THE MOANING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, .1900. 11 COMMERCIAL AND A decidedly atek wheat BMtfct woe about the or lv feature of hem ueinmu elstty yeeter ct and eves the wniatt market dm 1m atek tc be interesting. "Warn batter weather, sradusc rt-i-ipts nere again heavy, and la mm lines P"ic0 are weakening. Potatoes are hi targe j supply and 80c per sack we regarded ae ani ex-retne figure for beet aUxJk yopterday. Pout- j 'n H cleaning op welt, but the egg market to weak with some dealers offering to clean ' stocks at VZWltc. and angte-caee lots 6eH Irvg St I314e. Fork and vent conttnw Arm. l ie- a good demand. Some California, oocom Txrs came lo yeutmdar, the Ant Of the eeaeon. They were tee stoetc and were beM at the rijuest price of C Bank ClcarlHRn. F rtland $oMIS ?S.s Settle MfcSTl 4.4 Skane i .. 9JMt W.4 Tacom& .... tPkjm M7 PdRTLAATO XARKBTS. Grain, FleHr, Btc. May wheat hi Cbloago want down with a tbul yrerterda- morttmg. failing before the day was r a' low lc wider the ctoeing price VieunnHaj The Hhiropoan markets were atee 1 ver t.rd. with freight!! Htlll booming la the I irirket, the outlook -warn anything but I iei -g from a eeller'a note of view. Most of t - porter declared themselves out of the r a-ket giving a a reason therefor the inaMl I y t operate oxoont a loss, with the ar 1 3 ir their nwoent weak condition and the " t -pas of holdm vtewa. Walla Walla wee - - "., ij. MStoc and Vatter WMu. with 1 "tun 55fpGAc. V,1 at-Quotottoo nominal; Walla Walla, S8 ' XV. Valler. ; bmeetem, Me per 1- hel 1 ur -Bent grades, H W; grahem. $2 W; ev .ern-. $2 M per barrel. at White, Muc; gray, Snfffrie: atoteed. 1 3uc per bubhel. 1 rle-Fed, $141S; brewing. $1W1S p t - M' 11b tuff eBraa, fialX per ton; middlings. $ 10 ehorts, flmfU; ebon. $14. IL. Steady; tlmothr. flOll: ctever, ?7 7 &., Oregon wild hay, 1497 per toe. VoctafeleH, Frait, Btc Vogetebk-e Psrenlp. $1; carrots. $1; turnips. unions, fR(: per cental; cabbage, I-y per pound; potatoes, C600c per Back; sweet p 'a toes. 2Vi3Kc per pound. Fruit Lemons. $2 &09S; oranges. $ 763 jr box for navels, ft tor eeedltage; tangerines, 5! T", Japanese orange. TScOCl SO pr box: T r-en pies, H M per doaen; bananas, $2 M 63 per bunch. Persian oaten. TVrfc per pound. ziplev. f 1 1 SO. pears. 76cel 26 per box; cr -l.frries. f v7 per barrel Xr Ilwaoo. $T T for Saetern. rried fruit Apples, evaporated. 7 9 8c pet pound , sun-dried, aackc or boxes. 49&c; pears, ran and evaporated. S9Sc; plume, pltieee. 4 i-' prunes, Italian. SeT5)c. silver, extra ;- ie, 5 6c, Age, Smrma, 22c; CaHCornla 6g Gc, do white, 10c per pound. Butter, Bkks, PeHltry, Btc. Butter Fancr creamerr. MQ6c; seconds, 42'j 5r, dalrr. MWtTfcc; . Mfcc per roll. Lfegc 12ltc per doaen for Oregont roultrj Chiokena, mtxod, $6 M4 M; hens. $i 5(Xq5, ducks, SJ6 50, geeae, fd 5Gf 7 SO pet ezn, turkeys, Mve, lllc; dreased, 1314c prr pound. Game-Mallard dueke. f; widgeon. $1 B2, tc $lfl 50 per doaen. Cheese Full cream, twins, lM19c; Twing America, 14c par pound. Groceries, Ants. &ta. Coffee Mocha, 292c; Java, fancy. SeSc; 3&a, good. JmfMc; Java, ordtnar, IS30c; toeta Rica, fancy. Iwf90c; do good, IftflSc; A orinarj', 10lc per pound; Oohimbte. roaet, $12 T5 per case. Arbuckte's. 11 X; Lion, f 13 25. Sugar Cube, ?S 86: eruahnd. f6 86: pow dered, 6 86, dry granulated, cane, $6 86; beet 35 25, extra C, H 86. golden C. $4 72 set; barrels, c more than barrete; pJf irv, 16lc par pound. Bean Small white, c; bdyou. 4c; Dm, 6c per pound. gaimwi OuUinlila river. 1 pound Hrttr, $1 1 50, z - pound tall. fm9 80; fancy. 1 - peuntf fla,?, $1 65jl T6. -pound fancy flats. S5OEe. Alaska 1 -pound UUs, $1 901 M; 2-pound tails, fl 9j2 26 Onto, bags Calcutta, ? 16 per 109. KatB Peanuts, 0HTc per pound for raw, let for roasted; ooooanuta, Sue per doaen; walnuts 10611c per pound; pine mite, lac; hickory nuts, 7 clii.i.nuui. Iftc. BraaU, lie; Alberta. 16c. farcy pecans, Ul4e; almonds, 16 f 17&c per pound. oaI oil Cases, Mite per gallon: barrels, IT1 , tankv. ISHa. K toe Island. c; Japan. oAfro: Xew Orleano, 4.&'61c. fancy heed, 7J7 60 per sack. Meat Had PrevlsloBs. Mutton Gross, best oh on. wethers and ewes, $4 1 20, dreeed mutton, 7C7fcc per pound. H w-Grotm, choice heavy, $; light, $4 M; irrmirS, 6c per pound. iJeef Groea, ton steers, $44 W: eowe, $8 Ml fc 4 Jrissed beef, 64t?4c per pound. cal Large. 7c per pound; smalt, SM V Fr Isions Portland pack (Shield brand): Hutu?, smoked, are quoted at lttc per pound; I' ru hams, fo per pound; breakfast bacon, ISV. bacon. )e; backe. c; dry eatt sides, T dried beeC, lTc per pound; lard. 6-pound UK 10c, 10-pound pall. 9c. 69s, :; t c-ff. ViC per pound. Eastern pack (Ham rr ns Hams, large. 18c; medium, lHe; errn t lSc, picnic name, 8c; shouMem, c; trenkfaitt bacon. ISfcc, dry mH sides. 8HJ9Wc; ta n sidw. OHe. backs, Me; butts, be; lard. puro leaf, kettle rendered. 6. MKe: We, lwne. Bops, AVenl, HIdoa, Btc. IT pe-S8c per pound. tt ool Valwy, IStTlSc for otmsse. lSaue for b-'sl Eastern Oregon,. 81 4c; mohair. 2Te p r pound " t epriclns maartlngs, lw)Mc; short-wool, St C 3 , medium-wool, SQ&ViOc; long-wooi. Ooc9$l e. h K,U Bear Mna, each, ae to sise, $mf!5; cu1 each. $!; badger, each. 10ft4c; wild c , 25 j 40c, bouseoat. 6 10c, foi.. common r-1 404,00c. do red. SI S6l 76. do cross. $2 6 v.. sw, ft 60C M. mink. 0cfl 26; roar tc". uik Northern, ftayii. do pale, pine. SI 2S C 3 uritrat. S 13c. skunk. So4c. otter .' ! S4C. panther, with head and clawe per ft 1 Viii. raccoon. XaeJAOc; wolf, mountain, perfect, f ; wolverine. SS 6, b. .r per akin, large. fOVT, do medium, pot rk f 5 do pmall. per skin, 1S. do ktts, pc o.'ti 5cf. T. , s-5jtfcc; a. 2 and grease. dMc pet P .' 