' J ;r "5) Tr "i 4-T VOL. XXXIX. NO. 12,192. PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1900. TWELVE PAGES. PRICE. FIVE CENTS. Xg ,. 42rxyrjis&r jpr -rm -r wrjrrr'i if - ANT SIZS. ANY QUANTITY. MACKINTOSHES. RUBBER AND .OIL CLOTHING odyear Rubber Company Rubber Boots and Shoes, Belting, Packing and Hose. . Larsest and most complete assortment of all kinds of Rubber Goods. R. H. PEASE, Vicc-Pres. and Manager ETCHING MATTE A. NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC PAPER Gives an absolutely permanent black-and-white print. Manipulation as simple as blue print. Cold water only necessary; no chemicals. BIomaoer-Frank Drug Co. so tortuSd. or. Dealers supplied at factory price. Send for description and price list. Established 1870. ALASKA SEALSKI Latest Styles, Best Quality, Lowest Prices and Best Workmanship. Fine Fur Coats, Capes, Collarettes, Neck Scarfs, Muffs, etc Robes and Rugs. Qe P. Rummelin & Sons, Inc. Orexron Phone Main 401. 126 SECOND ST., near Washington. HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Streets . . PORTLAND, OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN first-Class Cheek Restaurant Connected 'With. Hotel. J.F.DAVIES.Pres. anes 3L vl i CO. INCORPORATED). FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON American and European Plan. L ftjrLI T?! --J tZef-S -&U -, . " SfleciSI This Week Misses' Shoes, lace and button, sizes 11 to 2, $2.00 Values at $1.50 Values at . $1.15 , .95 Best Ladies Rubbers Made at 60c E. C. GODDARD & CO. OREGONIXN BUILDING. TO ENFORCE PAYMENT. French Squadron Ordered to Santo Domingo. PARIS, Jan. 5 The French government has cabled the commandant of the naval squadron -on the Atlantic to proceed Im mediately to Santo Domingo. In view of the feeling in Santo Domingo against the French consul In presenting the Bolsmare-Caccavell claim of 280,000 francs, the following statement of the French position is given from a source whose accuracy of Information Is unde niable: "In accordance with the treaty conclud ed In IKS between President Heureaux end the French minister to Haytl, the government of Santo Domingo agreed to urn over to the French consul a monthly dered and damages sustained by families ,f nCh Ci",2 en,! h had Mt? J888?" slnated In default of payment the treaty fiZ'-tl ! against the improvement company having the concession to collect the revenues of the Is'and. Since the assassination of President Heureaux the indemnity has been withheld, hut on account of the dis turbances following his death France made no Immediate demand tor payment As rooTe than six months have passed without action and Santo Domingo show ing bad faith in the execution of the obli gations, the French consul, In conformity with the treaty, received an order to place an embargo on the revenues of the im provement company. The execution of this order provoked disturbances, which the government of Santo Domingo has not at tempted to suppress, and serious Insults have been offered to France and the con sulate As soon as advised, the French government cabled to the commander of the French Atlantic squadron to proceed immediately to Santo Domingo." 0 " Extensions of Time Recommended. WASHINGTON, Jan. 5 The board of naval construction today decided to rec ommend to the department that exten slons of time allowed for the construction of the torpedo-boats now building be granted to contractors on account of the difficulty experienced by them la procuring structural steeL Roland Heed Better. NEW TORK, Jan. S Roland Reed was reported today to be resting comfortably and much improved. m 1 General Davis Is In New York. NEW TORK, Jan. 5. General G. W. Davis governor-general of Puerto Rico, arrived Jaere today. ANY STYLE. 73 and 75 First St, Portland, Or. OUR SPECIALTY Single rooms 75c to $1.50 per day Double rooms ...$1.00 to $2.00 per day C T. BELCHER, Sec. and Treas. American plan .$1.25, $1.50, $1.75 European plan 50c,' 75c, $1.00 TALK No. 237. Make Them Right Sgat6siaiife zxT4 ris vwron& wlth,them I -will make them right at my expense. If the lenses do not fit perfectly I -want to know It I want your future trade and want your Influence. I want you to tell your friends that this Is the best place In Portland to buy glasses. If I make you one sale and lose your future patron age I have lost more than I have gained. I cannot afford to do busi ness that way. I am paying con siderable money for the opportunity to print these advertisements. What you say when you get home is a more valuable advertisement than all I could ever print Let me fit your next pair of glasses, and I will promise to make- you say the rlsht thing. WALTER REED Eye Specialist 183 SIXTH STREET OREGONIAN BUILDING TOBACCO WAREHOUSE FIRE. Nearly Half a Million Dollars Lost in a Richmond Blaze. RICHMOND, Va7Jan. B. Richmond suffered this evening the severest fire loss it has known for years. A fire which broke out in the Merchants' & Planters' tobacco warehouse, at Fifteenth and Ca rey streets, in which was stored some SC00 hogsheads of tobacco, destroyed that building and spread across the street to I Klngan's cold-storage plant, which suf- lerea a loss of 530,000. The loss on the tobacco In the Merchants' & Planters' warenouse, aDout two-thirds of which belonged to the American Tobacco Com pany, is estimated at $350,000, with In surance aDout sftw.uoo. The total estl- mated loss Is $100,000; insurance, $350,000. The Fire in Merirs Village HART, Mich., Jan. 5.