& THE MOBNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 1900. IY AGAINST FREE TRADE J3IE MARKET SHOULD BE KU- JESTVED FOR HOME PKODUCTIOX. solution Acrahsst Admitting: Trop leal feucar, Tobacco, Etc., to Dls- conrnsrc Oor Infant Industries. BF11IXGFIELD. Mass., Jan- 1. The r.eri-an Agriculturist is orgamzins a aoclgn against tne tree .admission uuu " i mtoA States of tobacco, clears. Igar, produce, etc., from tropical coun les. The various agricultural ana pro Icng inlerests of the country arc greatly jiturbed over tno president s recommen !i irtn nf f rp trade -with Puerto Rico, and reduction In duties on all products and .nufactures from Cuba, irom ail tn-e ktish West Indies, Including British iari and also a 20 ner cent reduction wfr hides and suear from Argentina. ni; fftrf'nir found exnression in two 1m- Irtant conferences held a.t Omaha recent- "he first was theN annual meeting of tho lerlran Beet Sugar Manufacturers As- f cation, consisting of each, company that engaged In the manufacture of sugar ;m bee ta, or that Is planning to build be?t sugar factors'. The meeting was ended by delegates from New York, .:h.gan, Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, r.io, "Wisconsin, isebraska, Colorado, :w MoJco, Utah, Washington, Oregon td CaLfumca. The following officers fcre elected: Henry T. Osnard, of New rk and San Francisco, president; Julius -oh. of Detroit, treasurer, and K. M. Ilea, of Ames, Neb., secretary, who com- rise the executive committee, together fcth cno vice-president from each state le next annual meeting will be heTd ie first Monday in December at Detroit. lere are nine immense beet sugar fac- Jries in the single state of Michigan, and any others are contemplated throughout l.e Middle and "Western states if tho do- festic market Is reserved for their prod- pt. The following was unanimously Biopted: 'Whereas, The consumption of sugar In q Triced States now approximates 5,000,- 1000 pounds, being larger in bulk per Lj.ta inan any other nation, of which iormous consumption less tlian G00,OQ0,T00 gmnrs, or about 10 per cent, are produced lorn sugar cane and beets within tne :rders of the United States; and r'Whcreas, The experiments of the gov- lment made under the direction of the bpartment of agriculture and the actual iuctlon of sugar from beets at the Tories located in 12 states here repre- ited, clearly evidence that the country capable of producing, under fair safe- lards of the industry, all the sugar con- imed by its people; and r "Whereas, Such production affords a dl- ?rs.fie& industry of the- greatest Import- ire and is a special boon of value to the sneers of this country; and i" Whereas, The importation of cane sugar rom tropical islands, under principles of fcc proclty, or free sugar or tinder great- reduced duties awarded because they Insular dependencies of the United ites, would bring into competition a roduct raised by coolie and debased labor would be ruinous to the American rmer and to the production of sugar the United States. Therefore. I "Resolved, The present tariff duties are sentlal not only to the increase of this iluable industry, but to its very exlst- ice, and if modified in any particular lore should be no action, either by change law or from reciprocity, that ill increase the importation of ado sugar, which affords no profit .ncome to the farmer, but is simply featorial to be refined and marketed. i"Rcsoled, That as agriculture and la ir have borne the brunt of protection tor sany years, it is only fair and just that w that the chance has been held forth or development in the line of sugar pro motion, and vast sums invested in 12 rates of the tJnlon, the industry thus sstcred and the capital thus invested m-d not be injured, either by reciprocity f-eatlea or granting the importation of igar and other products, which compete rith he output of the American farmer it reduced rates, or free of duty from Juerto Rico, Cuba or the Philippines." jtieaprue to Help Tobacco Interests. 1 Representatives were also present at fmaha from the cano sugar plantations tne South, and from tho tobacco-grow- of the New England, Middle and ;uthern states, etc. It was pointed out hat tobacco and cigars, fruits and vege- -!es, etc, were even more "threatened. fuller Myrick made a strong plea for a jalltion of all these interests against trop- il free trade a policy that would oper- mainly to benefit the sugar refiners' ist and tobacco trust He advocated lie Interests of farmers, cigar-makers and fcher laborers. The conference voted to effect a prelim- organization under the name "The lague of domestic producers of beet and ice sugar, tobacco and cigars, cotton p.d rice, -fruit and vegetables, nuts, etc" permanent organization is to be made Bt a national convention to be called later. ie w rrk meanwhile was put in charge of committee consisting of Herbert Myrick, imps P. Cooke and Henry McCall, of tew Organs; President P. B. Moodle, of te National Cigar Lreaf Tobacco-Growers' :o-iaJon; G. IT- Perkins, president Lmcrlsan Cigar-Makers' Union; H. T. fxnard, president Beet Sugar Manufactur- Association: H. S. Frve. resident lew England Tobacco-Growers' Associa- icn, Samuel Gompers, president Juneri- Feleration of Labor, with power to U to Jieir number from all other agti- Jtural affii allied organizations. iT'-.s league formulated- its demands as i.Iow: "L That the United States senate defeat le prncLng treaties of reciprocity with the plt-h Ytest Indies, whereby sugar ana ttrT procucts from those Islands are to admitted into the United States at a " -ctien in tariff rates. "2. "We oppose the recommendation that fuban sugar, tobacco, cigars, etc, be ad- p 1 d rt a like reduction in duty. "We also oppose the recommendation tl?at lerto Rican products be admitted to this licrkPt r'uty