S VOL. :. M). 12,200. PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1900. TWELVE PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ANY SIZE. ANT QUANTITY. MACKINTOSHES. RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING Goodyear Mbcr Company Rubber Boots and Shoes. Belting, Packing and Hose. LorccKt and most complete assortment of all kinds of Rubber Goods. P. H. PEASE, Vice-Pro. and Manager THE EASTMAN KODAK CO. HAS REDUCED PRICES ONE-THIRD $5.00 KODAKS $3.35 $8.00 KODAKS $5.35 For safe by the iomauei4' Wholesale Druggists, Portland, Or. Manufacturers of Exclusive OUTFITS in Fur Robes, Moccasins, etc. Highest Oregon Phone Slain 401. Furs! Furs! Furs! Fifth and Washington Streets . . PORTLAND, OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN First-class Chech: Restaurant Connected With Hotel. J.F.DAVIES. Pres. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED). FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, American and European Plan. The Pianola sivea you the facility of 13 oon eummately drilled plano-plajlng hands: Six and one-half Paderewskls rolled Into one. You can use the Pianola at once with euperb effect. Come In and try. Tou will be surprised and de lighted. THE AEOLIAN COMPANX, Marquam building, cor. Seventh at. 13 HANDS -' i DEAFNESS AND CATARRH Cured In AH Its Forms. Also chronic 'affections of the stomach, liver, kidneys, bladder, blood and skin. Entirely new treatment for catarrh. It cures; come try it, free. Dr. Darrin, 2G5 Morrison street, Portland, Or., is the most reliable specialist for every form of weak ness and disease of men and women. He THE BUNDESRATH INCIDENT Emperor "William Still Looks Upon It as an Evidence of Bad Faith. BERLIN, Jan. 15. Emperor William still takes the deepest interest In the Bundesrath incident, and holds frequent conferences on the subject with the for eign secretary. Count von Bulow. The matter was under consideration today, and the correspondent of the Associated Press was informed after the conference that the emperor is still furious about the seizure, which he regards as particularly ungraceful and uncalled for on the part of Great Britain, inasmuch as he was led to believe during his recent visit that England would hereafter do everything in her power to preserve amicable relations. In view of all this, his majesty regards the seizures of German vessels as "ap parent bad faith on the part of Lord Salisbury. ' French Gnns for the Boers. LONDON, Jan. 16. The Dally Mail pub ashes the following from a special corre spondent at Le Creusot, France: "After two days' inquiry, I do not hesi tate to assert that the Schneider company is not only working night and day In "the manufacture of guns and ammunition for the Boers, but that it has already packed, ready for shipment to the Transvaal, six heavy guns of large caliber. The work men told me that ere long 30 additional guns would be dispatched to the Boers." Japanese "Will Train Chinese, PEKING, Jan. 15. A significant sign of the part Japan hopes to play in the fu ture of China Is that the Japanese govern ment has definitely ofTered to establish a military academy at Peking to educate Chinese under Japan officials. It is said China Is favorably impressed toward this proposition. The Grip in Spain. BARCELONA. Jan. 15. An epidemic of grip has seized the town and mortality has increased. Half the population is bedfast and In the stores and workshops only one-fourth of the usual number of employes are working. ANY STYLE. 73 and 75 first St, Portland, Or. $10.00 KODAKS $ 6.65 $15.00 KODAKS $10.00 Agents for Eastman Kodak Co. Novelties In Fine Furs, ALASKA Fur Overcoats, Caps, Gloves, price paid for Raw Furs. 126 SECOND ST., near Washington. Established 1870. Single rooms 75o to $1.50 per day Double rooms $1.00 to $2.00 per day C T. BELCHER, Sec. and Treas. OREGON American European plan $1.25, $1.50. $L75 plan 50c, '75c, $L00 Two Kifidsof, Opticians There are two' kinds of op ticians "travelers" and "stay-at-homes." I belong to the latter class: I do fitting no where but in Portland, and am kept pretty busy at that. I live here, spend my money here, pay taxes here. I ex pect to stay here all my life. I have confidence In my abil ity to give you satisfactory service and to maintain a good practice by skillful work. I have no hotel bills or car fare to charge you for. WALTER REED Eye Specialist 133 SIXTH STREET OREGONIAN BUILDING guarantees to cure varicocele or hydro cele In one week; stricture in 10 days. No inconvenience; no detention. Consulta tion free and charges reasonable. Home treatment successful In many cases. Tes- ?,? V3, fond, questlon blanks sent free. Hours, 11-12, 2-5, and 7-8 dally. RATES ARE RAISED. Trans-Atlantic Lines Preparing fcr Exposition Traffic. NEW YORK, Jan. 15. ThA ,., a tic steamship