THE MORNING- OREGCXNIAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1900. Xcw School at Greshnm. At a meeting of the taxpayers of the Gresham school district Tuesday evening St -was decided to erect a new schoolhouse, to cost about 52700. The move to build "was only csrried by a. narrow majority, 25 vot ing for and 22 against building. J. W. Shattuck. of the school board, presided, ard there -was a lively discussion over the proposal to build. It is conceded that the building is needed, as the present structure is inadequate. AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND CALVIN HErLIG, Manager. Two Nights, Wednesday and Thursday. Janu ary 24 and 6, J. Duke Murray and Howard Long, Present, "LONDON LIFE." -A. Story of Sympathy and Mirth. A Romantic Drama, Full of Intense Heart Interest. Superb Scenic Effect. Reproducing London'6 Historic Thoraughfar-, Fleet Street. Picca dilly, The Thames Emoankment, Lon don's Famous r'awnshop. Prices Lower floor, except last 3 rows, $1: last 3 rows, 75c; balcony, first C roa, 70c: last rows. 50c. gallery. 25c. Seats now selling. CORDRAY'S ONE WEEK. COMMENCING SUNDAY. JAN. 21. MATINEE SATURDAY. RENTZ-SANTLKY NOVELTY CO. LENTZ-SAXTLEr NOVELTY CO. KENTZ-SANTLEY NOVELTY CO. IN "AN AFFAIR OF HONOR." "AN AFFAIR OF HONOR." "AN AFFAnt OF HONOR." "AN AFFAm OP HONOR." rSUAL PRICES. MARQUAM GRAND CALVIX HEILIG. Manager. Two nights and Saturday Matinee. January 2C and 27. Farewell engagement of tne New York Empire Theater Success "SOWING THE WIND." The Great Sex-Against-Sex Drama. Superb Cast and AH the Original Effects. PRICES Lower floor, except last 3 rows, T,; last 3 rows 75c, balcony, first 6 rows, 75c; bal cor j, Jast 0 rows, 50c; gallery, 25c. Scats now on saie JiAKQrAM GRAND " ' CALVIN HEILIG, Manager. Special Announcement: One Grand Concert Monday Evening. January 29. The WorldV" Greatest Arti3t. MME. EMMA NEVADA, Assisted by Mr. SeMen Pratt, pianist; Mr. Louis Blumenberg, 'oelllst. PRICES ?1. T2 AND ?. Sale of scats for subscribers will begin Friday Morning: General Public, Saturday. AUCTIOX SALES TODAY. it f entral Auction rooms, oornr Alder and Park streets. Furniture. Brussels carpels, rugs. 6" ee, -etc. Sale at 10 A. M. darp. George Baker & Co., auctioneers. MEETING NOTICES. OREGON COMMANDERY. NO. 1. K. T Speclat conclave this evening. Work, Red Cross. A. M. KNAPP. Commander. 5 HARRINGTON POST. SPANISH-AMERICAN "TC VR VETERANS, meet tonight at Allsky hall. Third and Morrison streets. DIED. BRADEN In this city, Jan. 23. 1990, Irabl Rraden, aged 57 years, 11 months and 21 daj-B, widow of the late Thomas Braden, and mc'hcr of W. H. Braden. Funeral will take pace from Hoi man's chapel, cor. Fourth and Yajnh.H sts . Thursday at 10 A. M- Friends lrUtwi to attend. MONTGOMERY At his residence, in this city. n the 34th inst., James Boyce Montgomery, aged 67 years. Funeral notice later. CinVtR!) KOI.MA. CndertnUer. -4th ami Yamhill xtx. Rcnn Stlnnon. Indy nusiKtnnt. Ho til phones No. COT". T. P, FINLEY & SON. Undrxtnkrri. Lndy Assistant. 2T3 Third t. Tel. V. K. S. DUNNING, Undertaker. -414 Kat Alder. Lady AiKtant. Jloth phone. NEW TODAY. HFWTTT 3 POUNDS NEW-CROP DATES. 15e, nice, sweet navel oranges, 20c d02en; breakfast bacon, igar-cured, 12c per pound; mKPa siae Moon, mna cure. vc per pcunOT maimer sausage, very iKrt, 35c per pend. boneless hams (Westphalia. 10c per ;iound; 20 pounds granulated sugar. ?1; 2 . zei egg", 2Sc. A. Hewitt. 185 Tnlrd street. T: r TONTINE LirE INS. PRINCIPLE AP- ri.ed ta saings has yielded 50 per tent profit persistant manbers. 51.25 per wiek for CO reeks Pacific Coast Investment Co., 513 Ciarrber of Commerce, Portland. Or. I VilfH TO BUY LOT AND HOUSE. NINE rocrras, between East Bumrfde and East Mor- r'.sin streets, wltnln 15 blocks of river. .Vd-i 3r?s Cava, Oregonian. CENTrRY DICTIONARY. ON SALE OLD wxiKstore, lamhlll st., Ijetween 1st and 2d. CL AND GASOLINE. ALL GRADES. RED Tank Oil Co.. Ill Third, care O. Summers. X0RTGAGE LOAtfS Oa Improved city and farm property. tt. .L.lV.INBSTaXE. 24 StarK St. Wellington Coaf. Pacific Coast Company. Telephone. 220. 249 SVi, ai..ngton street. BONDS, WARRANTS. Nct'lng 5 to 8 per cent, for sale. J. W. thero & Co., 314 Chamber or Commerce. Mortgage Loans )n Improved city and farm property, at lowest rurrect rates. Building loans. Installment oans. Macmaster & Birrell. 311 Worcester ilk. BONDS MORTGAGES H gnest market price paid for municipal and "v " 1 bonds. Lowest rates on mortgage loans. i ..1 tike Charge of estates as agent or trustee pn reasrabie terms. W. H. FEAR, 416 Chamber of Commerce. DOWN THEY GO AGAIN! Down they go again! Down they go again! 'Eesz. eggs, eggs, guaranteed. 2 dozen, 25c; cs:m Egs. 10c ner dozen: choice ereemerv in 1 I.rj" butter from 25c ner roll un. Lcc--rs in low prices: first in cut rates. VLI'ERT VON DER WERTH'S BUTTER TCRE, 2C4 Alder et.. near Third. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE j By order of the county court there will be .a cy puc'ic auction at the courthouse door . 23th January. 1000. at 10 oclock. pi cf the real property belonging to the estate z ihe late Kenneth M&cleai. as follows: last) Residence lots In Johnson's addition. or.t ng un King st.. Main jsL, and -St. Clair is among the nneet residence property the city. 2z.&) Tracts of land on Portland Heights, trr.r-.asding fln views. ii3rC Rts.dence lots in Caruthers addition, ort-ng tE Gzbbs and Grover and Macadam ets, t4tr) Residence lots in Lincoln Park Annex. pfftH Residence lots In Flret-Stroet Terraces. crms, 10 per cent cash and balance on de- iery "t ueed. rr f. I information apply to the adminlstra- .Koen limestone. 224 Stark et.. or to iss. Snow & McCamant. Attorneys. Concord L'!-g FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. kCRIFIt" SALE-5-ROOM MODERN COT- age, txA lit, in choice fruit; close in: East 5 ricm modern cottaire. larcre lot on l rt Tabor car line. 226 Ablngton building. PR SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROPERTY 40 a'-'- s 13 mties from Vancouver: 6 acrea Iler.rc3. with a house and good well. Address chn t.othstrom. 1SS East 15th St.. Portland. ITS 5 AND C, BLOCK 7, IN TD3BETTS' ;; t-" for sale. Call or address 246 Sher n st. Would take some lumber for part iaj. JLFRN S-ROOM HOUSE. WITH 1 ACRE IN rv t r-"T Mount Tabor line, close in: ea.y tnr.3 $2f?00. D. W. Hoelblng, 250 Stark su ILL SELL AT SACRIFTCE-FrNE DAIRY J ro!n farm. J2 miles east Morrison- tr-jct br.uge. 228 Ablngton building. 