10 THE MOENING OREGONIAJN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, .1900. THE LITERATURE OF I1V1H AND BABYLOIi: tOpTTlght, 1000, by HTE ORBOONiAN'S HOMESTUDY CIRCLE: GOUEN AGES OF LITERATURE III. ASSYRIAN MTERA.TURE. XT PROF. PAUL ELMER MORE. (Harvard University.) There is oamethteg of & dispute between otwioaec things Egyptian and Assyrian sa to wWck records reach further into the past. If we could credit the imagina tie wt certain scholars the Wetory of As syria goes back to & fabulous period that eowvfe almost geological. At any rate, there Is age enough nere to lend the Btyetery of antiquity to this study; and the dteeovery and deciphering of these records form another chapter in the ro mance of modern, scholarship. la 1642 a French consul, P. E. Botta, feegan to make excavations near Nineveh, where he found ruins of great extent. The objects sent by him to the Louvre were sufficient to awaken the curiosity of scholars. A few years later the work of ensevrattoa was taken up by Layard, and the rutae unearthed by him in Nineveh and Babylon from IMS to 1S50 are de scribed by htm in volumes that have be come classics of English literature. Here for oenturiee had lain, under mounds of earth blown up by, the wind, the remains of a mighty civilization, that long ago had arouoed the Interest of Herodotus and other historians. Among other things L&yard found several rooms filled with the rettcs of & remarkable library- It was the custom of the Assyrians to use for books amt documents, even for business receipts and contracts, clay tablets or cylinders, and Layard had stumbled on a vast store house or library of these records, which were, however, for the most part In a wretchedly mutilated condition. Some 30, ttt of these fragments were sent to the British museum, and the interpretation of these and of later finds has given us a unique knowledge of that portion of ancient history. It is good to add that America also has done her share in this work. In 1867 the university of Pennsyl vania sent a party to the spot, with the result that about 90,609 fragments nave been collected in the university museum In Philadelphia. The characters employed by the Assyr ians were as peculiar as the substance -used Instead of paper. These are the so called cuneiform, or wedge-shaped char acters, watch were known" to us, even before the time of Botta and Layard, from certain inscriptions on stone, but which de fled interpretation until greater resources were at our command. These cuneiform wrtttnas are in several different styles and languages. Those of oldest date are not strictly wedge-shaped, but are made of short, straight lines, and arc the amplified outlines of Ideographs, or picture words. that had been employed for stone Inscrip tions. When they came into use a wedge-shaped Instrument was handy for pressing the marks on the moist earth, and we have genuine cuneiform writing. This writing was now ideographic and syl labicthat is, some characters stood for a word, while others were phonetic and recorded a syllable. When, later on, the Pendane conquered Assyria, they adopted the same method of writing, but in a much simplified form, using only 42 char acters as a phonetic alphabet. There is at present a vivacious dispute waging among Assyriologists in regard to the people who first inhabited the fertile valley of the Euphrates and Tigris. It used to be held, and many still hold, that this people, called the Akkadians, or Su mertans or Sumero-Akkadlans, who bulK Babylon and originated that great civiliza tion, were of the Turanian race, and quite Afferent in language and character from the Assyrians, who later subdued them. Other scholars maintain that from the first the Inhabitants of Babylon were of Semitic source, akin that is, in language and re ligionto the Hebrews and Arabs. How ever this may be, the civilization of the country s known to the ancient Jews and Greeks, and as we see it reflected In its rutaa, was chiefly Semitic As has been said, the tablets already in terpreted Include almost every form of literary and incidental writing. What mar hi any true sense be reckoned as lit erature is all strongly imbued with re Kgtous Ideas. Apart from the Interest of mere antiquity and the slight Influence that Assyria had on more important civ ilisation. It cannot be !ald that this litera ture has any great intr nslc value. Profes sor Jastrow in his recent handbook of the Assyrian religion divides the subject treat ed into Ave groups magical texts, hymns and prayers, omens and forecasts, cos mogony, epics and legends. Note the fol lowing hymn of Nebuchadnezzar, the king so well known to us in the Bible, to the god Marduk. The translation is Profes sor Jastrow s: "O Sternal mrier' Lord of the Universe! Orant mat the name of the king whom Thou "Whose ( Thou hit, mentioned, may flourish m seesas good to Thee. Outste Mm on the Hsrht path. I am the rater who ofeeye Thee, the creation of Thrfcana. It te Thorn -who hast created me. And Thou hast Intrusted to me sovereignty ever AuaMahm; to Thy mere)-. O Lord, wfeteh Thou ton all. to toe Thy supreme rate. . the tear of Thy divinity la my heart. Grant to me whatsoever seem good before Thee, Mm It Is Ttaoa that dost control my life." Mutably the moot Interesting and im portant part of Assyrian literature is com wtsut la certain mythical poems and in Assyrian Tablet of Creation Series. tho great epic of QUgameeh. Wore space nt ciammand It would be profitable to study In aVetHtl some of these minor poems, and amoctally the famous lines which tell of the deacmt of Ishtar. goddess of love and im-tUttr. into hades, and of the blight which her absence caused to the upper world of light. The description here given of the realm of the dead, on whose por tals the chast Me ever undtetttrbeaX is one f the mom, graphite pictures ever por 1r8(v! wHh the pea. But we must pass n to the lawyer poem, of watch the de- K2-is .