10 THE MOENTNG OKEGONIAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1900. VERY LARGE AHENDANCE PUBLIC SCHOOLS IUSOPEX WITH MAXY PUPILS. Afcent SM Merc Than 1b September Sna.II BesrlBalas: Class at the High School. The pmMIc cbol reopened yesterday under vary terorbte auspices. The at tendance -was over 309 more than the cor reapandrne ' la8t year aBd nearly 2000 Hore than the first say of school last September, but tale latter is hardly a fair comparlcon, ae nany -are still away at that time on their swamer vacation, and atoo at work, for the first week of the scbooL At the high school there was an en rollment of 790, a little larger number than tart year. The number of first-term pupils wm only 92, which Is at least 30 below the average number. The cause of tfcic small class is due mostly to the ad dition of the ninth grade, which gradu ate three-fourths of the year's pupils at the end of the spring term. This has al ready begun affecting the graduating eUwms in the high school. Twenty-flve k the number of students that just com pleted the- course, while the class to gradu ate next June cotnaine 76 students. The South Portland and Holladay schools were not ready for occupancy yes terday, as expected. The four rooms of the latter to be ueed will be finished in time to be occupied tomorrow morning, but the former school cannot possibly be completed before Monday. This has -thrown Superintendent Rigler out con siderably, as he had prepared to transfer the pupils from the Falling to the new school, and from the Harrison to the Fail ing. Principals have been notified that no more requests for free tuition are to be granted, and that they shall collect the required amount from all those ordered by the rules to pay. School Clerk Allen has been kept tniey the last few days recelv log petitions for renewals of free tuition, but he has sent them all away, showing them the resolution passed by the board last Thursday. He receives many pa thetic and almost heart-rending tales, but the rule te ironclad and must be obeyed. MORE ISLANDS TAKEN. PrinccteH Halved the Flag: Over Land Aerth of Luzon. MANILA, Feb. 12. It is reported that the gunboat Princeton visited the Batanes and Catagan islands, which were omitted from the Paris treaty of peace, being north of 88 degrees of latitude, raised American flags and appointed native governors. It 4e added that the Princeton found a Jap anese flag flying at Bayat island, and refrained from landing there, pending or ders. The Princeton occupied the north ern islands under a government or der. The report that the Japanese flag was found flying is not confirmed, but there are rumors that Japan intended to take the Island. The natives willingly sub stituted American for the Insurgent offi cials and took the oath of allegiance. The natives of Samar and Leyte are re turning to their towns, and normal condi tions are being resumed. Unconfirmed rumors from native sources say that General Pio del Pilar, the Insur gent commander, died of fever recently. MAXAUEXSK INVESTIGATION. Trial of the Chief Engineer Before British. Coaxal nt Sim Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 12. The trial of Chief Engineer McDonald, of the transport Manauenee, charged with neg lect and Incompetency, commenced be fore the British consul here today. The inquiry was ordered by the English con sul, as McDonald is a British subject. The examination will be a searching one, and will occupy some days. Captain Bar neson, commander of the vessel, told of her voyage from this city to Manila and return. He stated that the engines broke down, that the electric light plant be came useless, necessitating the use of lamps; that water flooded the engine. room; that the engine could not be used for pumping, and many other things which have given foundation to the stories of the terrible voyage of the transport which have appeared in the papers of the country. Death of Lieutenant Hlgley. "WASHINGTON. Feb. 12. In the list of deaths In General Otis' army, reported at the war offlce today, was that of First Lieutenant Bralnerd S. Hlgley, assistant surgeon. United States army, who died at Corregtdor Island, in Manila bay. the 84 Inst., of acute dysentery. Lieutenant Hlgley was a native of Ohio, and was appointed to the army from that state November 7, 1897. He entered the army medical school. In this city, immediately upon his appointment, and graduated at the head of Ms class. April L 1ESS. Be fore leaving for the Philippines he was stationed at Fort Niobrara, Neb. Lieu tenant Hlgley was about 39 years of age, and left & widow and one child. Arrival ef the MiRsonri. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 12. The trans port Missouri arrived tonight from the PhlUnfrtnes with 286 sick soldiers. The vessel was sent to the quarantine sta tion, -an no one will be landed tonight. Aparri Liftht Rc-eNtabllshed. WASHINGTON. Feb. 12. Admiral Wat son has cabled the navy department from Manila, as follows: "Aparri Hgfct re-established and burning since February 1." I B I MONTAGU WHITE'S VIEWS. Says a Majority ef KBKlinlimen Arc Opposed to the "War. NKW TORK, Feb. 12. Montagu White writes to the World as follows: "I am delighted to find that the pros pects of peace are increasing. The heroic resistance of the Boers must convincingly satisfy the large body of impartial English opinion that they are fighting for the nobleet principles of mankind home, free dom and Independence. "There was a strong minority In Eng land bitterly opposed to this war from the first. I am perfectly sure that this mi nority has been Increased to a majority, although the sentiments of pride and pres tige may possibly prevent them from open ly advocating the cessation of hostilities. It ought not to be impossible for American sympathisers and advocates of peace to work on the Unas of the conciliation com mittee In England, thus finding a means of securing conditions of peace honorable to both parties. "Although the Boers have shown mili tary abilities which have surprised the whole world, they are essentially peace loving, and the vory reverse of what Is known as a warlike people. The fact that their existence as a people is at stake ac counts for their wonderful morale and ef ficiency. They have means and the de termtmtton to carry on a long war, but I am jntre that they would welcome any ef forts that would enable them to beat their swords Into pruning hooks, providing that an honorable and a permanent peace cou'.d be assured." e rjrH City Notes. OfUBOOX CTTY. Feb. tt. The funeral of the Into John R. Trembnth. Jr.. who died at the state Insane asyhun yesterday. w!U take place tomorrow afternoon, under the auspices of the Partta-nt Xtkc. neflto Mm Stocky, of alaeksbu',. has f.led ft rSalra ar!n! the cn'yx homrd of imnjiifT 1 rs to reoovar JfNs en aooount of the death of her hMshand, caused by the Ueam becoming frightonod at a pass- Ing train while on. the New Era wagon bridge. The accident occurred last sum mer, when the railing on, the bridge gave away and the occupants were precipitated to the ground, resulting in the death of Mr. Stucky. It is understood that the commissioners are considering the mattor of offering a compromise. Bertha Gordon, formerly of Portland, has filed a suit for a divorce from P. Gor don, on the ground of desertion, In the circuit court. NEW YORK LINCOLN DINNER Principal Address Was Delivered by Senator Depeiv. NEW YORK. Feb. 12. Senator Chaun cey M. Depew presided over and delivered the principal address at the 14th annual Lincoln d.nner of the Republican Club, held at Delmonlco's, tonight. The dinner was attended by over 300 members of the club, and their guests. A notable guest present was Lincoln's registrar of the treasury, L. E. Chittenden, who Is now an octogenarian. Among the other guests of honor were Abner McKInley, General An son G. McCook, General Samuel Thomas, General Henry L. Burnett, Attorney-General John W. Griggs, Congressman Robert G. Cousins, of Iowa; Berlah Wllklna and Professor Edwin Markham. Senator Depew, before Introducing the first speaker, addressed the gathering. In the course of his speech he said: "It Is an Interesting question as we close one century and enter upon another, to speculate as to who will survive of the 19 th as the representative of what has been done during these 100 years. Though we are only one century In advance of the 18th, yet of all the worthies who All the mind and eye of the generations of that period, only two are universally and com monly recognized of all men George "Washington and Napoleon Bonaparte. When the 20th shall have been lost In the 21st or 22d, and the story of the 20th is recalled, I doubt If there will be In the mind of the schoolboy and the average man or woman any other well-known names than. In Europe, Bismarck; in America, Lincoln. "Lincoln dared proclaim that the United States could not live half free and half slave; that one or the other must perish, and that slavery would perish and the Union survive, when so to declare periled tho life of the orator and ruined his political career. He aroused a storm of protest, of discussion and of denunciation by his emancipation proclamation as a vio lation of tho constitution, even If It saved the country, only equaled by the denun ciation from the same class of minds of the action of President McKInley in sanc tioning the acquisition of new territory and the imposition of American institu tions upon Puerto Rico and the Philip pines." After declaring that the whole spirit and philosophy of Lincoln's politics was the power of the people, Senator Depew turned to the Kentucky trouble, declar ing that It had all ben brought about through the action of Mr. Goebel In ignor ing tho expressed demands of the people at tho polls.- Celebrated at Baltimore. BALTIMORE, Feb. 12. Lincoln's birth day was celebrated here by an elaborate banquet, under the auspices of the Urilon League Club, the leading republican or ganization of the South, In Its handsome clubhouse. i a RUNNING RACES. Yesterday's Winners nt and OnUlnnd. Tnnforan SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 12. The weath er was fine at Tawforan today, and the track fast. The results were: Five and one-half furlongs Un Cadeau won, Beautiful Bill second, Isallne third; time. 1:08. Six furlongs Fausturo won, Captive sec ond, Inverary third; time, 1:14. Six furlongs Jennie Reld won, Ben Ledl second, Genua third; time, 1:13. Races at Nevr Orleans. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 12. The results were: Selling, C furlongs Ben Frost won. Judge Wardell second. Lord Neville third: time. 1:26. One mile Maidstone won. Major Man son second, Evelyn Byrd third; time, 1:47. Mile and a sixteenth Judge Ma gee won, Jennie F. sacond. Swordsman third; time, 1:55. o Potlatcli Line Reconstructed. LEWISTON, Idaho, Feb. 12. Work of reconstructing the Northern Pacific road, along Potlatch creek, which was washed out by the flood January 12, was com pleted this evening, and the first passen ger train to reach Lewiston since that date will arrive tomorrow. The road was re built on the old grade. It Is estimated that the loss to the Northern Pacific by the flood will reach. $200,000. B Great Northern Going: to Republic. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 12. It Is consid ered certain. In railroad circles, that tho Great Northern, In the spring, will build a branch line to Republic, Wash., leaving the main line at Wenatchee, passing through Okanogan, and terminating In the seat of Ferry county, tapping the new mining district. Surveying parties havt practically completed running the line. I s Nome Operators' Appeal. SEATTLE, Feb. 12. The Alaska Miners' Association, which has a membership of 400, mostly Nome operators, tonight adopt ed resolutions which were sent to Con gressman Lacey, praying- for legal author ity to mine the Nome beaches and con demning the prospective sending of mili tary to that district. o Suicide nt linker City. BAKER CITY. Or., Feb. 12. Harry War ner, who was interested with his brother In mining in the Virtue district, shot himself last nlgbt. His body was found by the road this morning one mile east of Baker. He was 33 years old, and un married. No motive for the deed la known to his friends here. Circuit Court nt The Dalles. THE DALLES. Or., Feb. 12. Circuit court for this district convened here to day. A great deal of civil business will be disposed of, and the two highwaymen, Brown and Wilson, who are also wanted for trial In Portland, will be given a hear ing. c Oretron Supreme Court. SALEM. Feb. 12. In the case of Edward Robinson vs. Mayor W. A. Storey, the supreme court today denied the applica tion of the plaintiff for an order directing the clerk to file a transcript without the payment of the $25 filing fee. Dnily Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Feb. 12. Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows: Available cash balance $29S,34S,181 Gold ressrve 22J.379.093 o Navy Controls Tutulln. WASHINGTON, Feb. 12. The president today issued an executive order placing the island of Tutulta. In the control of the navy department. o I Tcsiw Join' the Squadron. SAN JUAN. Feb. 12. The Unled States battle-ship Texas, which arrived here February 3 .sailed today to rejo.n the fleet on St. Thomas. A d's.lnct Individuality in Zarlna clg Tft.'es Russian blend Is delightful, lite for M. o ' Zarlna cigarettes are wr&noed bv wihite I people In purest cigarette paper. RUSSIA'S VASf AREAS EXTEND SOUTHWARD INTO 3IOHAMMEDAX COUNTRY. THE Schemes for Reclaiming TJencrts of I Central Asia Changes In Courses of Historic Rivers. On the Transcasplan Railway, July 29. The geography of Central Asia has been a powerful factor In directing the history, politics, commerce and agriculture of the region. Fertile oases, virtually surround ed by barren deserts and great mountain ranges, became the homes of races which, left to themselves, developed high civiliza tions. Through this civilization, -with Its id? Uffliv wwswitl i iV" "iuS7 yVu,0WN W j AFGHANISTAN V- jsf. V MftOAmv -xf (I v MAP OF RUSSIAN ASIA SHOWING ROUTE OF TRANS-CASPIAN RAILWAY. consequent wealth, they became the object of the attacks of Invaders from the out side world. The deserts that were less tempting were left to the nomads who preferred them. By their depredations these very nomads offered the excuse for other Invasions that enabled conquerors in late years to seize the fertile provinces that were their real object, but which could not have been reached In any other way. Tartars and Turks In the past cen turies have striven for this wealth. Now the contest is between Russia and Eng land. England has India. Russia has Central Asia. Between, them He Persia and Afghanistan, the former apparently drifting Into the position of a Russian province, and the latter still occupying Its traditional attitude as "buffer state" between the two great empires. With possessions sweeping across the Euro-Asian continent from the Baltic sea to the Pacific, Russia Is essentially a northern empire. It Is only in the terri tories through which this portion of my Journey has been that Russia becomes In a sense a eouthern power. The Southern Caucasus and the Central Asiatic prov inces, peopled by races with southern characteristics, Mohammedan In faith, with tropical summers and tropical man ners of life in the summer, are strikingly different from the great areas thtlt make European Rujs a and Siberia. Adding to this the fact that the tendency is to ex tend these Russian boundaries