Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 20, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Senator Hale Denounced Great
Britain's War.
Pension Appropriation Bill Passed
by the House Attack on Com.
xnissloncr Evans.
WASCTNCJTON, Jan. 19. A speech,
sensational In its Interest and interna
tional in its scope, "was delivered In the
senate today by Hale -of Maine. The
occasion of the utterance was the simple
question -"whether a resolution Introduced
by Allen of Nebraska, calling for infor
mation as to the recognition by this coun
try of the diplomatic representative of
the Transvaal republic should be di-
he declared that nine-tenths of the Amer
lean people sympathize with the Boers, in
their gallant struggle for liberty against
one of the greatest powers in the world.
He declared that the war which Great
Britain is waging Is" the most fatal blow5
at human liberty that has been struck in
the century. He declared "that the Amer
ican people are not in sympathy with
Great Britain in the South African war
to stamp out the liberty of the people,"
and when Mr. Balfour, in the house of
commons, made such a statement, "he
should be met with some disclaimer from
this side of the Atlantic." He declared,
that the English peonle; themselves were,
not in favor of this war, which "had
teen brought on by a, .sharp cabinet min
ister engaged with gold speculators."
Hale spoke with unusual force, decisive
ness and earnestness, even for him, and
his passionate eloquence claimed the
closest attention of every auditor.
The resolution, which previous to Hale'sv
speech had caused a sliarp colloquy 6e
tween Allen and Spooner of Wisconsin,
was passed finally as amended. Morgan
of Alabama addressed the senate briefly
on the financial bill.
rected to the president or secretary of
state. Hale made the question the sub
ject of an Impassioned speech in whlchiQurtis rep. ,Kanr)-assailed the
resolution as amended by Spooner was
The following bills -were passed: To
ratify an agreement with the Indians of
the Fort Hall Indian reservation, in
Idaho, and to authorize the secretary of
the navy to change the material to be
used in the construction of the drydocks
at the navy-yards at League Island and
Mare Island, Cal from timber to con
crete and stone.
Morgan dem. Ala.) then addressed the
senate in opposition to the financial bill.
At 2:55 o'clock the senate adjourned un
til Monday.
House Passes tne Pension Bill: i
The pension appropriation bill engaged
the attention of the house today. Be
fore it was called up, a bill was passed
to extend the time for the completion
of a bridge across the Missouri river at
St. Charles, Mo.
Barney (rep. Wis.), who was in charge
of the pension bill, made a general state
ment of Its contents. He saltf the com
missioner of pensions estimated that the
amount fqr pensions during the jcomlng
year would largely decrease, but, owing
to the influx of -claims on account of the
Spanish war, he did not deem it .wise to
reduce the appropriation this year. There
are 25,000 Spanish war claims pending.
?be jcommissloner thought $5,000,000 or
56,000,000 would cover these claims.
Xnmerons Engagements With. In
surgents, and Many Captures
Prisoners Released.
The pension appropriation bill, carry
ing $145,245,250, was passed by the house
today. It was made the vehicle of an at
tack upon the commissioner of pensions
by Curtis, a republican of Kansas, who
was seconded by Xrentz and Norton of
Ohio, and Robinson of Indiana, and other
jNortnern democrats. All inveighed
against ihe lack of liberality in the ad
ministration of the pension laws. The
commissioner was ably defended by a
score of members from both sides of the
house. Mahon of Pennsylvania charged
that the assault upon him had been in
stigated by the "pension sharks" of this
city, who were robbing the old soldiers.
As a result of the tetter's disclosures, a
rider was put upon the bill by unani
mous consent, empowering the commis
sioner, in iiis discretion, to withhold the
fees of attorneys of record in pension
cases where he was satisfied that the at
torneys had not prepared the cases under
their personal supervision.
Transvaal War Discussed in the
Senate House Proceedings.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 19.-At the conclu
sion of the morning business in the senate
today the resolution of Allen (pop. Neb ),
calling upon tho secretary of slate for in
formation as to whether any representa
tive of the Transvaal had applied to the
united States government for recognition
And, if such application had been made!
whether it had been accepted, and, if not
why not, was laid before the senate!
Spooner (rep. Wis.) moved that the reso
lution be directed to the president, and
he be requested to furnish the informa
tion, if not incompatible with the "public
Interest. Spooner maintained that the
president ought to have discretionary
power about giving out information.
Allen thought the matter within his
resolution could not affect any diplomatic
negotiations, and there was no impropri
ety about it.
Spooner regarded it as a piece of gross
impudence to call upon the secretary of
state for confidential information for
which the president alone was responsible
Allen replied at length to Spooner, In
the course of which he said it had been
reported throughout the country, -in the
dally and weekly press, that the populist
party had gone to pieces.
-""I say to you, Mr. President," said
Allen, "that tnese statements are circu
lated with a political purpose. There are
more populists in the country today than
ever before. We can cast 2,500,000 votes,
and'aiot ail of those voters are fools,
either. The organization, far from having
gone to pieces, Is stronger today than at
anyper!od previous.!
In a brief speech 'in opposition to the
amendment. Teller (sil. Colo.) said he
-would not say a word that would be of
fensive to the government of Great Brit
ain, j'ot he felt his sympathy go out to
the Transvaal Republic in its great con
test at arms with England.
Hale (rep. Me.) said he could not be
lieve any accredited representative of the
Transvaal Republic had been rejected by
the president.