-t'j3 Seymour Eaton.) DIRECTED BY PROF. SEYMOUR EATON I j amusing nevertniess. The treaty -was scent of Ishtar -was formerly supposed to j doubtless read over and over again, both be an episode. by Mn Hay Lord Pauncefote, before The great epic of Assyrian literature is it was sent the tne senate, and the won contalned on 12 tablets, each tablet hold- er is that neither of them was struck ing a book, and extends through some 30,- t,y the absurdity of using "earlier if pos C00 lines; but. unfortunately, the utmost ! sible" to emphasize "within six months." dlMgence hitherto has failed to discover "when one remembers the opportunities' more than half of the whole poem, and i for, and the incitements to, the most much that has been discovered Is in so l painstaking revision offered by the draft fragmentary a state as to make interpre- i ing of an International treaty dealing with tatlon extremely doubtful. An American ' a momentous topic, and then recalls the scholar. Professor Haupt. of Baltimore, contemptuous Indignation so often heaped has done more than any other one person j upon journalistic slips of the pen, made to restore the poem, so far as restoration in conditions so vastly less favorable for Is possible. Even the name of the hero maintaining the niceties and exactnesses r m 9-wt t. --H V -44 PJJT 4 g1 f iiHlFK 44 feq-Mg&tf -aft TfT fffc F "Mfr tete TTJM -T tfe Eg Tfw.!)irTTa SLAB WITH CUNIFOR3I WRITING. (In the British Museum.) was until quite recently a. matter of en tire uncertainty. The word was always found written in Ideograph style, and the conventional reading, Lsdubar, was ac cepted in Heu of anything better. Recent ly, however, the syllabic character has been discovered, and the name Is now com monly read Gllgamesh, a word which signifies apparently savior or conqueror. The following analysis and extracts of the poem are abridged from Professor Jas trow's work already alluded to: Wo are Introduced first to tho ancient city of Uruk (or Erech), which apparently for some offense to the gods is suffering a terrible siege. Then in some unknown way (the text is here very fragmentary) we see the city under the control of Gila mesh. probably Its conqueror. The In- habitants, in despair at the tyranny of i jiKramesn. anneal 10 tne goas. ana tne ' creature of Eabani. half han and half , beast. Is sent to save them. The wiles of Gllgamesh to win Eabani to his side are r L:" ,;." e,r ;mo ,w t - .. .- j ..w. , . , . out by the prince to allure him. Gllgamesh and Eabani are now fast friends, and togather the two march against an enemy who inhabits a strange fortress situated in a grove of wonderful beauty and shaded by a great tree. The enemy is subdued, and, apparently, Eabani Is made lord of the mystic garden, where he can follow out the Instincts of his half-animal nature. A new element is now introduced, and we see Ishtar, the queen goddess, plead ing for the love of Gllgamesh. There is a note of curious mystery In the words which which the hero rejects her ad vances. Too many lovers have suffered strange ill at her hands Tammuz, a lion, a shepherd, a bird of the forest. Of the bird, he says: "Thou didst crush him and break his pinions. In the woods he stands, and laments, 'O, my pinions. " In revenge for this refusal Ishtar's father sends upon him a savage bull, but the hero and his friend destroy the beast, and Gilgaerash offers up his horns as a sacrifice. Then the gods snatch away Eabani, and send sickness upon Gllgamesh; and the hero In his grief and pain travels afar off by a road beset with fantastical dangers I to Parnaplshtlm, who alone of mankind is immortal. He climbs a fearful moun tain, Is ferried across the boisterous sea, and at last meets the undying hero face to face, only to hear that death Is inevit able, and that he. too, must die. .rfut how then hast thou escaped death?" asks Gllgamesh; and in reply Parnaplshtlm tells him the story of tne flood how for its sins his city was buried under the water, and only he and his wife, being warned by a god, saved themselves in a "six-storied" boat. When the flood sub sides the gods are repentant for the evil they have wrought, and grant him Immor tality. There "Is a stunting similarity be tween this episode and the story of the flood in the Bible, and unquestionably the two accounts are different versions of some ancient tradition. When the waters have diminished the Assyrian Noah sends out birds, just as the Hebrew Noah: "When the seventh day approached I eent forth a dove. The dove flew about. But. finding no resting place, returned; Then I nt forth a swallow. The rwallow flew about. But. finding no resting place, returned. Then I sent forth a raven. The raven flew oft, and, aeelng that the waters had decreased. Cautiously waded In the mud, but did not re turn." Gllgamesh Is healed of his sickness and sent by the undying hero to seek the plant of Immortality. He finds the plant, but a demon snatches it from his hand, and he