.1" -w 'HE MOKNING OKEGONI'AN; SATURDAY, JAHUAEY 27, 1300. 9 CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Blooms, -Konr ana Beard." ""Housekfer- Rooms,' ""Situations Wanted." 15 words or 15 ceaU; 10 to 20 -words, 20 cents: 21 to 25 3rtts, 25 cents, etc No discount for additional Bsertions. 7NDER ALL OTHER HEADS except "New ay. SO cents for 15 words or less; 10 to 20 ds, 40 cents, 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc st Insertion. Each additional insertion, one lf no further discount undergone month. "SEW TODAT" (cause measure agate), 15 n(8 per line, first Insertion; 10 cents per line :ach additional Insertion. IA2CSWERS TO .ADVERTISEMENTS, ad- lessed care The Oregonian and left' at this of- ehould always be Inclosed In sealed envei- No stamp Is required on such letters. ae Oregonian will not be responsible forer- .n advertisements taken through the tele ftone. MEETI5G NOTICES. "Avrrr.T fw&TTTr.w. xo. 27. O. E. S. A itpd communication this (Saturday) evening 7 SO o clock. In Huts nan. upper aioim. order W M. Nellie mcjvlmj.. iec ?wnvn -rrT?r TtvTTnTJlCA'X CLIB.- nrr.Kona nit .Via Cuunii) TParyl "RntlbHcan ClUh Be hereby notified that a Bpeclal meeting -will held this rsaturdaj.) ems at o cioch, - iptmwh ill T7h and Marshall sts.. to elect flegates to the State League of Republican auto to be held Feb. C JOHN-W. PADDOCK. Jfres. Utest L. Q. SWETEAND. Ser. rOODMEN. ATTENTION! AH members of febfoot Camp. No. C5. W. . W-. are re setted to attend tne runerai oi our aic im- tr Timothy Ford, from Woodmen s nau. on inrtpi -Tut. "8 at 1ft A. M. All eiStCT camDS kd c fries and ilsiting members arc cordially .tod to participate. N. J. TAYLOR. C. C. SA L. riNLET, Clerk. BORN. IlLSON-Jan. 2. at '10 A. M.. to the -wife of E. Wilson, a boy. San Luis uoispo, -ai.. lapers please copy. DIED. ,. . RLEY Jan. 25. 1900. William Otto. Infant :n of Albert and Maggie Burley. at their residence, at Woodlawn, aged 1 years, 1G Says. RRELL t his residence in Oberlln. O . Jen. 25. 1900. Jabez Lyman Burrell. in his H i year, father of the late M. S. Burrell. of Ift.s city. :DWARD HOLM AN. CxuSertntrr. 4th lid Ysmhttl sts. Renn Stlncon. lady sslatsnt. BotU pliones No. COT. U. P. FINLEY & SON. Undertaliera. tdr Aeeistant. 275 TMrd t, Tel. ii. S. BrNNING, TJudectalcer. 41 East Icr. Lady Assistant, liotn piioncs. NEW TODAY. WAYS UNDER! EGGS, EGGS, 2 DOZEN. 3r. Rock Candy sirup. 3-gallon pall. 45c V.l goods retailed at wholesale prices. La jrand" Creamers' Co. I'LL-WEIGHT OREGON CREAMERY BUT er 45c. 50c, 55c and 00c. dairy butter, 35c una 40c, ccuntrj' nutter, 30c, zz floz. eggs, jc i cjock retailed at wnoiesaie prices. La Irantlc I'reamerj'. 264 Tamhiil. A.N THEY GO' ,Tbe bottom is out' Eggs, cges 2 doz. for 23c LA GRANDE CREAMERY, 264 Yamhill st. PR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER T.'kcys. corn fed. per pound...... lTHc jt.ckers. each .....,.U....,....25c to 50c Geese, larce. fat. each.. ...v. 75c to-Sl Eggs. Oregon .per dozen.. .... 17c 1 1 icesc, iuh cream, per pound loc Crackers, fresh sodas. rer nound lie iHuna, any size, per pound...,. ...12c 1 We hbe Just received 100 boxes of Roeue I'er apples free from worms, which go to- ;nj at f j xa si.vz boa This Is less than l hr lesale prices. FAXTIFIC MARKET & GROCERY CO., Wholesale Commission. 149 First Rt. j Phone Grant 761. JE TONTINE LIFE INS. PRTJfnrpr.T: 4P. Hied to San ings has Yielded Conner cent -nroflt o persistent members. $1.25 per week for 60 sretKs. i-acinc coast investment Co., 513 Chamber Of Commerce. Portland, Or. bwiTT DIAMOND HARD-WHEAT FLOUR. per sack 7 -more loaves of bread than in i ,m,1 T- !.... mt.t . . f nd vet-i lover of good bread should try this v in nin-y iiuur. JOI9 IS a. Olg cut, 1 bdit i-sa u-n:ra st. GO, TAPIOCA, SPLIT PEAS. PE RL BAR rv crrnstarch, gloss starch and -dried jrreen leae;, or per pound. At McKlnnon Grocery ?n imni t INTTUY DICTIONARY, ON SALE OLD akstore TamhlUst.. between 1st and 2d. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. IR SALE LOT AND 5-ROOM HOUSE: HOT lad cold water, sewer connection, complete: fjou t- nooo cash oown, the balance on in- Jimcnts or Jong time. Adcrccs B 2. care ircgonlan. PDERN 9-ROOM HOUSE. WITH 1 ACRE IN t, near Mount Tabor line, close in; easy "ins, SZSO0 D. WT. Hoelblnc. 250 Ptark st. EOICE 50x100 IN BRAINERD ADDITION AlOina lor 5100; Is -within walking distance car sheps. N 61, care Oregonian. B Chlpman, farms, stoclt ranches, timber faitns. city propertj. business chances. 114 rirst. B5P LOT ON GLTSAN ST . -NEAR 23D. Curt roon 7 Sherlock bujjoinc. ' FOR RENT FARMS. R RENT 12 ACRES NEAR VANCOUVER, . asn , -room nouse. jjarn, cnicicen-nouses rent, Sioo 3 early. See Justice Elwell Sanccuer, UEBh. RENT OR SALE SO ACRES. UNDER lta'iTi, -45 miles .from La Camas, Wash. -tueraeia, Vancouver, wash. FOR SALE FAR.5IS. )CK AND FRUIT RANCH OF 879 ACRES ir sale, well watered, good soil; 30 acres paring orcrara, only two miles from Oak pd, Douglas county. Or.; low price and easy trms. Aprly tilrectlv to the Pacific Mutual llle Insurance Company. San Franclaco. CaU PROVED FARMS TOR SALE IN ALL ferts of Oregon and Washington; payment lade to suit purchasers, Ftr fud nartlculara to various properties, apply to Macniaater B.rre.1. 311 Worcester block. ?ROVED FARM. 160 ACRES, 10 -MILES am t-crtiana. mile from railroad; 20 us m mps. urawer 17. Portland. SALE OR EEKT-10-APRP. VATiM n'R lle west or Albany, New house. Gall or ad- . w. jJurKnart. Albany. Or. SALE A FARM SITUATED IN THE l-art f the Willamette Valley, on S. P. R. R. 01 care oregonian. , arres, 2O0cu!tlated. 100 good Umber; 16 M. 1 n ruiiuaa, near . a.; S30 acre. JEHJ rarh. B. oniiPFON & po. in nr-wirc tki- t. within 3fr miles clts CIS Mamouam. FOR SALE-MISCELXiAAEOUS. 1GAINS IN SEVfRST. firmvn.wAwn fid fSilcn'ly Used dnnoa 1h troil.- o. Trii- lanQ House Whitney $218, Stelnwary 165. kicker Brothers S2fio. k-1tti.o1i toie e4,.. 85 Jtsrlngw &. Sen S?M. T? wc,. bother S05, Haroman $1S5. Cable ?15o. -Terms fSc?L.2 fi2.wn aaa i?' ?8 or M monthly. .-..o. -. utiKcea v asamgton ana Strk. lam'e Microbe KJIler iwi1vp1p ., ji-i.. lerta. All throat troubles, blood and skin da ises, rheumatism, cancer, catarrh, also cures I grippe, cUds and lune troiihto -oii oan. lorrtson for descriptive pamphlet and sample. VINO MACHLNES 20 SECONDHAND iZTZ Jil;lv- . .: a'E. 335 Wash ton st . -under Imperial hotel. E FOR SALE 24ft vtttt- i to be delivered March 1, 1900. In aer- usii auu i-upuiugn. oregon Land & ln- fient -.o., sorest Groe. Or. AE A BEAUTIFTL ORIENTAL RUBY. ftrn blood. 