Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 21, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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Ansftemeati Tealsbt.
COKDRAY B TfOEA.,nCR-"To Jefcasoa."
Last Dat or OfiAOE. Tbte le ttie last
d& of grace allowed to non-reatdent pu
pils ut the public schools in which to pay
up, unless they Ue application with, the
school board for free tuition. They we
then allowed to attend school until the
board acts on their applications, which.
In the present caae. will not be vattl a
woe-k from next Monday evening. There
are airtady over a score of applications
ir. Clerk Allen' poaceoeion and more are
coixung In every v. A. while back, Di
rector Warren procured some Interesting
Lgires as to the amount of free tattion
being granted. He found there are lei
pupils who should be paid for but who
are not, and which would aggregate a
toU. of O'ser $4M a year to the district
Thirty -two of those pupils are at the
iilgh school, making the amount due from
tWt eaiool alone W0 a year. Mr. War
ren oues not expect all these scholars to
continue with their studies under the new
ruie, but he thinks that between $1600
ajid $2000 will be collected, and that the
eroded condition of some of the schools
wlil Le partly relieved, which te what the
board most desires.
WiuL. Rbfumd Double Lkjwb. At a
!n-llng of the liquor Moenee and gen
eral license oomantteee yesterday the pe
linuja of seven liquor dealers for the re
turn of wholesale Hquor license paid by
tlxm were considered, and it was reoora
nKiiued that the money be returned. It
vr.. be remembered that heretofore re
tail liquor dealers paid $400 per annum li
cense &n& wholesale liquor dealers paid
2"0 per annum Hcenee. A retailer who
SLr.d liquor in quantities of over a gal
lon was required to pay the wholesale
lin.-n&a as well as the retail, and a
wlwloeale dealer who sold liquor In quan
tises less than a gallon was required to
pay the retail license as well as the
whleale. This caused general dlssat
lf m i. on but seven dealers paid both li
censes. Then the council passed an or
dinance requiring alt dealers In liquors to
pay a flat license of M per annum
Tlne who had. paid the two licenses
then ptitioned to have the wholesale 11
coiso returned, and the repayment of the
lu'irse has been recommended.
W i Li Meet Todat. There being no
quorum present at the meeting of the
wutPT committee, J. C Oarson was eieot
rd temporary chairman, and. on motion of
Mr, T-al the meeting adjourned till 3
c Lock this afternoon. An ordinance reg
Ai ng the use of electricity In the city
of Portland and to protect water and gas
I i s and other structures In the city from
H ii effects thereof was ready to be laid
t fre the committee had there been a
( i i-urn. It was Informally examined and
cs us-ed at some length by those pres
ent. Such ordinances are In effect in
mart cities, and in some it is usual, when
a franchise for an electric railway Is ap
r id for, to embody In the franchise or
d nance a proveion that the company will
adopt such means and appliances as will
precnt injury to pipes, ete.
I'nitarian Social. TJkiok. The Unltar
Lu church has organised a "social un
I n " which is to meet on the third Wed
nesday evening of February, March,
April and May. The first meeting will
bo held this evening in the chapel of the
c'mrch. During the first hour, from $
to 9 o clock, a programme of music will
bo ghen by some of the best artists In
the ilty, The music will begin promptly
at 8 o clock. Following the programme,
re freshments will be served, and a so
cial hour will be passed. All persons di
re tly or Indirectly connected with the
church are entitled to membership In the
o' ganisation upon the payment of 58 cents
Cor a season ticket.
School BuiLOtHa Accbptbd. The South
Portland school bulkMng was formally ac
c i W'd yesterday, and the school will be
(lined today. Principal W. C. Alderson
and. Assistant Teachers Mrs. J. M Pot
ter and Lillian Fay will be in charge,
&i d between MO and 190 pupils will be
present. The opening of the school has
b en delayed two days by some scruples
of the board's architect about accepting
tfio building on account of cracks In the
rs. These scruples nave been dis
posed of in some way, as It appears that
tin re Is no danger of the pupils falling
ti rough the cracks In the floors.
YAX.LET Burglar Arrsstbd, Sheriff W.
W, Withers, of Lane county, reached
Portland last evening in charge of Peter
M' Donald, whom he brought from Taco
rna. McDonald Is charged with robbing
a jt welry store at Junction City January
IT lit" had disposed of some of the stolen
ai'kins at Tacoma when arrested by the
vjffic rs there, and the evidence is con
coiisk'ered strong against him. He Is
an cx-convlct, having served live years
tt "Walla Walla for burglary committed
In the state of Washington. Sheriff
Ti there will leave for Eugene with, his
ir'- ner this morning.
