Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 16, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Interstate Commerce Commis
sion Wants More Power.
Should Be Able to Deal With, the
Proposed Centralization of
Railroad Properties.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. Tho interstate
commerce commission today made public
Its 13th annual report. The feature of the
report Is the strong Plea made that con
gress uphold the Tiands of the commission
by amendments making the interstate
commerce law more effective.
Tho report say3 the commission a year
ago called attention to tho fact that in
vital respects the present law has proved
defective and Inadequate, and that until
further legislation is provided the best
efforts to regulate must be feeble and dis
appointing, yet not a line of the statute
has been changed and none or tne Duraen
sone conditions which call for relief have
been removed or modified. The existing
cond-t-ons and the developments of the
past year, it is added, render more im
perative than ever before the necessity
for speedy and suitable legislation. Nine
tenths of the people know that any rall
rozi company can charge for its service
whatever it pleases without any real
power in this comm.sslon or any other
tribunal or court to limit the amount of
such charge, and they are substantially
of one mind in desiring that this and
other defects In the statute he promptly
remedied. Shippers generally also have
been practically unanimous in favor of a
s nge classification of -freights, -uniform
ti-r all roads and all sections of the coun
try ?nd reasonably stable when estab
lished. This general public dissatisfaction has
ben frequently expressed in resolutions
of various national organizations and at
a conference in Chicago last November,
attended by representatives from a num
her of national associations of manufac
turers, merchants and others, a bill em
bracing the more Important amendments
recommended by the commission was ap
proved as the measure which would best
jneet the lequ rements of business and
commercial Interests. This bill Senator
Cullom has introduced, and the report
significantly suggests whether the contin
ued failure to perfect the regulating stat
ute on reasonable lines will not soon re
sult in a demand for the most drastic leg
islation. Continu ng, the report says:
"If the pjans already foreshadowed are
brought to effective results and others or
similar scope are carried to execution,
there would be a vast centralization of
railroad properties, with all the power
Involved in such far-reaching combina
tions yet uncontrolled by any public au
thority which can be efficiently exerted.
The restraints of competition under ex
cessive and unjust rates will In this way
he avoided, and whatever evils may-result
will be remedylesa under existing laws."
The increase in railroad business the
past year has been so great, the report
sajs, that many carriers found their
equipment Inadequate for the service re
quired. Revenues Increased greatly, while
railroad failures fell off. The rush of
business "contributed to the Improved ob
servance of published rates and dimin
ished the frequency of those practices
which arc made criminal misdemeanors by
the statutes.
"Coincident with those schemes of un
ified control, and while this exceptional
movement of traffic continues, the car
riers operat'ng throughout an ex'ensive
ftd jnanpr$an territory toaye recently
m&8$ snbstantiaC-and, in" many teases,
ery large increases In their scale of
charges. Those, advances In rates have
ii en mainly effected by concerted and
agreed chaSige in the classification of
freight articles. It is not Intended to In
ornate that these advanced rates are un
lawful, and no opinion Is expressed as to
"their actual or relative reasonableness.
But the fact that such extensive increases
In railroad charges nave been brought
about by the method described must be
of significant Import and furnish a
ncghty argument In favor of measures
which will be effective to secure compli
ance with the primary requirements of the
These changes were made without a
hearing, and against the protest of the
shippers, and whatever may be the merits
of the complaints, the report urges that
the law ought to he so amended as to in
sure a determination whether the rates are
Just and reasonable, and redress if they
are found unjust. Reference Is made to
the several conferences held with high
railway officials early In the year, with a
Mew to gaining from each promises to
maintain their published rates, and to the
good effect of these conferences in check
Irg the rate demoralization then prevail
ing. It is denied that the conferences
sought to secure agreements to maintain
rates, the only purpose being to secure
good faith in observance of published
Fifteen cases are pending in federal
courts to enforce orders of the commis
sion, and criminal cases are awaiting trial
in Louisiana, Texas and Georgia. '
During the year 1899 there were 199 em
ployes killed and 5339 injured, upon S9
roads, against 209 killed and 54S1 lnjurea
In 1S98, a result attributed to the more
general equipment of the roads with
safe ty appliances.
A review is made of judicial decisions on
interstate commerce affairs .during the
year. Concerning the refusal of the cir
cuit court lor Northern-Illinois to de
clare unreasonable the terminal charge of
52 per car, made on livestock brought into
Chicago, the report says:
"The court seems to have overlooked
what is believed to he the dominant con
e'ieration in the case, namely, that if
the through -rate to Chicago was a reason'
cL.e rate before January 1, ISM, it became
an urreasonable rate when the $2 terminal
ch? -gt was added on that date. To make
a reasonable through rate represent less
sen ice than formerly and add on another
charge for the part of the service former
ly covered by the through rate plainly
may make the total charge unreasonable,
and that, the commission says, was the
Newfoundland Prize-Ship Cane De
cided. WASHINGTON. Jan. 15. The United
States supreme court today decided an
other of the naval prize-money cases
Etqv. ing out of the capture of vessels dur
ing the blockade of Havana in the war
wrh Spain. The case was appealed from
the decision of the circuit court of Soutn
CrroLna. the vessel Involved being the
Newfoundland. The decision of th in,r
court was reversed, the supreme court
holding that the actions of the Newfound
land were suspicious enough to justify
seizure, but not to warrant forfeiture The
restoration of the vessel to its owner "was
therefore, ordered, hut without damages
or costs. The Newfoundland Is owned at
The supreme court decided the case of
S H H. Park and others, receivers of
the Union Pacific Railroad Company vs
the city of Kansas City, Kan. The case
Involved the constitutionality of the Kan
sas law authorizing cities to extend their
borders so as to include spme lands and
not others. The opinion rendered today
sustained the law, affirming the opinion
of the supreme court of Kansas.
