THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1000. AMUSEMENTS. ""ORDEArS THEATER Oik Week. Commencing Sunday. Feb. IS. Mat inee Saturday. Fin TtatK Ever at Popular Prices tjM Greatest of Ail Comedies. TOO MUCH JOHNSON." By WHliam Otttette. author of "Secret Serv ice " "Sherlock Holmes,' "MM by the En emy," "The Private Secretary." etc ?ou nights' la New York, tea nsgkes m Beaten. SUb nialrts In London. England, etc Tb kuwe audience was m a. roar of lawghter the dUk evening. New Tort Herald. No one stops to breathe on the stage ta lae audter.ce while tbe curtate is nav New York Commercial Advertiser. Teu&l price. RT.UTC CARNIVAL BLAOC CARNIVAL BLACK CARNIVAL BLACK CARNIVAL BLAOC CARNIVAL BLACK CARNIVAL BLACK CARNIVAL BLACK AKMVAL BLACK CARNIVAL BLACK CARNIVAL BLACK CARNIVAL SENSATION QT MIT YORK XKD 'FRISCO. SEXSATMMC OT lOMT mRC AMD 'FRISCO. ERXRATWK OT KaWT lOHK AX 'FRISCO. sexeatwk; or vtmm york ako frisco. EXPOSITIOK BUILDING. TK9. 4. S:8u P. M. EXFosiriotf numa, fee. s. sts p. m. KxposmoK sexustxa, fbb. t. sa p. m. EXPOSITION BCtLPtNG. FBB. 94. so p. m. KXPosiTfoic KnLoons. feb. m. s:m p. m. i:positwic building, feb. 3. s.s p. m. 26c AXDMe. C. 2ac AK Sue. Sbc AXD Wc . 9c AND me. ase AM) we. ScAXDSte EINTBACRT MASQUERADE BALL, nxnUCRT MASQUERADE BABL. ED)TUCbT MASQUERADE BALL. FEB. St. AT TURN HALL. FSB. St, AT TURK HALL. 60c: spectators. 26c Ooetuaaaa to be had at the Chlcasss Cmtwne House, 82 Morrteon at. Tickets at House's coffee boose. Turner hall saloon and SM Morrison at. FOUR PRIZES TO BE GIVEN AWAT. VK SALE REAL ESTATE. ONE OT THE MOST SIGHTLY QUARTER blocks In Kmmt Portland.' etoee in; wW tell either ae a vhole or aeparate; favorable tormti cither way. This te a snod, obeap invest ment. Also nice quarter In Holtadey's. 226 Ablnton bUlMtos-. ar9 - Busimws propertt. albixa; fine brtok improvement; payteg ever 10 per cent net; owner sot Nome fever. 'Hart Land Co.. room 7 Sherlock hull&rg. TWO BARGAINS, WEST SIDE RESIDENCE property, well located. 9-room house: $8900. i rooms and S8l0. lot. $9006. Davidson. Wrd Co.. 2TMi Stark et. $426 A GOOD, NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE, ON level with siaOewalk, on jBast Water at; lead lease 80c per month; vry oeslraMe. A. M&t teaon. ltt Madlaon at. $1750 FOR 6H ACRES AT MOUNT TA&XR; In cultivation, and well fenced; near car line. Miller, 8W Chamber of Commerce. $5W"FULL. LOT. TWO BLOCKS FROM Ho tel Portland. Rieven, mom St McKay buiM 'nc. Third and Stark. 4950-21 ACRES. IMPROVED. NEAR VAN couver. Rlssen. room SI McKay building. Third and Stark. WANTED A BRIGHT WOMAN OVER 25. quick t fla-urea and wiillmj to work. B 21, care Oregonlan. BEST BUT IN CTTT Fine home. W. SMc. Nob HUI. Laldlaw, SOS Chan toer of Commerce. 80 acres in CowUtc county, with 10 head cattle; a snap. G. Debritr. room 4, Mulkey blag. TOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Well-improved ranch. H. B. Compeon & Co.. 618 Marquam. House and tot. tmitt to suit. Installments, email i aab nayinenta. Dammeier, 611 Marquam. FOR SALR-FARMS. FARM OF ST ACRES. IS MILE6 SOUTHEAST from Portland, one two-horse wagon, 64 wether lamba, one Jersey bull, one yearling ateer, six plgu; famine MnpiemeMs and house hakt furnitura, It not saM in 3e days will 40 ACRFJJ; 5 IK CVLTIVATIOK; &-ROOM house, fine barn, running water. weM fenced; jusi outside of city limits; dce to electric car line. S-cent fare. Can be had. for oast of lmprovementa. I. W. Bated. 8S Chamber of Conmerce. IMPROVED FARMS FUR SALS IN ALL parte of Oreatm and Washington; payments made to suit purohaBtrB. For full particulars as to vartoua properties. appU' to Macmaeter & Btrrell. Sll Woroeater blook. SMALL FARM FOR SALE 22 ACRES. ABOUT 8 miles from Portland, on Powell's Valley road. Apply to owner, G. B. Cornelius, or 719 Eaet Anfceny street. fc i.'R'-S T.t TN r-ULTTVATION. S MILES eaat. 10 acres in fruit: good Improvements; bargain. Manager Pacific Pottery Works. Improved farm. MO acres, 10 miles from. Port land. SO acres in hops. Drawer IT. Portland. FOR SALB MISCELLANEOUS. SOLFILTKE. SOLFILINE. SOLFILIXE. Everyone neeae It. Preserve leather: abs lutelr waterproof; shoes, harness and belting treated with SnMttne prolongs life of leethei 100 per cent. Inatet upon your dealer carry ing iC Henry Miller & Co.. 502 Washington et.. Portland. Or. SEWING MACHINES TWO NEW HOMES, $10 each; one Domaatlc. $l2.e9; one Houe hold. $10; Sincere. $6 each. J. S. Cran. 860 Morrfeon. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS REMINGTON. S3R; tkntth. $; Denemore. $80; Bar Lock, $26. Oeaet Agency Co.. MS Stark St. FOR SALE-LEWIS ft ORYDEN MAP OF city oT Portland and vicinity; suitable' for real estate ofnee; sise 7x6. 684 Fourth. Sago, -tapioca, opMt and drl-a peas. Pearl bar le. 6c. 10 lbs. coin grarulated ragar for 1. At BrwaerU' tore. Stt Ruesetl st. ' FOR &LB-CKE SOLID MAHOGANY. OK mota aoMmse, feet by 6 feet. Apply room Cs- McKay building. 1 to t P. M. MOST VALUABLE CLASSICAL EDITIONS OF piano asm vasal music, partly unknown ;n Portland, ttt Jefferson. FOR SALE. CSBAP-CtTY MILK ROUTE and uairy; not- tar from city. Address J 11, are Oregoaian. Magic tuwatms. nam. second-hand, moving pic tures. Ballard ft Brack. ISl Post, San Fran. $ FOR A XXW GAS COOKER: $2 CASH, balance $2 par month Gaa Co., 174 Fifth st. F R SALE OR TRADE SO HORSE-POWKK emr:ne and bailer. McPherson. Gltman hotel. IV' RIGS. BOO SETS HARNESS, 60 SADDLES. nnd nw4 hawm. bargains. 311 Washington st. 1" ral head musna. S delivery wagons, top I'uggy. double And sMgle haraeae. 7th & Stark. A Llppman; guaranteed. hkjh-gmd ladlea' tailoring: at On teu itooa WS. Rum! Mag. 15 HORSES. ALL SIXES. FOR SALE. CALL Oregon Stables, car. Sixth and Couch sts. UKXERAL HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND FUR nttare for rat. SM Madison st. SEVERAL SECOND-HAND WAGONS AND buggies, SI Fourth, near Pane. FOR BALE -A lAAO-POCMD LIFT. HAND elevator. Apply 181 MorrtTCSV 100 NEW BOX COUCHES FOR SALE AT hah price. StO Sixth street. Planes, SHESJMA.. CLAY 6 CO.. ROOMS 16 AND 17 Rumet Building, ear. Faurta and MerrKsB. 8utfmr & Sons. A B. Omce and Emerson plans i. A. B. Chat and W. W. Putnam ar crane. Oatfc or ttutaUmeaM. Oramepnanea anc RSna music box. BUST UPRIGHT PIANO The Jacob TMU. Rent applied on purchase money. Wnoktlanar. 72 Sd. SOULE BROS.. EXPERT TUNERS. 