1 icarat, cost $!Q0; -will ten eap for cash. Address box 903, postoffice P hEWRlTERS. ALL MAKES. RENTED AND .. cjjcj. ypu.iiis. uniee supplies, etc. sninciiam's. 266 Stalk. Both phonesT SCRE AT MOUNT SCOTT. ABOUT 200 19 wood tn tree, 2 miles from car line; Auuica is w., i-jre wregpnian. P'l LOCATION FOR HARDWARE ttv o y ani other store, rente and .tork. in-l Iwn rriees. J S. B . station B. JER LND 1000 ACRES DOUGLAS vrn- rv ihoice aa to quality and location. Ad- u. ua, care vregnman. e dairy. 40-can capacity, s-miles m j-ortiana, ior saie; gooa opportunity. W are Oreconlan, FOR SALE MISCELLAXEOUS. FOR SALE-rJdILK ROUTE,. NINE COWS, complete outfit; house for rent; city, D 55, care Oregonian. FOR SALE FINEST COLLECTION INDIAN baskets In the city. Address W 01, care Ore gonlan. FRESH MILCH COWS FOR SALE. AT MON ner'e, en Gales creek. .Address Forest Grove, thv . ' SAFES. SAFES, BANK WORK. LOCK DBP'T. opening lockouts, repairs. J. E. Davis, 68 3d. fS FOR A .NEW GAS COOKER; $2 CASH, balance 52 per month. Gas Cc. 17 Fifth at. Upright piano. S125; cost $400; one, ?40; one $30; organ $35. Upstairs. 104 1st. Mrs. Martin. Magic lanterns, new. second-hand, moving pic tures. Bullard & Breck. 181 Post, San Fran. SOLID GOLD RINGS. GUARANTEED. ONLY $1 each, at Uncle Myers. 143 3d, near Alder. BOX COUCHES. WORTH $7 AND S25. AT $3.50 ami $10; only one month. At 390 Sixth. 75 rigs, new and second-hand: 500 sets harness. 103 saddles; must be sold. 211 Washington. 15-TON X-OCOMOTTVE. GOOD RUNNING OR der, cheap. John Poole, foot of Morrison. GRAND RONDE INDIAN SHOPPING BAS kets. Res., 121 13th. cor. Washington. MANDOLINS. $2,50; GUITARS. $5 EACH. Uncle Myers. 143 Third, near Alder. AT TWO FINE. FRESH MILCH COWS sale; very gentle. At 24S Front Bt. FOR GENTLE PONY FOR SALE; SUITABLE FOR riding or driving. 628 Jefferson eU Pianos. SHERMAN, CLAY & CO.. ROOMS 10 AND 17 Russel building, cor. Fourth and Morrison. Stemway & Sons. A. B. Chase and Emerson pianos, A. B. Chase and W. W. Putnam or gans. Cash or installments. Gramophones and Reglna music boxes. FRANK L. FINDLAY. EXPERT TUNER. AT 131 6th st,, Oregonian bldg. Phone Main 010. SOULE BROS.. EXPERT TUNERS. 107 FIRST at. Phones. Eilers Piano House. HELP WANTED 3IALE. LIFE INSURANCE MAN, EXPERIENCED and competent, wanted for Important district agency Mutual Life of New York; roust have bona fide record for writing- $100,000 to S3Q0, 00; bond required; liberal commissions and office allowanc. William S. Pond. State Man ager. Oregonian building. Portland. Or. MEN-OURJLLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Ex plains how we teach barber trade 'In eight weeks, furnish positions at ?60 monthly; pre--sent outfit of tools, allow applicants to earn, tuition, and make special Inducements fo those from distance: mailed free. Moler Barber College. San Francisco, Cal. SALESMAN WE WANT A TRAVELING MAN to represent our line of mechanical rubber goods on commission, either exclusively or aa side line. Man familiar with business pre ferred. Satisfactory results guaranteed to proper party. Address Hose, box 1592, Phila delphia, Pa. 4 FALLERS AND BUCKERS, 50c PER M.; 20 teams, $4. pass; R. R. teamsters and la borers, 51.75, pass; farm hands; woodchop pers; other work. Canadian Emp. Agency, 226ia Morrison. YOUNG MAN TO TRAVEL; BEGIN JAN. 15; permanent position and good salary; will re quire about $25 capital to qualify nlmsolf for business. Address Q 53. care Oreconlan. ENGINEERS AND FIREMEN, SEND 10c FOR 21-page pamphlet, containing list of questions asked by examining boanS- of engineers. Geo. A. Zeller, Bookseller, St Louie, Mo. MenUbtf this paper. r -t SALESMEN TO SELL OFFICE SPECLS.L ties. Fine side lines. Used by all njerchanis. Catalogue free Model Mfg. Co., South Bend.. Ind. WOODCHOPPERS. 75c; BARKERS; SHIN-gle-bolt cutters: 75 tie cutters (10c); cook for E. Ore. ?40 (refces). R. G. Drake, 152 First. ALL KINDS OF WORK .ON HAND DOMES t!ct by the day. on farms, etc. Japanese Laborers' Home, 43 N. -Jth. Or. tel. "Black. fi2. WANTED-YOUNG MAN7 FAMILIAR" WITH stenographic and office work; references re quired. Address D 61, care Oregonian. WANTED 20 CONDUCTORS AND 50 BRAKE- men. Bring clearances or references to room juen. unng clearance 105 St. Charles hotel. TfK Gf P1...1.. 1...1 Worklngman's Barber Shop; haircut 15c. shave 10c; 6 chairs. Ed Dennlson. 205 Morrison st. WANTED-300 MEN TO fllT, THE BEST 5e sfijivenfl lOe-lialrcut. at 27 North rsecond. HELP IVAltfTED FEMALE. MRS. PORTER. OF THE PACIFIC EMPLOY ment office. Is now matron, .of, the Home for Unemployed, at 305 Third streetT will be be pleased 'to have all orders'sent there. Ore gon phone Red 1581; Columbia, 170. TLLONirS PREVENTATIVE CONES THE greatest of all antiseptics, sent sealed, per "box, $1 70j; send 10c f or'sample and particulars. Blond Cfaem. Co.1. Portland, d"r. 'P. O.x'i. ORDER YOUR HELP FROM THE YOLUN teera of America Free Employment Agency, 24 North Second st. Portland. Oregon tele phone Hood 762. Grant McKay, Manager. WANTED TWO COMPETENT GIRLS. ONE for general houseworks one as nurse; sisters or friends preferred. 235 Stout st. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL OR WOM an for genera) "housework., Apply, before 1 o'clock, 291 Seventh jgtt NO END OF POSITIONS. CALtA EVERY' body. Canadian Emp. Agency, 226 Morrison, FIRST-CLASS WOMAN COOK; TWO FAM lly; no washing; $20. 433 East 15tU north. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply afternoon 607 Irvlnsr St. GJRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; MUST understand cooking. 690 Flanders st. A NEAT YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH general housework. 168 13th st. HELP WANTED-MALE OR KEMALE. TEN ORGANIZERS. LADIES OR GENTLE men, for the test fraternal order; salary and commission; to parties with ability. Address 25 Ledger, Taeoma, Wash. SITUATXOX WAATED-MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks, situation Wanted with an imple- ment house, as "salesman; la touch with the1 largest and best farmers In Eastern Washing ton. Address J 05, care Oregonian. P6SITION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN: Ac curate and rapid in figures, tair penman; good references. Address L 65, care Orego niau. Miscellaneous. YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION AS JANI tor; has had experience, balls preferred. Call room 40 Logan bulldlrg, Union ae., between 0.30 and S:30 P. M.. or write V 61, care Ore tnlan. MAN, WITH CRIPPLED FOOT. WANTS TO run elevator, fold circulars, write addresses, or do anything within his power for small wagea Address V 65. care Oregonian. YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK ON DAIRY farm, or wjl do chores for some city family, for good