THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1900. AXUSEXBKTS. loop I 'T-AY P THEATER me "Week cominencmc Bonoay. rao. , " tow buturday First Time r at POnnlar i'nces be Greatest of All Cam antes. TOO MUCH JOHNSON." Bi w i .lire Gillette author of "Secret Serv ile herlock Hohne,' "Held by tm E- r T-e Private Secretary. etc. i -irMs in New York. M nights to Best. ;2tt i! ji in London. Knctand. etc large aualenoe was la a roar C lawgwar re ev ening Mow Torlc Herald. feuf1 fnre while the cantata la an. Hew York ' mprcia. Aumunr. 0L.i prices. -K rARXIVAL BLack CARNIVAL 1 A K CARNIVAL iBL K CARNIVAL BLA-K CARNIVAL lilACK CARNIVAL BW.CX CARNIVAL h p k carnival B1ACK CARNIVAL 1JLA "K CARNIVAL lACk CARNIVAL IfrNSATrov or fcLVfcAioNr or XfMjr FENSATIUN OF NUT JEENf ATION OF KBW FRISCO. rKRieco, EXPOTTIOK BUtLMHO. 34. 8:30 P. M. 34, f :3a P. M. 34. &80P. M. Si. i-M P. X 34. ie P.M. at, s1p.ii EEA rfSITi'V BUI SLXPO?rnN BT. SENP MTI N Bll lEXPOMTV'N I EXPOSITION ADXlattKMC, Sac AMD SH. A.DKIBSIOK. fce AMI Sac ADMISSION. Mi AMD . ADMISSION: AN Wet ADMISSION. SKo AND She Cy...j-LAY'S THEATER , EXTRA' 5 iLB OF SJdATS FOR TIM FRAWLBY 'OMPANT NOW IN PROGRESS. ran Monday, Tweeter and Weaseeday j THE SPORTING DUCHBSK." ThM- s Friia taturOar ana Eatwraaf Xatfaee. 1) (VtlSTBeSOCCKL" i' l--Lower floor. TBe. Joe eeate. $1. 81. ji s 4 seats) $6. balooar logac. : baksony " CV Kallenr. 26c X n prices Sc, Sftc and 78c TIVTRACHT MA8QUSRADC BALL, h j sTKACHT MASQUERADC BALL. lNTRACHT XASQCXRADE BALL, PKB M. AT TORN HALL. FEB. It. AT TUHN HALL. irrigetot Maokew. 6c: ayDetaterc 9Sc. 'tun wto b had at the CMcaea Caatane jc 3KJ Morrleon kna at House's coffee bowee. Turner halt - n and S2 MorrsMn bC t FTR PRIZES TO BB KVBK AWAT. NBW TDAY. MORTGAGE LOANS improved oity and fr preeerty. R. LIVINOaTONK. 2M Stark at FOR SALK RBAL ESTATE. T ip THE MOST BIOHTLT OtTARTKR I ks in Uast Portland, oloae in. wilt sell fr as a w hole or sewarate, favoraWe tenad iif-r W8j This te a good, cheap laveet r Ainu nice quarter In HoHadays. 2S 'Bton bulldlne 57 T f NAP MUST BE SOLD QUICK: OOR- - . -Rlth two modera 8-roam aoaees, four ks from Hotel Portland, for ?fe. CjMl . K GoldenUth Co . S46 WaeMaston st. 'DO - BI"INWBS PROPERTT. ALBINA: F-e lrick ImproveMteat. paytae over M per rr-i net oitnar sot Nome fever. Hart Land rm 7 Sherlock bulldir?. fJ i ARGAINS, WK6T BIDS RESIDENCE Tr w well kwated; 8-roota kouee. ?S9. T niB and SbkIOO. M. 8vM. Davtdeefu Yi.&Oo 2T tak at. X)D NBW 8-ROOM HOCBB. OX c c w:;h sidewalK, oa iSaat Watr et; land iase Six' per month, very desirable. A- Mat 3ct iwi, Madtson at. A 'hi S GOOD LAND. SOME 1MPROVE- nen 9 near boat landtnr. sell cheaa, or trade r r-qu tv in Portland property aid Aatng- u unc ""0 F R 5W ACRB6 AT MOUNT TABOR: " u ligation, and welt -fenced, near car line. M cr D5 Chamber of Ooamiaree. M FT rjL. LOT. TWO mX)CKM FROM ItO- i' !' rtmna iggawi. room n ateK&r mhm " rhir1 and Stark. y- 21 ACTTCS IMPHOVKD NEAR VAN- a e' Ktgtcen, raont St MXay Balldtoer, T" M ard Ftark. -1 M HOUSE AND FRACTIONAL COR- ner l in North Portland, MW. T 38. care eg niart. 7 -. Brr jN CITrPe fc.. ; ai. Mog 1 i Laldlaw. SW Chamber of CoaaBMrce. a-es n Oowlltt county, with 1$ head cattle; i r G Debrltc. room 4, Mulkey Mdff. n SALK OR EXCHAVOE Well-improved t r H B Compeon & Co . 616 Maroaam. bo ui d lot built to suit, installments, small iMTevirients Dammeler, Ml Ddarquam. FOR SALB-FARMS. D, rI- m FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL rrrts -f Oregon and Washington; payments tr&e t- suit purenaaerc For full particulars wi'M BHftuH properties, apply to Maonaater a 'ri., mi Worcester Mock. " ' 1 OfLTlVATION S MILES f 10 arres in fruit. Kood lmnrovements. rf8 Manager PacJflc Pottery Works. farrr 18 acres, M mites from Port a. res In hops Drawer 17. Porttaad. FOR RBXT-FARMS. T NT-CHEAT, MILK RANCH, ON r-d 4Umllea from Portland. W. "w tier 81 First st cor Oak. TO KXCHANGK. VT NICBLV IMPROVED. OOOD i, miles east of courthouse, trade for Portland XM Ablngton bwlldtng FOR S ALK MISCTCLLAJN BOUS. a BARGAINS " ' $150 Lotf. Uncom Park Annex; easy . y 'nrnr lot, Nteth and Bamaidc. .-. House and lot. Fourth, near College. - k H ue and lot. Couch addition 5 J1- story aioawn mddeoce. bacemeat i ' '! ' East Portland, easy payments. J N.ce cottage, K. Portland, ee- pay- Mock. 10th C. Hohaday's. $ TW Lot Ninth at. Hollady s. ? -- '-h block Uakm axe . HolUday's. $ 4- 7 chared, aoar Piedmont - . M ue and lot. ULper AIMimu $ - -a mer HH)k1o. Oaatral Alblna. J, l ustnees comer, IAokICO. on Williams . k for $(M per mouth. A 1 M .NLET. room 4C Sherlock bloc IE." N' SOLFILINE SOUriUKK. i'" re needs It Preoarvaa teataor, aees . v va -proof, shoos, aaraasa and belting mM w th SoHUm pimaaaj? Mfc af leather lot rer cont ineiM utMn yoar dealer earry- ng ILnry Miller & Oo.. 74 Front at. 1 r in' Or N mP BICYCLES - RAMBLER. -K Imperial Columata, Hartford and c- n akep from 8ft up. svor)' wheel in i ass r. ndlUon PorUaad Oah & Blerole f 1A2 Flnst st. between WaaMagten ad IT FV K1TEK BARGAINS - REXD4GTOK. ir Pnlth 6 Deaamore. J; Bar boek, - ' Aaency Co.. SifAt itark at JFT, ..rLEftlS A: DRYDEX MAP OF ' Portland and Mctaitjr. patsahlc for -et ''ic omce ! 7xS. 864 Fourth. IFg larira split and dried pea. Peart bar- I r 1(4 IVaC Cafkin - CM w , w... sjtwi Vlvu TrnjaaaKT jam, av. oeella fc-tore 282 Raaoall at v l-F-A OOOD PQVARE PIANO. IX . i condition rj cheap. Address G r Oreconiaa iitxf " lantorna aowjMeond-haad. movtog pse- l cinira m orecK. i past, aaa Fraa. (S - v A N17W GAS COGKRR s pieu' a ar . $2 per month Qaa Co . i?4 Fifth st II -LJ OR TRADE-) HORSE-POWXtt " ne and toollor MoPhetaoa Oihnaa hee. M'.v 30C SETS KARNES 80 SADDLED. - t i hoivaa. baraatos 211 Waahiaetoa et wad horMh X acltvery waone. top rd ie and atnai haraesc Tth ft Stark. tt L-iximan hhth-aradft mdica tall F a ran teed Or tat Road MS. Ruwel 1 t- LE-TOWCC HORSE. TEARS OLD Inquire cor East Salaam and 4M ma. IuLnk-kal Hocrsiau aoobc and fur ' i re ror Mile. rP6 Javaamm at fFOP SALE A 3O.-0 POUND LIFT, DXAXB etevaior 261 Morrieon. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE. CHEAP CITT MILK ROUTE an dairy, set far rrocn city. Address J 11, care Oregonlan. M9 XEW BOX COUCHES FOR SALE AT half price, aft) Sixth, street FOR SALE-THREE FRESH MILCH COWS. Butcher shop, -Sellwood, Or. Pianos. SHERMAN. CLAY & CO.. ROOMS 16 AND 17 Russet building, car. Fourth and Morrison. Steteway & Sons. A B. Chase and Emerson pianos. A. B. Chase and W. W. Putnam or gans. Cash or installments. Gramophones and Regiaa music boxes. BEST UPRIGHT PIANO The Jacob Doll. Rent applied en purchase money. Slnshelmer, 72 3d. POULE BROS.. EXPERT TUNERS. 