Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 14, 1900, Image 1

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VOL. XL NO. 12,224.
" w 1ft ft
LI Jx3B0e&Bs. wJP w I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I tJI 1 L
, i -,-v
he True Criterion
Is Quality
The attention of conootesours Is called to the Superlative Quality
r POMMERY CHAMPAGNE, which is being shipped to this coun
try. In London, the acknowledged home of wine connoisseurs,
where QUALITY regulates prices, Pommery commands from two
to six dollars more a case than other leading brands, as per figures
taken from Ridley's wine and spirit trade circular.
&-26 North First St.
.$1.00. $1 BO. $2.00
.$2.00. J2 50. S3 00
I I sJ 1
In Bulk and Cases. For sale by
British Forced. .to Retire From
the Colcsberg District
Is a HWintaln-grewn Ceylon Tea of the highest excellence.
It Is clean-made, economical and refreshing. Costs no
mere than ordinary English Breakfast or Japan Teas and
wMI ge twkfe as far.
88 Third St.
f rp. Chamber of Commute
r, -f-waafc Y
wauejAMuiM-HafeAhiMlfc&foidltii WBai&
Hp-r.n-p. 0
. . . W.7 if
Jbl Upward.
Special rates made to families am 4 slactc centlemeb. The manage
neat will be pleased at all times to show rooms 'and sire prices. A mod
em Tarklih bath entnbllsbiaeat la tbe hotel. H. C SOWERS, Manager.
A Counter Stroke. That May Came
Roberts to Change His Plans
Buller's Intentions.
LONDON, Feb. 14, 4:20 A. M. The news
of the day is the enforced retirement ot
the British from the Colesberg district
under heavy Boer pressure, and probably
after brisk fighting. Thus, at a time
when Lord Roberts is apparently able to
jjush an army Into the Free State, the
Boers make a counter stroke in unknown,
but seemingly great force, not far from
the vital line of railway connecting De
Aar and Orange river. Military observer
do not regard this as more than a men
ace. Nevertheless, the news produces an
unpleasant impression here. ,
General French had maneuvered the
Boers out of Bensberg in December. Jan
uary 1, it was reported that he could
take Colesberg In two days with re-enforcements.
These were sent, but the
Boers were also re-enforced. Since then
the British lines have been e(ended east
and west, so that at the opening of this
week they constituted a great horseshoe,
25 miles In length. The lines were not con
tinuous, but all the strong positions were
General French, -when he joined tSeneral
Roberts, took most of his cavalry. Gen
eral Clements was left with the infantry
to hold the Boers In check, nut Command
ant Delaney, with a double turning move
ment, has compelled the British to con
centrate at Rensberg, besides threaten
ing Roberts' communications. The Boer
mastery of the district has caused a
spread of the insurrection, but this, no
doubt, will be promptly suppressed, as
large British forces are available not far
The Indications as to General Buller's
Immediate intentions ate contradictory.
One informant, who has Intimate rela
tions with the war office, predicts a move
ment wthln the next day or two. A num
ber of correspondents who have been with
General Buller have gone to Durban for a
few days' rest, under the Impression that
nothing is to be done Immediately.
The war office has directed the Eighth
division of 10,000 men to prepare to go out.
Library Association of Portland
Between SevctU oi hit
24,000 volumes and over 200 periodicals
$5,00 a year or $1.50 a quarter
Two books allowed on all subscriptions
HOURS From 9:09 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. dally, except Sundays and hotldaw
Misses School Shees, sizes 12 to
2, values to $2.59, square or
narrow tees, at 75c
Children's School Shoes, sizes 6
to 11, values te $1.75, at ,.....75c
Can say ofrother glasses
is that they are "just as
good" as Reed's glasses.
A word to the wise is
Eye Specialist
The Fighting: on the Advance Line.
LONDON, Feb. 14 A dispatch to the
Daily Mall frpm Rensberg, dated yester
day, says:
"There has been hard fighting for some
days near Colesberg, the Boers making
strenuous efforts to outflank the British
left The enemy occupies strong positions
from Achterlang, through Potfontein, to
a point five miles south of Jasfonteln.
"The fighting at the outpost camps has
been very severe during the last few days.
