ft V VOL. XXXIX. NO. 12203. PORTLAND, OREGpN, FBIDAY, JANUAKY 19, 1900. TWELVE PAGES. PRICE FIYE CEOT& A delightfully palatable table water, a fine mlrer with wines and liqaors, and an aid to digestion. Call for it at any of the leading hotels, clubs, bars or druggists. THE TRADE SUPPLIED BY ROTHCHILD BROS., aIeVse PORTLAND, OREGON FEU UETSCHA2C. Pre. SEYEOTH AND WASHINGTON CHANGE) OP AMERICAN and European PfAN: THE CELEBRATED Bl l' I 13 13 In Bulk and Cases. For sole by BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. We are prepared to fill all orders promptly. Enquiries solicited. Samples furnlshedto the trade on application. TT & MACLEAY CO. J0BBERSANDF JfksC0FFife5 PORTLAND, OREGON POHTLKND, J AmmmjtL&H ss COST ONE MILLION DOLLARS HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS Special raxes made to families na d slngrle centlemen. The mnnnjre Esect -will lie pleased at all timet, to snow rooms and crtve prices. A mutU era Tnrklch bfeth establishment In the hotel. H. C. BOWERS, Manager. Library Association of Portland 24,000 volumes and $5.00 a year or $1.50 Two books allowed JOURS From 9 00 A. M to 9:00 P. The Planbla rives you the facility of 13 oon- uummately drilled piano-plaj Ins hands: Six find one-half PaderewBkls rolled into one. You can use the Pianola at once with superb effect. Come in and try. Ton v 111 be surprised and de lighted. THE AEOLIAN COMPANY. Marquam building, cor. Seventh at. IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual Meeting: and Dinner Held In New Ycrlc NEW YORK, Jan. 18. The annual meet ing and dinner of the United Irish His torical Society, which has a membership of over 1000 in he United States, -was held tonight at Sherry's, and was largely at tended. Thomas J. Gargan, of Boston, was elected president for the ensuing year. Among the state vice-presidents elected are. Utah, Joseph Geoghegan, Salt Lake; Oregon, Henry E. Reed, Portland; Call- . fornia, Jams Connolly, Coronado. At the banquet. Senator Thomas H. Carter," of Montana, said: r "It has been the fashion, not alone con- ' fined to the historian, but the newepaper as well, to claim that this Is an Anglo Saxon country. This nation cannot trace Its origin solely to the puny Anglo-Saxon race. A new race has sprung up on this virgin soil, more worthy than Saxon, Teuton -or.Gelt. Wherever freedom's flag was flung to the breeze, it was by an Irishman, or therewas an Irishman near by" Tidal Waven Svept Chilean C.oat. SANTIAGO DB CHILE, Jan. IS. Tidal 1 waves higher than have been, known for a long time have .swept along the coast, doing: considerable damage. " J 13 hands! ! L L, I a W. KNOWIjES, Mr. STS., PORTUVD. ORilDI TSAUAanaiENT. SSKt:::::SSS EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE. J.OJack&Co. 88 Third St. Cfp, Chamber of Coa-nsrw OH5GON 2 $3.00 PER DAY skme S3 STARR STREET Ettweeo Streets s&f hit over 200 periodicals a quarter on all subscriptions M. dally, except Sundays and holiday. Force Your Arm To do work that Is too heavy for its strength and In time the muscles will give way and the arm be paralyzed. "Would you think of doing such a thing? No one would. Force your eyes to do more work than Is natural for them and they will be permanently in jured. Would you think of doing such a thing-? Six per sons out of ten -do. I wonder what makes the difference. WALTER REED Eye Specialist 133 SIXTH STREET ORBGOXIAN BUILDING YAQUIS APPEAL TO AMERIcl Titer Propose to Set Up a Govern ment of Their Orrn. CHICAGO, Jan. 18-A special to the Record from El Paso, Tex., says: "The Yaqui Indians of Sonora, the only race in all Mexico that was able to sur vive the Spanish invasion and preserve its individuality. Is making its last stand against the Mexican government Thus far it seems the Mexican soldiers have been found inadequate to cope with the Yaquls. A proclamation has been issued by the ruler of the Yaqul nation, ad dressed to 'the American People,' and in part Is as follows: " 'The Yaqul nation has begun its strug gle for independence. It will no longer tolerate the Mexican army in Sonora The nation has established a provisional government, he offices of which are at Babispe. In the event of the success of the Yaqul people over the Mexicans, no foreigners except native-born Americans will be allowed in Sonora for several years. The property and persons of Americans in Sonora will be protected by the Yaquis in every way,' " 9 Kipling: Goes to the Cape. J LONDON, Jan. 19. Rudyard Kipling and his family will sail for Cape Town tomorrow (Saturday). ., Boers Are Beginning tq. Oppose Builer's