Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 23, 1900, Image 1

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-. r 1 i ' "
Is drunk dally by the elite of society, and the bon vlvant, to whom the best of
everything ie aooe tee good. Call for It at any of the leading hotels, clubs, bars or
a W. KNOWfcES. Mxr.
.tt.OO. Jl BO. $2.00
.$2.00. 2.80. S3 00
Cronje in a Trap, Forced to
His Only Hope Reinforcements;
Roberts Keeps Them Off.
In Bulk and Cases. For sale by
J. 0. Mack & Co.
88 Third St.
(p. Chamber of Coam:;:
To Lease on Long Time
Suitable location tor sawmill, warehouse or other manufacturing purposes.
Dep water frontage, Astoria & Columbia River railroad main line passes through
center of property.
Splendid Facilities for Export Mill
Centrally locate. TMs property is la one body: no streets or allejs. Good local
city trade. Oalt or address
Kitchener Replied to the Boer Gen
eral I "Fight to a Finish., or Sur
render Unconditionally."
LONDON, Feb. 23. The Dally News sec
ond edition says that General Cronje has
slstlng of the Seaforths, the Black "Watch
and the Argylls, advanced from the south
bank, and the Essex, "Welsh and York
shires formed a long line on the left, which
rested on the river, the extreme right
being the "Welsh. The whole line was
ordered to envelope the Boers, who lined
both banks of the river.
The firing soon became heavy. The
3oers, , holding a splendid position, cov
ered the left of the Highland Brigade,
which advanced partly up the river bed
and partly In the open, while the rest of
the brigade, with the other regiments,
swung around the front of the Highland
brigade on the level ground, exposed to a
terrible fire, which obliged the men to He
upon the ground, as they did for the re
mainder of the day, this being at 7:30 In
the morning. Through the dreadful heat
and a terrible thunder storm, our men
hung to the position, answering the Boer
Are and shooting steadily.
In the meanwhile the rest of the Infantry
completed the enveloping movement, the
"Welsh Regiment, having succeeded. In se
curing the drift, thus closing In the Boers,
who had fought throughout with splendid
courage. General Cronje's laager, full of
carts, ammunition and stores, could be
plainly seen near the north bank. .
General Smith Dorrien collected a large
body of men, Including the Canadians, and
crossed the river by Paardeberg Drift, ad
vancing toward the laager, which was
being vigorously shelled. This force made
a gallant attempt to charge Into the laager,
but failed. Before seizing the "Western
Drifts, the Boers occupied a kopje on the
south bank, running down -the river. There
fore, their force Is cut In two. The Boers
hold the Kopje, and have one Vlckers
Maxim and probably one or two other
Toward evening the battery on the south
side opened, co-operating with the battery
on the north. A wonderful sight followed.
The shells fell with amazing precision
Our Rights in China Will Be
State Department's Final Move to In
sure an "Open Door" A
Test Case.
NEW YORK. Feb. 22. Two hundred
members of the Southern Society of New
York were present tonight at the 14th
annual banquet, given at the "Waldorf-
Astoria. President Pol proposed a toast
to the memory of George "Washington,
which was drunk standing. Three rousing
cheers were given.
The first speaker of the evening was
Minister Jlruto KImura, who responded
to the toast, "Japan, Her Progressive and
"Warlike People Are Our Neighbors in
the New West, and Our Friends Always
and Everywhere." Minister KImura paid
a stirring tribute to the memory and
character of George Washington, speak
ing of his patriotism. In closing, Minister
Kimura referred to the American and
Japanese flags that were entertwined
about the chairman's seat, and said:
"In all the controversies to come to the
United States you will have always the
most sincere wishes of Japan, and I trust
that I shall never see the time when the
two flags shall not hang side by side as
nlnmr thf rivpr her! ovinnalto tiP Innerer. I they do here tonight."
which was shelled thoroughly, galling ! John Ford, secretary of the Asiatic So-
every thing it contained. One shell set Are eiety, spoke on "une city or xjew xorje.
