Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 15, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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The -week ending last Saturday -was very sat
isfactory from a commercial standpoint. A
ffood ixrtion. tij the p-vy, stock.-talJlns has
fceen completed, and results have apparently
3u8tlfled TOorctoaata in sending In liberal orders,
tor business with the country has been excel
lent, and In the city no complaints are heard.
Of the jwoducts of the farm, -wheat and hops j
ontirme to be the sufferers, through low prices,
irora which the prospect for recovery are not
os bright as to wouHl like 'to see them. Farm
era with good-sized potato-patches are expcrl
ndSB one of th best seasons on record. Re
ceipts last week -were remarkably heavy, the
steamer Balling IVlday evening taking .15,000
eacks, with another hecwy shipment going out
on the steamer leaving here Saturday evening.
2a spite of these enormous shipments, the San
lYanclsco market is holding up remarkably
woil. and It is fully believed that even should
the heavy shipment-mentioned- cause -weakness
In the Bay city, the loss will be speedily re
salned. The local nwrket was very much ex
cited during last week, end fancy slock was
bid tip as high, as ta cents per sack. The
bulk of the sales, ttoough, were made at lower
rates; "but anything -god -enough for shipping
ld readily around 00 to 75 contd per sack.
There is a little better demand for good ap
ples, which will keep, much of the soft stock
having dl6apeared -from, the market. A few
transactions were reported In hops last week.
Sales reported were not for flrst-class stock,
and prices ranged from 3 to C cents. One
or two sates were made through the Hopgrow
ers' Association, but It is impossible to discover
-what prices were paid. aKhough we are as
sured that they were at an advance over former
quotations, whatever those quotations might
happen to be. The New Tork Journal of Com
merce, -under date of January 0. has the follow
ing regarding the market In that state:
The market Is rather quiet. Brewers are
getting, on old contracts, enough stock to sup
ply their wants, and make new purchases in
differently, despite the lowness of prices that
has prevailed since the opening of the 1699
crop season. Exporters purchases are mod
erate aleo, and tend to tsorsilrm previous reports
that Europe has a good supply.
Last week was pretty severe on dealers, who
Slave been holding eggs for an advance, and
tinder very Mght buying demand and heavyre
ocipts the market melted away from 22& cents
early in the week te weak at 18 at the close
Saturday. Oregon eggs came In so freely last
week that Etistern have been driven from, the
market, fNh ranch Mock In Portland being
cheaper than it was In Chicago. Butter Is
firm for the best grades, and decidedly weak on
poor stock. The poultry markets are in pretty
lair shape, wlith supply and demand about even.
"WHEAT She world's markets for wheat were
Inclined to dullness throughout last week, ex
cept for occeslonal spasmodic jerks in Chicago,
duo to war rumors. In Portland there was a
limited amosnt of buying at figures slightly
above the vaflue of the cereal from an export
standpoint. This was said to be due to some
jjfessing needs for a limited amount to meet
tonnage engagements. Tnese were soon satis
fied, and Saturday the market dropped back
about In line with other markets. Heavy
wheat was still commanding -522 and S3 cents
per bushel Saturday, but for No. 1 but few
care to quote over 52 cent, and the market was
not active In any sense of the word. Paxmera
seem determined to see the rlnlsu of the situa
tion, aodj undismayed by the bright prospects
tor the coming crop, and constantly Increasing
visible supply, are as firm ns ever in their
"belief that tnere must be a recovery- The
6an Francisco market is in about as bad a sit
uation as that in Portland, and in discussing
it the Commercial News says:
Shipowners evidently control the situation,
end exporters cannot me profit out of low
grain prices and high freight rates. The local
market is In bad condition. In addition to our
own large stocks, the north is ncadlng down
considerable light wheat at low prices. Ex
porters have again lowered their prices and
futures have been hammered down to a point
lower than has been seen this season. Trie
outward movement Is decreasing when it should
increase, and good weather is bringing forward
-an exoeUazxL croj -to -bo-p-at -tmr-the Tnarketnn'
June. So far this season 2,139.135 centals
2iave been exported, against 1,073,940 centals
b. year ago.
WKh a pretty good-slsed fleet in port at the
first of the year, shipments since then have
naturally been quite liberal, amounting last
week flour Included) to over 400,000 bushels,
with enough cargoes finishing or ready to finish
to make the totojl for this week even larger.
2?rom present indications the month's shipments
will be fully equal to those of some of our best
years. The freight market continues very firm,
with very little tonnage offering. Nitrate
Xreights are picking up again, and at least two
vessels irWdi had been listed for Portland
have been diverted to the west coast for nitrate.
No new-crop business was reported last week,
owners being most extravagant In their ideas,
considering the vast possibilities for material
changes in the situation between now and next
Saturday Bank Clearings.
Exchanges. Balances.
3ortland ....... .-..$2G2,5tl ?43.283
Tacoma .- 130.0GS 18,901
Seattle 207.302 53,720
fipokane . 171,818 3G,S2S
Bank CIcarlngrs.
The bank olearrlngs for the principal cities
jol the Korth-west for the -week ending Saturday,
Janaary 13, were, as follows:
Portland. Seattle. Tacoma.
Monday .......$ 4S9.C1S ? 384,900 ?1C7.C17
Taesday ,., 370,273 329,414 190,094
"Wednesday 29S.C95 304,470 13T,S01
Thursday S32.403 335.931 153.13S
Tri&ar 235.S39 317.099 140.433
Saturday ... 202,50' 2C7.3C2 130,008
Totals ?1.9S9.346 $1,949,242 f923,751
The clearings for the corresponding -weeks In
former years -were as follows:
PorUand. Seattle. Tacoma.
IS99 .$1,595,095 $1.0CS.4C0 $022,558
189S 1.678,050 1,138,932 878,393
Grain, Flonr, Etc.
TfVheat "Walla "Walla, 5253c; Valley, 51
62c; Wuestom. 5354c per bushel.
Flour Best grades. $2 G5g3 per barrel; gra
ham, $2 50. superfine. $2 15.
Oats "White. 34B5c; gray, 3334c; stained,
2930c per bushel.
Barley Feed, $1516; brewing. $18 IS 50
per ton.
Mlllstuffs Bran. $17 per ton; middlings, $22;
shorts, $18; chop, $16.
Hay Steady; timothy. $9 50H; clover. $7(3
S. Oregon TWild hay, $07 per ton.
Butter, Egrsrs, Poultry, Etc.
