?1M J' tf: AIOKNIKG OREGONIAN, MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 1900. WOMAN AND HER WORK ZS SHE DEBARRED FROM MR. COOK'S GJFTt Picturesque Clubhouse, of Spanish. Mission Design, Bnllt by Los Angeles Women. 5 J. W Cook, the generous citizen of Port land who has just given seven acres In Albina as a site ior a technical and in dustrial school. Is quoted as saying: ""Whether the Institution should be foi hoys alone, or for both sexes, is a matter -which I sJball leave to the management Now if Mr. Cook Is to he taken literally at his -word, young -women trill not be debarred from the benefits of this gift, for he has expressed himself plainly on this point in the words of his first condition- "The school shall be open to all persons who are residents of Oregon." This state is in urgent need of a school of domestic science. Will there bo any better time to make provision for it than now? It now appears that Oregon pine trees have been growing sot for a woman's clubhouse -in Portland; hut for one down in Los Angeles, 1200 miles away. A very beautiful structure, finished in Oregon pine, has just been completed In the City of the Angels, through the efforts of the enterprising clubwomen of that section. Yet Los Angeles is no larger than Port land. , Friday morning, December 29, this cIud house was formally opened. The president of every woman's club in the city had been invited to a place on the rostrum. and sketches were given of the rise ana development of the club movement in Los Angeles. A reception will be given a lit tle later, which will prove the hospitality of thu clubwomen to the men of Los An geles interested in the progressive work of the Los Angeles club movement. The building -a as erected at a cost of 513,009 by the Woman's Clubhouse Asso ciation, which is an incorporated stocn company, with a capital of $20,000. divided into 1000 shares, held at 520 a share. The stockholders, all women, are, with two .exceptions, members of the Friday Morning Club, to which organization the buildinc has been leased for a term of years. The selection and equipment of tnq premises have been made with especial reference to the comfort and convenience of this club, as the two organizations ore closely allied arid the interests of the Fri day Morning women have been carefulry studied in all the arrangements. As there Is much Interest in the club house question among Oregon women, a detailed account of this beautiful building le given herewith. In California mission style, the general plan of the building is rectangular, with a patio on the north, writes a former sec retary of the Friday Morning Club, In the Los Angeles Herald. It Is Inclosed on three sides by arcades, the front corridor being 100 feet in length, and the north 1C3 iect On the south is ample room for walks and shrubbery. Semitropic "Verdure. The patio is 35xlC5. Plans are made for securing a large palm to be placed in the center, which, with other semitropic ver dure, a fountain and a vine-clad wall, wilt make this spot charmingly attractive ana picturesque. The arcades, like those of the old missions, are to be built of solid brick and cement, and are capable of defying the finger of time for at least two centuries. They are paved with cement roofed with asphaltum, and lighted by electricity, and will form a delightful promenade either by night or day. The exterior of the main building also is brick and cement It Is roofed with Im proved Spanish terra cotta tile. The south dormer, in its sky-line, recalls the San Gabriel belfry. It is the intention to place here an old mission bell when obtainable. The building proper Is 57x150. The main entrance opens into a hall through an im posing archway and a tile-floored vesti bule. This hall, 13x55, has a heavy beamea ceiling, and Is ornamented by massive Tuscan columns, lighted by electric lights on each beam. Opening on the south Is a large, square, parlor, 21x26, with beauti ful south windows, in large square lights and finished above with a shelf 15 feet long. The main staircase-is of oak, ornamented with Greek Ionic, Gorinthian and Roman Ionic columns, modeled carefully after .ne best examples of ancient architecture. Half way up is a broad landing, with im mense south windows, and wide seats up holstered in art burlap. The walls are paneled for 10 large paintings, presumably of noted women. The celling is support ed by heavy molded beams. Beyond the main staircase Is a large cloakroom, with broad window seats. This room opens into a tile-floored toilet-room. The plumbing of the building is of a type new to Los Angeles, which has been adopt ed by some of the principal buildings in New York and other large cities. Beyond the cloakroom is the secretary's room. In this is the switchboard, con trolling the lighting system of the build ing, which is complete in every respect The lights ore on the truss beams and gallery soffit They are furnished with dimmers, a brilliant light being thrown on the rostrum by means of reflection. The parlor and offices have both side and ceiUng outlets, and provision is made for both gas and electricity in every room. A convenient system of call bells, with enunclators, is also provided. A dumb-waller gives communication from the secretary's room to the second floor, ana -iJOarjT communicate" with the cloak room and assembly-room. A small window, which may be used for a ticket window, is also provided. On the north side of the hall are two parlors and a reception hall; in the latter is an emple fireplace with single seats. The handsomely carved chimney piece, seven feet wde, ornamented with four columns and a massive shelf, extends to the ceiling. It is also further ornamented with a has relief of Delia Robbla's "Choir Boys." Opening into the end of the hall is a side entrance leading Into the north arcade and garden. The assembly hall Is 50xC5 feet the floor space being entirely free from columns or any obstructions: it Is floored with white maple, and will make an elegant ball room, as well as an auditorium. The ros trum and