1ST FIRST s Fhanaa. Ktlew Plane Rout. StTDAVWX WAISTBB MALE. fcALESMEN-To .sell omce specialties. Ftoe Ski i,lw M2?J fu -. Cntswsu free. Model XXr. C-.. South Band. lad. V ANTED TOCMG MAX TO LEARN MSR rhaadJae wtm Ttnrl tana ehortkand and trp wrtttn L SO. care Oregonlan. Cask ffrr acceptable Idea State If patented. A- THE PATENT RECORD. Baltimore, Mt ADHMHOK AONHBOK HELP. WANTED MALE. WANTED- B OXK OF THE LARGEST crockery and glassware agencies in the Unlle-1 States, to sell both European Import crockery and glass and American crockery and glass temps, etc, from factories only; two flrst dass travelers, who know tbe trade and un derstand tbe business, to travel in Oregon and Washington on a liberal compensation. Only experienced men need apply. Address, with references, A 20. care Oregonlan. IF YOU CONTEMPLATE .EARNING SHORT haad or have failed In some other system, come and investigate the PemJn. Can. be learned in one-third the time of Pitmanlc fystems. Xo shading; no pesitton; few word ngs; connective vowels; no failures. Book keeping taught. Pemln Shorthand School. 211 Oregealan; H. W. Behnke, Prin. A.1 PATTERN-MAKER, $3.25; MEN AND teams. R. R., $4.50, pass: 6 teams, loggias camp, $1 25 and feed; carpenters. $35 and board; lacorers, $1 and board; shlngie-boU eutters, $1 cord; man and wife, ranch. $86 to $46; 2 farm ban5e. E. O.. $26 and board; log- up; other wore. Canadian Agency. SMART. ACTIVE MAN "WANTED WHO CAX devote a few spare hours to canvass the Bhoe trade for subscriptiona or a trade journal. Good commission, sure return. Send first class references, or no repry. Address W. i. Terhune, 11 Columbia St., Boston. OFFICE BOY MUST BE RESPECTFUL, willing and a good penman; good opportunity for advancement to a boy with the rlsht stuff in him. H 30, care Oregonlan. WANTED A GOOD STICKER MAX; APPLY by letter or In person at the Doernbecher Maafg. Co., ChehalLs, Wash. WANTED BOOKKEEPER FOR WHOLE aale house; state experience and give refer ences. Q 20. care Oregonlan. WANTED A GOOD BARKEEPER; GERMAN prof erred; wages according to times. Address M 20. care Oregonlan. WANT MILL-YARD MEN. GRAY'S HARBOR. Tall Osborne. R. E. agt., call. Drake, 152 First. GIRL TO ASSIST DURING DAY WJTH IX fant 7 months old. Apply 215 12th, cor. Sal mon. WANTED A GOOD, ALL-AROUND TAILOR; give references. F. Fetsvh, Grant's Paso, Or. Worklngman's Barber Shop; haircut 15e, shave 10c; 6 chairs. Ed Dennlson. 205 Morrison st. WANTED 500 MEN TO TRY THE BEST 5o shave and 10c haircut, at 27 Nortn Second. WANTED A FIRST - CLASS BARBER. Washington St., near 17th. 522 BOYS WANTED AT 1C2 FIRST ST. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. SHIRT POLISHER (MACHINE): SHIRT IRON er; etareher, good wages; cook, country. $20; Al second girl, $20; no end of housework, $10 to $20. Canadian Agency, 226 Morrison. YOUNG GIRL WANTED AS USEFUL COM panlon; must be willing and a good Kam stress. X 20, care Oregonlan. WANTED A GIRL. GENERAL HOUSE wwk; must be a good wxk; good wages fer competent girl. 70ft Johnson. SALESWOMAN WANTED FOR LADIES' shoe department In Vancouver, B. C Address F 18, care Oregonlan. CHAMBERMAID: DOMESTICS; SOME FOR Heights, other places. R. G. Drake, 152 First, downstairs. WANTED A SECOND GIRL, FAMILY OF five; must be experienced. Apply 405 Clay, cor. 10th. EVERY GIRL-WOMAN WISHING A GOOD position, call at the Home, 305. Third ot. AN EXPERIENCED DINING-ROOM GIRL. 638 Morrison, corner 17th. GIRL WANTED FOR work. 340 13th st. GENERAL HOUSE- SITUATION WASTED MALES. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED SITUATION WITH A GOOD FIRM by a young man of 35, of good address and ability; 15 years' experience as salesman and manager In- hardware, stoves and metal line, and have been proprietor r large retail gro cery for lest three years, and am fully com petent to fill position as salesman, either In house or traveling, or as manager of retail branch In either line; wish to come Weot; am strictly temperate, reliable and a good hust ler; best references. Address Perry Ba'ley, Harrlsonvllle. Cass county. Mo. YOUNG MAN WISHES iOSJTION IN GRO oery store: experienced: German; good refer ences. D 23. care JOregChlan. Miscellaneous. SITUATION WANTED BY GOOD JAPANESE boy, to do plain cooking and dishwashing in private family or boardtng-house. Japanese Mission, 305 Flanders $ GOOD JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION TO do cooking, general housework, for family. K 20. care Oregotflan. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Domestics DO YOU WANT DOMESTICS? OUR OFFICE is filled with them dally. Phone us. Canadian Bmp. Agency. 220 Morrison. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG GIRL, TO take care of children and assist with house work. 327 23d. SITUATION WANTED AS GOOD COOK OR housework; can give references. 230 loth 6t. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING DOXE AT REASONABLE prices; children's clothes a specialty. Mrs. Hawkins,- 415 Buroslde. MlscellnnconK. WORK WANTED FOR ALL CLASSES, der free, R. G. DraKe, 152 First. phones. OR- Both WANTED A GENTS. A SNAP FOR AGENTS A BOOK THAT Ev erybody buys at sight, "Campaigning In the Philippines." 300 beautiful Illustrations. Glvo 1st, 2d. and 3d choice of territory. Address at once the Hlcks-Judd Publishing Co., San Francisco, Cal. RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED. APPLY rvxtm 22 Hamilton building. 131 Third st. WANTED TO RENT. HOUSE OF C OR 7 ROOMS; GIVE LOCATION and rent. Address K 20, care Oregonlan. 6 TO S-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, dress B 28, care Oregonlan. AD- W ANTED MISCELLANEOUS. FOREST RESERVE SCKIP.W1TH ABSTRACT of transfer showing original basis; state price Ir acre. G 19. care Oregonlan. IF YOU HAVE GOOD. SOUND POTATOES or onions to sell for cash, address Crabb & Glfford. 22 Washington st. WANTED SECOND-HAND BOX-MANUFAC-turlng machinery; must be cheap. R 11, car Oregonlan. BEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF household goads. 3SS 6th st. Phone Brown 002. ROLL-TOP DESK WANTED; MUST BE A bargain. T 20. care Oregonlan. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED RELIABLE PARTY TO OP agency for the famous Lytton Springs Min eral Waters In Portland and vicinity with siphons. Splendid opportunity; liberal terms People's Mineral Hygiene Comaany, I. C. Crook, president, ninth floor, Crocker building, San Francisco, Cal. Parties wanted with some capital to invest In ture-paying proposition; come and investlgaie for yourself. Call on Wm. Hell, room 40 Washington building, cor. th and Wash. FIFFT-CUSS OPFOrfr'-NlTY FOR PARTY wishing to run republican country weekly during campaign; $SO0; easy terms. Y 22, care Oregonlan GOOD BUSINESS FOR SALE MILLINERY, notions, good location; population 2590; month ly pay-roll $30,000. Address lock-box 19. Ho quiam. Wash. BOOK AND STATIONERY BUSINESS; GOOD location; cheap rent; trade increasing; cheap if taken quickly. P. O. box COS. dty. OLD - ESTABLISHED BUSINESS; INVOICES $1S.000 to $1$,090; want to retire from buei naas. B SS. oare Oregonlan. FOR SALE---DRUG STORE IN RIDDLE. OR.; aMlr ItCfUl aoli fialac OATkft a.tjl.... T o -- -. . . "wv ni"aa JT u, care Orapenlan. vwrjovBRY. CIGARS AND TOBAOCO aoupe. 