THE MORNING OREGONJAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1900. Senate Will Vote on Financial Bill February 15. :L..V... - - , . iCL'.. -.,-.Jf" DRXGNET RESOL0TION ADOPTEDM President Called Upon for Informa tion Relating: to the Flonr Seiz-' nrcs In South. Africa. "WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. An agreement "Venn aasIIv rpsrhM In th spnntp todav to take the flnal vote on the pending bill fi3CJ ing gold as the standard of value in tho United States February 15. After several days of debate, the drag net resolution regarding the conduct of the Philippine war was adopted. It was Introduced by Hoar, and practically was Adopted as a substitute for resolutions of a similar but less extended character, of fered by Pettigrew and Lodge. Beyond a vigorous speech by Pettigrew, the reso lution aroused no debate, as it is within the discretion of the president to send or not to send any of the Information re quired. The resolution offered by Hale as to the seizure of flour by the British authorities was adopted, but only after a spirited de hate and after the resolution had been ma terially amended. Davis, chairman of the committee on foreign relations made a sharp attack upon "the resolution, but withdrew his objections after it had been amended. Teller addressed the senate upon the Unanclal bill, and will continue his speech tomorrow. The house had another inning today over the sale of the New York custom house by Secretary Gagev Sulzer of New York, the author of the resolution for the investigation of Secretary Gage's trans action with the New York banks, started the ball rolling by charging that the man date had already gone forth to suppress it Sibley, a Pennsjlvaula democrat, for merly a radical advocate of free silver, who is now out of sjmpathy with the democrats in the house, warmly com mended Mr. Gage's course. These two speeches precipitated a debate which last ed almost three hours. Grosvenor ex nininpr! that the committee on rules, to which the Sulzer resolution had gone, had, not acted because no .evidence had been produced before the, committee to -warrant the ordering of such a far-reaching Inves tigation. Hepburn assailed Sulzer for some of his extravagant statements, and declared there ought to be some way to rebuke members for slandering honored officials. Later In the day, during the discussion of the appropriation for the arm. Can non, in charge of the bill, challenged any member to move to strike it out. Will iams, a Mississippi democrat, replied to Cannon in -an eloquent speech, in which he affirmed the loyalty of every Ameri can citizen to the flag, and charged Can non with shrewdly issuing a challenga that wojrid not be accepted. The urgency deficiency bill was passed with only one unimportant amendment. THE ROUTIXE REPORT. Delngfa Bay Seizures Discussed In the Senate. "WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. In the senate, at the conclusion of routine business to day, the resolution- of inquiry introduced hy Hoar (rep. Mass.), and amended by Lodge (rep. Mass), calling for general information regarding the conduct of tht insurrection in the Philippines, was laio. hefore the senate. Pettigrew (sil. S. LV) said he desired to address the senate upou the resolution before It was passed. He favored the passage of the resolution, be lieving the information asked for was en tirely proper. He declared he had re ceived information since the introduction of his resolution that assured him of the facts iie had asserted. "'The blood of every soldier," said he, "who has fallen since the war began is on the hands of the administration. Tha Wood of GO soldier dos of South Dakota, who lost their lives after being conscript ed Into an unwilling service, after their terms had expired, lies at the door of the administration, and there Is no escape foi it. I charge that the censorship of the press and the suppression of facts are fot the purpose of advancing the political am hltlon of McKinley." "If this action," said Pettigrew, "puts, the administration In a hole, as w as stated, it was not his fault." Pettigrew reverted to the assertion that acquisition of the Philippines was brought about by the act of God, hut he added the tuily way lie could explain the work was that God must have used Mr. Mc Kinley as a prophet or appeared to the president in a vision. At the conclusion of Pettlgrew's speech the resolution of Hoar was passed without division. The resolution Introduced some days ago by Hale (rep. Me.), colling on tne secretary of state for information in pos session of the department relating to tne seizure and detention of American flour fcy British authorities in Delagoa hay. South Africa, was placed before the sen ate. After it had' been modified, Piatt (rep. Conn.) made a speech, in which ne said he did not believe the passage of the resolution at this time was wise. Davis (rep. Minn), chairman of th committee on foreign relations, said that the resolution was prematurely introduced. He indicated that the subject of the reso lution was now under diplomatic regotla tlon. No conclusion to that considera tion has yet been reached Davis said it was a -question whether some of the as sertlons of the resolutions were true. "It is said this flour Is not contraband," he continued. "This may or may not b true: hut it is a -Question of fact to ho determined whether tills flour is for the use of an active hostile." Davis said it did not oecome the senator (Hale) to introduce such a resolution at this time. "But," said Davis, "what strikes me as most to be criticised in the resolution is the concluding paragraph. It Is stated that if the detention of the property Is persisted in, ''such act will be considered as without warrant and offensive to the government and people of the United States. I venture to say that no pro nouncement upon so important a ques tion was ever made by a government until the diplomatic negotiations relating to it had "been completed. It Is a statement which is made only on the verge of hostili ties. That," concluded Davis, "is very eerioys language. In its