is forced to return, healed but still mor tal, to Uruk. Last of all we see him wandering from temple to temple, lamenting his departed friend Eabani. He even strives to learn of the state of his friend In hades, and we see Eabani "rise up like a wind" and stand before him. Gllgamesh cries to him: "Tell me, my companion, tell me, my compan ion. The nature of the land which tbou hast experi enced; oh. tPll me." But the sad reply Is: "I cannot tell thee, my Mend, I cannot tell thee!" And so this strange poem, whose age no man can guess, comes to en end. Harvard unlversltv. Grammattcal Oversight in the Xcw Treaty. New Tork Times. According to common report Secretary Hay not only drew up with his own hand the Nicaragua canal treaty now before the senate, but he devoted an enormous amount of care to its wording, in order that it might bo a perfect expression of the understanding reached by himself and the British ambassador. This being the case, it is Indeed remarkable that so queer a Wt of English should have crept , ,i!;!llJJlvF' witn conatipa mto the dominant i th SMt "on, H"8 the complexion, induces plm- whlch ends the fourth article. It reads: "And the ratifications shall be exchanged at "Washington or at London -within six months of the date hereof, or earlier If . possible." Of course It would be non ! spnsfi to nretend that the mcanlntr of this prfcicS'lmpoSaSce & rtTlirf little twist is nothing-, but It is sufficiently i - etfi? - J I W-f -W Yn JF T-M -TT ET ff- EW4- t? - 4-Tf Y J m-y 4r if of language, then there results or should a clearer realization of the amount of injustice that exists in the world. 4 e HOTEIi ARRIVALS. THE PORTLAND. Max Schwedersky. N YIS W McAun, Kaslo. BC G H MacRae, St Paul Mrs J Glbbs. Spokane Trabue Van Culln, H S Johnson, Xeb Denver R a Kuner, San Fran I. Sweet, Providnc, RI,W S Sherwood, St Paul a. a Jyer, beanie jjr Thoa M Owen, Wash- v a Burns, i;mcag-o inBion, jj u R M Leopold, Phlla. J S Levy, San Fran S H FleWlng. New Yrk Chas Peck, Xew York H C Bartlett, Colo S A Moore. St Louis a M soiomon, N Y Henry G W Dlnkel spell, San Franclaco Chas K Foster. Chco Geo V? Cook, Chicago iL M Fluher. St Paul C H Callendcr &. wife, H J Ottenhelmer, S F Chas G Brlggrs, Qulncy.iW V Rice & w. Salt Lk -r Kichara Nixon, cits ?MH?".er- c,t? J K Levy, San Fran Percy H Greer. San Fr Ben Joseph, Chicago S Wltkouskl. San FraniW W Rldehalgh.Afrtont THE PERKINS. I $&??? ip?? ' -SeaJe v, w xiaies, xmrris liiinita wen, seauie F Williams. Ashland 'Julia Wells. Seattle W W Green, Reedley (G W NInemere, Mon F M Smith, San. Fran tesano, "Wash W S U'Ren, Or City iF M Warren. Warrentn E A Smith. 2f Y (H Goddard, San Fran C L TMller, IndependcejMIss Julia Palmer.New N Tostwlne, Hood Rvr South Wales I A F Llley, La Grande MUs E Merrill. ' do o o junnson, ivewiston U E Kellogg, Danes F Rogers. Heppner A Chrlstenson, Lewlstn M R Slapp, Everett Mrs N R Slapp, do Master P Slapp, do B r Shreves, Crcston Mrs H E Malone, Grand Forks, N D Mrs H Hedbers, Fes cenden, X D Mrs J K Swan, do Hazel Swan, do G H Shager. Kalama A Sadd. Ozden jF E Frazler. Eugene H C Edgerton. Ga C Edgerton, do (John Gellatly, Corvallla jMrs John Gellatly, do i unas uauincr, wasco L C Gllmore, Indp, Or s a nnKienston, city Chas A Helmer, Oak land, Cal J K Cupp, Salt Lake W F Mitchell, Salt Lak X W Whealdon. Dalles J D McGcwan, Astorlaf n nram, jtacme i j Miner, Aurora Dr H J Rosslter, Ho- E J Harris. X Y city qulam. Wash H H Buddlngton. S F F J Cram. Chicago Miss Hattle Gorde, Sa lem, Or Mlfs Jessie Gorde. do Mrs H J Rosslter, do Mls3 Rosslter, do Master Rosslter, do M McFall, Fargo, X D Mrs M McFall, do A L Emery, San Fran J C Sedman, Seattle Mrs J C Sedman, do H Harklns. Tacoma G Steele, Independence R W Steele. do M Miller, Spokane J T Adams, Spokane Mrs Frost. Hastings,, Xeb Mies Frost, do Mrs Florence Holden, H M Palmer, Albany u s Bootn, Aiounnvui V H MeChesney.Omaha Mrs Henshaw, Houlton E L Smith, Sllverton Fred Baker, Astoria J D Holton, Baker Cy A Macfergesdale, Spok R E Tewel, Hood River A Bollinger, Starbuck E B Kelley, Los Angls A J Rhodes, St Louis Spokane Mrs M G Odell. Eugene E C Burllngame, W W C X Brooks, Seattle THE IMPERIAL. C. W. Knowles. Manager. J A Manly. Chicago JMrs J E Barnett.Salem Geo F Stlne. Seattle W E Baker, San Fran E W Bradley, Hood Rv D W Crcoby, Riddle Mrs Crosby, Jo m l wan, unppie crK F C Reed, Astoria Edwin Hobson, Astoria f U cordlner, Astoria Mrs P C Cordlner. do J W Hobbs. McMlnnvl! J D Locey, Vale . Jcs McLemmen, do Wm Kennor, Dubuque C W Stone. Autorla E o rotter, Eugene T T Geer, Salem Gus Moose, San Fran J L Warner, Tacoma G G Chapln, Tacoma John D Daly, Corvallls John Mathlas, S S Xess Miss Pelland. Juneau J James Wlthycomb, Cor Capt A X Crelghton, ! call's, Or Ship Klnfauns jJohn Fulton, do C La Bordo. Seattle jA H Huntington. Bak C M L Isaacs, San Fran W C Cowgill, do T J Hart, New York J F Rorlek, Grand Mrs L J Estejs, Heppnr Dalles. Wash Lole Estcs. Heppner R C Judsin, La Grande Miss Gertie Pruden, Lafayette M W Spencer. X Y I Mrs Judson, St Paul , Stephen A Lowell, Pen- meion A M Glllls, Athena W B McGuIgan.Eugene Mrs W E McGuIgan, do Martha Fischer, Cor vallls T J Van Outeren.Oakld F W Benson. Roseburg 6 Mandell. Arlington M J Connell, Seattle L W Wade. Tacoma Mrs G M Hall. Wallace Dr D Y K Deerlns, j Union J A Devlin, Astoria Mrs Devlin, -Vstorla j HioenKneia, n i B F Wallace, Astoria E H Stephenson, Astora B T Wilson. La Qrnd ;Mrs Stephenson, do