THE MORNING GREGONIAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, l'90O. 9 rOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Ft'.h A FIXE TO-ROOst. WELL-FUR- nnw centra.:? locrtea; all roam ' oc ec 1 1 knese a mtne for soiling this btr- tah 1 r uh only Aiarass W 14. care or- F1NE MODERk T-W'Ota'HDCMt. p eai iostelmvrtits. no mttWt or isvments, tnveotlnute this. C a. 1 'eg'Tien. V ITK 7-ROOtt HOCK. '"' r - sale at a sucrHie. WIlHosa Rett, 225 Abington building. - T '7 LOTS OK BROADWAT STREET. -Of f.r 3 o on Powell st. Both goo burs. r- 3v5 Chamber of Commerce. - - . . .., , BT(Vir UtDTtJ c T(3 a bargain. Hoetbtng. 380 Stark. n,v Jr rtty Fine bom. West SMe, Xeb iaidiaw sub cmamDer vuwiiinwk FOR 5AL-FARM5. iriv ED FARMS FOR BALE IK ALL iris r n-egon and wasntntrton: pjtmo la-e to su't purchasers, nr run parueuiars ti va-ious properties, apply to mwimcr t"1 311 Worcester block. A "PUS. PARTLY IMPROVED. SILVER- flie rolling ground, bargain. im acres. 1) -'-- i acres beevor-dam; mu. J. t- J17 Commercial Mode FOR RENT FARMS. K VM TRTIT RANCH OF 87S ACRRS e: r , v r j watered, good soil, SO acres "-s "riBrt only rwo scnes from Oak- giaa county. Or.; low price aM easy rj-na jy , y oirectiy to ue racrac bikwi .'e I-sj ar re Company, San Francisco. Oal. t-jt - in KREB LAND; GOOD HOUSE i 2 miles from Portland Heights: ' J' 5y per month. Address B M, care Ore. TO KXCHAKOE. V,r 'R TRADE SM HORSE-POWER - ,. 1 ro.ler McPhetaon. GHheaa hotel. I OR SALE MISOBLLAJfBOUS. UN ) -LEARANCB SALE OF 88COKD- -i. '-umente i t 1 make quick work In ctostof: them .. 1 are offering tfconi hottwttfa jar lees -e ioif their "value, vie: ail $ 1 i r7e M 1 Uv 1 - mr ... ...................... 11" I t ngton 138 l"1 c rrton, flue 13 1j ward . an 1 a 1 I Kerfnr fMtaBMW SW II s r rwl ainev 288 1 J. -ton, good as THE WILRT B. AlCKX OO., 2-W-211 Flnat at., Portland. Or. GA'NS IN SEVERAL SBOOKD - HAND , 6 ip I -ly tued ptnaos this week at Biters . H use WhlttKy JM8. Stelnwary J185. kcr SMO. KltnteU SS08. Sesersen :fi? J. ' t ingo & Son MB. B. OeWer & ' cr f 06. Hardmaa f 196, Cable flSO. Tarma ee'-i r S2u down and M, j6 or S10 monthly. F.TBI sl . between Washington and Stark. I.TNE, SOLFIIAKE, SOLFILINE. - ire need It. Prtpereg leather; sbso- , Ki prproof . shoes, harness and belting : v. i h Polflllne prokmge life of leathet - rer Tielet Upon your dealer carry- : B Herry Miller & Co., WZ waetttngvoa 1 lana Or, "Lr-a BlTCER CART'S. SAUSAOK "- lard preee, chopping machine, dial etc dirt cheap. Appiy Waldemar - a'tnrney-at-law. Cotnanerdal bntldtag, " ' and Washington, room MC. . ; MArHiNEfr-rwo raw homws. cs V, "ne Domootle. 12.80; one Houee ' $H , Singers, 43 each. 3. E. Cran, ISO ISO II. -k E-CHEAP, CTTT MILK ROUTE a n not far from ilty. Address J 11, vgcnlan. 'Mf MICROBE KILLBR CURX6 ALL ers rail 340 Morrmoa lor pamphlet and I ITERS ALL MAKRS. REKTED AND Tx frt repairing. Omce swppllee, etc k. am a, 26M Stark. Both photvee. -' l ri;GlBF WAOON6 and harnees si..l lieai' Call or avdreaB 7th and Stark. G(D 0008E-NBCK TRUCK. O. Electric roller mllto. Portland, Or. mnUms new. second-hand, moving pic i Pu Urd & Brack. 1S1 Post. San Fran. 1 'I' A NEW CIAS OOOKER; QA8H, lU i at 2 per month One Oa 174 FKta el. ing; W iMog. Ore tel. Mood 7. Rnesel Irlga r.Mf and second-hand; Mtsete barBess, sailec. must be aota. zti wasaiBKron. ' H LD Fl'RNITURa WANTED. CUR- tx S. iag. Auctioneers, SMtt First. AI'HIVGE. IN GOOD CONDITION. ess fc ' eeter, oare Oregontan. v VI, SECOND-HAND WAGONS AND S-.Eies. 51 Fourth, near Pine. v CL1.-A 1W0-POUXD LIFT. HAND - - - Apply 281 Morrleon. MTS B'X OOCCKES FOR SALE AT ' e J90 SlKth Btreot. risaet. TVAN, CLAY & CO.. ROOMS 1 AND 17 'it.' du iQing, cor. rowru ana jtomras. ay & Sons, A. B. Chase and Emerson ai A. r. Chase ana w. w. Putnam or- i Ca1' cr lnstalimonw. aramopbones and na music boxes. T nns , EXPERT. TUNERS. 107 FIRST '', ncn Tilerw Piano House. BISLP VAXTBD MALE. . 'MFMFLaTK iARNING SHORT- . :- hae failed in some other system, j jd !tueleate the Pernio. Can be : I jn oie-thlrd the time of Pttmanic - n shading, no position, few word- jrnc-ctle voweln. no failures. Book- ,7 'ught Pemtn Shorthand School. 211 ar H. W. Botwhe. Ptte. I ' IiIMfTS. .S5; MKN AND TEAMF. arpenters. S6 and board, Vnoorera. Knrd shtngie-bolt cottere. $1 cord; $1 7G. pass. woodchoppr. 80 to iher work. Canadian rani. Age)., V T)(n To e U omce apeclaltlee. Fine side w b alt merchanu. Catalogue ' 1 Mfg. Co., South Bend. Ind. TKK CHARGE OF SMALL BtTSU -n rk , seTtn hours a day, f 76 K n S. 4S Third st. oMPBTEKT AGENTS; OOOD ' n position. Call at room 33 '. ommerce, tomty. 'Kr It TINNKR, PLUMBER AND t workman; ntaady work O. O. M Mlrmvilte. Or. M N WHO CAN WRITE LOCALS ads." Parmer. ISt Front, un- . i !1 idwoo. "tat If uateMed. Ad rTEN'T RECORD. BntUmore.Md. a Karber Shop: haircut Iftc. aoave v Ed Denateon. SOS Morrison M. r - Sue MEN TO TRY THtC BEST Se -ve anj 10c halrcat. at tt Mort Second. PATTERN - MAKER. g n . 2S$t Morrison. CANA- J" W X)DOHOPPER. AT J. Rainier. Or. HELr WAXTRI1-FKMALR. J, INSURANCE - ANCIENT OR- i..- jmi v rum is a new ana growing sonw of the best features of hny ni-urancee. takes men and irwn ii i''i 'erm. deputies want4. For pnr- -h of D C Rogens. room S. i " isn st . Portland Or. I K1ER OF THE PACIFIC KMPLOY- ti -e is .iriin.or tor V" fl 3? Thlr1 treet, will be . tM to ha alt ordem sent tnore. Ore- j. ne Red JSSl; Columbia, ito. K HEALTHT WOMAN FOR . nt position, good aaiao. state axe re Orefonmn. w "" ' !- aiTNBRAL MOISEWORK IN ihn U . good wub to competent glri. APPRgyTICg. AT THE IMPBRI- U- r More. 8S Morrison . .. M PETSNT COOK. ALSO XTRFE ,li Mm R. Loa Bamos. Portland 1 .i-V KI COOT VOSt SMALL rAM- -I'iT ima ioi m... m LEAN OIRL rTrft sSOCKWORK. Kg 'YR GEHIl ivier st. StTt ATIO! A 4&T12U MALE. UooUkeepera and Clerks. POSITIQN IS XEKDED tit A YOUNG MAX of Mteiaea experience and ability; under wanos omce and outside worn toorougaiy. lugheat recerencee. batistaetton Euaraatcw K li, care Oregontan. P06ITKK BT YOUNG MAN; GOOD PEN aan. anlck at flgures, seiao' no object; uest ,of referescea. 7, caie uregonias. MlaceilaaeouK. MONEY IN IT! WORK WANTED FOR R. R. laborers, farm, haaoa, joggers, cooks, disfa waahent porters, anyixxly. it. G. Drake, 152 FireC Fhooee. SITUATION WANTED-BY COOK, BOY; DAY worker, farmer, etc Japanese Laborers' Home, 42 N. 4th at. Orttm teL Black 'Mi. JAPANESE (OOOD BOIT) WANTS POSITION, any place; can do housework, dishwashing. i Norta lhlrd at. 1 WOODSMAN. 