present form it means a serious difficulty. X think the resolution would "better be referred." In response to the statement of Davis, Hale, the author of the resolution, hegan a brief address by sending to the clerk's desk and having a read a newspaper ac count of the seizures of the flour. Ho Jiad drawn the resolution with some care, intending to limit It to one of Inquiry. He declared the senate and country were en titled to know the situation, and there was ignorance as to what was being done. He deemed it perfectly clear that, as it was flour and not arms or ammunition, that had been seized, the seizure is not of con traband goods. It needed, ho thought, no investigation "by a committee to deter mine that flour was not contraband of war. "A majority of the senate can stifle this resolution,' said Hale, warmly, "but It cannot he suppressed In any other way.' The discussion of the question as to whether food products were ever contra hand of war was precipitated by a ques tion of Lodge. Hale was of the opinion that it would take a very extreme case to make flour contraband of war; but ha could conceive that it might be in certain clrcunjstaaots. J3uch an admission, in his opinion, 3ibwev4r would be fraught with great danger to the Unted States now and In the future He -did not imagine thai the state department was doing anything I that would get us Into trouble, but he wanted to know what was'belng done. The resolution aa offered by Hale waa materially amended, Hale himself accept ing the; suggestions of senators that cer Jain objectionable features be eliminated. Piatt (rep. Conn.) said the resolution as amended was not objectionable in form, .Uutjie deemed it unwise to adopWt while the subject was pending between the state .department and the diplomatic officials of Great -Britain at -such a, juncture, e thought thessenate ought;nol tQnterfere He feltneWotlations Vere being con- ducted properly ana energetically onwo Dart ofour government. Tillman, (dem. S. C.) called attention to the shipment of mules to the British forces in South Africa from ports of the United States, the government taking no pains to prevent 1t Piatt reollea that there was no inhibition J agalnstTthe-shlpment-of-such supplies to 1 the British. The shippers made the ship- ments-at their own rlsk. Fpraker (rep. O-suggestea that the res-1 ninHnn w Airt-pd to the secretary oi state, but Hale, with some heat, declined to accept any further amendments. Foi aker then moved that the resolution be amended as he had suggested, and tht motion prevailed. Without further controversy the resolu tion as amended was passed. It was then determined that when the senate ad journed today, It be -until 10 o'clock to morrow. Pettlgrew's resolution calling for infor mation from the secretary of war as ta the fiscal operations in Cuba was intro duced and passed without debate. A bill relating to Cuban vessels, reported by the commerce committee, wras called up by Berry (demArk.) and passed. At 2 o'clock the financial bill was laid before the senate, and after a little talk between Aldrich (rep. R. I.), who suggest ed Thursday, February 13, and Jones (dem. Ark.), the senate agreed to vote on the bill February 15, and that the two days Intervening should be devoted to 10 minute debate. Teller (sil. Colo.) then1 addressed the senate an the financial bill. He contend ed that the history of the American peo ple showed that they were favorable to "bimetalism. He renewed his charge that the financial" hill is especially a caucus measure, and- should not be accepted from the junta of Ignorant meiJ who constitut ed the Indianapolis convention. This no denounced as an abandonment of the leg islative functions and a surrender to out side Influences. Still, he was satisfied the bill would be put on the statute books aa a law, because they were unable to resist the Influence behind them, notwithstand ing the bill was contrary to the conviction of some republican senators and notwith standing that as late as 1S90 the republican party had upheld bimetalism. As for him self. Teller said few men had received greater honors at the hands of the repub lican party than himself; but this was duo to the fact that he had been an advo cate of bimetalism; that this attitude was In accord with, the conviction of the peo ple of his own state was shown, by the platform declarations of all the political parties of his state. Teller declared the silver dollar had been maintained in full value, despite, as he said, all the slanders uttered in this chamber and In public, be cause the people demanded the sllvef dol lar as money, and with every one of them could procure a dollar's worth of anything to be had. He maintained that the Amer ican people and the American nation were great enough to do anything they deemed right to do. And if they should determine to coin silver free, it would be successful. Teller did not complete his speech, but desired to suspend and resume tomorrow. Then senate then, at 3:37 P. M., went Into executive session, and shortly after ad journed. In the Honse, "WTien the "house met todays it decided, bv a vote! 'of 147 to" 133, that the' census bill reported by Hopkins (rep. HI.) yes terday was privileged. Barney (rep. Wis), from the commit tee on appropriations, reported the pen sion appropriation bill. The hpuse then went into a. committee of the whole, and resumed consideration of the urgent de ficiency bill under the flve-mlnute mile. Sulzer (dem. N. Y.) took advantage of the first opportunity to call attention to the resolution he introduced a- few days ago for an Investigation of the charges against Secretary Gage In connection with the deposit of government funds In national banks. The committee to which it had been referredUhad jibt acted. y4 "I understand,'.' saTO Sulzer,..? 