THE MOEOTSTG OREG03TIAIS", "VFED1SESDAY, FEBBTJAUT 27, 1895. o TELEPHONES. Editorial Hooms...16GlBusInoss Office... ..6S7 rORTLAXD, "WEDNESDAY, FEB. IT! CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Parties desiring offices In The Oregon Ian building, may inquire of Portland Trust Company or Oregon. No. 123 First Etreet, or the superintendent in the buili- Heservoir Repairs Completed. The "work of repairing the defects in reservoir Ko. 2 has been completed, and it will be lillei in a few days. Berore this is done, however, the pipes connecting the reser voir with the waterworks on the East Side will be tested, to see if any leaks can be discovered. When this matter is disposed of, the reservoir will be filled. In readiness to supply the East Side. Wheji there is a good supply in the reservoir, the six-inch jet will be turned on again, ar.d the 113-foot column of spray will be Visible from high points in the city. The force of such a column of water, falling from such a height, would batter the bottom out of the reservoir if it were not protected by a deep covering of water. There is a general impression that the council, at its nest meeting a week hence, "wH turn over the East Side water plant to the water committee, and thus give the people there the benefit of Bull Run water, and also effect a considerable sav ing to the city. Yorxc Teacher Suicides at "VVash O' gau Passengers on the steamer lone brought word to this city last evening of the suicide of Howard Crlsler. a young schoolteacher at Washougal. last Sun day. Crislcr, who was but 22 years old, came from Illinois last fall to seek a pcciUon In the public schools of Clarke county. Falling in hts intention, and be coming financially bankrupt, he became despondent. Last Sunday the dwellers at the Roof farm, two miles from Wash ougal. where Crlsler was staying, were startled by a single pistol shot, and, rush ing to his room, found the young teacher jjst expiring with a bullet hole In his trirplc. Crlsler is said to be well con nected in Illinois. A sister. Miss Rose Crlsler, has resided In Clarke county about five years, and is now teaching school at Washougal. She was prostrated by her brother's rash act. Readt to Take the Census. Arrange ments for taking the census of Multno mah county have almost been completed by Assessor Greenleaf, and it is probable that the enumerators will be out on the street by the middle of March. The coun ty has been divided Into 77 districts, ac cording to the division made for the con venience of electors last June, and one enumerator will be appointed In each dis trict. It is expected that it will require 30, or at the most 15, days time, but it will take longer to place the books in such form as to give the totals. A force of six clerks will be required in the as sessor's office to do this work. The enu merators and clerks have all been se lected, but their names will not be made public until today, when the board of county commissioners meets to formally pass upon them. The Dog Has Disappeared. City Treasurer Hacheney is of opinion that he lias been taken in and done for by a stranger in a dog transaction. A young man called at his office a few weeks since, bemoaning the fate of a beautiful water spaniel, which had been captured by the dog-catcher, and was to be put to death, as he was unable to pay the license. To relieve his grief and save the beautiful dog from destruction, Mr. Hacheney agreed to pay the license and pound fees. - wdtake1h!UJoiojMJIeXo uurji ou By the transaction. "A day8 or two since, while he was away down to the beach, the dog disappeared, and it is be lieved that the original owner has him. Mr. Hacheney will not invest any more money in condemned dogs, but will keep a sharp lookout for the one stolen from him. He Saved toe State Moxet. Mr. George S. Downing, superintendent of the fctate penitentiary at Salem, was in the city yesterday, en route for Astoria with William Llngren, a 15-year man who is v anted there as a witness in the criminal action of the state vs. John Peterson. Mr. Downing Is very proud of his record during the past two years. That he saved 515.000 on the general appropriation, when nearly all other state institutions ran behind, he thinks is something to be proud of. Not only was Mr. Downing highly complimented upon the condition of the penitentiary by the joint legisla te committee, but by