Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 21, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Per tke First Time oh Record Ships
Are Higher In 'Frisco Than, la
Portland Marine Xotes.
A slap Xw May leading "was fixed at
Perttaad yesterday at 4 shillings, a figure
leMoa erdtuarily -would be considered
pretty high, bat la view of the situation
all ever the coast, the transaction may
b vmwed m the light of a bargain. Th.s
Is M lower than was paid for a ship
on tbe Sound, ami Is Id lower than "has
been, paid for an immonce carrier in San
Francisco; la fact, there has been two
charters Ht Sea Francisco at 41b Sd. The
larger vooool taken at that rate was the
Britten bark Reliance, 34e8 tons net Tak
ing the Rise into consideration, and the
rate paid tbe Reliance is the highest that
has been paid on tbe Pacific coast for over
three years. Fifty shillings freights are
something for which shipowners have long
watted -with a yearning fully equal to that
whMh the farmer has awaited the return
of dollar wheat. How the shipowner Is
in a fair way to have Ms hopes real
ised. The British bark Kinfauns, the only dis
engaged spot ship in the Northwest, was
yesterday asking 46 shillings, and there is
bat little doubt that it will be paid, as
she le a handy-sized vessel. The present
strengtyt m freights in San Francisco, to
gether with the sympathetic effect on Ore
gon and Washington, is due to heavy
showers in California, thus assuring an
other big erop of grain. This is pressing
some of the big stocks of 1869 on the
market, and causing a heavy demand for
tonnage. From present appearances there
is bat small hope of rel.ef from the tramp
steamers, even though more of them
should be released from the government
transport service. The Oriental rice ports
are paying as high as 88s Gd for steamers
to carry rice to Europe, and even at this
figure tonnage is scarce over there, and it
went require M to 12 shillings extra to
induce a steamer to cross the Pacific in
hattont aad undertake the long voyage
around the Horn with wheat.
Tbj? Magrgric and Schooner Berwick
Taken Off the Beach.
A .special to The Oregonian from Eugene
states that tbe tug Maggie, which has been
aground at SUuelaw for several days, had
at last been floated, and had sustained no
serious damage. The Florence West has
the following parttclars of the troubles
which attended the floating of the Berwick
and the first attempt to float the "Maggie:
"Captain Bergman and crew from the
Irfeaavtng station arrived on the scene last
ThuMday night, and set to work to try by
use of anchors to pull the Maggie into
the channel. They moved her part of the
distance several times, and their efforts
seemed likely to be crowned with suc
cess, but she drifted back again, going fur
ther up on the beach than at first. The
craft began to leak, and sand washing
in mode it settle down deeper, and efforts
to get her afloat were given up.
"The crew then went to work at the
Berwick, which, though further up from
the channel, ks a lighter vessel, and does
not draw so much water. Wednesday morn
ing, with the aid of the Robarts. the
schooner was pulled into the channel, hav
ing sustained no serious damage.
"Tbe Lillian assisted the lifesaving crew
In placing .nchors and such other ways
as she could, and the Robarts was simi
larly employed after her arrival Monday.
The hawser of the Robarts became tangled
In the propeller just as she had succeeded
in getting the schooner into deep water,
making It noceccary to beach the Robarts
hi oroor to dear away the rope."
Held, in Quarantine at Astoria
Alne the Beechdale.
ASTORIA, Feb. 30. The British bark
BeeoMale, which aarived in today from
Honolulu, aad the United States trans
port Lennox, which arrived from the Ori
ent, are both in quarantine in the lower
harbor. The Beechdale had no sickness
on board, and was fumigated and fur
nished with a clean bill of health before
leaving Honolulu. Still, in accordance
with the government regulations, she was
fumigated again today, and will be kept
in quarantine for 46 hours. The Len
note has no sickness on board now, but
shortly after leaving Manila eight of the
Chinese crew were taken ill with beri
beri, and one of them died before the
steamer arrived at Kobe, where all were
taken ashore, The vessel was fumigated
as thoroughly as possible, and since
then no oases have appeared. Dr. Has
ting, the local quarantine officer, today
dfotafected the quarters and baggage of
the Chinese crew, and it is expected the
Hliswii i will be released tomorrow, unless
Instructions shall be received from the
oungeon general to hold her for a longer
Over uhc Handred Sailers and Thirty
Steamers Lout.
The anaUntetrat.on of the bureau Veritas
has Just published the list of maritime
reported during the month of De
lta), concering all flags, as fol-
lowot 9ailtnfe vessels reported lost 11
American, 3Brittsh."r Chilean. 7 Danish,
4 Dutch. 7 French. 2 German, 1 Greek,
7 Italian. 3 Norwegian, 2 Portuguese, 6
Russian, 1 Spanish, S Swedish; total, 10S.
