THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1900. E BY New PoClatch Bridges of North ern Pacific Gone. WOCH NEW TRACK IS INJURED araa4e Creak vermevrcd at Moa- mw, PleeavBg: Railreaa Track a-aa Several Buildings. MOSCOW. Idaho. Feb. 2L A heavy rain bu falling last nfgbt at M o'clock and OMttaMd without abatement until late this afternoon. The warm rain melt ed the snow and tMs filled the gulches and streams. There -were fears today of a repetlthm of the flood of tost month atone the Potlatch, hat unless the rain should continue for two or three days longer there hi no danger of such a calamity. Telepbone reports from JuHaetta Gay that three railroad bridges were washed out between that place and Lewiston. The rain has caused the streams to over flow, and without doubt much of the new track laid by the Northern Pacific In the washed-out district is injured. No ioss is reported in "Kenarick. In Moscow the streets in the lower part of town contain a good deal of water. Paradise creek has overflowed Its banks, and the water is running over the railroad tracks. The city water works plant has two feet of water in it, end several houses down in the flat are surrounded with water. Pataaa Creek r the Rampage. POMEROT. Wash.. Feb. SL The lower part of the city te under water, Pataha creek being transformed into a raging orrent by the melting snow from the mountains. A warm rain fell all day, nd the water is still rising. A bridge between this cky and Pataha and sev eral crossings were torn away by the rushing; waters. XKW MILL FOR. FROSSER. Also an Kfectrie Llgatiag: Plant to Be Rrh by "Water Fewer. NORTH YAKIMA "Wag., Feb. 2L The Proceer Power A Milling Company ttias been Incorporated to do business at Prosser. W. H. Brownlow is the sec r tary and general manager. The com pany will erect a new flour mill near the 1 own, at the t al's of the Yakima, and will put in an electric lighting plant for the village E. W R. Taylor, of this place, the owner of the flour mill which has been running at Prosser for several years and doing a good business, the other day eold a half interest to E. Kemp. Messrs. Taj lor & Kemp wilt make a number of Improvements and increase the capacity cf the mill. Indian Medicine Dance. The Indians of the reservation have just closed a seven days' medicine dance, near Toppenlsh. A peculiar feature of thls dance, and one that most white peo ple suppose has never existed except in the minds of dime-novel writers, Is the self-inflicted torture or the participants in the dances. Thi6 rite has a deep re ligious significance for them. Of course, not all of the Yakima Indians take part in these barbarous practices. Many of them are well-educated men and women and live very much as their white neigh bors Few Kepurrewers Discouraged. Not a very large percentage of the acre age of hops In this county will be plowed l n this season, reporte to the contrary. notwithstanding. All of the best yards in the valley will be worked. These have .1 had goea oare. and ae m nrst-ciass -idition for the opening of spring wotk. Free PhhMc Library. Now quarters for the public library have 1 n neatly fitted up in the room next to 'ho postomce. Newspapers and periodl- ils are conveniently arranged for pat r s, and the books catalogued. A large sr i mber of the latest and best works In li uon, history and science have lately 1 i n received. The library is free to the public. The institution has grown steadily rom very small beginnings until it now contains nearly 2M0 volumes. Improvements for the Town, J. M. Perry and Lombard & Horsley ere getting ready to build stone ware houses on adjoining lots on the west side. The buildings will be made as nearly fire- I roof and frost proof as possible. Togeth r they will cover 80x160 feet of ground, and they will cost about $S60. Lombard & Horsley will use their rooms for storage purposes, and Mr. Perry will devote his lnnldng to his commission and storage "hiinoss. Fred Parker and G. "W. Cary r about to put up 25-foot brick store room on Second street, north of Yakima &cnue, and T. R. Fisher and A. Aiken up preparing to go ahead with two more v t Ptone on the same street, south of the .nonue, on the lots they purchased last -n o( k The Henton residence property In ila eastern part of town changed hands " ia at pmt, James Wright, a well Known sheepman, being the purchaser. ? orpe Harvey this morning sold his neat t age on Fourth street to J. H. Hub 1? ml. Leaking1 for Bnrgrlars. Sheriff Tucker is at Klona investigating II robbery of "W. M. Scott's store, which urred last Friday night. Mr. Scott's ps was about W&0. This Included $25 ixh belonging to Mm, and $80 taken from tho postomce, which is In the same room s the store. A. day or two before the "-i Mdence of Nelson Rich, at Prosser, was 1 roken Into and a gold watch and chain tv ere taken by the burglars. MUMBS "WAS RENOMINATED. Onaotntian to Him in the Seattle Xnnlcpal Cenvcntlen. ?EATTfAC Feb a. The republican city contention here today was marked by irreat en thus learn, and harmony. Thomas J Humes, the present mayor, was renom- iaed on the first ballot. There was no 1 ganised opposition to his candidacy. "Nominations for other offices were made 1 acclamation or decisive majorities, ex- opt in the case of controller. The ticket m!ttlng oouncilmen) is: Mayor. Thomas J. Humes, controller, F. "M Paul, corporation counsel, "Will H. "Humphrey; treasurer. S. F. Rathbun. Humphrey te renominated. Many of the councilman atao were renominated. 3ftAKS STAXDARMIZIXG RUX. Xa StseK "Wind and Heavy Sea Xifclces a Knot in 2:10. 