'astarday, the. Boers attacked the post
and after dark iLwas considered
to withdraw to Rensberg.. Our losses are
not yet known. On the left the West Aus
tralians, Wlltshlres and Berkshlres had
hot fighting, but held their positions
against long odds. The Boer losses were
"Owing to the growing difficulties expe
rienced by cowboys in reaching the camps,
all the latter were vacated last night, and
the troops withdrew to Rensberg. The
Boers are burning the farms of the loyal
ists, but the latter have contrived to get
away with their stock."
ersberg It la learned- that 200 Boers were,
killed or wounded during MacDonald'a"
There is no confirmation of the reported
sortie of British troop from Ladysmlth,
nor of the Boer outflanking movement.
A report comes from Durban that the
British artillery forced the Boers to eval
uate their camp on Ilangwana hill, south
of Colenso. It would be an Important ad
vantage if the British were able to occu
py that position.
The absence of General French from
Rensberg district appears to have given
the Boers an opportunity for renewed ac
tivity. They have apparently extended"
their attack on the British lines and are
.meeting with minor success, having con
siderable moral effect on the border col
onists. The Boer Invasion of Zululand has
jCaused keen anxiety apart from the fact
that it threatens Buller's supplies. It is
difficult, to belleye that the Zulus can
long be kept quiescent, while their cat
tle are commandeered and the country
overrun by their hereditary foes.
Friends of Cecil Rhodes are becoming
alarmed- at his possible fate and have
sent an emissary to see Dr. Leyds, dip
lomatic agent of the Boers In Europe, In
regard to the probable course the Boers
would pursue in the event of his capture.
Dr. Leyds assured the Intermediaries
that the Boers did not intend to kill Mr.
Rhodes, but he added they would certain
ly hold him as hostage until indemnity
for the Jameson raid was paid In view
of developments since the raid, tbe Boers
have also decided to double the amount
of, ind-emnity demanded, so Rhodes' friends
will have to hand over $10,000,000 before he
Is released. It Is also learned definitely
that Jameson Is still at Ladysmlth, in
spite of all conflicting reports.
A semi-official paragraph Is published
In the Globe this afternoon, saying that
Germany does not contemplate interven
tion. The German government, it is add
ed, doesrTiot consider Itself concerned In
the future status or existence of the
Boer republics.
An undated dispatch from Mafeklng via
Gaberones, February 2, says:
"Colonel Baden-Powell has received a
communication from. Lord Roberts prom
ising that relief would be sent in a few
weeks The food will last. The garrison j
Is as game as ever. The Boers have ex
pressed their Intention not to fight, but
to starve us out. All well."
A private telegram received here says:
"The forces commanded by General
"Wood have moved up from the southward
and seized Southpan's drlft.whlch he now
The war office has posted a dispatch
from Colonel Kekewich, dated February
11, to the effect that KImberley was bom
barded throughout February 8.
During the morning of February 9 a
small Infantry engagement lasting two
hours occurred at Alexandersfontein. The
situation otherwise Is unchanged.
A revised list of the British casualties
at Potgleter's Drift from February 5 to
February 7 shows 26 killed, 319 wounded, 5
missing. The fact that General Buller's
dispatch revising the casualties is dated
from Cheveley is taken In some quarters
as an indication that General Buller has
removed his headquarters to that place.
There la nothing to Indicate whether or
not he left any large force at Springfield.
FrjcK's Su'it Against the Carnegie
Steel Company.
Alleged Krimdolent Scheme to Get
N the Chairman's Interest In the
TVorks at Halt Price.
Boer Conditions of Pence.
"NEW YORK, Feb. 13.-rA dispatch to the
British Outposts Driven In.
RENSBERG, Feb. 12. Evening. The
Boers have again driven in the British
outposts on the western flank today, all
outposts at Bastard's Nek, Hobiklrk'a
windmill and other points retiring to Mae
der's farm. There were several casual
ties, but the details have not yet been re
ceived February 13. The Boers are actively
pressing around RensbeTg. The British
force under Lieutenant-Colonel Page, con
sisting of a section of artillery and 154
cavalry, which had reached Sllngersfon
toln February 10, has been compelled ta
fall back on Rensberg, owing to its east
ern flank being threatened.
Yesterday's retirement of the western
outposts Included the withdrawal from
Coleskoop and all surrounding posts. The
Boers placed a 40-pounder at Bastard's
Nek, commanding the surrounding coun
try, and successfully shelled the British
positions. The Boers numbered some
thousands, and were five to one wherever
fighting occurred. The British are chafing
under the necessity of retreat from their
posts, some of which they had held since
New Year's. The British now have a
camp west of Rensberg. They safely
brought off the guns from Coleskoop.
ported to have said In an interview:
Herald from Paris says:
"The war is the beginnlngof the col
lapse of England's power In South Afri
ca. The longer the war lasts, the heavier
will be the conditions of peace; for Eng
land will not come out of it without giv
ing important concessions."