the Marlon county grand jury also. The Evil Dat Put Orr. Persons who hav not made their income tax returns are feeling easy, now that it Is considered certain that the time for making such re turns has been extended to April 13. Those who have hurried up, and got this painful t-slness off their hands, arc still more at their ease, for the others will keep put ting the thing off day after day. till the extension of time is coming to an end, ami will then be in as great a rush as they have been for the past week or two. The collector of internal revenue expects to hae a breathing spell for a while, but is certain there will be a rush when the wind-up comes, and he has to send in tne returns. Waiting for Official News. The bridge commission is not quite certain what effect the passage of Long's bridge b.ll by the legislature is to have on it, but It is inclined to think that it is Intended to put an end to its official existence. That's what other people know. Secre tary Pittlnger has sent for a certified copy of the act, in order that It may as certain what Its fate is to be. The com mission hus only fairly got settled in its r.-v. quarters in the City Hall, and. In n-.tipatlon of a short tenure of office, u.J not furnish the rooms very lavishly. Getting Ready for Election. School C .e-k Allen was out yesterday looking for iu t.s to lease as polling places for the ele t-on of school director, which is to take place on Monday, March 11. A meet ing of the school botird will be held on the evening of March C, at 7:90 o'clock, to choose judges and clerks of election. General business will be transacted at t.ils meeting, and thore will be no regular meeting on the Friday after. At the election, the taxpayers will vote on the question of placing tolls on vehicles cross ing ihe bridges which are now free. The Centcrt War Books. The Ore gonlan now has a nice supply of these books, bound in full cloth, for sale at the small price of $S. If they are to be mailed t3 ou, add 58 cents for postage. This same history of the war, when sold In book form by the Century Company, sold for $20. When this supply Is exhausted, it w il undoubtedly be the last opportunity to get them through The Oregonlan. We also have a few of Napoleon bound in cloth, for sale at $2 59; also 50 cents to oc added for postage. Senator, Stats. Senator Dolph seems to bear up very well under his late defeat. He 1 about town much as usual, and he always talks and acts as If noth ing tr. usual had happened. He was seen esteruay. and asked if he were going back to Washington. He said: "Xo. I am not There is no business to call me there I am a citizen of Oregon, and am go.r.g io remain in the state and practice law " This Is Ask Wkdnesdat. At Trinity church today, the first day of Lent, com monly called Ash Wednesday, there will be, at 11 A. M.. Litany, sermon and cele bration f the Holy Eucharist; at 730, there will be evensong and an address by the rector. All are cordially invited to the servicee. Parties desiring offices in The Oregon lan budding, may inquire of Portland Trust Company of Oregon. N'o. 123 First street, or the superintendent In the build-lnr. Arrested xx Yamhill County. J. T. Fryer and A. J. Edson, arrested yester day at Carlton, Yamhill county, by Con stable Connor, charged with obtaining money under false pretenses, will have" a hearing today. Israel Allen, living at Reedvllle, is the prosecuting witness. When brought to Portland, both men were able to furnish $500 bail and thus escaped passing the night in jaiL For a Division of Property. The tak ing of testimony in a suit for a division or the estate of Mrs'. Philenda Terwllllger, between tne Green heirs and the Richard son' heirs, was begun yesterday before George H. Durham, master in chancery. The evioence submitted Is mostly "docu mentary, and the taking of It will, it is thought, not occupy more than three or four days. They Got Certificates. In addition to the list of persons printed a few days ago as having successfully passed the late quarterly examination for teachers in the public schools, certificates were granted to' Miss Clara Brown and Miss Gertrude Sibray. Edith L. Peake. The meeting con ducted by this gifted woman last night was one of great power. She preaches tonight at ths First United Presbyterian church. Sixth and Montgomery. Come. Colonel If. B. Baker, a veteran of the late war, died at the insane asylum at Salem last Saturday, and was buried at Forest Grove yesterday. Ash Wednesdat. Social religious serv ice at the Unitarian chapel this evening: theme, "Symbolic and Real Repentance." Plant Now. Roses, carnations, pansles. Prices very low at Burkhardt Bros.' PHILIP WASSERMAN DEAD Ex-3Inyor of Portland, anil a "Worthy nnd Honored. Clttzcu. Mr. Philip Wasserman, a pioneer resi dent of this city, and one largely Identi fied with the business interests of Port land for many years, died at his resi dence. 