107 FIRST rt. Phones. Ellera Piano House. HELP WAJfTED MALE. Al PATTBRN-MAICER. ?3.25; MEN AND teams, R. R.. fi.60, pass. 6 teams, logging easia. ?1 36 and feed; carpenters. SS5 and board, laborers, $1 and board; shlngle-bolt catters, $1 cord, man and wife, ranch, ?35 td US, S farm bands, E. O., (26 and board; log gers. $2 up; other wors. Canadian Agency, 238J6 Morrison. WANTED MD3N TO LEARN BARBER trade. Only eight weeks required. Special offer now for graduates to work for us- 500 pestttoos open; new field. Can earn tuition by bringing- four students. Our catalogue ex plaining fecial offer mailed free. Moier Bar ber College, San D?rancisco, CaL OFFICE BOT MUST BE RESPECTFUL, willing and a good penman; good opportunity for advancement to a boy with the right etuft hi him. H 30, care Orcgonlan. WANTED BRIGHT, ACTIVE TOUNG MAN with experience ;n selling' goods, to travel in the "Valley for wholesale house; references. Address V 20, care Oregoniao. SALESMEN To sell office specialties. Fine side lines. Used by all merchants. Catalogue free. Model Mfg. Co., South Bend, Ind. WANTED THREE FIRST-CLASS SPECIAL ty salesmen. References. Address Manager, room 1000, 183 Dearborn st, Chicago. WANTED TOUNG MAN TO LEARN MER ohandlse who understands shorthand and type writing. L SO, care Oregonlan. WANTED BOOKICEEPER FOR WHOLE sale house; state experience and give refer ences. Q 20. care Oregonlan. WANTED A GOOD. ALL-AROUND TAILOR: give references. F. Fetsn, Grant's Pass, Or. Worklngman's Barter Shop; haircut 15c. shave 10c: 6 chairs. Ed Dennison. 205 Morrison st. Cash for acceptable Ideas. State If patented. Ad areas THE PATENT RECORD. Baltimore, Md. WANTED-C00 MEN TO TRT THE BEST 5c hare and 10c haircut, at 27 Nortn Second. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS BARBER. Washington Bt., near 17th. 522 BOYS WANTED AT 102 FIRST ST. HELP "WAJfTED FEMALE. FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRY HELP; WAITRESS, B.-H.. $15, cook and 2d girl. $40; B.-H. tok, $35, 8 second work. $15; housekeeper, coun try, $15; cook. Dallas, f4, fare; housework, Antelope. $20. fare. 2 waitresses, restaurant, $6, 87 housework. S10 to $20. woman with child. Bridal Veil, $S; 10 to 20 new ordera every day. Canadian Agency, 22$i Morrison. WANTED A SECOND GIRL. FAMILY OF Ave; must be experienced. Apply 405 Clay, cor. 10th. Call between 8:30 and 10 30 A. M. WANTBO COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral house ork, family of two; wages, $15. M. Billings, Eighth st. Woodlawn Heights. SALESWOMAN WANTED FOR LADIES' shoe department In Vancouver, B. C Address F 18. care Oregonlan. WANTED A BRIGHT WOMAN OVER 23, quick at figures and willing to -work. B 21, care Oregonlan. PLAIN DRESSES MADE FOR $3: SEPARATE skirts. $1.25. 304 Madison st., between Fifth and Sixth. GIRL WANTED TO COOK AND ASSIST IN housework. Apply mornings, 575 East Morrl eon st OIRL TO ASSIST DURING DAT WITH IN fant 7 months old. Apply 215 12th, cor. Sal mon. BVBRT GIRL-WOMAN WISHING A GOOD position, oell at the Heme. 305& Third et WANTED GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work by thedaV Inquire 160 14th -Bt A TOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK Apply at once, 89 "West Park. AN J3XPERIENCED DINING-ROOM GIRL. 688 Morrleon, corner 17th. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 346 13th st SITUATION WANTED 3IALB. Bookkeepers nml Clerks. TOUNG MAN WISHES 1'OSITION IN GRO cery store, experienced; German; good refer ences. D 38, care Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY FIRST -CLASH bartender; references. Address D 21, care Oregonlan. MlHcellanconK. JAPANESE BOY. PLAIN COOK. WANTS Po sition to do any kind of work In small family, in city or country. Address A 21, care Ore gonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY COOK, BOY: DAY worker, farmer, etc Japanese Laborers" Home, 48 N. 4th st Oregon tel. Black 002. SITUATION WANTED-BY A FIRST-CLASS cook city, country or camp. Address G. Ar den, general delivery. Astoria, Or. SITUATION "WANTED FEMALE. Domestics SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED Swedish girl, for general houscwork in small family. 42 Hoyt Please all at side door. DO YOU WANT DOMESTICS? OUR OFFICE ie MM. with them dally. Phone us. Canadian limp. Agency. 22814 Morrison. SITUATION WANTBD BY YOUNG GIRL. TO take care of children and assist with house work. 827 23d. WANTED PLACE TO WORK FOR BOARD and po to High school. Inquire 290 MorrUwn street. WANTED AGESiTS. WANTED LIVE AGENTS EVERYWHERE to sell our new gas lamp, a gas plant, bright er than etectrlcltj; cheaper than kerosene; handred-eandle light: cent a day; fully guar anteed; polished brass: retails $5; big money maker. Standard Lamp Co.. 102 Michigan st, Chicago. WANTBD-HIGH-CLASS SPECIALTY SALES men for line of calendars, fans and campaign noeltlee. Handsomest and most complete line on market Liberal contract Kern Corn pan, Adv. Dept Chicago. WANTED GOOD SOLICITOR; LADT OR gentleman, outfit furnished; cash profits; a good opportunity. Call 115 Seenth et RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED. APPLY m 2? Hamilton building. 131 Third st "WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-TO BUY 100.000 ACRES OF TIM ber land, options required only during exam ination. If empowered to sell, address H 38, care Oregonlan. WANTED NEAT COTTAGE. 4 TO 5 ROOMS. In convenient suburb, for $500 to $800 cash. David S Stearns, 348 Washington st LADY BMPLOTED DURING DAY (MUSIC teacher), can exchange, large, eunny room, dose. in. C 21. care Oregonlan. IF YOU HAVE GOOD SOUND POTATOES or onions to sell for cash, address Crabb & Qlfford. 302 Washington Et "WANTED-SBCOND-HAND BOX-MANUFAC-turlng machinery; must be cheap. R 11, car-j Oregonlan. BEST PRKTBS PAID FOR ALL KINDS Otf hawnhnM goods. SSS 6th st Phone Brown 002. LOST AND FOUND. LOST A LADY'S BLACK POCKETBOOK. Third or Fourth and Morrison, containing some silver an1 address of "Mrs. Phelps. Omaha." Pe return to A. Brown, 4 Wjoreerter blttk LOKXCSMALL PURSE. ON PARK ST., BB txatoa Market and Morrison or Mdrrismi. be tween Park and Fifth, containing $3 gold and ahango. Relwra to 380 I'ark, and receive ro ward. LOST BfcOWN MAKE. WTTH COLLAR. AND honVar en. Fmier please deliver Sehunenborg feat efcK SUth "asd.Devls. . - FOR REST. UsemB. THE SPALDING. S. E. COR. PARK AND Alder sts.. under the management of the owner, Hltn F. Spalding The meet oomDlete apartment-house in the Northwest, choice rooms, for gentlemen or gentleman and wife; furnished housekeeping suites a. specialty. THE NEWCASTLE. S. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison sts. Rooms, furnished or unfur nished, al! modern conveniences, references. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; FURNACE heat, use of phone and bdth. reasonable rent; references, private family. 170 13th st VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED ALCOVE room, with use of gas, bath and phone. 189 14th st, between Yamhill and Taylor. THE GILBERT LARGE, WELL-FURNISHED rooms: all modern conveniences. Third and Taylor sts.; entrance, 267 Taylor. FOR RENT FURNISHED AND UNFUR nlsbed rooms. 129 Feurtn, next to Woodard, Clarke & Co.' a. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. FOR gentleman; private family; reasonable. 403 Salmon et GILMAN HOTEL-Bnck bldg., central; fur nished rooms. $1 week and up. 1st and Alder. OCKLEY. 390 MORRISON Nicely furnished rooms, for gentlemen: modern conveniences. LYNDELL. 51 MORRISON NEW MANAGU ment; elegantly furnished rooms; gentlemen. The Castle. 372 Washington Elegantly furnish ed rooms; modern conveniences, transients. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT; brick building. 234 Morrison st Rooms "With Bonrd. THE VENDOME FAMILY HOTEL NICE furnished rooms, with first-clas board, from 51 per day up. including steam heat and baths, electric bells In every room; central location. Cor. 13th and Aioer ste. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 12TH YEAR: rooms with board; enameled bath tubs; use cf library: Woman's Excange; Industrial school. Adaress Mrs. E. C. George, superin tendent 510 Flanders street LARGE ROOMS. WITH BOARD; STEAM heat bath, telephone; also table board. The Roslyn. 374 Yamhill. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH board; all conveniences; best location. 223 11th st OSBORN HOUSE Al board and rooms. $4 50 week. J. W. King Calor, late from Chicago. FRONT ROOM, WITH ALCOVE AND BOARD, for elderly couple ur gentleman. 330 Fifth. nonsekceplntr Rooms. TWO NICE SUITES OF FURNISHED House keeping rooms; reasonable; brick building; re spectable. 280 First et THIRD ST., lSOVi-FURNISHED ROOMS, $1 up week; furnished housekeeping suites, .$6 month; very central. 413 MAIN ST., COR. 11TH NICELY FUR nished suite; telephone, uid gas range, if de sired, no children. 433 ALDER FIRST-FLOOR SUITE. HAND eomely furnished; bath and telephone, vacant Tuesday afternoon. ROOMS. FURNISHED, N BUTTES, FOR bousekeeping;'good, sightly, respectable house. 230 Russell st. 253 SIXTH ST., COR. MADISON FURNISH ed housekeeping rooms; all conveniences; best location. The Graham Housekeeping apartments a spe cialty; gas ranges and telephone. 545 Wash. Flat of 4 rooms, furnished or unfurnished; also other rooms; references. 3SS Jefferson street Ronaes. FOR RENT MODERN COTTAGE HOME OF 0 rooms, 700 Everett street; finely located anl in excellent order; rent very reasonable. Ap ply next door, at 704. MODERN DWELLING, CONTAINING NINE rooms, located on Nob Hill; after 1st March. Address S 20, care Oregonlan. FOR RENT-5-ROOM COTTAGE; FINE Con dition. Apply L. L. Schuman, Fish" Market, Third and Ankeny sts. ONLY ONE OF THOSE BEAUTIFUL MOD ern flats left opposite Hobart-Curtis, 14th et. near Jefferson. Furnished Houses. FURNISHBD COTTAGE. 4 ROOMS; BATH, electric lights; six blocks postoSlce; good neighborhood; no children. Inquire 276 Sev enth st. 721 GLISAN. COR. 22D ELEOANT FURNI ture, vory reasonable. Inquire 135 18th et Phone West 352. Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale. 35 ROOMS. CHOICE LOCATION. AND A good buy. 28 rooms, all rented, good furni ture. 22 rooms, corner Hat, elegant furniture; a money-maker. 12-room houee, near P. O.; furniture nearly new; must be sold. See me before buying. C. E. Bennett, 127 Fourth street FOR SALE FURNITURE OF FINE 10-ROOM. woH-furnlshed house; centrally located; all rooms occupied: olcknee3 is reason for selling this bargain, for cash only. Address W 14, care Oregonlan. WANTED-TO RENT. "WANTED-TO RENT NEATLY FURNISHED cottage or house, by responsible couple with out children; references. E 22, care Orego nlan. HOUSE OF 6 OR 7 ROOMS; GIVE LOCATION and rent. Address K 20, care Oregonlan. 6 TO 8-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. AD dress B 23, care Oregonlan. PERSONALS. INDLVN CLAIRVOYANT AND MEDIUM The wonderful, gifted Indian oquaw, born with two veils over face, tells, from cradle to grave, past, present future, and secrets re vealed: warns against misfortune ; sure guide to social and business success; heals all dls eatvw by the use of Indian herbs. Mrs. Prof. Wheatly-Howe. Separate parlor for ladles and gentlemen. Strictly confidential. 271 5th st, opposite City Hall. No stairs to clircb. 17 women wanted suffering from Irregular, pain ful or stoppage of periods; leucorrhoea (whites), and all complicated diseases pertain ing to changes of life, cured by old Dr. Kess ler. cor. Second and Yamhlli sts. 329 women called last month. Consultation free, and prU rate rooms for ladles. If can't call, write, Inclosing 10 2c stamps. Hundreds treated at home by his new system. LADIES, WOULD YOU MARRY? MANY HON orable gentlemen in all parts of the United States apply to us for wives; some of them are well off: If you join our bureau, you may find your ideal; none but strictly respectable ladies need answer. Address lock box &30, Portland. Or. PORTLAND ELECTRIC INSTITUTE. ALL diseases of women successfully treated: ther mal bathe; physical culture taught. 350 Mor rison. Office hours, 10 to 12 A. M., 2 to 4 P. M. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts" Nerve Globules, one month's treatment $2; 3 months, $5. Sent securely sealed by mail. Agents. Woodard & Clarke, Portland, Or. ONE SUIT CALLED FOR. PRESSED, sponged and delivered every week. $1 a month. Also steam cleaning, dyeing and repairing. Unique Tailcring Co.. 347 Washington. Phones. ILLOND'S PREVENTATIVE CONES. THE greatest of all antiseptics, sent sealed, per box, $1 50; eend 10c for sample and particulars. Illond Chem Co.. Portland. Or. P. O. box 974. 30 FINE VISITING CARDS. 25c; 50. 35c. POST gild; 250 business cards. $1, 500, $1.50. rown & Schmale, printers, 229 First street Portland. Or. COMMON SENSE BEAUTY PARLORS. FA clal blemishes removed by electricity, cup, roller and eponge. Lewis Bldg. LADIES. FREE, HARMLESS MONTHLY regulator, cannot fall. Mrs. D. Fox. Milwau kee. Wis. BILLY LEA'S BICYCLE HOSPITAL, 105 4TH Phone Clay 841. 