The y.oung Transvaaler, secretary of the
legation, added:
'Both republics will have full freedom
and Independence. Further, England will
have to give up those parts of Cape Col
ony, Natal and Bechuanaland, where the
Inhabitants have thrown in their lot with
the republics, for they must not be left
In the lurch."
PITTSBURG, Pa., Feb. 13. Henry Frlck
filed a bill in equity today, In the court
of common Dleas No. . 1. of Allegheny
county, against Andrew. Carnegie and tfie
Carnegie Steel Company, Ltd., praying.
"First, for a decree that the pretended
transfer of his interests in" the company
was and is null and void, and that he is
still the owner of all such interest and is
entitled In every lawiul way to represent
and act for the same.
"Second, for an Injunction restraining
the defendants from any Interference with
his Interest In. the said company, and
from excluding him from participation in
the care and management of the assets
and business.
"Third, a decree ordering the defendants
to cancel upon the books of the firm any
assignment or transfer heretofore made
or pretended to be made to said associa
tion of the plaintiff's interest in the firm.
"Fourth, a decree ordering the defen
dants to cancel and erase all interests
upon the books of the firm of the Car
negie Steel Company, Ltd., of unfair and
Improper valuations of its assets and of
the plaintiff 's interest therein, and to
cause the said books so to be kept as
fairly and fully to show the real value
of the Carnegie Steel Company, Ltd., and
the plaintiff's Interests therein.
"Fifth In case the defendants shall re
fuse the offers made by the plaintiff and
shall refuge to continue the said business
and allow Uxa, to participate In the man
agement and control thereof and of the
properties of the Carnegie Steel Company,
Limited, In conjunction with themselves,
and shall Insist upon the exclusive man
agement by themselves of said business
and assets, and shall continue to exclude
the plaintiff from his Interest In the busi
ness and assets of the said firm that the
court will, thereupon, allow the plaintiff
to declare the said firm of the Carnegie
Steel Company. Limited, dissolyed, and
appoint a receiver to take charge of all
the business and assets of the said firm,
permitting said receiver to fulfill the un
performed contracts and do whatever
shall be necessary In and about the prop
er liquidation of its affairs, and that, after
the conversion of the entire assets of the
company into money and the payment of
the debts of the said company, the court
will then contribute the balance thereof
among the partners In proportion to their
"Sixth That an account be taken be
tween Carnegie and the plaintiff whereby
Carnecie shall be charged with all the
losses, expenses and damag he has caused
by his Illegal and fraudulent conduct;
and that if Carnegie persists in his said
which, if successful, would enable Carne
gie, Carnegie hoped, to confiscate Frlck's
Interest in the firm at probably not much
over 33 per cent of its real value; that Is,
say, not over $000,000 for what, on the
basis of Carnegie's option, was worth
$16,23S,000. This scheme, Frlck says, he
can prove was to reinstate and make op
erative an unexecuted and abandoned so
called ironclad agreement of. 1S67, wbleh
related solely to Carnegie Bros. & Co.,
Ltd., and never did include the Carnegie
Steel Company, Ltd.; and also to attempt
to make binding on Frlck another so-called
ironclad agreement of 1S92 which Carnegie
never before had executed, which Henry
Phipps had always refused to execute and
which many other partners had never
signed. This agreement, contemplated In
1892, Carnegie knew, as Frlck bow alleges,
was absolutely void in 1SB9, and yet Car
negie appeared at a nfeetlng of the board
of managers of the Carnegie Steel Com
pany, Ltd., held January 8, 1900, in Frlck's
absence, and passed false and misleading
resolutions whereby he attempted to make
operative and reinstate the so-called iron-1
clad agreement qf 18S7 and also directed
his copartners to sign the so-called agree
ment of 1892, which, neither he nor many
of thom had theretofore executed. AH
this, It Is alleged, Carnegie did secretly
and purposely ceancealed the knowledge
thereof from Frlck.