-The fire 'which ,- t'f ' -xrM ," V wnicn er vlng TeTtroyed SSS stores and the postoffice. exnrwo nnrf township clerk's ofBces. The loss was small. a DR. W. Jl. HAMMOND DEAD. Formerly Surgeon-General of the Army. WASHINGTON, Jan. 5. Dr. William A. Hammond, formerly surgeon-general of the army, died at his residence in this city tonight from an attack of heart fail ure. He expired before a physician could be sumnjoned. Arrangements for the fu neral have not yet Jeen completed. Dr. Hammond was 71 years of age. At the time of his death he was on the rolls Of the United States army as a brigadier general on the retired list 0 n Verdict for Linotype Machinist. BUFFALO, N. 'T.f Jan. 5 Edward' Wunsch, a linotype machinist, "formerly empioyea m me composing room of the Evening News, who brought suit several months ago against David Shankland, as President of Typographical Union, No. 9, of ls cIty t0 recover damages fon "al- legea conspiracy in rorcing aim out of his position because he refused to take out a card In the Typographical Union, got a verdict of $650 in the supreme court to day. ( r - Daily Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Janl 5 -Today's stat. ment of tho condition of the treasury shows: -4 I J jivuimuiB uiisu. ua.uuice............52JH.KnfW7 Hotel A Gold reserve. ...:.'.;. ,r..r. Se.ZoLgss' r - '- ALL ARE NOW FRE American Prisoners Rescued From Filipinos. SUCCESSFUL END OF PURSUIT Remaining: Members of Torktovm Party Believed to Be at VIgan Campaign In. Cavite. WASHINGTON. Jan. 5. After a silence of several days, General" Otis is able to notify the war department of the com plete success of the military operations in Northwest Luzon, the main object of which was the rescue of the American prisoners which the insurgents took" with them in their flight . Although General Otis does not specify Lieutenant Glllmore, U. S. N., by name, the wording of his message Is taken to mean that that offlcer is among the list of rescued prisoners. General Otis' mes sage is as follows: "Manila. Colonels Hare and Howse have just arrived at Yigan, Northwest Luzon, with all the American prisoners. Their successful pursuit Tvas a remarka ble achievement "Schwan and Wheaton are now with separate columns in Cavite province. "Affairs In Luzon, north of Manila, have greatly improved. OTIS." In the absence of a detailed statement from the admiral as to the personality of the prisoners, the officials of the navy de partment have prepared the following statement, which, although believed to be correct is subject to amendment by Ad miral Watson: American nava4 prisoners in the hands of the Filipinos rescued hy Colonel Hare: Captures from the Mariveles, William Juraschka, boatswain's mate, first class, born in Germany. s Captured from the Urdanetta and be lieved to have been just released: Benjamin J. Green, coxswain, born In San Francisco. , Edward Burke, ordinary seaman, born in Boston. George Daniel Powers, apprentice, first class, born in Smartsvllle, Cal. ' James Farley, fireman, first class, born In Newark, N. J. Captured from the Torktown s boat and believed to have been released: Lieutenant J C. Glllmore William Walton, chief quartermaster, born in Man helm, Germany. John Abworth, coxswain, born in Ports mouth, N H. Lyman Paul Edwards, landsman, born In Peru, Ind. Paul Vandolt, sallmaker's mate, born in France. Silvio Brisolez, landsman, born in San Francisco. Albert OPeterson, apprentice, first class, born In Oakland, Cal Fred Anderson, landsman, born in Buf falo. By this statement it appears1 that the following Torktown men wno -were ntiMinnil YrfAA TAlnflCPfl? William H. Binders, coxswain, born In Holland. k Orrlsdri W, Woodbury, "seaman, born in ffi,tssrr-7 TzM&aZp TZ XXmzeu li. a. venviiie.fjapprpiHiceaeu ond class, born in Dudley, England, next of kin Mrs. H. D Mash, Sellwood, Or. The statement thus makes it appear that the following sailors Included ln the Ur danetta and Torktown parties were killed: Of the Urdanetta, Cadet W. C. Wood; William Mitchell, seaman born in Buck vllle. S. C, residence New Tork city; Samuel Jones Tilden Herbert, ordinary seaman, born In Charles county, Mary land, residence Baltimore, Md ; Arthur William Drummond, machinist, nrst