Advance. GREAT BATTLE MAY OCCUR TODAY Particulars of the Advance on' the Invaders' .Lines and the Cross ing; of the Tugrcla. , LONDON, Jan. 19, 4 A. M. Military critics, in affiliation with the war office, consider that the expected battle along the wide arc south and west of Laay smith can hardly be delaved beyond to day. From Durban it is reported that fighting has already be&un. General Builer's forces engaged in the flanking operation across the Tugela are some 13,000 or 14.000 bayonets, 1200 horses and 40 guns. The disposition of his'other 15,000 or 20 000 men Js not known, although the assumption is that the whole army will be in action when the hour for a com bined movement arrives. Three weeks ago General Buller had 30,030 men. Corsidera-4 ble reinforcements have ulnce reached hira, giving him probably 35,000 men and 80 guns, all told. Estimates of how many men and guns the Boers have to oppose him are mere guesswork. In not replying to General Lyttleton's shell fire they are using the tactics that proved so successful in the battles of Magersfonteln and Colenso ly ing low In their trenches, and thus hoping to conceal their precise position until the infantry advance. "N. The Daily Chronicle's military expert sees a, curious- analogy been General Bultefs situation now and the-eve of Ma 'gersfontein, Now, as tnen, the Boers are making a stand, with their back to invest ing 'lines within a few miles. As Lord Methuen, after crossing Modder river, had to attack the Spytfontein and Magersfon teln hills, so General Buller, after passing the Tugela, faces invisible entrenchments in a rough country. One correspondent mentions General Builer's wheeled transport of E000 vehicles, which connect him with the railr&ad about 30 miles to the rear. Among these ve hicles are 30 traction engines, which draw from 10s, to 15 wagons each. General Builer's warning as to the mis use of the white flag by the Boers in his proclamation to the troops is considered a rather broad hint to give no quarter, "His jihrase, "There will be no turning back," is played upon editorially by the morning papers as presaging cheerful an nouncements. The absorbing Interest felt in the situa tion in Natal makes other points In the theater of war seem microscopic. Lord Methuen lies behind his works at Modder river. It is estimated that his forces will have to be nearly doubled before he can relieve Kimberley. British reinforcements are moving toward General Krench at Rensberg. With these he is expected to advance. General Gatacre's men occupy Lopeerburg, a slight advance. Therwar ofnc announces-that next-week: will be embarked 72 guns, 3710 men and 2310 horses. This is the largest consign ment of artillery ever sent abroad. The war .office Invites 500 volunteers for a sharpshooters' battalion of yeomanry. Sir William MacCormack, in the Lancet, says that of the 309 wounded In the hos pital visited by him, only eight had been hit by shells. Mr. Kipling has written the following characteristic letter to the British Guiana branch of the navy league, n recognition of a contribution 'to the war fund: "Bravo, British Guiana. Seeing what they had to contend with lately in the sugar line, they have done uncommonly well. Please convey to them my best thanks first, as vice-president of the league; second, as perpetrator of 'The Ab-sent-MInded Beggar,' and, third, as a fel low contributor to the big jackpot which we are boiling up on Thomas' behalf. Have you seen Brazil and Trinidad come into the game?" - The Cape Town correspondent of the Times, discucsing Afrikander disloyalty, says: "I believe the sympathy of every Dutch man in South Africa is with the two re publics and that a general rising is still quite possible. However, there is noth ing to Implicate the bond party, as a whole, in an officially organized conspiracy against the Imperial government, although the bond leaders have winked at or pan dered to sedition in order to preserve their popularity. The British failures and the j appearance of the Boeis on British terri tory have fomented rebellion, but even now a decisive British victory would pre vent its further spread." This correspondent testifies to the value of the services rendered by Mr. Schrelner, the Cape premier, in an embarrassing po sition. He speaks less highly of Mr. Hof meyer, the real leader of the bond party, and severely condemns the Dutch press of the. Colony, which, he says, is doing its utmost, while keeping on the windy side of the law, to promote rebellion and to en venom racial antagonism. - The British losses in killed, wounded and