In thte number are Included six vessels re
ported miss'ng. Steamers reported lost
1 American. 1 Austrian, 2 Brazilian, IS
British. X French. 1 Japanese, 2 Norwe
gian, 1 Spanish, 2 Swedish; total, 31. In
this number are included three steamers
reported winning. Causes of losses: Sailing
vessebs Stranding. 64; collision, 5; fire, 4;
foundered. S; abandoned, 9; condemned.
B; mtartng. C; total, M6. Steamers
atramUng. 17; collision, S; foundered, 3;
S; missing, 2; total, 3L
Sew Plan to Save Lightship.
ASTORIA. Feb. SI. Robert Mcintosh
has sodse upon a new plan to take the
lightship on the sands at McKenzie head.
lie ha? ordered a steel cable 400 fathoms
long, one end of which he will attach to
the lightship, and have the other end
buoyed out to the sea. Then, when a
favorable opportunity presents itself, a tug
can make fast to the buoyed end and
tow the lightship out Into deep water.
A bill of sale was filed in the custom
house today whereby P. Jordan. William
Rehftrld and D. K. Warren sell the
steamer K. L. Dwyer to the George &
Barker Co. for $4009. It is understood the
"learner will be used as a tender for the
George & Barker cannery, on the Sound.
Kreijcht Rates Advance.
SAX FRANCISCO. Feb. 39. Owing to a
sarcity of shine, freight rates have ad-
to a figure which has not been
since 1W7. The bark Reliance
was chartered today to toad for England
at 4ta M. There are only two disengaged
vessels in port.
Little hope is held out for the big Ameri
ca map May Flint, which is now out 9S
anye irom Hong Kong for Tacoma, and
brokers are offering 39 per
on her. The British ship Annie
now out 3 days from Cardiff
tor Ampules, is also considered a b'g
rtsfc Warty per cent reinsurance has been
assa ok nor.
8re From Corea.
SAX FRAWOeco. Feb. 31. The steam
er Caatte brought to a local smelting
oompowr m sacks of ore eonoentrates
team the mm so of an Americas syndicate
Ik Carea, aad k the second similar cea
isianmwat. wMhm a few months.
Marine Kates.
The steamer Lennox arrived la yesterday
morning, buf was detained at quarantine
In Astoria. She will probably leave up
The steamship Ness will probably finish
loading today. She will carry over 39.000
barrels of flour and a large amount of
The tug Samson made another fast trip
up the coast with the "Washtucna. She
left San Francisco last Saturday, and
reached Astoria yesterday morning.
E. Heuckendorff has secured the con
tract for the building of two more vessels
at Marshfield. They are to "be larger than
the Joseph L. Eveston, and will be used in
the Island trade by Hooper & Co., of San
The German ship Margretha left down
yesterday morning. The County of Merio
neth will be the next on the list to finish,
although one or two others are near
enough to the finishing point to got away
this week.
Domestic and Forelgrn Ports.
ASTORIA, Feb. 20 Arr.ved U. S. trans
port Lennox, from Kobe; steamer Signal,
from San Francisco; schooner W. F.
Jewett, from San Francisco for Knapp
ton; barge Washtucna, in tow of tug
Samson, from San Francisco; British bark
Beechdale, from Honolulu. Condition of
the bar at S P. M. Moderate; wind south;
San Francisco, Feb. 20. Arrived
Schooner Letltla, from Gray's harbor;
steamers Rival and Empire, from coos
bay. Sailed February 19 Schooner Sacra
mento, for Tillamook.
Melbourne, Feb. 20. Arrived previously
Steamer Indraghirl, New York.
Sydney. Feb. 20. Arrived previously
Steamer Moana, from San Francisco.
Boulogne, Feb. 20. Arrived statendam,
from New York for Rotterdam, and pro
ceeded. New York, Feb. 20. Arrived Spaarn-
dam, from Rotterdam.
San Pedro Sailed February IS Barken
tine John Smith, for Port Blakeley.
Nanalmo Sailed February 19 Steamer
MIneola, for Port Los Angeles.
Esquimalt Arrived February 18 British
steamer Robert Adamson, from San Diego.
Seattle Sailed February 19 Steamer
Farallone, for Skagway; steamer City of
Topeka, for Skagway.
Port Townssnd, Feb. 20. Arrived Ship
Jabez Howes, from Honolulu; British ship
Glenalvon, from Seattle; schooner Se
quoia, from San Diego; ship Eclipse, from
Seattle, Feb. 20. Arrived British ship
Glenalvon, from Port Townsend; steamer
Rosalie, from Skagway; steamer Cottage
City, from Skagway.
Yokohama Sa.led February 17 Steamer
Tacoma, for Tacoma. Arrived February
19 Steamer Monmouthshire, from Oregon.
Santa Rosalie In port February 1& Brit
ish ship Thornllebank, to sail this day for
Hong Kong Sailed February 17 Taco
ma, for Tacoma.
Gibraltar. Feb. 20. Sailed Kaiser Wll
helm II, from Genoa for New York.