'that the boss of the republican party says these charges are all 'rot,' and that the presi dent does not want them investigated, and that nothing more Is to be done with these grave and serious charges. "If that is so," he continued, "the mi nority is. entitled to know it" There is a remedy he declared, .and that remedy would be applied- The secretary of the treasury was charged by irenutable news papers and reputable men with a dlstincV -violation of the law.. He proceeded to discuss the sale of the New York custom house "to the Standard Oil trust." Sulzpr continuing, quoted the words of President McKinley while a member of congress In criticism, of the course of Sec-retao-y Fairchild in keeping government funds in national hanks. Sulzpr concluded with the statement that Secretary Gage had made the humiliating confession that he is and was the mere agent of the Standard OH trust. He was followed by Sibley (dem. Pa.), who said that, while he had -supported Sulzer for the leadership of the house and the second place on the democratic na tional ticket, he could not agree with him in his attack upon Secretary Gage. Sib ley said he had been requested to Intro duce a resolution of investigation. He had replied that in the hour of peril the secretary of the treasury had acted with promptness and prudence, and in his opinion congress should at all times up hold a public officer striving to up hold the honor and credit of the busi ness interests of the country. (Republic an applause.) Sibley said he had read the answer of Secretary Gage to the house resolution, and he considered It a full, free and frank statement, which completely justified each and every trans action. A conflagration had started In New York, he said, and it required cour age and will to stop the panic before it had extended Itself. "I had rather see the country prosper," said, he, "than to see my party succeed." (Republican applause.) He expressed re gret that the democratic party should thrive upon depression and again praised the secretary of the treasury for coming to the rescue of business in behalf of the country. He rejoiced in his action. (Re newed republican applause.) Grosvenor (rep. O.) declared that both Secretary Gage and the administration had been vindicated. The committee on rules had not acted on the Sulzer reso lution, because the charges the resolution contained were simply a rehash of the same charges to which Secretary Gage had replied. "I am authorized by the chairman ot the committee on rules to say that no one has been asked to be heard in fur therance of the resolution. Not the most humble citizen," said Grosvenor, "would be placed upon trial upon a mere alle gation. No one has come upon his own responsibility to affirm the truth of the charges." J " Clark (dem. Mo.) ironically commented upon Slbley'S speech. Before he had known of Sibley's ohange of front he had written an article urging him for the democratic vice-presidential nomination. He did not wish to withdraw his personal praise, but he did desire now to with draw the nomination (laughter) and con fer It upon Sulzer of New York, who had always been faithful to democratic prin ciples. -(Democratic and republican ap plause.) He recalled the time when Sib ley had told him he had been ostracized socially and commercially because he had supported silver at 16 to 1, "We hailed him as the hero," said Clark, "because He was the only demo crat north of the Potomac and east of the Mississippi valley. Now he wins the applause of those who are .hostile to every principle of the democratic faith. His place In this house is on' the pther side of the political aisle." (Democratic applause.) Clark read the Hepburn letter to Sec- I retary Gage, branding it as a disgrace. While he was describing the manner in which deposits had been made in national banks, Lacey (rep, la.) Interrupted him. What did Andrew Jacksotf do about deposits?" he Inquired. "He took them away from a. lot of thieves like these," retorted Clark, "and placed them in the hands of -honest 'men. (Democratic applause.)"" Nowcrack away again." "He -put them in pet state banks," said Lacey,v vf don't care about the state hanks. In stead of rebuking. Hepburn f or writing him such a "letter, Secretary Gage con ferred upon him the greatest favor ever conferred upon a bank since banks were established." Sibley replied briefly. Ordinarily, he said, he would be humiliated to believe the vice-presidential nomination publicly withdrawn, but he hod already withdrawn In. favor of Sulzer. He wa3 more con cerned with the statement that he should take his seat on the other side because he had changed his position. "I claim equal honesty for both posi tions. I believed in 1S9G that bimetalism was sacred, but events have so changed, conditions by the enormous production of gold that the price level for which both the gentleman from Missouri (Clark) and I. were striving was raised. The cause I held sacred then has become ridiculous. I believe if the democratic party i3 vic torious thl3 fall it will not be able to write a single line of financial legislation in the next six years. I am striving to do something practicable and helpful. If the democratic party Is to hive It must have- a policy. It must do something be sides carping and fault-finding. If It will adopra policy, T will keep step with it, but if it Invites me to a.banquet of carp ing and fault-finding, It will have to ex cuse me." (Loud republican applause ) Hepburn (rep la.) caustically ar raigned Sulzer for his alleged misstate ments In the face of Secretary Gage's re port He denounced him for alleglngthat Secretary Gage had admitted violation of the law. There ought not to be an Investigation of the secretary of the treas ury, but there ought to be a public re buke of a member wh6 distorted the truth; who "distorted the facte and who slandered honored public, officials. " '(Re publican applause ) Speaking to a pro forma amendment to the bill Itself, Norton (dem. O.) directed attention to what he termed the out rageous methods of certain star-route contractors in enticing ignorant subcon tractors Into contracts which they could not fulfill without loss. He produced tho documents in a case where a voting man had agreed to carry mail over a route f6r four years for a certain sum, under the impression that his service was only to run six months. Terry (dem. Ark.) and Cannon (rep. HI.) became Involved in