lines have Increased their passenger rates between New York and Europe, owing to the heavy travel ex pected to the Paris exposition. The Holland-American line today specified a gen eral 10 per cent Increase on its principal steamers. The Atlantic Transport line in its rate sheet for this year, announces an intermediate season from the middle of March to the middle of April, and for the berths engaged for that period there is an Increase of $15 each over the same time ,last year. At the Cunard offices it was said that, while the rates for the sum mer were not published, there would be increases over the rates asked last year, and the summer season would be extend ed. The White Star has placed the rates for the coming season exactly where they were during the year 1S98, before the dis agreement among the lines occurred. The chief Increase in the Hamburg-American steamers is in the deck staterooms, some of which are raised $50 a room. The North German Lloyd and American line steamers nave Increased their rates slightly, and the season Is a month longer than last year, -when it extended from May 1 to July IS. The French line has a higher rate for saloon cabins than last year. s Crce Indians Quiet. OTTAWA, Ontario, Jan. 15. Reports have become current of excitement among the Cree Indians over the Transvaal on the alleged grounds that the grievances of the Boers were similar to those which provoked the rebellion of 1SS5 In the Cana dian Northwest. Hon. Clifford Sifton, minister of the interior, ordered an in quiry, and the Indian agent at Edmon ton reports .he has visited five of the re serves, and found the Indians were even ignorant of their being a war in South Africa. He also met a reliable man, who came from Lesser Slav Lake, whn pnvo a flat contradiction to the report The Indians were also quiet and contented. T' tr$iraaMftp-Wt- ROUND THE BOER Two British Columns Marching to Relieve Ladysmith. WITH COMMISSARIAT STORES One totho East, the Other to the West of the Main Dutch Position Burghers Moving North. LONDON, Jan. 16, 4 A. M. General Bul lets latest authentic word as to what he and his 30,000 men are doing was wired from Springfield after his first forward step. Striving to think out the unknown, London Is confused by surmise and rumor and disquieting suspense. Spencer Wilkinson, the military expert of the Morning Post, asserts that the Boer force In Northern Natal Is larger than General Buller's and Sir George White'o together, so that the Boers are able to leave a force around Ladysmith larger than that within the, town', and yet to op pose General Buller with a force superior to his own. The Standard gives prominence to the following dispatch, dated January 13, from Durban: "A man who has just arrived here from Springfield says that a British column pro ceeding to the relief of Ladysmith has crossed the Little Tugela. When he left it was facing the Boer position on the Big Tugela, and a howitzer was shelling the Boer trenches. He says also that 270 wag ons laden with commissariat etorea for Ladysmith had left Frere, and It was ex peoted that the column would join hands with General White Monday evening. "The traction engines have been doing excellent work in hauling heavy wagons out of holes and swamps. This they ac complish with the greatest ease. "British patrols have discovered parties of Boers in the direction of Ennersdale, between Frere and Estcourt." A dispatch from Cape Town, dated Sat urday, January 13, says: "There Is good reason to believe that the statement that Sir Charles Warren, with 11,000 men, has gone toward Weenan is correct, and we may expect important news shortly. "Reports have been received here that dysentery Is very rife In Ladysmith. "Everything Is phenomenally quiet at Sterkstrom." Reports from the Boer camps affirm that the circle of Investment has been drawn closer by the occupation of some hills nearer the town, thus liberating re inforcements to oppose General Buller. The Daily News suggests that a multi tude of the rumors that originate in South Africa and London are given currency by the English military authorities in order to mislead the Boers. The war pages of the great dallies this morning aTe almost barren. Nevertheless, the Instruments on the loops connecting. the war office with the cables continue to click. The4 yeomanry recruits are disturbed by the fact that they are able ' to ger only ls companies out of upward of "1000 applicants In the metropolitan districts. All the other applicants fall short of the require ments. One thousand would be regarded as a very small number, even were all accepted. The provinces are doing better, although to raise 10,000 appears far from the easy matter it did a fortnight ago. Among the minor perplexities of the war office !s a-strlke among the military