free. " vTe regard the proposed reduction m ut:.s in sugar, woo! and hides Imported -ra Argentina as destined to seriously -rc 2 nestle agriculture ' i That all sugar, tobacco, cisrars and pT products which compete with the r; ucts Af our American farmers ana a-turcrs continue to pay the full i'o 'f da'les, irrespective of whether such ard other produce comes from Puer-R--i, Cuba the Philippines or other irts r the world. "5. Tl-t thus the labor and canltal in- lostel In our domestic agricultural ana r: J manufacturing industries may have '- r crnnce against the coolie labor ana jhanopc Irs of the tropics. o. agriculture and labor have borne the u-t t rroection for these many years, lav f-rroA the right to be themselves !a y well treated now that they Have Taf a crisis, and nothing less will sat- f-fy tern." riiat American Asrlcnlturist Saya. ! Commenting on these proceedings, the r-er-can Agriculturist says editorially: England refuses to help her lannrulsn- ig colonies in tho "West Indies, althouch ho could bsstow prosperity upon them by ipos'ng upon sugar imported into Great fer.taln from Europe a countervailing tax ;ual to the German bounties on beet su- ar The British West Indies therefore ?ck admission to the United States mar ket by so-called treaties of reciprocity, rh.ch would give tropical produce even reater advantages in the states than It Sow has In Canada. President McKimey iors such an arrangement, and -uses as an excuse for admitting merchandise rom Cuba under equally adt'antageou:, pscouns from existing rates of duty. The I'-es'dPnt also advises absolute free trade 'ih Puerto Rico. How such a policy will r-rt important agricultural and allied arnfaciurlng- industries in Ihe UrJtea J States Is emphasized by our reports or the important meetings at Omaha labt week. The facts in the case have been made familiar to our readers heretofore. It Is not to be Imagined that congress will favor any such wholesale destruction of our farmers' interests. Certainly the pub lic do hot sanction it, much less the far mers. "We beileve It better In every way to pay our farmers here In the United States the money now sent away ror sugar, instead of putting these vast sums into the coffers oE the sugar refiners' trust with its colonlal-syndlcate-coolle-labor an nex. The president will doubtless be the last to insist upon his recommendations, when informed as to their probable result One Df tbo fiT?rt- vprcultc nf trnrtlnfll rrom j trade would be to wipe out cigar leaf toDacco culture In the United States and throughout the country. It is strahgo that, just as our Connecticut and Housa tonlc valley growers make a little money on their tobacco crop, something turnn up to kick the whole thing over. They have won their fight heretofore, howevet with benefits that are emphasized by this season's prosperity and know how to do it again." PORTLAND LETTER LIST. Pensona calling: for these letters will pleaso state date on which they were advertised. Jan uary a !They will be charged for at the rate of 1 cent each: WOMEN'S LIST. AWn. ilra .Ellea Khshman, Mra Mary A Aldrlch. Jtlss Kronnlcfc Mrs Cad Allen, Miss Lou Laync. Miss M Bartniclt, Mlsa LudwIcaLdrsoa, Mrs Charley Bassett, Miss E E Lemere, Mrs Estella. Berler, Kitty Lang, Sophie Barry, Mrs T H Lelow, Mrs Jas Blawar, Mrs R Leavy, Mrs Barbra oaiman, .anss Alta .kiuoeay, Mrs L E Bradford, Miss ZelU Lindsay, Mrs Maggie McBnde. .Mlsa Etta McCormlck, Mrs and tamlly McCreary, Mrs Carllne McFadderi, Mrs Flor ence McICenzle, Mrs G It Mandens. Mrs Pauline Matthews, Mrs Fannie Mayo, Mrs J T Miller, Mrs Mlltld Morgan, Mrs William. Nelson, MIe3 Eva-2 Nelson, Minnie Osborn, "MtAi Pearl Owen, Miss Jennie M Odell, Elenor Poison, Verna Kpp, Miss Agnes Iteed, Miss Bess Rcgge. Miss Elizabeth Bogers. .Mrs Eva Hess, Mrs A Grace .tsrownell, Jennie Buckley, Mrs Hose Burkhardt. Mies Delia Buonong. MIsb Prill Cairns, Alice V Carl. Maud CloBrert, Mra Geo D Crasmer. Miss Annlo Dyer, Mrs Myrtle J Daly, Mrs Edith Deltz. Miss Bertha Dugard, Miss Masgle Dubois, Mine Louise Elliott, Mrs J Emerlck, Miss Emma E-ans, Mrs S Faulkner, Miss Nora FecWielmer, Mrs C Hake. Miss Minnie Fox. Lottie Goetz, Miss Annie Gray. Mrs M E Haggard, Mrs G A Halfstad. Mrs Flora. Hammond, Dr .Nettle E Sales' Jennie P itoss, Sadie iiansen. .Mrs zi Schearer. Mrs E xvu-iin, jirs veiesue Hastings, Miss Rita Hays, Mrs Maud Seas, Miss Marie Hecox; Miss Earnie Hoag, Mrs S E Hoes, Miss Josephine Hough, Miss A M Howes, Mrs H E B Hofer, Miss Ona Shepard, Miss Mabel bimpson. Mrs John Smith, Miss Stella Bouthworth, Miss Pearl- Eprague. Mrs L C Steel. Mrs Bell Street. Mrs Taylor, Ljdia Thompson. Mrs George Walker, Mlsa Lulu W miasm, airs Hubbard. Miss Bpssta War ' atc c.ji. Hummel. Mrs Grace Wascrwitz, Mrs Myra iu"s;j jiura oeamce vvaiers, Jiiss fearl Hyatt. Mrs M V Wetzel. Mr6 Ella A James, Mrs T Joslyn, Mrs O W, Jr Johnson, Miss Ida M Johnson, Mra Rose Rune, Miss Emma Karastl. Mites Lizzie Kane. Mrs May Kinnie, Miss Katie Weberg, Mies Nelly Weberg. Mls3 Nellie Wells, Miss Gertrude Wells. Miss Eva White, Mra Rina Williams, Mrs J Harry Wood, Mrs 3 A Young, Miss Plnle MEN'S LIST. Adams. E A Jarses, Hugh S Jeffries, Mr and Mrs T Jett. Joe B Jodada, Furnace Co Jones, E M Joces, EM Klebaln. Matthew Kotihoff. Joe Kelley. Fred Alderman. Prof L R Alder, C H Allen, Chas W Andrew e, R E Andersen. Owen Arden, Tom Baker, W Ball. J Eartlett, E D iteadall, d Behrens, Master Victor Kallman, W C Bedolf. Robert Rng. G W Belsky, F D Benson, J Bennett, John Berkeley, Francis L Boatman-, W H Bonde, John Borgen, Ole Broth, J w Bowman, Oliver Boyer, Charley Brj-ant, W A Brown, Chas Brown, Abraham Brown, T M Eun Heyunjce Cycle Park x Catterlln. W H Calter. C B Camp. J s Carroll. O S Casto. Samupl Labassee, A Lambson, Claude Lawrence, John E Lewis, H E Lewis, John E Llchter, George Llegert, L Livingston Chemical Co Looser. J w Lucus, Tom M D T Co. agent McCully, Wllmer McConnell, George Mccord, H McClelland. Robert McCaw, W F Mahoney, D May, August Meaolnger, M H Mehrl, A Meagher, M Casei-, Rev E D Jiicneione, Jusseppi CTarkson. David M, jr Miller. Jesse V.WU1U6S.