SIS Broadway with James E. Kelley." ' he seemed to turn hl3 back on the foibles' of youth. Since Purdy picked him up out ock Brokers i w CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2 9 S. S; 253 Washington St. San Francisco. 'NOME Sufferings, Paleness HUDYAN RELIEVES , HUDYAISLis a friend to sickly, suffering women, for H.UDYAN quickly alleviates all those miseries that are peculiar to women alone. Women who- -suffer as a result of chronic uterine or ovarian troubles are nearly always nervous. This weak-nerve condition -brings on indigestion and constipation. HUDYAN meets all these conditions. HUDYAN gives to weakly women strength, also a splendid appetite, HUDYAN acts . gently and naturally upon liver and bowels, thus overcoming constipation. HUDYAN-' does not produce .nausea, but is pleasant in 'effect- Persons with unusually weak -stom--achs find immediate relief in HUDYAN". of his sackcloth and ashes his life has been ona grand, sweet song. 1 i o . Brndbni-y the Oldest. The death of Richard 7rf. Thompson leaves ex-'Senator James W. Bradbury, of Maine, easily first In age among the sur viving members of congresses goln& far back beyond the Civil War. Mr.' Brad bury is above- 95 years old. Thompson was four years younger, but his public .fo antedated by some years that of Brad bury. a 0 Derangement of the liver, withconstipa tlon, injures the qomplexion, induces pim ples, 'sallow skin. Carter's Little Liver PHls remove tHerJause. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. GO EAST VIA ON THE FAMOU5 Chicago - Portland Special , And Travel jn Luxurious Comfort Dining Cars. Service a la Carte. Library-Buffet Smoklnsr Cars. Palace and Ordinary Sleeping Cars, Free Recllnlnsr Chair Cars. The only train running through solid from Portland to Chicago without change of cara Every car illuminated with Pintach saa. Leaves 8 P. M., Portland. Arrives C43 P. M. TICKET OFFICES 124 Third St. Phone Main 569 XV. E. COMAN, General Agent. J. R, NAOEL. City Ticket Agrt. The Magnificent Trans-Pacific Passenger Steamship TAC0MA Registered tonnage, 2S11 tons; capacity, 4000 tons; passenger accommodations, 100 first class, 900 second class. This steam ship has just been released from the gov ernment service a3 a troopship, and has every modern comfort and convenience and Is the largest steamship in the Cape Nome trade. Will sail from Tacoma and Seattle on or about the 25th of May. For Tates and full information apply to DODWELL & CO., LTD. Telephone, Main, 86. 252 Oak Street Astona & Columbia River Railroad Co, LEAVES -UNION DEPOT. For Maygers. Ralnler.rARRIVES Clatsksnle. TV'estporc UNION Clifton. A-storla. War renton. Flavel. Ham mond, Fort Stevens, Gearhart Park, Seaside Astoria- and Seashore Express. Dally. Astoria Express. Dally. ' DEPOT. 6:00 A.M. T.00 P M. . 11:13 A.M. 0:40 P. If. Ticket office. 255 Morrison st and Union depot. J. C MAYO. Gen. Pass. Agt.. Astoria, Or. , TlLaiVfeLERS GUIDE. Union Depot, SlxtU and J Streets. TWO TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST "FAST ItfAni AND PORTLAND - CHI CAGO SPECIAL ROtTK." Lovj for th East via Spokane daily at 3.45. f. m. Arrives t S 00 A. M. Leaves for tbe East, vis Pendleton and HM lngton. daily at S OO P M. Arrives, via Host Ington and Pewll-ton, at 6.4& P. M. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS. "VTater llres schedule, subject te ehMge wHV out notice: OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. OCEAN DIVISION Steamships salt ir-m AlRsworth dock at 8 90 P. M. Leave Portland ColumWa sails Thursday. Feb. 1. Sf)ay. F& 11. Wednesday, Teb. 21 State of Calif1 sallo Tuesday, Feb. 6. Friday. Fsb. It; Maw day. Feb "fi From San Franc'eco State of California pa'ls Friday; . 