Butter Fancy creamery, 5055c; seconds, 42U,
&45c; dairy. 3037c; store, 22fe274c per roll.
Egg "Weak; ISfi'lSc per dozen for Oregon.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 2 504; hens, $4
4 CO; ducks. $5P6; geese. $7S 50 per dozen:
turkeya, live, 12sc: dressed. 1517c per pound
Game Mallard ducks. $3; -widgeon, $1 5052;
teal, $11 25 per dozen.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 12isS13c; Xoime
America, 14c per pound.
Vesetnules, Frnit, Etc
Vegetables Parsnipa, $1; carrota, $1; turnips,
90c; onions, $11 10 per cental; cabbage, lj$c
per pound; potatoes, 53S5c per cental; sweet
potatoes, 22?ic per pound.
Fruit Lemons, $83 50; oranges, $2 753
per box for navels, $2 for seedlings; tangerines,
00c$l; Japanese oranges. C5c$l 25 per box;
pineapples, $4 50J per dozen; bananas, ?2 50
S per bunch; Persian dates, 7Sc per pound;
apples, $11 50; pears. 75c$l 25 per box;
cranberries. $6 507 per barrel for Ilwaco,
$7 75ffi for Eastern.
Dried fruit Apples. e-aporated. 7 8c per
pound; sun-dried, sacks or boxes, 45c; pears,
fun and evaporated, 5Cc; plums, pltless. 4
TP&c, prunes, Italian. 3HCH;c; sliver, extra
choice. 5 6c; iigs. SmjTna, 22Uc; California
black. 5Cc; do white, 10c per pound.
Groceries, Kntx, Etc
Coffee Moofca. 25c; Java, fancy. 2S 29c:
good. 2225c; Oosta Blca, fancy, 15c; good, 15Q I
17c: fStUvador, fancy, 1018c; good, 1215c per
$12 2!y; Lien, $12 25 per case.
Sugni Cube, ?5 CO; crushed, ?5 00; pow
dered, V"0 72; dry granulated, $5 10; extra C.
H 00: aaldea C H -47 net; half barrels, a
more fbtin barrels; maple sugar, 15lGc per
Salmon Columbia river, 1-pound tails, $1
1 50: 2-V0und tails. $22 CO; fancy, 1-pound
flats. $1 Ct"l 75; -pound fancy flats, S595c:
j jaska. s-0und tails. $1 201 30; 2-pound tails.
SI 90g2 25.
Grain bSS,s Calcutta. ?77 10 per 100.
Beans Stri all white, 3c; bayou. 4c; Lima, 0a
per pound.
Nuts Peanuts, 67e per pound for raw, 10c
for roasted; CjOCoanuts, 80c per dozen; walnuts,
1213c pel pound;" pine nuts. 15c; hickory
nuts, 7c; chestnuts. 15c; Brazil, lie; filberts. 15c;
fancy pecans, tl2S14c; almonds, 15j3 17&C pel
Coal oil Casec 21c per gallon; barrels, 17c;
tanks, 15c
Bice Island. 5J4cj Japan. Cc; New Orleans,
4g6c; fancy1 head, $77 50 per sack.
Meat and Provisions.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes.
3c; drofsed mutttan, 67c per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy. ?5; light, $4 50;
dressed. 5(gCc pex pound. v
Beef Gross, top steers, $3 504; cows, ?32
3 50; dressed bee. G37Jie per pound.
Veal Large. ( 7c; small. S 8c pet
Provisions Portland pack (Shield brand):
Hams, smoked, are iuoted at 12c per pound:
picnic hams, Sc par pound; breakfast bacon.
13c; bacon, SJc; fctxks, Sc; dry salt sides,
7?4e; dried beef. 20cr smoked sides, Sc per
pound; lard, 5-pound jails. 8c; 10b. 8c; 50s.
7c; tierces, 7c per pound. Eastern pack
Hammond's): Hams, lurge, 12?Jc; medium, 13c;
small, 13c; picnic hams, $Hic; shoulders, 9Kc;
breakfast bacon. 12ic; dry Ealt sides. S014c;
bacon sides, 910c; baches, 9-ic; butts, 8c; lard,
pure leaf, kettle rendered, 0s, 10c; 10s, lOVsC
Hops, "Wool, Hides, Etc.
Hops 710c; 1898 crop. 56c per pound.
TVool Valley, 1213e f(r coarse 15(jjl8c. for
best; Eastern Oregon. 8Q14c; mohair, 2730c
per pound
Sheepskins Shearlings, la20c; short-wool, 23
35c; medium-wool, 30Q'50b; 'long-wool. O0c$l
Pelts Bear skins, each, as to size, ?C15;
cubs, each, ?lig'5; badger, each, 1040c; wild
cat, 2540c; housecat, 5 fi 10c; fox, common
gray. 4000c; do red, ?1 25i?l 75; do cross, $2 50
6-6; lynx, fl502 50; mink, 30c?l 25; marten,
dark Northern, $44fS; do pale, pine, $1 253;
muskrat, S12c; skunk. 25!y0c; otter (land), ?4
6; panther, with head and clans perfect. $1
3; raccoon, 2550c; wolf, mountain, with head
perfect. $3 5005; wolverine, $2 505; beaver,
per skin, large, $G7; do medium, per skin, $4
ff5; do small, per skin, $12; do kits, per skin,
Tallow 35c; No. 2 and grease. 3JJ4c per
Hides Dry hides. No. 1, 16 pounds and up
ward, 1515Vsc; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 10 pounds,
15c per pound; dry calf. No. 1, under 5 pounds,
1516c; dry salted, one-third less than dry
flint; salted hides, sound steers, 00 pounds and
over. SH:9c; do 50 to CO pounds, 'SSc; do
under 50 pounds and cows. 7Sc; kip, 13 to 30
pounds. 7Sc; do veal, 10 to 14 pounds, 7&c;
do calf, under 10 pounds, 7c; green (unoalted),
1c per pound less; culls (bulls, stags, moth
eaten, bady cat. scored hair slipped, weather
beaten or grubby), one-third lesa.
Favornble Bank Statement Admits of
Considerable Profit-Taurus'.
NEW TORK. Jan. 13. The strictly profes
sional limits of trading on the stock exchange
were -well illustrated by the almost complete
obliteration of the mornings advance In the
movement to take profits after the appearance
of the bank statement. Tnls exhibit was In
Itself a favorable one, ae were all the other
Incidents of the day, and it conformed closely
to the preliminary estimates on which the buy
ing bad been based. The oelllng; to take profits
was responsible for the advance In prices and
was, per contra, sufficient to bring prices back
to about the starting point.
