. J . . - VOL". XXXIX. NO. 12,204. PORTLAND, OKEGQ"N, SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1900. TWELVE PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTa AXY SIZE. ANY QUANTITY. MACKINTOSHES, RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING Goodyear Rubber Coipany Rubber Boot and Shoes. Belting, Packing and Host. Largest and most complete anortment of alllcinds of Bnbbcr Goods. F. H. PEASE, Vice.Prcs. and Manager ETCHING MATTE A NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC PAPER Gives an absolutely permanent black-and-white print. Manipulation as simple as blue print. Cold water only necessary; no chemicals. looiauer-Frank Drug Co. so tortiSnd. or. Dealers supplied at factory price. Send for description and price list. Furs! Furs! Furs! Manufacturers of Exclusive Novelties In Fine Furs, ALASKA OUTFITS In Fur Robes, Fur Overcoats, Caps, Gloves, Moccasins, etc. Highest price paid for Raw Furs. Q. P. Rummelin & Sons, O recron Phone Slain 401. OTEL P Pifth and Washington Streets . . PORTLAND, OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN First-Clnes Check Restaurant Connected With Hotel. J.F.DAVIES, Prcs. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED), FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON American and European Plan. ARANCE 3.00 Values at $1.95 Women's Lace and Button Storm Calf, Box Calf Vici Kid Kid or Vesting Tops E.C.GODDARD&CO.J OREGONIAN BUILDING, j CONFEDERATE VETERANS. Annual Banquet of the Nctt York Camp MeKlnley's tetter. NEW YORK, Jan. 19. The 10th annual banquet of the Confederate -veteran camp of New York was held at the "Waldorf Astoria tonight, 200 persons being in at tendance. While the dinner was in progress, Mrs. Jefferson Davis was escorted into the cen ter box in the balcony overlooking the banquet-room. She was given an ova tion. The dinner over. Commander Edward Owen proposed the toast "The President of the United States and the Army and Navy." Letters of regret were read ga vxfcwal,78 to 14. The proceedings today President MeKinley. GoKemoroosevfelMgrg -contest cpmmittees were un- Mayor Van Wyck and- jGolSael Ja Xongstreet, of New OreansTiuaUifttrrl President MeKinley said: t "The cordial feeling of.-anutuaKrespect and good will existing between'' the sec tions of our now reunited country, among all the peeple. is most gratifying to me. It would afford me peculiar pleasure to be w th jou on this occasion and give renewed expression to my grateful appreciation of the promptness and patriotism with which the citizens of the South, as well as of the North, responded to the call of coun try, and of the ever-increasing help they are giving to those things which contribute to its prosperity and advancement, its permanence and influence." OSMAN DIGNA CAUGHT. Capture of the Late Khalifa's Gen-crnl-Reported from Cairo. CATOO, Jan. 19. News was received here tonight that Osman Digna, principal general of the late Khalifa Abdullah, has ueen capiurea. Opening: for American Frnit. BERNE, Jan. 19. The bundesrath to day abrogated previous regulations and granted permission for the importation of dried American fruits, and also fresh fruits, on condition of their examination at the Berne custom-house. I fl i Herd Trip of Bark Aerate. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. jL9. Advices rora Honolulu state that the bark 43 days from British Columbia for lulu, arrived at her destination tressed condition. The vessel overdue. On the voyage countered severe storms. were filled with water ar i muca provisions ruined. Tho f-rsh water Vv. . Agate mm ftV&f Tn 1 -? Jr out, and tho crew was jjlaced on sh.-- rations. A ship was sighted, and f ur - - lushed 200 gallons of water to the ex - hausted seamen. ANY STYLE. 73 and 75 Rrst St. Portland, Or. 126 SECOND ST., near Washington. Established 1870 Single rooms... 75c to 51.50 per day Double rooms $1.00 to $2.00 per day C T. BELCHER, Sec. ahdTrcas. American plan. European Tplan. ..51.25, 51.50, 51.75 . 50c, 75c. 5LO0 Size of Lens ??- . : 'Depends upon the size of face That's the way I regulate them. A person with a broad, full face looks bad with, little glasses, and a child looks bad with big ones. I take just as much pains to have the glasses becoming as to have them fit the eyes. I think just as much, .about proportion, as I do about focus. I want them, perfect EVERY WAT. WALTER REED Eye Specialist 133 SIXTH STREET ORBGOWAN BUILDING .KENTUCKY CONTESTS, Plenty of Time Given for Hearing "Witnesses. FRANKFORT. Ky., Jan. 19. The house this afternoon, after a long debate, passed Orr's (anti-Goebel democrat) resolutions instructing the contest committee in the case of governor and lieutenant-governor to take all the time necessary In order to "arrive at a full, fair and just conclusion, and to