P. O. BOX 92.
TO-'-S $3.00 PER DAY
Sp petal rates att e families m d single crntlemea. The mdnnec
Best tvIII be pleased at all times to ihorr rooms and sire prices. A mod
arm Torlcl.k bath establishment la the hotel. B. C BOWERS, Mnnscer.
Library Association of Portland
khren Strati J mt
24,000 volumes and over 200 periodicals
S5.00 a year or $150 a quarter
Two books allowed on all subscriptions
NOURS from 9m A. M to 9:00 P. M. dally, except Sundays and holldaw.
Is an instrument
by means of which
anyone can play the
piano. It is so
wonderful in its power
that It must be seen
to be appreciated.
It will pay you
to come and see It
Maraa-am BMa;., car. Seventh Street !
I take the- greatest care to give
entire satisfaction In all of my
work. I know that your future
trade and that of your friends
depends upon the service that I
give you. I aim to consider your
Individual needs and tastes and
to furnish glasses that will be a
pleasure and a satisfaction. I
study each case carefully and
give each customer the best
work that I know how to do.
My prices are reasonable.
His Last Stand.
LONDON. Feb. 23, 4 A. M. General
Cronje is seemingly making: his last stand,
He is dying hard, hemmed in by British
infantry, and with shells from 60 guns
falling Into his camp. On the third day
of the fight, the Boer chief asked for an
armistice to bury his dead. "Fight to a
finish or surrender unconditionally," was
Lord Kitchener's reply. General Cronje
Immediately sent back word that his re
quest for a truce had been misunderstood,
and that his determination then, as be
fore, was to fight to the death. The battle
went on.
This was the situation of General Cronje
Tuesday evening, as sketched In the scan
ty telegrams that have emerged from the
seml-sllence of South Africa. Officially,
Lord Roberts wires that he has scattered
the advance commandos of the reinforce
ments that were striving to reach General
Cronje. It Is regarded as singular that
Lord Roberts, wiring Wednesday, should
not mention the appeal for an armistice on
the previous day, and also that the war
office should withhold good news, if it
has any.
. Without trying to reconcile even the
P$y mjSferJlal andQslms p&jn
tliat vjuiroiai viuijjo 111 u uiui, tuiu eveu
a desperate situation, and that the Brit
ish "are pressing their advance.
While the attack on General Cronje pro
ceeds, there Is a race for concentration
between the Boers and the British. The
engagement with General Cronje's 5000 to
8000 entrenched men Is likely to become
an Incident In a battle between the masses.
The separate fractions of the Boer power
are rapidly drawing together to attack
Lord Roberts. Will Cronje be able to hold
out until the Boer masses appear, or If
he does, will they then be able to succor
The British are facing the Boers on
ground where the arms, tactics and train
ing of the British are expected to give
them the advantage.
General Buller, according to a dispatch
from Choveley, 'dated Wednesday, finds
the Boers In position north of the Tugeia
lartrely reinforced. This seems strange.
The war office, for the first time, has
given out an official compilation of the
British losses. The total Is 11,280 to Feb
ruary 17. This does not Include, therefore,
Lord Roberts recent losses, nor the Wilt
shire prisoners. The Press Association
learns that the British losses at Koedoe's
Rand were 700.
Three thousand fresh troops will embark
for South Africa today.
to a small ammunition wagon, which
burned nearly all day. Many other wagons
were set on fire, and the glare was visible
at a considerable distance far Into the
night. The Infantry also maintained a ter
rible fire, which -was answered vigorously.
The scene toward nlghtfal was terribly
picturesque, with the blazing wagons, the
roaring artillery and the crackling rllle
As night fell, after the terrific fighting,
which lasted all day Sunday, there was a
sudden cessation of fire, as both sides
tv ere thoroughly tired and glad to rest.
The work of collecting the dead and
wounded proceeded, and the men slept
where they had fought the whole day.
The action was one of the most fearfully
contested In the history of the war, for
the Boers were grimly fighting for their
lives, while the British determinedly
harassed them. The mounted Infantry did
good work, and the Highland Brlgada
fought steadily and sternly. The whole
force behaved well.
Sunday evening tho cordon around the
Boers was completely closed on every side
in perfect silence. A few Boers came Into
camp during the night, and confessed that
they were sick of fighting, and that Gen
eral Cronje was being urged to surrender.