home; references furnished. Address Richard, room 126 Hotel Brewster. . JAPANESE WANTS PLACE TO' DO COOKING In a. family, cr any kind work In a boardlng lioue or hotel; good reference. Xlshl, 209 Couch rt., city, A BOY TROM COUNTRY WISHES PLACE TO work mornings and evening, tor his board, and attend business college. E W, care Ore-' gonian. WORK WANTED FOR R. R. LABORERS, hotel, and other cooks, waiters, farm hands, anybody. R. G. Drake, removed to 152 First Phones. SITUATION, BY A YOUNG JAPANESE BOY, wanted, general housework or help cooking. K 63, care Oregonian. YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK IN HOTEL OR restaurant; wages no object. Address W 2, care Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED B GOOD JAPANnSK cook, for family cr boarding-house. F 4, care Oregonian. JAPANESE BOY WANTS PLAIN COOKING and housework, or any work. Naka, care Ore gonlan. SITUATION TVASTEBTFEalALE. Domestics. WANTED. BY 100 GIRLS. WORK OF ALL kinds. Sare vs time and car fare by tele phoning your order to the Canadian Emp. Agency. 226 Morrison rt. We are waiting in their parloss. SITUATION WANTED BY A COMPETENT second girl or general housework. 324 Grand ave. -north. SITUATION WAXTED TTEMALEv MtceliRneou. MIDDLE-AGED LADY WANTS PLACE AS housekeeper or "nurse for husband and wife or Widower with one or two children. Osborn hotel. East Ash and Grand ae. TOTJNG GIRL WANTS PLACE TO WORK for her "board and attend university. Inquire Portland university-.- . Ti . ORDER. FREE, WHITE OR'CHINE,SE, ETC., help of R. G. Drake. 152 rtret. Both phones. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED 100.000 AGENTS WANT e&at once, to sell Life and Work of Dwight L. Moody, official and authentic edition. Writ ten by his m, Wm. R. Moody and Ira D. Sankey. Liberal terms, freight paid, credit given. Outfit free. Write today P. W. Ziegler & Co., 324 Dearborn st., Chicago, HI. 'AGENTS ON SALARY OR COMMISSION: THE greatest agent's seller ever produced ;, every urer of pen and Ink buvs It on sight: 200 to 50Q Per cent profit; one agent's sales amounted to $620 in six dajs: another $32 In tvo hours. Monroe Mfs. Co.. X 44, Ea Crosse, Wis. GOOD CONTRACT AND TERRITORY; WAS.H Ington, Oregon and California, to good. men; write life, sick, accident insurance and ap point agents. Royal Brotherhood of America, Des Moines, Iowa. WANTED-GENTEJeMEN AGENTS FOR A gentleman's book; "big money to right man. Particulars free. Geo. C. Lawrence, box 452. St. Paul, Minn. WANTED MERCHANTS OR SALESMEN TO sell our new gasoline lamps. Columbian Gas Lamp Co., Portland. Agents make big money with cur line. Write for particulars. Great Northern Woolen Mills. Chicago. Economy Gas Lamp Co. light J5 hours 5 cts. Agents -wanted. H. W. Manning; Agt.. 43 3d. WANTED TO RENT. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. JN PRIVATE, family., by couple; no children. Address box" !50. city. W WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED A LOAN OF 2500 FOR 90 DAYS; will Day liberal bonus and irlve irilt-edce security; -will have nothing to do with any nut stra:gntronvara. Honest parties; "no sharks." Anewer, box 903, postoffice. WANTED GOOD WORK HORSE: SPOT cash; -must be reasonable. Address W 65. care Oregonian. W ANTED A 3 OR 4 HORSE-POWER GASOv nne engincror casn. 3H7 entpn st. FINANCIAL. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON FURNI ture, pianos, salaries, etc Can be paid in installments, reducing interest. Hates lower than the lowest. F- W. Graves. Mgr., 2S3 Alder, near 4th, ground floor. Tel. Green 444. $200,000 TO LOAN AT 5, 6, 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property tor sale and rent. Agent for Westchester Fire Insurance Co. Wnx G. Beck, 821 Morrison st. MONET TO LON IN SUMS FROM $25 TO 500, on atl classes of security. R. I. Ecker son & Co., room 3 Washington building. MONEY LOANED on suburban real estate, or good security Of all kinds; In sums to suit. W. H. Nunn. 311 Macleay bid. Phone Main 622. ONE TQ FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS TO loan: realty security; 7 per cent. 220 Ablrg ton building. k MONEY5 TO LOAN", I0per ceittfarm Or. cltyJ property. 0.M,'Smithy-S14 Ch.of Gommerqc. MONEY TQ LOAN. HARTMAN. THOMPSON & POWERS, 3 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN on anysood security; strict ly private. Call "Mann." 604 Dekum building. MONEY TO LOAN on furniture or good- securi ties. S. W. King, room 45 Washington bldg. LOANS on xeaL personal, chattel or ealary -security. C W.Pallett SIS Commercial-bldckv"'' .-; I.. T a rr-r r-. . -ryttrr" VRITE ME; I'll loan you money on-your furnW ture, prlately; low rate. S 43, Oregon lar Money loaned on chattels and real property, rea sonable. 612 Commercial bldg., 2d and Wash. CHATTEL LOANS ON GOOD SECURITY; low rates; private toarty. 310 Alisky building. Loans mi blcjcles, pianos and personal proper ty. W. A. Hathaway, Tcom 10 Wash.bldg. State funds "loaned at'6-per cen.t. W-E-. Thomas, State Agt. for Mult. Co., 400 Chamber of Com. LOST AND J?Ol(ND. FOUND BOAT: JAN. 18, IS00. OWNER'CAliL in 10 -dajs, or sold cost. Fainted red n, bot tom, white sides, yellow on tpp; found, oar lock; pair oars, painted, blue, white; is feet long. 4 feet wide, IS inches high. FS Oreewi wald, 20th. and Vaughn sfe -lt. PLEASE RETURN tEtlWPESi'i SU da- P. IS., to room 3 Chamber of Commence, John O. Thomas. . LOST A YOUNG SHEPHERD FEMALE dbg, 8 months old; light iellow, dark naie, ears erect; name "Batsey." Return 140 Front. Reward.. LOaT GREAT DANE PUP, ABOUT- 7 months old; color fawn, "ears cropped; had on erap collar. Return to IDS King st., and re ceive reward. , - - .. , , FOUNDIN CARS (fa MONTGOMERY"1 "BT- pair ee-glassgs. Owner ncah have eame by calling at Oreg-onlau office and paying for thlB "ad." FOR RENT. x Rooms. THE SPALDING. S. E. COR. .PARK AND Alder sts.. under the management of the owner, Helen F. Spaldtns-hA most com pie to apartment - house in tSt Northwest," choice rooms, for gentlemen or gentleman and wife; furnished housekeeping suites a specialty. .- THE PLEASANTON, 2S8!-i THERD ST. FINE mrmsneu rooma, en suite, single or House keeping; sunlight in all rooms; ba.th included; moat reasbna'ble terms; transient sollcte!. THE NEWCASTLE, 6. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison ets. Rooms furnished or unfur nished; all modern conveniences; references. THE GILBERT LARGE, WELL-FURNISHED ,raom3; all modern conveniences. Th.rd and" Taylor-su. entrance. 267 Taylor. CHOICE FURNISHED, OR UNFURNISHED. flats, modern, Tiath; ho children. Janitor, 23a nan 1., near aecona. TO GENTLEMAN: GOOD ROOMS, WELL furnished; -gas and bath; quiet private family. 