2 living reams, for sale cheap. 4S1 Menlean. FOR SALE 18-raam house, newly furnished; j fuU roomers; $$0. Address B 03, Oresonjar..' FOR RENT. Room. THE SPALDING. S. E. COR. PARK AND Alder stc, under the management of the owner. Heleo F. Spalding The meat complete apartment-house in the Northwest: choice rooms, for gentlemen or gentleman and wife; furnished housekeeping suites a specialty. THE NEWCASTLE, S. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison ets. Rooms, furnished or unfur nished: all modem conveniences; references. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; FURXACK heat; lUse of phone and bath; reasonable rent; references; private family. 170 ISth st. VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED ALCOVE room, with use of gas, bath and phone. 180 14th St., between Yamhill and Taylor. THE GILBERT LARGE, WELL-FURNISHED Tooms; all modern conveniences. Third and Taylor sts.; entrance, 267 Taylor. 433 ALDER FIRST-FLOOR SUITE, HAND eomely furnished; bath aad telephone, vacant Tuesday afternoon. THIRD ST.. 1S WELL-FURNISHED, light rooms; clean; double beds; $1 up week; very central. '.r FRONT ROOM, FOR gentleman: private family; reasonable. 408 Salmon st. GILMAN HOTEL Brick bldg., central; fur nished rooms, $1 week and up. 1st and Aider. OCKLEY. 390 MORRISON Nicely furnished rooms, for gentlemen; modern conveniences. liYNDELL. &ii MORRISON NEW MANAGE ment; elegantly furnished rooms; gentlemen. The Castle, 372 Washington Elegantly furnish ed rooms; modern conveniences; transients. Unfurnished suite of rooms; suitable for office. Also housekeeping rooms. 270 Morrison. Rooms With Board. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 12TH YEAR; rooms with board: enameled bath tuba; use of library; Woman's Excange; Industrial school. Address Mrs. E. C George, superin tendent. 510 Flanders street. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board; all conveniences; best location. 229 11th st. FRONT ROOM. WITH ALCOVE AND BOARD, for elderly couple or gentleman. 330 Fifth. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; ALSO other rooms: with first-class board. 225 11th. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH BOARD; HOME cooking. 360 Alder. nonaekeeplnnr Rooms. CLEAN ROOM. FURNISHED. FOR HOUSE keeplng; very cheap to orklnar or college girl. 171 11th et. ROOMS. FURNISHED. N SUITES. FOR housekeeping; good, sightly, respectable house. 230 Ruseell st. THIRD ST., 1S0 2 OR 3 CONNECTING side rooms, furnished, for housekeeping, $8, $10 month. TWO LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, lower floor; use of bath and phone. 240 Park street. The Graham Housekeeping apartments a et-e-dally; gas ranges and telephone. 545 Wast. Flat pf 4 rooms, furnished cr unfurnished: also other rooms; references. 3SS Jefferson streat. TWO DESIRABLE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, furnished; no children. 229 13th. SUITE UNFURNISHED ROOMS. $5.50. MAN ley block, K7 Williams ive. -ROOM FLAT. WITH BATH. IN THE SEVIL la. Inquire 210 Third st. Houses. FOR RENT MODERN COTTAGE HOME OF 0 rooms, 706 Everett street; finely located anl in excellent order; rent very reasonable. Ap ply next door, at 704. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE; FINE CON dltlon. Apply L. L. Schuman, Fish Market, Third and Ankeny sts. ONLY ONE OF THOSE BEAUTIFUL, MOD ern flats left opposite Hobart-Curtls, 14th et., near Jefferson. ONLY ONE OF THOSE BEAUTIFUL MOD em flats left opposite Hobart-Curtls, 14th et., near Jeffer.on. LARGE, MODERN RESIDENCE, EAST PORT land, $20. A. B. Manley. 42 Sherlock bldg. Furnished Houses. FURNISHED COTTAGE. 4 ROOMS; BATH, electric lights; six blocks postomce; good neighborhood; no children. Inquire 273 Sew enth et. FURNISHED HOUSE. SIX ROOMS. DESIR , able; rent reasonable. 21 Mulkey building. IIotiscs for Rent Furniture for Sale. 35 ROOMS. CHOICE LOCATION. AND A good buy. 2S rooms, all rented, good furni ture. 22 rooms, corner flat, elegant furniture; a money-maker. 12-rcom house, near "P. O.; furniture nearly new; must be .sold. See mo before buying. C. E. Bennett, 127 Fourth street. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF FINE 10-ROOM. well-furnlshed house; centrally located; all rooms occupied; sickness Is reason for selling thl3 bargain, for cash only. Address W 14, care Oregonlan. For Rent Povrer. ROOM WITH POWER FOR RENT, LIGHT manufacturing purposes.. C. H. Mclsaac, 308 Chamber of Commerce. FINANCIAL. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON FURNI ture. pianos, salaries, etc. Can be paid In Installments, reducing Interest. Rates lower than the lowest. F. W. Graves, Mgr 2S5 Alder, near 4th ground floor. Tel. Green 444. $200,000 TO LOAN AT 5, C. 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property for sale and rent. Agent for Westchester Fire Insurance Co. Wm. G. Beck. 321 Morrison et. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM $25 TO $500, on all classes of security. R. I. Ecker son & Co., room 5 Washington building. ANY AMOUNT LOANED ON FURNITURE, planes, real estate and all kinds of security. C. H. Thompson. 128 3d st. Phone Main 2S. $2G00 MORTGAGE FOR SALE. FIVE YEARS, 6 per cent, first-class security; abstract fur nished. Address F. M. French. Albany, Or. ?25C0 OR LESS SUM TO LOAN AT 6 PER cent on inside residence property; no com mission. H 4, care" Oregonlan. MONEY TO -LOAN, 6 per cent, farm or city property. O. M. Smith, 814 Ch. of Commerce. LOANS on chattels or salaries; lowest rates; strictly prlyate; seo. us first, 004 The Dekum. MONEY TO LOAN. HARTMAN. THOMPSON & POWERS. 3 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS IN LARGE OR SMALL AMOUNTS Ow Portland or outside real estate. 220 Abington building. MONEY TO LOAN on furniture or good securi ties. S. W. King, room 45 Wathlngton bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty. Wm. Holl, room 40 Washington bldg. LOANS on rea. personal, chattel or talary se curity. C. W. Pallett 15 Commercial block. Loans on bicycles, pianos and personal proper ty. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Wash. bldg. LOANS; FURNITURE. PIANO. ETC.; LOW rates; private party. 319 Allsky building. $5GO0 to $2000 to responrible parties. Improved city real property. 