-' THE MOENIKG- pHEq-ONIAN, MOSFBAY, ' JNJTAJRY 8, 1900. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES '"Booms,' "Booms and Board." "Housekeep tag Rooms," ""Situations Wanted," 15 word of less. IB cents; 16 to 20 words. 20 cents; 21 to 25 words. 23 cents, etc. Ho discount for additional inter-lions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS except TNew Today," SO cents tor 15 words or less; 18 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additions! Insertioc, on half; so further discount under one month. "NEW TODAY' (gauge measure agate), 15 cents per line, first insertion; 10 cents per lln (or each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad tressed care The Oregonlan and left at this of dee. should always be Inclosed In scaled enrel opes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonian will sot be responsible f or er jrors In advertisements taken through the tele phone. AMUSEMENTS. 21ARQUAM GRAND CALVIN HEILIG, Manager. ONE CONCERT ONLY. MONDAY, JANUARY 8, THE GREAT RUSSIAN PIANIST, VLADIMIR DE PACHMAN. VLADIMIR DE PACHMAN. NOTE THE PRICES Lower floor, except lost 8 rows $1.50; last 3 rows, $1: balcony, first a rows, $1.60; second S rows, SI; last 6 rows, 76? , box and lose seats, $2. No gallery. Seats now on sale. CCtLRAYS THEATER FOURTH ANNUAL TOUR OF THE FAMOUS MUSICAL FARCE-COMEDY. "AT GAY CONEY ISLAND," "AT GAY CONEY ISLAND," "AT GAY CONEY ISLAND," "AT GAY CONEY ISLAND," "AT GAY CONEY ISLAND," A Study in Newness. Carload of Scenery. Twenty-two Players. Everything: new but the title. Usual prices. MEETING NOTICES. CHINOOK: TRIBE, NO. C. IMP. O. R. M. Installation and Mag- social Monday evening, Jan. & All Red Men and tnelr friends Invited. COMMITTEE. HARMONY LODGE, NO. 12, A. F. & A. M. Stated communication this (Monday) evening at 7:80 o'clock. Reports of officers. By order W. M. A. J. MARSHALL, Secretary. MARTHA "WASHINGTON CHAP TER, NO. 14. O. E. S. Regular meet ing this (Monday; evening at 8 o'clock. Installation. By order of TV. M. MARGARET HOWATSON, Sec PORTLAND LODGE, NO. 118, I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Monday) evening at 8 o" clock. Atolngton building. First degree work. Vib'ting brothers Invited. My order of the .. G. E. R. BUSH, Secretary. TVANHOE LODGE, NO. 10. K. OF P. Regu lar convention this (Monday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. In Elks hall. Page rank. Visitors wel come. S. G. DRUSCHEL, a & L. CARSTENSEN, K. of R. and S. MARRIED. . GINGLES-MUwROURNE Wednesday, January 3, 1900, at the home of the bride's parents, Eaton Rapids. Mich., Miss Etta Mae Mll b urne and Dr. J. J. Gingles. At home, 120 l?th street. Portland, Or., after February L 1000. No cards. EDWARD UOLMAN. Undertaker. 4th and Yamhill ts. Berta Stinson, lady usslstunt. Both phones So, COT. J. P. FINLEY fc SON, Undertakers. Lady Assistant. Z7G Third t. TeL O. NEW TODAT. - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE AN r.ua; meeting of the taxpayers of school dis trict No 1, Multnomah county, Oregon, will be held In the High school building, city of Portland, county aforesaid, on Monday, Jan. 16 1!)'W at 7:80 P. M. The business of the meeting will be to consider the reports of the directors and cierk, and to levy a tax for the carport and maintenance of the schools of the diwtnct for the ensuing year, and to dis pose of such other business as may legally come before It. By order of the board of di rectors. J. A. STROWBRIDGE, Chairman Board of Directors. Attest- H. S. ALLEN. School Clerk. Peruana. Or.. Jan. 5, 1900. E. M ii ARIsES. WHOLESALE DEALER, SAN Frar Cisco and Oakland, desires purchasing train, flour, potatoes, butter, cheese and all r-3 prduacc. Corresponaence solicited. Will hirie nothing on commission. San Francisco c.1 ;e, 524 Second st THE TONTINE LIFE INS. PRINCIPLE AP j..ed to savings has yielded 50 per cent profit to persistent members. $1.25 per week for 60 v ecKS. Pacific Coast Investment Co., Port land, Or. FOR SALE THAT FINE WATER-POWER and mlllslte known as the Milwaukle flour m As. b W 1111am Church, 384 Front FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BARGAIN COLUMN Modern 7-room houses. COS-610 E. Ash. end 20-31 E. lflth; $1850 each. 2 lots and 7-room house. N. E. cor. E. 2d and Couca. Corner and S-room house, 694 E. Alder. 2 lots, running from E. Gth to E. 7th, be tween Morrison and Alder. Lot and C room cottage, 147 E. 20th. 68x100 and cottage. E. 18th and Belmont 50x100 and 2 cottages. E. Yamhill, near 24th. Corner and 9-room house, 990 E. Yamhill. Lots in Dent's addition. Beacon and Milwau kee sts., $400 each. Sightly lots, E. Eighth and Brooklyn. 100x100 and modern 10-room houie, East 12tn and Clackamas, Holladay's. Block and modern house, E. 21st and Gllsan. 50x100, 7-room house, 3S8 Grand ave. north. 3 lots and 2 store buildings. Union ave. and e..wood sts. 50x100 and 8-room house, S41 Tillamook. Lot and desirable bouse, 619 Mississippi ave. Lot and desirable cottage. 544 Kerby. 60x100 and cottage, 509 Vancouver ave. 4 houses on San Rafael St.. Alblna; now pay ing 8 per cent on price asked. 10 acres right In the city. This property faces car line, and is the most desirable tract for subd jdlng and value on the market. The abo e is a partial list of properties owned by a foreign mortgage company. The prices are low and the terms easy. W. H. GRIND3TAFF, 240 Stark. $750-2 LOTS AND COTTAGE, S. E. CORNER Fai Ing and Minnesota ave. $1000-50x120 and 2 cottages. E. Russell st, now pa j lng 10 per cent. $1050100x100, E. 8th and Hancock sts. $.00 Corner. Union ave. and Ivon t $550 Lou 50x100, E. Ash. near 20th. $95050x100, 5-room cottage, 560 E. Oak. $1000-35x100, 7-room house, 251 Hancock. $1000 Improved acre, Curry ave. $1XJ0 Snuth-front lot. E. Oak. near 14th. $135050x100, modern G-room house and barr 793 Michigan ave. $1500100x100. modern house. Piedmont. $1300 50x100. 5-room cottage. Grand ave., near Weldler, Holladay's. $45002 lots and modern house, N. E. cor. E. 1st and Halsey. $1450 Large lot and neat, modem cottage at tera- nus of Hawthorne car line. $3500 Acre and quarter, facing S. P. rail roaj Z houses. 3d and Stephens. $22502 sightly lots and modern cottage, Page and Gantenbein, Alblna. $1600 An Improved tract of about 6 acres near E. Arakeny car. xrvorabie terms on any of the above. W. H. GRINDSTAFF. 240 Stark. CHOICE "WEST SIDE BUYS $450 Txrt near 25th and Tnurman. $4050-50x100 with a strictly first -class 9 room house. This property Is locate 746 John sen, Nob Hill. House Is modern in eery detail, ar I was built at a cos of $5400. $5500 Corner lot and 10-room modern house cn lotn st., south of Morrison. East front; flrs-c ass neighborhood, and is renting ior $40. S3vxn-25x100. cottage. 