The activity In Sugar certificates continued,
the price rleing an extreme 3 points against
the shorts, whose coverins demand helped on
the ad-anoe. The bears quickly detected the
realizing after the bank statement, and forced
Sugar down 4?i points. Brooklyn Transit
and Tobacco showed close sympathy, and some
ether speclaltks lost a point or over. A de
cline "of 1 In Xew York Central showed
same special pressure sgamst the stock. Other
wise gains had been fractional, and the reac
tion did not exceed them. There was some
selling for London account, as prices rose above
the London parity. A fractional recovery In
London discount rates, ana a jump of 3 pfen
nigs on exchange rate at Berlin were without
The bank statement fully accounts for the dis
position of New Tork bankers to place time
loans at present rates, and their reappearance
as buyers of commercial paper. The decline
in money rates is also bringing renewed de
mand for railroad bonds rrom some of the great
Insurance companies. Some heavy Individual
transactions in bonds are recorded. The cen
tral fact In the situation In the stock market
Is that the buying demand is listless and nar
row, and without stimulation by any favorable
developments in the immediate outlook. Even
the investment buying has almost ceased, either
because prices are above an attractive level or
because the available fuivJs from dividend or
Interest disbursements have found Investment.
Investment buying does not in Itself serve
to advance prices greatly, but It has a large
sentimental effect, as it insures the constant
diminution of the floating supplj: of stocks held
merely for an advance In price.
The market has suffered from the demoraliza
tion in special stocks, in addition to the with
drawal of the Influence of Investment. There
has been besides selling for London account,
which was only discontinued when the reduc
tion in the discount rates or the Banks of Eng
land, France and Germany gave confidence In
the reality of the relaxaalon In money rates.
The volume of foreign selling was not large,
and would have been easily absorbed in an or
dinary movement for an advance; but as the
foreign selling grew out of the needs of the
London money market and served to Increase
the pressure for gold in New Tork, there wan
no disposition to hold up prices to afford a
market for London sellers to make profits. Not
withstanding the small demand for stocks, the
eupply was scarce, and railroad stocks have
responded, quiciuy all week to any sort of buy
ing demand.
The market gives evidence of liquidation of
special holdings of stocks. Statements of the
New Tork clearing-house banks, as well as
those of the great foreign banks, show that
(speculators the world oier have been selling
-"-. """"'t w- j nib, i"- ivuaj juju. Awuiiara.w
lng from the field. Many commission-houses
and brokerage offices in Wall street, which
found busy occupation all of last year, have
ceased p Invite custom, pending the develop
ment pnew. factors In the "outlook. This
closmgut '6f accounts, now safely attained,
has invoh-edjjjome heavy losses, -and no small
bitterness of splritv' which is reflected In the
discussion by brokers of industrial combina
tions and their flotations In a spirit far from
complmentary. This feeling was deepened by
the strong official Intimation at the stockhold
ers' annual meeting of the American Sugar
Beflnlng Company, that the business was not
profitable in the present sense of new compe
tition, and that dividend," would jprobably be
reduced or suspended during the coming year.
Professional operators, therefore, fell tooth and
nail upon the Sugar certificates, as well as' other
industrial stocks, and sold them by the thou
sand shares.
The railroad list did not escape entirely, but
was much less affected. The low price of the
dividend-paying Industrials, bringing the rate
of return -in some cases up to 8 per cent or
over, reflects the rating of the risk In folding
these stocks.
The beginning of dividends on the 'common
stocks of me of them has failed to elicit any
advance in price, and the preferred stocks of
the companies have Bhowa a. tendency in such
cases to decline, as having the safety of their
dividends Impaired.
There is an element In "Wall street who preach
the doctrine that the country has reached the
crest of prosperity. They cite in evidence of
this the marked diminution of the grain and
cotton movements, compared with last year,
and point to the comparatively small Increases
In gross earnings of raUroad3. "While these
show last year's earnings well maintained, last
year's prosperity has already been reflected In
prices, and higher prices depend on Increased
prosperity, rather than ou the maintenance of
the present level. High prices of commodities
jare Jikdy to curtail the demand. Adances In
railroad rates now being enforced lead to fal..
ing off In the volume of traffic. Increased cost
of material makes encroachment '-en net earn-
lngs by enhancing the cost of operation. Such
are some of the reasons assigned b' capitalists
and operators In securities for their Mslncllna
tlon to put money into stocks at presenN They
prefer to wait developments. The increased
cost of operation la particularly noticeable In
the case of, some of thjj high-priced rallroAd
stocks, whioh maintained thejr dividends
through the period of depression by economy
of operation.
On the other hand, some of the railroads
which have passed through bankruptcy and
reorganizing, show the effect of the large out
lay of funds acquired la reorgaalzatloa for per
manent betterments and improved equipment
during the period of low prices for material in
present reduction of operating expenses, to the
advantage of net earnings.
The market for bonds has been small, but
prices were well maintained. United States
new 4s, registered, declined , and "do coupon.
3s old 4s and Cs, in the bid price.
O. S. 2s 102JAN. T. Cent lets...'lOO
do 3s reg 109ft Nor. Pac. lsts ...110
do 3s coup 110 i do 3s 60
do new 4s reg. . .133 oo 4s , 103
do new 4s coup. 133, Ore. Nav. lsts 110
do old 4a reg...H3-Jtj do 4s .- 102
d& old 4s ooup.ll4. O. S. L. 0s 129
do 5s reg 1121 do con. as 112
do 5s coup 11294IR. G. W. lsts 95
Dls. of Col. 3-C5S.119 (St. Paul con. 100
Atchison adj. 4s.. 70&,St. P., C. & C. P.
C. & H .TV. con. 7sl39 lsts ,T 11S
do S.E. deb. 5s.llti do Cs 118
D. & R. G. lsts.. 102 Union Pac. 4s ....102fcj
do 4s
Gen. Electric 5s.
vi 1 wis. ueui. J.BKI. . . ciiw
The total sales of stocks today were 244,000
shares. The closing quotations were:
Atchison 10
lUnion Pacific 4GMi
ao prei ....