11 F 50x100 IN BRAINERD ADDITION A lira for SVm: is within walking distance if -sr , KOI. care Oregonian. IB. Chrman: farms, stock ranches, timber c.ty property, business chances. 114 test. 'OMPSON & CO.; HOUSES FOR RENT; m rs .n c'ty property. CIS Marquam. liO-LOT ON GLISAN ST.. NEAR B:rt rcom 7 Sherlock building. tO YPAXTED 3IALE OR FE3IALC. ORGANIZERS. LADIES OR GENTLE- ) :or the fcoet fraternal oraer; salary ana amission to parties with ability. Address J Ledger. Tecosic, Wacdi, TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE 1CO-ACRE RANCH IN Southern California; house, bam, open of horses, few acres In fruit. Address C C5, care Oregonian. WANTED BUGGY HORSE IN EXCHANGE for carpenter work. Call or address 030 Gan tenbeln avenue. FOR UE.T FARMS. FOR RENT 12 ACRES NEAR VANCOUVER, Wash.; 5-room house, barn, chicken-houses etc.; rent, S100 yearly. See Justice Elwell Vancouver, Wa6h. FOR RENT GO ACRES, IN CITY LIMITS; suitable for pasture and garden. J. F. Boothe. 40S Commercial block. FOR. SA1K-FAB3IS. STOCK AND FRUIT RANCH OF 87u ACRES for sale; well -watered, good soil; 30 acres ' bearing orchard; only two miles from Oak land. Douglas county. Or.: low price and easy torma Apply directly to the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company. San FranclaM. Cal. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; paymenu made to suit purchasers. For full particulars as to various properties, ap.ilv to Mocmaater tc Birred. 311 Worcester block. FARM OF 30 ACRES. TWO MILES EAST Mllwaulde: all in cultivation, and containing good buildings; a bargain. Susan Tcrwadow, Clackamas, Or. IMPROVED FARM. 160 ACRES, 10 MILES from Portland, mile frcm railroad; 20 jacres In hops. Drawer 17. Portland. FARM. 300 ACRES: 200 CULTIVATED, 16 M. west of Portland: S30 per acre. 250 Wash. st. FOR SALE MISC El . V i.OliS. BARGAINS LN SEVERAL SECOND-HAND and ellghtly used pinaos tins week at Ellers Piano House: Whitney $21, Steinwary $185, Deiker Brothers J260. Kimball S2CS, Emer3on flSS. Jennlng a. Sen SS0, E. Gabier & Brother $05, Hardman $.185. Cable ?10U. Terms cash or ?20 down and $G. ?8 or $10 monthly. 107 First L. between Washington and Stark. FOR SALE OR TRADE 500 HORSES (NOT eayuscs). from 1 to 6 ears old; brood mares and stallions included, on fine range; would accept honest trade, part pay. What have you got? T. Revlngton, lock-box 753, Portland. Radam'a Microbe Killer positively cures diph- J therla, all throat troubles, blood and skin dls- j eases, rheumatism, cancer, catarrh ; also cures la grippe, colds ana lung trouble. Call at uCO Morrison for descriptive pamphlet and sample. SEWING MACHINES 20 SECOND-HAND machines; Singer, Domestic White. Stand ard. New Home, etc S. S. Sigel, 335 Wash ington st., under Imperial hotel. TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. RENTED AND sold. Expert repairing. Office supplies, etc. Cunningham's. 26G4 Stark. Both phones. SELLING OUT AT COST OR BELOW. A whole entire stock general merchandise, store rooms fcr rent. 232-234 Rureell st. JOB PRINTING OFFICE: NEW PRESS. NEW type, electric motor; CGOO. Address L. Van Viect, jr., 344 Sellwood et.. city. TIMBER LAND. 1000 ACRES DOUGLAS FIR: vers choice ae to quality and location. Ad dress E 63, care Oregonian. FINE DAIRY, 40-CAN CAPACITY, 8 MILES front Portland, for sale; good opportunity. W G2, care Oregonian. FOR SALE LEASE. BUILDINGS. STOCK IM plements and furniture, on small acreage near citj. 150 Sixth. FOR SALE MILK ROUTE. NIND COWS, complete outfit: house for rent; city. D 65, care Oregonian. SAFES, SAFES, BANK WORK. LOOK DEP'T. opening lockouts, repairs. J. E. Davis, 66 3d. fS FOR A NEW GAS COOKER; $2 CASH, balance 52 per month. Gas Co., 174 Fifth st. Upright piano, $125; cost ?400; ore, ?4u; one $30; organ 535. Upstairs, 104 1st. Mrs. Martin. NATIONAL OASH REGISTER. FIRST-CLASS condition, for sale, cheap. 2C4 Alder street. Magic lanterns, new. second-hand, moving pic tures. Bullard & Breck. 131 Post, San Fran. SOLID GOLD KINGS. GUARANTEED. ONLY $1 each, at Uncle Myers'. 143 3d. near Alder. BOX COUCHES, WORTH ?7 AND 525. AT 53.50 and $10; only one month. At 30 Sixth. 75 rigs, new and second-hand; 500 sets harness, 100 saddles: must be sold. 211 "Washington. 25-TON LOCOMOTIVE. GOOD RUNNING OE der, cheap. John Poole, foot of Morrison. GRAND HONDE INDIAN SHOPPING BAS kets. Res., 121 13th, cor. Washington. MANDOLINS. 52.50; GUITARS, ?5 EACH. AT Uncle Myers. 143 Third, near Alder. SEVERAL SECOND-HAND WAGONS AND buggies. 51 Fourth, near Pine. f 3000 LNTEREST IN HARDWARE nes. P. O. box 740. city. BUSI- Planos. SHERMAN. CLAY & CO.. ROOMS 16 AND 17 Rusoel building, cor. Fourth and Morrison. Stelnway & Sons. A. B. Chase and Emerson pianos. A. B. Chase and W. W. Putnam or gans. Cash or installments. Gramophones and Reglna music boxes. FRANK L. TTNDLAY. EXPERT TUNER. AT 131 6th St.. Oregonian bldg. Phone Main 910. SOULE BROS.. EXPERT TUNERS. 107 FIRST st. Phones. Filers Piano House. HELP WANTED 3IALE. LIFE INSURANCE MAN. EXPERIENCED and competent, wanted for important district agency Mutual Life of New York: must have bona fide re-ord tor writing $100,000 to ?30D, 000; bond required: liberal commissions and office allowance. William S. Pond. State Man ager, Oregonian building. Portland. Or. MEN OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Ex plains how we teach barber trade in eight weeks, furni&Ci positions at 560 monthly; pre sent outfit of tools, allow applicants to tarn tuition, and make special inducements to those from distance: mailed free. Moler Barbei College, San Francisco, Cal. WANTED A FEW GOOD MEN TO OPERATE Motion Picture machines and give exhibitions in churches, scJioolhcuaes and halls in your own locality. Big money can be made. No experience required. Send this "ad." and address arawer 14G, Chicago. 4 FALLBRS AND BUCKERS, 50c PER M.; 20 teams, 54, pass; R. R. teamsters and la borers, ?1.75, pasa; farm hands; wobdehop pers: other work. Canadian Emp. Agency, 228 Morrison. YOUNG MAN TO TRAVEL; BEGIN JAN. 15; permanent position and good salary: will re quire about $25 capital to qualify himself for business. Address Q 58. care Oregonian. ENGrNEERS AND FIREMEN. SEND 10c FOR 24-pagp pamphlet, containing list of questions asked by examining boar& of 'engineers. Geo. A. Zeller. Bookreller. St. Louis, Mo. Mention this paper. MAN.WITH CRIPPLED FOOT, WANTS TO run elevator, fold circulars, write addresses, or do anything within his power for small wagep. Addrcre V C5. care Oregonian. WAN'TED YOUTH FUR DELIVERY DE partment Bernstein's -Vrt Store; must be fa miliar with the city. SALESMEN TO SELL OFF-ICE SP.ECIAL tles. Fine side lines. U-wd by all mTchanta. Catalogue free. Model Mfg. Co.. South Bend. Ind. TELL GEO. ROWE COME; ALSO WANT dlfhwasher; H. cook, E. Ore. R. G. Drake, 152 First. TVorklngman's Barber Shop; haircut 15c, shave 10c; 6 chairs. Ed Dennlpon. 