1 SHINGLE-BLOCK CUTTER; piling barkers, $2.60 (cut 5A It.). R. G. ijr&ke, 182 First. JaPaXLSK BOY WANTS HOUSBWORK ANI any kind of work to do. George. 200 Couch - SITUATION WAXTEU3 FEMALE. Steiioffraphers and Tj'peivrlters. WANTED POSITION, BY YOUNG LADY, TO do any kind of office work, or as copyist. A 19, care Oregonian. POSITION WANTED BY A COMPETENT yotug lad- stenographer; can give good refer ences. T 14. care Oregonlan. Domestics ORDER FRBE, DOMESTICS, HOUSE HELP, wMt& Chlneee or Jap: waitresses, cooks, chambermaids, etc Drake, 152 Flfet. Both phones. SITUATION WANTED BY A FHtST-CLASS dinlBg-rsom girl, in private boarding-house. Address D J&, care Oregonlan. DO YOU WANT DOMESTICS? OUR OFFICE is Silod with them dally. Phone us. Canadian EotM. Agency, 226& MorrUon. WANTED PLACE TO WORK FOR BOARD and attend Park school. Call after 4, 409 Morrison. SITUATION WANTED BY A GIRL, TO DO housework; creaks German and English. S30 Taylor. YOUNG GIRLS WANT PLACE TO DO GEN eral housework. Inquire 467 East Harrison. BY SWEDISH COMPETENT SECOND GUtL. Call K) North 12th. Miscellaneous. BY BRIGHT. RELIABLE. EXPERIENCED -woman, posrtioa in doctor's or dentist's omce. Box 464. Salem, Or. W AKTEO A QEXTS. AGENTS WANTED FOR "LIFE OF D. L. Moody" by his son. W. R. Moody, and Ira D. Sankey. Largest, richest and heat. Highest profits paid. It is the only official, authentic, indorsed life. Authorized by the family. Be ware of fakes and frauds. Outfits free. Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all tra3h and clear $300 a month with the official, reli able life. Our reference, any bank In any town. Address The Dominion Company, Dept. J, Chicago. Agents make big money wltn cur line. Write for particulars. Great Northern Woolen Mills, Chicago. RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED. APPLY nvmi 28 Hamilton building. 131 Third St. WAXTKD MISCELLANEO US. WANTED 94000 FOR THREE TO FIVE years, at 6 per cent, on Lewis river farm; over 900 acres in cultivation; house and barn insured; no conwnlsslor.. Address R 14, care Oregonlan. WANTED NAME AND ADDRESS OF ALL persons interested in cremation; handsome souvenir pamphlet mailed free. Address Frame B. Gibson, 305 Stark St., room 10, Portland, Or. TO BUY FOR CASH. LOT OR FRACTION, within 15 blocks of postofflce; state price and location. Y 18, care Oregonlan. IF 'YOU HAVE GOOD. SOUND POTATOES or oaioca to sell for cash, address Crabb & Gilford. 202 Washington st. WANTED BOARDING OR ROOMING-HOUSE, sot less than IB rooms. C E. Bennett. Yilt FMM-tA -street. .. - BEST PRICBS PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF household goods. 3SS Cth st. Phone Brown 602. FOR RENT. Rooms. THE SPALDING, S. E. COR. PARK AND Alder sts., under the management of the owner. Helen F. Spalding The meet complete apartment-house In the Northwest; choice rooms, for gentlemen or gentleman and wife; furnished housekeeping suites a specialty. THE NEWCASTLE. S. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison ets. Rooms, furnished or unfur nished; all modern conveniences; references. XKTELY FURNISHED BACK PARLOR WITH alcove, use of gas, bath, and 'phone, 189 14th St., bet. Yamhill and Taylor sts. THE GILBERT LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED rooms; all modern conveniences. Third and Tajior sta.; entrance, 2C7 Taylor. GILMAN HOTEL-Bnck bldg., central; fur nished rooms. $1 week and up. 1st and Alder. OCKLEY. 300 MORRISON Nicely furnished rooms, for gentlemen: modern conveniences. LYNDELL. B84 MORRISON NEW MANAGE ment, elegantly furnished rooms; gentlemen. Unfurnlehod suite of rooms; suitable for office. Also housekeeping rooms. 270 Morrison. MRS. M. OSVOLD. 221 MORRISON ST. Nicely furnished rooms; rent reasonable. Room With Bonrd. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 12TH YEAR; rooms with board; enameled bath tubs; use .of library; Woman's Excange; Industrial school. Address Mrs. E. C George, superin tendent. 510 Flanders street. Ft RNI&HED SUITE OF ROOMS; ALSO S1N gle rooms, -with board If desired: modern convenience. 72 14th st., cor. Everett, THE COLONIAL. 165 10TH ST. SINGLE room, suitable for gentleman; table and serv ioe first class. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; ALSO other rooms; with Cm-class board. 225 11th. FRONT ROOM. WITH ALCOVE AND BOARD, for elderly couple or gentleman. 330 Fifth. NKWLT FURNHSHED SUNNY ROOM. WITH board. 141 West Park. 475 WASHINGTON STREET. LARGE FRONT roome. with board. Ronaekeeplns Itoomi.; 124 NORTH 10TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping roome. In private family; mod ern accommodations; near Union depot; en suite or single, no children. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. FURNISHED AND unfurnished, connected; newly papered; other large furnished room. 320 Front. 13S WTH COR. ALDER NICELY FURNISH ed flat. S rooms, very desirable; gas, cook range, teiepnonc. THIRD ST.. 18t;-SUITES TWO OR THREE rooms, furnished, for housekeeping, $6, 510 month; central. 2014 THIRD TWO NICE ROOMS. FURNISH ed. for housekeeping; sink, pantry, hot and cold water. SS SIXTH. COR. MADISON FURNISHED housekeeping roome; all conveniences; beet location. LAROE FRONT ALCS-VE ROOM. WITH USn of kitchen, bath and gas; cheap. 46 Park et, north. The Oraham HouselioaMm; apartments a s-e elalty; gu ranges and telephone. 545 Wac Flat of 4 rooms, furnished or unfurnished; ako other rooms; references. 3SS Jefferson street. S-ROOM FLAT. WITH BATH, IN THE SEVIL le. Ineutre 210 Third st. Bonnes. FOR RENT CORNER HOUSE. 17TH AND Johnson, with alt modern Improvements; fl room. IauHttre of A. B. Steisbach. Fourth sd Morrison. HOUSE AND 3 ACRES IN PRUNES. ON Oregon City ear Hue. at Midway. Address E. R. Brown. The Brown, Baat SWe. DBNRABLE HOUSE. COR. LOWNSDALE and Taylor ets. Apply to Wm. R. Mackeazte, ONLY OS4R OF THOSE BBAUTIFUL. MOD- Ants left opposite Hobart-Curtie. 14th et,. FOR RENT. 6 -ROOM HOUSE. NBWLY PAPERED, 738 East Ankeay, near 22d, Apply 2s i Wash ington, Janitor. FOR RENT QUARTER BLOCK, 4 -ROOM cottage, stable. Last. 11th and. MH1. Inquire si Front. NEW, MODERN 7 - ROOM COTTAGE, 743 Koarney, between 23d and 23d. Call 10 to 3. S-ROOM HOUSE; ALL MODERN CONVEN lenc&s; 31m) Pane Apply 361 Seventh. Furnished Houses. ?8 PER MONTH; 4-ROOM COTTAGE, ALL furnished complete for housekeeping; large yard and fruit trees. J?hone Landigan, Union 545. A PARTLY FURNISHED 9-ROOM, STORI and half cottage. Nob Hill, for lease. Addreai K 15, care Oregonlan. FOR RENT. CHEAP PARTIALLY FURNIoH ed house. 