ever south ward, it becomes necessary to look at Rus sia In this region as a southern empire. Central Asia is easily defined on a map. The adjective Is geographical rather than geometrical, for the actual center of the continent Is far to the eastward, and this region really comes to the western border of Asia. Geographically, then, It Is the great tongue extending southward from Siberia proper, bounded on the south "by Persia and Afghanistan and confined between the Caspian sea on the west and the extreme western provinces of the Chi nese empire on the east. On the maps of Colonel Alexis Aeainaloff. (Commander of the Russian post at Merv.) the world as known to the ancients Its southern portions were Included In the northern parts of Parthla and Bactrla. Daae and Sogdlana were within its bor ders. Scythla came down from the north and contained the deserts of Transcaspla and the Sea of Aral. Prior to the revision of the maps of thirty years ago the atlases showed Bokhara, Khiva, Khokand and Turkestan with ill-defined boundaries, sometimes overlapping. Now all doubts are ended. It Is all Russian Central Asia. Roughly speaking, the area thus Includ ed measures about 1000 miles north and south by some 1500 east and west. The railway from the Caspian sea, by which the Russians are advancing eastward across central Asia, close to the southern borders of this region, Is therefore more than 1000 miles south of their other more conspicuous line. The whole of the Euro pean empire Is divided for administrative purposes Into general governments which correspond somewhat to our own states. Of these two are Included In the regions known as Central Asia. The first, the government of the Steppes, contains five provinces, those of Ural, Turgal, Akmo llnsk, Semlplatlnsk and Semlrechensk. Th first four of these He m. succession from west to east Immediately to the south of S'berla and geographically often are con sidered by readers to be a part of Siberia, though they are not properly so. Seml rechensk lies to the south of Semlpalat lnsk and forms the border province with the Chinese empire. Still to the south of the government of the Steppes He the regions more properly named Central Asia, the second general government. This Is Turkestan, Itself di vided Into the three provinces of Sir Darla. Ferghana and Zarafshan. The latter prov- U fin Mt im WlMi IIP . me ft SffiSBRMSfiii i p TTjfjmnru ince contains the city of Samarkand and ; is Itself generally known by that name. Tashkend Is the capital of- the province of Sir Darla and Is also the seat of govern ment for the general govern ment of Turkestan. The district of Amu Daria, on the south shore of the Aral sea, is administered as part of the .province of Sir Daria. Semi-Independent Provinces. The semi-Independent khanates of Khiva and Bokhara extend along the Oxus river all the way from Afghanistan to the Aral sea, cutting off the provinces of Turkestan JUSt named from tho nrnvlno of Trans- caspla, which for the time is administered ! as a separate government, though by no means as Independent In Its administration j as the general governments of Turkestan i and the Steppes. Transcaspla borders the sea for which It Is named from the prov ince of Ural on the north to Persia on the south, the khanates of Khiva and Bok hara a.nd the Independent country of Af- Mflo. ghanlstan forming the remaining bounda ries. Transcaspla contains the great des ert of Kara Kum, or "black sand," and Sir Daria the rival desert of Klzil Kum. Here Is a table which shows the latest fig ures of tho area and population of these provinces: , Area. Pop-D'ns- Provlnce eq. miles, ulatlon. ity. Ural 139.I68 644.001 5 Turgal 176,219 453,123 3 Akmollnsk 229,609 678,957 3 Semlpalatlnsk 184,631 685,197 4 Semlrechensk 152,280 990,107 7 The sea of Aral 26,166 The Steppes 908,073 3,451,385 4 Samarkand, or Zaraf- shan 26,027 857,847 33 Ferghana 35,654 1,560,411 43 Sir Darla 194.853 1,479,848 7 Turkestan 257,134 3.89S.100 15 Turkestan 257,134 3,898,103 15 Transcaspla 214,237 372.193 2 Caspian sea 169,381 Total Central Asla.1.548.825 7.721 osi r Bokhara 92.000 2,500,000 28 Khiva 22,320 700,000 32 The rivers of Central Asia have np out let to the sea, but are contained through out the entire length of their flow In the great central plateau and basin of the continent. Russia contributes one great river, the "Volga, to the same basin, and another, the Ural, which forms part of the boundary between Europe and Asia, like the Volga, flows Into the Caspian sea. This land-locked sea, 84 feet below the level of the ocean, does not receive any of the rivers of Central Asia, however, being cut off from them by the worst of deserts. The Aral sea, standing at a level of 243 feet above that of the Caspian,' receives the Amu Darla and Sir Darla, the ancient Oxus aad Jaxartcs, the largest rivers of the region, one at the north and one at the south of Its basin. The plan has been long under contemplation to turn the Oxus Into Its ancient bed, directing It to the Caspian sea, which once received Its wat ers. Engineers have calculated, however, that if the full current of the great river were diverted to this ancient bed the de mands of