A OoRRBscmox. A typographical error
In a piano advertisement of the Wiley B.
A Company, published in The Oregon
I made one line read "Kimball, new,
? ( ' It should have read "Kimball.
r ir'j new, 9HK" The mistake brought a
r.uTiLHr of people to Mr. Allen's store
. ous to purchase a new piano at such
a r diculously low price, and it required
a 1 of Mr. Allen's well-known tact to
c jivoe the Intending purchasers that
t rrror was due to a defective piece of
V :he figure T not being touched
1 the Ink roller.
3Ims Nw &. Tfce TSty &
.. niban Railway Company received, yes
t : from Cincinnati a 46-horepower
t. "j --; -engine, which will be installed at
c i t inman, Pouleen A Co.'s mill. The
r i machinery arrived set up, and
v ' i vi position and in operation wtth
f .v vix'ks. perhaps sooner. The addl
t of this engine will Increase the power
' V- mmpany about one-third and will
e to keep up the service on the dty
, v j he 9everal subwhan Mnes to the very
I -. tate of dftcleMcy.
Ij xi re ok AXCnKT JBvttt. Through
t'. (. r rte of a friend of St. Helen's hall.
c. ' aue on "Ancient Kgj'pt," with II
1 'v ..'us by meant: of stereopticon
v - 1 be given In the large study
. '. ' ' that Institution Friday evening,
I" 'I't fv 23. at S. The lecturer. Rev. G.
M J j v formerlr on the faculty of the
l t".y of Toronto. Is thoroughly con-
" with Ms theme, and Is concise
rr 1 & ho u-ly In style. This lecture is
v, n to the friends and patrons of the
1Imes for CnuNW.-The Oregon Chll-
T. s II.. me Society desires to secure
7-ot,s for the following children: Five
bi'Mjs from 2 months to t years; one
l"l ears one boy S yeans; two boys
9 -v irs one girl S years; one girl 7
y.virs and one 15 years. Letters of ln
c u r conoerninic theee children sent to
I F Tbey. Marquam buiMMng. wilt re
. e prompt attention.
iJolf CoMPErrnoK Tomorrew. Wash
ing ou s birthday, several events will come
o" at the Waverly Club's links. In the
rv.m rg there will be single handicap
c rt p tition and in the afternoon foursome,
1 h for men and mixed couples. A team
is to In- present from Tacoma, consisting
c Mi-r? Eberley, Griggs and Baker.
p. -It -will add verj- much to the la-t-
r. st
Bible LsamoMa. Captain James Stliott,
coromunding the Volunteers f Amerioa,
13 ginng a series of Bible leseonc everj
e ening this week at 8 o'clock In the Ar
jikv 24 and M North Second street. Sub
jiHt Second Coming of Chrisc" All are
The finest and most gorgeous Fraeer
rive-r and Northern baskets ever brought
tv Portland on eKhtfaitton at Mrs. Froh
rnar s basttet-rooma. Connoisseurs and
fa' oiers of fine art invited to call, in
Thirteenth, oarner Washington.
Dont forget the Mtatrecht masquerade
at Turn Batte February , t P. M.
"Wok BAcar" seats on sale at the Mar
quam box otto todaf.
Grbat Sphinq Demand for Labor.
As spring approaches the demand for la
boring men Increases In Portland, and em
ployment agencies are kept busy sending
help to various enterprises in the Interior.
Logging camps are opening up, farmers
are getting at their spring work and
railroad building needs hundreds of hands.
Men are being sent at present to Sher
man oounty to work on the Columbia
Southern; to Springfield to assist In the
construction of the Mohawk-river branch
and to Hood River, where the O. R. &
J. Co. has still lots of work to do straight
ening curves and improving Rs roadbed.
More hands will. It Is thought, be needed
this summer, as the road from Hllgard
to Granite, in Eastern Oregon, will be
put through and also the road from
Klamathon, Cal., to Klamath Falls, Or.
The demand for worklngmen, which has
been good In the Northwest for the past
two years, will not cease In the year
ma. On the contrary, all signs point to
an Increase.
