Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 18, 1900, Image 1

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VOL. XXXIX. NO. -12,202.
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Goodyear Rubber Company
Rubber Boots and Shoes, "Belting, Packing and Hose.
Largest and most complete assortment of all Itlnds of Rnbber Goods.
R. H. PEASE Vicc-Prcs. and Manager
Manufacturers of Exclusive Novelties In Fine Furs, ALASKA
OUTFITS in Fur Robes, Fur Overcoats, Caps, Gloves,
Moccasins, etc. Highest price paid for Raw Furs.
Oregon Phone Main 401.
Fifth and Washington Streets
First-CIasn Check Restaarant
Connected With Hotel.
St. Charles Hotel
American and European Plan.
1.00 Values at $1.95
Women's Lace and Button
Storm Calf, Box Calf
Vici Kid
Kid or Vesting Tops
Cured In All Its Forms.
Also ohronlc affections of the stomach,
liver, kidneys, bladder, blood and skin.
Entirely new treatment for -catarrh. It
cures; come try it, free. Dr. Darrin, 265
Morrison street, Portland, Or., Is the most
reliable specialist for every form of weak
ness and disease of men and women. He
Twenty-two 'Witnesses Introdnced
by the Democrats.
ntANKFORT, Ky Jan. 17. Twenty
one witnesses were examined by the gu
bernatorial contest board today, all of
them being introduced by the democrats.
Twenty of the witnesses testified in rela
tion to the so-called tissue ballots, all of
them saying that the ballots used at the
polls in Pike, Martin, Johnson, Knox and
Magoffin counties were of so transparent
nature that the marks made by the vot
ers upon them could be seen. In almost
every Instance the republicans, upon cross
examination, brought from these wit
nesses the statement that the vote of the
various counties in which these ballots
were used fllfl not In the least differ from
the average vote at preceding elections.
The legislature met in joint session at
noon today to make a final comparison
of the journals of the two houses in the
matter of electing a United States sena
tor. The journals showed that J. C. S.
Blackburn had received 77 votes to 53 for
Bradley. Speaker Trimble declared Mr.
Blackburn duly elected to succeed William
Lindsay. W. J. Bryan was present and
applauded the announcement Senator
elect Blaokburn made a brief speech of 'ac
ceptance. Genr's Re-election.
DES MOINES, la., Jan. 17. Today at
roon the Iowa legislature met In joint ses
sion and re-elected John H. Gear, of Burl
ington, to the United States senate. The
ote stood:
Gear, rep HlWhIte, dem 32
"So Spell Demand by Prance.
PARIS. Jan. 17. The statement in the
London Morning Post that the "Washing
ton administration has received letters
from France, Germany. Great Britain
and Russia demanding knowledge of the
intentions of the United States as to the
open door" in China and the future of
the Philippines was news to the foreign
office officials here. They say it was the
first time they had heard of such action.
73 and 75 first St. "Portland. Or.
- Frank Drug. Co.wDS.tors
Wholesale t
Furs! Furs!
126 SECOND ST., near Washington
Established 1S70. '
" .
Single rooms 75c to JL50 perday
Double rooms 51.00 to $2.00 per day
C T. BELCHER, Sec. and Treas.
American, plan....
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. 50c, 75c, $1.00
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In the effects of glasses. Some
people get Instant relief.
Headache and eye-strain dis
. appear at once. Other people
have to get used to thenu
The eyes must break them
selves of old, long-continued
habits and form new. They
must adapt themselves to en
tirely different conditions.
Until they do so, the glasses
will be tiresome and uncom
fortable. The benefit and comfort will
more than repay you in the
' Eye Specialist
guarantees to cure varicocele or hydro
cele In one week; stricture in 10 days. No
Inconvenience; no detention. Consulta
tion free and charges reasonable. Home
treatment successful In many cases. Tes
timonials and question blanks sent free.
Hours, 11-12, 2-5, and 7-8 dally.
Frenchman and Other Foreigners
Thrown Into Prison.
PARIS, Jan. 17. A dispatch from Car
acas is published here saying that an
archy prevails in Venezuela. Owing to
their refusal to advance the government
money, the directors of the banks of
Caracas and "Venezuela, including a
Frenchman named Montauban and other
foreign notabilities, have been arrested
and thrown into a fortress. Representa
tions of the French charge d'affaires, it
is added, have been disregarded and the
French colony at Caracas energetically
demands that the French Atlantic squad
ron be dispatched to the coast of Vene
zuela. Strike and Riot in Rio Janeiro.