class, William Drummond, macmnist nrst ciass, born in Canada, next 01 Kin jura. uavi, Bathell. Canada: Thomas Gray, fireman. second class, born in Buffalo; Samuel Stone, seaman, born In Vilna, Mass., resi dence Fall River, Mass. Of the Torktown: John Dillon, lands man, born In Gal way, Ireland; Charles Al bert Morrissey, landsman, born in Colum bus, Neb ; Ora B. McDonald, ordinary seaman, born in Carmel Valley, Cal.; Ed ward J. Nygard, gunner's mate, third class, 'born in Warsaw, Russia. Mrs. H. "D. Mash Notified. It would not be easy to convey an ade quate Idea of the joy and relief experl onopfl hv Mrs. H. D. Mash, of Sellwood, mother of G. A Venvllle. when informed iocf -nrYit that her boy had oeen re leased with the other members of tne cap tured party from the Torktown. "Oh, I cannot tell you how I feel at get ting this glorious news, after having my hopes deferred until my heart had grown faint with waiting suspense. It can scarce ly "seem possible that my dear hoy Is alive and that I shall yet he permitted to see him again, when I had almost given up hope. It has been three years since he went away on the Adams. He then was transferred to the Bennington, and finally Vi Vn-rlrrTTrrt TTo TPnntPfl tO CO to Ma nila, but I was afraid that he would ba'j in danger. It seems tnat ne was in dan ger. He wrote me that he was shot at a short time before he was captured with the others from the Torktown. It has been nine months, since he "was captured, and I can hardly tell what a weary sus nPTisn T have been In constantly. X would sit as the days "went by and -wonder wheth- J er my boy was aeaa or anve.. x ttouio open the morning papers with fear and trembling, lest I should read some fatal news about him, yet I sought all the in formation I could, get hold of to relieve ny suspense. Information Tve got from the department was to the effect that my hoy had been wounded, but was well, and had not been recovered. He was always a good boy, and wrote me constantly." The mother was simply overwhelmed with the news. On the walls of the hum ble little cottage Is a picture of the young man, and the mother looked fondly on it Her suspense has indeed been very great, as the people of Sellwood can testify. It was on the recommendation of Dr. Sell wood that Venvllle went to sea for his health three years ago. REBEL STRONGHOLD CAPTURED. Filipinos Shot and- Mutilated Five Prisoners. MANILA, Jan. 6, 7 30 A. M. Advices from Magalang, province of Pampanga, Teport that Captain. Conhauser, with three companies of the Twenty-fifth regiment, captured the Insurgent stronshold of Co- mancne, on .mount Arayat, "yesterday. Three Americans were wounded,' but the enemy's loss is not known. Three members of the Ninth and two of the Twelfth regiment, whom the. insur gents held as prisoners, were shot and horribly mutilated. Three of them are dead and, the other two are recovering. Captain Conhauser set flre,to the barracks and the town. ANOTHER ISLAND TAKEN. Navy Hoists the Flag Over Sibutu, t Near Coast ofVBorneo. ' WASHINGTON, Jan.j;5. The United? States navy hasj taken jpbssession of- an other ""island in?the East The news ofjr the seizure was contained In the follow ing dispatch: - "Cavite, Jan. 5. On December 21, Wents baugh,, commanding the Albay (a little gunboat), hoisted the flag on Sibutu island and the chief dato provided and raised tht pole. Natives and North Borneo authori ties pleased. WATSON." Tho island lies at the southwestern angle of the boundary line of the quadrangle enclosing the Philippine group. It is prob ably outside of the line, and lies verv near the coast of Borneo, commanding the prin- cipal channel, but is not one of the Islands of the Philippines. The sultan of Jolo, whose group is close to this island, Is be lieved to claim jurisdiction over it, and as his authority Is recognized by the natfve tribes on the north coast of Borneo and vicinity, it Is believed hl3 claim Is well founded. It was probably at his Instance that the naval officer commanding the gunboat moved. Movements of Transports. WASHINGTON, Jan. 5. The war de partment has received a cable message from General Otis, saying that the troop ship Logan and the animal transport Wye field had arrived safely at Manila. In answer to a cable inquiry as to the whereabouts of the freight steamer Vlc toria, which had not been heard from since her departure- from San Francisco, October 16, Quartermaster-General Lud ington today received a cable message from Colonel Miller, quartermaster at Ma nila, as follows: "Victoria, with broken shaft, left Guam for Manila December 25, towed by collie Brutus." SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 5. The United States transport Sheridan sailed for Se attle this afternoon. At that point she will load supplies for Manila, but may call here on her way down In- order to take aboard