205 Morrison st. WANTED 500 MEN TO TRY THE BEST 5c shave and 10c haircut, at 27 North Second. YOUNG MAN. NOT AFRAID OF WORK, Call at 305 Alder. KELP WAXTED FEMALE. MRS. PORTER. OF THE PACIFIC EMPLO"? ment oflioe, is now matron of the Horn for Unemployed, at 505 Third street; will be be pleased to have all orders sent there. Ore gon phone Red 15S1; Columbia. 170. ILLOND'S PREVENTATIVE CONES. THE greatest of all antiseptics, sent sealed, per box, $1 50; send 10c for sample and partlculare. Rlond Chem. Co., Portland, Or. P. O. box S74. ORDER YOUR HELP FROM THE VOLUN teeis of America Free Employment Agency. 24 North Second st.. Portland. Oregon tele phone Hood 762. Grant McKay, Manager. "WANTED BRIGHT WOMAN FOR BUSINESS trip through the state. Must be over 25. R. C2, care Oregonian. WANTED WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSE vrork: must understand chamber work. 2SS?J Third. NO END OF POSITIONS. CALL, EVERY body. Canadian Emp. Agency. 22C Morrison. WANTED A 'COMPETENT COOK. APPLY C&O Flanders street. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerk. SITUATION WANTED WITH AN IMPLE ment house, as salesman: In touch with the largest and best farmers in Eastern Washing ton. Address J 65, care Oregonian. Miscellaneous. YOUNG MAN 'WANTS POSITION AS JANI tor; has had experience, halls preferred. Call room 40 Logan building. Union ave., bet-ween 6:30 and 8:30 P. M..-or write V 61, care Ore gonian. , RESPECTABLE YOUNG MAN WANTS Po sition of any kind; clerking preferred; good reference. Q 65, care Oregonian. JOB AS LUNCH OR DINNER WAITER wanted by young man; boarding-house pre ferred. T 05, care Oregonian. JAPANESE BOY WANTS HOUSEWORK AND cooking; help, or any kind of work. Address X 64, care Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY JAPANESE BOY, to do cooking, housework, for family. Address A 01, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Domestics. WANTED. BY 100 GIRLS, WORK OF ALL kinds. Save us time and car fare by tele phoning your order to the Canadian Emp. Agency, 226 Morrison t. We are waiting in their parlors. ORDER DOMESTICS. WAITRESSES, CHAM bermalds, Jap, Chlncee, etc., R. G. Drakef 152 FirnL Both phones. WANTED. IMMEDIATELY PLACE FOR general housework; good wages. E 61, care Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED EY A COMPETENT uecond girl, to do second work. 1C9 North 12th. GIRL WANTS HOUSEWORK, grove, between 18th and 10th. 502 PETTY- FOR RENT. Room. THE SPALDING. S. E. COR. TARK AND Alder tls., under the management of the owner, Helen F. SnaldlaK SH most complete apartment - house In tffr Northwest; choice rooms, for gentlemen or gentleman and wife; furnished housekeeping suites a specialty. ' THE PLEASANTON, 288 THIRD ST. FINE turnlshed rooms, en suite, single or house keeping; sunlight In all rooms; bath :ncludea; most reasonable terms"; transient solicted. THE NEWCASTLE, S. E. COIL THIRD AND Harrison sts. Rooms, furnished or unfur nished; all modern conveniences; references. THE GILBERT LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED rooms; all modern conveniences. Tnlrd and Taylor su. entrance. 267 Taylor. CHOICE FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED fiats, modern, bath; no children. Janitor, 230 Hall st., near Second. THE QUINCY BLOCK ELEGANT -ROOMS: modern conveniences. J. E. Mlnard Black, prop. 345 First. '. GILMAN HOTEL Brick bldg., central; fur nished rooms, $1 week and up. 1st and Alder. MRS. M. OSVOLD. 22i MORRISON ST. Nicely furnished rooms! rent reasonable. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR rent; cheap to gentleman. 170 13th st. 1C6 10TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room: heat, gas. bath, running water. PLAZA HOTEL. 207 THIRD ROOMS. 2oc TO ?1 per night; 51.50 to 55 per week. Rooms With Board. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 12TH YEAR; rooms with board; enameled bath tuti; use of llbrarj; Woman's Exchange: Industrial ecbccl. Address Mrs. E. t. Oeorge. auperln ttndent. 510 Flanders street. TWO NICE FRONT ROOMS WITH BOARD and bath: terms reasonable. Mrs. Woolley, 321 Vest Park. FRONT ROOM WITH GOOD BOARD FOR one or two women; reasonable. O 01, care Oregonian. 274 FOURTH ST. TWO ROOMS. WITH GOOD board; opposite City Hall; terms reahorable. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM: ALSO other rooms; with Hrst-class board. 225 11th. FIRST - CLASS ROOMS. WITH BOARD; Dhone and bath; private family. 330 Fifth. SUITE FINE ROOMS, WITH BOARD, AT 101 11th et., between Yamhill and Taylor. NICELY FURNISHED. SUNNY ROOM. WITH board. 141 West Park. iIotiBCkee; lnx; Rooms. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED House keeping rooms; every convenience; reason able. 205 Montgomery st., cor. Fifth. 435 ALDER PARLOR SUITE, FIRST FLOOR; second-floor flat, nicely furnished; bath? tele phone; dtelrable location. TWO NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms; alccve, pantry and bath; no chil dren. C9 North ISth st. UNFURNISHED ROOMS, FOR HOUSEKEDP lng; first-class city references required. 1CS 13th et. 413 MAIN. COR. 11TH FINELY FURNISHED parlor and kitchen: telephone, bath; no chil dren. &5 11TH ST.-ONE SUITE OF FRONT ROOMS, fumlened for hou&ekeeping; also alcove room. 3S8 JEFFERSON Furnished fiat. 4 rooms; unfurnished rooms other rooms; references. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, with bath; conveniently located. 350 Clay. FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS, FOR HOUSE keeplng; references. 335 Clay. C-ROOM FLA1 la. Inquire ; . WITH BATH. IN THE SEVIL 110 Third st. 2CS JFFFFRSON TWO FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms. Houses. FOR RENT CORNER HOUSE, 17TH AND Jchnson. with all modern Improvements; 9 room.. Inquire of A. B. Steinbach. Fourth ind Morrison. 5-R. COTTAGE, 100 E. 15TH; ALSO SEVERAL stores with living rooms over. R. G. Drake, 152 First; also employment agent. Phones. 2C4 14TH, NEAR JEFFERSON FINE NEW flat, modern and complete in every way; $25 month. NEW. MODERN 7 - ROOM COTTAGE, 713 Kearney, .between 22d and 23d. Call 10 to 3. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, ALL MODERN CON venlencep. 390 Park. Apply, 391 Seventh. FOR RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE. FOUR LOTS, with fruit. East 17th and Brooklyn sts. FOR RENT MODERN Call 387 12th street. iO-R0OM HOUSE. Famished Houses. A VERY CHOICE COTTA3E. 0 ROOMS AND bath, one block from Hotel Portland, to rent; new carpets and furniture to be scld cheap. Collins, 270 Washington st. $15 PER MONTH 0-ROOM HOUSE, NICELY furnished complete for housekeeping; wood shed and yard. 2C9 East 37th St.. close to Taylor. Phone Unlcn 545. Houhvk for Rent Furniture for Snlc, IF YOU SEE THESE HOUSES AND MAKE any offer, you will be pretty sure to buy. They are bargains, and are going to be eold. 11 rooms, nicely and completely furnished. 2 blocks frcm Hotel Portland, all rented. $750 Or 13 rooms, equal good location. S62D. That nearly new 26 rooms, steam heat, central. $1550, but want offer account sickness. Several oher good houses, all sizes and' prices. Col lins. 270 Washington st. 14-ROOM FLAT. ELEGANT FURNITURE;' good location: paying $10 above expenses; rent only .20;412-rocm house, near P. O. ; a great bargain if sold seen; have others. See me before you buy. C. E. Bennett. 127 Fourth street. WANTED TO RENT. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; BOTH, OR one bedroom; furnished; within 10 minutes' walk of Good Samaritan hospital. Call at 208 North 16th et. WANTED BY FEB. 1 ; ROOMS- AND BOARD for three; no children; m respectable private family: references exchanged. G Co, care Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT, BY RESPONSIBLE party, furnished lodging-house; reasonable. P 64, care Oregonian. YOUNG LADY WANTS EOARD AND ROOM, private family; state price. Address M 02, care Oregonian. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. IN PRIVATE family, by couple; no chllGren.- Address box,! w, cjtjr. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Agrricnlraral Implements. Machinery. RUSSELL & CO ENGINES. BOILERS. SAW mills, threshers, horse-powers; 324 Belmont. JOHN POOLE: Newtan wagons, buggies, wind mills, pumps, machinery. Foot Morrison st. Art Goods and Picture Fraincn. BERNSTEIN'S ART STORE, Q07 WASHING- ion si. ; greai clearance sine; special mrgaiw. Assayers and AiinlyKtU. J. W. FISK, MINERAL - AS3AYER ANU chemist; gold dust bought. 204.Wa3hir.gton. PAUL BAUMEL. ASS.AYER AND ANALYST. Gold dust bought. 228' Stark st. ' Attorneys. H. K. SARGENT; general practice, collections. Phone Hood 832. 718 Chamber of Commerce. EMMONS & EMMONS, Attorney o-at-Latv, 023 C25 Chamber of Commerce. Both .phones 47S. PAXTON. BEACH & SIMON.' ATTORNEY&-at-law, 510 Chamber of Com., Portland, Or. PD?ES & TIFFT, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. 70S 711 Chamber of Commerce. Bukcrics. U. S. Bakery, Matschlner Bros., props.; breads, cakes, pies, pantry and crackers. 101 N. 14th, cor. Flanders. Hnrhcr Simps. HOWARD'S BARBER SHOP: FINEST BRAND clears; 9 expert workmen. 266 Alder tt. BatliM. DEKUM Bathrooms: populai- batiks. masage, electricity. 714-15-16 Dekum. Phone Red 2S-J5. Book Stores. New and second-hand school and other books. 203'Morrison St., between First and Front. Complexion Specinllsts. Beautify and regulate joUr features: scientific methods. Madame Steele. 722 Marquam. Cornicen Skyliklita. METAL SKYLIGHTS, GALVANIZED HIO.N cornices. J. C. Bayer, 2G5 Second street. Crenmcrles. WASHINGTON CREAMERY: PURE BUTITLR. cream; bakery goods. Both phones. G. G. Majger. 420 Washington. Chinese Medicines. Dr. Blng Chong, 101 2d St.; Chinese root medi cines cure all diseases. Examination free. CliiropodiMtK. WM. DEVENY fc MAUD DEVENY, THE only scientific chiropodists, room 301 Allsky bldg., 2d and Morrison. Oreg. phone Grant 10. L. MITCHELL. PAINLESS CHIROPODIST, OF flce ICO .5th St.. cpp. postoffice. Tel. Hood 014. Miss Dart, chiropody and manicuring, room 50 Union blo'ck. lsc and Stark. 0 A. M. to 5 P. M. Commission Merchant. HERMAN METZGER, PURCHASER Of hid, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubbsr and old metal, and general commlslon merchant. Front 3t.. near Main, Portland, Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO., SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants, Sherlock building. Portland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS, COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchants. Front & D st"., Portland, Or. EVERDING & FARRELL. commission, butter, eggi, chickens and farm proJuce. Portland. H. TUKK & CO.. 234 FRONT; FLOUR. HAY. produce, feed and groceries. Cipur Denier. RAILROAD CIGAR AND 'TOBACCO STORE; cigars and tobaccos. Fred G. Lent, 250 Alder. Dancing-. MISSES JiATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANC ing, 2C0 14th. Private lessons by appointment. Dentltita. HENRY P. O" CONNOR. D. M. D.. C02 MAR quam building, Morrison st., bat. Gth and 7th. DR. C. B. BROWN: tel. Ore. Red 2S16; res., White 6.24. 614-15-16 Dekum building. DR. FRANK I. BALL. DENTIST. ROOM 4I3t Dekum building. Phcue Brown 40i, Dental Supplies. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO., Cor. Fourth and Washington sts. Dreanmaklii sr. MRS. SADIE A. McKIBBEN. MODISTE: FINE evening and street costumes a specialty. Tel, Scott 701. 372 East Morrison. E. L. REEFFE. LATE OF CHICAGO; STREET and evening costumes; furs remodeled. 333 3d. MISSE. MCDONALD: FASHIONABLE DRESS maklng: fit guaranteed. 027 Washington. MADAME McINTl'RE: PARLORS 25,1 SIXTH St., ccr. Madison :perfect fit guaranteed. Dyeing and Cleaning-. II. W, TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER AND cleaner, 301 17th. Telephone Red 131. Educational. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE. Fifth and Yamhill; A. P. Armstrong. Prln., J. A. -Wescc' Sec. Open all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue fre. HOLMES' ENGLISH AND BUSINESS COLr lege. 414 Yamhill st. English course: com mercial and shorthand courses. Send for cat alogue. Spanish lessons; Mrs. Wm. Webb Robinson, nee L. McDonald. Selllng-Hireeh bldg., room 53. ALL ENGLISH BRANCHES TAUGHT: teach ers prepared for examination. 301 Yumhlll. Electric Belts. DR. SCHRAMECK'S ELECTRIC BELTS ARE the best; examine ?5 belts. 270 Front et. Electrical Engineers. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS. 302 Wash. All kinds electrical supplies and repairs. Fence and Wire Works. PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS: WIRE and Jron fencing, office railing, etc. 334 Alder1. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Wcrko; A. Carlson; 2S0 East Morrison st. Hariie&t: and Saddles. THE 'BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. HAR ness and sole leather, saddlery, hardware, find ings and shoe store supplies, 73 Front st. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO. WHOLE eale saddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front st. Hotels. Hotel Vlllard; newly remodeled and refurnish ed; modern. J. E. Munsey, prop. 575 N. Front. Insurance. HAMBURG -BREMEN FIRB INS. CO.. 102 First st. Boyd & Arnola. General Agents. Iron Founders and Machinists. Smith Sc Watson Iron Works; engines and boil ers; logging engines a specialty; quartz and eaw mills; misc. machinery. Front and Hall. Willamette Iron & Steel Works; James Lotan, mgr.; lrcn-workers, steamboat bldrs. Portland. Kindergartens. Miss Annie Mattlngly's afternoon FrobSl Kin dergarten. 2C9 14th st. Tel. Brown 518. Lnnndries, BEGIN THE NEW YEAR ARIGHT; HAVE the Model Laundry do your work. Leather Findings. J. A. REID. mfr. boot and shoe uppers: full stock shoemakers' supplies. 207 Washington st. Logrsriuf? 31nchlnerj NEW DEVICE FOR SAVING WIRE CABLE on logging engines. E. Turney, 507 E. Oak et. , Ma&nctlc and Electric Miis;ag;c. MRS. ABBlE C. FRENCH CURES NERVOUS women Without drugs. CO Lewis building. Mnnsnjje. "THE SNOWDEN" BATHROOMS REOPENED at 131 4th et.; formerly "The Nelson"; tub and vapor baths, massage. Ttl. Red 421. Midwivev. MRS. DHL. GRADUATE MIDWIFE. North 14th st. Telephone West G07. Marhle and Granite Works, PORTLAND MABBM WORKSr marhlp. rfan- l . lte and stone workr Schaneu & Neu, 203 1st BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Mining; Machinery, TATUM & BOWEN, 20 TO 35 FIRST ST.; mining, sawmill, wood -working machinery; pumps: Hoe saws. Musical. PROF. VAILLANT DB LA CROIX, formerly baritone of French and Italian opera; Italian method; voices tested free. Goodnough bldg. I Kembter viola fcr sale; violin, viola and cornet lessons: music furnished. Emll Thlalhcm. M. 1 P S. Orchestra. 2C0 JefKrson. Tel. Weet 1004. Lessons 50c; piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vio lin. Instruments for sale. Mrs. Martin. 104i 1st. Mining Investments. OREGON EXPLORATION CO. OFFERS SPE clak inducements' to Investors n -its. wide, rlc field of operations, with no risks In pur chase or the working of mines. The company owns a group of eight uuartr claims of grea: promise. Only a small amount of stock Is on the market, at a low price and easy terms, as a large per cent Is held as treasury stock for the benefit of every share. E. A. Clem & Co.. 515. 516 Oregonian building, Portland. Or. SUMPTER MfNES The greatest gold camp In North America. Keyst6n6 Belle, 10c; Ohio, 20c; Diadem, 10c; Northern Light. 5c. Developed and undevel oped claims for sale. We can give you the most reliable ltn.ment In mines. Dawson McDowell Co.. 11 Sherlock b!dg.. Portland. Or. has fully equipped etamp mill; good rec.rt S a producer; :our parallel velrxj, cf high-grade ore; 2C0O feet cevelcp ment work. Small block stock for sale. E. A. Clem & Co., 515-516 Oregonian bldg.. Portland. JAMES M. COLE &. CO., Baker City. Mines bought, sold, developed. Special bargains in Sumpter quartz claims for sale. Mining;. MONTANA METALLURGICAL WORKS. IN corporated. Sampling and assaying: small lots of high-grade ores nought; gold and silver re fined; mint rates allowed for gold: charges, ores, alloyo, etc.'. gold ?1.E0. silver $1.30.'goUl and silver $2, lead $1.50, copper $1.50. zinc $2.E0. Iron 51.50, retorting amalgam $1.50. S. Chase, President; J. T. Gove, Manager. 92 First St.. Portland. McdicnI. DR. TAUL CROMWELL, .THE GREAT COL cred specialist of all kinds of diseases of both men and women. Every disease of the human body. Ees, cars, consumpt'"1, asthma, ca tarrh, cancer, wens and ait other chronic dH eatjes positively cured. The doctor can be seen at his new sanitarium, 171 Creeu ave., 23d and Washington. GREEK RHEUMATIC SPECIFIC IS GUAR anteed to positively cure iny and all forms of rheumatism, acute or chrorrtc, very quickly, or money refunded. Imported directly from Greece, and can be had only from L. T. Lewis, 252Vj Washington st., Portland, Or. Ladles! Chichesters Bngllsn Penn royal PUU are' the best. Sal, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c. stampa, for pai tlculars, "Relief for Ladles." In letter by return mall. At Drug gists'. ChlcheatPr Chemical Co.. Phila.. Pa. DR. FLORA A. BROWN MAKES SPECIALTY of asthma and diseases of women and children. Consultation and diagnosis free. 517-18 The Dekum. Portland. Or. Osteopathy- TREATMENT W. A. ROGERS. OSTEOPATH, Marquam building, rooms 532-533-534. Hours, 9-12 A. M., 2-5 P. M. Phone Main 27. Call and Investigate our methof of treatment. Coreultatlon and examination free. OREGON INFIRMARY OF OSTEOPATHY; under ,he management of L. B. Smith, D. O. Suite 400 Oregonian building. Examination free. Laoy osteopath. DRS. NORVFRUP &. ALKIRE. osteopathlsta, rooms 415-10-17 Dekum block. Oregon phone Main 340. Cunrultatlcn and examination free. Orer.nn Viaxi Company. Lewis bldg,. Park and Morrison. Frep Health lectures to women Thursday, at 2:20 P. M. Palmistry. Mfss Marie White, scientific palrm:. read. past and future correctly. Lewis b'dg.. room 63. Patents. T. J. ,GEISLER, 610-OU CHAMBER OF COM. Registered attorney U. S., patent office. Photogrrnphers. Burns, leading- photogrnpher, Gth and Morrison, makes- reliable photos at reasonable price?. Photographic Supplies. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO.. WHOLESALE and retail, cor. Fourth and Washington. Redl Estate, Loans and Rentals. ATKINSON, llshed 1SC0. WAKEFIELD 227 Stark st. & CO.; ESTAR- Rcstanrants. Strouse's Cafe: best 25c meal; famouj coffee and cike. 10c. 222 Washington, bet. 1st and 2d. mains' Cluhs. The Portland Riding Club, line livery, saddle .horses a specialty. Park and Jefferson. Sanitariums. HOME FOR THE SICK; MRS. ELLEN TOUT, mjrsc: confinement enssa a specially. 