Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 13, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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AasieaeBti Tesig-lit.
ARQ' AM MU.Kl-"Tfc Utttt Mtafc-ter."
'iRATS THEATER WflbtagVm jKreet)
".core JU-berte Co
"ppkd a Rukawat O. Sorest, con-
iCL r on the Cltv & Suburban line. ntak-
Pped & runaway team attache to
' nKer waxon. restenOay morntatr at
l l dock. aftr a Mtnewhat daaearMk
crier; ce Car No. X7 was near the
er of WasMiurton and Sixteenth
is when the boraee came tearing at a lively gait, and but for betas
pned. from tbetr course by Mr Waecber
id iTea Matthews, by the waving of urn.
re a.F would surely bare struck the car.
"itnson Jumped quickly Into the
ireet and grabbed fee lines attached to
e uf the anlmale, and endeavored to
r.g them to a standetfll. They kept
rv-ning, and he held on. althouch he
aa dragged somewhat until Couch and
r eenh was readM-, when hie efforts
re -ewarded with success. On Four
ier th street, from Washington to Couch,
a steep down grade, and In descending
b -er son s position was a trying one,
he managed to get to the bottom as
: ts l nc horses did, and without injury.
s doubtful If Soreneon, after he got
tar ted, could have released hts hold
V h safety.
?ats Hb Is Not B-bad. George W. Min-
tmejer, formerly of ootapaoy S, Second
rcgun -ic.unteera. called at The Ore-o-
lan itEce last nieht to sav that he was
:1 lea 2. He had been aonrfced that such
the case In an item In the Eugene
'cj:ondenee of The Oregonian, and as
s kes to have such an impression go
d and place him in the unpleasant
o lI a shade when he next makes his
L pc chance among his friends, he hastens
E'aie that, although he was recently
PT 1 1 at Springfield, a village near Su-
o, he retraced his steps before he ar-
. cj c.t deaths door, and is now in the
Ini of the living. In some manner a
pert of hie demise became current and
-nfl Is way Into The Oregonian, which
fw s.keB this means to state the facts.
vl g e Mr. Minnemerer a standing in
le -: j mm unity as a man and not a spirit.
ew Railroad. W. X. Kurd, of Pert-
:J, who is interested In the railroad
fc-t to be built between Hilgard and
rar te, In Eastern Oregon, says grading
1 begin as soon as the weather per-
.ts. The length of the new line is to
CO miles, and it will be built largely
Eastern Oregon capital. J. Stanley,
tcs. cnt of the Grand Sonde Lumber
:rar.y and A. M Church, a banker of
rande, being among the stockholders
tho Columbia Southern, as It Is called,
ctmpany, he says, has no connection
'..h the Columbia Southern building
Uth from Mora. though having
same name. Hilgard is a station IS
cs west of La Grande, and the Orand
luo Lumber Company has a large body
imber hich. the new road will render
..tary to their mills.
:eaten bt a Bmoak. -George Williams,
seys he is a discharged soldier of
Jo Twentieth regulars, met WlHiam Dil-
a I orest Grove farmer, in the North
pJ, on Sunday night, and asked him
ir 10 f-ents. On D111W refustnir. W1U-
rroceeded to "pat a head on him"
true pugilistic style. Williams was
:tcrday sentenced to SO days in the
Y Jail for assault and battery, by
tso Hennessy. Dllley was beaten
,ij, and both eyes were done up In
1-o.ges as he appeared to prosecute
d jghty Williams. The prisoner said
h.d unly offered to sell Duller a knife
ID rent s, and that Dllley struck him
nut the story was not believed.
21-xs Are Scarce A number of In
nate sportsmen went out duck-hunting
-ay, nnt-Rlthetandlng that hunting has
"i r-a-tically abandoned in this section
: ve season. They got all the hunting
j wari'pd but no ducks worth mention.
Ec turday night having been a beau-
fl tight moonlight, the ducks scent
i '.e't in feeuuig, and next day- spent
m In safe places, loafing and
-g. It is reported that dueks are
i v umerous at several places up the
rrcfte alley, where they are feeding
ho -joang wheat, and other natural
-.1 l-aing become tired of the grata.