593 Davis street, yesterday morning, after an illness of several weeks. Five years ago he had an .operation performed for cancer on his tongue, and, "while it proved In a measure successful, Ijls nerv ous system since then had been so badly affected that It finally brought about a complication of physical troubles. The im mediate cause of death was heart failure. He had been ill about one month, and yes terday morning he experienced a severe attack of his ailment, from the effects of which he never rallied, his death taking place at 10 o'clock. Phillip Wasserman was a native of Bavaria, born in December, 1S28. and came to this country in his early youth. Attracted to the Pacific ooast In the ear lier days of the gold excitement, he first located in San Francisco, thence going to Sonora, where he lived for some time. Later he went to Olympla, Wash., and engaged in nusiness. In 1S5S he came to Portland, joining with his brother Her man in the tobacco and cigar business. He made this city his home ever since. The history of Mr. Wasserman in Port land is the record of a busy man. He was actively engaged in mercantile pursuits until 18D2, when he retired from participa tion In affairs, and since has led a quiet life. He was a man who won the respect and admiration of all who knew him. In public affairs he always took a deep In terest, and he held several positions of trust and responsibility. In 1S74 he was elected mayor of the city, serving with great credit his term of two years. He was also a member of the legislature of the state many years ago, and also faith fully served this district as a school di rector. Mr. Wasserman was a great friend to the children, particularly among those of his own sect, who delighted in calling him "Uncle Phil." On numerous occasions during the holiday season he would have a merry ,- troop of these chU- give a profusion of toys. He leaves a widow and five children Mrs. Alice Hausbman, the eldest, the wife of Police Commissioner Henry Haussman; Milton, James, Gertrude and Edna to mourn the loss of a loving husband and father. His eldest son, Samuel, died a number of years ago, just as he was ap proaching manhood, and his loss was a sad bereavement to hts parents. The funeral of Mr. Wasserman will take place Thursday morning al 10 o'clock at the family residence, and the body will be Interred at the Beth Israel (Jewish) cemetery. O. N. G. APPOINTMENTS. Honors for Major Telfer and 3Ir. Dnnnc Some Reappointment!. Appointments on the general staff of the Oregon National Guard are pouring in, and Adjutant-General Mitchell is kept busy filling out commissions. The appoint ment of Major G. F. Telfer as inspector general gives a great deal of satisfaction in this city, -nd particularly to Colonel Mitchell, who personally solicited the ap-J pointraent rrom the governor, me major is an old First regiment man. He was elected second lieutenant of company A after serving faithfully in the ranks, in December, l&SS, and in February of the following year he was elected first lieu tenant and regimental adjutant. In July, 1S92, Lieutenant Telfer was elected major of the first battalion. First regiment, and served in that capacity until about a year ago, when he resigned because of his re moval to Albany. Colonel Telfer was formerly manager of the firm of Lewis & Dryden, In this city, but now has charge of Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s establishment at Albany. Captain David M. Dunne, the new commissary-general, has never seen actual service in the National Guard, but he Is a great admiror of the organization, and has done much to further its interests. He was a member of the board of county commlssioners at the time the present Armory was built, and took an actlv'e in terest in the work at the time. Captain Hiram E. Mitchell has been re appointed brigade quartermaster, and will also