6 per cent. 534 Ch. Com. SPECL1L NOTICES. Proposnls Invited. MERCHANDISE AND LUMBER FOR SALE In the County Court ot the State of Oregon, for the County of Multnomah In the Matter of the Estate of H. B. Borthwlck. Deceased Notice Is hereby given that I will receive ealed bids for the stock of goods, wares ard merchandise situated at Mooresvllle, Colum bia county. Or., and for the stock of boots And shoes, situated at Goble. Columbia coun ty. Or., and for the lumber row In the yards at Goble and Mooresvllle. and for one logging donkey with double enslnas, at Mooresvllle, In the said county and state, now In my hands as administrator of the above-entitled estate, under the following terms and conditions; All bids must be In writing and pealed, and delivered to me. at the office of the clerk of the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for Multnomah county, at Portland, Or., on or before 12 o'clock noon of the 24th day of Feb ruary. 1800, at which time and place all bids will be opened. The inventory of the mer chandise and of the lumber can be exam ined at the abovo - mentioned office dur ing office hours until said date, and also at Goble and Mooresvllle by calling en C. L. Wilcox at Goble. Each bid must be j.c oorapanted by a certified check on some bank in Portland, payable to my order, in the sum of $16ft, to be forfeited in the event of a fail ure to comply with the bid made if property be sold to such bidder. Cheeks will be re turned to unsuccessful bidders. All bids must be for cash in d, and the blda on the stocks I SPECIAL SOTICES. Proposals Invited. of- merchandise, and for the donkey engine, must be made on a basts of accepting them where they. are now situated, and the bids on the lumber may be made on. a basis of deliv ery at Goble, Portland or Astoria. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. The stocks and property can be examined each day between the hours of 10 A. il. and 12 M.. and 2 P. M. and 4 P. II., prior to tho 21th day of February, 1D00, at the places Where the same are situated. Dated this 15th day of February. 1900. CAN J. MOORE. Administrator of the Estate of H. B. Borthwlck, Deceased. PROPOSALS FOR REFUNDING WATER Bonds, Dalles City. Or. Sealed proposals will be received by the board of water commis sioners of Dalles City, Or., at Eaid city, until 8:30 o'clock P. M. of the 2Cth day of Fetru- ary. 1000. for twenty-flve thousand dollars and twenty thousand dollars of refunding water bonds of said city (as it Is not settletr as to whether the total amount of bonds will be $25,000 or $20,000). Authority Is extended to the said board to Issue refunding water bonds In the sum of $25,000. but If found not To be necessary the Issue will be for no more than $20,000. And at a rate of interest not exceeding 4 per cent per annum, payable 20 years from date of issue. Interest payable semiannually, principal and Interest payable in goia com or the united- states, at any city therein, at the option of the buyer. The bonds mentioned will be Issued under the provisions of the several legislative acts of the state of Oregon, approved Feb. 20, 1885; Feb. 10, 18S0. and Feb. 14, 1895, and in pursuance of an or dlnance adopted by 'the common council of Dalles City, approved Jan. 25, 1900. The proposed refunding water bonds are Intended for the redemption of outstanding water bonds In the sum of $25,000. but In case the board of water commissioners prefer It will Issue refunding bonds for $20,000 only: therefore, bidders may make proposals for both $25,000 and $20,000, and In the denomination of $500 each. No bid will be entertained for a rate less than par value of the bonds. Premiums and rate of Interest will be taken Into con sideration in passing on the value of nil bids. Bidders must deposit with the president of the board a duly certified check on some respon sible bank equal to 2 per cent of the amount of bonds bid for, or accompany his bid with cash of such amount as will equal such per cent of his bid; and ouch certified check made payable to the president of the board of water commissioners of Dalles City, Or., as liquidated damages in case the bidder shall fall or neglect to receive and pay for, at the office of the city treasurer of said city, the bonds awarded to him on his bid, on or be fore the 1st day of March, 1000. Attention should be given the fact that the board will not Issue and dispose cf more than $20,000 ot such refunding bonds unless It shall be deemed necessary to do so, but otherwise, If the board shall And that It Is necessary to Issue bonds In the sum of $25,000, It will then offer and Issue the full sum ($25,000). The right to reject any and all bids is reserved by the said board of water commissioners. Bids should be addressed to the president of said board, or to the city recorder. Dalles City, Wasco county, Or., and noted "Proposals for refunding water bonds." By order of the board ot water commissioners, by and with the consent of the common council, this 25th day of January, 1900. T. J. SEUFERT, (L. S.) President of Board. Attest: NED H. GATES. Recorder of Dalies City. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL., JANUARY 25. 1900. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be re ceived here until 11 o'clock A. M., February 24. 1900, and then opened, for construction of power-house, electrical machinery, heating system, Ice machine and cold storage, filter plant, kitchen and laundry machinery, etc., for U. S. General Hospital at Presidio of San Francisco, Cal. Government reserves right to reject cr accept any or all bids In whole or In part. Preference given to articles of do mestic production, conditions of Drlce and quality (Including in the price of foreign pro ductions tbe duty thereon) being" equal, and such preference given to articles of Ameri can production produced on the Pacific- oast, to extent of consumption required; by the pub lic service there. Information furnished on application to J. M. MARSHALL, Deputy Quartermaster-General, Chief Q. M. WATER WORKS THE TOWN OF FOSSIL. Wheeler county, "Or., will receive proposals until Tuesday evening, March 6, 1900, for the construction of a system of water works, ac cording to the plans and -specifications on file in the office of the town recorder. The sys tem consists of: 12,000 feet of 2-Inch pipe. 2,500 feet of 2-lnch pipe. 3.G00 feet of 6-lnch pipe. 1,400 feet of 8-lnch pipe. Hydrants, gates and special fittings. One 150,000-gallon reservoir, cement lined. Bids may be made on labor and materials, separately. All bids must be accompanied with a certified check for 6 per cent of the amount of the bid. payable to the mayor of Fosell. The council reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. H. STOKES, Recorder. Fossil, Or., Feb. 10. 