Oil Dealers Will be Licensed. Li
cense Officer Beach states that there is
as yet no new law in regard to dealers In
coal oil paying license. Those who com
plain that they have never paid such li
cense and da not see why they should do
bo now 'are Informed that they should
have been paying license every quarter
for years If they have kept 100 gallons or
over in store. It is found on examina
tion that many more grocers and others
have been carrying 200 or more gallons
of oil In store, and now that they And
the license law is to be enforced they are
taking in 96 gallons of oil at a time. It
is proposed to place a small license on
all dealers In coal oil and increase It ac
cording to the amount kept on hand.
Five Alcohol Fiends. Five hobos,
whom the police consider alcohol fiends,
have been added to the list of guests at
the county Jail, where they were sent
for 50 days each by Judge Hennessy yes
terday for trespass. They had taken pos
session of the Scandla house, and the
proprietor found it necessary to call the
police in to expel them. They all pleaded
guilty, evidently In the hope of obtaining
food and shelter for a long time.
Sevhnth - Ward Republicans. The
newly organized republican club of the
seventh ward will hold a meeting at Hob
kirk's hall this evening to elect officers.
Everybody Is Invited to be present and
to join the club.
Engagement of the Frawleys.
The sale of seats for the Frawley en
gagement opened at Cordray's theater
yesterday morning with a rush. There
was a line at the box office nearly all
day, and the Indications are the engage
ment .of this favorite organization will
be the banner one of the season. The
arrangement of prices appeared to suit all
classes, ranging as It does from 25 cents
upstairs, to 75 cents In the orchestra. As
already announced, the opening play will
be the famous English and New Tork
success, "The Sporting Duchess." It is
a racing drama in 13 scenes, all of which
are carried by the company. "The Sport
ing Duchess" will run until Thursday
night, when the Augusin Daly comedy,
"The Countess Gucki," will be presented
for the remainder of the week. This is
one of the most popular and charming
plays ever presented at Daly's theater.
It was written by Franz von Schouthan,
the distinguished German dramatist, and
was dedicated to Miss Ada Rehan. It was
adapted for the American (public by the
late Augustln Daly, and the Pacific coast
rights to It were purchased one year ago
by T. Daniel Frawley.
"The Sporting Duchess," more than any
other play In the Frawley repertoire,
brings out the full strength of the com
pany. Miss Keith Wakeman, the new lead
ing lady, whom Mr. Frawley brought from
London, will be seen as the Duchess of
Wllford, the "sporting duchess." Miss
Mary van Buren, whom the San Francisco
theater-goers made such a fuss over, will
play the villaineas, Vivian Darcvllle; Miss
Marion Barney will play the Countess
Desfrorough; Harrington Reynolds will
play Major Mostyn; Francis Byene, the
Earl of Desborough, and Mr. Frawley
will be seen In the small role of the old
trainer, Joe Aylmer. There will be a rep
resentation of the Derby race, with gen
uine thoroughbreds, jockeys, etc
"Cleopatra" and "Ln Tosca."
During their engegement at the Mar
quam for three nights and Wednesday
matinee, beginning next Monday evening,
Blanche Walsh and Melbourne MacDowell
will present Sardou's great plays, "Cleo
patra" and "La Tosca." The company will
be a strong one, having been carefully
selected for the roles In which they are to
appear, and the productions will be on
a scale of magnificence. The costuming of
each play has been carefully renewed. The
advance sale of seats and boxes begins
Friday morning. Owing to the extreme
length and stupendous production of "Cleo
patra," curtain will rise at 8 and 2 P. M.
Colored CnrnivnI.
Another lively feature added to the at
tractions of the black carnival at the Ex
position Saturday night will be a Chinese
combat between Lew Blng and Ling Lao.
These two Celestials were engaged yester
day by Manager Sullivan to appear the
night of the carnival, and will undoubt
edly be an entertaining feature of the
programme. Johnson Carter and lady
partner, from. Seattle, are giving local
artists In the Cakewalk much concern.
They are the only entries from the out
side that Portland cakewalkers regard
with any degree of apprehension.
Said Shortly and Quietly.
PORTLAND. Feb. 20. (To the Editor.)
