Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 08, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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MARQUA1I GRAXD Vladimir do Pachmann.
COHDRAVS THEATER (Wasalnstoa street)
"At Gay Coney Island."
Dredging atv Montoomert Dock.
Dredging in front of the great Montgom
ery dock at Alblna has been so far corn
ploted that for a distance of 250 feet there
Is a depth of 70 feet of water In front
of the dock, and the largest ships can
come alongside to be loaded. "When the
dock -was completed there was to be re
moved a bank of cement gravel In front
600 feet long and extending out 20 feet to
deep water. The job was a. hard one, and
the Northwestern "Wrecking & Dredging
Comoany, which undertook it, has been
obliged to break up the solid cement by
blasting before It could be dredged. The
amount of material to he removed was
G000 cubic yards, and the work is now near
ly half accomplished. Charges of 12 to 14
pounds of vigorite powder, placed in gunny
sacks and with cap and electric wire at
tached, have been laid in rows along the
obstruction to he removed and discharged
by a battery. The weight of water on
top of these charges caused the hard
cement gravel to be "broken up, so that the
dredge could remove it. At first many
cars and other fish were killed by tne
concussion when "blasts were fired, and
the hoys and sea gulls used to haver great
times chasing after these fish, but of late
the fish have given the place a wide bertn,
and it is seldom that any are killed. Sev
eral ships have discharged ballast at the
new dock, and now vessels will begin to
take on cargoes there. One ship is now
lying at the dock, and there are three
large steamships and 15 sailing ships in the
To Float the Mascot. The steamer
Mascot, which sunk last week near tne
mouth of the north fork of Dewis" river,
will. It is thought, ha floated again within
10 days. Andrew Allen, of Portland, who
lias undertaken to raise the boat, found
her lying on her side in a "bed of quicK
sand, where it will be difficult to place
barge between her and the river bank.
He took a force of men and a supply or
heavy timbers and chains with him when
he went down, and the method he proposes
to pursue in raising her will be by plac
ing a barge on each side. Two 14x16 60-foot
timbers will be placed across the deck of
the sunken steamer, and these will rest on
jackscrews, supported by the barges. Some
600 feet of heavy chain will be placed
around the hull and made fast to the tim
bers. Then the jackscrews will be ap
plied and the timbers blocked up as they
are raised. Mr. Allen does not anticipate
any difficulty unless heavy rain storms
should create a sudden freshet in Lewis
river before he gets the barges in position.
In that case, the steamer might fill with
sand, while her superstructure would bo
In danger of washing away.
Voracious Sea Gdtjs. In the wire
fronted coops of a down-town market
there is quite a menagerie, comprising a
beautiful pair of gray fox squirrels, blue
jays, pheasants, rabbits, a young fox and
a pair of big, dingy-colored sea gulls. Most
people have seen the gulls which frequent
the harbor here at this season, and make
themselves at home on bridge draws and
the roofs of the houses or steamers,
chase and fight each other for possession
of scraps thrown over from steamboats,
but if any one wants to see what vicious,
determined creatures these birds are, let
him throw a smelt into the cage where
this pair of gulls is kept. They seize the
fish like a flash and hold on like a pair
of bulldogs, each striving to wrest It from
the other, while lth express "by actions
that they will die before they let go.
Throw in another smelt, and before one
can say "Jack Robinson," both fish have
been swallowed, and each of the gulls
has turned and Is ready to snatch the
fish from the other, if the latter had been
slow in getting It out of sight
Streets Sprinkled With Mud. Team
sters engaged in hauling dirt from city
lots being excavated naturally drive along
the smoothest pavements they can find.
Their wagon-beds are by no means water
tight or earth-tight, as the bottoms are
formed of loose scantlings, rounded oft
at each end, to enable their easy displace
ment when the load Teaches the North
Portland lot it is desired to fill. Thus a
very -uniform system of dirt sprinkling Is
carried on, from the time the soil leaves
its old home until It reaches, the new.
The frequent showers keeps these sprink
lings In a muck, which radiates through
the entire business portion of the city, as
excavation proceeds. Portland people are
used to this, however, as it occurs every
winter, and only newcomers complain.