act as assistant adjutant-general on the brigade stall'. Captain L. E. Jones has also been reappointed as Inspector of small arms practice, and Is already m posses sion of his commission. It is expected that Colonel F. B. Drake will be retained in his position as judge-advocate-general, on the governor's staff. He has done effi cient service, and National Guardsmen generally are desirous of seeing him re main. SNAPSHOTS FROM KODAKS Mr. II. Goldsmith Entertains the Orc Kon Camera Club. The Oregon Camera Club held an en joyable meeting in Its rooms in the First National bank building last evening, and entertained a large number of friends and invito guests. The special feature of the evcLtng was the display of Hawaiian photographs, made by Mr. H. Goldsmith, an enthusiastic amateur. The views had been transferred to lantern slides, and were magnified and projected upon a hugo white canvass by means of a stereoptleon. There is a freshness and novelty about these views that renders them far more attractive than stock pictures. Perhaps the perspective is not always exact, and there are occasional blurs, or "ghosts." on the plate, but an amateur's work with out these natural signs would indeed be uninteresting. It must be said of the ma jority of Mr. Goldsmith's pictures, how ever, that they are exceptionally good, and show excellent taste, and those who saw them last evening were not slow in expressing their admiration. The club has now a membership of nearly GO, and they are nearly all en thusiasts. These occasional meetings, when photographs are exchanged, and discussions invited as" to the best methods In "snap-shootlnir," are becoming very popular, and scarcely a month passes but that new recruits seek admission to th magic circle. Whenever a member ab sents himself on a trip, his return is eagerly awaited, for he is sure to bring some treasure that will add to the interest of the next meeting. While the club Is ,still young, the rooms are already prettily decorated with views from almost every country on the globe, and they are all the work of amateurs. A NEW MEDICAL BOARD Law Regrulntinsr Practice of Medicine and Surgery. The bill for an act to regulate the prac tice of medicine and surgery In this state, and to license physicians and sur geons, which was passed by both branches of the legislature and signed by the gov ernor, has become a law, as it entertained an emergency clause declaring that it shall be in full force and effect after its approval by the governor. It provides that the governor shall ap point a board of six examiners, consisting of three from the school of regulars, two hameopaths, and one eclectic, who shall be known as the state medical examining board, who shall be learned and skilled in the theory and practice of medicine and surgery. At the request of the governor, the Port land Medical Society has nominated 12 al lopaths, from whom he shall select three members of the board to represent the regulars. The nominees are as follows: J. D. Fenton, K. A. J. Mackenzie, W. H. Wells, W. H. Saylor. C. C. Smith. F. Cauthorn, C.H.Wheeler, O.S. Blnswanger, A. J. Glcsy, S. E. Josephl and Richard Kelly, of Portland, and I. D. Pruett, of Pendleton. The examining board shall hold meetings for examination on the first Tuesday of January and July of each year, alternate ly In Eastern and Western Oregon, pro vided that the first meeting be held at Portland within CO days after the appoint ment and qualification of said board. The board shall keep a record of all its pro ceedings, and show a record of all appli cants for license, together with their reglstershall also show whether such appli cants shall have spent in the study and practice of medicine and surgery, and the name and location of all institutions granting such applicants degrees, etc. The register shall also show when such appli cant was rejected or licensed under the act, and it shall be prima facie evidence of all matters therein recorder. Persons who have a license from the present board are considered as practic ing physicians under the act, and the only thing required of them Is to make appli cation to the secretary of the new board, inclosing their license, before April 1. All other persons desiring to practice medi cine or surgery in this state must make application and submit to examination, both scientific and practical, and of suf ficient severity to