"I should," he said, "deem that a most!
Tinrortunate event, if it occurred. I have
lieard that irresponsible, unaccredited
persons, perhaps United States citizens,
lave appeared in Washington claiming to
represent the gallant people who are
struggling for liberty, but no such mission
could be recognized. I have yet to be
made to believe any duly accredited rep
resentative of that brave people of South
Africa has appeared before the president
of the United States and been denied a
hearing. If that be true, the sooner we
are informed about it the "better for the
American people.
I don't fail to take notice that through
out the, length .and breaath of the land the
sympathies --of the great American peo
ple are in favor of the struggle which the
3oers are making today to preserve a
republican government"agalnst one of iue
greatest powers of the world.
"I don't doubt that the American peo
ple agree with me that the war which
England Is waging is the most fatal blow
at human liberty that has been struck in
the last century. I don't doubt that the
administration representing The people of.
the United States feels today as I feel on
the subject, and as nine-tenths of the
Americans feel."
Hale quoted from a speech of Mr. Bal
four, in which the British statesman had
declared that the Boer war had knit
every branch of the English-speaking
race. - -
"I deny, sir," declared Hale, with great
feeling, "that the American section of that
race is in sympathy with Great Britain
in the South African war to stamp out
the liberty of a people. I eny that the
American people are to be tied to the
chariot.-wbeels of war against 'the South
African republics. And when the leader
or tne-conservatives in the house of com
mons asserts that, he should be met by
some disclaimer from this side of the At
lantic 'I don't wish international complica
tions," said Hale, in conclusion. "I don't
wish war. I recall that we have not been
so much in love with neutrality in times
past that we should not speak up boldly
for Bulgaria, Poland, Armenia, Cuba and
Greece, and I don't know why it is now
that we must speak with bated breath
in fa,vor of liberty.-
"I don't believe the English people are
in favor of this war. I believe the great
queon on bended knees has prayed that
the war might be averted. I don't be
lieve the great premier of England fa
vored, the war. It was the act and move
ment of a sharp cabinet minister, en
gaged with gold speculators, who favored
the war."
rulings of- the commissioner of- pensions
tracing their origin to the "startling, false
and fictitious charge made in 1S93 that
thousands of fraudulent pensioners were
on the Tolls'
- "If the;pfesent -commissioner Is nob con
ducting 'the office properly, is .not the
remedy in the hands of thejujiininistra
tin?" asked Bartlett (dem. Ga.). "
"I don't believe the president Indorses
the acts -of the commissioner," replied
Curtis. "I don't believe he knows what Is
going on."
"Was not the" commissioner a soldier in
the Union army?"
"They- s'ay lie was'i -replied -Curtis. "I
don't believe he ever carried a musket."
Here Grosvenor (rep. O.) Intervened to
say that Commissioner Evans was a pri
vate soldier In a Wisconsin regiment, and
later joined the army of the Cumberland.
Before the close of the war he was made
a clerk in the quartermaster's office at
I Chattanooga, .
May not all the trouble be due," asked
William Alden Smith (rep. Mlctyj :to tHo
employes In the pension office whp-are but
of sympathy with the old soldiers, but
;who are protected jn their positions by
the civil service law?"
"I have been told that that was true,"
replied Curtis, "but the commissioner of
pensions has the power to remedy that
condition." " . - .
He Inveighed especially against thcrul
Ing.whlch deprived widows of .the benefit
of the dependent act of-lS90 If "th'eyhave
an Income of $96 a year.
Robinson (dem. Ind.) joined In the as
sault upon the rulings of the pension
Gaines (dem. Tenn.) argued In favor of
his scheme to "break up trusts by denying
them the use of the malls.
Sims (dem. Tenn.) commended Evans
course as commissioner of pensions.
Ray (rep. N. T.), ex-chairman of the
committee on pensions, characterized as
"unwarranted- and unjustifiable" Curtis'
attack upon the commissioner of pensions.
Ball (dem. Tex.) raised the question of
expansion, and had read a speech of Abra
ham Lincoln, made In criticism of the
Mexican war, upon a bill voting supplies
to our soldiers in the field. Upon that
occasion Ball said that Lincoln had voted
that the war was unnecessary and uncon
stitutionally begun.
When the bill was reported to the house
the following amendment was unanimous
ly agreed to:
"Provided, That the commissioner of
pensions shall furnish all necessary
blanks to claimants, and that said com
missioner may, In his discretion, refuse to
pay the fee to the attorney of record when
he is satisfied that said attorney failed
to prepare the case under his or her per
sonal supervision, and did not discharge
his full duty to claimants."
The bill was then -passed, and at 4:05
P. M. the house adjourned.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. The war de
partment has received tiie following cable
grams from General Otis:
"Manila, Jan. 19. Hughes reports from
San Jose de Buena "Vista, western coast
or Janay, that he crossed the mountains
in a northwesterly direction from San
Joaquin, Southern Panay, the 17th, and
struck the enemy at the crossing of the
Antique river, capturing a rifled cannon
and a Nordenfelt. He pursued the in
surgents through Antique, Egana and Sf
balom, their capital, aid marched to San.
Jose. His casualties were one wounded;
the enemy's loss was considerable. The
entire population fled to thet mountains.