Mr. Sullivan Goes to Seattle. Ted
Sullivan, who has been in Portland for
some time endeavoring to make arrange
ments for a Northwestern league baseball
team here, left last evening for Seattle.
Mr. Sullivan is highly pleased with Port
land and hopes to be able to arrange
for a team here. All that is lacking, he
,says, is grounds, and negotiations with
Iha M. A. A C. are now under way for
the use of Multnomah field. The North
west league is to be composed of first
class players, and Mr. Sullivan and the
other men who are interested in it have
lad wide experience in baseball manage
ment. Samuel IKoehler Dead. Samuel Koeh
ler, who Is supposed to have a brother,
who is a farmer, residing near Portland,
died recently at Wellington, King county!
Wash. J. J. Ferguson, of Welling
ton, requests that a notice of the fact be
made in The Oregonlan in order that if
there are any relatives of Samuel Koehler
In this section they may be made aware
of his death. Any information desired can
be obtained by writing to Mr. Ferguson,
at the address given.
Look at This Window. An exhibit of
artistic arrangement of men's and boys
suite is shown by Moyer & Co. in the
main window this week. The blending ot
color is perfect, and the selling figures
displayed on each suit, usually an ugly
feature, is turned to good account and
adds to the attractiveness of the dis
play. As an object lesson in the art or
window-dressing, this exhibit has never
been surpassed in Portland or elsewhere.
Recruiting Office Open. CantnJn r.-
bell. United States army, who is to have
charge of the recruiting office in this city
"for two years, arrived here and assumed
his duties several days ago. He is now
receiving applications for the artillery,
cavalry and hospital corps and for infan
try for the Philippines only. He has re
ceived a number of applications, and has
already enlisted several men.
Funeral of R. R. Walker. The fu
neral of E. E. Walker took place from
Eolman's undertaking parlors yesterday
afternoon, and was largely attended. The
deceased was a member of the order ot
Foresters of America, and some 200 mem
bers of the organization took part in the
exercises. The interment took place at
Greenwood cemetery.
Stole Butter. W. J. Burns and Wil
liam Brody were arrested yesterday foi
stealing butter from the Merchants ho
tel. Both men had been employed to
carry in wood, and utilised the opportu
nity to seize the butter. The theft was
eoea discovered and traced to them.
Women's Union Meeting. The regular
monthly meeting of the Portland Women's
Union will be held at 2:30 o'clock today, at
the boarding-house, corner f?ifttrntY an
Flanders streets. A full attendance Is de
sired. Notice. Judgment sale against W. St
M. Barnes, manager Thiel's Detective Ser
vice, for ?450 and cost Liberal discount
Apply George Mendenhall, Commercial
J'-P- T Meehno. This afternoon
at 2:30 o'clock the Central W. C. T. U.
will meet at the headquarters, 107 Third
street, ""Our Part in the Week of Prayer"
will be considered. Every one Is invited.
Mushroom Club. The Mushroom Club
will meet this evening at room 524, Cham
ber of Commerce, Dr. Harry Lane will
read a. paper on the "Mushroom Family."
Persons interested, as well as members,
ere cordially Invited.
David M. Dunne & Co.'s office removed
to factory, corner 19th and Sherlock ave.
Or. telephone 137.
Copt of the Nautilus. A copy of the
Nautilus for January, 1300, on account ot
which Elizabeth Lois Struble, the publish
er, has been arrested at Sioux Falls, S. D.,
on a charge of sending obscene matter
thrfiugh the mails, has been received at
The Oregonlan office. The paper is "ae
voted to the practical application of men
tal sciences in every-day living," and
incidentally to advertise cures made by the
publisher, who is evidently a "mental sci
entist" whatever that may be; also a book
on the constitution of man, by the same
person, and books on "Mind Cure," '"Tho
Influence of the Zodiac Upon Human
Life," Scientific Palmistry" and other
material of the same kind. While it is
scarcely as openly vulgar and obscene as
the Firebrand, formerly published hero by
a gang of socialistic, nihilistic, free-love
cranks, and which was suppressed by
the United States authorities, there are
enough thinly-veiled references to sex
matters, "the demands of nature upon the
passional plane," etc., to explain the ac
tion of the authorities In South Dakota.