19:0. U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE. BURKE BUILD Ing, Seattle, Wash., January 24, 1900. Sealed proposals for constructing brick storehouse at RlchV Passage, Wash., will be received here until 12 M., February 23, 1900, and then pub licly opened. Information furnished on ap plication. HARRY TAYLOR. Capt. Engrs. Miscellaneous. 1000, W. No. 3. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Co lumbia. Between The Western Canadian Ranching Company, Limited, and Reduced, Plaintiffs, and Benjamin Van Volkenburgh, Allan Richfield Cameron and James Jackson, Defendants To James Jackson, of Portland, Or.; Take notice that the Western Canadian Ranching Company, Limited, and reduced, a company having Its head office in British Co lumbia, at No. 40 Government street, Vic toria, British Columbia, has commenced an action against Benjamin Van Volkenburgh, Allan Richfield Cameron and you, James Jackson, In the supreme court of British Co lumbia, by writ of that court, dated the 29th day of January, A. D. 1900, which said writ is indorsed as follows: "The plaintiffs' claim Is to have an account "taken of what is due to them for principal, "Interest and costs upon the following mort gages, that is to say, "a. Mortgage dated the 14th day of Novem "ber. 1893. and made between the defendant "Van Volkenburgh of the one part and Wlll "lam Turple and George Stelly of the other "part, which said mortgage was by Indenture "dated the 24th day of October, 1S94. as signed to the plaintiffs. "b. Mortgage dated the 3d day of March, "1S94, and made between the defendant Van "Volkenburgh of the one part, and the British "Columbia Land & Investment Agency, "Limited, of the other part, which said mort- gage was by Indenture dated, tne lutn aay "of November. 1S90, aselgiied to the plaintiffs "c. Mortgage dated the 3d day of March, "A. D. 1804. made between the defendant "Van Volkenburgh of tne one part, and the "British Columbia Land & Investment "Agency. Limited, of the other part, which "said mortgage was by indenture dated the "10th day of November, 1899. assigned to "the plaintiffs. "d. Chattel mortgage dated the 3d day of "March, A. D. 1894, made between the de fendant Van Volkenburgh of the one part, "and the British Columola Land & Invest "ment Agency, Limited, of the other part, "which said chattel mortgage was by Inden ture dated the 10th day of November, 1899, "assigned to the plaintiffs." "And that the said mortgages may be "enforced by foreclosure." "And the plaintiffs also claim to recover "possession cf lots C16 and 017, group 1, "Kamloops Division of Yale District and Sec "tlon 25, Township Ten (10) Queen Charlotte "district In the Province of British Colum "blar being hereditaments described In the "first three above mentioned mortgages." And you are required on or before the 1st day of March. A. D. 1900, to defend tbe said action by causing an appearance to be entered for you In the said court to the said action: and in default of your so doing, the said The Western Canadian Ranching Com pany, Limited, and reduced, may proceed therein and Judgment may be given in your absence. You may appear to the said writ by enter ing an appearance personally, or by your solicitor. In the office of the registrar of .this court at Victoria. B. C E. E. WOOTTON, Of the firm of McPhllllps, Wootton & Barnard, Bank of Montreal Chambers, corner of Bastion and Government sts., Victoria", B. C, whose address for serv ice is the same place, solicitor for tbe plaintiff company, whose head office in British Columbia Is No. 40 Government st,. Victoria, B. C. In the Supreme Court of British Columbia. Victoria. Feb. 5th. 1800, Registry. Entered Vol. 21, Folio 762, 521900. W- P. M. L. S. 60c. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF 'BRITISH Columbia In Chambers: Before the Honour able Mr. Jurtice Martin, between The West ern Canadian Ranching Company, Limited, and reduced, plaintiffs, and Benjamin Van Volkenburgh, Allan Richfield Qameron and James Jackson, defendants, Thursday, the 1st day of February. lw: Upon the application of the plaintiff com pany. Upon reading the affidavit of George Henry Barnard, sworn herein this day, and It ap pearing that the defendant Jackson la absent and cannot be found to be served with notice of the writ of summons herein. And upon hearing Mr. George Henry Bar nard of counresl for the plaintiff company. It Is ordered that the plaintiff company be at liberty to Issue a concurrent writ of sum mons herein and to serve notice thereof out of the jurisdiction upon the defendant Jack son, And It is further ordered that sprvice upon the defendant of notice cf the said writ by publishing a copy of this order and such notice for two weeks in the Oregonlan news paper published In tbe city 'of Portland, Oregon, and by posting a copy of this order and such notice in the office of the registrar of the supreme court at Victoria, and by serving a copy of this urder and such notice upon Mr. H. G. Hall, solicitor. Victoria, be deemed good and sufficient service of the said writ upon the defendant Jackson. And It Is urther ordered that the defendant Jackson do enter an appearance to the said writ of summons in the office of this court at Victoria. British Columbia, on or before the first day of-March, A D. 1900. And it is further ordered that the costs of J this application be,casts In the cause. . "B. H, T. V." "ARCHER MARTIN, J," BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Afternoon. Kindergartens. MISS ANNIE MATTTNGLY'S Afternoon Frpbel Kindergarten, 2C0 14th st. Tel. Brown 518. Agricultural Implements, Machinery EDWARD HUGHES; WAGONS, CARRIAGES and farm machinery of all kinds. 190 Front. RUSSELL & CO. ENGINES. BOILERS. SAW mills, threshers, horse-powers. 324 Belmont. JOHN POOLE: Newton wagons; buggies, wind mills, pumps, machinery. Foot Morrison st. Amusement Resorts. Edison's Star PhoUcon Parlors. 272 Morrtara. a A, M. to 10 P. M. Ladles, gents, chlWren- Art Goods and Picture Frames. BERNSTEIN'S ART STORE. 307 WASHING ton st,; great clearance sale; special bargains. Assurers and Analysts. I. H. FISK, MINERAL AS3AYER AND chemist; gold dust bought. 2C4 Washington. PAUL BAUMEL, ASSAtER AND ANALYST. Gold dust bought. 22S Stark st. PORTLAND AS3AY OFFICE, 220 Stark St. As saylpg and analytical work. Gold dust bought. Attorueys. H. K. SARGENT: general practice; notary. Phone Hoed 832. 718 Cnamber of Commerce. JEFFREYS & WHITE, attorneys-at-law, prac tice In all courts. 