tailors, which causes delay In uniforming the re cruits. J. B. Robinson, the South African mill ionaire, in a signed article In the Daily News this morning, relates conversations ho has had with Pres'dent Kruger, and describes several interviews In which the Jameson raid was talked over. On one of these occasions President Kruger said: "Do you mean to tell me that you do not know that the men who organized and en gineered the raid organized It for their own benefit? They had decided how they would divide the Transvaal, and how each of the parties was to have a certain Inter est In the country. "Many reformers who were put in jail were perfectly Innocent. They were Igno rant of the schemes of the men in the inner circle. There were only 12 men in that inner circle, and they were to divide the Transvaal among themselves. "They and their companies found the money for the raid. Do you think we are so Innocent not to know that Rhodes, metaphorically speaking, held a postol at the heads of certain men in England and said to them: 'If you do not support me, I shall denounce you and your complicity in the raid'?" At this stage, according to Mr. Robinson, President Kruger became more excited, and shouted so loudly that people in the street stopped to listen to the conversa tion. Mr. Kruger then said: "And now you are remonstrating with me about arming. It Is true I am arming, and it is because I see clearly that I must defend my country." To this Mr. Robinson replied: "The British public is aroused. If any attempt were made again to enter this country, there would be a great outcry in England, and the imperial authorities would take steps to punish the organizers and to prevent such freebooting expeditions." President Kruger approached Mr. Rob inson, placed a hand on his shoulder, made a violent effort to suppress his excitement, and said: "You mean well, but I have lost all con fidence. What has happened would take place again, and I am determined to guard against it." Later Mr. Kruger said: "What is to prevent Rhodes and his coadjutors again engineering some diabolical attempt against the Independence of my country? ' Mr. Robinson proposes to publish a book giving "the true history of the Jameson raid." The Birmingham Mall, the organ of Jo seph Chamberlain, says: "We understand on the highest authority that if the gov ernment is defeated in parliament on the question of the war, the cabinet will Im mediately appeal to the country, all the ministers having decided to stand togeth er, and not to permit any individual min ister to be made a scapegoat." BOERS TREKKING NORTHWARD. Movements Followed the Attack on Lndysmith. LONDON, Jan. 15. The correspondent of the Daily Telegraph at Pletermarltzburg, telegraphing January 11, says: "The gallantry of the Ladysmith garri son last Saturday appears to have de pressed, if not actually demoralized, the Boers generally. It is expected they lost at least two, If not three, killed as against our one. "Many Boers are believed to be trekking northward. The magistrate at Nautu, Zululand, telegraphs that scouts report having seen many Boer families with wagons proceeding north via Zululand, while a European who formerly resided at Dundee declares that after the repulse at LadysmUh a number of Boer wagons, loaded with dead and wounded, passed through that mining township, and that the Boers burned some of the public build ings as they departed. Five days have passed since then." KRUGER'S PROCLAMATIONS. Orders All Burghers to the Front, and Quotes the Scriptures. LONDON, Jan. 16. A dispatch to the Daily Mail, dated Saturday, January 13, from Lorenzo Marques, says: "President Kruger has Issued a procla mation ordering all burghers to the front. The Volks Stem, the Transvaal official or gan, suggests that the moment the Brit ish cross the border, the gold industry should be irretrievably destroyed. "President Kruger Issued a circular to Boer commandants and burghers, urging them to show more energy in the Trans vaal cause. He quotes psalm xxill:7, as God-given instructions to the burghers, and says that the British have fixed their faith in psalm lxxxlll. He also quotes psalm lxxxlx:13-14, and asserts that he has searched the Bible without being able to find any other mode that can be fol lowed by the Boers, who must fight 'In the name of the Lord.' "Commandeering is progressing busily at Pretoria, where the town guard is ex changing Mausers for Martinis, as the former are badly needed at the front "It is said that there are nearly 3000 British prisoners in Pretoria." THE FORWARD MOVEMENT. Indications That It Has Already Be gun. LONDON, Jan. 15. Up to the present the reported crossing of the Tugela river by General Warren's division remains but a rumor. Nevertheless, the whole tenor of such news as has dribbled in from South