test the candidates vir tues to practice. If the examination is satisfactory, the board shall grant a li cense by the consent of not less than four members. The board may refuse or re voke a license for unprofessional or dis honorable conduct, with the right of the party aggrieved to appeal to the state circuit court and the supreme court. The words unprofessional or dishonor able conduct are declared by the act to mean: First The procuring, or aiding or abet ting in procuring, a criminal abortion. Second The employment' of what are popularly known as "cappers" or "steer crs." Third The obtaining of any fee on the assurance that a manifestly Incurable dis ease can be permanently cured. Fourth The willful betraying of a pro fessional secret. Fifth All advertising of medical busi ness in which untruthful and improbable statements arc made. Sixth AH advertising of any medicines, or of any means whereby the monthly Perjous 01 women c-n periods of women can be regulated, or the j i f sutnrcBd Seventh Conviction of any offense In volving moral turpitude. Eigth Habitual intemperance. Any person practicing medicine or sur gery within this state after the first day of April, 1SS3, without first having ob tained the license herein provided for, or contrary to the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty ($30) dollars nor more than one hundred ($100) dollars, or by im prisonment in the county jail not les-'S than 10 nor more than 90 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. All such fines shall be paid Into the state treasury for the use and benefit of the common schools. Any person shall be regarded as practicing within the meaning of this act who shall append the letters "M. D." or "M. B." to his or her name, or for a fee prescribe, direct or recommend for the use of any person, any drug, or medicine or agency for the treatment, care or relief of any wound, fracture or bodily injury. Infirmity or disease; provided, however, the act shall not apply to dentists in the practice of their dental profession. Jus tices of the peace and the respective mu nicipal courts shall have jurisdiction of violations of the provisions of this act. It shall be the duty of the respective county or district attorneys to prosecute all violations of this act. In cases of ap peals to the circuit court, as hereinbefore provided. It shall be the duty of the dis trict attorney of the county wherein such appeal shall be tried to repiescnt said board upon said appeal. And in all cases of appeal to the supreme court under the provisions of this act. the attorney-general shall represent said board upon such appeal. IN THE MUNICIPAL COURT A Colored Veteran and Ills Unwar ranted Arrest. Joseph Clark, a colored veteran soldier and member of the G. A. R., was for a second time acquitted of the charge of vagrancy In the municipal court yester day. Clark is a cook by trade, but is now out of work on account of ihe hard times. There seems to be something be neath the persecution of Clark that has not yet come to the surface, and Chief Mlnto proposes to Investigate the matter. Members of the Grand Army of the Re public have also interested themselves, and will demand that some inquiry be made to ascertain the reason of Clark's arrest. It Is probable that the police com missioners will have the matter also brought to their notice and an investiga tion asked. George Brookmiller, a youth employed in the tailoring establishment of Borqulst & Refiling, is held on two charges of lar ceny preferred by his employers. He was arrested yesterday, and will have an ex amination today. Two young boys, Marshall and Robinson by name, are charged with the larceny of a lot of clothing belonging to mem bers of the Willamette Rowing Club. They will have a hearing Thursday. The examination of Peter Dolan, for assaulting his brother with an ax, went over until tomorrow. Union Meetings. Rev. J. Suramerfield Bitler. vrho tvlll conduct the revival meetings of the Meth odist church union, is expected to arrive from Cleveland. O.. Friday evening next and open the services Sunday in Centenary church. Committees on music, publication and general arrangements have been ap pointed from the pastors of the churches forming the union. A choir of 56 voices has been arranged for. which includes some of the best singers of the various churches, and will be under the leader ship of