1 21 log-l-vri hides, M. 1. K paunde and up WRr J5ql5c; dry Mn. Mo. 1. a M 1 pounds, IP - r j , und, dry calf. Mo, 1. under 8 pounds, ir-tjld ary salted, oat third less then dry f .lit ra led hldae sound tteets. pounds and ctr bs,t)c. do M to paunde. Sn:; d unac r Su iounds and cows, TSffcc. kin, 18 tn 34 p unds, T8c. do veal. 10 to 14 pounds, 7iyc; do calf, under 10 pounds, 7c; groan (unsaludl, lc ixr p und leas, cults bUa, stage, moth eaten, badl cut. scored hair sNneed. weather beaten or grubby), one-third hw. XKAV YKK STCK MARKET. PretwiMre Waa Xnnlfent Affaiast a HHtbir f lHdtvlelual St ok. NEW YORIC. PV 2S -There wee a Mght a cur. u'atlon of orders cv- the holiday, which executed m the stock market at the open ng this morntag for outside account. Arbi-i-agc Imikere bought stocks on a small scale for furelgn ainxmnt to cover sales made ta London t. the higher lewel. indueed by the rumor, vl i - f. .uid craamun on the other side, nf the E'. rrtnder of the awer General, Cronje. There was -ontinued absorption on a smatl a)e of a mc stocks which have shown extraordinary 1- aees in onwnnns during the week, and to v ' i-h was added today Northern PacMkc, with er increase far the second week in February of f 94 HX, or 41 per cent Western Mow York & 1 . nne l-anla and the bttmulnous coal group ' v d in Increase of 88 per cent. But even tt tne opening pressor woo manifest against n ' v dual stoohs among the specialties, which -eJ to uneottle the anarhet, and naturally te !U" t tide in favor of the reactlonteta. rtlr.ued premuis was manUaat at the opea ifig ii Third Avenue, Leather and Sugar A ' f da prugreaaed other stocks cajue nndcr j tvssure and the group above named showed 6me recovery The Iron and steel group was te nrst atfested by the spread of weakness, 'JY i nrsee Cow. dropping an eauemt S points, aj the AnwTwn Hoop. KaMonsi Steel. Tie nue Pndara -' Wire Jfc Meet. Cotoradc TVc' and Itsu-- it! ft am 1 to 8 points. L-er the announcement of the dividend oa CocsoUdstcd Oa at the reduced rate estab- FINANCIAL NEWS Mened siaee the local gas trar was in effect led to & raid on that specialty, with a resulting Joes of 4Ji. Rubber preferred tort nearly 4 points. Metropolitan 4. Gluooee 3 and "Brook lyn Union Gas 2. Third Aventte fell In the final dealings to the lowest - of the day, Shewing a decline of 7 points net. The violent declines had a sympathetic ef fect en the general list, especially on the granger and Grand Trunk lines, and declines 4n the railroads were extended to a point or over In many cases. Fears that the cutting of rates on grain inclined to demoralization of freight rates had an Influence. Apprehessiora of higher money ala had to do with the decline. There was a slight rally on covering of shorts by the bears and In sympathy with a rise in Reading first preferred to 6. This made the closing firm, but at net losses in practically all cases. Preliminary estimates of the movement of cur rency by express te and from the Interior indi cate an Increase in the shipments by the banks, but a Mill greater increase in their receipts, so the toss on the interior movement is believed to be tore then $500,000. Receipts of money by registered mall are said by banking authoritlea to be suSlcient to more than offset this. Losses by the banks on the subtreasury opera tions for the week foot up $3,081,000. For some reason the opinion prevails that the loan ex pansion will show a considerable falling off from the recent rate of Increase. More or less mys tery still attaches to the phenomenal Increase In loans of last week and the week before, and the disposition grows to attribute them to some special operations.. But a further decline In surplus reserves of several million dollars will inevitably be shown by tomorrow's bank state ment. The bond market showed decreased activity, and prices declined. Total sales, par value, S1.126.C00. United States new and old 4s and the Ss advanced , and the 3s & per cent la the bid price. ' BONDS. U. S. 2s. reg 103 fGcn. Electric Bs...116 do 8s, reg 10,N. T. Central Ists.llOH . coupon... .iuu?4Northern .pacinc ss uo do new 4s, reg135 i do 4s 103 do new 4s, coup. 135 (Oregon Xav. lsts,..110 do old 4s, reg.. .116 do 4a 101 do old. 4s. ooup.,110 Dregon S. L. Cs....l2TVs do 6s, reg 114 i do con. Be 114 do &s, coupon. ...114 Rio Gr. West. lsts. 07 Diet, of CoL 3-053.118 St. Paul consols.. .167 Atchison adj. 4s. . 82,5t. P. C. & P. lsts.120 2. & N. W. con. 7B141K1 do 5s t.120tf do S. F. deb. 5s.l20 Jnion Pacific 4s. ...104 D. & R. G. 1sjs...103V3W1s. Central lsts.. $KVS do 4s ajjfcj, Offered. STOCKS. The total sales of stocks today were 400,400 shares. The closing quotations were: Atchison 20?ijUnlon Pacific 45 do pref C2&i do pref 70& Bait. & Ohio 61WabaBh ( Can. Pacific ...... OS-; do pref 20 Dan. Southern ... 481 Wheeling & L. K.. 10 Cbes. & Ohio 28 do 2d pref 27, m. vr. western. 13 Wisconsin central is C. B. & Q. 122P. C. C. & St. L.. 70 20 ( EXPRESS CO.'S. 52, Adams ....115 U214 1 American 140 Chi., Ind. & L... do pref 2hl. & East. 111.. Chicago & N. W. 1M) United States 4(i u.. . L & Pac...l07WWells-Fargo 123 a. c c & st. l 584 MISCELLANEOUS. uolo. southern . do let pref.... do 2d pref DeL & Hudson.. Del.. Lack. & W 5Amer. Cotton Oil.. 33 42V4 do pref 94 15jAmer. Malting .... 