All the animals and the men suffered ter
ribly from thirst, as it was Impossible to
transport water. A heavy thunder storm
In the afternoon considerably relieved their
sufferings. Lew KhAncf cas ru-Bnt
Eye Specialist
Sal te Have Kcaped From Northern
Lhm W "Ha of Far me br.
NFW TOR3C. Feb M. A special from
Hong Kong te the Worta says:
1 nited States Consul WUdmaa has in
formation that three members of the
r pino Junta. Lubon Ponce ami Agon
c i brother of the British envoy, re
r.t loft for Japan to meet AgtthaaMe.
ls gi es cwww to the storj that Agui
ra Oo escaped prom the Island of Lamm
to Formosa -whan hunted, by General Law
ful expedition through the northern part
of the inland
Awleop at Ht Fet.
BUFFALO, K. T.. Feu. -A dtap&tea
to the New ftia Batavia my:
A dispatch has hem leostved in Batavta
mating that Breast lOwgaaii. of Stafford,
who enltsfeaa In th Fortieth Volunteer
""rfamrj had been tmtni. steepta? at has
post tried hr Covrt-fclQittal and aentanooa.
to be shot It Ib said that a number of
FU.ptno rabrta untaret the eantp while
Klngdon was awteap ana kflted. two er
three American uMBor.
House and Senate Members Practi
cally Agree.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 22. When the Re
pubttoan conferees of the two houses of
congress on the currency bill adjourned
tonight, their work had been prac
tically completed. There were still some
slight differences In phraseology, and still
some uncertainty as to whether the sen
ate amendment in the interest of Inter
national bimetallsm would be retained,
bat one of the members expressed the
aplnioa that five minutes would be suffi
cient time tomorrow to complete the
work. They expect to call In the Demo
cratic members during the day tomorrow
and to be ab'e to present their report
ta JJe senate during the day. The bill
was seat to the printer tonight. The
members to the conference refused to give
ottt the terms of agreement.
. o
Archbishop Hcnnensy Dying:.
DUBUQUE la.. Feb. 22. Archbishop
HensesEy's condition is such tonight that
hopes for his recovery have been aban
doned. The physicians expect death with
in & day or two at the longest.
Main Body of the Boers Enclosed in
n Death Trap.
PAADBRBERG Drift, Orange Free
State, Tuesday, via Modder River,
Wednesday. One of the costliest actions
of the war occurred at Paardeberg Drift,
Sunday, February 18. General Kelly-Kenny,
In his pursuit of Cronje, caught hs
rear guard at Klip Drift and followed the
burghers to the Boers laager at Koedoe's
Rand. The Drift action began at day
break, mounted Infantry driving the Boers'
rear guard up the river towards the main
body, while another body of mounted in
fantry maneuvered on the right front
and flanked the Boers. The British, main
body advanced to outflank the Boers'
laager on the bank of the river.
Kelly-Kenny having seized two drifts,
found the Boers strongly Inclosed and or
dered an attack with the Highland Bri
gade on the left and General Knox's on
the center and rght, while General Smlth
Dorrlen's Brigade crossed the river and
advanced along the north bank. On both
the north and south banks the ground
Is level and the advance across this was
deadly and the British losses were heavy.
The battle was an exact replica of Mod
der River The soldiers were under fire
all day and all the fighting had no defi
nite result, as the Boers' laager was well
barricaded and they remained therein.
British guns shelled the laager vigorously
and the Boers confessed to a loss of over
S00 men.
The terrific shelling was resumed Mon
day, when Cronje asked for an armistice.
The shelling was continued Tuesday, over
50 guns pouring lead Into the Boer camp.
General Cronje's magnificent night
march from Magersfonteln now appears
likely to end in disaster. The main body
of the Boers Is enclosed in a terrible death
trap. The enemy are hiding in the bed of
the Modder River, commanded by the Brit
ish artillery and enclosed on the east Gnd
west by the British Infantry. Sunday wit-
nessed a gallant stand on the part of the
retreating foe. Tired, harassed, they still
maintained a bold front. It is somewhat
difficult to explain the Sunday action. In
which all the British forces were engaged,
In which General Cronje. under difficult
conditions, managed to hold hlB own.