captured up to date are 7987 officers and men. THE START FOR IiAYSMITH. Progress of the British Army "Was Wot Seriously Opposed. MOUNT ALICE, near Potgleter's Drift, Natal, Jan. 15 The forward movement of the relief of Ladysmith began Wednes day, January 10, from Frere and Cheveley, Lord Dundonald's mounted brigade, ; with the Fifth brigade, under General Hart, comprising the Dublins, the Connaughts, the Inniskillings and the Border regi ment, proceeded westward to Springfield. The position had previously been thor oughly reconnoltered. A few miles outside of Frere, Lord Dun donald passed targets erected by the Boers to represent a force advancing in skir mishing order. Evidently the Boers had been firing at these from the adjacent hills. Lord Dundonald pushed on, and, as the main column advanced, it, was notified that Springfield was not occupied by Boers and that the Fifth brigade had taken possession. The British transport extended for several miles, and comprised some 5000 vehicles. The mounted brigade advanced rapidly, not meeting with any opposition. The British scouts had mi nutely searched all the suspicious country, but there was no sign of the enemy. The column advanced to Mount Alice, facing the enemy's mountain fortress The Boers had been at Potgleter's drift the previous day., but a body of South African horse swam the stream under fire arfd brought over the pont from the Boer slde. The Boers were evidently surprised at the appearance of the British A qamp qou'd be seen on the Tugela heights, fac ing Mount Alice, but the enemy qulck'y struck camp and cleared off into 'the mountains A buggy was seen leaving for .the hills on the right, presumably with General Joubert or some other com mander. ' General Buller took up' his qUarrs In , 11.. -I1...1.3 ! -, a. pieustuiuy suuaieu inruuiuuae oeiunjj-1 ing to Martlnus Prectorus, who had dis appeared. Friday a loud explosion was heard. Sub sequently it was foundthe Boers had de stroyed a bridge underconstruction seven miles above Potgleter's drift. General Buller has issued a spirited ap peal and instructions to the forces, be ginning: "We are going to the relief of our comrades In Ladysmith. There -will be no turning back." The order proceeds to advise the men, when they charge, re garding the conditions under which they should receive the surrender of any of the enemy. It also warns them that the Boers are treacherous tin the use of, the white flag. This order !has been received with, enthusiasm. The march wa"s very trying, but the troops are now encamped?amld very pleas ant surroupdings. Their rhealth .Is excel lent, and all are confident. Crossing thejTug:ela. SPEARMAN'S FART, Natal, Jan. 18, 10 A. M Generality ttleton's brigade, with a howitzer battjlsh crossed the Tugela river at Pogietecjs' drift, Tuesday, January 16. The water rose above the waists of the men The Boers fired two shots, and then recalled their forces to the trenches, the passage being uninterrupted. The British advanced In skirmishing order, and the" small kopjes on the summits were oc cupied by 6:80 P. M. During the night it rained heavily. 1 Yesterday ("Wednesday) the Boer trenches were vigorously shelled in front of Mount Alice, while theSBrltish remained In possession of the kopjes and plain. Heavv .mists enveloned the hills, hut the f naval guns and the howitzer battery made good practice. On the Boer right a,v breach was made- in a sand bag emplacement, where It is supposed Boer guns h'ad been p'aced. The cannonade was heavy and continuous, and the Boers were observed leaving the trenches In small parties. The hill facing the British position was shelled next. General Warren has forced a passage of the Tugela seven 4 miles west. Indications of Heavy Firing:. LONDON, Jan. 19. A special dispatch from Durban, dated Wednesday, says: Advices from Potgleter's drift, dated yesterday (Tuesday) say that Sir Charles Warren has .arrived within 17 miles of Ladysmith, and that the British wounded are arriving at Mooi River field hospital by every train from the front, indicating that there' has already been severe fight ing. Neither report has yet been con firmed. WAIt OFFICE BULLETINS. Builer's Report o the Prosreim of His Division. LONDON, Jan. 18, 9:37 P. M. The war office has Issued the following: "From Buller, Spearman's camp, Janu ary 18: 'One field artillery, howitzer bat tery and Littleton's brigade are. 