6EATTUE. Feb. XL The GoMsboreugh maeVo her flsst standardising run today over a knot course off AWK1 point, which cihe covered in 2 minutes and M seconds, in the teeth of a strong wind and rolling on a heavy eea. be put into Seattle this noon, and will remain here until tomorrow, when it Is expected that her second stand ardising trial and omcial run will be made She was navigated by Cantata "W. H Patterson, who came from Portland to run her, and who will remain till she succeeds In making M knots for the re qu'red two hoars. A sHTSTHK. OF A CBDAR. Btgfetoea Feet in Diameter and 7S Feet tm tke First Limb. BOTTH BEND. "WTaeiu. Feb. 2L-J. R. Young, manager of the Burke shingle milt, while cruising out timber, found a cedar tree near the road from. South Bend te the Pattx river, which he measured and found to be K feet in ctrcumf erence, or about IS feet In diameter. It was ever 76 feet from the groand to the flret nb. The most famous and, heretofore largest cedar known la the state Is near Sedre Wostiofi the stump of which measures U feet la diameter. The tap af It was smoothed off and used as a dancing plat form. Photographs of it, crowded with people, craning their neck to get their faces taken, have been scattered widely. This stump really consists of two trees grown together, but the tree discovered by Mr. Young is a single one, nor is it swell-butted. The South Bend school board today voted te extend the school term three months. The present teachers were re-employed. Owing to a heavy special tax levy this year the district's warrant indebtedness. wil probably be paid by the end of the year. Three Military Orders. VANCOUVER BARRACKS, Wash. Feb". 2L Orders have been received here announcing that Assistant Surgeon Jame3 T. Arwine, now at Fort Mcintosh, Texas, has been ordered to Vancouver barracks on temporary duty, until such time as he may be able to proceed to Fort St. Michael. Alaska, where he will report to the com manding officer for duty. Captain Archibald W. Butt, assistant quartermaste, United States volunteers, now on duty in Portland, has been or dered to take charge of the quartermas ter's property on the transport Lennox, and perform the duties of quartermaster and commissary until it shall arrive In Manila, when he will report to the com manding general. Major Robert J. Gibson has been as signed to duty on the hosoital ship Mis souri, relieving Major W. H. Arthur, who will report to the department commander for duty. Burglary "Was Attempted. VANCOUVER. "Wash., Feb. 21. An un successful attempt was made by unknown persons to burglarize the tobacco store of E. Brandon, last night. A pane of glass in one of the front windows of the store was broken, but the noise of breaking glass awakened the proprietor, who ap peared on the scene and frightened the would4e burglars away before they had an opportunity to take anything ,out of the window, which was filled with smok ers' articles. The attempt was probably the work of boys. A reward of $25 has been offered by Sheriff Marsh for the arrest of the par ties who robbed and shot Cornelius Vauof, at Amboy, this county, two weeks ago. A decree of divorce was granted today to Mrs. Mary Means against Charles R. Means, on the ground of abandonment. NORTHWEST DEAD. General Thames G. Kennies, Promi nent Citizen of Jacksonville. ASHLAND, Or., Feb. 2L General Thomas G. Reames, an honored and re spected pioneer, capitalist and citizen of Jacksonville, member of the banking firm of Beekman & Reames, of that city, died at his home tonight, at 9 o'clock, after being confined to his bed for several days with erysipelas, aged 61 years. The deceased was one of the best-known men in Oregon, and had long been promi nent tn the. political affairs of the state. He was born in Litchfield county, Ken tucky, December 15, 1838, and came to Ore gon in 1S53 from Carbonvllle, 111., settling In Jackson county, where ho had since resided. He had served as sheriff of the county, mayor of Jacksonville several terms, and was appointed brigadier-general of the First bridage of the Oregon militia by Governor Thayer. In 1876 Mr. Reames was the democratic candidate for secretary of state, but was defeated by the late Hon. Rocky P. Earhart, by 191 votes. During the early days of Presi dent Cleveland's first term he was ap pointed a United States postal inspector, but the work was not to his liking, and he resigned In a few weeks. Deceased was a prominent member of the Masonic order, being at one time the grand master of Oregon Masons. The funeral will take place from the family home in Jacksonville, Friday, at 2 o'clock. He left a wife, and seven children, and a large estate. Funeral of a Volunteer. DAYTON. "Wash., Feb. 2L The body of George B. Fargo, who was a member of company F, Washington volunteers, ar rived from the Philippines yesterday after noon and was received by a military escort composed of his former comrades. There were also about 300 citizens at the train. Young Fargo was very popular in Dayton, having been raised here, and graduated from the public schools the year he de parted for the front. He died of disease, and was the ordy member, besides Cor poral Ed Strain, of Pomeroy, lost from the company. The funeral was held at the M. E. auditorium today, attended by mem toe of his company, the G. A. R., the high school cadets, and children of the public schools. A. J. Burr, Pioneer of Olymplu. OLYMPIA, Feb. 21. A. J. Burr, a pio neer resident of Olympia, died at St Pe ter's hospital this morning after a linger ing illness. Deceased was one of the first white men to engage in the