-pwvfpip "tb&Qgr . Wm'"!W?'"V!iS'g!W3?f0"9raj 'tMH"k."MW !J7f?""W'i9 TOK3fJ j -? --!isp-,"w mrwy jscys- lT?SSC"ipiBfIJJ!lfpww3JT3fS5?- 'Scgj, -1 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1900. 11 COMMERCIAL AND Tbe -week opened yestataer w ore favor- j able or at lew awre soimaaMc weaiar. &m business wu vary 8M( Cet- Monday. Prsdaee receiris, wfaloh woe aerd t hr the wafavor ble weather at tbe close at last -week, are again ! mon ins freely, aad ar of aa advance on tLis aocount of abort easpnes aas -vaatsae. gd, which sold to Me, wore plentiful yes taraay at 16c and potatoes ware easier. A ar loa.fi of bananas arrived Bandar, and, as they missed the cold saae. they were ia exeetleat condition. The wheat market waa easier, and there waa nothing doing In oats, nay. etc Poul try stocks creased aa well a&tarday.. reaving the market to fee basiaose this Basic Oleariasa. Hrawawtrea. Balances. rortland .? $50,243 Seattle t.W 37.875 6pvkane ?. ?t Tacoma , M,W .& PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flear, Bte. Tbe wheat markets ware & shade easier yos- ! terday, bhlps in the ir are baaoiatag scarce, and there are vet- lew ac -at hand, so that buyers are not feectag matters, especially as abtpowners are asking rates wMea will prove very attractive to tmpip steamers later on. Buyers have apparoaUy decided that they ean- Rat pay up on wheat and Alps at the same tine h.aS. have roeasoa their Unite, so that Wal a "K alia, la euotod at BUKile. Valley at 5Se an! Uueetem at Ma. There to not much busi ness doing-. -Reai-Walla Walla, 8bI51c; Valley. 5So; bluestem, 660 per baofcol. Flour -Best grades, 2 70; graham, xz go; euperfi-j. $2 16 par barret .a. White. MBtOi; gray, stained. 29630c per bushel. Barley Feed. S4W; brewlag, l7is pet too. MillstuffB-Bram, fttftlS per tea; skWUngs, $1S1G shorts, $1SU; chap, $14. Hay Stead), timothy, S16ll; otever, $70 7 DC, Oregon wild hay, $607 per ten. Vegetables, Frmlt, Etc Vegetables-Parsnips. $1; carrots, $1; turnips. 190c, onions, flHfl per eeatal; cabbage, lfeo per pound, potatoes, 6Xc par centai; sweet potatoes, W6c per pound. Fruit Lemons. $tOM, oranges, $z ea per box for navels, ft for oeedllags; tangerines, $1 TO, Japanese oranges, 78offl SO per box; ! tineaxnles. $4 fiOdW per doson; bananas, 2 CO I Z per bunch. Persian dates. 7fc6c per pound, apples, $1 1 80, Pears, 76o$l 26 per box; c-anberriee. $6 S0?T per barrel for Ilwaco, i 7 766 for Eastern. Dried fruit Apples, evaporated, "fsc per pound, sun-dried, sacks or hoses, 46e; pears, eus and evaporated, 6ee; plums, pltless, 49 C-v, prunes, Italian, S46; sliver, extra chc Ice. 6 6c. figs. Smyrna, 22c. California black. &66c, do white, 10c per pound. Batter, Bgrss, Poultry, Etc. Butter Fancy creamery. BOgWe; seconds, 42 45c, dairy, 07e; store, 2eSc per roll. Eggs 16o per doses for Oregon. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $e4; hens, ?40 4 CO, ducks. 6; geese, ?78 per dozen; tut ! keys, live, 10llc, dressed, 1214c per pound. Game Mallard ducks. $; wMgeon, $1 W&l; ! teal. ?11 X per dosen. Cheese Full cream, twins. 1313c: Toung America, 14c per peund. Greoarles, Aats, Ktc. Coffee-Mocha, 8M6c; Java, fancy, 2883c; jjava, good, 30Wc. Java, ordtnary. 1890c: Costa Rica, fanoy, I8sec; ds seed, iw lac; ao ordinary, lOlSc per pound; Columbia, roast, $12 7S per case; Arhuckle'a, 314 36; lvoa, Sugar Cube, ; erusaeo, s& ; pow dered, $5 86, dry granulated, oaae, $6 85; beet, ?5 25, extra C f4 ; goMea C. $4 7SH net; talf barrete, c ntora than barrsle; raapif cmger 16 16c per pound. Ueans Small white, 8c; bayou, -4c; Lima. 03 perp und. halmon Columwa river, 1-pouad tans, ?l 1 CO, 2 - pound taMs, ?2 fiu; fancy, 1 - pouniZ fla,p, II 65 1 76. -pound fancy flats, 8503c' ! Alaska, 1-pound tails, $1 31 89; 2-peund talis, ' fl 90(52 25. Grata bags-CalsuMa. $97 M per 103. Kuts Peanuts, WawTc per pound for raw. 101 tor roasted; cocoanuts, Wc per doson; watautA lOQllc per pound; pto nuts, 16c; hickory nuts, 7 theotnuta, 16c. Bradl, lie; aiberte. l&cj fancy pecans. 19914c; almondc, 16 0 17V&: per pound. ial oll-Caees. Mo per gallon; Darrein 1TH , tanks, loftc. Kie Island, 4e; Japan, e; New Orleans, a'.QSHc. fancy head, $797 60 per sack. Meat aad Provisions. Mutton Oroes, beet sheep, wethers and ewes, $44 30, dressed mutton, 77c per pound. Kogs Gross, choice baT, ; "got, ?4 60; clressed, 6c per pound. Beef Gross, top steers, $44 69; cows, $3 CO G4, dressed beef, 64?7c per pound. Veal Large, T6o per pouad; small, S0 Wire- Provisions Portland paek (SWeid brandy: Hams, smoked, are quoted at lsttc per pound; plrnio hams, 8e per pound; breakfast bacon, ; 1SW:, bacon, Hu; books, 8o, dry salt eMea, 8Wc dried beef. lTtte Per pound: lard. 6-pouad palla, 10c. 10 -pound palls, &c, 60s, Qc; tierces, Mc per pound. Sastern pacK (ilam- tnonde). Hams, large, 18c, medium, 13ftc; email, 13c, picnic hams, c; shoulders, fc; tireaWast bacon, Mo. dry salt sides. 8i3c: ba-n rides. lS4c. backs, 10c, butts, 8c; lard, pure leaf, kettle rendered. 