'Wheels called for; delivered. CUT RATES Oregon Dye Works; cleaning and dyeing. BurnslHe. near 8th. Tel. Red 2903. Mrs. Dr. McCoy electric treatments. La Porte house, cor. Third acd Yamhill ots.. room 14. Otto Kllngbell. magnetic healer. 307 East Sixth st, treats any ilskness Ore phone Scott 693 CLOTHES MENDED FOR LADIES AND GEN tletnen Apply at room 45 Labbe building ELD3CTRIC LAUNDRY REMOVED TO 126 Fifth st Both phones. Give us a. trial. TRY A BOX OF WOODLES CATARRH REM edy; sare cure. Address kwk box 707. LADY, YOU GET RED STAMPS AT CLEM ensan's drug store, 227 Yamhill street DOUBTFUL DEBTS COLLECTED, ANY wserc SLS Obamber e Gsauneree. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals' invited. PROPOSALS FOR REFUNDING WATER Bonds. Dalles City. Or. Sealed proposals will be received by the board of water commis sioners of Dalles City. Or., at paid city, until 8:30 o'clock P. M. of the 20th day of Febru ary. 1900. for twenty-five thousand dollars and twenty thousand dollars of refunding water bonds of said city (as It Is not settled as to whether the total amount of bonds will be $25,000 or $20,000). Authority is extended to the paid board to issue refunding water bonds In the sum of $25,000. but if found not to be necessary the Issue will be for no more than $20,000. And at a rate of Interest not exceeding 4 per cent per annum, payable 20 years from date of Issue. Interest payable semiannually, principal and interest pavable In gold coin or the United States, at nny city therein, at the option of the buyer. Tha bonus mentioned will be issued under the provisions of the eeveral legislative acts of the slate of Oregon, approved Feb. 28, 18S5;. Feb. 10, 1SS9. and Feb. 14, 1S95. and In pursuance of an or dinance adopted by the common council of Dalles City, approved Jan. 25. 1900. The proposed refunding water bonds are Intended for the redemption of outstanding water bonds In the sum of $25,000, but In case the board of water commissioners prefer it will issue refunding bonds for $20,000 only: therefore, bidders may make proposals for both $25,000 and $20,000. and in the denomination of $500 each. No bid will be entertained for a rate less than par value of the bonds. Premiums and rate of Interest will be taken Into con sideratlon In passing on the value of all bids. Bidders must deposit -with the president of the board a duly certified check on some respon sible bank eaual to 2 tier cent of the amount of bonds bid for. or accompany his bid with cash of such amount as will equal such per cent of his bid; and such certified check tnade payable to the president of the board of water commissioners of Dalles City, Or., as liquidated damages In case the bidder snail fall or neglect to receive and pay for, at the office of the city treasurer of said city, the bonds awarded to him on his bid. on or be fore the 1st day of March, 1900. Attention should be given the fact that the board will not issue and dispose of more than $20,000 of such refunding bonds unless it shall be deemed necessary to do so, but otherwise, If the board shall find that it Is necessary to Issue bonds In the sum of $25,000, It will then otter and Issue the full sum ($25 000). ThS right to reject any and all bids is reserved by the said board of water commissioners. Bids should be addressed to the president of said board, or to the city recorder. Dalles City. Wasco county, Cr.. and noted "Proposals for refunding water bonds." By order of the board of water commissioners, by and with the consent of the common council, this 25th day of January, 1900. T. J. SEUFERT. (L. S.) President of Board. Attest: NED H. GATES. Recorder of Dalles City. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL.. JANUARY 25. 1000. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be de ceived here until 11 o'clock A. M.f February 24, 1900, and then opened, for construction of power-house, electrical machinery, heating system, ice machine and cold storage, filter plant kitchen and laundry machinery, etc., for U. S. General Hospital at Presidio of San Francisco, Cal. Government reserves right to reject or accept any or all bids In whole or in part Preference given to articles of do mestic productlbn, conditions of nrlce and quality (Including In the price cf foreign pro ductions the duty thereon) being equal, and such preference given to articles of Ameri can production produced on the Pacific coast, to extent of consumption required by the pub lic service there. Information furnished on application to J. M. MARSHALL, Deputy Quartermaster-General, Chief Q. M. WATER WORKS THE TOWN OF FOSSIL, Wheeler county. Or., will receive proposals until Tuesday evening, March 6, 1D00, for the construction of a system of water works, ac cording to tho plana and ispeclflcatlona on file In the office of the town, recorder. The sys tem consists of: 12.000 feet of 2-lnch pipe. 2.500 feet of 2-tnch pipe. 3,000 feet of Grlnch pipe. 1,400 feet of 8-inch pipe. Hydrants, gates and Bpeclal fittings. One 160,000-gallon reservoir, cement lined. Bids may be made on labor and materials, separately. All bids must be accompanied with a certified check for 5 per cent of the amount of the bid. payable to the mayor of Fossil. The council reserves tho right to re ject any or all bids. H. STOKES. Recorder. Fossil, Or., Feb. 10. 19C0. OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING QUAR termaster. Seattle, Wash., Feb. 12, 1900. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here until 4 P. M., Friday, February 23, 1000. ana men openea, xor trie construction oi a double set of non-commissioned ofilcars auar- ters, fuel sheds and lavatory at Fort Flagler, "Wash. Plans and specifications may be seen and full information furnished on application at this office. The United States reserves the right to accept or reject any and all propo sals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be Indorsed "Propoeals for construction work at Fort Flagler, Wash.," and addressed to W. W. ROBINSON. JR., Capt and A. Q. M. Miscellaneous. 1900. W. No. 3. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Co lumbia. Between The Western Canadian Ranching Company, Limited, and Reduced. Plaintiffs, and Benjamin Van VOlkenburgh, Allan Richfield Cameron and James Jackson. Defendants To James Jackson, of Portland, Or.: Take notice that the Western Canadian Ranching Company, Limited, and reduced, a company having Its head office In British Co lumbia, at No. 40 Government street, Vic toria, British Columbia, has commenced an action against Benjamin Van Volkenburgh, Allan Richfield Cameron and you, James Jackson, In tho supremo court of British Co lumbia, by writ of that court, dated the 29th day of January, A. D. 1900, which said writ Is indorsed as follows: "The plaintiffs' claim is to have an account "taken of what is due to them for principal, "interest and costs upon the following mort "gages, that is to eay, "a. Mortgage dated the 14th day of Novem "ber, 1893. and made between the defendant "Van Volkenburgh of the one part and Wlll "lam Turple and George Stelly of tho other "part, which said mortgage was by indenture "dated the 24th day of October, 1894. as signed to the plaintiffs. "b. Mortgage dated the 3d day of March, "1694, and made between the defendant Van "Volkenburgh of the one part, and the British "Columbia Land & Investment Agency, "Limited, of tho other part, which said mort "gage was by Indenture dated the 10th day "of November, 1899. aBslgired to the plaintiffs "c .Mortgage dated tne sa day oi jiarcn, "A. D. 1894, made between the defendant "Van Volkenburgh of the one part, and the "British Columbia Land & Investment "Agency, Limited, of the other part, which "said mortgage was by indenture dated the "10th day of November, 1899. assigned to "the plaintiffs. "d. Chattel mortgage dated the 3d day of "March. A. D. 1894, made between the de fendant Van Volkenburgh of the one part, "and the British ColumDla Land & Invest "ment Agency, Limited, of the other part, "which said chattel mortgage was by Inden ture dated the 10th day of November, 1809, "assigned to the plaintiffs." "And that the said mortgages may bo "enforced by foreclosure."" "And the plaintiffs also claim to recover "possesion of lots 616 and 617, group 1, "Kamloopa Division of Yale District and Sec "tlon 25, Township Ten (10) Queen Charlotte "district In the Province of British Colum bia, being heredltamtnts described In the "first three above mentioned mortgages." And you are "required on or before the 1st day of March, A. D. 1900, to defend the said action by causing an appearance to be entered for you In the said court to the said action; and in default of your so doing, the said The Western Canadian Ranching Com pany, Limited, and reduced, may proceed therein and judgment may be given in jour absence. You may appear to the said, writ bjr enter ing ah. appearance personally, or by yOur solicitor, in the office of the registrar of this court at Victoria. B. C E. E. WOOTTON, Of the firm of McPhilllps, Wootton & Barnard. Bank of Montreal Chambers, corner of Bastion and Government sts., Victoria, B. C, whose address for serv ice is the same place, solicitor for the plaintiff company, whose head office in British Columbia Is No. 40 Government st, Victoria, B. C. In the Supreme Court of British Columbia- Victoria, Feb. 5th, 1000, Registry. Entered Vol. 21, Folio 762, 521900, W. P. M L. S. 60c IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Columbia In Chambers: Before the Honour able Mr. Jurtlce Martin, between The West ern Canadian Ranching Company, Limited, and reduced, plaintiff;?, and Benjamin Van Volkenburgh, Allan Richfield Camerdn and James Jackson, defendants, Thursday, the 1st day of February. 1900: Upon the application of the plaintiff com pany. Upon reading the affidavit of George Henry Barnard, sworn herein this day, and It ap pearing that the defendant Jackson Is absent and cannot be found to bo served with notice of the writ of summons herein, And upon hearing Mr. George Henry Bar nard of counsel for the plaintiff company. It Is ordered that the plaintiff company be at liberty to issue a concurrent writ of sum mons herein ahd to serve notice thereof out of the jurisdiction upon the defendant Jack son, And It Is further ordered that eervlce upon the defendant of notice of the said writ by publishing a copy of this order and such notice for two weeka In the Oregonlan news paper published in the city of Portland, Oregon, and by posting a copy of" this order and such notice in the office of the registrar of the supreme court at Victoria, and by serving a. copy of this vrder and such notice upon Mr. H. G. Hall, solicitor. Victoria, be deemed good and sufficient service of the said writ upon the defendant Jackson. And It Is further ordered that the defendant Jackson do enter an appearance to the said writ of summons in the office of this court at Victoria. British Columbia, on or before the first day of March. A D. 1900. And it to further ordered that the costs of this application be costs In the cauee. "B. H. T. D." "ARCHER MARTIN. J." STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING THE ANNUAL meeting of etockhoidera of the Baby Home will be held March 13. 19X at 2 o'clock P. St., In room 733 Marquam building, this city, for the purpose of hearing reports of officers, outlining work and. the election of a board o 15 directors, to serve the coming year. F. j. AKIN, Secretary. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Agricultural Implements, Machinery EDWARD HUGHES: WAGONS. CARRIAGBS and farm machinery of all kinds. 190 Front RUSSELL & CO ENGINE3, BOTT.F.RS. SAW mills, threshers, horse-po-wers; 324 Belmont JOHN POOLE; Newton wagons, buggies, wlad mllis, pumps, machinery. Foot Morrison st Amusement Resorts. Edison's Star Photicon Parlors, 272, Morrlean. 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. Ladles, gents, children. Art Goods and Picture Frames. BERNSTEIN'S ART STORE, 307 WASHING ton st; great clearance sale, special bargains. Assurers and Analysts. J. H. FISK. MINERAL ASSAYER AND chemist; gold dust bought. 204 Washington. PAUL BAUMEL, ASSAYER AND ANALYST. Gold dust bought 22S Stark jo. PORTLAND AS3AY OFFICE. 22S Stark st As saying and analytical wurk. Gold dust bought Attorneys. H..K. SARGENT; general practice; notary. Phone Hood 832. 718 Cnamber of Commerce. JEFFREYS & WHITE, attorneys-at-law. prac tice in all courts. 420 Commercial block. E. W. BINGHAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rfc movel to 61 Union block Portland. GEO. W. HAZEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 6C9 611 Chamber of Commerce building. PIPES & TIFFT. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, 708- 711 Chamber of Commerce. Bakeries. U. S. Bakery, Matschlner Bros., preps.; breads, cakes, pies, pastry anil crackers. 101 N. lth, cor. Flanders. Barber Shops. HOWARD'S BARBER SHOP; FINEST BRANU cigars; 9 expert workmen. 206 ASlcr st Baths. DEKUM Bathrooms: popular baths, massage, electricity. 