Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 12, 1900, Image 1

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    OL. XL NO. 12,222.
lo Years.
rest Type.
Baltimore Rye.
Agents tor Oregon, Washington and Idaho.
American m European PUN: HSKSS? SSrv:::.::::S S SS
BuIIer's Attack Shawn Not to
Have Been a Feint.
Anxiety Regarding: tlie "Welfare of
Kimberley Changes Taking Place
Government Sharply Criticised.
In Bulk and Cases. For sale by
Is a meHntaiR.grewn Ceylon Tea of the highest excellence.
It Is clean-made, economical and refreshing. Costs no
mere than ordinary English Breakfast or Japan Teas and
will go twice as far.
88 Third St.
(p. Chamber of Commrrc:
$3.00 PER DAY
Special rates made te families an 41 atacle ce&tlemen. Tbe manasfe
seat mill be please at all times te shovr rooms and ctre prices. A mod.
Ira Terklah Unlh estnbllskmcBt In the hotel. H. C DOWERS. Manager.
ibrary Association oF Portland
Eetwtci Se e&li ssi fwj
24,000 volumes and over 200 periodicals
$5.00 a year or 51.50 a quarter
Two books allowed on all subscriptions
HOURS From 9rf A. M. to 9K P. M. dally, except Sundays and holiday.
.law sBk.
fiscs School Shoes, sizes 12 te
E2, values to $2.50, square or
narrow tees, at 75c
tlldren's Setae! Shoes, sizes 6
to II, values to $1.75, at... 75c
I have the only consultlng
roera In the city that was built
especially for fitting glasses. It
Is constructed to exact measure
ments and upon scientific prin
ciples. Everything Is convenient
for thorough, accurate work. If
you are Interested In your eyes 1
will test and examine them scien
tifically. My charges are reasonable.
Eye Specialist
LONDON, Feb. 12, 4:40 A. M. The lat
est dispatches from the front, showing the
real reasons for General Buller's retire
ment and his intention to try again, quite
destroy the comforting and Ingenious the
ory that the movement was an elaborate
feint to facilitate the main advance of
Lord Itoberts, a theory which obtained
acceptance largely because of Mr. Bal
four's misleading statement to parlia
ment These seemingly useless reticences
and prevarications on the part of the gov
ernment and the war office are beginning
to be criticised severely.
No word has yet issued from the war
office regarding General Buller's latest
attempt, although the correspondents tiro
allowed to telegraph with a fair amount
of freedom, and thus far only a partial
list of casualties has been published. The
dating of messages from Frere Camp may
indicate that General Buller has with
drawn all his forces there.
The London newspapers, having become
accustomed to checks, maintain a hope
ful tone, but the situation is much more
threatening than it seemed to be a week
ago. Proofs of the terrible strength and
mobility of the Boer artillery, together
with the rumor that General Joubert Is
taking the initiative with the object of
cutting General Buller's communications,
are in no way reassuring. Even the most
sanguine persons begin to see that it is
quite hopeless to expect the relief of
Ladysmith, while it is clear that, if it be
Impossible for Buller to reach Ladysmith
It is equally impossible for the garrison,
exhausted by sickness and privations to
cut a way out.
Reports of the Boer advance through
Zululand are disquieting. If they should
be able to strike at Greytown, General
Buller would be compelled to turn his at
tention to the eastern side of Natal. The
fact that Lord Roberts arrived at Modder
River Friday seems vto show that he has
been on a round of Inspection of the chief
commands, and that the main advance is
not so near as has been supposed.
Startling intelligence comes from Kim
berley In the Cape newspapers just re
ceived by mall In London. It appears that
since January 8 the rations at Kimberley
have been for the most' part horseflesh,
which is so repugnant to women and chil
dren that many refuse to eat it. It also
appears that the death rate has been
heavy, and that the privations of the gar
rison have been increasing steadily. This
news is startling because the censor haa
not allowed It to be cabled. Possibly such
conditions explain the presence of Lord
3&9t&!is MpddeLBiveiv atid the appar
ent praparsuowr tor arc
that point.