dressing-rooms occupy a space 20sJ feet, arranged with folding screens ana the best of lighting and toilet facil ities, The screens are to be covered with art -burlaps p drown the unpleasant res onance oftDo much wood paneling. The acoustics promise to be of the very best The main lighting is from windows near the ceiling an1" in the lantern, and all the constructive members of the roof are ex posed giving a very massive and dignified appearance. The timbers are of Oregon pine and the ceiling boards of redwood. The iron work s simple, but by the use of scrolls, crudeness of effect is avoided. The gallery is suspended from the rear roof truss. It Is terraced and communi cates by a doorwav with the roof of the north corridor, which will no doubt form a great promenade on social occasions. The roof leams are finished in Flemish oak. the redwood left in its original na tural fitrtsh. From the hall proper two large doorways connect with the garden and the south walk. They are to be divided in the old Dutch fashion, and in case of necessity or panic will provide exceedingly ample ex its. On each side of the stage, pedestals for growing plants are provided. The first story and hallway are finished throughout in Oregon pine with the F'em ish treatment and all hardware trimmings are in the Bower Barff finish. White BncqccWloom. On the second floor, at the head of the stairs, is the banquet-room in ivory finish, j with white maple floor. The north side is ! almost entirely p glass, with wide window seats Its full length. Bc-nond the banquet-room are three large par one. o'-s, aasoiansnea in ,ivory. Tne central :, oa wie wesi tiae, is 10 oe occupied oy 1 the society- of the Daughters of the Revo lution. Convenient kitchen and pantries are on this floor; also- cloak and toilet rooms. The metal work Is dull brass. From this story a broad flight of steps leads to the attic, which is finished in one apartment about 40x30 feet and lighted by four large dormer windows and a cen tral skylight Tins room is -very suitable for a studio or for a school of physical culture. From this room are extended views of mountain ranges and'city. In thesecond story all ther rooms commu nicate with "th& promenade roofi of the arcades. Flower -pot are here finished in the masonry lor growing plants. With its outlook en the garden, this is one of the pleasantest features of the building. In the basement are bicycle, furnace and storage rooms, reached by a staircase from the north arcade. A gentlemen's smoking room is here, which leads by staircase to the main hall. The basement is flooded, with sunlight, the windows all extending: above the first floor. The floor throughout is cement tile, the wall Tough plaster, and the woodwork in light tints. , The walls throughout the- clubhouse, have the cathedral sand finish tinted; te wainscoating hard plaster with enamel finish, and the floors are polished and waxed. One of the most charming features of the building Is the amount of sunlight admitted, the windows being of large size, hut so srrouDed as not to detract from the breadth of walf spacerred.iitred'by thfi'mls- 1 slon style. On the south staircase the windows on the landings are so high they throw the sunlight down across the steps into the landing on the lower floor. The sashes are broken into square lights, which preserve the- mission effects. The building throughout is an example of California mission architecture adapt- j ed to modern requirements. The exterior woodwork is all in the rough, which cor responds well with the surface of the walls. The dormer is ornamented with a flower balcony finished wih a wrought-iron rail. In every detail, the architect has preserved the "beautiful and picturesque mission style, and the results are emi nently artistic. The furnishings of the clubhouse will be chosen in perfect har mony with its finish, and wflf be done by degrees, it being the intention to col lect many beautiful objects both for use and ornamentation. The arcades will be covered with climb ing vines, the patio ornamented with foun tain, and shadowed with most beautiful tropical plants, while the rarest ferns and orchids and other beautiful bloom -will fill the rooms with tender color and orna mentation. The Library Question. The Oregonian is glad to accede to the modest request contained in the following letter from the president of the State Fed eration of Women's Clubs, and will pub lish communications from such as are Interested in the library question. Mrs. Wade writes from Pendleton as follows: "One of the most important committees of the Portland Woman's Club Is the li brary committee. The Oregon federation appointed as its very first committee one on library work. It is probably not a mistake to say that tne great majority of women's clubs and state federations are investigating conditions or doing more advanced work in this direction. In New England, and probably in other Eastern states, the present generation and its fath ers and mothers, as well, have nevet lived without the public library as one of the common facts of life. It is a part and par cel of the public school system, one might say. "In the past, private libraries have been beyond the means of very many bright and Intelligent families, and by this class of our citizens the public library Is fully appreciated. But 'Is the public library a benefit to a community?' Is a question that in Oregon sometimes calls out vigor ous expression on the negative side. Wo have, in some of our towns, libraries of one kind or another, and as 'straws show which way the wind blows,' so may the regard in which the library Is held, the manner in which it is used, show the pub lic sentiment In regard to its worth. "The following clippings, one from the East Oregonian, Pendleton, the other from a Maine paper, are instructive as showing the different point of view in the two com munities. "JIt is surprising,' says the East Ore gonian, 'how very few people, outside the members of the Commercial Association, patronize the library. Anyone, for the fee of 25 cents a