TV. E. Burke. The following are the churches and pastors who compose the union: Sell wood. Rev. A. S- Mulligan; Trinity, Rev. C. A. Lewis: Mount Tabor Villa, Rev. J. W. Horn: Mount Tabor, Rev. Dr. Harrington; TVoodlawn. Rev. Dr. Hines; University. Rev. H. N. Rounds; Centen nary. Rev. J. X. Denison; St. Paul's, Rev. J. M. McDonald; Grace, Rev. H. Rasmus; Clarke. Rev. S. W Stryker. Rev. Dr Gue, of Portland, will be chatr- man and general adviser. The meetings are expected to embrace the whole city. After holding services for some time in Centenary church, Rev. Bitler will go to the other churches of the union. All the Epworth Leagues of the city are expected to take part in work among the young people. A meeting of the Centenary League was held Tuesday evening, and it was decided to call a meeting of the vari ous leagues at the parlors of Centenary church for next Tuesday evening, when all the lines of work will be decided on. THAT INSURANCE "AD." Mr. Mnlfonl MnUes n Correction nnd Statement of Interest to Insurers. PORTLAND, Feb. 26. (To The Orego nlan.) The Weekly Underwriter, an in surance newspaper of recognized standing, now in its 26th year, published in Its is sue of December 22 the following news item: "Ten companies carrying lines on the life of the late James Dugan, of Salem, Mass., aggregating $190,000, have compro mised. The other six cases, aggregating over $100,000, are not settled. Mr. Dugan died In June, 1S93. It appeared that he had failed, and had taken most of the policies shortly before his death, and suicide was suspected." And again In its issue of December 20, 1S3J, appeared the following: "The amounts adjusted in the case of the late James Dugan, of Salem, Mass., mentioned in this paper last week, are: Massachusetts Mutual and John Hancock Mutual Life, 520,000 each; State Mutual Life. $33,000; Mutual Life of New York, $55,000; Home Life, $15,000: New England Mutual Life and Berkshire Life, $10,000 each. "A policy of $10,000 was paid in full by the Manhattan Life. 'The amounts in litigation are: Equit able Life. $50,000; National Life of Ver mont, $15,000; Mutual Benefit Life and Northwestern Mutual Life, $25,000 each: Aetna Life, $10,000. These companies al lege fraud, the Equitable charging not only suicide, but also false representa tions In the application of Mr. Dugan." With no knowledge of the facts except the above clippings from a journal of established reputation, I Inserted an ar ticle in The Oregonlan, giving the list of Mr. Dugan's Insurance as above, and in dicating which companies contested, com promised or paid in full. I was subse quently advised that the Mutual Benefit policy had lapsed prior to Mr. Dugan's death by the non-payment of premium, that it was therefore not in force when Mr. Dugan died, and consequently pay ment was refused; this correction was promptly attested by me in your columns. I am now advised that the Aetna con test was on the same grounds, and I am glad to make the same correction in their case. In this connection, as considerable com ment has been made from a number of companies named in my advertisement, I deem It proper to here state that when a life Insurance company refuses to pay a claim, and accepts litigation, its action be comes public, and I seo no Impropriety In publicly noticing It; but I had no desire to assail any of these companies, and If the statements of the Weekly Underwriter were inaccurate I regret any misconcep tion which may have been caused by my advertisement. The purpose of my advertisement was, of course, to show that the Manhattan had paid Its claim In 'full where other companies did not, but more especially to demonstrate forcibly the desirability of a policy free from restrictions and condi tions such a policy as the Manhattan issues. Nearly all life insurance compa nies place in their Insurance contracts more or less of limitations as to residence, travel, occupation, habits or cause of death (Includ'ng suicide): a violation of j.iJchlimitlnclausefuriiishes''Qpnar-- iumi iui tujiiL-ci. j. uUjWi question me right of any con.pan'y to insert as many restrictions in its insurance contracts as the insured will accept, but I believe that Insurance should Insure without any "ifs" of "buts," and I count myself fortunate in representing the company that Intro duced the incontestable clause in Ameri can life insurance, and has eliminated from insurance