Some days since a letter appeared in the
columns of your paper, anent the Boer
question In South Africa, and which let
ter reflected, or appeared to reflect, In a
measure on Americans of German and
Irish birth. At the time of Its issue I
happened to be absent from the city, but
as It has been generally circulated around
town that I am the author of the letter
above referred to. which was signed
"Common Sense," I take this opportunity
to state that the afore-mentloned letter
was not written by me nor had I any
thing to do with It whatever. I have al
ways held It to be a sound maxim that
"people who live In glass houses have no
right to throw stones." I also know that
It is a useless piece of business to take
up valuable newspaper space to thresh
out a controversy relating to national
differences of people who do not belong
to the same race; hence I take It as an
Insult to common sense to even enter
Into a paper war of this nature. The
merits of the war now raging In South
Africa cannot be judged of in the present
day. History, In due course, will settle
this point, and as no authentic history
will be forthcoming until all the actors
of the present day are far beyond the
reach of criticism. It must necessarily
follow that It Is useless for us to Involve
ourselves in brawls that do not concern
us. Personally, I will state, and I state
It without fear or favor, that Britain will
not do anything In this war that will
reflect against her. A country that has
set the example of civil and religious lib
erty to the whole world can harcHy afford
to play the petty tyrant with the South
African, republics at this day.
i e
Grand-Avenue Bridge.
Grand-avenue bridge across Sullivan's
gulch, which has been closed since the
railway accident, will be opened to the
public today. The repairs to the structure
were practically completed last evening.
Some boards on the side railings are
needed, and the repairs will be finished.
The bridge is In better condition than
before the accident. The demolished tim
ber have been replaced with new ones
and the surface has been leveled up.
i 9
If you have never used Carter's Little
Liver Pins, go at once to the nearest
ante store and get a vial. They will
I surely please you. Don't forget this.
Formal Exercises of "Varied Charac
ter in the Buildings Provided
With. Assembly-Halls.
Washington's birthday will be commem
orated today In nearly all the public
schools by exercises extolling the father
of our country In verse and song. Sev
eral of the schools have arranged elab
orate programmes, on which much time
has been spent at rehearsals, and which
promise to surpass all previous efforts.
The Couch school has chosen this occa
sion formally to open its handsome li
brary, donated by the daughters of the
late Captain Couch, while the Brooklyn
school will give an entertainment this
evening for the benefit of their library,
at which quite a varied programme is
At Harrison-Street School.
At the Harrison-street school, two dis
tinct programmes will be rendered one
by the primary grades and one by tho
grammar grades. The flag drills promise
to bo the prettiest thing ever seen in the
school. Tho entertainment will begin
promptly at 1:15, and the following pro
gramme will be rendered:
Salute the flag.
Song "Columbus," assembly.
Recitation "Washington," Freddie
Flag song Henry Rummelln, Ray Kel
logg. Harry Nudelman, Jay McCloud,
Charles Newcastle, Edwin Harrle, Forrest
Sa-uvain, Lloyd Johnson, Louis Gentner,
Albert Levy, Severn Gray, Allen Sharon,
Harold Osman, Walter Krupke.
Ribbon drill Clara Fleishman, Nora
Killfeather, Fanny Robinson, Ray Swett,
Freda Bolhl, Gene Spencer, Hazel Rus
sell, Louise Osman, Margaret Harcus,
Zura Wroodard, Flora Walch. Florian
"Linklater, Frida Rohkan, Mildred Walsh,
Edna Thompson, Esther Soveransky, Jes
sie Wynn, Annie Nemerovsky, Sadie Cart
man, Elsa Goldsmith.
Recitation "Our Flag," Russell Hand-
George Washington oong Paul Kel
logg. Rhlnehart Braak, Walter Long,
Freddie Weltzen, Tommy Long, Jack
Horn, Harry Shank.
Motion song Assembly. i
Salute the flag.
Song "Flag of the Free," assembly.
Recitation "Washington's Birthday,"
David Robinson.
Pole drill Alouise Bradley, Esther
Smalles, Grace Rankin, Erma Maegly,
Bertha Masters, Grace Collier, Hazel Or
dermann, Elsa Wentzlngerode, Bernico
Stlmson, Clara Howell, Alice Rosenthal,
Beulah Morrin, Eveline Ijams, Lena Za
goren, Lila Church, Mary Catlln.
Recitation "Washington," Blanche De
lury. Flag drill Annie Burrell, Bess Sharon,
Grace Bartlett, Ethel Stemmer, Alma
Shemansky, Lorena Strauhal, Norma
Hummell, Elsie Garrett, Ethel Durham,
Vornie Kertdhen, Jessie Thompson, Le
oda Grebe, Lilith Blake, Mollle Robin
son, Alice Bayer, Monta Maegly.