'across the Tugela at Potgleter's drift! The en emy's position Is being bombarded by us. Five miles higher up, Warren has crossed the river by a pontoon 85 yards long; He hopes his force will, by evening, have advanced five miles from the river to his right front. The enemy is busily entrench ing.' "From Roberts, Cape Town, JanuarlB: Gatacre,-r"oporta tSat 300 meijjof allranljH. have been moved from Bushman's hoeck to Hopersburg, and the Seventy-fourth field battery and one company of mount ed Infantry from flterkstrom to Bushman hoeck. Otherwise there is no change.' " Earlier in the day the war office Issued the following dispatch from General Rob erts, at Cape Town, dated today: "I have received a telegram from Gen eral Buller, stating that one brigade and one howitzer battery have crossed Tugela river at Potgleter's drift. Five miles fur ther west, at Trichard's drift, Geneial Warren has thrown a pontoon bridge over the river. By this means part of his force crossed jesterday. The remainder la expected by this morning to be on the north bank. General Warren hopes that he will be able to turn the enemy's posi tion, which is five miles distant to bis right front, and is being strongly en trenched. There are at least two cross ings by which he can bring up the neces sary reinforcements'." Officials of the war office here are satis fied tnat the tide has turned, and that news of a more hopeful character from the Brit ish point of view will hereafter be the rule, instead of the exception. That the British advance in a northeast erly direction will be fiercely resisted is fully anticipated. The Boer strength Is probably superior to the British, ana. dispatches show that the- burghers occupy strong positions. There is a doubt whether the Sproenkop, occupied by General Warren, is identical with Spionkop. If so, the British are with in a few miles of Acton Homes, the scene of earlier conflicts between White's forces and the invading Free-Staters, whence there is a good road direct to Ladvsmilh. While General Warren's force was cross ing the Tugela river, the Boers occupied a thickly wooded position one mile north of the river, and sent several volleys into the advance guard. The British rdplled, and the artillery opened on a neighboring kopje. As the British pushed across tho river, the Boers found their position un comfortable, and retired "to the huH Im mediately after the pontoon bridge was completed the whola British force crossed. It is thought proibable that a combined forward movement has since developed. In the meanwhile the naval guns on Zwartkop have been 'persistently, shelling the Boer entrenchments facing the kopjes occupied by General Lyttleton's brigade. A Cape Town dispatch dated today says it is persistently reported there that Lady smith has been relieyed- Such rumors aro apparently ahead 'of the facts. In any case Lord Roberts, whose report was dis patched this morning, was not aware of it, and his dates preclude any possibility that the troops mentioned in his dispatch have so soon Teached the. beleaguereS town. Though there are some discrepan cies in the telegrams, tho whole nor of the news tends tq show that General Bui ler's advance began with good prospects of success, but it Is generally recognized that with an enemy so resourceful as the Boers have proven themselves to be, it la idle to indulge in oyerconfidence. The net result, so far as known, is that Buller occupies commanding positions north of the Tugela river. "Boers on the Dordrecht Uine. STERKSTROM, Jan. 18. Yesterday the Boers blew up three culyerts on the Dor drecht line, five miles beyond an outpost of the po'llce camp. The commando at Dordrecht numbers 1000. ' Boers Occupy Priepka. CRADDOCK, Cape Colony, Jan. 18. Sat urday January 13, the Boers, with a com- mando of colonial rebels', occupied Pries-4 ka, a village on the Orange 'river, about 10 miles nprthwest"of De"Aar. Mncrum is nt Ivaples. NAPLES, Jan IS Charles E. Macrum; ex-United States consul at Pretoria?" "who left Lourenco Marques December 18, bound for New York, landed here today., It Is renbrted that habears"a letter from .President Kruger to President McKinley, asking him to mediatebetween the Trans, -1 - ,-1 A -O-l .,-" .