contracts those restrict ive clauses which make contests possible on grounds other than fraud or non-payment of premium. True, the claims contested by reason of these restrictive clauses constitute a very small percentage of the total claims paid, but such a reflection brings little comfort to the heirs who suffer by these contests. I have full confidence that any good life insurance company will promptly and squarely pay what It contracts to pay. I submit, however, that a contract to pay, "provided" certain rules and regulations are complied with. Introduces an element of doubt which cannot exist where the insurance contract Is free from these con ditions. The insurance contract offered by the Manhattan Life Insurance Company is absolutely free from any of these condi tions, and, with all due deference to other companies that retain these restrictive clauses, from which so many contested claims have arisen, I consider the Man hattan policy as, par excellence, Insurance that Insures. S. E. MULFORD. Manager, Oregonlan Building. Mr. Strnt ton's Funeral. The funeral of Mr. Milton A. Stratton, of the East Portland National bank, who died very suddenly Sunday afternoon, took place yesterday afternoon, from his resi dence at 82 East Tenth street. A brief and impressive service was conducted at the house by Rev. T. L. Eliot, of the Uni- Opened Yesterday And will place Novelties in es Latest things in Lace, Silk, Chiffon and Qaufre effects, comprising novel combinations in Berthas, Capes.Yokes, Fronts, etc. A choice line of Venice Collarettes (Plauen Goods) In the newest effects Ranging in price from 75C TO Another shipment of Hats and Caps For girls and boys. Attractive in style and prices. Our assortment of Scotch Dimi.ies is very choice and large. tarian church, who spoke In appropriate terms of the high character of the de ceased. Following the services the re mains were conveyed to Rlverview ceme tery. The services were attended by the relatives and friends of the family. Nu merous floral tributes were placed on the elegant casket containing the remains, and at the cemetery the grave was almost concealed beneath the flowers. WE WANT TO SELL THE ONE But will sell the other. A party owns a very desirable residence site on Portland Heights, containing more than a block, which can be had for $1500. This we want to sell because the owner Is unable to Im prove it as it should be. They also own a large residence site, SOxlOO feet, on the very top of the most sightly portion or Hansen's addition, near the Sunnyslde motor line. This we want to hold, but if we fail to sell the piece first described, then we will let it go for $1300. It Is cheap it is desirable. It will make a gem of a home, and If we do sell it the lucky buyer will find that It is so situated that he will experience little difficulty in dis posing of It, In case he should wish to do so. For particulars see ' DeLASHMUTT & SON, 207 and 209 Stark Street. Our American belles our American belles How sweet Is the story their beauty tells They are wise belles, too, for It is their wont To use every day their SOZODONT, Which sweetens breath and keeps teeth well. No wonder we're proud of our American belles. Suit the people, because they are tired of bitter doses, with the pain and grill ing that usually follow. Carter's Little Liver Pills. One pill a dose. When Baby tt&s sick, we g.7e her CattorlA. When she was & Child, she cried for Castoria. "When sho became Miss, she clung to Castoria, Wfcaa she had Children, sho gave than Castoria. HIGHEST GRADE TAILORING- uua mio. Borqulst & RoffUng 231 wash, st. Up to February 28tli, A reduction Of 10 per cent. Has been made In our prices On Winter Goods EORQUIST&REFFLING 231 Washington st. Labbe Building w 'L'e"??ttft HIGHEST GRADE TAILORING- i.o.a .to. Borqui8t &. Reffl ing, Indsendsnt of all Fin Insuransa Combinations. STATE INSURANGE GOHPANY OF SALEM, OREGON. TTns JMlWOtin for thp nrotwlnn nt Ifs nnltpv. holders; J150,(KKi reinsurance reserve. Eleven years or unparalleled prosperity. A tlatterlng- increase in assets and net surplus daring lb94. Policy-holders in other companies contemplating: a cliatiKe In company will consult their best interests by applying iov special rates at this agency. (Ill Chamber of Commerce. E. L. HEED Affent ff3Sio policies ISMitd on mills, factories or extra hazardous risk'. NEWCASTLE, DENTIST RErvsoiCDia Marquam Bide:, Rooms 303, 301. 