Miss Dora B Cooler, iGust Larson, Astoria Baker City John Johnion, Astoria Mrs Jerome Dokery, do.Mlss Haesk, Astoria J S Cake. Coos Bay JMlss Anderson, Astoria Mrs R V Jones, Aetora THE ST. CHARLES. C Black. Tacoma W B Calvin, Marshland D Delphln, Cape Horn .John Davis. Napa J C Brown, June City E C Byorth, Woodland Fred Cook, do Mrs Byorth, Woodland Grant Haley, do l J W Dicks, Woodland v x xime, Toieao.wn s t Murray, Woodland Geo Bates, Sllverton Mrs Murray, Woodland B R Cook. Junction Cy .Jessie Pay, Rainier f Tate, Walla Walla JT Peterson. Hood River 3 A Morgan, HUlsboroiP Petersen, Hood River R D Henry. HllUboro JM Owens, Skamokawa G X Farr, Goble G L Perrln, Clatskanle Ulss O Farr, Goble H Sheep. Monroe L H Morris. Kelso )J D Belt, Dalles f D Turnbull. Seattle H A Cleek. Albany H Rohde. HammondlBert Froman, Albany F A Jett, Hammond IHarry Riffle. Walla W 3 H Elmson, Ft StevnsjH M Stalmaker, Clack Jas Tierney, city i amaa A Coppock, Xelson.BC Saul Garrison, do Joe Morgan, do J W Myer. Dalles J M Yocum, McMlnnvl Chas D Ward, Dalles C Black. Tacoma B F Ward. Dalles J Hohback, city j Louts Dossjrt, Mcsslnee J Deepaln. Goble J J C. Freeman, do H L Calvin, Marshland Hotel Donnelly. Tacoma. Euro-w plan; headquarters for com merclal men. Chllberc's restaurant in connection. Hotel Bntler. Seuttle. European. Rooms with or without bath. Ladles' and gents' grillrooms in connection. Kruse's Grill Room and Restaurant Stark street, opp. Chamber of Commerce. e sallow skin. Carter's Little IJver PHls remove the cause. T0PR01ECTSTREETMAINS WATER COaiairTTEE PREPARES AN OIUMXAXCE. Council Asked to Pnss It and Pre vent Ruin of Iron Pipes by Electrolysis. Electrolysis of metal pipes was the principal subject before the water com mittee at the monthly meeting held yes terday. The subtle workings of elec tricity, Us startling corrosive properties, preventives and remedies were fully dis cussed by J. N. Teal, chairman of a com-, mittee appointed to draft a measure to be presented to the common council. The bill agreed upon requires electric light and street-car companies using electricity as a motive power to adopt whatever means science approves for confining the current to wires or other conduits. Mr. Teal's report was unanimously approved by the water committee, and, the meas ure will be presented to the mayor, that he may bring it up in the council for enactment into ordinance. Investigation into the effect of the cor rosive properties of electricity on metal pipes reveals that with the extended use of the subtle current there Is a con stantly growing danger. Three specimens were before tho committee yesterday. One two-Inch pipe had been destroyed completely for a short distance. Ordi nary feed pipes for residences, galvan ized as usual, looked as If some powerful acid had eaten into them. The metal would be left with the appearance of having a longitudinal fiber, between which all had corroded away. Reports from experts In other cities showed that the same difficulty is encountered all over the country where electricity Is used, and that there is a quite general movement to fight It. The members of the committee present were Messrs. Carson, Bates, Hill, Hasel tlne, Inman, JosephI, Knapp, Kohn, Lewis, Rowe, Scott and Teal. Chairman Corbett came In before the meeting was concluded. Mr. Carson acted as tempo rary chairman. The operating commit tee submitted its report of the opera lion of the waterworks during the month of January, which was as follows: Cash receipts 523,434 S3 Operation and repairs 2,694 68 Remainder paid to treasurer.. $20,740 17 Following other routine business, the chair called upon Mr. Teal for a report upon the proposed ordinance. The meas ure agreed upon and read was as follows: Ordinance Xo. . An ordinance regulating the use of electricity in the city of Portland, and to protect pipes and other structures In the said city from the effects thereof. The city of Portland dot ordain as follows: Section 1. That It shall be the duty of all persons or companies using or employing elec trical currents In the city of Portland to provide and put In use such means and appliances a9 will, as far as practicable, control and effectu ally contain such currents In their proper chan nels and on their own wires, tracks and other structures, eo as to prevent Injury to the pipes and other structures belonging to the city of Portland or to any person, firm or corporation within eald city, and to repair and renew said means and appliances, and from time to time to change and Improve the 6a.Me, as may be neces sary to accomplish eald purpose; all at his or their charge and expensu, and at his or their own risk, selecting and adopting such means and appliances as shall prevent Injury to the pipes and other structures belonging to the said city aforesaid, or belonging- to any person, firm or corporation within said city. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of all railway companies operating within the city of Port land and using electricity as a motive power, at their own cost and expense, to make tests from time to time, at not longer Intervals than three months, to determine whether the means of protection adopted prevent the flow or escape of electrical currents- to any pipes or other structures belonging to the city of Portland, or to any person. Arm or corporation within the said city; and to file with the clerk of the water committee of the city of Portland com plete reports of each test made, at least once every three months. Tests shall be made at as many points on each l all way system as the water committee of the city of Portland may direct; and It shall be the duty of the superin tendent or other managing officer of said rail way companies to notify the clerk of said water committee at least 24 hours In advance when and where such teats are to be made. Sec. 3. The water committee of the city of Portland Is hereby authonzed and empowered to cause at said times, and as often as said committee may deem, necessary, tests to be made for the purpose of ascertaining and de termining whether there Is any escape of elec tricity from the tracks, wires or other struct ures of any person, Arm or corporation using electrical currents for any pupose within eald city; and the said water committee or Its duly authorized agents shall have free access at seasonable hours to all said tracks, structures or other premises of said persons, firms or cor porations, and make such connections with the said tracks, wires and other structures as may be necessary to make such tests. See. 4. Any person, Arm or coporatlon vio lating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine of $100 for each of fense; and In order to a conviction under sec tion 1 of this ordinance it shall not be neces sary to show that the entire electrical cur rent Imposed on the pipes or other structures belonging to said city, or- to any person. Arm or corporation, as aforesaid, escapes from or comes from the power-house or other works of the parties charged as afoald, but it shall be sufficient for conviction If the company or party, by falling to restrain Its or their cur rents, materially contributes 'to the injury of the pipes or other structures bolnglng to said city, or to any person, firm or corporation herein. All fines collected under this ordinance shall be paid to the city treasurer, and by him to be credited to the general fund of the city. Sec. 5. The collection of any penalty for vio lation of this ordinance, or any part thereof, or any prosecution for the same, shall not have the effect of taking away or abridging the right of said city, or of any person, firm or corpora tion therein, to damages arising from any In Jury to the pipes or other rructures belonging to said iclty, or to any person. Arm or corpora tion therein, by reason of the escape of said electrical currents from the structures, wires or other works of the party or parties generating said current or currents. Then Mr. Teal Introduced the follow ing resolution for the action of the com mittee: "Be It resolved, That a copy of the proposed ordinance just read be approved by the water committee, and that the same be delivered to the mayor of the city of Portland by the clerk of this com mittee, with the request that he submit the same to the city attorney of this city for approval as to form, and that, after being so approved, the mayor cause It to be presented to the common council of the city of Portland for Its considera tion; and that the said mayor be ad vised by the clerk of this committee that the said copy of the ordinance has been approved by the water committee of the city of Portland, and that they respect fully request tho honorable mayor and common council of the city of Portland to enact the same as one of the ordi nances of the city of Portland." Mr. Teal spoke at length on the reso lution. He said lead pipes were most easily harmed; wrought irpn pipes came next, and that cast-Iron pipes withstood the action of electricity best of the metal now used. The first section of the ordi nance was merely declaratory of the common law, that no one had a right to so use his property as to injure an other's. The clause requiring inspection had been thoroughly deliberated over, and the opinions of companies using elec tricity had been sought, with the result that one Inspection at least each three months was thought best. Then the water committee reserved the right Of making inspections at their own expense. Extensive opinions from experts In other cities were read, one of whom said a simple way of reducing the danger was for many of the street-car companies to reverse their present mode of establish ing a circuit. In this manner the dan ger area would be kept close to the power-house and affect a comparatively small territory, while, as as present, the area is often made the very greatest possible. Mr. Teal said the street-csc companies of this city were using the system extend ing the area, and when the matter of reversing was taken up, the added danger to the wrought-Iron water mains under the river was an element that had to be considered. Mr. Rowe asked If the ordinance cov ered such companies as were using merely storage batteries for their wires, like the fire-alarm system, telephone and telegraph lines. Mr. Teal replied that he had not Investigated sufficiently to say whether electrolysis resulted from weak currents of this character, but If It did not, as determined by scientific men, such companies would not be affected. A re port from New York city regarding the stray currents found on the Brooklyn bridge stated that most of the danger came from trolleys. The resolution was adopted by the committee without a dis senting vote. Routine Matters. Superintendent Dodge reported on the advisability of extending the six-Inch main on Twenty-second street one block, so as to accommodate