104 11th st. near Tas ngton. $7000 50x200 and 2 houses, north side Burn e de, r-om &Ui to 10th sts. S3"00 Lo and house, 10th St., near Stark. $2C' Modern cottage. 701 Davis, near 21st. $2500100x100, vith 2 small cottages, S. W. eor. IfiiVi nrt PaIaIitH 22T00O ,rner lot. 24th st. King's Second. Sl.uO 5xl00, Irving, between 23d and 24th. $..50025x100. 12-room house, 449 Johnson. $1000 Desirable quarter block, Portland Heights. $900 50x100. Johnson, near 21st $7500 Block facing N. P. railroad, 19th and R ison. TS arehouse property. 50x100 and cottage. 330 N. 19th. Lot and desirable house. 150 N. 22d. $2000 South-front lot on Irving, Just east of 23d $2 K) Modern cottage. Hoyt near 22d. Comer and 2 cottages, 11 th and Kearney. & '10u and cottage. 809 Corbett Comer and 9-room house. 840 First Corner and 2 houses, W aier and Whittaker. Corner and 2 houses. Corbett and Arthur. T houses and iOts. Nebraska st. South em l'ortland. $800 each. 125x100 on Thurman, between 21st and ?M. Faiurable terms on any of the above W. H. GRIND3TAFF, 246 Stark. "WFLL-'MPROVED ACRE. ONE MILE THIS s 2e of Montavllla and near Ankeny car, for $T75 Q 55, care Oregonian. $45 -Ft'LL LOT. GOOD COTTAGE, BARN a- 1 fruit Lincoln Park. Rlggen Real Estate t c , 120 Fifth. PrriEC Agency, city and country property; long Te 1 ans low rates 313 Commercial block. f ' $ir5 LOT ON GLISAN ST.. NEAR 23D. Hart, room 7 Sherlock building;. FOR SALE REAL J3BTATE. GOOD IN-VTDSTMENTS $ 900 Lot on Raleigh st. . $4000 Alblna business property eqtilty pay ing 12 per cent t 50 Good Jot in Tremont. 24003 acres, Hawthorne ave. $4650 8-room dwelling and Jot, Johnson, uear22d. $5500 Modern dwelling. Sixth, near Jackson. 50 acres one mile east of alount Tabor. $ 100 Desirable lot Kenworthy. $3000 Lot two buildings, Williams ava. $S000 Prune farm near Salem. $2000 6-room dwelling near East 22d. $ 60 Lot Tremont Park. $3750 S-room dwelling, Irrlng, near" 2d, $1000 Lot on Raleigh st; $1100 Lot on Savier, near 22d. $2200100x100 on 21st ana Pettygrove. $2800 Cottage on Hoyt near 23d. $5500 Dwelling and 2 lots. NOrthrup, near 28d. $3050 Dwelling, -modern, Irving; near 23d. HARTMAN, THOMPSON & POWERS. 3 Chamber of Commerce. $4500 "WILL BUY ONE OF THE MOST AT tractive places In Oregon, 51 aores, delightful park, curving walks, rustic bridges, fine gar den, choice bearing fruit, large residence, bam, fruit drier; 5 blocks from station, 3 blocks -from high school, Hillaboro. Beautiful 5-room cottage, 3 lots, choice fruit chicken park, at University. Dunn, 149 First $95021 ACRES "FINE LANdTiN CULTTVA tlon; family orchard, good 7-room house, barn and outbuildings; all fenced: facing oounty road, near Vancouver. Rlggen Real Estate Co., 126 Fifth. FOR SALE FARMS. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. Fcr full particulars as to various properties, apply to Macmaster & Blrrell. 311 Worcester block. IMPROVED FARM, 160 ACRES. 10 MILES from Portland. Vt mile from railroad; 20 acres In hops. Drawer 17. Portland. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE OPPORTUNITIES. $5000 Highly Improved 100-acre farm. $30008 lots, 14-room dwelling, suburus. $2500 Brick building Valley town for equity. $ 20080 acres timber land. $1S00 2 beautiful lots. Portland Heights. f 1500 5 aews. West Portland. 75011 acres near Cedar Mills. Farm In Marion county for merchandise. 12S0-acre farm In Lane county. HARTMAN. THOMPSON & POWER3, 3 Chamber of Commerce. IMPROVED FARM PROPERTY AND UNIM proved suburban property to exchange for Im proved city property. Thos. Splllman, Mount Tabor. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BARGAINS IN SEVERAL SECOND-HAND and slightly used plnaoa this week at Ellens Piano House: Whitney $218, Stefnwary $185, Decker Brothers $260. Kimball $288. Emerson $185. Jennings Sc Son $80, E. Gabler & Brother $05, Hardman $185, Cable $150. Terms cash or $20 down and $6, $8 or $10 monthly. 107 First st, between Washington and Stark. TIMBER-BUYERS: IF YOU WANT 1200 TO 2000 acres of timber land, that will cut 10, 000,000 feet to the quarter section, write to James A. Hood, Aberdeen, "Wash. FIR, $3 40 TO $3 75; OAK. $4 10 TO $4 75; ar-h, $3 85 to $4 25; tpeciftl rates for res taurants and chophoupes. Pioneer Woodyard. Phone 189 DRY FIR. $3.25 TO $3.50 PER CORD; RES taurants, special rates. Columbia Wood & Coal Yard, foot East Stark. Both phones. , TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES, RENTED AND sold. Expert repairing. Office supplies, etc. Cunningham's. 286 Stark. Both phones. DRY FTR, $3.25 TO $3.50; POLE OAK, $3.90 TO $4.25. Hoover. 313 Water st Phones Ore gon South 657, Columbia 83. SELLING OUT AT COST OR BELOW WHOLE -entire stock general merchandise. 232-234 Rus sell st, J. S. Brownewell. FOR SALE THOROUGHBRED COCKER spaniel pup, 2 months old. 330 Pine st, be tween Cth and 7th. FURNITURE. CARPETS. PICTURES AND solid walnut-case Everett piano for sale, at 294 14th st A YOUNG HORSE VERY CHEAP, OR WILL trade for anything but a horos. 313 "Water street SAFES. SAFES. BANK WORK. LOCK DEP'T. opening lockouts, repairs. J. E. Davis, 66 3d. $S FOR A NEW GAS COOKER; $2 CASH, balance $2 per month. Gas Co.. 174 Fifth st Grand upright piano $100, one $05, one $30, or gan $10. Upstairs, 104 First Mrs. Martin. FOR SALE GREAT DANE THOROUGHBRED pups; price $10 and $15 each. 3S8 Sixth st. FOR SALE HORSE AND LIGHT SPRING wagon. Inquire 570 Borthwlck et FOR SALE BROWN LEGHORN CHICKENS, by G. "W. Edmonds, Mt Tabor, Or. DRAFT HORSE, WEIGHT 1400. PERFECTLY true; price $50. 1060 Kelly st FOX TERRIERS FOR SALE. CALL MORN lngs. 252 11th st, near ifaln. . Pianos. SHERMAN, CLAY & CO.. ROOMS 10 AND 17 Russel building, cor. Fourth and Morrison. Stelnway &. Sons, A. B. Chase and Emerson pianos, A. B. Chase and W. W. Putnam or gans. Cash or installments. Gramophones and Reglna music boxes. SOULE BROS.. EXPERT TUNERS, 107 FIRST st Phones. Eilers Piano House, HELP WANTED 3IALE. WANTED MEN TO LEARN BARBER trade. Only eight weeks required. Special advantages this season. Complete outfit of tools presented students. "Wages Saturdays. Positions positively guaranteed. Can earn tuition working for us. Catalogue with city map mailed free. Moler Barber College, San Francisco, CaL LIFE INSURANCE MAN, EXPERIENCED and competent wanted for Important district agency Mutual Life of New York; must have bona fide record for writing $100,000 to $300, 000; bond required; liberal commissions and office allowance. "William S. Pond. State Man ager. Oregonlan building, Portland, Or. ACTIVE MEN AND "WOMEN EVERYWHERE to take orders for "Life of Moody," the great evangelist Sells at sight Sample enabling you to make from $3 to $7 dally, by mall free on request Address Globe Bible Pub'g Co., 723 Chestnut st, Philadelphia, Pa. SO MEN AND TEAMS AT ONCE, R. R. work, $4, pass; R. R. laborers, $1.75, pass; loggers, $2 up; ranch hands; cooks and res taurant help. Canadian Emp. Agcy., new ad dress, 228 Morrison and 163 First "WANTED RELIABLE MEN TO DELIVER and collect Salary $15.00 a week and ex penses. Address Manufacturer, P. O. box 1027, Philadelphia. Pa. SALESMEN TO SELL OFFICE SPECIAL tles. Fine side lines. Used by all merchants. Catalogue free. Model Mfg. Co., South Bend. Ind. BOY "WANTED TO LEARN THE UPHOL sterlng business; no wages first six months, after six months $6 per week and up. 388 Sixth. "WANTED YOUNG MAN "WITH SOME knowledge of Remington typewriter; state age and references. Address L 60, Oregonlan. "WANTED TWO MOLDERS; STEADY JOB; married men preferred. Apply Douglass BroB., Aberdeen. Wash. WANTED A REGISTERED DRUGGIST; etate experience and salary wanted. Address X 56, care Oregonlan. "Worklngman's Barber Shop; haircut 15c, shave 10c; 0 chairs. Ed Dennlson. 