Bait. & Ohio
60 do pref 74
59JiiVaDash 7
ian. Paclflc 1)2
Can. Southern ... -49
ao prei zuft
Wheeling & L. E.. 0
do.2d pref 27
Ches. & Ohio 2U
Chi. Gr. Western. 12
C. B. & Q. 121&
jWisconsin Central. 18
v. cj., u. & at. J-.... iV'A
vni., ina. at i..... 15
do pref 47
Chi. & East. 111... S2
Adams 112
American 142
United States 45
Wells-Fargo 120
Chicago & N. W..lGu
C. R. I. & Pac. ..100
C, C, C. & St. L GOVS
Golo. Southern ... flit I
Amer. Cotton Oil.. 33ft
, do l&t pref...... 41
do 2d pref. 14
do pref 92
Amer. Malting . . .. 0V4
do pref 28
uei. & iiuason....ii5
Del.( Lack. & TV. .170
JAmer. Smelt. & R. 37
J--CJ1VC1 os x-.iv ur. -H73
do pref GSVi
iu yit-'i. 01 73
Amer. Spirits 2
Jane ; 11
id- 1st pref.,,... 32;
uo pref - 17
Amer. Steel Hoop.. 41
do pref 81
uret jsortn. prer.ius
Hoaiiive Coal 15
Hock.VvT Valley .. 31
Illinois Central ...112
Iowa Central 12
Amer. Steel & W.. 47ft
do pref 90
Amer. Tin Plate... 30V4
ao pref SI
Amer. Tobacco .... 90ft
do preS 4U
Kan. C. P. & G.. 7
do pref 135
Lake Erie'& West. 23!
Anaconda Mln. Co. 39W
ou prei . S3
LnKe Shore ......197
Louis. & Nash,,... 80V4
Drooklyn R. T.,... 68
i-oio. iruei & iron.. 43
Coat. Tobacco .... 32
Manhattan Ef .. 93 -
do pref ....:,..., 84
Met. St. Hy.....v.lG5;Ftrderal Steel
XTrInnri r"Titrn?. . 113 itr nrff
Minn. & St. Louis fiSiGeneral Electric
do pref Ov(Qlucoe Sugar -
Missouri Pacific .. 4CJ4j do pref ,
Mobile '& Ohio.... A0 (Int. Taper
. 97
. 6t
. 30
. SO
. 20,i
. 41
. 72
. 14
M.. K. & T. ...... 10 1 do -prefi .-
do pref 32
New Jersey Cent. .110
New Tork Cent...l3l'.
La Clede Gas....
National Biscuit
dt' pref
isorroiK & west... 24
National Lead
do pref
Northern Paclflc .
do pref
Ontario & "West..
O. a: & N
do pref ........
do oref
National Steel ..
do pvef .......
N. Y. t Brake.
North American
Pacific o04
oo 1st pier 53
do 2d pref 04
Reading 17i
oo 1st prer 60)ii
do 2d pref 20"J4
Rio Gr. western!. 30H)
do pref SO
Paclflc Mall' 43V5
People's Gas 103)5
Pressed Steel Car.. 57
do pref 85
St. Louis & S. Fr. 0U
Pullman Pal. Car.187.
do 1st pref 08 Stand. Rope &r Tw. 9ft
do 2d prer 3251 sugar no
St. Louis & S. W. 10H' do pref Ill
do pref 254Tenn. Coal & Iron. 84 VI
St. Paul 117WU. S. Leather. IGVi
do pref ., I70 A do pref 7-iVi
St. Paul & Omahallo
U. S. Rubber
Southern Pacific .. S.'-'A!
do pref ...
Southern Ry 11 g
Western Union
do oref 54 (Republic Iron &. S. 20Vj
Texas & Paclflc... 15UJ do pref 05
An Increase of Over Five Millions In
tlie Surplus Reserve.
NDW YORK, Jan. 13. The Financier says;
The New Tork bank statement for the week
ending January 13 was een betttv than It had
been expected. The surplus reserve Increased
almost ?5,0C0,C00, and the excess above legal
requirements now stands at $10,707,351, a sum
greater thin: the banks have reported sinco June
24 last, although In August the total wsiq al
most as high. As the deposits during the -week
remained almost stationary, the entire cash re
ceipts "of the week went to swell theldle cash
In banks, thus accounting for the unusual ex
pansion. The liquidation that occurred on the
stock exchange Is reflected in the decrease of
$1,538,900 in loans. The statement does not
balance, but there Is no question that the po
sition of the banks Is een stronger than re
ported, for Interior receipts Increased largely
at the close of the week. The gain was almost
entirely from the interior, the exports of specie
to Europe the previous Saturday counterbalanc
ing the treasury receipts.
The banks, in fact, are training as rapidly in
surplus this month, as was the case a year
ago, with the exception that the expansion in
cash now counts altogether, in surplus reserve,
whereas a year ago reserve liability occasioned
by the loan and deposit Inoreast3 were locking
up from ?3,000,000 to $.1,000,000 weekly. For
example, the deposits of the 'banks during the
month of January rose almost $78,000,000, while
loans expanded 523,000,000. The reserve re
quirements were, thcrerore, over $14,000,000
heavier; but, despite this fact, the surplus re
' serve actually gained $18,000,000. Tills year,
so far, loans have risen less than $2,000,000,
deposits only a little over $9,000,000, while the
excess reserve Is less than SffJOO.OOO- heavier.
The expansion therefore, 'this year does not
compare with that cf a jear ago, although tlie
gain in reserve is on a plane that nearly equals
that which occurred last year. It is not to be
overlooked in this connection that the banks
last December and January were? not losing gold
to Europe, as has been the case lately. These
facts go to show why with everything favoring
speculative activity, a movement of that na
ture has been impossible. The banks have
not been in a position to provide the money,
even had the incentive, been- of the strongest.
The weekly bank statement Is as follow.:
Surplus reserve. Increase ....$4,949,025
Loans, decrease 1,088,900
Specie, Increase 1,101.400
Legal tender 3,708,800
Deposits. Increase 331,400
Circulation, Increase 82,300
The banks now hold ?1C,707,3D0 in excess of
the legal requirements.
Foreign Financial Kews.
NEW YORK, Jan. 13. The Commercial Ad
vertiser's London financial cablegram saje:
Business in the markets here today was very
Email, but thfe tone was excellent, based on
nopes oi gwu unva iroia me iransvaju, wnicn
the professionals began to anticipate In mar
kets bare of stocks. Consols were up , and
led the rise. Cheap money helped the cheerful
feeling. American securities shared in the
Improvement, but the trading was In small
proportions. No gold Too received' or engaged.