RIO JANEIRO, Jan. 17. Over 20,000 driv
ers of all kinds of vehicles went on a strike
yesterday. A small faction of mechanics,
headed by Guero Preto, a brother of Car
los Alfonso-, and Malvino Rels, attempted
to take advantage of the situation. Nu
merous groups attacked different points,
tearing up the street-car rails and de
stroying cars. Several thousands of riot
ers in front of the president's palace raised
cries of "Long lhe the monarchy!''
"Death to the republic!" A small force of
cavalry dispersed the rioters with diffi
culty. The city has the appearance of martial
law having been proclaimed. The horse
caro and other vehicles are working. The
police, during 'the first hours of the dis
turbance, were extrenJy weak and in
effectual, but were reinforced by regular
troops, and especially cavalry, and order
was re-established promptly,
q o P
The Caftellanes Are Coming-.
NEW YORK, Jan. 17. Count and Count
ess Boni do Castellane are on their way
to this country, having sailed from Havre
last Saturday. They will be the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. George Gould during their
short visit here, and in all probability the
greater part of-rtheIr stay will be at
Georgian Court the beautiful country
place of Mr. Gould at Lakewood.
Boiler Sends His Force
Around the Boer flank.
He Crossed the River Fifteen
Miles' West of Cblenso.
The Entire Command la Xorr on the
Way to Relieve Ladysmith Mo
. - ins Good Progress.
LONDON, Jan. 18. The Times publishes
the following dispatch from Spearman'e
farm, dated January 17, 9:20 P. M.:
"The force marched westward January
10. Lord Dundonald, by a dashing move
ment, occupied the hill above Potgleter's
drift, 15 miles west of Colenso, taking the
Boers perfectly by surprise. The same
evening the Infantry followed. General
Lyttleton's brigade crossed the river yes
terday and today shelled the Boers, be
yond with Howitzers. General "Warren's
force Is now crossing Trichardte drift, five
miles above. He is not opposed, although
the Boers are holding a position five miles
from the river."
The Dally Mall has the following, dated
yesterday from Pletermarltzburg:
"News has been received that General
Buller is making satisfactory progress."
A special dispatch from Spearman's
farm, dated January 17, says:
"The British column moved to Spear
man's farm, beyond Springfield, January
1L The difficulties In crossing the swollen
river were great, the wagons being quite
A dispatch to the Daily News from
Spearman's farm, describes Lord Dundon
ald's advance to Swartzkop hill, com
manding Potgleter's drift, and says:.
"General Lyttleton's brigade was sent
to hold a position on Swartzkop hill.
Ieavine a strong- body to hold Colenso
and General Hlldeyard's- brlga'de at
USpringfteld,,our whole force advanced
without delay. After .four days' halt on
the south side of the Tugela, our advance
northward began Tuesday, January 16.
General Lyttleton's brigade crossed the
i drift that evening and held the kopjes on
our right Sir Charles "Warren's division
i has made an attack upon the enemy's
left flank. The column is now crossing
the river."
His Entire Command Is on Its Way
to Ladysmith.
LONDON, Jan. 18, 4:30 A. M. General
Buller completely surprised the Boers and
occupied the hills beyond Potgleter's drift,
15 miles west of Colenso, "Wednesday, Jan
uary 10. This intelligence is contained in
an exclusive dispatch to the Times dated
yesterday. He followed up the movement
by shelling the Boer trenches. This news
completely disposes of the statement that
Sir Charles Warren's force went in the
direction of Weenen, and it tends greatly
to restore 'confidence in General Buller's
tactics. The supposition that he had di
vided his forces into three columns had
given cause for anxiety. It is now seen
that such a view was erroneous, as Gen
eral Buller's forces are concentrated.
In Cape Colony, General Methuen has
made a demonstration In force, shelling
the Boer works. General Gatacre is skir
mishing around Molteno, and General
French has thrown a few shells at the
Boers at Rensburg. Colonel Plumer Is
moving to the relief of Mafeklng from
Bechuanalahd. He is now in command of
less than 2000 men. Mafeklng is In a bad
way; the siege is being pressed with
determination, and the Kaffirs are desert
ing because of pinched rations, and the
necessity of eating horsemeat.