205 Morrison st WANTED 500 MEN TO :TRY THE BEST 5c shae and 10c haircut, at 27 North Second. BARBER WANTED: "WAGES $14 PER WEEK. C. A. Kellogg. Hoquiam. "Wash. WANTED A WAITER AND DISHWASHER at 270 Burnslde. HELP WANTED FEMALE. STRONG YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN GEN eral housework; experience not essential If willing to learn. Apply Mrs. J. c. Havely, Woodstock. Take Woodstock car. Third end Yamhill, and ask motorman to show house. ORDER YOUR HELP FROM THE VOLUN teers of America Free Employment Agency, 24 North Second st, Portland. Oregon tele phone Hood 762. Grant McKay, Manager. WORK' WORK! WORK'. PLENTY OF WORK. Call and see us. Canadian Emp. Agcy. New address 220 Morrison, and 183 First WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework. Apply this morning, be tween 9 and 12. 291 Seventh street A GOOD HOUSEKEEPER, 20 TO 30 YEARS OF age. wanted for farm, out of town. Inquire Union House, Sixth and Everett sts. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; must be good cook; wages, $20 month. Apply 715 Flanders street HELI? WANTEQ FEMALE. WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework. Apply 071 Gllsart street, after 10 A. M. STILL' IN THE LEAD! JPLENTY: OF "WORK, Pacific! Employment Office, 201 Morrison st? room 10. , WANTED-NURSE GIRL, TO TAKE CjARE of children. Apply 4147 Seventh, cor. Hall, WANTED A 'NURSE GHIL THAT CAN As sist, In housework. Apply. 723 Gllsan. , "WANTED t- EXPERIENCED RESTAURANT waitress. 327 Washington street. "WANTED TWO DINING-ROOM GIRLS, AT 53 North 18th, corner Dayls. GIRL WANTED. APPLY 54&BELMONT ST, HELP WANTED MALE OR FE5IALB.- TEN ORGANIZERS. LADIES OR GENTLE men, ior the best fraternal orders salary -and commission to parties with ability. Address 25 Ledger, Tacoma, Wash. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerics. SITUATION WANTED AS CLERK OR ANY Inside "work; have worked in" wholesale gro cery. Address F 69r care Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. A MAN WITH 29 YEARS' EXPERIENCE AS superintendent and foreman of machine shops wishes to secure position of -same kind. Ad dress Y 49, care Oregonlan. N6 objection to going abroad. JAPANESE, GOOD BOY. WANTS SITUATION in any place, for housework, dishwashing. Address B 59, care Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Domestic. SWEDISH, EXPERIENCCD SECOND GIRL, from East, wants second work. 600 Market, between 14th and 16th. THREE GIRLS WANT SITUATIONS TO DO general housework and second work. 298 Pettygrove streot GERMAN GIRLi FXRST-CLASS COOK, wishes a position. Call 4C5 West Park. Stenographer and Typewrittr. AN INTELLIGENT YOUNG WOMAN WANTS a position as stenographer; willing to do dther office work; thoroughly competent; reference H., 754 Savier st. Dressmakers. STYLISH DRESSES MADE AT REASONABLE prices. 129 10th, near Washington. Miscellaneous, HAVING MOVED, WE NOW HAVE THE largest and handsomest office In the city, and can always supply male and female help on short notice. Both phones. Canadian Emp. Agency, 220 Morrison. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED ARTICLES SELL ON sight; exclusive territory. Address, making appointment, P. Box 263, Portland. GOOD CITY SOLICITORS WANTED, MALE or female; good pay. Room 47 "Washington building. Agents make big money with our line. Write for particulars. Great Northern Woolen Mills, Chicago. Economy Gas Lamp Co. light 15 hours 5 cts. Agents wanted. H. W. Manning, Agt, 43 3d. "WANTED TO RENT. WANTED A COTTAGE OF SIX OR SEVEN rooms, with good yard. Address O CO, care Oregonlan. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS. BEST PRICES PAID FOR HOUSEHOLD FUR nlture of all kinds, in large or small lots. Also packing and storage at low rates. Address J. Keppel, 388 Sixth. Phone Brown 602. WANTED TO RENT A CULTIVATED FARM, from 25 to 50 acres, without stock and farm tools. Jos. Froehlich, Palestine P. O., Mult nomah county. WANTED GOOD FAMILY HORSE. GENTLE, sound, reliable. Give particulars of ago, weight, color, lowest price. M 57, care Ore gonian. WANTED LOAN $4000, ON CHOICE IM proved West Side real estate; no brokeis. Ad dress S 58, care Oregonian. WANTED EXPERIENCED QUARTZ MINER; state age, experience and references. R 68, care Oregonian. WANTED TO BUY 160 TO 320 ACRE3 U. S. reserve scrip; state price. X 62, care Orego nian. WANTED TO BUY ON INSTALLMENTS, A 6 or 7-room house. A 57, care Oregonian. FOR RENT. Rooms. THE SPALDING. S. E. COR. PARK AND Alder sts., under the management of the owner, Helen F. Sraldinc hn most complete apartment - house In th6- Northwest; choice rooms, for gentlemen or gentleman and wlfe furnished housekeeping suites a specialty. THE VENDOME, COR. 13TH AND ALDER sts., gives you nice furnished, steam-heated rooms and first-class hoard, from $1 a day up, including baths and use of billiard-room; no better accommodations to be had; first class trade solicited. THE PLEAS ANTON. 288 THIRD ST. FINE furnished rooms, en suite, single or house keeping; sunlight in ail rooms; bath included; most reasonable terms: transient solicited. OCCIDENTAL, 215 FIRST. COR. MORRISON Board, by Southern cook; rooms, suites, sin gle; every convenience; family housekeeping; reasonable. FOR RENT VERY DESIRABLE FURNISH ed room, In private family, with use of ga3, bath and phone; reference required. 180 14th street NEW AND ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOMS at the Vanderbullt, N. W. corner West Park and Yamhill. Moderate prices, and best service. THE NEWCASTLE, S. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison sts. Rooms, furnished or unfur nished; all modern conveniences; references. TWO LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, WITH alcove, bay window and grate; also small kitchen. 201 13th street, corner Taylor. THE GILBERT LARGE, WELL-FURNISHED rooms; all modern conveniences. Third and Taylor sts. entrance, 267 Taylor. 