New York, Feb. 20. Sailed Lahn, for
San Francisco, Feb. 20. Arrived Steam
er Tell us, from Oyster bay; steamer Em
pire, from Coos bay; steamer Rival, from
Coos bay. Sailed Steamer Walla Walla,
for Victoria; steamer Progreso, for Taco
ma; steamer Tltanla, for Nanalmo.
New York, Feb. 20. Arrived Friesland,
from Antwerp.
Oregon Does Much for Them The
United Stntes Does Nothing.
PORTLAND, Feb. 20. (To the Edltor.)
Major W. J. Shipley, commandant of the
Oregon Soldiers' Home, evidently did not
read what I said In last Sunday's Orego
nian. I there stated that Oregon had gen
erously provided a home for Indian war
veterans, and they were as kindly cared
for as were the veterans of other wars,
etc. In my letter to congressmen I was
telling them what they had not done, and
not what Oregon had done. That the
state of Oregon has kept many Indian war
veterans from the poorhouse and placed
them in the Soldiers' Home does not re
dound to the credit of the nation, but to
the state of Oregon. It would have been
out of place and would have nullified what
I was saying to congress, had I stated
In that letter that certain societies and the
state of Oregon were doing all that is
necessary for Indian war veterans.
I was talking of national shortcomings
and urging them to do by the veterans of
the Indian wars as they were doing by
others. The nation pays to the state
Soldiers' Home $100 per annum for the
support, as I understand, of certain vet
erans, and does not pay one cent for the
support of the Indian war veterans. As
far as the nation Is concerned, she lets
them find a home where they can, be it in
a poorhouse, hovel, or in some home not
maintained by the United States.
If the government would assist the state
to maintain Indian war veterans In the
Oregon Soldiers' Home, It would lift a bur
den from the state and enable the com
mandant of the Soldiers' Home to receive
many whom he cannot find room for now.
The state has not made sufficient appro
priations to do with and for all who ap
ply, which I know the governor and
Major Shipley would like to do.
In conclusion, Indian war veterans have
o-ly words of praise for the Oregon Sol
diers' Home and its management.
Real Estate Transfers.
Sheriff to Anna S. Bernard, lots L 2,
23, 24, block 6; lots 11, 12. block 10;
lots 13, 14. block 11: lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9. 16. 17, IS, block 5, Riverside
addition; February 14 3000
Fannie V. Ash to S. Josephine Mix,
lot 12, block 20, King's Second addi
tion; February 17 4000
Jacob Arn to Rosa Fowler, lots 14, 15,
16, block 1; lots 11, 12, block 2; lota
3, 4. 5, 6, block 2; lots 5, 6, 7, 8, block
6, Farrell's Second addition; June
2, 1SSS 1
Amos Marshall and wife to Nellie L.
Gustln. lot SL block 4, Highland
Park: December 2S, 1898 225
Anna S. Bernard to Charles L. Olsen,
lots 1, 2. 3, block 5, Riverside addi
tion, Alblna; February 20 300
Mary D. Rlckard and husband to H.
Lawson and wife, lots 9, 10, 13, block
54, Sunnyslde; February 17 2500
Rachel D. Prettyman and husband to
Arthur Hedley, 100x100 Cherry street.
Mount Tabor Central Park; Febru
ary 9 1
Enos Swan and wife to Edward Thun,
lots 7. 8, block 4. Montlcello; March
22. 1S9S 75
Natnan X'earcy vs. ueorge b. .f ersnin
et al., lots 3. 4. 5, 6. .7, S. 9. 10. U. 12,
block 1, Terminus addition, Alblna. 750
February 17 Nicholas Allaesh. aged 42
years, St. Vincent's hospital; tuberculos s
of lungs.
February IS John W. Holman, aged 51
years, 4S7 Clay street: Bright's disease.
February 18-nJames Corson, aged 52
yeans, Good Samaritan hospital; appendi
citis. February 18 F. M. Boater, aged 43 years,
611 Marguerite avenue; tuberculosis.
February 19 Jannlta Coe, aged 21 days,
203 Monroe street; inflammation of bowels.
February IS Fred Smith, aged 3S years,
Sixth and Couch streets; heart disease.
February 18 Marguerite Wilson, aged 7
years, 591 Colombia street; diphtheria,
February 17 Charles F. Collins, aged
SO years, Good Samaritan hospital; ne
phritis. Contagious Disease.
Finley Merryman, aged 13 years, 629
East Twenty-third street; scarlet fever.
Marriage License.
J. G. Meybrunn, aged 32, Mary Wlndle,
aged 24.
o t
Camllle tPArvllIe to AVcd.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 20. The en
gagement of Miss Camllle d'Arvllle, prima
donna, and E. W. Crenm, a local capi
talist, is announced. The date of the
wedding has not been fixed.
Dr. Sanfard'a Liver Invlsrorator.