Africa during the last 48 hours indicates that a combined forward move ment of a comprehensive character is pro ceeding. It is not necessary to believe the unconfirmed stories of the Boers being in full retreat from Colenso, because It has been learned that a column is proceeding via Weenan to Helpmaaker to cut off their retreat, but at the same time, cred ible information from many sources in disputably point to momentous changes in the disposition of the republican forces. Advices from Pietermaritzburg, dated January 13, state that since their defeat January 6, the Boers have been removing their guns from positions south of Lady smith. The same dispatch confirms the report that tho Thirteenth hussars reached Grob5ler's kloof without meeting theBosrs. As the trenches at Grobeler's kloof were perhaps the strongest position held by the burghers, their vacation has considerably astonished the British. Merchants at Ple termarltzburg have received messages from Ladysmith saying: "Bring up jam, etc.," indicating that the Ladysmith agents anticipated the Immediate opening of communication, while Ladysmith also heliographed the belief prevalent there, January 13, that the Boers were moving and concentrating their forces elsewhere. As corroborative of British activity in the direction of the relief of Ladysmith, a dispatch has been received in London from Buller to the effect that he expect ed all dispositions for a synchronous movement of the various columns against the besieged garrison would be completed this morning. Under these circumstances it is considered quite probable"" the" ad-Te folor 31 das on Journey and the , application for the writ of habeas cor vance'WtHe beleaguered townhoscom- LLMBotll"?;6s!?s'J5fOU8Vfc"a.Jn,,Jer pusTwhTch was grantedfoday. menced, and that fighting is progressing, Optimists go so far as to say that It is expected Ladysmith will be relieved to night, if all goes well. Military men are divided In opinion as to whether Buller is at Springfield or per sonally directing the flank movement from Weenen Officials are now Inclined to credit the report that the British have crossed the Tugela river in that direction, although there Is no confirmation of the report, and altogether there Is a more hopeful feeling in official circles. There Is little news of importance from else where. French's forces have succeeded In drag ging a 15-poundor to the summit of steep, rocky Coleskop, a thousand feet above the surrounding plain, and they success fully routed a Boer camp three miles away from Stormberg. An interesting item of news is that 300 Boers, escorting a party of reapers, have successfully gathered all the crops within two miles of the colonial camp at Bird river, the British force being too weak to interfere. A dispatch from Pretoria says the fed eral forces recommenced the bombard ment of Mafeking during the morning of January, 12. Major-General John Frederick Garring ton, a well-known South African officer, until now commander of the Belfast guards, has been ordered to South Af rica. A telegram from Newport, Wales, says: "Rutherford Harris, formerly resident director in South Africa of the British South African Company, has received a cablegram to the effect that Buller has suffered another reverse." The war office has no information to enable it to confirm or deny the dispatch said to have been received by Rutherford Harris. Later Mr. Harris denied having received the telegram. It is said dispatches have been received from Colesburg, dated Friday, January 12, saying Colonel Porter, with the mount ed New Zealanders and the New South Wales lancers, were worrying the Boers from kopje to kopje by plucky, hazardous moves. The colonials, It is added, were completely nonplussing the burghers. A party of Remington scouts, eluding the Boer pickets, entered Norvalspont and secured valuable information. Boer Reports From Ladysmith. BOER HEADQUARTERS, outside La dysmith, Tuesday, Jan. 9. The Boers oc cupying the southern edges of Bester's kopje were driven out by the British Sat urday. Commandant Nel, on the west of the town, and the Pretoria commando, on the north, have taken the kopje3 com manding Caesar's camp, from which they maintain a continuous sniping of the Brit ish. The Pretoria commando lost six men killed and six wounded in attempting to storm the fort. Lord Roberts' Dispatch. LONDON, Jan. 16 The war office has published this dispatch from Lord Rob erts, dated Cape Town, January 15, 6:20 P. M.: "French reports that a reconnolssance yesterday (Sunday) shelled the Colesburg road bridge. No casualties. Returned to day. Methuen and Gatacre report no change." British Invade the Free State. ORANGE RIVER, Friday, Jan. 12. General Wood, for the first time in the campaign, has established a post in the enemy's country. With a force of all arms he took up a position January 6 at Zeut Pan's drift, on the north side of Orange river, in the Free State. 