The articles in the paper are liberally
sprinkled with words and phrases in ital
ics and capitals, and are devoid of point
or interest except possibly to degener
ates. s Books tor Postage Stamps The post
office department has long had under ad
visement a scheme for Issuing postage
stamps in books, as well as sheets. Third
Assistant Postmaster Madden's idea is to
have the. stamps on sheets of six each,
bound in a little book, with pasteboard
covers, and sold at the rate of 12 two-cent
stamps for 25 cents. A private business
man put this idea of binding stamps into
books to a pretty fair test a while ago,
when he went into the business of selling
books of stamps at a trifle less than the
actual cost of the stamps, making his
profit on the advertising which he put on
the covers of the books. The only thine
which now stands in the way of the
scheme being carried out Is that it will
involve the making of entirely new plates
for printing the stamps. It is thought that
this mechanical hitch can be overcome,
and everybody will be glad when he can
buy postage stamps in little books with
parafflne paper between them, and the
unpleasantness of finding one's stamps all
stuck together just when he wants to use
them will be done away with.
Nearly Readt for Occupancy. The
South Portland school building will prob
ably be ready for occupancy by February
12, the beginning of the last term of the
school year. The building contains four
rooms, three of which will be occupied
at first A number of pupils from the
Falling school will be transferred to the
new school, and the room now rented for
the Falling school will be given up. As
the Harrison-street school is overcrowded,
there will be a readjustment of the bound
aries between the Failing school and Harrison-street
school districts so as to re
lieve the Harrison-street school.
Anniversary Address Postponed. The
address to have been given tonight at the
First Baptist church by D. A Sinclair, at
the T. M. C. A. anniversary, has been
postponed for one week on account of the
week of prayer meetings in the various
churches and also for the purpose of se
curing additional stereoptlcon slides from
the East
P. H. S. Alumni. Important meeting
next Thursday eve, at S o'clock, In high
school building. By order of president
Opinions Vary aa to the Desirability
of an Out-of-Tovra Lo
cation. , ;
cteo ggg
Some Doubt Expressed an to Their
A man who has charge of a shooting
preserve on Columbia slough was in tho
city a few days ago, and told the sports
men who employ him that the duckshoot
Ing for the season was about done. He
said the ducks were mating and going
north. This story seemed ridiculous at
this time in the year, and the sportsmen
expressed doubts as to the correctness of
their gamekeeper's statement. He in
sisted that he knew what he was talking
about as he had lived by this same duck
lake for 16 years; and he said the ducks
were all swimming about in pairs and
couples, and that every day or two a
whole flock of them would rise in the air
and fly away toward the north.
An old-time resident when told of this,
expressed his belief that the gamekeeper
was mistaken, or was telling an untruth,
and offered to wager his reputation as a
weather prophet and old resident that it
would snow within 24 hours.
It has not snowed, and yesterday was a
regular spring day. It did mist a little
in the forenoon, but the wind was from
the south, and balmy, and in the after
noon the sun shone as brightly and the
sky was as blue as in June. Fall-planted
bulbs are up and growing rapidly; fall
sown peas the same, and the pussy wil
lows are in bloom. This does not mean
that the velvety calyxes have merely been
pushed out from their protecting scales,
but that they have really put out their
long blossoms, and after a day or two of
such weather as the present, the bees
will be out gathering pollen from these
When the hunters who went out yester
day report progress it will be known
whether the ducks have gone north and
summer is at hand or not.
o P
H Chi
H Weber
Not the ordinary
kind, but
the very best
Not the cheap,
but rather
the most costly
107 First Street
North of Washington
Railroad Laborer Suddenly Killed
Near Hood River.
Albert Dazelle, a railroad laborer, who
has been employed at Winter & Chap
man's camp, near The Dalles, was In
stantly killed under a freight train Sat
urday night, about 10 o'clock, near Hood
River. Dazelle and three companions were
coming to Portland on the freight tram
and were riding In a "gondola." Dazelle
was carrying a roll of blankets, and at
tempted to climb from the "gondola" to
the top of a box car while the train was
In motion, and, in doing so, lost his footing
and fell beneath the wheels. His com
panions reported the affair to the crew,
and the crow of the next west-bound
train was instructed to look for the man,
but not to remove the body until so or
dained by the coroner. The body was sale
to have been horribly mutilated. Frame
Meyers, one of the dead man's compan
ions, reported the accident In Portland.