cultivation of oysters and cranberries on Puget sound, which enterprises he has been prominent ly Identified with. He held the position of postmaster of Olympia under Presi dent Grant. A son living in Spokane and a daughter in Seattle survive him. Civil "War Veternn Dropped Dcnd. SALEM, Feb. 2L Alexander York, aged 72, dropped dead at Macleay this forenoon. Heart failure Is supposed to have been the cause of his death. The deceased was born in Ohio, and was a veteran of the civil war. He has no rel atives in this part of the country. He was formerly an inmate of the Soldiers' Home, but has lately been residing at Silverton. "Washington Xotes. Spokane democrats have planned a big $1 dinner to be given on Thomas Jeffer son's birthday, April 2. "Whatcom county taxpayers are agitat ing the matter of a special tax levy to build roads to mining districts of the county. James Z. Moore, prosecuting attorney of Spokane coucjty, announces that he will be a candidate for the republican nomi nation for governor next falL J. J. Grant, who was recently sent to the Walla "Walla penitentiary for the crime of rape. Is the tallest convict In that In stitution, his height being six feet and four ami three-quarters Inches. One of Nelson Bennett's engineers is quoted as expressing the conviction that either the Northern Pacific or the O. R. & N. would this year build the road up the Snake river from Rlparla to Lewis ton. The steamer Multnomah, plying between Seattle and Olympia, has a dovecote that Is occupied by a pair of pigeons that make the trip every day. In no wise disconcert ed by the portable character of their home. Rev. L. J. Sawyer, pastor of the North Seattle Baptist church, swore out war rants for the arrest of 100 Seattle men who operate slot machines, and the ma chines were seized and the men arrested Tuesday. The Spokane & British Columbia Tele phone Company cannot compel the Spo kane city council to grant It a franchise for a general exchange, according to the decision of Judge Richardson handed down Monday afternoon. The Shingle Manufacturers' Association, of "Washington, !has In view the inspection of shingles by competent men, who will travel from mtH to mHL This the "West Coast and Puget Sound" Lumberman re gards as a most desirable innovation, for the reason that, though a. manufacturer may be flrst-class In every respect, he may sometimes send out poor shingles. A worthless hand In the mill may spoil the manufacturer's reputation before he Is aware of It. Those unhappy persons who suffer from nervousness and dyspepsia should use Carter's Ittle Nerve Pills, made eXDress- Jly for 4Ws class, BEATEN WITH A HATCHET SKULL OF GILLIAM COTJTY FARMER SERIOUSLY FHACTCHED. Robbery Supposed to Have Been Ob ject of the Assailant Injury May Prove Fatal. CONDON. Or.. Feb. 21. C. A. DahlkC. a well-known farmer, living near Clem, 12 miles north of this place, was assaulted ' in his house at an early hour last even- ! ing, and brutally beaten with a hatchet ! or some other blunt instrument. The ob .. . . . . . . i . ject Is supposed to have been robbery. After being beaten, Dahlke dragged him self to the residence of E. Propst, a neigh bor, two miles distant, and a telephone message was sent to this place for a physician. Dahlke was unable to give any account of the assault, except that MRS. ELECTA BnnnnBaaBnaEnaiinHM(MMBnMiiMaBHcneBBHBsaBaaBasMBiBnBBaanaanBnmJ GOLDENDALE, "Wash., Feb. 2a Mrs. Electa Ellsworth Story, wife of James E. Story, who died Saturday, February 3, at her home,1 near fcickleton, after a lingering: UlneAa, trao among the early settlers of Eastern Klickitat, she and her aged husband, who still survives her, having been residents of that part of the county for 20 years. She was bom in Ulster county. New York, in the year 1830. his assailant was masked. There are 23 wounds on his head, and the skull is frac tured In three places. The chances are' against his recovery. Condon has a well-developed case of smallpox. Ed Temple, a photographer, who came here about two weeks ago, Is down with the disease. A strict quaran tine has been established, and a building has been secured and fitted up, one mile out of town, to which the patient has been removed. A number of persons have been exposed to the disease, but they are being carefully guarded, and it Is hoped there will be no -general' lnfectlpn. WARXIXG AGAINST A FRAUD. Secretary of State Gives Notice of nn Illegitimate Insurance Concern. SALEM, Feb. 21. Frequent complaints made to Secretary of State Dunbar against an accident insurance company whose agents surreptitiously transact business In this state, have caused that omcial to call the attention of the press to the concern, and to warn the public, against It. The secretary of state is ex-offlcio in surance commissioner, and laws have been enacted and the office created for the pro tection of the interests of the Insurance public, to secure to the people insurance in sound and reliable companies', and to provide available and convenient methods of enforcing the payment of claims and the fulfillment of contracts. The company against which the warning Is given Is known as the Fidelity Mutual Aid Association, of California, and Its purported agents have given trouble in various parts of the state. The first com plaint received was from lumbermen in Clatsop county, who were Induced to part with their money for Insurance that proved to be wholly worthless. The agent escaped before the officials could secure his ar rest. The next offense was committed in Union county. Secretary Dunbar im mediately notified