'Foreign Attaches Join Roberts. DURBAN, Jan. 14. All foreign military attaches arrived here this morning. They will proceed Monday to Cape Town, where they will join Lord Roberts. General Grcely Is Better. WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. The condition of General Greely is much improved. , Genera! Bates' Command Clearing Southern Luzon. is OPERATING IN SMALL COLUMNS Forcing the Enemy Into the Cnma rincs Peninsula Spanish Prison ers Liberated Otis' Report. MANILA, Jan. 15, 4:45 P. M Part of General John C. Bates' troops are operat ing about Lake Taal. Tho insurgents continue to retreat south. Colonel Hayes, with the Fourth cavalry, Is supposed to have reached Llpa, where many Spanish prisoners are heldr Colonel Anderson, with the Thirty eighth infantry, took Talisay, on the nortn shore of the lake, with but little oppo sition. Major Cheatham, with a battalion of the Thirty-seventh, on his way to San Pablo, dispersed 400 insurgents, whom the cavalry are pursuing toward Alamlnos. A troop of the Third cavalry lost two men killed and three wounded In an en counter with the insurgents near San Fernando de la Union, January 12. IN NORTH AND SOUTH LUZON. General Oils' Report of the Cam paign. WASHINGTON, Jan 15. The war de partment today received the following re port from General Otis: "Manila Bolomen and armed insur gents from the Zambales mountain at tacked two companies of the Twenty-fifth Infantry, O'Neill commanding, at Iba, January 6. The rebels were driven ana pursued with loss to them of 50 men; no casualties among Americans. "Schwan's troops were east and south of Santo Tomas, Batangas, yestercay. Cheatham's battalion of the Thirty-seventh Infantry struck the enemy east or Santo Tomas, on San Pablo road; the en emy left five dead on the field. Cavalry pursued the force eastward, but there is no report of the result. Cheatham's casu alties, one wounded. "Anderson, of the Thirty-eighth, en route to Lipa, struck the insurgents a few miles south of Santo Tomas, and drove them through Lipa to Rosarlo. The ene my's loss was 20 dead and wounded, 60 Spanish prisoners and $20,000. Schwan has liberated about 200 Spanish prisoners, and they are now en route to Manila. An derson's casualties yesterday, one man killed, two wounded. "Wheaton's force is actively operating in Western Cavite and Batangas prov inces. All the important towns are held, and constantly patrolled. A great many Filipinos returning to their homes are be lieved to be Insurgent deserters." Two Transports Return. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 15. Two United States transports, the Olympla and Penn sylvania, arrived here today from Manila. nel Vlele, Fourth cavalry, who Is to. be retired a brigadier-general. He was forced to return to this country, owing to ill health. A number of men from United States war vessels returned on the Olympla, NAVAL PRIZE CASES. Attorney-General' Answer to miral Dewey's Clnlm. Ad- WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. Attorney-General Griggs has filed answer In the su preme court of the District of Columbia in the proceedings for prize money for captures at Manila bay by Admiral Dewey. The attorney-general asks that the cause be referred to a commission. The attorney-general concedes that a state of war existed, but denies that the squadron un der Dewey's command captured the Span ish cruisers Isla de Cuba, Isla de Luzon and Don Juan de Austria. These vessels, he says, were sunk during the engage ment. He asks for. fuller Information in regard to tho other points, and says, al though captures of property were made, such capture does not authorize its con demnation as a prize to Dewey and his men. The attorney-general has also filed a similar answer in the case of Admiral Sampson and the destruction of Cervera's fleet. SAMPSON'S PRIZE CASES. Attorney-General's Answer to the Admiral' Libel. NEW YORK, Jan. 15.-A special to the Herald from Washington says: "And the attorney-general avers that all the herein above named vessels of the king of Spain were sunk or destroyed on or about July 3, 1S9S, by the llbellant (Rear-Admiral Sampson) and the vessels under his command." This Is an extract from the answer just filed by Attorney-General Griggs to the libel filed In the supreme court of the District of Columbia by Rear-Admiral Sampson in his own behalf and also in behalf of the officers and enlisted force of the North Atlantic station who took part in the Santiago naval engagement against the Infanta Maria Teresa, and miscellaneous stores and supplies captured upon her and other Spanish war vessels. It forecasts the purpose of the department of justice to support the contention