The mention In the dispatches of Lord
Roberts to the war office yesterday of
General Clements as commanding at
Rensberg, is Interpreted as showing that
General French with his cavalry has
gone to Join Lord Roberts, and that con
siderable changes in the distribution of
troops in that district have occurred. The
unexpected strength and activity of the
Boers at Rensberg, where they are rather
pressing the British than being pressed
by them, causes anxiety.
There Is no confirmation of the report
of a sortie from Ladysmith. The latest
dispatch from there, dated "Wednesday
last, reports that all was quiet then and
that Instructions had been Issued to be
ware of the possible approach of Boers
in the guise of a. British relief force.
Today sees the beginning of the fifth
month of the war. Charles "Williams, the
military expert, says:
"After all this interval, our fine big
army, Instead of being free to maneuver
in the field. Is tied by the left leg to Kim
berley, In order to please Cecil Rhodes,
and by the right leg to Ladysmith in order
to please Joseph Chamberlain. Yet, neith
er town has the very smallest military
Although the British will soon have 200,
000 men In South Africa, the Dally Mall
and other papers are still asking for more
The stoppage of shipments of gold and
diamonds resulted in exports from Cape
Colony last month valued at 251,182 as
against 2,312,114 In January of last year.
AVnr Office Advices.
LONDON, Feb. 11, midnight. The war
office has just Issued the following dis
patch, dated today, from the general
commanding at Cape Town:
"Clements reports from Rensberg that
on Friday, February 9, the Boers tried
to turn his right flank, but were beaten
off. Position maintained. Casualties small.
"Kimberley reports that the Boer fight
ing force was apparently increased on
Wednesday, February 7. Next day the
Boers commenced the construction of
trenches to the east, nearly parallel to
the Glacles and 400 yards from the Pre
mier mine. A native reported that he
accompanied some Boers who left Mafe
king for Kimberley, carrying with them
a six-inch gun and, a quick-firing field
gun. The former opened Are on Kim
berley. "Otherwise the situation Is unchanged."
effort to relieve Ladysmith, the whole
army, despite disappointments and re
treat, regards General Buller with sym
pathy and trust such as are seldom seen
even in fortunate circumstances.
"The security of Southern Natal is our
important consideration. The necessity
of obtaining control of Delagoa bay is
very apparent. The Ingress of foreigners
and war material is ceaseless. Surely a
settlement with Portugal would be only
a question of money."
Boers in Unexpected Numbers.
Spencer "Wilkinson in the Morning Post
today dwells upon the upon the evidence
of the unexpected activity and probable
number of Boers near Colesberg, where
they are not enclosed, but only half sur
rounded on the south. He points out
that the Boers' positions cover a front of
20 miles, and Infers that there must be
several thousand of the enemy on the
ground. He expresses the hope that the
rumor from Durban that a Boer force is
advancing in the hope of outflanking Gen
eral Buller Is correct, for he considers
that General Joubert would thus expose
himself to just the-sort of blow it is so
difficult to deliver atrainst the fortified
positions north of the Tugela.''
The Pietermaritzburg correspondent of
the Dally Mall, telegraphing yesterday,
"The Boers have occupied Bloy's farm,
south of the Tugela, which is under an
hour's ride from Cheveley, and havo
turned the homestead into a hospital. On
the farm are hills commanding both
bridges over the Tugela, as well as Forts
"Wylie and Molyneux, and from which a
view of Buluwana and Ladysmith Is ob
tainable. There is much apprehension
here regarding the Bob movement, and
the authorities are on the alert."
Sitnatlon in Australia.
The Daily Mail publishes the following
dispatch from Sydney, N. S. TV.:
"The news of General Buller's reverses
has caused a great sensation here. Car
dinal Moran, In a remarkable speech, has
adocated conscription In Australia, In
view of the possible complications. He
thnks it may soon become necessary to
defend Australia, and therefore regrets
the departure of the local troops."
Territorial Form of Government
Discusses Every Phase of Hawaiian
Situation United States Customs
Laws to Be Extended.
InniskillAngrs and Australians Were
in a Tight Place.