8 rooms. Inquire 590 Madison st. TWO LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS. LOWER floor; telephone and bcth. 240 Park st. Houses for Rent Furniture for Snle. 28 ROOMS. WELL FURNISHED. GOOD Lo cation. 21 rooms, flrst-class furniture; no better location in the city; clearing over $'00 per month. 12-room house, two blocks from Portland hotel; furniture nearly new; good buy. 11 rooms. 7 furnished, good furniture; rent $25. 22-room hduee on Washington st , want to sell, leaving city. See me before buying. Have other good bargains. C. E. Bennett, 127 Fourth fit. FOR SALE A FINE 10-ROOM, WELL-FUR-nished house, centrally located; all rooms oc cupied; sickness 19 reason for eelllng this bar gain, for each only. Address W 14, care Oro gonlan. $000-11-ROOM HOUSE, PARK. NEAR MOR rlson; nicely furnished rooms; all rented: rent $25 month. C. F. Collins. 270 Washington. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE 12 ROOMS. ELE gant furniture, four blocks from Hotel Port land. C. E. Bennett, 127 Fourth m. FURNITURE. 2 ROOMS. CHEAP; RENT ?U month. Room 4 Mulkey bldg.. G. Debrltz, PERSONALS. INDIAN CLAIRVOYANT AND MBDIUM The -wonderful, gifted Indian oquaw. born with two veils over face, tells, from cradle to grave, past, present, future, and secrets re vealed: warns against misfortune; sure guide to social and business success; heals all dls easea by the use of Indian herbs. Mrs. Prof. Wbeatly-Howe. Separate parlor for ladles and gentlemen. Strictly confidential. 271 5th St., opposite City Hall. No stairs to climb. 27 women, wanted Buffering from Irregular, pain ful or stoppage cf periods; leucorrhoea (whites), and all complicated diseases pertain ing to changes Of life, cured by old Dr. Kess ler. ccr. Second and YaaihiH sts. 329 women called last month. Consultation free, and pri vate rooms for ladles. It can't call, write, inclosing 10 2c stamps. Hundreds treated at home by his new system. $300 REWARD. FOR ARREST AND CONVIC tlon of parties that entered rny residence, on farm near Cedar Mill. Or., Saturday evening, February 3, 1900, between the hours of 7 and. 8 P. M., bound myself and hired man; then ransacked house and carried off money and property belonging to myself and man. Ven del Schuclhell. "VILLAGE STOREKEEPER, 33. DESTOES correspondence with ladles about same age, view matrimony; references required; those experienced with dry goods and bookkeeping of domesticated and business disposition, with some means, preferred. Address B 11, care Oregonlan. BUST DEVELOPED SIX INCHES IN SIX weeks; absolutely perft development guar anteed. Personal attention of specialist given by mall Until enlargement Is completed; 2000 testimonials; send stamp for sealed instruc tions. Mme. V. Hastings, Omaha building, Chicago. LAST CHANCE! MADAME STEELE, AGENT for the famous Madame Tully cosmetics, will remain but 10 days longar. Special Induce ments to all ladles who call at her parlor, 722 Marquam. Office hours, 10-12 and 2-5. ONE SUIT CALLED FOR, PRESSED, sponged and delivered every week, SI a month. Also steam cleaning, dyeing and repairing. Unique Tailoring Co., 347 Washington. Phones. ILLOND'S PREVENTATIVE CONES. THE greatest of all antiseptics, sent sealed, per bos, SI 50; send 10c for sample and particulars. Hlond Chem. Co., Portland. Or. P. O. box 974. 30 FINE VISITING CARDS. 25c: 50. 55c. POST paid; 250 business cards, $1: 500. $1.50. Brown & Schmale, printers, 229 First street, Portland, Or. FOR SALE BOOK AND STATIONERY BUSI nest; must sell quickly; Investigate; no rea sonable offer refused. P. O. box 609. city. COMMON SENSE BEAUTY PARLORS, FA clal blemishes removed by electricity, cup, roller and sponge. Lewis Bldg. LADIES. FREE. HARMLESS MONTHLY regulator, cannot fall. Mrs. D. Fox, Milwau kee, Wis. BILLY LEA'S BICVCLT5 HOSPITAL. 105 4TH. Phone Clay 041. Wheels called for; delivered. Otto KUngbell. magnetic healer. 307 East Sixth st., treats any sickness. Ore. phone Scott 693. SELECT MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC; LADV from San Francisco. Parlor 26. 2GS Stark st. REOPENED THE FRANCIS ROOMING houee. 129 Fourth, moved to 149 First st CUT RATES Oregon Dye Works: cleaning and dyeing. Burnsldc, near 8th. Tel. Red 2003. CLOTHES MENDED FOR LADIES AND GEN tlemen. Apply at room 46 Labbe building. LADY, YOU GET RED STAMP3 AT CLEM enson's drug store, 227 Yamhill street. 4 DOUBTFUL DEBTS COLLECTED, where. 518 Chamber of Commerce. ANY- RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER, THE BEST blood purifier known. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE GOOD BUSINESS OPrORTUNI ty. Will pay $300 to $000 monthly. Very little money required down; no experience heeded. Everything new; the best of reasons for sell ing. Can be handled In your own locality. Send this "ad" and address drawer 140, Chi cago. FOR SALE FASHIONABLE BOARDI0 house, in the most desirable location In the cltv; all modern Improvements; 35 rooms and 40 table boarders; doing vyell: reason for sell ing, party wants to leave town. Address D 13, care Oregonlan. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED WITH party In Eastern Oregon having drug store for sal": state -price, etc Address O 15, care Oregornan. PARTNER WANTED WITH $500 TO $1000 TO Join another In business In Frloco; good re turns. Apply by letter, R 15, care Oregonlan. WANTED PARTNER WITH SMALL CAPI tal Tor theatrical company; proposition will fitand investigation. X 14, care Oregonlan. $150 PARTNER IN CLEAN, PROFITABLE business; will pay $200 month clear; trial given If desired. Room 3. 