month, may have access to the shelves, taking books away and us ing the rooms from 2 to 5 on all days ex cepting Saturdays and Sundays. Over $5000 has been expended for books, and the maintenance of tho library Is by the Commercial Association. That organiza tion pays all the expenses and expends several hundred of dollars yearly In buy ing new books. It will be cause for as tonishment when it is stated that only about 35 persons pay the 25 cents monthly dues and use the library besides members of the association. Pendleton people, by this negligence, not only fail to avail themselves of the advantages of an espe cially fine selection of books', but fall to contribute anything of consequence to Its maintenance. The sum total of receipts from this source is less than $10. If the present library be not used, there is no en couragement to build It up to a greater size.' "The Maine paper says: " 'It is an interesting sight to sit a while on an afternoon or evening in the rooms of the Auburn public library. Young and old make this attractive place a ren dezvous for quiet reading, study and ex change of books. The courtesy and per sonal interest of the librarian makes one feel that the good work Is for the benefit of each and all, and that whatever the li brary as a public Institution affords Is to be utilized to Its utmost Students are welcome to handle the books at the shelves and an -excellent plan, which is producing untold gpod, has materialized by which a few of the books upon various, subjects that are In the truest sense "best books" are grouped upon convenient shelves In the reading-room; and here the youth of Auburn and Lewiston are learning to go, handling them, assimilating their "good," and all unwittingly, perhaps, gaining a valuable education.' "There must be a reason, somewhere, for this difference of sentiment so plainly Indicated in -the two localities. We are of opinion that the average- club wqman, believes in and uses the public library, and that the clubs hope, through the li brary committees, to interest others fn the work. Through the federation committee we shall probably learn what towns, be sides Portland and Pendleton, have li braries; how they are supported and pat ronized;, we shall learn if, there isita de mand for public libraries In Oregon, and from the clubwoman's standpoint, If there Isn't, we mean to try to create one! We hope, through the courtesy of The Ore gonian, to have a discussion of this ques tion, and that by these expressions of opin ion from many different citizens, represent-'j ing wiaeiy sepaxaiea localities, we may gui a little light ADELIA D. WADLY' Home-Making a Profession. PORTLAND, Jan. 6. (To the Editor.) The household economics department ot the woman's Club consists of a few women who are earnestly studs'lng along lines which tend to elevate homo life to a high plane. This department believes that housekeeping and home-making is a profession, which demands the same close and prolonged study that must be given to attain proficiency in any other profes sion; and its object Is to use its powers to forward ithe endeavor "to establish good housekeeping on its proper basis, and to become familiar with--all municipal pro cedures which affect the lives and happi ness of the members of the family. Some of the club's best talen is throwing Its forces Into this work in a way that prom ises lasting and beneficial Tesults. Tne club movement originated with the idea ot giving women broader culture in intel lectual, sociological ard philanthropic pur suits, and while the older clubs in the East have adhered closely to intellectual research, it has been the fortune of the newer clubs, and more particularly those cf the West to apply club culture to per fecting the home, and through the home to aid in the upbuilding of municipalities, states and nations. The National Association of Household Economics, which organized in Chicago during the world's fair, is not however, satisfied with this progress, and its presi dent lately sent out a circular letter to the women of America, urging them to greater efforts. She says: "The American people have long been accused of watefulhess, extravagance and a general disregard of sanitary laws and homo hygiene; as a people we are given over to dyspepsia and nervous 'disorders, with the logical results of Increasing vice, Intemperance and insanity. Too much of this may be traced to an unscientific home life, In which the mistress Is generally un fitted for her work, while the maid is often both incompetent and unwilling to become otherwise." She appeals to every woman's club to or ganize a permanent home department, and outlines the scope of study as follows: "First The proper construction and lo cation, of the home; its sanitation and hy giene, which includes the best methods of ihcating, -ventilating, lighting, plumbing- WOMAN'S CLUBHOUSE, LOS and sewerage, also how to furnish the house artistically and economically. "Second The structure and functions of the body with reference to personal hy giene, rest, diet, exercise, etc. "Third Textile materials and their use in the clothing of our bodies and furnish ing our homes. "Fourth The foods we use, their rela tive dietetic, nutritive and economic val ues, proper dietaries for different members of the family; food for infants, invalids and growing children. "Fifth The best mental, moral and physical development of the child within the home." Outside this outline there are unlimited possibilities for the development of sub jects which are of vital Interest to every home in the land, and she urges the co operation of every woman in America.. X. Studying the City Charter. Mrs. Emily L. Wakeman, formerly of. Sorosls, who Is becoming so potent a force" In the club life of this state, writes from Silverton as follows: "Since my last communication to The Oregonian, tho Woman's Social Science Club, of Silverton, has held two meet ings. December 16 there was a paper read on 'Co-operative Household "Vork, which brought forward a' spirited discus sion; December 30 an outline of the his tory of woman suffrage and what has been accomplished by the work of the pioneer women In the movement The paper was much appreciated, so much that our mem bers wish it repeated. January 6 one or our members is to read the charter of the city of Silverton. "We have joined the state federation, and are among the charter members. We have received a letter from Mrs. C. B. Wade, welcoming us into tho federation. We hope to be of service to it In some way. I know I voice our club when I say we will do all that we can toward the upward progress of woman, which means the uplifting of all humanity." 