5 110i do pref 21 lBlHtAmer. Smelt. & R. 40 Denver & Rio Gr. 1V do pref 0Q do pref 7lfSiiAmer. Knlrit" ."""" 2A Erie 12V4I do pref 17 do 1st pref 37Amer. Steal Hoop. 43 3 rest North, pref. 107 do pref S3U Hocking' Coal 10 Amer. Steel & . 57Vi Hocking Valley .. 33V do pref 02 Illinois Central ...112i Amer. Tin Plate... 31ft towa Central .... 13J4j do pref SI do pref 40$iTAmcr. Tobacco ....107 Kan. C. P. & G.. 1231 do P 135'-! Lake Erie & W.... 2lMtiAnaconda Mln. Co. 41 do pref 84 IBrooklyn R. T 71, Lake Shore 194 jColo. Fuel & Iron.. 43 Louis. & Nash 81.Cont. Tobacco 31 Manhattan M .... 87fe, do prof S4 Met. St. Ry 174 Federal Steel 53 Mexican Central .. lli do pref 74 Minn. & St. Louis G2 (General Electric ...126 do pref 91Glucose Sugar 51 Missouri Pacific .. 45 do pref ... 9S Mobile & Ohio.... 41nt. Paper 22 M.. K. & T 10 do pref 03 do pref 32,J.a Clede Gas 74 Vew Jersey Cent..ll7 I National Biscuit .. 36 ew iotk t;ent...iKi do pref 90 Norfolk & West. do pref ...v.., Northern Pacific Ontario &West." D. R. & N do pref Situational Lead .... 24 74 do pref 104 SSMjNatlonal Steel 47 74 do pref 96 21.N. Y. Air Brake. ..124 42 I North American .. 14 76 iPaclflc Coast 49 13Vi do 1st Tiref K2 Pennsylvania Reading 1H. do 2d pref 02 do 1st pref 58Pacific Mail 37 do 2d pref 29,People's Geo 93 Rio Gr. Western. 4SPressed Steel Car.. 54 do pref 87 do pref 86 St. Louis & S. Ft. 10Pullman Pal. Car. 1S7 do 1st pref OS (Stand. Rope & Tw 7 do 2d pref 34tSugar ....111 St. Louis & S. W. 12 do pref 112 do pref 30-jfriTenn. Coal & Iron. 95 St. Paul 121 U. S. Leatherf 12 do pref 171 I do pref 74 St. Paul & 0 110 U. S. Rubber 32U Southern Pacific .. 3S do pref 92 Southern Ry 124j Western Union ... 83 do pref 57iRepubllc Iron & S. 22$ Fexas & Pacific... 10 do pref ,. OS Money, Exchnnse. etc. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 23. Sterling on Lon on 00 days. S4 85; do sight. SI SS. Mexican dollans48lSc Drafts Sight, 15c; do telegraphic, 17c. NBW YORK. Feb. 23. Money on call, steady at 32 per cent; last loans, 2; closed offered at 2 per cent. Prime mercantile paper-45 per cent. Sterling exchange Easier, with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at J4 87 for demand and at $4 S8 for 00 days; posted rates, $4 840 4 86 and SI SS; commercial bills, S4 834 83. Stiver certifcates-SOflO-'Jic Mexican dollars 173a Bonds Go ernment, buoyant; state, strong; railroad, weak. LONDON, Feb. 23. Consols 101. Money 3 per cent. Stocks in London. LONDON. Feb. 28. Canadian Pacific. 10114; Union Pacific preferred, 77, ex dividend; North ern Pad Re preferred, 70; Atchison, 239C. Grand Trunk, &7g; Anaconda, 9. THE GRAIN MARKETS. Prices for Cercnls in American and European Ports. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 28. Wheat, firm; spot market weak. Barley, not quoted; spot bar ley, firm. Oats, dull. Spot quotations were: Wheat No. 1 shipping, 90c; choice, 97c; milling. 9SKc$l. Barley Feed. 7076c; brewing, 80S2c Oats-Gray. Oregon, SI 071 12; milling, 1 160K 17; red, ?1 12?1 20. Call board sales: Wheat Firm, May, 90;,c; December, SI 00; cash. 7c Barley No sales. Com Large yellow. $1 021 05. New York Grain and Produce. NEW YORK, Fob. 28. Flour Receipts, 23, 000 barrete; exports. 8300. Market still firm on winter wheat flour, but dull and easier for springs; Minnesota patents, S3 S5&4 10. Wheat Receipts, 52,600 bushels; exports, 98,- W6. Spot, weak: 5o. 2 red, 74c elevator, 70Vc f. o. b. Options opened easy, and there after were boorishly disposed, through general liquidation, heavy Argentine shipments, lower English oabks, small clearances, favorable Western weather and crop prospects and dis appointing export demand, closing weak and heavy at laTlj,c decline March closed at 74sc, May. 73c; July. 72c; September, 72c Wool Steady. Hops Steady. CUIcugro Grain. Produce, Gtc CHICAGO. Feb. 28. The news from Argen tina, held the center of the bulletin board on the Board of Trade today. Other bearish news were merely subsidiary to It. The shipments from Argentina, 2,320,000 bushels, t ere exceed ed only twice last year, and have not been ex readod often In the history of the commerce of that country. In consequence. May wheat at the opening was e under Wednesday, at 67 8Tc The price touched 07G7c and later 87c, between which quotations It fluctuated for two hours. Then the descent began. Under pressure of foreign selling and bull liquidation, with feoarerly any outside demand, the price of May was forced steadily down to 06c, at which tfc- market for that option closed, lamentably weak, and lHl$gc under Wednesday. Com was Inclined towards firmness, but finally succumbed to the wheat weakness. Trade gen ftralty was quiet. Count ry offorlngs were fair, but the shinning demand was poor. May closed e down, at S4A4Xc The trade In oats was small, and influenced moat of the time by corn. In view of the weak. nee about R. the market was remarkably steady. May dosed a shade deprersod, at 28 c Previsions were dull. The market early was easy with wheat, later firm with the corn bulge, but again weak with wheat. A firm hog market had a steadying effect. May pork closed 1012c under Wednesday, at S10 T210 75; May lard 2c down, and May ribs 7c lower. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Opening. Highest. Lowest. February $0 63 SO 06 ?0 05 May 7JS 674 00 July 07 67- 00 Close. SO Co 66 CORN. February May July .... S3 34 34$ 34i 5 34- &S OATS. 28 28V 22 -22fe 34 34? May July 23 22 23 22 MESS POIIK. May 10 75 July 10 87 10 87 10 90 10 72 1077 10 75, 10 77 LARD. May July 5 00 5 05 5 90 5D0 6 00 6C5 5 07 6 00 "SHORT RIBS. 5 92 5 95 5 85 5 87 5 02 505 5 87 &00 May July Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Easy. Wheat No. 3 spring. 