- J yo.a turn uicai xiiiu -s- k A Re- ACTION-BY HOUSE OF DELEGATES Resolution. Inviting: Him to 'Address the Body Was Practicnlly Killed The Kentucky Contest. ANNAPOLIS, Md., Jan. IS. The Mary land house of delegates," "which is over whelmingly democratic, today refused to Indorse -William Jennings Bryan as the recognized leader of the democracy of the United States, and practically killed a res olutibn introduced by a free-silver advo cate to InvitB Mr. Bryan to addrets the body. Mr. Wills, of Talbot county, who Intro duced the resolution, asked that it be car ried without reference, but the proposi tion was voted down, and the speaker re ferred It to the committee on federal re lations: rHE FRANKFORT HEARIZVG. All the Democratic Testimony Han Been Given. FRANKFORT, Ky., Jan. IS. The hear ing of evidence on behalf of Goebel and Beckham, the democratic contestants for governor and lieutenant-governor, before the joint legislative contest board was completed today. The hearing for Gover nor Taylor and Lieutenant-Governor Mar shall will begin tomorrow. Five days are set apart to them, after which the Goebel faction will have one day In rebuttal. The attorneys for the contestants were grant ed until tomorrow to examine the chargea and prepare their objections or to take such action as they may desire. Not more than 50 witnesses testified on tho side of the contestants. The witnesses today were mainly from Louisville, and the evidence was in regard to the judicial and military interference. General John B. Castleman, Sheriff Boehm and others were among the witnesses. Colorado Monetary lieaeue Meeting:. DENVER, Jan. 18. The executive com mittee of the Monetary League has de cided to hold the national convention at the same time in this city with the dem ocratic, silver-republican and populist national conventions. The object of the league is to write the financial plank of the democratic national platform. President Rucker is in correspondence with friends of the cause in this country and England, and he believes from the letters arriving from England that the Boer war will be the solution of the silver question. He believes that on account of the scarcity of the circulating medium Great Britain will be obliged, by the over whelming sentiment of public opinion, to reopen the mints of India to the free coin age of silver. r . tS-tir-'' "-' "J- ncf-'S?' WHERE THE GOLD WENT. Supply and. Movement of the Yellow Metal Since 1800. NEW YORK, Jan. IS. A statistical re view of the supply and movement of gold since the end of 1S3G by M. L. Mulhman, deputy assistant treasurer of the United States, was given out today. Mr. Muhl man says: "The recent exportation of gold to Eu rope, and the suspension of production m South Africa, h?s directed attention to the world's supply of the yellow metal and its distribution. Accurate figures for the entr of 1899 are not yet available, but those at hand are sufficient to give a comprehensive general view of the subject. I have taken for comparison the period from the close of 1S96, In which year the conditions of the United States were decidedly unsettled. The world's production of gold in the threo years of 1S97, 1898 and 18S9 is estimated to have been between $825,000,000 and $85!, 000,000. ' The following table shows the location of Important stocks of gold at dates named, in millions of dollars: y DEPOSIT. 00a ." All European banks of is sue Entire stock in the United States United States treasury re serve In United States national banks 1 1591 1749 745 1632 1593 693 949 1015 210 314 137 181 161 207 246 231 "It will thus be seen that the banks of Europe, had on the first of the present month very little more gold than at the beginning of 1S97, whereas the United States gained $323,000,000. We kept our own product and gained by imports about $135,000,000. The United States was thus best able to lose gold to England when the demand arose. "The' principal banks of Europe showed at dates named holdings as follows, in millions of dollars: Democrats of Maryland fused to Indorse Him. B fed O td w op TBAR- glial?? 3 o c p r P f-: 3 : : : : '1897 171 382 3331 32i 47S s 88 43 1S9S 151 C9I 19 153 ,C14 fcO 47 1899 153 363 141 151 520 0 50 19O0.'..V. ... 146 37b 127 102 463 79f tb "In the redistribution during the three years Russia shows a loss of $151,000,OCO, practically all of which weljt into circula tion In redemption of the bank notes under the1 law for resumption of specie pay ments. Spain and. Austria gained ma terially, while England, France and Ger many losb The South African war not only stopped the usual flow of gold to London, but compelled England to send large amounts to the Cape. "We are now prepared to estimate what became of the world's product of say $850,000,000. The consumption In arts and manufactures for the world amounts to upwards of $60,000,000 annually, so tliat nearly $200,000,000 was probably so used; India always draws more gold from Eu rope than she returns, besides keeping her own product; this and the similar movement lo other countries in the Orient probably.account for $150,000,000; the United States, as we have