6a, WMc; 10s, lOo. Heps, "Wool, Hides, Etc. Hps-8So per pound. "VTool Vallsj', W18e for eoarse, 1598e for beet, Eastern Oregon, S14; SMhatr, 2730c per pc und, Sheetskln-8bearMng. leweo; sftort-wo&i. a Q35c, medium-wool, 8069c; long-wool, 60c?l e& h. re its Bear sktoe. each, as to else. (615; cvbs, each, ?!; baigor. eaeh, l914c; wild cat, 25ft40c, houseoat, 8 V le; fox. common g-cy, 4a0c. do red. SI 86l 76; do cross. $2 50 CC, -nx. $1 86 80; mink. 80osi ; mar ten, acrk Northern. S4e. do pale, pine. SI 25 C3 ruskrat, 8 le; skunk, S640c; otter aa.nl $40. panther, with head and daws per- fe-t. SIS 3, raccoon, ait Be. wolf, mountain, w'h head perfect. ? 896. wolverlBa, S2 S05; bcc cr per skin, large, fw, do medium, per lek"3 S4B do sataM. per skta. SlfiS; do kits. per sk i, 60cf 1. Tz iow 506o; Ma. 2 and grease. 8v4c per pound. I 3c9-rry hides, Mo. 1. 18 pounds and up- I -ve-l, loviS'c. dry Ms, Mo. 1. 8 to 18 pounds. 1" rxr i.. una, dry oalC, Ko. 1, under 6 pounds, 15C 1C. , dr Baited, one-third lees than dry irt, l. :ed hides, sound steers, 60 pounds and ! crcr, Ei9c do 80 to M pounds. S8Sc; do tinier 50 pounds and oowe. 7KV6c; kin, 13 to S rounds. 7H8c , do veal, 10 to 14 pounds, THc; do ca.f, under 10 pounds, "He; green (uasatted). In per rund less, culls (bulls, stags, moth- eaten, ba.'.iy cut, soored hatr snnped, weather, beaten or grubbj.). one-third less. EW YORK STOC5K MARKET. OneratioBs CoHtlnae Wkellr ia tlie Hanils f PrefeaaiexialK. VEW lORK Fh 18. The outside puhUc Bli.l refused to manifest any mtorest In the stock market today and operations continued s-holly In tbe hands of professional traders. This Ciomcnt mad an attempt to foroe a eontlnu- anoe of last week's reaction, usmg as their train argument the drain being made upoa the cash rwuroeo of the banks. Today's state- n at of subtroasury operations showed a loss a ead-, since Friday to that Institution of " 42' J00. This lowing helped the bears in an carh raid on the market, which wiped out .Vr opening gains and varrted prices general! ! bi b w Saturday's dosing level. One or tw atx-ks euflered ftwnt IndtMdual causes, and ! Ik iped n the reaction Padac Mall. Peonies' vs.' and Third Avenue showed continued weak ness and Ponnsytvaata. was depressed en re j ta o a new oar trust Involving many mlH- 1 r v .lars. The bears did not stsoceed in bringing out am- ltrgr t ffertnga and wore driven to cover on the dr elopraent of agarsaatv strength in eevoral s( ks iirrludlng Sugar. Rwhher. Chicago. In i r-.i naixli Louisville. Tobacco, General F"- 1 1 LackawarrML and Third Avenue The most f -..en- fat tor In tbe rail was the large in- r see in earning tor the sec and week In Feh- rub snown oy a nunmtt or muroads. Norfolk & W estern made the most rtnldng exhibit WUn 1n-rese over the oo-rwpondtng period of la vesr of 8MB.88S. whteh h- asarly M per ,n nr This rtmutes. la a raege absorption ef a'Of sr an ostrrae advance af m. and had a arrnpatrMttc edtsot an an the hltamlnunu coal- i oe --i"ig roads, contributing to the rally In Penan in aula and Balthroore & Ohio Toledo FINANCIAL NEWS Oh Central showed an increase in earnings of 75 per cent for the second week In 'February. The evidences of the large demand for bi tuminous coal were coupled with reports of In creasing use of anthracite In steam produc tion teau83 of difficulty n obtaining soft coaL The anthracite group snowed the effect of this Influence, and of published forecasts of the an nual statement of Lackawanna, which Is to be published tomorrow. Intimating a high per centage of earnings for the year. In addition, Ontario & "Western showed an Increase of 44 per cent In earnings for the week. In the Southern group, Loulsllle e. Nashville made a showing for the week, which was 64jper cent better than that of last year, the Increase In gross amounting to J1&6.345. All the returns received show striking gains, though those enumerated are the largest. The cotton-carrying roads especially showed a re covery from the recent low level of earnings, and were advanced In prlftf In consequence. The tome effect of these extraordinary earnings proved too much for the bears, and they were forced to coer. The continued ease of call money, which ranged from 2 to 2 per cent, neutralized the alarmist view of tbe money market outlook. Some ellght effect was pro duced also by the reports of further British eueceases in South Africa, trie Telephone rese buoyantly eom-: 8 points. Dealings wtre not on a large scale, and the market fell dull before the close, but held quite near the top. Business In bonds showed some falling off in volume, and price changes were mixed. Total sales, par value, $1,085,000. United States old 4s and 6s advanced per cent, and the 2s per cent in the bid price. BONDS. IT. S. 2s, reg 103 do as, reg-....,..109 Gen. Electric 6s..110 N. Y. Central lsts.110 do 8s, coupon... .100a! do new 4s, reg. ,134V do new 4s, coup. 134 i Northern Pacific 3s 06 do 4s 103 Oregon Nav. lets. ..110 Co old 4s, reg...llo ao old 4b, coup.. li 3 do &s, reg 113 do 6s, coupon. ..,113 Diet, of CoL 3-053.118 Atchison adj. 4a... 82 C. &. N. V con. 7sl41 do S. F. deb. 6s. 120 D. &. R. G. Ists...l03'i do 4s luiib Oregon S. L. G3....127 do con. Co 114 Klo Gr. West. lata. 07 St, Paul consols.. .1S4 St. P. C & P. lsts.119 do 5s 120 Union Pacific 4s...l04U Wis. Central lets.. 01 do 4s SSfcil "Offered. STOCKS. The total sales of stocks today were 333,200 shares. The closing quotations were; Atchison ...... do pref ...... Bait. & Ohio.,. Can. Pacific ... Can. Southern 63$ C2-)j Union Pacific 60 do pref 76U Wabash 6 do pref 204i 08 48 Wheeling & L. E.. 10ft Cbes. & Ohio 20 Chi. Gr. West,.... 