the thirsty desert would be so great, by absorption, seepage and evapo ration, and the filling of depressions, that from 15 to 25 years would elapse before the first of the waters would reach the Caspian again at Krasnavodsk bay. The Murghab river, which waters the Merv oasis, and the Zarafshan, which waters Samarkand and Bokhara, have no outlet even into the Aral, but their waters are entirely exhausted by the Irrigation du ties which they are compelled to perform, until the rivers vanish in gardens and grain fields. The ultimate destiny of the sea of Aral is a problem for geologists. The Oxus carries an unusual quantity of solid matter, estimated at 2 per cent, so that tho delta Is gradually expanding, and the sea Itself becoming shallower. When tho sea is compelled to overflow, as Is prophesied will be the case some day, the river will have to And a new channel of Its own toward the Caspian. Schemes of Russian Engineers. Russian engineers -have some great schemes under consideration for making the great areas- the empire has annexed more populous and more productive, and all of these must involve utilization of the waters. The province of Transcaspla, which is virtually coincident with the re gion descriptively known as Turkomanla the land of the Turkomans Is almost a desert except for the Merv oasis and a few smaller oases where water has been brought from the Persian mountains. It Is, however, the lowest portion of the en tire central Asian depression, which slopes in terraces from the mountain ranges of the Pamirs and Chinese Turklstan to the Caspian sea. The next terrace in this rough division Includes the khanates of Bokhara and Khiva, while the third and highest before reaching the mountains practically coincides with the province of Sir Darla. It Is suggested, therefore, that the rivers of each terrace might be di verted into the lands of the terrace next below with profit to all concerned. This would make Sir Daria depend on moun tain streams for Irrigation, would give the Sir Darla river to the khanates and would turn the Oxus, greatest of all, into Transcaspla. Of course It Is the last rlverless province which would be the greatest gainer, but It Is claimed that the system could be so devised that no one would be the loser, and great advances could be made toward reclaiming the deserts. It is but a few miles from the course of the Oxus to the beginning of the slope Into Turkomanta, so that the en gineering problem for this portion of th& work Is not considered Insurmountable. If the undertaking is carried out, the whole face of nature in central Asia will be altered. The Russian railway Into central Asia, the Transcasplan military railway, as It Is named, has Its western terminus at Krasnovodsk, on the Caspian sea, direct ly opposite the petroleum port of Baku. From Krasknovodsk It runs southeast to Dushchak, along the boundary of Persia, at which p!ace the line makes a sudden angle to the northeast. From Krasno vodsk to Chardjul. a distance of 712 miles, the trains are In Transcaspla, passing the important towns and cities of Klzil Arvat, Askhabad ard Merv', Askhabad being the seat of govemirent. At Chardjul the line enters the khanate of Bokhara, passing clear across the country on the way to Samarkand. The eastern extension from Samarkand Includes two branches, one i i.ntfpcmn f- running northeast to Tashkend and the. other straight east Into Ferghana, ter minating at Andijan. The only branch from the main line Is built southward frqm Merv, up the Murghab river, to Kushk post on the Afghan border, 0 miles from Herat. TRUMBULL WHITE. A-TRIUMPH OF DIPLOMACY. Makes for Wider Commerce and Ad vanced Civilization. New York- Tribune. Speculation upon the status of the canal, when constructed under the terms of the new treaty, naturally arises. There need, however, be little uncertainty about It. The canal whether at Nicaragua, or Pan ama, or elsewhere; for the treaty does not prescribe Its route will be of Ameri can construction and under Amer can con trol, and will be under a guarantee of neu trality to all the commerce of the world. Its status will be like that of the Suez canal. The latter Is under British con trol, partly from British ownership or shares, partly from British occupation of the country through which It runs. But we have never heard its neutrality called Into question, nor the good faith of Great Britain in maintaining Its neutrality chal lenged, not even by the bitterest foe of Great Britain. We assume that under American control neutrality of the Isth mian canal will he equally inviolate. It Is perfectly obvious that if the United States constructs the canal it will deem It to Its advantage to keep It open, on the most equitable terms, to the world's com merce. The more the canal Is used the better it will be for this country. The notion that we should set up fortresses at each end of it, and under their guns search every vessel that sought to pass through, may be dismissed to the realm of Walpurgis dreams. So much, In time of peace. In the remote contingency of war between this country and some other maritime power It Is not difficult to imag ine what would happen, just as there need be