seen, took $323,000,000 (keeping: its large product and importing .about $135,000,000 more than was exported); and Russia's adoption of the gold standard taccpunfs for $151,000,000 disappearing from 'the usual depositories. These, items &g gregate $824,000,000, and thus practically account for the enormous sums taken out of the earth since the end of 1896. Eng land's exports 'to Cape Colony probably make up the remainder." a e A Fund for Yale. CINCINNATI, Jarf. 18. The "Cincinnati ,Yalp Club gave a dinner last night to President Hadley, of Yale, at the Queen City Club. About a hundred guests par ticipated. Responses to toasts were made by President Hadley, Hon. W. H. Taft, of the United States court of appeals; Presfdent Howard Ayers, of the Cincin nati university; Joseph Wllby and W. A. Decamp. President Hadley presented the purpose of his mission, which Is to secure from the alumni $2,000,000 to erect new build ings at Yale. Judge Taft spoke on the new admin'stration at Yale Into which he entered with all the more zeal because he himself "was the first and most ardent supporter of President Hadley for president. STATUE OF WEBSTER. Bronze Unveiled in Washington Yes terday. WASHINGTON, Jan. IS. A distin guished gathering of public officials, in cluding President McKinley, and his en tire cabinet, representatvea of the senate and house, th9 judiciary of the United States supreme court, and other branches of public life, participated today In the exercises attending the unveiling of the colossal bronze statue of Daniel Webster, executed by the IUfllan sculptor, Trenta nove, and presented to the United States by Stllson Hutchins, of this city, The statue occupies a position on Scott c'rcle. but prior to the actual unveiling f the ceremonies of presentation and accept ance were held at the Lafayette opera- I house. The president occupied a seat on the stage, and back of him sat Secretaries Hay. Gage, Root, Long, Hitchcock, Postmaster-General Smith, Attorney-General Griggs, Secretary Wilson and Private Sec retary Porterr Others on the stage were Governor Crane, of Massachusetts, ac companied by his adjutant-general and aids. Chief Justice Fuller, Justices Harlan, White and Gray, Senators Hoar, Lodge, Chandler, Allison, Bacon. Fairbanks, Proc tor, Tillman; Representatives Loverlng, Cousins, Clarke and others Identified with the exercises and with the states which share tho honors clustering about the Il lustrious Webster. Major-General Miles ard other representatives of the army, of the navy, and of the diplomatic corps add ed to an assemblage of unusual distinc tion. The Marine band occupied the or chestra. As the president and cabinet came upon the stage, the entire audience rose, while the band played "Hail to the Chief." Af ter an eloquent prayer by the blind chap lain of the senate. Rev. Dr. Mllburn, Sen ator Chandler, on behalf of tho two branches of congress, read Mr, Hutchln's presentation letter, and added a brief but glowing tribute to the statesmanship, the oratory and the patriotism of Webster. Secretary Long then accepted the statue in behalf of the United States. He said: "To George Washington and his associ ates, who in 17S7 framed the federal con stitution, we owe that groat paper. It bound the 13 Independent colonies into a union and created the United States of America. In it they gave us the ample letter and frame of government. "To the overwhelming arguments, near ly half a century later, of Daniel Webster In the senate, and to the luminous senti ments of John 'Marshall, on the bench, we owe Its development by Interpretation and corstructlon into the great charter of powers which now constitutes the national authority. They illuminated f Its letter with the national spirit. They breathed Into Its frame the life of national s.av ereltmtv. In thdT momentous debate In JWhlchVS? UAat.Um&ta.pcUoaedBcve; the measure 01 its grant oc power a de bate of giants the issue was between a limitation on the one hand, which would have narrowed the growth of the young republic and endangered tho Union, and on the other an expansion that Insured the In destructibility of the Union, and let free the republic to its largest developments. "As they prevailed, so they made the republic indissoluble by Internal convul sion and equal to the emergencies of tho future which confronted them or which confront us. The statue of one of them, the great jurist, in the serene dignity of his high office, already adorns the capitol. Today, on Massachusetts avenue, a name as dear to him and history, with his face to the capitol, and to the