The Standard's vivid account of the
assault upon Ladysmith shows that the
garrison was surprised, and that several
times the situation was critical. Out of
a detachment of 30 Gordon Highlanders
who surrendered, every man was wound
ed, says the correspondent. Curiously
enough, this is jthe first mention of the
capture of the Highlanders. The Boer
repulse at Ladysmith was the heaviest
counter-stroke of the war.
The government is relaxing its efforts
to send out reinforcements. It is quite
undecided as to when the Eighth division
will be shipped. The war office declines
the offer of a third battalion of North
amptonshire militia, saying that no more
militia will be sent abroad. It seems
probable that only 5000 instead of 10,000
yeomanry will be mobilized. The war
office sent for Lord Strathcona yesterday
and he had a. long1 Interview -with the
officials, particularly General Sir Evelyn
Wood. The details of his force have been
arranged and cabled to Canada.
J. J. Van Alen's offer to give a field
hospital section to consist of three wag
ons, 25 cots and 20 transport animals, with
all the appliances, has been accepted by
the war office. The section will bs called
the American section of the hospital' to
which it is attached.
The ministers are gathering for a cabi
net council which will probably be held
tomorrow (Friday).
Demonstration in Force Near Modder
MODDER RIVER, Jan. 17. There was
a demonstration in force under General
Methuen yesterday, a division being en
gaged with the object of ascertaining the
strength and disposition of the Boer .force,
and also in order to try to draw the Boera
from. Kimberley, where lately they have
been active. The British discovered the
Boers in great force. They had been re
inforced from the direction of Jacobsdal.
At 4:30 the artillery opened fire, the shels
dropplngt In the Boer entrenchments with
great precision. The attack, was directed
against the Boers' left. The firing con
tinued nntil -sunset, mostly with artlllfer.
i although the guards on the right' fired
Jons-range volleys. The Boers reserved
thelr,fire until the British were returning
to camp Iii the Sa'rkness, wn'on six shells
folldwed them. There were no casualties
among the British troops.
. (
Boers Lost Twenty Killed and Fifty
The war offlce has rece.ved the follow-
ing dlsp-tch from Lord" Roberts, dated
Capo Town, January 16, evening:
"On the 15th lhe JBoers made a. deter
. mined attack on French's advanced post,
held by the New Zealand mounted rifles
and a detachment of the First Yorkshires.
The Boers were repulsed, having 20 killed.
Theit wounded are estlrdated at not less
than 50. The attack was preceded by a
long-range fire from one gun. Otherwise
the situation ia unchanged."
A-relatlve of General Buller Is reported
to have received a cablegram from the
general yesterday to the effect that his
force is occupying a strong position. This
report lacks confirmation.
A special dispatch from Cape Town to
day says General Gatacre protested to the
Boer commander at Stormberg against al
lowing wives and daughters of Boer sol
diers to reside In or near the camp.
The war offlce this i ternoon posted this
"The following telegram is the only news
which has been received in regard to Bul
ler's operations near Springfield."
The telegram then proceeds to report the
death of a private from dysentery at
Springfield bridge camp January 13, and
the wounding of another private in a
reconnolssance toward the Tugela river
January 15.
General French's success, though con
soling to the British, Is recognized as be
ing only a side issue. The country Is
grateful to learn that the British losses
in the engagement were only six killed
and five wounded- The news that two
transports with troops have been ordered
from Cape Town to Port Elizabeth indi
cates that substantial reinforcements are
on their way to General French.
Prices on the stock exchange today ad
vanced on the rumor that Ladysmith had
been relieved. There is nothing else, how
ever, to corroborate the report.
Still Fighting at Rensberg.
RENSBERG, Jan. 16. The Boers opened
an artillery duel this morning, using a cap
tured British 15-pounder, which the Brit
ish gunners ultimately silenced. The Brit
ish kept up a searching fire all day long
on the Boer kopjes, and also dragged up
another gun to the summit of Coleskop.
Ex-Consnl Hollls Calls It an Un
rlsrhteous Wnr.
BOSTON, Jan. 17. George F. Hollls,
who was United States consul at Cape
Town under President Harrison, has writ
ten a letter to the committee in charge of
the meeting to be held at Faneull hall in
support of the Boers, in which he says:
"I accept with great pleasure your invi
tation to speak to the Boston people in
Faneuil hall on the subject of England In
he Transvaal, believing as I do, that for
several years the attempt has been delib
erately made to mislead the minds, not
only of our own people, but of the "people
of England on this question.