the Good Samari tan hospital. In view of the large quan tity of water consumed by the hospital and the increased demands likely to re sult from construction of the new build ing, his recommendation was accepted, and the main will be extended. The matter of a half section of land In the Bull Run reserve, owned by the H. V. McGulre estate, was brought up through a request from the attorneys for the estate for Immediate action. Two years ago the water committee adopted , a resolution regarding this land. Yester day the superintendent was Instructed to confer with the city attorney, and when the latter would certify that the estate had complied with the conditions of the resolution the transaction should be closed. A request that a main be extended on East Eighteenth street, between East Ankeny and East Everett, was placed on the table until further Investigations were made. The committee's attorney wa3 Instructed to inquire Into the effect of the recent decision of the supreme court on the overlap land cases, as It bore on portions of the Bull Run reserve. STREET RAILWAY'S TROUBLES Reorganization of the Third-Avenue Company, of Xevr York. NEW YORK, Feb. 21. The troubles of the Third-Avenue Railroad Company con tinue the exciting topic in Wall street. The composition of the syndicate which 13 to reorganize the road Is not definitely known, but it is known that "Vermelye & Co., the bankers, are at the head of it. The statement of Treasurer W. H. Cur tlss, of the Third-avenue, announcing the solution of the difficulty, Is as follows: "As chairman of the committee ap pointed for that purpose by the board of directors, I have entered Into an agree ment with a syndicate of eminent bank ers, including two very large interna tional banklng-ihouses, and under the terms of the agreement the bankers will furnish to the company the sum of $21, 500,000 at 5 per cent. I have also entered Into an agreement with other parties who will furnish to the company the sum of J7.000.000 additional. "The terms upon which these arrange ments have been made are, in my opinion, very advantageous to the company. Per sons owning a majority of the capital stock of the company have decided to form a corporation which shall lease the properties of the Third-Avenue Railroad Company in perpetuity and at an annual rental sufficient "to pay its fixed charges, and, in addition thereto, dividends upon Its stock on a scale beginning at 4 per cent immediately and reaching 5 per cent per annum at the end, of four years, and continuing at that rate thereafter. "In this connection the stockholders of the Third-Avenue company will acquire certain very valuable rights. The leasing company will deposit with a trust com pany satisfactory to the Third-Avenue Company a sum in excess of $1,000,000 in cash, which shall stand as a guarantee fund for the payment of the dividends. Messrs. Ryan and Vreeland. of the Metro politan Company, published a statement today to the effect that the Metropolitan Company does not want theThird-Avenue, and never has considered the question of taking It over. This statement surprises me very much, because within the last 30 days J. Pierpont Morgan personally offered to take up and fully reorganize the finances of the Third-Avenue Compa ny on condition that the stockholders would consent to a lease to the Metropoli tan on terms which would guarantee to the stockholders 4 per cent per annum. In perpetuity." James R. Keene says In reference to the subject: "I am a holder of a large amount of the capital stock of the Third-Avenue Railroad Company, a portion of which Is In my hands on advances that I have made to the party owning It for a very long period of time and thoroughly secured. The right to .vote on any proposition for the pledged stock In connection with any plan to place the company on a sound ba sis has been delegated to me by the party to whom I have lent the money. I have taken great pains to inform my self respecting the value of the prooerty of the company, its present difficulties and its future prospects, and after the most thorough investigation I am satis fied that the Third-Avenue Railroad Com pany will emerge In a few months, when the full construction of its lines is com pleted, Into one of the best-paying prop erties in the country.," o Bntte Saloon Murder. BUTTE, Mont., Feb. 21. Joseph Gan non, a miner, was shot and killed by John Kehoe, in the latter's saloon, on Main street, tonight. Gannon bought a drink, receiving change for a S bilL He claimed he had given Kehoe a $10 bill. It Is said Gannon drew a pistol and threatened to kill Kehoe unless the latter gave him the change he claimed. Kehoe grabbed his revolver from behind the bar and shot Gannon through the head. I 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 !! 1 1 g i. Ht w The fifty-cent size is just $ right for the baby. A little of it in the bottle three or four times a day will supply I precisely the fat aif thin ba- f biesneed. If your baby does I not gain in weight as fast as you would like, try 9rt Lmsiiiiniftn ilUll The result vill please you. If the baby nurses, the mother should take the emulsion. It makes the baby's food richer and more 'abundant; only buy the dollar size-it's more economical. Both mother and child will feel at once Its strengthening, upbuilding and fat-producing properties. At all dninicta : tic. and tiro. i e 1 For the s Vrftft'3'i i auuu IL SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. Hen who so out fishine in an ooen boat in the midst of a blinding storm and enjoy it, must be strong and healthy and are pretty sure to live to a npc old age. TJn-1 fortunately, the rush and hurry of modern ' business life will not permit the average j man to take frequent outdoor exercise. j In lieu of a life spent partly in the woods and on the water, a man must find somei kind of medicine to tone up and invigorate , him and incite the vital organs of his body I to the faithful pcrfonance of their normal ' fnnctions. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical; Discovery is the only thoroughly effective medicine for this purpose. Its principal ( action is upon the organs that feed the! blood, the stomachy the large intestines and ' the liver. It facilitates the flow of the di-! Cestive juices in the stomach and the' production of healthy chyle in large quan- j tities in the large intestines. It invigorates ! the liver and purifies and enriches the blood. When the blood is rich and pure the old, inert tissues throughout the body , are torn down and replaced by new and' healthy flesh tissues and nerve fibers. If a' man's blood is filled with the rich, pure 1 elements of health, he can get along with a' scanty amount of exercise. Disease germs can gain no foothold in his system. j "I had catarrh for several years and then the' grip and also had a hemorrhage from, the' lungs," writes Mr. T. J. F. Brown, of Sands. Watauga Co.. N. C "I had the best medical j nttention, but it could bring only partial relief. J had more hemorrhages. I took twenty-five or! thirty bottles of medicines, but coatiauetl to have spells of bleeding. I commenced takiog Dr. I Pierce's Golden Medkal .Discovery and Dr., Sage's Catarrh Remedy. I used eight bottles nnd have been able to do any kind of labor for more than twelve months, i owe my nie. to Dr. Pierce's medicines.' Mr. B. P. McAllister, Harrods burg, Ky., says: "I employed nu merous methods of local treatment for a severe case of Catarrh, but the disease grewworse steadily, getting a firmer grip on me all the time. 1 finally realized that this treatment did not reach the disease, and decided to try Swift's Specific, l TUs '9&?QiK&& 1IIG which promptly got at the seat of the trouble, and cured me perma nently." Catarrh is a blood disease and can not be reached by sprays, inhaling mix tures, etc. S. S. S. is the only cure. Send for valuable books mailed free bj Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga Abbey's Eflervescenf Salt is pleasant to take. 1 1 tastes somewhat Kite sod?, lemc n ade. Children will we it eager iy Give it to them when tbev areindisoosed. or for Indigestion, Constipation, Biliousness or Headache. Itwill mane them well quickly Dr. Chas. G. Phidv, New York City, states: "The most effective and elegant aperient salt for clearing the gastro-in-tcstinal tract is Abbey's Effervescent. It is the only one which I have found suita ble for children, and for my own use I never found anything so sati-factory." All Druggists. 25c, 50c and ta bottle. Ido not iitMieve mere 13 a case of dyspep sia, indigestion or any stomach tronbie that cannot be re lieved at once end permanently cured by my DYSPEPSIA CURE. MTJNTON. At all druggists, 25c. a vial. Guido to Health and medi cal advice free. 1503 Arch street. Phila. NO PA!N! NO GAS! Xo charge for painless extraction when teeth are ordered. All work done by graduate dentists of 12 to 20 years' experience; a specialist In each department. We trtll tell you In advance exactly what your work will cost by a free examination. Give ua a call, and you will fad we do exactly as we advertise. Set of Tcetn !?5.00 Gold Filling ?1.0O Gold Crown... 5.0t Silver Filling: .50 fiB PLTES New York Dental Parlors San Francleco Office, 723 Market St., second floor Hlatory building. PORTLAND OFFICE N. E. Cor. fourth ard Msrrisoi Stress Hours 8 to 8; Sundays. 10 to 4. A Skin of Beauty h a Joy Forevw. )R. T. ITXIX GOBRAUD'S OKXEJTrAI. J CREAM, OB MAGICAL BKAUTIFIEK. Tm. Fhasies. Fretkfei. Patches. Rash, ami Skin dit- erory blrsiMh on beauty. ana aeries newcnon. It has stood the test of 53 years, and a M harmless we taste it M be sure k is properly made. Accept no counterfeit of similar same Dr L. A Sr- re said te a lady of the haw-ton (a patieatM As yon unes wii use tm. t reeomwend 'Cowaud's Ct am' as the least harmAI oi alt the 9km prepara. FersaJebyatl DrergisH asd r,aey- rfMSSucaters m u.3.. ahadi. aad Bureoe. FERD.T. HOPKINS, Proprietor. 37 6fMtJaSt.fi.Y. & ?ror igbfeit:M.iii.liiiil., Xu ilmiiiHaWiiiiiir it SJk Removes -S .IKS'Ykv Mo ? iu5 iase ?c-Wi eies,aml "S3 S Kb sJ7" SO'y THE PALATIAL mm build Sot a dark eSce la the bHlltllBftlg a&aulatelr Mrepreefj eleetrle llxhtj and artesian vratert perfect aaltn-l tloa and tarojra ventllatloa. li.lcf vateri ra day and ai?att turaa. A.fDEjraoW. CHTSTAT, Awnyat-Law . 0131 AS90CIATW) PKEM; X. Tu Pweli. Mar Sofll BAXKKIW LW ASSOCIATION, of Ds Homes, la.; C. A. Mctrgr. Matt Avert I 2-3 j BBHMXJE. X. W.. Ptfaa. refute Shorthand a lie t , 2uj BENJAM1K. JC W.. Deattat 3;1 B1N3WANOER, DR. a 8.. Phys. & 3ur 4 -U VKUBIUC DR. Q. Jt. MayafckMs. . . .412-413 4il BUSTXKD. RICHARD. Arftnt Wltaon & M. &lly TDtocce Co 6cC 0CJ1 CAUKIK. O. R.. Dkrtitet Ag Travelers lBsttraacs Ce...... ..................... . nsl CARDWKI.L. DR. J. B 0081 CLARK. HAROLD. Dnrttsi 3141 CLXX, B. A. Jt CO.. ytudm Tntperttts.. m&-Si lulujika TKXB7BONK COMPANY . 