Saturday night the British mounted in
fantry came In touch with Cronje's rear
guard, driving them back upon the main
body. Sunday morning the action was
Tenewed, but the Boers, who had en
trenched In the river bed during the night,
prevented a further advance of the mount
ed infantry in this direction.
Meanwhile the Highland Brigade, con-
wlth the force. General MacDonttld wa t
wounded in the foot, . but not seriously.
General Cronje's forces occupied the rivet
bed. Our men marched splendidly to over,
take the retreating enemy. Deserters say
that a great number of the Boers lost their
horses. Trek oxen are cally seen wander
in over the plain, and many come into
our lines.
Monday morning broke finding the Boers
in the same place, they having during the
night constructed entrenchments around
the laager, which was still threatened by
General Smlth-Dorrieit. The Infantry
rested after the terrible hard day's fight
ing Sunday. The mounted Infantry and
a battery of Horse Artillery started to
observe the enemy, who was holding a
kopje, but while riding around the south
ern side of the kopje they received a heavy
fusillade, and were obliged to move further
out. They sustained no casualty, another
proof of the bad Boer marksmanship.
Pushing on, the detachment found that
the kopje extended a considerable distance
to the west, sloping gradually to tne plain.
They seized a good defensive position,
which was garrisoned. They continued
the movement and completely turned the
Boers, whose left was held strongly by a
farmhouse, which was vigorously shelled.
The detachment returned to camp at
nightfall, leaving a garrison on the ridge.
Meanwhile a desultory bombardment of
the Boer position was kept up, and a
good deal of rifle fire concentrated where
the Essexes were attempting to rush up
the river.
About midday the cry that General
French had arrived was passed down the
rtmks, but his division operated out of
sight of our force. When Lord Roberta
arrived he addressed several regiments,
and was vigorously cheered.
Early in the day General Cronje asked
for a 24 hours' armistice in order to bury
his dead. Lord Kitchener refused, and a
little later came another messenger with
word to the effect that if the British were
Inhuman enough to refuse an armistice
for the purpose of burying the dead, Gen
eral Cronje saw no other resource but to
surrender. Upon receipt of this message
Lord Kitchener proceeded to the Boer
laager in order to arrange the capitulation,
but he was met by a messenger, who an
nounced that General Cronje said that
the whole thing was a mistake; that Gen
eral Cronje had not the slightest Inten
tion of surrendering, but would fight until
he died. General Kitchener returned and
ordered a bombardment of the Boer po
sition. Three field batteries and a howitzer
battery took position directly In front of
the laager and began a terribly accurate
fire, the howitzer using lyddite shells
freely. The Boers were seen retiring from
the trenches to the river bed in order to
seek cover, but no cover could protect
them from such accurate and deadly Are.
The howitzer especially dropped lyddite
shells with marvelous precision Into tha
very bed of the river, and the trenches
were soon filled with terrible fumes and
green smoke, but again the enemy held
grimly on.
Again during the night deserters arrived.
They were terribly frightened and shaken
by their awful experience. They report
ed that they had water In abundance, but
were only able to draw scanty supplies
from fhelr laager during the night.
Today was the third day of General
Cronje's Imprisonment and grim resist
ance. Early this morning the infantry
engaged the enemy in the bed of the river,
driving him back a short distance. The
morning sun disclosed the Boers tolling
like ants on entrenchments around their
laager. A few shells were fired to pre
vent them from continuing the work, but
most of the day was quiet. General
French's artillery was heard off to the
east, .presumably engaging the Boers re
inforcements. Every opportunity was given the Boers
to surrender, but when toward afternoon
there was no. sign of any such Intentions,
Lord Roberts' determined to crush once
and for all General Cronje's resistance
On the south bank of the river, at a range
bi about 2000 yards, three field batteries
He was followed by John Barrett, ex-
Mlnlster to Slam, who spoke on "The
-New South in What Used to Be the Ulti
mate East. But Is Our Far Western
Frontier." He said:
"The most timely statement that I can
make to you representative sons of a
section which has vital Interest at stf-ke
in China, Is one concerning our negoti
ations with European powers for the main
tenance of the 'open door.' Having been
especially requested to discuss In the
course of my remarks the actual signifi
cance of these negotiations, I endeavored
before leaving Washington, to ascertain
from those In charge ot our Asiatic policy
that which would enable me to comply
with your request. It can now be said
on the best authority that within 30 days
a, most important announcement will be
made to the country by the State Depart
ment In the form of a communication to
Congress covering In detail the exact
terms as well as the Import and scope of
the diplomatic notes exchanged in this
matter of paramount consequence to our
legitimate commercial expansion and
growing moral Influence In the Pacific.