Money rates continued easy, at yesterday's
ratee, and bills wero scarce. Large money
balances are unemployed, but the gold position
Is still watched with some- concern. Silver was
strong. The market is nervous, watching
French tenders today, which may continue for
tme time, though not so long as last year.
Money, Exchange, Etc.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 13. Sterling on Lon
don, 00 days, $1 8414; do sight, $4. SSJA.
Mexican dollars iS(g48Hc
Drafts Sight. 12&c; telegraph, 15c
NEW TORK, Jan. 13. Money on call, steady,
3 per cent; prime mercantile paper. 5C per
cent; sterling exchange, steady, with actual
business in bankers' bills at $4 8C4 87 for
demand, and at $4 8304, S3Vi for 00 days;
peeled rates, $4 844 S4& and $4 S7; com
mercial bills, $4 82&4 S3.
Sliver certificates 5S595c.
Mexican dollars 17J,4c
Bonds Government, Irregular; state, Inactive;
railroad, strong.
LONDON, Jan. 13. Consols, 09&.
London Stock Murlret.
LONDON, Jan. 13. Canadian; Pacific, 93;
Union Paclflc preferred, 75; Northern Pacific
preferred, 76U.; Atchison, 20; Grand Trunk,
7; Anaconda, 8.
Prices for -Cereals in Euroxiean antl
American Ports.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 18. Wheat and bar
ley, firm. Oats, "unchanged.
Spot quotations were:
"Wheat Shipping, No. 1, OCJic; choice, 07fec;
mllllnr. OTliSfei
. vvt. . . J
9 9 B 99 OQi
O00 Ofe 900 OO0OOO 909 09000
'....' v' , 'S. S. DESPATCH . .
The above first-class1 steamers will saU every 10 days
during 'the season for Cape Nome, Yorkand Str.MichacJ-
and Yukon river points. ,
F. P. BAUMGARTNER, 253 Washington St.
CRAY & ;aiITCHELT General Asenta, Snn Frnnclucn.
Barley Feed, G772t4c; Drew Ing, S2i,a87Ho
Oats Gray, Oregon, $1 07&1 12VS; milling,
$1 151 17; red. $1 12Vi'l 20.
Call board sales:
Wheat Steady; May, $1 01; cash, 97&c. ,
Barley Steady; May, 70c. ,
Corn Large yellow, $11 10. i
Chicago Grain, Produce, Etc.
' CHICAGO, Jan. 13, The wheat market, like
tho fat. boy of Pickwickian fame, took naps on
every poeolblo occasion) today. Feeling was
generally bearish, but trade "was so small that
nothing of any account resulted from the senti
ment. Scalpers, when any trade was done,
were the ones who did It. May opened a shade
up, at 07679ic. because Liverpool Dhowed
c advance. Following this. May eesed off
to 07S07c Light primary receipts and
fair clearances, together with some miscel
laneous reports of damage by Insects, furnished
sufficient support to carry the market up a bit.
May touching 079407c Those who could
took email profits at this point, and the market
eased off again. The close was barely steady,
May c over yesterday.
As offerings from first hands were no larger
and the weather not favorable for the move
ment, the corn market remained firm, but
quiet, and handled 'mostly by scalpers. May
closed a shade over yesterday, at' 3333'c.
Oats were steady ana" fea-tureleeai ' May closed
unchanged, at 24c '
The provision market ruled firm at a trifle
under yesterday's prices. Trade was generally
dull. May pork olesed 2i45c under yesterday;
May lard, unchanged; May ribs, 2!c lower.
The leading futures .ranged ao follows;
"WHEAT. ' '
Opening. Highest. Lowest. Close.
January ?0 G4U. $0 04 ..lOrftt' $0 G4U.
'01V, 67-ii
6816 GS
1 30 30
33 33&
,33& 34K
22 22
24 24
1Q 75 10 77
10 87& ,,11 02
5 97
0 05 0 07
5 02
5 80 5 82ft
i n vi -,h
. CSV4 c'8
. 30 31
. 33& 33V4
. 33i 34U.
May ....
July . . .
i January
May . .
May . . ,
.10 75
10 77
11 02
May 007 0 07
January ,
May 5 82 5 95
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Steady; winder patents, $3 403, 50;
straights, $33 20; clears, ?2 903; spring spe
cials, $3 8p3 00; patents, $3 303 CO straights,'
52 053; bakers'. ?2 202 00. r ,
j"Wheat No. 3 spring, 6203c; No.' 2 red, GT
07c. ' ,l
Corn No. 2, 31c '
Oats No. 2, 23c; No. 3 white, 2525fec
Rye No. 2, 54c
Barley No. 2, 3S42c.
Flaxseed No. 1. $1 50. v '
Timothy seed Prime. $2 352 37.
Mess pork ?9 4D10 3 per bbl. '
Lard $5 S55 95 per'ewt. '
Short ribs Sides, loose, $5 G05 SO.
Shoulders Dry salted, boxed, ($5 G05 02.
Short clear sides Boxed, 50 S55 90, ,
Butter Steady; creamery," 222$c; dairy, 17
27c. " , ,
Cheese Firm, i2129ic.
Eggs Fresh, 17c
Reoelptf. Shipments.
Flour, barrels 32,000
WlKt, bushels 75,000
Corn, bushels 402,000
Qats, bushels 230,000
Rye. bushels' l.OCO
Barley, bushels 72, COO
New York Grnlu, Produce, Etc.
NEW TORK, Jan. 13. Frour Receipts, 18,270
barrels; exports, 12,223 barrels. Market b.ulet;
Minnesota patent, ?3 S04 05; winter straights,
?3 403 45.
IVheat Receipts, 40,800 bushels; exports,
120,208 bushels. Spot, eady; No. 2 red, 737ic
afloat. Options opened steady and unchanged,
closed unchanged; March closed, at 75V4o; May
closed at 73c; July closed! at 73c.
Wool Dull; domestic rieece, 212Cc.
Hops Quiet; Paclflc coast. 1SS0 crop. 1214c.
European Grain itfarlcets.
LONDON, Jan. 13. Wheat Cargoes off coast,
rather easier; cargoes on paeiage, nothing do
ing; No. 1 standard California, 30s; Walla
i Walla, 27s 3d.
LIVERPOOL. Jan, 13. Wheat Dull; wheat
and flour in Paris, dull. Futures closed steady;
March and May, 5a 5Vd; pot, dull. No. 1 Cali
fornia, Cs 3dC3 3d; No. 2 red Western win
ter, 5s 10d; No. 1 Northern spring, Cs.