Tbe best Liver Medicine. A Vegetable Cure for
Liver Ills, Biliousness, Indigestion, Constipation.
Republican Fears 'Regarding: Popnlar
Aiathy and Prejudice Against
an Agreresalve Policy.
The coming presidential election and its
effect upon national policies is already the
subject of a good deal of quiet discussion
among public men, "writes the Washing
ton correspondent of the New York Jour
nal of Commerce. While the feeling gen
erally prevails among the republicans that
President McKlnley will be re-elected
without difficulty, there are members of
that party who feel some anxiety in re
gard to the situation. They are by no
means convinced that Mr. Bryan and the
silver democracy will command a major
ity of the electoral votes cast In Decem
ber? but. they feel that the party in power
will have to be on guard against a variety
of contingencies. The Importance of the
election to the business Interests of the
country, from their point of view, is such
that these interests ought to give a cor
dial support to that party which can be
counted upon to pursue a resolute national
policy abroad as well as to maintain the
gold standard a.t home. The experience
of previous elections has shown, however,
that the business interests are sometimes
Indifferent, unless, as in 1S96, they are
thoroughly alarmed. It is well under
stood that the conditions of that year
cannot easily be reproduced. The average
business man is expected to vote for the
party which is avowedly for the gold
standard and the promotion of our trade
Interests abroad; but it is recognized that
the large laboring vote drawn from the
democratic ranks by fear of the result of
the silver standard upon wages' cannot
be unified to the same extent as in 1896
for the republican national ticket.
The republican leaders are somewhat
strengthened in the belief that they will
retain control of the country by the fact
that the sliver democracy cannot well se
cure a majority of the electoral college
without the votes of one of the three old
time democratic states of the East New
York, New Jersey and Connecticut. It Is
assumed that these states will certainly
vote against any candidate standing upon
the Chicago platform of 1896, even If that
platform Is somewhat obscured In the dis
cussions of the campaign. Mr. Bryan
had 176 electoral votes In 1S96, which was
59 less than a majority of the electoral
college. If he should carry Indiana, the
border states of Kentucky, Maryland,
West Virginia and Delaware, and every
state of the West which he had in 1896,
with North Dakota, California and Ore
gon added, he would have 235 votes, or
11 to spare. This is a mathematical com
bination, however, which Is extremely im
probable. It would be broken by the loss
of Maryland and West Virginia with 14
votes,, or California and Oregon with 12
votes, or by the loss of Indiana alone
with 15 votes. Nothing but a popular rev
olution In favor of Bryanlsm would be
likely to combine the necessary number
of votes to make a majority of the elec
toral college, where so many favorable
contingencies would be required to co-operate.
Notwithstanding this favorable sit
uation for the republicans, it is recog
nized that such contingencies might oc
cur If the republicans should be Indifferent
or should adopt a course which might
sacrifice the support of one of the large
sound-money states. There are several
elements of uncertainty In regard to the
attitude of the two parties which are be
ing carefully weighed by the leaders with
a view to guarding against undue risks.
It Is acknowledged by some of the re
publicans that the practical abandonment
of silver by the Bryan organization and
conservative declarations regarding the
protection of American trade interests in
the East might so far disarm the hostility
of gold democrats with a certain degree
of party loyalty as to tempt them Into
support of the Bryan ticket. The fact
that a number of conspicuous sound-money
democrats and Independents In the East
have declared their purpose to support
Mr. Bryan is not perhaps so disturbing
to the republican leaders as certain influ
ences which they fear may operate within
their own party. The Issue of "antl-lm-perlallsm,"
If It Is made In a clean-cut
ip&y. Is counted upon to strengthen Pres
ident McKlnley as a candidate rather
than to weaken him. The few men of
ability who are swayed by sentiment in
opposition to the retention of the Philip
pines under American sovereignty are
thought likely to be more than offset by
business men and economists who recog
nize the enormous commercial Importance
of finding new fields for the employment
of capital and of sustaining freedom of
trade in China. The fact that Great Brit
ain stands shoulder to shoulder with the
United States In China Is in some respects
a source of uneasiness, however, to those
republicans representing large German
American and Irish-American constituen
cies. Sympathy for the Boers against
Great Britain Is thought to be a sufficient
ly potent Influence among the German
Americans to offer some risk that they
will desert the republican organization
If the McKlnley administration Is in ob
vious co-operation with Great Britain in
the East. The Irish-American voters, al
though not largely republican In any state,
are naturally anti-British. How far these
two Influences will operate against the
republican organization Is an unknown
olement, but Us very uncertainty Is a
cause of uneaslnes3 to those politicians
who look upon race prejudices as Import
ant factors In politics.