no doubt as to what would happen at Suez In like case. There Is no occa sion to conjure up any raw head and 'bloody bones about It. The vast majority of the people of the United States will, we are convinced, hall the signing and ratification of the new treaty with joy assuming, of course. Its purport to be what there is every reason for supposing It to be. They will regard it as one of those fine triumphs of diplo macy which make for the good of both sides, and for the humiliation of neither, and as a distinct forward movement to ward wider commerce, better International relations, advanced civilization, and more of sweetness and enlightenment In the af fairs of men. o HOTEL ARRIVALS. THE PORTLAND. P "W Bullock. Chicago IK Ostroskl. B S A P B Rowan. Chicago Jan J Atkins, Plttofleld. Abe Jacobs. Chicago 1 Ma A. I- Kelsall. Seattle W C Smith, bacramnto A R Roger, MlnneaplslMlss Marlon Converse, J L Pendleton, Las I Sacramento Gatoa, Cal Gibs Shine, do J W Fuller, St Paul H F Norton. Seattle K V Munro, Victoria W S Sherwood, St Paul B A Erb. Victoria. B C Mr & Mrs G S Fernalci.l Abram Piguls, Boston St Paul S S Stllee, San Fran IMtso Hooper. Salem, E G Hunt, Boston. I Mass T T Johnston. ChicagolMSsa Grace Heyer, N T G "VV Brown, Coshocton Will J Duffy, N Y E D Goodrich, NY 'P H Brownell. Everett A Kuhn. Colfax, "WashiW J Moulton. Tacoma B McNeill, New York IW'm Macdonald.Tacoma G S McNeill, San Fran'Fred W Mulkey. city T H Cullom, N Y jHorace F Brown. N Y W H Gibson & wf. NYiM T Dwvle. N Y A A Hedstrom, Wauke- Geo H Taylor. Denver oha. Wis 1W R Abercromble. USA A E "Wilcox. Chicago (Edtnund Seymour, N Y Clarence Eddy, Paris, iB E Osborne, St Joe France IC S Jackson, Pendleton John Neuscheler & wf, Mrs C S Jacl:son do New York Mrs W S Sherwood, do u k iricia. Ban Tan lair & Mrs A Masch B D McCook, Ricevllle.l meytr. St Louis Va IF "W Gittrldge & wife. F L Hunter. San Fr j Sumpter M Wax. B S A Geo K George, Astoria Mr & Mre H H Sbutts.lJohn Fox. Astoria Chicago D W Hodge, Buffalo Mrs Chas W Pike, S F'J G O'Brien, Rochester Chafl W Pike, San Fr 'R L Rush, wf & son, E Durand, Minneapolis. Pcmeroy Ge E Doll, St PauT Frank Lak, San Fran Mr & Mrs E F Whit- 'J R Hardy. New York tier, Seattle- IF A Spencer & wf, city Robt Moran. Seatt'e IB Elmore & dtr, Astoria. E C Warner, Tacomc. iDr Jay Little, Astoria inos ixyie. To.nmi w w Kirtenalgn, koos- J A Sprague. Denver Mrs Rathtone Carpen ter, Chlcajjo J W Bennett & dtr, Marshfleld 4a Ti-uIr ter Rock Alber Creep!. N Y A F Biles, New York Frtd W Graves, city E J GUIen, New York W A Howe. Carlton Heiry Jacohy, N T G H Andrews, Detroit W M Rldpath, Spokane R H Smith, ZanjviHe IP It Phillips, Zanesvllle H N Denny, Syracuse IW C Calder. Sumpter F W Sayer, Syracuse John A Eck, Chicago I L. Rosenthal. San Fr S L B&er. Baker City PhU B Bekeart, San FrEdw Kelly. Sumpter G E Grlswold, Chicago jE D Rogers. Chicago A F Baumgather.Phlla.S Parliament, Chicago J Rosenberg. N Y I Louis R Burgess USA j Phillips, San. Fran IRev P E Hyland & wf, Robz Hunter & wife, I U S Army RoEsland, B C IGeo J Brown. Saa Fian H M Morrison, Louis- 'Miss Myrtle Frey, city ville, Ky THE PERKINS. J T. Bowen, R-.erett G J Finch. C B & J R S N Proffltt, La GrandL Jacobson. Chicago J C Armstrong. La Grc C D Helsler. Dufur. Oi Jan T Peters, The DaltoiC Helsler, Dufur, Or J L Goodnight, Gen- C J Calbertson, do esee, Idaho A Toll. Spirit Lake, la J Grant, Walla Walla J R Howard, Seymour L W Ball, Qulnns ; Iowa Mrs L W Ball, do Mrs J F Goodenough & W D McDonala. McMliii 3 ch. Huntington, Or Mrs M A McDonald, do R H Rosa, Bandon, Oi lime M&Donaid, do E O McCoy. Dalles W H Smith, Tacoma E B Stoner. Astoria IC K Ke-ney, Eugene C E Griffith, Seattle J Darnslfe, Indp, Or O A Manshlp. Dalles M D Ellis. Dalles IB F Laughlln. Dalles A w Han&en, Kalama Thos Sims. Salem. Or V H McChesney.Omaha Mrs Lucy Byers, aon & two dtrs. Albany. Or Mre Mary Haynes.For-l est Grove Claire Haynes, do Harriett Haynes. do T A Llvesley. Salem S L Jones. N Whatcom Hetty Hepkle, Seattle G W Nlnemeler, Monte- S B Huston, Hllteboro E W Ross. Castle Rk I eano K E Anarews, Tacoma iMrs J M iang, Seattle C P Schermerhorn, Heleta. Mont Mrs C C Tilson. Seattle Mrs Oeo Zlmmerman.do W C Crosthwart, S F H S Cook, Aberdeen G W Btrson, San FraniEdw H Marsh, Santa Cr H C Dale, ureen River, G W Thomas, Seattle Wyo jMrs G W Thomas, do Benton Bowers, Shalt- iJas Wilson, Vancouver er, Tex Wm Eccles, Vlento K B Comings, Los AngR J Tucker. Vlento J B McCann, San Fr iMrs Rosendorf, Indp C W Owen. Astoria Gordon Rosendorf, do R T Daniel. Spokane A A NIcil. South Bend Cecil Kingston, BIrm- J C Vint. Cripple Crek lngton, Eng S H Blackburn, Kldcfld R D McCook, Rlcevllle.iE E Williams. Portland Iowa Gfo Srepperd. Brldl VI BenJ Blsalr.ger, Phlla IMrs Geo Shepperd, do H L Wilson, Attlca.Ks J R Bufflngton, Astoria H Haynes, Forest Grv JMrs Jane K Smith, do it urawrora, un uamanAuro aauu ivirmey, ao THE IMPERIAL. C. W. Knowles, Manager. F Adams, city R R Hlnton, Bake-Oven Mrs Adam's, city (Mrs Hlnton & fy, do A M Becker, city C S Finland, San Fran J C Shultz, Dallas W B Isaacs, San Fran C S Butlor, Sumpter I Edll. San Francisco VV J Warren, Sumpter IW P Kinney. Colo Sprgs Mrs B D