the sheriff of that coun ty, and the agent, C. F. Baker, was ar rested and bound over to the circuit court At the convening of the February term of court In that county the defendant forfeited his bail. The last complaint comes Grant's Pass, where a man claim ing to represent this same company has swindled 40 or 50 men out of some $1500. The complaints indicate that it Is the plan of these agents to go to out-of-the-way places, where they can work success fully without being discovered until they have secured a goodly sum of money. It Is reported that the agents In some casfs refuse to issue a policy after they have collected the premiums, and in all cases fall to pay the agreed benefits in case of injury. The victims are nearly all labor ing men, who have no time nor money to spend in prosecuting the agents. The character of the transactions of this company in this state has led Insurance Commissioner A. J. Clunte, of California, to give assurance that he will revoke its license in that state upon complaint from Secretary of State Dunbar. In response to the last complaint received by him, Secretary Dunbar wrote to the complainant that the state department-is ready and anxious to prosecute all offend ers against the insurance laws, but that the agents doing business illegally get out of the state before being detected. The Fidelity Mutual Aid Association has not complied with the law, and is not entitled to do business In this state. The best means of protection available to the people Is Indicated In the portion of Sec retary Dunbar's letter which says: "The public should not patronize com panies not licensed to do business lii this state, as they can readily ascertain from every agent who Is soliciting Insurance within the state, by the certificates Issued from this department, whether or not the company represented is authorized to transact insurance business within the state, and whether or not the agent is authorized to solicit insurance for such company. Besides, persons induced by the small savings in premiums, not only aid In violating the laws and depriving .the state of revenue, but In the case you men tion, lose their Indemnity in case of loss. Unless the Insuring public will assist and aid the officers in enforcing the laws 'and report these fraudulent concerns and" agents, they can do little toward protect ing them." Insurance companies legally authorized to do business in Oregon are required to show by the reports and certificate of the insurance commissioner of the state wherein they are organized, that they are solvent, have an emergency or reserve fund or assets amounting to over $200,000 for the protection of policy-holders, and are also required to appoint an agent in the state upon whom service can be made in case a suit Is necesoary. Those who Insure with companies pot 59 authorized J have not this security, and, in case of a loss, must go to another state to bring an action. Dried Fruit Men to Organize. Organization 13 the watchword In every department of agricultural Industry in the "Willamette valley today. The next meet ing to be held for the purpose of effecting a union is a meeting of dried fruit men, who will be called together in this city some time this month. The date has not been fixed, but will be before the meet ing of fruit men to be held in Portland March 8. A meeting of the dried fruit men of this vicinity means a meetlnc of nrunecrowers. for no ether fruit is drlpd In sufficient quantity to make organization an object, Apples in small quantities and. In a few Instances, cherries have been dried, but only a very few have undertaken to cure these fruits. . - There will be two general propositions, before the prunegtowers one for an In dependent Oregon organization, and the other a union with the prune men of California. Many of the leading prune growers of this vicinity have already de claredftbelr aversion to union with Call- E. STORY. fornla growers. Such a combination would necessarily have its seat of power in Cali fornia, and would leave the Oregon pro ducers at the mercy of men who are to a great extent their rivals. One object of the meeting to be held In Salem Is to select delegates to attend the meeting at Portland March 8. McElvraln "Wants a Pardon. Application has been made to Governor Geer for the pardon of M, E. McElwaln, who was convicted In the circuit court for Sherman county, in October, 1896, of the crime of raising a promissory note. He was sentenced to two years' Imprisonment in the lemtentlary. Owing to an appeal to the supreme court and a stay of pro ceedings pending the appeal. McElwaln has not served his sentence. He resides In Portland. , Representative From Oregon. Governor Geer today appointed Rev. Ab raham Anderson, colored, of Portland, to represent the state of Oregon as a mem ber of the Charles' Sumner monument com mittee. This appointment is made at the Tequest of Charles Sumner post, G. A. R., Washington, D. C. The object of the com mittee is to raise funds for and erect at "Washington a monument In memory of Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts. The funds will be raised by colored people. It was the request of the G. A. R. post that a colored gentleman be appointed to represent this state, and this appointment was made upon the recommendation of the Afro-American League, of Oregon. Mnrlon County Circuit Court. A disagreement of the Jury was the re sult of the trial of the Smith boys for the shooting of their father. The case went to the jury last night, and the jury was out until 10 o'clock this morning. On their