"Carnegie was enabled to control his
partners because most Of them still owed
the firm money for their Interests, and
Carnegie dominating: the firm by a major
ity interest, they were unwilling or unable
to withstand his demands. Carnegie In
duced some of his co-partners to sign the
so-called agreement of 1S92, and then. with
out warning, sprung upon Frlck a notice
January 15, 1900, which he has also caused
his copartners secretly to sign, and which
was based upon the pretended existence
of tne so-called ironclad agreements.
Normal Conditions May Bo Re
stored in Kentucky Soon.
Democratic legislators Preparing- te
Go Back to Fra&Kfert Demo
cratic lajanetlea Salt.
Swears She "Was "W edded te Senator
Fair ay a Saaaltte Justice,
S K- FRANCiacoTPeb. 1S.-A sobsmb
was created today by Mrs. Kettle R.
CYi en b her testimony m a suit against
Gave a Hearing to the Secretary of
the Sailors Union.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. The Industrial
oajamlsston today heard the testimony of
Ajwrew r jirusein, secretary of the Sailors'
h estate of the lae Senator vir far rinian nf th Pini. ,, ,. ....
S&ftt a month vMim & aHawa.... ma&' ik An.iit..A ...-- ..
( ra.h of the eenator Mrs. Crave teert
' . i that ah and Senator Fair were auur
- ( ' bj cWRract. m Jne 1W2. and that
o r month later, at the request oC her
csug it Margaret. Senator Fair and Mrs.
legislative committee of the Seamen's
uwan iie saw the laws should bo so
amended so as to provide the sailors of
tne raercnani marine with better food and
quarters, ana to do away with the evils
of the, "cnmpSng" system. He protested
C-ae.i were jaarrted bj Justice of the ag&tasl that portion of a proposed
Peace SimOM of Sauaaltto. Judge Sttas-
,g livlnc and will be called upon to
Fubeotntiate Mrs. Craven's statement. The
testimony of Mrs. Craven, la particular,
tras totally uMtooked for, and the facto
vliKh he swore to today have never ap
peared in any of the great aaaes of testt
ir.on heretofore offered la tats case.
wmoH pruviuea ior a Dounty oi $1 per
month to persons engaged in the fisheries,
ana staking it mandatory unon all persons
accepting this bounty to enter the United
States navy in time of wan He thought
the question of enlisting should be left
te Xhe patriotism of the sailors.
Fighting Daring; the Retreat.
LONDON. Feb. 13. A dispatch to .the
Evening News from Rensberg says severe
fighting occurred during the British re
treat, the various outposts on both sides
suffering heavy losses. The dispatch adds
that it is doubtful If Rensberg can be held.
Visit to the Boer Camp.
RENSBERG, Feb. 13. An Australian
newspaper correspondent, Mr. Reay, paid
an interesting visit to the Boer camp Sun
day, to make Inqulrles'as to the fate of his
missing colleague. Mr. Hale, of the London
Dally News, who was captured February
7, at the time Mr. Lamble, of the Mel
bourne Age, was killed. Mr. Reay arrived
at the camp blindfolded. When taken be
fore Commandant Delaney his eyes were
unbandaged. Delaney said he deeply re
gretted that a noncombatant had been
killed, and expressed his sympathy with
Mr. Lambie's widow. Mr. Reay was then
escorted to Mr. Lambl's grave, and the
latter's watch and other personal effects
were handed over to him. The escort In
formed Mr. Reay that the two republics
had 120,090 men fighting, and were able to
continue the war Indefinitely.
Debate in Parliament.
- LONDON, Feb. 13. When the debate on
the army supplementary estimates was
resumed in the house of commons, Mr.
Wyndham, during the course of a speech,
again intimated that an attempt would
be made to democratize the army, which
he said, he thought ought not to be closed
to officers who did not enjoy an incdme
of from 150 to 500 a year. Mr. Wynd
ham also said It was a scandal and dan
ger to the empire that young men could
not enter the cavalry until their fathers
were able to give them 500 a year. The
under-secretary further arinounced that it
was not intended to raise volunteers In
"Wanderings of a Lost Column.
BRUSSELS, Feb. 14 La Petit Bleu,
In correspondence from Pretoria, publishes
an extraordinary account ot 2000 British
soldiers who, It is said by the writer, ar
rived toward the end of December last
during the retreat from Dundee, at the
Ktver Maputa, tne Dounaary Deiween
Swasiland and Portuguese territory. Ac
cording to the narrative, they had lost
their way, and wandered for weeks in
Zululand, arriving shoeless, In rags and
dying of hunger. These soldiers were
thought be have been shut up with Sir
George White, in Ladysmlth.