The republicans will endeavor to make
It plain that the continuance of their par
ty In power Is of vital Importance to the
execution of a comprehensive national
policy. If they can demonstrate as clearly
to the mass of voters as they believe they
have done to thoughtful economic stu
dents, that the prosperity of the country
and the continuous employment of labor
are bound up with commercial and terri
torial expansion, they will have little fear
of the result of the election. There is a
possibility, however, In the opinion of
some, that the position of the Bryan party
might be considerably Improved in popular
opinion If its national convention should
outline am Intelligible and defensible proj
ect for the nominal independence of the
Philippines under paramount American
Influence. The republicans feel that thus
far the so-called "antl-lmperlallsts" have
been at a disadvantage because they have
appeared to haye no definite programme
and no agreement among themselves. The
republicans anticipate no difficulty In uni
fying a country against a policy of nega
tion. Their position m!ght lose some
thing of this prestige if the contest were
reduced upon its face simply to the ques
tion which of two systems of American
predominance was to be preferred. While
It Is believed that thoughtful business
men would have little confidence In Mr.
Bryan and his advisers, even If they stood
upon a defensible proposition in regard to
commercial Interests in the East, and that
his election would threaten a tlm'd and
evasive policy of a most disastrous char
acter to American prestige abroad, it is
not perfectly clear that this view could
be brought home to the masses of the
voters under such conditions. There is
also some fear lest the republican organ
ization may be put in the attitude of neg
lecting, in appearance at least, the Inter
ests of the masses and becoming the tool
of organized capital. An effort will be
made to divert this danger by intelligent
legislation for the regulation of the trusts,
and by the effort to demonstrate that a
resolute national policy, opening new mar
kets, widening the field for American prod
ucts and the opportunity for the em
ployment of labor, promises greater bene
fits" to the masses than the narrow poli
cies and quack remedies offered by the
Bryan organization., ' .
The Snmc "Orefiron.M
PORTLAND, Feb. 2a (To the EditorO
I In view of recent communications from
Mr. George H. Hlmes and otners, I wish I
to ask what Is the earliest mention of
Oregon In writing or in print. If we can
locate this, possibly some light may be
thrown on an Interesting problem. Also,
when, and by whom, was Cape Papetua
so named'? For there was a Saint Per
petua of Carthage who suffered martyr
dom In (I think) the third century; and
who, with Saint Fellcltas, la commemo
rated In the Roman breviary on March
7. My theory, or working" hypothesis, Is
that Spanish navigators gave the name
to the cape and called the land Aragon.
And I can furnish a curious illustration
of the confusion of the two words; for it
so happened, a very few years ago, that
a gentleman living at Bassailo, in northeastern-Italy,
had occasion yto speak of
me to a resident of Florence, touching
a matter of private interest, and, for
getting my name at the moment, he called
me "II Professore Aragone.'' The per
son addressed was at first puzzled, but
soon perceived what was Intended.
Times without number The Oregonian
has said that the word "Oregon" was first
written, so far as can now be ascertained,
by Jonathan Carver, In his book of trav
els, published in London in 1778. The ma
terials of his book were gathered about
10 years earlier. It was an Account of
his travels through the country of the
Great Lakes and into the territory now
occupied by the present state jof Min
nesota. He professed to have obtained
tho name "Oregon" from Indians there.
He passed the winter of 1767-68 on the
Minnesota river, at some point that can
not now be exactly ascertained. A counw
ty in Minnesota is named for him.
East Morrison Street Elevated Road
Will Be Restored.
There is general rejoicing on- the East
Side over the commencing of work on
East Morrison street elevated roadway,
which will now be fully repaired between
East ' Water street and Union avenue.
There had been so many delays and
hitches In getting the proceed.ngs In shape
for letting the contract that the people,
of Central East Portland had become dis
heartened and they were fearful that
something would come up to prevent the
repairs; but the plledrlver Is being put in
shape to drive the piles that are needed
between East Second and East Third
streets. For this block there had been
constant settling of the roadway, as the
piles used when the roadway was first
constructedwerenot driven to a solid foun
dation, and It has been necessary to fre
quently raise the roadway to grade. Prac
tically this portion of the roadway will
have., to be made new, as much of the
superstructure will have to be renewed!.
The entire roadway will be overhauled
between East Water street and Union
avenue, and when the repairs have been
completed the roadway will be practically
new. It Is to be hoped now that the
contracts have been let for the repairs
that the work will be crowded forward
with as little delay as possible, and there
are indications that this will be done.
Road Through Judy Tract Dedicated.
The Woodstock Improvement Associa
tion expected to have a hard lime to get
a county road through the Judy tract,
a parcel of land between the Powell's
Valley road and the Richmond tract. It
may be stated for the information of the
members of the association and all others
interested that there Is a 60-foot dedicated
county road, north and south, through this
tract, making a connection with Tabor
avenue. Councilman Hanson, who had
something to do with the transfer of the
property to the present owners, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Mitchell, and the dedication
of this road, said yesterday that when
they acquired possession they dedicated
and gave a deed, which Is recorded, for a
county road. Deputy City Attorney Dun-
Iway prepared this deed, and there Is no
question about It. The road Is there. The
owners preferred having a county road
through their land rather than a street,
as it will be in the hands of the county
and may be Improved. This gives an open
thoroughfare from the Powell's Valley
road through to the Base Line road, in
tersecting the Section Line road and Haw
tnorne avenue. As the road through the
Judy tract Is a recent dedication, none of
the maps show it, and for this reason the
Woodstock Improvement Association was )
Moved Into Holladay Building:.