435 ALDER FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; front, first and second floors; bath, telephone; desirable location. TWO COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOMS, one alcove; fine location; reasonable. 474 Al der st. Phone West 652. 435 ALDER FURNISHED ROOMS, SINGLE and en suite; suitable for one or two gentle men; bath, telephone. THE QUINCY BLOCK ELEGANT ROOMS; modern conveniences. J. E. Mlnard Black, prop. 345 First. 207 GTH ST. NICE ALCOVE ROOM WITH pmllege of light housekeeping; near post offlce. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR, with furnace heat; rent reasonable. 170 13th street THE GALENA. 207 THIRD FINE ROOMS; day or week; rates lowest In city. Phone 603. Gllman Hotel Brick bldg., central; furnished rooms, $1 per week and up. First and Alder. MRS. OSVOLD. 221 MORRISON ST. NICELY furnished rooms; rent reasonable. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; USE OF bath and phone. 104 Park st. 3 OR 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS; BATH; very desirable. 403 Third st. Rooms With Board. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 12TH YEAH; rooms with board; enameled bath tubs; use of Hbrarj; Woman's Exchange; Industrial school. Address Mrs. E. C. George, superin tendent, 610 Flanders street NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, FURNACE heat and modern conveniences; with or with out board. 454 Clay st DESIRABLE ROOM AND BOARD, FOR TWO women, employed during day; $15 each. B 56. Oregonlan. FINE ROOMS AND FIRST-CLASS HOME cooking, $3.50 week. Mrs. E. G. Carr, 361 Washington. FIRST - CLASS ROOMS. WITH BOARD; phone and bath; private family. 330 Fifth. A FRONT SUITE OF ROOMS. WITH FIRST- class board, at Mrs. Strykers, 163 11th et. I FOR RENT. "Rooms 'WthiBjmdV NICELY FURNISHED, SUNNY ROOM, "WITH board, after Dec 25. 141 West Park- Houekeeihiir Rooms. THREE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOU3E keeplng, with piano, nnq" water $11 per months 588 Pettygrove- street 872 FIRST ST. FOUR, ELEGANT BAY ,T?IN dow, furnished, .housekeeping rooms ', $10; re-, spsctable people cnly. THREE NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKKEP lng rooms; rent reasonable Apply 274 HoJ laday avenue. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; RENT $4 J FURNT turo at a bargain. Rooin 85 133 First st; 05. 11TH 5Tf A SUITES OF R?OMS, FURNISH ed, for housekeeping; one alcove room. THREE FURNISHED -HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 288 Jefferson. Houses. FOR RENT CORNER HOUSE, 17TH AND Johnson, with all modem improvements; 9 roomt. Inquire of A, B. Stelhbach, Fourth tnd Morrison. . 204 14TH, NEAR JEFFEREON; FINE, NEW fiat, modern and complete In every detail, $27.50 month. FOR RENT CONVENIENT 6-ROOM HOUSE, with bath. In good condition, on. car line. 326 Chapman. COTTAGE, 6 ROOMS; FURNACE AND BATH; good location. Apply J. E. Haseltine & Co. FOR RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE. $0: 215 Taylor. Apply Portland Gun Store, ,iS2 First. 7-ROOM HOUSE, 508 CLAY ST.; MODERN Improvements. Inquire 510 Clay. Furnished Houses. FOil RENT-NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE; modern; desirable location; gentleman boarder 1C desirable. 643 Third street. COMPLETELY FURnT3HED MODERN house; desirable location; reasonable rent; a nice home. W 53, Oregonlan. MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE, EITHER FUR nlshed or unfurnished; to responsible tenant Inquire 135 23d. Hoiinom for Rent Furniture for Sale, SEE THAT NEW FURNISHED CORNER house, 7 rooms, near City Hall, and mako offer; must be sold by 15th; have one of the finest 11-room houses In the cltyi new Brus sels carpets, throughout; new furniture, com plete, $600; or that desirable nicely furnished 13 rooms near Hotel Portland, reduced to $750. Many larger houses. Ea3y terms. Collins, 270 Washington street. Stores. FOR RENT ALL OR A PART OF THE OS borne brick warehouse, 70x200 feet, with trackage facilities, 17th and Vaughn streets. Inqulr st 235 Pine street earner Second. SPECIAL NOTIGES. Proposuls Invited. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT IN AND FOR Thurston County, State of Washington Har riet O. Garland et al., plaintiffs, vs. Seatco Manufacturing Company, a corporation, de fendantOrder of Sale In accordance with an order of court rendered In the aforesaid ac tion on the 19th day of December, 1899, I, George E. Thompson, as receiver of the afore said defendant, the Seatco Manufacturing Company, 'a corporation, will offer for sale, at public sale, to the highest bidder, at my office, on the mill plant of the defendant, In Bucoda, Thurston county, Wash., at 11 A. M., March 1, 1000. the following-described property, in the order and manner and on the terms hereinafter set out: First I will first offer the mill plant, com plete, embracing all the buildings, tools, ma chinery, fixtures, office furniture, apparatus, oils, belts and every other Implement and thing used In connection with and In the operation of said mill, together with all the real estate upon which the mill, buildings and yards used in connection with eaid mill are located; also, both dams and all improve ments, and easements belonging to the com pany, situate on the Skookum Chuck river, Thurston county, Washington, the real estate being described as tollows, to-wit: In section twelve (12), township fifteen (15), north of range two (2), west being a part of the southeast quarter of section twelve (12), In townsblp fifteen (15), north of range two (2), West Willamette meridian; beginning at the southwest corner of lot numbered six (6), In block numbered nineteen (10), of Mc Elroy and Williams Third addition, to.the town of Seatco, according to thexplat of said addition now on file and of record in " thej atidltors office of said Thurston cohnty; thence south fifty-seven (57) degrees, thirty minutes east a distance of one hundred feet to the southeast corner of said lot six (0), in block nineteen (19); thence south thirty-two (32) degrees and thirty minutes west, a distance of twenty feet, more or less, to the north line of that tract of land mentioned in deed from H. B. MoElroy and others to C. A. Billings, J. K. Smith and Oliver Shead (said deed being of record in volume sixteen (16), of deeds, at page two hundred and twelve (212), in the auditor's office of said Thurston county); thence east along the north line of the tract mentioned as deeded to C. A. Billings, J. K. Smith and Oliver Shead, a distance of four hundred and twenty (420) feet, more or less, to the south line of the right of way granted by H. B. McElroy and others to the Northern Pacific Railroad