Corn Spot, Arm; American mixed,", old, 3a
Hops at London Paclflo coast, Arm, 3 1Csj
4. 10s. ,' .
SAN FRANCISCO, Jon. 13. Wool Spring-
Nevada, 12S?15c per p"ound; Eastern Oregon, 12
16c: Oregon, valley. 2022c. Fall Northern
mountafn, 1012c; mountain, 810c; plains, 81
10c; Humboldt and Mendocino, 1510c
Hops 1899 crop, ll12c per pound.
Mlllstuffs Middlings, $1610; bran, $1314.
per ton.- , .
Hay Wheat, $G 509 50- per ton; wheat and
oat, . ?6 G00; barley, $57; alfalfa, $07 50;
clover, $7S per ton; straw, 3045c per bale.
Pqtatoes Early Rose, S500c; river Burbanks.
G0 00c; Sallnao Burbanks, $1 1 25; Oregon
Burbanks, 00cl 30 per sack; sweets, 1 50
I Gp per cehtaL
Onions Yellow, 75800 per sack.
Citrus fruit Mexican limes, $45; common
California lemons, 75c?l 50;' choice, ?1 75J
. Tropical fruit Bananas, $1 50 2 50 'per
bunch; pineapples, nominal. -'
Apples ?11 25.
Butter Fancy creamery, 25c; do seconds,. 23
24o; fancy dairy, 2122c; do seconds. 1820c;
pickled, 22g24c; flrkln, St22c per pound.
Cheese New. ll12c; Eastern. lG&17e, per
Mormon DIShODB' Pills have
Church ana meir loilowc. FoilUttir
of self-sbase, dhiipitlon, excessa. or dgarctte-Knoklne. tQtren LQ8t Manhood, lm
or tonsilpatlon, stops Quickness .of Q!3-
VOUa,TVltChlng Of Eyollde. fcflocts are immediate,
erery function. Doni i;et despondent, a cu'e is at hand.
t. a.
organs. Stimulates the bnJn nd nerre centers. 50c a. box, 6 ftr Js 50 by. xnall. 8 aUiaJ A wptten guarantee, to cure
cr money refunded, wita&iboxei. Circulars free. Addr0SS BIShop'Remedu Co., San FranClSCOj Cat.
For sale byWoodard, Clarko ,& C9.. Portland Or.
Stock Brokers
New YoFk Stock Exchange
Chicago Board of "Trade
0900090 9 0 00 009 00 00000 0 9 00 0
V-'V $.a
lay 15'
pound; Toung America, 1213c; "Western. 13iJHj
per pound. i
Effgs-rStore, 2022c; Eastern, cold storage,
16ff20c;ranch, 2829c per dozen.
Rece(Jpttj Four, quarter sacks, 36, 70S; wheat,
centals, S030; barley, cenSais, 57,533;-oats,-centals,
,450; beaner sacks,) 22; corn, centals, COO;
potatoes, sacksC 3396; bran, sacks, 105; mid
dlings, 'sacks, 950; hay, v tons, .433; hides, 579.
OMAHA, Jan. 13. Cattf.e Receipts, COO. Mar
ket otrong; native beef teene, $t 2C6; "West
ern steera,. 404 85; Texjis, steers. $3 75(J?4 30;
cows and heifers, ?3 10?4 40; canners. ?23;
stockers and feeders, $3 604 S3; waives, 37;
bulls and etags $2 704.
Hogs Receipts, ' 9500. ' .Market 5c higher;
heavy, ?4 32SH 60; .mixed. , 4 524. 55;
light, $4 50455; bulk -of soles. $4 524 55.
Sheep-Recelpts,'200. xMarket strong-; fair-to
choice natives, $4 404 S3 ; fair to choice "Wet-t-orns,
4 20g4 60; cemmen and choice sheep,
$3 SOQ'4 30; lambs, $4 50g 0.
KANSAS CITY, Jan. 13-k:attle Receipts 200.
Market unchanged; Texan steers, $3 S5JJ4 83;
Texas cows, $33 50; noHve steers, $46 10;
native oos and heifers, $2 254 75; stockers
and feeders, $35; bulls, $2"754 30.
Hogt-Recoipts. 7000. iuoxket. -weaker; bulk
of sales, $4- 534. CTi hejevy. $4 5504 03; pack
ers, $4 55JJ4 65; mixed, $4-50(54 02; lights,
$4 454 2; Torkens, $.554 62; pigs, '$40
4 4Q.
Sheep Receipts, 500. Ma;ket strong; lamtq
$50 25; muttons, $4 233!5.
The Metal Markets.
NEW TORK, Jan. 13. copper, $10 50.
The firm that fixes the seUir.g price for miners
and smelters quotes lead at $4 45 at the clcbe.
Bar sliver, 59c.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. lSj-Bar sliver, Cofec.
LONDON, Jan. 13. Bar silver. 27 3-lCd.
Coffee and SujTnr.
NEW TORK, Jan. 13. Coffee; options closed"
-steady. 15&25 points higher; Sales. 27,230
bags, including January, $0 S3; May, $77 70;
.spot Rio, strong; No, , 7 invoice, Sc; No 7
Jobbing, 8c; mild, strong; Cordova, 8g12c
Sugar Raw, strong; fair refining. 3c; cen
trifugal, 06 test, 4 5-lCoj reSncd, firm; gran
ulated, $5 C5; cut-loaf. ?5 45.
Parlor Pets. '
Tho Spectator.
' Perhaps the most advent-anonts addition
-to the house menagerie In lonidon Is that
of a hive o bees which live -Jn a slttlnjr
room and fly out to guther hoc ey in Hydo
Park among the flowers and the blossoms
of the (London lime trees. TJis bees are
reported to be as Industrious and exem
plary ag bees should be, and "not to be
demoralized by such intimate association
with less- Industrious human beings. The
practical diifllculty in the way oZ keeping
boea- 1n the house 'anises when the cold
weather comes in, because they are tempt
ed to cary on "work" in the lvouse when
it la too chilly for them to -be abroad,
ami when bees are anxious to be busy
with no worktto hand their tempen is al
ways -uncertain.