Zl out for them in this section.
pr. AsirED With (10. Leander Cullen
lis e-v enced to six months In the county
li ly Judge Hennessy yesterday for
:'- r.f $10 from Henry Nelson, a North
1 barkeeper Nelson said he let Cul-
ai e a $5 gold piece and a $ bill to
It ' anged, but Cullen never came back.
cal officers testified that Cullen had around North Snd saloons a
1 deal of late, without visible means of
;port Cullen B4d he had recently
en in the pay-rou of the Great North-
re tamed as conductor in case of a
Du'ercd strike. He had been on a
Irco n the meantime, and he denied re-
. g $10 from Nelson.
.'EixaATK to MiNora Oonorbss. Mayor
:ry a short time ago received a letter
:n he secretary of the mining congress,
I---1 is to meet In Mllwakee. Wis..
, asking him to appoint Ave dele-
cs, Portland's quota. Notice was given
-t-vo mayor would appoint any suitable
1 re iable person who might desire to
'""JL Venterda.v h innnlnlul TfVanV-
-erman, secretary of the Wolff &
leer iron works, and Allen F. Shorey.
2 3 now waiting for three more suitable
En to offer themselves. The delegates
1 '--'.e the benefits of special rates, but
1 pay their own expenses.
KIieb Is Arrawkbd. J. F. Muse was
-ncd the municipal court yester
cn a charge of embescling SW of
s btlunging to the Title Guarantee &
ist company, of Portland. He asked
-r'laer time, as he had not yet se
ll .egal advice. His case was con-
'-rl urtll tomorrow. The cotnnlalnt
:z 3 .Vat Muse, who had been em-
Lvi as bookkeeper by the company.
ferr-r: a'ed the company's moneys to
cv;n jfio. Muse only arrived Sundar
"- t from Kansas City, in charge
trie Cordano. who went to Mis-
:1 TJcr him.
Q 'Tiprovement of Bast Morrison
t, Yhkh had been ordered readver-
:d -i a rount of an error in tint abH.
t. "o opened by the board of nubile
1.3 -Vterdai. The bus which an.
3J tj he the lowest were those of
1 & J loobson, and Joseph Paquet,
- i i tract will be awarded to one
-C ' Jders. but before this could be
""J e bids had to be summarised
r - ) sa the bide on this occasion
" 1'Ftor than those submitted before.
oy vm to $IM.
. 'UVE A "Smokbr." A meeeine at
" rs of the Oregon Fish & Game
i ill be held in the Chamber
"".Te hall. Frida. February K.
ki o k P M After a very briar
s n tlng there will be an Informal
. - at hlch Judge Whatky. Dr.
larton and Messrs K. W. Biack-
c J In QUI and John Oran will de-
" 1 ".i t Informal addresses upon sub-
i3 . 1 which all huntrs and fioHarasn
i rested. All members of the as-
ana others interested
1 to be present.
are re-
issxr Watkhw Hxns Harry Wat-
rormer resMent of Portland, now
I in the wholesale merchandise
s at Boise, Idaho. Is in Portland
a t Mr Watklnc. "wh a rk-
'repcr. was prominent in politics.
,us he popultettc candidate for elee-
n he Bryan nresidential ticket in
Mr Watkins was spoken of as
-0 t 'l congressional timber, and was
iuar demand as a stump speaker.
x -John Trembath, of Oregon Citv
V juried Tuesday afternoon, Feb
'j " under auspices of the B. P. O
I "land lodge. No VO, of which he
member. Members will take ll:U
m Alder and First streets, for
ritj Hoary D OrUHn. exalted
lxuis Dammaprh secretary.
irBtuA Mipsiiiin, ami reaovertag.
,-, b r WaehlwalWL bet. Hh and th
Kirr is ir Ms ostee again, after
wieks Illness.
To Improve East Tenth Street. A
majority of the residents of East Tenth
street have signed a petition for the im
provement of that street from Belmont
to East Gllsan, a distance of 14 blocks.
The signers of the petition represent 3559
feet out of a total of 5600 feet, so there
is nothing to hinder the improvement
from being carried out. Old residents on
the street have long been trying to bring
about this improvement, and are very
happy over having at last succeeded. The
street is to be graded full width, improved
with gravel and sidewalks, and crdss
walks laid, except at the Intersections of
Belmont and East Stark, where sections
of elevated roadway will be necessary.
Jcmpbd on Trains. Frank Dunn and
Clyde Connor, two East Side lads, who
had persisted in jumping aboard moving
trains, were yesterday convicted of tres
pass in the municipal court, and sen
tenced to one day each in the county jail.