4 Washington fct. THE QUINCY BLOCK ELEGANT ROOMS; modern conveniences. J E. Mmard Black, prop. 34514 First, THE MONNASTES-SINGLE ROOMS. .$1 A week and up; respectable houfee. 2S5 First, cor. Jefferson. GILMA HOTEL-Brick bldg., cantralr fur nished rooms, 51 week and up. let and Alder. MiS'iM; SVOLD, 221 MORRISON ST. isiceiy inrnished' rooms; rent reasonable. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR rent; cheap to gentleman. 170 13th st. 166 10TH ST.-NISELY FURNISHED FRONT room; heat, gas, bath, running water. PLAZA HOTEL. 207 THIRD-ROOMS. 25c TO 31 Per night; 51.50 to 5 per week. Rooms "With Board. TS?VJfiDPSS FAMtLY HOTEL -ELE-SSiSS T003' IncI""fiir efcam heat and -batha without extra charge; the table is the exy best; prices for room and board, SI a 2l' ??ft WaS?; flfat-cla trade -solicited. Cor. 13th. and Alder sto. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 12TII YEAR rooms with board: enameled bath tubs; us of library: Woman's Exchange; Induitrlal school. Addrete Mrs. -E. C. V!eorae."BUcerin tendent. 610 Flanders street. WANTED ONE OR TWO ROOMS. WITH! board, for mother and daughter; East Sid preferred; references. C 2. care Oregon Ian PLEASANT ROOM. WITH BOARD. IN PRI vate family; home privileges; terms reason-' able; references. 440 Sixth, ot. PLEASANT ROOM, WITH BOARD. IN PRI vctp famllj; terms reasonable. Address .1 63. Oregonian. 174 FOURTH ST. TWO 'ROOMS. WITH GOOD board: opposite City Hall; terms reasonable, NICELY FURNISHED. SUNNY ROOM, WITH hoard. 141 Wert Park. Uouxeice- iit Rooms. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent, to adults, good location. Ad drecs W C. tare Oregonian. THREE CONNECTING HOUSEKEEPING rooms, very convenient, at 205 11th ct., near" xujjvr. ' 'wfl ifouKoUeeplne Hdosm.- 372 FIRST ST. TWO NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with sink; "very reason able. 413 MAIN. COR. 11TH FINELY FURNISHED parlor and kitchen: telephone, bath; no chil dren. 3SS JEFFERSON Jurnish?d flat! 4 rooms; 3 unfurnished rooms; other ooms; references, FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FOR HOUSE keeplrg; references. 335 Clay. 3-ROOM FLAT. WITH BATH. IN THE SEVIL Ia. Inquire 210 Thirds. Hotimcs, FOR RENT CORNER HOUSE, 17TH AND Johnson, with all modern improemenfa; .0 room, inquire of 'A. B. Sielnbach. Fourth ru Morton. PART OF PRIVATE HOUSE, o OR 7 ROOMS, entirely separate, to responsible people; ref erences exchanged. 168 i3th. st. 2J4 14TH. NEAR JEFFERSON FINE NEW Hat, modern and complete in every way; ?25 month. NEW, MODERN 7 - ROOM. COTTAGE. 743 Kearney, between 22d and 23d. Call 10 to 3. PLEASANT CORNER HOUSE. 7 R.OOMS; good condition; cheap. Apply 352 Harrison. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, ALL MODERN CON itnlencea 300 Park. Apply, C91 Scventlu FOR RENT-MODERN (l-RGOtf COTTAGE, 15th and Belmont A. T. Webb, ownr, Purnlshotl Iioane. $15 PER MONTH-6-R00M nOUSE. jnCELT furnished, complete for housekeeping; -woodshed and yard. 2C9 East 37th St.. close ta Taylor- Phone Union 1545. House Tor Rcnr Iuruitnrc for Sale. IP YOU SEE THESE HOUSES ANp MAKE any oftei, jcu will be pretty sure to buy. They are bargains, and are going to be sold. 11 rooms, nicely and ccmpletelv furnished. " blqcks from Hotel Portland, all rented. $750; Ojrr rooms, equally soc-l location, ?C25. That nearly new 26 rooms, sttam heat. Central, $1550, but want offer account sickness. Several o'-her good houses, all sizes and prices. Col lins. 270J6 Washington st. 14-ROOM FLAT, ELEGANT FURNITURE; good location; paying 100 above expenses; rent only $20; 12-rcom house, near P.. Q.; a great bargalrt If sold soon; Ime others. See me before you Duy. C. E. Bennett, 127 Fourth street. 5-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT AND FIIRNI- 1 ture for sale. Cajl 325 "Flariere tt BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Agricultural Implements. Machinery. RUSSELL & CO ENGINES, BOILERS.' SAW -mlll3. tnresfienf, HOVse-pOWers. 324 Belmont. JOHN POOLE; Newton wagons,, buggies, tvih,d ainis, pumps, machinery. Foot Morrison ist. Art Goods and Picture Frames. 'b'ERNSTEIN'S ART. STORJ 3D7V-A?HJN.p-i Assayers and Annlyst.- J. H. FISK, MINERAL AS3AYER AND chemist; gold dust bought. 2044 Washington. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AN'D ANALYST. GOId dust bought. 22SJ Starkst. Attorneys. TT. TT. SAPfinWT- (TAiipral nmptlrp rnl1prt iflng. . Tscritr.rr.n' .v -, rr jv sz"c: :; 1 .r-uuue xiuuu 00-. CIO v,namoer at iuijiint:i wc, EilMGNS & EMMONS. Attomeys-at-Law, 623- t unamber of commerct. JBotn pnonee 4th, PAXTON, BEACH & SIMON. ATTORNEYS-, at-la-w, 510 Chamber of Com., Portland, On PIPES & TIFFT. ATTQRNEYS-AT-LAW, 70S 711 Chamber of Commerce. HaltCrles. U.-S( Bakery, Matschlner Broa, props. ; breads, "cakes, j)ies. pastry and crackers. J01 N. 14tlv. .cfarFlandera. Barber Shops. HOWARD'S BARBER SHOP; EINEST BRAND cigars; 9 expert workmen. 268 Alder st. Bath. DEKUM Bathi'oams; popular baths, massage, electricity. 714-15-10 Dekum. Phone Red 2S45. Boole Stores. NEW AND 2D-HAND BOOKS; WILL" J&xV r chapge. 203& Morrison, tiet. First and Front. Complexion SpeciallstH. JBfeautlfy and regulate' your features; scientific memoas, jaauame'Kieeie, s iiarquam. Cornices Slijlishls. METAL SKYLIGHTS, UAXVANIZED lltON cornices. J. C. Bayer. 205 Secondstfeet; Creameries, WASHINGTON CREAMERY; PURE BUTTER,, cream; bakery goods. Both phones. G. G. -Manger. 42'J Washington. Chinese Medicines. Dr. Bins' ChonV, 191 2d at,; Cljinese root medi cines euro all diseases. Examination free. ChlropodifK. itffif. '.tSEVENY & MAUb DBVENY, THE- -only scientific chiropodists, room SOI Alisky- uius., ou aim Aiurnsuu. WIB- pnone Lrrant 10. Miss Dart, chlrppody and manicuring, room So" Union block, 1st and Stark. 9 A. M. fo 6 P. M.- CommlHsion Merchanta, HERMAN METZGER, PURCHASER OFi hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair taljow, old' rubber and old metal, and general commlsjon4 merchant. Front 'at.,, near Main, Portland, Or. Cash advances on consignnicntif. " f- D F. Wagner & Co., brokerage and eemmis slonj canned goods, drlefl. ifults,. etc. 203" WashtngtOri ft. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants, Sherlock, bulldum, Portland, Dr, ALLEN & LEWIS, CdMMlSSION AND FRO duce merchants. Front & D ste.. Portland, Or. EVERDING & FARRELL, commltsion. butter. eggs, chickens and farm produce. Portland. JIt TUKE, & CO., 234 FRONT; FLOUR. HAY. produce, feed and groceries. mi ,'.' ' . Cigar Dealeru. ' RAILROAD 'CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE; cigara and tobaccos. "Fred G. Lent, 250 Alder. Dentists. HENRY P. O'CONNOR, D. M. D.. 602 MAR quam building, Morrison st.