714-15-16 Dekum. Phone Red 845. Book Stores. New- and second-hand school and oOer books. 203 Morrison et. betwetn First and Front Card Writing. Elegant society cards, any s'yle, 25c per doz. 4 doz., 75c. H. Ennis, lieier & Frank's. Carpenters and Uallilers. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter, builder; office and store Hxtures. Ore. tel. 747. 285 Stark. Chinese Medicines. Dr. Blng Chong, 191 2d st; Chinese root medi cines cure all diseases. Examination tree. Cracker Factories. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., mfrs. biscuits, crack ers, ship bread, confectionery, lltn and Davis. Curled-Hnir Manufacturers. Portland Curled-Hair Factory, H. Metzger, pro prietor, manufacturer curled hair and genuine curled-hair mattresses. 22U-223 Fiont si. Bow phenes. Cornices Sky lights. METAL SKYLIGHTS, GALVANIZED IRON cornices, j. J. uayer, 203 second streeu Creameries. WASHINGTON CREAMERY; PURE BUTTER, cream; bakery goods. Both phuiies. G. G. Mayger. 429 Washington. Chiropodists. L. MITCHELL. EXPERT CHIROPODIST, OF ncc 1G0 5th et., opp. uostomce. Tel. Hood U14. . Mlfia Dart, chiropody and manicuring, room 50 I i?i uik w.mi o. i, n a , . v -r Union block, 1st and Stark. 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Clairvoyant. ALWAYS Consult the Best! P-rtOFESbOK KING. The Future Can Be Foretold. This strange and wonderful man la gradu ally but surely turning tne tide of ukepuckan. Asking no questions, lit; teua jour in full, your occupation, whom and when you will marry. If marriage, sickness, denchs, changes, trav els, divorces, separations, lawsuits, Dusinass transactions, wins, ueeus, mortgages, lost or absent friends interest you, If you desire to be more successtul. If you oesire to have your domestic trouble removed, your lost love re turned, your enemies converted Into utanch fritnos in a. wore, wnatever may be your troubles, suspicions or desires, call on this Wunuerxul glited man he will point cut and snow you how to overcome all obstacles tnat keep you from happiness and silccete. Hours: 9. A. Ji. to 8 P. -n. ItiW .Cast Park Street Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER, PURCHASER OP hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, talluw, old rubber and old metal, and general commlsion merchant, FrGnt st, near Main, i-ortiand. Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., SHIP BROKERd and commission merchants, Sherlock building. Portland, Or. W. N. Sayre & Co., commission & produce mer chants; advances on consignments. 146 Front ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duco merchants. Front & l) sts., Portland, Or. D. F. Wagner & Co., brokerage and commission; canned goods, dried fruits, etc. 203 Wash. st. EVBRD1NG & FARRELL, commission, butter, eggs, chickens and farm produce. Portland. H. TUKE & CO.. 234 FRONT: FLOUR. HAY, produce, feed and groceries. Dentists. HENRY P. O'CONNOR. D. M. D., 602 MAR quam building, Morrison st, bet 6th and 7th. DR. C. B. BROWN; tel. Ore. Red 2846; rea. White 634. 514-15-16 Dekum building. Dental Supplies. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO., Cor. Fourth and Washington sts. Dressmaking. MRS. SADIE A. McKIBBEN, MODISTE; FINE evening and street costumes a specialty. TeL Scott 701. 372 East Morrison. MISS HAWKINS. LADIES' TAILOR AND dressmaker; good fit guaranteed. 424 Wash. Dyeing" and Cleaning. H. W. TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER AND cleaner. 301 17th. Telephone Red 131. Educational. Mrs. G. Smythe. late of Royal Acadamy, Lon don, Eng., will receive pupils for stage course, elocution and music; Btage practice; club rates reduced. A. O. U. W. bldg., studjo 17 and 18. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE, Fifth and Yamhill; A. P. Armstrong, Prin., J. A. Wescc, Sec Open all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free HOLMES' ENGLISH AND BUSINESS COLr lege. 414 Yamhill st Engllsn course; com mercial and shorthand courses. Send for cat alogue PRIVATE LESSONS GIVEN IN SHORT hand; Graham sya'em, M L M 43, Oregonlan. ALL ENGLISH BRANCHES TAUGHT; teach ers prepared for examination. 361 Yamhill. Electric Belts. DR. SCHRAMBCK'S ELECTRIC BELTS ARE the best, examine $5 belts. 270 Front st Fence and Wire Works. PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS: WIRE and iron fencing, office railing, etc 334 Aider. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works; A. Carlson, 289 East Morrison st Fraternal Insurance. You don't have to die to win. In Ancient Ordei Red Cross. Fraternal Insurance. D. C. Rog ers, 290 Morrison, will tell jou how. Write or call. Deputies wanted; liberal terms. Grocers. J. L. HAYSETH & SON, SUCCESSORS TO Nelson, staple and fancy groceries. 455 Wash. HuriioH and Saddles. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO., HAR ness and sole leather, saddlery, hardware, find ings and shoe store supplies, 73 Front st THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO. WHOLE sale laddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front at Insurance. HAMBURG - BREMEN FIRE INS. CO.. 102 First st Boyd & Arnold. General Agents. Eugene D. White & Co.. Agts. German Alliance Fire Insurance Co.. 420 Commercial Jblock. TREMQNT HOUSE; newly furnished rooms, $1.50 aWeek up. J. E. Clark. 343 Everett: BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Iron Founders and Machinists. Smith & Watson Iron Works: engines and boil ers, logging engines a specially, quarts and saw mills: misc. machinery. Front arid Han. Willamette Iron & Steel Works; James Lotan. rngr.: Iron-workers, steamboat hWra. Portland. Iron Founders aad Machinists. CITY FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOPS. J. Hoaeyman Co., engines, boilers, saw mHts and mining machinery. 391 Front st ' Ladder Works. LADDERS OF ALL KINDS. AND KITCHEN conveniences. Cor. East Sixth and Oak. Leather Findings. J. A. REID. mfr. boot and sboe uppers; tajl stock shoemakers' supplies 20T WaoMfegion st. Llauor and Toliacco Institute. Keeley Institute. 314 8th. cures Hquor, opium and tobacco addietions. No other m state. Marble and Granite Works. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS; marMe. gran ite and stone work. Schanen & Neu. 283 1st Mldwlvea. MRS. EHL, GPADUATE MIDWIFE. North 14th st. Telephone Wcet 667. 