Company (the deed of said right of way being of record In volume fifteen (15), of deeds, at page 703 In the auditor's office of said Thurston county); thence north westerly along tho southern, line of the said rlgnt of way granted to the' Northern Pacific Railroad Company, a distance of five hundred feet (500), more or less, to the northwest cor ner of fractional lot twelve (12), of block eighteen (18), of McElroy and Williams Third addition to the town of Seatco; thence south thirty-two (32) degrees and thirty min utes wwt, a distance of four hundred and thirty (430) feet, more or less, to the point of beginning (containing two acres more or less). In section twelve (12), township fifteen (15), north of range two (2), west; all of that cer tain tract of land situate in the southeast quarter of section twelve (12), township fif teen (15), north of range two (2), west In Thurston county, Washington territory (now state), particularly described as follows, to wlt: Commencing on the eastern boundary line of that certain 20-acre tract commonly known as the Seatco penitentiary ground, at a point five chains and ten links distant from the southeast corner of said 20-acre tract, and running thonce north slxty-seen (67) de grees west, 5 chains, and sixty-eight (08) links; thence north twenty-three, (23) de grees east one chain and seventy-seven (77) links; thence tiorth sixty (00) degrees west, one chalh and' thirty-eight (3S) links; thence north thirty (30) degrees east, two (2) chains and eighteen (18) links; thence south sixty (CO) degrees east one chain and twelve (12) links; thence north twenty-three (23) degrees east 8 chains and sixteen (16) UnkB; thence east six (6) chains and eighteen (18) links; thence south twenty-three (23) degrees west, along the eastern boundary of said peniten tiary grounds, fourteen (14) chains and fifty two (52) links, to the place of beginning, con taining 7.83 acres. In section twelve (12), township fifteen (15), north of range two (2) west; commencing at a point which Is established as the southeast coiner of a tract of land commonly known as the penitentiary grounds, in section twelvo (12), township fifteen (16), north of range two (2), west, said point of commencement being twenty-one (21) and fifty one-hun-dredths chains east of the quarter section corner, between sections twelve (12) and thirteen (13), township fifteen (15), north of range two (2) west; thence north twenty three degrees east along the east boundary of said penitentiary grounds twenty (20) and thirty one-hundredths chains, more or les3 to the south line of the right of way granted to the Northern Paciflo Railroad Company by H. B. and Sarah E. and Carrie M. McElroy, Charles E. and Margaret R. Williams; which said deeds of right of way are recorded In deed records of Thurston county, volume fifteen (15), at pages 703 and 705; thence In a southeasterly direction along the southern line of said right of way three and seventy one-hundredths chains (3.71), more or less, to the right bank of the Skook umchuck river; thence down said river south twenty-four (24) degrees, west six and seventy one-hundredths (6.70) chains; thence south eighteen degrees (IS), west two and eighty one-hundredths chains; thence south thlrty fie (35) degrees, west one and eighty one hundredths chains; thence south forty degrees west, one and seventy one-hundredths chains; thence south thirty-three and one-half de grees, west five and thirty one-hundredths chains; thence west one and eighty one-hundredths chains, more or less, to the point of beginning, containing live and flfty-slx-one-bundredths acres more or les3. Second I will next offer fbr sale the following-described real estate and timber lands, together with all standing timber owned by the defendant, said real estate and timber lands being described as follows, to-wltt All of section twenty-Blx (20), township fifteen (15) north, range one (1) east, con taining 640 acres. Northwest quarter and southwest quarter, and the northeast quarter of section ten (10), township fifteen (15) north, range one (1) east, containing 4S0 acres. North one-half and the southeast one-fourth of section twenty (20), township fifteen (15) north, range one (1) east, containing 480 acres. Lots three (3) and four (4), and south one half of the northwest bne-quarter of section four (4), township fifteen (15) north, of range one (1) east, containing 160.84 acres. Southeast one-fourth of section four (4), township fifteen (15) north, range one (1) east, oontalnlng 160 acres. The south one-half of the northwest quarter and the southwest one-quarter of the north east quarter, and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, of section fourteen (14), township fifteen (15) north of range one (1) east, containing 160 acres. The southwest one-quarter of section four teen (14), township fifteen (16) north, range one (1) east, containing 160 acres. Tho west half of the northwest quarter and 15FECIAI NOTICES. " Eroposali Invited! t the. west-half 'of tho southwest quarter of sec tion twenty-four (24). township fifteen. (15V north, of range one (1) east, containing l acres, The south 3ialf of section seventeen. (17). township fifteen 15) north, range one (1) 'BastcontalJilns 320 acres. , ., Air of the merchantable fir and cedar Um ber pti tie southeast ohe-fourth of "section, thlrty-ttur 34), towjashlp- sixteen. (16) north of range one U) west. w ' - s ' All of the merchantable fir and cedar, timber on the north5 nalf or pectldn seventeen (1JJ township fifteen (15) .north, range jbne (1 west. " v Third-1 will then offer for sale all timber t contracts held by me, as receiver, calling for the delivery of logs to supply .the mill, ana at time of offer will give a correct estimate thereof. Fourth I wilt then offer tof role all saw loga In my possession, a scale or measure ment of which I wJJ! furnish at the time. Fifth I will next offer the remainder of the'real, estate of the defendant, which is de scribed as follows, to-wit: Lot numbered two (2), In block numbered twenty-five (25), In McElroy and Williams Tblrd addition to the town of Seatco, as shown and described on the official plat pn file, and of Tecord Iri the auditor's office o Thurston county, together wltli, all structures and Im provements thereon. Blxth I "will thetf offer all of the afore said property as a whole, and If there eh all be bid therefor, as a. whole, a sum In excess of the aggregate sum of the highest separate xblds made for the same when offered sep arately. I' will declare the bidder therefor tha purchaser, provided, he pays me in cash or equivalent then And there 10 per cent of the amount "of such bid: otherwise the prop- -erty"wlll be sold separately, to the highest separate