a controversy toward the close of the session. Terry denounced the war In the Philippines as criminal. Cannon said the appropriation of 515,000,000 in the bill was to "support the army, upholding the flag 'atfd ' sup press the .Insurrection. -Terry said he was willing to support the flag'. His denun ciation was of the purposes of the war. He taunted the republicans with forever wrapping tho flag about them and crying "patriotism." Cannon, declared that declamation amounted to nothing. If any one was opposed to the appropriation for the sup port of the army, here was the time and place. , He defied any one on -the other side to move to strike It out. - Ih response to this challenge, Williams (dem. Miss,) replied in a brief and elo- quent speech. There was nQt an Amer ican citizen, he declared, in or out of tho house, who was disloyal to the flag of his country. The gentleman "from Illinois, with his accustomed shrewdness, had is sued a challenge .VQll.kri.Q.wlijg tthat.,thertf was not a mart"iri the'house,' noxmrftter how bitterly opposed'he mlht hevt6 the Imperialistic policy, who wv0uldv raise his hand against our soldiers fighting In the field, whether the struggle in which they were engaged was'iright or wrong. "I believe." said he, "that the people out there against whom they are fighting are struggling for their liberty, but When my country lines up for the fray, ! am with it He has Issued a safe challenge. But J. am tired of this miserable subter fuge hy which It Is attempted to confusb loyalty to the flag with loyalty to the pol icy in which the flag Is disguised." (Great democratic applause.) ""Men have a right to oppose a policy of war," he said. fHfi-jCjIted ,the xampo of Burke and Chatham-great men who had never refused to vote supplies for war, but who had stood up In the house of commons day after day, entering their protests against the war waged against our ancestors because they believed It wrong: The history of the Old World held it lesson. As-Byron had said, first came liberty, then glory, then splendor, .then corruption, decay and death. When ever the people forgot that the province of government was to make the indi vidual happy, to make the government splendid and the flag glorious, the people were on the first rung of the ladder in their descent. There was a glory of the flag in devotion to what was free, right and just, and there was av pseudo glory of the flag which manifested Itself in the worship of the flag. He would vote all the men and guns and ammunition "need ed to restore peace. And. when "we had peace he would havo the great American republic say to tho poor brown people across the seas: "We will stand by you until you ore able to stand alone." Several amendments by Lentz (dem. O.) and others to increase the appropriation for rural free delivery were voted down. The bill was then passed without di vision. At 5.40 P. M., the house adjourned until 1 o'clock tomorrow. ' THE FLOUR SLIZUHES. Amended Hale Resolnilon, as It Passed the Senate. WASHINGTON, Jan, 17. Tho modified Hale resolution relating to the seizure of flour in Delagoa. bay, as It passed" the senate, reads!; "Whereas, it Is Alleged that property of citizens of the United States, not con traband of war, has been lately seized by the military authorities of Great Britain In and near Delagoa bay, South Africa, without good reason for the same, and contrary to tho accepted principles of In ternational law, and, "Whereas, It is alleged that the said property is now unjustly detained by the military authorities of Great Britain, in disregard of the rights of the owners of the same, it is therefore "Resolved, by the senate of the United States, that the president shall be re quested to send to the senate, if, in his opinion, it is not Incompatible with the interests of the United States, all in formation of the state department relat ing to said seizure and detention, and also t6 Inform the senate what steps havo heen taken In requesting the restoration of property taken and detained as afore said." Y- GOING BACK TO CONGRESS.3 General Wheeler, in n Letter, States His Plans. FLORENCE, Ala., Jan. 17. The first absolute news of the intended course1 f General Joe Wheeler, representative in Congress from this, the eighth district of Alabama, came in a private letter to Hon. William J. Wood, "state tax com missioner, and a personal friend of the general. The letter was mailed in Ma nila December 2. In It General Wheeler states his intention to return to Wash ington, and, referring to a bill affecting the1 mineral lands of Alabama, he says: "I expect to leave In a few days for the United States, and' will devote myself to getting the bill through, which I think I can do. I could not have left here while tho campaign was on wlthodt being sub jected to severs criticism. 4 have re signed my position in the army." The Pension Bill. , WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. The house committee on appropriations today 'agreed on the pension appropriation bill and re ported it to the house. It carries -a total of 5145,245,230, exactly the amount esti : mated by the pension office, BATTLE OF LADYSMITH -THE MOST SEVERE BLOW THE BOERS HAVE YET RECEIVED. First Detailed Account of the Fight to Reach the Outside A Fifteen. Hours' Struggle. A LONDON, Jan. 18. The Standard pub lishes the folio Wing-dispatch' from Lady smith, dated January t, by way of Frere, January 17: "The enemy today made a determined effort to capture two positions, Caesar's camp and Wagon hill. . The latter is a lofty eminence to the soutnwest, posses- f sibn" of which would have brought them within rifle range of the town. Caesar's oamp was held by the first battalion of the Manchester regiment. Tho position was separated from that of the Bofcrs 'by a ravine. "In the early hours of the 'morning, under cover of darkness, the Heidelberg commando succeeded in evading our pick ets, making their way through the thorn bush and reaching the foot of the slope at 2:30. The alarm was raised by our sentries, but before the full extent of the danger could be realized the outlying ranges had