some recruits. Otis' Casualty List. WASHINGTON, Jan. 5 General Otis latest list of casualties is as follows: Killed in action at Panique, December 31, Twelfth infantry, John Q. A. Carter, Engagement near Santa Rosa, October 2S, Thirty-seventh infantry, George Lamb kin; Twenty-second infantry, Harry H. Stone. Wounded in action at Montalban, De cember 27, Forty-sixth infantry, William Patton, chest, mortal; Eleventh cavalry, Sergeant Joseph L Hordemon, foot, slight; Harry Ross, thigh, slight; Sergeant Fred S. Taylor, leg, slight. Action near San Mateo, December 29, Twenty-ninth Infantry, Peter Thompson, corporal, thigh, slight. The Sclndln's Passengers. VALLEJO, Cal., Jan. 5 The big collier Sclndla, which went into commission a short time ago, had orders to sail today, but Rowing to work that still must be done, she will be detained at the navy yard until February 1. She will go to Guam and Manila and carry many officers and men who have been ordered to these stations. Among her passengers will be a battalion of marines for Guam and 100 apprentices for the Eastern station. Ordered to South Africa1. WASHINGTON. Jan. 5. General Otis accordance with Instructions, Captain Relchmann, Seventeenth infantry, now in the Philippines, has been ordered to South Africa, to report upon military operations in the Transvaal. Z5. : -"T.T.2atf- "r3SvSKrtW- '&TJTJ X A "RT it TVTT FTITV TTTiT TTVr j' Bll-r-imTf JOJK.o.iti AXU XXXAV'&IjXVHj JiLCW. Finances and Expansion Discussed at a Lincoln Banquet. LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 5 The fourth annual banquet of the Nebraska Travel ing Men's Bryan Club was held tonight, at the Lincoln hotel. Nearly 200 traveling men and their guests were seated at the tables. Colonel Bryan's address was the feature. He complimented the club on the increasing importance of its banquets. and Dralc.ert the members fnr thir nniiUnni zeal. Touching on national topics, he said in part "We are now near enough to the national convention to feel assured that there will De no considerable opposition to the reaf firmation of the Chicago platform. The late elections destroyed the last hope of those who sought to modify or subtract from the creed enunciated in Chicago in 1S9G. The republican party has been driven under the lash of the financiers to tho open espousal of the gold standard, and, spurred on by the national .bank corpor ations, It has avowed its purpose to drive the greenbacks out of circulation and aub stitute a bank note issued and controlled by tne natlonal banksS The democratic party still contends for the restoration of blmetallsm at the ratio of 1G to 1, the only ratio advocated by those who believe In the double standard. It also contends for the greenback as against the hank note;" Mr. Bryan discussed the trust question J at some length, p,nd then, taking up tho suDject or imperialism, said: "Commercial travelers who sought the extension of trade by peaceful and legiti mate means will not lend heir support to the imperialistic metnods employed in the furtherance of conquest. The commer cial traveler has been eminently auccesa lul as a persuader. He will not substitute violence for reason. "The questions now before the people are now but manifestations of a jvlaloua principle which pervades .all republican policies, namely, that the dollar Is all, im portant, and that struggling humanity de serves no consideration." a 0 t ii- AT PARIS EXPOSITION. Seven Thousnnd American Exhib itors Have Applied lor Space CHICAGO, Jan. 5 According to statis tics collected by the Tribune, there will be more than 7000 American exhibitors ati the Paris exposition. Of thl3 number five sixths are classified as exhibitors In ag riculture, mines, literature and periodicals, science and fine arts, religious, charitable and other associations, schools, colleges. etc The number of exhibitors In the pure ly commercial orancnes who had accepted space up to the first of the year was. 1110. Among the large cities of the country, New Tork leads in the number of commer cial exhibitors, with 224 to Its credit. Chi cago is second with U?; Philadelphia, 46; Boston, 42; San Francisco, 37; Cincinnati. 