- j a Jxiuer v J Corey. Silas Moran, Wallls Coffee, James J Mueller, Mr. iii Currv Cocks. B R street Colen, Charles Murphy, J J Columbia Ojster Cock- Murray, George F-2 call Co Mjers. Robert V Oole. Fred Collins. John Cook, w J Cooper, Fred Cram, S Crawley, W B Cutler, H C Dallas Shoe Co-2 DeRoo, Rev P Demkes, L Devine, Fred. J Dombrolski. J Dumall, Paul Durham, Dr W M Edwards, Samuel Electra Oxzcuro Co Elliott, James Farrlngtoh, E E Feller, W F Ferguson, H D Fitch, Francis Fisher, Theodore Fisher, Paid I Fitter, W S Galess, Wm Getzlaff, Bert Gehr, J G Gilbert, Geo Golden, Richard Good, N B Gortsmon, H Gorman, Charles Grimshaw. S . Grosse, Wm T Hancbuth, W F Hannan. Jos HuTter, Fred Harris. O JJ. Hatcher. William Henry. W J Hendrlckson, M Hmce, F M Horn, L D Howard, B R Hush back. E A Irwin, Hon Geo M Jacobs, J W Heft, Henry No-rfce, Carl Noble, G G Norton, Joseph Oberteufter, Robert O'Donnell. Jos M O'Brien, M D Odanen. Frank Padgett, Beale Edw Packing-House Cooper Shop Petersen, P Phllllpps, Jno J Planting. Walter Rawer, W Ratvson. A K Rastonla.. A & C Jt Reed, Master Harry Held, John Rogers, James B Roland, Jas RohndoriT, E RuhndoriE. A W Schmidt, Helnrich Schwabauer, BTenry Smart, S J Smith, Mi Standard House Fur Co Steeves. D B Stilt. Robert A Stewart, J A Taws. Joseph A Taylor, Elder Lorln I Taj lor. Albert A Thomas, Jaa E Thompson, D 3 Tyler. W J Twin Sisters Gold Min ing Co Vaughn. Eugene Vance, Chas J Veesler, Lewis Veneteeg, Walter Wgner, Frank, Welch, Calvin Will. Adelbead Wilson, John PACKAGES. AmselJ. 3jiss Gertrude Goodwin, Geo O & Co Balrd, Miss Anna, fotoHyland, Miss Crystal Bradley. Mrs John A Jeffries, JMaster Johnle BIgelow. C E Morris. Dorothy Blair. Walter McClelland, J T Cassella. A W Myers. W S Craig. Miss Eugenia Nell. P L Daislilell, Mrs 'Chas F, Rein. Mrs F or Mrs J fcto Templeton, MTs Hettle Dolan, Mrs C M Victor. Miss M Helen Foley. Mrs Bridget A Walpele, Master Sidney, Fallenlus. Mrs C C care Mrs Burkhart Fcrrell, Mrs W J A. B. CROASMAN, P. M. q 0 CASTLE CAMPBELL. One oS the Most Pieturexque and In teresting: Ruins in Scotland. Scottish American. There are few more picturesque spots la Scotland than Dollar glen, and ho more interesting ruin anywhere than the grim old castle of the Campbells, known in tne olden time as Castle Gloom. Once visited, the castle will never be forgotten. It is not only beautiful for situation, adding might to the majesty of the everlasting hills, but it abounds with weird traditions that give the added charm of romance. To visit the glen by moonlight, an'd to see the bare walls of the castle gleaming white through the trees, is to be filled witn a mysterious feeling of awe, that is inten sified by the rushing of the water in the deep, black chasms beneath. It Is a scene to uplift the soul a glimpse of nature in her wildest and most Impressive mood Sand it is not surprising that every year an increasing number of visitors find their way to this most beautiful part of the Ochils. o r Kinj? Solbsnon'jj Mines. Philadelphia Record. EngliEh and American engineers have discovered Important gold fields near Os marz, in Abyssinia. Three separate and distinct veins have been discovered, and all reported as rich. It has long been sus pected that the so-called King Solomon's mines, from which that wise and rich Is raelltlsh king procured his gold in such an abundance, were located in Abyssinia, and It is not improbable that these discoveries will lead to their rediscovery. NEARTHEPERSiANBORDER DUSHCHAK, MOST SOCTHERH POKST OS THANSCASFIAIK IjINE. Extremes of Temperature There ConntrS 'Well Garrisoned by Rus sia When Persia Is Invaded. DUSHCHAK, Transcaspia, July 10. Thiri Is the most southern point of the main line of the Transcasplan railway, and con sequently tho most southern point which J I shall be able to touch in Central Asia. All the way from the Caspian sea the line has followed a southeasterly direction, but here it makes almost a right angle to tho left and bears away northeast toward Merv. Because, it was 4he. most southern point reached by the railway, Dushchak was once considered important as tho probable point of departure of the con-1 AT THE BAZAR templated line to connect with the British railways in India by way of Persia and Afghanistan. It Is only an hour's drive from here to the Persian border by a cara van route, which leads over the moun tains to Meshed, capital of the Persian province of Khorassan, some GO miles away. If such a rail connection Is ever built, however, It will not be from this town, for the Russians have found more favorable routes from Merv and from Chardjul. Geographically the most striking thing about the journey thus far is the long dis tance which I have traveled southward without getting very far south. Of course it proves simply that St. Petersburg is very far in the north, but the sensation is none the less peculiar. It Is several hundred miles south from the Russian capital to Moscow. Then I steamed 1503 miles down the Volga river, and far south into the Caspian sea. The journey over the Caucasus mountains into Asia is southward, and now by rail and steamer and rail again I have been coming south east into Central Asia for several days. But Instead of reaching a latitude corre sponding with that of the cities of Mexico, or even that of New Orleans, at the mouth of the Mississippi river, with which I have compared the Volga, I am only as far south as Hampton Roads, Cairo, "Wichita and San Francisco, or approx imately 37 degrees north of