RENSBERG, Saturday, Feb. 10. The
Boers outflanked the British here yester
day. A considerable force of the enemy
was threatening the British communica
tions between Rensberg and Slingersfon
tein, 12 miles away, and, during a recon-
noisahce by some Innlsklllings and 20 Aus
tralians, from Sllngersfontein, the Boers
were discovered attempting to get a gun
In position to shell the British camp.
The Australians, having come Into very
close contact with the enemy, took cover
under a hill about 9000 yards from the
camp. Thereupon the Boers took up a
position with a view of preventing their
retirement. Some burghers got within 200
yards cf the Australians and called upon
them to surrender. They replied by fixing
bayonets and shouting defiance.
Sergeant Edwards and two men made
a dash, and, galloping under a hot fire,
passed a number of h'lls held by Boers,
took word that the Australians were safe
and confident of holding the enemy at bay
and of getting out after dark, which even
tually they did.
The Inniskilllngs prevented the enemy
AafrtmgjfnJreguns 1nposftlQnfl5heAus-?v
irauans lost one man Kinea and "threa
The convoys have been successfully got
ten to Sllngersfontein today, the British
escorts having had several brushes .with
parties of from 20 to 30 Boers Infesting the
region. L'eutenant-Colonel Page, with a
section of artillery and 150 horses, got one
large convoy through by shelling the
enemy out of the road. The Boers also
outflanked the British on the west, placed
a gun In position at Bastard's nek and
fired on one of the British outposts, driving
off 1000 sheep.
In "Wednesday's brush, two Australian
correspondents, Messrs. Samble and Sales,
who fell behind, were captured. The Brit
ish took two prisoners.
Isastcr in Tee Great Speed Chinese
Patnatrs in Trade.
.GO Fob. IL-Th greatest ones-
j2 our Urn fa whether the asebrnia-
he commercial force of China by
Rv'ld will he a quick or a alow aro-
, declared Benjamin I. Wheeler. ws-
f the university oC California, who
1 h-ough Chlewra tOOOl en Mk mar
I the process be speedy." he con
v? there fa likely to be a disastrous
.rbante but K It be natural and un
4 a peaceful adjustment will be lu-
iiwexore tke question, not so
' the Chinese as of China, la of
rmt urt importance to Americans
p pressure of ages has mode of the
ii $e postmasters In commerce. Their
Ik has been tram stnd as the commercial
lament of this country has been
rii!cmny that of metals they
orcmingty bca distanced. But lot
frm once acquire instruction from the
lten world tn the metal mrU. and they
r aiie, twin Cbsxr sains, to reve-
Houae the osmmaret e the glebe."
Will Be Presented by "Woman Whose
Husband Died in Prison.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Feb. 1L The
Times' special from "Wichita, Kan., says:
Mrs. Bdward Turner, of this city, has
taken the initial steps toward presenting
a claim against the republic of Mexico
for damages for the death of her husband.
Turner was. until three years ago. a rail
road engineer here. He went to the Mex
ican Central railroad, and. being in a
wreek In which three Mexicans wore
killed, was Imprisoned at Orizaba. He
could not get a hearing. It Is alleged, and
was transferred to Vera Cruz some time
ago. on account of ill health, and there
died the 38th of last month. Mrs. Turner's
letters from her husband arc said to con
tain evidence that he received very cruel
treatment at the hands of the Mexican
Inventor of Furnaces.
NSW TORK, Feb'. 1L Nathaniel A
Boyaton, the inventor of heating appara
tus, died last night, aged 77.
Buller's Purposes and His Miscalcu
, lations A Heavy Task.
LONDON, Feb. 12. Winston Churchill
sends from Frere Camp to the Morning
Post a long review of the situation. He
"General Buller always thought it im
possible to hold the triangle of Natal
north of the Tugela, but the initial mis
take was made owing to the miscalcula
tion of the Boer strength and the fact
millions' worth of stores had been collect
ed at Ladysmith. From the first he re
garded the relief of Ladysmith as a for
lorn hope. He did not feel justified in
ordering a subordinate to perform such
a doubtful task.
"The absence of good maps has cost
much blood. An attempt to thrust the
enemy back from Brakfonteln or Doorn
klool would have cost 3000 men, and since
at least two brigades must keep the door
open behind us, too few would have re
malned to force the way to Ladj smith.