2; Maaday, yeb. 12. Thutsdaj. Feb. 22. Columbia sails "Wednesday, Feb. T: Saturday. Feb. 17. Tuesday. Feb. 27. COLUMBIA RIVER DIVISION, PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Hasaalo leaves Portland dally, except Sunday, at 8 00 P M , on Saturday at 10 00 p. M. Returning, leaves Astoria daily, exaept Sun day, at 7.C0 A. M. WILLAMETTE RIVBR DIVISION. PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. OR. Steamer Ruth, for Salem. Albany. CorvalMa and way points, leaves Portland Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 6 A. M. Rehif n Ing. leaves Corvallla Mondays, "Wednsedaya and Fridays at 6 80 A M Stealer Modoc, for Salem Independence and way points, leaves Portland Mondays.'W'ednee days and FrlCaja at 0 60 A M KettfmHiS. leaves Independence Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at .1 30 A. M. YAMHILL RIVBR ROUTE. ' PORTLAND AND DAYTON. OR. Steamer Elmore for Dayton and way petals, leaves Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays ami Sat urdays at 7 A. M. Returning. leavesDayton fr Portland and way points Mondays. Wednesdayj and Friday at 6 A. M. SNAKE RIVER ROUTE. RIPARIA, "WASH.. AND LEWISTON. IDAHO. Steamer Spokane or steamer Eewtetm leaves Rlparla dally at 1 20 A. M arriving; at Lewlste at 12 o'clock noon. Returning", the Spokane rr Lewlston leaves Lewlaton dally at S.3 A. M.. arriving- at Rlparla same evening:. W H HURLBURT, General Feese Asppt, V. A. SCHILLING City Tckt Agent, Telephone Main 712. NewSteamsbipLineto the Orient CHINA AND JAPAN. FROM PORTLAND. In connection with THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. Schedule. 1S00 teabjeot to change): Steamer Leave Portland. , ,.., Feb. 29 "ABERQELDIB" Mareh 21 "MONMOUTHSHIRE" -Aprils For rstes. accommodations, ete . apply to DODWELL & COMPANY, Limited, General Agents, Portland, Or. To principal points In Japan and China. .Leave Dtpot Flit!) aai I S'.r::!; Arrive OVERIjAND ex press TRAINS, far Salenn Roae burg, Ashland. Sac ramento, Ogdea. San Francisco, Mo )ae. Los Angeie. El Paso. New Or leans and the Ease At "Woodburn (dally except Sun day), morning train connects wflth train far Mt. Angel. 41 v e r t on. Browns ville, Sprlngfl e I 1 and Natron. anJ e-v en Ing- train for Mt. Angel and SH- erton. Corvallls' passenger. Sheridan paaaenser.. 7:00 P. M. S;30 A. M. 9:15 A. M. 7:60 P. M. 117:30 A. M U-t:50P. M. W5:80 P. M. HS:23 A. M Dally. IIDally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland. Sac ramento and San Francjseo. Jiet rate.. 517 arst class and 111 second class. Including steeper Rates and1 tickets to Eastern points and Eu rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA. HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Can be MaiMd itma j. h. IvIRKLAND. Ticket Agent. U4 Third st. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson Street. Leave "far Oswego daily at 7:20. 9j-i0 A. M. J2.30, 1.65, 3 25. 5.15, 6:25, 3.U6. 11.30 p, u." and I) 00 A. M. on Sundays on.y Arrive a. Portland daily at -'S;3, 8:80, Me-aa a. M 1:35, 3.15, 4.J0, 0:20. 7 40, 14.00 p. ii.; 12:4 A. M. da'ly, exeept Monday. S:3o aad 10:85 A. M. on Sundajs only. " Leave for Dallas dally, exfcept Sunday, at 4:30 P. M. Arrive at Portland at 9.30 A. II. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Air lie Men days, Wednesdays and F'ldajs at 2 46 P. M. Retnrr.B Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER. Mapager. C II, MARKHAM. Gen. Frt. . Pasj. Agt. Pacific CoasI Steamship Co. FOR ALASKA THE COMPANY'S elegant steamers. Cottage City. City of Topeka and Al - XI leave T-VCOMA 11 A. M . 3BATTLB 0 P. M . Feb. 4. 0. 14. 19. Hi. Mar. 1. 11. 18, 21. 