Professor KIgglns, principal, reported
yesterday that the Wetmore hall, on Union
avenue and East Weidler streets, which
had been occupied by pupils since the
first of the year, has been permanently
abandoned, and three of the rooms In the
new part of the Holladay schoolhouse oc
cupied. These three rooms were hastily
occupied before the oiled floor had thor
oughly dried, but th.'s could not be avoid
ed, as space for the increased attendance
of the children had to be provided for.
There are also three more rooms in the
building which are practically completed,
but these will not be occupied till the
floors have been thoroughly dried. This
will take about three weeks more, when
the rooms may be occupied. There has
been a large lAcrease In the attendance
since the first term. Before there
were 475 pupils in the Holladay school
house, but now the principal says that
the number Is nearly 530. When the new
building has been occupied ho looks for a
still further Increase in the lower grades.
The principal states that it is probable
that the newu structure will be entered
and occupied as a whole as soon as com
pleted, which may be within three or four
Blddinpr His Friends Farewell.
Anthony Whltaker, a pioneer of the
state. Is seriously ill at the' homo of his
daughter, 600 East Ellsworth street, and
his condition Is regarded as critical. He
does not expect to recover, but calmly
bids his friends farewell when they call
to see him, and says that he qannot live
long. He has nearly rounded out a cen
tury, and might have done so but for an
accident several months ago, when he was
Injured by a fall. Last November he was
9S years old, and at his birthday was in
fair health, bidding fair to live perhaps
several years more. Afterwards his eye
sight failed, and It became Impossible for
him to get about without the help of some
one. He continued to come down to see
his physician until he became too feeble
to do so. His physician thinks, his condi
tion serious, although he may live for
some time yet. Yesterday there" was in
dication of paralysis, and there was
some wavering of his mind. '
Want a Postal Station.
Now that there is to be a change in the
postmastershlp at Sellwood, the people
there would be very glad to have the
postofflce changed Into' a postal station,
and in time have free, delivery. Mrs.
Mlntle Prather, who has been the post
mistress there for a number of (years, has
resigned, and her resignation has been ac
cepted, but her successor has not yet
been appointed. Mrs. Prathef retained the
office some time after she desired to re
tire, at the request of friends. ,She has
been an efficient postm'stress, and goer
out with the good wlsnea of the people
of Sellwood.
East Side Notes.
Carl Thornton, clerk "of the East Side
justice court, is off duty on account of
illness. He hopes soon to be able to re
sume work at the justice office.
John Conley, of road district No. 9, was
In the city yesterday. He "stated that
there Is nothing doing at present in his
district, and he Is taking things easy.
Dr. Wise is at room 614,. Dekum.
If Babr I Cnttlnt: Teeth.
Be sure and use that old and weU'trled remedr.
airs. "Wlnslow Soothlnp Syrup,- for children
teething- It soothes the child, sorters the gums,
uiaya all pals, cures wind colic and diarrhoea.
Letter From District Attorney Sewall
to County Cleric
PORTLAND, Feb. 19, 1900. Hon. H. H.
Holmes, Clerk of the County Court, Mult
nomah County, Oregon: Dear Sir In an
swer to the questions that have arisen
under the registry laws, heretofore sub
mitted to me, I would most respectfully
beg to say:
Upon an examination of the act of the
legislature referred to (see session laws
1899, page 119) I am. of opinion that it was
the Intent of the legislature to admit
to registry all citizens of the state of
Oregon who are qualified to vote at the
coming election.
It was not intended by this act to work
a hardship upon any citizen, but simply
calls into operation a method of ascer
taining whether the necessary constitu
tional qualifications of electors are pos
sessed by our citizens, in order that elec
tions may be fair and free from illegal
voting, and that the qualifications of per
sons entitled to vote may be reduced to
writing; under the oath of the applicant
for registry to tell the truth concerning
the necessary facts, which qualify each
to register, and the same to be filed fpr
public inspection, so that the facts there
in stated may be examined, and it be
ascertained whether or not the person reg
istered possesses the requisite qualifica
tions, for the reason that should any ille
gally register, the fact could be easily
ascertained, their votes duly challenged
and the offender apprehended and pun
ished, according to tbe provisions of law.
The law simply prescribes the manner of
regulating and conducting elections.
(Constitution, section 8, article 2.)