chief justice, we dedicate the statue of the other, the great expounder of the constitution and defender of the Union, and the foremost lawyer, orator and statesman, whose words, Imbedded in the common political literature of his countrymen, come to the tongue like passages from tho poet3 or the psalms " Secretary Long's remarks were warmly applauded, and then, amid another out burst of applause, Senator Lodge delivered the oration of the day. The formal ceremonies concluded with a benediction by Rev. Mr. Couden, chaplain of the house. The president and most of the other distinguished guests then pro ceeded to Scott circle, where, at 12 o'clock, the statue was unveiled. The drawing of the veils was performed by Jerome Bona parte, a grandson of Webster, assisted by Mrs. Hutchins and Miss Katherine Deer Ing. THE CLAYTOX-BULWER TREATY. Understanding: Regarding: It Exists Between America and England. NEW YORIC Jan. 18. A special to tho Herald from Washington says: It was said tonight by a member of the foreign relations committee that an un derstanding exists between the United States and Great Britain under which tnis government ca" proceed with the construc tion of the Nicaragua canal without refer ence to the provisions of the Clayton-Bul-wer treaty. There is no doubt that since the negotia tions for the abrogation of the Clayton Bulwer treaty failed, and since the agita tlbn of the construction of the canal ha3 been taken up by congress, a discus sion has occurred between the two gov ernments, and it is understood that Great Britain has given this country assurances that It need not let the convention of 1S30 stand In tho way of action. It has been known for a year that Great Britain was willing to abrogate the con vention on condition that she receive con cessions in the Alaska boundary contro versy, and it 13 possible, If she has made the statement credited to her, she has coupled It with the understanding that her rights elsewhere will Tece ve consider ation in return for her concession. Representative Sulzcr has prepared an amendment to the Nicaragua canal bill, requiring that American labor be em ployed in connection with the construc tion of the canal. SPANISH WAR PENSIONS. Most of the Amplications Come- From Volunteers. WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. A large num ber of claims for pensions are being re ceived by the pension office as a result of the Spanish war. Statistics prepared ,by the bureau show that the percentage of applications from volunteers is much larger than from the regulars. The battle of San Juan was selected by the bureau as a .basis for- calculations, as the greatest-number of casualties occurred there. There were 192 regulars killed, 1C97 wound ed, and 55 missing. Claims for pensions from the regular army number 2962. At that battle 34 volunteers "were killed, 177 wounded, and 43 missing. The claims ,for pensions from volunteers number I55S. There; were 23 regular regiments and three regular batteries engaged in this fight, aa against nine regiments of volunteers. One regiment lost none in killed, wounded Or missing, but has 418 claims for pensions pending, - - Keep LITTLE SHOW FOR HIM THERE McBride's Bill, Refunding: $125 t& Certain Oregon Settlers, Passed Senate Assay OlUce Bills. WASHINGTON, Jan. IS. Roberts of Utah announces that he will nght hia case in the courts If he Is denied a seat as a member of the house. Roberts has been making his contention on the ground that the constitution prescribes certain qualifications for a member, but he ought to know that the same constitution allows the house to be the judge of its own mem bers. No court will undertake to set aside a decision of the house on such a question, especially as it would have no power to enforce it. Oregon Assay Olllcea. Representative Tongue says that, not withstanding the unfavorable recommen dations of Director Roberts, the coinage committee will report favorably bills for assay offices at Portland and Baker City. He has received such assurances from members of the committee, and baltaves that the bills have a fair opportunity to pass the house. 