Justice Brown rendered an opinion in
the case of Henry Bolln vs. the state of
Nebraska on application made by Bolln
for a writ of error to the Nebraska su
preme court in the matter of the convic
'tlon of Bolln, ex-city treasurer of Omaha,
ot the crime ot embezzlement. The opin-
ion refused Bolln's application, reaffirm
ing the opinion of th6 state court and ar
firming the constitutionality of the Ne
braska law providing for proceeding in
criminal cases upon information processes:
Tnrner'a BUI for Rewarding Philip
pine Veterans.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 1L The bill re
cently Introduced by Senator Turner, of
Washington, which provides for paying
those officers and enlisted men of the
state volunteers who served in the Phil
ippines alter the legal expiration of their
terms of service the money that would
have been due them, had they been regu
lars and discharged at Manila, is as fol
lows: "All officers and soldiers in the volun
teer service of the United States who
were serving in the Philippine islands at
the time they were entitled, under the
law, to muster out of service, and who
continued in the service in those islands
after that period, and were thereafter
transported at the expense of the United
States to this country, and were here
mustered out, hall be entitled to re
ceive travel pay and commutation of ra
tions from the port of embarkation in the
Philippines to the place in the United
States where their muster-out took place,
at the same rate and to the same ex
tent that officers and soldiers of the regu
lar army would receive such allowance
If discharged In the Philippine islands by
reason of the expiration of their terms of
service, or otherwise; provided, that the
actual cost to the government of con
veying and subsisting such volunteer of
ficers and soldiers on government trans
ports from the Philippine Islands, and the
monthly pay allowed them for the period
while In transit, shall be deducted from
the allowance provided for by this act.
"That the proper accounting officers of
the government shall determine the cost
of conveying and subsisting the several
volunteer organizations affected by this
act, from the Philippines to this country,
and shall prorate equitably between the
members of 'said organizations, and on
the basis of the amount of travel pay
and subsistence due to each person, the
cost of such transportation and subsist
ence, and charge the same against the
amount due each individual, and shall
ascertain andflnd all other facts neces
sary to determine the amount due the
several Individuals In the organizations
under this act, and that the same may
he paid to them directly on their own
application on forms to be furnished by
the accounting officers.
"That there is hereby appropriated out
of any moneys In the treasury not oth
erwise appropriated a sufficient sum. of
money to carry out the provisions of this
This bill already has the Indorsement of
a large number of senators, and espe
cially those from the Western states
which had regiments in the Philippines.
Senator Turner says he hopes by this
bill in a measure to reward the gallant
and unselfish services of the volunteers,
who, though they might as a matter of
right have left the Islands several months
before they really embarked, rather re
mained behind and on the firing line until
a sufficient number of regular and vol
unteer troops could be sent to the Phil
ippines to take their places. According to
the provisions of this bill, the volunteers
will be allowed the same rate of pay as
would go to regulars, - which by law is
computed at the rate of one day for every
20 miles, for both officers and enlisted men,
which would bring the total up to a good,
round figure.
Simon's Indian Bills.
Senator Simon recently introduced two
bills that will be wholly or partly ap
plicable to Oregon and Oregon Indians.
One bill provides that all entries of land
or allotments of land in severalty here
tofore made to any mixed-blood Indian, of
whatever degree, by virtue of any of the
laws of the United'States, are hereby rati
fied and confirmed, and said mixed-blood
Indians shall hereafter enjoy all the rights
of Indians In their respective tribes. All
mixed-blood Indians who are one-half or
less than one-half of Indian blood, who
have heretofore taken allotments of land
in severalty, shall at once receive pat
ents in fee lor said allotments, and 'all
such mixed-blood Indians who shall here
after take allotments of land in sever
alty', under any of the laws of the United
States, shall, upon taking such allot
ment of land, receive from the United
States a patent for the same in fee, and
said mixed-blood Indians, upon receiv
ing such patents, shall have the right
to sell, convey or incumber said lands,
and the same shall be subject to taxation
in the same- manner and to the same ex
tent as lands of citizens of the United
States are taxed.
"Sec 2. That any mixed-blood Indian
of mere than one-half Indian blood may
apply by petition to the district court of
the United States for the district in which
the land is situated for permission to sell
and convey or Incumber his allotment of
land; and If, upon a hearing had for
that purpose, said court shall determine
that said mixed-blood. Indian has suffi
cient capacity for and is capable of man
aging his own affairs, said court shall,
upon said petition and the evidence sub
mitted in support thereof, render a de
cree accordingly, and thereupon and there
after said mixed-blood Indian shall have
the right to sell and convey or Incumber
the whole or any part of said allotment,
conveying a fee-simple title thereto, and
upon the entry of said decree the whole
of said allotment of land shall be sub
ject to taxation in the same manner and
to the same extent as lands of citizens
of the United States are taxed, and upon
tho issuance of a patent for the allot
ment of land to any mixed-blood Indian,
shall thereafter be discharged from and
be no longer subject to the control of any
Indian agent."