Thereat was1 lOppressive. J
"MacArthur reports' the 17th Inst., that,
35 rifles surrendered 'at Flojia; Blanca?
that at Manibauen, McRae, Third infan
try, captured three Insurgent officers, the
wife of General Mescardo, considerable
Insurgent property, and liberated three
Spanish prisoners; that at Caland he cap
tured 10 Insurgents, bui-ned seven tons of
jriceand Iftqlns urgent .barracks? that SuK
'"van, xmrry-fourth'. Infantry! hear San
Jose, surprised an Insurgent "force and
captured six rifles and considerable live
stock; that Lieutenant Houle, Third in
fantry, captured, near Malolos, one offi
cer, 25 men and six rifles; that Van Horn,
Seventeenth Infantry, struck; the La
ronea at .Santa Cruz," killed "17$ wounded
five, and captured 13 and nine rifles.
"MacArthur reports, the 18th Inst, that
a strong mountain position, west
of Mabalacat, occupied by General
Hlzon and 50 men, was captured
yesterday by McRea, Third infan
try. The enemy left a lieutenant
and four men dead In the trenches. Mc
Rae captured a captain, one: man. 130
jTlfles,- -7000 rounds, of ammunition, and de
stroyed the arsenal and a quantity of
rice. The casualties were one man
"Bates reports that Schwan's column of
cavalry is refitting at Batangas, to move
eastward on the 19th. Infantry is now
moving in that direction, the enemy re
tiring, suffering loss In men and prop
erty, and our 'casualties are "few, mostly
-sght wounds.- A portion of ftVheaton's
troops will enter Lemery and Taal to
morrow. They are now meeting with op
position in the mountains, which Impedes
their march. Six officers, 54 enlisted men,
four civil employes, and 11 friars, all
Spanish prisoners released by Schwan, ar
rived from Batangas last evening. Near
ly 200 arrived in Manila the. day before,
via Calamba. :
"Young, at Yigan, reports a number of
successful skirmishes In the mountains
with remnants of the insurgent organiza
tion and robber bands, with light casual
ties among his troops.
"The Kobbe expedition, Randolph's bat
tery, Forty-third and Forty-seventh in
fantry, convoyed by the naval vessels
Helena and Nashville, sailed for Alban
province, and Samar and Leyte Islands,
antee It, and "further suggested that the
loan should be guaranteed by the colo
nial and customs receipts." Now, as soon
as the Delagoa bay railway de
cision is made, which will un
doubtedly' be -against Portugal, and
may compel her- to find $15,000,000
orf $20,000,000, she "will need a loan. Then
the benevolent Engllsn and. German gov
ernments will come forward to urge the
money Upon her. If she will nbt borrow
peaceably, they may force her to. The
Tesult, we suppose, will be an occupation
of the' Portuguese colonies in South
Africa very like the English occupation
of Egypt. Sovereignty may not be as
sertedthe Action of Portuguese sover
eignty may be kept up as solemnly as
that of Turkish sovereignty In Egyp't
but the colbnles will be administered un
der foreign control. Time and method
are uncertain. The Boer war may hasten
or may retard the step. But that it is
on the cards to take it ultimately, and
that Delagoa bay is to be under British
ebntrol inthe near future, the Interna
tional map'makers undoubtedly regard as
a fixed fact.
American Traitors Who
, Helped A'gruinaldo.
"I- Uhlcagb Inter Ocean.
John Barrett, former minister to Slam,
'and well acquainted from near and per
sonal observation with the origin and
growth of the Agulnaldo insurrection,,
gave some conclusive testimony against
Senator Hoar in a public address at Lake
Forest university on Saturday eyenlng.
Mr. -Barr-e'te- was" in "Hang- Kong when
Senator' Hoar delivered hlsJ speech of
January" 10, 1899, denying the right of
the United States to acquire the Philip
pines, violently attacking the conduct of
the president, and alleging that the great
majority of the American people desired
tho Filipinos to Tie independent, and
would sympathize with--any-effort of the
Tagals to vindicate, by force of arms if;
necessary, their freedom against the
"usurpation" of McKinley.
Four days later Mr. Barrett found In
the hands of the head of the Hong Kong
He Wants an Agreement SVitlx the
Other. Povrers on 'Several Impor.
tnnt Questions.
w V VV
John H. Gear, Re-elected United
States Senator from Iovra.
Presidential Xominatlon.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. The president
today sent the following nomination to
the senate:
Thomas B. Hildebrand, of Albla, la., to
be receiver of public moneys at Rampart
City, Alaska.
Startling Confession of
a Minnesota
ST. PAUL, Jan. 19. A special to the Dis
patch from Redwood Falls, Minn., says;
A report has just reached here irom
relatives of the deceased that old man.
Slover recently died in California, and
that he made a confession to the effect
that he killed Moses Lufklns, In Gales
township, this county, some '12 years ago,
instead of William Rose, who was after
ward hanged for the crime.
Congressional Investigation o Fed
eral Appointments.
Prosecution Is Still Calling Its Wit
nesses. NEW YORK, Jan. 19. The unexpected
happened today in the trial of Molineux,
and the prosecution did not rest its side
cf the case as expected yesterday. Heck
man, the owner of the, lettpr-box, had tes
tified that Molineux hired a letter-box fropi
him In Bamet's name, and that after db
ingso he made some corrections with a
pen to a letter which he had in his hand.