Oregon Railway. & Navigation Company
In accordance- with the terms of the' Deed of
Trust of the Oregon Railway and Navigation
Company First Mortgage C Per Cent., Article 4,
Section 2, the Trustee has this day dr.vwn by
lot for account of the Sinking Fund the follow
ing numbered bonds, viz:
110 BONDS.
Nos. 30 1120 1801 .2790 3587 4207 4801
50 1130 1800 2701 358S 4208 4809
71 1181 1800 2S22 3C17 4210 41)47
121 1222 1820 2853 3001 4240 4094
120 1261 1855 3100 3GCO 4206 5014
400 146-1 20ttS 3110 3099 4267 5034
540 1485 2383 3173 3744 4280 5052
587 1532 2400 3106 3706 4283 5057
CG2 1541 2531 31DS 3778 4401 5070 5854
018" 1571 2537 3203 3803 44SS 5098. 5S62
" ' 019 1585 2718 3218 SS51 45SS 514S C975
940 1641 2710 3227 j?97S 4639 5144,
007 1652 2722 3402 4011 4723 5220
. 085 1C81 2744 3495 4071 4790 5254
1074 1GS8 2789 3540 4153 4890 5273
Tlie interest on the above bonds ceased 1st
January, 1900, and are PAYABLE AT PAR on
prestation at the ofllce of The Farmers' Loan
and: Trust Company, 16, IS, 20, and 22 William
Stroet, New York.
' Tlie Farmers' Loan anil Trust Co.,
By E. S. MAR.STON, President.
New 'York January 2d," 1000.
... i)
Aftsr using Ely's
GreamBglm six weeks '
I beFie ve myself cured
of cata rrh. .
' Joseph Stewart,
Grand Ave.,
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Cream. Balm la placed Into the nostrllr,
cpreads 'over the membrane and Is absorbed.
Relief 'JO Immediate and a cure follows. It Is
not dryftnK does not produce sneezing. Lnrg
Size, 50, 6sntB at Druggists' or by mall; Trial
Size. 10 cntB by mall.
ELY BROTHERS. 5rt Warren Street. NewYork.
Bie Sua non-nolfonocf
remedy for Gonorrhoea,
I Gleet, Sperma.torrb.ce a,
Whites, upnaturxl dis
charge!, or any inflamma
tion of mucous mem?
THeEVnsChEMICM.CO. branes. Non-astringent.
kOIHCia IVn.OJ 1 Sold by DrussUts,
tiljl. X. 7. j or sent in plain wrapper.
! yy I oy exprcM, prepaia, ioi
&U fl.OO. or 3 bottles. ?2.73.
'fcV Circular sent on rg.uaar.
been taws overV.o years by the leaders of the Mormon
cures the xrarst rast-3 In old and voanir arlilni frnm.i-fTrcM
urrnoua inaumniu. r-.iinu
nacK) worvous uo-
uemen, varicocele,
charge, Stops Nor-
lmpait vigor and potency to
cu'e Is at hand. .d'irKi Kcjcores small. undeTCloced
.. ?;.
In 1 to S dj. I
- Gal nucd J
tlSJSJf cat to, iirieiare.
lAflPraTerili coaHJlon
t a
f TI7I
'""' 1 TTTri lfinaiiiin iiannnff .yf MyirwmgBrn.
Union Depot. Sltli and J Streets.
Leaves for the East via Spokane daily at 3:41
P. M. Arrives at S A, M.
Leaves for the East, via Pendleton and Hunt
Ington. dally at 8 P. M. Arrive, via Hunting
ton and Pendleton, at 8:45 P. M..
Water Hoes schedule, subject to change with
out notice:
OCEAN DIVISION Steamships sail from Aloa
worth deck at S P. M. Leave Portland Colum
bia sails Tues., Jan, 2; Frl.. Jan. 12; Man..
Jan. 22; Thurs., Feb. 1. State of California
sails Sun. Jan. 7; "Wed., Jan. 17; aat.. Jan -,
'xues., Feb. B.
From San Francisco State of California sails
"Wed., Jan. S: Sat., Jan. 13; Tues.. Jan. 2$;
Frl.. Feb. 2. Columbia sails, Mon., Jan. a,
Tnurs., Jan. 18, faun., Jan. 23.
"Steamer Ha&salo. leaves. Portland dally, except
Sunday, at 8 P. M.; on Saturday at 10 P. it
Returning, leaves Astoria Daily, except Sunday.
at 7 A. M.
Stonier Ruth, for Salem. Alban, Corvalll
and "way points, leave Portland Tuesdays.
Thursda3 and Saturday at U A. M. Returning,
leaves Corvallls Mondays. vVednesaays and Fri
days at 0 A. M.
fateamer Modoc, for Salem and way points,
leaves Portland Monday. Weaneuaays and 'rt
ilays at. t A. M. Returning, leaves safem TueJ
uayd. Thursdays and Saiuraays at 0 A. M.
Steamer Elmore, for Dayton and way points
leaves Portland Tuesdays. Thursday and Sal
uruays at T A. M. Returning, leaves Davton tor
Portland and way points Mondays, Wednesday
und Fndajs at 0 A. M.
Steamer Spokane or steamer Lcwlston leave
Itipana daily at :20 A. M.. arriving at Lewlstoa
at 12 o'clock noon. Returning, tne Spokane or
Lewiston leaves Lewlston dally at 8:.JQ A. M.,
arriving at Riparla same evening.
General Passenger Agent.
V. A. SCHILLING. City Ticket Agent.
Telephone Main 712.
In connection with THE OREGON RAILROAD
& NAVIGATION CO. Schedule. 1000 (aubject to
Steamer Leave Portland
.....!..r .-.. r. . r about Feb. 15.
For rates, accommodations, etc.. apply to
General Agents. Portland.- Or.
To principal points In Japan and China.
Cfpot FUtl aaJ I Stre:ti
for Salem, Rose
burg. Ashland. Sac
ramento. Ogden.
San Francisco, Mo
Jave. Los Angeles.
El Paso, New Or
leans and the East.
At Woodburn
(dally except Sun--day),
morning train
'connects with train
for Mt. Angel. SU
v e r t on. Browns
ville. Sprlngn1 e I A
and Natron, and
evening train for
Mt. Angel and SH
verton. Corvallls passenger.
Independence pas'gr
7:00 P. M.
3:15 A. M.
8:30 A. M.
7:G0 P. M.
(17:30 A. M
114:50 P.M.
113:30 P. M.
S:23A. M
Dally. UDally except Sunday.
Rebate tickets on sale between Portland. Sac
ramento and San Francisco. Net rates $17 flrnt
class and $11 second class. Including sleeper.
Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu
AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from J. U.
KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. 134 Third St.
Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson Street.