43 Third st. BOOK AND STATIONERY BUSINESS; GOOD location; cheap rent; trade Increasing; che3p If taken quickly. P. O. box C09, city. FOR SALE CLEAN STOCK MERCHANDISE, in Bakr City, good location; establlshpd trade. L 12, care Oregonlan. OLD-ESTABLISHED BUSINESS; INVOICES about $20,000; want to retire from business. B 53, Oregonlan. OREGON STEAM DYEING AND CLEANING works, for sale or rent. Inquire at 22 Norta Eighth street. FOR SALE 10-room hou.e. newly furnished; full roomers; $800. Address B 9S, Oregonlan. Manufacturing business, clearing $250 a month, low rent; $1200: leaving state. .B 59. Oreg. PARTNER JFOR or confectionery. SUMPTER RESTAURANT Q 14. care Oregonlan. GROCERY FOR SALE-SMALL. NEW STOCK. Address, at once. B 10, Oregonlan. LOST AD FOUND. LOST ABOUT 3 P. M. SUNDAY. NEAR 24TH and Gltean. black skye terrier pup. S montlis old; small white spot on forehead, and white stripe on breast. Return to 715 Flanders, and receive reward. LOST LEMON AND WHITE POINTER DOG. 6 months old; spot on forehead. Return to 84 Jefferson St., and rrre:ve reward. LOST PURSE. CONTAINING $20 BILL AND silver, between Fifth. Taylor and postofflce. Return 261 Taylor. Liberal reward. LOST ONE DLAMOND EAR-RING, BE tween Johnson and Northrup and 24th sts. Return 251 21th st. Reward $5. LOST FUR BOA, BETWEEN MARKET AND Jefferson-Sixth. Return to 335 Sixth, and re ceive reward. LOST BLACK HORSE, WITH PART. OF HAR nets. Reward for return to John Kehrll, 715 Johnson, st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Afternoon Klntlcrsrartens. MISS ANNIE MATTINGLVS Afternoon Frobel Kindergarten, 269 14th st. Tel. Brown 518. Agricultural Inuilemcnts, Machinery EDWARD HUGHES: WAGONS, CARRIAGES and farm machinery of all kinds. ISO Front. RUSSELL & CO ENGINE3, BOILERS, SAW mills, threshers, horse-powers. 324 Belmouu JOHN POOLE; Newton wagons, buggies, wind mills, pumps, machinery. Foot Morrison st. Art Goods nnd Picture Frames. BERNSTEIN'S ART STORE. 307 WASHING ton st,; great clearance sale; special bargains. Asaaycrs and Analysts. J. H. FISK. MINERAL AS3AYER AND chemist; gold dust bought. 204 Washington. PAUL BAUMEU ASSAYER AND ANALYST. Geld dust bought. 228 Stark st. PORTLAND ASSAY OFFICE, 229 Stark st. As Baying and analytical work. Gold dust bought. Albina Stores. BARGAINS AT BROWNEWELL'S STORE; Just put In new line groceries; closing ous. shoes, clothing, nails. 232 Russell street. Attorneys. H. K. SARGENT; general practice, collections. Phone Hood 832. 718 Chamber of Commerc. JEFFREYS & WHITE, attorneys-at-law, prac tice in all courts. 420 Commercial block. E. W. BINGHAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, RE movel to 61 Union block, Portland. GEO. W. HAZEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 609 611 Chamber of Commerce building. PIPES & TIFFT. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, 711 Chamber of Commerce. 708- Bakeries. U. S. Bakery, Matschlner Bros., props.; breads, cakes, pies, pastry and crackers. 101 N. 14th, cor. Flanders. Barber Shops HOWARD'S BARBER SHOP: FINEST BRAND cigars; 9 expert workmen. 200 Alder st. Baths. DEKUM Bathrooms: popular baths, massage, electricity. 714-15-16 Dekum. Phone Red 2S43. Boole Stores. New and second-hand school and ot'aer books. 203 Morrison st,, between First and Front, Card Writing. Elegant society cards, any style, 25c per doz. 4 doz., 75c. H. Ennis. Meier & Frank's. Carpenters and Builders. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter, builder: offico and store fixtures. Ore. tel. 747. 285 Stark. Chinese Medicines. Dr. Blng Chobg, li)l 2d St.; Chinese root medi cines cure all diseases. Cracker Factories. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., mfrs. biscuits, crack ers, ship-bread, confectionery. 11th and Davis. Curled-Hair Manufacturers. Portland Curled-Hair Factory, H. Metzger, pro prietor, manufacturer cunea hair and genuine curled-hair mattresses. 226-223 Front st. Both phones. Complexion Specialists. Beautify and regulate your features; scientific methods. Madame Steele, 722 Marquam. Cornices Skylights. METAL SKYLIGHTS, GALVANIZED IRON" cornices. J. C. Bayer, 265 Second street. Creameries. WASHINGTON CREAMERY; PURE BUTTER, crcim; bakery goods. Both phones. G. G. llager, 429 Washington. Chiropodists. L. MITCHELL, EXPERT CHIROPODIST. OF flce 160 5th St., opp. postor.lce. Tel. Hood 1)14. Miss Dart, chiropody and manicuring, room- tw Union block, 1st and Stark. 9 A, M. to 5 P. if. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER, PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, Ullow, old rubber and old metal, and general commlslor, merchant. Front St., near Malu. Portland, Or. Cash advances on consignments. J. C. LENSCH, COMMISSION MERCHANT, produce and poultry. Correspondence solicit ed. Both phones. 264 Front. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants, Sherlock building, Portland, Or. W. N. Sayre & Co., commission & produce mer ehahts; advances on containments. 14U Front. ALLEN &. LEWIS, COMMISSION AND PRO duce mei chants. Front & D sts., Portland, Or. D. F. Wagner & Co., brokerage and commission; canned goods, dried fruits, etc. 203 Wish. ct. EVERDING & FARRELL, commission, butter, eggs, chickens and farm produce. Portland. H. TUKE & CO., 234 FRONT; FLOUR. HAST. produce, feed and groceries. Dancing. MISSES MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANC ing, 2C9 14th. Private lessons by appointment. HENRY P. O'CONNOR, D. M. D., 002 MAR quam building, Morrleon St., bet, 6th and 7th. DR. FRANK I. BALL, DENTIST, ROOM 413 Dekum building. Phone Brown 494. DR. C. B. BROWN: tel. Ore. Red 284B; res.. White 634. 514-15-16 Dekum building. Dental Supplies. WOODARD. CLARICE & CO., Cor. Fourth and Washington sts. Dressmaking. MRS. SADD3 A. McKIBBEN. MODISTE: FINE evening and street costumes a specialty. Tel. Scott 701. 372 East Morrison. MISS HAWKINS, LADIES' TAILOR AND dressmaker; good fit guaranteed. 424 Wash. Dyeing and Cleaning. H. W. TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER AND cleaner, 201 17th. Telephone Red 131. Educational. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE. Fifth and Yamhill: A. P. Armstrong. Prln.. i. A. Wesco, iec Open all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free. HOLMES' ENGLISH AND BUSINESS COL, loge, 414 Yamhill st. Englisa course: com mercial and shorthand courses. Send for cat alogue. ALL ENGLISH BRANCHES TAUGHT: teach ers prepared for examination. H61 Yamhill. Electric Belts. DR. SCHRAMECK'S ELECTRIC BELTSflARE the best; examine $5 belts. 270 Front et. Grocers. J. L. HAYSETH & SON. SUCCESSORS TO Nelson; staple and fancy groceries. 455 Wash. Harness nnd Saddles. TID3 BREYMAN LEATHER CO., HAR ness and sole leather, sadditry, hardware, Und ings and shoe stcre supplies, 73 Front st. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO. WHQLE eale taddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front st. Electrical Engineers. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS. 392 Wash. AH kinds electrical supplies and repairs. Fence and Wire Works. PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS: WIRE and Iron, fencing, office railing, etc. 334 Alder. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works: A. Carlson; 289 East Morrison st. Hotels. TREMONT HOUSE; newly furnished rooms, $1.50 a week up. J. E. Clark, 3-13 Everett. Insurance. HAMBURG - BREMEN FHtE INS. CO.. rirst st. Boyd & Arnold. General Agents. 102 Eugene D. White & Co.. Agts. German Alliance Fire Insurance Co.. 420 Commercial block. Iron Founders and Machinists. CITY FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOPS. J. Heneyman Co.. engines, bollenv saw mills and mining machinery. 301 Front st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Iron Founders and Machinists. Smith & Watson Iron Works; engines and boil ers; logging engines a specialty; quartz, and saw mills; mlsc machinery. Front and Hall. Willamette Iron & Steel Works; James L6tan. mgr.; Iron-workers, steamboat bldrs. Portland. Jllnlnsr Machinery. TATUM & BO WEN. 29 TO 35 FIRST ST.; mining, sa Vnilll. wood - working machinery; pumps; Hoe saws. Ladder Works. LADDERS OF ALL KINDS. AND KITCHEN conveniences. Cor. East Sixth and Oak. Laundries. BF.GIN THE NEW YEAR ARIGHT; HAVE the Model Laundry do your work. Leather Findings. J. A. REID, mfr. boot and shoe Uppers; full stock shoemakers supplies. 207 Washington st. Liquor nnd Tobacco Institute. Keeley Institute, 314 6th. cures liquor, opium and tobacco addictions. Xo other in etate. Marble and Granite Works. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS; marble, gran ite and stone work. Schancn St Neu. 263 1st. Massnce. "THE SNOWDEN" BATHROOMS REOPENED at 131 4th ct.: formerly "The Nelson"; tub and vapor baths, massage. Tel. Red 421. LADY OF LOS ANGELES. VAPOR BATHS and masoage, 263 Stark st., room 23. FOR MASSAGE BATHS CALL AT 313 Washington street, room S3. Mldwlves. MRS. EHL. GRADUATE MIDWIFE. North 14 th st Telephone West 667. Mining. MONTANA METALLURGICAL WORKS. IN corporated. Sampling and assaying; rmall lots of high-grade ores bought: gold and silver re fined; mint rates allowed for gold: charges, ores: alloys, etc.. gold $1.50. silver $1.50. gold and silver $2, lead S1.50. copper $1.50. zino $2.50, iron $1.50, retorting amalgam $1.50. S. Chase. Fresldent; J. T. Gove. Manager. .02 First st,. Portland. Barton & Curtis, 229 Stark, mining engineers, stock brokers; mines examined and reported upon; machinery furnished, plants erected. Mining- Investments. COPPER AND GOLD 25.000 SHARES TREAS ury stock (first lesue) Oregon, Exploration & Development Co. now offered to the public. Price of Bhares, terms and plan of work aa outlined by executive committee made known on aoplcatlon. Later issues of these shares will command a premium. Negotiations for sale of properties now under way Insure large dividends to .stockholders. This means income-paying stock. Printed matter, etc., write E. A, Clem & Co., 515 and 516 Oreconlan building, Portland, Or. Phone Red 2822. SUMPTER GOLD FIELDS-CAREFULLY SE leotcd treasury stock In active properties In this rich mineral belt yield big profits oh the original cost. Safety Deposit shares, COc: Paymaster, 5c; Black Cat Free Gold, 5c: Sumpter CorjDoIldated (first issue), 2c. All these properties are working, and are 3nfe in vestments. Maps, printed matter and Infor mation, write E. A. Clem & Co., 515 and 516 Oregonlan building, Portland, Or. Phone Red 2822. SUMPTER MINES We advise Immediate purchase of Diadem shares at 10c. Now Bhlpplng ore. Will ehortly advance to 20c. Keystone Belle, 10c; Ohio, 20c. Developed and undeveloped mines for sale. DAWSON McDOWELL CO., 41 Sherlock bldg.. Portland, Or. Weatherby-Bonahza. has fully equipped otamp mill; good record as a producer; four parallel velKi, of high-grade ore; 2000 feet develop ment work. Small block stock for sale. E. A. Clem& Co., 515-516 Oregonlan bldg.. Portland. W. H. Sherrod & Co.. 310 Chamber of Com. Good mining stocks to exchange for real es tate. Good prospect near Sumpter. wanted. JAMES M. COLE & CO.. Baker City. Mines bought, sold, developed. Special bargains In Sumpter quartz claims for sale. Musical. i Violin, viola, cornet lessors; music furnished: Italian strings and old violins for sale. Emll Thlelhorn, M. P. S. Orch., 269 Jefferson. Tel. West 1004. PROF. VAILLANT DE LA CROIX, FORMER ly baritone of grand opera, wants talented pupils to prepare for opera; Goodnough bldg. PIANO LESSONS, REASONABLE, OR Ex changed for a concert grand guitar or mando lin. M 5, Oregonlan. Lessons COc; piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vio lin. Instruments for safe. Mrs. Martin. 104 1st. PIANO. ORGAN AND VOCAL INSTRUCTION. Mrs. Mclntyre, 253 Sixth st,, cor. Madlfaon. Medical. DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THE GREAT COL ored specialist of all kinds of diseases of both men and women. Every disease o" the human body. Eyes, ears, consumpf'wv asthma, ca tarrh, cancer, wens and ail other chronic dU eaties positively cured. The doctor can be sxfin at his new sanitarium, 171 Green ave., 23d and Washington. MARRIED LADIES OUR RELIABLE FE male regulator; safe, quick, powerful. Re moves obstructions or Irregularities from any cause. Failure impossible. Price $2.60. Cali fornia Medicine Co., 400 Clay st.. .San Fran cisco. Ladles: Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the beet. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c. stamps, for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mall. At Drug gists'. Chichester Chemical Co., Phlla., Pa. DR. FLORA A. BROW.N MAKES SPECIAL! 1" of asthma and diseases of women and children. Consultation and diagnosis free. C17-1S Tha Dekum. Portland. Or. RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER POS'Tf cures catarrh and skin diseases. 360 Morrison. Osteopathy. TREATMENT W. A. ROGERS. OSTEOPATH. Marquam building, room? 532-533-534. Hours, 0-12 A, M., 2-5 P. M. Phone Main 27. Call and Investigate our method of treat ment. Consultation and examination free. DRS. NORTHRUP & ALKIRE. osteopathisw. rooms 415-16-17 Dekum block. Oregon phono Main 319. Lady osteopathist. Examination free. DR. L. B. SMITH, PIONEER OSTEOPATH, suite 409 Oregonlan building. Phone Oak 421. Oresroit " invi Company. Lewis bldg.. Park and Morrison. Free Hcaltn lectures to women Thursday, at 2:30 P. M. Palmistry. Miss Marie White, scientific palmist, reads pas: and future correctly.. Lewis bldg.. room 05. Fnper-Box Factories. OREGON PAPER - BOX FACTORY: MFG. paper boxes of all descriptions, 170 Second. Patents, T. J. GEISLER, 610-811 CHAMBER OF COM. Registered attorney U. S. patent office. Photographic Supplies. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO.. WHOLESALE and retail, cor. Fourth and Washington. Real Estate, Loans and Rentals. ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD llshed I860. 227 Stark st. & CO.; ESTAB- Restaurants. Strouse'e Cafe; best 25c meal; famous coffee and cake, 10c 222 Washington, bet. 1st and 2d. Riding Clubs'. The Portland Riding Club, livery, saddle horses a specialty. Park and Jelterson. Safes. SAFES. SAFES. BANK WORK. LOCK DEP'T. opening lockouts, repairs. J. E. Davis, 66 3d. Saw Mill Mnehinery. Chrlstenson-McMaster Machinery Cc; new aa-l second-hand machinery. E. Water K Tar'rr. Showcases and Store Fixtures. DIXON, BORGESON Washington sts. & CO.. FRONT AND Storage. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE. Fourth and Davis. Merchandise a specialty. Insurance rates low; storage rates reasonable. Careful attenMon given to count! y consign ments. Tel. Or. Main 777: Columbia 676. Second-Hand Goods. We buy everything clothing, furniture, etc Call or address 52 Third et. Telephone Hood 685. "Wall Paper and Faints. STROWBRIDGE PAINT & OIL CO. J WALL paper, cash, doors, builders' hardware. 128 Grand ave. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Spiritualists. MAUS. ADWARD. 1TW THIRD ST.. ROOM 1, the great St. Louts medium, can he consulted on business, love and matrimony: unttos the Jtepomtea, no matter how lar tnt distance; bruigd speeay marriage to toe one of your enoHje; uieates moaen treasure. Hours. a. M. to 8 P. M.. aaily and Sunoay. Ite. me. MRS. WALLACE, RELIABLE CLAIRVOYANT and Tdyehic life-reader, consult her on busi ncjrf aifaird, love troubles, absent friends; EOvHi advice on mines; reading daily, otic and up. 167 First street, office 7 and o. LARSEN. THE PALMIST, WILL TELL THE year when all leading events in life lake place; past and future readings, 50c 2a5- First st. MRS. a CORNELIUS. TEST MEDIUM; SIT tlngs daily. Allsky bldg.. Third and Morrison. MRS. J. A. SMITH, medium and magnetic healer, room a Oroville, 223 Washington st. MRS. STEVENS. Psychic, inspiration writings. 23c Sittings dally, 50c up. 342 First sU Elsie Reynolds; materializing seances Strad., Tuez., ITld.; ?1; ladles, 60c 421 Third. Storage and Transfer. bAKiJ. PIANOS. FURNITURE MOVED AND packed for shipping. C M. Olsen. 123 First. TeL office. Mam 1U87: Black 801. STORAGE AT LOW RATES CAN BE HAD at Fred Blckel's storehouse. 31 North Front. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS, WHOLESALE GROCERS. Cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. Wholesale Druggists. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. WHOLE3ALB druggists, corner Fourth and Washington. Wood and Coal. DRY WOOD; FIR. OAK; LONG OR SAWED. Nlckum. 312 Water st. Beth phones. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. 1000, W. No. 3. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Co lumbia, Between The Western Canadian Ranching Company. Limited, and Redueed, Plaintiffs, and Benjamin Van Volkenburgh, Allan Richfield Cameron and James Jackson, Defendants To James Jackson, of Portland, Or.: Take notice that the Western Canadian Ranching Company, Limited, and reduced, a company having Its head office In British Co lumbia, at No. 40 Government street, Vic toria. British Columbia, has commenced an action against Benjamin Van Volkenburgh. Allan Richfield Cameron and you, James Jackson, In the supreme court of British Co lumbia, by writ of that court, dated the 29th day of January. A. D. 1900, which said writ is Indorsed as follows: "The plaintiffs' claim to to have an account "taken of what is due to them for principal, "interest ard costs upon the following mort "gages, that is to say, "a. Mortgage dated the 14th day of Novem "ber. 1S3. and made betwewi the defendant "Van Volkenburgh of the one part and will "lam Turple and George Stelly of the thr "part, which said mortgage wao by indenture "dated the 24th day of October, 1S94, as signed to the plaintiffs. "b. Mortgage dated the 3d day of March, "1894. and made between the defendant Van "Volkenburgh of the one part, and the Brltfert "Columbia Land & Investment Agency. "Limited, of the other part, which said raort "gage wa by Indenture dated the 10th day "of November, 1S89, assigned to the plaintiffs "c. Mortgage dated the 3d day of March, "A. D. 1804. made between the defendant "Van Volkenburgh of the one part, and the "British Columbia Land & Investment "Agency, Limited, of the other part, which "said mortgage was by indenture dated the "10th day of November, 15s99, assigned to the plaintiffs. "d. Chattel mortgage dated the 3d day of "March, A. D. 1604. made between the de "fendant Van Volkenburgh of the one part, "and tho British Columoia Land 4 Inveet "ment Agency, Limited, of the other part, "which said chattel mortgage was by lnden "ture dated the 10th day or November. 186, "assigned to the plaintiffs." "And that the said mortgsgea may be "enforced bv foreclosure." "And the plaintiffs also claim to recover "possession of lots 616 and 617, group 1. "Kamloops Division of Yale District and Sec "tlon 25. Township Ten (10) Queen Charlotte "district In the Province of British Cohtm "bla. being1 heredltamtnts described In the "first three above mentioned mortgages." And you are required on or before the 1st day of March. A. D. 1900. to defend the said action by causing an appearance to be entered for yoit In the said court to the said action: and in default of your so doing, the eald The Western Canadian Ranching Com pany, Limited, and 1 educed, may proceed therein and Judgment may be given in your absence. You may appear to the said writ by enter ing an appearance peroonally, or by your solicitor.. In the office of the registrar of this court at Victoria. B. C E. E. WCOTTON. Of the firm of McPhtllips, Wootton & Barnard. Bank of Montreal Chambers, corner of Bastion and Government ets., Victoria, B. C, whose address far oerv lce Is the same place, solicitor for the plaintiff company, whose head office In British Columbia Is No. 40 Government St.. Victoria, B. C In the Supreme Court of British Columbia. Victoria. Feb. 5th, 1900. Regtetrr. Entered Vol. 21, Folio 7C2, 521900, W. P. M. L. S. 00c irf THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Columbia In Chambers: Before the Honour able Mr. Justice Martin, between