The prosecution Is of the opinion that if
it shows that two different kinds of ink
were used in writing this particular letter,
it will have strong evidence that Heckman
was telling the truth in this, particular
matter. This line, of Drocedure was sug
gested as a result of a clever examlna
tlbn of the witness by Foreman Martin,
of the jury.
Dr. Beaman Douglass, being recalled to
the stand, some rather stormy passages
at arms occcurred between Assistant Dis
trict Attorney Osborn and the medical
man, though Dr. Douglass appeared as a
witness for the people. As in his former
examination, Dr.-Douglass persistently- In
sisted that his patient, Hv- Or Barnet, had'
died of carlac failure and not from cyanide
of mercury poisoning. However, Mr. Os
borne scored a point by showing that a
powder had been sent through the mall to
At the conclusion of Hale's speech the
( Jasehair-PIaer's Crime.
WORCESTER, "Mask,' Jan." 15. Mflirtln
Bergen, a member of the 3ostbn baseball
team, shot and killed his wife and two
children, and then himself, at his homo
In North Brookfield today.
' 3 0
Obscure B.oyalt ,
Chicago Inter-Ocean.
The last words of the Prince of Wales
to General Lord Roberts were: "Good
hy, 'Bobs'; happy Christmas and prosper
ous New Xear and every possible luck
with your job." It Is not recorded that
the commander-in-chief, who was, stand
ing near, whispered to the great general,
" 'Bobs,' who is your fat friend?"
3 C
Cabinet Meetlne-
WASHINGTON, Jan, 19.-At the cabinet
meeting today a communication from Ha
vana, covering the action of General Wood
in removing Mr. Mora from his office as
public prosecutor, was read. Otherwise
the meeting was devoted to routine mat
ters of little public Interest.
a o ft , n i
New Calilc Lines.'
France is absolutely dependent upon
England for news of the Transvaal war
because the cables are under her control!
and she is ready to spend a vast sum of
money to free herself. This is like many
people, who. after allowing dyspepsia to
settle upon them, spend a fortune seeking
deliverance. Save your money and try
Hostetter Stomach Bitters, the medicine
3ilti;5.ev8iifiU1 to cur dvPepsia, con
stipation, biliousness, malaria, fever and
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. The investi
gation of the alleged polygamous status
of several federal, officers in Utah was
today resumed by the house committee on
postofflces. In view of the statement
made at the last session by Lentz, author
of the resolutions of investigation the
committee had requested Postmaster
general Emory Smith, J. Addison Porter,
secretary -to the president, and Represen
tative Grosvenor to be present. Before
the committee met the members discussed
infbrmally the right and propriety of ask
ing the president's secretary to submit to
interrogation, Chairman Loud maintain
ing that such a course would, in effect,
amount to the summoning of the presi
dent and an inquiry into executive af
fairs. Grosvenor made a flat denial of the
statement made by Lentz as to the words,
"We have not let the grass grow under
our feet," in reference to the charges.
The conversation was Informal, Grosve
nor said, and he would have as soon ex
pected that a private conversation with
a member of his family would be brought
before the committee as to have this talk
brought here. Grosvenor said his state
ment to Lentz was, in substanco, that
the investigation would fail, there was
nothing in the charges, and that he had
taken steps to learn the facts at the time
of denying, them on -.the floor otth
house. His denial was based on his knowl
edge of the character of the president.
He said he had also said to Lentz that a
search would show that there was no
scrap of evidence to sustain the charges.
Subsequently during a call at the White
House on another matter, Grosvenor said
the president remarked to those present
that-he had never had-asusplclon' that
he was appointing any one guilty of1
polygamy, as he had never heard of the
charge until it was made in the house.
To many questions, Grosvenor empha
sized his sweeping denial of the language
and inferences attributed to him by
jueniz, as reported by the newspapers.
Postmaster-General Smith detailed the
circumstances as far as they had come
to his knowledge, although the two ap
pointments under consideration were made
prior to his administration. He had
found, however, that attention had not
been, directed to any charges prior to the
appointment, although subsequently pa
pers which had been submitted were
brought to the attention of the higher
officials. One of them was a letter from
N. E. Clemonson, pastor of the Pre'sbv-
' terlan church of Logan, Utah, address&d
-jrersonai to tne president," stating that
"Mr. Smith, the postmaster at Locran. la
a. high ecclesiastic of the Mormon church,
nving in a polygamous status." There
was also a petition received.
Mr. Smith presented a letter from Mr.
prt?r., secretary tq tfie president, dated
yesterday, sziyjngr " "r- 'c
"There Is in this office no record of the
receipt of any letters, petitions or pro
tests concerning the appointment of John
Graham as postmaster at Provo City,
Utah. . A letter addressed to the president
under date of Logan, Cache county, Utah''
'Nbyember' 22, 1S97, by "N. E.' Clehibnsdn,'
pastor Presbyteria'tf church? was referred
to your department and an acknowledg
ment from this office was made to the
writer November 27, 1897. Subsequently,
a petltron dated Logan, Utah, December
6, 1S97, signed 'E. W. Nelson, John W.
Boyle, William Braugham and others,'
relating to the same subject, was re'-
celved and acknowledged December 21 1
ic6t mut- ,.i ...J, - i ,1 ''
j. mo ijciinuu was reierrea to tne
postofllce department December 24. 1S97'
The hearing went over until next Tues
day. . '
0 ' -
Delagoa Bay's Plain Destiny.
New York Commercial Advertiser.
