VOL. XL 10. 12,228. PORTLAND, OREGON. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20,. 1900. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ANT SIZE. any quantity. MACKINTOSHES, RUBBER Goodyear Rubber Company Rubfeer Boots and Shoes, Belting, Packing 2nd Hose. Largrest rb meat complete assortment of all kinds of Rubber Good. P. H. PEASE, Vke-Prts. nd Manager BIumauer - JUS lM4 WLa& vB Furs! Furs! Furs! Manufacturers of Exclusive Novelties In Fine Furs, ALASKA OUTFITS In Fur Robes, Fur Overcoats, Caps, Gloves, Moccasins, etc. Highest price paid for Raw Furs. Q. P. Rummeiin & Sons, OreceH Phone Mala 491. HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Streets . . PORTLAND, OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN First-Class Chcolc Restaurant Connected With .Hotel. J.F.DAVieS.Pro6. St Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED). FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND. OREGON American and European Plan. SHAW'S pTjilrmTr v4t SHA.WB PURE MALT. Wb.en you are Ursa of nostrums and ready to "throw physic te the dogs," try SHAWB PUR'E MALT, and "life will be worth living." Absolutely pure. " BERNHEIM BROS. OwRorsand Controllers SrS? To Lease on Long Time Suttatttt location for sawmill, warehouse or other manufacturing purposes. Deep waer ratftage. Astoria & Columbia River railroad main line passes through center of yroporty. Splendid Facilities Central!? tooated. This property Is In city trade. QeM or address This property is In one body; no streets o idreee WEST SHORE MILLS CO. P. O. BOX . THE PIANOLA Is an Instrument by means of which anyone can play the piano. It is so wonderful in its power that It must be seen to be appreciated. It will pay you to come and see It. THE AEOLIAN CO. Marnunm' Bid?., cor. Seventh Street rEAST WEST, HOME IS BEST," IF KEPT CLEAN WITH SAPOLIO ANY STYLE. AND OIL CLOTHING 73 and 75 first SL, Portland, Or. SMOKE THE EAU BRMELL BEST FIVE-CENT CIGAR MADE Frank Drug. Contributors 126 SECOND ST., near Washlnoton. Established 1870. Single rooms 75c to $1.50 per day Double rooms $1.00 to $2.00 per day C T. BELCHER, Sec. and Treas. American plan.. ......$1.25, 51.50, $1.75 European plan 50c. 75c, $1.00 E. HQCH, 110 FOURTH ST. Sole Dlstrlbutorfor Oregon PURE MALT AT LOW PRICES We have 300 rolls ofnetting 3 feet wide we are selling at $2.00 per 100 feet; special prices in all widths; discounts to dealers. Farm fencing, bank and office railing, wire and iron fencing, fruit tray, cloth, graders, etc. BUY FROM THE MANUFACTURER PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS 7th and Alder Streets for Export Mill one body; no streets or alleys. Good local ASTORIA, OR. Two In One. 27 If you use one pair of glasses for distant vision and a different pair for near work, try bifocals. They save carrying an extra pair and changing glasses a hundred times a day. They are always In place, and always ready for use. If you have tried them and did not like them It was probably because they were not made especially for you. With most folks they are easy to become ac customed to and are a great con venience. We are putting them up so neat ly that the dividing line Is scarce ly perc&pUble. WALTER REED Eye Specialist 133 SIXTH STREET OREGOXIAX BUILDING -.-! I . a i, j. The Boer General Hopelessly Surrounded. BRITISH- JRYING TO TRAP HIM, Bailer Captures a Range of Hills South of the Tucela. Drlvlnc the Boers Across the River. LONDON, Feb. 20, 3:45 A. M. A mem ber of the cabinet told H. "W. Lucy to night that the war office had received a telegram announcing that General Cronje was hopelessly surrounded. Mr. Wynd ham was beset with anxious members of the house, but would only reply that the government's news was extremely satis factory. The sole explanation of the gov ernment's Withholding good news Is that confirmation and more details are await ed. The situation, as disclosed by corre spondents over the Free State border, Is tantalizing to the public expectation. The elementary facts are that the Boers are trekking eastward toward Bloemfonteln with slow moving baggage trains, and that they are pursued by Lord Kitchener with General Kelly-Kenny's division. General MacDonald, with the Highland ers, made a forced march to Koodoosrand ford and Sunday pushed 20 miles eastward. General French left Klmberley Saturday, going east along the Modder river. Lord Kitchener Is trying to outmarch and to outflank the Boers, thus checking their retreat, if possible, and driving them back into the hands of MacDonald and French. The war office message communicated to Mr. Lucy seems to indicate that Lord Kitchener has either got ahead of -.the Boers or is about to realize his plan, and. the. war office waits to announce a decisive result. Meanwhile, Commandant Delarey, with the Boers from Colesberg, Is hanging onto the right flank of the British pursuing columns, seeking to delay their move ment and so to assist the Boer wagon trains to escape. Students of topography think the Boers will