been rushed and their de fenders slain. ''On hearing the firing, two companies of the Gordon Highlanders went to the assistance of the Manchesters. At first it was thought that the Boers were concen trating on the southern slope, where they had already secured a footing on the plateau. Here, however, their advance was checked by the steady volleys of our Infantry and the deadly fire of an auto matic gun. ''Lieutenant Hunt-Grubbe went out to see If any aid were needed by the tr&ops stationed on the Tldge near the town. He was not aware that the enemy had al ready captured the breastworks, and called out to the sergeant. He received the reply, 'Here 1 am, sir,' and then he sud denly disappeared from sight. Captain Carnegie, suspecting a ruse, ordered the Gordons to fire a volley and to charge. The enemy fell back precipitately, leaving behind them the officer whom they had captured with so much presence of mind. The lieutenant was quite unhurt. "It was now quite evident that the camp -was being assailed on the left flank and on the front By daybreak reinforce ments of Gordon Highlanders and of the rifle brigade had been hurried up to the fighting line. Lieutenant-Colonel Dick Conyngham, who was leading the Gor dons out of camp, fell mortally wounded, being hit by a stray bullet while still close ,to the town. The Fifty-third bat tery of field artillery, under Major Abdy, crossed -the. JKHp river and shelled the ridge and reverse slope of the front posi tion, where the enemy were lying among the thorn bushes. The shrapnel whfch flew over our heads did terrible execution. It effectually held the Boers In check and rendered it Impossible for them to send reinforcements to their men through the ravine. "The enemy fought throughout with, the most stubborn courage, being evidently determined to take the camp or die In the attempt. Their six-Inch gun on Um bulwana mountain and its smaller satel lites threw more than 100 shells at Abdy's battery and at the troops on the hill. Our troops, however, were not less gallant and resolved, and the enemy was pressed back step by step until at length those who Were left broke and fled In utter disorder. "A terrific storm of rain and hall, ac companied by peals of thunder, had burst over the camp during the fighting. This served to swell the streams Into raging torrents. In their efforts to escape, num bers of the enemy flung themselves Into the current and were swept away. The struggle in this part of the field was now ended, and the finale was a terrific fu sillade all along the line, the crash of which almost drowned the Incessant thunJe,r a&ove. AtiKault on Wagon HJH. "Meanwhile, a more exciting contest was in progress In the direction of Wagon hill. At 2 o'clock a storming party, fur nished by the Harrlsmlth commando, crept slowly arid cautiously along a donga In the valley which divides bur posts from their camp A few wfell-almed rifle shots killed our pickets Taking advantage of ever"y Inch of cover, the Boers then grad ually reached the crest of the height. Here a body of light horse was posted, but they were forced tQ retire before the ad vance of the Free Staters, there being no breastworks for defense on the western shoulder of the hill. "With little to impede their passage, the eneihy soon came fo an emplacement, where they surprised working parties of the Gordon Highlanders and the Six tieth rifles. Lieutenant Dlgby Jones, of the Royal engineers, collected a handful of men and made a gallant effort to hold the position, but the numbers were against him, and after a stubborn resistance ho was driven back and the enemy got pos session of the summit Even then, how ever, the Free Staters were afraid to ven ture far or to face the heavy fire from the Sangar. Here It was that Lieutenant .McNaughton and 30 of the Gordons wero captured, although not until every man among them was wounded. "At 5 o'clock, Colonel Edwards, with two squadrons of light horse, arrived upon the scene, and the Twenty-first battery of the Royal field artillery, under Major piew ett, came into action, prevent ing the storming party being reinforced from the Boer camp. At the same time the Eighteenth hussars and the Fifth lancers checked the movement from the spruit on our right flank. Nevertheless, our position at this point had become crit ical Our men retired for cover behind the northern slope, while the enemy had made their way into the pass dividing them from the hill. "Major Bowen rallied a few of the ri fles, but fell while leading them. to the charge. His example was at once followed by Lieutenant Tod, but the latter met the same fate. "The enemy was making good the foot ing they had already secured In the em placement, when Major Miller Walnutt, calling the scattered Gordons together, charged in and drove them back. Hav ing thus cleared the ground, he joined Lieutenant Digby Jones in a newly pre pared emplacement on the western shoul der. "A pause ensued for a time, but the Boers were not yet Anally beaten. Taking advantage of the storm now raging, they essayed to capture the position by another rush. 'Three of their leaders reached the parapet, but were shot down by Lieu tenant Digby Jones and Lieutenant Wal-' nutt,' tho latter of whom also fell. The renewed check effectually-discouraged the assailants, and the deadly duel was prac tically at an end. Nevertheless, small parties of the braver spirits kept up a murderous Are on our men from behind tiie rocks. "The moment had evidently arrived to strike the flnal blow, and Colonel Park quickly issued the necessary order. Three companies of Devonshire, led by Captain Lafone Lieutenant Field and Lieutenant Mastersqn, made a'brilliant charge across the open, under a terrific flre, and fairly hurled the enemy down the hill at the point of the bayonet. In the course of the struggle, Captain Lafone and Lieu tenant Field were killed and Lieutenant Masterson received no fewer than 10 wounds. "This was a fitting close to a struggle that had lasted 4G hours, during which every rifle and gun had been brought to bear. Our position was now secure. The attacks on the north and