The other bill is as follows:
"That all the lands of the Umatilla In
dian reservation not Included within the
new boundaries of the reservation, and not
allotted or required for allotment to tho
Indians, and which could not be sold at
the public sale of said lands heretofore
held at the price for which they had been
appraised, and upon the conditions pro
vided in an act entitled, 'An act pro
viding for allotment of lands in sever
alty to the Indians residing upon the
Umatilla reservation, In the state of Ore
gon, and granting patents therefor, and
for other purposes,' shall be sold at pri
vate sale by the register of the land of
fice In the district within which they are
situated, at not less than the appraised
value thereof, and in conformity with the
provisions of said act, except that each
purchaser of said lands shall be entitled
to purchase one section of any subdi
vision thereof pf untimbered lands, and
160 acres, or any subdivision thereof, of
timbered land, and no more; and that resi
dence or actual occupation by the pur
chaser of the lands purchased shall not be
Opie Reld on the Stage.
CHICAGO. Jan. 15. Opie Reld, the nov
elist, made his debut in vaudeville today,
appearing in a 15-mlnute sketch at tho
Chicago opera-house. He was so well re
ceived that it is probable he will sign a
contract for an extended tour, appearing
on the vaudeville stage in all the large
cities of the country.
o t
The McGiffert Case.
NEW YORK, Jan. 15. The presbytery
of New York, sitting as a court of Jesus
Christ, today listened to the formal
charges of heresy made against Rev. Dr.
Arthur C. McGiffert by the stated clerk.
Rev G. W. F. Burch, and thereupon cited
Br. McGiffert to appear before It at the
next meeting of the presbytery, to be held
February 12, and plead.
e i
"Daily Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. Today's state
ment of the condition of the treasury
Available cash balance ?2S3,433,S21 ;
Gold, reserve , ,,,,,, 220.101.785
Mrai Molineux' Character Brought
Into the Trial Tlie Day's
NEW YORK, Jan. 15. In the trial of
Roland B. Molineux for the murder or
Mrs. Katherlne J. Adams, the prosecution
today introduced testimony to show a mo
tive for the poisoning of Henry C. Barnet
by Molineux. While Molineux is not on
trial for the murder of Barnet, it is ex
ceedingly important for the prosecution
to connect Molineux with Barnefs deatb
as showing Molineux's character, his letter-writing
habits and his alleged use of
cyanide of mercury to kill those whom
he hated. The testimony today rested
severely upon the good name of Mrs. Mol
ineux, but her husband listened unmoved.
The prosecution called to the stand Ra
chael Green, of Washington, D. C, who
testified she had at one time lived at 257
West Seventy-fifth street, where a Mrs.
Bell lived. Asked If she knew the de
fendant, she replied that she knew Mr.
Chesborough, who lived there with Mrs.
Chesborough. Asked if she saw Mr.
Chesborough In the room, she walked
through the courtroom in front of the
recorder's desk, steppedto within three
feet of the defendant and pointed her
finger straight at Molineux, exclaimed:
"That's the man."
The next witness was Minnie Betts, an
other colored woman. She testified that
she had been employed as waitress, and
had tended the doors at Mrs. Bellinger's,
in West End avenue, and that Miss
Blanche Chesborough had lived there; but
that she went away in the summer of
189S. The witness testified that she never
saw Mr. Molineux until after he was mar
ried to Blanche Chesborough. Asked if
any other man ever came to see her there, Jl
the witness replied in the affirmative. To
the question of what he looked like, Mr.
Weeks objected, and the objection was
sustained by the court.
Mr. Osborne was afterward allowed to
show the witness a picture of H. C. Bar
net. After an inspection of the photograph
of Barnet, the witness said that it looked
like the man who called on Mi3s Ches
borough, but that she could not remember
Other witnesses during the day were
William J. Kinsley, the handwriting ex
pert; Herbert S. Jackson, the undertaker
who prepared the body of H. C. Barnet
for burial, and Albert S. Osborne, another
handwriting expert, of Rochester, N. Y.
Paralytic Tried to Kill a St. Paul
ST. PAUL, Jan. 15. James Welch made
a desperate attempt today at noon to as
sassinate Judge William Lochran, of the
federal court. Welch had a damage suit
against the Northern Pacific for being
thrown off a train at Mandan, N. D. Af
ter a trial lasting three days. Judge Loch
ran last Friday took the case from the
jury and delivered a verdict for the de
fendant. Welch appeared at Judge Loch
ran's chamber today and leveled a re
volver at the judge. Court Crier Con
way knocked Welch down before he could
shoot. Welch was disarmed, but jumped
from the second-floor window and ran.
He was captured .and arrested. Welch is
a partial paralytic, 33 years old.
Woman Protected a Jfegro;
CHICAGO, Jan. 15. Mrs. Edward RIeck
blocked the doorway of her husband's res
taurant, at 582 West Lake street, Sunday,
and by threateningly swinging a long
bread knife kept at bay a crowd of angry
men who wanted to lay violent hands on
a negro, who had taken refuge In the res
taurant. The negro, Amos Moore, is em
ployed by an express company. He was
passing under the elevated structure at
Ashland avenue and Lake street when, he
says, he was attacked by seven white
men, who beat and kicked him without
provocation until he broke away and ran
for his life. He did not stop until he came
to Rleck's restaurant.
Mrs. Rleck was alone in the place, and
Moore excitedly told her he was pursued
by a mob of men who would kill him.
Seizing a huge bread knife, Mrs. RIeck
reached the door just as the negro's pur
suers came up. At this point engine com
pany No. 7, returning from a fire, camo
up. Mrs. RIeck called to the firemen for
help, and in less than a minute several of
the firemen were pursuing Moore's as
sailants in different directions. All of
them escaped.