bidders upon the same terms. Seventh I will next offer all luinber la my possession, an Inventory of which will be on hand at said sale, for Inspection and informa tion, and will also offer such other personal property as Taax be In my possession at that time belonging to the defendant or myself as receiver, consisting- of horses, wagons, har ness and vehicles. As to these last pieces of property, consisting of lumber, etc., I re servo tho right to reject any nnd all bids, and dispose of the same at private sale. The terms of all sales mado under this no tice are as follows: Ten per cent of the bid accepted paid to me at the time of acceptance thereof. In cash or Its equivalent, the balance to be paid In cash or Its equivalent at the time of the confirmation of the sale by the oourt. The right to reject any and all bids 1b reserved by the court. I reserve tho right -at ingress nnd egress to tho toIU property for a Teasonable time after the sale, for the handling, removing and dis position of any property thereon not sold at the above sale. Good and sufficient deeds and- conveyances yi be mode by the court to all property sold upon confirmation of such sale. GEORGE E. THOMPSON. Receiver of the Seatco Mnfg. Co., P. O., Bu coda, Wash. Dated December, 1809. Miscellaneous. COUNTY WARRANTS-NOTICE IS HEREBY given that Multnomah county warrants, classes A and C, the sam-J having been drawn upon the road fund, that were presented and Indorsed "Not paid for want of funds." from March 1, 1S99, to May 31, 1899. both dates Inclusive, will. If properly Indorsed, be paid on presentation at the office of the county treasurer. Intercot thereon ceases on and after the date of this notice. Portland, Or., January S, 1900. Ralph W. Hoyt, county treasurer. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE RIVERVIEW Cenietery Association The annual meeting of the members of the Rlvervlew Cemetery As sociation will be held at the First National bank on Monday, the 8th of January, 1900, at 3:30 P. M. A general attendance Is de sired. All owners of family lots In the cem etery ore members of the association and en titled to participate. WILLIAM R. MACKENZIE, Clerk. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The under signed herewith gives notice that he will not be responsible for any debts or liabilities contracted by his wife, Marie Relchen, who has left his bed and board. JACOB REICHEN. Portland, Jan. 6, 1000. FINANCIAL. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM $25 TO $600, on all classes of security. R. I. Ecker son &. Co., room 5 Washington building. MONEY LOANED on suburban real estate, or good security of all kinds; In sums to suit W. H. Nunn, 311 Macleay bldg. Phone Main 622. MONEY TO LOAN. HARTMAN, THOMPSON & POWERS. 3 Chamber of Commerce. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES BOUGHT FOR cceh or taken as security for term loans. Eugene D. White & Co., 420 Commercial blk. MONEY TO LOAN on any -jood security; strlct--ly private. Call "Mann,' 604 Dekum buildlhg. MONEY TO LOAN on furniture or good securi ties. S. W. King, room 45 Washington bldg. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or salary se curity. C W. Pallett il5 Commercial block. WRITE ME; I'll loan you money on your furni ture, privately; low rate. S 43. Oregonlan. State funds loaned at 6 per cont. W. E. Thomas, State Agt. for Mult Co., 400 Chamber of Com. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON FURNT ture, pianos, salaries, etc. Can be paid in Installments, reducing interest Rates lower than the lowest F. W. Graves. Mgr., 285 Alder, near 4th, ground floor. Tel. Green 444. $200,000 TO LOAN AT 5, 6, 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property for sale and rent Agent for Westchester Fire Insurance Co. Wm. G. Beck. 321 Morrison st PERSONAL. WE PRINT 30 FINE VISITING CARDS FOR 25c; 60 In neat case 33c, 100 50c; visiting cards sent postpaid; 250 business cards $1, 500 $1.50, 1000 $2.50; other work in propor tlori. Brown & Schmale, 220 First st, Port land, Or. ILLOND'S PREVENTATIVE CONES; ANTI 'eeptlc, and germ destroyer; sent sealed, per box, $1.50. Lady correspondents, bond 4c stamps for particulars. Iilond Chemical Co.. Portland, Or., P. O. box 974. ONE SUIT CALLED FOR, PRESSED, sponged and delivered every week, $1 a month. Also steam cleaning, dyeing and repairing. Unique Tailoring Co., 34T Washington. Phones. SELECT MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC: LADY from San Francisco. Parlor 20, 263 Stark st. Wrinkles and all facial blemishes removed by electricity, cup, roller and sponge. Lewis big. CLOTHES MENDED FOR LADIES AND GEN tlemen. Apply at room 45 Labbe building. WHY SUFFER LONGER? CALL AT 13 3D north, magnetic healer. Weltmer system. DOUBTFUL DEBTS COLLECTED. ANY where. 518 Chamber of Commerce. FOR MASSAGE BATHS, CALL AT 313 Washington street, room 33. FOR RENT PIANO. INQUIRE MRS. Mc Carter. 69 North 13th st BUSINESS CHANCES. INVEST LESS THAN $i000 IN A NEAT stock of profitable goods; desirable location, cheap rent, established trade; a good business at your own price. Address A. E., box 273, city. $750 CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, 'FINE rooms back, best location in city. $600 Fruit and cigars. 3 rooms back, old stand, and fine fixtures. Collins. 270 Washington. FOR SALE FURSTCLASS COUNTRY DRUG store; Willamette valle good business; worth investigating; parties meaning business, ad dress Druggist, care Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY A RESPECTABLE. PAY ing rooming house. State particulars and price. No agents. A 60, care Oregonlan. GOOD-PAYING HOTEL, NEAR RAILROAD depot, In Sheridan. Or.; sale or trade. O. P. McLaughlin, Sheridan, Or. FOR SALE CONFECTIONERY STORE; GOOD location,, on prlnolpal street. Address D 57, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE OIL AND GASOLINE BUSINESS; cheap for cash. Call 41 East Eighth st. north. WANTED AN INVESTMENT OF $25,000 ON income-bearing property. Address V 46. care Oregonian LOST AND FOUND. LOST GENTLEMAN'S PIN. SOLITAIRE encircled with small diamonds. Liberal re ward for its return to Portland General Elec tric Company. LOST ENGLISH SETTER BITCH; NEARLY white; some ticked, with black spot on back. Reward. A. Groener, room 9, 253 Wash ington street SORREL HORSE; WHITE FACE, WHITE spot on side and white hind foot; email gray mare. J. P. Cline, 104 Russell st, Alblna. Reward. LOST RED IRISH SETTER; WHITE ON breast, scar under left eye. Return to 29 Park St. Reward. LOST A GRAY HORSE. RETURN TO George Bauer. 334 Beach st., and receive re ward. LOST ON WEDNESDAY, 12TH AND MONT gomery, a purse. Return to 770 Overton. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. lAsrrienlt-arai Implements, Machinery. RUSSELL & CO ENGINES. BOILERS, SAW mills, threshers, horse-powers. 