( bat. 6th and Til?. DR. C. B. BROWN: tel. Ore. Red 2848; res.. White 634. 514-15-10 Dekum building. DR. FRANK I. BALL. DENTIST. ROOM 413 Dekum building. Phcne Brown 404. Dental Supplies. WOODARD.. CLARKE & CO., Cor. Fourth and Washington sts. Dressmaking. MRS. SADIE A. McKlBBEN. MODISTE; FINE evening and street costumes a specialty. Tel. Scott 701. 372 East Morrison, E. L. KEEFFE, LATE OF CHICAGO; STREET and evening- costumes; furs remodeled. 333 3d. .MADAME McINTYRE; PARLORS 253 SIXTH st.. cor. Madison; perfect fit guaranteed. Dyeing? unxl Cleaning:. H W. TURNER. PROFESSIONAL- DYERAWD cleaner, 301 17th. Telephone Red 131. Educational. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLUGE. Fifth and Yamhill; A. V. Armstrong,-Prlh., J. A. Wesco Sec. Open all the 3 ear. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free. HOLMES ENGLISH AND BUSINESS COl. lege, 414 Yamhill St. English course; com mercial and shorthand courses. Send for cat alogue. Spanish lefcsons; Mrs.'Wm. Webb Robinson, Jiee B. McDonald. Setling-HIrscIf bldg.. room 53. ALL ENGLISH BRANCHES TAUGHT; teach ers prepared for examination. 361 Yamhill. Electric Belts. DR. SCHRAMECK'S ELECTRIC BELTS ARE the best: examine $5 belts. ,270 Front st. Harness an'd Saddles. - t 1 THE SREYMAF LEATHER CO.. HAn ness and sole leather, Saddfcry. hardware, find ings and shoe store supplies, 73 Front st. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.-wiihr.E. FOR., REK.T,. r fsale saddlers and harness manufacturers. 'Sather'ana eaddlery'hardware. 7C Front st. a JgpSjpiBSS DIRECTORY. Electrize! Engineers. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS. 302 Wash. All kinds electriea? supplies and repairs. Eence nnu Wire WorUit. PORTLAND WIRE & fRON WORKS; WIRE 'ana iron tencing, omce rainng. etc 334 Aider. OLD EAST v PORTLAND' FENCE AND WIRE Works; A. Carksdn; i2S9 East Morrison et. Hotels. Hotel Vlllard; newly remodeled and refurnish-, ea: modern. J. E. Munsey, prop. 575 N irpnjt. Insttrahce. HAilBURG - BREMEN FIRE INS. CO.. 102 First su Boyd & Arnold. General Agents. 'iron Fdthi'aers untl mtstclilnfsisl; Smith & Watson'Iron Worlts; engines and boil ers; legging- engines a- speclalty;.n.uartz and saw mills; misc. machinery. Front and Hall. Wlllanfetfi Iron & Steel Works; Jameo Lotan, mgr.; Iron-workers, steamboat btdrs. Portland. Lanitdrles. BEGIN THE NEW YEAR ARIGHT; HAVE -the -Model Latmdry Tio your -work.. Leather Findings. J. 'A. REID, mfr. bcot and shoe uppers; full stock? shoemakers' supplies, 207cWashlrlKtonst. LoshtIhst Machinery. NEW" DEVICE "'JEfOR SAVING WIRE CABLE dn- logglnx engines. E. Turirey. 60?; B. OakU' Magnetic and Electric Manage. MRS. ABBE C. FRENCH CURES NERVOUS wopien w-.thout, druga. 66 Lewla building. 3Iusange. "THE SKOWDEN" BATHROOMS REOPENED at 181' 4th st.; formerly "The "Nelsor."; tub and vapor baths, masgage. Tel. Red 421. ainrule and Granite Works. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS: marbl". gran ite and stone work. Schanen & Neu. 203 1st. Mining. MONTANA METALLURGICAL WORKS. IN- t corporated. Sampling and. assaying; email lota, of high-grade ores bought; gold and sliver re fitted: mint Tratee allowed for gold: chaises. ores, alloys, etc.. old SI. 50. silver $1.50. gold and silver $2. lead Sl.50. copper ?I.5D. zlna ?2.50. iron $1.50, retorting anialgam. $1.50. S. Chase. Praaldent; J- T. Qov. Manager. 92 First St., Portland. MlninK MaehJn.err. TATUM & BO WEN,. 29 TO 35 FIRST "ST.; mlnl&g, sawmill, wood" - working- machinery, pumps; Hoe saws. Mining investments., OREGON EXPLORATION CO. OFFERS SPE clal inducements to investors In Its- wide, rich field of operations, with no risks in pur chase or the. working- of mines. The company owns a'-group of eight quartz clafms" of 'great promise.. OntyLit small amount ofTstcck is en the. niarket.at a law.prlce aijt eafiy'termo as a' large 'per "centos Weld-as tredsury Stock for tne benefit, of every share. E. A". Clem &. Co., 515, 516 Oregonian building. Portland. Or. SUMPTER MINER The greatest gold. camp In North America. Ke stone Belle, 10c; Ohio, 20c; Diadem. 10c;' Northern Light, 5c. Developed and tindei'el oped claims for sale. We can gia jou, the most reliable Imestment In mines. Dawson McDowell Co.. 41 Sherloek btdB., Portland. Or. Wcatnorby-Bonanza has fully equipped stamp mill', good record as a producer; tour' parallel! icire, otr-hlgli-grade ore; 2000 feet develop-, ment work. Small block stock for ea!e. E. A. Clem& Co., 515-516 Oregonian bldg., Portland. JAMES M. COLE & CO., Baker C?ty. Mines bought, sold, de eloped. Special bargains In Sumpter quartz claims for sale. Midtrlves. 'MRS. EHL, GRADUATE MIDWIFE. 124 North 14th st. Telephone Tl'Mt 667. BlvJrlcal. PROr. VA1LLVNT DE L,A CROIX, formerlv baritone of French and Italian opera; Italian. metnoa; voices tested rree. uoodnough Bldg. Kembter viola for sale; Molin. lola and cornet lessons; music furnished. Emil ThiPlhornM. P. S. Orchestra, 263 Jefferson. Tel. West 1004. Lessons 50c; piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin. lo lin. Internments foe sale. Mrs. Martin. 104 Is:. Medical. 'DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THE GREAT mr. orea Efjeciaut on an Kinas ot aiseases 01 ootn. men ana women, .very aisease or tne Human body. Ees, 'ears, consuropi'"1-, asthma, ca tarrh, canter,, wens and ail other chroplo dis eases jjosltlveTy cured.. Tho doctor can "be seen at his new sanitarium, 171 Green ae., 23d and "Washington. GREEK RHEUMATIC SPECIFIC IS GUAR antecd to posltHeJy cxivs any -and all form? of rheumatism, acute or chronic, very quickly, or money refunded. Imported directly from Greece, and cap be had only from L. T. Lewis, 252ft Washington st., Portland. Or. DR. FLORA A. BROv,1?; MAKES SPEClALry of asthma and diseases of women and children Consultation and diagnosis free. 517-IS The Dkum. Portland. Or. Osteopathy. TREATMHNT-W. A. ROGERS. OSTEOPATH. Marquam building, rooms 532-533-54. Hours, 9-12 A. M., 2-5 P. M. Phone Main 27. Call and investigate our method 0 treat ment. Corisultatlon and examination- Tree. OREGON INFIRMARY OF OSTEOPATHY; under the management of L. B. Smith, D. O. Suite r 4C0 Oregonian building. Examination free. Laoy osteopath; DBS. NORTHRUP &. ALKIRE. osteopathista, rooms 415-16-17 Dekum block. Oregon phone Main 340. Consultation and examination free. OreKan Vlavi Company. Lewis bldg.. Hark and; Mcrrlsoai Free Health 1 lectures, to, wqmen T.hursd'ay atgqp P. MN Palmistry. liss Marie Whjte scientific palmw:, reads past and future correctly. Lewis bids., room OS, Patenta. T. Jv GEISLER, 610-611 CHAMBER OF COM. Registered attorney U. S. patent office. FhotOrrraphers. Burns, leading-photographer, 6th and Morrison, makes reliable photos at reasonable prices. lhofop;rnpTilc Supplies. WOODA.RD. CLARKE & CO.. WHOLESALE and retail, cor. Fourth and Washington. Real Estate. Loans and Rentals. ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD tlshed I860. 227 Stark ah & CO.; E5TAB- Restaurants. Strpuse.'a Cafer best 25c meal; famous coffee and cake. IQc. 222 .Washington, bet. 1st amj'2d. Ridins: CInlia. The Portland Rldlnsr Club, fine Hvery. saddle horses a specialty. Park and Jefferson. Sanitariums. HOME FOR THE SICK; IRS. ELLEN TOUT, nurse; confinement cases- a specialty. 253 Fifth, Scrtv Mill Machinery. Chrtrtensan-adcMaster' Machinery Co.? new sn second-hand machinery. E. Wafrfi-E ryUi ShovrcaseN nml Store Klxtnrea. DIXON. BORGESON & Washington sts. CO.. FRONT AND Sjilrlttmllats. r MRSWaLTjACE, reliable clairvoyant and paychlc llfe-reader: consult4 her on bust-ne-ssj affairs, love troubles, absent friends; good, advice on mines; reading dally. 50c afla tip. 167 First street, effice 7 and 8. LAKSEN. THE PALMIST. WILL TELL THE j ear when all leading events in life take place; past and future readings, 50c. 285 First st. MRS. J. A. SMITH. MEDIUM AND MAGNET IC healer, "dardf reader; ores read and mines located. Room 8. 22S ashincton. MRS. C. CORNELIUS. TEST MEDIUM: SIT tings dally. Alisky bldg., Third and Morrison. MRS. STEVP1NS. Psychic Inspiration writings., 25c. Sittings folly. 50c up. J42 First st. Storusre. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE. Fourth and Davis, Merchandise a specialty . Insurance 'rates low; storage rales reasonable. 1 Capeful .attention sgivcu tOi c"cfunir" cuatr.stti1 ' nients. Tel. Or, Mala 777: Columbia G76. "VIne,s and. Lltjuori. Fine; wnes. liquors and cigars; free lunch, everything flrsjtIaia. Tqm Perkins. 320 Front. WILLIAM TELL SALOON; CHOICE WINEy and' Hiyiors; fine lunch; beer, 5c. 211 Alder. , BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Second-Hand- Goods We buy eerything slothing, iumltute. etc Call or address 52 Tnlrd nu Telephone Hodd. 685. storacc nud TratisTcr. TOR,GE AT LOW RATErf. CAN-Ink. HAD at Fred Bickel's storehouse. Jl North Kront, Veterinary Surgeon. G. W. Vaughn, V. S.; all diseases; special at tentforr horses' teeth. Tel. Hood 723. 12214 5th. Wholesale Orocerji. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GKOCEBi ( cor- ,N. .Front- and pavw yaPortjand. Or. t Wholesale DruggJUti. WOOPARD. CLAltKE, &, CO., WUOL!$AfJa drusclsts. corner Fourth and Wasftlnjrtoiw AVood and Coal. DRY WOOD; FIR. OAK; LONG OR SAWEfa. . JTlcKn.m, :W2 Water st. Both phgjgg. SPECIAL NOTICES. ' Proiiosali Invited. PROPOSALS FOB. 'REFUNDING WATEH Bonds, Dalles Cits, Of. Sealed proposal wtll be leceived by th board of water commis sioners of Oailes City, Or., al rata cit, -until 8:30 o'clock P. M. of the 26th day of Febru ary. 1UIK, for twenty-rlVe tnousand dollars afta twenty thouejsa dollars of refuijw.ne watcr bonus of said cltj at it Is Trot settreti as to whether the total amour,: of twnda will be ?25.WJ0 Or .20.'0W. Authority Isestent a to tne said board to Issue refunding -vatyr bones in the sum of ?25,0U, but if rcun.t not to be necessary the ifoue will be icr no more than ?2),0Uf. And at a rate of interest t.st. exceeding 4 per tent per annum, payable -v jears from date of iaue-. Interest payable temlannually, principal and interest paaclc it gold co(n of the L nlted states, at any rfty therein, at the option of the biijer. Til J boki.i mentioned will b Issued under the prwlslosu of the uieral legislative aevs cf the stat-? -? Oregon, approvea Feb. "26, 1HS5, FeD. 10, 18SU, and Feb. 14. 1S95, and Irt pursuance of an .r dinar.ee acopted by tha cemmon council et Dalles City, appruved Jan. 25, ll)v)0. Tne proposed refunding water bnas are Intended lor the redemption -of outstanding water bonds in the sum of f25.tOO, but In easw the beard, of water commsloner3 prefer It will ipeu refunding bonds for $0000 only; thereiure. bidders may make proposals for both 2Ktx and 20,0C0, and in the denomination of JjEoo each. 'No' bid x.1tt be. entertained for a rat leta than par -alue gt the bond". Premiums and rate, cf interest wljl be. tsKn Into t,n slderatlon In passing-t)n the value of all btdA Bidders triust depcslt -with the president of the board a duly certified- dneck on. some respon sible bank equal to 2 per cent of tne ainitur.t of bonds bid for, or accompany bis bid with cash or such amount as will equal such per cert of his bid; and" such certified check made pajable to the president of the! board of water commissioners of Dalles City. Or., as liquidated damftges in case, the bidder shall fall or neglect to recele and pay fcr et the office of the. city treasurer' of said city, the bonds awarded to him on his bid. on or be fore, the 1st day cf March, 1W0. Attention .should be given the fact tnat the board will "riot, Issue and dispose1 ot more than $20,000 of .Siren refunding: bonds unless lti sbaij." fJ deemed necessary to do so, but otr.erw-'ee, if the board shall Bnd. that If Is necessary W Issue bonds In the "sum of ?25.000, It will then offer and lesue the fuU sum (J25.000). The; right to reject any and all bids Is reserved by the said board of water commissioners. Bids should be addressed to the president of raid board, or to the city recorder. Dalles City, Wasco county. Or., as! noted "Propcsala ftr refunding water bonds." By order of the board of water commissioners, by and with, the consent of the common council this 25th day of January, 1000. T. J. 5EUFEHT, (L. S..) . ' President oft Board. Attest: NED H. GATES, Recorder of Dalles City. PROPOSALS FOR HORSES AND COWS U. a. Indian School Service. Saleiri Indian Indus trial School. Chemawa. Or.. Jan. 0, 1000. Sealed proposals, indorsed 'Proposals forcowa or horses," as the case may be. and addressed to the undersigned, at Chemawa. Or., will be received at this school until 2 o'clock P. M. of Jan. 31. 