1 These are noble words. If the same spirit of energetic helpfulness animates the other clubs of the state, tho federation is sure to prove a beneficent Influence In the fu ture history of Oregon. Club Chaflng-Dlsh Party. The Fortnightly Club, of Eugene, gave a chafing-dish party on the afternoon of New Year's day. The chafing dishes wero presided over by Mesdames H. B. Miller, F. L. Washburn, I. M. Glen, F. M. Wil klns and Emma Thompson, and some de lectable dishes were prepared and served to the 50 ladies present A portion of the time was spent in prophecies concerning the dress, home life, cooking, means of locomotion and political condition of women a century hence, which evoked much merriment. The affair was one of the most enjoyable in the history of the club. Honor to an Oregon Woman. Mrs. F. Eggert, of Portland, while on her Faslern trip, from which she has just returned, addressed many women's clubs, missionary societies and other organiza tions, an account of which she has ktndly promised to give before the Woman's Club at an early date. The fact that Mrs. Eggert was the first woman delegate appointed to the recent international council of Congregationalists, at Boston, to which only three -women delegates were sent, has brought forth pleasant comments In various parts of America and beyond. The following brief sketch of her is taken from a late number of the Congregationallst: "She was born In Oxfordshire, England, MAIN HAIiL AND STAHIWAY OF WOMAN'S CLUBHOUSE, LOS ANGELES. educated in New England, completed her medical studies in Cleveland, O., spent her professional life in Kansas, and for the last 25 years, since her marriage, has lived In Pdrtland, Or. She was the first woman physician to be admitted to a state medi cal society In the state of Kansas. She Is also the only woman delegate elected by the churches, and the first woman delegate appointed to the international council. She was chosen In September, 1S9S, directly after the national council. As president of the Woman's Home Missionary Union, of Oregon, Mrs. Eggert has for the last six years organized many societies In tho In terests of foreign as well as home mis sions. Her fine personal presence, as well as her Intellectual achievements and un usual life history, make ner a delegate of whom the Union as well as the churches of Oregon may be proud." "Women's International Congress. ''The Transactions of the International Congress of Women, 1899," edited by Lady Aberdeen, is just out, and will, no doubt, prove a valuable book of reference to all who are interested in woman's advance ment It is in seven volumes, as follows: Vol. 1, "Report of Council Transactions" vol. 2, "Women In Education"; vols. 3 and 4, "Women in Professions"; vol, 5, "Women in Politics"; vol. 6, "Women in Industrial Life"; vol. 7, "Women In So cial Life." These volumes may be bought separately or in set. Orders for this coun try are being filled by Mrs. Fannie Hum phreys Gaffney, who is the United States j president of the International Council of Women, May Wrignt aewell navmg sug gested that she would be an excellent per son to fill her place. Not Her Boarders. The professor had come from Holland and was ready to settle down in New York as soon as he should have collected the ANGELES, CAMFORNIA. furnishings for his office. Among these were to be one or two skeletons, ratner I expensive articles, so when he read an advertisement In the paper of several reputable skeletons at reduced prices he decided to Investigate. He had an Idea that the call would take him to the house ot some other professional man, and he was somewhat surprised when he found that the address given in the paper was that cf a large and fashionable boarding house, and it was the mistress of the house who had skeletons for sale. The profes- 1 sor had a pretty dry Dutcn wit, and after he had examined the wares offered and found them quite satisfactory, he turned to the landlady and said: "The skeletons are everything that I could desire, but er I should like to ask one question. I might have some scru ples, you know in fact er, I suppose, madam these gentlemen here do not rep resent any of your former guests?" Women in School Mutters. The mothers of Westford, N. J., are still loudly rejoicing over the result of their special school meeting, held a few day3 ago. The women of that community Indi cated their interest in educational mat ters by attending the meeting in large numbers, and by their votes securing for the town the $50,000 appropriated for the erection of a new primary school building. Miss Ida Harned, of Chicago, has been awarded an International medal for hav ing written more Insurance policies during the month of June last than any other agent in the world. Miss Harned is a young woman, under 25 years of age, who has had wonderful success in her chosen work. She was advised upon entering the insurance business to begin in a small way with school teachers and stenographers, but instead she attempted large cases with millionaires and men of Importance, and wrote policies where tho best men agents had failed. Miss Katherlne Felton, a young college wpman, is at the head of the Oakland (Cal.) associated charities. BRUTALLY BEAT A WOMAN. Blacksmith Narrovrly Escapes Con sequences of His Conduct. The very brutal act of a man named Charles Burkhardt yesterday Involved him In serious trouble that might have been worse but for the timely arrival of the