Moreover General Buller remembers his
army is the only army for the defense of
the rest of. Natal. Therefore he decided
to withdraw and try elsewhere.
"Another fierce attempt will be made
to force the Tugela. Great Britain must
realize the ugly fact that the relief of
Ladysmith would strain an army of 50,000,
and that 169,99 men would not be too
many. The country therefore must be
prepared for a heavy loss, and perhaps
for disappointment.
"Remembering that considerations of
honor more than policy dernajil ceaseless
Enthusiastically Received and Com
pliments the Soldiers.
MODDER RIVER, Feb. 10 Lord Rob
erts is here. Upon appearing before the
troops on Friday he was enthusiastically
cheered. He visited the camp of the
Highland brigade this morning, and com
plimented General MacDonald and his
men on the steady conduct at Kooders
berg drift
The Highlanders returned last night.
Before retiring they found the bodies of
12 Boera. They believe the losses of the
enemy were heavier than those of the
British, because It is known that in ad
dition to the dead Boers found, several
had been burled.
Apparently the Boers have brought all
their big guns from Mafeking to shell
Kimberley. British naval guns shelled
Magersfontein today, but the Boer guns
were silent. It Is supposed that the en
emy have withdrawn their artillery. They
are blowing up the permanent way be
yond Moron siding. The Boers still man
their trenches, but their numbers are
apparently reduced. The bulk of their
force haa gone to Kimberley or toward
our flank.
British. Xewspnper Man Captured.
RENSBERG, Feb. 11. A picket of five
Victorian rifles, after holding a post for
some hours yesterday, was forced to re
tire, the Boers getting on a hill and firing
down upon thern Three were slightly
wounded, one is missing and one escaped
In Wednesday's brush two correspond
ents, Mr. Hales, of the London Dally
News, and Mr. Lambie, of the Melbourne
Age, fell behind. lr. Hales, who was
slightly wounded, was captured by the
Boers, and Mr. Lambie was killed. The
British took two prisoners.
Soudanese Disaffection Trivial.
CAIRO. Feb. 1L The official investiga
tions show that only a few Egyptian offi
cers, all of them young men, were in
volved in the trouble In the two Soudanese
battalions, whom they advised to obey the
order to give up cartridges. It seems that
the Implicated officers had become excited
over Anglophobe articles published by the
Llwa, which praised the Transvaal and
advised the Egyptians to take advantage
of British distractions in South Afrlca.
None of the senior officers Is in any
way Implicated. A court of Inquiry will
sit Immediately to Investigate the affair.
Bound for South Africa.
VANCOUVER, B. C, Feb. 1L Amid
scenes of much enthusiasm the Vancouver
contingent of the Strathcona rough riders
departed today for Calgary, where they
will join the remainder of the Western
troopers bound for South Africa.
Joubert to Outflank Buller.
DURBAN. Feb. 11. It is rumored here
that General Joubert Is marching with a
column of 6000 men to outflank General
All Quiet at Frere.
FRERE CAMP, Feb. 1L All Is quiet
here today. The British troops are rest
ing, and the Boers ore Inactive.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 11. Representative
W. S Knox, of Massachusetts, chairman
of the house committee on territories, has
completed his report on the bill for the
creation of the territorial form of govern- i
ment In Hawaii, and It will be submitted
to the house tomorrow. The report is a
very voluminous document, going ex
haustively into all the questions involved
and thoroughly covering every phase of
the bill, which the committee has agreed
upon, after many hearings and much In
vestigation. Chairman Knox says there Is Imperative
need of early enactment of an organic
act for Hawaii, as it has become apparent
that there is much doubt of the extent of
the power granted to the local govern
ment of Hawaii by the provisions of the
joint resolution of annexation, and In
many important respects there is some
thing like an Interregnum in Hawaii.