the equator. Still the temperature and the manner of life are exactly as tropical at this season as anything I have ever seen in the hot test part of the West Indies, or the islands of the South Pacific ocean. "White duck suits and sun helmets are everywhere, and tho mercury rises above 100 In the shade with unbroken regularity. Houses are floored with matting and the shades are drawn to keep out the sun, while business is interrupted through" the hottest parts of the day as in the Spanish tropics. It is necessary, likewise, to search for cold things to drink whenever possible. The Intense dryness of the air makes evaporation very rapid, so that one re quires to absorb a good deal of moisture In order to counteract the drain from per spiration. The same condition, however, the lack of humidity, makes the extreme heat less painful to endure than a far lower temperature in Chicago or any other place or similar summers. Tvro Kinds of Climnte. In winter, however, the weather here Is very different. The cold at times Is ex treme, and though little snow falls, on account of the dryness of the surrounding deserts, the cold winds which sweep over the steppes are very trying to man and beast The result of this climate of ex tremes is that the products of the khan ates of Turkestan are not altogether those which might be expected by one who sees only the summer here. Although fruits grow In splendid profusion and variety, they are not those of the tropics nor even those called sub-tropical. The severe win ters forbid any crops except those that can mature within the limit of the long summer. Tobacco, cotton, sugar and silk are common in the irrigated districts; grapes, apples, pears, peaches, plums and melons are of the bes, but not one fruit have I seen that might have come from the real tropics, In spite of the extreme heat. Oranges, lemons, limes, figs, pine apples and the less familiar ones of the "West Indies, California and Florida are not here at all, except when they are shipped in from the other side of the Caspian sea, probably from the markets of Smyrna or Constantinople. AsTchabad, capital of the Russian prov ince of Transcaspia, s almost entirely a RUUTED TOMBS OF THE creation of the railway and the govern ment. The Turkoman town which occu pied the same site before the conquest was a place of importance in the trade of Central Asia, the meeting-place of cara van Toutes from Persia and from Khiva, but the Russians have built a new city after their own fashion, with barracks, government offices and "several streets of pretty good shops. In addition to the Russian shopping 'streets, there are others of the Armenian and Persian merchants for native trade, and, in fact, the sanie traders have their share of business with the Russian community. Except Klzll-Arvat, where there are per haps 1000 Russian soldiers, Askhabad is the first city on this side of the Caspian where I have found a real garrison. Of course, in a military government, where those are tho things least talked about, it Is difficult to et accurate information a3 to the number of troops scattered along the railway. From all that I can learn, however, i believe there are between 5000 and 7000 soldiers at Askhabad and in the Immediate vicinity. The barracks provid- ed for them are very large, and, knowing something of the way Russian regiments are housed, I believe the figures which have been given me from various sources are likely to bG correct. Coveting: Persian Territory. These troops just now, or the greater part of them, arc in camp for summer maneuvers a few miles from Askhabad, nearer the slope of the Persian mountains, where the water supply is ample and the weather les3 trying. I have met Several Russian ofQcers traveling to Join their regiments. They tell me that the place is a favorite summer resort and that the quarters for the offlcers with their fam ilies and tho camp for the men are per haps the most altraqtlve in Central Asia. One humorist among them suggested to mo that it was very convenient, also, for the t men, to walk up to the top of the mountains and look over into tho more attractive valleys of Persia There seems little doubt that they all consider Khoras sart as virtually a Russian province, orily waiting for an auspicious tlmo when the occupation can be made with the least difficulty of objection offered by other countries. P3ffj&i Sgf .- OP ASKHABAD. I returned to the railway, Jw all after noon the train has been jogSing along through tho alternating sand and little oases, the view to the north orte of un broken desert, and that to the south a narrow plain, with the barren Persian mountains for a wall to cut off tho view. Now I can understand thb motive of the Russian In showing their soldiers the val leys beyond. It is very tantalizing to think that only five or ten mlle3 away that mountain range hides the scenes which the poets have beeii describing for eenturies, and which are so entirely out of reach even at their nearest point on the line. According to all the probabilities, of Thomas More and Omar Khayyam and the others have told the truth, over there the bulbuls are singing and the hourls are going about their daily avocations, while here there Is nothing but the glare of the sun on the desert. TRUMBULL "WHITE. PERSONAL MENTION. J. "W. Reed, of Gardiner, Or., is at the Imperial. N. C. Thompson, of Astoria, is at the Imperial. "Walter Lyon, of Salem, is registered at the Imperial. X F. Johnson, of Heppner, is registered at tho Perkins. C. F. Peterson, of Tacoma, is registered at tho Perkins. John A. Steward, of Gray's River, Wash., is at the Perkins. Henry Ewlng. and wife, of Astoria, are guests at tho St. Charles. William Thompson, of Butte, Mont., is registered at the Portland. A. H. Huntington, sheriff of Baker county, is at