Crocker, WW.D A Paine. Eugere J W Bones. Stevenson ,Mrs 3 K Weatherford, H Brodie. Scott's Mills Albany Mrs Brodie. do .Mrs Langdon. Albany L B Murtny, Ontario JC B Barton. Tacoma. H J Lathey, San Fran ,W C Revnolds, San Fr J F Brown, Boston IMrs M B Humes; St PI O P Coshow, RoseburgiMiss Humes. St Paul M Devaney, Roseburg 'W T Robb, Astoria l a nogers, iJ.iKer jy Mrs KObb, Astoria R L Jeftery, Astoria M!ed Hazel Robb, do F B Gibson, San Fran IM Hlrcbbaum, San. Fr I L Patterson, Salem .Harry Jones, Astoria C H Moore. Stevenson THE ST. CHARLES. E B Kungier, Astoria jT J Kinder, La Center Wm Krollng, Astoria (Chas Gester, Canyon H Glenn, The Dalles G H Brlggs, Dllley J Q Layne, The Dalles! Jas Briggs, Dllley J M McCorner, SUvertnlJos Moweny, Stella Jos Kirg, Omaha iMrs An tone Jerome, do T O Williams, Omaha jJ H Steele. Stella John Smith. Omaha iGto Fair, Goble X A Jones & w. St Paul S P Galther. Vancouver L Co.nr.nd, San Fran 1H J Van Scnonck. do Fritz Johnson, Chinook! Mrs Rodgers & dtr.do Nels Belle. Chinook ,S P Hutchinson, Pendtn D M Deaklns, Clacka-iF S Moor-. Vancouver mas (Simon Moore, Vancouvr J B Bryant, city J Despaln. Vancouver J C Bryant, city J Fowler, Vancouver G M Southern, city jW H Burke, Kalama O King, Westport Geo Brown, Champoeg S C Freeman, Rlparla A Wise & wife, do S A Hamilton, Hood R Miss May McClaren, G A Webb, Sllverton v Champoeg W D Moore, Castle RkiCaiyper Laller. do Chris Anderson & w. dot J c Dorrance. Kalama Mrs J B Powers, do.OHver By-erley. Ostrndr Mrs J A McCallum, do j Roy Aver.y, Corvallis Harry Fredi'ln, Dalle i J B. Amberg. Corvallis O r. EUIo:t. Marshland J A Brltts, Corvallis J B Johnson, Astoria Hotel Donnelly. Tncotna. Euro-'pn plan; headquarters for com mercial men. Chllberc's restaurant in connection. Hotel Hntlcr. Seattle. European. Booms with or without bath. Ladies' and cents' Grillrooms In connection. Kruse's Grill Boom and Restaurant Stark street, opp. Chamber of Commerce. HOE BARGAINS 4 DAYS ONLY Misses' School Shoes, sizes 12 to 2, values to $2.50, square or narrow toes, at 75c Children's School Shoes, sizes 6 to 11, values to $1.75, at 75c .Goddard&Co. OREGONIAN BUILDING NO PAIN! NO GAS! No chana for painless extraction whn teeth aro ordered. All work done by fraduatt deatlatx of 12 to 20 years' experienoa; a speclalta In oaoh deportment. We will tell 7JU In adraaoa exactly what your work will coet by a. free examination. Give us. a call, and you will find we do exactly as we advtrtlee. Set of Teeth. Gold Filling . Gold Crovrn . Silver Filling; ..$8.00 .$1.00 .3.00 . .00 NO PLATES All work examined by professional manager. Dr. J. S. Walter, restetered dentist. New York Dental Parlors N. E. Cor. Fourth ami Mtrrlsia Streets Lady always In attendance. Hours. 8 to 8. Sundays. 10 to 4. Capt. W. H. Dtmlap, Chatta nooga, Tenn.. says: "Several years ago boils and carbuncles appeared upon me to an alarming extent, causing me great trouble and pain. Physicians' treatment did not seem to avail, and finally I decided to give 8. 8. 8. a trial. I improved at once, and alter taking Bix bottles, theboils and carbuncles disappeared entirely." '9 usee 9 (Swift's Specific) is the only blood rem edy guaranteed purely vegetable; it forces out every trace of impure blood, and cures cases that no other remedy can touch Valuable books mailed frea by Swift Specific Co., Atlanta. Ga. GRATEFUL COMPORTING Distinguished Everywhere For Delicacy of Flavor. Superiority In Quality. Grateful and Comforting to the (Nervous or Dyspeptic. Nutritive Qualities Unrivalled. Your Grocer and Storekeeper Sell IL In Half-pound Tins only. Prepared by JAMES EPPS & CO., LH. Homoeopathic Chemists. London, England. BREAKFAST SUPPER Pacific Coast Agents. Shervrtoi & SbcrwwJ Dinner Sets Bargains. Ila Worth. Your Coming Juot to Sec. Great Eastern Tea Co. 32G Washington St.. Portland. 223 First St.. Portland. 115 Grand Ave., B. Portland. PRIMARY, SECONDARY OR TERTIARY BLOOD POISON Permanently Cured. You can be treated at home under same guaranty. It you have taken mer cury. Iodide potash, and still have acnes and pains. Mucus Patches la Mouth, Sore Threat. Pimples, Copper-Colored Spots, Ulcers on ay part of the body. Hair or Eyebrows falling out. wnte COOK REMEDY CO. 1530 Masonic Temple, Chicago, ill. for proofs of cures. Capital, J5O0.U00. We solicit the most ob stinate cases. We have cured the worst eases te 15 to 35 days. 100-paee Book Free. WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS Are acknowledge by thousands of peasoas who have used them for over forty years to oure a SICK HEADACHE. GIDDINESS. CONSTIPA TION. Torpid Liver. Weak Stomach. Ftmptei. SSSKlnnil 2 S Rfclil? ill 1 I and purify the blood. THE PALATIAL. Hi BtlUi Sat n dark: efflce la the bBlIdtnj absolutely Mreyreeft electric lijelij aaa artesian vraterj perfect aanltl tluu aud tkoruHh vrm'Ilatlon. h.t vators ran day and nlKbt Xoo": AXDKHSOX. CW9TAY. Attwwey-at-Law a3sociatb nam; m. l. pwpi. Met BANKKBS UJg A3MC1AT1QK. of Ijbs Ustoes. la.; C A. MQsa. Stale Agent 5. J BEKftXB. H. W.. IHa. rerata Shorthand School BENJAM1X. R. W.. Deattat WNSWA.NUKH. DM. U S.. Phys. A Sur ii BHUKRK, DR. o. I., rnystetaa.. 