that the armored cruiser New York actually participated in the battle with Cervera's ileet and that her addition to the farce made it superior to the Spanish squadron. Should It be decided by the court of claims that the American force at San tiago was the equal or superior to the command of Admiral Cervera, the Ameri can officers and men will be entitled to bounty amounting to $100 for each officer and man on board the Spanish fleet. If the American force was Inferior to the Spanish squadron, then a bounty of ?200 for each officer and man on the destroyed vessels will be allowed. Under the terms of the law regarding prizes, "the net proceeds of all property condemned as prize shall, when the prize was of superior or equal force to the vessel or vessels -making the capture, be decreed to the captors, and when of In ferior force, one-half shall be decreed to the United States, and the other half to the captors." It is expected that the court of claims and the district supreme court will determine the question of whether the New York took part In the battle, and by Its decision an end will be put to the controversy which has been agitating the navy and country since the battle occurred. According to the brief submitted by the attorneys for the llbellants, Admiral Sampson "Is Informed and believes that the said naval force of the king of Spain, supported as aforesaid (by the Spanish land batteries) was of force equal or su perior to that of the said vessels of the United States navy." The libellant's brief further asserts that the New York was included in the fleet. While the attorney- general In his report makes no statement relative to the American force actually J engaged In the battle with Cervera's fleet, he denies that "the said naval force of the king of Spain, supported by any land batteries, to, the Are of which the said vessels of the United States navy were exposed during the said engagement, was of force equal or superior to that of the said vessels of the United States navy." The attorney further asserts that all of the Spanish vessels were sunk or destroyed, "so that neither of the said vessels of the said king of Spain, nor any naval stores, supplies or other prop erty upon the same could become the sub ject of condemnation of prize to the 11 bellant and the officers and crews of the vessels under his command." After tho destruction of the Spanish vessels, the United States, at its own ex pense, raised the Infanta Maria Teresa, and the property taken from other ves sels. The property or the proceeds from Its sale, he declares, is now in the pos session of the government, and for that reason no part of it has been or can be sent in for adjudication to any court. He therefore prays that the libel be dismissed. Assistant Paymasters Appointed. WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. The following persons have been appointed assistant paymasters in the navy: J. B. Robnett, of Texas; Stewart Rhodes, of California; George W. Pigman, son of Captain Pig man, of the navy; Perry D. Kennard, of Illinois. UNITED MINE WORKERS. National Convention in Session in In dianapolis. INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 15. A close ap proximate of the credentials committee showed that at least IS states were rep resented in the national convention of the United Mine Workers of America, when that body convened here today. John Blue, president of the Indianapolis Cen tral Labor Bureau, welcomed 'the dele gates to the city. P. J. Keenan, chair man of the credentials committee, report ed that It would not be ready to report until tomorrow. The committee unani mously invited Samuel Gompers, presi dent of the American Federation of La bor, to make an address. Gompers spoke at 2 o'clock. REESE RELEASED. Application for a Writ of Habeas Corpus Granted. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 15. Judge Amos Thay er, of the United States circuit court, to day, at Topeka, granted the application for a writ of habeas corpus and ordered the release of John P. Reese, a member of the executive board of the American Mine Workers of America, who was arrested at Fort Scott, Kan., charged with violating 'an injunction of the district court of Kan sas. Last October, when a strike was in prog ress In the mines of the Western Coal Company, of Missouri. In Kansas, a suit was brought enjoining any one from in terfering with the men at work therein. John P. Reese went to the scene of the strike from his home In Iowa, and was arrested for addressing a body of miners. He was convicted of contempt of court and committed to jail. He then made I Judge Thayer rules that while a court may punish for any act that might be construed as an obstruction to the execu tion of the laws, It has no right to Impose a penalty where Independent or Individual rights are involved. It was contended by the counsel for the defense that as the Injunction did not Include any save those who were citizens of Kansas, he could not be held amenable to it. It was chiefly on this pointof nonjurisdiction that the case was submitted. GREAT NORTHERN MEN VOTE. On the Question of Rejecting; the Company's Schedule. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 15. A poll of the entire Groat Northern system on the ques tion whether the trainmen should reject the company's schedule was taken yester day. Leaders are confident it will be prac tically unanimous in favor of rejection. It was taken at the request of the com pany's officials, who professed to believe that the sentiment of the trainmen was not behind their grievance committee. The men do not want to strike, but prefer that than to recede from the position thev have taken. One of the leaders said there was no doubt about the co-operation of the firemen and the engineers if It Is necessary. They think President Hill has been misled by subordinate officials Into a false position. They profess good will toward the man agement. Serious Strike Threatened. MINOT, N. D., Jan. 15. A strike of se rious proportions Is threatened by the freight train operatives of the Great Northern. Last night at an informal meet ing of train men held here it was decided to go out Wednesday unless modification of the rules to compel freight crews to do switching at terminal points i3 granted. In case the men go out, the entire system will be affected. '- c PLAGUE AT HONOLULU. Twenty-Two Cases Up to Hate, One a European. HONOLULU, Jan. 8, via San FrancJsco, Jan. 15. Since the 1st Inst, nine cases of plague have developed, making 22 cases to date. The board of health has adopted heroic measures, and it is believed the work now in progress will stamp out the scourge in a short time. Thus far but one European has been attacked. This case was that of Ethel Johnson, a Norwegian girl, aged 14 years. The other 21 cases are divided as follows: Chinese, 15; Japa nese, 2; Hawaiian, 3; South Sea Islander, 1. The 3d Inst, the board of health declared the entire judicial district of Honolulu under quarantine. The council of state has appropriated $273,000 for which to right the plague and place the city in a proper sanitary condition. The bubonic plague appears to be spread ing In Japan. Even mall cannot come from there while the present rules are en forced, and the Island steamship compan ies will suffer heavily. The steamer Ke Au Hou arrived this morning from the Island without having been able to ap proach any wharf. There were deputy sheriffs with shotguns at every landing place, and they shouted the order to keep away. The result was that the steamer returned to Honolulu absolutely empty. Leung Chi Tso, the Chinese reformer, is now In Honolulu. The Chinese consul has written to the government protesting against Leung being allowed remain here. 9 To Ostrnclze Trust JUagnaies. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 15.-Colonel W. J. Bry an and President Arthur T. Hadley, of Yale, were Interviewed today In regard to the latter's proposal to ostracize trust magnates. Both are agreed on the idea, that social recognition should be denied to any man engaged In a trust or other busi ness enterprise inimical to the pubic welfare, and that the public mind should be educated to see the evils that exist in I the trust system. Democrats Again Trying to Full Bryan Down. CAN LEAD THEM ONLY TO DEFEAT Fault Is Found With His Adhesion to the Chicago Platform and His Peculiar Expansion Views. WASHINGTON. Jan. 15, Another effort Is being made to get Bryan to withdraw from the presidential canvass in the hope that the democrats may have some- alight chance of winning before the people tola year. It is now known that a great many democratic leaders have addressed letters to Bryan or to close friends of the Ne braska man, suggesting that In view of the fact that silver cannot win la the com ing campaign, it might be well for the Nebraska man to get out of the way and allow some conservative man to be nomi nated. Fault is found not only with Bryan and his persistent adhesion to the Chicago platform, but also with the pe culiar position he has taken In regard to expansion. Having advised the ratifica tion of the treaty against the protests of the leading democrats of the senate, ha Is now taking a position against expan sion, and has gone so far in that direc tion that he has offended many demo crats of the South, while his former atti tude In support of the treaty offended the extremists in the other direction. It Is not believed by the leading' demo crats here that any advice that may be given Bryan on this subject will have the least effect, as they feel sure that he Is determined