reporting that they could not agree they were discharged, and Judge Burnett held the defendants under bonds to appear for trial at the June term of court. This morning the circuit court took up the trial of the case of "William and Or vle Salth against their father, "W. R. Smith. This was an action to replevin a team of horses which the boys claimed to own, but which their father had in his possession. The case did not get to the jury for, after the introduction of the plaintiffs' evldencer the court directed a verdict In favor of the defendant. Another case, brought by the Smith boys against their father to recover pos session of two cows, was settled out of court and; dismissed. J- D. Newman was this morning ar raigned in the circuit court on the charge of stealing furniture from the residence of Richard Carlson last week. He en tered a plea of guilty and will receive sentence next Saturday morning. G. Gray, who was, last Saturday, found guilty -of carrying concealed weapons, was this morning sentenced to impris onment in the county Jail for 100 days. Mnaonic Festivities. Grand .Master J. M- Hodson, of Oregon Freemasons, this evening paid an official visit to the Masonic ledges of this city. After an address by the grand master, 'addresses were made by leading mem bers of the local lodges, and the exercises closed with a banquet. Oregon Snpreme Court In the supreme court today, the follow ing proceedings were recorded In the clerk's docket: X Frank "Watson, respondent, vs. The Noonday Mining Company, appellant, and The John A. Roebling's Sons Com pany, respondent, and Al Parker, Dan iel st Tracy and Charles F. Morse, 'de fendants, appeal from Douglas county; argued and submitted. Philip- Merlam, respondent, vs. The Vic tory PJacer Mining Company et al., ap pellant, and "Willis Kramer, Hexter, May & Co. et al., respondents, appeal from Douglas county; argued and submitted. Grant Holt, administrator, respondent, vs. C. M. Idleman, executor, appellant; ordered on motion that F. T. Griffith have leave to withdraw the record in this case for CO days. WORK OF IXCEXDIARY. Set Fire to Heppner Dwelling:, but II "Was Saved Stock IVotes. HEPPNER. Or., Feb. 21. Fire was dis covered at H o'clock last night in the large dwelling-house formerly owned by J. B. Sperry, now the property of Robert "Wills. The house had recently been va cated. The fire was extinguished before getting much of a start. It was .undoubt edly of . incendiary origin, as a bQttle which had contained coal oil and was wrapped In burlap was found under the stairway, where the fire started. . Livestock continues to. thrive here, The slight showing of snow has gone, the frost Is out of the ground, and occasional showers keep the grass growing, with the thermometer at 45 degrees above zero. An old resident says that the bunch grass will be knee-high here in the spring. There is now a temporary lull In the buying of sheep for delivery after shear ing In May. Growers want to retain their yearling ewes, to keep their ranges stocked, and buyers want the ewes as well as the .wethers. Buyers offer to con tinue paying $2 SO for mixed lots, but growers want $2 50 for straight wethors. Ewes are considered worth 50 cents a head more than wethers. Thus buyers and sellers are at present apart. Representatives of several transconti nental lines are here to contract lor ship ment of sheep East. The Heppner football team went to Pen dleton today to play a return game there tomorrow, and i. large delegation of citi zens accompanied it. IMPROVEMENT FOR M'MINNVTIjTJE. Grange to Put Up a Briclc Building. Others Are Contemplated. M'MINNVILLE, Feb. 21. By the decis ion of stockholders of the McMinnville Grange & Farmers' Company, today, to rent the lower portion of a new building to bo erected by H. C. Burns, McMinn ville Is sure of having a. new brick buHd Ing this summer. The projeot has been under consideration for some time, but Mr. Burns did not desire to build until he should have an occupant. The building will be erected at the corner of Third and. B streets, and will bo 80x60, two stories hlgj. Other brick buildings at the same cor ner are contemplated. Until about 20 years ago, all the business of McMinnville was done at the corner of Third and B, but since then It has gradually moved eastward toward tho railroad. .Now it seems to have startea westward" again. Perhaps the main rea son is that it is the meeting place of three county roads, each extending into rich farming country. Superintendent E. V. Llfctlefleld has pre pared a quite elaborate programme for the next teachers' institute, which is to be held at Newberg, February 24. Clarence "Wood, 13 years old, was yes terday taken to the state reform school by Deputy Sheriff E. R. Henderson. CARE OF SOLDIERS' B0DD3S. To Be Moved From Old Fort "Warner or Properly Fenced. LAKEVIEW, Or., Feb. 17. The bodies of the soldiers who died at old Fort "War ner, In this county, 30 years ago, will either be removed at once by the govern ment, or the graves will bo fenced. Two propositions have been submitted for bids one for fencing of the groves, ami the other for the removal of the bodies to Vancouver barracks, In the state of "Wash ington. The former bids have closed 'and the latter will close on the 20th of this month. There are "16 bodies, more or less," aa the government expresses it. These soldiers died between the years 1860 and 1S74, when the fort was occupied by United States soldiers. There are a few graves there, also of women and chil dren, but the settlers will look after these. C. S. Morris, recently appointed experi