Recitation "Tho National Flag," Sam
Song "Morning Invitation," assembly.
Conch School.
At the Couch school, a good programme
has been arranged for exercises, in con
nection with the opening of the school
library, commencing at 2:30. The library
was presented by Mrs. C. H. Lewis,
Mrs. R. B. Wilson and Miss Mary H.
Couch, daughters of the late Captain
Couoh, after whom the school was named.
This fine collection, together with the
books the school has accumulated during
the last few years, makes a total of 400
volumes, which Professor Burnham, the
principal, declares to be the best public
school library In tho state.
The exercises for this afternoon are as
Short selections on the value of books,
by pupils of the school.
A brief sketch of Captain Couch, by
Irene Hlgglns.
Song Duet, by two primary pupils.
Short historical stories, by pupils of
the ninth grade.
Song "America," by the school.
Brooklyn School.
Brooklyn school will give an entertain
ment this evening at Foss hall, corner of
Grand and Hawthorne avenues, commenc
ing at 8 o'clock. Following Is the pro
gramme: Piano duet "Medley of National Ais.",
Song "Pompey," first grade.
Cakewalk, second grade.
Callsthenlc drill, third grade. '
"Lullabye," fourth grade.
"Hatchet drill." fifth grade.
"A Chain of Dates," sixth grade.
Chorus, "Barbara Frietchle."
Concert recitation "Sheridan's Ride,"
ninth grade.
Humorous recitation, Miss Agnes Kelly.
Tin whistle duet, Messrs. W. H. Souls
and Carl Kelty; accompanist, Miss Ada
Recitation "Tho Dying Soldier," Phoebe
Humorous recitation, Mr. Frank " Till
man. Club-swinging, Mr. David Campbell.
Tenor solo "If I Were a Rose," Mr. N.
H. Alexander.
Graphophone, Mr. Floyd Blanck.
Failing: School.
The Falling school has not arranged
much of a programme, owing to the
crowded condition and the many transfers
of pupils being mado among the South
Portland schools. They will have a gen
eral assembly, however-, at which will be
sung patrlotlo songs, recitations deliv
ered, and there will be a talk on Wash
SIIk-Faced Vicunas
Silk-Lined Otfords
Plain-Lined Gray Vicunas
Covert Cloth and Whipcords
For Quality
Style and Durability
$10, $15, $20 and $2L50
Cloth and linings warranted. The swell
est dressed man in New York or London
wears no belter coals than ours.
Famous Ootiiino Hou
? Corner Morrison and Second Streets Jil
ington by Principal I. W. Pratt. After
12ils, the- little ones will be dismissed, and
the older pupils will go to their respective
rooms and continue the exercises, with
quotations from Washington and other
things appropriate to the occasion.
High School.
At the high school. Judge Alfred Sears
will deliver an address on Washington
at 10 o'clock, in the assembly-hall.
Park School.
The Park school has arranged an In
teresting entertainment for the celebration
of Washington's birthday, in the way of
a' literary and musical programme, for
this afternoon. The feature of the ex
ercises will be a George Washington dia
logue, in which the children will be
dressed in the handsome silk and satin
costumes worn at that time. The per
formance will begin at 1 o'clock.
"Where No Assembly-Halls Are.
Delightful little entertainments are also
to be given this afternoon at the Ains
worth, Chapman, Highland and Thomp
son schools and also one at Peninsular
school this evening. The reason for no
exercises being held in the other schools
Is that they have no assembly-foalls, and
It Is impossible to prepare separate pro
grammes for each room at so short a
time after the beginning of a new term.
Bright Sonhrette Wins Much. Ap
plause at Metropolitan Theater.
Pretty Georgle Cooper is winning fresh
laurels every evening at the Metropolitan
theater by her clever specialties In
"O'Brien, the Contractor." In addition
to her performance of the role of Cicely
Fleece, she sings in a very charming way,
"The Carolina Twins," a song written by
Xee Johnson, one of the greatest ragtime
song-writers of the period. Miss Cooper
has with her two very clever pickaninnies,
who, with their black faces, lend additional
life to the rendition of this pdpular au
thor's songs. Each of Miss Cooper's songs.
19 enthusiastically encored, and the state
ment Is" pleasant news, that her successes
of this week and another popular song,
"You Told Me You Had Money In the
Bank," will be repeated next week In
"Red, White and Blue," that will open
Sunday evening.