Chief of Police of Snn Frnnpluw.
Daily TreBrj Statement. I SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 13. The board
"W ASHINOTON P K.v-Todar's state- ' f jwttee oommlssioaers tonlcht elected
m!U of Um condition of the treaewcy WfWam P. Sullivan, jr., chief of polloe J from the Barkly West district. They had
noas ot UMs oKy.'te succeed l.j0v. Lees, re-
Avftllabte caah balance . $2S3K3tt fltgfiL Mr. Sullivan is theWlvate secre-
HnrKM .-,' &F -LTa.n. TkLlnM
180 -mjm tary' Mayor Phelan.
Indications That Roberts Is About to
LONDON, Feb. 13. Indications are that
the British preparations for a move from
Modder River are progrseslng, and that
Important events can be anticipated
witbip a few days. Interest centers al
most wholly upon Field Marshal Roberts,
especially -since Buller's report of his
withdrawal from Vaalkrantz came, for
tho first time, through Roberts, showing
that all the different operations over the
wide field will hereafter be more com
pletely co-ordinated. It is now known
that the military attaches have gone to
join Roberts at Modder River, another
move preceding an advance.
.A dlspatoh from Modder River an
nounces the arrival there of 1400 refugees
beenJorderd away by the Boers because
they ref used to join the republicans. The
f refugees reached Medder Elver via Kood-
Cnrrles One Hundred and Eleven
Bllllion Much More Than Last.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. The house
committee on military affairs today com
pleted the army appropriation bill. It
carries $111,700,364, against $80,080,104 in the
bill for the current year. The great in
crease is accounted for by the fact that
the appropriations for the current fiscal
year were Inadequate, and the tlrgent de
ficiency bill recently passed carried alargd
additional appropriation for the army lor
the current ear.
Tho bill Includes an appropriation of
$450,G50 for cable and telegraph lines, to
connect the military posts in Alaska with,
headquarters at St. Michael, and $100,000
for military bridges and roads In. Alaska,
Wlil Report Pnclflc Cable Bill.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. The house
committee on interstate and foreign com
merce today decided by a Vote of '8 to 5 to
report a Pacific cable "bill along the lines
of the Sherman bill, defeating by 5 to 8
the Corliss proposition for a government
The vote in the committee does not com
mit the committee to the Sherman bill
as drawn, but only to the general idea
which it contains of private ownership
wltha government subsidy for 20 years.
The bill was taken up today by the com
mittee. Little progress was made. The
bill authorizes the postmaster-general to
contract with an American cable com
pany for the payment by the United
States of not to exceed $400,000 per year
for 20 years for the transmission of gov
ernment messages from the Pacific coast
to Honolulu, Guam, Manila, Hong Kong
and such, points In Japan as the contract
ors? nrljh the approval of the government
of Janan. may select!
curred by the plaintiff by reason of the
said dissolution and forced winding up of
the firm shall . be chareed against him,
and he shall be decreed to make good and
pay to the plaintiff the difference between
what his interest was fairly worth on or
aoout February L 1900, and the amount he
snail receive inrougn ine decree oi mis
court irv final liquidation and settlement
of the said firm.'
Summary of the BUI.
The bill in equity is long, and as sum
marized by Willis L. Cook, counsel for
Mr. Frlck, is as follows:
In 1892 there were (wo limited partner
ships, (1) called Carnegie Bros. &' Co.t
Limited, with a capital" of $5,000,000, which
made steel rails and owned only the Edgar
Thomson steel rail mill in Braddack town
ship, and (2) called Carnegie, Phipps &
Co., Limited, with a capital of $5,000,000,
which made all kinds of steel plates,
structural material, hon forglngs, made
material for and built bridges, made armor
plates and made material for the- same.
This latter firm owned the upper and lower
mills In Pittsburg, the extensive Home
stead mills at Homestead, the Keystone
.Bridge worKs m nttsourg, the armor
plate mill near Homestead, the Hartman
Steel Works in Beaver county, and other
Carnegie owned over 50 per cent each
of the old firms, and he, with Frick,
Phipps and others, owning Interests in
each, formed, in" 1892, -vhat constituted a
new partnership, called the Carnegie Steel
Company, Limited. In this Carnegie re
tained over 50 per 'cent, and now has 55
ppr cent, while Frlck has 6 per cent. Both
old firms merged into the new, which had
a capital of $25,000,000, and operated all the
old works. This new Arm was under the
Immediate care and supervision of Frlck,
as chairman, from 1S92 to December, 1839.