hardly risk a flght until they get into the rough country. A Dally Mall correspondent, who was with the British convoy attacked by the Boers at Riet river ford, wires: "Ultimately, the British abandoned the convoy In order not to check the advance. Thus 200 wagons and 600 tons of stores fall into the hands of the Boers, though it is doubtful if they will be able to carry them away." General Buller has achieved a real -success seemingly In capturing the range of hills south of the Tugela. It makes more feasible another attempt to relieve Lady smith. The queen has sent a direct message to Lord Roberts, congratulating him and his troops. General French and Golonel Keke- wlch have been acquainted with their pro- ,2BUr-Jtt v , ,ur.isayHs,"Tcr BruBewsr sys rne -b"re State troops, who were besieging Lady smith, have withdrawn in order to defend their homes. In this way he accounts for General Buller's success against the weakened forces. He will forego his pro jected trip to Rome, he says, because "de cisive events are now taking place in the theater of war." Lord Roberts' generalship was conduct ed with such secrecy, says a telegram from Modder River, that even the senior officers who took the Sixth division through the preliminaries of the operation did not know what they would finally have to do. DISPATCH FROM BULLER. Boers Driven Luck, by a Sharp At tack, Across the Tugela. LONDON, Feb. 19. The war office has received the following dispatch from General Buller: "Cheveley Camp, Feb. 19. I yesterday moved around the enemy's flank. The Queens, who had bivouacked on the northern slope of Clngolo, crossed the nek, and, supported by the rest of the Second brigade, under Hlldyard, assaulted and took the southern end of Monte Cristo. The Fourth brigade, on the left or western slope, and the Welsh fusiliers, supported by the rest of the Sixth brigade, assaulted the eastern flank of the enemy's position, while the Second brigade of cav alry, on the extreme right, watched the eastern slopes of Monte Cristo and drove back those of the enemy who attempted to escape there from our artillery Are. "Assaulted by heavy artillery lire on their front and flank, and attacked on their flank and rear, the enemy made but slight resistance, abandoned their strong positions, and were driven across the Tugela. I have taken several camps, a wagonload of ammunition, several wag ons of stores and supplies, and a few prisoners. The weather is Intensely hot, and the ground traversed was exceedingly difficult, but the energy and dash of the troops has been very pleasant to see. "The work of he irregular cavalry, the Queens, the Scots fusiliers and rifle bri gade was perhaps most noticeable, while the excellent practice of the artillery and naval guns and steadiness of the gunners, under all times, was remarkable. The ac curate fire of the naval guns from Cheve ley was of great assistance. Our casual ties are not, I think, many." British Capture Monte Cristo. CHEVELEY, Monday morning, Feb, 19. The Boers' line of fortresses is broken. The British have achieved a decided suc cess in capturing the enemy's position on Monte Cristo. The Boers, however, ef fectively executed a retreat, removing their guns and convoy wagons. The Brit ish had comparatively few casualties. One Hundred Boers Captured. DURBAN, Feb. 19. The bombardment of the "Boer position on Ilangawana hill was continuous yesterday, and fighting is still proceeding at 6 o'clock this evening. It is said the British have captured 100 prisoners. FROM THE CORRESPONDENTS. Boer Description of the Fighting: at Klmberley. LONDON, Feb. 20. A dispatch to the Daily Mall from Lourenco Marques, dated Monday, says: "According to advices from Pretoria, the Boers are expecting a big battle on the Tugela. They claim that 70 of the Wlltshlres were killed at Colesberg, and that 30 wagons with forage and provisions were captured, but no ammunition. "They thus describe the fighting at Klmberley: The British came through Bi&unbank and attacked in two columns. While the Boers were busily engaged with Lord Roberts, General French, with 2000 cavalry and six guns, succeeded in break ing through the Boer lines. The Boers did not seriously oppose General French's advance, but confined their efforts to pre venting the provisions getting through. In this they succeeded, capturing 2000 head of cattle, 100 wagons of provisions and 109 men." The Daily Mall has the following dls- ..4 . J patch, dated Monday, from Pietermaritz burg: "It Is reported that Sir Redvers Buller has captured Ilangawana hill. Large num bers of Free-Staters have left to meet Lord Roberts force. It Is believed that a number of the Boers' big guns have been taken back across the border." The Cheveley correspondent of the Dally News, says, telegraphing yesterday: "We now occupy all the hills to the right of Colenso, on this side of the Tugela, Including Ilangawana, which the Boers evacuated last night." The Cape Town correspondent of the Dally News, telegraphing Sunday, says: "Lord Methuen's force, I learn, has ar rived at Klmberley, having got through from Magersfonteln without fighting." CRONJE'S ARTILLERY. Much Speculation as to What Has Become of It. LONDON. Feb. 19. Practically nothing is known of the progress of Lord Roberts' column during the last day or two, and speculation as to the ulUmate gain from the recent movements Is necessarily unsat isfactory when based on belated telegrams, evidently vigorously censored. Many im portant points remain obscure. What has become of-General Cronje's heavy artil lery? One correspondent, It is true, says It was left behind at Magersfonteln and Klmberley, but it is difficult to believe Roberts would not have mentioned a de tail of such importance. Again, the statement that a large Boei force was massing norchward of Klmber ley once nrore raises in the minds of some experts the question whether General Cronje was really with the force retreat ing on Bloemfonteln. It is suggested that the latter Is really the Free State main army, under General Prlnstoo, supplement ed by a portion of the Magersfonteln com mand, while the main body of the latter, under Cronje, Is trying to secure the Vaal bridge at Fourteen Streams, thus barring the way to Mafeklng. It Is difficult to measure the full Im portance of Buller's movements. If he manages to seize Ilangawana hill, the way may be cleared for another crossing of the Tugela, and another attempt made to reach Ladysmith via the direct road north. In Cape Colony, General Brabant seems to be successfully clearing the road for the advance of General Gatacre. A dispatch from Roberts, dated Jacobsdal, 11:40 P. M., Sunday, confirms the press announce ments regarding General Brabant's move ments. Bugler Dunn, the 15-year-old member of the First Royal Dublin fusiliers, who was the first to cross the Tugela river and who was shot in the right arm while running with the soldiers and sounding the ad vance, saw the queen at Osborne this morning. Her majesty presented him with a handsome silver-mounted bugle, suitably inscribed. The queen gave the lad a moth erly welcome and expressed hopes that he would have a successful career In the army. An army order Issued tonight Invites the reservists to rejoin their colors for a a year for home defense, and! offers 22 bounty to those who do. Rumor of Mulching's Relief. CAPE TOWN, Feb. 19. A. dispatch State also that the Free State Is making des perate efforts to collect an army to face the British at Koffyfonteln. An official proclamation orders out all male lnhab tants between the ages of 16 and 60, and enthusiasts declare that every one up 'to the age of 100 must go. Typhoid fever is said to be playing havoc among the Boers at Colesberg. At Klmberley a report is current that Mafeklng has been relieved, but the Boers are trying to conceal the information. The Captured British Convoy. LOURENCO MARQUES, Feb. 19. It ap pears from advices receive If here that the loot captured by the burghers yesterday near Koffyfonteln Included over 3000 head of cattle and a number of wagons, 18 of which were loaded with provisions Intend ed for the relief of Klmberley. A num ber of prisoners were also taken. Heavy fighting Is reported today around Klm berley, where General Cronje Is said to be holding his own. Boer Prisoners Handed Over. ARUNDEL, Sunday, Feb. 19. Com mandant Pretorious, who was captured by the Brlvlsh at Eland's laagte, and ihree other Boer prisoners were handed over to the Boers from Arundel today. A messenger under a flag of truce had previously arranged the programme. The prisoners had a cordial interview with General Clements, and were then taken in an ambulance half-way $o the Boer camp. British Enter Dordrecht. STERKSTROM CAMP, Sunday, Feb. 18. The Boers are retiring, and General Bra bant's forces are now entering Dordrecht. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Wyndham Announced That Colonial Opinion Would Be Invited. LONDON, Feb. 19. Replying to a ques tion in the house of commons today, Mr. Wyndham, parliamentary secretary of the foreign office, declared the government proposed to invite an expression of opin ion from the colonial governments re garding the reorganization of the forces of the empire and kindred questions. During the discussion of the report of the committee on supply on the vote for the addition of 120,000 men to the army, Mr. Redmond opposed the measure on the ground that the government's proposal was largely of a permanent character. He denounced the schema as a "miserable makeshift." Other Irlsbr members opposed the measure. The report was finally adopt ed by 164 votes against 32. After further discussion, the debate was closed on mo tion of Mr. Balfour, and the vote was carried by 207 against 31. MACRUM'S ALLEGATIONS. No Action Taken by the British Gov ernment. LONDON, Feb. 19. No action has been taken as yet by the British government In regard to the allegations made by Charles Macrum, ex-United States consul at Pretoria, nor has Ambassador Choate