Take a trip to Chicago by either of the
routes offered by the O. R. & N. Co., and
you will come back convinced that the
O. R. & N. trains are as good as the best
By patronizing the O. R. & N. Co. you
are given the choice of two routes to
Chicago either by the. Great Northern to
St Paul, or by the Oregon Short Line and
Union Pacific to Omaha, and the North
western from there to Chicago.
A solid vestlbuled train Is run through
to Chicago by the latter route. This
train is first class in every respect fitted
with the latest-Improved sleepers, both
first and second class, carries a diner
clear through, has a library car attached.
and, in fact, Is equipped with all the latest
Improvements which tend to make travel
ing comfortable. Full Information re
garding rate and connections can be had
of Mr. V. A Schilling, 254 Washington
Establishment of a technical school In
Portland has become a live issue since
the offer made by J. W. Cook of a seven
acre tract in Alblna as a site. Many
prominent citizens have often looked for
ward to the time when Portland would
have a technical school as thoroughly
modern and advanced as the means of
education found In other institutions of
learning. Wherever the situation has been
canvassed closely there generally result
ed a conviction that the time was early
yet, so far as- the interest of the people
indicated. But every business man admits
the advantage of such a school, and from
the words of praise heard on every side
there seems no lack of support.
The only two efforts in the direction of
a technical school now being made in the
city is the night work of the Young Men's
Christian Association and the Portland
manual training school for boys, conduct
ed on Washington street by W. J. Stand
ley. The latter has been In operation tor
about three years, while everybody knows
the work of the Y. M. C. A. since erec
tion of the now association building. The
experience of those engaged In the work
at both places, being the nearest approach
to a technical school, probably affords the
best ideas of what Is the proper course.
Several persons connected with the work
were interviewed yesterday with the ob
ject of ascertaining the prospects of tak
ing hold of Mr. Cook's offer and building
a school that would be a. credit to the
city and the Northwest.
H. C. Campbell, who has taken an active
interest in all work for training boys in
useful employments, -was very hopeful.
The value of such an institution and the
support that would be given It by the
people at large, he said, were fully Illus
trated In Cleveland, 0., his home before
coming to Oregon. A humble start there
soon grew to large proportions, especially
that affording laborers opportunity to
study the theory and science of their oc
cupations. Mr. Campbell was confident
Portland would take the matter up In due
W. M. Ladd, president of the Y. M. C. A.
and largely interested in educational af
fairs, said he wishes the project all suc
cess. Mr. Ladd said that, personally, his
heart and soul was in Portland academy.
In addition to this Institution, he was also
closely associated with the Y. M. C. A.
A graduate of a technical school, and
one who has tried the support of the city
in similar work, -Is W. J. Standley, prin
cipal of the Portland manual training
school. Mr. Standley believed, first, that
no such Institution should be commenced
on a large scale. It would be useless to
procure a great site, large buildings and
able teachers until the people appreciated
the value of a technical or manual train
ing school. This they did not seem to do
now. There was not sufficient interest
among the young workmen to be benefit
ed, and the boys Intended to reach were
slow to take such studies up. So far as
the boys are concerned, Mr. Standley's
experience throws much light on the sub
ject of location. At the commencement
of his school, to get boys to attend street
car tickets were furnished, and for the
night school nominal charges made so
that the school would not seem a charity.
After a period, when it was felt that the
usefulness of the Institution was becoming
apparent, street-car tickets were with
held. At once nearly all those coming
from any distance ceased to attend. They
cared so little about the matter--of learn
ing a trade that the trifle of street-car
fare stopped their schooling.
Mr. Standley Is of opinion that a techni
cal school should be opened In the very
neart of the city, In one of the many va
cant buildings on the lower streets.