police. Burkhardt Is a blacksmith by trade, and for some time past has been living with a young woman named Gladys Dunne, otx Albina. The two have quar reled often. Yesterday, Burkhardt met her near Second and Morrison streets, that be ing the first time he had seen the woman for some days. Ho was In a violent temper over something that Had happened and struck her a savage blow In tho face. She was lifted by the force of his fist from the sidewalk, and fell prostrate in the street, where she lay several moments unconscious. A couple of teams of local football players happened along the street at the time and beheld the brutish conduct They jumped on Burkhardt, pummeled and bruised him, and were cheerfully con tinuing the work when interfered with by some outsiders and a policeman. Burk hardt was less hurt than scared, but seemed glad to get inside the Jail away from his angry assailants. In the meantime the Dunne woman re vived, was taken to the station and then permitted to go to her home In Albina. Her cheek was swollen from the effects of the blow. This Is the second itrouble betn een the couple -that thepolIce have been called upon to investigate. Once be fore Burkhardt was stopped by an officer from cutting the woman's dresses to shreds In the room where they had been stopping. He is now charged with assault and bat tery, and will likely get the limit, owing to the aggravated nature of the case. A Human Characteristic Chicago Times-Herald, "Pa, what's an average man?" "One who thinks his employer's business would be run a good deal better If ne could have more to ay about It himself." o ft Persons whose occupation gives but lit tle exercise aie victims of torpid liver and constipation. Carter's Little Liver Pills will relieve you. PRE-EMINENCE OF CHRIST MORNING SERMON BY DR. EDGAR P. HILL. Dr. Alexander Blackburn at the First Baptist Church Sermon by Rev. C. T. Hard. Dr. Edgar P. Hill, of the First Presby terla church, spoke yesterday morning on the subject, "The Pre-eminence of Christ." His text was "That in all things he might have the pre-eminence," from Colossians i:18. He said, in part: "As we stand before Christ to study him -we are tempted to dwell only on those characteristics which v,e find in eartihly heroes. We give Christ first place simply because -he seems to stand first as regards those graces which we find in less degree In the great and good of every century and clime. 'Socrates was a wise man,' says the admirer of the Greek. 'Yes,' we reply, 'but Christ was wiser.' And then we endeavor to place beside the limitations of the Greek sage the words of him who spoke as never man spoke. 4JThQ historian tells us how Mohammed founded a kingdom which today numbers Its disciples by the ""million. But, think of the kingdom which Christ established. It has touched into beauty tho fairest portions of the earths While other re ligions are fast growing old, this one has the promise of perpetual youth. 'Behold the pure and gentle Buddha,' cries the dusky child of the Orient "Then the Christian begins to explain wherein the character of Jesus excels that of the sto ical and mystical Indian prince. In such ways as these it is customary to plead for the supremacy of Jesus. "But what did the biblical writer have in mind when he spoke of Christ's pre eminence? The context tells us: 'In whom wo have redemption through his blood, even bhe forgiveness of sin.' In order to feel the full force of such words, just try to speak them in connection with any other who has talked the earth, 'In Socrates we have redemption." The words almost refuse to be spoken. 'In Mohammed we have the forgiveness of sins.' It seems like sacrilege even to sug gest such a thing. For any one to pro pose that we might Insert the name of Buddha and announce salvation through his blood would shock even an unbe liever. "Secondly, the apostle states that Christ is the image of the invisible God. Man was made after the image of God. There were suggestions of God in him in some such way as the black eyes and curly hair of a child remind one of the parent. But Christ Is tho image of the invisible God. "Thirdly, in Christ were all things cre ated in the heavens above and upon the earth. "Fourthly, Paul states that Christ was before all things and In him all things are held together. The term 'before all things' refers to time. Christ was before David, before Moses, before Abraham. "Sometimes very excited arguments are carried on in tho newspapers concerning the career of Jesus, and men who deplore the dogmatisrn of Christians declare with a dogmatism which puts Christians to the blush that he who hung on Calvary began life just as any of our children; that the idea that God became flesh is not to be entertained for a moment, and that to say Christ existed before his appear ance as a babe In Mary's arms is the height of fable. At such times I find my self saying, 'I wonder where he got that? It must be out of his own brain, for I am sure the Bible does not teach that' The Bible says: 'In the beginning was the word; and the word was -with God, and the word was God. And the word became flesh and dwelt among us.' "Christ said: 'And now, O Father, glo rify me with thine own self, with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.' Surely the Scriptures speak In no uncertain terms on this point "Again Paul states that Christ is the head of the church not was the founder of the church, but Is the head of the church. It would be a strange being who should walk down the street with hands and feet tingling with life, but with the head of a corpse, the eyes glassy In death. Christ's mind directs the church, and every remotest nerve is traceable to his brain. "These are the reasons Paul gives for the pre-eminence of Christ I want to be very sure that I place Christ just where the Bible places him, and not where short-sighted men place him. We do not have to go far to find those who. while they are quick to insist that they recognize no claim of the Gospel on them, are veiy ready to call Jesus su preme among men, overtopping