east had also been repulsed and the grand assault had failed all along the line. "The Boers lost heavily. They admit the engagement was the most severe blow their arras had sustained since tho open ing of the campaign. They were confi dent of their ability to capture the town, and had called upon reinforcements from Golenso to assist at the expected victory. Our losses also were considerable. "Early in the, morning, the Earl of Ava was mortally wounded while accom-, panylng Colonel Ivan Hamilton to the scene of action. "The garrison can-now await the com ing of relief with renewed confidence." BURIAL OF GENERAL WAIJCHOPE, Over His Grave the Highlanders Swore Revenge. - 'LONDON, Jan. 10. Some of the moat brilliant work in the way of descriptive writing ever done by British correspon dents has heen appearing In the British papers in the last few days. The Dally News' correspondent thus writes of the burial of General Wauchope: "Three hundred yards to the rear of the little township of Modder River, just as the eun was sinking in a blaze of African splendor on the evening of Tuesday, the 12th of December, a long, shallow grave lay exposed in the breast of the veldt. In the west the broad river, fringed with trees, ran murmurlngly; to the eastward the heights, still held by the enemy, scowled menacingly; north, and 'south the veldt undulated peacefully. A few paces to the northward of that grave 50 dead Highlanders lay, dressed as they had fallen on the field ot battle. They had followed their chief to the field, and they were to follow him to the grave, and they grim and atern those, men looked as they lay face upward to the sky, with great hands clenched In the last death agony, and brows still knitted with stern lust of the strife in which they had fallen. The plaids dear to every Highland clan were represented there, and as I looked, out of the distance came the sound of the piper; It was the general coming to join his men. "There, right under the eyes of the enemy, moved w-ith slow and solemn tread all that remained ot the Highland bri gade. In front on them walked the chap lain with bared head, dressed in his robes of office; then came the pipers with, their pipes, 1G in all, and behind them, with arms reversed, moved the Highlanders, dressed In all of the regalia of their regi ments, and in their midst the dead general borne by four of his comrades. "Out swelled 'the pipes to th'e strain of the 'Flowers of the Forest,' until the soldiers' .heads went back- In ,haughty de fiance and eyes flashed through tears like sunlight on steel; now singing to a moan ing wail like a woman wailing her first born, until the proud "heads dropped for ward till they rested on heaving chests, and tcara rolled down the wan and scarred faces, and the choking sobs broke through the solemn rhythm of the march of death. Right up to the grave they marched, then broke away In companies until the gen eral lay In the shallow grave with a Scottish, square of armed men around him. Only the dead man's son and a small number of his officers stood with the chap lain, and the pipers while the solemn services of the church were spoken. "Then once again the piper pealed out 'Lochaber no More,' cut through the still ness like a cry of pain until one could almost hear the widow In her Highland home moaning for the soldier she would welcome- back no more. Then, as if touched by the magic of one thought, the soldiers turned their tear-damp eyes from the still form in the shallow grave to ward the heights where. Cronje, the lion of Africa, and his soldiers stood. Then every che.ek flushed crimson, and tho strong jaws set like steel and the veins on the hands that clasped the rifle han dles swelled almost to bursting with the fervor of the grip and that look from those silent armed men spoke more elo quently than ever spoke the tongues of orators. For on each frowning face the spirit of vengeance sat. and each spark ling eye asked silently for blood. God help the Boers when the next Highland pibroclTsoundsr God rest the Boer souls when the Highlanders' bayonets charge! Foi neither death nor hell, nor things above, nor things below, will hold the Scots back from their blood feud. "At the head of the grave, at the point nearest the enemy, the general was laid to sleep, his officers grouped around him. While in line behind himhls soldiers were laid ih aaouble" row 'wrapped hT thelr blankets. No shots were fired ovur the dead men Testing sb peacefully. Only the salute was given, and then the men marched campward, as tho darkness of an African night rolled over the far stretching breadth of the veldt. "To the gentlewoman who bears the general's name the Highland brigade send tholr deepest sympathy. To the members and the wives, the sisters and the sweet hearts In the cottage homes by hillside and glen, they send love and good wishes sad will be their Christmas, sadder tha New Year. Yet, enshrined in every wom anly heart, from queen-empress to cot tage girl, let their memory be the mem ory of the Highland brigade who died at Magersfontein." The Highlanders' Disaster. The same writer thus depicts the way in which the disaster overtook the High landers: "During the night it was considered ex pedient that the big Highland brigade, about 4000 strong, under General Wau chope, should got close enough to tho lines of the foe to make it possible to charge the heights. At midnight, the gal lant general moved cautiously through the darkness towards the kopje where tho Boers were most strongly entrenched. They were led by a guide who was supposed to know every jnch of the country out into the darkness of an African night. Tne brigade marched In line of quarter column, each man stepping cautiously and slowly, for they know that any sound meant death. Every order was given in a hoarse whisper and In whispers it was passed along tho ranks from man to man. Nothing was hoard, as they moved toward the gloomy, steel-fronted heights, but the brushing of their feet in the veldt grass and the deep drawn breaths of tho marching men. "So, onward until 3 o'clock on the morn ing of Monday. Then, out