"Commence on a small scale," said he;
"demonstrate what the school will and
can do, and gradually the attendance will
increase until an Institution of greater
dimensions will be necessary. In opening
the work It will not do to copy New York
methods or any other methods. Portland,
like many other cities, has Its peculiari
ties and characteristics, and the way to
succeed here is to feel by experience what
is demanded by local conditions. If an
institution of much size Is contemplated
It would be a shame and outrage on
women not to provide a department for
women to learn their occupations In. At
the present time, It Is rarely you can find
a domestic willing and capable of per
forming household work as Is required In
some of the wealthy establishments. Rare
bric-a-brac, ornaments and ware suffer
from awkward or untrained hands. Now
there are many houses willing to pay do
mestics well if the proper ones can be se
cured. And other work girls embark In
could be made far more profitable to
them If they were thoroughly skilled in
its performance.
"A manual training school, properly
speaking, is what should be established
at the present, which would naturally
lead up to a technical school." Mr. Stand
ley narrated some of his experiences in
trying to get apprentices In the lanre.mfr- ductress, Mrs. Jennie Pritchard: guide.
chanlcal establishments of the city to'IpMrs' Lv Sparlock; associate conductress.
Portland Y. M. C. A., also expressed
hopes that a technical school would be
established. Ho stated that the local as
sociation had formulated no plans thus
far, although the matter had been con
sidered some. At the present time the
Y. M. C. A has 300 students in the night
classes, which is as many as tho asso
ciation building will accommodate, and,
therefore, no effort is being made to In
crease the number. Mr. Stone naturally
believed the association best adapted to
'the control of a technical school, such as
Portland would -support, and gave as hig
reasons the following:
"A school in Portland, in connection
with the Y. M. C. A., with one .equip
ment could do a three-fold work, viz.,
have a day institute, taking young men
when they are leaving the grammar
school and do about the same grade of
work as the high school, but In the
course emphasizing the natural sciences,
drawing, and requiring one or two hours
a day of manual training in the wood
and Iron shops. Second, the same equip
ment could be used at night to make
more effective and efficient the mien actu
ally engaged In Industrial pursuits dur
ing the day. Third, In tho afternoon, from
3 to 6 o'clock, boys from the city gram
mar schools could receive manual train
ing twice a week. In this way, a larger
number could be handled. The work
would be elementary manual training,
ithat would help to show the bent In life
for many a boy. If he possessed a spe
cial adaptability for Industrial work, he
would have the taste cultivated and en
couraged. "This plan of conducting a manual
training school In connection with the
association has been, pronounced practica
ble and desirable by such specialists as
C M. Woodward, of the manual training
school of St. Louis; Dr. McAllister, of the
Drexel Institute, Philadelphia, and Fred
erick Pratt, head of the Pratt institute,
Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. Pratt stated while
on the coast that If such a school was
to be established in the Pacific North
west, the proper place would be in con
nection with tho Portland! Y. M. C. A."
Mr. Stone advances many reasons In
support of. these statements, -all of-which
would practically enumerate the general
benefits to be derived from study in the
association classes and under the moral
Influence the association maintains In all
its work, educational or otherwise.
We have finished stock taking and we find many lines of
goods of which We still have too large a stock. These have
been priced low to reduce quantity. Several of these lots
are mentioned below .,...,-..
Men's extra fins tan colored Cassimere
Shirts and Drawers, our regular price
$1.7& sold elsewhere for $2, our clear-
-ancesale-prica,; .'.-.. V. .
Extra fine Natural Wool andCamel's Hair
Shirts and Drawen, regular SI. 25
values, our sale price
m -ra x
Regular $t5.00 values Sale Price $12.75
Regular $18.00 values Sale Price $15.30
Regular $20.00 values.. vv. Sa,e Pr3ce $17.00
Our prices, quality considered, are fully 15 to 20 percent
lower than any other clothing house in the city.
He was out on East Twenty-first street this dictum Is disputable, for we all know the same -condition has existed in Klaml
several days ago on nss wmeei on Dusircess, i wie mcis ui uie case, unu au nave a rigut ath county since the year 1 only f if
when he was suddenly confronted by two to form and express our opinion of them worse. Coal costs J56 a ton 'laid do-wj
nanasomeiy-aressea xaaies, wno smilingly i uuu me ueimsman. xsuc it is a very outer
advanced and said: ent thing when the man at the helm is
conducting a campaign 6000 miles away.