0BC5c; No. 2 red, GO 70c Corn No. 2. 33c. N Oats No. 2, 2823c; No. 2 white, 2C2Gc; No. 3 white. 24Xx25a Re No. 2, 5405c. Barley No. 2, S742c Flaxseed No. 1, ?1 GO. Timothy seed Prime, $2 45. Mtas pork SO S010 75 per.bbl. Lard S5 7060 82 per cwt. Short rlbs-Sldes, loose, ?5 756 05. Shoulders Dry salted, boxed, SO 250 CO. Short clear sides Boxed. S5 956 05. Butter Firm, creamery, 2123c; dairy, 1S 21c Cheese Firm, 1213c- Eggs Firm; fresh, 1313c Receipts. Shipments Flour, barrels 105.000 01.000 Wheat, bushels 00,000 Corn, bushels 049,000 Oats, bushels 553,000 Rye. bushels 13,000 Barley, bushels 103,000 33,000 7G9.000 124.000 5.OO0 12.000 European Grain Markets. LONDON. Feb. 23. Wheat Cargoes off coast, quiet and steady; cargoes on passage, easier and neglected; English country markets, quiet. LrVTERPOOL, Feb. 23. Wheat, dull; wheat and flour In Paris, dull; French country mar kets, quiet; weather In England, warm and moist. Wheat Futures closed steady; May, 53 5d; July, 5s 8d. Spot, No. 1 Northern Bprlng, dull at 6a d. Corn Spot, American mixed, new, quiet, 3i 8d; do old, quiet, 3s 8d. Futures, steady; February, 3s Sd; March, Sa 8d; May, 3s 7d. SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 23.-Wool Spring Nevada, 1215c, Eastern Oregon, 12lGc; do Valley, 2022c. Fall 'Northern, mountain, 10(3 12c; mountain, 810c: plains, 810c; Humbolij and Mendocino, 1517c per pound. Hops 1899 crop, ll13c for choice. Mlllstuffs Middlings, S17 5020; bran, $12 13 per ton. I Jay, Wheat, SO 500 50 per ton: wheat and oat, $0 509; barley, S57; alfalfa. ?CB7 50; clover, S7Q8 per ton; straw, S045c per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, 80j55c river Burbanks, P075c; Salinas Burbanks, 80c51 10; Oregon Burbanks, 75cSl 10 per sack; sweets, $1 75$ 1 85 per cental. Onions $1 752 25 per cental. Citrus fruit Mexican limes, $405; commoa California lemons, 75c$l 50; choice, $1 75 Tropical fruit Bananas, SI 50 Q 2 30 pel bunch; pineapples, nominal, Apples-$11 25. Butter Fancy .creamery, 2222e; do eec onus, 2121c; fancy dairy, 19820c; do saconds, 1718c; pickled, 2224c; firkin, 2122c pet pound. Cheese New, 10llc: Eastern, 1017c pet pound; Young America, lollc; "tVestern, 13gl4c per pound. Eggs Store, 1214c; Eastern, cold storage, nominal; ranch, 17c per dozen. Receipts Flour, quarter sacks, 23,240; do Ore gon, 820; do Washington, 144S, wheat, centals, 10,300; barley, centals, 5150; oats, centals, 180; do Washington, 3770; beans, sacks, 1567; pota toes, sacks, 4935; bran, sacks, 4300; middlings, sacks, 475; hay, tons, 452; wool, bales, 11; hjdes, 075. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO, Feb. 23.-Cattle Choice cattle nominally eteady, others steady to slow; Tex ans firm; good cows about steady, others 10c lower; canners strong, stockers and feeders active and about steady. Good to choice, iia 5 85; poor to medium, ?4-l 75; mixed etockers, , $3 406 80; selected feeders, $4 254 75; good to choice cows, S3 504 35; heifers, $3 254 GO; canners, S2 25f2 90; bulls, J2 G04 23; calves, S58; fed Texas beeves, S44 05. Hogs Market active, eteady to strong; top, $4 97; good clearances; mixed and butchers, S4 70g4 93, good heavy. S4 S51 97; rough heavy, S4 704 SO; lieht, fi 004 85; bulk of sales, $4 SO4 00. Sheep Market eteady; lambs, strong; native wethers, S56 SO; Western wethers, S55 75; lambs, S5S7 15; Western lambs, ?07 05. Receipts Cattle, 3000; hogs, 28,000; sheep, 8000. OMAHA, Feb. 23. Cattle Receipts, 1500. Market steady; natle beef? steers, $3 805 50; Western steers, $3 754 GO; Texas steers, $3 50 4 25; cows and heifers, S3 204 10; canners, f2 25Qj stockers and feeders, S3 755; cale, S37 25; bulls and stags, S3S4. Hogs Receipts, 8500. Market steady; heavy, $4 7064 75; mixed, $4 6714 70; lights, $4 G5 4 70; bulk of sales, $4 07 70. Sheep Receipts, 4000. Market steady; lambs, 55 500 75. KANSAS Crry. Feb. 23. Cattle Receipts, 4000. Market steady; Texas steers, $3 50150; Texas cows, J2 593 25; nathe steers, $4(35 25; native cows and heifers, $2 501 20; etockers and feeder?, S3 505 25; bulls, S3 504 50. Hogs Receipts, 11,000. Market steady to strong; bulk of sales, S4 7064 77; heavy, $4 G74 85; packers, S4 G54,77; mixed, 54 05?4 75; lights, S4 254 70; Yorkers, S4 65 4 70; pigs, S4 104 52. Sheep Receipts, 10,000. Market eteady; lambs, 55 75f G 00; muttons, S3 755 50. The Metal Markets. NEW YORK, Feb. 23. The only change in of ficial quotations for metals was in the shading of tin. The market closed dull and nominal. Pig-iron warrants, very dull; lake copper, un changed, I1G 25; tin, shading, at S31 7532; spelter continued slow, at S4 554 85. The firm that fixes the selling price for miners and smelters quotes lead at S4 45 at the close. Bar silver. 59c. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 23. Bar silver, 59c. LONDON, Fob. 23. Bar silver, 27d. Coffee and Suprnr. NEW YORK. Feb. 23. Coffee Options closed steady at unchanged prices to on advance of 10 points; sales, 0775 bags, including March at $7 -7 05; May, $7 107 20; June, S7 10. "Spot, Rio, dull; No. 7, Invoice, 3 9-16c; No, 7, Job bing, 0 1-1 Gc. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 9c. Sugar Raw, dull and easy; fair refining, 3c; centrifugal, 90 test, 4c; refined, quiet. Foreign Financial News. NEW YORK. Feb. 23. The Commercial Ad vertiser's London financial cablegram says: There was a slight increase in business in the markets here today, notwithstanding the settle ment, and the trade was firm, easing slightly finally in the absence of official war new, a. Lon don bought Americans, principally Norfolk & Western, for an hour, and then left them neg lected. The bank lost 200,000 gold to the Cape, and received 500,000 from Russia, and 28,000 bought in German coins. Call money was higher on settlement requirements, but bills were idle. "Her Husband's Title." NORTH YAKIMA, Feb. IS. (To the Edi tor.) Being a physician, I should like to add my opinion to the query and answer under above heading in The Oregonjan of the 15th. A title in all cases should be of worth and Intrinsic value to the per son possessing It, and should be protected sad defended against usurpation. The title of "Dr." should apply only to the man or woman who has honestly earned it by long and persistent labor. I do not believe In reflected honors, and I know of nothing that has so retarded the ad vancemant of women physicians as the prevailing custom of calling the wife of a physician "Mrs. Dr." Many ladies have said to me: "Mrs. Adair, have you met Mrs. Dr. So and So?" (referring to the wife of sorae physician). This always brings the hot blood of resentment to the face of every woman physician, though her tongue is usually bridled, I some- ooaeeonosoeooaooooeaoeeeoooeononoeecseoooocoeoeeeoooe I" CULLISON Sl CO. j I Wheat p Stock Brokers DIRECT WIRES TO Ncw York Stock Exchange ' Chicago Board of Trade o SECOND FLOOR oeoooocooooaoooeoeaoeaeoeeoooesosoaoeoeeeooooeaeooa CA S. S. GEO. W. ELDER, S. S. "N0M& CITY , , S. Ss DESPATCH The above first-class steamers will sail every 10 days during the season for Cape Nome, York and St. Michael and Yukon. river points. - First SaiSiog, tVlay 15, " FOR RATES AND INFORMATION APP IVY TO F. P. BAUMGARTNER, XV. A. Mitchell & Co., General Agents, times reply, "Oh, you mean the Doctor's Wife?" or "I did not know there was a lady physician of that name." My hus band and myself frequently receive let ters addressed "Colonel and Mrs. Adair," and I am sometimes addressed as "Mrs, Colonel Adair." My reply Is always, "I am not a colonel, but I am a doctor." And now, since the time has come when many women have Justly earned the title of "Dr.,'1 permit me to enter my protest against the common fashion of address ing the wife of an M. D. as "Mrs. Dr. ." DR. OWBNfi ADAIR. HOTEL ARRIVALS. THE PORTLAND. H Jenter, Chicago L P Lathrop, Chicago Edgar -H Scott, do C F May & wf, N Y Walter C Barnhart, Tacoma J Michel, New York H L Whitman. St L Louis Bearwald. S F Herbert Choynskl, S F E F Brlttlngham. N Y H Florsheim, Chicago . R H Pickering, city jM J Grammdnt, Chgo v x uray; dl raui Ch Schner, Milwaukee C C Hampton, Marys vine, Cal M H Grcenbaum, Cinn Alex R Pipe, St Louis M!s3 Keith Wakeman, Frawley Co T Daniel Frawley, do Miss Mary Van Buren, Frawley Co Mrs Haynes, do J R Amory, New York Harrington Reynolds, New York W J Andrews, San Fr A Goodman, New York D Natara, New York Mr & Mrs C E Etnler, York, Pa Mrs A T Leura, do C D Heiwig, itan uity J C Ryan, Chicago John Handford & w, do Gus Hochstadter, Chgo J Baer, Cincinnati A J Trimble, Sumpter J D Fienner, noise H C Coleman. Toledo. O JJ Rlbood, Chicago ti J uoairey. jianer -y A C Anderson, Chicago Mrs J T Ross & dtr, Astoria F I Dunbar & w, Salem Adam S Collins, San Ft T H Curtis, Astoria R A Knox, Barque Beechdale A R Carruthers.Astoria THE PERKINS. JMrs Warner, Tacoma A B Little. Houlton II Holmes. Whlttson aiies warner, lacoma C C Bowlen, Red Lod Mrs C C Bowlen, do E E RIdgley, Holcomb, NY v John O'Neill, do J B McCann, San Fran E W Ross. Castle Rck J F Liflany, Salt Lake , P Gllmore, Astoria Bruce Brier, Seattle H Haynes, Forest Grov J 21 Holman, Ualles F G Elliott. Dallas. Or.J P Anderson. St Paul S S Johnson, Lewlston , Frank Fisher, Monmth A Leadbetter, LaCamasjE A Wilson, Monmouth F L Goddard, La CrossiT A Barlow, Victoria B Bahlman, La Crosse jB J Boynton. St Paul C O Ambus, St Louis F T Kane, Forest Grov C E Ambus, St Louto Newell MaCrum, do T Webster, San Fran D J Collins, Indp, Or S K Bower, Aberdeen tA A Jayne, The Dalles Mrs S K Bower, do ,J W Blake, Pendleton ' Geo E Houtz, Tacoma (Mrs J W Blake, do Mrs Geo E Houtz, do Hiss Blake. Pendleton S F Cochran, Lincoln L C Cox. Joseph, Or J C Fowler, Arlington Gus Pa-weton, do Mrs J C Fowler, do (John Smith, Corvallls C P Helnger, San Fr ' T C Campbell, San Fr G H Wright, Tacoma A Chesterson, San Fr E W Parks, Tacoma F Marquette, Omaha H Harkins, Tacoma O R Little, Indpls, Ind G H Crane. Des Moines Mrs C R Little, do Mrs G H Crane, do Effle Wright, Omaha W E Schulze, Mlnnpls Catherine Ambler, do Mrs Murray, Lewlston J Mrs J H Dennlson, James Snipes, Dalles Grant's Pasi Bessie Snipes, Dalles IT E Going. Sumpter W L Connolly, ChlcagoJSlnaon Bell, Sumpiot I W Grace, Tacoma (R B Wilklns, Salem W Warner, Tacoma THE IMPERIAL. C. W. Knowles, Manager. M W Spencer, city Dr Wm F Amos, city John E Bower, ,city Martin Ellsworth, Sac ramento Q D Hodge, Lewlston E H Hall, city H S Pernot. Corvallb Mrs H S Pernot, do A Mcintosh, Tacoma Mrs Mcintosh, Tacoma 3 C Knowlcs, Ashland, Wis Mro Knowles, do Miss Knowles, do Mrs J A Veness, Wash Clarence Montaine, S F J A Bernstein, Ban Fr M S Dumeia, san r I ington, D C Mrs Dufneld. San Fran D P Cameron, JJenver C B Moores, Oregon Cy Wallace Shaw, San Fr Mrs Shaw, San Fran P D Winton, Astoria R Danby, John Day B W Harris, Forest Gr Mrs A R Carter, Ash land, Or Frank L Moore, Bak Cy W S Bowers, Baker