to lead the democracy, whleh-, with him at its head, will be defeated worse than any party since Greeley's time. Civil Code for Alaska. Members of the committee on territories of both houses have announced a determi nation to pass a complete civil code for . Alaska at this session of congress. At present, the senate committee is consider ing a bill simply for Increasing the num ber of judges and making three judicial districts. This bill will not only be to the great benefit of the territory, but un der its provisions it Is also believed by a number of senators that they will have their candidates for Judge appointed. It is intended to attach the civil eode pro posed in the last congress to the judicial bill and force the whole measure through before the session closes. There are at least a dozen Alaska men now in Washington urging this leffisla- tlon and a territorial form of government -which will allow a delegate reoresentation on the floor of the house. This latter legislation is not meeting very much fa vor. Snlcm Public Building:. Representative Tongue today called on the attorney-general to hasten action look ing toward the construction of Salem a l postoffioe- bulldlng-ajathorlaed fcy tb last congress, ae learned that title to the site has been approved and that payment will be made In a few days. The super vising architect is about to prepare plana for the new building, and Mr. Tongue la using his best efforts to have provision made In the specifications for Oregon ma terial, brick or stone. This matter hai not yet been fully determined on. but it Is expected local bidders will to given tha ; preference. Answers to the Antis. The friends of a rational Philippine policy are beginning to have something to say in reply to the carping criticisms that have been made by Pettigrew and Hoar upon the "fake" resolutions of in quiry that have been pending m the sen ate. Wolcott's lashing of Pettigrew te but the beginning. There are other re puClcan senators who aleo intend to have something to say on this line ami to score the antl-expanslonlsts who are so severely critical of the policy that is popular with at least three-fourths of the American people. Senator Hoar is now preparing a huge philippic against the expansion idea, but a number of senators are also preparing to answer him. Hoar and Pettigrew sim ply scold, while Mason plays the buffoon. This Is all the opposition that has segfar developed to the policy of expansion. Memorials From Washington. Tho Washington delegation today pre sented various memorials and resolutions adopted by the Washington legislature in the last session, including Columbia river improvements, Alaska boundary, election of United States senators by direct vote of the people, the upbuilding of American shipping, and the protection of settlers against lieu land scrip filings by tha Northern Pacific railroad. Congressman Caahman Better. Congressman Cushman was in the houea today for the first time since his physi cian reported him developing searlet fe ver symptoms. He Is very weak. Introduced by Foster. Senator Foster Introduced bills today appropriating $150,000 for an army post near Tacoma, to be located on W acres donated by the citizens or on Point De fiance military reservation. Also, appro priating $1000 for a memorial tablet at the naval academy In memory of Ensign Monaghan, late of Spokane, who lost his life while endeavoring to save his com panions. Destruction "Wrought by Surf. NEW YORK, Jan. 15. For the last week heavy seas have been rolling in from the ocean along the. shores of Jtockaway beach and Jamaica bay. Great inroads have been made Into the beach at Arverne and Edgemere. A wide channel has been cut into the beach, opening up the old Inlet at Edgemere. At this place the water has almost reached the railroad tracks, and it is feared the big summer hotel may be damaged- At Arverne the seas are encroaching upon the broad walk, an& at Seaside the foundations of a big dancjng pavilion are so undermined that the building threatens to collapse. a Presidential Nominations.. WASHINGTON. Jan. 15. The president today sent to the senate the following nominations: Treasury Charles Sherman, of Califor nia, to be assayer of the mint at San Francisco. Interior Peter F. Barclay, to be re ceiver of public moneys at Del Norte, Colo.; Ell L. Warner, of St. Paul. Minn., to be surveyor-general of Minnesota. Also a number of nominations tor ap pointment and promotion m the regular and volunteer army. Servian Ministry Resigns. VIENNA, Jan. 35. The Noue Frele Presse says the Servian ministry has re signed, owing to King Alexander insist ing on granting amnesty to all the polit ical prisoners convicted of high treason against his father. King Milan. I au thoritative quarters la Vienna, however, the report is denied. h