It gradually enlarged the capacity of its
different works, enlarged their output, and
purchased other plants, ore mines, etc.
"Carnegie lived in New York, and
passed much of Ms time abroad, remain
ing at one time for 18 consecutive months.
He did not pretend to manage the current
business, although he was consulted as to
the Important matters. The business from
1892 to 1900 was enormously . profitable,
growing by leaps and jumps from year to
year, until In 1S99, the firm actually made
on low-priced contracts, in net profits,
after paying all expenses of all kinds,
"In November, 1899, Carnegie estimated
the net profits for 1900 at $40,000,000, and
Frlck then estimated them at $42,000,000.
Carnegie valued the entire property at
over $250,000,000, and avowed his ability,
in ordinarily proserous tlme3, to sell the
property on the London market for 100,
000,000, or $500,000,000. In May, 1899, Carne
gie actually received In cash and still
holds $1,170,000, given him as a mere bonus
for his 90 days' option to sell his 58 per
ceut interest In this teel company for
$157,950,000. Frlck's 6 per cent, on that
basis, would be worth $16,238,000.
Carnegie's Malevolence.
"Frlck now alleges, right at the head
of .this enormously successful business,
whereby, at least In part, he made for
Carnegie these enormous profits and val
ues, that Carnegie suddenly, and with
malevolent intent towards him, December
4, 1899, arbitrarily demanded of him his
resignation as chairman, and this without
any reason except to gratify Carnegie's
malice. Frlck, in the interest of harmony,
gave his resignation, and subsequently,
January 11, 1900, after Carnegie had thus
deprived' him of his office, he" demanded
of Frlck that he (Frlck) should sell to the
firm his Interest In It at a figure which
would amount to less than one-half of
what this Interest Is fairly worth. Frlck
refused to sell at that price, but offered to
sell and allow three men to value the in
terest sold. Carnegie refused this, and
left Frick, threatening him for not yield
ing to his demand.
Frick now alleges that after his. resig
nation, apd at the tlme-of .this last Inter
view, Carnegie was fraudulently and se
cretly, without Frlcks knowledge or con-
isent, attempting to carry outa scheme
A Forced Transfer.
"Carnegie followed this notice by com
pelling, February 1 1900, Schwab, the presi
dent of the company, to transfer on the
books of the company all Frlck's Interests
In the Carnegie Steel Company, Ltd., to
the said company, and "he now pretends
that he (Carnegie) can practically dictate
to Frick the value at which he will take
the interests. He claims that Frick is no
entitled to anything for the good will of
the company, Is not entitled to have his in
terests valued as of a growlnjj concern,
but that he (Carnegie) can uje old and
obiralete figures which have stood on the
books for years. In many respects un
changed, so as to reduce the value of
Frlck's Interests to the neighborhood, he
hopes, of about $6,000,000. As Carnegie
owns 58 per cent ot the Carnegie Steel
Company, Ltd., he will, therefore, own
more than one-half of the 6 per cent
which Frick sells, a'nd If he can thus
acquire 3 per cent of Frlck's holdings for
what would amount to about $3,000,000, he
will make a net profit of that transaction,
based on his own selling price, as above
stated, in the neighborhood of $5,000,00."
"Frlck further says that never since 1887
had either firm attempted to force a part
ner to sell. That no Interest whatever was
ever acquired under the so-called agree
ment of 1887, and none under the one of
1892, except that at times when the finan
cial condition and earning power of the
company were radically different the com
pany did purchase the Interests of three
deceased partners by an amicable and
satisfactory arrangement with the repre-
s6ntatlye4q&-eaoa, - If elthe&davl
rvPoii bolh,hnrm-waaiJi&
paed tharany partner had pff3flm1
In such position that Carnegie could,
through personal malice, force him from
the firm, and that for Carnegie to attempt
this in 1900, through the guise of proposed
agreements which looked to the honor and
well being of the firm, to gratify his per
sonal misconstruction and misuse of the
LOUISVILLB, Ky ,. IsV-Tae fcat
sign of a break in the domewaste Naea
was noticeable teday. It taaee ta the
shape ot a resefctttoa. offorod ay Seawvw
Trlplett providing that aOurnwwt
Thursday the legislature nam FramMact
as Its next meeting place. Watte no ae-
tlon was taken on the resolution today. t
te believed to foreshadow a return ot Me
demooratlc legislators W the state kern
soon, possibly by the end of tho week.