That England was to get .Delagoa bay
in some fashion, and that Germany was
to come into control of Portuguese pos
sessions on the wset coast of Africa, ad
joining the German protectorate declared
over Demaraland in 1SS4, waa asserted by
those having the best means of informa
tion. All doubt on the point was re
moved by the official note Issued In Lis
bon last Saturday. .In that, the Portu
guese government declared that England
and Germany, "having previously reached
an agreement between -themselves," hadi
notified Portugal that, in case she .need
ed a "loan, they were1, prepared' to 'guar-'
Filipino junta a long cable dispatch,
just received, giving the most sensa
tional parts of'Hoar's speech In full, with
a summary of- the remainder. When
asked what he intended to do with the
document, the Filipino said he intended
to send It to Agulnaldo and his follow
ers at Manila. Mr. Barrett had been in
sympathy with the efforts of the Fili
pinos to obtain their freedom from Span
ish rule. He counseled that Hoar's
speech be not sent to Manila, as Mr.
Hoar did not represent the real senti
ments of the American people, and the'
circulation of his utterances among the
lgnbrant natives could only do mischief.
Nevertheless, Hoar's words were pub
lished, and widely circulated among tho
Tagals, with an accompanying statement
showing the senator's posltlbn in the
American government, and setting forth
the great influence that he possessed 'in
shaping national policy. Thfe deluded
followers of Agulnaldo were thus per
suaded that President McKinley did not
irepresent the real sentiments of Ameri
cans. Mr. Barrett gives it as his delib
erate judgment that this speech by. Sen
ator Hoar brought about the armed rebel
lion which began within less than a
month after Its delivery. In that judg
ment the American people concur.
Many anti-expansionists still profess
to disbelieve that the Tagals could have
been promptly informed of the utterances
of Hoar an,d other incendiaries. The
facts have long been well known to all
pot wilfully blind to them. Mr. Barrett
ascertained that the cable tolls on Hoar's
s'peech were about 54000, and that they
were T)ald in Washington. It is well
known that Agonclllo, who was in Wash
ington at the time, never lacked for
money, and that his purse was kept full
by certain Americans noted for their
dabblings In treason. The president and
his advisers undoubtedly know whose
money paid for this dispatch. At all
events, Hoair's" speech was promptly In
the hands where' it would do as much
harm as possible.
q a
A Society Impostor.
Denver Evening: Post.
In the. lodg-e of Sway-Backed Susan,
Leader of the Ute Four Hundred,
All- the klnga and queens ol fashion
x That he fragrant tribe, could boast of
Gathered ibra. festal blow-out.
There was Dick and Mrs. Bull Elk,
Bulbous Noae and his beat sxjuawlet.
Tdlss The-GIH-Who-Has-No-Sox-On,
Bessje KnockB-the-Fellows-Sllly,
Pollyo EUyn Sklns-thc-Rabblt,
Sleepy Jim and Chicken Swlper,
Colonel Skunk-That-Splkes-the-Breezea
Mam'sell Don' t-You-Wish-You-Had-Me,
And a lot of other flyers
From the gilded coop of fashion.
'Twns the annual dinner given
By fair Sway-Backed Sue- In honor
Of the death of her last husband, ,
"Who was angellzed quite sudden
By an expert quick-shot paleface
'Round wheaa henhouse he was snooping.
In the chaflng-dlah the dog meat
Fronr-a blooded' bull pup simmered,
On - the coaI$ the tripe was broiling,
And the heavenly aroma
Percolating through the wigwam
Started every nose to twitching.
Thrilled with fond anticipation,
Gayly sped the danse du ventre
To the beating of the tom-tom.
And 'the beadod perspiration
Stood upon the smoke-cured faces
Like the w"arts upon a hontoad.
Suddenly & "shrrekj'of Tiorrbr,' "
Marked with streak of indignation,
Burst from out of Sway-Backed Susan,
And she swatted Messieur Bull Elk
On the ear, and swiftly kicked him
Through the portal of the teepee
Out into the shimmering moonlight!
HeOiad clajmed to be a blue-blood,
A society example.
Lacking not a high-flown feature,
And as such 3iad won her favor.
But she then and there discovered
That ho was a base impostor,
For to her he had admitted
In a literary confab
That he'd not road Daid Harum!
1 OlA-TInie Surgreuy.
T.nnflnn rPoliln'rnnVi
A grim souvenir of an old-time war was J
JU V1CIV ill U. UUUC1 3 VY111UUW "111 UIO moat
End. It is an ebony-handled saw, which,
according to the Inscripton on a brass
plate attached to the implement, was used
by a' surgeon of the British army to am
putate the limbs of wounded soldiers at
Blenheim, Malplaquet and Ramlllles.
ii HOP
Respite for Homer Bird.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. In the case of
Homer Bird, who is under sentence, of
death for murder, alleged to have been
committed in Alaska, the, president has
granted a respite until March 15, in order
that the circumstances connected with the
case may be more fully examined.
y ''You 'Cannot Worlc
WIthaheadache. Askdrucelst forWHcht'n
J Paragon Headache and Neuralgia Cure. I
BERLIN, Jan, 19. In the relchstag to
day, the debate on Herr Moeller's joint in
terpellation of the government regarding
the seizure of the German steamers by the
British -warships was opened. Herr Moel
ler said vigorous expression must be given
to the indignation felt at the fact that the
subsidized line, to which tfie vessels be-
longed, should observe the strictest neu
trality, and2expressed the opinion that the
matter- should, -furnish the- opportunity of
defining the rights of mall steamers. The
unloading of the Bunaesrath, he adoJ,
could have been effected in a few days.