2, 31, Ajr. 6 and every fifth day there after. For further Information obtain company e folder. The company reserves the rignt te change, steamers, sailing dates and hours of sailing without previous notice. AGENTS-N. PO3T0N, 248 Washington St.. Portland. Or.: F. W. CARLETON. N. P. R. R. dock. Tacoina. J. F, TROWBRIDO?. Puget Sound Supt., Ocean doek. Seattle. GOODALL. PERKINS & CO , Gen. Agt . S. F. WHITE COLLAR LINE COLUMBIA RIVER & PUGET SOUND XAYI GATION CO PORTLAND AND ASTORIA, BAILEY GATZERT (Alder-street ducx) Leaves Portland daily every mornln? a: 1 o'clock, except Sunday. Returning, leaves As toria every night at 7 o'clock, except Sunday Oregon phone Main 331 Columbia pbone 331. U. B SeOTT. President. Steamer Senator (U. S. TRANSPORT) Will sail from Taccnta and Seattle on MAY 17 for Cape Nome. Tbe Senator Is a new steel steamer, 2800 tona register, equipped with all modern improvements, combining safety, spead and comfort, with low rates. Limited number of berths on sale at this office. PACIFIC COAST S. S CO.. X. POSTOX. Agt.. 240 "Washington st. WASHINGTON & ALASKA STEAMSHIP CO. St&meMp "CITY OF SEATTLE" will leave Seattle at 8 P. M. on Tbweday, F. 22. and evepr 10 dajrs thereafter, toe Vancouver. Ketch rkan, Juneau and Skagway. aakiBg ttlp froj Seattle to Skagway in t2 beats. For freight and passage inquire of DODWELL Jfc CO., LIMITED, AGErtT3, ml fOl TM I I U I I ni SH i r r apt $-0t-3& EAST via tSMBek O OGDENiSHASm -J SOUTH tap jrS5""3g'SK 1 TRAVEIBR9 GCIDE. THE FASTEST AND MOST DIRECT lINE TO THE EASTANDSOUMAST IS THE VpSf5v The Direct Lin toLknvar, Omahi Kansas City tnd Si. LouIk Only 3K Days to Chicago, Only 4 Days to New York and other Principal Eslcrn cUIqa Tbrescb Pallmfini Pale Se?era Tesrlut Sleeyers DlnlBfc Cars naeals a la carte), asi Jrce XecMalsar Chair Cara Operated Daily oh Fant Mall Trains Through ttakets. baage aak3 and slefitag car a sewnmoduW a am fe arraaged at CITY TICKET OFFICE Tj30 Third Strtci Portfawl, OrQol J. II. LOnOsOP. OWMKXC LANO. Gen'l Agent. City Pass. Se Tkt. Agt. THE DINING CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE BAST. THE ONLY DIRSCT LBfX TO TM TXLLOW STONE PARK. Leave JWBpi,ri J1 3tj ArrlTO Fast malt sac Xe-L jm. Seattle. Otrmpta. Gray's Matter awl South Bend aoinU. Spokane. Rosataad, B. C . Pullman, Moscow. Lewtstan. Buffalo Hnnp arising ntry. InVlena. Minaeaastlls. St. Paul. Omaha. Kan sas City, St Lattb, Chlaago and all petats east and satttheasc Puwt Sound ExacMS for Tacoma and 3atk and intermediate points 0P. M. No. 4. 11:30 P.M. No. a. 7 00 A.M. Pullman rst-lai and tourist steei to Mta neanoUs. St. Paul and Missouri river point with, out change. Vestlbuied tsahta. Union depot eoBseetteas la all principal cities Baggage checked to destlnattoa of ttakets. For handsomely lllttstrated dascrlBtive mHf, tickets, sleeping-ear reservations, sac, oall oa of writs , A. D. CHARLTON As!tn.nt Geseral Fanescer Agrent, 255 lerrlaon St.. Car. Third. Pertluntt. Orcgett. Going to Paris Toe? Then let us suggest that you AT ONCE arrange tbe details of your trip. Trang Atbuitle travel will attain ree-ertl-TM'amklns proportion thia sttmnter, and the aotnseg you reserve your berth tbe easier it Kill be to aesuie delr,ble a.eemmo6a.tknm. Drop in ana se ne alMHtt it , w eaa sell yea a ticket tbreugk to Parle jmT back agahi. Ticket Oamce, R. W. -KWTBR. Stakot Agent. GEO, S. TAYLOR. City Paoooagar Agoat. rrmsKi bOO PACIFIC LINb Offers the LOW7WT RATB8 and BBST SSRV lee (a and tvetc all Eastern points and Buroae, TbroHgh tourt cars front aoast la St. Paul, Toronto, Montreal aU Bostoa WITJHOU CHANGE. Direct Route to Kootenay Mining Districl British Columbia Canadian PaaMc TtJiI bm4I mu4awj ansa u lanar anrl Atntill. Tet rale and information, aoniy le K. H. ABBOTT. Agent. E. J. COYLTS. 14 Third street, city. A. G. P. A.. Vaaeouver. B. C 6reatNorthehn1 Ticket Office: 122 Third St. The bo Stt TfivE I The Fryer, dally to and Af J from St. Paal. Minns- aoolis. Dalnth, Chlcagr J3M6 P M. I ana all pohtts Bast. ARRIVE. No. 3. 9.VV A. Xf Through Palace and Tourtet aieefers, DVslBj sad Butret Snaoktag-LUHtiry Cars. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE STEAMSHIP KINSHrU MARU Far Japan. China and at! Astatta peiois jrlB leasve Bsattle About Mjrch 12t4. VAaTOVBI TRAjtBPORTATIOK CO- StMJsW Undine. Capfcfta Charias T. Kamav. letrrts Vancouver at nil) a M ana 1PM. Lecvan Fertlani at WIO A M ard 4-fO P M. 3naeays eipted Ft freight or pansaat o oly oa board, loot of Taylor street. Jloeaa trl, 3Cc Vi uu M M bE ( Cm saaoBiiia m