0M-6M--tt7-413-614-fr3J CORM-BL1YS. C. W . Pfcys. amt Sttraeon.... 20! COVER. T. C. Cashier RqttitaMe Life ., 3031 COLLI BR. p. r.. PsoU-feer: S. P. McOu.re MaMger 41fM:a DAY. J. O & L J 313 DAY1S. XAPOLROK. PresMnK Columbia UsteptMMte Co . O0Tl D1CX30N, DR. J. r.. Pttyatctea T13 '14 i DRAKE. DR. H. B. Ptayscl. ..,. .312 iiS :. DUXHAX. MRS OBO. A. 7J! DWYER, JAS F, Tobwcen; 4C3 EDITORIAL ROOMS Kluhth floor EQtJI TABLE LIPS ASSURANCE SOCIETY. L. Samuel. Manager; F. C Cover. Cashier 303 EVEN1MO TELEGRAM.- 33S A.der sue' FENTOK. J. D.. Physcta amt Surgeon ,309 313 FENTOW. DR. HICKS C. Rye and Bar.. SlI FENTOW. MATTHEW P.. Deeifet. .... S0 FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE A88X. E. C. Stark, Manager 601 FRENCH SCHOOL (by MverstfeB) . Dr. A. MuzsarelU. Manager J .,700 GALYAXI. W. H.. Sster and Draughts man .....a 009 GEARY. DR. EDWARD P., fhysiclan and Surgeon 212 213 1 GIESr. A. J. Phyateia ami Sergeon... 709-7.9 GODDARD. E. C 4 CO.. Footwear, ground floor : Blxia i:ret GOLDMAN WILLIAM. Manager Manhattan Life loauranee Co.. nf Xew York ..200 21) GRNT. FRANK S.. Attomy-at-law, . . . . C1T GRENIER. MISS BEATRICE. Dentist ..... ..703 HAMMOND. A. B 310 HEIDINGER. CEO. A. & CO.. Pianos and Orgarw 13t S!x"i ST. HOLLISTEltV DR. O. C Phys. & Surg. . 804-303 IDLEMAN. C. X., Atiorney-at-Law 413-17 13 KADY MARK T.. Manager Paelfle North- treat Mutual Reserve FtHHi Life Aso.. 004.003 LAMONT. JOHN. Vlee-PresWettt an- Gen eral Manager CotamMa Toleoaaae Co. . . 80S LITTLEFIELD. H. K. Phys. ami Surgeon 200 MACRUM. W. S.. S. Oregon Camera Cub. 214 MACKAY, DR. A R., Phys. and Surg , 711 'U MAXWELL. DR. W. E.. Phys. A Surg 701 Z-J McCAHGAR. C. A.. Stats Agent Bankers' Life Association ti. 602 503 McCOY. NEWTON. Attorney-at-Law .... "15 McFPEX MI3S IDA E.. StenoaraDher . 201 McGINN. HENRY E.. Attorney-at-Law 311 3 J McKELL. T. J.. Manufacturers' Representa tive 303 MILLER. DR. HERBERT C. Dentist an' Oral Surgeon . 603-603 MOSMCAX. DR. tL P., Dentist... 812 313-3.4 MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE CO.. of New York. W. Goldman. Manager 208 213 McELROY. DR. J. G . Phys. A Surg 701 7"2 "33 MeFARLAND. R. B.. Secretary Columbia Telephone Co. ,, 604 McGUIRE. 8. P.. Manager P. F. Collier Publisher 413-4IQ McKIM. MAURICE. Attorney-at-Law. . 500 Ml'TUAL LIFR INSURANCE CO.. of New York: "Wtn. S. Pond, State Mgr 4044o:-40fl MUTUAL RESERVE FUND LIFE ASS'N, M. T Kady. Mgr. Paelfle Northwest... 604-r503 NICHOLA3. HORACE B.. Attorney-at-Law 713 NILES. M. L.. Cashier Manhattan Life In surance Co., of New York . . 203 OREGON INFIRMARY OF OSTEOPATHY Dr. L. B. Smith. Osteopath 403-40 OREGON CAMERA CLUB .... 214-21 5-21 8-217 PKRNIN SHORTHAND SCHOOL. H. W. Behnke. Prln 211 POND. WM. 3.. Stats. Manager Mutual Life Ins. Co. of New York 404 4fXS-40i PORTLAND BYE AND EAR INFIRMARY . ... ....Orottnd floor. 133 Sixth street PORTLAND PRESS CLUB 7H PROTZMAN EUGENE C. Super! ntendent Agencies Mutual Reserve Fund Life, of New York ...... P4 PUTNAM'S SONS, G. P.. Publishers ... 318 OXTMBY. L. P. W.. flnfise and Forestry Warden 76-"lT REED A MALCOLM. Oprtetan. . 133 Sixth tnH RFED. F. C . Fish Cmnrnfewtooer . 40T RYAN, J. B.. Attonroy-at-law . 41T SALISBURY. GEO N., Section Director, V S. Weather Bureau . . fl0 SAMUEL. L.. Manager Eauttable Life. . . 309 BANDFORD. A. C. CO . Publishers' Agts 313 SCRIBNER'S SONS. CHAS.. Publishers; Jfr'e Hobson. Manager 313-51(1-517 SHERWOOD. J. W. Depr7 Supremo Com mander. K. O. T. M 51T SMITH. DR. L B.. Osteopath 408-409 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION' 800 STARK. K. C. Executive Spertnl. Fidelity Mutual Life Association of Phlla., Pa tf1 STARR fc COLE Pvrography 40J STBEI G. A.. Forest Tnepeetor 218 "STUART. DELL. A'torney-t-Law. ..813-"16-fi " STOLTE. DR. CHAS. E.. Dentist 704-703 SURGEON OF THE 3. P. RY. AND N. P TERMINAL CO 709 STROWBRIDGB. THOS H. Executive Spe cial Agent Mutual Life, of New York. .. 40i SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE -jnt TUCKEK. DK GEO F.. Ientat Btfl 1 U. S. WEATHER BUREAU 90fl-907-08-909 U. S. LIGHTHOUSE ENGINEERS 1TTH DIST. Captain W. C Laagfltt. Corps of Engineers. U. 3. A 80S U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE. RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS. Captain W C. Lanafttt. Corps of Engineers, V. 8. A 81 WALKER. WILL H.. President Oregon Camera Club 214-21 3-218-2!! WATERMAN. C K.. Cashier Mutual Life of Now Tork 40 WATKINS. Mlas, H. L.. Purchasing Agency 7.8 WEATHEHRZD. MRS. HiyYTH. Grand Sec retary Na live Dauglrters 7)6-717 WHITE. MISB L. XL. AeVt See. Oregon Cam era Club . 214 WILSON. DR. EDWARD X . Phys. & Sur 304-3 WILSON. DR. OXO. F.. Phys. A Surff .706-""" WILSON. IR. HOLT CL. Phys. Surg. 307 303 WILSON A McCALLAY TOBACCO CO Richard BuMsosl Aeaat 602 SCI WOOD. DR. W. L., Piracian 412-413-41 WILLAMETTE VALLEY TBLBPH. CO... . 613 A few raere eleitaat effleei mar Tho bail hr apfllylBjt; te Portland Trust Corapaay of OregeB, ISO TTalrtt t.. of to ITae rest clerk la tap bHlIdinir. MEN -NO CURE, NO iPAT THE MUDEH J A PPM ANCE A posl 1 1 ts 'war to perfect mannood. Everything els falls. The VACUUM TfyJAT MENT CURES you without medlcln ot II nervous or diseases of the generative organs, such as lost manhood, eihaastrog drains, vartco I refe. nwpotsty. etc Me are ejutckly restored a perfoet beaffh amt strergth Wrtte for olr?i-'ar Correspondents eonnden- Oal. THTT HEALTH A1"FLAaHCX CO. roofs i 7-8 S&ta Deposit buUdtnc. Seattle. Was.