412-4.3- BUSTEED, RICMARU, Atfeat Wilson ic il CaMay Tobacco Co G: CAUK1X. O. K.. District Ageat Travelers iDtHtraaee Co. aUUWKLL, DR. J. B , CLARK. HAftOLD. Dentist CIIM. B. A. CO.. Mming Pjopert'es. 3.3-3 (.ULUHBIA TELEPHONE COMPANY aM-OM-gM-QUT G13-6t-f CORNELXVS. C. W . Pby. t Surgeon. . COVER. T. C. CaoMer Bti4taM Life COLLIER. P F.. PoMMh. 3. P. Mcdu.re. Maaager DAY. J. a. & I. X. . DAVJ8, XAPOLEOX. PresWeM Columbia Telephone Co DICKSON, DR. J. F.. Pttystetaa 7x3 DRAKE. DR. H. B. Phystetaa 012 3.2! DUNHAM. MRS. GEO. A. DWYBR, JAS F, Tobaccos EDITORIAL ROOMS E.ghth C$ EQUITABLE Lir3 ASSURANCE SOCiTY. L. Samuel. Manager; F. C. Cover lash er EYEN1NO. TELEGRAM.. 328 A.Jer t'j. FENTOH, J. D., Physician and Surgeon 6C3 I FENTON. DR; MICKS C. Eye and Ear FENTON, MATTHEW F.. Dentist. . .. FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE ASS'N. E. C Stark, Manager . .. FRENCH SCHOOL (by eoBversattoa) . Dr. A. Mtissarelti. Manager ., GALVANL W. H.. Bzleer and Draughts man GEARY. DR. EDWARD P.. Physician a-.3 GIESY, A. J.. Physician and Surgeon .. 7C9 GODDARD. B. C. 4 CO.. Footwear, ground Soar 228 Six i s GOLDMAN. WILLIAM. Manager Maahat aa Life Inou ranee Co.. of New York . . 213 : GRANT. FRANK 3.. Attorney-at-law . GRBNIKR. MISS BEATRICE. Dentist... HAMMOND. A. B HEIDIXGER. OEO. A. A CO.. Planoo a3 Organs 131 Si1 HOLLISTEK. DR. O. C, Phys. & Surg.. BC4- IDLEMAN. C. M.. Attomey-at-Law 4 : KADY. MARK T.. Manager Facldc Nc"Ji west Mutual Reserve Fund Life Asso G.4 LAMONT, JOHN. Vke-PresMent and Ge eral Manager CohnnWa Telephone Co LITTLEriBLD. X. R.. Fys. and Surgeon f MACRUM. W. 3.. Sec Oregon Comer Uu1 MACKAY. DR. A. E., Phys. and Surg..7l MAXWELL. DR. W. E.. Phys. & 3urg 7.. McCARGAR. C A.. Stale Agent Bankers' Life Association 50" McCOY. NEWTON. Attorney-at-Law . McFADEN. MIS9 IDA E.. Stenographer MCGINN. HENKT E.. Attoraey-at-Law 211 McKELL. T. J.. Manufacturers' Represea tlve ,. MILLER. DR. HERBERT C. Dentist &-.Z Oral Surgeoa CC3 1 MOSPMAN. DR. E. P., Denttet... .812 3.3-1 MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. of New York. W. Goldman. Manager . 2:9 : McELROY, DR. J. a.. Pays. St Surg 701-7 : UcFARLAND. K. B. Secretary Columb.i Telephone Co .. McGUIRS. S. P.. Manager P. F. Collier, Publisher c. .4:5. McKIM. MAURICE. Attorney-at-Law. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO.. of New York; Wm. 3. Fond. State Mgr .404-tc: MUTUAL RESERVE FUND LIFE ASS'N M. T. Kady. Mgr. Pacific Northwest. . Cf.4 NICHOLAS, HORACE B.. Attorney-at Law KILES. M. L.. Cashier Manhattan Life I3. saraace Co.. of New York OREGON INFIRMARY OF OSTEOPATHY Dr. L. B. Smith. Osteopath...... . 4.3-4 OREGON CAMERA CLUB 214-213-2 " PBRNIN SHORTHAND SCHOOL. H. W Betake. Prte...... .. POND. WM. S.. State Manager Mutual U'e las. Co. of New York 404 403 PORTLAND EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY Around floor. 133 Sixth s PORTLAND PRESS CLUB ... PROTZMAN EUGENE C. Superintended Agencies Mutual Reserve Fund Life, of New York PUTNAM'S SONS. G. P.. Publishers . QUIMBY. L. P. W., Game and Forestry Warden 713." REED & MALCOLM. Opticians..! 33 Sixth sH RFED. F. C , FiMi Commissioner ... . RYAN. J. B. Attorney-at-law- .... bALI'BURY. OEO Nv Section Director r S. Weather Bureau SAMUEL. L.. Manager Eowttable Life SANDFORD. A. C CO.. Ptsbtlohers' Agts SCRIBNBR'S SONS. CHAS... Publishers Jewc Hoboon. Manager.... 515-5" 3 SHERWOOD. J. W Deputy Supreme Csm marnler. K. O. T M . SMITH. DR. L B. Osteopath 4 SON? OF THE AMERICAN REVOLrrrox STARK. K. C. Executive Special. F de 1 y Mntual Life Association of Phlla , Pa STARR COLE Fyrography 4a STEEL. G. A . Forest Inspector STUART. DELL. Attomey-at-Law ,613-C Sq 3TOLTE. DR. CHAS. E.. Dentist. . 7 4 SURGEON OF THE 3. P. RY. AND N P TERMINAL CO STROWBRIDGE. THOS H.. Executive Spe cial Agent Mutual Lire, or jew York . 41 tPERINTENDENT" OrriCE .... . r TUCKER. DR GEO F.. Dentist.. CI. U. S. WEATHER BUR E AH . . ftOfl-907 OfiS Oi U. 3. LIGHTHOUSE ENGINEERS 13TH DIST.. Captain W. C Langfltt. Corps ef Engineers. U s. A , ga U. . ENGINEER OFFICE, RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROr-ZMSNTS. Capuln W C. LaBgntt. corps or Engineers. USA WALKER. WILL H.. President Oregon Camera Crnb 214-213 2 ! 2 WATERMAN. C. H.. CaoMer Mutua. L of New York WATKINS. Mhw X. L.. Purohoelng Age"? WEATHKRRED. MRS. EYTH Grand Se. retary Native EteagMers " 8.- WHITE. MISS L. E.. Ast See. Oregon Cam era Club . . WILSON. DR. EDWARD M.. Phys. & Su WILSON DR. OEO F . Pays. & Surg - WILSON. OK. HOLTC.. Phys. lurg 5 7-38 WILSON & MCCALLAY TOBAr n r Richard Bnateod, Agent &2 1 wood. Da vr. l.. Physician. . 412 A.ii WILLAMETTE VALLEY T2LBFH. CO t A fcrr Mere elegant nfficen mrrr hail by Rfmlyinar to Portland Trn Company ef Oregea. lt Third at,. to the rent elerk la the halldliiflr, MEN NO CURE PAY THE M..-".. APPLIANCE A pci way to perfect ma- EverythmK Ue fail. The VACUUM TREAq MENT CURES you without med.i ne an nervous or diseases of the generate e 'rjtaitl men as tost manhood. exsHMMtlng drains - a cele. it potency, etc Men are ouicltly rttt tsS perfect tmmi iwtri itretnatti. Write far cfrrubMs. Correspondence 'cnlt.'H Hal TH WEALTH APPLIANCE 'O roon 17 -IS Sal Deposit tiu.lJiEtf. Seattle. Wasa. US! mnm Mm h 11 Mills ail1