This action will probably be taken when
a report is received from the commtttee
sent to Frankfort upon coaditloaB as to
the presence of the company of mtla or
armed men, and as to the adYtoahittty ot
resuming sessions at the ueual noeUag
place. This is rendered mora llkery as the
defection occurred la the senate, where
the democrats have a bare working one
rum. With the resumption of tagtetettv bwei
nees at Frankfort in. prospect, aad Um
transfer to the courts at the ehthae of
the rival governess, as seems Bkely te ha
brought about whn a- w Uw
clouds are rapidly Mixing, and ft la be
lieved normal polHIcai coadtUoae nay be
restored In the state hi two or time
weeks. That mueh time, at least. wiH he
required to secure the adjudication of the
issues between the parties. If the federal
courts decide they have jurlsdietioa it will
take much longer.
Before Judge Canrrill, at Georgetown, to
morrow, the democrat will bring a suit
In equity, asking an Injunction to restrain
Governor- Taylor from exercising any ot
the functions of the office of governor. It
is expected a temporary injunction wftl be
granted. In case the repubMcaa executive
disregards the action of tbe courts, the
democrats will take the ease te the court
of .appeals, which, according to their con
tention, is the eourt of last resort hi these
proceedings. The plan was decided use
today at a conference ot deraocratie lead
ers. In the house today a h was offered
making January 4, Governor sobers
birthday, a legal holiday in Kentucky.
The bill alleges that the new partnership
.of the Carnegie Steel Company, Limited,
Is not a limited, but a general partner
ship; but Frlck is unwilling to take ad
vantage of what he believed to be a lim
ited partnership until he was advised oth
erwise after this controversy arose, and
he therefore offers (a) to sell his Interests
In the firm at what the business men will
judge them fairly to be -vvorth; (b) to -execute
new papers making a valfdr binding,
limited partnership, and to continue the
U firm In all respects as it was Intended
heretofore to do; (c) to, continue the firm,
even if It is a general partnership and all
are, individually reliable, provided he be
allowed to participate In the management,
because to leave the sole management to
Carnegie would result eventually, as he
(Frick) believes, in. financial loss; (d) f
Carnegie refuses all these offers, then he
asks the court to dissolve the partnership
and have a receiver appointed to sejl the
Quiet Day at Franlcfart.
FRANKFORT, Ky., Feb. W. Another
day of extreme quiet passed here, there
being no developments in the political sit
uation from either side. The eyes ot Um
leaders on both sides are on Cincinnati,
where Judge Taft, of the federal court,
will return a decision tomorrow on tbe
question whether the federal courts haws
jurisdiction in the contest cases.
General Otis
Latest Report of Casualties.
property and pay the debts and distribute frjee Cain, Twenty-second infantry.
the balance.
Mr. McCook also called attention to the
fact that three of the oldest partners,
Henry Phipps, jr., Henry M. Curry and F.
T. F. Lovejoy, and several small holders
of lhterests, are In sympathy with Frick
and .opposed to Carnegie's present attempt.
The bill was not filed until 5 o'clook this
afternoon, and the Carnegie Steel Com
pany was not notified of the suit, owing to
the lateness of the hour. A copy of the
bill will be sent to the defendants tomor
row. - -
Charles A. Chlclceringr FeU or
Jumped From a. Wlndovv
NEW YORK. Feb? 13. Congressman
Charles A. Chickering, of Copenhagen, N.
Y., was found dead outside the Grand
Union hotel, in this city, today. He had
either fallen or jumped from the fourth
story window of the hotel. The body was
found at 5 A. M. under the open window
of his. room, which- was on the fourth
floor. Evidently It had been lying there
for some time, as his clothing was sat
urated with rain.
Chlckering's friends have been aware
that for some time he was afflicted with
melancholia, following a severe attack of
typhoid fever.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. General Otts
has reported to tbe war department the
following additional casualties among the
troops in the Philippines:
Drowned February 4, Wesley Randall,
Fifth; Arlington Tucker, Forty-eighth.
Infantry, Rio San Juan.
Malarial fever December 6, William H.
Erwln, Fourth cavalry; January II,
George H. Walterara, Thirty-eighth in
fantry; February 4, John F. Seihsaa,
corporal Twenty-seventh infantry.