Southern Pacific trainmen have been an
noyed considerably in the vicinity of llil
waukle avenue, by boys jumping on and
off the cars, and this sentence is merely
a forereunner of longer terms unless the
practice is abandoned. These two boys
had been in the city Jail since their ar
rest last week.
Wild Fixjwbrs Reported. A citizen
who was out driving on the Columbia
slough road Sunday, reports having seen
numerous wild flowers In bloom. He
says they were principally lilies and
"birds bills." These are the first wild flow
ers heard of In this vicinity, and it would
be interesting to know what kind of lilies
they were and what "birds bills" are.
Clarence Eddt's organ recital, given
under the auspices of the Musical Club,
will take place tonight, at the First Bap
tist church, on Twelfth and Taylor streets.
The recital will begin at S:15. Tickets
in the church, $1; Sunday school room,
59c; no reserved seats.
For Sale. River front, 230x800 feet, and
Willard's hotel property, cheap. Inquire
Vienna Cafe, 261 Morrison street, Max
Speedy Crnft Under Construction In
East Side Yards.
This season will witness several new and
elegant sailboats on the river that prom
ise to prove speedy. Several members of
the Oregon Yachting Club, which has Its
boathouse at the foot of East Clay street,
are building yachts themselves, and sev
eral of last year's yachts are being re
modeled, and in some instances rebuilt
almost entirely. John Duthie has under
construction a fine 30-foot yacht on the
grounds formerly occupied by Hale &
Kern. The keel ,has been bent and the'
frame Is "being put together. It is for an
unknown owner. It -a ill be one of the
largest yachts under construction eo far.
Taylor Bros, have been engaged In build
ing a yacht in a building on East Wash
ington, between East Second and East
Third streets. They have been at work
on the'r boat since last November, ac
cording to a design furnished by Mr.
Dodge, a competent man in that line.
Those who have been privileged to see
the craft as far as completed eay that
It la a beauty. They work at odd times,
but are now making good progress.
Another yacht Is under construction In
the same room, but for whom it Is not
known. The Lark is to be rebuilt th's
season also, and is expected to be more
speedy than ever. The Lark cut quite a
figure last season, and the owner hopes
to do better this year. There Is consid
erable enthusiasm among the yachtsmen
of the Oregon Yachting Club, and there
promises to be a large fleet of fine boats
on the Willamette. The club also con
templates the construction of a larger
boathouse, as the present one was found
too small last year.
Residence Property Engrcrly Sought
by Buyers.
There has been a marked Increase in
the demand for residence property of late,
especially for houses of a desirable class
in a good location. The reason for this Is
that good houses can often be obtained
for oonslderably less than It costs to
bulkl them, owing to the increase In the
costs of material, and of all kinds of la
bor. The Joseph H. Valentine property
at Twenty-first and Jefferson streets Is
reported to have been sold to W. C.
Qutnn, and L. B. Cox has sold his house
on Lovejoy street to Mrs. Delia F. Durk
helmer. Several mining men are making
Inquiries for property.
There are few empty houses In the city,
and a person who desires a house rode
all the distance to Mount Tabor, without
seeing a single sign "To let." Although
It is very early In the season to begin
building operations, permits for houses
and cottages arc being taken out nearly
every day. It Is probable that many more
houses will be built this season than were
the last.
Every one appears to be convinced that
property will never again be so cheap in
Portland as It is now. and all who pos
sibly can are building or securing homes.
Money Is plentiful and safe Investments
are scarce, and as rents are constantly
advancing, many are contemplating build
ing houses, who have heretofore invested
their money in other ways.
Soldiers' Monument Fund Benefit.
A most worthy object for citizens to
respond to is the fund for the monument
to Oregon' b fallen heroes. The Oregon
National Guard, through its subdivisions
located In this city, has been awaiting the
opportunity to contribute in a substantial
manner to the fund already well ad
vanced, and has recognized the merit of
the Charity Martin grand opera recital
and Ellis Brooks musical spectacle as an
entertainment most appropriate to the
cause, to assist in the accumulation of
funds. The Third regiment band. O. N.
G , will play the musical score. Wednes
day night will witness a delighted audi
ence at the Metropolitan theater. A
number of box and loge parties have al
ready engaged seats. General Summers
and officers of the Second Oregon will be
present the opening night, ajso Governor
Geer and staff. General Beebe and staff
and other military officials, who are all
so deeply interested in the success of
the monument fund.