18'a do 2d pref Z Wisconsin Central. 18 a. B. & Q 125& P. C. C. & St- L.. 70 Chi.. Ind. &. L. XVM EXPRESS CO.'S. do pref 50 Adams 115 Chi. & East. 111... 04 Chicago & N. W..160 C, R. L & Pao...lOS C C C. & St. L. G0 American ...140 Urr.ted States 40 Wells-Fargo 123 MISCELLANEOUS. Aroer. Cotton Oil. . 33 do "pref 94 Colo. Southern ... 5 ao 1st prei...... w do 2d pref 15j Del. & Hudson. ...115M. Del., Lack. &. W.,184 Denver & Rio Gr. 19' do pref 72W Brie 12 do 1st pref 37 Great North. pref,15T i Hocking Coal .... 18 Hockmg Valley .. 34 Amer. Malting .... 6 do pref 25V4 Amer. Smelt. & R. 41 do pref 90 Amer. Spirits 2 oo pref 17 Amer Steel Hoop. 4l4 do pref 81 Amer. Steel & W.. 5t do pref 93 Illinois Central ...113lAmer. Tin Plate... 33 IuRa Central 14 do pref .. 82 do oref. Si Amer. Tobacco ....110 Kan. C, P. & G.. 11, Lake Erie & W... 20V, do pref 13o Araconda. Mln. Co. 45 do pref S314 Brooklyn R. T 73 Colo. Fuel & Iron. 4534 Cont. Tobacco .... 32 do oref 84 Lake Shore ll Louie. & Nash.... 81?1 Manhattan El ... P5Vi Met, St. Ry 177Vil Federal Steel 54 Mexican Central .. 12H do pref 74 Minn. & St, Louis 6214Gen- Electric 12S do pref 93 itxiucose sugar .... iriyi Missouri Padflc .. 46 do nref .......10U iiooue &. unio s M.. K. & T 10U lint. Paper ..- 22 do pret tw do pref . 82iLa- Clede Gas New Jersey Cent. .117 INational Biscuit X?in. 1-n-lr ntn 101H A . 3i 02 248 New York Cent...l34U Norfolk & West... 30i National Lead . do pre! 7 3 yi, do nref ,.10C Northern Pacific .. 53; National Steel .... 48 do pref W Ontario & West... 24?s; do pref 95 N. Y. Air Brake... 130 North American .. 14 Pacific Coast 60 do 1st pref 'S3 do 2d pref 61 Pacific. Mall 35 People's Gas 104 Pressed. Steel Car. 85 O. it. Ac N 4Z do pref 76 Pennsylvania 134 Beading 18! do 1st prof, 64' do Zd prei....... i Klo dr. Vestern.. 48 do pref ....r .! dO-prer-yw.... tos St. Louis & S. Fr. lOHlPulbnan Pal. Car.lS' do 1st pref C8lStand. Ropo & Tw. S do2dpref 35 iSugar 113 St, Louis & S. W. 11W do pref 113 do pref 26'Tenn. Coal &,Iro. 90 St. Paul 123 IU. S. Leather 10Vi do pref niil dourer iO St. Paul & 0 115 Southern Pacific .. 39 Southern Ry 12 do pref 60V Texas & Pacific... lCTi u. h. ituDDer, ..... ! do pref 35 (Western Union ... 84 Republic Iron & S. 24 I do pref 6b Ex dividend. Money, Exchange, Etc. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 19. Sterling on Lcn-don-60 das. f4 85; do eight, $4 SS. Mexican dollars 1848c. Drafts Sight, 15c; 'do telegraphic 17c NEW YORK, Feb. 19. Money On call: steady at 292 per cent; last loans, 2. Prime mercantile paper 45 per cent. Sterling exchange Firm, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 S74 8S for demand and at $4 8464 84 for CO days; posted rates, $4 83 $4 8S: commercial bills, $4 834 84. Sll er certificates 696094c Mexican dollars 47c. Bonds Government, strong; state. Inactive railroad, Irregular. LONDON, Feb. 19. Consols 100 13-16. Money 3 per cent. Foreign Financial News. NETW YORK, Feb. 19. The Commercial Ad vertiser's London financial cablegram says: The markets here were stagnant today, await ing news of General Cronje's army. They closed hard on the announcement of General Bullet's success, but his operations are regarded here as ar side Issue now. Americans w ere steady but neglected, except for small purchases for New York of Norfolk & Western and Union Pacific leeues. The bank bought 21.000 gold in Ger man coin, and received 20,000 from Australia. It lost by sales 50,000 in bars. Call money was steady, and bank loans were renewed, while there was considerable fresh borrowing. London Stock Market. LONDON, Feb. 10. Canadian Pacific. 100; Union Pacific preferred, 78; Northern Pacific preferred. 70; Atchison. 21. THE GRAKf MARKETS. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 10. Wheat, easy; spot, quiet. Barley, market quiet and nomi nally unchanged. Oats, steady. Spot quotations were: WTieat Shipping, No. 1. 