Cy P Basche, Baker City Davis Wilcox, Hainep Mrs J E Dow.Watervlll Mrs Geo w wood, As toria J W Welch, Astoria M K Hall, Rainier JMrs Nora Huston, Al- Dany J C Rice, Boise THE ST. CHARLES W O King. Helix W H Hamilton. Helix Geo Smith. Helix Mrs Smith, Helix Grant Hagey, June Cy Mrs M L Dodd. city A Johnson, city H Huddleton. Blue Rvri Herman Waltz, St Paul W W Blakesley, StHlna S Fannlngs, La Center Mrs Fannlngs, La Centr A Barr, Clatskanle J A Barr, Clatskanle J E Tuttle, Tillamook E A Howell. Tlllamock Lou Haddle, BlueRlven W E Howell. Tillamook U H Pearson, ao W T Grunewaid, War- renton C M Catswith Astoria J Thomas. Falrview Tas Wilson, Vancouver E H Beach, Corvallls iV A Ford, Chinook 3 F Ward. Chinook O E Miller, Warrenton 3 G Murray. Warrentou lhas S Ward, Arlington 3eo Ogleshelmer, do Mrs Murray. Warrenton r M Brown, js lamnuitMrs s McMIlIar, Garl J W Willis. Grass Vy ) baldl J H Spoonemore, do Mrs M Kramer. Broken Jeff Beebe, do Bow, Neb C H Gilbreath, RalnlerC A Loney, Woodland H M Brown, San Fran, Bert St John, McCoy Mrs Brown, San Fran 'E C Powell, La Center H C Featherstone, S F W A Ford, Chinook Mrs Featherstone, S F IC H Wilson, Stevens Mrs L A Rutherford.doj dale, Idaho Hotel Donnelly. Tacomn. Euroneart plan; headquarters for com mercial men. Chllberg's restaurant tu connection. Hotel IJutler, Seattle. European. Rooms with or without bath. Ladies' and gents grillrooms in connection. Kruse's Grill Room and Restaurant Stark street, opp. Chamber of Commerce. o "Th.e Ma.n With the Hoe." PORTLAND, Feb. 22. (To the Editor.) Like your correspondent, Georgie Curtis, I find it "hard to understand why this poem has created such widespread ani mosity," but I also wonder why this ani mosity has all been directed at the poet, and has spared the painter whose work Inspired the poem. The fact that the pic ture, "The Man With the Hoe." stand3 behind the poem, seems wholly lost sight of. Millet painted with his own countrymen as models, and, no doubt, "painted the thing as he saw it" His "Angelus" de picts one type of the French peasant or laborer, the self-respecting type, capable LSAHHOOD bleVItailier.taopre-Wlpttoacf nCrVOUS Or OlKnjP.Oinf tllA PPnonttltm JBcgf s32 mM Pains In t bo Rack,. Scmlunl ratMiiartK Herronn Dcblltty, Pimples Uisntrie.s to Murry, KxUnut ins rjlns. Varicocele rind ConslIpnliorL it stops all Iiisses by clay or night. Prevents quickness of dl&cbarce, which if not ohecked leaus to Snermntorrhma nirt nil ih hnfmn n( imnntsnAir cnni nvvv .Wmu tka .n-or.- Uver, the kidneys and tharinary organs of all Impurities. CUPIDSNE strengthens ana reSiOres small weak organs Z m-2?nf,i?n.?u:rer,era .arc " cored by Doctors fa because'DOper' cent are troubled with Proatatltln. gir.-- i 02Iy know" remedy to cure without m operation. COOT teitimoHlate. A written ?S?Pi vewnd B,ol"7 muni wi if e boxes doeauos effect a perraanens cure. ALSO a box,6 foe J6.C0, rnjall. bond for yiiKK circular and testimonials. "!. Address DA VOL MtDICtHK CO.. p. O. Ilox 2076, San j?rancteo. CaL ,. For sale by Woodard, Clarke & Co.. Portland. Or. a CHAMBER OF COMMERCE iST S. S. 253 Washington St. San Francisco. of reverence. In the "Man With the Hoe" la shown another type, no doubt as real as the first. Can any ono look at that picture without feeling that the poem de scribes none too etrongly that face, with its limitations and Its possibilities? No doubt the French Revolution brought out just that type, and saw it roused to the only emotion of which It was capable a blind and unreasoning fury. Just such are the ones, stolidly accepting circumstances, incapable of rising by their own volition, but fit tools for demagogues to wield for a time as the instruments of their hate and lust for power, the final victims. Another point. Does either picture or poem reflect on the self-respecting, intel ligent laborers of our land? If any man sees his portrait In the picture, then docs the description in the poem fit him, then is he aggrieved; but i there are any such they are not likely to read the poem. One other point. Where In this poen. Is expressed any, s.cgrn or contempt for labor or the laborer? Even in that much quoted phrase,- "A brother to the ox," I see only, a profound and sorrowful pity. The -scorn, the reproach Is directed at those who havo "shaped him to the thing he ifl," not alone a laborer, but one with out the power or wish to rise in any way, and It Is to them the warning is also given. F. E. B. Leaalnpr Range Lands. ENTERPRISE, Or., Feb. 20. (To the Editor.) Is It, or is it not, a fact that the Secretary of Agriculture or the Secre tary of the Interior, or both, are In favor of leasing the public grazing lands west of the 99th meridian? GEORGE S. CRAIG. They are .understood to favor leasing, with many qualifications, as to rates, areas;' terms, etc. It Is1 not understood that they favor indiscriminate leasing of vast areas of grazing land on terms that would shut out settlere. a o D6rangement of the liver, with constipa tion, Injures the complexion, induces pim ples, sallow skin. Carter's Little Liver Pills remove the cause. PRIMARY, SECONDARY OR TERTIARY BLOOD POISON Permanently Cured. You can bo treated at home under same guaranty. If you have taken mer cury, Iodide potash, and still have aches and pains, Mucus Patches in Mouth, Sore Throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of the body. Hair or Eyebrows falling out. write COOK REMEDY CO. 1530 'Masonic Temple, Chicago, HI, for proofs of cures. Capital, S500,000. We solicit the most ob stinate cases. We have cured the worst cases in 15 to 35 days. 100-paEe Book Free. BANKERS Governm't. Municipal, Kailroad, Gas and Electric Companies Bought and sold, including total issues. Lowers of Credit and Oralis Issued on Bank of Scotland, London, Credit Lyonnais, Paris. interest Allowed on deposits 204 Dearborn St., Chicago. 