Cholce Rests With Theater-Goers.
In order that the taste- of his patrons
may be gratified. Manager Helllg has de
cided to let the choice of the play for the
return engagement of the James-Kidder
Hanford company Saturday evening rest
with them. He wl!l be pleased to have
patrons of the theater inform him by pos
tal card or by leaving word at the box
otSce of their preference of the plays
In the repertoire of the company, and he
will make the selection for the evening
performance according to the choice of
the majority. "The Rivals" will be given
at the matinee. During this engagement
the free list will be entirely suspended.
Large Striugs of Trout.
Bandon Recorder.
The fishing season is on, and the fisher
men are in their glory. They are bringing
In large strings of trout, and the catch
of ocean fish from the rocks during the
past few days has been good.
o i
Waldorf Plnnos for Rent.
Six months' rent allowed if purchased.
Graves & Co., 2S6 Alder, near Fourth.
Any one oan take Carter's Little Liver
PHIs. they are so very emalL No trouble
to swallow. No pain or griping after tak
ing. e
"Better live well than live long." You
may experience both if you take Hood's
I Dr. Swain. dentLit. 715 Dekum building.
Fourteenth of February Finds Youth.
Paying: Tribute to Cupid Legend
of Good Italian Saint.
Apollo has peeped through the shutter
And wakened the witty and fair;
The boarding-school belles In a flutter
The two-penny post in despair.
The breath of the morning is flinging
A magic on blossoms and spray.
And cookneys and sparrows are singing
In chorus on Valentine's day.
Tomorrow is St. Valentine's day. All
Portland will observe it. It is useless for
people to say that they will take no no
tice of it: for they will. The custom of
sending valentines still exists, though not
perhaps to the extent that prevailed in
former years. Each year brings out new
and Ingenious designs. The comic valen
tine, like the poor, we have always with
us. There has been of late a decided Im
provement in this lino of valentines, and
most of them that are displayed in the
shop windows are less offensive and nasty
and more humorous than heretofore. A
look through the department and sta
tionery stores this year will bring to light
many pretty and amusing designs. One
of these, evidently Intended to be sent by
a young woman to a young man, is made
out in the form of an election ballot. The
ticket runs this way: For governor, YOu;
for lieutenant-governor, Me; for secretary
of state. You: for treasurer. Only Me.
This very accurately expresses the as
pirations of the average young woman,
and may be aeslgnated as heart politics.
Another very pretty valentine Is a sum
mons tD the high court of Cupid. This
is Intended for one who is known to de
spise the tender feelings so much In vogue
on St. Valentine's day. Then there Is
Cupid's dart and the "Marble Heart."
These Varieties of valentines will not be
the only ones sent and received tomorrow.
Young women will send pretty things that
they have manufactured themselves, and
which cannot fall to be appreciated to the
fullest extent by the young men who re
ceive them. The young men In turn will
send the Inevitable candy, flowers, hooks
and gloves, that young women will not
object to receiving.
"In the spring the young man's fancy
lightly turns to thoughts of love," and
lest there should be any danger of his
forgetting the approach of the vernal pe
riod of courtship, St. Valentine's day
comes very opportunely.
Tradition says that St. Valentine was an
Italian priest, with a most beautiful dis
position, who was famed for his charity
to all men. In the end he suffered mar
tyrdom. One account says this occurred
at Rome In the year 270, while another
story places this tragedy at Ternl, in 306.
Legend tells how he was brought before
the Emperor Claudius II, who asked him
why he did not cultivate his friendship
by worshiping the emperor's gods. Val
entine defended the faith of Christianity
so eloquently that Calphurnlus, the high
priest, became alarmed lest the emperor
should become converted and he should
lose his job. He was sent to Asterlus to
be judged, and to him he preached the
Christ. Asterlus responded by sajlng:
"If he be the Light of the world, he will
restore the light to my daughter, who has
been blind for two years." Valentine laid
his hands on the girl, and her sight was
restored. Then Asterlus and his house
hold were baptized. This so enraged
Claudius that he caused everybody con
nected with the transaction to be beaten
and thrown into prison. A year later, on
February 14, Valentine was beheaded. His
tory traces the custom of sending missives
of love on Valentine's day back to the
old Latin festival of Lupeicalla, which
occurred In February. On that occasion
the names of the women were placed In a
box and were drawn out by the men, each
being bound to honor and serve the wom
an whose name he had drawn In this lot
tery of marriage. The church tried to
turn the custom to religious ends, but
Philadclphlnn Writes Politics to
East Side Pastor.