hear all of the evidence on both sides. Cantrlll and other Goebel leaders op posed the resolution, but a large number of democrats broke away from party .unes, ana tne resolution Anally passed by he proceedings todaj committees were un entfuL Democratic National Convention. NEW YORK, Jan. 19. A special to the Heraldfrom Washington says: When Mr. Bryan reaches Washington Saturday, the time and place of holding the democratic national convention will probably be determined. While the deter mination of these questions is In the hand's of the committee, and will not, therefore, be formaly settled until the meeting of that body in February, there Is a disposi tion on the part of the party managers to take whatever action may accord with the wishes and the judgment of the man who, it is believed, is certain to be the party's nominee for the presidency. Active work is being done by represen tatives of Kansas City and Milwaukee, and the committees of both of these cities are bringing every possible pressure to bear, but these efforts are bringing no definite results, and a majority of the members will be Influenced by what Mr. Bryan says. Delegates to Republican Convention. ST. AUGUSTINETFla., Jan. 19. The re publican state convention met today and elected deegaCes', to ihe national conven tion as follows: John G Long and Henry Chubb (white);- Joseph Leemand and Mark White (colored). MeKlnley's administration was Indorsed, but the delegates were not instructed for any candidate. The leaders in the con vention agreed that the vlcepresidential candidate, should come from New Yorlc e LToyd Tevis' E&tntc. AN FRANCISCO, Jan. 19. Mrs. Susan tf. xevia teutaveu iieuiiy au "L me estate f her late husband, Lloyd Tevis, by a de- VThe nronftrtv distributed rn hr is V!linJ jree or nisrnnnr nn Trnm . mnp-o i 'fttraw t about 57.000,000. The .whole estate was 1 bequeathed to her. and she is to make 'provision for the Tevis children. Great Battle in NataJ Is Near at Hand. BRITISH ARE MOVING CAUTIOUSLY Boers Lining; Up. to Check the Ad vanceNearly 25,000 of Bnller's Men Are Across the Tuijela. SPEARMAN'S CAMP, Friday, Jan. 19. Sir Charles Warren and Lord Dundonald are continuing a- cautious advance, hourly expecting battle. There has been slight artillery tiring here, at Ladysmith and at Cheveley. Natives report that the kopjes are full of Boers. Boers Are Retrentlngr. LONDON, Jan. 20. A special dispatch from Cape Town, dated Friday, January 19, 1 P. M., says: "The Ladysmith relief force Is steadily working northward. Heavy lighting oc curred yesterday. The Boers are retreat ing." Where Bnller and Warren Are, LONDON, Jan. 20. A Durban special, dated Thursday night, says: "It is reported here that Lord Dun donald has smashed a Boer convoy. "General Buller is said to be within 12 miles of Ladysmith and General Warren to be about six miles to the rear." Lord Dnndonnld's Success. LONDON. Jan. 20. A dispatch to tho Daily Telegraph from Spearman's farm, or camp, as the correspondents now de scribe it, dealing with Lord Dundonald' s movements to the we3t of General War ren's force, already cabled, says: , "His success gives us control of an entrance to Ladymith. Our guns continue to bombard the Boer lines, the Boers re plying but feebly. General Warren Is ad vancing steadily." Firing: at Ladysmith. LONDON, Jan. 20. The Daily Mail pub lishes the following dispatch, dated Thurs day, from Spearman's camp: "It is rumored thait the Boers have evacuated Colenso in order to reinforce their troops here. " Heavy gun Are was heard from Lady smith this mominsr. "General Buller's ordei Instructs the men to heed the white flag of the Boers only when they lay down their arms. It also instructs them to beware of false bugle calls." Ladysmith Hears the Welcome Gniii. LADYSMITH, Jan. 17., via Spearman's Camp, Jan. 19. Everything is 'quiet The positlon-vis unchanged and there is very little bombarding. The welcome sound of the -guns of the relief column was heaxd yesterday from . Colenso and Sprlngfieia. The heat is Intense, but there is no In crease of sickness. Bnller's Long: Wason Train. LONDON. Jan. 20. The Times has the following dispatch, dated Thursday, from Pietermari tzburg : "General Buller's wagon train is 19 miles in length and embraces 400 wagons and 5000 animals. As some of the drifts are narrow and muddy, only one wagon n able to cross at a time. The officers are betting two to one that Ladysmith will be relieved tomorrow (Friday)." Boer Trenches Shelled. SPEARMAN'S CAMP, Natal, Thursday Evening. The Boer trenches have been persistently shelled by naval guns all day long. Small parties of Boers were seen at intervals, and a large force from the direction of Ladysmith was seen retreat ing to the northwestward of the British position. A balloon did good servrce