255 Fifth. Saw Mill Machinery. ChrIstencn-McMn3ier Machinery Co.; new an1 second-hand machinery. E. Water & 13 Try-It ! Second-Hand Goods. We buy everything clothing, furniture, etc. Call or address 52 Third st. Telephone Hcod CS5. ShovrcuseK and Store fixtures. DIXON. BORGESON Washington sis. & CO.. FRONT AND Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE, RELIABLE CLAIRVOYANT and pschic life-reader, consult her on busi ness aitairs, love troubles, absent friends; good advice on mines; reading daily, 50c and up. 167 First street, office 7 and K. LARSEN. THE PALMIST. WILL TELL THE year whf n all leading events In life take place. Past and future readings, 50c. 2i5 First st. MRS. J. A. SMITH. MEDIUM AND MAGNET IC healer, card reader: ores read and mlneo located. Rcom 8, 228 Yi asllngton. MRS. C. CORNELIUS. TEST MEDIUM; SIT dally. Allsky bldg.. Third and Morrison. MRS. STEVENS. Psychic. Inspiration writings. 25c. Sittings dally, 50c up. 342 First at. Slorasre. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE. Fourth and Davis. Merchandise a specialty. Insurance ralea low; storage rates reasonable. Careful attention given to country monts. Tel. Or. Main 777-t Columbia 078. Storage and Transfer. SAFES, PIANOS, FURNITURE MOVED AND packed for shipping. C. M. Olsen. 12S First. Tel. office. Main 1087; Black 801. STORAGE AT LOW RATES CAN BE HAD at Fred Blckel's storehouse. 31 North Front. Wines and Liquors. Fine wines, liquors and cigars; free lunch: everything first class. Tom Perkins, 329 Front. WILLIAM TELL SALOON; CHOICE WINES and liquors: line lunch; beer. 5c. 211 Alder. Veterinary Surgeon. G. W. Vaughn, V. S.; all diseases; special at tention hor3es" teeth. Tel. Hood 723. 122 5th. WhnlcHuIe Grocer. ALLEN &. LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, cor, X. Front and, Davis sts,. Portland. Or. Wholesale DruireriKts. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. WHOLESALE druggists, corner Fourth and Wnshln:on "Wood and Coal. DRY WOOD: FIR. OAK; LONG OR SAWED. Nlckum. 342 Water st. Eoth phones. WANTED MISCELLAPTEOCS. WANTED TO BUY PIECE OF LAND. ABOUT 20 acres, suitable for dairy, vegetable garden, on good road, with running- water, not ever t milt-"' from Portland; state price and loca tion. G Cd. enre Oregonian. WANTED .HOTEL; FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. In Pacific Northwest. In town cf 5000 to 1500 population; $2500 cash, balance secured by mortgage. Write particulars to Buyer, 31 Monroe nt.., Warren, O. WANT TO BORROW 400 ON HOUSE AND let. cne or two years. 8 per cent. Inquire Emmons & Emmons, 623-625 Chamber of Com merce. FOR RENT LAND. FOR RENT 3 ACRES BEAVER DAM. land; suitable for raising onions and In good condition.' Mrs. Agnes Crulckshank, Clacka mas, Or. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR HORSES AND COWS 15. 3. Indian School Service. Saljm Indran Indus trial School, Chemawa, Or.. Jan. 0, 1000.- Sealed proposals. Indorsed Proposals for cowa or horses" as the case may be. and addressed to the undersigned, at Chemawa. Qr.. will be received at thl3 school imt I 2 o'clock P. M. of Jan. 31. 10C0. fcr tarnishing and deliver ing at the school twenty nsilch cows and two work horses, of the following specifications: All animals must have been born and bred north of the south line of the state of Kansn.-i. Milch cow3 meet be good, well-bred, native American cattle, grade Durham preferred, not under 2 nor over 4 years old. Horses must be between 5 and S jears old. free from blem ishes, well broken toTiarners and matched in gait, sound and gentle In every: respect and-i animals offered 'will "be eubjeit to' a rigid in spection. The right Is reserves to reject any and all bids, or any part of any bid. if deemed for the best interests of the service. Certified Checks. Each bid must be accom panied by a certified check, or draft upon some United State3 depository or solvent national bark, made payable to the order of the com missioner of Indian affairs, for at least five per cent of the amount of the proposal, which check or draft Will be forfeited to 'the United. States In case any bidder or bidder? receiv ing an award shall fall to promptly execute a contract with gcod and sufficient sureties, otherwise to be returned to the bidder. BIdi accompanied by caah In lieu of a certified chock will not be considered. Fcr any addi tional information apply to THOS. W. POT TER, Superintendent. PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE SUPPLIES Office Purchasing Commissary. San Fran cisco. Cal.. January IG. 1000. Sealed propo sals for tarnishing and delivering of such quantities of. subslrtence supplies, delivered at such wharf or wharves or such warehouse In San Francisco. Cal.. as per circular to be seen at this office, will be recelvel here- until 11 o'clock A. M Friday, January 20, 10C0. and opened Immcdiatelv thereafter, in pres ence of bidders. Specifications, gsneral In structions to bldrvr5 and blinks form of pro posals will be furr'-'hed to established dealers on application tc W H. BALDWIN. Major and C. S U. S. tny. Purchasing Commis sary. Stockholders' Meetlncr. NOTICE OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF the Stockholders of the Snake River Valley Railroad Company Notice U hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders cf the Snake River V?lley Railroad Company will be held, pursuant to the by-Jaws, en Monday, the 5th day of February. lOuO, at 12 o'clock noon, at the office cf the secretary of the company, room 314 Worcester building. Portland. Or. HFNRY F. CONNER. Dated January 15, 1900. Secretary. NOTICE OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF the Stockholders- of the Washington Railroad Company Notice Is hertfiy given that the an nual meeting of the stockholders of the Washington Railroad Company will be held at the office of the company, rcom 314 Worces ter building. Portland. Oregon, on Monday, th 5th day of February. 18C0. at 12 o'clock noon. HENRY F. CONNER. Secretary. Dated January 15, 1000. U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE. BURKE BUILD Ing. Seattle. Wash.. January 24, 1000. Sealed proposals for constructing brick storehouse at Rleh'r Passage. Wash., will be received here until 12 M.. February 23. 1000, and then pub licly opened, information furnished" on ap plication. HARRY TAYLOR. Capt, Engrs. Masters Notice. GERMAN SHIP CHILE. CAPTAIN SPILLE. from Nagasaki Neither ths captain nor the undersigned consignees of the above-named vessel will be responsible for any debts that may be contracted by the crew. Taylor.Young & Co.. Agents. Portland. Or.. Jan. 22. 10u0. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINIS trator In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Multnomah County In the Matter of the Estate of Jacob Schwartz, Deceased Notlee !? hereby given that I. the under signed. hae been duly appointed by the county court of the state of Oregon, for Mult nomah county, administrator of the estate ot Jacob Schwartz, deceased. All persons having Claims against said estate are hereby motlfted and requhed to present same to me. duly veri fied, at 29 Front st... within sli months from date here. Dated Portland. Or.. Dec. 30. 1SD0. I. N. FLEISCHNER. Administrator of the Estate of Jacob Schwartz.Dcceased. NOTICE OF SALE OF SEIZED GOODS No tice la heretr given that on th- 2Cfh day of January, lOoO. at 2 o'clock P. M., there will be sold at public auction, at the XT. s. ap praiser's store. 32 North Front st.. Portland. Or., to the highest bidder, for gold coin ot the tl. S-. the following described articles which have been seized for violation of the U. S customs and revenue laws. th same being the following setzures: No. 1381. (T. "W.T. N03. C5-69. 5 pkj?s. shrimp sauce; No. 1302 (O. H-). Nos. 35-39, 4 pkgs. salt shrimp; No. 45. 1 pkg. fungus; No. 1303 (Q. L. T). Nos. 7C-70, 4 rhgs. sauces: No. 136S. 150 cans opium. 1 trunk; Nc. I3C0. 140 cans opium. I. L. PATTERSON. Collector of Customs. PT-flSOSAL. INDIAN SEER AND MEDIUM; MP.S.WHEAT-Iy-Howe. the Tvonderful. gifted Indian squaw? phrenologist, mind reader, palmist and herbal clairvoyant; reveals all sacreta and diseases; born with two vella qver face: wonder ot 19th century; treats all diseases by the use of Indian herltf. Separate parlors for ladles and gerttlemen. 271 Fifth at., oppcslte City Hall, downstairs, first floor. Tells from tht; cradle to grave. Strictly confidential. 27 women wanted suffering frcm Irregular, pain ful or stoppage of periods; leucorrhoea (whites), and all complicated diseases pertain ing to changes of life, cured by old Dr. K?a ler. cor. Second and Yarutilll sts. 320 women called last month. Consultation- free, and pri vate rocrrn for ladles. If can't call, write. Inclosing 10 2c stamps. Hundreds treated at home by his new system. RIMLESS EYE-GLASSES. $1.25; NICKEL OR gold-filled frames, wlta best lenses. $1; com mon glasses, from 25 to 50c. Eyes tned frne. by cumpetent optician; fit guaranteed. Port land Jeweler and Optician. 132 FIrat St.. be tween Washington end Alder. LAST CHANCE! MADAME STEELE. AGENT for the famous Madame Tully cosmetics, will remain but 10 day3 longer. Special Induce ments to all ladles who call at her parlor, 722 Marquam. Office hours. 10-12 and 2-5. WATCHES CLEAN-ED. 75c: MAINSPRING. 75c: clock' called for and delivered. All watcn and clock repairing warranted one year. The Portland Jeweler. 132 First st. Phone B'aci 037. ONE SUIT CALLED FOR. PRESSED, spenged and delivered every week, $1 a month. Also sttam cleaning, dyeing and repairing Unique Tailoring Co.. St Washington. Phones. ALL LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WHO .TCZ deslrou.9 of learning the German or Fr?neh language, can do so by addressing profeisar late from Europe, M C5. care Orerenlan. MR. R. BARNARD WILL HOLD HIS OLD position pgaln at the Ut of the. month. Mr E. Lyori-, or any ether Lyons will not keep him out of It. 30 FINE VISITING CARDS. 25c: TO. r5c. POST paid; 250 buslr.ef3 cards. SI: 500. S1.C0. Brown & Schmale. prlntero, 229 First street, Portland. Or. YOUNG WIDOW. STRANGER. WOULD LIKE position es housekeeper for widower or bach elor; city or country. S31 Morrison street, room 17. ELECTRIC TREATMENTS FOR LADIES. Mm. E. S. Ullrey. 100m 31 Labbe building, cor. Second and Washlrgton. SELECT MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC; L-VDY from San Francisco. Parlor 20. 268 Stark st. Otto Kltngbell. magnetic healer. 307 East Sixth st.. treats any olekress. Ore. phone Scott 693. REOPENED The Francis room!ng-hou3e. for merly The Snowden batntiouse. 129 Fou'rin. Wrinklss and all facial blemishes removed by electricity, cup. roller and sponge. Lewis bjg Mrs. Dr. McCoy, electric treatments. La Porte houss, cor. Third end Yamhill sts., rcom 14. Oregon cut-rate dye-worl'e,-Burnslde. near-Sth; steam cleaning and dyeing. Tel. Red 2203. CLOTHES MENDED FOR LADD3S AND GEN tlemen. Apply at rocm 45, Labbe building. REOPENED THE FRANCIS ROOMING hou3e. 129 rcurth. moved to 1-19 First. FREE SAMPLE CATARRH SNUFF. CALL Clemenscn's Drug Store, 227 Yamhill st. DOUBTFUL DEBTS COLLECTED, where. CIS Chamber of Commerce. ANY- WANTED AGENTS. WANTED GENTLEMEN -AGCNTS FOR A gentleman's bock; big money to right man. Particulars free. Geo. C. Lawrence, box 452, St. Paul. Minn. WANTED MERCHANTS OR SALESMEN TO s!l our new gasoline lamps. Columbian Gas L mp Co.. Portland. Agents .make big money with currllne. Write for particulars. Great Northern Woolen Mills. Chicago. WANTED A LIVE AGENT. AT ONCE: AR tlcle used In every office. 595 Overton street. Economy Gaa Lamp Co. light 15 Hiours 5 cts Agento wanted. H. W. Manning. Agt.. 43 3d. WANTED FIVE- GIRLS- TO SBW- ON coupon skirts. Mrs. J. A. Dick 3C3 Alder eL BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE A WELL-STOCKED MERCHAN dlsc store In Glendalc. Or., In the heart of Southern Oregon mlns; amount of atoafcr, ?e;00; store building 30 by 75; price 4fIt and building. $1500; If desirous, wllf 211 stock and rent building; annual sales. $20,080; reason for selling, wish to engage in mtainff; terms cash. Call oa or addre&i J. L. Dewey. Glsndale. Or. BUSINESS CHANCE IN LIVE. WKSTSHN town; a dry goods, shoe and clothing buai ncsxv doing- a business of $70.fi00 to ?S0,H .i year, for sale at a rare bargain; parttes eon pclled to quit business on account of Ill-health. Adsdreso H 63, care Oregonian. MOVING-PICTURE MACHINE AND 3TBRK optlccn combined: complete fixtures fiw k hibltion; cost $318; sell for cae-quartw. W. C. Scott. LaFayeUe, Oregon. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY FOR SALE IN Hoqulam or Aberdeen. Wash. Cool-jaytrHe buinH. For particulars, address box. 890. Aberdeen. Wash. $225 NEAT FRUIT AND CIGAR STORK, with back room; gcod part Third at.: want to sell this month sure. Collins. 270$t Washing ton ?u FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE store: small etcck;. Income Independent, of store: $30 per month. L 64.. rare Oregonian. $700 ONE OF THE BEST-PAYING ROOM ing and boardirg-hcuies In the city; excellent location. Jennings. 