121 Miningr Investments. COPPER AND GOLD 25.000 SHARES TREA5 ury stock (first issue) Oregon Exploration & Development Co. now offered to the puwioj Price uf shares, terms and plan of work as outlined by executive committee made known on application. Later Issues of these shares will command a premium. Negotiations for Falo of properties now under way insure largo dividends to stockholders. Thla means Income-paying stock. Printed matter, etc write E. A. Clem & Co.. 515 and 516 OrewwiUn building. Portland. Or. Phone Red 2S22. SUMPTER CONSOHIDATED VIGOROUS AND systematic development work arranged for. This fine property located just acroso Cracker creek from the famous North Pole mine; right up among the YAg producers. W.000 ehares treasury stock (first Issue) secured for our clients at $20 per thousand. Rapid rise In values safely counted on. This will be a second Free Coinage. Applications Sled In their order. E. A. Clem 4 Co., 515 and 516 Oregonlan building. Phone Red 2822. SUMPTER GOLD FIELDS CAREFULLY Se lected treasury stock In active properties In this rich mineral belt yield' big profits on the original cost Safety Deposit shares. 60c; Paymaster, 5c, Black Cat Free Gold, So: Silver Star. 2c. All these properties are work ing, and are safe Investments. Maps, printed matter and information, write E. A. Clem Co.. 515 and 516 Oregonlan building. Port land. Or. Phone Red 2822. FOR SALJ3-10.000 SHARES OF TREASURY stock of the Alice Gold Mining Co., at 10c per ehare; non-asseesable, finest showing of any property In Chewelah mining district Call and see me about It if you would like to Invest In mining property or mining stocks. J. F. Nylander, Grand Central station, city. SUMPTER MINES, Developed and undeveloped claims for sale. We can give you the most reliable Investments In mines. Keystone Belle. 10c; Ohio, 26c; Diadem, now 10c. will advance to 25c Feb. 20, now shipping ore. DAWSON - McDOWELL Co., 41 Sherlock building. Portland. Weatherby-Eonanza has fully equipped stamp mill; good record as a producer; four parallel veins, of high-grade ore; 2000 feet develop ment work. Small block stock for sale. E. A. Clem & Co., 515-51G Oregonlan bldg., Portland. Rebecca Extension stock for sale, 5c share; will make you good money; will advance rap Idly. W. H. Sherrod & Co.. 319" Cham, of Com. JAMES M. COLE & CO.. Baker City. Mines bought, sold, developed. Special bargains in Sumpter quartz claims for sale. MlnlnR- Machinery. TATUM & BOWEN. 29 TO 35 FIRST ST.; mining, sawmill, wood - working machinery; pumps. Hoe saws. Medical. DR. PAUL CRi .WELL. THE GREAT COL ored specialist of all kinds of diseases of both men and women. Every disease of the human body. Eyes, ear3, ccnsumpt, a3thma, ca tarrh, cancer, wens and ait other chronle dis eaee positively cured. The doctor can be seen at his new sanitarium. 171 Green ave., 23d and Washington. Dr. Flora A. Brown; dlEeass of women and children a specialty. Consultation and diag nosis free. 517-518 Tho Dekum, Portland, Or. Greek Rheumatic Specific-, guaranteed to enre rheumatism. L. T. Lewis, 252 Washington. Musical. Violin, viola, cornet lessors; music furnished: Italian strings and old violins for sale. Emit Thlelhorn, M. P. S. Orch., 269 Jefferson. Tei. West 1004. PROF. VAILLANT DE LA CROIX, FORMER ly baritone of grand opera, wants talented pupils to prepare for opera; Goodnough bldg. Lessons 50c; piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vio lin, instruments for sale. Mrs. Martin. 104 1st PIANO. ORGAN AND VOCAL INSTRUCTION. Mrs. Mclntyre, 253 Sixth st. cor. Madison. Massage. "THE SNOWDEN" BATHROOMS KB opened at 131 14th st ; formerly "The Nel son"; tub and vapor baths, massage. Tel. Red 421. LADY OF LOS ANGELES. VAPOR BATHS and massage. 203 StarK st. room 23. Osteopathy. TREATMENT W. A. ROGERS. OSTEOPATH. Marquam building, rooms 532-533-534. Hours. 9-12 A. M., 2-5 P. M. Phone Main 27. Call and investigate our method of treat ment Consultation and examination free. DRS. NORTHRUP & ALKIRE, osteopathists, rooms 415-10-17 Dekum block. Oregon phone Main 349. Lady csteopathlst Examination free. DR. L. B. SMITH, PIONEER OSTEOPATH, suite 409 Oregonlan building. Phone Oak 421. Oregon Viavi Company. Lewis bldg.. Park and Morrison. Free, Healtn lectures to women Thursday, at 2:20 P. M. Paper-Box Factories. OREGON PAPER -BOX FACTORY; MFG. paper boxes of all descriptions. 170 Second. Palmistry. MAKE A PRINT FROM SMOKED PAPER of both hands, and send by mall, with SOC to a scientific palmist, and receive a eorreet reading of your lite. Mrs. L. F. Delano, sta tion A. Portland, Or. MIsi Marie White, scientific palmist, reads past and future correctly. Lewis bldg., room, 6S. Patents. T. J. GEISLER, 610-611 CHAMBER OF COM. Registered attorney U. S. patent office. Photographers. If you wish fine portraits, call on Churchley. Wf.rk guaranteed, prices reasonable. 145 3d. Photographic Supplies. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. WHOLESALE and retail, cor. Fourth and Washington. Real Estate, Loans and Rentals. ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD & CO.; E3TAB lished 18CO. 227 Stark st Private Hospitals. Godden Private Hospital, 211 Sherman; cancer, catarrh, etc, cured one month: guaranteed treatment: $1; lovely home for ladles during confinement Restaurants ST. CHARLES RESTAURANT; MEALS, 25c. short orders; white labor. D. E. Altenburg. 206 Morrison. Slrouse'o Cafe; best 25c meal, famous coffee and cake. 10c 222 Washington, bet 1st and 2d. Strouse's Cafe: beat 25c meal; famous coffee and cake, 10c 222 Washington, bet 1st and 2d. Riding Clubs. The Portland Riding Club, fine livery, saddle horses a specialty. Park and Jefferson. Safes. SAFES. SAFES, BANK WORK. LOCK DEP"T. opening lockouts, repairs. J. E. Dsvts. 66 3d. Saw Mill Machinery. Cbristensen-McMaster Machinery Co.; new and second-hand machinery. E. Water ft E Tcr'tr. Second-Hand Goods. We buy everything, clothlr?. furniture, etc Call or address 52 Third st Telephone Hood 665. Storage. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE. Fourth and Davis. Merchandise a specialty. Insurance rates low; storage rates reasonable. Careful attention giTen to country edBsizn ments; TeL Or. Majn 777: Columbia 076. BUSINESS DOUSCTWRY. Showcase aad Sre Fixtures. DIXON. BOROBSON & CO. FMOKT AND WaiOvtBgtea st. Storasc aad Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS. FURNITURE AND First packed for shipping. C M. Otsaa. TeL office. Mam 10S7; Black Ml. STORAGE AT LOW RATES at Fred Bicker's atorehoaae. 31 IfHJ rtS IfwL HAp Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE. RELIABLE CLADaVOTANT and pay chic life-reader, commit har on bust sdd affair, love troaMeo. aWxsat friends: good advlee an mines, nadlng daily. Ode aoX up. 187 First stroet office 7 ami 8. MRS. BL3IS RBTNOLDB; MATnVUA&JZI.NGt seance Wadnoodaj. Thursday asm Fi Friday evenings only LsKvew Sararday. MRS. C CORNELIUS. TEST MEDIUM: ITT ticgo dally. Alteky bhig.. Third and Mania as.. MRS. J. A SMITH, medians asm healer, room OrovHIo, MRS. STEVENS. Psychic immjtatfqn wiattma. 