mental farmer here by the secretary of the Interior, received 21 varieties of grass seeds today. They will be sown at once. The spring weather has opened the roads between here and the railroad two months earlier than usual, and freight Is coming through regularly. SAFECRACKERS AT NEWBERG. Just Missed Getting Large Sum of Money Two Stores Visited. NEWBERG. Feb. 21. The safecracker got in his work in Newberg again last night J. C. Porter's store jvas broken Into and the safe door was" blown Into mall bits. Several bolts of calico were taken down for use In deadening the sound, aj;d on tho shelf bohlnd the Koods was found some $600 that had been hidden away by Mr. Porter, but this the robber failed to discover. No money or valu ables were in the safe. H. A. Miller's jewelry store was also vlsiited and an unsuccessful attempt made to blow hl3 safe open. This safe con tained $75 In money and a number of watches. ' Newberg has had this class of visitors come at intervals for several years, yet no reliable clew to the robbers has ever been found. Persons living In town have been suspected of participating in the profits at least, but no evidence that would Justify arrests being made has ever been obtained. Crops About Gervnis. GERVAIS, Or., Feb. 21.-Complalnt Is made that a green mold has appeared on bales of hops stored. This la not gen eral, but results from storage In damp buildings, with Insufficient ventilation. It is taken off with the vigorous use of a broom or brush, with scraping of the bur lap in extreme casea Holdover and unsold grains here are, of wheat about 75 per cent, and of oats 80 per cent of the crop. Little or no timothy hay, but considerable cheaper kinds, 13 left. Potatoes seem plentiful, and as a rule have been poor keepers through the past winter, even when well pitted. flfew Oregon Poatmasters. "WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. Oregon post masters appointed today are: "W, Clark Betts, Meacham, vice F. M. Betts, re signed; Harry Shearer, Biggs, vice George Hoffman, resigned. ' Oregon Notes. Hay is reported to be selling at $30 per ton in Granite. Salem wants a woman's club, accord ing to the Journal. A bridge is being built across the Grand Ronde river below Island City. La Grande claims a good opening for a wholesale harness and saddle manufac tory. The Odd Fellows of Huntington have decided to build a two-story brick build ing for the use of the lodge. Stephen S. Pindell, who came to this coast In 1852, died at his home in Carson, on February 12, aged 66 years. J. F. Chastaln has purchased the "Will iam Graham farm, consisting of 100 acres, seven miles east of Lebanon. Hobos are steering clear of Albany, as Street Superintendent Westfall has sev eral of them working on the streets. W. B. Palmer, of La Grande, slates that work will probably be begun on the new Commercial Club building, in that city, next week. An American bald eagle, measuring seven feet from tip to tip, was shot on tho Lower Columbia recently, and Is now on exhibition in Astoria. Medford will have no street lights for several weeks, as the old contract has expired and no arrangements for Its re newal have been made. The total receipts of the United States land office at La Grande for the month of January were $23,556, placing It at the 'head of the list In the United States. The property-owners and business men of La Grande held a mass meeting last week to consider the feasibility of build ing a wagon road from La Grande to Granite. A committee was appointed for the furtherance of the project. The three tramps who hurled the body of the smallpox victim at Grant's Pass got gloriously drunk at Glendale and "blew in", the $50 they had received for the job. They then told all about it, and were at once arrested and quarantined by the Incensed citizens. Then a purse was made up and the tramps were shipped back to the Grant's Pass people, who were responsible for their being at large. Stops the Cough aad Works Off the Cold. Baxatlve Bromo-Qulnine Tablets curs a cold In on? flay- No cure no pay. price J5c GRAND TIE ENFERPRJSE COMPLICATED SITUATIOjr IN CLBAR "WATER COUNTRY. Intimations That Unwarranted Skim ming of Government and. State Land Has Been Practiced. LBWISTON, Idaho, Feb. 3L An at tempt Is being made to settle without liti gation a controversy that is oceupytag the attenlon of a score of lawyers. The parties Interested In the dispute are the United" States government, tho Northern Pacific Railway Company, several tie contractors, hundreds of workmen, and dozens of merchants in towns, along the Clearwater river and in tone Potlatch coun try. Tho United States government be comes an Interested party by virtue of a law that allows railroads to cut ties and bridge timbers from government land to use In construction. The government ex acts no compensation, but requires the use of ties and timbers to be confined to the actual needs of the railroad within the state where such ties and timbers are appropriated. Last July the Northern Pacific wanted 30,000 ties for contemplated construction in Idaho. The Clearwater Land. Log & Lumber Company got the contract at 30 cents a tie, delivered anywhere along the Clearwater Short Line. This company consisted of Samuel Tiffany, Mrs. Mar garet Tiffany, Samuel Cameron, Dorainlck Cameron and a "W. Qulnlan. The Tlffaay3 are husband, and wife, and came from Chicago, where .they have a lumber-yard. C. "W. Qulnlan Is from Manlstiaue, Mich.. where he has a, sawmill, supplying the yard of the Tiff anys at Chicago. The Camerons are natives of Idaho. The tie contract