226 Ablngton bloefc. FOR SALE BUTCHER SHOP; ALL NHCKS sary appliances: in good, thriving eouRtry to-n. F 64. care Oregonian. FOR SALE GOOD SAW MILL. LOCATED" AT Hillsbcro Fcr full particulars address Lang Bros.. HUlsboro, Or. COOD LOCATION FOR DOCTOR. WITH houso. lot and barn, cheap. Call ream 12; Hi bernian building. OLD-ESTABLISHED BUSINESS; INVOICES about J20.0CO; want to retire from bueltwoa. B 53. Oregonian. A FREE-MILLING GOLD CLAIM. 3 MIL53 from Sumpter. fob sale at a low figure. V 59. care Oregonian FOR SALE FRUIT AND CONFSCTIONIBlf, with small stock of groceries. Call at 150 Sixth ttreet. Exceptional business opportunity, bright, ener getle weman. 70 Lewis building. 1 to 3 P. M. SALOON FOR SALE. CHEAP FOR CASH IF sold at ence. Address X 70. care Oregonian. Manufacturing buslners. e'earing $2Q a month, low rent. $1200; leavinc state, B 50. Oreg.. TOJl SALE SALOON; FIRST-CLASS STAXI Address O fri. care Orsgonian. FINANCIAL- Loans on bicycles, planes and personal proper ty. W. A. Hathawa. room 10 Wash, blrty. State funds loaned at 6 per cent. W. E. Tbcmaa. State Agt. for Mult. Co.. 400 Chamber of Com. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 per cent, farm or etty property. O. M. Smith, S14 Ch. of Commrc. LOANS WITHOUT .PUBUCITr ON FURNf' lure, pianos, salaries, etc. Can be paid tar Installments, reducing interest. Rates lower than the lowest. F. W. Graves. Mgr. 235 Alder, near 4th. ground floor. Tel. Green 441. $200,000 TO LOAN AT 5. C. 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property for sale and WW, Agent for Westchester Fire Insurance Co. "Wm. j. Seek. 321 Morrison st. MONEY TO LON IN SUMS FROM $25 TO $300, on all classes of security. R. I. Kckar soa & Co., room 5 Washington building. MONEY LOANED on suburban real estate, or good security of all kinds; In sums to suit. "W. 1-L Nunn 311 Macleay bldg. Phone Matn 822. ONE TO FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS TO loon; realty security; 7 per cent. 22tJ AMrg ton building. MONEY TO LOAN. IIARTMAN. THOMPSON & POWERS. 3 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN on any good security; strict ly private. Call "Mann." 801 Dekum butfctlMg. MONEY TO LoXx on furniture or good seeurl tfes. S. W. King, ream 43 Washington bitfg. LOANS on rfa' cersonat. chattel or fatary e curlty. C W. Pallett 't5 Commercial block. WRITE ME: I'll loan you money on your furni ture, privately. Io.v rate. S 43. Oregonian. Money loaned on chattels and real property. ra sonable. 612 Commercial bldg.. 2d and Wash. CHATTEL LOANS ON GOOD SECURITY; law rat est; private party. 310 Allsky buttdtii-?. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND BOAT. JAN. 18. 1900. OWNER CALL In 10 days, or sold cct. Painted rest on- 1M tcm. white ertdes. yellow on top: foumt -lock; pair oars, painted blue, whit; Hi Met long. 4 feet wide. IS lncnea high. F. 7r8 wnM, 20th and Vaughn st STRAYED OR STOLEN WEDNESDAY. NK bay mare; white streak on face, threw whtta feet; stake rope and pin. Finder pleas ad drc 47 East 15th st. north. LOST GOLD BADGE. WINGSD M ATTACU ed. Finder please return to M. A. A. C. Chtb and receive reward. BASKS. SAVINGS BANK PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 120 FIRST STREET. Money to loan on mortgage. A general trust and agency business traneaetedl BENJ. I. COHEN PrasMtent H. L. PITTOCK. A. S. NICHOLS VhM-tfsnw, E. J. ALTSIOCK, J. O. GOLTRA. ...Scrtai3 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Flnuneial Agent ot the United Statap., , President ,.&. W. CQ&fc.TT" Cashier .'...'.G.-'HV WITKKIITONI' Alstant Cashier J. W. NBWKURK Second Assistant Cashier. W. C. ALVORD Letters of credit Issued, available in Europa. and the Eastern states. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfars sotei on New York. Boston. Chicago. St. Loul. St. Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and the prhwlpal points in the Northwest- Slghr and :me hill drawn in suras to s-utt, on London. Pans. Berlin. Frankfcri-on-Uw-Mhtn Hong Kong, Yokohama. Cooenhasen. Chrfcrtlanlu. Stockholm. SU Petersburg. Mooow. Zurich. Hon olulu. Collections made on favorable tera'- LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1S3S. Transact a General Banklnsj Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points a faerabl erms. Letters of credit ls-iud available In Eu rope and tae Eastern state Si-cht Exchange and Telegraphic Tranfsr mi on New York. Washington. Chicago. St. Louw. Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and various pefcif In Oregon. Waahington, Idaho- Montana and Britih Coumb!a. . Exchange sold on London, I'arte. Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong. " WELLS. FARGO & CO. BANK CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS.... .S-ttOrt JOHN J. VALENTINE PRBSrpT HOMER S. KING.... MANACWt. (San Francisco.) , R. M. DOOLF.Y CASHIER H. G. HANLEY ASSISTANT CA&H1ER CPcrjIand.I General Bnnkinc Business transacted. Ex change sold, and Letters of Credit hwued, avail able In ail parti of thp world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON PrsWnc R. L. DURHAM Vlce-lfrwMt R.W. HOYT f81, GEO. W. HOYT Assistant CaaMer TRANSACTS A GENERAL RANKIN BU5INE3S. Interest nald on time denoslts. Drafts and letters of credit toaued. available In sll parts of the workl. . Collections a specialty. Gold atwc BOUgfM. London and sak francisco bank LIMITKD. CAPITAL P ID T-P $2t5fle0 Head Ofllce. 73 Lombard strwt. LoitKMi., This bank, transact? a general banKiiur -adf ex change business: make3 kvtns. tilwounts t-tn and Issues commercial and travelers credits, available- In anv city In the worM. Chumber nf Commer- ouildlnc. Thlwl and Stark streets. W. MACKINTOSH. Manager. AIN3WORTH NATIONAL BANK , OF PORTLAND, cor. Third artd Oa sts. J;, t'. 'AINSWORTH. Prea.: W. W. FJIILLITS, Cashier. 'Transacts a General Banking Business. Exchange bought and soid on all the prtaeipal cities In Eurone. Also facilities tor tetosrapfcte transfers. Collections made un favorable terms on all accessible points. SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT Connected with the bank. Safes rented or wsy terms. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL RANKr Transact1! a General Banking "Buiner.,1 Drafts Issued available in all eltfe o'rt '' United States .tmi Estrone President TYLER WOODWARD Vice-President JACOB KA MM Cashier F. C. MILLKR BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA-PAID-UP CAPITAL SSOifiOn RE-SERVE 500.60d Head Ofllce. GO Lombard street. Londen. Com'l block, 244 Washington st.. Portland. R. LEA BARNES, Mcnajsar.