31 Nassau St., New York 67 Milk St., Boston TRAVELERS' . GUIDE. The Magnificent Trans-Pacific Passenger Steamship TACOMA Registered tonnage, 2S11 tons; capacity, 4000 tons; passenger accommodations, 100 first class, 900 second class. This steam ship has just been released from the gov ernment service as a troopship, and has everyrmodern comfort and convenience and is the largest steamship in the Cape Nome trade. WU1 sail from Tacoma and Seattle on or about the 25th of May, For rates and full information apply to DODWELL & CO., LTD. Telephone, Main, OG. 252 Oak Street. Steamer Senator (U. S, TRANSPORT) Will sail from Tacoma and Seattle on MAY 17 for Cape Nome. The Senator is a new steel steamer, 2500 tons register, equipped with all modem Improvements, combining safety, speed and comfort, with low rates. Limited number of berths on sale at this office. PACIFIC COAST S. S. CO., NV POSTON, Agt., 249 Washington st. RESTOREDnS,Ll?i!!E: quickly euro you oXaU W?-tnm Hri e ff" rKaMlwtnrl T.iMln Nil Mi- I Nil n a I W n 1 i 1 ar I f I B I HI HIflflff ill I TRAVELBRS GUIDE. Union Depot, Sixth and J Streets. TWO TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST "FAST MAIL AND PORTLAND - CHI CAGO SPECIAL ROUTB." Leaves for the East via Spokane dolly at 3.45 P. M. Arrives at 8 00 A. M. Leaves for the East, via Pendleton and Hunt ington, dally at 8:00 P. M. Arrives, via Hunt ington and Pendleton, at 6:45 P. M. I THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS. Water lircs schedule, subject to change with out notice: OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. . OCEAN DIVISION Steamships sail frm Alnsworth dock at 8:00 P. M. Leave Foreland Columbia sails Thursday. Feb. 1; Sunday. Feb. 11; Wednesday, Feb. 21. State of California sails Tuesday. Feb. 6: Friday, Feb. 18; Mon day. Feb. 26. From San Francisco State of California sails Friday. Feb. 2, Monday. Feb. 12: Thursday. -et. 22. Columbia sails Wednesday. eo. ; Saturday. Feb. 17; Tuesday. Feb. 27. COLUMBIA RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Hassalo leaves Portland dally, exceat Sunday, at 8.00 P. M. ; on Saturday at ltg P M. Returning, leaves Astoria dally, except Sun day, at 7:00 A. M. WILLAMETTE RrVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND CORVALLI3. OR. Steamer Ruth, for Salem. Albany, Corvallls and way points, leaves Pbrtland Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 00 A. M. Return ing, leaves Cbrvallls Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:00 A M. Steamer Modoc, for Salem. Independence and way points, loaves Portland Mondays. Wednes days; and Fridays at 8(10 A. M. Returning. leaves Independence Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 50 A. M. YAMHILL RIVER ROUTE. PORTLAND AND DAYTON, OR. Steamer Elmore, for Dayton and way points, leaves Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays at 7 A. M. Returning, leaves Dayton for Portland and way points Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 A. M. SNAKE RIVER ROUTE. RIPARIA. WASH.. AND LEWISTON. IDAHO. Steamer Spokane or steamer LewfcHon leaves Rlparia daily at 1:20 A. M., arriving at Lewlston at 12 o'clock noon. Returning, the Spokane or Lewlston leaves Lewlston dally at :J0 A. M.. arriving at Rlparia same evening. " W. H. HURLBURT. Generxl Passenger Agent. V. A. SCHILLING. Citi Ticket Agent. Telephone Main 712. CHINA AND JAPANv FROM PORTLAND. In connection With THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. Schedule. 1000 Csubjeet to change) : Steamer Leave Portland. .'. Feb. 20 "ABERGELDIE" ..: , March 21 "MONMOUTHSHIRE." Aprils For rates, accommodations, etc:, apply to DODWELL & COMPANY, Limited, General Agents. Portland, Or. To principal points In Japan, and China. LAM via SOUTH Leave Oifot Fifth an! I Slre:!i Arrlvo OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS, for Salem. Rose burg, Ashland, Sac ramento. Ogden, San Francisco, Mo Jave, Los Angelej, HI Paso. New Or leans and the Eat. At Woodburn (dally except Sun day), morning train connects with train forMt. Angel. Sli ver t on. Browns ville. Springfi e 1 d and Natron, and evening train for Mt. Angel and Sit verton. 'Corvallls passenger. Sheridan passenger.. T:0O P. M. 3:30 A.M. 0:15 A. M. 7:60 P. M. 117:30 A. M 114:50 P. M. H.V-C0 P. M. 116:25 A. M Dally. HDally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland. Sac ramento and San Francisco. Net rates J17 nrst class and $11 second class, including sleeper. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA. HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Can be ootained from J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. 134 Third st. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson Street. Leave for Oswego daily at 7:20, 0:40 a. M.- 12:30, 1.56. -3-25, 0:15, 0:25, 8:U3, H:3o p. m.: and 0:00 A. M. on Sundays only. Arrive ai Portland dally at 6:35. 8:30. 'lO-JU) A. M. 1:35, 3:15, 4:30, 0:20, 7:40. 10:00 P. M.; 12:40 A. M. da'ly. except Monday. 5:30 and 10:06 A. M. on Sundays only. Leave for Dallas dally, except Sunday, at 4:30 P. M. Arrive at Portland at 9:30 A. M. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlle Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays at 2:45 P. M. Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Except Sunday. R. KCEHLER. Manager. a H. MARKHAM. Gen. Frt. & Pass. Act. Pacific Coas Steamship Co. FOR ALASKA THE COMPANY'S elegant steamere. Cottage City, CHy of Topeka and Al-Kt leae TACOMA 11 A. M.. SEATTLE 0 P. M., Feb. 4, 0, 14, 19, 24, Mar. 1, 11, 16, 21, 28, 31, Apr. 5. and every fifth day there after. For further Information obtain company's folder. The company reserves the right to change, steamers, sailing dates and hours of sailing without previous notice. AGENTS N. POSTON, 240 Washington st.. Portland, Or.; F. W. CARLETON, N. P. R. R. dock, Tacoma: J. F. TROWBRIDGE. Puget Sound Supt.. Ocean dock. Seattle. GOODALL. PERKINS & CO.. Gen. Acts.. S. F. iOO PACIFIC LINE Offers the LOWEST RATES and BEST SERV Ice to and from all Eastern points and Enrope. Through cars from coast to St. Paul. Toronto. Montreal aai Bostoa WITHOUT CHANGE. Direct Route to Kootenay Mining District British Columbia Canadian Pacific trjtl null tiizwxiJp Mnes U 4a par ant Icjtraho. Ect rate and information, apply to H. H. ABBOTT, Agent. E. J. COYLE, 146 Third street, city. A. G. P. A,, Vancouver. B. C. WHITE COLLAR LINE COLUMBIA RIVER & PUGET SOUND NAVI. GATION CO. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. S2.. BAILEY GATZERT fAkter-stree; dvexi Leaves Portland daily every moraine at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Returning. leaves As toria every nigh: at 7 o'clock, except Sunday Oresoa pho&e Main 331. Columbia phone 331. V. B. SCOTT. President. 12? I sunstt -n UfM ROUTES jr I ttZcSBretlr TRAVKLTSKS' GTIDK. THE FASTEST AND MST DiRECT lINE TO THE IS THE SplCTOfV The Direct Line to Denver, Omaha, Kansas City and St. Lotib. Only 3 Days to Chicago, OnSy4 Days to New York and other Principal Eastern cities Thronsh Pullman ralnce Sleepers Tourist Sleepers Dlnlnjr Cars (meal a la erte. and Free Rcclinlnc Cnnlr Cars Operated Daily en Fast Mall Traias Through tkkeis. baggage cheek and sleeping car aeeouMaodations can be arranged at CITY TICKET OFFICE 1 35 Third Strict Perttend, Orsgoa . J. H.LQTHROP. CSOftOK LAO. CMy Fsss. A Tit. Agt. Gen'l Agent. THE DINING CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE KA3T. THE ONLT DIRECT LINK TO THE YELLOW STONE PARK. Leave iJBlen Bepet, fUtb ill 1 Stl Arrlvo No. 2. Fast maH for Taos sw. Seattle. Oty&pta. Gray's Harbor and South Bead sohMa. Spokane. Resstand. B. C, Pullman, Moscow. Lewistsn. Buffalo Hump mining country. Helena. . Minneapolis. 9t. Panl. Omaha. Kan sas City. 34. Looted Chicago and alt poms east and southeast. PH Sound Express for Tacoma and Seattle and intermediate aolaf Ne,L sap.ii. No. 4. 11:30 P.M. NO. i r:o A.M. Pullman Srst-claes and tourist sleepers to Min neapolis, St. Paul and Missouri river sotott with out ehange. Vestlhuied trains. Untoa depot esnaesWons hi all principal cities. Baggage checked to destination ot tickets. For handsomely Illustrated descrtatlve matter, tickets, sleeptBg-ear reservations, e.e-. eaM es ox wrlta A. D. CHARLTON Assistant General Pa"tCHBccr Ajcent. 255 aiorrtann St.. Cnr. Third, Portland. Oreces. GO EAST VJA THROUGH SALT I.AKK CITY. DE.WER OMAHA. OR KANSAS CITY, WITH CHOICE OF TWO ROUTES. Via the fast mall line or the seenie Mae through Colorado. THE PORTLAND-CHICAQO SPECIAL la the finest-equipped traht In the West, feat' uree being oplendid dining-car service (meaU a la. earte) and the modern Buffet-Library car. LEAVWG P9RTLM0 UtWi MM, MH.Y. AT Stf K J. Far railroad and sleeping-car tkkeis and all other information aaety la CITY TICKET OFFICE 1 24 Third Street, Portland, Oregoa W. E. COSCAN. J. R. NAGEL. General Agent. City Tleket Age. Ticket Office: 122 Third St. 'Phase SO LEAVE. No. 4 3:45 P. M. The Flyer, dally to and ARRIVE. from St. Paul. Mlnne- A , "" spoils. Duluth. Cnicagv 3. 3. and all points Bast. 3:06 A. M. Through Palaee and Tourist Sleepr, Dlulsj and Bullet Smoking-Llbrary Can. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE STEAMSHIP KIMSH1U MARU For Japan. China and all Aslatta points JrtQ leave Seattle7 About March 12tti. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. LEAVES UNKJN DEPOT. For Maygers, Rainier. Cntskanie. Weetsort. Cltfton, Astoria, war renton. Flavel. Ham mond. Tort Steven, Garhart Park. Seatrtde Astoria and 9eaobr Expre. Dally. Asmrbi Esnress. Calk. ARRIVES UXIO.N DBPOT. a. u. 7:60 P. M. 11:15 A. M. Ticket office. 265 Morrisoa st. and Union dtpot. J. C MATO. G. Pass. Arc. Asmrta. Or VANCOUVER TRANSPORTATION CO. Steamer Undine, Captain Chorleo T. Kamm, leaves Vancouver at 3 30 A. X. and 1 P. M. Leaves Portland at 10.30 A. 31. and 1-30? M. Sundays excepted. For freight or pnMge ap ply on board, foot of Taylor street. Round trty. ChlckertcT3 tfUk Woman 3raa& At.rfaT a.1 A.T. Cm1s safe, alTj rManU. labixs ut , vrvxsin IDT IWIHOrt AfOM jnc i ndSrand la Bod mad Gold Buuta :t. mnijtA with dli. rt.. wn T.I,a htntonHim-Uitiom XDntstint.trwvJde. Xi. 10.909 TMCtnaMtl. JTant Pmper. Chleheoter 0hea4ealCMe49a6ase9 enlBnKktt. RILVDA., ju 1 Xvm J..r MWH. m MIMj, WT THHffB Boii Sr aa Local Snk(. Bhr 6 m a son-soimeiori remedy for Gonorrhea, Gleet. Spermatorrhoea, Whites, aan&tarsl di ebargei. or any hnaav eijjea-. tlon of piiKoai m ITHeiYAlseHaHnuGe. branes. Kon-asiriagent. S14 hy Srvfogtots, or sent in pie! a wrapper, by expreM, prftesJd, tot $1 no, nr 3 bottles, ft 79. Circular sent a nHt ir IJMjreatNorthernI 1 &HI1 fifo'ScmA I sW . &.. IS. feoMTI 8Wa!MR, . I