25c Sittings daily, Me up. S Dnam M. Blrie Rerflohte; matarlanalne nanaaaw land., Tww.. Frld.. $1; ladies. 89c 4S1 9M. ' LARSEN. THE PALMIST: SClEMfgW readtnge, Ste. 366 First ear. JuKSisan. Syrup ReMners. vran l MmShVbC turinf grocers, both iiliuMW. B. Ahfar jiarnoon. Wall Paper and Fain 2L. STROWBRlDGR PAINT ft OtL- Cat; paper, sash, doors, feauders har Grand ave. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN ft LEWIS. WHOLESALE CHWCPM. cor. N. Front aad Davis sis.. Parlland. Cr. Wholesale Drasxrlata. WOODARD, CLARKE A CO. W1fOCrisSA3 druggists, corner Fourth aad WaaalwgiaB, Wood and Coal. OAK WOOD. $4.7. ?AWBD FIE. Nlekam. 342 Water. Both phanes. $.i- FINANCIAL. $200,000 TO LOAN AT S. . 7 THE CBMU City and suburban property for sale sad Mat. Agent for Westchester Fire laouraaeai Co, Wm. G. Beck. 321 Morrleon st MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FHOX S TO t&eu, on ait classes ot security, jt. j. jan son & Co.. room 5 Washington swildlna,. ANY AMOUNT LOANEU OK FUKOTfTXS; pianos, real estate and all kinds of jaamttjv C. H. Thompson 128 3d st Phone Mala 4SL $2600 MORTGAGE FOR SALE. FTTE TEARS, 6 per cent, flrst-olass sorority, ahstract lar ntohed. Address F M. French, Albany. Or. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 per coat tarn or any property, u. J. amiin, 944 en. of ' LOANS on chattels or salaries: low as saWsi strictly private, see as nrst. 804 The Pataaa. MONEY TO LOAN. 1 HARTMAN. THOMPSON ft POWDERS. ' 3 Chamber of Commerao. LOANS IN LARGE OR SMALL AMOUNT thi Portland or outside real aetata. 3& A Shiatsu building. MONEY TO LOAN on furniture ar osad aeaaeV tles. S. W. Kmg. room 45 Waeh>w MaW. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF laV ouriry. Wra. Hoil, room Waphhigtaa hatg. LOANS en real personal, chattel or salary se curity. C W. Pallett K CammcrahU Meek. Loans on htcyeles. pianos and personal ty. W. A. Hathaway, room IS Waalu LOANS; FURNITURE PIANO. ETC . LOW rates, private party. 318 Allatty hwttolMg; $5000 to J20CO to responsible parttee. tmaaoasd city real property, 6 per cent 364 Ch. Coat LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY OK FTTJWI ture. pianos, salaries, etc Cm he aatt hi r Installments, redueins; Interest Ratea lower than the lowest F W Graves. Mgr.. 388 Alder near 4th ground floor Tei. Oveaa 444. BUSINESS CHANCKS. Parties wasted with some capital to Iimst In tare-pay las proposition, come and hreaJnae for yourself Call on Wm. Hoil. mom W Washington building, cor. 4th and Wash. OLD - ESTABLISHED BUSINBSrriXTOttXa $15,000 to lfc.600; want to retire from fcuai ness. B 53. care Oregonlan. FOR SALE DRUG 3TORB IN RIDDLE, Oft; stock $800. cash sales $848 Addreae P. 18, care Oregonlan. FOR LEASE NEW GREENHOUSE AND grounds; centrally located. Ira. B. Stavgse, Baker City, Or. CONFECTIONERY. CIGARS AND TOBACCO house. 2 living rooms, for sals, ehean. 431 Morrison. FOR SALE 10-room houee. nowly fwrafehed; full roomers. SSCfl. Address B g. OreaaaMa, RANKS. SAVINGS BANK PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 16C THIRD STREET. Money to lean on mortgage. A general trust aad agency buatnoaa traaoaa BENJ. I. CUHJ9M H. L. PITTOCK. A. S. NICHOLS VI E. J. ALTSTOCK. J. O. GOLTXA... FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND Oft Designated Depositary aed Financial Agent at the United States. President -H." W. COHBttTT Cashier G. E. WITKJNOTON Assistant Cashier -...J. W. NEWJUEK Second Assistant Cashier W. C. ALYOstP Letters of credit Issued, avaUaWo m HaaOpo and the Eastern states. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York,. Boston. Ctneaga. St Ltmlet St Paul. Omaha. San Francisco aad the prmaipai points in the Northwest Sight and time bills drawn in same to salt, oa London. Parte. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Jsam, Hong Kong. Yokohama. Copenhagen, Chrtsttaaht, Stockholm. St Petersburg, Moscow. Zurich. Hon olulu. Collections made on favorable terms. LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 198. Transact a General Banking BaahMes. v Interest allowed on time deooalts. Collections made at all points on tewotahia terms. Letters of credit issued available mv, Eu rope and the Eastern states. BJsht Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers aeht on New York. Washington. Chicago. St Loum. Denver. Omaha, San Francisco and various points In Oregon. Washington. Idaho, Montana aad British Columbia. Exchange sold on London. Paris, Berita. Frankfort and Hong Kong. WELLS. FARGO & CO. BANK CASH CAPITAD-AND SURPLUS.. JOHN J. VALENTINE 1 HOMER S. KINO ACptR (San Fraacfeco.) R. M. DOOLKY ..... H. G. HANLEY ASSISTANT (Portland.) General Banking Buaineaa transected. D3Vx- I change sold, and Letters of Credit toewed. avali- aote in au pans 01 tne werm. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON. T. FRANK WATSON PsisMeiK H. J- ULKiiAa . yjce-t R.W. HOYT GEO.W. HOYT A TRANSACTS A GENERAL BJ BUSINESS. Interest paid on time deposits. Drafts and tetters of credit Issued. avamWe la all parts of the worm. Collections a specialty. Gold dast hough. -LONDON" AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK LIMITED. CAPITAL PAID UP $t6eft Head Office. 73 Lombard street, T.m.laa, This bank transacts a general baafcfag -MM ex change business, maheo loan, dlscoana? kens aad Issues commercial and travelers' credits, avail able In any city In the world. Chamber of Commer butlahre. Third and Stark streets. W. MACKINTOSH. Maaaai AINSWORTH NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, cor Third and Oak sts. J. C. AINSWORTH. Pres., W. W. PHHJdr3. Cashier. Transacts a General Banking Business. Bxebange bought and sold oa ah the arhaasssl cities In Europe. Abo tactUtles tor.ariegraafcla transfers. Collections made oa avaraMe taw on all accessible points. SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT Connected with the bank. Sates rented -oa easy terms. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BAN Transacts a General Baahtes Pastnesai -Drafts issued available hi all esUfts of the United States aad Karoaa, President TYLER WOORWAEn Vice-President JACOB jgAMM Cashier -F. C MS&LZK BANK OF BRITKK COLUMWA PAID-UP CAPITAL 1300000 RESERVE TO tea Head OSae, 69 Lombard street. London. Com'I Week. 244 Washington st Pirt anl R. LEA BARXE3. Manaief.'