in observing. General Lyttletons force made a demon stration in the direction of the Breakfon teln kopjes, four miles north of the British position, under cover of heavy artillery fire, to which the Boers did not respond. On the left General Warren's troops are now in possession of two prominent kopjes behind Splonkop. There was some Boer sniping, but it .was ineffective. The Graafrienet Boers evacuated Pries ka January 15, and returned northward across the river. STRENGTH OF BULLER'S ARMY. Forty Thousand Men Oppose tho Dutch Invaders. "LONDON, Jan. 20, 4:30 A M. Every hour that General Buller delays his com bined attack makes his position stronger. Transports continue to arrive at Durban, and fresh troops are being sent up the line to reinforce those in. front of Co lenso. It appears that General Buller's troops north of the Tugela number at least 22,000,. and possibly 25,000, with 50 guns. His total forces, forming a great outer curve south and west of Ladysmith, probably number 40,000. While General Buller'e forward opera tions, whlch began January 10, developed rather leisurely, the Boers appear to be fully aware that they must make a stren uous assault. Balloon observers have roughly estimated that 10.QOO Boers are using spade land pick In artificially strengthening ofeltlons which nature has rendered easy ofraefense. Military crlticgn touch with the war office think thatvnews that general fight ing has begun may be expected at" any hour. It Is not thought that one day's fighting will settle the fate of Ladysmith, but rather that there will be two or three days of continuous fighting. ON BULLER'S ROUTE. Largre Boer Camp Four Miles From Potgrieter's (jawp, LONDON, Jan. 20. A dispatch to the Dally Telegraph, dated Thursday, from Spearman's camp, describes the difficulties of the march, owing to the unwieldy bag gage column, Including all the tents and sheep, over bad roads in wet weather. The correspondent then goes on to say: "Some 10,000 Boers arrived In -, the vicinity of Potgleter's drift Thursday and Friday of last week, and began the erec tion of extensive and formidable lines of trenches, for their position, apparently, could only be turned from the west by as sailing the high ridges of the splonkop. "A balloonist' today reported that no guns were visible In the enemy's works, but there was a large Boer camp in tne direction of Brakfontein, a brown ridge four mlle3 from Potgleter's drift. "Boers arrived in large numbers today from Colensq and Ladysmith. They have certainlj run branches of the railway from Moddeiepru't around Mount Bul- The. wana. Nearly all the Boers have gone to attempt to check General Warren's ad vance, but he made no sign today." DUTCH LEAVING COLENSO. Reinforcements Sent Westward to Meet Bullcr'jj Advance.' LONDON, Jan. 20. The Standard pub lishes the following, dated Thursday, from Spearman's farm: "It is reported that the Boers opposite Colenso, on finding that General Buller had outmaneuvered them, crossed to the south -of the Tugela on Monday and set fire to all the houses In the village. As the force from Cheveley advanced, the Boers retired before them to trenches on a hill In line with Colenso. Our infantry advanced to attack in skirmishing order, followed by supports and reserves, our cavalry scouting on the right close up to the river. The Boer forces at Colenso must have been considerably weakened by the dispatch of larger reinforcements westward to meet General Buller's ad vance, and they now hurriedly evacuated the river trenches and the kopjes oppo site the village and scattered before our shrapnel. By evening none of the enemy was left within rifle shot at Colenso. The British force then retired to Cheveley." THE BOER VERSION. Crossing: Protected by Naval Guns on ZTvnrtskop. LONDON, Jan. 20. The Boer accounts of the passage of the Tugela river are given in the following dispatches from Commandant Viljoen's camp on the Up per Tugela, via Lourenco Marques, dated January 18: "January 16 Buller-s second move was a reconnolssance In force with an armored train and a large body, supported by can non, toward Colenso last night A heavy bombardment ensued, and thereupon the British retired, having wounded one of our men. No reply was made. "This move was a feint to cover ex tensive movements up the river. Kaffirs on this side of the Tugela have been warned by the British to leave their kraals, as the fight will commence shortly." The second dispatch runs: "January 17 The night was unbroken, save for slight rifle encounters between outposts, which led to nothing. At day break the enemy was located as before. Jle had not brought a single gun -across the river. But flrom the ridges of Zwarts kop a battery" and a half of siege guns opened on our position at 5 A M. "The bombardment was probably