Saloon-Keeper Killed.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 15. Charles
Joyce, proprietor of a saloon on the corner
of Seventeenth and Castro streets, was
shot and mortally wounded this evening
by Thomas Dillon, who was recently re
tired from .the police force. During a
quarrel over the payment for a drink, sev
eral shots were exchanged' between the.
two men. A bullet from 'a small pistol
fired by Joyce entered Dillon's cheek, and
was ejected through his mouth. The shot
which proved fatal struck Joyce near the
heart, causing his death in about 20 min
utes. Dillon was taken to the receiving
hospital, but his wound is not serious.
Bonflls May Recover.
DENVER, Colo., Jan. 15. The condi
tion of Frederick G. Bonfils, of the Den
ver Post, who was shot Saturday last by
Attorney Anderson, has Improved con
siderably today, and strong hopes for his
recovery are entertained. His partner,
Tammen, whom Anderson shot, is be
lieved to be practically out of danger.
Jim Ferns Won From Billy Smith on
a Foul.
BUFFALO, Jan. 15. Jim Ferns, of Kanl
sas City, won from "Mysterious Billy"
Smith, of Boston, on a foul in the 21st
round of what was- to have been a 23-round
battle for the welter weight champion
ship, at the Hawthorne Club tonight.
Moore Got the Decision.
TROY, N. Y., Jan. 15. Dick Moore, of
St. Paul, tvas given the decision after
four rounds of what was to have been a
25-round go with Charlie Goff, of .San
Francisco, at the Manhattan Athletic
Club tonight.
Twenty-Five Round Draw. '
NEW YORK, Jan. 15. Frank Patterson,
of this city, and Solly Smith, of Los An
geles, Cal., fought 25 rounds to a draw
tonight before the Hercules Athletic
Winners at Tanfornn and New
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 15. The weath
er was clear, and the track, fast at Tan
foran. The results were:
Five furlongs Alary's Garter wen,
Beautiful Bill second, First Shot third
time, 1;0I.
One mile Lady Meddlesome won, Tom
Cromwell second, Storm King third; time
Three furlongs, for 2-year-olds Sofala
won, Sig Levy second, M. F. Tarpey third;
time, 0:3594.
One mile Monteagle won, Antolnetta
second, Alleena third; time, 1:4354.
Mile and a sixteenth Daisy F. won, Zo
roaster second, Ventoro third; time, 1:47.
Six furlongs Theory -won. Harry Tho
burn second, Mocorlto third; time, 1:13.
Races nt New Orleans.
NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 15. The weather
wa3 threatening and the track fast The
results were: ' l '
Seven furlongs, selling Ben Frost won,
By George second, Sea Knight third; time,
Mile and 20 yards, selling Phallas won,
Satira second, The Bobby third; time,
Mile and an eighth, selling Donna Rita
won, Frank McConnoll second, Traveler
third; time, 1:56.
One mile, handicap Florizar won, Sir
Blaze second, Tom Mlddleton third; time,
Six furlongs, selling Sorrel Rose won,
Eldorla second, First Past third; time,
1:1 .
Seven furlongs, selling Yubadam won,
De Bride second, L. T. Caton third; time,
Coursing In Chicago.
CHICAGO, Jan. 15. Five hundred sports
devoted to rabbit coursing encounterea
the opposition of the Humane Society
when they tried to bring off the biggest
event of the season at Forty-seventh
street and Western avenue Sunday after
noon. They were compelled to leave the
inclosure at the warning of officers from
the Brighton Park police station, but
finally brought off the match just outside
the city limits, and in sight of the officers.
.The purse was said to be the largest
ever offered for a coursing event in Chi
cago. The affair, however, was unsatis
factory, and no decision was rendered.
The promoters announced that they would
make another attempt: to have the race
and will invite members of the Humane
Society to witness the affair. They deny
that there Is any brutality in the sport.
Handball Match.
CHICAGO, Jan. 15. James Fitzgerald,
Irish handball champion, and his partner,
Louis Keegan, defeated William Carney,
champion of the world, and his partner,
Captain Ward, three out of five games,
Sunday afternoon. The games were all
well contested.
i o
Return of the Fleet After a Perilous
Voyage In Arctic Waters.
London Mall.
All the vessels of the Dundee whaling
fleet, with the exception of the Polar
Star, which was wrecked in Hudson's
bay, have now returned from the season's
fishing. This year the industry, so far as
tho'Davis straits and Greenland fishing is
concerned, has been remarkably success
ful. In all, seven vessels were engaged,
or one more than in the previous year,
the Esquimaux going out as a yacht
whaler with a party of sportsmen on
The total catch of five vessels the Di
ana, the Esquimaux, the Nova Zembla,
the Eclipse and the Balaena consisted of
26 whales, estimated to yield 16 tons of
bone and 414 tons of oil. The two Hud
son's Bay vessels the Active and the
Polar Star were very unfortunate.
The Polar Star, after a long and con
tinuous struggle with the ice, beginning in
June and ending in September, was ulti
mately left to her fate In an utterly un
seaworthy state, on the western shores
of Hudson strait. The vessel encountered
fearful gales and sustained such damage
by being repeatedly "nipped" in the ice
that her crew and her cargo, 132 walrus
and four bears, were ultimately trans
ferred to the Active. The catch of the
Active comprised 173 walrus, 60 musk
oxen, 30 bears, 30 foxes, 6 wolves and 4
4 0 fr
S Oalderhead. "WW E Jennings, Victoria
Grace May Lankln, J R Carrlck, San Ma
Boston J teo, Cal
BenJ Howard, VermontH H Abbott, city .