was signed by the Northern Pacific August 1, 1S89. The Tif fany company let out five subcontracts to Duress & KlmbalJ, of Missoula; u. w. Harris, of "Wardner, and three others firms, whose names do not appear. The work has been going on all winter. There is every indication that tho principal firm of contractors had never been engaged In the business of contracting before, and knew nothing of the undertaking. Money was freely advanced to the subcontract ors for building chutes and making other improvements. "While the Northern Pa cific had agreed to pay cash for all the ties delivered, the Tiffany company was unable to deliver mora than enough to realize $10,000. This money was speedily consumed, and the woods happened to be full of ties that could not be delivered. Merchanta in Kendrick, Juliaetta, Oro Fino and other towns had been supplying provisions to the tie camps until their bills amounted In the aggregate to about $13,000. To make matters worse, the workmen struck because they could not wait for their pay. "While the squabble was becoming more complicated, the Northern Pacific, not de siring to mix In the affair, suddenly de clined to accept any more ties for fear that the title might be disputed. Special Timber Agent Schwartz, representing the government, then stepped in and forbade the cutting of any more ties until the whole controversy should be settled. This brought the matter to a focus. "When work was stopped, about 100,000 ties had been cut. There Is a good deal of sup pressed information that cannot be brought to "the surface at this time. It is hinted that men who had no contracts have been cubting ties from government land, and denuding It without accounting to anybody. It Is also alleged that state land has been stripped of timber, because it happened to be handy. It looks like a free-for-all scramble to get timber with out regard to its ownership. In the meantime tho creditors wait. SETTLERS GET A DECISION. Contest Over 4500 Acres of Land About "Warner Lake. LAKBKIBW, Or., Feb. 17.-vCheeglster and receiver of the land office at Lake view have rendered their decision in the famous case of J. L. Morrow et al., con testee3, -vs. State of Oregon et al., con testants. The decision Involves the char acter of certain lands In "Warner valley, In this county, and the rights of settlers and. a corporation. Prior to a survey made In early days by one Neal, Henry C. Owen obtained the land from the state as swamp land, and afterwards assigned his rights to McConnoughy Bros., and a corporation was formed and their rights assigned to the corporation. In 1884, a number of Surprise valley settlers went upon the land and applied for a survey thereof, and they were permitted to file on the same, subject to the swamp land claim. The litigation began In 1886, and has continued to this date, when It was decided In favor of the settlers. It is said that an appeal will be taken, but the settlers are Jubilant over the belief that the decision of the land office here will never be reversed. The contestees first claimed the pfoperty as dry land, subsequently shifting to the contention that the property was lake at the time of the maturity of the state's swamp land claim, and that on that ac count the state got no Interest. The con stants assert the'r right to the land, whether it was swamp or lake, basing their claim in the one case on the title through the state, and in the other to their rights as riparian owners. About 4500 acres of land are involved In the case, the value of which Is estimated at between $20,000 and $30 000. In their de cision the local land officers say: "The testimony shows that in 1864 the lands in controversy were covered with an apparently permanent body of water, and the weight of, testimony tends to show that this body of water continued to cover th's land until about the year 18S1; that the waters had gradually Teceded. with the exceptions of a few years at intervals when they would rise again, until the year 1881, after which they continued grad ually to recede until the all of 1880, when the lands in contest became practi cally dry." CASE AGAINST M'DOXEIIi. Held to Circuit Court on Bond of $1500 and Went to Jail. JUNCTION CITY, Or., Feb. 21.-Sherif W. W. Withers, of Lane county, arrived here this afternoon in charge of Peter McDonell, whom he brought from Ta ooma on a charge of robbing F. W. A. Crain's jewelry store, January 27. Mc Donell was arraigned in Juctlce Clark's court and pleaded not guilty. He was Identified by several persons, and ac knowledged having been fax Junction City that day, but said he left on a freight train In the evening, which was not true, as there were no freights. Sheriff With ers brought back with him 10 watches and 20 rings, which were Identified by Mr. Craln. McDonell was asked, it he had anything to say. He replied, that he wanted them to prove he sokl ttoe watches. The justice held him to the circuit court and placed his bonds at $1600, in default of which the sheriff took him to the Eugene jail. CLAIMS HEAVY DAMAGES. Workman Alleges Company "Violated Its Agreement to Protect Him. ASTOKIA, Feb. 2L A suit has been filed In the circuit court by Michael Ness against the Clatsop Mill Company, to re cover $15,000 damages for injuries sustained while employed in the defendant's mill. The complaint alleges that last August tho plaintiff was working on a saw car riage and was struck by a log, which broke several ribs and, seriously Injured his spine. The mill company, it Is al leged, made a proposition to pay Ness $50, care for him during his illness