every sage In wisdom, every statesman in far-seeing vision, every saint in holiness. But when they have ended their eulogies, the Bible has only begun. "Up, up, up, he rises above angels and principalities and powers, until amidst the hosts of heaven he stands supreme, the chief among ten thousand. That is tho Christ to whom I lift my heart in worship, and In whom I am trusting for salvation. And that is the Christ whom I want you to know and love and wor ship." DEFENSE OF ORTHODOXY. Dr. Alexander Blackburn's Evening SerniOn. "The Gospel Meets Man's Needs" was the topic last evening of Dr. Alexander Blackburn, pastor First Baptist church. The text was Galatians 1:8, "But though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." "The Galatians (the ancient Gauls) were very much like some people In our day, In that they were restless at receiving any thing that was not very modern and new. It seemed to them preposterous to be asked to accept the same gospel that had been accepted for 25 years. They were a progressive people, and not old fogies, everlastingly holding to old doctrines that might have been well enough In their day. I suspect there was a school of liberals and advanced thinkers in Galatia. "My text Is Paul's answer to them. About 1840 years have passed Blnce Paul wroto this. Could he say the same now? But before answering the question, let us get clearly In mind what Paul had preached. He preached that In 'Adam all die.' This includes the fall. That '.sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death'; that Is, future punishment. That 'Jesus was Lord' and to be worshiped; that he died for our sins and rose again; that he mado an atonement for sin by his death on the cross. I think you will all agree with me that Paul was a pretty stiff or thodox preacher as we count orthodoxy. Do these old doctrines meet the demands of men today? "The gospel belongs to that class of realities that do not change. Some things do change. The vegetation on the surface of the earth iB constantly changing; even the surface of soil changes; but the earth deep down does not change. The nature of the water and the atmosphere does not change. The sun is the same that shone on the earth when Moses wrote. "The great laws that produce summer and winter, seed time and harvest, do not change. Historic facts .do not bscome different with the lapse of time. If Abra ham journeyed, and Pharaoh bullded, and Nebuchadnezzar waged war, and Caesar ruled, and Christ wrought miracles, and the apostles bore witness, thoe facts are as true now as ever, and all the progress of the eternities cannot change them. "There are great underlying truths in science that do not change. We are not clamoring for a new multiplication table There Is no new Archimedes to proclaim a change In the old theorem that 'the square of the hypothenuse of a right angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides.' "The Christ of the gospel is the sun; we need no other. His life and char acter are facts ot history; you cannot change them. He declared certain eternal principles which are as Immutable as th-a declarations of the mathematician. "The gospel has met the needs of the ages, and is meeting them today. Very much is said about the failure of the gospel, and the charge is based chiefly on the fact that great multitudes are un believing and therefore we must have something new. We all admit that multi tudes reject tho gospel. The fact is a sad one, but I submit that it would hard ly bo a fair test of a specific for some disease to count tho number of sick who refused to take it The failure is in this old human nature that is at enmity with God. The gospel comes requiring humll-ityrand- men are pioud; it calls for self denial, and men are selfish; it calls for love, and men are full of hate; it calls for lojal obedience, and men are full of anarchy. "The fair thing is to look ait the work of the gospel where It has been- received. There you find civilization, enlightenment, beneficence, brotherly kindness. It has mado cannibals gentie, drunkards sober, savages civilized, prizefighters gentlemen, and scoffers worshipers. I have seen and heard men whose transformation by the power of tho gospel was as marvelous as the raising of Lazarus. 'But' says my liberal friend, 'I am willing to take the ethical teachings of the gospel and the character of Christ as a model man, but anust do away with his divinity, and miracles, and atonement, and resurrection. The age has advanced beyond that' My answer is, 'Your liberalism has been a worse failure than the old orthodoxy. It does not meet the demands of the masses even so well as the gospel. "Lot me illustrate by actual facts. Eighty-two years ago Cambridge, Mass., was a city of 20.000. There were three flourishing liberal churches. A small Baptist 'church was organized, meeting vigorous opposition. Now there ore 90, 000 people, and two barely alive Unitarian churches, with old meeting-houses, and nine Baptist churches, three of them with houses that cost as much as this, and the Methodist and other churches have grown with the Baptists. If orthodoxy has failed once, liberalism has failed ten times. "But why argue? Everybody knows that the old truths are holding the people even now as never before, and the noisy cries of one here and there who has forsaken the old paths is as nothing. Three years ago B. Fay Mills forsook the old faith, and with great flourish of trumpets opened In Boston. For a little time he had a following, but now he Is in Oakland. Cal., leading a forlorn hope to save a meeting house. "These Illustrations could be repeated by the score. In fashionable Boston the liberal churches have not over half as many organizations as 20 years ago, while the old truths have won converts among the rich and the poor. It comes with a pardon for the sinner, based on the fin ished work of tho Son of God; with help for the weak, by the indwelling Spirit of God, and a heaven for the dying, founded in God's everlasting righteousness." TALKED ON THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Rev. C. F. Hurd's Sermon at First Evangelical Church. At the morning service of the First United Evangelical church, on East Sner man and Tenth streets, yesterday, tne pastor. Rev. C. T. Hurd, delivered an Interesting sermon on "The Good Shep herd," and drew appropriate comparisons from the subject for the present day. The text for the sermon was from John, x:14: "I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine." He said in part: "In the New Testament and various other places of the Bible we And where Jesus says, 'Feed my sheep,' showing that Jesus likened himself unto a shepherd. Traveling through the dusty ways of Palestine, he always displayed this same tender solicitude for his precious flock. In the same way he Is our shepherd to day, and cares for us just tho same as he did when he walked this earth so many, many years ago. The question that woula naturally follow from the foregoing state ment is 'What does he do as a good shep herd for us?' Let us first turn to tne shepherds of that day for an Illustration of our answer. We see the shepherd al ways on the alert for the good ot his flock and exercising every precaution to protect them from danger. Much In the same way our Lord protects us. He gath ers us Into his fold with tender and lov ing hands, and when we have gone astray, far from his watchful care, he searches for us and guides us back again. "Jesus has said that there would be but one fold. But this does not mean, as many are prone to believe, that there Is but one church, one particular denomina tion, which will gain one an entrance to the everlasting home. This doctrine is false in the face of It. We are all chil dren of God if we serve him aright, and when we are judged before the creator he will not ask us what church we ne longed to, but what we did to save an other's soul. God conclusively shows his care for his sheep In the 23d Psalm. The very epitome of the words 'The Lord Is my shepherd, I shall not want' Is his perfect care ot ourselves. We need not want, because In his own wise way ne supplies them. He knows our wants and needs better than we ourselves, and wnen he answers our cry of distress, If it ia not as we would have It, let us say 'Thy w!U. not ours, be done.' Like unto tne shepherd, he is always on guard to keep us from unseen danger, and were it not for this care, we would fall many times into the numerous pitfalls surrounding us In our dally journey! There are many Instances when a great disaster has been averted by heeding a subtle voice whlcn has warned just In time. And this warn ing was not a supernatural one, but was God's voice calling to his sheep in the time of danger. The Bible tells of tne many times when the Lord has fed his famishing people, and he feeds them today, though with spiritual food Instead of nat ural. He feeds them through tho agency of the Bible and the ministers. Yet how little thought is manifested for this kind of food. Our dearth of interest in spirit ual ministry is evidenced by the slack at tendance at divine worship. This greatest of all earthly duties Is neglected, and the people rush madly after worldly pleas ures, while they lay up a poor Inheri tance, Indeed. In the Hfe to come. "In going from one place to another, a shepherd always leads his flock; he never drives them. So It Is with God. He does not drive a man to a Christian life, but throws as many Christian influences in his way as possible, and by this means at tempts to lead him on to the higher life. The man mu3t exercise his own free will and good sense in this case. Like as tne angels do when a soul enters the heavenly fold after life's dark toll, let us say 'Praise ye the Lord.' " Routine of the College Student. 14S0 From "Life in a Medieval University," by Dr. H. Randall. 5:30 A. M. Rise, drink a flagon of beer at the buttery; no other breakfast. 6-S Ordinary lecture In the public schools (no fire rushes on floor). 8 Mass (In early middle ages optional; later, compulsory). 9-11 Study in room with three compan ionsperhaps "repeating" to each other morning lecture. No Are; no glass in windows. 11 Dinner. Bible read in hall. Menu: Soup, thickened with oatmeal, beef, bread, cheese, small beer. 11:30 College disputation. 12 M. The idle man takes a walk or plays dice at the tavern; the studious re turns to his books. 1:20 P. M. Luncheons, 1. e., a drink of beer In hall. 2-3:30 Extraordinary lecture. 3:S0-5 Ditto. 5 Supper. Much as at dinner. 5:30-8 Study for the serious; roaming about the streets for the frivolous. 8 Curfew rings. "Potations" In halL 9 Run round quadrangle to warm. feet. Bed. e Reduction Sale Fancy Dry Goods. New York Mercantile Co., 205 Third. GROWTH OF ISLAND TRADE INCREASE OF MORE THAN 100 PER CENT IN 1S0O. Exceeded the Dullness of the Years of the Greatest Prosperity Un der Reciprocity Relations. WASHINGTON. Jan. 7. Commerce with Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Hawaiian, Philippine and Samoan islands during tha 11 months ending with November fu ly justifies the belief that the new relations which those Islands sustain to the Unite 1 States will result in a great increase ia our- commerce -witlr them, and especially In an increase of our exports to them. The total exports from the United States to the four islands or groups ot islands will amount in the calendar year 1S03 to considerably more than $40,000,000,. the to tal for the 11 months ending with Novem ber being $37,54.110, as compared with less than $20,000,000 last year. When It is con sidered that neither Cuba ncr Puerto Rico has yet returned to anything like normal conditions, and that there has been a condition of actual warfare In the Philip pines during the year, the fact that tha total exports to the islands in the year exceed those of the palmiest day3 of re ciprocity shows that when normal condi tions return, our exports to the islands will greatly Increase over those of earher years. Our total exports to Cuba, Puerto Rico, Hawaii and the Philippine Islands in tha years of their greatest prosperity under the reciprocity relations of 1S93 and 1534 amounted to but about $33,000,000, whLe, as already Indicated, those of 1S99 will ba considerably in excess of $40,000,000, the total for the month of November having been over $4,000,000. This Increase Is fourd in the case of each of the Islands, tha exports to Cuba being In 11 months ot 1S99, $22,742,141, against $3,711,729 in the corresponding 11 months of 1898; to Puerto Rico, $3,365,292, against $1,220,014 in ls9!; to the Hawaiian Islands, $10,296,157, against $5,891,755 in the corresponding months of 1S98; to the Philippine Islands, $1383,755, against $137,471 In 1S9S, and to the Samcan islands, $86,755, against $36,829 in the 11 months of 1S9S. Foodstuffs, manufactures, and the arti cles required for agricultural and business development are the chief exports to theso Islands, and show the most rapid gal.