J"W Burton, Neill Co (Mr & Mrs David Kelll
Edwini Neill, do her, Seattle
Jas Neill & vf, do Peter Harvey, San. Fr
Miss Julia Dean, do H U McKInley, Salem
"W if Patterson, Seattle Mrs A P Hay, Clevlnd
B F Rogers, Vane, BC
iur os jura ivm u uui
ler & child. Everett
lifco a iJiancnard, Ta-
Thos Doyle, Tacoma
C C Holllnshead, N Y
F M Johnson, city
F J Hltchlnra. San Fr
J a smrek, San Fran
Mrs Harold Preston, 2
oh & maid, Seattle
Mrs Clarence Preston,
Sterling Hughe, Chgo,
M A Gattssteln, Seattle
E D Gelser, Baker Cy John C B Barker, Mont
R "W Blackwood, citv
Mrs Robt Barker, Mont
O N Anderson, Hambrg
C A Sanborn, Saginaw
J A OTeH, Spokane
C H Hunter, San Fr
J A Meyers, New York
M L Osier. San Fran i
VKict Barker. Mont
Robt Coburn, Montana
F w Thompson, do
Miss H J Thompson, do
Li Schworzschild, Santa
Mrs G Harris. Olympla
S Levy, San Francisco
Chas B Holfenstein, do
Aioert u Holfenstein,
San Francisco
W F Chutter, Astoria
C B Levy. New York
i- 2i ii-HDourne, Seattle
John w Hughes, do G B Shorey, Seattle
E J Coyle, Vancouver
D Oppenhelmer. San Fr
A Grajden, San Fran
W T Spausklck, Omaha
J S Wolf, Silverton. Or
J B McCann, San Fran
Geo W Cauk. Jr. San F
C A Demman, Cllne.Or
Ueo B Dukeck, May-
vllle. Or
E V Homej'er, Seattle
Mrs E "V Homeyer, do
L J Wade, Tacoma
B F Allen, Prlreville
Arthur Hodges, do
Z M Brown, do
C N Thompson, do
Wm Ketchum, Dalles
W A Teutsch. San Fr
Dr Stewart. N Yamhill
C Brown, Portland, Or
L Ohler, Astoria
a a iapies, sorest urv
E R Whltbeck. do
H E Brannes, Astoria
W G Gallagher. MinnD
Emmett S Lackelford,
xveiu uo
Geo Bloomqulst, do
L Xi Olmsted, Minnpls
O J Akins, Sauvle's Is
Mrs O J Akins. do
H Braden, Scott's Mills,
S .M Perclval, Olympla
Mrs H A Hajs, Aberdn
Miss .Hays, Aberdeen
Mrs Patterson, do
L E Sewell, Spokane
Mrs H A Young, OakPt
G B Mllloy. Albany, Or
Mrs G B Millov. do
Saml Abraham. Knaptn
Mrs t Abraham, do
J M Will, Aurora, Or
Mrs J M Will. Aurora
L. M Will. Aurora
Mrs D C Klndrea, As
toria J 15 Baker. Oregon Cy
Mrs May Turner, Ta
coma Thos Gourley, Tacoma
A S Hall, Olvmpla
J rJ Crane, Arlington
Mrs J E Crane, do
D M Letts, La Grande
D W Ralston, Sheridan
Frank Gibson. RIckreal
Jas W Melville, Monte-
sano, Wash
Mrs J W Melville, do
H Peebles, Vancvr.Wn
A w Ely, Tacoma
Andrew Urquhart, The!
J H Holmes, Baker Cy
.airs ai t jjoian. Dalles
Mrs w a. Johnson, do
W M A Taaffe, San FnC M Plerle, Weston, Or
B F Leltch. San Fran
L D Mulkey. McMInnvl
C Adams, Tygh Valley,
N E Brltt, Newberg
Mrs T H Williams,
c'aatle Rock
G W Brown, Glemvood
W L Weatherby, St L
J E Hand, Hood Rler
J S Harbison, do
J Dennis. Grass Valley
Herman W Barr, Salem
C. W. Xnowles, Manager.
G G McNamara, Los i louse City
Angeles . L ICruger, St Louis
C R Smead, Blalock
Mrs J Tamghenbaugh,
P Donan. city
W Harris. Harris. Or
W J Harris, do
G 2empsey. New York
H B Miller, Eugene
L DeLano. Eucene
H Bower, San Fran
Mrs Bower, San Fran
?en White. San Fran
F D Kuettner, Astoria
Mrs Kuettner, Astoria ',
Mrs DeLano, Eugene
A B Johnson. San Fran
G C Grace, Tacoma
H H Martin, Centralla
B H Hall. Portland Mrs Robert Henrv.