302. DR. CHAS. T. PREHN. DENTIST Vitalized Air for Painless Extracting. Best work; lowest rates. Rooms 19 and 20 Hamilton, 121 Third street, near Alder. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Write for Special Cash Price List. EYFRDiM & FARRELt, - CO?. fROftT ASQ ALDEi STREETS Advance styles of ; Spring; Capes And I Also Additional High Novelties in 1 I Fancy Silk Waists Separate Skirts And Tai!orMade Suits Comprising some of the choicest effects received so far. In our Art Department New Florentine Silks New Japanese Crepes I New Art Denims 1 All verv nrettv. J0 WALTE R Cor. First arid. QfaiqlaLill Retiring Garpets, Eujrs, Paperhaninsa; Lace, Silk and Chenille Curtains 3verythiug will be sacrificed vrithout reserve. WA R Jos. L. "Walter, Manager. HARK L COHfi & CO., GROCERS. 14G Front Street, next Esmond Hotel. Sell the following: articles: Pcnrlinc, 1-lb. lilis.n ......... .10c Gold-Dust Powder, 3-lb. pkgx.-Oc 100 lbs DryGrannlatcd Snjrnr $4.75 I I Best Family Floor, uul $2.15 j iJaiian Tea. per lb Green Coffee, per lb. ... . . . . .20c I ....20c j I Fresh Sweet Bntter. rolls.... SOo SAVE MOXEV. GET OUR PRICES. Ivory Soap, per liar. ......... .7c Sapolio, per bar. ............ .7o NOTICE! JAMES MANNER k CO. Having been appointed sole resident agents of. the Fire Association of Philadelphia All indorsements and other business of the company should be presented to them for valid consent at their office, room 10 Worcester building, Portland, Oregon. Liflprnri fHanufactQring Co. Donkey Engines for Losginjr, Mininsr and Contracting-. U. ja. HITHUI?, Sales Hgent. Erie City iroi Wote Boilers and Engines. J. pi. HRTKUR & CO., Soles Agents. J. A. Fay aid Ejao Yood-workinj? Machinery, a. 1. HRTHUR MHCHIpEHY CO., Soles Agent .10 FIRST ST., PORTLAND, OR. "ft -JCtTAftftS r ftJWft' xvi-p-R-ri-s HOLES!! Heiula;etUo Stomach, liver and bowels and purity th Wool. lupous Tatu!o are tha best medlclna ksonnfar InJueB'.loa. biliousness. heaJ nclif, constlp&tlon, dys peps', chroclc liver troubles, itlzzinoss. bsl complexion, dys entery, oCentvo brratft. and all dlsordsrs ef the-rtomacSi, liver and bowels. Hipans Tnbule contain nnthln? Injurious to tno most riellcato constitution. Ars pleasant to Uk, s.'e, effectual, and give iminfdlcts relief. Price, 60: per tor. May be ordered thraugn nearest Jrnglit, or by mall. 3ne!l, Uritshu fc W'dard Co., Portland, Or., eoreral nganti K THE JEWELER "Wntclies. Diamond. Jewelry. Silver-ware. Koveltie. Prices to nuit the times. UTO Morri son St., Bet. Third and Fourth R. R. P RADWAY'S READT RELIEF stop3 pain, cures congestion and allays inflammation S- O FKNCY A.11 Styles Negligee Shirts, SI; 5i?e Blue OEC NEW (pyjl rry) j2S2i -A -A BROS. rrom Business BROS. Ihe Original & Genuine (WORCESTERSHIEE) Imparts the most delicious taste and zest to Hot A; Cold Meats GRAVIES, SAIiABS, SOUPS, BEWARE OF IftfHTATSONS. lake None but Lea & Perrins. Signature on every bottle of original & genuine. -John Dnncan?o Sons, New ITorli IS THE BEST. FIT FOR A KING. S. COEDOVAW, FRENCH &ENAKELLED CALF. ; FiheGalf&KAhsakm $3.5?P01ICE,3SQLES. 5O2.W0RKINGMEtft i! EXTRA FIH ,J. $2.$I7.?B0YSSCHGDLSHGES. JJAUIES ?$Sn. 'SEND FOR CATALOGUE VL'DOU&LAai BKOCKTOM-MaSS. Over One Million People wear tho W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes AH our shoes ars equally satisfactory They give the best value for the money. They equal custom shoes in style and fit. Th:ir wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices arc uniform, stamped on solo. From Si to S3 saved over other mekes. If your dealer cannot suppr you vre can. Sold by EffKcrt, Tonns &. Co.. 120-131 3d St. llo&covr & Co., East Fifth Street. BALFOUR; GUTHRIE & GO. IMPORTERS OF Cement, Plaster. Ralls, Tinulntcs, Chemical, IIujth, ISugrgln;?, Etc. Portland. Tacoma, San FrnncIco Liverpool. Valparaiso, Xew York Australia, Calcutta. What is Drudgery? HowiSiDS GOLD DUST Washing Powder, DR. FRED PREHN, DENTIST RBJVtOiCED TO Tlie Dekum Buildinor PULI, SET TEETH, $G Cor. Third and Washington sts.. room 23, fourth fioor. Take the elevator. OB, e a DISEASES OF THE EY3 snd ar. He 169 71rsi it. SHIRTS -IX- a,:qcL Paterrs Ontiug: Shirts, 75c. Qsr Seeoijd ar;d Horrisoi? SAUCE Q&$ tefc3 Sw CAME JnJfsL TO3 and IgpASSs glyyCi y Karoblts. ixflilAj-.i W.LDPu m mE jp5? SKfe3... ... 1K KiSfcSsr gdilSiks! Iillill&i GOODS 5(1 jj MONARCH PQRTLANDfORE.