The following letter was received by
Rev. Robert McLean, pastor Third Pres
byterian church, from J. Bayard Henry, of
Philadelphia, Mr. Henry Is a prominent
attorney In that city, and a warm per
sonal friend of Mr. McLean, and the let
ter was written with the hope of gamins
Oregon Influence iu keeping Quay out f
the senate. Mr. Henry says: "So far as
our legislature Is concerned he (Quay)
could not be elected in a special session,
and I do not see how he can hope to
win before the people this fall, when a
new legislature will be chosen. If, how
ever, governors' appolntmedts are to Lo
recognized where a term expires during
a session of the legislature, he may nave
enough friends to hold up an election, and
his creature Governor Stone will then te
appolnt him. It is of the utmost Import
ance, not only to Pennsj lvania, but to cur
country at large, that governors' appoint
ments made under such circumstances are
not recognized, and, therefore, every ef
fort must be put forth to prevent the rec
ognition of these appointments. If we are
to have two methods of choosing senators
one by legislatures and the other by
appointment of governors after a dead
lockit will mean the grossest fraud and
corruption in every state, and for this
reason I hope you will be able to accom
plish something In the way of letters,
which shall prevent your senator voting
for him.
"The forces allied In favor of Quay are
tho most dangerous in our country. They
are the corrupt and corrupting powers
which always value a man's vote from a
money point of view. The speeches will
probably begin this week, but I doubt If
there w ill be a vote taken before the 19th
or 20th."
After Forty-Eight Years' Absence.
Mrs. B. T. Taylor, a pioneer of 1S50, who
resides at 189 East Sixth street, started
last night for her old home In Illinois,
which she left 48 years ago. Mrs. Taylor
came across the plains In an ox team just
after her marriage, with a large company.
The trip was pleasant and comparatively
free from danger, but she grew very weary
from riding toward the last part of the
trip, and walked the last six weeks of It.
She settled at Oregon City, where she
lived for 12 years, and then moved to
Portland, where she has lived ever since.
Mrs. Taylor will visit relatives in her
home state of Illinois and is anticipating a
pleasant trip. Her people are all pioneers
of that section of the country, and she
has an aunt who lived for years on the
spot where the Black Hawk war was
fought. The Cumberland Presbyterian
church, of which Mrs. Taylor is a mem
ber, gave her a pleasant farewell party.
Improved Sunnyslde Stntlon,
Station-Master Minor, of the Sunnyslde
postal station, has just finished some need
ed Improvements to the office. Mr. Minor
has found that there was not room enough
In which to handle the constantly increas
ing mall In that district. He has doubled
the room where the mail Is gotten ready
for distribution. The Increase of mall has
been constant for the past year. At the
present rate of Increase, another carrier
will soon be necessary to handle the mall.
East Side Notes.
The young people of Alpha chapter, Ep
worth League, Sunnyslde chUTth, were
greatly aided In their decorations by H. C.
Breeden and the General Electric Com
pany. Sidewalks are being repaired all over
I the East Side, Wherever there are broken
planks, new lumber is being delivered, and
the sidewalks are being generally over
hauled. There Is a big lot of dilapidated
sidewalks requiring repairs.
The contractor for the improvement of
East Burnside street, between East Twenty-eighth
and East Thirtieth streets, ha3
one block of the roadway laid, and the
lumber Is on the ground for the remain
der, but he cannot finish until the weath
er gets settled. The block between East
Twenty-eighth and East Twenty-ninth
streets, which Is graded, Is a quagmire,
and the bottom timbers cannot be laid until
the ground dries out. The people are
anxious to have this street finished.
Dr. Wise is at room 614, Dekum.
a -
Baker County Man Predicts a Lively
S. N. ProflUt, a stbekraiser and dealer
of Baker county, who Is In Portland for
a few days, says he looks for a large
movement of Oregon cattle East this sea
son, In spite of th,e reports of the ranges
being already depleted. The present win
ter has been eo mild over Eastern Ore-
Vnn that cattle have done well, without
being fed, and t,here are bunches or young ,
cattle for sale on almost every ranch,
Even good beef can be found In the Baker
county pastures, where no hay at all has
been fed.