the most frightful ever witnessed on land. Frequently Ave heavy naval guns fired simultaneously at once schanze (entrench ment)." WAR-OFFICE DISPATCHES. Lord Dundonald Foua-ht tbe Boers ' Near Acton Homes. LONDON, Jan. 19. General Buller has telegraphed the war ofilee from Spear man's camp, under date of last evening, as follows: "Lord Dundonald, with a body of mount ed troops, came Into action this afternoon with a force of Boers west of Acton Homes. After the fight he occupied sev eral kopjes, which he Is still holding. Field Cornet Hellbrun and 20 burghers were killed or wounded. Fifteen prisoners were taken. Two BrUlsh soldiers were killed and two wounded." . The war office has made public dis patches from Field MarshalJRoberts; dafc ed today, recording the scouting imoye ments in Cape Colony including the am bushing of the Australians, when two of the latter were killed and 14 reported missing. He adds: "A Boer deserter states that the enemy suffered severely In attacking General French's advanced post January 15. Seventy Boers are still unaccounted for." Messages from the front appear to con firm the general impression that events in Natal will now move quickly, though hardly as rapidly as the tongues and pens of rumor-mongers. There is nothing up to the present to support the story that the relief of Ladysmith Is an accomplished fact, but it is learned on excellent au thority that the situation is now regarded by the war office with entire confidence, and that the beleaguered town is consid ered practically relieved, although there is no attempt to underrate the danger and difficulty of General Buller's task. As suggested in these dispatches yester day, General Warren was actually In the vicinity of Acton Homes Wednesday, and a portion of his force, under Lord Dun donald, secured an important position westward of that place during the even ing of January 17, on the Boers' right flank, threatening the Free-Staters' com munication with their own country by way of Van Reenan's pass. The British camp outside of Ladysmith should be visible from there, as the intervening country is open. Sir Ellis Ashmead Barflett, M. P., who has arrived at Fort Rensberg, Cape Col ony, expresses satisfaction with General French's dlspos'tlon of his troops. He vis ited Coleskop yesterday while the shelling of thei Boer camp was proceeding. The shelling was so successful, It is announced on good authority, that 18 Boers and 36 horses were killed. Advices from Cape Town say that Web ster Davis, assistant secretary of the in terior, at Washington, sailed from Port Elizabeth Monday for Delagoa bay. It Is understood that the Imperial yeo manry will be leavened, before that force goes to the front, with considerable de tachments of experienced colonials ac quainted with Boer tactics. Formal orders have been issued to mo bilize the Eighth division of the British army. TJetuuen's Reconnolssance. MODDER RIVER, Thursday. General Methuen, who is in robust health, person ally directed another strong reconnols sance yesterday. The Highlanders suc ceeded In driving the Boers from the brush on the river banks by long-range volleys. The Boer fire was ineffective. Conference of Railway Employes. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Jan. 19. The Post-Dispatch tpday says: "One of the most important conferences of railway worklngmen since the great strike In 1894, began at the La Clede hotel today behind closed doors. Its purpose is to con sider grievances of service men. Among those taking a prominent part in the de liberations are A. B. Garretson, chief of the Order of Railway Conductors; W. G. Lee, chief of the railway trainmen; P. M. Arthur, chief of the locomotive engineers, and P. F. Sargent, chief of the railway firemen. It Is said that the conference was called to adjust certain differences be-, tween the railroads and their employes, and to consider the advisability of asking a general sweeping increase in the wages paid to conductors, engineers, firemen. and other trainmen." Q t i Senate Official Force. WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. The republic ans of the senate were In caucus for near ly two hours today considering reorgan ization of the senate official force. No conclusion was reached, and the caucus adjourned until Wednesday next. There was some discussion of the names of ex Represcntatlve Charles Bennett, of Brook lyn, for 'secretary of the senate, and Dan iel Ramsdel, of Indiana, for sergeant-at-arms, but no action resulted. Northern Pacific to Have the Clearwater Country. -MOHLER TO LEAVE THE 0. R. & N. Northern Pacific to Have- Trackage Down Columbia and tlie Union Pacific to Pucet Sound. ST. PAUL, Minn., Jan. 19. A special from New York says: The dispute between the Northern .Fa teifie and the