of the darkness a rifle rang, sharp and clear, a herald of disaster a soldier had tripped in the dark over the hidden- wires laid down by the enemy. In a feecond, in the twinkling of an eye, the searchlights of the Boers fell broad and clear as the noonday sun on the ranks of the Highlanders, though it left tho enemy concealed in the shadows of the frowning mass of hills behind him. "For ono brief moment, the Scots seemed paralyzed by the suddenness of their dis covery, for they knew that they were huddled together like sheep within 50 yards of the trenches of the enemy. Then, clear above the confusion, rolled the voice of the general 'Steady, men, steady,' and, like an echo to the words out came the crash of nearly 1000 titles not 50 paces from them. The Highlanders reeled before the spook like trees before them. The "best, their bravestV fell in that wild hall of lead. General Wauchope was down, riddled with bullets, yet gasping, lying, bleeding from every vein, the Hlghlandchleftaln raised himself on his hands and knees and cheered his men forward. "Men and officers fell in heaps together. The Black Watch charged, and the Gor dons and the Seaforths, with a yell that stirred the British camp below, rushed on wardonward to death or disaster. The accursed wires caught them round the legs until they 'flourdered like trapped woles and all tho time the rifles of the foe sang the song of death In their ears. Then they fell back, broken and beaten, leaving near ly 1800 dead and wounded just where the broad breast of the grassy veldt melts Into the embrace of the rugged African hill", and an hour later the dawn tame of the dreariest day that Scotland has known for a generation past Of her officers, the flower of her chivalry, the pride of her breeding, but few remained to tell the tale, a sad tale truly, but one untainted with dishonor or smirched with disgrace, for up those heights, under similar circum stances, even a brigade of devils coula scarce have hoped to pass. All that mor tal men could do the Scots did; they tried, they failed; they fell and there Is noth ing left us now but to move on and avenge them. "All that fateful day otmen lay close to the Boer lines under a blazing sun; over the heads the shots of friends and foes passed without ceasing. All day long tne battle raged. Scarcely could we see tho foe all that met -our eyes -ft as the rocky heights that spoke with tongue of flames whenever our troops drew near. Once our guards made a brilliant dash at the trenches, and, like a torrent, their resistless valor bore all before them, and for a few brief moments they- got within hitting distance of the foe. "Well did they avenge the slaughter of the Scots. Tlie bayonets, like tongues of flames, passed above or below the rifles guard and swept through brisket and breastbone. Out of their trenches the guardsmen tossed ther Boers as men in English harvest fields toss the hay when the reapers and scythes have whitened the cornfields, and human streams were plentiful where the British guardsmen stood. Then they fell back, for the flre from the heights above them fell thick as the spume of the surf on an Australian rock-ribbed coast. But the guards had proved lb the Boefs that, man to man, tho Briton was his master. vTn vain all that day Methuen tried by every ruse he knew to draw the enemy; vainly the lancers rode recklessly to in duce those human rock limpets to come out and cut them "off. Cronje knew the mettle of our men, and an Itonio laugh played around his iron mouth, and still he stayed within his native fastness; but death sat ever at his elbow, for our gun ners dropped the lyddite shells and the howling shrapnel all along his lines until the trenches ran blood and many of his guns were silenced. In the valley behind his outer line of hills his dead lay piled in hundreds, and the slope of the hill was a charnel-house, where the wounded all writhed amidst the masses of the dead, a ghastly tribute to British gunnery. When, at 1:30 P. M., Tuesday, we drew off to Modder River to report, we left nearly 3000 dead and wounded ot grim old Cronje's men as a token that the lion of England had bared his teeth In earnest." Ralph Says the Highlander Ran. The last malls from the Cape brought numerous accounts of Magersfontein, but none so vivid as this. Julian Ralph. In the Dally Mall, very bluntly writes of the Highlanders after the first volley from tha hidden trenches: "They turned and ran, literally colliding and climbing over one another in theii confusion. A chaplain forward In the ranks was knocked down and trampled, as bravo a.1 man as any, -jet one who declared that there lived no man who would hare behaved differently. It was as If the earth had opened and from a cleft that ran as far as our men reached, fire belched and shot swept the veldt. The fever of fright lasted only while the men ran 200 yards, and they regained some measure of or der." Says the Times' correspondent of the some occurrence: "Back they came in a wave that no of ficer could stop. From a. potot of vantage on the horse artillery hill one could, see them swarming like bees over the veldt until they were almost out ot range, and tho 'guns wore left out on the open with no one to support them. It was perhaps the most unpleasant sight that a British soldier of today has ever beheld it was certainly a sight never to be forgotten. It was difficult to say "what would hap pen next, until Major Ewart, brigadier major of the Highlanders, rode up with an order from the commanding officer, which was almost an entreaty, to the ef fect that all he asked of the Highland brigade was to hpld the position until darx. So riddled and shattered was the brigade that Ewart had actually no other officer with him to help him to give the ordet to tho scattered men, and he was glad to .have the assistance of Colonel Dawney, who was there, not as a soldier, but as a civilian, surveying the battle from the horse artillery hill." THE' NEED A VICTORY. Morale of the British Troops Badly Shaken. LONDON, Jan. 10. The Globe corre spondent at Magersfontein, presumahly the Earl de la Warr, writes