"I have Ions held the belief that the
United States and England wee;J;ohaye
a large and honorable share "Inadvancl
ing the' civilizationof the" world, and I-
am grieved beyond measure that England '
has become involved In what I consider to
be an unrighteous war. The position of
President Kruger and his relations to
the Uitlanders was very peculiar. He
had, in the first place, to listen to the de
mands of this great inrush of people and
in the meantime to bring his people, .who
had little knowledge of modern appli
ances, somewhat Into sympathy with what
the-time required.
"To do this required time, patience and
tact, all of which President Kruger pos
sesses in large measure. Had the Eng
lish representatives met him In the spirit
of good will and fairness, all their just de
mands and claims would have been amica
bly met. But because of the arrogant
and reckless spirit displayed by these
people an animosity was created In the
minds of the Dutch burgher which re
tarded all the efforts of radical and pro
gressive parties In the republic to advance
matters as they desired."
England Will Take Steps to Prevent
a. Similar Recurrence.
BERLIN, Jan. 17. An official telegram
from London says the British govern
ment has declared that, now the inquiry
into the seizure of the Bundesrath Is con
cluded, her release may be expected Im
mediately and a satisfactory,, settlement
of the pending difficulties may be regard
ed as certain. Measures, it is added, will
also be taken to prevent a recurrence of
similar Incidents.
The foreign offlce officials informed the
Associated Press that Great Britain ad
mits that no contraband of war was
found on the Bundesrath, and promises
that the steamer will be released today
or tomorrow.
Boers Deliberately Bombarded the
Women's Laager.
LONDON, Jan. 17. The following dis
patch has been received from Mafeklng
under date of January 3: ,
"The enemy began a renewed and vig
orous attack on Mafeklng January 1, and
deliberately fired six nine-pounder shells
Into the woman's laager, killing a little
girl and wounding two children. The
strategical position Is unchanged. Colonel
Baden-Powell sent a strong protest to
Commandant Snyman against shelling the
woman's laager. Two mules killed by a
shell were eaten'by Kaffirs.
Foreigners Pouring Into Transvaal.
LONDON, Jan. 18. A correspondent o
the Dally Mail at Lourenco Marques says:
"Numerous foreigners arrive here In
French vessels. They enter a station out
side the town and leave at a station be
fore the Transvaal is reached. Then they
walk across the border and rejoin the
train. Hundreds have passed through in
that way since the outbreak of the war."
Comforts for British Soldiers.
VANCOUVER, B. C, Jan. 17. A mass
meeting of the women of Vancouver,
summoned by Mayor Garden, was beld
this afternoon to arrange for providing
the soldiers in South Africa with neces
sary comforts. The work has been en
thusiastically taken up under the leader
ship of Lady Tupper, wife of Sir Charles
Hlbbert Tupper.
Plainer Marching to Mafeklng.
15. A dispatch by way of Belra, dated
Thursday, January 11, announces' that
Colonel Plumer has arrived near MochudI,
about 100 miles north of Mafeking, with
a portion of his forces from Tuli.
Gatacre Warns the Boers.
STERKSTROOM, Wednesday, Jan. 17.
General Gatacre has warned the Boer com
mandant that if the women are not re
moved they must take their chances of
being shot in the event of an attack. AH
is quiet here.
Kobbe- Sails With a Regiment
to Occupy the Islands.
Negrros Rebel General's Proposition
Colonel Byrne Surprised a
Filipino Camp.
"MANILA, Jan. 17, 7:05 P. M. Colonel
Kobbe, with the Forty-eighth infantry,
sailed on board the transport Hancock
today, with gunboats escorting. The ob
jective of the force Is probably the im
portant islands of Samar and Leyte, which
the insurgents hold.
The American blockade and the levies
of the Tagal army have caused great
suffering among the people, and hundreds
of persons are in an almost starving con
dition. The Tagal general, Maurlclo, recently
landed at Negros from the Island of Panay
and requested a. conference with Colonel
Byrne. He proposed that the insurgents
be let alone and permitted to wear
arms and uniforms In the towns until
the war In Luzon la 'ended, when they
would surrender. Colonel Byrne refused
to agree to this, however, and said they
should be considered as bandits and shot
if they were found armed.