T A Ely. St Lou's Snohomish
Mrs Hall. Portland W S Ajax, Seattle
.Totin Hall, city Mrs Ajax, Seattle
D A Whitney. Grnd Is Cora Light. Seattle
E P McCornack.SalemjMrs W V Molvln, do
Mrs McCornack. Salem F Jewell, San Fran
Martin Erlenbach. S F Mrs West, Westport
Carrie Parrott, Golden- W G Howell, Aetorla
dale C Fish, city
J R McCornack, Pa- j
Ed Lee, Portland John ilajo, Astoria
C W Hooker. Portland,B McNough. Astoria
WmKfarne, Gray's Rv F C Reed. Corbett
Louis Boyd, do C Gllleford, Halsy
C Pltchford. do R C Oglesby, Eugene
u A. Kosenaani, uninoi: -trice. .Portland
L Dcollttlc. Baker Cy
jH E "hlPlda Woodburn
John H Gault, Hlllshcn
J Rallman. Baker City
P Jones. Baker City
ii x-ier-oa, -Jicaiinnvl
R H Williams. Qulncy
Dan Rice, Cltskanie
Fred Behurke, One'da
A M Lrure. Woodland
D .T Lamton. Wcodburn
B OaJ-rlel. Dayton
S A Hampton. Pe?i.letn
C H Abernethy. Cham-
R Caples, Baker City
A S Harrison, Kalama
D F Howard, Stella
H H Carles, city
W J O'Nell. city
C M Larkln, Gray's B
L F Gardner, do
G Johreon. do
M F Lewis, Aetorla
H T Turner. Aetorla ,S P Shntt. Hmvl uk-m-
O A Rcsendall. ChlnakjGus Cclllnr!. Halvy
W C Kroger. NewbargjA J Fallows,, St Francis
Otto Relnseth, Wash-. 'John LIndberg, Clats-
ougal I kenie
J W Quinnlck, Astoria, W A Jtownn. do
L R Eberman, Se"Md-!D W Harrison, Salt Lk
A L ScnlthsDn, PortlndlM L Reynolds, San Fr
Hotel Donnelly. Tnconin.
Euronean plan; headquarters Jfor com
mercial men. Cbllberg's restaurant in
Hotel Bntlcr. Scnttlc.
Euronean. Eooms with or without bath.
Ladies' and gents' grillrooms In connection.
Kruse's Grill Room and Restaurant
Stark street, opp. Cnamber of t'ommerce.
a 3
Venezuela has vast forests of mahogany and
cedar which have scarcely yet been touched.
The.Treafment Qiveo Upder the $5,00
Under this offer of the S5 rate, Dr.
Copcland is giving all the splendid
treatment, the New Treatment, that
has awakened the attention of tlie
whole world.
Let there be no misunderstanding
about this.
Dr. Copeland is not accommodating
his practice-to the rate. He I giving
the rate, maintaining the practice
and treatment at the crime standard
that It has been from the beginning.
It Is "The Treatment That Cures";'
that all who are taking advantage
of this xate are getting the vson
derfnl treatment
That has lifted the darkness and
blight of the word "Incurable" from
these hundreds of thousands of cases
of Catarrh in the Thront, Bronchial
Tubes and IiUngs
Tho head and throat become diseased from
neglected colds, causing Catarrh when the con
dition of the blood predisposes to this condition.
"Is the voir husky?"
"Do you spit up sllmer
"Do you ache- all over?"
"Do you anore at night?"
"Do jou blow out sca'iB at nlghtf
"Is your nose stopped up?"
"Does your nose discharge V
"Does the nose bleed easily?"
"Is there tickling in the throat?"
"Is this worse toward night?"
"Does the nose Itch wid burn?"
"Do you hawk to clear the throat!"
"In there pain across tho eyes?"
"la there pain In front of head.?"
"Is your sensa of smell leaving?"
"Is the throat dry la the morning?"
"Are you losing j our sense of taste ?"
"Do you sleep with your mouth open?"
"Does your nose stpp up toward ulrht?"
This condition often results from catarrh ex
tending from the head and throat, and. If left
nnchecked, extends down the windpipe Into the
bronchial tubes, and in time attacks the lunga
"Have you a cough?"
"Are you losing llesh?"
"Do you cough at night?"
"Have you a pain In side?"
"Do you take cold easily?"
"Is your appetite variable?"
"Hae you stltcnen ,'n aide?"
"Do you cough until you gag?"
"Are you low-spirited at times?".
"Do you raise frothy material?"
"Do you cough on going to bed?"
"Do you cough in the morning?"
"Do you spit up yellow matter?"
"Do jou spit up little cheesy lumps V
"Is your cough short and hacking?"
"Have you pain behind the breastbone f
"Have you a diEgust,for fatty foods?"
"la there a tickling behind the palate?"
"Do you feel you are growing weaker?"
"Is there a burning pain hj the throat?"
"Do you cough worse night and morning?"
"Do you have to sit up at night to gel
The total expense to patients of
the Copeland Institute is $5 a
month, trentment and medicines
included. That's the limit. Pu
ticnts not .permitted to pay more,
even if they so desire.
Majority Severely Arraigns Tammany
and Its Methods.
ALBANY, N. Y.t Jan. 15. The reports
of the majority and minority members of
the Mazet committee were presented to
night to the assembly. The majority re
port says:
"In many of the offices and departments
in New York city grave evils were dis
closed. For such as were, administrate e
In their nature, the remedy must be 3ought
at the ballot-boxes, not at the hands of
the legislature. The one clear and dis
tinct fact brought out by this Investigation
la that wo have in this great city tho
oncst perfect Instance of centralized party
government yet known."
It declares "that we 6ee the central
power not the man who elts In the
mayor's chair, but the man who stands
behind it. We see the same arbitrary
power directing appointments, directing of
ficials, controlling boards, lecturing mem
bers of the legislature and the municipal
assembly. We see an enormous, an ever
increasing, crowd of office-holders, with
ever-Increasing salaries. We see the pow
ers of government prostituted to protect
criminals, to demoralize the police, to de
toauch the public conscience and to turn
governmental functions into channels for
private gain. The proof Is conclusive, not
that tho public treasury has been directly
robbed, but that great opportunities have
been given by manipulation of public of
fices, to enable favored Individuals to work
for their own personal benefit."