The delay showed want of consideration
for international courtesy, and it should
be made incumbent on the British officials
to announce whether and to what pxtent
th'er 'views in regard to the rights of mail
steamers naa Deen cnangea.
The action, the speaker continued, ap
peared arbitrary, and It was Germany'o
duty to demand security for her ships in
the future from all maritime nations. Ger
many was eo neutral that even her arms
factories had been Jqrqhibited from supply
ing 'he beriigerents." Tiie" present"" case af
forded, a, rare spectacle of the unity of all
parties. Great Britain had not always
maintained the neutrality marking Ger
many's present attitude, and Englishmen
should take care not to draw on them
selves the hatred of the civilized world.
j. Ts Statement was greeted ,with loud
cheers. The minister of foreign affairs,
Count' Bulbw, 'rep'lled. He declared that;
Heir. Moeller, 'In 'his Introductory' remarks,
had justify pointed "out the feeling of an
noyance which the seizure of German
steamers by British war vessels had
aroused throughout Germany, and con
tinued: "Tho German empire will not withhold
Its concurrence and support If, with the
co-operation of the other powers, It would
appear possible, -by means' of an Interna
tional agreement, to get nearer a settle
ment of the disputed points of maritime
law. At present the interpellator Is only
too justified in saying the maritime law is
still very flexible and elastic, Is very defec
tive and has numerous gaps which, In crit
ical moments, are only too often filled up
by thet application of naval force. I would
hkoan agreement with the other govern
ments concerned to establish the following
"Firstly Neutral merchant vessels on
the high seas or in the territorial waters
of belligerents, shall, apart from the right
of convoy, which is not raised In the pres
ent case, be subject to the right of search
by the warships of belligerents.
"Secondly vfhe right of search shall "be
exercised with as much leniency as pos
sible. "Thirdly, should a neutral ship, when
requested to stop, refuse to do so, or an
examination of her papers disclose irreg
ularities, or should the presence of contra
band be established, a neutral ship may
Je. seized and delivered to a competent
"prize cqurt,
'Eaurthly, the term contraband shall in
clude only goods or persons suitable for
use In war artd Intended for one of the
belligerents. What kind of goods' come
under this heading Is a matter for discus
sion. "Fifthly, any contraband discovered to
be liable to confiscation, whether with or
without compensation, depends on the
particular circumstances.
"Sixthly, ifthe arrest of ashlp Is un-
3ustuiatie, tne belligerent snail De bound
to release both the ship- and cargo with
out delay and pay full Indemnity for the
damage and injury sustained." Count "Von
Bulow proceeded:
"We recognize the rights which - inter-
national law actually gives to belligerents
in resDect "to neutral ships; neutral trad&
a"nd neutral intercourse. We don't mis
apprehend the duties which a state of war
imposes on neutral shipowners and mer
chants, but wo ask that belligerents shall
not extend their powers beyond, the limits
of absolute necessity and that they- shall
respect the inalienable rights and legiti
mate trade of neutrals and, above all, that
they shall exercise the right of search
and the ultimate capture of neutral ves
sels and goods In such a way as to meet
tho necessity for the maintenance of neu
tral trade and the normal relations be
tween friendly, civilized peoples.
"Talcing up this standpoint, we lorth
with lodged a strong protest in London
against the proceedings of the British na
val officers. We demanded first the im
mediate release of the Bundesrath, Herzog
and General. The latter two were Imme
diately "released on our request and the
Bundesrath was released yesterday.
"Secondly, compensation for the unjus
tifiable detention and losses therefrom.
The duty of compensation has been admit
ted In principle, and Great Britain has
declared her readiness to give all legiti
mate- satisfaction."
"Thirdly, we laid stress on the necessity
of instructing the British naval officers
not to molest German vessels outside of
the vicinity of the seat of war,, especially
from Aden northward, and Great Britain
has given instructions through which the
stoppage of vessels and the search of
vessels will" not be exercised at Aden or a
similar distance from the seat of war.
- "Fourthly, wo pointed out the high de
sirability of not stopping German mail
steamers, and' Great Brita'ln issued in
structions that such vessels shall not be
stopped or searched on mere suspicion.
These instructions remain in force until
other arrangements are reached.
''Fifthly, -wo havo proposed that all con
tentions and questions not otherwise set
tled shall be submitted to an arbitration
tribunal, to be promptly summoned. Great
Britain expressed the hope that arbitrat
ors would not be required, but declared
her willingness for arbitration in order to
assess the claims' for damages.
"Finally, the British government has ex
pressed its regret for the incidents which
..have occurred."
r -This last statement caused loud cheers
In the house, Count von Bulow, In con
clusion, said Germany would maintain
friendly relations with Grpat Britain, but
the government hoped that such Incidents
would not recur, making It Impossible for
the good relations to continue.
enormous success, and they have already
conquered the biggest part of Natal.
They are pushing already Into Cape Colo
ny, where- they are joined by the bur
ghers. Klmberley is likewise completely
surrounded, as well as Mafeklng, while In
the northern part of the Transvaal the
Boers are already beyond our boundaries.
On every side the British are getting a
good thrashing.
"The Internal arrangements here are ex
cellent. All the English have left the
country. Order Is beautifully maintained.