received any Instructions to make In quiries in connection with the matter. British officials declare it Is extremely improbable the consular letters were opened at Durban, as alleged by Macrum. Cable rumors that Choate might be re called in order to show the United States government's resentment against the treatment received by Macrum at the hands of British officials are declared at the United States ambassay to be utterly ridiculous The Latest Seizure. LONDON, Feb. 19. No- details have yet been received by the British government in reference to the seizure of the British steamer Sabine, from New York January 14, with a miscellaneous cargo, which, a3 reported from Port Elizabeth yesterday, was captured by the British gunboat Thrush and brought to Delagoa bay on suspicion of having contraband of war on board. .jafcJA. jfeaBJiAul, SPLIT OVER FUSION Row in the Populist National Committee Meeting. MIDDLE-ROADERS WALKED OUT The Result "Will Be Two Separate Convention and Two Tickets in the Field. LINCOLN, Neb.. Feb. 19. A split and a' walk-out followed a turbulent meeting of the populist national committee to night. The anti-fusion, leaders, after hav ing a number of their followers turned down by the credentials committee, or ganized a bolt and formed a new com mittee. The members favorable to fu sion, after adopting the report of the credentials committee, adjourned until to morrow, when, in all likelihood, it will empower the chairman, or a committee of three, to call the national convention for the same city and the same time the democratic convention Is held. Caucuses and conferences this morning among the contending factions betokened an Inharmonious meeting of the full com mittee, which began at 3 o clock this afternoon In representative hall of the state capltol, and the indications that breakers were ahead were emphasized 10 minutes after Chairman Butler called the committee to order and announced that it would at once go into executive ses sion. The difficulties of the members, of whom there were about 80 present, but holding proxies for nearly the full committee, hinged on the old question of fusion. The element led toy Senator Allen, with ap parently the strongest following, Insist ed on fusion, and to that end that a com mittee be appointed with power to call the convention for the same day and place as the democrats. Senator Allen said: "I am not In favor of admitting to the committee meeting this afternoon or rec ognizing as meirfbers of the committee any man who participated in the Cincin nati convention that nominated Barker and Donnelly for president and vice-president. I am not In favor of recognizing proxies from such men, neither am I in favof of recognizing any such man who sends a proxy., I do not believe the com mittee should admit any member who Is supporting a ticket other than the one to be nominated in the convention this committee shall call. The committee should throw over the transom every member who has no right to participate in its deliberations, and I believe It will do it" J. A. Parker, of Kentucky, replied on behalf of the middle-of-the-road or antl fuslon men. The calling of the list of committeemen proceeded without incident to the end, when Mr. Parker asked why the proxy of Committeemen A. W. Files, of Arkan sas, and Robert McReynoldsr of Lincoln, had been omitted. Robert Schilling, of right reeard. lees of his credentials, who had 'taken part in the Cincinnati convention which nominated Barker and Donnelly. Chairman Butler ruled that the whole matter must go to the committee on cre dentials, and he thereupon appointed as such committee, Allen of Nebraska, Weaver of Iowa, and Tracey of Texas, all of the fusion faction, and declared the meeting adjourned, amid the protests of the middle-of-the-roaders, who denounced his action as partisan. When the committee reassembled at 8:45, the antl-fusionlsts presented the follow ing proposition: "That the committee recognizes only legal proxies, stamped with revenue stamps, according to law; that the roll of the meeting at Omaha in 1898 be ac cepted with the roll of this committee, except Vhere subsequent state conventions have elected new members; except that cases of contests shall go before a com mittee, composed of five members, two to be selected by the friends of Butler, two by friends of Parker, these four to select a fifth member, and that in settling these contests no votes are to be cast on these cases by either contestees or contestants until all contests are settled. "This proposition represents 57 votes In this convention, which is a good majority of the members in attendance here, and we demand these propositions in the name of the honest populists of this na tion, who are opposed to rascality in pol itics." This was signed by J. O. A. Barker, Kentucky; R. H. H. Wheeler, Ohio; Newt Gresham, Texas; J. B. Osborne, Georgia; J. T. Knott, Maine; Robert McReynoIds, Arkansas, and D. C. Deaver, Nebraska, to gether with a number of others, not com mitteemen. The proposition was ignored by the full committee, and the committee on creden tials reported, excluding all but, five of the anti-fusion members. In the midst of an uproar, the middle-of-the-roaders, led by Parker of Kentucky, and Welles of Iowa, left the hall, engaged a room down town and organized a bolting meeting. The main committee shortly before midnight, without deciding on a date or place for the national convention, adjourned until tomorrow morning. The bolters, who secured a room at the Grand hotel, prepared an address and called a national convention for Cincin nati Wednesday, May 9. REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN ISSUES. Fight "Will Be Made on the Line of the President's Policy. 