Ana the last who ought to proclaim their
distrust of him are those who have fitted
out the ship and directed the voyage. Our
Journalists wanted war, shrieked for war
and did everything In their power to bring i
it about. Now they have got it, the Iea3t
pthey can do in common decency Is to rec
ognize that if the war is not such a simple
and glorious business as they expected,
the fault lies with them and the politicians
they have supported, not with any of the
men they have sent out to fight.
e t
"Dr. Morrison, how do you do?"
He assured them that they must be mis
taken in their man, but one assured him
that that was not possible, and then said:
"Are you not Dr. Morrison, of the Trin
ity Episcopal church?"
"Oh, I should say not. I have been
too long connected with the ' to be
a preacher," at the same moment -mounting
his b'cycle and riding rapidly away,
leaving the two ladles standing amazed.
"When he reached home he eyed himself
closely before the mirror for some time
to find out If there was anything clerical
In his appearance.
De Pachmann, the great Russian pian
ist, will give a piano recital at the Mar
quam Grand on Monday evening, January
8. De Pachmann will play the Stelnway
piano. Go and hear the great master and
see the indescribable beauty of his tOucn
and the exquisite finish of his runs and
ornaments, and hear the defined rhythm
and poetry of his phrasing; such tecn
nlque, such tones, can be produced on
only one piano, and that's the Stelnway.
Listen to the Stelnway tone, then come
and see us, and we will show you our full
line of Stelnways In grands and uprights.
Stelnway Representatives.
Rooms 15 and 17, Russel building, Fourth
and Morrison.
study their work. Tuition was almost
entirely eliminated, hours convenient for
their work arranged, and every possible
Inducement held out, but the boys pre
ferred to have .their evenings on the
streets than to study the higher branches
of their work. From these reasons. Mr.
Standley thought the work would have to
commence with the smaller boys. They
would have to be taught to take Interest
In their leisure hours, devoting them to
improvement and advancement, and as
they were benefited thereby, others would
naturally be led to do the same through
the spirit of competition.
The matter was generally discussed at
the banquet given by Mr. Ladd to D. A.
Sinclair a few evenings ago. Mr. Sinclair
has performed a great work In Dayton,
O., in the line of developing Y. M. C. A.
work Into technical schools. His plans
there have called for new building after
building as a home for the association
and its schools, and at the present date
the capacity is far overtaxed by the de
mands. He says that In the East there
Is a positive and manifest tendency to
give the associations such work, and In
some large cities Immense classes are
now being educated in all branches 'of
technical work.
Mr. Sinclair was much gratified to ob
serve tho Interest ,belng taken by resl
dents of Portland, and hoped that Mr.
Cook's offer would result in some sub
stantial good. He has two arguments in
particular why the school should be more
central, and connected with a general In
stitution, such as the Portland associa
tion Indisputably Is.
"It should be central," said he, "be
cause of the fact that for some time the
greatest benefit to be derived from It
would be In night classes. Night classes
would be Impracticable unless the school
was within close touch with the city.
Connection with some institution is de
manded, first by the added advantages of
broader associations, and secondly to give
tne scrcooi me ana permanency. Busi
ness colleges are Instances where persons
attending mere schools gain comparative
ly llmdted instruction. There they see
nothing but the few features of their
studies. Where the education shall be
connected with some' institution, with Its
varied parts, the force of association will
be felt to its best advantage. The per
manency of tho work being done by the
Y. M. C. A. throughout the land is a
potent inducement for persons desiring to
confer some lasting benefit upon mankind
to place It under -association control."
H. W. - Stone, general secretary of the
Grand Army Installation Other Mat
ters. The joint installation of the officers of
Sumner post and Sumner Woman's Relief
Corps, G. A. R., took place at the hall, on
the southeast corner of East Pine street
and Grand avenue, Saturday night. There
was quite a gathering of the members on
that occasion. The following- officers of
Sumner post were installed, by D. D. Neer:
Post commander, William E. Hayden;
senior vice-commander, A D. Shorno;
junior vice-commander, M, T. Runyan;
sergeant-at-arms, A Faulk; chaplain, J.