21; St Louis, 10, and New Orleans,, 3. These eight cities have among- them only 485 names on the list, leaving more than 600 to be distributed among the rest of the country. Among the strongest numericallv are the manufacturers of wines, who are go ing to show the French experts what America can do In the way pf producing. champagne and all the other vintages in which France has so long held .an easy supremacy. These makers come from. New Tork, Ohio, Florida and the Jaro linas, but the largest rumber'is ffom Cal ifornia. B ' ' t Trainmen Killed hyv Dynamite. " CHATTANOOGA, T.enn., Jan. 5. Word has reached here of the killing ofvfour men onthe Tennessee Central railroad, eight "miles 4from Rockwood. They ""were unloading dynamite when'a5quantltyiof it exnloded. ' , A GALLANT CfjARG Mafeking Force Attacked the Boers at Gametree, .. BUT WAS REPULSED WITH LOSS British Advanced to the Walls of the Dutch. Fort Before They "Were Turned Back. LONDON, Jan. 6, 4:45 A. M. The Tlme3 publishes the following dispatch from Mafeking, dated December 26: "At dawnttoday Colonel Baden-Powell organized an unsuccessful attack upon a strong position of the enemy at Game tree, two miles from Mafeking, from which the Boers have been maintaining a desultory, but annoying, shell and rifle fire for several weeks. The railway has recently been reconstructed between the town and Gametree where the Bqprs had destroyed it, the final repairs being made in preparation for the sortie. "During the night the armored train, with Maxim and Hotchkiss guns under Captain Williams and troops, took up po sitions for attack from two sides. CaptainJ Lord Charles Bentinck and a squadron were in reserve on the left, 5vhlle the ex treme left wing was occupied by artillery under Major Panzera and a galloping Maxim of the Cape police, the whole be ing under Colonel Hore. "Emplacements were thrown up during the night, the orders being to attack at dawn and tho artillery fire to desist upon prolonged tooting from the armored train. At daybreak the guns opened fire and rapidly drew a reply from the enemy, our shells bursting within effective range. Captain Vernon gave the signal to cease firing and to- advance, his squadron lead ing off. "As our men engaged, the position with the rifle fire, it was soon found that the strength of the forts was greater than we had supposed. The enemy concen trated such an exceedingly hot fire that the advance of Captain Vernon was al most impossible, but with remarkable heroism and gallantry Captains Sandford and Vernon, Lieutenant Patton and Scout Cooke, who guided the squadrons, and a few men actually reached the sand bags of the fort, within 300 yards of the area of the fort "But nothing living could exist there, since the "ground was swept by Mauser and Martini bullets The men who charged through this zone of fire suffered terribly, and in following their officers to capture tho fort 20 "men lost their lives. Captain Sandford was the first to fall, and Captain Vernon, already twice wounded, and Lieu tenant Patton were killed at the foot of the fort These two officers, climbing a ditch which surrounded the fort, thrust their revolvers through the enemy's loop holes, only to be shot themselves the next moment "Gametree is surrounded with scrub which contained many sharpshooters, "and their accuracy of fire still further confused the men who had followed Captain Ver non and who saw him and his brother officers kllledt Being without the com- -manders, they Tvere driven off -at tme po!ntr$hut they endeavored io scale ih rort at otners. Tney round tne position of the Boers, however, almost Impreg nable. "When we retired under cover of the armored train so many men had been wounded that a suspension of hostilities occurred under the auspices of the Red Cross. The veldt around the Boer posi tion was at once dotted with flags of mercy, and It was seen that our wounded were scattered within but a short radius of the fort. We had almost completely surrounded It, and, had it not been so extraordinarily well protected, we should have been in possession. "I went with an ambulance to Game tree. The fort Itself Is circular, with a wide Interior and a narrow frontage, be tween six and seven feet high, pierced wlth triple tiers of loopholes and sur Tounded by a ditch," "I was permitted to assist In dressing the wounds, p. majority of which ap peared to have been caused by explosive bullets, the point of entry being small, but the area of Injury covering a wide region. While the wounded were being attended, numbers of Boers left their en trenchments and gathered round us. At the conclusion of the dressing I spoke to several tattered and dirty, but physically fine men. Many of them were undersized, and all wore beards. "They referred me to the field cornet, who denied the use of explosive bullets. On being shown the horrible wounds, he admitted that at one time explosive bul lets had been served out, but he said he was certain they had all been previously expended, and that none could have been used on this occasion. He then produced a bandolier filled with dum dums, and I pointed out tha- as far as Mafeking wa3 concerned these had been recalled. "Later on I called thp attention of the field cornet to four of his own men who were rifling dead bodies. He expressed his regret to a British offlcer that, despite his instructions to respect the dead, the younger Boers were unruly and beyond hl3 control, and he accused the British sol idlers of stripping General Kock and leav ing him