O. R. & N. Co., "over" the right of the respective roads to extend their lines in the Clearwater territory in Idaho, has been settled, and the Northern Pacific is master of the situation. The O. R. & N. Co. has withdrawn Its claims to the Clearwater country, which Is left In undisputed possession of the Northern Pacific, and the next move will be the re tirement of A. L. Mohler from the presi dency of the O. R. & N. Co. and his trans fer to the presidency of the Kansas City, Pittsburg & Gulf. Formal announcement of the agreement between the two roads will be deferred until February 5, when the official time of the six months' truce between them will expire, but the papers in the matter are practically ready for signature, the fight is ended, and there will be no more trouble. The termination of the Clearwater diffi culty marks the end of one of the most bitter railroad wars ever waged In this country. TSvery phase of railroad politics, diplomacy and force was brought into play by the lines Interested. The Union Pa cific took up the question in dispute. In order to facilitate an amicable settle ment the Northern Pacific offered the use of Its Portland-Tacoma line to the Union Pacific in exchange for slmllat track privileges on the Columbia, and the Union Pacific was offered the alterna tive of accepting the proposition or having the Northern Pacific parallel the line of the O. R. & N. Co. from Lewlston to Portland. The Union Pacific has had the offer under consideration several months, and it has finally decided to accept it, and to refrain from extending the O. R. & N. lines in the Clearwater district. Electric Roads in Hawaii. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 19. L. P. Matthews, of Cleveland, O., representing an Eastern syndicate which proposes to construct electric railroads In Hawaii, is on his way home. He says that $5,000,000 may be expended, and added: "In the near future more than $1,000,000 worth of ties and lumber will be shipped from Puget sound points to Hawaii for the projected roads. Plans already per fected call for the construction of some 310 miles of electric lines. Most of the Lroads will- be-in and around Honolulu and, Qlsaw,here on Oahu Island. Ferry-boats will be run between the termini of these roads and the various islands." Improving: the Southern Pacific. SAN FRANSCICO, Jan. 19. The Chron icle says: "Now that the Southern Pacific Company owns the Central Pacific, the Kentucky corporation is preparing to ex pend considerable money In needed Im provements on the Ogden line. Engineer Curtis, of the malntenance-of-way de partment, states that the company will shortly begin the ballasting of the line between Sacramento and Truckee, and ex pects that the entire work will be com pleted before the end of the present year." CONDITIONS IN PUERTO RICO. Report of the Special Commissioner Sent to the Island. WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. Henry K. Car roll, special commissioner for the United States to Puerto Rico, under appointment by the president to investigate the civil, Industrial, financial and social conditions of the island, has made his report. The report states that Puerto Rico ha3 an area estimated at from 3150 to 3S60 square miles. The climate is tropical, but not torrid. The thermometer .rarely rises to 100 deg., the highest monthly average on record In nine years in San Juan being S5 deg. The mountains are generally cov ered with verdure, and even the peaks are gardens of the husbandmen. The death rate Is moderate. The population in 1S97 numbered 890,820, exclusive of the Spanish military then occupying the island, and the penal population. A comparison of the census of 1887 and 1897 shows that the colored race Is decreas ing, the whites now numbering 64 per cent of the whole. The Catholic was the. state religion, and at the time of American oc cupation there were only two churches of anjr other faith In the island. The public charities are few and poorly supported. Crime is not excessive. 'The statistics of birth in 1897 show that about 48 per cent are illegitimate. At most of the hear ings held by the commissioner persons in sisted that the fees exacted by the priests were too heavy for poor people, who pre ferred living together unwedded than to meet all the conditions of ecclesiastical marriages. These persons, It was said, are rarely untrue to each other. The Puerto Ricans, the report says, are a kindly, hospitable, polite people, Very sociable, and always ready to do Amer icans a friendly service. One of the great est needs of the Island is said to be good roads. The common estimate of Puerto Ricans is that only one-tenth of the cultivable lands Is In cultivation at any one time. The soils of the plains and valleys are gen erally very rich, and have borne