The delay in making these full data pub
lic has been due, I am credibly informed,
to a reasonable and natural desire of the
Secretary of State to settle all points,
minor as well as chief, and practically
conclude negotiations on permanent and
satisfactory lines before giving them that
publicity which might Interfere with their
-successful consummation.
"Vhen presently this ofilclal statement
6f specific results accomplished apd the
terms thereof are made the whole country,
irrespective of section and party, will ap
prove even more generously this peaceful
and far reaching achievement than It did
the first general statement of policy. It
will show that, and Just how, the United
States, single handed, bas accomplished
In a few months what the powers ot
Europe, single or combined, failed to do
In long years of diplomatic intercourse
and strategy; that we have led the way
in the way of nations In taking the strong
est action possible for the preservation of
the integrity of the Chinese Empire; thnt
we have safeguarded our developing ln
terests, whether China remains Intact or
is divided Into 'spheres of influence (which
is a sugar coated diplomatic phrase for
eventual areas of actual sovereignty',)
without In any way committing ourselves
to the recognition of such spheres or to
the rights of European Nations to delimit
them; that each step has been taken with
due regard for the inalienable rights of
the Chinese government and with Its
friendly consent and knowledge through
its Minister at Washington; and that
while Great Britian and Japan have ac
cepted without reservation America's rec
ommendations, Russia, Germany, France
and Italy have hesitated only on the letter
of the terms and not on the principle In
volved. "This means, then, that freedom of
trade, as first outlined In the old Tien-Tsln
treaties, Is guaranteed by all the powers
without discriminating duties, freight rates.
Interest and taxes, throughout all China,
Including an area of 4,000,000 squara miles,
or greater than that of all the United
States, a population uf 400,000,000, or five
times that of the United States, and an
annual foreign trade, which, already
amounting to $250,000,000, with her vast re
sources developed, her interior opened and
gridlroned with railroads and a more
progressive government Inaugurated, will
reach in the reasonable future at the con
servative rate of 55 per head, or less than
than of Japan, and only one-fifth that of
the United States, a magnificent total of
"There remains, however, one highly
strategic and effective move to be made on
the chess board of diplomacy before the
I United States and the world at large will
be convinced that disguised efforts to dis
criminate against our products will be for
ever checked under these new agreements,
and I think the Government at Washington
has the point well In mind. We must have
a test case, and the sooner the better. Not
a defiant attitude or effort to embroil our
country in war, but a firm purpose,
prompted by an honest desire to uphold
our rights by a practical trial like the test
of constitutionality of a. new law that has
Just been enacted.
"Stated in other and brief terms: We
must have a precedent now to prove that
the door Is open and cannot be closed. If
an effort is made to shut it in our faces,
either by a gradual movement or a slam,
despite these new negotiations, our Govern
ment, supported by the country at large,
must resist such movement and insist on
our rights with all the forces, moral and
material, at our command.
"Finally, that we may have the strength
and facilltes to stand by our new Chinese
policy and protect our vast potential In
terests in China and elsewhere In the Pa
cific, we must lose no time In digging the
trans-Isthmian Canal, laying the Pacific
cable, and finally establishing peace, order
and government In the Philippines."
States to the Orient." Wu Tins-fang,
when he arose, was enthusiastically re
ceived by the large audience, and the Uni
versity men greeted him wtth their well
known college yell.