The present good prices will remain
stationary, he thinks, as $20 a head for
yearlings, and $26 for 2-year-olds, la about
all stockdealers can afford to pay, and
with the good prospects ahead, stockrals
ers need not sell for much less.
He noticed that the stiffness In the
Portland market had recently caused ship
ments of stall-fed steers from California,
and that yesterday 14 carloads of 3-year-old
beeves arrived .frdm Reno, Nev. Such
shipments as these, he thinks, will regu
late the price of beef and prevent a fur
ther raise in the retail markets here.
"Mutton bothers Baker county butchers
more than beef," he said, "as wethers
dressing 40 pounds are worth 54 a head,
which means 10 cents a pound to start
with. The retail price of mutton In Baker
and La Grande is 12 cents, which does
not leave a very good margin for the
butcher, though seeming high to the con
sumer." e
Correapondent Alleges That Family
Is Highly Cultured.
BARLOW, Or., Feb. 11. (To the Editor.)
Regarding the death of Mrs. Moses
Quint, related In The Oregonian Sunday,
her family desires to say that she had
been under the care of medical science
for years, and for several months past
she had suffered the agonies of death.
It was after she and her friends had
been .given to understand that there was
no hope for her that she appealed to
Christian Scientists in her Intense sur
fering. In the name of common decency,
why should a great daily like The Orego
nian resort to slandering the entire Quint
family by stating that they are not a
very highly cultured family? This, resort
to slander will not Injure the Quint fam
ily with those who know them, nor bene
fit thevmedlcal fraternity, one of whom
I heard say nothing would cure Mrs.
Quint. I am not a Christian Scientist,
but do believe in fair play, and have
respect for the dead as well as for the
living. Did not General Grant and Presi
dent Garfield d'e under the finest medical
skill in the land, after many days of
earnest prayer and united effort of the
whole Christian world? The husband of
the deceased Mrs. Quint was given up
to die by eeveral medical doctors, hut
under the treatment of Mrs. Herron Is I
surely recovering. His brother died a
short time ago of the same disease, under
the best medical skill he could procure.
So, after one is doomed to death, any
way, what is the difference whose care
we are under when the time comes?
Bishop Scott Academy Honors Mar
tyred President.
In lieu of the drill at Bishop Scott
academy yesterday. Colonel James Jack
son, the regularly detailed officer, and pro
fessor of military science and tactics, gave
a lecture to the cadets on "Abraham Lin
coln." In his remarks he called Lincoln
the second father of his country,- and the
savior of it in its greatest peril. He drew
splendid lessons from the boyhood of
the great emancipator, his struggles and
work. He referred to him 'as a boy who
Improved every opportunity; born amid
humble and rough conditions, he stands
today the peer of all great men. "The
greatest men of America," said the colo
nel, "were all men of high moral charac
ter." All the cadets listened closely to the
lecture, and at the close sang with much
spirit "The Star-Spangled Banner" and
K 0 f
To Be Raffled.
On the 17th there will be raffled a fine
large oil painting of General Summers and
staff In full life-size; the enlargement Is
by Lieutenant M. E. Carriere, from' a
photo taken In the Philippines, as they
appeared in camp shortly before an at
tack by the enemy. Would say for the
benefit of those holding coupons, that It is
requested they be present at the draw
ing, which will take place in the piano
warerooms of Geo. A. Heldinger & Co.,
131 Sixth street, where the painting has
been on exhibition for several weeks past.
These chances are selling at 50 cents each,
and as there are only a few left, these
should all be taken up by Saturday Feb
ruary 17.
Three hundred dollars would be placing
a very small estimate On the value of
this production of Lieutenant Carriere.
He Is a recognized artist of merit, and
this la his first canvas in Portland. He is
'not follow lhg painting as a profession,
but Is associated with the piano-house of
Geo. A. Heldinger & Co.