Many doubtful questions of -admiralty
and maritime jurisdiction htive arisen,
as well as of criminal procedure, render
ing it uncertain whether there Is now any
tribunal for the decision of important
questions affecting property and any ex
isting method by which criminals may be
indicted or legal juries empaneled for their
There Is also grave doubt concerning
the power of the Hawaiian government
to grant franchises for industrial and
commercial enterprises, or for railways
which have been projected. In many re
spects the business affairs of the terri
tory are brought to a standstill. Many
Americans have bought government land
since annexation on which they have built
residences and planted crops, but their
land titles are now in dispute, and cannot
be settled until the passage of this bill.
Meanwhile no Americans can settle In
Hawaii on homesteads or land to be
bought from the government, and a very
desirable class of citizens is thereby shut
out of this new territory. The local gov
ernment Is unable even to make public
roads over any part of the public domain
of Hawaii or carry out plans based on leg
islation prior to annexation for widening
and straightening the streets of Honolulu.
The presence In that city of the bubonic
plague is calling for drastic measures by
the Hawaiian authorities, involving the
expenditure of hundreds of thousands of
dollars. In order to provide for these ex
penditures and to pay for the destruction
of buildings, which have been burned in
the effort to suppress the pestilence. It is
proper and just that a territorial legisla
ture be provided for by congress with no
"131nce the adoption of the resolution of
annexation, large nuraoers or Japanese
contract laborers have been brought into
the Islands. Their number is uncertain,
but there are at least 17,000, and probably
more than 25,000; and delay in extending
the laws of the United States to the is
lands will be taken advantage of to in
crease their number.
Territorial Form Proposed.
The form, of government proposed by
the bill for the Hawaiian islands Is terri
torial In form, similar 'to that of the later
territories of the United States a gover
nor, a secretary, both appointed by the
president; a treasurer, an attorney-general,
a commissioner of public lands, a
commissioner of agriculture and forestry,
a superintendent of public works, a su
perintendent of public Instruction, an aud
itor and a deputy auditor, a surveyor and
a high sheriff appointed by the governor.
The legislature is provided, consisting
of a senate and house of representatives,
elected by the people. The territory is to
be represented by a delegate In congress.
The territory is to be made a judicial dis
trict of the United States, with a district
court. The judicial power of the terri
tory Is to be vested In a supreme court
and In superior courts, to be established
by the legislature.
The constitution and laws of the United
States locally applicable are to be ex
tended over the new territory, and the
laws of Hawaii, not Inconsistent with the
constitution and laws of the United States,
are to be continued In force. The territory
is to be made a. customs and revenue dis
trict, and will become subject to the tariff
laws of the United States.
Chairman Knox says It needs no argu
ment to convince that if it be possible to
give to the Hawaiian Islands a govern
ment like that of a United States terri
tory a government which has met the
approval of congress and the American
people since the constitution was adopt
ed and has proved itself adapted to the
needs of a free and progressive people It
Is desirable to do so. The American idea
of universal suffrage presupposes that the
body of citizens who are to exercise it in
a free and independent manner have, by
Inheritance or education, such knowledge
and appreciation of the responsibilities of
free suffrage and of a full participation in
the sovereignty of the country as to be
able to maintain a republican government.
1 Tried by this test, he says, the Hawaiian
people meet the requirements for the
government proposed.
The report discusses the population of
the Islands with a view to establishing
this proposition. Of the 109,020 inhabit
ants In 1895, 31,019 were Hawalians" 8485
part Hawallahs, 3086 Americans, 2250 Brit
ish, 1432 Germans, 101 French. 378 Norwe
gians, 15,180 Portuguese, 24,407 Japanese,
21,616 Chinese and 1055 of other nationali
ties. The report says there has doubtless
been some increase in the population since
1896 from American and European immi
gration, and a very considerable Increase
from the Importation of Japanese labor
ers since the passage of the annexation
resolution, which may be taken at 20,000,
so that the population of the Hawaiian
islands at present may be placed at more
than 130,000. Of this population the greater
portion are Asiatics Chinese and Japan
ese. With the passage of this bill, the
Chinese will be excluded and the Importa
tion of Japanese contract laborers prohib
ited. Neither the Chinese nor Japanese
have political power, and were
not eligible to citizenship under the re
public of Hawaii; neither could they ob
tain homestead rights The Chinese have
come to Hawaii intending to return to
their native land when possessed of what
to them Is a competence. The Japanese
largely have the same purpose.