A. Newell; sentinel, G. J. Ross; officer of
the day, J. A. Braden; officer of the
guard, George Older; adjutant, John
Mayo; delegates to the state encampment,
Jacob Deckenbach, J. W. Ogilbee and M.
T. Runyan.
Following were tho officers of Sumner
Woman's Relief Corp3, installed by Mrs.
Mary Older, past president; President,
Eunice Sargent; senior vice-president, Mrs.
Hellen Bullman; junior vice-president,
Mr3. Cora McBride; chaplain, Mrs. Mar
garet Runyan; secretary, Mrs. Mary Old
er; treasurer, Mrs. Lottie Brigham; con-
George Breslin. Improving.
George Breslin, of the Second
Oregon, who has been very sick for
several months, is now thought to be
steadily improving, and it is considered
certain that ho will recover. He has been
having a hard time, but be has been pa
tient and cheerful. He was taken sick
before he came home from Manila. When
ho arrived in Portland he was In the hos
pital until Ihe seemed recovering, when he
was taken to the home of his parents, on
Union avenue and East Morrison street,
but his removal was followed by a re
lapse, from which ho Is now slowly recov
ering. His comrade have been very deeply
interested in him, and have been ready to
Ixas improved, and that he is gaining in
here, and at that figure is so scarce f:
we regard it as ornamental and mo'
uvj"uyiB tor watcn cnarms, etc., this
for use as fuel. Instead, however, w
nave oceans or wood, which is inexnens.
and answers tho purposes of coal verl
Removes all dandruff upon six appllc"!
tlons; one application stops Itching scaj
At all druggists. Sample free. Addres
Smith Bros.. Fresno. Cal.
Woman Drlnlcs Carbolic Acid in a.
Lotl grins-House.
Mrs. H. Cohn, aged 26, committed suicide
at the Neppach lodging-house, early yes
terday morning, by taking carbolic acid.
She had summoned a messenger-boy to
take a note to a man named Parker, and
when the lad returned she was in the
agonies of death. j
The woman and her husband had been
occupants of a third-story room in the
Neppach house for about a month, and
were vory quiet in their habits, making
no acquaintances among the other lodgers.
Tho coroner, after taking possession of
CAI.VW HEELio, ilanag
Four Nights and Saturday Matinee, Januar
io, li, 12 ana 13.
Together "With Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M Brnra
and, a. Strong Company or Players.
Wednesday night and Saturday matinee..
k. ....... "THE 1JON-3 MT T
Saturday night ,RICHAJtI I..
Orchestra ..................
Entire narauette circle .
anything in their power for him. They tne remains, telegraphed to Mrs. Conn's lB LVUfL;''- ":"
1 all be glad to hear that his condition . slster. in San Francisco, who wired back BalcS 1Sr2firS!!!.::nn':'..:
Mrs. E. Storey; assistant guide. Hannah
Adams; color-bearers, Myrtle Bates, Mary
Craft, Josephine Kerner and Sarah Gles
ner. At the close of the installation cere
monies refreshments were served, and the
remainder of the evening was pleasantly
spent. At one of the tables were three
couples who had just celebrated the 40th
anniversary of their weddings Mr. and
Mrs. John Gwllt, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill,
and Mr. and Mrs. George Older, sr. They
wore made guests of honor for the even
ing. It will be the last time for several
months that Mr. and Mrs. Gwllt will at
tend any more such gatherings, as they
have left for Oakland, Cal., where they
remain for the next three months. On the
whole for both post and corps the year
has been prosperous and the organiza
tions have done good work In looking after
old soldiers and their families in the community.
Gilbert Post Veterana.
Gilbert post, Second Oregon Veterans.
'will this evening resume active meetings
at its hall in tne Ross building, on Grand
avenue, between East Pine and East Ash
streets. The members extend an Invita
tion to all veterans of the late war with
Spain or with tho Filipinos to come and
join the Gilbert post. They will receive
a hearty welcome at tho hall. The post
will now proceed to make the meetings
so pleasant and interesting that all mem
bers will be glad to be present, and also
to ouiitt up a retiet fund so that it may
bo in position to care for any comrade
who may need aid. The meetings have
been considerably broken Into for several
weeks, owing to the holidays and other
matters, but the way Is now clear to hold
regular meetings. Several committees are
out who are expected to report at the
gathering this evening. Especially, a re
port Is expected from the entertainment
committee which was appointed several
weeks ago. It Is proposed to provide some
sort of entertainment for meeting nights,
and also to invite the friends in occasion
ally to the hall.