Colonel Byrne surprised the insurgent
camp the same night and scattered the
Filipinos, killing 30 of them, including a
The presence here of Archbishop Chap
pelle, the apostolic delegate to the Philip
pines, is greatly stirring the Catholics of
all nationalities. The FJIpInos have
gained the impression that Mgr. Chap
pelle is the joint agent of President Mc
Klnley and the pope to restore the friars.
The Catholics of all sections are petition
ing Mgr. Chappelle and Major-General
Otis against the friars returning to their
parishes, repeating the charges of oppres
sion, cruelty and Immorality. To quell
the excitement, Major-General Otis con
sented to the publication in the local newss
papers of a statement which he had made
to a delegation of Filipinos, as follows:
"If the church authorities assign friars
to curacies who are obnoxious to the peo
ple, they will not be compelled to accept
them. The Individual liberty guaranteed
by the American constitution will not be
denied the Filipinos, and the government
will not force on them any ecclesiastical
denomination contrary to their wishes."
Operations in Luzon and the South
ern iHlaniV'
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. The following
cablegram was received by the war de
partment from General Otis today:
"Manila, Jan. 17. Schwan'a troops, in
dependent of Batangas province, are about
to move eastward Into the provinces of
Tayabas and Laguna; Wheaton .s moving
on Lemerl and Taal, and has the navy's
co-operation; casualties slight; insurgent
o cqnsiaerbfe In men and property, as
tlfey keep Up constant opposition. Expedi
tion tinder Kobbe will, leave for hemp
ports tonight. General Hughes is absent
on the western coast of Panay, policing
the section. A band of 86 Tagals, which
landed In Negros In December, was struck
by Byrne in Negros mountains, who
killed 13 and captured 28 rifles, and ammu
nition; no casualties. Troops in Northern
Luzon are Dusy pursuing robber bands,
with good results."
Features of the Government to Be
-NEW YORK. "Jan. 17.-A special t0 the
Herald from Washington says:
"The motive, taking account of the ex
perience as well as the political aspira
tions of the Filipinos, to devise a form of
government adapted to them, is to secure
on the one hand good government, and on
the other, to satisfy their aspirations for
self government."
This statement, relative to the Philip
pine commission's report, was made to
night by Jacob G. Schurman, president of
the commjtsslon All that Mr. Schurman
cared to state further was that the report
would consist of four or more volumes,
the first of which would be devoted to the
character of the government to be estab
lished in the Philippines after peace and
order are restored. These are understood
to be the principal features of the gov
ernment to be recommended:
An American governor, who will control
the affairs of the entire archipelago, and
who will bo appointed by the president.
A council, comprising Americans and
natives, who will be advisers to the gov
ernor. A legislative assembly, partly appoint
ive and partly elective, the acts of which
shall be subject to the qualified veto of
the governor and the absolute veto of
Governors of provinces to be appointed.
Subdivision of the Island into small sec
tions, over which Americans or educated
natives vshall preside.
The scheme of government has been
made sufficiently elastic to enable the
smhstitiitlnn nf natives fnr Amerlo.nna
when It becomes apparent that they are
sufficiently educated in self-government
to administer public affairs. No glitter
ing promises are to be held out to the
natives, but as they develop under Amer
ican tuition, it is proposed gradually to
introduce them into positions of responsi
bility. Colonel Denby Is principally responsible
for the opinion drawn upon the Chinese
question. He has also dealt with the
economic question. Professor Worcester,
whose Investigations in the Philippines
were principally confined to sociological
and territorial matters, will frame that
part of the report dealing with them. Ad
miral Dewey will write on the strategical
value of .the Islands and will particular
ly ptolnHout; the advantages of a naval
station In Sublg bay.
" f
Otis' Regular Roport to the War De-
WASHINGTON. Jan. 17. General Ot's
has cabled the war department the follow
ing list' of casualties:
"Manila, Jan. 16. Deaths Drowned Jan
uary 3, Gotta Batch, Mindanao, Thomas
G. Williams, Thirty-first Infantry; Janu
ary 7, Aparrl, Luzon, John K. Stoltz, Six
teenth infantry; January 8r Montalban,
Wilson F. Webber, Twenty-seventh In
fantry; Manila, W. L. Wren, Forty-first
Infantry; Panden, Panay, L. H. Poorman,
Nineteenth Infantry; typhoid, October 31.