The Boers still remaining may be seen
dally leaving for their-varlous commands.
,' "Johannesburg now is fearfully quiet.
All the male population has been drafted
into a special constabulary. No one Is al
lowed out after 9 p. M. With the excep
tion of 10 mines, which are being worked
by the government, all the mines on the
rand are shut down.
"Up to the present 1500 English are pris
oners, among whom are 50 officers, and
C000 are slain. Our loss does not amount
to 200, including the dead and wounded.
It sounds like, a miracle. It still looks
doubtful who. Will come out ultimate con
queror, 'but as things look now the bur
ghers stand a good chance. No fighting
has occurred in their own country. The
supply of food is plentiful. The English
soldiers are -not worth much and sur
render easily. Already two of their gen
erals are dead. Cape Colony will revolt.
"No doubt It will surprise you to see me
having changed thus, but that could not
be . otherwise after having witnessed
everything. It is now clear that Cham
berlain's sole aim has been for three years
to make war against the Transvaal and
obtain possession of Its territory."
A War Critic's Opinion.
NEW YORK. Jan. 19. A dispatch to
the Herald from London says:
"The Morning Post's war critic says
there can be no questlcJn of surpris
ing the Boers who have had a week In
which to Intrench their main position
and two or three days' notice of a possi
ble attack upon their right flank.
The plan Is that General Lyttleton's
brigade shall engage the enemy in front
while General Warren's division tries to
attack the .right flank. If General Bul
ler should succeed In beating the Boers
and joining hands with General White,
tho Boer army, which must retreat across
the Klip river between Lady3mith and
Colenso, will be In a perilous position, .for
Sir Redvers will be as near Glencoe on
the railway to Newcastle as the Boera
"Having chosen the most effective di
rection and one which offers the best
prospects of success. General Buller has
decided to strike with all his might."
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B-uffy Pure Malt "Whiskey Co . Rochester N" Y,
Montague Wliitp May Be Received.
NEW YORK. Jan. 19. A special to the
Herald from Washington says:
It is stated In an authoritative manner
that if Montague White is equipped with
proper credentials from the Transvaal gov
ernment, he will be received as its repre
sentative by the administration. General
O'Bterne's rejection was ostensibly due to
his American citizenship, but there Is no
doubt that the authorities would have pre
ferred that the matter of the Transvaa:
representation be left undetermined.
However, when Mr. White calls at the
state department Secretary Hay will see
him, and his status will then be deter
mined. There Is every" reason to belifwft
that if his mission is to secure an expres
sion of sympathy from the president In be
half of his government or the Intervention
of that official, it will fall, as It Is reit
erated that the administration will not In
terfere unless Great Britain should inti
mate her willingness to have this govern
ment act.
Stratncona's Horse.
MONTREAL, Jan. 19. The new body of
mounted rifles to be raised in Canada at
the expense of Lord Strathcona, the Ca
nadian high commissioner at London, will
be known as Stratncona's Horse. It will
be got together by the militia department,
and will be forwarded to South Africa
from Halifax, but Lord Strathcona will
meet the entire expense, and furthermore
will maintain the troop in South Africa
during the continuance of the war; It
will cost .Lord Strathcona not less than
a round million dollars. The troops will
consist of three units of 125 men each, and
will be drawn from the mounted police
force and the cowboys and ranchers of
the Canadian Northwest.
Consul Hay at Cape To-nrn.
CAPE TOWN". Jan. 19. Adelbert Hay,
the new "United States consul at Pretoria,
arrived yesterday and will start for his
post Saturday.
Early Consideration Proposed,
ilic House Committee.
which Involves most of the substantial
benefits of sovereignty without all of its
Notwithstanding the earnestness of the
leaders of the house committee, there Is
much doubt, as already suggested, wheth
er a bill is passed at the present session
of congress. There might be good reasons
for authorizing the construction of a
canal on the Nicaragua route, even If
it were not the ultimate purpose to con
struct It. It would place the United States
In a strong position in negotiating with
the French company for the purchase of
the Panama route If the president or the
official board authorized to negotiate had
authority In their bands to proceed with
the construction of the NIcaraguan canal
If the Frencn demands were unreasonable.
Colonel Hepburn and Judge Barham are
apparently acting with no such ulterior
motive and with a firm conviction that the
Panama route Is not practicable nor de
sirable. They feel, along with, many oth
ers who are less firmly convinced of the
preference for the Nicaragua route, that
valuable time Is- being wasted in the com
petition for the commerce of the East and
that further delays should not be permit
ted unless they are abundantly just fled.
If the French company Is really pushing
work at Panama, no time would be lost If
the United States should finally acquire
that route. The government would get
the benefit of the present activity of tho
French constructors. If the Nicaragua
route Is actually to be built, however,
there Is ground for the impatience
of Its supporters to secure action at tho
present session- Delay until the short ses
sion next December would mean the loss
of another year, and there might even
be danger that lock of time and obstruc
tive tactics in the sennte would causa
the loss of two years. This subject. Ilka
a number of others which relate to the
resolute foreign policy upon which the
United States have entered, Is not likely
to receive a final decision by the party
leaders until later In the session, when
the state of the revenue and the aspect
of other problems has become more clear.
C. A. C.
o o
Germany I Ensrlnml's Xntnral Ally.
New York Commercial Advertiser.