97c; milling, $1 101. t Barley Feed, 7077c; Brewing, 7785c Oats Gray, Oregon, $1 07 1 12; milling, SI 11 17; red. SI 121 20. Call board sales: Wheat Easy; May, $100; December, $1 OH?!,; cash. 97c Barley No sales. Cora Large yellow. SI 021 05. Ncvr York Grain and Produce, NBW YORK, Feb. 19. Flour Receipts, 19,000 barrels; exports, 17,000 barrels. Market firmer and more acth e, but otherwise the market was slow and easy. "Wheat Receipts, 30,700 bushels; exports, SO, 98S bushels. Spot, firm; No. 2 red. 7Gc. Options opened easy, and were dull all day, until the last hour, when a sharp advance In corn prompted local coverings, and Improve ment at the close being from c net higher. Foreign houses sold July wheat early, but did little for export. Bullish French cables and bullish crop news also helped the afternoon markets. March closed at 7STsc; May closed at 74c; July dosed at 74c; September closed at 73c Hops Quiet, Chlcasro Grain, Produce, Etc. CHICAGO, Feb. 19 Corn soW to a standstill without weakening, reacted on change by shorts today, and closed strong. May c over Satur day. May corn opened a shade under Satur day, at 3464c, attributable to the easiness of wheat. There was no great demand, but ferlns were absorbed readily, and May olung far hours around 34c Near the close offer ings became very scarce, under heavy buying to cover. Ma shot up from 34 to 3535c, at which the market closed. c over Saturday. The strength developed by wheat late In the sonoion was attributable to the bulge In the eoaree cereal. The opening was easj on Liver pool deeMne and the Increase ia -wheat and flour es passage. May $jc under Saturday, at Kc The advance In farls and the un favorable weather reported In France createa I a. diversloa in favor of the bulls, which pulled the price up to BSHc Trade was dull, how ever, and little profit-taking Pent May hack to tie initial figures. Shorts covered and May advanced to 8Sjpc at which it closed, c over Saturday. A long line of oats was let out today, which was largely influential In nolding that market easy. The trade was not large. May closed a shade up. at 2rHSKc Provisions held their own the greater part of the day. because hog receipts were under the estimate, and turned firm with corn at tbe olosa. Trade was not large, and fluctuations were narrow. May pork closed m10a oer Saturday, at S11H 12; May lard, 2c, Im proved, at $8 07. and May ribs, 2c Improved, at $6 02. The leading futures ranged as follows: "WHEAT. Onenlnzr. HItrbest. Lowest. Close. February May ... July .... ,.$o Wlh .SOOTH S0CS& 0S GO CORN. 34 35 35 35 OATS. 23 23H 22 22 SOG7T4 65 6S rebruary May July 33 35 35 23 22 11 CO 1102 34 35 May July 23 22 MESS PORK. May ...., 10 95 1100 July .,. 10 97 1102 LABD. 10 92 10 95 May July 0 07 015 6 07 017 COS 612 6 07 617 SHORT RIBS. 600 006 600 602 May July 602 d05 600 . OOi. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Wheat No. 3" spring, 630c; No. 2 red, 7071c. Com No. 2, 34B4c Oats No. 2, 2323c; No. 3 white, 2532Cc. rSarley No. 2, S6i3c Flaxseed No, 1, $1 GO. Timothy seed Prime, $2 S52 45. Mess pork Per barrel, SS 8510 95. Lard Per cwt,, S5 SOigG 05." Short ribs Sides, loose, SO 906 15. Dry salted shoulders Boied, 6c Short clear sides Boxed, $0 100 16. i Butter Steady; creamery( 1924c; dairy, 1022c Cheese Firm, 12g13c Eggs Firm; fresh, 13c Receipts, bnipmenis Flour, barrels 60,000 29.000 I "Wheat, bushels ...,,,...,... 51,000 19,000 479,000 93,000 3.000 17,000 Oats, bushels ... 324,000 Rye, bushelB 8.000 Barley, bushels . 77.000 Enropcnn Grain Market. LONDON, Feb. 19, Wheat Cargoes off. coast, nothing doing; quiet and hardly any demand; English country markets, firm; wheat Imports Into United Kingdom, 115,000; do flour, 206,000; wheat and flour on passage to United Kingdom, 2,229,000; wheat and flour on passage to Con tinent, 940,000 quarters. LIVERPOOL, Feb. 19. Wheat Dull; French country markets, steady. Futures closed steady; March, 6a 10d; May, Ca 9d; July, 5s 9d. Corn Spot, American mixed, new. quiet, 3a 8d; American mixed, 3s 8d. Futures steady; March, 3a 7d; May, 8s 7d. Visible Supr-ly of Grain. NEW YORK, Feb, 19. The statement of the -visible supply of grain In store and afloat on Saturday, February 17, as complied by the New York Produce Exchange, Is as follows: Bushels. Inc. Dec Wheat 63,210.000 685,000 Corn .... 14,815,000 106,000 Oats 4,743.000 255,000 Ryo' 1,150,000 21,000 Barley .,....,... 1.422,000 64.000 SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 19. Wool Spring Nevada. 1215c; Eastern Oregon, 1216c: do Valley, 2022c Fall Northern, mountain, 103 12c; mountain, 810c; plains, 810c; Humbollt and Mendocino, 1517c per pound. Hops 1899 crop, ll13c for choice. Mlllstuffs Middlings. $17 0020; bran, $12 60 313 50 per ton. Hay Wheat, SO 509 50 per ton; wheat and oat, $0 609; barley. S57; alfalfa. $697 60; clover, $78 per ton; straw, 3045c per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, 8590c; river Burbanki, 6075c; Salinas Burbanks, 80c$l 10; Oregon Burbanks, 75c$l 10 per sack; sweets, SI 750 1 85 per cental. Onions (1 702 25 ,per cental. Citrus fruit Mexican limes, J45; common California lemons, 75c?l 60; chplce, SI 761 Tropical fruit Bananas, $1 60 0 2 50 pet bunch; pineapples, nominal. Apples Sll 25. Butter Fancy creamery, 23c; do seconds, 21 22c; fancy dairy, 19S20c; do seconds, 1718c; pickled, 2224c; flrkln. 2lff22c per pound. Cheese New, 10llc: Eastern, 1617c pet pound; Young America, W(511c;-. Western, 1314o per pound. Eggs Store, 1315c; Eastern, cold storage, nominal; ranch, 17o per dozen, Receipts Flour, quarter sacks, 3348; do Ore gon, 15,000; wheat, centals, 142,342; barley, centals, 3520; oats, centals, 700; do Oregon, 015; beans, sacks, 641; corn, centals, 210; potatoes, 1509; do Oregon, 0595; middlings, sacks, 43; bay, tons, 725; wool, bales, 157; hides, 297. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO, Feb. 10 Cattle Good to choice steers strong, poor to medium weak, Texans active and steady, cow market and cannera steady, feeders easy. Good to choice, $56 per cwt.; poor to medium, $44 75; mixed stockers, S3 160 75; selected feeders, S44 75; good to choice cows, S3 254 40; heifers, S3 15 4 76; canners. S2 252 90; bulla, $2 754 40; calves, $5T 75; fed Texas beeves, $45. Hogs Market averaged a shade higher; top, $5 15; fair clearances; mixed and butchers, $4 S5iS 10; good to choice neavy, $4 855 10; rough heavy, $4 704 SO; light, $4 7034 97; bulk of sales, $4 f)C5 05. Sheep and lam-be Market 1015c higher; na tive wethers, $4 855 76; lambs, $57; West ern wethers, $4 75t 85; Westeca lambs, $5 65 6 90. Receipts Cattle, 17,000; hogs, 32,000; sheep, 12,000. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 19. Cattle Receipts, 4000. Market steady; Texas eteers, S3 254 70; Texas cows, S3 754 K; native steers, S3 75 5 40; native cows and heifers, $1 754 25; stockers and feeders, S3tt; bulls, S34. Hogs Receipts, 5000. Market strong; bulk of sales, S4 754 85; heavy, $4 77Q4 90; pack ers, S4 704 87; mixed, $4 70ig4 82; lights, $4 604 80; Yorkers, S4 704 80; pigs, $44 65. Sheep Receipts, 2000. Market strong; lambs, $4 604 67; muttons. $3 60S6 35. OMAHA, Feb. 19. Cattle Receipts. 1800. Market steady to easier; native beef steers, $4 5 50; Western steers, $3 804 70; Texas do, S3 604 25; cows and helfcr. S3 23J4 25; can ners, S2 253 25; stockers and feeders, $3 755; calves, S3 607 25; bulls and stags, $3QM. Hogs Recelpto. 2000. Market 510c higher; heavy, S4 824 00; mixed lots, S4 724 85; light, $4 77f4 85; bv.lk of sales, $4 824 85. Sheep Receipts; 8100. Market active; Iambi, $5 60O 75. The Metnl Markets. NEW YORK, Fob. 10. The market for met als in a general way show s unimportant changes except In one inetance, tin being higher, al though Inactive, 'n sympathy with higher prices reported for the foreign markets. Plg-lron war rants, dull, no quotation; lake copper, quiet, $16 25; tin, steady. S32 2332 75; spelter, dull and firmer, S4 C34 70; lead, quiet and un changed, S4 70. The firm that fixes the selling price for miners and smeltrs quotes lead at $4 45 at the close. Bar sllv er, 60c. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 19. Bar silver, DOTsC LONDON, Feb. 19. Bar silver, 27d. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. Feb. 19. Coffee Options closed quiet at net unchanged prices to 10 points ad vance; sales, 16,750 bags, including March at S7 20; May. $7 257 30. July, $7 35. 3pot. Rio. firm: No. 7, invoice, 8c; No. 7, Jobbing, 9Uc. Mild, steady; Cordeva, 1013c Sugflf-Raw, steady; fair refining, 4c; centrif ugal, 96 test. 4 7-1 Cc, refined, quiet and steady. A Medley. I RUSSELIVILLE, Or., Feb. 19. (To the Editor.) "No entangling alliance" does not squelch the after-dinner speech of our so-called representative at the court of St James. The "alliance" bluff was used by official England. The South Afri can generals sandwiched It In between their orders on the field. Macrum, when he came home, found more than echoes; he "did not know that an alliance exist ed between the United States and Great Britain." Investigation will prove that no alliance exists, and that McKlnley told the truth In his message But noth- lng has been said about an "understand- eooaaeeooeaoosoeo-eesooooooeseoooeaeeoosoee'eeeaoaeaac CULUSON & CO. j Wheat Stock Brokers I DIRECT WIRES TO New York Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade SECOND FL003 , CHAMBER OF COMMERCE e 0aooooaeoeoooaoeooooeoooeaeBOoaeeaooca9eeeeeoaeee CAP E S. S. GEO. W. ELDER, S. S. NOME -CITY S. S. DESPATCH The above first-class steamers will sail every 10 days during the season for Cape Nomeriork and1 St. Michael and Yukon river points. First Sailing, May 15. FOR RATES AND INFORMATION APP LY TO F. P. BAUMGARTNER, "W. A. Mitchell & Co., General Agents, Ing" (verbal) not having been made, which, to Great Britain, practically an swers all the purposes of a sealed and ratify alliance document, a, thins it would be very hard to get at any time and it would be political suicide for any administration v to attempt It now, with the decided sympathy of the people of this country for the Boers. The kaiser's willingness to create a lit tle stir In Manila bay to enable him to get money for his pet object a fleet that will compare favorably with, any of the powers put the United States in a posi tion where she thought she had best ac cept the ardent wooing of Great Britain, and from all the odds and ends, coming to the surface every now and then there can scarcely be any doubt but that an understanding was the- result, and which will remain In force during the life of the present administration very likely till March-, 1905. During that tlme Johnny Bull may require us to glye her the same backing that she gave to Uncle Sam in the Philippines and may get us into deep water. Fqr her attitude toward us n the