1U00. for furnishing and deliver ing at the school twenty milch cows, and two work horses, of tne fallowing specifications All animals must hae been Born and bred north of the scuth line of the state of Kansai. Milch, cows mtiet be good, -well-bred, native American, cattle,, grade Durham preferred, not under 2 nor over 4 j,ear old. Horses must be between 5 and 8 ears old. free from blem ishes, well broken to harness and matched in gait, sound and gentle in every respect, and weigh not leSs than 1000 pounds each. All animals, offered will be subject to a rigid In spection. Thp right Is reserved to reject any and all bids, or any part of any bid. if deemed for the Tbest Interests of the service. Certified Checks Each bid must be aqcom PHOled By a certified check or draft upon swine! United States depository or solvent national bank., made payable to the order or the com nifceioner of Indian affairs, fcr ac least five per cent of the amount of the proposal, which check or draft ylll be forfeited to the United States Jn case any bidder or bidders receiv ing an award shall fall to promptly execute a contract with cced and sufficient sureties. otherwise to be returned to the bidder. Bids accpmpanled by cash In Ueu of a certified check will not be considered. For ary addi tional Information apply to THOS. W. POT TER. Superintendent- PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE pcetofflce department. n ,tbe! city pt Washing- ion, until ii o ciock if. .i., juarcli 31. aaw. on the routf hereinafter described. Bidders are in Itod to submit proposals for sen fee on said route under a contract for fle years, and also, for 10 years,, which shall commence on tn 1st day of November. IDOO. The Tight 13 reserved to reject all bids.. Schedule Rout No. 75, "O. M. S." From San Francisco Cal ifornia, to Sydney. New South Wales. Aus tralia; touching at Honolulu. Apia or some other port in the Samoan- islands to be design nated by the postmaster-general, and Auk land, New Zealand, once- In three -weeks. ssv enteeu. tlnies a ear. In Vessels of the second clasa. Time 21 days. Bond required with bid $40,000. Circulars containing copy of the act, a description ot the route, instructions to bid ders and blank forms of proposals with, ac companying bonds, can be obtained of the su perintendent of foreign malls, postoffice de partment, after January 2, 1300. CHARLES EMORY SMITH. Postmasjer-General. SAN' FRANCISCO, CAL., JANUARY 25, lOOO. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be re ceded here until 11 o'clock A. M-. February 24t 1000. and then opened. Tor construction," of pbwsr-liouse, electrical machinery, heating' system. Ice machine and cold -itorage, filter plant, kitchen and laundry machinery! ' for U. S. General Hospital at Presidio ot San Francisco, Cal. Government reserves right to reject cr accept any or all bids In whqle or In part. Preference given to articles of do mestic production, conditions of nrlce nnd quality (Including, in the price of foreign pro ductions the duty thereon) being equal, and such preference given to articles of Ameri can production produced on the Pacific coast, ta extent of consumption required by tha pub lic service there. Information furnished i,n application to J. M. MARSHALL, Deputy Quartermaster-General, Chief Q. M, Stockholders Mectlnjr. NOTICE OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF the Stockholdei-3 of the Snake River Valley Railroad Company Notice, 13 hereby given that the annual nieetlns: of the stockholders.' of the Snake River Valley Railroad Company will be hold, pursuant to the by-laws, on. Monday, the 5th day of iebruary. 1000, at 12 o'clock noon, at the office cf the secretary of the company, room 314 Worcester building. Portland. Or. HENRY F. CONNER, Dated January 15. 1000. Sscretary. NOTICE OF THE ANNUAL EETLNG OF the Stockholders of the Washington Railroad Company Notice Is hereby given that the an nual meeting of the stockholders of the Washington Railroad Company will be held at the office ot the company room 314 Worces ter building, Portland. Oregon, on Monday, the 5th day of February. 1000, at 12 o'clock noon. HENRY F. t'ONNER. Secretary. Dated January 15, 1IKJ0. U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE BURKE BUILD Ing, Seattle. Waeh., January 24, 10CO. Sealed proposals fcr constructing brick itorahoua at Rich' Passage. Wash., will be received here until 12 M February 23. 1000. and. then pub licly opened. Information fuxnisned on ap plication. HARRY TAYLOR. Capt. Engrs. Miscellaneous. SALE OF BAHGES-UIDER AS'p BY VIR fue of an order pf the county court of thft state or Oregon -fcr thei6un1j Of Multnomnn, duly made-nnd entefed. ltn the rtitlfer of th. eetate of H. B. Borthwick. deceased. I will ore .vionaay. tne atn uay or Februarr, 1900 atl o'clock P. M.. as administrator of said estate Offer, for sale at public auction, for cash, to the hignest bidder, all the right, title and in terest ot said estate In and to the barges Defender and Columbia. The barge Defender is of 263 tons burden, or the?eabouts. Her length 127 feet, breadth 3? feet, and depth 8 feet. and. was duly enrolled at the Port of Port-, land. Octob?r -f, 4S?f. The barge -Columbia V ui n.. lu v uumcii. uir xnersotiuis- xter length Is l.;r feet, her "breadth 35 feet and depth 8 feet, and -as duly enrolled at the port ot Portland. October 4. 18S0. Both of said barge are In good condition and are well adapted for carrying cordweod. ties, plten and lumber of all kinds, and can be Inspected at'feasonable Hours at Goble1 cr Portland, Or. until day of sale. The sale will take place at Goble. Columbia county. Or. on Monday. Feb ruary 5. 10M. at 1 o'clock P. M. The term3 of sale- will he cash, and-all bids will-bVr. calved subject to.approvaJ.-of tficr-couri. Tha I sale will "be rhade uW?t. to all Ifena or"4 claims naw"exlitii;g. or which ma hereafter 00 meu mjainst sam barges, or either cf them. Said sale covers only the Interest of the abova-mentlondtf estate In and to "said: barges, and to each of them. DAN J. MOORE. Aflnilnlstratcr of the Estate of II. B. Borthw Ick. Decerned. - Dated Januirj 5, I960. BUSINESS CHANCES. F0R-SALE-v W-ELL-STOCKED- MERCHAN. dls,a store in Sleadole, Or. In the heart of Southern Oregon mlm. amount of stock. $6500; store bulldins CO by 75. prlco. of Tot and building. $1500. if desirous, will sell stock and; rent building,, annual-sales. 520.000; reason for scll'mr. wfeh. to engage In mining. terms cash. Call on or address J. L. Dewey. Glefidale. Or. UtCOSTS THE AMWItlCVN PLANTBRS OF t Sonfhenr Me-r:te 4U, cento -a. nound tcr ratoe gcHl coffee and pay the freight upon Jt to Bt Louis. An Interest In this business noon small monthly payments. Write for ree book. Mo. C. & R. Co.. 210 Laclede buttMng. St. Louis. Mo. BUSINESS CHANCE IN LTVS WESTERN town; a dry goods, sivoa JUid clothing busi ness doing a business of 70,800 to hO.0O a year, for sale at a rare, bargain; wuttea com pelled to ault business On account of WWlealth. Address) II 03. care Oregopln. yy f ; . ,y FOR RENT-OLD-ESTABHSHED FI6H AND poultrj- market, centrally located; att ttatBgs that are needed for flrst-cltfes market, rent cheap. Addresa F C5. Oregonian. MOVING-PICTURE MACHINE AND STERE tuiticoh ccmUtn!; complt flstur for. -hlbltlon: co3t ?31Si sell foe cne-auarter. W ,C. SCott. LaFayette. Or?ifonv )PHOTOGRAPK. GALLERY FOR SALE 11 -rtoquiara cr ABerttecn. wasn. Oo-payrs hulnesw. For particulars, address box 600, Aberdeen. Wash WANTED A DRUG STORB, E YARLEt tewn of 6C0 ro opposition, tft. mife buy drug fixtures. Addres-S 63. care Oregarflan FOR SALE - GENERAL MSRCILNNBISB rstore.; mall stock. Income independmrt 0' store. $.10 per month L 64. care Oregonian. ,, AM -603NG TO SELL AT ONW H-OOM uI&giBfe-hrcuse. fine TocaMnn. etteap rnt; a bargain. E 4. care- Oregonian. OLD-ESTXBLTSKED BUSINESS. INVOlKrt3 about S20.0UO. want to retire from bualneea. B 03, Oregonian. .V FREE-MILLING GOLJ5 CLAlMv iil.K9' from Sumpter. for sa'e'at a Ittw' Sfewwll V 5; carcOreginlan FUR SALE FRUIT- D, CONFECTJCXRr , with small stock tif Srecerle. 