It may be safely assumed that friction
between 'England and Germany will bo
lessened by the gradually developed con
sciousness of a world mission in which
they are fitted to co-operate. It Is hardly
accidental that these two powers hao
never willingly fought each other, whilo
historic battle-fields on which they havo
been allies have testified to something
stronger than mere coincidence of interest.
The forces that counted for sympathy and
union then ought to count for better re
lations now. German nationalism was en
couraged by England during the llfe-nd-death
struggle with Napoleon, and when
ever any lessor German state has beeT
found in an antt-Brltih .coalition It ha3
been forced or enticed against its will ana
Interest. It is not to &e expected, of
coiirse-, that because Germany lent Han
del to England and Goethe Interpreted
Shakespeare for Germany the bard max
ims of competition can be relaxed In con
quering the world's markets. But If there
Is no sentiment In business there Is none
the less a response of national character
to the claims of a higher common Interest.
That 13 why any deep-seated antagonism
between England and Germany would
hnrm clvllzation. It may bo more diffi
cult for Germany to recognize this than
for England, for tho latter has had a much
longer experience in practical leadership,
and Germany is new to her political h in-
tors. But that It is sure to be fully recog-
nizea in time by both may be confidently
" AMbther GermftriTVesaeI Seized.
Jan, IS. The German bark Maria, from
Australia with a cargo of flour, for the
Transvaal government, has been taken as
a prize by tho British third-class cruiser
Pelorus,, near the Island of Inyak, Delagoa
bay, and has been sent to Durban( with
a p'rlze crew on board.
Bumlcsrnth'f Cargo Released. '
HAMBURG, Jan. 19. A dispatch re
ceived here from Durban, Natal, says the
Bundesrath's cargo has been redelivered
to her agents, and will be reloaded. The
steamer expects -to sail for Delagoa bay
Monday. ,
Hovr the War Is Vicvrcd liy the Res
idents of Johannesburg-.
NEW YORK, Jan. 19. An Idea of the
high hopes entertained in the Transvaal
republic of the outcome of the war with
Great Britain Is given In a letter written
by E. Hbuthakkdr. assistant station
master at: Johannesburg, to his sister In
Brooklyn. The letter was sent in No
vember by way of Lourenco Marques.
The letter says in part:
"We are getting used to It a bit now.
Since October 15 no more letters reached
us from beyond the Transvaal. A solitary
cable dispatch manages to come through
occasionally, but then it Is a week old.
At first I still maintained correspond
ence with Cape Town, but that Is no more
possible now. The Boers are scoring an Arthur or the German lease of Klaochou,
Consideration of the project for the
construction of the Nicaragua canal In
the house committee on interstate and for
eign commerce reveals the programme of
the resolute advocates of action, says a
Washington letter. This Is to take up the
bill introduced by Colonel Hepburn, of
Iowa, chairman of the committee, and
begin Its Immediate consideration. This
consideration will not exclude hearings of
reasonable length, but there will bo Im
patience over prolonged Ktarlngs to at
torneys, opposed to the construction of the
canal, which may suggest the suspicion
of Intentional delay. .There Is a strong
feeling In the committee that congress
should proceed to authorize at once the
construction of the Nicaragua canal under
government authority, without waiting .for
the report of the commission authorized
by the last congress to Inquire Into tho
feasibility of the rival routes. Two of
the most vigorous members of the house
committee Colonel Hupburn and Judge
Barham, of California are advocates of
this policy. They have harmonized some
differences of detail which existed be
tween them in iha last congress, and are
likely to be found working together for
speedy action. This does not necessarily
Imply that action will be taken by con
gress, for important political motives will
Anally determine whether a bill shall pass.
The president,. Speaker Henderson, and
the leading republican senators are Ikely
to bo the judges whether It Is wise to
authorize an expenditure of $100,000,OCO or
more on the eve of a presidential elec
tion, even though the money Is not ac
tually spent for several years. If the
popularity of a constructive policy Is
thought to outweigh the charge of extrav
agance against the present congress, some
bill may be permitted to pass.
The strong" representatibns made to the
interoceanic canal commission by the
French engineers In Paris and by the rep
resentatives of the Panama company in
tho United States do not seem to have
swerved Colonel Hepburn and Judge Bar
ham from the conviction that the Nica
ragua route is the only practicable one
on engineering grounds and the only one.
whose construction can be proceeded with
upon a satisfactory financial and political
basis. Judge Barham doubts very much
the feasibility of the French project for
building an artificial lake for storage pur
poses on the mountains and supplying
the water by syphon to the canal durlng-
the dry season- He Is alao a firm advo
cate of Colonel Hepburn's fundamental
proposition for absolute American control.
Colonel Hepburn proposed originally that
the territory through which the canal was
built should be under the "sovereignty"
of the United States. The modified bill
introduced Into the present congress has
substituted the word "control" for "sov
ereignty." This was favored by Judge
Barham, upon the ground that sovereign
ty would involve the creation of United
States- 'courts and other needless clv.ll
obl'gatlons. The constitution of Nicara
gua, moreover, forbids the alienation of
the sovereignty of any portion of the re
public except by a process which would
require many years. It Is provided by
Colonel Hepburn's bill that American con
trol shall include the right to fortify and
defend. The proposition is. in substance,
much like the Russian occupation of Port
If 0 per cent of the population of all civilized
nations were called out to do mlltary service.
only Russia would outrank the United States
In point of numbers
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