420 Commercial block. E. W. BINGHAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. RE moved to 61 Union block, Portland. GEO. W. HAZEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 609 Cll Chamber of Commerce building. PIPES & TIFFT, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. 711 Chamber of Commerce. Bakeries. U. S. Bakery, Matschlner Bros., props.; breaas, cakes, plea, pastry and crackers. 101 N. 14th. cOr. Flanders. Barber Shops. HOWARD'S BARBERSHOP; FINEST BRAND cigars; D expert workmen- 266 Alder st. Baths. DEKUM Bathrooms: popular baths, massage, electricity. 714-15-16 -Dekum. Phone Red 2343. Book Stores. New and second-hand school and ot jer books. 203 Morrison st., Nstwetn First and Front- Card Wrltins. Elegant society cards, any style, 25c per dox.; 4 doz.. 76c,- H. Ennls, Meier & Frank's. Carpenters and Builders. JOHN A. "MELTON, carpenter, builder; office and 8toro fixtures. Ore. tel. 747. 2S5 Stark. Chinese Medicines. Dr. Blng Chong, 191 2d st.; Chinese root medi cines cure all diseases. .Examination free. Cracker Factories. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., mfrs. biscuits, crack er's, ship bf cad, -confectionery. Hth and Davis. Cnrled-Hair Manufacturers. Portland Curled-Hair Factory, H. Metzger, pro prietor, manufacturer curlea nalr and genuine curled-hair mattresses. 220-22S Front et. Both phones. Cornices Skyllshta, METAL SKYLIGHTS. GALVANIZED IRON cornices. J. C. Bayer, 265 Second street, ' Creameries. WASHINGTON CREAMERY; PURE BUTTiih. cream: bakery goods. Both phones. G. G. Mayger. 42U Wasnington. Chiropodists. L. MITCHELL, EXPERT CHIROPODIST, OF lice 160 5th st., opp. postomce. Tel. Hood 1)14. Mlea Dart, chiropody and manicuring, room 50 Union block, 1st and Stark. l A. M. to 5 P. M. Clairvoyant. ALWAYS Consult the Best! Pjtt.OJ--ESbOK KING. The Future can Be Foretold. This &irange and wonderful man la gradu ally but surely turning the tide of skepticism, asking no question, he tells your name'in full, your occupation, -whom ana wnen you will marry. It marriage, sickness, deaths; changes, .trav els divorces, fccparation?, lawsuits, DUBineaa transactions, wius, aeeiu, mortgages, lost or ab&ent iriends interest you, if you desire to be more successful, if you aesire to have your domestic trouble removed, your lost love re turned, your enemies converted into tr.ancn fntnas in a word, wnatever may be your troubles, suspicions or ctalres, call on this wunaenul guped man ne will point out ana snow you how to-overcome all obstacles that keep you from 'happiness and succeto. Hours: I). A. Al. to 8 P. M. low iiast Park Street. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER, PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general commislon mercnant. Front st.. near Main. Portland. Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants, Sherlock building, Portland, Or. W. N. Sayre & Co., commission & produce mer chants; advances on consignments. 146 Front. ALLEN & LEWIS, COMMISSION AND PBO duce merchants. Front & U sit.. Portland. Or. D. F. Wagner & Co., brokerage and commission; canned goods, dried fruits, etc. 203 Wash. et. EVERD1NG & FARRELL, commission, butter, eggs chickens and farm produce, Portland. H. TUKE & CO.. 234 FRONT; FLOUR. HAY, produce, feed and groceries. Dancing. MISSES MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANC lng, 2C9 14th. Private lessons by appointment. Dentists. HENRY P. O'CONNOR. D. M. D., 602 MAR quam building, Morrison St., bat. Uth and 7th. DR. FRANK I. BALL. DENTIST, ROOM 413 Dekum building. Phone Brown 494. DR. C. B. BROWN; tel. ure. Red 2340; res.. White 634. 614-15-16 Dekum building. Dental Supplies. WOODARD, CLARKE &. CO., Cor. Fourth and Washington sts. Dressmaking. MRS. SADIE A. McKIBBEN, MODISTE; FINE evening and street costumes a specialty. Tel. Scott 701. 372 East Morrison. MISS HAWKINS, LADIES' TAILOR AND dressmaker; good fit guaranteed. 424 Wash. Dyelne and Cleaning;. IL W. TURNER, PROFESSIONAL DYER AND cleaner. 301 17th. Telephone Red 131. Educational. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE. Fifth and Yamhill; A, P. Armstrong, Prin., J. A. Wesec. Sec Open all the year. Students admitted at any time.' Catalogue free. HOLMES' ENG.LISH AND BUSINESS CO lege, 414 Yamhill St. Englisa course: com mercial and shorthand courses. Send for cat alogue. ALL ENGLISH BRANCHES TAUGHT; teach ers prepared for examination. 361 Yamhill. Fence and Wire Works. PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS: WIRE and lrcn fencing, office railing, etc. 334 Alder. Fraternal Insurance. You-don't have to die to win, In Ancient Order Red Cross. Fraternal Insurance. D. C Rog ers. 290 Morrison, will tell you how. Write or call. Deputies wanted; liberal terms. Grocers. J. L. HAYSETH & SON. SUCCESSORS TO Nelson; staple and fancy groceries. 455. Wash. Harness and Saddles. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. HAR ness and sole leather, saddlery, hardware, find ings and shoe store supplies. 73 Front st. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO. WHOLE sale iaddlers and harness manufacturers, .earner and saddlery hardware. 72 Front st. Insurance. HAMEURG - BREMEN FIRE INS. CO., First st. Boyd & Arnold. General Agents. Eugene D. White & Co., Agts. German Alliance Fire' Insurance Co.. 420 Commercial block. Hotels. THEMONT HOUSE; newly furnished rooms, $1.50 a. week up. J. E. Clarlc, 343 Everett BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Iron Founders and Machinists. Smith & Watson Iron Works; engines- and boil ers; logging engines & specialty; quarts and saw alRa; misc. machinery. Front and Hall. Willamette Iron & Steel Works: Jamas Lotan. rogr.; iron-workers, steamboat bkh-s. Portland. Iron Founders and Machinists. CITY FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOPS. J. Hoeeyman Co., engines, boilers, saw mills and mining machinery. 391 Front st. Ladder Works. LADDERS OF ALL KINDS. AND KITCHEN conveniences. Car. East Sixth and Oak. Leather Findingrs. J. A. "RED3. mfr. boot and shoe uppers; fuB trtoek shoemakers' supplies. 297 Washington at. Liquor and Tobacco Institute. Keeley Institute. 314 6th, cures liquor, opium and tobacco addletlocs. rro other in state. Marble and Granite Works. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS: marble. gTan Ite and stone work. Sehanen Be Neu. 263 1st. Mldvrlvcs. MRS. EHL, GRADUATE MIDWIFE. North 14th st. Telephone West 067. Mining. Barton & Curtis, 229 Stark, mining engineers, stock brokers; mines examined nnd report! upon; machinery furnished; plants ereoteu. Mining? Investments. COPPER AND GOLD 25,000 SHARES TREAa--ury stock (first issue) Oregon Expteratlori & Development Co. now offered to the pu&Vc Price of shares, terms and plan of work aa outlined by executive committee made known on application. Later Issues of these shares will command a premium. Negotiations for palo of properties now under way Insure large dividends to stockholders. TKto mea-.s income-paying stock. Printed matter, etc.. write E. A. Clem & Co.. 515 and 816 Oregpnian building. Portland. Or. Phone Red 2S22. SUMPTER CONSOLIDATED VIGOROUS AND systematic development work arranged for. This line properly located Just across Cracksr creek from the famous North Pole mine; right up among the big producers. 