The first question for consideration is
whether it is necessary for persons born
outside of the United States, whose fath
ers at the time of their birth, or before
they became of age, were naturalized citi
zens of the United States, to produce be
fore the registering officer any proof of
their citizenship or right to register fur
ther than their own oath
The constitution of Oregon, article 2,
section 2, provides: "In all elections not
otherwise provided by this constitution,
every male citizen of the United
States, of the age of 21 years and up
wards, who shall have resided In the
state during the six months Immediately
preceding such election . . . shall be
entitled to 'vote at all elections authorized
by law."
The revised statutes of the United
States, section 2172, of the naturalization
laws, provides:
"The children of persons who have been
duly naturalized under any of the laws
of the United States . . . being under
the age of 21 years, at the time of natural
ization of their parents, shall, if dwell
ing in the United States, be considered
as citizens thereof; and the children of
persons who now are, or have been citi
zens of the United States, shall, though
born out of the limits and Jurisdiction of
the United States, be considered as citi
zens thereof ..."
Section 1993 of revised statutes of the
United States provides: "Children here
tofore born or hereafter born out of the
limits and Jurisdiction of the United
States, whose fathers were, or may be
at the time of their birth, citizens there
of, are declared to be citizens of the
United States; but the right of citizenship
shall not descend to persons whose fath
ers never resided in the United States."
By virtue of the above statutes of the
United States, such persons as are re
ferred to in the above question are citi
zens of the United States, and belng such
come within the provisions Of the section
of the constitution above referred to. This
section of the constitution prescribes the
qualifications of the electors, and it was
not the intention of the legislature to add
others. In the exercise of its powers to
make laws for the regulation of elections,
it has required citizens of the United
States to register as a reasonable regula
tion of the code of exercising the right
to vote and the ordinary oath required
of any citizen of the United States show
ing hla qualifications as a citizen and
voter is all that could or should be re
quired of a person who Is made a citizen
of the United States by virtue of the fore
going sections of the revised statutes of
the United States, on the subject of nat
uralization. The next question submitted for opinion
Is whether in registering- foreign-born citi
zens to vote, who have been naturalized
under the laws of the United States or
have declared their bona fide intention to
become citizens of the United States one
year prior to the time of election, what
kind of proof Is required by law to be
exhibited by the elector to qualify him to
The constitution, article 2, section 2. pro
vides: "In all elections not otherwise
provided by this constitution . . . every
. . . male of foreign birth of the age of
21 years and upwards, who shall have re
sided In the state during the six months
Immediately preceding such election, and
shall have declared his Intention to be
come a citizen of the United States one
year preceding such election, conform
ably to the laws of the United States on
tno suoject or naturalization, shall be en
titled to vote at all elections authorized
by law."
The laws of the United States on the
subject of naturalization are familiar to
you, and you are Informed that an alien
must first upon oath declare his intention
to become a citizen of the United States
and then receives what are commonly
called his "first papers," and upon his ad
mission to full citizenship, receives his
"final papers."
The registry law, 1899, section 7, specifies
the facts to be enumerated by the regis
tering officer, upon the sworn statement
of the applicant concerning his right to
register. The eighth of these specifica
tions reads as follows:
"Eighth If naturalized, the time, place
and court of naturalization or declaration,
as evidenced by legal proof thereof, ex
hibited by the elector."
It was the intent of the legislature that
the naturalized voter or the alien who
had declared his intention to become a
citizen of the United States, should ex
hibit the best evidence obtainable of that
fact to the registering officer, to qualify
him to register, which evidence would
be either the "first papers" or the "final
papers" themselves, both being the orig
inal documents, or if they cannot De pro
duced before the officer, then a certified
copy of the same from the court of record
where the papers were issued.
The production of such proof would, of
course, be the best evidence, and is con
clusive proof of either the declaration of
intention or of naturalization of the elec
tor and of his right to register.
However, I am informed that in a num
ber of instances electors have appeared
before the registering officer, who claim
to be naturalized citizens of tho United
States or have declared their Intention to
become such, and demanded the right to
register, but who are unable to exhibit
either their "final" or "first papers," or
duly certified copies of the same for many
It is not strange that many persons have
failed to preserve these papers. In many
instances I am Informed such is the case
of our oldest and most respected citizens.
Many years have elapsed since the time
of taking out their citizenship papers, and
never having had any special use for such
documents, they have not preserved them
or they have been lost in moving from
place to place, or have been destroyed by
fire or accident of some kind. In some
cases the electors are unable to remember
the time, place and court where they were
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Complete External and Internal Treatment for Every Humor, $1.25,
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Corp., Props., Boston. " How to Preserve, Purify & BeasUfy the Hair, Haads & Skin,"fre.
naturalized or declared their intention to
become citizens, having had no occasion
to think of such fact, or they may remem
ber the approximate time and place, but
cannot remember the particular court,
there being in large cities many courts
of record where such papers might be
Issued, and in some Instances the records
themselves are Inaccessible for many rea
sons, such as carelessness in keeping the
records, improper indexing or filed away
In long-forgotten places or lost and de
stroyed by other means. For these and
many other reasons I am Informed by you
that electors claim that it is practically
impossible to exhibit before you either
their first or final papers, or duly certi
fied copies of the same.