the Imperial. Dr. H. A. Knight, of Klamath Falls, Is registered at the Perkins. L. E. Dray, a Kalama, Wash., business man, Is at the St. Charles. A. A. Cabanlsl, of Fort Wright, Wash., is registered at the Portland. H. W. Wheeler and wife, of The Dalles, are reglstred at tho St. Charles. C. S. Jackson, edjtor of the Pendleton East Oregonian, is in the city. W. C. Cowgill, city editor of the Baker City Republican, is in the city. Frederick Warde and daughter. Miss May Warde, are guests of the Portland. Charles S. Willis and wife, with the "At Gay Coney Island" company, are at the Portland. Mrs. E. H., Stolte, wife of the chief clerk of the Imperial, left last evening by steam er to visit her son, W. V. Stolte, in San Francisco. A. D. Charlton, John Clock, W. B. Mead and U; C. Bowers returned last evening from Sumpter, whlethcr they went on a sight-seeing tour. InETcnibnH Canadian Bridge. Railway Age. A unrque feat of engineering is described by an exchange as having been accom plished in the bridging of a narrow strait connecting Canso harbor and ChedabUcto bay, in Nova Scotia. The place Is known as the "Tittle," and the difficult prdblem presented was the construction of a bridge that would not obstruct navigation nor re quire ihe extfanseiOf erecting a drawbridge and employing the services of a tender The manner of getting around the diffi culty Is thus described: The bridge is built upon stone-ballasted AXCIEXT CITY OF MERV. j piers, and in the middle cj. The central i span a clear cut of about 18 inches In width crosses the whole superstructure, The boats that use the "Tittle" are fishing . smacks, with polo masts and without J shrouds or other side rigging. Ctinge ' qucntly, they have only to be steered so ,as to bring their masts in line with the opening in the bridge, when they readily are poled and pushed through. The spreaders at the opening prevent the flap t ping sails catching and tearing. I Traffic is much greater by water than j by land. When the infrequent vehicle j wishes to pass, a hinged board across j the width of the bridge Is raised up and a covers the smill chasm. As soon as the i wagon has gone over this, the driver Is j expected to throw back the hinged board, j 4 0 I Blissful Ignorance, I Brooklyn Life. j Husband Does Jack know Miss Pepper tree? , Wife I believe not, for he has asked her to marry him. - - sli-r ?sz -v - MAY BE VICE-ADMIRALS THE OXCT PROMOTION OPEN TO scniiEr axd SAMrSox. T2ie Administration Will Give Pref erence to Its Favorite Gossip of the National Capital. WASHINGON, Jan. 3. The only ar rangement that cart be mado by which either Sampson or Schley will secure pro motion ori account of the part they took In the Spanish war, is to have both cre ated vlce-aamlrals. It is a settled fact that one canriot be promoted tinless the otlier fs also recognized. Of course, there cannot be two vice-admirals of the samo rank, and one will have to be above the other, and that one will be Sampsdn, be cause the administration -will Insist upon the faVorlte of the navy department hav ing the honcr. Whether Schley's friends will consent to this or not is- yet to bo determined, A large number of them will not. But others may be satisfied to sfco It done. As the men stand now, Schley Is superior hi rank, but gets little honor on account of the desire of the navy de partment to numHIafe Him as much as possible. If Schley's friends are shrewd, they will provide that the vice-admiral shall not retiro for age, as do the other active'officers. In .that case Schley would hold on much longer than Sampson, be cause ho has the health and strength which Sampson lacks. One reason why Sampson will be placed ahead in any ar rangement made is because the adminis tration has the power to nominate, and no matter what action congress may take, Sampson will have that advantage over Schley when their names are sent to the senate. Hoar and 3Inson. One of the good stories that Is told of the reorganization df the senate com mittees relates to the two republican sen ators who agree on a policy in the Philip pines in opposition to that of their party Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts, and Senator Mason, of Illinois. Senator Hoar Is chairman of the committee on judiciary. Senator Mason was an applicant for a place on that committee. He was being pressed for the place, very warmly by his colleague, Senator Cullom, who was a member of the committee on committees. Finally, In the gossip that occurred, Sen ator Hoar heard that it was probable that Senator Mason would become a member of his committee. In somtj way Informa tion was conveyed that the selection of Mr. Mason was not wholly, agreeable to the chairman of the committee, whereat other senators went to Senator Hoar and said that they thought they were paying him a great compliment by selecting Sen ator Mason for a place on his committee, as ho and Senator Mason agreed so per fectly on the great questions which are just now so prominent before the country. Mason Is something of a disturbing ele ment wherever he goes, and It is under stood that the objection to his having a place on the judiciary committee was the fear that the harmony which always pre vails In this committee might be disturbed if the junior Illinois senator should be given a place upon it. Although Mason ranked Senator Simon In service, tile Ore gon senator got the place. Maine's Big Fonr. Captain Charles A. Boutelle, of Maine, Is the last of the "big four" Maine dele gation in the house. The first to go wa3 Milllkin, then Dlngley, both of whom died, and then Reed, who resigned, and now Eoutelle. Boutelle was made chairman of the committee on naval affairs In the 5l5t congress, having reached a rank ing place on that committee by reason of 16ng service. During ihO two terms that the