324. Belmont JOHN POOLE; Newton wagons, buggies, wind mlllB, pumps, machinery. Foot Morrison at Assayers and Analysts. J, H FISK, MINERAL ASSAYER AND Chemist; goia dust bought 204 Washington. PAUL BAUMEL, ASSAYER A11D ANALYST. Gold dust bought 228 Stark st 'Balcerles. U. S. Bakery, Matschlner Bros., props.? breads, cakes pies, pastry and crackers. 101 N. 14th, cor. Flanders American Bakeryt all kinds of bread. Cakes, pies. Gua Manksrtji prop., 600 Williams ave. Barber Shops. HOWARD'S BARBER SHOP; FINEST BRAND cigars; 9 expert workmen. 2Bg Aide. st. Barbers' Supply Houie. G. N. W. WH-SON CO.. BARBERS SUP piles. 80 Sixth st. Oregon phone Black 2900. Baskets. INDIAN BASKETS. FROM ALASKA. CALI fornla and Oregon. Res., 121 13th, cor. Wash. JJaths. DEKUM Bathrooms popular baths, massage, electricity. 714-15-16 Dekum. Pnone, Red. 2845. Book Stores. New and second-hand "school and other books. 203 Morrison st., between First and Front- BoTvIlnir Alleys. THE- BROWN" BOWLING ALLEY, FOR LA dles and gentlemen. 248 Grand ave. - Creameries. WASHINGTON CREAMERY; PURE BUTTER, cream; bakery goods. Both phones. G. O. Mttjger, 41"J Vaantngton. Chiropodists L. MITCHELL, PAINLESS CHIROPODIST. OF flce 1CU 5tn st, opp. postotfice. Tel. Hood 014. Miss Dart, chiropody and manicuring, room 50 Union block, 1st and Stark. 9 A. it to 5 P. .at Complexion fepeciullata. BEAUTIFY AND REGULATE YOUR FEAT ures; the latest scientific methods. Madame Steele, 722 Marquam. Commission Merohanta. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, Wuol, monair. tallow, old ruooer ana oia meiai, ana general coranusiou merchant. Front st, near Main, Portland, Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants, Sherlock building. Portland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS, COMMISSION AND PRO auce merchants, Front it L) au., Portland, Or. EVERDING & FARRELL, commission, butter, eggs, chickens and farm produce. Portland. H. TUKE &. CO., 234 FRONT; FLOUR, HAY, produce, feed and groceries. Clear Sealers. RAILROAD CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE; cigars and tobaccos. Fred G. Lent, 250 Alder. Dentists. HENRY P. O'CONNOR. D. M. D.. 602 MAR quam building. Morrison st, bet. 0th and 7th. DR. C. B. BROWN; tel. Ore. Red 2813; res.. White 634. 514-15-16 Dekum building. Dental Supplies. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO., Cor. Fourth and Washington sts. OrcDsiiiaklng. MRS. SADD3 A. McKIBBEN. MODISTE; FINE evening and street costumes a specialty. Tel. Scott 701. 372 East Morrison. MISS HAWKINS. LADIES' TAILOR AND dressmaker; good fit guaranteed. 424 Wash. MISS E. McDONALD; FASHIONABLE DRESS maklng; fit guaranteed. 627 Washington. MADAME McINTYRE, PARLORS. 253 6TH St., cor. Madison; perfect lit guaranteed. Dyeing- and Cleaning:. H. W. TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER AND cleaner, 301 17th. Telephone Red 131. Educational. Mrs. G. Smythe. late of Royal Academy, Lon don, Eng., will receive pupils for stage course, elocution and music; stage practice; club rates reduced. A. O. U. W. bldg., studio 17 and 13. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE. Fifth and Yamhill; A. P. Armstrong. Prln.. J. A. Wesco, Sec. Open all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free. HOLMES' ENGLISH AND BUSINESS COx lege, 414 Yamhill st English course; com mercial and shorthand coursed. Send for cat alogue. Spanish classes; Mrs. Wm. Webb Robinson, nee B. M. McDonald. Selling-Hirsch big., room 53. Electrical Engineers. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS. 393 Wash. All kinds electrical supplies and repairs. Fence and "Wire Works. PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS; WHtE and iron fencing, office railing, etc. 334 Alder. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works; A. Carlson; 289 East Morrison st. Harness and Saddles. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO., HAR nes3 and sole leather, saddlery, hardware, find ings and shoe store supplies. 73 Front st. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO. WHOLE sale saddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front st. Hotels. Hotel VUlard; newly remodeled nnd refurnish ed; modern. J. E. Munsey, prop. 575 N. Front Insurance. HAMBURG - BREMEN FIRE INS. CO., 103 First st Boyd & Arnold. General Agents. Laundries. BEGIN THE NEW YEAR ARIGHT; HAVE the Model Laundry do your work. Leather Findings. J. A. REID, mfr. boot and shoe uppers; full stock shoemakers' supplies. 107 Washington st. Medical. DR. PAUL CROMWELL, THE GREAT COL ored specialist of all kinds of diseases of both men and women. Every disease of the human body. Ejes, ears, con3umpi'v-., asthma, ca tarrh, cancer, wens and ail other chronic dis eases positively cured In three week3. The doc tor can be seen at his new sanitarium. 17 Green ave.. 23d and Washington. DR. FLORA A. BROWN MAKES SPECIALTY of asthma and diseases of women and children. Consultation and diagnosis free. 517-18 The Dekum. Portland. Or. 3Ilningr Machinery. TATUM & BO WEN. 29 TO 35 FIRST ST.; mining, sawmill, wood - working machinery; pumps; Hoe saws. LoRKinj? Machinery. NEW DEVICE FOR SAVING WIRE CABLE on logging engines. E. Turney. 307 E. Oak st. Muirnetle and Electric Massacre. MRS. ABBIE C FRENCH CURES NERVOUS women w.thout drugs. CO LewU building. Marble and Granite "Works. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS: marble, gran ite and atone work. Schnr.en & Neu. 20S 1st Midwlves. MRS. EHL, GRADUATE MIDWIFE. 121 North 14th st. Telephone West 667. Musical. ANCD2NT TYROLESE VIOLIN FOR SALE; suitable for lady Violin, viola and cornet lea sons; music furnished. Emit Thlelhorn. 269 Jefferson. Telephone West 1004. Lessons 50c; piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vio lin, instruments for sale. Mrs. Martin. 104 1st. Mining Investments. OREGON EXPLORATION CO. OFFERS SPE clal inducements to investors In Its wide, rich field of operations, with no risks In pur chase or the working of mines. The company owns a group of eight tuartz claims of great promise. Only a small amount of stock Is on the market, at a low price and easy terms, as a large per cent Is held as treasury stock for the benefit of every share. E. A. Clem & Co., 515, 516 Oregonloa building-, Portland, Or. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Minins. , MONTANA METALLURGICAL WORKS. IN corporated. Sampling and assaying; small leu of hlgh-gxide ores bought: gold and silver re fined: mint rates allowed for gold; charges, ores, alloys, etc.. gold $1.60. silver $1.50. goM and silver $2", lead $L50. copper $1.50, xlno $2.60 -ron $1.50. retorting amalgam $1.50. S. Chase, President. J. T. Gove. Manager. 