'NEW YORK, Feb. 19. The Herald quotes Senator Piatt, of New York, as saying in an Interview: "While the republican platform, upon which we will make our next campaign has not been definitely decided upon, it is pret ty well understood that we will make our flght on the line of policy of the present administration. The campaign is being shaped every day, and the democrats are entitled to all the comfort they are able to derive from what they seem delighted to call "republican mistakes. The ridicu lous exhibition of incapacity on the part of the democratic leaders while the finan cial bill was pending in congress was suf ficient to convince all observing persons that they are hardly capable of conducting the business affairs of this great nation in a manner acceptable to the American people "L understand the democratic leaders are declaring that we weakened on the sil ver question by adopting a" bimetallic amendment to the financial bill In the sen ate, and they propose to make that one of their campaign Issues. They also as sert that they will draw heavily upon our forces if the refunding provision of the financial bill becomes a law. Some of my constituents are troubled about the bi metallic amendment, and I have received several letters on the subject asking If the republicans had not lowered their colors to, the silver hosts by the adoption of that amendment. My reply has Invariably been that there was no lowering of colors to the silver forces and no substantial deviation from the former policy of the republican party, relative to the subject of blmetalism. The senate amendment to the ,.WfaC - -t'tHSr financial bill which was offered fey Sen ator Aldrioh at the Instance of the com mittee on finance was simply a declaration or a reaffirmation of the party principles on that subject, as laid down in the last national platform of the republican party. "As to our colonial policy, that is being formed new, and I have not given the sub ject sufficient investigation to discuss It at this time. Our policy toward Hawaii Is pretty well defined, and before the com ing week expires, we may have a pretty good Idea of what we intend to do in re gard to Puerto Rico. In the discussion ef the Puerto Rican question, the whole ques tion of our colonial possessions will come up, and as there is a wide difference of opinion on the subject. It would be prema ture to attempt to build a party platform so far in advance of the meeting of the national convention. "At the proper time President McKlnley (and Senator Hanna, chairman of the re publican national committee, will call a conference of the party leaders, with a view to determining upon what lines It may be deemed advisable to make the cam paign. I have not been consulted by eith er President McKlnley or Mr. Hanna en the subject, and I don't know that I shall be, but my interest in the success of the party Induces me to try and keep posted as to what Is going on within our lines, and, when I get a chance I take a peep Into the enemy's camp. "I deprecate anything that savors of overponfldence in a political contest, and therefore I am not going to follow the ex ample of the democratic leaders by mak ing a lot of rash predictions as to the fu ture. In my judgment, the majority of the people In this country are satisfied that their Interests are better protected by the republican party than they would be If the administration were turned over to the democrats. I rely upon the Intelli gence of the American people to choose between McKlnlev and Bryan." ARMY RE-ORGANIZATION. New Bill Prepared by the War De partment Introduced in the'Huose. WASHINGTON, Feb. 19. The secretary of war has sent to the chairman of the senate and house military committees a draft of a bill, which the department claims 'greatly strengthens the military system and remedies defects developed during the Spanish-American war. The bill was Introduced in the house today by Chairman Hull. A chief feature of the legislation asked for provides for one-third of the promo tions to be made by selection. This is to enable the president to reward specially gallant and meritorious services. It rec ognizes both length, and special fitness of service, and Its authors claim that Its provisions are so guarded that only