crops for generations without the use of fertilizers. The crops most generally raised are, In the order of areas occupied in 1S96: Acres. Coffee 121,176 Cane 60,884 Tobacco 4,222 Coffee cannot be raired without shade, as in Brazil. The coffee bushes need five years for full development under the shade of banana and other trees, and continue bearing 25 and even 50 years. Bananas give both shade and fruit the first year. Coffeo farms are exempt from taxes for the first five years. The fruits of the island are such as are common to tropical countries. The' raising of cattle Is an Important and lucrative Industry. The daily wages of the common field laborers range from 33 to 50 cents, native money. Women are rarely seen in the fields. The people are industrious. Commissioner Carroll recommends that the laws of the United States be extended to Puerto Rico, and that a territorial form of government similar to that established In Oklahoma be provided: that the legisla tive power shall extend to all -rightful sub jects of. legislation, Including regulations for the exercise of the elective franchise; that the legal voters of the island be per mitted to elect a delegate to congress; that a commission consisting of five men, three of whom shall be natives of the Island, and two of the United States, be appointed by the president to revise the codes; that the jury system be adopted; that the banking and patent laws of the United States be extended to the island: that a court of qlalms be established to adjudicate all claims to property, secular and ecclesiastic, arising under the treaty of Paris; that the rule adopted by the mil itary government as to civil marriages be continued in force; that the Spanish silver coins be retired, and the coins of the United States be substituted; that the lottery- be prohibited, and that the governor general and the legislature bo required to provide for universal and obligatory edu cation In a system of free schools where English shall be taught, and that an agri cultural experiment station be established for the Island. THE PLAGUE IN HAWAII. A Number of Fresh Cases Have Been Reported. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 19. The steam er Doric arrived from Asiatic ports via Honolulu today. From Honolulu comes news of a fresh outbreak of the plague, six deaths having occurred between the departure of the steamer China, which ar rived here Monday, and the departure of the Doric, which left Honolulu Janu ary 13. This brings the total number of deaths from plague for the present out break up to 2S, and it is understood that there are 26 cases In the hands of the health officers. The Doric brings news that Honolulu's Chinatown Is being burned, and that ev ery effort is being made to stamp out the disease. The Doric did not dock at Hono lulu, but the Hawaiian mall was taken out to her in tugs. Local health authorities have detained the vessel pending examination. It Is not yet known whether she will be quaran tined or allowed to proceed to her dock. Among the passengers on the Doric were a number of prominent naval officers from the Asiatic station, including Rear-Admiral Fitzgerald, of the English navy, and a number of sub-officers of the Eng lish Asiatic fleet, who are en route 'o join one of the European squadrons. The cabin passengers of the Doric were al lowed to land tonight, but the vessel will be detained In quarantine until she has been thoroughly fumigated. When the Doric left Honolulu nearly 150 people had taken cabin passage on the Australia, which sails from Honolulu for San Francisco next Tuesday. Six New Cases. HONOLULU, Jan. 12, via San Francisco, Jan. 19. Six cases of plague have broken out since last advices. The board of health is still working hard to suppress the scourge. The island shipping business is in danger of complete suspension if the plague situation does not mend. THE PLAGUE IN JAPAN. Forty Fatal Cases Throughout the Empire. YOKOHAMA, Jan. 3, via San Francisco, Jan. 19. The plague ceases to attract much attention, only a few sporadic cases show ing themselves from time to time. The wholenumber of cases thus fax through out the empire has been only 49, of which 40 proved fatal. The chief injury sustained has been to the business interests of Kobs, whloh have suffered severely, and also by railway companies, passenger travel hav ing been greatly deterred by stringent quarantine regulations. A lively Interest has been aroused by the publication of the secret decree of the empress dowager of China, in which sne shows a becoming appreciation of the dan ger which threatens the empire from for eign aggression, and holds the provincial governors to strict responsibility for Im mediate defense of their respective prov inces, should attack be made upon them. "The