The West ern Canadian Ranching Company, Limited, and reduced, plaintlffe. and Benjamin Van Volkenburgh, Allan Richfield Cameron and James Jackson, defendants, Thursday, the 1st day of February, 1900 Upon the application of the plaintiff com pany. Upon reading the affidavit of George Henry Barnard, sworn herein this day, and it ap pearing that the defendant Jackson Is absent and cannot be found to be served with notice of tho writ of sumrnono herein, . And upon hearing Mr. George Henry Bar nard of counsel for the plaintiff company, It Is ordered that the plaintiff company be at liberty to issue a concurrent writ of sum mons herein and to serve notice thereof out of the Jurisdiction upon he defendant Jack son, And It Is further ordered that oervlce upon the defendant of notice of the sold writ by publishing a copy of this ordr and such notice for two weeks In the Oregcnlan news paper published In the city of Portland. Oregon, and by posting a copy of thin order nnd such notice In the office of th registrar of the supreme court at Victoria, and by serving a copy of this urrter and sueh notice upon Mr. H. O. Hall, solicitor. Victoria, be deemed good and sufficient service of the satd writ upon the defendant Jackson. And It la further ordered that the defendant Jackson do enter an appearance to the said writ of sumrnono In the office of this court at Victoria. British Columbia, oh or before the first day of March, A. D. 1900. And It Is further ordered that the costs of thl application be costs In the cause. "B. H. T. D." "ARCHER MARTIN. J." Master's Notice. BRITISH BARIC DONNA FRANCISCA. CAPT. Simon, from Rio Janeiro Neither the captain nor the undersigned corasffmees will be re sponsible for any debts contracted by the crew while at this port. James Laid law & Co.. Consignees. Proposals Invited. OFFICE OF C. Q. M.. VAN"OUVFH BH racks. Wash., February 12. 1900. Sealed pro posals In triplicate will be received here until 11 o'clock A M.. March 12. 1800, and then .opened, for furnishing and delivery of 94 cav alry horses within the department of the Co lumbia. This number to be subject to an Increase or decrease of SO per cent. Pref erence given to animals of domestic produc tion, conditions of quality and price being equal. United States wserves right to re ject cr accept any or all proposals or any rart thprecf. Information furnished on ap plication. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked. "Proposals for cavalry horses." and addressed to J. W. Jacobs. C. Q. M. OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTINO QUAR- termester. Seettle. Wash., Feb. 12, 1800 Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will b recelvi here until 4 P. M.. Friday. February 23, 1950. and then opened, for the construction of a double set of non-commissioned officers' quar ters. TupI shei3 and lavatory at Fort Flagler Wash. Plans and specifications may be seen and full information furnished on application at this office. The United States reserves tbe right to accept or reject any and all propo sals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be Indorsed "Proposals for construction work at Fort Flagler. Wash. " and addreesed to W. W. ROBINSON. JR Capt and A. Q. M. OFF--E OF C. Q. M . VANCOUVER BAR racfa". Wash.. February 12, 10P0. Sealed pm-p-als in triplicate will be received sere until 11 o'clock A. M.. March 12. 1908. and then opened, for furnishing fuel at the several military poets In this aepartment for fiecal year commencing July 1. 1800. Informatior furnished here or by liusrtermaeters at posts. United States reserves rrght to reject or ac cept any or all proposals or any part thereof Envelopes containing proposals should be marked, "Proposals for fuel at ," and ad dressed to undersigned. J. W. Jacobs C. Q. M. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE OFFICE of the Port Townsend Packing Corapary. room 7. Hamilton building, up to February 16. at 2 o'clock, P. M.. tor compounding the engines, furnishing: the condenser asd all other necessary fixtures for the steamer Ilwaco. now lying at Supple'a shipyard. East PortKnd. Bidders will furnish in detail wftftt they propose to furnish for the amount of their respective bWs. Tbe right to reject ajy and aH bids reserved. Portland. Or. February le, 1800. SPECIAL XOTlCstS. Proposals la-rftei. PROPOSALS FOR REFUNDING "W v """-? Bonus. Dalles City, Or. Sonlas propewa v ' be received by the board of water 'Thi loners of Dalles City. Or., a eid c'y ,n' 8:3 o'clock P. M. of the Mtfc dy ' Fvi- ary, 1800. for twenty-Are taw ni .10 a -s and twenty roouemd oHrs of ""5 water bonds of sold city n l ? sattla as to whether the total amount of "BBS,5 be $35,900 or $20,090). AuthorR jj ? to the saW hoard to taauo wtmnjtns; iwaec bonds In the sum of $35,009. b " to be necessary the ieeue win be "? than $30,000. And at a roto oC tototos not exceeding 4 per cent per ananas, pnynswj" years from date of bene, loteroa Way semiannually, principal and iatoros P In gold coin or the United States. T therein, at the opt km of the rf. T f mentioned will be issues under taw provisions illnatwa. sAnii Ww ikA Dalies ClapproVed Jan. SB. IWinj tor the redemption of ouistandtar watsr tsf" hi the sum of $SS.00O but In cam tho SOMd of whaler commissioners proioc It will refunding- hnk saontta only: tn bidders mav nuka iM-mMMate tor both and $20,000. and tn the doiicmlnsjtion of eaca. 'o bid will be entortnsmui ro- a jess tnan par value of tne nag "va and rate of interest will bo ta kato sraeratlon In oanaiiur on tne rami ox au Bidders must deposit with tbe pteuldant 1 boat-it n AHtv oarttn nfcMic on some ti f tfc slbte bantr aaiul a nr cent of tne asOOUat of bonds bid fcr, or acoompaay bis Md with cash of such amount as will oaaa sh nor cent of his bid, and such certlao onoeft Made payable to the president of tbe of water coramlsstenera of DaUos Ctty, Or.. liquidated damages in ease the bidder snail fall or neglect to receive and pay ftw, at tn office of the city treasurer of said city, the bonds awarded to' Mm on bto bfc. on or be fore the 1st day of March, IMoV Attention should be given the fact that the WnMrdwltt not issue and dispose or. more tana SSS.MS of such refunding bonds anteas it son 11 M deemed neeesrary to do so, kttt stnorwws, If the board shall find that It aeceaeary to issue bonds in the sum of $3S.0. itJjJH then Offer and Issue the full sum fJSSsOW). Tho right to reject any and all bWa is reserved ky the said board of water tomailiwitanors. B1i should be addressed to the prtonUat of mid board, or to the city recorder. Dallas City. Wasco county. Or., and noted "FMoosoto for refunding water bonds." By otdor of the board of water commissioners, by and with the consent of the common council, tarn 3Sth day of January. 