naked and wounded on the field, thus "indirectly causing his death." Baden-Powell's Report. X.ONDON, Jan 5. The war office has received, through General Forestler Walker, at Cape Town, the following dis patch from Colonel Baden-Powell, dated Mafeking", December 26: ''We attacked one of the erTemy's works this morning, endeavoring to push back the, cordon, northward. Our force con sisted of three guns, two squadrons of the Protectorate regiment, one of the Bechuanaland rifles, armored trains, etc. The en&my had strengthened their "works during the night and doubled the garrison since yesterday's reconnaissance. Never theless, 6ur attack was carried out and pressed home with the greatest possible gallantry and steadiness, under a very heavy fire. But all .efforts to gain the In terior by escalade failed, the fort being practically Impregnable. Our attack only withdrew after six of our officers and a large number of men had been hit Noth ing could have exceeded the courage and dash displayed. "The general situation remains un changed, and the health and spirits of the garrison are very satisfactory. 1 regret to report the following casualties: "Killed Captain R. J. Vernon. Captain H. C. Sanfried, Lieutenant H. C. Patton, 18 noncommissioned officers and troopers. "Wounded Captain Charles Fitzclar ence, 23 noncommissioned officers ana .troopers. x 1 'Prisoners Three troopers."" General Forestler-Walker points out that, while the dispatch gives all the names. It falls to show that six officers were hit. OPERATIONS IN NATAL. Cavalry i Reconnoissancer ?inForoc jrom Cheveley." vfP? LONDON, Jan. G. A -dispatch to -the 1 Dally Telegraph from Frexe camp, dated Friday, Jaunary 5, says: "There has been firing today at Lady smith and Colenso. A strong cavilcy re connoisance, under Lord Dundonald, pro ceeded" westward this morning toward Springfield, where firing Is proceeding. There is a revival of the report that the Boers are short of provisions. General Bullers army is eager for the advance." FRERE CAMP, Natal, Jan. 5. There was a reconnoisance in force from Cheve ley this forenoon with 2000 horse and two guns, the object being to locate the enemy on a.,hni south of "Hlangwano hill. Sev eral, shells were fired, supplemented by the naval" guns. The enemy replied at long range, but did not-touch the British. Lord Dundonald, perceiving- a strong mounted force issuing beyond the range of the British guns, with the evident in tention of working around our flank, di rected the force to retire to Chevcley. NO SUBSTAATIAI. GAINS. The British Army Is Matin ff hut Lit tle Progress. ' LONDON, Jan. 6, 4-50 A. M. No de cisive action is reported from South Af rica this morning, military activity being confined to points of subsidiary impor tance. In the central theater of opera tions the British apparently have rc cured 10 substantial gains. The only dispatch of dramatic Interest Is the nar rative of useless gallantry at the sortie from. Mafeking, where the stormera threw themselves hopelessly against a strongly defended Boer work. The question of contraband seizures takes almost the paramount place In the thoughts of the public, the vague possi bility that these may be mide a pretext for Continental intervention disturbing official and private observers. The gov ernment's undevlatlng purpose to enforce strictly the right of search has been set forth In detailed Instructions dispatched yesterday by the admiralty to the Brit ish naval commanders in South African waters, giving them weighty warnings, without exception, to uphold the gov ernment measures for the suppression of the importation of contraband by way of Delagoa bay. Lady Georgiana Curzon has received a dispatch from Lady Sarah Wilson, at Mafeking. dated December 25. saying. "Both well," referring to herself and her husband, who has been reported a3 wounded. The Dally Mall has the following dis patch from Rensberg. dated January 4: "Some Free Staters sent a petition to President Steyn, asklnrr to return home. He replied that they had crossed the bor der without permission, and. as they had no money to pay the damage done, they must pay for It with their blood." PITCHER RETIRED IN TIME. Large Boer Force Was Preparing to Attack Him. LONDON, Jan. 5. There Is still no Im portant news from th front, but the si lence which has descended on Buller's huge force at Tugela river is believed to be the prelude of another attempt to reach Ladysmith. Meanwhile, the extraordinary tenacity the Boers are displaying around Colesburg tends to detract from the suc cess of "General French. Later news of Colonel Pitcher's raid show s that some of his accounts were con siderably exaggerated in regard to the ef fect of the raid on the Boers and their sympathizers. It is true, he successfully drove a couple df hundred rebels from Sun nyside, killing or wounding 30 