Robert McKnight, Twenty-fourth Infan
try; December 30, Wlnfleld Marshall,
Twenty-fourth Infantry; December 6, Ed
ward Major, Seventeenth Infantry; De
cember 18, Harry Thomas, Seventeenth
Infantry; December 5, Henry G. Whar
ton, Seventeenth infantry; Benjamin Ha
worth, Third Infantry; William M. Broth
erton, Eleventh cavalry; Patrick Mason,
Twenty-fourth infantry.
"Dysentery December 10, John M.
Healy, Seventeenth infantry; Adam DIehl,
Seventeenth1 infantry; John S?' Tarvln.
Thirty-fourth Infantry; 7th, William F.
Lindsay, Fourth cavalry; 9th, Arthur Tur
ton, Twenty-sixth infantry; lth, Benja
min Gardner, Fourth cavalry; 13th, Ben
jamin Grace, Sixth Infantry; Charles E.
Harter, Eighteenth Infantry.
"Pneumonia December H, P. Williams,
Thirty-fourth Infantry.
"Malaria December 5. Joseph Crane,
Seventeenth infantry; 25th, Peter Robin
son, Thirty-fourth infantry; January 7,
C. E. Whltford, band, Thirty-fourth In
fantry. "Cerebral hemorrhage "December 14,
George Kltch, Twenty-fourth infantry;
27th, C. F. Adams, cook, Twentieth In
fantry. "Malarial fever 26th, W. F. Tucker,
band. Twelfth infantry.
"Neuralgia of heart J. F. Leary, Thirty-fourth
"Variola December 25, Chas. F. Easlsy.
band. Thirty-fourth Infantry; January 5,
John M. Greggs, Twenty-fourth infantry.
"Diphtheria January 2, J. L. Porter,
musician. Twenty-fourth infantry.
"Cardiac dilation January 7, A. P.
Swlefel, Twelfth Infantry.
"Tuberculosis 13th, Harold Reldslnger,
Sixteenth Infantry.
"Pulmonary apoplexy 10th, William G.
Llewelljnr Sixth infantry; 12th, C. Os
wald, sergeant. Eighteenth Infantry.
"Gunshot wound November 17, W-HIara
Pollock, Third cavalry; January 8, R. H.
WIlliamB, Twenty-eighth infantry; 12:h,
Jcfscph Cook, Ninth Infantry.
"Accidental 4th, William T. Miller.
Thirty-eighth Infantry.
"Suicide 6th, P. B. Craddock. Fourth
cavalry; 11th, George W. Cartls, Eigh
teenth Infantry. OTIS."
Transport Sheridan Sails.
TACOMA, Jan. 17, The huge transport
Sheridan sailed for Manila this morning
with an Immense cargo of hay, meats and
army supplies. She also carries heavy
malls for the soldiers and materials for
building an additional Ice plant at Ma-
Extends Beyond the Scandal of the
Montana Legislature.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 17. William C.
Coo'k and William F. Rector were before
the senate committee on privileges and
elections in the Clark Investigation to
day. Mr. Cook Is an official connected with
the Thomas Cruse savings bank, of Hele
na, and his testimony related solely to
the deposit of money In the bank by per
sons who were regarded as representa
tives of Mr. Clark in his contest for the
senate. ,
Mr. Rector proved to be somewhat of an
irrepressible witness, volunteering more I
Information than he was asked for. He
thus brought the Lewis and Clark county
grand jury investigation Into the testi
mony, contrary to the wish of the com
mittee, which was not to take it up at
all. The intrusion of the matter caused
the defense to raise the point as to wheth
er the charges In connection with the
grand jury should be entered upon, and
the committee adjourned until Friday next
wlthout deciding it. To take up that
phase of the question would materially
extend the inquiry.
At the outset today. Senator Faulkner
stated, in behalf of Clark, that the letters
written to him during and since the Ses
sion of the legislature by Mr. Rector had
been found in Butte and were
on their
way to Washington.
The first witness was William C. Cook,
who was questioned concerning the ac
counts of A. J. Davidson and Hon. J. K.