In such cases the law may work mora
or less inconvenience upon the elector, I deaee as above mentioned, he must prc
but I am of opinion that the original pa- j dace proof before you, in form of affi-
pers or certified copies of the same should
be exhibited to you as proof of citizenship
and right to register, or satisfactory proof
should be produced before you to show
that it Is Impossible to exhibit the same,
before any other kind of proof would be
admissible as evidence.
The general law of evidence (see sec
tion 691, volume 1, Hill's Annotated laws
of Oregon) provides that when a lost
writing is sought to be proved, the party
offering the evidence of the same must
firsb prove that due diligence and reason
able search was made in all places where
the original was likely to be found, unless
It Is proved to have been destroyed, and
then the oath of witnesses may bo of
fered to prove the contents.
Applying this general rule of evidence
to this case, the elector who cannot pro
duce his citizenship papers or copies there
of should be made to show that due dili
gence and reasonable search had been
first made in order to exhibit the best evi
dence of his right to register, and such
proof should be sufficient to satisfy you
that it is Impossible for the elector to
obtain and exhibit bis papers or copies
of same before you, for good and suffi
cient reasons. When you are satisfied
upon this point, I am of the opinion that
secondary or other proof of the contents
of such lost or missing papers can be
produced by the elector to satisfy you
of his right to register.
The law should be reasonably construed
and an effort made to allow every citizen
who has the right to vote at the forth
coming election, the privilege of register
ing, and this, with as little inconvenience
and expense as is possible, while observ
ing a faithful compliance with the law.
The law Is made for the benefit of the
general public, and will afford a sure
safeguard against Illegal voting and re
peating at the elections, and protects, and
upholds the purity of the ballot. It should
therefore be supported by all good citl-
88J Third Street, Opposite Chamber of Commerce-
Hours & A. 31. to 5 P. M.: evening, T to 9: Sundays, 10 to 2.
No. 1.
With Mouthpiece
lO ceiats for lO
Monopol Tobacco Wcrks
zens, aad they should be willing to submit
to any small Inconvenience in registering
fpr the reason that when their ballot is
oast they may know its effect will not
be eouateracted by any illegal or spurious
Seetiaa 30, of said registry act. provides:
. . . The qualifications of the applicant
as an elector shall be determined in the
first iastance by the registering officer,
from, the evidence produced before him,
and If he finds the applicant disqualified
to vote at the next election he shall re
ject the application, but if he finds him
qualified he shall register him. . .
It was the Intention to make you tho
judge of the qualifications of the elector
J entitling him to register, and therefore if
the elector cannot exhibit the best evi-
davits of the fact of the time, place and
court of his naturalisation or declaration
of intention, or such other facts as will
prove to your satisfaction that he is a
citizen of tbe United States or has de
clared his intention to become such, that
ho has resided ht the state a sufficient
length of time, and that be is qualified to
vote at the coming election, which seems
to mo to be tho true test of the right to
register, upon which showing I am of
the opinion that such proof is a substan
tial compliance with tha law, and tha
elector should be admitted to register
The law requires in addition to the oath
of tho elector himself, tho oath of six free
holders of the county to prove to the sat
isfaction of the judges of election the right
of aa elector to vote at the polls, who
has failed to register, as provided bj law,
and who desires to vote at the ciec'ior.,
to tho effect that they believe the state
ments of the elector are true, and that
they are personally well acquainted wifU
the elector and his place of residence
and it seems to me that such number of
freeholders would be a safe and sufficient
number for you to require before you to
prove such facts regarding the electors
who fail to exhibit their first or final pa
pers or certified copies of the same, at
any rate a sufficient number of good and
substantial property-owners to make such
oath as will satisfy you of the right of
the applicant for registration to vote at
the forthcoming- election, before he bo
admitted to the privilege of registering.
Trusting I have made myself clear upon
the questions submitted, I am yours very
District Attorney.
Shells for the Transvaal.
PARIS, Feb. 39. According to a dlspatcU
from Renaes, tbe factory there has re
ceived an order from the Transvaal gov
ernment for 150,069 artillery shells.
The Acknowledged
Leading and Moit Successful
Physkian and Surgeon
The world has ever known for the treat
raent of all private and chronic diseases
of both male and female. The following
are among the troubles which he will treat
with skill, and guarantee a perfect and
prompt cure of all curable diseases. We
treat the following diseases with a spe
cial treatment, which is purely medical
aad scientific:
DDIVATF Diseases, gleet, gonor
rmVMIL rhoea, tenderness, swell
ing, quickly cured without pain or deten
tion from business.
I Ant ICQ "Who suffer from apathy, in
LAuICO difference, nervous debility or
diseases peculiar to women, can consult
Dr. DsYoung.