and. captur- Jng 43 Pitcher's immediate evacuation of Douglas seems to prove ho had Informa tion that there was a sufficient number of Boers in the neighborhood to make- his po sition unsafe. Indeed, there Is reason to believe that only the dispatch of a cavalry brigade from Modder River prevented a force of 600 men sent by General Cronje from attacking Pitcher's column, and a3 soon as the cavalry returned to Modder River, Cronje's troops reoccupied Sunny- side. According to advices from Sterkstrom, the Boers have completely retired from the neighborhood of Molteno, but Gatacre does not appear to have pursued them, as the reinforcements from Sterkstrom have returned there. General Gatacre's report of the Molteno affair confirms the Asso ciated Press dispatch, showing it was merely a skirmish of outposts. There were no British casualties. It 13 rumored at Cape Town that Colonel Baden-Powell has again defeated the Boers at Mafeking. A dlspatoh from Cape Town, dated to day, says the prize court has released tho British steamer Mashona. captured by the British gunboat Partridge early in Decem ber, with ammunition and flour, said to be intended for the Boers, on board, but or dered her cargo to be warehoused, pending the trial of the case. The war office this afternoon published a dispatch fom Cape Town, dated January 3, saying that at General French's special request, the household cavalry, a battery of field artillery and the first battalion of tho Essex regiment have been dis patched to reinforce him temporarily. A special dispatch from Rensberg says Major Harvey, of the Tenth hussars, was killed, and Major Alexander wounded while the hussars were pursuing tho re treating Boers after the attack on the British left, January 4, near Colesburg. The British foreign office has no knowl edge of any private messenger having been sent by Emperor William to Queen Victoria, supposed to be connected with the seizure of German ships or any other matter. FIGHTING AT COLESBURG. British Repelled nn Unexpected Boer Attack. RENSBURG. Cape Colony, Jan. 4. OEvenlng) Colesburg has not yet been oc cupied. Tho Boers unexpectedly attacked the British left at daybreak this" morning, but were repulsed. They occupied the hills to tho north of the town, but were even tually driven out of their wltlon after an hour's shelling- by our gitqs; They still hold, however, the hills Immediately sur rounding the town, preventing the British from advancing along- thefrallway. The .British loss in lodays engagements was light, while the Boers are reported to have lost 100, including 20 prisoners, who were taken by mounted infantry about mddayv, The Boer attackers numbered lOOjmen. The tnnlskilllh dragoons cut their way through the Boers, who were forced to retreat by the heavy artillery and musketry fire. ZULUS ARE RESTLESS. . The Blacks Are Anxious to Attack the Boers. , PIETERMARITZBURGjJan. 4. The restlessness, of the Zulus is Increasing. Many of th?m are on the verge of starva tion, and there have been several instances cf.the looting of stores. It Is feared the magistrates will not be able to restrain the warriors much longer. It Is asserted they are anxious to attack the Boers. Transvaal High Sheriff Arrested. CAPE TOWN, Jan. 5. The Transvaal high sheriff. Junta, while attempting to sail "for Delagoa bay today, was arrested here. He was subsequently paroled. jyLgsherJir Columnls at Belmont.. BEDMOBT,' JanTsCoIonel Blfg&rh, column, with tha Douglas" refugees. reV turned to camp thl3 morning. UD Oregon Delegation Indorses W. C. Hale for Alaska District. EFFECT OF VOTE ON QUAY CASE B. H. Roberts' Argument Weakens His Chances The Philippine Question In the Senate. WASHINGTON, Jan. 5. Members ofi the Oregon delegation today united in unanimously recommending- the appoint- ment of Judge W. C. Hale, of Eugene. , Or., as district judge of Alaska, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Judge Johnson. Judge Hale was once judge of the first district of Oregon, and has strong indorsements from all o the circuit judges of the state, as well as the judges of the supreme court, and from. prominent republicans. He was a candi date for the office at the time Johnson was appointed, and was then supported by the delegates to the national conven tion at St. Louis. Although at present this judgeship pays but $3090, there are very good Indications that the salary will be Increased to at least $6000. Moreover, should Judgo Hale fall to secure this appointment, he will stand a very good chance of securing one o tho new judgeships, as It is almost certain that at least one, and perhaps three, new districts will be created In Alaska by the present congress. Senator McBride thinks it very likely that the territory may be divided Into four districts, as this number Is really essential to an efficient judicial system, and