The popular melodies that are sung each
evening by Miss Adams have a strong hold
on the audiences at the Metropolitan, who
are nearly as enthusiastic over her sweet
singing as about her good acting, both of
which have much merit. As on the
previous nights, Mr. King, In the title role,
left little to be desired. Each perform
ance of "O'Brien, the Contractor,"
strengthens the conviction that the Metro
politan stock company Is one of unusual
By all means go to the Portland restaur
ant, 305 Washington, near Fifth. Coffee,
meats, dairy products, etc., are the best
Eor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bough!
Bears the
Signature of
FEB. 26, 27 3nd 28 Wednesday
SC3tS Blanche
Of! WA LS H Melbourne
p In Sardou's Great Plays.
ri" Mon. and Tues. nights and Wed.
rlai Matinee, "CLEOPATRA"; Wed.
uy night, "LA TOSCA."
Entire lower floor .- $1.50
Balcony, first 3 rows 1.00
Balcony, second three rows 75
Balcony, last G rows EO
Boxes and loge seats 2.00
Gallery 25
Same as evening. Children under 12 years,
BOc to any part of house.
309 Washington St.
25 Pounds
Good, clean Hlce for $1.00.
10 Cents
Pound soft-shell English Walnuts.
40 Cents
Gallon fancy Table Syrup.
33 Cents
10-pound sack pure Buckwheat Flour.
15 Cents
10-pound sack Graham Flour.
19 Cents
10-pound sack Farina.
15 Cents
Pound fresh roast Costa Rica Coffee.
30 Cents
Pound Hoffman House Java and Mocha
20 Cents
Pound Japan Tea Dust.
Branch store at Oregon City.
Wholesale Warerooms 149 Front Street
Easy to Secure the Beat No Ex
cuse for Being Satisfied Wllh
Anything Less.
The most reliable and the most promi
nent American piano manufacturers are
represented hero by Eilers Piano House,
107 First street Here Is the unrivaled
Chlckerlng. "oldest In America, best in
the world," and the wonderful Weber, the
most artistic and very finest of all fine
pianos made In New York; and also the
now famous Kimball, the most progres
sive and up-to-date piano of all.
Concerning prices, we have just one
word to say. It Is this: Assertions and
claims look altogether different when
stood up In a row with realized facts to
measure by. There Isn't a store In town,
from tho largest down to the smallest
branch fake and pawn-shop affair, that 1
will not, and perhaps In good faith, claim
to sell you cheaper than any one else can
possibly hope to do.
As to this, we'll say nothing further,
except to point to our big last yearns rec
ord of plano-selllng a record that could
never have been established If our Instru
ments, our prices, and our methods had
not outstripped all competition. And the
list of sales thus far this year is nearly
B0 per cent ahead of last year.
In addition to the first-named standard
makes, we sell also a large variety of
strictly serviceable medlum-grad Instru
ments, 5200 buys a good one, and there
are quite a number of instruments for
even less money.
In organs, we now have a full assort
ment of Kimball, Crown, Needham and
others, at prices ranging from $50 upward,
ana on terms or payment nttie more tnan
rent. We're a little out of the beaten paths
of retail trade down here at 107 First
street, but the additional ndckel you spend
in carfare to see us will secure for you
the very best Instrument at the lowest
price. Eilers Piano House, between Wash
ington and Stark streets.
A certain relief and cure.
50 cents at all druggists.
Woodard, Clarke & Co., Chemists
Agents, Portland, Or.
O o
9 .
- - - -.-. B
of Work
and Prices upon
Woodlark's Homoeopathic
Croup and Cough Syrup
Is a snfc, certain and prompt rem
edy. Price 25 cents nt all drngjrlsts,
or sent postpaid on receipt o 30
cents stamps.
Chemists, Portland, Or.
Wisdom's Robertine corrects all
blemishes of the face and makes
a beautiful complexion.
Radways Ready Relief cures sore throat,
bronchitis, nenumoalo. rheumatism and all
Saml Rosenblatt
e o -
9 jr
o O
o Umy5m Wm I &Jr i .
iiPill The Best
IIhEI Washing Powder
In hoc signo vlnces
A!rrh2a s: For Men Fine Kerseys, Oxford Gray VksH
J VCri.Ua IS nas rfO Covert Topcoats, $8.50, S10, $13 m
isfifmce aortifflj ffiTWUdfimw
Largest Clothiers in the Northwest
We are now showing spring styles jtist received from
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