democrats were in control of the house since that time Boutelle has been tho ranking minority member of the naval committee. When the republicans re gained power, Reed again selected Bou telle 'for chairman of the committee on naval affairs, and he has served during the last four years, and was just enter ing upon iwo years more of such service. During Mr. Boutelle's illness, a man from an inland state, Representative George E. Foss, of Illinois, is acting chairman of the committee. Foss Is from Chicago, and has given a great deal of attention to naval affairs. His elevation to the chairman ship of the naval committee might have a great deal to do with repealing that pro vision of our treaty with England relat ing to the building of war vessels on the great lakes. Not only Chicago, but other great cities along the great lakes desire to build war vessels of tho smaller types, and po'ssibly Mr. Foss would secure action by having the naval appropriation bill provide that some of the smaller ships should be built oh the lakes. If this were enacted into legislation, it would ab rogate the treaty, as It has been held time and again that congress can legislate at any time contrary to the provisions of a treaty, the legislation in itself abrogating the treaty. MIko Bates In French Farce. Washington has just witnessed the in itial performance of what will probably be classed In tho history of theatricals as a "modern play," that is, a play that dlp3 Into the risque for its drawing power. Tho leading role Is carried by a Portland girl, who made an immense hit in Wash ington last season, but in a different line of work Miss Blanche Bates. And, sad to relate, Miss Bates plays the'Frenchy character that proves such a drawing: card. Withal, it must be admitted that she plays it well. Her work Is clean, clear cut and comprehensive, and, be it said to her crenlt, she glides over the objectionable scenes in a manner that leaves the least possible repulsive mem ory with those who witness It. The char acter Is laid down in the play, and the lines must be followed, as a matter of Course, but In the hands of- some less competent and unprincipled actress, the scene might be made equal to that whicn has met with favor In gay New York. During hor previous engagement In Wash ington. Miss Bates won great favor; In fact, was classed as one of tho leading ladies on our stage, and her work was then along lines which gave her an op portunity to rise to the first rank. Those who then admired her havo expressed much regret that she should abamlon the really legitimate and take up with what should properly be Classed With French farce, although the product of an Amer ican, playwright. Public UniXainjr Bill's. Chairman Mercer, of the house commit tee on, public, buildings and grounds, says that only1, a few buildings whi be author ized at this congress, and the work that his committee will do relates mainlv to making Increases over the amounts author ized during former sessions of congrera. He thinks that the bill Introduced by Representative Cushman, asking for more money for the Seattle building, will pass at this session, as he thinks the. amount authorized In the act providing for a build ing there was not sufficient to make a respectable showing. Mr. Mercer does not talk in the same favorable strain of an increase Of appropriation for the Tortland building, but there is a determination on the part of the 'Oregon senators to have thfs Increase mne. -It Is hardly prpb able that new bulldlncrs will be author ized, although Oreecn has applications in for a public building at Salem, besides the establishment of assay offices at Port land and Baker City. Trashington. as usual, wants a public building at Spo kane, Tacoma and Walla Walla, but the indications, are that the Seattle building will prevent anything else being done for Washington In that line for at least this congress. As to Neiv Departments. While a bill which has been introduced by Senator Frye, of Maine, providing for a new department, to be known as the department of commerce and Industries, with a cabinet officer at the head, moet3 with a great deal of favOr, a similar prop osition for a department with a cabinet officer, known as the mines and mining department, does not seem ta he. as neces sary" A department or commerce could be made of considerable use, and many of the bureaus of the government which are now placed under the treasury de partment, or which are conducted a3 inde pendent bureaus, could be well grouped In a department devoted to the commer cial arid Industrial affairs of the country Mines and mining have always been under, the department of the Interior, and being sb Intimately connected with the pupllc land service of the country, It would be rather difficult to divorce It from the gen eral land office. In fact, a great deal of the litigation and tho law decisions whlcn have gone forth from the land office ana interior department relate largely- to the mining laws, and expert lawyers have given especial study to land office practice on the subject of mines and mining. The other feature of mines and mining 13 under tho geological survey, also in the Interior department- While it Is no. doubt UUe that the mineral interests- of the coun try might be. advanced somewhat by mare i-apid work. In the bureau of the geological survey, there" Is na reason why It would be so under a different department from that1 of the interior, where it seems prop erly to belong. If is not likely that either a department of commerce and industries or a department of mines and mining will be authorized at this session of congress, but If either should find favor, It would be tho former. Mnzzlcs in Demand. Washington has just been, having a 'dog. scare, and, as a result, tho "city fathers," so