some plain home truths; in fact part of his letter has been eliminated by the- censor: "It is not," he says, "the numerical loss of soldiers- and men ghastly and -terrible enough In itself which makes the posi tion so serious it Is the effect which these reverses have on the morale of our troops and on the Boers, which constitute the real danger. If we could point to one real victory, if our men could see that these hard-fought "battles, w 1th their bloody re sults, were clearing the road to Pretoria, ihey would know they were doing some thing good. But all along the line from Cheveley to Modder River, we are facing well-nigh impregnable positions, occupied by men determined to hold them with their last drop of blood, hurling forth one unanimous, defiant message, 'Thus far and no further.' It Is useless to disguise the fact that a large percentage of our troops are beginning to lose heart in this campaign. Can you blame" them? A close succession of frontal attacks on an Invisible foe strongly entrenched, where retaliation Is almost Impossible, will shake the nerve of the bravest. Our men have fQUght well, their conduct under most trying and adverse circumstances has been admirable, but they ha e been asked to perform miracles, and, being human, they have failed. Do not blame them. Do not blame that gallant general, who. on Monday last, was the first victim of the terrible disaster which overcame the Highland brigade." A correspondent, who was at the battle of Belmont, writes: "I dare say you have heard that David St John, the heavy-weight champion, .boxer of the guards, was killed here at Belmont at the charge up the Kaffir kopje. He came face to face with, a Boer as big as himself. They had a bit of a scuffle. The guardsman gave Mr. Boer a lunge with his bayonet so hard that he drove It right over the hilt and cross guard, and not being able to extract it. he was practically unarmed, and while endeavoring to withdraw, another Boer shot him clean through the tmiple. I saw them lying, one on top of the other, both dead." Pro-Boer Meeting. BOSTON, Jan. 17. A large and demon strative mass meeting to express sjm pathy with the Boers was held tonight in Faneuil hall. Gebrge F. Hollis, ex Unlted Btates consul at Pretoria, and George Fred Williams were the principal speakers. Senator George F. Hoar and Thomas Wentworth HIgglnson sent let ters of sympathy. Four Men Murdered at MInto. SEATTLE, Jan. 17. Passengers arriving from Dawson via Skagway on the City of Topeka tonight confirm the report of the murder of Fred H. Clayson, the Skag way merchant; a Northwest police tele graph lineman named Olson, and two Klondlkera whose names are unknown, near Mintc, Christmas day. A man named O'Brien Is now under arrest at Taggert, charged with the crime. Another has been arrested at White Horse, and It la believed a third has escaped to Seattle. The men were murdered for their monty. - o Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. Today's state ment of the "condition of the treasury shows: Available cash1 balance $2S2,7S2,29S Gold reserve 222,962,391 o The Bundesrnth'K Cargo. HAMBURG, Jan. 17. A cablegram re ceived by the owners of the Bundesrath at Hamburg says all ot the cargo of that steamer has been discharged and entirely agrees with, the manifest. The prize court has not yet rendered its decision. o Mlnnisslppl Senators Elected. JACKSON, Miss., Jan. 17. The legisla ture met today In joint session and elected Ansel K. McLaurln senator from Missis sippi for the long term and William V. Sullivan for the short term. o i , Arrested for Ahduction. RRATTLE. Jan. 17. George Mayhood. alleged to be a fugitive from justice from j coughsjAmcroup S0RE-flHHQARSE 1 BELVA A.LOCKWOOD S SaysofPeruna: "I find It m an Invaluable remedy foe cold, catarrh r hay fever f and kindred diseases," i Ask your- druggist for a free Pe-ru-na ali manac for the year 1900. Napa, Cal., was arrested here today. May hood is charged with abducting his own son, aged 8 years. A warrant charging him with abduction la alleged to have been sworn 6ut at Napa January 8. e b ' THE SAMOAIT TREATY. Senator Jones "Wanted the Vote Re considered Treaty Recalled. WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. In today's ex ecutive session of the senate. Senator Jones, of Arkansas, moved to recoiusUir the vote by which the Samoan treaty w ta ratified yesterday. He based his motion, upon a statement which he said he hid seen in the press, to the effect that tl o American flag had already been run up on the Island Tutulla. If this report was tnie, he thought the senate should know ot the fact, and baye an opportunity to deal with It in connection with the treaty. Senator Fryo replied that the Teport to which Senator Jones referred was without foundation. No action was taken on the motion, but it was decided to recall the treaty uh-oa bad been forwarded to the president with notice of the senate's favorable action on it T,he senate also received the favorable resort of the, commltte en fiarcjgn rt?u tiarar onhBtnmrtnmnriMitlki' rWC Stffu and Chile, the boundary treaty Vfttti Mexico and The Hague treaty. i a Domestic and Foreign Ports. New York, Jan. 17. Sailed St. Paul, for Southampton. Rotterdam Arrived January 16 Staten dam. from New York. New York, Jan. 17. Sailed Rotterdam, for Rotterdam. Arrived Ocaanlc. from Liverpool. 44 Good Beginnings Make Good Endings f You ate making a, good beginning token you commence fo fake Hood's SarsaparUta. for any trouble of your Mood, stomach,, kidneys or truer. Persistenity taken, this great medicine zyr7I Bring you the good end ing of perfect health, strenafh and insior Come Just to See. Handsome Premiums Given Free. Great Eastern Tea Co, aC Washington St.. Portland. 2211 First St,. Portland. 115 Grand Ave., E. Portland. Positively cured toy these 3LittIe Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi. hess, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue fciin in the Side, TORPID UVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small F1IL Small Dos The Best Washing Powder jjiff-'i 1 .awn iTy Mimim jtpliy P iVER stfST