and, after his recovery, to provide him permanent employment In the mllL This agreement was fulfilled until last Friday, when no- pany coflld dp no more for hJm. The I was permanently maapaettama from fol lowing his trade, and neks tor domagos in the sunt of $tt.Mn, with attorney's fees. This te the second salt browght agatest the Clatsop Mill Company tn the past few days for damages as tho result of injuries sustained by former employes, and they amount to over $,. The jury in the ease of MoOrager and Normlle. ts, George Taylor, of Portland, retursed a verdict thta evening; fDc the plaintiff for mi Wt Tho salt was to re cover damages for alleged breach, of eon traot to deliver a tnntity of com wit to the piatnthts. The amonnt aokoa Ipr In the complaint was $157 9a ARRESTOH FOR. H0GK-STKALING. SheriS of Lewis County, WasKlnsten, Finds His Man at Oregon City. OREGON CITY. Fob. H.-SberHf Ed ward Deggler, of Lewis county. Washing ton, arrived today and Identified H. Wil son, alias Lape. alias Martm. as the man wanted at Chehalto. for horse-stealing. Chief Burns arrested Wfleen on a descrip tion furnished by the Washington sheriff, and he will be taken back for trial. Wil son, who has the reputation of being an old offender, has been here since Janu ary 1. Listing Southern Faeine Land. The ehorhX's omc to still busy listing tibe. Southern Pacific overlap lands to make a proper estimate of tho back taxes one on them. An employe of tfhe company's omca in Portland, was here today to see whs progress was being made. Hastated that the settlers on those lands, who bad contracted to purchase the same from the company, were making prompt payments. Seventeen Neweemers From the Sast. CORVALUS, Fob. 5L-J. H. Moor, with a party of 17. arrived Monday from BrlmneW. 111. Mr. Hoc recently pur chased the A. J". Herahner residence In Corvallle and the Henry Calloway farm, of more than 9M acres, le miles north of. Corvallls. Mr. Moore will occupy the Corvains residence, and his son and fam ily will reside on the farm. There were four families In the party, Including, be sides the families of Mr. Moore and his sen, Mr. Huff, a paperbanger, and fam ily, Mr. Knox, a photographer, and fam ily. Arrested for Stealing: Overcoats. ALBANY:, Or.. Fob. a-Bhaer Batcher was arrested met night and Bwa Farreil this morning, in this elty, charged with the larceny of two overcoats from the hotel at Hateey February 3. While being- taken to Jail Hatcher escaped. Farrell is in jeil. awaiting examination. They are both well-known Albany young men. Quotations ef Mining Stocks. SPOKANB, Fee. 21. The rioemr Mds for raining: stocks today were. Blacktall 90 ILoW Pine Sorp.SO 154 Btuie & .Boston. a iimamfng wary.. dyeta! 3lMorrt&oa 3 3 30 7 ,7 ie 3 aespa-Biuejay.. rrmeaea xtma.. Deer Trail Con.. Evening- Star .. Oetd Ledge ... . Golden Harvest. 4lQuH ... 1 imp. ms no BKiReeerv&tfefl, .... lWlfcxwtena Stem.. Insurgent 2 'Sttntvaa iron Mask 36H,Tom Theme Jim Blame 11 n SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 2t. The eAdal ckw in? quotations for mteteff etoeks today were Alpha Con $0 OSaoy Wash. Ces...$0 OS Andes StMexieaa 0 Beloher 210Moial Cea ... 11 Beat & Belcher... 3MOMr 58 Caledonia. 37 overman ju Challenge Cob ... lPoost 35 Chottar l,3avee 11 Confidence 719lerra. Tfevaea, ... 35 Con. Cat. & Va... 1 4atandnwt 2 85 Crown Point tmeii cea v Gould & Carry. . J44Ctk Con il Hale & Norerees. Justice ......... 30', Tallow Jacket 16 NBW TORK. Feb. 21. Minis stocks today ckeed as follows: Chollar $0 ;Oerio $8 00 Crown Point ,?Phh' 4ft Cop. Cat & Va... 1 3fr1ymowtk 14 Deadwood SjQtchUor 1 3 GoHld.& Curry .. li d pref 7 iO HnlA flrerow.. SSdlMza Nevada ... 30 Hemestake 69 AMMterd ..2 85 Iron Silver maitam tea . . , so Mexteaa .......... , 3eJlew Jseket, . . .. 13 BOSTOK. Feb. M.-Cleelng ejnetatfewtir Boston & Meat $2 73 Penrett $e 444 Butte & Boston. 96 I aae Condition Render the Gift of Health a Prize to Struggle for. The man who has reached years of dls cretlon is just what he has made himself. In earlier years he may have estranged the gift of health by reckless and willful neglect, by dissipation or by Indulgence in those vices which weaken the vigor of mantiood and sap the vitality and founda tion of hie sexual being. Though health bo tost, it can be regained by care and at tention to the rightful laws which govern and direct all aaisaai life. The tendency of nature is to eure, bt where the vital ity has been lowered and the constitution undermined, such efforts are counterbal anced and frustrated by the continuation of Cbis opposing force, which may be either a devitalized drain on the pervoua system or a constitutional weakness, here ditary or acquired. As it requires an ex pert mechanic t repair a delicate and Intricate, deraoged piece of machinery, so does it need the practical knowledge. experience and abttky of a skilled special ist to aid nature m overcoming chroma nervous diseases. DR. A. T. SAiNDEN Will send free to any ad dress, upon request, hrs beautifully illustrated 80 page book, "Three Classes of Men." It is worth $100 to any weak man. It tells ail abeat ay DR. 3ANDEN ELECTRIC BBLT8, ana how they are used to cure such cases ae rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, lame back, kidney, liver and stomach disorders, sleeplessness, or any of those diseases peeaBar to man. Write today or eaU at my ottce and consult free of charge. All oar belts are stamped with Dr. Bondan's name and date of patent. Take no otner. DR. A. T. SAKDEN Russel Bld2., Cor. Fourth and Morrison 5b. pouctlato), ok. OfOcs heure; 9 to r. &4M79 9 M lr