called, being the three commissioners appointed, by the president to govern the District of Columbia, have ordered all dogU in the city to be muzzled. There were one or two cases of mad dog, and somebody has ..started the story, that deg :day&' were upon us even in thlsAcnsp. cool, snrwy weather. The result was that a pumber of people became more or less hysterical, and great pressure was brought upon the commissioners to Issue the dscree which resulted In muzzling all the dogs in the city. Big dogs. Utile dogs. Saint Bernards and pugs, as well as the festive bUll terrier, all carry muzzles of more or less grotesque and unsuitable pattern. If the people who havo been Instrumental in muzzling the dogs could go a few steps farther and stop the dogs from barking at night, many a person trying to secure much-needed sleep would rise up and call them blessed. Tongrne Had a Contest. Speaking of his committee places. Repre sentative Tongue says that he Is perfectly satisfied with what has been given him, especially the assignment on rivers and harbors, which he holds as necessary in view of the demands of Oregon for Im provements. There was a very strong op position to Representative TongUe, the be lief being general that thbse who were successful in preventing the improveriient at Yaqulna bay were working to keep Mr. Tongue off bf the rivers and harbors com mittee. At all events, when his claims were duly presented, those who were fighting him made the suggestion to Speaker Henderson that Mr. Tongue might be given a place on appropriations com mittee, so that the Pacific coast place an rivers and harbors could be given to a California man. Mr. Tongue said that as he could not expect both places, he would choose what he thought was for the great est benefit to hi3 constituents, and select ed rivers and harbors in preference to ap propriations, although that committee is one of the strongest and most Important In the house. Mr. Tongue points with pride to the' fact that he, after one of the hardest fights he has experienced in congress, now heads the list of new mem bers on the rivers and harbors commit tee, being placed above the new man from the Atlantic coast. Another fact In connec tion with Mr. Tongue's committee assign ments is that- he was jumped over the ranking member of the committee on ir rigation of arid lands, and made chairman of that committee, to succeed his Tat colleague. Representative Ellis. In secur ing thi3 chairmanship, Mr. Tongue was placed among the five members who had served but two years who were made chairmen of house committers. ARTHUR W. DUNN. HOW TO ADDRESS LETTERS. SusTffCstion iHr.t the Town and Slate Come First. PORTLAND, Jan. 5. (To the Editor.) Much assistance would be given the postal department If, In directing the envelope or other mail matter, its destination be made the prominent first lino of the ad dress, viz.: . . fiCro &. ' .SjZ C&& This would afford much help In handling the mall In transit, as the place of desti nation Is the only fact of interest to the postal department from the tlmo the let ter or other mall matter is deposited in tho office at home until it reaches its destination. Placing the number and street prominently to tho right of the en velope and the name to whom sent promi nently to the left would aid In Its more rapid and correct distribution, for which the mall carrier would rise up and bless the business men and women. W. T. W. Postmaster Croasman. when asked about this suggestion, said it was by no means new. The question had come up from time to time in conferences of post masters, and was discussed at length in the postmasters' convention recently held at Washington. No action was taken on the matter, and the resolution suggesting the change was tabled. Mr. Croasman said no recommendations had ever been made by the postoffice department along this line, but that letters thus addressed Were Occasionally sent through the malls. It Is almost a rule In newspaper offices to address packages of papers with tho town and state first and the name of"iho person last. . Mr. Croasman believes the change pro posed would bo of little benefit, because mall clerks have become accustomed to looking at the bottom of an envelope for an addresq, and rind ,ite there as quickly as they w,ould at the top or middle. Should this reputed reform bo attempted, about one-half the people would adhere to the present style, and In many Instances the clerks would have to read the entire In scription on an envelope in order to as certain itsj destination. The plan advo cated by W. J. W- will probably never become more than a fad. Contaminated Vegetables. New York Press. Dr. Behla, a member of the sanitary council of Luckau, Prussia, has discov ered that man can take the germs of can cer by eating vegetables growing In a soil watered by a sewer. The garden truck that grows In the suburbs of that city is watered fiom a ditch that gets- its supply of water from a sewer. Th6 folk in this city eat their parsley, cucumbers', peas, onions, garlic and strawberries raw, In which state tho germs seem to' be carried easily. 