Mr. Wu paid a high tribute to the char
acter of Washington, and discussed th
policy of the United States In the Orient
Regarding the government of the Philip
pines, he said:
"A policy of a wise statesman would be
not to enact laws for the newly-aequlred
possessions without thoroughly studying
the local requirements and peculiar cir
cumstances, or to extend the laws of the
mother country wh-ch might be unsulted
to the conditions of the new territories.
"The United States has now become an
important factor in the far East, not only
on account of her newly-acquired pos
sessions there, but also on account of her
steadily Increasing commerce with the na
tions In Asia. It behooves her' to adopt
a line of policy commensurate with the
Importance of the situation.
"Last December I attended one of the
numerous exercises in commemoration of
the death of Washington. The orator
strongly advised the audience to read
Washington's farewell address, remark-ng
that he thought that not 10 per cent ot
that audience had ever seen that docu
ment. I took the hint and upon my re
turn from that meeting availed myself of
the first opportunity to peruse the address.
What struck me most was the foresight
and traWcendent wisdom exhibited in
every line of that address. For a foreign
pol'cy what can be grander than these
words: 'Observe good faith and justice to
wards all nations. Cultivate peace and
harmony with all.' These should be writ
ten In letters of gold and serve as a
guide to every nation In the world. They
correspond In effect to what Confucius
inculcated when he said: 'Let your words
be sincere and truthful and your policy
honorable and just.'
"This good counsel of Washington has
been a potent factor in shaping the policy
of this country and warding off foreign
encroachments. And 27 years afterwards,
when President Monroe issued his caveat
against foreign aggressions on the Ameri
can Continents It was tacitly acquiesced
In by all foreign powers. Why? Because
It was founded on principles of Justice
and self-protection. It was not entrely
a- new doctrine, but a liberal interpreta
tion of the sound principles laid down
by Washington.
"To secure the recognition of the 'open
door' in China by the great powers, which
has recently been brought about by your
government through the able Secretary of
State, is not a departure from, but a con
tinuation of, your traditional history. The
question now arises whether It is not time
for this country to extend the Monroe
doctrine to Asia. The Philippines are
situated on. the outskirts of As!a,-and may
be said to be at the very door of that
Continent. If it was necessary for Presi
dent Monroe to declare any attempt to
encroach upon any portion of the Amer
ican Continents, extending over 6000
miles, from Alaska to Patagonia,
as dangerous to your peace and
safety, what shall you say to thla when
you find that the mainland of Asia
Is not more than 600 miles from the Philip
pines? If It was thought proper not to al
low Puerto RTco or any of the Islands on
this side of the Atlantic to pass Into the
possession pf any foreign power, would
it be advisable to look with Indifference
upon any encroachment on the mainland
of Asia, especially the eastern jtgrUOB
which Is nearer to Manila than Puerto
Rico to Florida? I don't apprehend any
encroachment will take place. But the
Monroe doctrine, being the fixed policy of
your government, the natural lpglc Is that
It should be applied to that part of the
world where this country has possessions.
This policy is by no means a selfish one,
but, as I have already remarked, Is found
ed on Justice and self-protection, and, If
persistently carried out, it will tend great
ly to the preservation of peace wherever
it is enforced."
Issue Not Mentioned at Demo
cratic Committee Meetlnf.
Gorman's Influence in the Farty-
Home May Soon Pass the Canal
Bill Tohkb and the Tariff.
Disease Haa
Spread -to
Hllo and
HONOLULU, Feb. 15, via San Francisco,
Fob. 22. The black plague has broken
out at both Kahului, on the Island of
Maul, and Hilo, on the island of Hawaii.
The latest advices report seven deaths at
Kahului, all Chinese, and one at Hllo, a
Portuguese woman, the wife of A. G.
Senao. Chinatown In Kahului, which had
about 300 inhabitants, has been destroyed
by fire. In Honolulu the health situation
is better than at any time since the out
break of the plague. Not a case has de
veloped In the last 10 days.
(Concluded en Becml Pace.1
Vlagrnc at Yokohama Stamped Out.