The Portuguese will furnish a part of
the citizenship of Hawaii. They are or
derly, peaceable and generous people. The
free school, free church, free press and
manhood suffrage have marked their
progress. The government of the Islands
has shown the same progressive develop
ment. All the younger Hawallans speak,
read and write the English language.
But perhaps the chief consideration as
to the fitness of the Hawllan people for
a territorial government Is that the dom
inant class, both in politics and business.
Is American. The government and policy
of Hawaii will be shaped In accordance
with American ideals. Associated with
the Americans in Hawaii are the English
and Germans, and it seems certain that
the chief Hawaiian Immigration in the
future will be from America and Western
The persons who were citizens of the
republic of Hawaii, on August 12, 1S88 are
defined in article 17 of the constitution
of Hawaii, as follows:
"Article 17 All persons born or natu
ralized in the Hawaiian islands and sub
ject to the jurisdiction of the republic ara
citizens thereof."
This Includes all who were subjects un
der the monarchy, and all who became cit
izens of the republic
The bill proposes to strike out the dis
qualifications made under the republic per
manently to disfranchise many of the in
habitants, especially native supporters of
the monarchy. Biennial sessions of the
legislature are to be provided. The num
ber of representatives Is to be doubled, to
make it a more popular body. The total
authorized indebtedness Js to be limited to
7 per cent of the assessed valuation of
property of the islands.
The report says the amendment striking
out all property qualifications for electors
of senators was made on account of great
opposition made ta this provision, both
in the committee and by other represen
tatives. It appeared that such a qualifi
cation had heretofore existed in Hawaii,
and this fact had been salutary, and it is
hoped tha tthis amendment will not affect
unfavorably either the character of so
important a body as toe senate of Hawaii,
or evvr be the means of vicious legislation.
Albay Province Much Harassed
by Them.
Governor ainst Be a. Citizen.
The provision that the governor of the
territory of Hawaii shall be a citizen of
the territory was inserted for the reason
that it was deemed inadvisable that the
governor of a territory so remote, and
where conditions were so different from
those prevailing on the mainland, should
have a greater familiarity with the needs
of the territory he was to govern than
mere indefinite residence would assure.
The bill provides for continuing in force
of the existing land laws until congress
shall otherwise provide, but to meet ob
jections to the present land laws It Is pro
vided that all land transactions shall re
ceive the approval of the secretary of the
Interior, who may also reverse, modify,
suspend or annul any of said transactions.
The Teport says it Is wise and safe to
provide for the organization of the terri
torial courts of the territory of Hawaii
by substantially continuing them as now
existing under the republic of Hawaii.
The amendment depriving the legislature
of Hawaii of the power of impeaching the
chief justice and justice of the supreme
court was made on account of the change
In the method of their appointment, from
the goernor of the territory to the presi
dent of the United States, and it was
deemed unwise to give this power to remove
from office judges appointed by the presi
dent, and a further reason is that the
power of removal Is given to the president
by the bill.
Our Tnrlff for
Provision is made for the administration
of the revenue and tariff laws of the
United States, which are the laws govern
ing Hawaii, when the present bill shall
become a law. Tha extension of th mu.
ftomajaws Shu rlgufetfone, it th 13bH
states to the islands will be of great ad
vantage to the United States, In that it
will increase the production of goods im
ported from the Untted States Into Hawaii
as against foreign nations, and thus also
increase the amount of duties which will
be received, and which go to the United
States. The effect upon the products of
Hawaii imported Into the United States
is minimized by the reciprocity treaty be
tween Hawaii and the United States, ad
mitting free Into the United States a large
proportion of the products of Hawaii.
The amendment providing for striking
out the provision that the United States
should share In the cost of the mainte
nance of the leper settlement In the Island
of Molokal, the report says, was made
at the earnest request of the representa
tives of the Hawaiian government. With
the exception of the patients now at the
settlement, the disease has almost en
tirely disappeared. At this settlement
there are still about 1000 patients, who.
together with 300 or 400 assistants and
helpers, form a unique and remarkable
community. It Is deemed, by those who
are conversant with the facts, that It
would be a great misfortune to have
the settlement disturbed. An attempt has
been heretofore made to obtain the con
sent of the Hawaiian government to re
ceive certain lepers from, the pesthouse In
San Francisco. There was also a like
attempt made by tbe authorities In Samoa.