1600. T. J. SBUrRRT. (L. S.) President of Board. Attest: NED H. GATES. Recorder of Dalles City. WATER WORKS THE TOWN OF TOSaPX. Wheeler county. Or., will motive Moaosals until Tuesday evening. March I ttw. Jnr the construction of a system of water wot He. ac cording to the plane and piiManlIonL oa Sis In the office of the town leoaoaev. The sys tem consists of: ' 12.000 feet of 2-lneh pipe. 2.5CO feet of 2-mch pipe. 3,600 feet of 6-lneh pipe. 1.460 feet of 8-Inch pipe. Hydrants; gatce and spaaanl One 150.009-Z3Uoa reservoir. Bids may be made on labor w separately. All bids must be with a certified cheek for & per cent of the amount of the bid. payable to the mayor ct Fossil. Tbe council reserves tho riant to re ject any or all bids. H. STOKsB, Recorder. Fossil. Or.. Feb. 10, 18. FINANCIAL. MONEY TO LOAN, on furniture or good aeaurt ties. S. W. King, roam 4& WasntagMn bMg. LOANS on rnaL personal, chattel or eamry se curity, a W. Paltett 115 Commercial Week. Money loaned on chattels and real property, tea- sonabte. 612 Commercial bMg.. as and wah. Loans on bicycles, pianos and personal proper ty. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Wash. Mag. State funds loaned at 6 per cent. W. S. Thmams. State Agt. for Mult. Co.. 490 Chamber of Com. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY OK FURJU ture, pianos, salaries, etc. Can be paid in installments, reducing Interest. Rates lower than the lowest. F. W. Oraves. Mgr.. 2SS Alder, near 4th ground noor. TeL Qrawa 444. $200,000 TO LOAN AT 3. ft, 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property for salt and rent. Agent for Westchester Fire Insurance Go. Wm. G. Beck. 321 Morrison st. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM JS TO $500. on all ciacses of security. R. I. Eckor son & Co.. room 3 Washington buildtns. MONKY LOANED on suburban real estate, or good security of all kinds; In 'sums to suit. W. H. Nunn 311 Macleay bid. Phone Main 03. $5C00 to r2C!o to respocfciate partlm improved city real property, ft per cent. 594 Chamber of Commerce. ANY AMOUWT LOANEu ON FCRNITCRK. pianos, real estate and all kinds of security. C. II. Thompson. 128 3d st. Phone Main m. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITT AND FARM property. Newton McCoy, room 71S Oroao nlan building. $2500 OR LBSS SUM TO LOAX AT 6 PER eeat on inside resldenoa property; no com mission. H 4, eare Orogonisn. ONE TO FIVE THOUSAND DOLLAR! TO loan: realty security; 7 per cent. 238 Asses ten building. MONEY TO LOAN. S per ceo-, rarm or lty property, u. x.. smitn, 914 en. of co MONEY TO LOAN. HARTMAN. THOMPSON A POWERS. 3 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN on any good security; sirtct ly private. Call "Mana." 604 Dekum building. WANTED TO RKXT. FURNISHED HOME Oh FLAT OF 5 OR rooms; best of care; man and wife, one child 6 months; references. Address O. M. Roan dale, 211 Sixth street, arty. WANTED $24)00 OR S30O ON RKSIDESCB property near City Hall; 5 years; per eont; no commission. G 14, care Oregontan. BANKS. SAVINGS BANK PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Ik 129 FIRST STREET. Money to man on mortgage A general trust and agency busnoss transacted. BE..NJ. I. COHBN Pissiaast H. L. P1TXOCK. A. S. NICHOLS Vies-Pwa. E. J. ALTSTOCK. J. O. GOLTRA. ...Saefotasioj FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR Designated Depositary asd Financial Agent of the United Stales. President ,-. t....M. W. CORBSfJET Cashier .G. . W1TH1NGTON Assistant Cashier J. W. NKWKIRK Second Assistant CasMec W. C. ALJORD Letters of credit iseuod, available in Karoo and the Eastern states. Sight exchange and tetsaraphlc transfers sain on New York, Boston. Chicaao. St. Lewis. St. Faul. Omaha. San Francteco and the principal points m the Northwest. Sight and .ime bills drawn In same to suit on Loode-i, Paris, BerUn, Faakfort-n-tlio-Mln. Hong Kong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. Cbriaunmu. Stockholm. St. Petersburg, Moscow, Zurich, Son olura. ,. A Collections made on favorable lerms. LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 188. Transact a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on tuna deposits. Collections made at ail points on favsmwa terms. Letters of credit isud avnllsw ht Eu rope and the Eastern states. Sicht Exchangs and Telegraphic Trausfwn sold on New York. Washington. Chicago. St. Lsstos. Denver, Omaha. San Francisco and various psMM in Oregon. Washington. Maho, Montana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Parts. Barun. Frankfort and Hong Ktrng. WELLS. FARGO & CO. BANK ,anwMt CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $3B84t JOHN J. VALENTINE TJffSI HOMER S. KING MARASfKR (San Francisco.) . s. g: r:::::::iasm'jnaSSSH (Portland.) General Banking Easiness transacted. Ex change sold, and Letters of Croatt toauas. avail able in ail parts of the world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BAKTC PORTLAND. OREOOK. J. FRANK WATSON - - -ffosMsat R, L. DURHAM Vte"5S R.W. HOYT ...Cjasjiisf G8D.W. HOYT Asjistnathtor TRANSACTS A GENERAL BAXlCRfG BUSINESS. Interest paM on time deposits. .- . Drafts and letters of credit issued, avails- h all parts of tbe world. Collections a specialty. GoM dust liuuuhl. LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BARK LIMITED. CAPITAL PAID UP ............ ...... -SfrssssaM Head Office. 73 Lombard street. LonOoa. Thta bank transacts a general banking -rad -change busmess: mokes loans, diseouats b-isi and Issues commercial and travelers' erosMs. avail able In any dty In the world. Chamber of Commen bolldnwt. Tnam and Stark streets. W. MACKINTOSg. Mnnaswr. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Transacts a General Banhina: Basin Ml. Drafts Issued available in all eitioa of the United States and Euros. President TTLER WjOOtTWARf1 Vice-President JACOB KAMM Cashier - F. C MILLER BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PAID-UP CAPITAL 8,'vv,0n RESERVE -V008W Head Offiee. 69 Lombard street, London. Cbml svosk. Xi WsWsj-on st P rt a-d R. LEA BARNEa. Ma&azsr.