Toole with the bank. Davidson's account
wds opened September 9, 1S9S, and closed
February 9, 1899. Davidson was consid
ered a representative of Mr. Clark In the
senatorial campaign, and the effort was
to show that Senator CIark'3 money was
being used. .Mr. Cook said that from first
to last $21,800 was deposited in Mr. David
son's name, and that $13,000 of this amount
came Into the bank In the shape of a draft
from the bank of Clark & Bro., Butte,
and J3S0O on a telegraphic order of trans-
fer from that bank. He said the money
nil povpri nn. h,,f h Pm.iri nnt
remember to whom any of the checks
were made payable. In the case of Mr.
Toole, there was an effort to connect his
withdrawal from the contest with Mr.
Clark's name, but Mr. Cook said he knew
nothing about politics.
Mr. Cook had no recollection of any un
usual number of ?1C00 bills In circulation
In Helena during the winter of 1S9S-99,
when the senatorial contest was on. The
deposit slips In Mr. Toole's name showed
deposits in currency amounting to $Sfa
from November 3. 189S, to July 31, 1S99.
Mr. Davidson had been in the commission
business, but had made an assignment.
Mr. Rector, who raid he was an expert
accountant, was the next witness. He tes
tified that he had secured rooms in Helena
to be used durine the senatorial contest
at the instance of A. J. Steele, getting
three rooms In the Power block, which
met Steele's requirement of a vault and
a number of entrances. The rooms, the
witness described as "a trap." and said
they were used for consultation with
members or the legis'ature. He stated that
he had seen several members In the rooms
and had heard Messrs. Steele, Davidson
and other supporters of Mr. Clark dis
cussing ways and means of securing votes.
He had seen a sum of money, which he
thought was $10,000, paid to one of the
members. Referring, on cross-examination,
to his relations with Steele, the wit
ness contended that the latter was no es
pecial friend of his.
"Tho only sign of his friendship I ever
received," he said, "was that after he
had bought the grand jury, he gave me
$50 to watch them."
This assertion raised a laugh and also
a point of order, which gave the commit
tee considerable trouble. The committee,
in order to keep the Investigation within
reasonable scope, had decided not to enter
into the grand jury investigation. The
Information had been volunteered, and
Mr. Faulkner insisted that if it was to
stand he should have opportunity to re
fute lt The committee took the matter
under advisement. The witness gave the
amounts which were, according to his In
formation, paid to the different members
of the grand jury.
During the cross-examination a sharp
discussion occurred between ex-Senators
Edmunds and Faulkner, of counsel on the
respective sides of the controversy.
"Don't try to take care of the witness,"
said the West Virginia ex-senator.
"I will take care of you if you don't
keep within the rules," responded the Ver
monter. Senator Chandler Interfered at this
point, and the Investigation proceeded.
Mr. Rector said he was positive that the
member of the legislature who was paid
for his vote in the presence of the wit
ness had put the money In his pocket.
He said this man was one of a number
of republican members who were not to
vote Immediately for Clark, not until "the
button was touched."
Replying to Mr. Faulkner's efforts to
show inconsistency between the state
ments made today and those made in
Montana, Mr. Rector explained by saying:
"I have made no study of It, because
there was no money In It for me."
"Are you certain of that?" asked Mr.
"Not a dollar," was the reply.
The committee adjourned until Friday
before Mr. Rector concluded his testi
mony. "
It May Get Through the Senate
Next Month.
It Is Practically Settled That the
Clayton-Bnlwer Treaty Will Be
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. It Is the in
tention of the Nicaragua canal bill ,to
push It through, regardless of the fact that
the last commission is now on its way to
Nicaragua to Investigate the subject. The
action of the senate committee will be
followed by as speedy action In the sen
ate as can be had, and probably before
the end of February, or early In March,
the canal bill will be sent over to tha
house, and It will remain for Speaker Hen
derson either to allow or prevent Its con
s deration there.
The question was raised In the commit
tee as to the effect the Clayton-Bulwei
treaty might have upon the bill, but the
action of the committee practically means
that the Clayton-Bulwec treaty will ba
Ignored, and, in fact. It is considered by
many of the leading diplomatic lawyers
of the senate that It was terminated whnn
England violated- some of ita provisions
relative to British Honduras.
Senator McBride, who is a member ot
the committee reporting the bill, says that
ho has no doubt that the treaty Is abro
gated, and that furthermore the fact that.
I t has outlived Its usefulness is a reason
why It should be ignored by the United
'States. While he does not wish to have
any imbroglio with Great Britain, ha does
not believe, nor do the members of tho
committee believe, that England will make
the slightest objection to the construction
of the canal by the United States, a
proposed by the Hepburn bill.