Dysentery February 3, First Lieutenant
Assistant Surgeon Brainerd S. Higley, Jr.,
with army 12:38 P. M. January 31, John
H. Cookley, Thirty-fourth Infantry, Feb
ruary 2, Zade E. Kitchen, Seventeenth
Variola January 26, Willis H. Street,
Thirty-sixth infantry; February 2, Pres
ton It. Beck, ThJrty-sixth, infantry; Feb
ruary 10, Leaader Hobby,, Thirty-sixth
Concussion of the brain February 1,
Louis O. Nelson, Twelfth infantry.
Abscess of the liver February 3, James
E. Sullivan. Nineteenth Infantry.
Organic heart lesion February 3, Mau-
(Charles A. Chickering was born in Har
risburg, Lewis county, N. Y., November
26, 1843. He was educated in the common
schools and ta Louisville academy, where
he was for a short time teacher. He was
school commissioner of Lewis county from
1865 to 1875; a member of the assembly in
1879, 18S0and 188L and clerk of the as
sembly from 1884 to 1SS0. fie was chairman
of the republican county c imlttee of
Lewis county, secretary of th republican
state committee, r and also a member of
the executive committee of that body. Mr.
Chickering was elected to the fifty-third,
flfty-f6urth and fifty-fifth congresses, and
re-elected to the fifty-sixth congress, re
ceiving 23,991 votes to 15,724 for Bber T.
Strickland, democrat, and 1084 for Eugene
Mprabb, prohibitionist)
Nephritis Hebruary 9, Willie Ogle, ThJr-
ty-secpnd Infantry.
PeritonitisvFebruary 8, Percy Loadbect,
corporal, band A Thirteenth Infantry.
Sarcom of sfbmach February 4, Jaenes
Maloney, Twenty-sixth infantry.
Accidental gunshot Deeewbwft 28,
Christy Underbill, corporal Thirty ooaoad
Infantry;. January 31,- Lewis Whaler,
F Forty-ninth Infantry.
The Manauense Investigation.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 13 The investi
gation into the charges preferred against
Chief Engineer William McDonald, of the
British steamer Manauense, by James
Barneson, the captain of that vessel, waar
continued by the naval court of inquiry
today. Several witnesses for -the prosecu
tion gave? testimony tending to substan
tiate the charges of drunkenness lodged
against the chief engineer. The defense
spent the remainder of the session in try
ing to establish, the fact that tho steamer
was out of repair when she lent this port
at the beginning of the trip, and under
manned to such an extent that it was im
possible for the engineer to keep the ma
chinery in order, to say nothing of keep
ing the vessel clean.
Demented Soldiers Sent Bast.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 13. Steven in
sane soldiers were today sent from this
city to the government hospital at Wash
ington and It Is probable that about 3
more will go East during the week. Dur
ing the last three months nearly 2M de
mented soldiers have been sent across the
continent, and it fe said that over 3s
more will soon arrive here from Manila.
In nearly all cases the men are violently
insane, and the reputed cause of their
trouble la the ceaseless vigilance reeptred
on outpost duty in the Philippines.
Sneyera Buy P. I. Stock.
NEW YORK, Feb. 13. It fe stated that
the Speyer syndicate, which includes Col
liaP. Huntington, is negotiating for the
Pacjfic .Improvement Company shares
held by the Crockers and the Leland Stan
ford estate. The "holders of the stock,
amounting to about 25,000 shares, have
agreed to sell at a stipulated price, it is
said. Each of the two blocks will bring
between. $5,000,000 and $6,000,000.
Animal Transport Sails,
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 13.-The United
States transport Leehtnaw, laden with. 1
horses and 100 mules, sailed tor Manila
today. The two officers who sailed on her
are: Lieutenant Betes, Twentieth infan
try. In command, and Acting Assistant
Surgeon Allen J. Black. Eight destitute
Filipinos from the Omaha exposition are
also being transported home.
i e
Bo-an at Raleigh. .
RALEIGH, N. C , Feb. M. W. J. Bryan,
accompanied by a committee of itaMfea,
citizens, arrived here this afternoon frora
Richmond. On bis arrival bore, Mr, Bry
an was met by a crowd of 3MM peepte.
He was immediately driven to a large
tent, where he spoke for an hour and a
half. Tonight Mr. Bryan spoke m the
Academy of Music Hundreds of people
X were turned away.