various powers," she says, "are casting upon us looks of tiger-like vo racity, hustling each other In their endeav ors to be the first to seize upon our In nermost territory. They think that China, having neither money nor troops, would never venture to go to war with them." Speculation Is, of course, rife as to what has happened to bring out this decree, eminently suggestive as it is of the stif fening of China's backbone. Some attrib ute it to an understanding with Japan, it being reported anew that ex-Minister Yano is to return there as Japanese ad visor to the tsung-li-yamen. Others see In it an assurance gathered from the rela tions with the United States government, which, it Is thought, were indications that the new power in tho East has provided for the protection of its trade Interests In China, by showing strong sympathy wlth the empire In Its present evil plight. TO KEEP OUT THE PLAGUE. Vessels Reaching: This Country Must Have Bills of Health. PORT TOWNSEND, Jan. 19. Orders were received here today from the treas ury department that, owing to the preva lence of the bubonic plague in the Orient and that a large number of vessels ar rive on the Pacific coast from Oriental ports, In the future on all vessels ar riving at Pacific coast ports which fall to bring from the port of original de parture in the Orient proper bills of health, the extreme penalty of 550CO will be imposed, and under no conditions will the fine be remitted, as has been the case heretofore. Customs officers at this port have been requested to notify owners and agents of ships to this effect. According to advices from Washington, the introduction of the bubonic plague at Honolulu was by means of merchandise arriving at that port from the Orient. It is believed that the germs of the disease are carried in dirt in which plants are shipped, and also in a sort of muck com posed of dirt and manure In which duck eggs are packed in China and shipped both to Honolulu and this country. So strong Is the belief of the department that it is by this means the disease is Introduced, that Dr. Foster, United States quarantine offi cer here, has been instructed by the de partment to make a thorough Investigation of the matter and report to the depart ment. Perry McD. Collins Dead. NEW YORK, Jan. 19. Perry McD. Col lins died last night in this city, aged 87 years. He was a "fortynlner" and spent many years in California, and while liv ing there was a member of the firm of Collins & Dent, dealers in gold dust, and general bankers. Mr. Dent, of this firm, was the father-in-law of General Grant. About the year 1S55 Mr. Collins became interested in the subject of an Interna tional telegraph, connecting the eastern and western hemispheres by way of Behring straits, and after remaining some years in Russia was granted certain rights of way for the construction of a telegraph line over that portion of Russian domin ions east of Amoor, on to British Colum bia, and in a memorial to congress, under date of April 12. 1S64, he asked for favor able consideration and aid for the project. This bore the Indorsement of W. H. Sew ard, the secretary of state, but the suc cess of the ocean cable ended all further moves In that direction. Delegation Cannot Agree on His Successor. SIMON FAVORS WILLIS S. DUNIWAY McBrlde's Candidate Is Ira Smith, ox Polk County President Holds Back the Appointment. WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. Collecter Ivey, of Alaska, has resigned, his resignation to take effect upon the appointment and qualification of his successor. Senator Si mon has been promised that the man he recommends for the place would be ap pointed, and in a conversation whh the president he named Willis S. Dunlway, of Portland. It was his understanding that the president would send in the name at an early date. Senator McBride also has a candidate la tho person of Ira Smith, of Polk eounty, and also had a conversation with the president regarding the matter. Th dis agreement between the senators may pre vent any one being selected, as it Is un derstood that the president assured Mc Bride that he would make no move in the matter for the present. Meanwhile, as soon as it Is understood that there Is a vacancy there will be a rush for the place from other states, al though this collectorshlp has always been accorded as a part of the Oregon patron age. Mr. McBride talks of having the delegation get together and unite on soma man. but as recommendations have al ready been made by the senators, it te ot likely that either of the house members will take any part In the controversy or make any recommendations, leaving tho matter to be settled by the senators. Erj-an r.t the Cnpitol. The sllverltes were considerably stirred up today over the appearance of Bryan at the