It is a remarkable advancement which
ha3 been made in the proposed legisla
tion when the committees of both houses
agree upon a bill for the construction: of a
by the United States when for
the past 10 years the proposition baa
been for the other plan, in whlh the
United States should become merely a
stockholder There Is evidently a long step
In the right direction when it is proposed
that the United States will build and own
the canal, and that seems to be the plan.
JHHtary for Alaska.
Judge Jackson, of Cape Nome. Alaska,
conferred with the secretary of war rela to the recent order to Increase the
military forces in Alaska. He assured
the secretary that the law-abiding citi
zens and propertty-holders, with the excep
tion of those seeking civil appointments,
strongly Indorsed tills determ-natlon, and
retard the ml.ltary government as not only
a satisfactory one, but the only one that
is able to meet the demands of the situa
tion. "A military government Is not cor-
i Pt and cannot be." said he. "The very
nresence of the military will insure order-
ly conditions." He says that even a larger
I force than that being sent would be more
I satisfactory than the number decided on.
Jackson has appeared before the commit"
1 tiies of both house and" senate, and says
that, after talking witn a jsrge numoer
of senators and representatives, tie be
lieves that this congress will pass a civil
code for Alaska and a measure dividing
the territory Into three jud'eiai districts,
one in Southeastern Alaska, the second
Northern Alaska, including Cape Noma
country, and the third the country along
the Yukon.
Homes for All Veterans.
Representative Tongue today Introduced
a bill extending the law which granted
to the state and territories that have es
tablished homes for disabled soldiers and
sailors of the civil war, the sum of $10a
a year for each soldier or sailor, veterans
i." ,?" ;""" " firv 7
Ignited Statts or any state or tatrltoo, as
of any Ind'an war engaged In by the
well as veterans of the Spanish or Philip
pine wars.
M. L. Jones, of Brooks. Or.. Is In Wash-
ington. representing the Interest o the
hopgrowers' association. He has conferred
with Representative Tongue, who will of
fer an amendment to the pure-food bill to
this effect.
Qnay-Clnrlc Alliance.
A report has been circulated that Quay
haa formed some sort of an alliance with
Clark of Montana, by which he Is to gei
democratic votes in return for Quay re
publican votes. It Is said that this deal,
unless It Is disproved, will have a bad
effect upon Quay on the republican side.
as many republican senators, from what
they have learned up to the present time,
have about made up their minds to vota
to unseat Clark. But any combination ot
that kind Is sure to injure both sides, and
probably the shrewd managers of both
Quay and Clark will hasten to deny that
J any deal has been made. The Quay men
are making very strong claims as to tno
number of votes they have, but they do
not name those who have changed posi
tions since the vote was taken on the
Corbett case.
"Western Vice-Presidential Candidate
Senator Scott, of West Virginia, has
declared for a Western vlce-prealdentlal
candidate Scott Is closer to Hanna than
he Is to any other man. He was an office
holder under McKlnley before he became
senator. Scott's declaration Is a pointer
to the followers of the administration. It
will be found that the attention of the
whole crowd will soon be turned In that
Great Britain and Germany Serve)
Notice That They Will Protest.
CHICAGO. Jan. 17. A special to the
Times-Herald from Washington, says:
Both Great Britain and Geramnr fcavo
formally served notice that they will pro
test against fortification of the Nicaragua
canal, if that waterway bo constructed by
the American government.
SIgsbee's Nerr Place.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 17. Order3 were!
Issued today formally detach'ng Captain
Slgsbee from the command of the Texas
and assigning him tp the head ot tho
naval intelligence bureau.
i a
Report of Disaster Not Confirmed.
SAN DIEGO, Cal.f Jan. 17. There 13
nothing known here or at Ensenada cor
roborating the report of the blowing up
of the gasoline schooner Anita at Magda
lena bay and killing her crew of six.
i o
The Avigliano Explosion.
TURIN, Jan. 17. It is announced that
13 persons altogether were killed and 40
others were wounded by the explosion
yesterday of dynamite at Avigliano, 14
miles from here.
o - '
Castellanc's Heavy Losses.
PARIS, Jan. IS. The Matin today says
it is rumored on the bourse that Count
Bonl de Castellane. husband of Anna
Gould, has lost 3.000,000 franc3 by unlucky