Is recommended by Governor Brady. With the Oregon delegation a unit for Hale, his chances of success la one of these offices are very bright Committee Vote on Quay Caie. The vote on the Quay case today in the committee on privileges and elections is significant In Indicating the almoet solid democratic and populist strength against the proposition to seat a senator under these circumstances. The confident man ner In which tho Quay men talked a short time ago has been entirely changed. Not even on personal grounds will many senators vote against their constitutional convictions. The hope had been expressed that the new populist senator who had been made a member of the committee might vote for Quay, and the hope was also expressed that Burrows might reverse himself, in order to have the case come before the senate with a favorable, Instead of ai adverse, report Some of Quay's hench men here assert that the report is all they expected, but there Is gathering gloom In their ranks, as a number of senators declined to- reverse themselves at Quay's request The action of the committee Is bound to have more or less Influence in the senate, as the committee has considered the case very carefully. Rohexts "Weak Argument. Roberts of Utah has not been strengthening- himself by his personal appearanre -as-attorney for himself beter he-.ave- I tigating committee. The main point made against him today was that as ha la a polygamlst he could not hold office- m the District of Columbia, where the Ert-munds-Tucker law is stilL mi force. Rob erts' plea that Utah's admission as a state wiped out all federal control, can not answer the turn which the investi gating committee has given the case by claiming that as a polygamlst he cannot hold office where the United States ex ercises jurisdiction, as it does in. the cap ital. He makes a very dogged and de- termlned fight upon hi3 constitutional le gal titles, but he falls to make the point that he Is not a polygamlst, and that will determine the action of the committee and congress. Philippine Question in, the Senate. Although there has been a great deal of discussion on the Philippine question, leading republican senators are almost all of the opinion that there will be no dec laration by congress this session. The in timation has been given out that the Beveridge resolution voices the sentiment of most of the republican leaders, Includ ing those on the foreign relations and the Philippine committees. The resolution was shown to a number of senators by Beveridge, and while a number of them said "That Is all right," it did not mean that they were committed to Its provi sions, and probably if any declaration of policy comes from the republican side, it will be framed with a great deal more care and be more elaborate than that of fered by the Indiana senator. As a text for a speech the republican senators say the resolution Is all right. But it would need careful consideration before being voted for as a resolution of public policy. Army Regulation Bill. While an army regulation bill may not be passed this session. It is to be perfected as far as possible by the secretary of war and the military committees of the senate and the house. Secretary Root and Chairman Hull, of the house committee, after several conversations, have agreed that a whole staff system, something on the lines proposed by Senator Proctor in the last congress, 13 preferable to the per manent staff system. This te a black eye to the Corbln plan, and bidtcates that Corbin'3 influence is growing less to tho department Commissioner to a World's Fair. The delegation Is expected to unite in indorsing M. M. Pickens, of Portland, as United States commissioner to the world's exposition to be held at Glasgow, Scot land, in 1301. EXECUTORS BIG FEES. Lincoln and Ream Get Nearly Half a Million for Administering: Estate. CHICAGO, Jan. & Robert T. Lincoln and Norman B. Ream, executors of the estate of George M. Pullman, were today allotted as compensation for their sec vices the sum of $125,000. The order was J entered by Judge Batten, in She prebate I court. This is said to be the )&raet amount in fees ever allowed executors of any estate, handled by the prebate court here. Another order was made, fixing tho widow's award at $20,000. The final ac counting of the executors in the Pullman estate is expected to bo made next week. It is said that the estate; which was Beted at about $5,000,000 when the will was pro- -7 bated, will now figure up to nearly $, 000.000. o a ' Gold Exports. NEW TORK, Jan. 5. Gold to tha amount of 54.250.000 was engased taday for export to Europe. This will be shipped In tomorrow's steamer, the engagement; being as follows: Lazard Freres sronoruvn Heldelbacb. Ioklehimer & Gbs.... 1,80010a ooiuman. aacns, Sc; uo LOOOfWO Baring, Magoun &, Co T50W) Muler, Schali & Co 5W.00O