capltol. Bryan had a conversation with many of the leaders, both in the sen ate and the house, of his party. They are all for him. of course, because he 13 ac knowledged the silver leader. The only matter of any Importance that was dis cussed was who should be the running mate of Bryan. Bryan was very care ful not to indicate whom ha wanted, aa his position in the party is such as to carry great weight. It is understood, however, that he does not look with favor upon Sulzer. whose antics stnce the be ginning of congress have been .in the di rection of the vice-presidency. Bryan's reception in the East la not so very enthusiastic, as the demoeraey of theso states seems to realize that the more there is of Bryan in the eampaign the less hope there Is of success. Bryan complains that so much he says Is net published In the papers, but he seems to forget that everything he haa ever said' has been printed hundreds of times. He also says that there has been, a great deal of misrepresentation regarding hte utter ances and his movements. He reiterated, in connection with the Minneapolis Inter view, that he Is still opposed to Imperial ism and the permanent retention, of the Philippines, but he says at the same, time tht fctvisrBStr-oposed to axpane-TJe democrats here are trying to figure out what Bryan means by being against Im perialism and In favor of expansion, as they have made the words synonymaua in their criticisms of the president's pol icy. Possibility of River and Harbor Bill. It Is reported that the house committee on rivers and harbors, after considerable discussion, has decided to call upon tho chief of engineers for a rough estimate tho amount that would be required by a river and harbor bill, should one be drawn up at this session. The idea is that, if the report shows a moderate appropria tion will be required, such a bill will bo framed and put through. If the estimate Is high, however, the measure will. In all probability, have to go over to the short session. The Convalescent Hospital. Congressman Cushman has been Savor able to the Vancouver site for a conva lescent military hospital, but does not de sire to express himself as between that city and Tacoma and Puget sound until he has consulted the war department re garding its views. LIVESTOCK ASSOCIATION. ProceedinKs of the Lnst Bay of tho Convention. . FORT WORTH. Tex.. Jan. 19. Tho third annual convention of the National Livestock Association closed this after noon, after deciding to meet next year at Salt Lake City. The convention Indorsed the construction of the Nicaragua canal. the admission of New Mexico, Arizona and Oklahoma to .statehood; the appoint ment of John N. Simpson, of Texas, as commissioner to the Paris exposition; passed a resolution asking congress to care for the agricultural colleges through out the entire country, and President Springer was authorized to appoint a committee from tho Western states to frame a bill to be presented to congress In conformity with the appended resolu tion relating to the leasing of the public lands: "Resolved, That it is the sense of this convention that arid and seml-arld pub lic lands in the Western states and terri tories should be classified, appraised and leased to the stockralsers of the West for grazing purposes under fixed limitations, giving preference always to the occupanta of said lands." The following officers were elected: John W. Springer, president, re-elected; Charles F. Martin. Denver, secretary; J. M. Holt, Montana, first vice-president; J. D. Wood. Idaho, second vice-president; George J. Goulding. Colorado, treasurer. No ma terial changes were made In the executive committee. At the morning session a pa per was read by Hon. L. G. Powers, sta tistician of the census of agriculture. Butte Bank-Stock Case Decided. BUTTE, Mont, Jan. 19. Judge Beatty. of Idaho, sitting In the United States court here today, decided the last of the famous bank-stock cases growing out of tho fight over tho estate of the late millionaire miner and banker, Andrew J. Davis. Harriet Wood, a sister of Davis, sued to set aside the deathbed bequest of the decedent to his nephew and name sake. Andrew J. Davis, by which the lat ter acquired practically the whole of tha stock of the First National bank of Butte. The decision Is in favor of the defendant, and finally confirms his title to the bank. o General Otis' Narrow Escape. CHICAGO, Jan. 19. A special to the Record from Victoria, B. C.. says: J. P. Molern. who arrived from Ma nila, tells of an attempt on the Ufa of General Otis. In conversation in refer ence to the situation there he said that General Otis once appeared on the firing line, when a shot from the rifle of one of the soldiers whizzed uncomfortably eioea to his head. As 'to who fired the shots no clew was discovered.