02 First st. Portland. Osteopathy. VT. ALLARD ROGERS. D. O. OF A. S. a, TH3 Portland Institute of Osteopathy, Morquaia building. Hours. 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. except Sun days. Investigation respectfully solicited. Con sultation free. OREGON INFIRMARY OF OSTEOPATHY under the management of L. B. Smith. D. O. Suite 4CS Oregonian building. Exam!riafca free. Lady osteopath. DRS. NORTHRUP &. ALKHIE, osteopatbtsts rooms 415-16-17 Dekum block. Oregon phons Main 349. Consultation and examination free. Oresron Vlavl Company. Lewis bldg.. Park and Morrison. Free Healtiy lectures to women Thursday, at 2:30 P. M. Patents. T. J. GEISLER. 610-611 CHAMBER OF COM. Registered attorney U. S. patent office. Pnlmiitry. Miss Marie White, scientific palmist, reads past and future correctly. Lewis bjdg.. room 63. Photofi-raphers. Burns, leading photographer. 6th and Morrison, makes reliable photos at reasonable prices. Photographic Supplies. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. WHOLESAL3 and retail, cor. Fourth and Washington. Real Estate, Loans and Rentals. ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD & CO.; ESTAB llshed 1660. 227 Stark st Restaurants. i Strouse's Cafe: best 25c meal; famous coffee and cake. 10c 222 Washington, bet 1st and 2d. Roof Repairers. "Sjir- - cvrr "TZED IRON cornices. J. C. Bayer. 205 Second st. Snvr Mill Machinery. Christenson-McMasfer Machinery Co.; new and second-hand machinery. E. Watar & E Tnyltr. Second-Hand Goods. We buy everything clothing, furniture, etc. Call or address. 52 Third st Telephone Hoodi 685. ShotvcaiicM and Store Fixtures. DECON. BORGESON & CO.. FRONT AND Washington sts. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE. RELIABLE CLAIRVOYANT and psychic life-reader consult her on busi ness affairs. love troubles, absent friends; good advice on mines; reading dally, 50c and up. 187 First street office 7 and a LAR3EN. THE PALMIST. WILL TELL THH year when all leading events in life take pCpieo; past and future readings. 50c. 285 First st MRS. J. A. SMITH. MEDIUM AND MAGNET IC healer, card reader; ores read and mines located. Room 8, 228 "Washington. MRS. C. CORNELIUS. TEST MEDIUM: SIT tlngs daily. Alisky bldg.. Third and Morrlsan. Mrs. Stevens. Psychic. Inspiration writings, 25a. Sittings dally, 50c up. 342 First et ASTROLOGY, reliable delineations also taught. 9 to 9. L. K. Adams, 03 Park. Storasre. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE. Fourth and Davis. Merchandise a specialty. Insurance rates low; storage rates reasonable. Careful attention given to country consign ments. TeL Or. Main 777: Columbia 670. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS. FURNITURE MOVED AND packed for shipping. C. M. Olsen. 123 First Tel. office. Main 10ST; Black 801. STORAGE AT LOW RATE3 CAN BE HAD at Fred Blckel's storehouse, 31 North Front Transfer and Storage. PLNOS AND FURNITURE MOVED. A- I. Murphy. First and Taylor. Phone Black 2335. "Watchmakers and Jewelers. CHAS. A. GIRT. WATCH CLEANING. 50c; other work in proportion; guaranteed. 302 1st "Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, cor. N. Front and Da via sts.. Portland. Or. "Wholesale Drasrsrists. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. WHOLESALU druggists, corner Fourth and Washington. "Wines and Liquor. Fine wines, liquors and cigars; free lunch; everything first class. Tom Perkins, 329 Front. WILLIAM TELL SALOON; CHOICE WINES and liquors; fine lunch; beer. 5c 211 AMer. HANKS. SAVINGS BANK- PORTLAND XKUST COiH-AN X OF OREGON. 10Q THIRD STREET. Money to loan on mortgage. BENJ. L COHEN ..PresWent rr T OtfTnT-V A R MTfHnr.". . . Vha.Pnu E." J. ALT3TOCK. J. O. G0LTRA....SeeretarkJ3 FH13T NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OK. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent of the United States. President H. W. CORBETT -...!... o p wrraivnTfiv Assistant Cashier J. W. NEWKTRK Second Assistant usmer. .......... v- Avjnzt Letters of credl' Issued, avoilabia In Eurep and the Eastern states. SIgnt exchange and telegraphic transfers sold Paul. Omaha, San Francisco and tho prlnolpal points in lots nunanou Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London. Paris, Berlin, Frankfort-on-the-Main, it..m T.-nn. "VrtVrtV. a ty. f, fnn.nhap.n P'Hr'affmln Stockholm. St Petersburg, Moscow, Zurich. Hon olulu. Collections made on tavoranie terms. LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1850. Transact a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favorably terms. Letters of credit Issued availablo in Eu rope and the Eascern states. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sakl on New York. Washington, Chicago. St Leub. Denver, Omaha. San Francisco and various points in Oregon. Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London. Paris, Berlin. Frankfort and Hong Kong. U.E.LLS. FARGO i CO. BANK CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS .$6,250,000 JOHN J. VALENTINE PRESIDENT HOMER S. KLVG MANAGER (San Francisco.) R. M. DOOLEY CASHIER H. G. HANLEY ASSISTANT CASHIER (Portland.) General Banking Business transacted. Ex change sold, and Letters of Credit issued, avail able in all parts of the world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON Presidant R. L. DURHAM Vlce-Presktent R.WV HOYT Cosftter GEO. W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid on time deposits. Draft3 and le'ters of credit Issued, available in all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought. LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK LIMITED. CAPITAL PAID UP $2.50,000 Head Office. 73 Lombard street, Loadon This bank transacts a general banking and ex change business; makes loans, discounts sh.s awl issues commercial and travelers' credits, avail able In any city In the world. Chamber of Commerce building. Third and Stark streets. W. MACKINTOSH. Manager. AEtfSWORTH NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, cor. Third and Oak sts. J. C. AIN3WORTH. Pres.; W. W. PIHLLTPS. Cashier. Transacts a General Banking Business. Exchange bought and sold on all the principal cities In Europe Also facilities for tetegrapAlb transfers. Collections made on favorable terms on all accessible points. SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT Connected with the bank. Safes' rented on easy terms. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts issued available In ail cities of the United States and Europe. President TYLER WOODWARD Vice-Presldtnt JACOB KAMM Cashier . F. C. MILLER BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA-PAID-UP CAPITAL -....$3,000,000 RESERVE 500,000 Head Office. 60 Lombard street. London. Cora'l block, 244 Washington st. Portland. ... 8. LEA BARNES, Masasar.