If the United States should bear the ex
pense, or a portion of the expense of
maintaining these settlements, it might
lead to the sending of lepers from other
parts of tho country to Molokal. The an
nual expense of maintaining the leper set
tlement Is $110,000.
The provision's granting American regis
try to vessels carrying the Hawaiian reg
ister, whether permanent or temporary, on
August 12, 1S98, together with certain par
ticularly enumerated vessels, would meet
tbe cases of certain vessels bought In good
faith and with the intention of Hawaiian
registry. They were very few In num
ber, and, in addition to those particularly
mentioned, there are five others which re
ceive the benefit of the provisions of this
The provision of a method in which the
Chinese now in Hawaii may obtain cer
tificates of residence is obviously to bring
the Chinese in Hawaii under the laws ol
the United States. The purpose of thlJ
section, and the general purpose of the bill,
wherever possible to make that purpose
effective, is that the annexation of the Ha
waiian islands may benefit and not Injure
American labor.
The annexation of the Hawaiian Islands
In the future will be a great advantage
to the United States, commercially, as it
already has been. The exports of the
United States to the Hawaian Islands fqr
11 months ending with November. 1887,
were $4,845,920; In 1898, $5 891.755; in 1899, $1,
206,157. The Imports for the same period
from the Hawaian islands into the United
States were: In 1887, $15,284,242; in 1888,
$16,455,171, and in 1899, $21,672,062.
The report says that whether it be true
as a general proposition that trade fol
lows the flag, certainly, In relation to Ha
waii, it may be truthfully said that trade
followed the flag.
Bubonic Plapue and Smallpoac Among
the Filipinos Operations efffceH
and Beacon in Iiiwen.
MANILA, Feb. 11, It MU-OC la
the insurgents In Albay ! Assoa,
have adopted harasems; tstteff agamst
the towns which tho Amerteaw baata gar
risoned. They camp In the httte aossD main
tain a constant Are upon the Asnecmaa
outposts. When the troops sny ast
them, they scatter, returning when tho
Americans retire.
They shoot burning arrows, ami have
thus burned a large port of tho town of
Albay. Indeed, most of the towns hi that
province are pracOcally deserted, except
by the garrison. Scarcely any of the
inhabitants return to their homos. They
are camping In the Interior, and It Is sup
posed armed Insurgents prevent them, go
ing back. It 1s reported that these fa
much suffering among' them, owing to teek
of food. As a result of these ceodHJoos,
the hemp business in that section fa seri
ously hindered, and snipe going for eav
goes are compelled to take gangs of ess Woo
to do their loading. Hemp hold fa the
Interior is quite inaccessible.
Colonel Bell will take two regtmenes and
a battery through the provinces of 3forth
Camarlnes and South CaramxhMs, going
there on transports. Many Insurgents re
treated to that part of the Island from
Cavlte and Batangas provinces. Another
expedition will soon start to garrison
towns along the north coast of the famad
of Mindanao.
Guerrilla warfare continues south of
Manila. Two attempts havs been made to
ambush the Americans. Colonel Schwaa.
while returning to Njanfla. with his atmtl
and an escort of M0 cavalry from Batan
gas. was attacked by the insurgents. The
latter were dispersed, but the Asnerfaans
had five wounded.
Lieutenant-Colonel Beacon, with six
companies of the Forty-second infantry,
had a two hours fight with General Vie
del Pilar's command, which attempted
to ambush the Americans along the toafl
through Moreng province, near the toko.
Here, also, the insurgents were disperses,
but the Americans had several wounded,
among them a capta.n.
General Bell fa operating southward
through Zambales province with a amaX
Another expedition te proceeding north
ward from Subig. It fa reported that the
insurgent general. Alejandro, has recov
ered from his wound and has aosomMed
a large force in that district.
The plague continues. Sight eases wore
reported last week among the natives and
Chinese. There is no excitement, however,
and business and social ltfe are mmfe
turbed. Smallpox fa prevalent among the nasfssa
along tbe railroad and hr tho towns on
ease, and another officer and several sol
diers have been stricken.