-:. To Cuba the exports of flour in 11 months of 1S99 are 50 per cent in excess of thosa of 11 months of 1898, and three times those of 1S97. Corn shows an increase of 50 per cent, while provisions generally, including bacon, hams, lard, butter and cheese, show even more than a 50 per cent increase, and in some cases more than ICO per cent Cotton cloth shows a remarkable Increase, the total for 11 months of 1S9S having been $29,163, and in the corresponding month3 of 1S99, $6S3,969, while other cotton manu factures increased from $16,897, in 11 months of 1898, to $179,560 in the same months of 1S99. Cars and carriages show a very large gain as do also typewriters, sewing machines, builders hardware, ag ricultural implements, books and map thus Indicating a general revival of busi ness activity as well as an increased de mand for foodstuffs and clothing. The following tables show the exports to and Imports from each of the islands or groups of islands in question durlrg the 11 months ending with. November. 1SD9, compared with 1897 and 1898, and the de tails of exports to Cuba alone in the 11 months of 1S97, 1893 and 1S99: Exportsfrom the United States to Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Hawaiian, Philip pine and Samoan Islands in 11 months ending with November: Exports to 1897. 1893. 1S99. Cuba $ 8.145.514 $ 8,741.729 $22,742,141 Puerto Rico... 1.SSS.204 1,220,014 0.305.292 Hawaiian 4.S45.920 5,891.755 10.296,127 Philippines ... 63.367 137.471 1,383 7 Samoan 40.41S 35,1 ,&! b6,7S3 Totals $14,983,423 $16,027,798 $37,834,110 Imports into the United States from Cuba. Puerto Rico and the Hawaiian, Philippine and Samoan Islands in 11 months ending with November: Imports from 1S97. 1S9S. 1S99 Cuba $15,679,575 $16,856,146 $23,264 7 Puerto Rico... 1.934,182 2.316.448 3,402 rD Hawaiian 15,104.212 16.455,171 21.672.0S2 Philippines ... 4,137.575 3,871.516 4.875 617 Samoan 72.731 46.135 47,4d2 Total3 $36,923,306 $33,575,466 $58,263,013 Exports of principal articles from tho United States to Cuba in 11 months end ing with November: Articles 1S37. 1S38. 1S99. Wheat flour $571,719 $1,131,652 $1,874.7:2 juara 963,830 Lumber 275.W9 Bacon 531.970 Hams 319.397 Cotton cloth 217.872 Coal 513.040 Corn 267,575 Builders hdware 53.357 Mineral oils 239.713 Furniture ....... 32,459 Cotton mfrs., other 15,021 Mfd. tobacco.... 157 291 Cars, carriages.. 13.854 Ag'l implements. 7.726 Butter, cheese... 26.915 Cycles, sewing mch's, typ'w'rs 14.353 965.154 1.634.6C3 244.599 833.C3 503.329 842.163 307.120 6GS.H 29,163 CSC.EO 422.219 593 1 9 250.934 434.281 65,568 371.724 197,394 340 5l3 14,972 191,0,0 16.897 179 560 H0.2S9 172.S33 44.5SS 164,959 5.789 104,414 46,350 IZS.bZS 7.S63 161,040 OLIVER CROMWELL. The Parentajre and Early Life ot the Celebrated Englishman. "Oliver Cromwell," by Theodore Roose velt in the January Scribner's. When Oliver Cromrwell took his seat in tho long parliament he was 41 years old. Ho had been born at Huntingdon on April 25, 1599. and by birth belonged to the lesser gentry, or upper middle class. The orig inal name of the family had been Wl. lams; it was of Welsh origin. There were many Cromwells, and Oliver was a com mon name among them. One of the pro tector's uncles bore tho name, and re mained a stanch loyalist throughout tho civil war. Oliver's own father, Robert, was a man In very moderate circum stances, his estate in the town of Hunt ingdon bringing an Income of some 200 a year. Oliver's mother, Elizabeth Stew ard, of Ely, seems to have been of muh stronger character than his father. Tho Stewards, like the Cromwells, were "new people," both families, like so many oth ers of the day, owing their rise to tho spoliation of the monasteries. Oliver's father was a brewer, and his success la tho management of the brewery was mainly due to Oliver's mother. No other member of Oliver's family neither h3 wife nor his father Influenced him, as did his mother. She was devoted to him, and he, in turn. loved her tenderly and respected her deeply. He followed her advice when young; he established her In the royal palace of Whitehall when he came to greatness, and when she dlad he buried her in Westminster abbey. As a boy he received his education at Huntingdon, but when 17 years old was sent to Cambridge university. A strong, hearty young fellow, fond of horseplay and rough pranks, as Indeed he showed himself to be even when the weight of the whole kingdom rested on his shoulders he nevertheless seems to have been a. fair student, laying tho foundation for that knowledge of Greek literature and the Latin language, and that fondness for books, which afterward struck tha representatives of the foreign powers at London. In 1617 his father died, and he left Cambridge. When 21 years old ha was married, in London, to Elizabeth Bourchder. who was one year older thai he was, tho daughter of a rich London furrier. She was a woman of gentle an J amiable character, and, though she doc3 not appear to have Influenced Cromwells public career to any perceptible extent, ho always regarded her with fond affec tion, and was always faithful to her. 1 0 "Two jewels time and good advice." Two boon companions. Hood's Sarsapa rllla and pure blood.