Our Great Sale Closed
Saturday Evening
Thousands of remnants of black and colored dress
goods. Plain and fancy silk and evening shades in plain
French crepons, nuns veilings and albatross. Odds and
ends of all kinds of dress goods, including bright and
Scotch clan plaids and golf cloakings which have accumu
lated during our great annual clearance. Will be placed
on sale today, and marked down to half price. Ladies,
now is your opportunity to secure bargains in remnants
of fine imported Irish and Scotch linens, towelings,
crashes and odd towels. Remnants of ginghams, flan
nels, shirtings, outing flannels and all kinds of wash
goods. A general cleaning up of all remnants all over
the house in all departments. Jackets, capes and golfs,
fur capes and fur collarettes, at half price. The great and
only exclusive dry goods house in Portland.
ivscallen & McDonnell
Exclusive Dry Goods Importers Cor. Third and Morrison St.
Sole agents for Warner's Twentieth Century Kust-Proof Corsets.
Mail orders receive prompt attention.
.It Differs "Widely From the Beautiful
Story, "but Is Still, a Scotch
A company entirely new to Portland,
'sent out by Charles ,Frohman, Introduced
"The Little 'Minister" at the Marquam
last night to a large and delighted audi
ence. Barrle's well-known and popular
novel, "The Little Minister," and Barrle's
play of the same name are two separate
creations. They are not alike. True, each
has Babble .nd Gavin Dishart as the
central figures, and in the play one gets
a few glimpses of the little minister and
the wayward girl. But stage limitations
aro small, and those who expect to see
the book followed will be disappointed.
i It is so with all dramatizations of novels.
However, the present play is from Mr.
Barrle's Den. and we take It as he gives
ita charming Idyll, a cpmedy oi bcoicn
village life, with the marks of truth and.
genius upon It. Its humor Is naive, like .a
child's, and unconscious. And It Is with
out bitterness or satire. Barrie draws his
people understanding and with an ef
feminate hand. While he shows the effect
of constricted life and contorted Ideas,
he never allows the real human quality to
become obscured.
Miss Grace Heyer played Lady Babble.
She is very pretty and very graceful. She
fills the ee and the imagination with
I her picture of the wild girl falling in love
with tho minister and winning him in
spite of himself but with no unmaldenly
sacrifices. She Is more successful as the
forward lass who coquettes with her cler
ical admirer than as the awakened woman
who discovers the depth of her own pas
sion. A triple curtain call at the tmru
act was the warm tribute paid her by a
critical audience of first-nighters.
Adolph Jackson played Gavin Dishart
very well. His was a clean-cut perform
ance, not lacking in force. Kate Ten,
Eyck had a broad comedy role as Nannie
Webster, Though exaggerated the least
bit, it had the Thrums flavor that at
taches to and enriches many of Barrle's
quaint personages. Giles Shire made
much out of Bob Dow, the reformed
drunkard, and Sadie Lauer is decidedly
clever as the Juvenile Mlcah Dow. B. R.
Graham played Thomas Whamond, chief
elder, capitally. Indeed, there was not
a flaw In the entire cast. Manager Froh
man sustained his well-earned reputation
when he sent out this company as his
Scenery and stage settings are fine.
"The Little Minister" will be repeated
tonight and Wednesday, but there will
be no matinee.
For the best lunches or dinner, Sunday
or any other day, go to the Portland res
taurant, 305 Washington, near Fifth.
1 o
Zarlna cizarettes not made by Japs or
Chinamen, 10c for 10.
1 Package Bromangeloa
1 Pint
2 Minutes'
FLAVORS Lemon, Orange, Straw
berry, Raspberry, Cherry.
FREE SAMPLE. Send 3 cents
in stamps for postage and your
grocer's name, and we will mall
vou free a. sample of BROMAN
GELON, of any of the Ave flavors.
M. J. CONNELL, Seattle. Wash, o
jjistriuuung Agent.
STERN 5 SAALBERG, 311 W. 40th St., N. Y.
Many persona knowing1 little or nothing of
Osteopathy, and not takinff the time to Investi
gate, but rely upon some one who Is prejudiced
against the science to explain it, lose the good
there Is In It, where. If they but came to the
right Dource, the science would appeal to them ;
they would approve of our method and sound
its praises wherever they go.
The best people of this country Indorse the
practice, and we only ask you to call and sat
isfy joureelf. If jou wish an examination it
will cost vou nothing. Lady operator If desired
Hours 00-12, 1.30-fl, 7-8 30.
Phone Main 340.
410 The Dekum.
The Dekum Building.
Full Set Teeth... .$5 00
Seamleos Gold Crown,
Bridge "Work . ..?5.C0
Examinations free .