the most deserving shall receive special rec ognition, and In no case "be the creatures of personal or political intervention. The bill gives the president control of the tenure of the offices of the heads of staff departments, and he can, by and with the advice and consent of the sen ate, make a new head of a department at any time when, In his Judgment, the ef ficiency of the service would be Increased thereby the officer relieved being trans ferred to the retired list. This places the army staff on about the same footing as the heads of the navy staff departments. The only Immediate result under this rpfovlsion would be the probable retlre- i ment of General Eagan, commissary-gen- . eral, now undergoing suspension. In the adjutant-general's and Inspector-general s , departments there will be no further ap pointments but "by detail from the next lower grade of the line for a term of four years. Officials say this will give a large number of experienced staff officers to meet future requirements and the emer gencies of active service These selec tions, too, are to be made on recommend ations of boards of officers appointed to ascertain the records and fitness of officers for those details. The quartermaster andi subsistence de partment, the ordnance and signal corps are also to be filled in like manner. None or tnese provisions ior details in any way Interfere with the tenure of officers now in the regular staff departments or with their promotions as now provided by law. They will, however, serve one year in five with such branch of the line as the secretary of war may designate. . The reorganization of the artillery, the only change proposed In the line of the army, is based on advanced Ideas that are largely in use in other countries, and is called for by the present system of sea-coast defenses. It insures the care of the heavy ordnance and the training of officers and men to handle these guns in active service. The office of post chaplain Is abolished and one provided for each, regiment of the line of the army, regular and volun teer. The chaplain's rank and pay are made those of a captain mounted. The proposed increase of the artillery will be made by distribution of men from other arms of the service and will not increase the strength of the service. i a THE EL PASO RIOT. Captain Lousrhboroush's the Affair. Report of WASHINGTON, Feb. 19. General Mc Klbbon, commanding the department of Texas, ha3 forwarded to the adjutant general a copy of the following telegram from Captain Loughborough, commanding the troops at Fort" Bliss, Texas, In regard to the trouble with, the local authorities at El Paso, Texas, on the 17th: "Through negligence or connivance -of noncommissioned officers in charge of the barracks, arm-racks were opened last night and a number of rifles taken out. One soldier was killed, and I learn one guard at the city Jail, where two soldiers were held for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Arm-racks are now locked and the keys are in my possession. All am munition has been placed) under lock and key. I have not permitted' any one to leave the garrison. I am co-operating with the civil authoritels, and will do everything In my power to bring the guilty parties to Justice." General McKlbbon adds that he has or dered an additional officer to Fort Bliss, and that he will make a thorough Investi gation. He says no further trouble is ap prehended. ' e EDWIN MAYO DEAD. Suddenly Expired at Quebec Yester day Afternoon. QUEBEC, Feb. 19. Edwin Mayo, of the "Pudd'nhead Wilson" company, dropped dead in the Chateau Frontenac today. Mr. Mayo and his wife were staying at Jthe Frontenac. He was chatting with Edwin Varney, manager of the Academy, until about 2 o'clock. When Mr. Varney start ed to take his leave, Mr. Mayo arose to see him out, and suddenly fell back in his chair. He bled profusely from the mouth, and was dead before a doctor, who was called, could get to the hotel. i No New Revolution in Venesuela. CARACAS, Venezuela, Feb. 10, via. Hay tien cable. The government and press protest against reports published in the United States asserting that a new revo lution had broken out In Venezuela. An indignation meeting was held here yaster- day, Simon Introduces a Bill Appro priatlng $250,000. WILL COMPROMISE ON ASSAY OFFICE Mearare Introduced far the Iauaeaae It Will Have en the Bill e Moody and MoBrlde. WASHINGTON, Feb. . Senator Straw today introduced a Mtt appropriating $169, 000 for the construction of a United Statu mint at Portland. The Mil provides for the rental of a suitable building, until a special building for the mint can be con structed, and also carries the customary provision for the regular mint officiate antt regulations. Senator Simon says he Introduced hia bill for the influence it will have upon the bill of Representative Moody an& of Sen ator MeBalde for an assay omce at Port land. He realizes that there Is a great deal of opposition to establishing any more assay offices, and thinks that