Spanlsh-Americap. war, shB (or rather some of tbe British bondholders she rep resented) has already been partly paid by getting a slice of the $20,000,000. Be cause of her selfish friendship during our just war is no reason why she should expect ours in return when pursuing an unjust one against a sister republic. An O'Riggen, with all his sliver buga boo, is far preferable to an O'Creagh, and 'Common Sense," flinging' mud under cover of a nom de plume, shows where he belongs among the cowards. SETH WINQUIST. a o t i Origin of "Lead, Kindly Light." TJjere has long been .a controversy over the question whether Cardinal Newman's beautiful and popular "Lead, Kindly Light" Is a Catholic or Protestanlt hymn. It has been asserted that it was written to describe "the rest and, peace he found in joining the Roman Catholic church." A corespondent of the Christian Register definitely settles the dispute. He showa that Newman went to Italy in December, 1S32, Falling sick in Sicily, he returned to England In 1833, and it was during his voyage upon the Mediterranean Jn that year that he wrote tbe hymn. Cardinal Newman himself, in a letter written in that year, says: "I was achlrig to get home, yet for want of a vessel was kept at Palermo for three weeks. At last I got off on an orange boat bound for Mar seilles. "We were becalmed a whole week in the Straits of Bonifacio. There It was I wrote the lines, 'Lead, Kindly Light,' which have become well known." As Newman did not join the Catholic com munion until Qctober, 1845, It follows that he wrote the hymn when he was not only a Protestant, but was strongly opposed to the church which he afterward joined. o Jndge "William S. Vest Head. LOS A'NGELES, Cal., Feb. 19. Ex Judge "William S. Vest, a prominent and wealthy citizen of Minneapolis, Is dead In this city, aged 63 yeans. He came to Los Angeles with his wife and two daughters about a month ago to spend the winter, but contracted a cold on the train and has been sick since his arrival. e A Significant Straw. Elgin Recorder. The recent meeting of the state repub From for .direct to HUDYAN REMEDY CO.. corner Stockton. Ellis and Market streets, San Francisco, Cal. Consult Hudyan Doctors About Your Caie Free of Charge. Write. n iP?fi i bleVJtallzer.thoprescripUonofafamousFrench physician, will quickly euro you ofall nervous or dlseasesof tbe generative organs, such as Lot JtXanbood, Inaomnio, ; " In the Baclc. Seminal Euiinsions, Xervoas Debility, Pimples ( Ti . .77 uurrj, nsuamtuncurninii, Tnncocele ana romupalloo. . itxtuiisall hisses by day or ii lghu Prevents quickness of discharge, which If not checked leads to Spermatorrhcea and all the horrqrs of impotency. CCPIDEXE cleanses tho xSB and restores small weak organs: """"" OISBas m " BII,nnue3, vurjLiiaEstrensmons rnTr1npvpn.i8235renotCTbyDoraIsbee"n9e90Percentre troubled with Prostatitis. Sr?tSrti",elknowu. TemS?7 mJ without n operation. 5000 tesUnioiiUls. A wrltta &t&&&S&F efrectapermauentcurc f iM.tozJfbrJMO. Address DA VOL M Jt-iUCiWi: co.. i. o. Box 2078. San Francisco. CaL For sale by Wocdard. Clarke & Co.. Portland. Or. B NOME S. S. CO, 253 WashfriQton St. San Francisco. lican clubs at Portland made it plain that a majority of the delegates at that meet ing are opposed to the re-election of Sen ator McBride. WhUe' the contest at the meeting was not declared openly as a fight against McBride, yet it Is well known to have been such. I' 0I i ' A Line on Cnnld. Lostine Leader. Love Is like a huckleberry pie, the more you like It, the less you care how much of It you get all over your face. PRIMARY, SKOHDARY OR TERTIARY BLOOD POlSOfl Permanently Cured. You can be treated at home under same guaranty, If you have taken mer cury, iodide potash, and still have aches and pains. Mucus Patches In Mouth, Sore Throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored spots. Ulcers on any part of the body. Hair or Eyebrows falling out, write COOK REMEDY CO. 1539 Masonic Temple, Chicago, 111, for proofs of cures. Capital, $600,000. We solicit the most ob stinate cases. We have cured the worst cases in 15 to 35 days. 100-page Book Free. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. GO EAST VIA THROUGH SALT LAKE CITY, DENVER OMAHA, OR KANSAS CITY, WITH CHOICE OP TWO ROUTES. Via the fast mall line or the scenic lino through Colorado. NO CHANGE OF CARS TO DENVER, OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO and tho ATLANTIC SEABOARD. LEAVING PORTLAND UNION DEPOT. DAILY. AT 8:03 ?. 