YOKOHAMA, Feb. 7, via San Francis
co, Feb. 22. The final stamping out of the
plague hag been officially announced, and
all quarantine measures are suspended.
Of the 70 cases of plague reported from
all quarters, only one person survived.
A series of murders have recently oc
curred In Yokohama. Last week a mad
man ran amuck and killed six people.
Snatching a sword from a. policeman, he
entered the famous shrine at Mio Gi and
killed the chief priest and three attend
ants. The mandac then attacked the large
crowd attracted to the scene, and killed
three before he was dispatched.
Suddenly In Washington
Last Evening:.
In Favor of Extending: the Monroe
Doctrine to Asia.
PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 22. The exer
cises attending the dedication of the new
law school of the University of Pennsyl
vania were conducted today at the Acad
emy of Music In conjunction with the
j regular Washington's birthday ceremonies
of the University. The principal guest of
honor and orator of the day was Wu Ting
fang, the Chinese Minister, who was on
the programme to deliver an address on
"The Proper Relations of tho United
WASHINGTON, Feb. 22.-General John
McNulta, of Chicago, well known through
out the West because of his Identification
with the receiverships of railroads and
other great corporations, died suddenly
here shortly after 6 o'clock tonight at his
apartments at the Hamilton House of
angina pectoris, aged about 60 years. He
had been apparently in the best of health
during the day, and had returned to the
hotel only a short time before he was
stricken. Medical aid was hastily sum
moned, but it was evident to the physician
that his case was a hopeless one, and he
died within an hour after the attack.
Judge Weldon, of the Court of Claims, who
for a long time was associated with Mr.
McNulta in the practice of law at Bloom
ington, 111.; Major Nally, of the army, a
guest at the house, and the physicians
were with him when death came. The de
ceased leaves a widow and two children
In Chicago, a son in Montana, and another
son, who is a Lieutenant In the regular
army, in the Philippines.
WASHINGTON. Fob. S. The mast im
portant feature of the msattng of the
Democratic National Comartttoa was that
in the hour and a half of oratory upon
the suWect of the location of the national
convenSon, 1 to 1, frso silver and f bar
names by which the teen of Mai was
called, were never mentioned. Tha plate
indication of the Democratic campaign
was shown In the rafereneae to expan
sion as "imperialism."
It is apparent that the Democrats dosira
to gain the German vote upon tha toane
of charging the Republicans wtth main
taining a largf standing army, having a
secret alliance with Great Britain. lack of
sympathy with the Boers, and tha tend
ency towards "imperialism." The princi
pal German orator, tho shattow-pated
Lentz, asserted that the Germans ware
for the gold standard m UK, bat that
they could be won back by having; the
cardinal principles of tho Democracy, a
dozen or more in number, which ho enu
merated, thrust at them In the German
prints of the country, but in this enumer
ation ho never mentioned the leeue
which has made and kept Bryan alive.
It was plainly indicated that tha Demo
crats intend to abandon tho free-aUvef
question in States where tho Democaacy
is dependent upon the Gorman vote for
success, and the argument for the loca
tion of the Democratic Con vent ton m Mil
waukee was based almost wholly upon the
Influence It wou'.d have upon tha Gorman
Of course It is well known that senti
ment cut very little figure in tho location
of the convention. Kansas City, offer
ing the largest amount of money for the
campaign fund, won the contest, and the
speeches were of no avail except to show
the tendency ol the Democracy to avoid
the mistakes of the disastrous campaign
of 1S&S and take up anything etee which
offers them success.
Bryan "the Candidate.
There was no doubt of the nomination
of Bryan. Everybody conceded that
They also asserted that he would carry
all the States that no bad before, and
in addition would have Kentucky, Mary
land and West Virginia, and that ho
would get additional votes from tho Mid
dle West. They also abandoned tha Pa
cific Coast, saying without reserve that
the Republicans would carry that on the
expansion idea alone.