The conduct of the present police depart
ment of " the city of New York is pro
nounced .unqualifiedly bad.
The majority presented eight bills fcr
tho consideration of the legislature. The
most Important provides for the appoint
ment of a committee by the governor to
revise the New York city charter.
The minority report cays:
"As to the report ot the majority In
general, we feel justified In claiming that
it is gross!5" unfair, conspicuously parti
san, coarse in language, vituperative In
temper and absoluetly unjustified, ex
cept, by the reckless disregard and perver
sion cf the proof adduced before your
The minority report includes a bitter at
tack upon Senator Piatt and upon the ma
jority of the committee for not calling him
to the wltncss-ctand. The minority pro
tests against the recommendation by the
majority for the creation of a commission
to revise the city charter, to be appointed
by the governor, and insists that any com
mittee of this character should be ap
pointed by the mayor of the c.ty of- Now
York. In conclusion, the minority says
that it haa but a single recommendation
to iriakc, and that Is that the people of
New York city be permitted to govern
Appenl for Peace.
NEW" YORK, Jan. 15. A dispatch to
the World from London say3:
A circular appealing for peace and pledg- I
That reaches every sore spot, from
the orifice of the jnose to the deepest
pnrt of the lungs and Innermost re
cesses of the middle car, and instead
of irritating and inflaming and feed
ing the fires of disease, soothes,
quiets, heals and cures.
Br. Copcland Is giving under this
rate as well the benefit of the Dis
covery In Deafness which has lifted
the darkness and blight of the word
"Incurnble" from these hundreds of
thousands of' cases of impaired hear
ing. All new patients applying for
treatment and all old patients re
newing treatment will he treated
UXTDL CURED at the uniform rate of
5 a month, medicines Included.
Grent numbers of people suffer
from the malign poisons of catarrh,
as from other subtle chronic mala.
dies, without any correct or definite
This condition may result from several
causes, but the usual cause is catarrh, the
mucus dropping down Into the throat and being
"Is there nausea,?"
"Are you costive?"
"Is there vomiting?"
"Do you belch up gas?"
"Have you waterhr?" '
"Are jou ilghtneadedr
"Is your tongue coated?"
"Do you hawk and spit?"
"Is there pain after eating?"
"Are you nervous ant wenfc?"
"Do you have sick headaches?"
"Do you bloat up after eating?"
"Is there disgust for breakfast?"
"Hava you distress nfter eating?"
"Is your throat fllled with bllme?"
"Do you at time have diarrhoea?"
"Is there rush of blood to the head?"
"When you get up suddenly are you dizzy?"
"ib there gnawing rensatlon In stomach?"
"Do you feel as If ou had lead In stomach?"
"When stomach Is ..mpty do jou feel faint?"
"Do you belch material that burns throat?"
"If stomach Is full do you feel oppressed?"
Deafness and ear troubles result from ca
tarrh passing along the Eustachian tube that
leads from the throat to the ear.
"Is your hearing falling?" ,
"Do your ears discharge?"
"Do j'our ears Itch and burn?"
"Are the ears dry ami scaly?"
"Have you pain behind the ears?"
"Is there throbbing In the ears?"
"Is there a buzzing sound hearfl?"
"Do j-ou have a ringing In tne ears?"
"Are there crackling sounds heard?"
"In your hearing bad cloudy days?"
"Do you have earache occasionally?"
"Are there sounds like steam escaping?"
"Do j-our ears hurt when you blow your
"Do you constantly hear noises In the ars?"
"Do you hear better some daj-s than others?"
"Do the noises In your ears keep you
awake "
"When you blow j-our nose do the ears
"Is hearing worie when you have a cold?"
"Is roaring like a waterfall In the head?"
Home Treatment
No one deprived of the benefits of
the Copcland Treatment because
of living nt a distance from the
city. If you cannot come to the
office, write for Home Treatment
Symptom Blank and Boole, and be
cured at home.
OFFICE HOURS From O A. M. to 12
EVENINGS Tuesdays and Fridays.
lng for the Boers, signed by 400 clergymen
of all denominations in the Netherlands,
has just been delivered to the ministers or
all Christian church in Great Britain. It
"We beseech you, brethren, to use your
Influence that all such in England as on
Christian principles disapprove this way
may try whatever lawfully may be done
for Its speedy cessation."
A Remarkable Case of a Soldier Shot
Clean Thronjrh. the Head.
London Mall
After seeing their wounds, nearly all
caused by gunshot the onlooker Is struck
by the clean, well-defined, small, circular
entrance and exit the Mauser bullet
makes. It produces a canal not
much, If anything, larger than a
good-sized goose-quill, and cuts its
way through flesh and bone as
neatly as an archlmldean drill would,
leaving no ragged edges. It produces lit
tle local disturbance or bad after effects.
Hence shock to the system and subse
quent septicaemia are, owing to the less
ened destruction of soft parts and splin
tering of bone, minimized considerably.
By careful antiseptic treatment the
wounds heal In about 20 to 30 dava.
The course which some of these Mauser !
bullets take without rupturing important
vessels or producing dangerous effects Is
simply marvelous. To cut through soft
parts and follow the tracks made by these
missiles without doing Irreparable injury
would tax the dexterity of the most skill
ful and delicate anatomist that ever han
dled a. scalpel.