- oi .,.- -tTT.icrf Teeth extracted aboo
Cor. 3d and "Washington luMy wltnout pa,,,.
Marauam bit;., rooms 020-7.
Boiling Water, pr-1
Time, fcJ
More. fc V
11 o
v-jA--.s-gtL v J LA J
We shall offer this week our entire line
of high-grade pianos.
Sterling and others. Also several good
second-hand pianos at prices that will sell
them. We must have room for our stock
(three carloads)
Which will arrive this week. Don't fall
to Investigate our offer. Easy terms of
payments, if wanted.
131 Sixth St.
Oregonian Bldg.
130 Fust St
Front and PettygroVe. Tfcl. OAK 253
GT.PREHN, Dentist
19 Hamilton bld-j.. 131 Third eU. near Alder.
Vitalized air for painless extracting-.
jaanrrri'wwiHiwHHmHmHHiHiHimnrHH SPln
IgggOT'H kF iVaaeSffJ jgk
tin 11. in 11: 1 .... , n , 11 . TT 'm
similating lheToodandB.egula
lingthEStQmflfanilBmvelsQf Promotes Digestion-Gfeetful-ness
and HestContains neither
Opium,Morptune -nor "Mineral.
Not NAac otic.
JmpMn Sad'
JhjxmaaJ' -jnCariana&Seda'
formfeed -tymfcd
Sugar .
tia&-j7"ra.j- Floral
Aperfect Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions Jeverish
nsss and LOSS OF SLEEK
Tac Simile Signature of
exact copr or wrappeb.,
casework is M workwithoiitGoMDusf
Washing Dishes
To wssh dishes In half the time, and do it
well, follow this recipe: Always use hot
water not warm, but hot. It Is best to uso
mops.with china and class, and, to bare a nice
lather, instead of using soap use
Gold Dust Wasting Powder
Dissolve a tablespoonful in the hot water and
wash quickly; have plenty of nice, dry towels
to wipe with t have a drainer that will allow the
water to run off the dishes Into receptacle be
low, when you will hare hljbly polished elass
and china.
Th. alore li tAl.n from oar frc booklet
Btnitit on reqsest to
Chloago, St. Louis, Now York, Boston.
YOUNG MEN troubled with night
fulness, aversion to society, which deprive you of your manhood. UNyiTS TOu
MIDDLE-AGED MEN who from excesses and strains have lost their MANIiX
BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, palatal, Moody wrtoe.
Gleet. Stricture, enlarged prostate. Sexual Debility, Varicocele, Hydrocele, KMtM-r
and Liver troubles, cured WITHOUT MERCURY AND OTHER FCttiOKOOSl
DRUGS. Catarrh and Rheumatism CURED.
Dr. Walker's methods are regular and scientific. He usee no patent Bootntm
or ready-made preparations, but cures the disease by thorough metHcal treatet.
His New Pamphlet on Private Diseases sent Free to all men who deeerwe weir
trouble. PATIENTS cured at home. Terms reasonable. All letters answered to
plain envelope Consultation free and sacredly confidential. Call en or addreaa
Doctor Walker, 132 First St.. Corner Alder, Portland, Or.
is noi
of Work k ,
and Prlces-upon
0 Application
ao so 000000000 00 oe so 00 on
Instruction by jaalU adapted to evetyaa. Kx
pertenced and eo-npctnt tastn-etan. Tk3
upare time only. Two cotrsJ. F operator?.
for adroteslrm to Supreiae Court . Bte-w Iw.
tor young bueinces men. The "eperatecyt wm a
follows as near as possible that laid Jim ky
the Hastings Law School, run parOcwlara
ter street, roome 7 and S. Sen FiaHe
Wisdom's Robertine corrects all
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Perfect in every detail
For Infants and Children.
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In the treatment of chronic diseas-es. suek as Mver.
kidney and stomach disorders, constipation, diarrhoea.
dropsical swellings. Brlght's disease, etc.
Complaints, painful, difficult, too frequent, cailky ox
bloody urine, unnatural discharges speedily eared.
Such as piles, fistula, fissure, ulceration, atteeus and,
bloody discharges, cured without the knife, ata or
Blood poison, gleet, stricture, unnatural lease, tea
potency, thoroughly cured. No failures. Cvrea gar-nnteed-
emissions, dreams, exhausting dratos. bash-.