10 ' " An Explanation. Mexican Herald. The average salary of Methodist minis ters in the United States is said to be $473 35, which Is about on a level with the Income of day laborers. This fact may serve to explain why young men prefer to become trust macnates rather than enter the ministry. POWER OF-ENVIRONMEFfT STROXG FACTOR IN" SHAPING RTJMAn CHARACTER. Heredity Another Determining Force, and If Had, It Mny Be Over come by Training. Tho character of Individuals, aa of gen vratlcng, is determined by heredity ami environment, says Mary A. Ltvermore, In Frank Leslie's Monthly. Of the two, en virorment at the present time 5s the stronger factor in human life. This, is ow ing s.mply to the fact that we have tr.ed environment to some extent, and ha-ve ig nored heredity. It Is possible to overcome In part, or entirely, the evil tendency o" a bad heredity, by the right environment. There are Instances where a depraved heredity defies whatever may be done by environment, but they are rare. While no one who has had large experience in charitable Institutions, where children are removed from slums and the vile purlieus of cities to cleaner, purer and raore. ethi cal surroundings, and who has watched the results of the change for years, but has come to believe mightily In the omnip otence of good environment. j i I was at Hamptoh on one occasion, m tho days of General Armstrong, when a party of 15 or 20 Indian boys and girls were brought In fresh from the reserva tion. They were just from tha wigwam, and were resplendent in the glory of gay blankets and moccasins, and wera tricked out with beads and Indian ornamentation. Unable to speak a wonl of English, ut terly foreign to the ways of civilized lift, and unaccustomed to restraint, T was at a loss to understand how their training was to begin. General Armstrong enlightentd me. "We surround them with civilized life," he said, "so that they cannot eScnne fron It. An Indian attendant speaking the'r language, who has been attached to t.io Institution for years, takes them to tho dormitory, where beds, night-clothing an I toilet appliances are assigned them, anl their uses explained. The same witn the dining-room, schoolroom and chopeL Not one of the newcomers will leep In a bed tonight, but all will Ue on the flojr wrapped In their blankets. Grave a I taciturn at table, they will at first Ac only what they are allowed to take with their fingers, all the while furtivaly watch ing their trained companions use knivd. forks and spoons. But soon their environ ment will tell upon tnem, and by the time they have been here three mon'hs they will bo the greatest stickler for In dividual tooth and hair brushes, and for orderly behavior at table, that we have It the establishment. You see." he added, "we surround them so completely with c v lllzed usuages and civilized pcopl that nut a loophole is open for their return to sav age ways." While there are many agencies of scad environment, the most Important and the most Influential is a good home. For her the very foundation 13 laid for future goo'l or evil. The first step away from animal ism Is taken when a human being, your,? or eld. Is established In a well-ordered home. Indeed, civilization has but this ani end In view the perpetuation of the race and its improvement. The maintaining of governments, the planting of institutions, tho founding of schoob and colleges, th establishment cf hQmes and the rearing of families are but means to thl3 end. As Humboldt said, years ago, "governments property, religion, books and homes arc but the scaffolding to buUd men. Earth holds up to her master no fruit but the finished man." e C FOUND IN A SAWLOG. A Knife Believed to Have Been XTjctl in Klllinpr nn Indian. New York Tribune. The finding of a knife that killed ai Indian lis years ago was recently mn&s under curious circumstances. At th Reynolds & Meteor saw mill, at Harman. Randolph county, W. Ta., the saw cam1 in contact with a hard substance. C n examination it was found that the sav had struck a knife that wa3 imbedded It a log to a depth of 115 years' growth, ard is supposed to have been there that Ion". Jackson Summerville, an. aged citizen ( f Harman, says the knife Is exactly !. the ono which his father often describe I to him, when as a boy he used to heT him tell about the narrow escape he had. at the hands cf the Indians. Hi father was fleeing from a band of Indians one 'night, but was overtaken by one of thin on top of a mountain, where a terrlf-c hand-to-hand encounter ensued, Summer ville succeeded in killing the Indian with a knife. It was late, and not knowinr which way to go for safety, he stuc': the knife In a tree and hid until mornlnjr, and then forgot the knife until he had traveled a long distance. The trpe It which the knife was found was taken from the mountain where the Indian w.s killed. This knife will be deposited witl the State Historical Society, together wl h a statement of the circumstances of iu discovery. o ft ' Unsatisfactory Arbiter. Brooklyn Life. "The reason I can't get alonr with my wife Is that she wants to submit aH our differences to aTbitratron." "To arbitration?" "Yes. She always wants to refer dis putes to her mother." ienta! and Physical Exhaustion. Cured br HTO YAN. Iho num bers s h tw tha points oi wea k nm that ari du-5 to a ltSnc-da.vu of the nervosa Ilcadachas r t!lz zlaesa. flff. 7; nol low eyes, dg. 6. pale, sunken cheoka; f t g . 6: ocatcd tonsrufr, fly. i : poupltatloa uZ hart, Os- 3". dis ordered d'gwticn. (lg- 2; torpid U er, tig. I. and con stipation. Ctouded t memory, lack o t energy, aespona- ency. Irritability, weakness, bact ache, horria JC aM thare ccr.cta nervous trouoi?. HODYAJJ euros on? and all tha above symptom, tecauso It bill Mi up tn.- nervcxia system. EUD YAX ape edllv makes Its Influ ence felt la nsrvo quietude. Im proved apatite, gain In nrolshe and strent2i, cor rotoi! Ixiwe'.s. healthful sleep. ItUDrX mafci cno look young and !er younir. for tt provl d 3 iwrvo forca aas vitoiitv. ltr. roar drusrist .aat yoa want HtSDYAT. and r.ot3i!ne elso; COc a. package, six paQJcapja for C2.30. tr.jour drujreist does not ksep It, send, direct to Hudyaa Bectcdy Co., ccr. Stcclston. B31s and QIariret S3.. Han Francisco, GU. DEBILITY! WEAKNESS! if? ' Y E ?P aP in) 5 R 8 ' I R Vv55 u fyVvfii Vi i Ft t I ' I j I J is Wi TOU MAT O0K5UI.T THE HCTXIUN ECO COIta JESC OUT '-. v:. 1YZU32& i $fe &, rtT -0. tL, iLs t, irisf .-AriiAS&S&S lkjSeai&S'&.-X.-. d'X&Sk jtq'-kk, Ju&jli. Sit' Asii