Complaint of a Chaplain Returned
From the Philippines.
-WASHINGTON, Feb. ll.-Captaln Frank
M. Wells, chaplain of the First reg ment
of volunteers, who has just returned from
the Philippine Islands, spoke In GwrfteM
Memorial church today under tbe auopfess
of the W. C. T. U.. on the liquor ques
tion In the Philippine Islands. He de
clared that since the Americans took Ma
nila 400 places where liquor te sol' had
.sprung up in Manila, while, before the
Americans came to tbe islands. Manila,
had only three saloons. The Filipinos,
he asserted, spoke well of the American.
soldiers, save that they said the Ameri
cans "were bad people" when they bad
arunK too much liquor. Whisky, he said,
was sold in the barracks at Ho lie, not
over 15 feet from his headquarters, until
he put an end to It by complaints to the
colonel and provost marsha'. The trans
port Indiana, on which he returned to the
United States, he characterised as a
"whisky transport." and he Mild that ho
had unsuccessfully attempted to have the.
sale of liquor on the transports stopped
while in the Philippines.
Survey Completed by the Nero Its
General Course.
SAN FRANCISCO, Fob. 11. The survey
for a cable acrese the Pacific has been
finished, all soundings have been made and
the results have been mapped out, although
they will not be given out until trans
mitted to Washington. The proposed route
of the cable, however, as shown by the trip
of tho survey steamer Nero, which ar
rived here today, Is no secret The Nero
soiled from this port on April 2S fast, going
to Honolulu. She left the latter port
May 6, and steamed 1100 miles to the Mid
way Island. From there she traveled 288
miles to Guam, then to Manila. She went
to Yokohama, for coal, and took soundings
from that port back to Guam. Soiling
from Guam on November W, she arrived
off Honolulu January 29. No landing waa
made at the Infected port. She was out
from Guam 98 days.
Profrress Asalnst Yucatnn Indians.
AUSTIN. Tex.. Feb. 11. A dispatch from
Oaxaca, Mex., says that General Bravo Is
making good progress In his campaign
against the Maya Indjans In Yucatan Sev
eral engagements between the govern
ment troops and the Indians have taken
place during the last two weeks, and the
Maya losses arc reported to have been
The mosquito fleet of gunboats which
was sent up the Ballsee and Hondo rivers
has been of little use, owing to the fact
that the Indians have kept some distance
from shore. Several small villages along
these rivers have been destroyed by the
gunboat crews and marines.
It Is charged by Mexican army officials
engaged In this campaign that the Mayas
are constantly receiving valuable aid from
the residents of British Honduras.
Return of tbe Slam.
transport Slam, which Joet 341 moms out
of a cargo of 380, on her hurt voyage to
Manila, arrived today from that port. She
was In two typhoons on the outward voy
age, during which tho animate were kilted.
Captain Ralslch resigned his command at
Manila, and Captain "Valentino woo sent
out from Australia to bring the vessel
back to San Francisco. The Stem fa la
Funeral of Captain Stewart.
PUEBLO, Colo., Feb. 1L With all tho
honors that state and city. Grand Army
veterans, sohnera of the Spanish war.
Masonic bodies and citizens could giro, the
body of Captain J. S. Stewart, of company
f A, First Colorado volunteers, was laid to
rest in Rlverview cemetery this afternoon.
Captain Stewart was killed tn tho Maei
quina valley, near Manila, March 28 last,
while leading his company hi a eharga
against a Filipino position.
Blizzard in Colorado.
DENVER, Feb. 11. A bliszard fa sweep
ing over Colorado. The central and north
ern portions of the state ars in tho threes
of tbe storm whieh Is gradually moving
southward. Snow has been fatting hi
the mountains nearly all day, with so
prospect of immediate abatement. As
yet railroad traffic has not boon aSeeted
to any great extent, but & conttouanoe of
the storm will seriously interfere with It
Reports from Southern Wyoming and
Western Nebraska ara te the offset taat
a bMzzard has been raging is that vleto
ity today and is continuing.