Leave for Oswego dally at 7:20, 0:40 A. M.;
12:30, 1:65, 3-25. 5:15, 6:25, 3:15. 11-30 P. M.;
and 0:00 A. M. on Sundays only. Arrive at
Portland dally at '6:35. 8:30. 10:50 A. M.;
1:35. 3:15. -J:J0. 6:20, 7:40, 10:00 P. M.; 12.40
A. M. daily, except Monday; S:30 and 10.U5 A.
MI on Sundays only.
Leave for Sheridan dally, except Sunday, at
4:3Q P. M. Arrive at Portland at 9:30 A. M.
Leave for Alrlle Mor.Jay- .Wednesdays and
Fridays, t i8!35 A. M. Arrive at Portland
Tueidays. Thursdays and Saturdays at a:J
P. M.
Eicept Sunday.
Frt. & Pass. Agt-
Paclflc Coast Steamship Co.
i?2&9- THE COMPANY'S elegant
)Eryggy. steamers Cottage City, City
' K2-3?CIvi5 of WXoneka and AI - KL leav
A. M.TjJan. 5. 10, 15, 20. 25.
30; Feb 4. 9. 14. '19. 24.
Mar.' 1, .aV.d every fifth day
' thereafter-'l'Fqr urtbec mroe
matlon obtaftr-icomruny's folder
Thp company reserves the rignt to chan?.
steamers,, alltng dates and hours ,ot sailing
without previous notice.
AGENTS N POSTON, 24a "Washington st..
Portland. Or.; F. W. CARLETON, N. P. Ri R.
dock, Tacoma: J. F TROWBRIDGE. Puget
SoUnd Supt., Occnn dock. Seattle.
GOOD ALL. PERKINS & CO.. Gen. Acts., S. F.
Tlelcet Ofilce: 122 Third St. 'Phone G80
No. 4
3:45 P. M.
The Flyer, dally to anl
from St. Paul. Minne
apolis. Duluch. Chlcagc
No. 3.
and all points East.
4 8:00 A. M.
Through Palace and Tourist Sleeyr3,
and Bullet Smoklng-Llbrary Cars.
For Japan,
China, and all Asiatic points xlll'
leave Seattle
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
For Maygers.' Rainier,
ClatsKame. wesrporr.
Clifton. A.storIa. "SVar-
renton. Flavel. Ham
mond. Fort Stevens.
Gearhart Park Seaside.
Astoria and Heashor
Astoria Expreis,
, S:00 A. M.
11:13 A. It
7:00 P. M.
8:"40 P. it
Ticket office. 235 Morrison at. and Union dtpot.
J. C MATO. Gen. Pass. Act.. Astoria. Or.
Steamer Undine, Captain Charles T. Kazarn.
leases Vancouver at S:S0 At M. 'and 1 P. it.
Leaves Portland at 10:30 A. M. and.-t:30 P. M.
Sundays excepted. For freight or passage ap
ply on board,- foot of Ta lor otrkt-t? Itound trsp.-SOc
AST n ,li
flvj 1 VIA lt SUNSET
S aiornR
The Direct Line to Denver, Omaha,
Kansas City and St. Louis.
Only 3 Days to Chicago,
Only 454 Days to NewYork and
other Principal Eastern cities
Thronch Pnllninn I'nliiee Sleeper
Tourist Sleeper
Dinlnc; Cars (meals n In enrte), and
Crcc Rccllnlujr Chnlc Cars
Operated Bally on Fast Mall TraJaa
Through tickets, tassage checks and sleeplna
car accommodations can be arranged ae
1 33 Third Street Portland, Oregon
Gan'l Agenc City Pass. & Tkt. Agt.
Union Depot, Filth anj I Sts
No. 2.
Fast mall for Taco
ma. Seattle. Olympla.
Gray's Harbor and
South Dend points.
Spokane. Rossland. D
C. Pullman, Moacow.
Lewlston, Buffalo
Hump mlnlns country.
Helena. Minneapolis.
St. Paul. Omaha, Kan
sas City. St. Louu.
Chicago and all potnea
east and southeast.
Puget Sound Express
for Tacoma and Seattle
No. 1,
11:15 A.M.
5:50 P. yL
No. 4.
11:30 P.M.
No. X.
:00 A. M.
and intermediate points)
Pullman flrst-class and tourist sleepers to Min
neapolis. St. Paul and Missouri river points with
out change.
Vestibuied trains. Union depot connections la
all principal cities.
Baggage checked to destination of tickets.
For handsomely illustrated descriptive- matter,
tickets, sleeping-car reservations, eic, call on or
Assistant General Faisrugcr Aeiit,
U35 Morrison St.. Cor. Tlilril.
I'ortliinil. OrcKOii.
w t""
I am agent for all trans-Atlantic
steamship lines.
I sell tickets to and from all
points in Europe.
No one quotes lower rates thai
I do.
People who buy from ma trav
el by the fastest trains in tho
country and the finest vessels
that cross the Atlantic.
Call or write.
100 3d Street, eowr Stark, Porllaaif, Oregon.
Tloket Agent.
City Passenger- Agent.
lc to and from all Eastern, points and Europe.
Through cars from couac t& St. Paul.
Toronto. Montreal and JBoatoa WITHOUT
Direct Route to
Kootenay Mining District
British Columbia
Canadian Paclfi; rtjil tutll iivuituzlv Mnes J
Tapar a:l isr3tJ.a.
Fct ralea and information, apply to
H. IL ABBOTT. Agenr.
E. J. COTLE. HG Third street, etty.
A. G. P. A.. Vancouver. B. C
BAILEY GATZERT (Alder-atrev: dex
Leaves Portland daily every morning a: T
o'clock, except Sunday. Returning, leaves As
toria every night at 7 o'clock, except Sunday.
Orezon phone llain 351. Columbia phone .131.
. U. B. SCOTT. FrchthfMtC.
Radway's Pills cause perfect Digest'on. esm
plete abscrntion and hea'thful rezuktttty-
jrf.i A sj. s.'J.'kJid&A..'Ai!;iJ,)"l
kSa&tej, ' !;. ixti-v. kiMi&tSsfyelk5S!ii&d!MilaSi. 4tSjtr : :U&6.c?v-a&&h!kfta Li f
.. .. w-i-3tita:.j.' 5ajatiadi.j-
s4rfi -(;,
jlggjfifea&StitottfcjaS'' Sasfctietlfc-ja.--.Mi. ' - Z,JtdteK.j&i&ttteju. " -aa?