50,00 shares treasury stock (first issue) secured for our ollenta at $20 per thousand. Rapid rise in values safely counted on. This- will be a second Free Coinage. Applications filed in their order. E. A. Clem & Co., 515 and 516 Oregonlan building. Phone Red 2S22. SUMPTER GOLI FIELDS CAREFULLY SE lected treasury stock In active properties in this rich mineral belt yield big profits on the original cost- Safety Deposit shares. BOe; Paymaster, 5c; Black Cat Free Gold, 3e: Silver Star. 2c. All these properties are work ing, and are safe Investments. Maps, printed matter and information, write E. A. Clem & Co., ' 515 and 516 Oregonlan building. Port land. Or. Phone Red 2822. FOR SALE 10,000 SHARES OF TREASURY stock of the Alice Gold Mining Co.. at 10c per share; non-asaeoaabie; finest showing of any property In Chewelah mining aistriet. t;aii and see me about it if you would like to invest in mining property or mining stocks. J. F. Nylander, Grand Central station, city. SUMPTER MINES. Developed and undeveloped claims for sale. We can give you the most reliable inveatmanta In mines. Keystone Belle, 10c; Ohio, 20c; Diadem, now 10c, will advance to 25c Feb. 2i; now shipping ore. DAWSON - McDOWELL Co., 41 Sherlock building, Portland. Weatherby-Bonanza has fully equipped stamp mill; good record as a producer; four parallel veins, ot high-grade ore; 2000 feet develop ment work. Small block stock for sale. E. A. Clem& Co., 515-516 Oregonlan bldg., Portland. Rebecca Extension stock for sale, Cc share; will make you good money; will advance rap Idly. W. H. Sherrod & Co., 319 Cham, of Com. JAMES M. COLE & CO.. Baker City. Mines bought, sold, developed. Special bargains In Sumpter quartz claims for sale. alining: Machinery. TATUM & BO WEN. 29 TO 35 -FIRST ST.; mining, sawmill, wood - working machinery; pumps; Hoe saws. Medical. DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THE GREAT COL ored specialist of all kinds of diseases of both men and women. Every disease of the human body. Eyes, ears, consuropt'"-.. asthma, ca tarrh, cancer, wens and ai other chronic dis eases positively cured. The doctor can Be seen at his new sanitarium, 171 Green ave., 23d and Washington. Ladies: Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c. stamps, for- particulars, "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mail. At Drug gists". Chichester Chemical Co., Phlla., Pa. DR. FLORA A. BROWN MAKES SPECIALTY of asthma and diseases of women and children. Consultation and diagnosis free. SI 7-13 The Dekum. Portland. Or. Greek Rheumatic Specific, guaranteed to cure rheumatism. L. T. Lewis, 252 Washington. Musical. Violin, viola, cornet lessons; music furnished; Italian strings and old violins for sale. Emtl Thlelhorn, M. P. S. Orch., 289 Jefferson. Tel. West 1004. PROF. VAILLANT DE LA CROIX. FORMER ly baritone of grand opera, wants talented pupils to prepare for opera; Goodneuga. bldg. Lessons 50c; piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vio lin. Instruments for sale. Mrs. Martin. 104 1st. PIANO. ORGAN AND VOCAL INSTRUCTION. Mrs. Mclntyre, 253 Sixth St.. cor. Madison. Massage. "THE SNOWDEN" BATHROOMS REOPENED at 131 4th st.; formerly "The Nelson"; tub and vapcr baths, massage. Tel. Red 421. LADY OF LOS ANGELES. VAPOR BATHS and massage, 263 Starx st., room 23. Osteopathy. TREATMENT W. A. ROGERS, OSTEOPATH, Marquam building, reonu 582-533-534. Hours, 9-12 A. M.. 2-5 P. M. Phene Main 27. Call and investigate our method ot treat ment. Consultation and examination free. DBS. NORTHRUP & ALKTRE, osteopathlsts. rooms 415-10-17 Dekum block. Oregon phone Main 349. Lady osteopathia:. Examination free. DR. L. B. SMITH, PIONEER OSTEOPATH. ultt 409 Oregonlan building. Phone Oak 421. Oretron Viavi Company. Lewis bldg.. Park and Morrison Free Healtn lectures to women Thursday, at 2:30 P. M. Paper-Box Factories. OREGON PAPER -BOX FACTORY; MFG. paper boxes of all descriptions. 170 Second. Palmistry. MAKE A PRINT FROM SMOKED PAPER of both hands; and send by mall, with 3s to a scientific palmist, and receive a correct reading of your life. Mrs. L. F. Delano, sta tion A. Portland, Or. Miss Marie White, scientific palmist, reads past and future correctly. Lewie bldg., room 68. Patents. T. J. GEISLER, 610-011 CHAMBER OF COM. Registered attorney U. 3. patent office. Photographers. If you wish fine portraits, call on Cndrchley. Work guaranteed; prices reasonable. 146 Cd. Photographic Supplies. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. WHOLESALE and retail, cor. Fourth and Washington, Real Estate, Loans and Rentals. ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD & CO. llshed I860. 227 Stark st. E3TAB- Prlvnte Hospitals. Godden Private Hospital. 211 Sherman; cancer, catarrh, etc, cured -one month; guaranteed treatment: $1; lovely home for ladles during confinement. Restaurants. ST. CHARLES RESTAURANT; MEALS. 25c; short orders; white labor. D. K Attenburg, 2Se Morrison. Strouse'a Cafe: best 25c meal'; famous coffee and cake, 10c 222 Washington, bet. 1st and 2d. Riding: Clnhs. The Portland Riding Club, fine livery, saddle horses a specialty. Park and Jefferson. Safes. SAFES, SAFES. BANK WORK. LOCK DEP'T. opening lockouts, repairs. J. E. Davis. 66 3d. Saw Mill Machinery. Chrlxtenson-McMaster Machinery Co.: new and Eeeond-band machinery. X. Water frE Tsr'rt; Second-Hand Goods. We buy ersrythfog, etethfcs. furniture, etc. Call or address 32 Third et. Telephone Hood 969. RUSINSSS DIRECTORY. Sharreaiseat and Stort? Fixrarwu DIXON; JKMcSJaSOX CO. FMOXr AND WaaMagfea sts. Staracc OVXXLAXft STORAGE WARKHOGSB. Fsanh and Davis. Merchandise a seeds. ty. Insurance rates low; storage rates reanoaabie. Cartful aManlem atrea t country consign men. Tet. Or. Mala 777: Coramsta 9to. Storasc and Transfer. SAFKg. FIANO FURmTURB MOVES AND paaked far shiapiMC. C M. Olsea. 138 First. TeL oSiee. Maw 17: Blade 8M. STORAGE AT LOW RATES CaS BE HAD at Fred BtefceTs neiebeuaa. M North Frost. SetlrttwiMsta. MRS. WALLACE. RELIABLE CLAIRVOYANT and payenta r-mauai : consult her -on busi ajs afmlw, to iroublas. absent trteni. good advice on mines: readme dally. Sue and up. K First street, emce 7 and 8. .BL3IE REYNOLDS: LAST SEANCES TVES- OB7, w etusGBWur. ihoirhi un r nut j rr- lngs. Leaves Saturday. MRS. C. CORNELIUS. TEST MEDIUM. SIT tlBfS dally. Allsky feMc. Third and Morrison. MRS.' J. A. SMITH, medium ana magnetla healer, room 9 Oraville. 