'Idaho Forest Reserves The Idaho delegation is much disturbed on account of the new proposals of the Interior department to create forest re serves In that state. According to the lines drawn, a reservation is proposed in Southern Idaho, next the Oregon line, which will take In most of Canyon coun ty south of Washington, and part of Botes county. It will run up to the suburbs of Boise City. The Idaho senators say that the proposed reserve will be all surveyed land, much of which has no timber and Is a good farming country. In Northern Idaho it is proposed to enlarge the Priest River reserve by extending it from the Pend d'Oreille river. In Washington, to Kootenai river. In Idaho, but six town ships of the present reserve are to be re stored. There Is also a proposition in the wrar department to create a large military res ervation at Snake river, to include por tions of Lincoln and Cassia counties. Vancouver Military Iloipltal. Upon being asked what position he held relative to the proposed convalescent mili tary hospital for the Northwest, Sena tor Foster said he had notified Interested persons at Vancouver that the war de partment officials having in charge mili tary hospital matters do not admit the necessity of establishing a convalescent military hospital at Vancouver. Besides, If they did deem such hospital necessary, or find it desirable in future to establish one, they would favor Puget sound. MeBrldc's Refunding: Bill. . Jn. the-resubir course. 06 husiieitda.y. I the bill introduced and reported by Sen ator McBride, refunding $1 25 an acre to settlers who paid $2 50 for lands within railroad limits, was reached on the calen dar, and passed without opposition. This bill will be of great interest to the peo ple of the Pacific coast states, as It af fects those lands within the grants to the railroads where such grants were af terwards forfeited by reison of the fail ure to construct the road. Both Oregon and Washington will be affected by tho measure. If it can be passed through the house. Representative Moody intends to push It through, although he wHl meet with considerable opposition. Improving "Upper Willamette. Representative Tongue today introduced a bill appropriating $25,(100 for the con struction of a revetment on the left bank of the Willamette river, one mile below Independence. This revetment Is In tended to prevent an overflow of the river at that point into La Creole creek, which overflow threatens to interfere with navi gation on the Willamette PHILIPPINE HEMP PORTS. Kobbc Will Open Those in Southern. . Inlands. MANILA. Jan. 18. Brigadier-General Kobbe has been appointed governor of AI bay province and Catanduannes island, and has temporarily been placed In charge of the Islands of Samar and Leyte. His command embraces the principal hemp-produclng- country. He has been instruct ed to establish civil government In places under his jurisdiction. Kobbe sailed yes terday on the transport Hancock with a brigade, consisting- of the Forty-seventh and Forty-third infantry, and a battery of artillery. Generals Bate3. Wheaton and Schwan have occupied the principal towns in Cavite and Batangas provinces. The ma jority of the insurgents have returned to their homes and have secreted their guns. All the southern port3 will be opened soon. General MacArthur's troops are pursuing- many small bands, killing- a number of Filipinos and securing- guns. 0 Upton In Chicago Board of Trade.. CHICAGO, Jan. 18. Sir Thomas J. Lip ton, owner of last year's America's cup challenger, Shamrock, has applied for membership in the Chicago board of trade. The rules of the board require that applications be indorsed by two members of the board. In Sir Thomas' case, John C. Hately and Henry Botsford, wealthy packers, are sponsors. Sir Thoma3 Lip ton has owned and operated a meat-preserving, pork-packing plant at the stock yards for several years, but he has had no membership In tho board of trade, be ing represented by the managers of hia Chicago office. A 0 Ife-warfc: Board of Trade Dinner. NEW YORK, Jan. IS. The 13th annual dinner of the Newark, N. J., board of trade was held today. One of the guests of honor was px-Governor McCorkle, of West Virginia, who spoke upon "The At titude of the Progressive .South in Pro moting the Country's Foreign Trade." Congressman W. P. Hepburn spoke on "How Shall We Enlarge Our Labor Fields?' Congressman Gowler, who is a member of the committee on banking and currency, was given the toast "Banking;, Domestic and Foreign." Montngrne White In Netv Yorlc. NEW YORK, Jan. 18. Montague Whito. until recently consul-general of the South African Republic, has been in New York for a week, and Is about to go to Wash ington. It & supposed he Is on a diplo matic mission. He refused to be inter viewed. na 0 i Mnrlhoroug:h's Appointment. LONDON, Jan. 18. The war office an nounces the appointment of the Duke o Marlborough as a staff captain, in con nection with the imperial yeomanry be ing organized for service in South Africa Roberts Determined to Up the Fight.