Has a Donble.
Rev. Dr. A A. Morrison, rector of the
Trinity Episcopal church, although wholly
unconscious of the fact, has a double, or
counterpart, on the East Side. The re
semblance is so cjose that even some of
the members of the congregation have
mistaken the East Side man ior the rec
tor. This East Side man does not know
whether this Is a compllmenf to him or
not,- as ho has never met "Dr. Morrison.
East Side Notes.
Mrs. Deckenbach, wife of Jacob Deck
enbach, is in St. "Vincent's hospital
for treatment. She Is severely 111.
Evergreen camp. Modern Woodmen of
America, will have a public installation of
officers in their hall Monday evening, Jan
uary 15.
Phalanx lodge. K. of P., has moved
into the Odd Fellows' halh- on Grand ave
nue and East Pine streets, and In a short
time will give a reception to their friends
in honor of tho removal.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gwllt have taken
their departure for Oakland, Cal., where
they will remain for a few months. Mr.
Gwllt's health has been falling for some
time, and it Is hoped that the change in
climate will benefit him.
Mrs. E. S. Miller, the soprano of tho
Centenary Methodist church, who went to
New York to take a course of special stud
ies in music, writes Mr. Miller that she Is
pleasantly situated, and has entered on
her studies. She did not enter any of the
music schools, as rudimentary studies
were not what she went there for. She
will be absent until April.
Protest by Mr. Allslcr Asalnst a De
cision of the Municipal Court.
PORTLAND, JanTT. (To the Editor.)
I ask a little space to correct some mis
takes occasioned by inaccurate reporting
concerning the charge preferred against
me of having allowed a sidewalk grating
to be opened from the underside, on Mor
rison street, near Third, recently. The
facts are that I have rented the premises
in question for a term of years; that I
do not know who opened the grating In
question; that the evidence failed to show
that It was opened by the janitor or by
any employe of the leasee, or of myself,
or by any one sustaining any relations to
the lesee or to myself.
The grating Is locked on the underside,
and tho key hangs near the lock. Tho
city officers will not permit it to be locked
on the surface, as In such case the lock
itself would bo an obstruction on the side
walk which might cause a passerby to
trip and fall. If the decision of the mu
nicipal judge Is sound, I should like to
know by what means a man who Is un
fortunate enough to own property in this
city can protect himself against the care
lessness or malice of any person who may
get access to a basement of his building?
I never knew before that a man could
commit a misdemeanor by the hand of a
person who Is unknown to him. and who
acted solely on his own responsibility, and
Without the knowledge, consent or com
mand of the owner.
Jf this ordinance has been rightly Inter
preted by the municipal court, from which
I understand there Is no appeal. It would
seem that the council should have gone a
step farther and Indicated some means by
which an owner could be protected, against
the wrongful act of an unknown person
over whom he has no control. "Ultimate
confiscation of city property will probably
furnish the desired protection In due time.
Defense of Brave Soldiers
London Truth.
I may be a little Englander, I may be a
pro-Boer, I may be anything else unpleas
ant and disreputable that you can remem
ber the name of. But this sort of thing
sickens me. You have no right to sneer
away or argue away the reputations of
men who have served their country well
all their lives and are now fighting her
battles against great dliflcultles, merely
on the strength of a few lines In a tele
graphic dispatch, which gives absolutely
none of the data on which alone a just
opinion can be formed. How many times
have these same journalists told us that
In politics it Is the duty of a patriot to
"trust the man at the helm"? In politics
directing him to communicate with her
mother, at Seattle. An Inquest will be held
at the morgue this afternoon at 4:30.
For substantial meals or lunches, every
thing clean and nice, try the Portlana
rostaurant, 205 Washington St., near 5th.
Coal Comes Hiprh In Klamath.
Klamath Republican.
England Js troubled by a scarcity of
coal amounting to almost a famine. About
Sale Now On for tho Entire Engageraen
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