If he strikes out and Insists upon a mint, the commit tee may be witting to compromise on an assay office. The senator does- net expect his mint bill to pans 4Mb congress, but hopes to see the assay ofnee established, although he feels that it will he impossible to pass that bill before the next session. He thinks that the assay office will meet present requirements, but in the future it will be possible te secure the mint. Representative Moody is going to .work In a proper way te secure the appropria tion of $460,919 for a Portland building. He is reaching out In the direction where he has friends to get a. large influence to bear upon members of the committee on public buttelngs and grounds tcr secure a favorable report on the bill and upon the managers of the house to secure Us consideration afterwards. It really looks as li the appropriation mtgnt Re put through. Opposition to Puerte Rioan Bill. The republican leaders of the house are having a very difficult time in whipping the men of their party, wro oppose the tariff ' on Puerto Rlean goods, into line for their bill. Besides those whose names have al ready been mentioned as against the bill, there has sprung up considerable opposi tion on the Pacific coast. Tongue of Ore gen, Cushraaa and Jones of Washington, and Loud of California, are not likely to stand by the republican majority, but will probably vote against the bill. A great deal of pressure Is being brought to bear upon these men, as well s noon Heatwotg of Minnesota. Hemeaway and Ferris of Indiana, mid apaMmg of Xob Dakata, to bring them toUrline so as not to defeat the party. The pressure had been doubled since the statement of Richardson- today that all the democrats would oppose the bill, as the republicans oppos ing it, with the solid democratic side of the house, would defeat it. The republi cans who are opposing the bill meet every effort by saying that they are merely standing by their own convictions and the recommendations of the president in hla message, and are, therefore, not opposing the republican party m any degree. The republicans today fired their heav iest guns, Payne and Dalzell, in support of the measure, believing that if these two recognized members and managers ot the party in the house support the bill. the weak-kneed will be brought into line. Philippines Behind It. Behind the whole question is the Phil ippines and its sugar. One republican id already anonymously quoted as saying If the supreme court should decide Puerto Rica a part of the United States and sub ject to equal rights and tariff laws, the republicans will drop the Philippines in some way, and that the retention of the Islands depends upon the constitutionality of the Puerte Rican bill. Another republican, who opposes the bill, says: "The republican party is in a most unpleasant position. It is extremely unfortunate that this time was chosen to push this question. To win, the party must first pass the bill, next secure a fa vorable decision from the United States supreme court, and finally have its action ratified by the people at the potts. If toe party loses in any one of the three con tests it will be ruined. We are putting Into the hands of the democrats the most powerful weapon they could have against us. What answer are we to make when they charge us with attempting to replace Spain in her relations with her late colo nies, and to grind them down and to bleed them as Spain did?" Early Democratic Convention. The outlook for the democratic conven tion Is that it will be held at Milwaukee June 6, as there is a determination to have the convention in advance of the republi cans, but it looks as if the race with the populists would be abandoned. The ob ject of the democrats holding their con vention earlier, is to have their platform proclaimed in advance of the republican declaration, as they fear that the republi cans are going to make a strong declar ation against trusts, which is to be the democratic slogan. The indications are that the Bryanltes win control the populist convention anyway, whether It is held before or after the democrats get together. Senator Turner holds the proxy for the democratic national committee from thtt state of Washington for the coming con ventions. Turner appears in the congres sional directory as a fustontet, but this would indicate that he is a full-neded democrat. McKlnley Coming: West. If the president goes to San Francisco, as there is some intimation that be will do during the coming summer, he will probably go further north and visit Ore gon and Washington. His Pacific coast trip depends entirety upon the possibility of an early adjournment of congress. Daily Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON', Feb. . Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows: Available cash balance 9M6.4S4.aS9 Goid reserve aw,911,li s Aimed at the Savar Trust. WASHINGTON, Feb. . Representa tive Richardson, of Tennessee. Introduced today two house resolutions aiming at the sugar trut.