The fixing of he date of the convention
shows that the power of Gorman is still
considerable in the party, and no ehrabt
his speech, showing that it was absurd for
the Democrats to be carried away or
rushed.-into any action by any thine that
tne opposition parties might do made an
The great Influence of J. H. Townoend,
member of the Democratic National Com
mittee from Oregon, is observed la the
fact that after he had presented an ar
gument In favor of holding the conven
tion early in May, the proposition re
ceived one vote, cast by himself. The
Democrats have not been much im
pressed with the idea that a national
convention declaring against expansion
would cast much influence on Oregon, as
it seems to be conceded. In spite of tho
representations of Townsend, that Ore
gon 1b sure to vote for the goUL standard.
Canal Bill May Pass.
There seems to be a well-grounded im
pression that the House will take up and
very soon pass the Nicaragua canal bill.
The efforts of Chairman Hepburn to se
cure unanimous consent for the consid
eration of the bill have been unavailing,
but this was natural, as unanimous con
sent would mean practically unanimity
of the House in favor of the measure.
The overwhelming sentiment of the House
has been manifested in such a way as to
compel the speaker to give the bill a
hearing. It was at first the Intention to
send the bill over from the Senate, but
as long as the Hay-Pauncefote treaty re
mains unacted upon. It will be very dim
cult to pass the bill In that body.
McBrlde's Amendment te Subsidy Bill
Senator McBride, as a member of tho
commerce committee, has offered an
amendment to the ship subsidy Mil, which
provides that 30 per cent of the moneys
appropriated for subsidies shall go to
ships on the Pacific Coast. He says, af
ter talking witn members of the commit
tee, that the amendment will be adopted
both In the Senate and House. Such an
amendment, he thinks, would at once give
tho Pacific Coast an advantage over tho
Atlantic, and would be of vast importance
In speedily buildtng up the commerce on
the Pacific Coast.
Tongue Is "Weakening;.
Representative Tongue begins te show
signs of weakening under the party whip
that has been applied to recalcitrant Re
publicans to bring them in line to sup
port the Puerto Rican bill. While he haa
not finally made up hte mind on the ques
tion, he has been studying the constitu
tionality of levying such a tariff, and baa
about concluded we have a legal right to
do so. It Is pretty safe to predict that
when the vote is taken Tongue will be
found with the majority of the Republi
cans supporting the tariff.
Improvements at Klamath Reserve.
Senator McBride has offered an amend
ment to the Indian appropriation bill,
providing for further appropriations for
Klamath Agency, Oregon, as follows: An
electric lighting system. $M0, one port
able sawmill. $30W), general repairs and
Improvements, $6. ono barn, $!!: water
works and sewerage system. $M6&.
Parade, Addresses and a Banquet at
WHEELING, W. Va.. Feb. 22. Wheel
ing's ovation to Admiral Devrey was en
thusiastic, although rain had been falling
almost continuously since yesterday, mak
ing it necessary to abandon the parade.
The speaking and other exercises took
place in a large hall. The sword sub
scribed for by the citizens of Wheeling
was presented to Lieutenant Doddridge by
Admiral Dewey, and the orations Inci
dent to the dedication of the tablets at-
the scene of Fort Henry were delivered.
Tonight Admiral Dewey was banqueted
br tho Sons of the Revolution.
Tuberculosis Censrress.
NEW YORK, Feb. 38. The Confprew ot
Tuberculosis at the Hotel St. Andrew,
which is being held under the auspices of
the Medico-Legal Society, opened today
with a small attendance. A permanent
organization was effected. Several pa
pers on tuberculosis and the various
methods of treating it were submitted,
but were, not read, as they had already
been published in the Congress Bulletin.
It was decided by unanimous vote to ac
cept the papers prepared for tho after
noon session as read, and to adjourn the
further business of the Congress sine die.
e '
Daughters of the. Revolution.
WASHINGTON. Feb M. In the con
vention ef the Daughters of the American
Revolution today, nominations for the
election of vlce-preidents-ffneral occu
pied considerable time. The constitution
provides that State regents be elected
while the congress is in session. Most of
the States have complied with tho consti
tution. The regents so far elected In
clude the following: Montana, Mrs. David
G. Brown; Oregon. Mrs. L W. Card; Utah,
Mrs. Oareass ? Allen Washington, Mrs.
Nellie D. Baeon, Wyoming, Mrs. Fwweea
E. Warren.