3 at 150 Sixth: ttreet. FOR SALF NEW. OLE.VN STOCK OH" groceries; lw rtnt. Address A 60. cure Ors ponian. WOULD INVEST A SM?LL AMOUNT OF rior.y In scme-geod busfascy. O C2. eare Ore-porian-. Exceptional huglnep opportunity brlgtU eacr getle'wcmsn. 70 Lewis BniKUng; 1 t ,t P- M. Mamtfaeturlnjr buslnsre. clearing" iSlio a month. low rent. S12C0. iealns:iata. B 30. Owe ?30O TO LOAN. .1 'TO I good real estate securltj. YEARS. ON 412 Marqsian. FOR SALE FALCON, FIRST-CL ?S STAND. Vd'r-Mf O 14 care Oregonian. PERSOX 1LS. INDLW SEER NDMEDtUM. MRSWlUj: VT-.l.-Hoe. the wonderful, gifted fndfaa mw. phrenoiog'at. mind" re"&aer pntmk Xmt n3w I eJalrVc-v&nt: reveabyU sacrets and (Hamas-; born vilth two veik, aer face, wendkr of 10th century, treat3 all diseases by the use ot Indian "herle Separate parlors for I&Kt and gentlemen. 271 Fifth st , opposite City Hall downstair, fi'st floor Tails from the cratlla to giave. Strictly confidential 27 women wanted suffering- frcm IrresuSar pain ful or stoppage cf periods. laucorrkea (whites), and. all complicated diseases pertair. inic to change ef life, cured hy old Dr Kw-ll-r. ccK Second and Ya'n.nlll it. 3"u w4m?i called lat month. Pflb3uItaM3tt frsty ammirtH tei rccn- ror lauiessw u-ea t oaih im, Inclosing 10 2c rtami-s. Hundreds traHtwl at h"6me by his new sjtem WE WANT EVERY I-D.- TROUBLED WITH weakness. Inflammation. lrreguterltt eu , to &end us their address, and - will :nall fre our booklet, containing valuable in format ior Famre Importing- Co.. 916 Market gt., San Franc"cv:o, Cal. ONE SUIT CALLED FOR. PRESSED, sponged and delivered v""y weeh. SI a nwnro Also steam cleaning.,, dyalas. and, repairing, Unique Tailoring Co(34r vta3hipgj;j)n. Shan. 30 FINE VISITING CARDS. 26cr TA Stfe. OST Dakl; 250 business cards. St; 5urt. fl.SH. Brown. & Schmale, printeio, 220 First rtrei. Portland. Or. YOUNG WIDOW STRANGER. WOULD LIKK position as hensekooper for wldwer or bach elor; city or country. 851 & Morr'aon street, rocm 17. ELECTRIC TREATMENTS FOR LABIEJ. -M.rs.--E. c- Ullrey, roor ?t Lafctw buHdtaif. cor. Second and Washington. SELECT MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC, LADY from Sas Francisco. Parlor 20. 2GS" Stark st R'LLY LTA S mCYCUZ HOSPITAL, tfc" 4TH Pho-e Cay ctl. Wheeb en lied for. delivered. Otto Kllngbell. magnetic healer 307 Kast Sixth st.. treats- any sickness. Ore. phone Seett 603. Mrs. Dr McCoj. electric treatments. La Xweto houss. cor. Third and" Yamnlir,atkr reonrp. Oregorrcut-rate dye warts Bucnsld. near 8th; steam cleaning and djeingv Tel. Red 2008 CLOTH&S MENDED FOR LADIES AND GBN tlPtnen. Apply at rocm 45. Laabe bwtldlHg. s GET YOUR SHOES KLF ?OLED. CHKAP, at 300 Sixth, bet. Harrison and Montgomery REOPENED THE FRANCIS RnOMlNG house, 120 Fourth, moved .0 120V "Hot. REOPENED THE FRANCIS RGQMECG house, 129 Fourth moted'rdW140f9lk. d f FREE SAilPLE CATARRH SNUFF. CALL Clemenson's Drue Store, 227 Yamhill st. OAMvS, SAVINGS BANK PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON., 12& FIRST STREET. Moiey to loan on mortgdse. A general trutt and agency business traeaaeted. BENJ. L'XOHEN, K?i.....flfiSlent H. L. PITTOCIC A. S. NICHOLS.... Vfoe-fap. E. J. ALTSTOCK. J. O. GOLTKA. ...Seemiari FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent o the United States. President ..II. W. CQRBEXT Cashier G. E. W-TTKISWTCN Aislstant Cisnier J. W. NETWJORK Secepd AaUtant Cashier W. C ALVORD Letters f credit 's'sued. available lit Europe and the Eastern states. Sight exchange- and teleKraphic ronfer. sold, Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and the prlnefp.il points In the Northwest: S&ht and 'ime bills drawn, fn sums to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. FrankJoBC-OB-theMhln, Honpr Kong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. Chrlstlanla. Stockholm, St. Petersburg. Moscow. Zurich. Hon olulu. Collections made on favorab e term. LADD TILTON. B.VNKER3 ESTABLISHED IN 1830 Transact a General Bmkini? Business. Interest allowed on time datslts. Collections made at all points on ftivemW 'arms. Letters of credltldsued avaHabJe 1b Jht rooe and the Eastern states. , Sfsht Exchange and TeleKranhic Transfers old on New York. Waslilnjrton. Bhleaso. St. Ilh. Denver. Omaiia. San FrapeRco anU various pelnirt in Oregon. Washington. Idaho Montana, aud Britiah Columbia. Exchange sold on London. Parte. Berlin. Frankfort and Hong- Kong. WELLS. FARGO & CO. BANK CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. S0.2SO.00O aQKN'-J. VALENTINE PRBSID,ie T HOMER S. KLNG ,...MaJRC2R (San Francisco.) R. M. DOOLEY CASHIER H G. HANLET ASSISTANT OiVSMIKK (Portland.) General Banklne Euslnesa transacted. Ex change soid. and Letters or Credit issued, avalf aple In ad parts ot the world. MERCHANTS NATIONALBANK PORTL.VND. OTtEGQN: J. FRANK WATSON PreaWcnt R. L. DURHAM VTe-reiWent Jt.W. HOYT IS? GEO W. HOYT Astint Ciar TRANSACTS A GENERAL BX!fKt$C BuacNEe. Interest cald on time desosits. Drafts and letters of credit fesued. available In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Goid dust bought. LONDON AND SAN FRAN1S0 BANKn , . LlillTED. CAPITAL PID UP . . .' Si.'A-i?Ko" Herfil Office. 73 Lombard street. ffrfUVkC' This bank transacts sanerai banking- nd; -chanste business, makes- loans, discount -ih and lasqej tOmmercial and travelers' credits, ft.atl ahie in- any tflty In the world. Chamber of Commer- huitdlnc. TWnV and Stark stret. W. MACICtNTOSH. Manager. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Transacts a General Banking, Busiaes. DrafU Issued available lajtU tWes of thn , , . United States and, E"rooef President TYLER WOODWARD Vlce-PrSsldent JACOR KAMftI Cashier p. c. MILaR BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA-PAID-UP Capital .sxaeoiuvi 'RESERVE 5001600 Hcad-Ofilce. W Lombard, street. London. R. LEA UtUtNSS. Manurs. 1 -si . 3J3JL A.