An extraordinary case is that of a sol
dier who was shot completely through the
head, the Mauser bullet entering the era-
nium on one side, and emerging on the
other. Not only is he Iivlner. but his
wounds have healed without a check a I and Senator McComaa favored the eon
slightly restricted jaw movement, due to I firmation.
muscular paralysis, alone retarding his
discharge. In thl3 Instance the bullet en- 1
tered just In front of the left ear, escap
ing the temporal artery, took a forward
and somewhat downward course along the
floor of the skull, pierced the right maxil
lary (cheek) bone and emerged below the
eye on thut slds. There results some fa
cial disfigurement, but he sees, cats and
sleeps well. One may consider him a
lucky fellow in having exchanged the ex
perience of cranial perforation by an old
Brown Bess for that of a modern Mauser
A South Pacific Princess.
The ceremony of dressing is simple
when one's garments number one, or at
most two, and when neither soap nor
water is an available commodity. Under
shelter of the grass mat which has
formed bed and blanket, the worn tapa '
vala was exchanged for a fresh one of
gaudy cotton print. A loose bodice, so
short as to leave a large stretch of warm, l
Rate Not a Cheap
idea of the nature of their affliction
The following symptoms have uecix
carefully arranged, to enable many
sufferers to understand just what It
is that ails them. Many diseases,
known under various specific names,
are really of a catharral origin and
nature. Every part of the mucous
membrane, the nose, throat, eyes,
ears, head, lungs, stomach, liver,
bowels, kidneys and bladder arc
subject to disease and blight by
catarrh. The proper course for suf
ferers Is this: Read these symptoms
carefully over, mark those that ap
ply to your case, and bring this will.
you to Dr. Copcland.. If you live
away from the city, send them toy
mall, and ask for mall treatment. In
cither instance, and whether by mall
or ofilce treatment, the patient may
be assured of the speediest relief
! and cure possible to medical science
The Hver becomes diseased by catarrh est
tending from the stomach Into the tubes of th
"Are you fretful?" - - V
"Aro you peevish?"
"Do you get dlzxy?"
"Do you feel fatigued?"
"Do jou feel miserable V
"Do jou have ccld fer?"
"Do you got tired easily?" -"Is
your eyesight blurred?"
"Can't you explain where?"
"Constant senae of depression?"
"Is there a bloating after eating?"
"Constant sense of pain In back?"
"Have you gurgling In bowels?"
"Ho you have rumbling In bowels?"
"Have jcv pain under shuulder-blads?"
"Is there throbbing in the stomach?"'
"Do you have sens of heat In bowels?'
"Do you (suffer from pains in temples?"
"Do you have palpitation of tho heart??
Thtfl condition results either from colds or
from overwork of the kidneys In separating
from the blood the poisons that bare base a"b
rorbed from catarrh.
'Is the skin pale and dry?"
"Is your hair getting gray?"
"Has the skin a waxy lcok7"
"Is the hair dry and brittle?"
"kB the skin dry nd harsh?"
"Do the Ieg3 feel oo heavj-?"
"Is there nausea atter eating'"
"Do the joints rialn and ach7"
"Is th1- urine dark and cloudy?"
"Are the eyes dull and staring?"
"Is there rain In small of back?"
"Do" your hands and feet swell?"
"Are they cold and clammy?"
"Have you pain In top of head?"
"Has the perspiration a bad odor?
"Is there pufflncas under the eye?"
"Is therf a bad taste In the mouth?"
"Is ther a desire to get up at night?"
"Are there dark rings around the eyes 7"
"Do j'ou see spots floating before the i7eT
"Have you chilly feelings down the back?"
"Do yon see unpleasant things while nrteevV
"Does a deposit form when left standing?-
Avoid Cure-Alls
In Catarrh, as in other nialadlci,
avoid blind doctoring by patent
cure-ail'1. Get Individual treat
ment far your individual ailment
at thr Copeland Institute.
M.; from 1 to 5 P. 31.
SUNDAYS From 10 A. OT. to 12 31.
sherry-colored flesh visible above the
waist, replaced the travel-stained one. A
little cocoanut oil rubbed over the face
and glistening shoulders, and madame'3
state toilet was complete. The royal
princess, It is true, was possessed of all
the luxuries of a dressing-case, in the
shape of half a ragged comb and a strip
of looking-glass, and with these rudi
mentary Implements she passed half an
hour arranging her curly locks.
An Imperial Fawashop.
Chicago Record.
Tho imperial pawnshop at Vienna has
just been reopened to tho public after a
considerable enlargement. Besides ad
vancing loans on pledged articles the
managers of the institution undertake the
by auction ot any goods or stock of
merchandise submitted. Those desirous of
I disnnsine- rfr thir Afrits must nntifv tn
managers three days previous to the sale.
Tho new metropolitan institution when
complete will contain no fewer than 12
auction halls. The authorities claim no
more than 5 per cent of the sum realized
at an auction, which charge includes alt
auctioneering expenses.
Seclclngr Relief In Work.
Many English women who, have the war
heavily on their minds are taking tho
course most likely to help them to forget
their suspense they are working for tho
soldiers and their families. Bazars, cafe
chantants. concerts, dances are all In
cluded In the many schemes afoot, in con
nection with which there Is work, the best
panacea of all for anxious hearts.
a e
Postmaster of Baltimore.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. Tho senate" in
executive session today confirmed the
nomination of S. Davies Warfleld- to be
postmaster of Baltimore. This ends a long
fight. In which Senator VV ellinsrton ODDOsed
"Resolve slowly, act swiftly." Take
Hood's Sarsaparilla and you will not
make any mistake.
Unless you have used Pears
soap you probably do not know
what we mean by a soap with
no free fat or alkali in it noth
ing but soap.
The more purely negative soap
is, the nearer does it approach