088 Washington st MRS. STEVENS. Psychic. Inspiration writings. aOe. SHtian daily. SVc up. MS First st. Elsie Reynold; materialising seances Sund-, Tuee.. Trtd.; $1; ladies. Sue. 421 Third. LARSJBN. THE PAL3CI3T: SCIENTIFIC rvautegB, Me. J6 First, ear. Jutttrson Wall Paper and Paint. STROWBRnXSE PAINT OIL CO.. WALL paper.' sash, doors, builders hardware. 133 Grand ave. Wholesale Sreeer. ALLEN A LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCER3. cor. N. Front and Darts at.. Portland. Or. Wholesale IlrsKjrlats. WOODARD. CLARICE & CO.. WHOLESALS druggbts. corner Fourtk sad Waaatagton. Weed and Coal. OAK WOOD. f4.73: Nlckum. 349 water. SAWED FIR. Both phones. S3T5. PERSONALS. INDIAM CLAIRVOYANT AND MEDIUM The wonderful, giftad Indian squaw, bun with two veils over faea, tells, from cradle to grave, past, present, future, and secrets re vealed; warns against misfortune, sura guide to social and business success; heals all dis eases by the use of Indian herbs. Mrs Pr' Whefttly-Bowe. Separate parlor for 'aHia and gentlemen. Strictly confident ta I 271 jti St., opposite City Hall. No stalls to climb 27 women wanted suffering tram Irregular pain ful or stoppage of periods; leucorrhoea, (whites), and all complicated diseases pertain mg to changes of Hie. cured by old Dr. Kess Ier. eor. Second and Yanall. sts. 329 women called last month, Ctmattltation tree, and pri vate rooms for ladles. If can't call, write. tneteaintr 10 2c Mumps. Hundreds treated at home by his new system. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR ROT' arts Nerve Globules. One month's treatmrt $3) 3 months. Stt, Sent securely sealed iy mail. Agents. Woodard Clark?. Portland. Cr. ONE SUIT CALLED FOR. PRESSED, sponged and delivered every week. $1 a month. Also steam cleaning, dyeing and repairing. Unique Tailoring Co.. 34T WashhwtoB. Phones. ILLONDS PREVENTATIVE CONES. THIS greatest of aH antiseptics, sent sealed per box. $1 50; send 10c for sample and particulars. Ukmd Caem. Co.. Portland. Or. P. O. box 974. 30. FINE VISITING CARDS. 23c: CO. 55c. POPT Slid; 250 business eards. $1: 5D0. $1 SO. rows & Schmale. printers. 239 First street, Portland, Or. FOR SALE BOOK AND STATIONERY BU-1-ness; must sell quickly; investigate, no ra wnafcle oRer refused. P. O. box . city COMMON SENSE BEAUTY PARLORS, FA- clal blemishes removed by electricity, cup, roller and sponge. Lewis- Bldg. LADIES. FREE. HARMLESS MONTHLY regulator, cannot fall. Mrs. D. Fox. Milwau kee. Wis. BILLY LEA'S B1CYCLF HOSPITAL, 1W 4TH. Phore Clay 641. Wheats called for; delivered CUT RATES Oregon Dye Woaks; cleaning and dyeing. BumeMe. near 9th. Tel. Red 203 Mrs. Dr. McCoy, electric treatments. La Pr house, cor. Third ar.d Yamhill sts., ronm li Otto Kllngbcil. magnetic healer. 307 Et Sixth at., treats any sickness Ore. phone Scott hW. CLOTHES MENDED FOR INDIES ANT (lS tlemen. Apply at room 46. Labbe building ELECTRIC HUNDRT REMOVED TO 128 Fifth st. Both phones. Give vm a trial TRY A BOX OF WOODLBS CATARRH REM edy; sure cure. Address loch box 707 LADY. YOU GET RED STAMP3 AT CLEM ensos's drug store, 227 Yamhill street DOUBTFUL DEBTS COLLECTED, AN1 where. 518 Chamber of Commerce. LOST AXD FOUND. LOST SMALL PURSE. ON PARK ST . BE tween Market and Morrison or Morr.scn. be tween Park and Fifta, containing $5 in change. Return to 330 Park, and recehe re ward. LOST BROWN MARE. WITH COLLAR N1 halter on. Finder please deliver Schullnberg feed store. Sixth ard Davis. RANKS. SAVINGS BANK PORTLAND. TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. IOC THIRD STREET. Money to loan on mortgage. A general trust and agency business transacted. BEiNJ. I. COHEN President H. L. P1TTOCK. A S. NICHOLS Vice-Pre E. J. ALTSTOCK. J. O. GOLTSA Secretaries FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent of the United State. President B. W. CORBETT Caahter G. E. WlTHLNOTuN AKHStant Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK Second Asetetant Cashier W. C. ALVOkp Letters at credit issued, available in Europe and the Eastern states. Stent exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York, Boston. Chicago. St. Louis. At. Paul. Omaha. San Franciitco and tne principal points in the Northwest. Sight and :ibw oilte drawn In sums to suit on Landau, Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maia, Hong Kong, Yokohama. Copenhagen. Christian, Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Moscow, Zurich. Hon olulu.. Collections made on favorable terms. LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1850. Transact a General Banking Business. Interest a;kwod on time deposits. Collections made at ail points on favorabla terms. Letters of. credit issued available in Eu rope and the Eastern states. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sotf on New York. Wasnington. Chicago. St. Louis. Denver. Omaha, San Francisco and various points in Oregon. Washington. Idaho, Montana and Britfcm Columbia, Exchange sold on London. Paris, Berlin, Frankfort ahd Hong Kong. WELLS. FARGO & CO. BANK CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $e.3W.00 JOHN J. VALENTINE PRESIDENT HOMER S. KING MANAGER (Sua Francisco.) R. M. DOOLEY CASHIER H. 6. HANLEY A8BM9AMT CAaHItU (Portland.) General Banking Business, transacted. Ex change sold, and Letter of Credit issued, avail able In ail parts of the world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President RW, HOYT Cashier GEO. W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid en time deposits. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, available In an parts of tne world. ConecUons a specialty. Gold dust bought. LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK LIMJTSD. CAPITAL PAID UP C..TO,00 Head OSlce. 73 Lombard street. ron.lon. This bank transacts a seneral banking -tad ex change business: makes loans, discounts Nils and issues commercial and traveler.' credits, avail able in any city Is the world. Chamber of Commere bulldlna. Third and Sak streets. W. MACKINTOSH. Manager. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts issued available m a.l cities of cha Untied States and Europe. Presideat TYLER WOODWARn Vice-President JACOB KAM Caetater F. C. MILLER BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PAJJMJF CAPITAL SS.00S.0sft RESERVE UO.OM Head Office. 00 Lombard street, London. Com'l block. 344 Weaiimgton t . Portland. . LEA BARNES.