1 For railroad and sleeping-car tickets and all other information apply to CITY TICKET OFFICE 124 Third Street, Portland, Oregon W. E. COMAN, J. R. NAGEL. General Agent. City Ticket Art. WASHINGTON & ALASKA STEAMSHIP CO. Steamship "CITY OF SEATTLE" will leave Seattle at 8 P. M. on Thursday, Feb. 22, and every 1Q days thereafter, tor Vancouver, Ketch ikan, Juneau and Skagway, making trip from Seattle to Skagway In 72 hours. For trelght and passage inquire of POD-WELL & CO.. LIMITED. AGENT9. MSWmtMwTWmt fiiasii Hollow Eyes and Tell' of coming nervous prostration. These symptoms serve to warn you that danger threatens. Removes the danger, for HUDTAN cures all weak nerve conditions. HUDYAN cre ates bright eyes and rosy complexions. Is your appetite poor, your digestion Impaired (2), your tongue coated, your memory clouded, your skin harsh and dry? If so, take HUDYAN. Are yotr weak, Irritable, cross, de spondent, gloomy, nervous? Do you lack confidence In yourself? If so, HUDYAN is what you need. Do you suffer with headaches (3), back ache, pains In joints (6), fluttering of heart (1), a feeling of exhaustion, dizzy sensations? j Get HUDYAN at once and ,take-it according to directions. HUDYAN cures' one and all the above symptoms, because they denote nerve weakness. HUDYAN is a nerve remedy that is recognized by scientific physi cians. HUDYAN Is an unfailing specific .lor all such conditions as mentioned above. Be cured by HUDYAN don't be come a nervous wreck. your druggist, 50c a package, six packages S2.50. If vour druppist does not keen it. ;pnrl iTjir"?"PiDENE - TRAVELERS GUIDE, Union Depot, Sixth and J Streets,. TWO TRAINS DAILY , FOR ALL POINTS EAST "FAST MAIL AND PORTLAND - CHI CAGO SPECIAL ROUTE." Leaves for tbe Bast via Seoksae dally at 3.45 P. M. Arrives at 8,00 A. M. Leaves for the East, via Pendleton and Hunt ington, dally at 8 00 P. M. Arrivas, via Hunt ington and Ijendleten, at 8 46 r. XL. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS. Water lire sofeedule. subject tf change with out notice; OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. OCEAN DIVISION Steamships sail trim Ainsworth dock at 8 Ott P. M Leave Portland Columbia sails Thursday. Feb- U &j P 11. Wednesday, Feb 21 State of OWforaw. sails Tuesday. Feb. 6; Friday, Feb. 1. Mon day. Feb, 26. From San Francisco State of California palla Friday, Feb. 2: Monday, Feb 12: Thursday. Feb. 23. Columbia sails Wednesday. Eeb. f, Saturday. Feb. 17. Tuesday, Feb. 27. COLUMBIA RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Hassato leaves Portland daily. 5cept Sunday, at 8 00 P. M , on Saturday at 10-jri P. M. Returning, leaves Astoria dally, except Sun day, at 7:00 A. M. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND CORVALLI3. OR. Steamer Ruth, for Salem. Albany, Corvallts and way points, leaves Portland Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 00 A M. Return ing, leaves Corvaltts Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 00 A M. Steamer Modoc, for Salem and way points, loaes Portland Mondays. Wednesdays and Ftl- dajs at 0 CO A. M. Returning, leaves Salem Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at ft A: M. YAMHILL RIVER ROUTE. PORTLAND AND DAYTON. OR. Steamer Elmore for Dayton and way points, leaves Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays at 7 A. M. Returning. leaves Dayton for Portland and way points Mondays. Wedaesdayi and Fridays at 0 A. M. SNAKE RIVER ROUTE. RIPARIA, WASH., AND LEWISTON, IDAHO. Steamer Spokane or steamer Lewrstsa loaves Rlparla daily at 1 20 A. M., arriving at Lewlstoa at 12 o'clock noon. Returning, the Spokane or iewiBion leaves, .uewiston dairy at a so A. At., arriving at Rlparla same evening. W. H HURLBURT. General Passenger Agent. V. A. SCHILLING. City Ticket Agent Telephone Main 712. NewSteamsMpLinetotteOrlent CHINA AND JAPAN. FROM PORTLAND. In connection with THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. Schedule. 1800 (subject to change): Steamer Leave Portland. Feb. 20 "ABERGELDIE" Marah 21 "MONMOUTHSHIRE" April 8 For rates, accommodations, ete., apply to DQDWELL & COMPANY. Limited, General Agents. Portland. Or. To principal points In Japan, and China. lAui via SOUTH Leave Df pot Flfti aai I Stmts Arrive OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAIN3. for Salem, Rose burg, Ashland, Sac ramento, Ogden, San Francisco, Mo Jave, Los Angeles, El Paso, New Or leans and tha East. At Wocdburn (dally except Sun day), morning train, connects with train for Mt. Angel. Sil v e r t on. Browns ville, Sprtngfl 1 d and Natron, and evening train for Mt. Angel and Sll verton. CorvallU passenger. Sheridan passenger.. TWO P.M. 3:30 A. M. a:13 A. M. 7:00 P. M. 1)7:30 A. M l4:B0P. M. I).VC0 P. M. 118:25 A. M Dally. UDally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland Sac ramento and San Francisco. Net rates SIT first class and $11 second class. Including sleeper Rates and Uckets to Eastern points aad En. rope. Also JAPAN. CHINA HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Can be ootalned from J. B. K3RKLAND. Ticket Agent. 134 Third t. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson Street. Leave for Oswego daily at 7:20, 9.40 A. M. 12:30, 1:65, 3-25, 5:15, 6:23, 3:05, 11:30 P. m!: and 0.00 A. M. on Sundays only. Arrive at Portland dally at 6:35, 8:30, 'lOUSO A. M. 1:35. 3:15, 4.i0. 6.20, 7:40. 10.0C p. M.; 12:40 A. M. dally, except Monday, 8.30 anU 10:05 A. M. on Sundays only. Leave for Dallas dally, except Sunday, at 4:30 P. M. Arrive at Portland at 9.30 A. M. Passenger train leayes Dallas for AlrMe Mon days, Wednesdays and Frldajs at 2:45 P M. Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER. Marager. C H. MARKHAM. Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt- Paclflc Coasl Steamship Co. FOR ALASKA THE COMPANY'S elegant steamers. Cottage City, City of Topeka and AI-Ki leave TACOMA 11 A. M.. SEATTLE 0 P. M.. Feb. 4. 0, 14, 19, 24, Mar. 1. 11. 16. 21. 28. 31. Aur. 5, and every fifth day there after. For further information ootain company's folder. The company reserves the right to change, steamers, sailing dates and hours of sailing without previous notice. AGENTS N. POSTON. 249 Washington st.. Portland. Or.; F. W. CARLETON, N, P. R. R. dock. Tacoma: J. F. TROWBRIDGE. Puget Sound Supt., Ocean dock. Seattle. GOODALL. PERKINS & CO.. Gen. Agts.. S. F. iOO PACIFIC LINE OfTers the LOWEST RATES and BEST SERV Ice to and from all Eastern points and Europe. Through tour.st cars from coast to St. PabL. Toronto. Montreal and Bo3toa WITHOUT CHANGE. Direct Route to Kootenay Mining District British Columbia Canadian Pacific mil mill Mltuuuzlp lines u Tapar an1 aaitnli. Fci rate and Information, apply to H. H. ABBOTT. Agent. E. J. COYLE. 146 Third street, city. A. G. P. A.. Vancouver. B. C WHITE COLLAR MNE COLUMBIA RIVER k PUGET SOUND NAVl- GATION CO. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. WtTFaftt ISff SUNSET -n O CGtN SHASTA) 11 Wn ROUTES Jn -V.T.'TTJ rrajjas" BAILEY GATZERT CAkSer-street docx) Leaves Portland daily every xaernlfig at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Returning, leaves A torla every night at 7 o'clock, except Sunday Oregon phone Main 351. Columbia phone 35L 17. B. SCOTT. President. TRAVBLSRS GBXDB. THE FASTEST AND MOST DIRECT lINE TO THE ASTANDSOUTHEAST IS THE '& PICTO The Direct Line to Denver, Omaha. Kansas City and St. Louh Only 3 Days to Chicago, Only 4 Pays t NewYorJcand other Principal Eastern citle? Tkrosca Pwllmna Palxee Sleepers Tearlst Sleepers Dining; Cars (meals a la eartc), and Free KeclletHK Chair Oars Operated Daily on Fat Hall Tra!aa Thrauah tfekets. baggage ctafka aad 9tptas rar amwimJntluiia ta be artaased at CITY TICKET OFFICE 1 35 Third Strse: Perifend, Oregoa J. 11. LOTOBOP. GOOjieK LAWC. Gea'l AzeaJL CMy Pais. Jk Tkc Age THE DIKING GAR ROUTS ?MU PORTI.ANTJ TO THK 2AST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YSLLOvT. STONE PARK. JM'StBiLrTfi 9 bB 0W Leave jtfefefi feftf, Wtt HJ I 3J Arrive No. 2. Fast mall tar Tae- No. L fiM. Seattle. Oiynqata. . Cray's Hasbsr aad Soots Bend shUii, Spokane, Kosstasd, B. 11:15 A.M. - Um. Mas ww. Bsjw p Lewkrto. Buffalo " ' " Hump mlnmg ooaaury. Helena. Minneawrtfi. St. Paul. Ooraha. Kiw v . sas City, 3. Lsato, Na4- CMoago and all pstat No- east and southeast. 11:30 P.M. Paget Sound Express 7.6A.M. for Tacoma aad Seattle aad imwrod.at ytas PUHman first-elasa aad tearlst nieepera lo Min neapolis. St. Paul aad Missouri river patau with out change. Vestlbuied trams. Unloa depot aoantsUons ia all principal cities. Baggage checked to desttnattea of Hekels. For handsomely lltastraied 4eertoVB sjatter. Uckets, sleeping-car reservattoas. etc, oaH oa or writs A. D. CHARLTON Assistant General Passenger Asrent, 255 Merrlana St.. Car. Talrd, Portlaad. OregeB. IMmI a Holiday of It You don't go East every day. "When you do 50, go comfort ablyvia. tb Burlington route. Choice of three routes--through &t. Paul, Denver and Billiags, Mont. Tbe St. Paul line te famous for its flae srerYtee; Denver for its fine scenery, Billings for being the faet line to Kansas City and beyond. Drop in and see a we'll take pleasure n giving you all the information you need. Ticket Oflee, 1 34 Street, ctntr Stark, ?ttilxi, km. x. vr. FOSTER. Ticket Agoat. GBO. S. TAYLOR. City Passenger Agent. mjJReATNSBTHERN Ticket OUlce: 122 Third St. 'Phone OSO LEAVE. No. 4 3:45 P. M. The Flyer, dally to aad from St. Pattl. Mlsne apolls, Dtttatb CbteHr' and all points East. ARRIVE. No. 3. Through Palaee aad Tooriat S44prs, Dlslaa and Buffet Smoklag-Library Cars. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE STEAMSHIP TOSA MARU For Japan, China and alt AstaHe petals wis leave Seattle About February 22s. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. LEAVES UNION DEPOT. For Maygers. Rateler. Ctatskaale. Weatsota AJftlMVES OKiea, Astoria. War- reatoa. Plawl. Ham- msad. Fort Steveas. Gearbart Park. Seaside. Astoria aad aeaanow Express. Dally. Astoria Kspress, Daily. 8:00 A, M. 7:00 P. M- 11:18 AM. 9MP. M. Ticket office. 2S6 Merries at. aad OaJoa dceL. J C. MAYO. Gea. Pass. Age Astoria. Or. VANCOUVER TRANSPORTATION CtX Steamer Undine, Captain Charles T Xaraia, leaves Vancouver at 8 90 A. S and 1 P. M. Leaves Portland at M 30 A M. and 4 M P M. Sundays excepted. For freight or pa mage ap ply on board, foot of Taylor street. Roaad trip. lr Bte 6ms Bea-sskietwM rsatedy for Goaorrbeea, Sleet. S pe r m a tor r b m , WbMes, imttiral dkr ekasf. er aar Iimmbiv JPnrnu waujioa. tioa of jiaeaxt sneaf iTHfETMS&fSWftKAl. brasws. Koa-astriageat. Sold by BratgKfarta, or seat la pbthi wrsner, by expreM, prid. tot I . nr 1 bottle. J9 78. Urcaiar seat oa nMt ,&T1 f lal t5dTJ. I ,. OunstMd J V Q8HIC7l,8.rj3 V B.S.JL. 7 r